1 py rr LEWISBUBQ:;QHRONIC T Z. i. .1 i -J, J 1,1 fii; 08 if I-'if V w:1 1. ;i -t ArcrsT 18, 1854. ftanta .ea.-Tli. l.rtnaataw ftmwii fc m.i.lat.1, th Lrr-t airrulalieti U) Kngnab wpnr ia 1'alea et-uuiv. ITAiy AV; 7Yc.cf. Gwrnnr J AMES POLLOCK, NorthnmWn.l. Crro' Giur D.M.S.MVsBR. Montgomery, dna Cmmitiuner il EO. D A RblE,.V.iegany. Ttemorrnfic S'ate Ticket. Gorrrnitr WILLI M IW.LF.R, of Clearfield. Supreme Ctmrt J. 8. HI. CK. of Somerset. Canal CommisnnnerH' 8. MOTT, of Pike. Union County Wliiij Nominees. Congrrs -Hon. JOSEPH CASEY, ' nr I'm. corTT. Attemh'y Dr.-FREDERICK SPECK, or UraismoTE. Commiamnrr MARK HALFPENNY, or HwTttt. Regular JAMES W. PENNlNtiTOX, or Mirrus-Bt'K. it nirrunaa. i r ' The Remedy. I;'-"' w'yT7' i ltM become a fixed fact that the SS- The Officers ofthe tumn O. Ag. of Union Count. can no iongcr Soc. and Committer of Arrangements for,., ,mbifl in their own Court the next Fair, are requested to meet at the office of G. F. Miller, Esq., in Lewis burg on Saturday tbe 2Cth inst, at 2 o duck, I - M. A Tull attendence is par- t.cularly des.red. r XT Y' rre- ' - Democratic Coutty ConvenUon. Pursuant to call of the Chairman of the Democratic Standing Cuiiimittec. the dels. tr ct tha Dinorraer of ITnion rountv assembled in County (mrontion, at New Berlin, on Monday the 12;h i,lst ,,d or - .:.llil,.UiiM f it.. r..1t,..;n, j - - c officers : Sam' i. Kwrso, Eq , Pn-sident. Prter Kerlin, ft Win. Wilson. V. P's, ft W. I! .? .r, 11 X. Barkhus ft J. H. Good- wmi, e-.-c s. The following persons then presented ere d ntials and took thi-tr scats : Chnpman I. Wajiii in ji ton- f. Herild, U N B.ukhus. J. C. Mefges, S. Dauber- man. Penns Peter Kerlin. L. I!, llatnjnel. Perry Jno. Giloct, 8:imuel Shaule. Selinagrove J .K. Davis, A.C.S:mpn Middlecreck n Bum, J. M. Dauber tnan. Franklin F. II Kr.imT, G. M.iafx. Beaver J. 1. liionumi, I. Jl. itrich. West Beaver II. lt.-nf.-r, M. Rrcbi", Union J. Fisher, J. Sa?anmn, Hartley S. Young, J. 8. f intth. Limestone J. 'roes;;rove. R. B.Barber, Centre D. Barget, Win. B"gar, West Buffalo B. Young. S. Boyer, Buffalo S. Ewing, E. Dreisliaeh, East Buffalo.!. Bitter, W. I. Linn. Kelly Wm. Wilson, T. Howard, White Deer Wm. Hitter, M. Seehler, New Berlin I. Slenker, J. Kleekner. Mifflinburg E. Wirunan, W. Crotzcr, : Jackson 0. Wilson, P. Gross. I?wisburg South Ward J. F. Linn, H. C. Hickok. North Ward P. Win girdeo, J. H. Goldman. For State Senate J. K. Davis nomina ted Tbos. Bower: Laac Slenker nnmina teiLJobn Swincford. The first ballot te nlted aa follows : Thos. Bower bad 53 rote. John Swincford " 22 " Thomas Bower was thereupon declared duly nncainatcd, subject to tbo decision of the senatorial conferees. For Congress, Eltas R. Mengcs and II. N. Backhos were nominated, when a ballot ma bad with the following results : Eliaa R. Mcnges, 26 II. N. Biekhu.s 20 Whereupon Elias R. Mcnges was de clared duly nominated, subject to tbe di vision tf tbe congressional conferees. For Assembly Levi 8. Herold, 25 Chas. WiUon, 17 Levi S. Herold was declared duly nom inated. The candidates were permitted to select their owa conferees. County Commissioners first ballot : Daniel Garman, 14 Henry High, 10 Charles Krebs, 12 Nathan Forey, 9 The second ballot resulted as follows : Daniel Garman, 24 Charles Krcbs, 15 Henry High, 3 Nathan Forey, 4 Daniel Garman was declared duly nom inated. For Register & Recorder : George Drcubacb, 21 John Emmctt, 13 G. Dreisbach declared duly nominated. For County Auditor, J. G. L. Shiudel was n.'.minatod without opposition. JoLn V. Barber was Bnammouly di e ted as the representative delegate to the next fourth of Conversion. A motion was then made toconfirm the nominations unanimously ; wha-b was earned, except Col. R. B. Barber, and cameo, except oi. . o. ifarber, and l Isase 6lcnker, Esq , both of whom voted j A disorganising motion was then offer-1 ed in nference to local affairs, which the President Dually decided to be out of or- Jer. The disorganizers then proceeded in s riotous manner to carry out their move ment, in defiance of the 1 'residents deci sion, and having completely interrupted the regular proceedings, and drownd cut sH efforts to ar point Committee on resolutions, and finish up the business, a motion was put and carried to adjourn, , which was accomplished in the midst of great tumult and uproar the outsiders rushing into the bar with brandished j for about ten minutes, wbon Mr. D., think fiU and yella of disappointment, to "fix i iug discretion the better part of valor cav ilflr" to suit themselves. .din, I The President of the Convention has a I pointed the following Standing Commit tee for the ensuing year : Miffliuburp Chan. Crotxer, Chairman. Hartley Vm. Eilcrt, Limestone Jos. Chamber, W. Buffalo John Dock, K. Buffalo Gideon liicbl, Buffalo Frcdk. Pontius, Kelly Tbomas Howard, White Deer Wm L. Bitter, Union John Youngman, lY-nna Peter Kerlin, . Jackson Jacob Gross, Chapman II. N. Hackhus, Wabbingtou Henry Mots, SclinFgrovc II. C. Eycr, Midillecrcek Sem Lcittcl, Franklin F. E Kramer, Centre Jacob Bcicbly, Perry Samuel Sbadle, Itcavrr 0. A. Smith, T. Beaver Win. Hess, New Berlin David Hcrr, Lewihlurg, N. W. J. H. Goodmaq, do S. W John Walls. - r af House for tbe discussion and arrangement of political affirs,without being liable to impertinent interference and gross insult j frnm jt f ( vt(tf) d Ull r.(,ri,;cal pM. j wfco make it , ! thrme ,,,e ,,ouse Dd lisi nd howl down j whatever does not happen to suit their own notions, and in some iustanccs not stop- I bins short of personal assaults, iuis uuo of conduct va conspicuous during the I sitting of the Whig Convention in June, ! but the cliulax uf outra8e waS rCC , I tue ltincrraiic vonvrnuuu vi last, and has kindled a feeling ot indigna tion and ditgust throughout the county, that will doubtless recoil heavilyagainst the : aaeressors. This state of afhirs detuonstra- j tos the absolute necessity for a division of I the county, and will tend powerfully to . produeetbat result. ! But in the mean time, until the division ! hn eeomt)lished. it is. in the oninion of ( .... : north and south of tbe Creek ; at Middle- burg, Freeburg, Mifflinburg and llartle ton, for instancc,in either and all of which p'aees commodious quarters, and suit able places of meeting could be readily ob tained, with some prospect of deoent treat ment, and without any danger of being howled down and jostled ont by New Ber lin mobs. The people wre ripe for the ex periment, and will be greatly relieved and bencGttcd by tbe change. I-Tbe New Berlin anti-division clique met with s crushing defeat in the Demo cratic Convention on Monday. After weeks of intrigue, and tbe most energetic effort, they found themselves unable to con trol tbe organization of the Convention, or procura tbe nomination of a single can didal, except in two unimportant instan ces the Congrefsman.snd Register & Re corder. They confessedly staked their .fate on the nomination for the Senate and last. Yet with noisy professions of tbe exclusive purity of their Democracy, they tried premeditated disorganisation in open convention. While clamorously de nying they were worsted, and falsely asser ting Mr. Bower to be an anti-division man, they publicly expressed their alarm at tbe rumors of their defeat which very naturally winged their way from the Court House ; and confessed to a feeling of pa nic in anticipation of this very paragraph in the Chroniclo, which we kindly pen for their consolation. While lying flat on their back, they vociferate with ludicrous solemnity that they stand in the winning boots. This being the case, all the com fort we can give them is, "Go it boots '" The energy of despair is something of s motive power it is true, but we imagine they will not find it half so inspiring or profitable as the enthusiasm born of the certainty of an approaching victory. SThe Star has regained its classic elegance of style. It says the Division men were driven out of the Court House "like a pack of scalded pups." Chaste and courteous language to apply to such men as Samuel Sbadle, Peter Kerlia, J. K. Davis, Thos. Howard, J. F. L:nn, and a score of other delegates. The calum nies and frantic vituperation of the New Berlin press only prove the certainty and soreness of their recent defeat, and that the home-thrust they received went to the , , TCr h(rtSCOrC . . A Dull. A friendly duel, says the San Joaouin (Cal) Republican, look place Monday afternoon, at Moquclumne Hill, bctweeu Sir. Laforge, county Clerk of Cal- areras, and a Mr. Dudley. They chose the unique manner of squirting water at each other, to cool their wounded honor. Ooe combatant supplied himself with the hose of the Union Water Company, tbe other with that of the Massachusetts Com pany. Marking the distance, which was about twenty feet, they commenced play ing upon each other! The combatants withstood the cool application manfullv ; hundreds of repcctablc citizens, moispen- irlip xrBf rtiifTilru. Mif 1 wheat ditricis in the State. Terms easy. I l .l. enre-nil-nee and Self-rCDOCt ! -. . i UUIiaiUe, rtlll-4 foniirrt. wllh the Mill are two .wrlllt,a..n of siblc to the convenience arid sen repec. fl. Buffaloc, White Deer, ' "- " "''-e W. J ot of the eor.lc. tbat hereafter County mee- T i , U Vi- . vf . h.r...rii , r i.n rmiiM-. ot me peupic, mai i j Lewisburir N.and S.W ards, East -f.rruira,riie.i.-,r,ii.guitn1f Mr..5AMi-Ki. tines and conventions should no longer 5. . ., i- w.ii.ik . a. m. tAWSiis.orJiaui.f u. uir, .i , , .v -n h v., .t,uiw. Buffaloc. Union, Penns, Selins- '. ae. ,i . take place at New Berlin, but should lie ... ,. ' , i-wi-i.urir, a..c i",in - -.. - ' . ., , F, Int.ni grovc. Wasliington, Center 13 s n , UNION AND VICTORY ! For Governor, JADES POLLOCK!, jrTbe nnderaigned, being a majority of the Whig Standing Committee of Union County, do hereby, for tbe sake of preser ving peace ana harmony in tbe whig mevountyto meet in tneir respecuve Districts on SATURDAY TUB 24TH DAT 2. MICHAEL BROWN, 3. O. N. WORDKN, 4. M. H. T AGO ART, 5. W. F. tt'AGENSKLLEB, Tbe nndersicned, members of the Whig Standing Committee of Union County, have viewed with much concern and regret: the division and distraction prevailing in the party, and are anxious if possible to avoid the necessity and bad effects of hold ing two separate Conventions, and having signed their names to a BLANK Call, with out date, for a Convention of Delegates, hereby, for the sake of peace and uuity, RECALL tbe same, and respectfully rec ommend to all the Whirrs in the County to meet on SATURDAY, the 24th of June inst., and elect two Delegates to rep resent them in COUNTY CONVENTION on MONDAY the 2Cih inst This recom mendation is made without pretending to docidc on the rights of Mr. Wagcnseller or Mr. Merrill to aot as Chairman of our Committee, and fur the sole purpose of harmonizing tbo party and securing the success of our nominees. (Signed) 6. JOHN CRAIG, 7. DANIEL LEES, P. J. W. PENNINGTON, 0. WILLIAM RUHL, 10. R. V. B. LINCOLN, 11. WM. S. CLING AN. 16 June, 1854. The Committee originally consisted of 20 members, one of whom (Mr. Win. J. May) has since removed from the County leaving but 19 members in the Committee. t"Othrr members of the Committee have not been seen, and have therefore had no opportunity to sign the above Call. fivIn accorJancewiihthe fore- going Call, tbe 1'ulegatcs assembled at tuo t mo r,,1 nlneo -.r.rnl.ilM Tl.o r,.llo-inr i ,v. . . . ' 11 . , e uistncu wcro reErcscnicu of the 23 districts. JAMES M'CREIG UT of Buffaloc was chosen President, and J. D. Foiirev, of Hartley, Secretary. ' The first business in order was the nom ination of a candidate to represent this Congressional district, when Hon. Jostrn Caset of Union county was wwanimouay nominatcd,and Messrs. Slifcr of Lewisburg, Gibson of Union, and Snyder of Selins grove, appointed Congressional Conferees! ' cor senator, Judge .Marshall or White Deer was named, but declined in favor of a Juniata candidate. Dr. Rower of Free- burg was then named, who also concedes the right to Juniata. Messrs. James Mar shall of White Deer, M'Creight of Buffa loc, and Gutclius of Selinegrovo.were then elected Senatorial Conferees, instructed to present the name of Dr. J. B. IIower for senator. For Representative, Messrs. Speck of Sclinsgrovc, Howcr of Frccburg, Simonton of Buffaloe, and Wilt of Hartley, were nominated. Tbe vote stood Speck 15, Howcr 3, Simonton 4, Wilt 4. So Dr. Frederick Speck, of Sclinsgrovc, was declared nominated, and Mcrsrs. W. F. Wagcnseller of Seliosgrovc, Dr. Scobold of Hartley, and Wordcn of Lewisburg, appointed Representative Conferees. For County Commissioner, Messrs. S. Boyer Jr. of Penns, Aurand of Middloburg, and Halfpenny of Hartley, were put in nomination. After several balloting, Mark Halfpenny, of Hartley, having received the highest number of votes, was duly nominated. For Register 4 Recorder, Messrs. Smith of White Deer and Pennington of Mifflin burg, were nominated. The vote stood Smith 11, Pennington 15, when James W. Pennington of Mifflinburg was declared nominated. For Auditor, Henry S. Boyer Esq. of asmngton Tp. was duly nominated. The Mifflinburg Academy having passed out of the control of the County, the use less formality of nominating Trustees was dispensed with. Whig County Committee. The President of the lato Whig Con vention of Union county, was deputed to appoint a standing committee ot one from each Election District, and would recommend the following gentlemen : Mi hilt Deer Samuel Marshall. Ae Jacob Hummel. " JltijTaloe James D. Chamberlin. Wist B irfirfoc Jacob Obcrdorf. Mjjjliulurglsa.ie L. Beck. llurtlry J. D. Forrey. Limestone Fredk Bolcndcr. JVeic Berlin Saml Weirick. Jurksnn John Geyer. J5isf Buffaloe Jcob Gundy. LewMmrg Xorth lKirrf D. C. Slifer. LeicuLurrf South Ward J. A. Mcrtz. Union Henry Gibson. i'eHiu Saml Boyer, Jr. ' " Srlinsgroce Israel Gutolius. r ' -Mif.rVe-TflfiConrad Stock. -. Wathington Isaac D. Boyer." Chapman Wm. G. Harold, ife-ry Tonss German." ' Franklin Jacob Aurand. Ctnter Israel Knettle. Beaver Henry Smith. IVest Braver David Fessler. J uly 13. Jab. M Tat sight, Tm party, call upon the wfita tt9!lAr OF JUNE INST, and elect two Delegate .to' ..uily oa hand a good assortment ofUoods rf liara Carriage --T aS" V-SS represent in COCXTV COSVESTION. maaufacture, such as - J ' . . JI."" " .5 ?m ' .u. "ij' 1"??' n.?i -i.i.,ry.,rih.h-rl,:n.ufii.. sto'j. zf.t-iw.ti- tJK.; on MONDAY the 2Cth da, of Juue inst Cloths, Cauimerv, SatincU. FiannJs, 7i,h "ood ad nevJail- r'TrSrSS: J (Siencd) 1. L. F. ALBRIG UT, . JUatdeU, Stocking Yam, fc J jn, w;ut nrar doora lar bearin? I Tt!.'.V7m:!!'. r'"? Vi1 WAI rnw'1 PUBLIC BLLE. .. Saturday f Anj. 20n' i "THE CABIN . BOY'S STORY," 1 ' - AU f T UU1" 1 W IT ViOt ,j . vil-C 1 1 V M Mk A SmilSuiicl Koiinnr of tin lnnn. hr lh : rt A fbe subscribers feel'lhankful fcr . '1"." subscnucrs 0''J tiik nrr. hii)L.rt.. ri...a k..k..f .. .....mAmm SmulTTurinl-,linn n,l linnS 111' fltftirC T .. g ra,lo.". ndnop e m tbat the well-wishers of theirconntrT Will feel Merehanu, aod Mechanics, we inriie you to rive us a call, as we intend kerning con to exchange for Wool or sell low for Cash, Jnf 'rain, i.anl, eoap, or any other marketable I varieties ot Fruit. i rpu.-m"y -n. Produce. They will also Wholesale to Mer- The land is all under good fences and in a I,,1 ffS TZrtlX chants.and save them the Jobber's profit, which h!i Mate of cultivation..: .The buikUncs are ' ,... I,: o ., n-niir. ih, b-a mriizM laivir is from 10 to 15 per cent. ( all nearly nw, and fir convenience, slyfe and , " i-rri it: m4 u.uj r-.(irtifi!ijr rdjuut iku ail or IS.I. L. r.. u;nni ...it.: t . t ar m.v W ni Into. Ihtflr. " l'"'" .. a. an umiiic run Wagons to collect Wool we think it is better for both Wool (Jrower and Manufactu- rer to deal at the Factory, where there is a variety of goods to .elect from, and the manu- factnrers have a much better chance to render satisfaction to their customers than when a few goods are hauled ont in a wagon By strict attention to business, they hope to merit a ?.odly share of public patronage. Very respectfully voors, . 1 ' 8TATTJ3N, MARK ft. Coj White Deer Mills, I'nion Co, Pa May 10, lb54 3mS26 UNIOM TEMPERANCE HOTEL, i cc Cream and Eatlncr Saloon, Corner nf Srrotnl and Murkrt His. Kftllaving rented the commodious and well lined buildings at the lower end of Market St. (formerly the mansion of Wm.Ilares.s'iA .. . . . 3 i ' uie suoscruier is prepared lo entertain STKAiXGEHS AXD TkAYELF.KS, Man and Beast, with lodging and food bu nnt wiih inloiicatin; liquors. I w"There is also attached an ICE CREAM Saloon for Ladies, and an EATJ.Nli SALOON for Centlemen. lie respectfully soliciis a fair trial, and a share of the public patronage. e.:peter3. Lewisburg, March 30, 1854 3m . Real Estate. Valuable Mill Tor Sale or Ilont. That Swell known WOLFE'S Mil.l.. situaieu on uuiiaioe crecif, a n.ne trom l.cw - -"" 6- " UC'"S '"'J """"'"S wun lull : of stone, sriaster Mill, all in good Administrators' galc4 TJ'Ilit.Wsold.oa . - ; .3 iV- J l - - ' Fararv the 25lh AugrtM neiT. at the house of Nicsaia WLaa,lateof While Deer lowaship, dewsseisiac following BeaJ Estate, viz.; -av .. MA certain Tract of LAID eontar-ek nine, about 40 ACKEs, oa whichST is erected a lor House arc. 'arfioinin? lands of Joel Ranclr, George Ranclt, Joseph K. Moyer, and others, about 30 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, the balance excellent timber. There is an excellent I.imesioi.equarrv within one-fourth of a mile of said tract. Also al the same time and place will Le soi l a l.MTEl) HTATBH I.AXI WAKRAXT, for Eigfity Acres of land, not yet located. The above pioperty is situated in a hralihy rei-ion, and is convenient to market, and will make a very desirable home for a man ol limited capital. To be sold by order of the Orphans' Couri of Union county. Sale to commence at in o'clock on said day, when terms or sale will be made known by JAMES MARSHALL, Administrator of Nicholas Welsh. White Deer, June 23, 1S54 . SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of sundry writs of Vend. Ex. issued out of the Court of Common Plea of Union county, and to me directed, I will expose to public sale at Ihe Conrt Hons in New Berlin on Monday, the 18th day of Sept next, the following real estate, to it : A certain tract of land situate in While Deer township ia said county, containing fourteen acres more or less, adjoiniui lands of Fearon, Riddle & Co. whereon is erected a two-storey frame Dwelling HOUSE, frri, with the appurtenances as the property JsiiJ. of Jiau Dcaxooui. Also a tract of land, situated as aforesaid, containing twenty acres more or les, adjoin ing lands of Paul Fisher, J.yiies Culbertson, and other lands of John I.. Fisher, whereon are erected a log dwelling house and a log barn, with the appurtenances. Also a certain tract of land situate as afore- said containing one hundred acrs more or less, mostly Timber Land, si- adjoining lands ol JaCW) Farlev. other lands of John L. Fisher, lands of Charles Uudykuust and others, with the appurtenances. Both tracts as the propertv of Job I..Fisnita. JOHN KESSLEK, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, New Berlin. Aug. 10, 1351. ButTaloc Valley Farin "T30R 8ALE. Having become too old to X1 manage my large 1 arm to advantage. I ( wisn to sell a part ot the same say a tract of 95 Acres, or of 105, as a purchaser might desire. The portion I i would part with is all first quality Limestone j land, and every field may be watered from the Little Buffaloe creek. It is all under a cood ! cultivation, with new fences, except about SO acres of excellent TIMBER. There SSfc 1 is a Limestone Unarrv oneneiL from ' 1 which thousands of bushels are sold ! yearly. It has also a young bearing JL ! . lie luipiovciuruis uu new are oou two-storey Frame HOUSE with a Cellar Kitchen.and a Pump beside it,aSprinS House, a large UAiR tIAhy.A Wason Shed, a Corn House, and other outbuildings. ' The property lies in Kelly township, near Guldin's store and Kelly's mill 5 miles from Lewisburg, and 5 from Milion and has been 1 . . . . . 1 "c : lT- Title, indisputable. Payment lo be made one half down, and the remainder on time. Possession' given the 1st of April next. Aug. 1, 1851 SAMUEL VODER. FOR SALE, lhat large and desirable propertv on the V I corner of Market and Water streets. well r . . . ' .. . calculated for a residence, for business, pc fur : a residence and place of business. .., j There ia a large BRICK House containing 4 large rooms oa the first floor, 6 bed-rooms on ' the second UooMnd 3 large finished rooms on ! the third. A Kitchen and Washhousc adjoins, j 1 her are also a spacious Cellarjarge Cement visiern, a rump, and Wall of goott water, a Stabks and altaecessary OothniMin. Tor terms tie. apply to Geo. F. Miller. Erj ft E.DAVI. Iiawtstnrf, sVpt. 3, 1B0 1 SBiSaV ! n neeer.lntl init rnlir.niiu-ir in n.onr iK. I nc. i 1 i te I I thalcerlaia tract ol ui.ucj l)fallfuilr SllUal.d aloBg Little bultllo Cretfc, K hv Tof Volon Co- about 3 miles from ey ' P. uo,""u"u"u' V..i . t.. Lewi-hur?. and 3 mile Xroia Milipn, aJjoin- OliCllAKD of choice Apples, ami all other nuraniiiiy cau not oe rjcccuca in uie uc.go-. About J Acres TIMBER I.AM. . For particular)! address 1. Mvers, Lewis- bur'. Pa.," or persons wishing to view Uie premises or eertain terms ran do so by calling on I). Myers, residing thereon. i Sale to commence at t.P.M. Tih one- third Cash. Possession given in ihe Fall. Mm. ANN MVEHS, DAVID MY2IW. 525 DWID MliRS. . "IV order of the Orphans' Court of I'nion 1J county, will be sold on the premises 00 Thursday, the 31st of August next.ilic following Real Estate, situate in Cjf f.iloe township, L uion couuiy. late the estate of ' Williai In wis, late of said township, dee'd. The said real estate is in one contiguous body, ! ' adjoimns; lamls ot v.. t.rove s heirs Samuel m.,ii.... I.. i... u..;.. I lur .. I M'Clellan, Juliu ISteaus' heirs, J. Hatter and otln rs, containing about IOO Al'RCSm.re or less. Thewh-jle tract has been divided, by : . . r c : 1 .1 ing lanas ol v in.A.J auecaop, t.cui ...cum, tu ma in u aarv un tiia wamaaM and rUr .ii Jamb Mover anaouien. ccmiaimur .jo.acn.-i. -j--".- : -s"iwin.inni. 0,1 . .. J . t . Tha ttnTV falloftftritiajr lattvrwt (l.ut.ir. A s-! 1 He improvemeois luereou are inrge aau th, w,,.,,r.u, rk f i. r, "R.uu,,, ( ,..- vinue 01 a w rn ci paruuon or vaiuaiion issut-'i vn . out of the said Court, into three farms or!I01" purparts, and each tf which may be describe J I as Mlowg, to n it : I. The Mansion Farm, adj.iinin; lands ef J. U iLer, Urove's heirs, an-1 oilier land of ihe dee'd. ronlainin-' OAK HUMRED A1SIJ X I XT Y-iJG H'l'ACH ES more or lesswhereon is erected a laree, double, weaiuer-boar- j d-d HOLftG two slorevs high, a large; 1IAAK HAK.N.and olhcr i uibuiUinss. About! l:o acres are cleared land and in a state of . cultivation, and the residue well-tucbered.g. . There aie a!i ut l'ior 15 acres of exeelletiif Meail --.v. Tiiere are also t.vo (-xetl'enl UK-! t'll AUUS of choice Fruit. T.iere is a c. nstar.i 1 : srr:im ..f Water ronninfr I iii-.'ii'-i the Iract th l..ii!.l.iis. besides two iievcr-fai'ir- . s,,,;,, 0f water. II. The next tract adj-uns ihe above r n :ie n esi, and alsit Ir.iid ol t.n-ve s heirs and rini:( Khule. eentainiie; ONE HIMiLED A.J TII1HTV- I IIHEE ACKEN, more or less, about UK) acres whereof is cleared and in a swa slate ot cultivation, anu tne resume wen-. ,TV i .! red ; auoul li acres ol'Cist-ratr Mea-i ZiZ .u-. i.-i tins tract i he re are no buildings but a never falina snrin of water, and a; braiiiifu! sile for buildups ne;ir it. Tins met I when 'properly improved will make a Hawaii ei'-ellent and convenient farm. J 111. Th lst trsetaljoming th..aboviBLK- Epi.EPr',(. PiM,s to be iwo irarts anu iso laiiu o. o. . ,... 1 I . 1 - . J ..I' u tl'l'III.. a. n 1 Means heir, contaiuin; OA E II v&UHEV . t.VO SIX AClti:s, more or less. . 1 A .1.. , iract there is a I.OU HOUSE, I.Oti . : BAK.a. ! i-wV and other out buildings, an ORCHARD, i nuri-a"r--araJ i.w. h.r wi-i ki.,,..i,rij vn 5 . -i -.4 . r.r Ur,. .nriT. .eStfccall a.rn mtMw.r with wrak aeri.-e.w b I- " i----f. S ' I "rrrou. rv.t--ui hss I---a 1-rfj-tralr.l i.t .l.atu-rr.1 fr-.m near the house; about 7o acres cleared! an, rsti-Khat.-rt-r. In rbmn r o-mriaim-. r-r.i-. a- land and the residue welt timbered. Tin 1 ,an-iii.-"P'r.aIunsl bj ornui-nr.-,ii..j ar. trael is well calculated t.. make a slock farm. i V'C'.'r two V..., fcr . rn. out at All the aforesaid described tract are l.m:e- thrit,iri......B a r.anunr... i i.t.- ti r,u. ., stone land of the best itualltv. Blllflloe creek ; t-m thra.u the .ail. fr-a of rwtaua. rnraalaaa runs thronjh all three tracts. Ineji vill wis,,..,,,,,.,.,!,,,,.,,,, sold separate, as fibrrve d eiitHd,r-rtopetlier, ; wMn-urd. w.j: t. ,iv.r n. r w. as will best subserve the interests of the heirs of snid deceased and the convenience of the purchasers. Hale to commenre at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said dav, when and where the terms and con lilioiis of sale will be ma.le known by . JAMES IKWI.N. JOHN W. SIMONTON, WILLIAM STEANS, June 2?, ISt.- Atlminittrattfr. Ol')Ilall!9t, Court Sale. 1V virtue of an order from ihe Orphan.' ) Court of Union county, the undesigned, Vdmiuiatrators of Siirti Wnsos, late ot Kelly Tp. deceased, wilt "11 at private tale the following KEAL ESTATE, to wit : That valuable tract of land ailuatrd in the tnwntbip and county aroroniij, tviihiu 1 1 mi'rt of Ibe thriving village of Lewisbure, boundeJ by lands of the heirs vf Tbo' Wilaon dee'd,, David Meyer. Kluvel Clinnan, Joe! Hoer, Pbil ; ip rihook. and othern, cnntainiuri '2'i't XcrCH or thereabout. IOarreaeleitre.l.bcvini; tbete--Aeo erected a two story Frame House and JtiiKitchen, g Frame Barn, a Spring House) (und a never failine Hiins of aler.) and l . oiher oat-bnild.n. neeemary lor in comforl and cotivenienre-of Farm. I here a-'WA 1 agood Apple Orchard.wiih a v.nely otarr i t ruit 1 rees. i ne cioireu lanti ia in u.gn , vo(.al- pulmonaiy.dyspepllr, nervous,aiid pi tatcof culiivation.and abounds with Lituoslon , nai weakness, are informed that a competent tor all necessary purposes. ... I The above property will answer to divide into : Tll'rt TUDPP V i If 11-4 aa.l r'.lt Km a..hl . i Hum iiiuu ... ...... i suit purchaser. j fat terma of sale amsfv to cither of the ub 1 sctibers.ortoTuoMAS Witso,onihepremiefci , ROB I . It. I.AIKI, WM. WILSON. J a. Sept. 19. 1859. Administrator, I FOR RENT, From the 1st April next, THKEE ; - n tvt rti.ti.-s oa isttriu i mm .iirci, ..v. n the ocenpanry ot Charles s. Ueil as a Kestaurant and Saloons, k hey are wen suited for Shops, Ollices, or Stores. Enquire of WM. FKIC'lv. Lewisbnnr, Feb. 4, lf54 New York Adv'ts. ,,,-, fUlif li V M 171 IV .THh UllhAl KlVUllilJl, a -r ..l.ti, m,.t, i.e v.... et.i ..j A nnMnhed. is anions ns. Who has not ; hear,i ot ,he .V.tC.t.V .Vf.sr.l.V? .A7-j vr-fvi Aiauv minions oi djii es nave neen - snM and used to crtre Rlieiimntism. I 'Vers ' Sores Bruises, Sprains, Ringworm, Felons Salt Rheum, Piles, Sore Nipples anil Caked' ltre. - wn fencers. Itch. Corns on the Tnes ' Sore Eyes, Ear-iche, Pimples, Swollen Joints r Limbs, Cuts, Scalds, or Scald-head, Numb - Palsy, Bunions or frosted feet. Warts, or any j 0her complaint that can be reached by an external remedy. And it has always been successful. Ir is ruriLir good in healintr Wounds, Scratches, sadjle or harness (.alls, or any sprain, soreness or stiffness, and it is warranted to core Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, or Poll Evil, on Horses. liT ine l.iuiaient is put up in three sizes,! ana retails at -a cts, ou cts, ana i. i ne lar-'e , . ' . . ... ' L - ..1 : L . .... bottles contain much more Lin iment in proper- "un to the prices, and are therefore cheapest - Tn Country Merchants. Every store should be supplied with this valuable LINIMENT, as it pavs a eoed profit and sells rapidly. ' O.W. WESTBROOK, (successor to A. G. Bragg &. Co.). r u. t :-: Originator and sole Proprietor. PrincipalOffices 504 Broadway.NewVork and eor. 3d & Market Sls.SU Louis, Missouri. Sold by every dealer in drugs and medicines ttironghoiit the Un ted States. Canadas. West Inltes, and Bermuda Islu'ids. 'lrf3J: x ,, ,k. .u ---; . ,TT.V m, lu.h .or r..lurti..o. n,u,iH fr, l,k prn will b i,y o,. fubite. -r ikf'. .t n rnrn.-uv .rr.ti. iiju-truiox u.. i,-r.,r. of ti si... Trd, u crrtl on ia th. Iwt of afrlra. -Th.nhnr ,.r r- .tM ikr..., v ry mn viiMij iauj ..a-ft ut h w w will mat- a v k or n t.KB iimi iiw...riat Irtim U.e r., at, aniwithNtamltnc. tnw r -i0.1i..tiun t-f-l'ii!- T'.m'. r.;.iB.'' urk. .nuns w w.rrr, in nmnr, rn iin unt v-rii i taoitrousiirml Mti riifk-i. to lhri wyitVn. vt ( urthnnui f -!Tp mj the Afrimn fV,t, writ- J tcii i f one wti btui w;tnriwatl it m all iU biticsHU 4 fcr , tnftj. TKe work i ttntt-n in Im.- u i pnn- lDiu.-. il l will hr a welcome and irytrucUvw ttaKiiliuei U-U Lmiiiy i.i-r.irw. ' ti. wfk win ptrm m v-antifui wrT wtim at loft j I .l.nnlli V unrt in rlolh Pri. in rl.h. nil. dollar ptH ssa un uunui i' J .uu'iisir'i wim nur rn:nvianES o.n i in ).fM-r, wnu, al wnit-h rata otptr. will be arm by thv ).ubli.bcn to aujr part of lh eountry frea Iff poa taire. SV Tot aale wlio!oiali- an.I r--t.il by tin pnKI.Iicra, ri.i.su nixii a t-TKKiT. So. '11 1 aacis sttkct. t.m V-r And hr all R oth-Uara Ihmutk -at to l t--.l tuw ; an-i briih i-n.tin.-v.. feiu-t Baltimore Adv'ts. UAPaU, (JKLSE & CO.. & Lumber Commission 3Ierchauti...2. .t '! Spear's Wharf, i.rta t. ' Hiltim-jre. A. e.tnl-.. K.. Cn.h. rnnklm do l"hn Hrrt.' 1, Jr. K-j., I .,. . i. wi lt -c-r.. nirt.-m ten. rhl-adrlahta. J. Tnt l.-. . I'.-v.ul Yi j: n.nk, 1'uit Lleposit. J. V Kllo.rr A r.-n, llhrr.rt urg. C-l. II. C. river, ,, j ti a. li"'t,a,' SuuonSrhu.lHr. !:-i . Mu'"'-T- Oi-or.'- 1".1iiii-. K-j . II tK'K. ,i i'.tt. W m. Wt-ari:r. itmtourstillr. 1 0- n V. in K. P .. ' r, . i T W. tin. I. Ij 1. 1 oilier, f ' L. i. o. II .Iin VII. --rv .. H.r- U. .tT?v l.-.pe. J I'. Ilul in. 1.-1, L.-k ll.r n. ! IfCAKn, tJKISE A CO have the largest Viiarf r.Mini i-i' ntir C"iiirnisvjon House in ' 15 lliimore, always rivii.g uick despatch 1.1 i b-jats iu iI.cli:iri.-ii.L- ilieir car--ees. Cmol7 PITS ' TITS ! FITS ! Tiir. tk-uct.clk uraA'T . EPILEPTIC PILLS, i "or fAr cure nf pit. Spasm. Cramp, otul uli S-rtH'.i and Contifufivnal V.xeu't. ! who are laborins under this ' iTirnreSin ni.iia'IV i.t una uie . -lsfl the onlv .. ..... 1ils,..rrMi fc,r ,,, Enini,. r n , , F i -r --r - vl " Th-ae rill. t-.-i a rrr a- ti-.B en tfte a.r.n arflrm. ari'i alrhotrzh Ibry arv i.riisre.a,iwciall t-r tbr Philadelphia Adv'l S. I JFrnttij tTruoofs, Prf7mzr e .7rrff J liurxcts. V OB the core o( HERSUm RUKJTRE Acknowledged by the holiest medical ' uuthoriiit-s of PluladclpSiia, incomparably su- penor to any other 'n use. Snllerers will be ' gratified to learn ih.il the occasion now r-tK rs to procure not only the Ughttsl and mint ttiry. i out as aurniif a i russ as any other, in lieu ot the cnmbr.ins and uncomfortable article usu ally sold. There is no ditliculty atteudm: the lilting, and when the pad is located it will ; retain its position without change, j Persons at a distance unable lo call on the subscriber, can have the Truss sent to any address, by remitting Tive Dollars for the sin ' gle Trus. or Ten fur ihe double with measure around ihe hips, and statinc the side allecicd It will be exchanged to suit if not fitlinr, bv returnins it at once, uusoiled. " ' For sale only bv the Importer. Cor. Twelfth i Itace Sts, VkituJ, Ivkla. Ladies rrrjuinns th beneui of .Mecha- nical Supports, owin- lo derangement of the internal organs, liicludiiij falling t.f the wornbj and experienced LadiwiU be in attendance at ,hc Rooms. set apart for their exclusive use) I -V-. t t . -I-tf L' f E-r-i, . . i . ' .tu. ii. i ,,.i.r in i-i. im aoor aoore itace. lyiH3 ' Xcw Slitek WindOW Shades. AVteW.yJSrj ( IS1 G. L. MILLKR .t Cn )!anufaclurrr, arf ,VJS, . . ..... . "1'17'IDOW SHADES south-west corner V f econu and Area fis. rhiliidtlplita. ! 8ueh as Guthe's Landscape?, Borders. Vases. rcroi s. uoi uers. uoio noniers. tve ot ine most beautiful ,ei-rns and perfection of finish in i,te roiintry. and at snch Low Irl-t as i,, rhallense ail competition. Kutfand Whit- Hollands. Cambrics. Tassels. Cords. Brasses. u4 I &r.. tn every variety tor City or ountry trade. I Th.ir wiim: nsc, ki.h i. -u dry or ia ! n?We invite an examination of our Stock 1 ei'.is wrrni.4 i-t aad stuwrpaasnl tar boJj acS , at the Depot. S. W. corner U & Areh. Philad. j t,',,.,,, , Jan. 1 Ho I 4m511 - wliki.t.bl-tLutpar.; tovtuniDt U.ir poitta L 1 , . ... i , ; ktf-T firsh ih! rxoft iu lh- fnr avr rMiwr-naMr via. ; BUILDING HARDWARE,?" .'K'JIX?. wiU " """"cr 10 "7 TOOl StOTB CXClnslVelV. AS D 77i largest Establishment nf the kind in the U.S. wVaaa. HI IPI'Inpa C m " I -24 Market St. above Seventh, Philad. ! "A rAXUFACTURERS' Depot for Locks oft S I all kinda. warranted nnnl.t.. up,.... Silvered, Class Knobs." Premium PoreelainKn-bs,overlOOpatterns Si'vei-plated Knobs, ltinses, Ac, wiih the most complete assortment of all the Modern woods m this line. ! Purchasers are invited to call and eiamin 1 Stock. Catalogues sent bv Mail if desired Hot' Air Registers' and Vfnrifaljrs at ., FtKtory Criers, r"AU orders put up under the iuameJiat SDlVerVl&inil alt the Firm , . . " ' ..Alib .1.111 Qlili I. A. 6m519t Baak.-A8enU. Wasilcai. . AGENTS, W ANTED in, every Tow. and Ccuoly in the United Slates, to sell the most popular and saleable books published many of them beautifully illustrated wuh Col ored Engravings ; also the most nonular works of T. 8. Aaraca, including "Arthur's. CotUge I IatclUteat and entarr-rtalnr. sun will nt this a flnr i "' tn ax-aiaki kwHaeu. . i ''ar-,ioarr. pea.,,. irjj J W SRAbl.rV. 1N.M ,k.r K it K'jJif'Bj-ri Jr. Jrt,s. Trusses, ssjpperlerf, j I.ACE STOCKINGS. ShonU der Braces, and Sit ' orhrf nurgical A pparatas aod Baa dage applied and warraaud te give satisfaction, by Dr. aad Mrs. H'CLEY. Ai;iltX, Xo. 44 North SEVfiNTH thrceg Philttdtlphia. The gseat nam btr of Females rtlirred sad cored by wearing Mr. M'Clenachan's 8a p pori.-rs, warrants her i commending them as j superior to anything of the kind ever offend) , to the publ.c ltyal7iMj - Philadelphia Spring TraA-..iK4, Wit I A WRIGHT, II t'A T.VC TO A 4 FLOYD 152 Market St ft 23 SIcrchant St ImpnrUn unit Wholnak Dtahrt in Staple A. raary Dry Cs4s, ARB now receiving a verv CENERAI, ASSORTMENT of Pcmtrolic anb foreign abrire. . , . . , ... . , , suitable for borb City and Lannirj Trl9tu& which liicy iiiXct HI tcrtf iuW price, (ot ' -. . c- r I r laU.il, OF 10 rroillpt Oil ai&DlOS aUeD. r . . lv e solicit an examination or onrtoer by City, Neighboring and Distant Boyeri. CHAISCEV HVLBCRT, WIT Wainwrirht. Hmtn:gton 4 Flovd. 151 Marliet :im.M7c2) t. FhiladelpA,a. rK ST.TIO.f r.RT. C-in.io & rrr.TO., is sown eighth j ftr'et, Vlulittidyhw beg leave to call the a;iei.l,on of Country Dealers, Schools, and persons vi.iiin? the City, to their complete assortment or Engltrh, trtruh, and Ammean ST A Tl.EJi I'.wliich they are srliise W bole sal" a:id lteiail on the most reasonable lermi. Their stock comprises trrry varirty of Cap, I.eiter and ..te Paper and Envelopes, inclurf ins a full aMr'm(nt of ihe celebrated eoods I of r '-a ,:n Va"d Tho Khvds s,",, . ol i.rn-i'.-ii. .iio J tl ilj ai.d Steel Pen, Drawine Prneits (Fa i ber"s and o-hrrs). Drawing Paper. Brij'of j Hoard, ."ealmi; Wax. Ink, Inkstands. Rrdrrrj', ! rrooles'AVostenholnjs'ar.d other fii e Cuilerr, I Porunonaies, Pocket Books, Portfoliis. M'rii j Hi2 Desks. Ae.Ac Persons riaitii.s the City j ran have their raper ai.d envelopes rmbcsstd ! with their butiuts without extra charzr. r r Urilers friim dea'ers and instimtiora of , It-ainirir. respectfullv solicited and filled w.-.a the strictest liilegriij fircSlipi! I LIEG leave respectfully to call ihe Public 'i : ' :r U U fill ' 1 '1' II tl. I..!.. f 'I.... ..r,- i,W. , tipkui, tor uie manutacture ana sie oi t,n. selupfS, where I will always be in reautness to attend lo any orders I may be favored with. I am prepared lo furnish Envelopes ef entry onality. size and description, t hoa!e ai.d lU-tail.theiiovf rnmcnt paitera. plain and Irral. 1 won!. I ali call attention to ihe Hie Sisk ins. Enravii, Print-Mf. ai..t l."u.boMnfi of ilii'-inrss Citr-N tor En-, e. j-e-. I.erter-heaos. lliMhen.'s. Carl-.. Circulars. Ac. all of which I furnish at very low rate;. iarpiii!T letters prevents their e;iie to the Dead Letter Oiiice. With patent machines of the tares- improve ments f.r emb"siiir. printing. Ac, also for the maiialaetnre nf Fnvelopes,aad every faci 1 it v fur executim or.iers wuh d spatch.and ftr j their delivery l-y Tvpress Lines rr as ir.av be aereed npon, I can not tail to ct merit wi:a il not excel ary i ther e-taW:hinenl of tt.e li.rd in the worl.l. I"? Hom-ropathie Envelcpei constantly en hand, samp'es nf which mav be Seen flirvnkte uilke.ajso of Die-Sianipe.l Ear. ,'lv5177:- WM. COLBERT. Willow If'are, &.c. II. roi'LTKB, -iU South SKCOXD t, I'lrlinltlj ha. - dinars above Chestnn!. Em: si.'c. Importer and Miinifacturer all kirds ef "liril.I.OW WAKE Consisting inrartif a f toe toilou mr;. I.adie: es' Travelir.it Has- lets. Work Ea-ket. Fh-wer Baskets. Offire Baskets. Se?ar Markets. 1'iam.Fancy and Ec hroiJe,ed Iliskfts. Ladies' Wr-rk Stands r I ?--.-Win:r ''hairs i-f lee.e-it'iil desipn and excel lent w-otkmanship. tnhtch he is selling remar kablv che?n for Cash. i S-H- Just received from Cermanv. a Ivu ar. l varied assortment of FANCY COOrf.ts i which the attention of the public is r-spect. - r Iiro:lo;:y. - rom.EEa. vrn.Ls, n. fi.om sew toxk. Dave otieued a Virciojr.f.'i"Vr.Vnrt ,V? A and H-vA St.,re, at 231 ARCH Su between 6th and ?th. rkihdelplm. :'.' s IxriA are prepared to furnish ail ihe.r Works on Phrrnolegy, Pliysiol.c;. Hvdrorathv. Magnetism, and Ph-n- ctjfaphy. at New York prices. Professional Examinations.wiih Cbarts.and full wrilten descripuons of character, eivea day and evening. t Cabinet free to vis: lora Iy517c5dq ZIVC PA1TS. o JiE-TIIIRD CHEAPER THAN WHITE' LEAD, and free from all poisonous . noama I ., , ft ' -Jr- " . c ' ot ih.,V ,r-n. t i r..i t..-ut,r.i,r. ,',.,, SOf ERIOB FAINTS, iry. aa.1 Uroan m uu, u -VZ' f4 1'.) '" ' - r; ""! i ata. 1 Tlwn BISOU N ZINC PAIXT. which la tu.i at a few (pnrf. anu rj-B . o). he ni.le f.nm th- 7.'mr orr. trm New J-n.t. ia aew wll km-wm Kw it prot- ctitt n li.- win n i lir.1 trt tren nr ntlirr airtal.r .urfan ThrirsTUNt: --tH.II alT mm. .11 .h. MWh tit nf.lt. Krnn ...I i.,.f.n ... .1 1 I... .... TL3. enrrnitwM. tkmi rwt 1.1,. n.ii - i ::ini II lii.7vu .-. ! s w' ZVtT vailrl STRAW G03DS...SFFJSTG 1S54- rriHE subscribers are saw prepared to fc-' J, bit at their Splendid cw Establlsluticnt Au. 41 South' Second St. I'ltJ.)V an ' entire tipw and bc.iutifbl stock of f8" Fancy and Silk Bonnets and Flatts Ficwer1 Ac. and Fatiamn, 1'aiin and Summer Ha s k- gentlemen, which our old patrens. Merr!ur-a and Milliners generally are invited to nM " conadently promising them.in extet,in TarT in novelty, and ia styles, a sk-ek unci '.:-' UTOrders carefully and promprfv exrect- ' ' - ' THOMAS W HUB CO- - . -,' Ras Wanted. BEING extensivetv engaged in the sii'3' metnre ot PAPER, w will nav to f try Merchants and others having BAlJ! ' sale, more la tie present market pncrt ', JESeH'P ft MOORE. Paper Mantiftrts rkiladrlpkia.'Sos. 34 A M. North St. . Sna'S 's fsbt ew Aich.'-fti.-fo a 4 '''' t ism,'- hi li eW i