iv 1 LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST-BRANCH JARMEBv IThaislarg Cjinrairlf. . . ai.TSIntbretajonttis, M- A, $1 .50 easn m ".JTjio at tB Friday orsisg, Aug8, 1854. Verrbant". nbtfr a DTERT1ZB Wan " :TM.,.ln.. P.erutorm ft mio."', to trier U" f diroo.- of th," i J nlwa We." Thi paper aarTtaroora the -''Urrn . mmunitT ennt.1- y,evr Advertisement. --Prof. Alfred Taylor will m the Met LcctureJlo thh night and half-size t tbat by tbe protracted j exercises connected with Asxivkbsabt , Wvfk Tbe largely increased crowd of, happy visitors attested tbe progress the ; University is mating .u . -of this community and of tbe public at, large. j Of the Literary exercises, we can not sneak at lcnffth. The efforts of Messrs. Griffith, Carnaiias, Ybbkes, and Tavlor, were all creditable to tbeir repu tation, and (excepting the extreme length of tbat of Mr. Ycrkes,) very satisfactory o the crowded audiences. -aTi.. following was the Order of o xixercises on Commencement Day: Prayer, by President Mat-raw. Salutau.ry, .' . Ebwabb G.Tivion. 1. Ajpirationsol the Soul, Wi. A. AsDKBtosr, Bkckley. t Immortality of Character, Cats. A. Uiiti, Philadelphia. 3. Power of the Human Will, J. MrsTia Fisv, Phtladtlpktau 4. Intrinsic Power of Superior Intelligence, In FuSTta, Ltwiiburg. 8. Vengeance of the Future, Robot Lowbv, Pkiladclpkia. t. Changes of the Earth, Edwis R. Ptcasxs, Sertmlon. 1. Power of the Antique, J.bsb H. PiTtas, Priaburg. 5. Providence in Physical Science, Esi G. Tatlvb, Philadtlpkia. 6. Christianity, the World's Only Hope. t)tacu W. Zkiclib, Pkitudrlpkia. Valedictory, . . Rot Lowsi. Confering of Degrets. Rev. J. Newton Brown.Editorial Secre tary of tbt American Baptist Publication Society, Philadelphia, the honorary de gree of Doctor of Divinity. John F. Fr. tir, Profefsor of Natural Philosophy and Chctuistry in the Uuivcr ity of Pennsylvania, and Justin R Loomis, Professor-Elect of tbe Natural Sciences ii tbe University at Lewis burg, the honorary degree of Doctor of Phi losophy. Rev. Anson Tucker, President of tbe Female University at Indianapolis, Ind., D. Awl, M. D.,of Shirleysburg, Pa., Kev. Andreas U'iberg, of Stockholm, Sweden, and George Taylor, Esq , of Slatcford, Pa., the honorary degree of Master of Arts. Messrs. Castle, Barnhurst, Id.-, Pomo rene, Fish, Liun, and Lyons, of tbe gra duates of 1851, the degree of A. M. in course. Messrs. Anderson, Dcitx, Foster, Lowry, Peters, and Taylor, tbe decree of Bach elor of Arts, in course ; and Messrs. Finn, Peckene, and Ziegltr tbe degree of Bachelor of Philosophy in course. After tbe conferring of degrees, it was stated tbat tbe General Agent, Itcv. A. iv. Bell, would make a speech "not down in the bills.' Mr. Bell then an nounsed that the Board of Trustees had appointed a Building Committc, composed of Messrs. Hayes, Miller, Camcrou, Frick, Moore jr., Croaer, Jayne, Bucknell, Johnston, to erect tbe remaiuiug-Univcrsi- iv Kdifiees. now necessary, not only fur j - public exercise?, but for study and dormi tories for students. They had concluded to let the same to the lowest and best bid der, as soon as tbe sum of 8-0,000 for a Building Fund was secured. The Buil dings might cost $25,000 possibly even $30,000 but no debt would be incurred ta their construction. Some 85 or $6,000 were already subscribed. Lewisburg and vicinity were assessed for $6,000. lie wished to see how much could bo raised to-day, and started tbe ball with a. $500 j subscription. Tbe Senior Class pledged $500 provided the enlarged Chapel were completed in tine for them to gratuatc, and $100 at any rate. The Alumni, $100. Other classes, and individual stu dents, also pledged $10 to $100 each. Mr. Wattson President of the Trustees, $500, and several other handsome additio nal subscriptions from citixens of Lewis burg and other friends from this and other States in attendance, swelling the whole sum raised to over $4,000, were announc ed. Tbe subscriptions made by individu al students particularly, testifies their ear nest attachment to tbe Institution. WThe Young Ladies' Concert on Sa turday evening last, was a very happy gathering ; 7 or 800 assembled to bear the tvxtyfict singers. As far as we learn. universal commendation of tbe taste and ability of the music, vocal and instrument tal, was entertained. The ladies engaged, w believe, desire personal improvement, nd tbe entertainment of friends generally, ' not present themselves as public performers, not desire tbe bespattennent ef their names by newspaper puffing. The tunwrnt to their Concert, tDl the close attention paid, are sufficient commendation 109 encouragement. avWi understand tbe sale of Town Lots for the- University at Lewisburg on Tuesday' lasC amounted to tbe very handsome sum of Severn Tkoutand cud Seven Hundred Dollar. tja.Tbe New Berlin papers have not yet ventured sufficient courage to publish tbe division bill. Tbe Star promises to publish tbe list of premiums for tbe Fair, next week. SV- - . Ln-L... -i. T.n.mn ,nrr m mi . i iniy J-Tbe people of New Berlin, are so much alarmed by tbe results ef tbe Demo cratic Convention, tbat they have adverti sed anti-division meetings around tbe county. Tbey need to tuke time by the forelock, and gird up their utmost energies, at that; fr the coming campaign will fully test their speed and bottom. ; ine ran lerm or ine laoics institute bf tbe Penn Medical University of Phila. jeipj,; wm commence io October aa may secn j anothcr column. At this Ins- titution, Ladies Lave an opportunity of ootaimng a morouuiy Acientitto medical Education, or any part thereof, as the branches of study are divided according to tbe natural order of succession. Foreign Newi. New York, Aug. 16. The U. S. mail 6tcamsbip Baltic, arriv ed from New York, on the 2ud in.t. Tub War. There was a rumor current tbat the Russians had been defeated at Slobodzic, on the 22d of July, with the loss of 2000 men killed and wounded and 500 prisoners. A grand council of war was held at Varna on the 19th of July, at which O mcr Pasha aud the generals of the allied army were present. France. A slight republican manifes tation bad been made at Paris. Several arrests were made. Italv. Numerous Austrian reinforce ments bad arrived at Parma, to put down the insurrectionary feelings there. Danville Bank. There was a ran on this Bank some days since, on account of tbe reported failure of tbe Montour Iron Company, growing out of the failure of Mr. Tucker. There was, however, no grounds for any apprehension of danger. The Bank is in able and responsible bands, and tbe Montour Company must be coin ing money at tbe present price of iron. The Williamsport and Elmira Railroad was openod for travel on Monday week between those two places. The cars leave Williamsport at 7 in the morning, and Klmira at 4 in tbe afternoon. Fare $2,25. Toronto, Aug. 8, 1854. The Parliamentary election in Upper Canada is completed, and tbe returns show the eleetion of 31 Ministerial Reformers, 23 Tories, six Opposition Reformers, and five doubtful. , . On the vote of "Want of Confidence" tbe Miuisterg will be sustained in the new llouse. Information is wanted of Tbos Murphy, who formerly lived in Norwegian Town ship, Schuylkill County, near Pottsville. He is in his 23d year; left Pottsville for New Orleans about three and a half years ago, and it is supposed be went to Califor nia. Any information of bim will be thankfully received by his widowed mo ther, Ellen Murphy, addressed to Potts ville P. O., Schuylkill oounty, Pa, 1loiijow.l' Fnxs. s mort fkroon. w.rty St th Car of ll'!a-lra. M!e, DiinaeM of pitfht- Derknicvd Stonisoh, and linrder4 Ltvfr : likwi In rtttnnngtX"DCth mkJ Vlpir U UtiliUtd Gntilttution. Tbe rstraordinary ear rOw-ted dmlv by thi wandrrful Pill. ftrr mil othr nvanii haw failed, have bronbc tbt-m inta Ota Matter roputa is th- L'r-Mn, at wl) a in all othfr parts j of the World, and tauiNd Ui-tu aa tti fiurpl aihoine I evff dirorarrd All elaMM gladly aratl thmf!vi of j mend tbm b tbeir aftlletod fellow-creature aiiAa-nag from indirection, and otner organic irrerjulariUes. Currteltd Weekly. Wheat.. ...81,75 Eggs I 10 12 10 8 12 4,00 Rye 75 Tallow Lard Bacon Ilam Clovcrseed.. Corn Oats C5 1,12 1,25 16 Flaxseed Dried Apples Butter In Lewisburg. 15th lost- by Rev. Dr. Mai- com. Rev. Auot B. Still, of Logans Valley, and Miss Hia Ds, of Danville. At the M. E. Parsouaee in Orangevillr. 8th inst., by Rev. Joshua Kelly, Sylvester B.Eves of Millville, and Miss Amanda E. Hilkert, of Washingtonville. By the same, in Benton, 13th inst, Jacob M. Bishline and Miss Mary M. Krickbaum all of said place. DIED, la Waterville. Ohio. 5th inst, of Cholera, Gcoaot, son of Hoa. Geo. Schnabel, formerly of Lewisburg, aged 33 years. In Middlecreck tsp-, 12lb inst, Elizabeth, wife of A. Sowers, aged 35 years. In Lewisburg 11th inst, Ida Jane, Daughter of Henry and Susan Mathias, aged 4 Month and days. Same day, T. Hayes, Son of George J. and Susan Kholand, aged 13 month, August ISth, Howard Wilson, Son of David and Margaret Ginier, aged 7 month. Aug. 13th, 8arah Clark, aged 68 years. Aug. 18th, Infant Daughter of William and Caroline Reed, aged 3 month and 6 days. In Lewisburg, 18th inst., Charles A. &,soa of Jacob A. and Clarissa Dentler,a;ed month and 4 days. In Fremont 0.,th inst,of whooping cough. Sillt A, daughter of A- L. Hatfield, aged 3 years, 10 months, 15 days. And on the Tlh. of Erysipelas, Jotava Hinmi, need 43 years, I month. 8 days. fBSg TAKEN UP, a boot two weeks ago, fXjtlby the subscriber, a black HEIFER, Iboota year old, a little white along the belly and end of tail white. It came in with a drove from the West The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take It from the premises of George Derr. net r Lewisburg CHRISTOPHER OEMBERLING. T 1ST OF LETTERS remaining in the Pott I t Office at LEWI8BUBG, fa, Aug. 17, 1864. . ARNOLD Louis. Bet Mrs. Elizabeth, Bower Mist E, Baonan James, Boner Thomas, Benny John, Cline 8arati A, Call Joseph, Deahy Bridget, Dull Joseph. Edwatde H- D., Henaing Richard H, Hash John, Hendrick Rev. Francis, Jenkins, John. Jen nings, Andrew, Kunkel John, Kerr Jacob, ftarcharow Gids, Morass Anne, B, Man, J. B., fflesbil Flemming.Neese Miss Susan. Ock er Jonathan) Orris E. D., Pontes J. F Robin son Arominida S.Renninger Miss M. M., Smith Thos, 8travser Mrs C, 8tewart A. B., 8nell John A., Spots Joseph, Tongue Her. J. W., Todd James, Taylor R. C, Wolf Matthew. Wyeth Charles A. 38 Persons calling for above, will pleas say they are advertised; or they mav not get them H. W. CROTZER, P. M. LADIES' INSTITUTE of the Pch Medical University of PhilaJ. WHE FALL TERM of this new Medical I School fur Ladies, will commence on the first Monday in October, 1854, and continue four months. The Syalt m of Teething, here pursued is entirely new. and it more comprehensive, thorough, liberal and practical, than that kof any otner jneaicai acnooi in ine country, it is based, as far as possible, upon the positive Sciences consequently, free from all sects and dogmas. '1'he branches of study are di vided according to their natural order of suc cession, and taughtlia four proire a:ve cour ses of four months each ; there are two cour ses io each year, thus enabling the students to pass successively through all four courses within two years. By this arrangement the study is rendered easy, and possessed of daily increasing interest. Ladies desiring a thoroughly scientific Me dical Education, or any part particularly inte resting them.have facilities here nowhere else to be found. For announcements containing Terms, which will always be made satisfactory list of Officers, Faculty and other particulars, please address JOS. S. LONGSHORE M. D. No. 160 Arch street, or Box 1083, Philadel Aug. 16, 1854. phia P. O. Attention, Cameron Guards ! You are directed to meet at the house of A.H.Blair in the Borough of Lewisburg on Monday the tlst of August, 1854. for the purpose of electing suchOfficers as tbe law prescribes. Polls open from 1 to 9 P. M. of said day. By order nf F. A. DON ACHY, Cmptain. Dissolution. THE co-partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers under the firm of Donachy A Elder is this day dissolved by mutual consent The accounts will be set tled by Mr. Donachy and tbe business confin ed by Mr. Elder. F. A. DONACHY. A. D. ELDER. Lewisburg, July 17, 1854. 6w Strayed Away From Danville, on the lOih alt, a large fresh Brindle COW, with some white spots low down on ner nind Iers, straight, large horns, supposed to be four or five years old. The Cow was purchased out of a drove that came from Union eouoty a boat six weeks since. Any person returning the Cow or giving information so that we may get her again, shall be well paid for their trouble. WEIL ft DREIFU88. Danville, Aug. 1854 pdw Kwtlce to Teachers. THREE Male and three Female Teachers are wanted to take charee of the Public Schools of the Borough of Srlinsgrove, to commence on the first Monday of September next. There will be a meeting of the Board of Directors on Saturday tht x6in day of August at 10 o'clock A.M. al the Union School Jiouse in said Borough, to examine applicants and employ said number of Teachers. Liberal wages will be given. The higher branches are required to be tanght in one of the schools. By order of tbe Board. July 20, 1854. GEO. HILL, President Wanted. A BOY 16 or 17 years of age. to learn the Watchmaking business. Watchmakers taken under instruction in Watchmaking and Engraving. Good references required. J. L YODER, Practical Watchmaker, Julv . Lewisburg, Pa Union Co.ss. in the Orphans' Court of Union county. In the matier nf the Inquisition of the real estate of George Royer, late of Kellv township, dee'd. "TOTICE is hereby givtn to Jacob Royer, Christian Royer, John Royer, Nancy married to George Menel, Lydia Price, Mariha married to David Longnecker, and Leah married to Joshua Herbst brothers and titters of George Hnyer.late of Kelly lowuship.dec'd, Greetiug: Whereas, by an inquest for that purpose duly awarded by the Orphans' Court of the county aforesaid, the real estate of the said George Royer was appraised. nd whereas none of the heirs of the said dee'd appeared in Court on the return of taid inquisition to take the premises therein named at the appraise ment ; you and every of you are therefore hereby cited to appear al the nexf general Orphans' Court to be held at New Berlin on the 18th day of September next, to accept or refuse to take the premises aforesaid at the appraisement, or show cause why the Court shall not decree tbe same to be sold. Witness the Hon. A.8.WiIson, President of our said Court at New Berlin this S5lh dsy of May, 1854. LA y SAMUEL ROIT8H, Clerk. Union Co. ss. in the Orphans' Court of Union county. In the matter of the Inquisition of the real estate of Henry Kottenbader, late of White Deer township, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given to Joseph Kotten bader, Henry Kottenbader, Elizabeth Kostenbader. Aaron Kosteubader, Andrew Kostenbader, Lucy Ann Kostenbader, Marga ret Kostenbader, Daniel Kottenbader, John Kostenbader, Samuel Kostenbader, Solomon Kostenbader, Jacob Kostenbader, and Elias Kosteubader who has Jacob Keiser for bis guardian, heirs and legal representatives . i i . vara.:... n- of Henrv ivosienDaaer. iaie m Tnii-ivr township, deceased. Greetings Whereat, by aa inquest for that purpose duly awarded hvihe Ornhans' Court of the county aforesaid, the real estate of the said Henry Kostenbader was appraised, and whereas none or tne neirs of the said dee'd appeared in Court on the return of said inquisition to take tbe premises therein mentioned at the appraisement ; you and tverv of von are therefore hereby cited mnor at the next general Orphans Court to be held at New Berlin on the ISth day of September next, to accept or retute to tan n said premises aforesaid at the appraised price or show cause why the Court shall not decree .L. . k. rM. Witness the Hon. A. B-Witson, President of our said Court at New Berlin, the Both day of p SAMUEL ROPBH. Clerk. FOR SALE or EXCHANGE tort Horse, either a Roeaswsv or Tee Bcnatv. li,Je5 July SO P R KKfinbaS as w. f Cttrap ffmfdle and llaraew tftmHUfmetory, The subscriber, thank ful for favors hitherto conferred, respectfully invites the pablic to call ana price us won. as ne render entire satisfaction even IO me iuu' diffident customers. Constantly on hand, or made to order, all kinds at SADDLES. HARNESS. Bridie), Cul- Imn. Klina. 7Vub4- Falun. Carvel Butt, Ire. Also the cheapest and cest assortment oi. a- a at a an Si a Wat WT43l aW I won " ..men. and Cotton riX .sn be found in town, at prices ranging from fl,6 to 94.50 per single net, also ixainer of different styles and prices. The above articles will be sow eoi cash or country Produce. All kinds of REPAIRING done al short no tice, cheap, and in the most durable manner. The citixens of Lewisburg and the surrotw- eing country, are solicited to extenu a portion or their patronage. WANTED lOOcords of Wood in exchange for work, also 10 Ions of Hay watted at mar ket prices. l"e8hop in Beaver's new brick block,Thtrd and Market, 4th door from corner. P. H. BEAVER Lewisburg, June 30. 1854 UNIVERSITY AT LEWISBURG. Persons yet in arrears on the original subscription, are requested to pay the same to J. P.TU8TIN. The original papers are in the hands of a P. MILLER. Esq. It is very desi rable this subscription should be teuled before the August meeting of Board of Trustees. A. K. BELL, General Agent and Treasurer Lewisburg. June 1, 1854 DICKINSON SEMINARY, (Male and Female.) ATEXT TERM will commence August tl, XI 1854. Total expense for board, room, washing, lights, fuel and tuition in English, Latin e Greek, from $33,50 to $25, per quar ter. Students should be here on the 33d. THOS. BOWMAN, Principal. Williamsport, Aug. 3, 1854. PAPER HANGINGS, Chain, and Cabinet Ware. HAVING made a large addition in rear of his Brick shop, upper end of Market street, and discontinued bit shop on 3d street, the subscriber has removed, there all his tools and ware, and will be happy to see old custo mers and new at his Market St shop. A fresh supply of WALL PAPER, consist, ing of new and fashionable patterns, is now selling at reduced prices. All Kinds ol VH A IKS and UABIKETtUK. N1TUKE, suitable for Parlor or Kitchen, can be had on terms which can not fail to please. (7au work warranted. WM. ARMSTRONG. LewisburgMarcn 17, 1854 6m The Far-Famed Hedlclne! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. That mis betas eoneoa-d entirely of Bedtcasal aarbe. ara of a asoat aavailees aawr, vniia ine rsuaotaia- 3i vUtnea thee aaaiati bave remaVml tbea onivar. ly naaalar is nearly aeery aart of tb world. Tae Imeneaat anai aaa tbey naya met witli tarougbout iba States la naoat amUanrdinarf , awing, it la gin-fumed, to their wonderful eftfcaey in tba mrw of BllMus aoaaalniata and diaordera nf tne Lieer and Stomacb, wraona wfco aereavere In rMtnf them occordfnf to direction, seldom tail in being reatend to boat lav Weakness and Debility. Restoration to Health of a Gentleman, aged 45, when at Death's door. Cbwyaa tMUrfrvm fAe AVa CSarla Sa.rtA.a'earW .V(ff St. Mtliaa. near HaM, JbaMrjrtiau. U laiff. 1SU. To Paorineoa Uouoway, Sir A Nr. Jossra Il-xtov, formerly a resident of Ibis place, bad been ha a deetininn atato of bealtb for nnwarda of tares yaara, gradually waettof away to a ebadow by nightly oerptratktue and want of appetite, which earned great oanaeineas to hie frlenda. ne be bad eonewllrd variona medleal nrew in avaenm ratn. ne a. im vara roar eula. and wilder I'tnvideac wao reatored to bealln by th.ir means, lie latrly emisrated Io New York, and baa ju.t written to any, tbat be was neter better la health. aim Jeoifi n ma iri arqiiniei J"n won inr nmiminan i ought eleo to mention, that my wile has derired grant bcnflt fenat the aaa ofyaeir Mia. i remain, air. yon re reepecirniiy, CUAJ&U SMITH, MaaonUac Minister. A permanent Cure of a diseased Liver of many Tears' duration. Cera mf a letter A"" Jf. moms, Caemftf, Ta t rvae Sir In tbln diatrirt your Fills eommand n mere oitrnatf e sale than any other proprietary medirioe before tbepabtle. Aaa proof .if their efllenry in LieraiMl Billon Oomplnents 1 may mention tor following cam. A lady of tliwtown Wlin wnoea a aaa wrmmauy anuaieieu, aw H, vaa a aeeere antterer from dteeeee of tbe Liver and Digeattee organ : her medieal attendant aeaared her that he eoald do nothing to rele.ee her annVringe. and it was not likely ah ooukl sareiee many month. This annouw aement naturally aanaed great alarm among her friend tug relation, and thry Indnead ber to make a trim of yonr Pltla,wbfcb an improved her general health that 'be waa Indueed to onatinue them nnUI abe rrrelf ed n perreet Cure- Tbl M iweiee eaoeiiaai eere, eue "w. eapra- ienead any aymptams of release, nad often deelams that von Pill hare been the mean of earing her lifo. July 43d, ly. (Wpned) j OAMIS. TkmteMmlta Na an wnndrrftaHjr tfmcHim is Utol- aawrang oaramaiajuf Agw Prepay jaumuea aeeonaary Athma pymntory urercmpmia symptoms ns Com- ary.iDeia a.amoag i iswaiureui aiata feeaala lrreg. fieri Tuaaora niotchoa on niarlUa Itbeninatlni l'lrra lha Skin Faeers of all Hrteatioa ol Venereal If Bowel Cmpl-U klmbj Urlua SOoa Colirs 'It Scrofula, or Worm of all Conatlpafa of Gout ton eu sinas U Bowel Hend-ncbo fcraTbnnln Weakseesfrsi OonaomaUon Indtceettoa Stono and any eaaaa DehMltjr lannima ... - , SoM at tba Eatablishnmat orrrotvwerr iioi-kjw.., m, Strand, (near Temple Bar. London.) aaa aio a. nie nouar in Haw Tora. Order. r Medicine in tbe 8la4m,addraa.d -r. IfaUoumy, Jltm lort," will reeoiee doe atteuoon. Sold ..ii u. r.ri.u and dealers in Medidaea ttronghoat tbe I mted Stotoe. In Hoses at J7 W ct, STota. and $l,so, each. To ha had W twlesal of Ik prineipnl Drag houaea ia the Union. ...i...v.i... jHf-TBeee wnarjneeaerauaaeaeiDg oj mm.m9 . -m Boxaoll. S. Dlrastlon for tbe gaMaaee oi pauenaa m ovelaOnr,araamxew aueacw w . tr ror tale by ur. Kfcstrr.it, winunuuir tortalment OMee Suimiekanna Raiknad Company, ? HauaisBcaa. Jan. SO, 1854. J THE STOCKHOLDERS of this Company .r. kerehv notiGed that tbe Second wi.iaaai nf B7tv Deillars per Share is called in, payable on or before the ith of February nexts ana an i'' -amount payable on or before the 10th tay of each month tnereaiter, nnm mw - in, to wit, the 10th ol uctooer next oy wuag residing in Baltimore at Union Bank of Maryland ; n.nnkii enantr Bank of Middlelown ; Northumberl'd county Bank of Notthumbld; Union county Lewisourg savings iwumuvu, By order. ROB. 8. HOtLlNS. Tressnref. NOTICE. Kft CARPENTERS and LABORERS wan. OU ted. to work on the Union A Susque hanna BRIDGE. To good men liberal wage. will be paid. Apply to J. A. BONER, Reims. ..... . wsr a RFM.. at the Bridge, seven mites Below teiinsgrov.a Janet, 1884 DEEM tsuperlorforat, for sale at the Chrenielf emte, sunl.' P J .'1 .r.jit '. "I Sprinund Sttmiaer Goods! LCDBtGSfcCO. INPORM the public that they have just received from Philadelphia a handsome assortment of for Spring and Sum- trade, of ail kinds ana latest styles, waich I h,-iB - -nrcbased at unusually low rates - . . ,-. they axe enabled to offer to the public at BARGAINS I It would be almost impassible Io enumerate the articles comprising our stock of goods, but they invite all to come and set for thein- seives assuring tnem mat tney win get More Goods for tbe Same Money than at any other house in Lewisburg. They bave all kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware. ueensware. and all other articles usu ally found in a well furnished stor. To ren der their establishment well worth a visit at all times they will continue to receive as the season advances, new invoices of seasonable Goods for Ladies' or Gentlemen's wear, so as to be able at all times to oner the choice of the New York and Philadelphia markets. - Having adopted the motto. Quick Sake aud SmaU Profit, they hope to have a liberal share of public patronage, to" All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange iot Goods. Lewisubrg, May 3. 1854 iwSometliLns; for Ton !" SUGAR. Teas, Conee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Molasses. Soap, Herring. Washing and Baking Soda, Pearl Starch, Potash, Pickles, Pepper Sauce. Mustard. Indigo, 8pices ground and aground, Shoo Bruahe. Brooms, Oomba, Otoeee, IIOMary, Knitting Cotton, agapen H ra, raneaoaa.ee aaa Puraea, Perfumery, Piahing Tackle, Kaaor Strop,nnd a variety of email warre nieh aa srsaraour wasra. will be sold ebeap Sir Cnab by II. KILNMUlk. Lewtabnrg. April 2. 1K44. New Berlin Hotel. Reports having been eitensively circulated through the county thai I am not prepared to entertain my eucsts. I bee leave to assure my friends that I am toetl tupptitd with the best tie market affords, as well as house room, and stabling, and can accommodate all who will be kind enough to favor me with their custom. I hnna that misrepresentation and petty perse cutions will not drive my friends off. without first giving me a trial. DAVID HEBR. New Berlin, May 8, IBM NOTICE. naving been appointed the SEXTON to the Lewisburg Cemetery, the subscriber would state that he is prepared to perform all duties connected with the bunal of the dead, on short notice. AIo that be will attend lo the re-interment of deceased persons, under the direction of their surviving friends. Residence in the Lodge at the tate of the Cemetery. GEORGE DONACHY. Lewisburg, May so, IBM DISSOLUTION. THE Co-Parlnership heretofore existing between the subscribers under the firm of -Hertz & Cutler," is this day dissolved by mutual consent, The accounts will be settled by Mr. Herts, and tbe business continued by Mr. Cutler. JOHN HERTZ. JOHN B. CUTMin. Lewisburg, June It, I8M pd Administrator' Nolle. TETTERS of Administration having been t dulv granted to tbe undersigned on the estate of GIDEON ANG8TADT.deceased.Iate of Lewisburg Boro', Union County, notice is hereby given all persons indebted to taid es tate lo make immeaiate payment, aaa muse having claims against it will present them, attested for settlement, to BENJAMIN ANusTADJ, Administrator. Ltwisbnrg. June J9. 1854 Just Opened! ASS of SUMMER GOODS suitable ror the season. Summer Wear of all descriptions, and Dress Goods of all desirable styles, quali ties and prices, at J. HAYES & CP'S. PARASOLS beautiful assortment of fash ionable Parasols to be had at low prices of J. HAYKS ec Uti. ATS Just reed, a superior lot of Fine Moleskin, fanama wnue Magyar, Pearl Fu ur.Cabans, and Palm Hats tor sale at low prices by J. HAYK3 l. CJTONE WARE an excellent assortment of , t covered Butter Jars. Milk Pans, i"reanv pots. Pitchers, Jogs and Spittoons just reed and for sale by J. HAYES A. CO. Call and Try A NEW STOCK IN TRADE. The subscribers having ' formed a ec-partnership in business, now offer to old friends and the public, at the late stand of S. F. Lvndall. on Market street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot of 3300tfl 2MB St)Of0 for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg. A Splendid lot of GU.M SHOES. Also all kinds of Off SjSS' l&JZR- Ga iters, half-Gaiters, etc. Children's Shoes of all stylet and sixes. Work made to order Mending as usual. As we are both known as practical shoe makers and experienced workmen, we solicit a share of the public patronage end will try to merit it. s, a. sstiwse Lewisburg, May, 1854 NEW GOODS ! Mammoth Head Quarters! J. & J. WALLS nAVE again filled tbeir spacious Shelves, Counters, Cellars, aud Rooms, with a careful selection of SEASONABLE GOODS. embracing everything required in the way of DB Y GOODS, GROCERIES, HAKV WAKC. SALT, FISH, c e. for the families of ... The Farmer, The Mechanic, , . The Uniulieeper in whatever vocation, wnicu wr umi m friends and new on the most accommodating terms. We invite pnblie inspection. taSS-PRODUCE of all kinds wantea, at tbe highest Market prices. Lewisburg, May, ISM AdMlettatrator'a Nolle. , 1VTOTICE it hereby given tbat Letters of i Administration on the Esiate of Robt.O. H. Hayes, late of Went Buflalo Township, iT-in c. dee'd. have been granted to tne -..laeai.nerl hv lha RetfiSteV of Union Co. i due form of laws therefore all persons lodeb. ted to said Estate are reqaatMd to asaae im mediate payment, and those having an lost claims ara alao request, w prvaau m..- prperly anthentcfjed "'"js, DAVID HAYES. June f9 1SM Adminisvatert. IM S gtyL ! CLOCKS all kinds nf 8-dny and w-hour Brass Clocks and patent lever lime-Dieces. Brass 8-d iv clocks at $1. brass 30-hour clocks as low as $1. All ctks warranted for one year at J. L. YOkEB a ; , . ekeep Ctuck, Watck and Jtwtly .' lore, opposite I.Iihnjs & Co.s, Lewtsbarg. WATCHES Gold and Silver Levers, Leplnes, and Verge. Gold Watches from ti i $100, al J. L. YODER S cheap Watch and Jewelry store. ' JEWELRY of the latest pattern of all ;ual ities fur sale at the lowest City prices by J. L. YODER. SILVEFwTEETable, Tea. Desseft, Salt and Mnstard Spoons, silver warranted ina.' to coin. Silver Tea spouos from $ upwards, no charge for Engraving, at J. L. Y.ODER'S. , ( OLD CII AINSLadies' Chatetaiu. Gold Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, from $10 to $10. at J. L. YODER'S. SPECTACLES Gold. Silver, Plated, and Steel, snitable for all a?es. All kinds of Glasses put to Spectacles at the shortest nofree. ramcular attention paid to fltting Glaaees for weak eyes. J. L. YOUEg. PLATED WAKE Cake and card Baskets, Table Forks, Spoons and Batter Knives. Teaspoons silver-plated on the best German silver, $1 per i doz. All guoda warranted lo give satisfaction. All kinds of Rneraving at the shortest notice at J. L. VODER'S. 1 OLD PENS ill prices,ia Gold and Silver T Holders, and without holders, for sale cheap at J. L. VODER'S. Cheaper than Ever! NEW GOODS 1854. THE undersigned respectfully announce to their friends and the citizens of I'r.ion countr, thai they have opened a new Block ol DRY tnOODS, embracing every descrip tion of LADIES' and MEN WEAR. aNo a complete lot of FVRS1SHIG GOODS, &e. Their stock or UKUL'tKlta is very large and cheap. Also an extensive slock of HARDWARE. Their assortment of QTEEXSWARE is one of the finest ever brought to this section of eonntry. and extremely low. VsWheir stock of G ods having been par chased at extremely low prices and for Cue, enables them to offer unusual inducements to purchasers, as respects variety, style, and prices. The public are resrectfullv invited to call and examine for themselves before pur chasing elsewhere. COUNTRY PROhl Ct: ranUd, in exchange for Goods, and the highest market p.xes alluwed. REBER Si TORSE. Lenisbarg, May 3, lt5i Ii Perfect Fits! JOIIX R. MILLER carries on th. Tailoring business, on his own hook, at hi- old stand on North Third Strcet,whrt he will attend to Making aud Culling as usual, f he FASHIONS received from New York. All work done in the best style and on tin most reasonable terms. Produce received a Market prices. ILawisbnrg. Sept. 3, 1S13 JOHN B. MILLER. Summer Fashions for 1S54, From Ths P. Williams, Bruadway.New Yoik. just ree'd by J. B. MILLER, Lewisburg. New Spring Goods ! THIRST OF THE SEASON! We have this I' day opened a large and beautitul avit meat ol Spriug Goods. Persons in want ol New Styles of Goods and at low prices, are respectfully invited to give us a call. A pi J. HAYES A CO. SPLENDID assortmentof .Mlks.Shallies Armenia. Wool Delaine. Persian, am! Lawn DRE9S GOODS, to be bad at very low prices of J. HAYES & CO. -O INCH AMS and Prints of all de-enptions, J also 100 pieces extra 61 cts 1'nnts to be bad cheap ol J. ti. i a- . u. T7XCELLENT assortment Wool. Ingrain lli and Hemp CARPETING, also Droyset Oil clothe, colored and wbite cotton and hemp Carpet Chains, at lowest prices ly J. HAYES CO. O PERM. Tauners', Fish and Linseed OILS and White Lead, best qna'itr at April 13, USt J. HAYES & t'O 100 I.BS of excellent FEATHERS lc be had of J. HAYU-s et iU. IIUSSEY'S GRAIN BEAfER, for cutting both Grain and Grasp. ANL'FACTLKED and for sale al the Lewisburg Foundry by t.EUUEss. MARSH dt 1 1 FAniXT GROCERY. Ham, Shoulders, Lard, Tobacco, (IOAR. Raisins, Lemons, Oranges. Figs. I Crackers, Cheese, Stationery, a large variety of Conftctionaries, Ae. Ax. fcr sale bi II. K. KENNEDY, Murray's ol J stand. Market Square, near 3d Si Lewisburg, April I, I'M HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES 1 )1(EPARED by Rodemacher & sheep. Apoinecaries to tne iioiniropnuiic ii- pensary. No. : Arcn street, rnuaueipnia. constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale and retail.in Lewishurg. al Hie unis tore ci Oct.S,'a3 Da. T. A. H. THORNTON. NOTICE.-Apylication will lie mait to the next Legislature to change the name of the Lewisburg Saviws InMitiinon." located at Lewiahurir tn the cotintv of I'nion. to -THE LEWISBURG DANK," with Ot,r Hundred Thousand Dollars adJ iiRtial capital and authority to Issue Its t.wn ntee for cirrn- lation i anhjeet to the provisions t "e general banking laws of this C'cmmonvftiih. By order of ine ):rerur5: II. T. 8HEI.LFR. Treasurer. Lewishnrp, Pa., June S, 18M Notice. TETTERS Testamentirv n the Fu-e cf j WILLIAM A. PAT1EK.-ON.l:. e ol Kelly township, rleeeaied. hatme been inrd to the subscribers by the Rcrisier of Wills of Union County, all persons imU bied to aid estate are requested lo mate pnymenf.and all persons having claims In present them, prop er! autheaticairit. for sru'ewrnt. , THOMAS tOVIT,)r.. rllmi . f nirra sire a 11 vi. n. r. riA 1 i-c July it. 1864 w "TOTtCE. Persons gnwihc thenve!ve LM indebted to fes. ei'her by Note or Bonk Account, are requested to call and e:tl toon. t. B KFEME1 PO l-vir ir, ArrilMP - J A NEW STOCK OK Boot! ani Bckt a4 iSivotf. futloiieij." fpilE subscriber anaeenees u bis frieadf X and tne public generally ihal be has jua . received front Phiiadeljitia a .tuge aj.d exes) I lent assortment ol e - i ! miivs jot et3 ! comprising everv kmd and vir r . t ; ; mea's Buols, Gaiters, Monroes. I lr: rr I . T , - i ' Ladtet fine ai -Basgias, Jeotiy LissH, tti t!?s ' f!" v--' i and most approved style. j Boys', Misses, anr? Chi ft:, n Beots.Lace Boot,Ci:;t. .l . I style and variety ov '..-!.". CCT,.. selection of the School a;..! C.'- w:si! BOOKS now in ose in our Aeaden.i s aid t hoc! together wtrh a geoi assusisaea: U Mttt!'. trwrw, etc The above goods have leen ela led and writ be sold at very reditt.e! ;:n-tj. Tbe undersigned also eotfrnar-'. u.t.: "at litre Boots and Shoes of every dc- - ;.t:' t order, and from his long rspener. a.-J :. determination to tpare no effort or ti 'n. ;w please, he hopes to merit and receive a i.i.u ' share of business. JOHN HQl tb i t.V Lewisburg. May . IMS Vutveraify Tledirinr. Fsrsa a Socs Crsis si Fwaaa tele K-ttv.i, PBE I'aiverrlt. r.f r.e- V. .-;na anS INfalr R. t-r Mtse. chaj ' :u ; 1 'I I n nf I'.naa.ti i i i I laar kmIul :. Aj i. 1S."3., main!? Jbr ILr jDrj o of areuaibe tMe e.i.a re.aiuua froaa tSe nle . : nit,, and iiat-S'Ton. ncatrbm.. alau Sir the warpce 1 ; 1 1 inr tin- .i.t,ie wBb leuatle reei-W.ee la eaai a I teS the patient aa aot attain er will net eBfrle tBe S nolkal alefer. naanar I. err aaa. J sliat tnalaal reat elr. JVjVar J'a fuale Mlslare. an aaraaat af It jn. ' ceivVray end known enWar In Saw trwatnaent af Save aaJ Aae,aitakraalee4aSVtKine,kane.nailat.an in rtcr.anM-airf it In th kiakeat ternta Sa Ska rauiaa TKIWrt COaman'T enreSte OWSM BtAr " Bail BY BOOT. Tba tew Inatitatian esk-neM rta aneti a. m l.ke Banner, toll. r. nir ij fcr '-tewel Cr aa. plaint, ' o well knows aa I ewaad'a . r. art tint HlarkiM-rrv B'eM, anu earav.t'r rr..ri. .aaij B la tke c-a flil. nee of ratiealaaStirted vitk tarei na alaiala t. avef ing it tu teinialnaXleln tLe- tteatau u. ol enc. ... r Iloi. I!, n-r K f :r i a. I lion. i. B t .aarcn, Bj onlr.rtheTrnatea, J 1. kn K. k. aud. it. B. (B. K. a -Bum. a. , Hector Orr, Bar all coeaainnlcattnn to k at'.-.. .-.Ma W Bo. .til. M 11, b-aj f ti e !iniaeeata.-.'ij..S mv rr.a:.iatef Ike Eb.ritr. li aj. l-v.uaare aaaua!c,Xo.JTalifn.aatraa . PhtlaJ. ilua. BrolB li.inaarr at tne Store af Br- I A U ll.ok.NVu, 4 fO . ion'jl.ry. TO LtMBERMEX. ANTED 30 h. 10.01 ft Mtf'.t r.i It f tl) to 30 COO do J 4 10 ki 50 000 fi 3in.A.h.':an 0 In 911 f.ln t. 12 .1 . to be delivered ibis e mmz Fali a:: ' "5 w the bank of the River at Harnsl-u'.-.T. Ltip..ltj 01 g'.oa quauiy ana strait gia.tr j uaLlrd.) i 1 . .1, 1 .... . aiopua.ua wall vw reectveu u.I clrpl. I 10 furnisii'nr the above, aad persons set.dirg pro posals will state ihe qnar.tity and qualm if tka different kinds they can furnish, and vbea. terms 01 payment easn oa delivery atf inspection. Address (nnst-paid) 480 VT.O. I1ICKOK, Harrrsborg. Pa. DAGUKKKEOTYPESr S PIKER UATrTX would inform lag public that tney bave fitted np a ition ipr.S3jj fair i&sg"irtoljiprpg, in the New Building ever Dr.Thomton'a Drag Sture entrance al the firt doer. Bp suirs a where ib.y art prepared to perform any work in their liue in the best style of ihe art. We can lake p.etures at almost any hour in ths day. Chi.drro taken as well as adults aad, other prctures copied, As we bave bow a permansnt location. Itte4 up purposely and exclusively fox Dagtrafrno typing we tuisk we can render entire saiisfac tion, and reptctfuHy under cur services. F. sPYKER, Lewisburg, Aug. I, 1853 JL.HAWN. JACOB DYER, CAmtnssA, M Would inform his eld friends and tht public generally on the Wrst and Aorta) ttraurh,that he continues ii keep the STAGB HOTEL, in the center of the Town, and ask a fair share of patronage". Pep. B 1 )RE$ERVINC and Ptcklme JARK josi r-eo and for sale at the Mammoth Drugstore. Pg U. THORNTON CO Jl'ST ree'd aud fi r sale at the JUm : , Drue t .re a large sopp'y of Dr. irx? genuine BITTERS, f. rmre of Dttrr'!i.e:r Aug 10 Dn. 1 HOKNTCN . CO Iltkograpblc Prlatl? T-iu j ai.d a larre u,namity ol Pit IT HE', -u. Kramins, aad t.r D awn:g Tai I rrs. f . - k. oib;:au. K.VT. Corner Fifth and -Mail.--. 5!1. GERMAN and FRENCH Langvaree.Lri v ine. Pa mine, and Drao;hnng, tang: t by k f Lewisburg. Sept, 1. 1SS3 "Small Prf,Jit3 aitd Quuk Suttt.' BARGAINS t 'it CHEAP STORE UROt. lI V tIlLBItI. Xi JE take this method nf 'brming the f public that we Vve tiled np the old VSIOX TRAI1. (gSTORE, where we would in rite especial attention ta our stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Groceries and PJSff, which can aot fail to please, either in regard1 to price or quality. Our goods have been bought for cash, at the lowest price, and will be sold on accommodating terms. CASH wiil be paid for ail kinds of Cruta and the very highest price paid, in goods, n.- every description of Ifnmitlit Pndutt. Turtievilie, May, 1SS4 Kap Of tTtlonlCOcnty. "VOWin course of preparation, a Mi tf i I'nion Couuty. V3 by 17 inches IB size, t-xhilniin ail tbe principal mopmain aj I trcair. township and b rofeh I fe. rroiij, snrl streets. p sm fi"rce rhnfehes. ftulle.acbeeU houses. Axv Ae . wnh Ihe proposrd Dtrmrq line. It vi!l le sc!d at "f t .1 0 in plain ty)r I.C.1 al.rn coii.rrit. I.T5 vi.'ih rrtt'-in bsrk ana rol.rrs, and l.f 9 when Itutin'rd aadrab ied. The Bubsciil er asks the It-an cf drafts, cti-., as he is rifsin n of maktre a rorrerl. btcd.- some, and nsefnl Biap: snd asks Hit ):'& age of ibe public generally. K trt.kitAN. Lewisburg. May !. . Dr. Jacob llorlacbf r, , TJOTANH; PlIVSICIAN. having rtgnls' rf. 1 his health. h .resumed, his r''"'! f the healing art. ITis stirerrr fAt.tE is snll in great it m -nd. and all r rpfell a Mialr . New Berim Mtv, J.Hf , f C'CaoOl ORDElffl Ba'y prir.red rr fay t aaie al te Ctrm'eu rrhre- 1 f 1 P, I :s.i II: ill I'll t it' .i I .1!;' it' s; s- m1 V -. 1 I!: mi S.I aSS- 1M . u III f"i7 T':. a V