JUL, 'I; LEWISBU11G CHRONICLE k WEST BRANCH FARMER. ti tr I' If ' i'j ll); VUllSqS ElfliiJI-Hlit. We cro the Prairie a? of old The Pilgrims crossed the fci. To make the West, as th -y ihe Eat, The homestead of the tree. We go to rear a wall of men On Freedom's Southern line. And plant tx-snle the C.lton-tree The rur-rrcd Northern Pine ! We're floa-inj from our native lulls As our free rivers flow; The blessing of our Mother-land Is on us as we go. We go to plant her Common Schools On distant prairie swells. And give the Sabbaths of the wild The music of her bells. l'pbearin, like the Ark of old. The Bible in our van. We go to test the trmh nl Ood Against the fraud of man. No pause, nor rest, save where the streams That feed the Kansas run, Bave where our Pilgrim gonfVoa Shall flout the setting sun! We'll sweep the Trairie as of i ld Our fathers swept the Sea, And make the West, as they the East, The homestead of the free ! national Era. J. (.. hitti.s.. from th Saw Befliil HWI Samaritan," M H&l. How to do Good. ... - Wg m this counlj-, from au Lutein State, , a young man who cugagd in teaching aour r,fmn,J,. i1M iucreasel, our prufits chool. Reins of a religious turn, and , l,avi. ,,,. udiui; no Sabbath seliool iu t'.e m, bo, :t to work to establish one. lie tuccecd ;d. and had the sutVt1-? of buhoidiug. before he left the place, ft rr.vj..:rt Sju- dty school consisting of Uglify or r.":u tv kvbidars. On takii.g Ic2V?, lie urged :;. v.!i' wi-re scholars nr.'!' i to '. .c : i 1 bey d. i . Tlio i'jeoid t-r f : i,' - .1 li-.V 2.;..-h e- "... to i .-iieh i ". 0 1, g ur-1 tritjii! i.l nr. b.- & :-.t- it.'. i:i..t .eti- 'ioi. .UU a little i'-'u a w.-.rL iimii ' mi: i tfl'ori, it we Lave "a f-- art to inoliucdl'' It c-st tliat --ui very lti -'iTa ei:i . no ti .ubt in it a j.lt-sur. ti g.-t up t'..t S'un-laj j echooL Hut, L L.-i.:,'' bow fcrsat a m.Ud j . i:,, fi, l,i:..,l, - 'l :,t ,ehoo l.is m i ti t- uiv ...... . .ven iu one! iti.-tj iiiue or ten viars. Tu -re I . Lave a-tt-V'.id regularly on the S.ibbalii, during tbia long time, t!ie eu:Mien of lhc,,f j.ajxr, t- :iil it by getting one or town aud neighborhood, to pr.iise Ood and j ni.ire sul.si-ribi rs.rS learn Lis holy will, who would otherwise. : ' J7r'm J.rVT have speut he day in idlcne.-s and in com-! X1 iii'jii 5JjSiliJ Ji)JJ mittiug sin. Kur'.ng tho?e tea ycirsj i-iviCPTTn IftinrilV what multitudes of chiMrcn have received; IX IM)UilU iUAlHiJll religious iu.-lructiou iu that nchool ; and Will commence on Moxdiy, April 17, 1854, how many that would never lme received j to continue so weeks. The course ol Instruction in this Insntution it in any other way . Iiw irany, whose . ; . (.1, ;nIH t., nrepare youthsto enter College minds received then the first ferious im-1 or f-.r general bu-iness. ..... , . .. . oip.-siii- n and Declamation receive care- pressious, with which commenced a Hew i fu at.;iIjin- traio of thoughts and feelir.gs, resulting in i The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class their conversion to God and dedication to! f Vumhc Ladin. . . i - r ' O.ir constant aim in the improvement ot the his cause, inducing them to turn their toet- fapiK js , Tt,nAeT ,h. nhripl.nc of the school, from a life of siuful indulgence to the pur- as well as the mere imparting and acquiring Wit Of hflliness, and lending them forth of knowled.subserv.ent to the highei -ohjccw, u.t u. ui,mi,j, . , - . ' 10 u'it,the formation of a good character, based to be 50 many centres from w.iich are ra-; Upn iin.l moralitj-, and the preparation of diatine litrht and peace and j-.y on the ; the y.-uth by well established habits of order, , , i, . enerjv and independent self-reliance, for use- world around . I fulnevs and success in life. Ajid, how pleasant and eneonmgirg tli . rUe n.b'.e is in daiky use in the school, thought, lsng afWr thit yn'ing nnn f ball ! Tuiticn. For Languages $10, Higher Eng , , .t,i i.i. !. i . ! lish S. and common branches, (including have forgotta that phca aud that :hool ; writing. Geography. Arithmetic, ftftcr tho imago of ever? bright eye and Grammar and I'.H. History) $6 per session, smiling face in that Su'mhy eW t P fjoknB'SD0LPII. Lae faded from his recollection; after he' M.lrch 17, I85L Principal ihall have "yielded up his trust, and gone to 'Hha Louse appointed for ali living," j the influence of that one giol act shall con-, tinue to be felt, in a pure and 1 calthful! stream, having its source in that one deed, and flavin" OU through successive gcuera- tions, cer uideuing and increasing until ft COuuliCSS niuiuiuaj suaii oo luciuucu iu tho reach of its diffusive bcneCcencc ! TuE GOOD WE IX), SUAI.L NEVER DIE. How immonse the benefits that may flow on in eternal duration from one small act of self denial from single effort to serve Gxl and do good to others ! "A trareter through a insty road, Strewed acorns on the lea, And one took root, and sprouted up. And grew into a tree. Love sought its shade, at evening time. To breathe its early vows. And Age was pleased, in heats of noon. To bask beueath its boughs; The dormouse loved its dangling twigs. The birds sweet music bore, It stood a glory iu his place, A blessing evermore ! A tittle spring had lost its way Amid the rrajs and fern ; A passing stranger scooped a well, Wliere weary men inii;ht turn ; H- w iled it in. and hung with care A t,.i'.- the brink .. :. r.. , .....I he HZ, '- . ' "i drink. , . ,. ;..e w .' l.s I A -f life, a ier - , ray. A in -i.i. 'V i.ti!ie. The thugrit wis s i; .ll iis issue gr--a A watch-!:ie bill. It sb"ds its radiance tr r)own. Al l Cl.-cri lle Vii!.0V s-:ll ! "A nsm';cs inn,aui-. 1 a trci 1 Tnat :hror.s?1 thedai'y mart, Let f.id a word of Hjpe a:-d Love, Cnsiudied Irmr. the hear! ; A whisper on the Minttlt thrown A trausuory breath b raised a brother from the dust, It saved a sonl from death. O germ ! O-fount! O word of love, O thought at random cast! Te were but uttii at the first. But mean at the last!" j Parasise rus Houpekeepebs. In JefiersonviUe, Taicwoll county, Vs., good the firm of Tustin, Stuart and Lewis, he hav bultor i. filing for 8cU. per pound, fre.h j ;aW-8 ggslcta. per doicn, and fat chickens TU8TIH, STUART it LEWIS. doaen, j Marli 4,484. Telegraphingnew Rate Table. From Ijficifliuri to 1 HarrNbjrj ! Daupliia 'Junction ; Liverpool i M'K.-s 1 fill j Sditnrove .' IVvi.iencs j fVnntuii i Pulsion I Kinirtn $0.28 Berwick $0,18 25 Bloomsbnrg 17 23 Cattawissa 1 1 21 Danville l- 51 Chapman 20 20 Carboa;lale 2C 25 Diinmi.re 25 35 Hvde Hark, 21 21 W llkesbarre - 20 I'lyuionih 80 I 15 Buioni;burg 18 13 Danville 13 15 Sunbury s 17 M'Ewensville 15 18 Williamsport 17 20 Lock Haven 18 lleech Creek 2 31 llelk-fonte 21 litional word 1 cent to all sta 1 Northumberland Mil'olt i Munrv .. vi. Mill Hall Mile-, burg PhilaoY-'phia For every tiom un this hue N'.t now in operation. !"ff".ll oilier stations west and south of Philadelphia, rate increased 9 cenis. A Word forOitrsclrcs Sinou tlic (.'ii-imVi came into our bands, wo hnvo i lotlied it in new tvpc, at a ct of f!iM) or SI0O Oirice reut has nearly doul.k-I l'i iiitiii(? paper has advanced or k.t cunt. The number of workmen cmjihiyed is larger 1'anuers' produce is ;(.e U 0r ,erm ' .JvanccJ. Thus., wl.il. .but our terms r.iv. r.nin:i!.le inference from tho.je ; l.r':ii is that WE MUST BAISE RTF.S fif CIIA!!!KS, or our miif. lt nmst ..;. r.o tTK-reaM of PATltnSACB. The i p:t.jrs :t!ove lis o:i t!ie es: i.r.ineii, aioi ; J simr- ,n ' N'.rl?i l:-ancli no 1 elsewhere, i , !. ; , .;. 1 thr-r i -bur-res. Vc olioo.e to i: : - v.-:ir 1 mg-'-r at. the old rates, j i ;ii,-i.; tii1:" v.e in iv lie favored with sueh 11 -Ml M ,-4w i.f Siil-s-Tiliers, Advertising, i W'. rk. as may etiable us to keep ! nti-t -I t ni ir old r.i:cs. I Iu almost ev.-ry ni-i.bbnrboo,!, within I'li) m 'L-s around L-wi.-biirg, additional j patr:is migl.t readily be obtained, j U't - ;i 1 -"it we. k!y !' papers in "' i r,-.. i- r. T-) r.rint. f-M. envelope, and !ir,' t singly. 52 times a year, affords but j mh-.I! pr--!ir iu-b-ed. If each ouc now! i.-fi-. :.p. r ab.no will pet one or more . 'i-.i' -" ... j...o ....... w will fo loore Kaft-Iv. and uflord t i. . - ....,,;. ,v. t, nnrnv ,t, TKEfJ. S. CHRIST, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST, 9Iiniliilnirr, I nion County, Pa. AVINti purchased the entire Uru? Store formerly ept by T. J. Elliott, dee'd, I . - - lhe " Jji-tiqs. CifCiiiL'iiis qi)0 J)i-?'iff. Also Paints, Oils, lilass. Putty and Patent Medicines. Brushes and Combs ot every variety. A fine assortment of JEW EL!! Y, such as Watches.gold and silver Pencils, Ear and Fin ger Rinzs, Breast Pins, Ac. &.C CardsEn velopes, Note and Letter Paper. Sorjjts and I'crfiintrry. AH kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil. Pine Oil and Burning Fluid. Liquors of all kinds, for medicinal purpose. Violins, Flutes and Ac- cor.leons. Nuts, Fruits and Confectionery . and in fact, almost anything in the way of So- tions and General Varieties, fall and exam ine for yourselves. I charne nothing f .r look ing. THEO. S. CHKIST. j Mifflinburg, Pa Jan. 2, 1651 ly Lif9 Insurance Companies ! j London .V..'i.m Ixtan Fund, I (25 Cornlull, London ; 71 Wall St. Work) j t-VCapilal !j;2,5a(l,li00 1 SZl'ia TJr hinurantt Cotuoanu, (lLirtf-r.l. f irniA 1 ; "Annuity Fund i?150,0t-0 Kfif -' - - ..'.-'.:. . i :-:a;.-i.hur-r. Pa.) i t.v'C.ri'a' '?!W.f!00 J in ?!-.- at" vr f'i '-i-.:ii-.,-s can be i r '. . - ii r-isonab'e ie.u.4, by appli . .-a:., -i " i--i r..:r. Odlili-rma risks, 3 U. C. ll'-'KK. Ilflr. rc-tuoval. y V.'INEff AilE has re-moved from 2 . uiv up t-wn back to the new build trii at the o!d had quarters, in Market street, iii..-ndi,i-"'v miir the" Chronicle " and Tele graph oifices, where he will be happy to "sui.'k?" anl "chew" his friends and ens to'ncrs, in rood style and quality at moderate cash rates. Lewisburg. Oct. M, 1853. ' IlEXCY C. I1ICK0K, ttarttrt) at fao, Lewlsburg, I nin County,. Pa. --riiTir.u' : i i. : . , , . i ucicoy yivcH trial Aosaiom IX B. Slllart has this daT lir. , The renowned Remedy ! ILOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT This xtror.!iniirv Unrarnt in roDii-orwl cf th mot licaliu tUlwiUi-, u4 wlx o mJ iii waitnlanr- the d.iVfUotui wbifli act-Miui-any "i11 !'"' cure wht n all otln r wvmim f 1- t'f H'f iui"t d-tTHt Mii" ilww rfati.lj- yHJ i il rW.-m-y. It t CttuoiKtikhfu UM' l in -.1 Uout.lUioumtiMU. CnirAttet vr StifT Juluti. in AtLiuiu it U do mouierb U ruUbixt into the CUvet- Most astonUliinffCureofSirrdfulousUlcew. certified ly the Jlayur uf liostoii, (Eu'.) j O'pf of a Utter from J. AW, Miyr vf Union, ; LinCf'.nt'iir. I Trt PR 'FE'S'if. ll LLOWAY I'-itrir: Mr.?ra1i Mx-m 1 of l.i.1u.rp..i.d utr.'t, l..t.n. Iui thli ly Ip-mI . ui 'ilmt !.)raou.-i lt raUtp ri!wwiisr rlv !..irua j willt N-r-lul'-U' mvr ni uIotx in ItTiirnis. f u I ami olh-r parts nf ti r tly ; an I alth m.li tli tir.a of int tli-"il a li uiu I.Uii'-l. at th- oiwt f a lai- ?uw if iu"ii-y. h ol.taiu.J no aWuuieiit of miffrrtu, but , -m-ttmUy nrvw wrs. , Ik-in u-i oiniu. n-l.-.l 1 v a frirn-l to try yosir O ntmmt. elm fiiw-uriHl a filial! of lh'' b-f'T- Hiat w:.tl usetl.tviiil t 'iin ..f niii. ixlim iit a:- a n il. Uv i-rM v.'iiu,: :tl !'' -ii iu ' !r a j-IutI Lmu n, r iiiiJ.ii- tu tlit-Jirtvli-'ii'. Hii-1 utmly ft'lhenu- t Wyotir rult- ;:t to li.'t. At' . -litf vat jtrlcitlj .ar.-J, aL,U . uow etij-o tbe bf.t ol ht-airti. I rviuaiit, il-ar fir, I P itf.J A in. V 1MX (Mrn. 1) J Noitl.E. KxtraorJinaryainl ni-'ulCuro of Errolas in the Leg, after medical aid Lad failed. T- I'm!" (!.r li.iuoway ir: I I t i' ra- , M ptThnl f.om a M-n-i"' at(a-k el l.i'v 'i ' h..1i t , ll-nrflh i-tlKM in my 't r-.-u ! nil m--.i' l tn-at- ttf any nTm int-nt amt n Im.'i t. v. i.. n 1 : ailiis-! t" ltv-r.-.. urn- tKV.iirOititiii-ai fi. -. 1 !:. iili..iit d.'iav. :;iui aim imppv tr jmytltw rfuli was nim.'fitiy .u.-.-ftil. 1 t lt- t-i: . ( 1 a r-tili'-a' m- (.1" inv ! a m- rtt-rcl dip tti tV inj.iynn'tit ft t.iitn. i fl:iU vr siu uh ulvt'u' utmost iii..l.-n.-. a y.iur m'l.'-."i' . nn-1 hz r iiiit .-ii'It-1 t:t ii t. fill- r? in tl;l' tifiiitnjrliKtJ i-iutil.trH alll.fl.-a, wlm .irivf.l i-r:tt If-m lit. 1 am. .ir, viur olilici.-a ai I initl-fti -.-rvaiit. iil LLUUiLlII VI.ATK3. TItc ri11Kh"uM lw uflt-lnjii:utlj iib tl Oihtui.nt in ni -I "'1 L.i-' l'..iiiwme OiiS'-,: It il l.'t ri.ilhlnlns l; ti linU Ch;:pit lliirii4 ll.tn't. Huiii Cr:i iriofl) Ititt s r.f M - I 'afiffri rlift.- ami Ciiitni't,.l Santl-Fiif and Miif Fi-tnlas P-,rc Tlirnntp (lout ijli, ji.tnr l...i)il:i ('i-urvv - r.- Il- a.i? Txtii . 1 1-.T.. S'.M at tin K-Uh'i-hment f l'r -f. .-.r II .u t,'JI4, PtraiLl-HL'rlVliipW liar. I. til.u tit-J -al i i- lt--u p in Ni'v York. i .l-r l.ir M-'i- in. - in tli.- r i ..i T. 7W.iv. SfW I'.r'r" rv '.v- lti- :t't- tit. .v.. .-.iM al- hv all r-;ftaMi-Ir;ii'::M hh 1 .l.-ul. r-in M- ii' in- tlirAii-l...;tt I lit- L nit.'.l MjiI.-. in :it 1 . SV ct ;. aid $'.r - a -Ii. V. Wchal- l.y Hi-J riit. ii.l br.i; house in tin' t'nion. 1. 'there it ri rnntiilrr.jf.1f gartHf t-tKi.-;j 'hef rr--r .B. lr.r.-f!i"tis f.r the cu.-l.ince l iu 'urj tliortiT arf afliT' 4 t- pn'-h I'-.t. CIm'1 Ii SjIJ by Dr. KlIMl'i:!?, Milllinb-ir-; SUMMKR FASHIONS-ISC-! ! HIT, C AP & CI.OTIII. STORK, &iut Last Corner Markrt and Third .V. J. & F. Spyker nAVE just opened and for sale cheap for Cah or in exchange for country produce IlatN Moleskin Xos. 1, 2, 3; Silk No?. 1. 2, 3 ; Angola Nos. 1, 2, 3 ; black curled brim, pearl and flat brim Hungarian, fine brush, uia;gon, wool, for Men and Hoys. Summer Hats from Panama down to a levy chip. Caps of the latest sly'es and cf every des criptioo, to suit everybody. C'lolIlillS I'oats, Panl, and Vest-, for Men aud Boys ; Shirts of different kinds shirt collars, stocks, handkerchiefs, gloves, socks, in short cvervthiug to wear from bead to foot. Also Carpet Bags and Trunks. Thankful to onr customers for past favors we hope for a continuance of the same, as our prices are low. tJive us a call and examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Panama. Leghorn Hats, and Bonncis -iht- rrv.n An ratsstn on sh.,rt notice and reason aL'e terms. .May, IWt DRUG AND CHEHICAL EMPCRIUI nE-oiy:.y:D. Dr. TIIOU.VTO.V & Co., WhuTeailc & IlcUtil Drvj'juts, LcwLLurg, OFFER to their friends and the public a lar?e and well selected slock of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spices, (pnre,) l)ye-Stufl's, Brushes, Combs, Perfume ry, Soaps, Fancy Notions, Fruit, Confectionery, Books, Stationery, and a variety cf ariicles too numerous to mention. tiivc us a call ami judge for yourselves we charge nothing for looking. Kemember the Maminoih T)ni3 Store! Hit. T. A. H. THORNTON & CO. IIAIIKISBUI1U 1JINDEIIY. J.J. Clyde &, r. I.. ISu.trr, .Vir:ccii,,M to W. 0. Tlfleik if C. Book I5ixnt:rts AXt Statidntrs, and Blank. Book Mam fai-tlrkus, ll.trrishunj, MOST respectfully inform their friends that they arc engaged in the above business i v directly opposite Herr's Hotel, at Th v . flatter themselves, by careful attention lo their ; boiiir-s--, to receive a continuance cf the pat ' ri'.in.-e s- lib -raliy enjuved by the old firm. I! LANK UHOKs for Hanks. County Office, Merchants, and private individuals, and every ; variety of full and half-bound constantly on j hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Hooks, i Periodicals, Magazines, Law Hooks, Newspa- pers, Bibles, Music, works issued in Nos., Ac I bound in any style, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Please give ns a call. C. ec II. IT Hooks &c. to be bound may be left with the Editor of the Chronicle. 5. .9 MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, NEATLT i EIPEDITIOCSLI E X E C V T E D AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lcwisburff. H. GERHART, Surgeon Dentist. A T ReIcef Sooth ThirJ 8t. .corner 2V ofthe Board walk. LXW1SBVRG. 399 The Old 3Inuimo(U pTrgj rruclimcitiun to the Citizens of DlilUinbursr anl Vicinity. PaiT.rmachr, Hydro-EUctric Voltale Chains, ioXsTIIUCTEU tc be worn next to me .ml IVUUl uu w - skin, prducoing.a constant current of electro mat-netisin, elt:cting immrauuc rnw a ucuc pubis, ani a Permanent Cure all Xeuralic Dlwast. PlI,VEKMACIIF.It S EIXCTKIC CHALN3 WVr.- Ilrt In Fr.mre.Wir- fln'.('r tHo cur of n -r...i d..n-.,i. l aft-rl-" .l....fit.-a t I h-tli-.M- trial ID wry h.. IU1 1" V rl ly the io.Umto - J l-r,.f-w.,n in tl.at citv. lh--y rcr.,min-uJ. .I to I . (.oi. rum.-nt of l-'nuiM. wliifh irrii.t s l-U;ut fjr tin dtamtl. IWrtwt Uw y-ar if -l-A thejr w "tni.lo.-. a in .brawny. A..tri. I'l U.-fa. n-l KnlanJ, .i.J -n yr uu iutru.lucrf n I rtur4 by Ih., U. S. 0.rul.t. r.i..-1-.aiu.n, ""n,r,' l-ainful :oi-l SwWl. dJ-.iaU., '''f,V?""","f ,'" , " ' S.-..r,ilrf of IIM- Ka., r-r.a.li,ml llr,ul .,1.. .. af,., s l:l,nlnr.-s f","n. HlMiw, l.l-KI-.a, I l l'r...-llj, i uirUtv and r.u.Jly r. J, l) ui ly wiring tl Chain Th, r:iiu .ro (ir-t intrnd.ioi d In tl. city i.f V-w V .rk.h-n- thoy won WHte.l U, Pr.-t... .1--nn.. M-o, Van li.ir. n. P.l, Cuenm-lian, ko readily Wf crud tliat llj.-y Itw:,'.. ,t . .. - Xnvirt and Wa;"' fw r i y.iT x y ri. y kei.if.vi so i-aimi. ahrufX-r auplird. an I by tiw.r r,-, nmn,rii..at.,.n ar. I in-ll-i. i.oc tli. v w. o- ii.tr atonal int" ih . ,li.f-r. ot r.-i-it .In ot - V rU. and ar.- ni. in daily u-m thoaj l.i-lilu-ti.i in t:.-- tn ataitut vf th co. ut xhe iWiMaHBl discat-i1. .... . . . X.i Other Medical Agent , ,i .. i.i ...... ...Iut.in w mai.v wt'H autlienli. at r.-rtitii hi,'. f -'.r.' lr.,m m if-nu.-' i ,-,- - . -. ut rali-nt a ni b- f nin-l .n - I ain.hi. aim Ii j w.y I... i.buim.l,ril a- tli- l.rut- f I ; (-IKI-T. h., i- ..!-' iw".l f Mil!li.ib.ir :,n-l ri, ini.y I ; !,.. a ll cx--.ain Ilia ina..D- r of u-a: tn ujr one lw ni.,y j "'lir'i'lw rit r.f N- Tnrt, at tt. Onrral oin,. WW lT,,la:,'',li.'r: ar d.ily 1-inj f'A fn.m I'l W.aina an I !'.:' ak and d.-man'l in ll-.-um i' a- icrc:U l" pr-.i-T- I tion t,. Ilif i.-i-nhifi.'... allhoub. lu--y l:aveou!y Ueu iu- J tr.-du-.-l tl.r, iiwn.lia. T!.,' 1,,1.- T . niiv worn an ! arof.iU'.uy anr-li---.''l- j to nil .-I---- ,-r-i-iia ll'rti.l.J a fll av tli adult, f an-! ar-alw-y n . .iv f r us- n-r, r L-,-t oil. ,f n -,ir.:,i,d t a- in-l.'l a" art;.-,,, UI ornamrufc as iu- y uruui a ,.mu..-j.c lilt' ili "I" fit-,. Tin' (.li.iin enn rrrtt t.T mad t- any vart nf lua t.. -o. 1 , -t'i t-.? o'?:,iti d in ail II. pr,i,,vp.il ''i-.i,-.- iu tl.,1 nt ,n. riiv-i'-ianai-,: r-,U at, d to ,'sa-nit,.. tli, ni. Ii:.a T, I. II.!'-. l.:i l.es u ir-ar .-i. a r ar.- rt-iu w t n-t t , u-e tli in Lilly f,r a f.'.v nioni,nt-i at r:i, l, liin- of ' a'' '.tI. T r I'J I 'Ilg CUIi.lUUi 'I urt, UII.'LU, ,.u w ' qa-Mltv j r. -l'l ,'d. Jo ,-i"i .THNnt,T.;n Air nt. .r-' S r.rna,tw:,v.N,'-,.rk. 'I iliX). 6. CIUilnT, Ageut. Mirllml'n rjs. lyo'c 1 I'i.ion Co. la. Attorney ni I.aiv, LEWlSnUIlG, Union Co., Pa. r3u()KFiCE oa S. Second St. near Market. Krfers lo Jivn.Jtm'i f:-trn-iilf, n.V.rf.,nU, .. J.txn 1. II ilt, tin F r. Ilumrl .. rfu .. A -i H IV.Utm. LrwLiovn, A.J f'tin, .S'.,i..'.i,ri. i .Si",-rl i lin. II .',. ni'I'i'rg. I inn, .v .,-.'.' d ri . I hjd. 'j .',i,t. I.-Vltl,n.y, .l rii b-l. Lilitiiiii lloda. 4 FPU. mny vcam' close inTetil;stiun and V liumerou exiM-rimelitsi. the Patentee takes Pliasure in informing the ul lie that he his aitinci! il the ttue principle of protecting lamilir;, dvvclliiigs sod property from ihe de.lru3tive intlu ence of LIGHTNING. Tn cdbmiiics that every fiiy.Town, Village and Country falli vktim to annually, thro' the grosa nrglii;nice of iU lulu' iuritu, is beyond c.ilciilaiion, csprciully when the leuitdy is to ea y to obtain this U found in ABMITAGE'S p.jlcnt HIa2nctic Cijtjtniiig UoI)3, and in this alone. This Hod has liren examined by the mot ecirntific g. nl lemon in the norlJ Protetrom M'Murtrie, Johnson, Wallor and many othera that have examined them, lecomir.cnd and sprnkof them in the ltiliot terms of approbation. and bate pronounced ihcm Ihe only aa!e rods in ie in ihiKor any other country for the protection ol l.ivea and Property. One advantage i to divide and throw hack part of the el.c'ric fluid liiirmh't to ihe clouds ; in lime ol stroke this enuMct th" I rod to conduct that portion of fluid Ihnl t--1 ,ti lo the earth without the flighlc-t danger of l li ving the conductor. ThiK rod has niinv oll.er .idvatit.'igcti over the old one. The only pljce ot manuractuiir.g is in line .V. 3 doors above 1QA, Philadelphia, nhere all pcreon are rcspectCiillv invited to call and examine for lhemelvr. For ote Wh. 'eale or Ilciail Ly THO'S ARMITAGE. Orders promptly attended to. Terms cah. These rod have been purchased and success fully used by the follow iiiR iiulivijualn, coinpanieA and corporations, who.e bi.Ui.'j arc thcctluily submitted : In and n'frr rt.iW?, aiitinsr, Jadfro II .UTitr, Ju-U- limra-l. J. Mulli-r-f. j liirfTKI, lh Hlochl-'y Alii:-!!'. Amivi".n 4 i:ri ht r. 1 II. v. J. iirnt. Join VlniAn. T!hi. HrriTi-r. B't ; Houn?, A. It. iinkT, 11. titiim n.-, 1 t.oit. Suit a 'f., Mr. D.wiiiui. J. F.Ur.'iT, J. W. .tmit Hutu; t'f. .-.. I. Utplt'V A a.. J. Njrtnnn. U. Iiarl. il. J. OTcunlt.it . l' y- ; I-T, Ir. yhn.iefn. Mr. M.irrin, sj. I.r''ir .1. Iin!;Iry, mt. i'avb-'iii, vr. rui, r. u. roweis i o , j. h .n.-pt iiiir, - II. NiiKt, the K-.l l;..nk Il. l. !. Ii.,- L. ti. Ai.-cual, tl, rinjt "iitHfii (.".luiDiiimfru 1111. In lit fi't.tr fif Arm J.ru w (itvinr Cr'mi in. .Tn.V M fall. .In t-- l..)t.-n. Jf.hu NelniaD, Dr. 11. M Murtu-. .v .v.v t-orTr. IlirtUy Tp. Mark I.Allt tiny. nt. rtr. John Tln-tw. Mi. lit-l r'it?rfi. Jitcfit) tiuitti Iiuvi'l l'i,i)i;iti( KcitWn Men tli, Gi ori KN-rkner. A-w triin. Court H'u-, an.l l'i.ntii.ii-i'n,r' Ufii.-P. I.tmft--t.e Tp J.iitn K'.ht. t'ninn Tp. Dr. (.'Imrlfii Wils'm. Witi.hi union . J..hn Kiinla. tiiu-.n Kuntx. tin Tp. Isaac L'cuidruu. H tlUe lcer Michael JiuCtuaa. Philaua., Aas.n. 154T. T bare th day eairfully iniTt.'J a rt n-lii. t. r nr I.i.'httiiii!r K"l, with vnn aM iit.lrx. rr-rt-.l hy 1 htimiiii AiiJiitiiirt'f on Itt-llt-vue Ilnu-, .iluu,-t. r. ami liT( no n-fit:iiion in mviiije tliat ii if nntf-nly the b- ct 1 Lar.' pvir H-tn, hut thnt it it th miljr-.n' I harp y. t pxamin.-il llmt i?tc.n-truf tul on strictly fr-ic ntite j-rin.-i-pU-ft. Il it with4imeh iileaur: ttiat f ri-romnii Uvi hi couJuctorto tUt? atUutiou of owut-ronf Ixiil.tin'. II. M( MtUTItlK. I im wrll Fati-.fi.-! that th Majn. lie I.i.-liiiiini: K I, manif:u-ttiritl hy Mr. Tlim:iN Amiiiau', ot l'l:iln..-rIiia, i.- Uit lt that bat i'Tr lufti nifulf. 1 h;iT" n nrnt - i-ral 3r:ir in ttip MuIy of tin? I.iws of fit. -tru ity an.l ui.tjjurt-ii-in. iiii-l iiviv uo hf-ilatioa in Fainc tliat tii'-Ft liol- ire ron-trii t-i ujmhi tin- only ri in'ti-! !' r.-il ty. Tin el.-rtric nh'Tk is TVfivil and iiirr.l hy th mdnrt at tli top of tli.' put. ami it wciil.i bt- ini(M'Mihtf. artiinlinj to th l..ir of nttr.ifti n an-t r.-.uNiint f--r hmlJin to bo injur, il l-y n FtJi.fc of lijhtn.ue whn .rotrftt-l hy one ut th'!p ruJit. 1 liar. t-rn nr-iiiatnt.! with Mr. Ai mitnire for sr.cr.il ye.ir. ;nit f f lif -otninrii-t-i the miiutt fac tum f th. i-f r4 I t-xniniiir.! the riiifipl.-on wlii. h tln-y nr" rontru-'tctt, nntl f It n.:iTinrf. tlir.l th.-ir ail-!'ti.'.n b' att. n.Wil Willi omji!i'tr purr. . Th-1 iDT'-iviiirf .ciimn4 for thi-.t1 r: .l,:iiii tlicjpxt4u.-iTfsalt'. in all cart ! ,f iIh- uonnlry. iriamileciiHinii-nlatKn . f th.-ir nti it j.ui-i ' tni-ri.aritv. TltArV K. VA I.I.KR. M. I. i:iinj;ati. I'hilad.Co., April 10, 15J. tiTS.C. W1L.T and s.Wll fcr, HOOVHR, Hartfrfun, Union Co, Pa. ate A (rents for Union and adjoining Counties, and will lurni-h the I.04U on the fame terms and in the t ime manner as (he Proprietor. PIANO AGENCY. r.":--rvv.-; 1 1 V' :..ti.. nAVIXG bren appointed Agent for the sale of the celebrated Pianos, manufactured by geo. voraiT, riiiiad., the anJernicned wouIJ be happy to supply any citizenaof the Susquehanna country who may desire an Instrument well made, after the latest improvements. Two of theee Instrument hate lately been introduced into Lewisburr. to which I am happy to refer anyone. The Pianos are warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for a year, hey may be exchanged. Prices reasona ble. FR NCI3 J. GESSKER. Lewrsbttrg. Feb 84 I95S. NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notes (blanks) at this office. Almanac for 1851. i H "8. , a H. 3! 7 ? 'I5ll ,! ,! i I ' 1 6 t I.I Ullf. II 10' 11 I n;i-ii:. S. n!fit'..i: .:if, :,i-j..lJ7ls;-. W 'jlU.'il' i-7'-v'--'l-l- ..,.. I 3 ! 71 l:i; 1 1't r si " 3 4 S j tul n ! i-j If. 1 -' i " 1 1 '- ix: '.. imil'l-j i.,i;:lU l! ' :.' 4 :.l n j 1 fl ll,l-,.l Ul:l g llll.VI. ; 1 : I - f : ! !ii:-if.ai a: iii ap ! r, ! t ,2 nun.id ii'i.. tii'.i jii.d- i 1 1 -ji. -li..- rsi!4Sr'li .-..::;h':;i 3 4 :. 71 a; 2 In ltil-J -l:i 11,1.'.; I IT'.l"'".2'-.-1.-i--' a I i -I1 .; m al '.. I.. 1 I'J I'.' S i;Vi.vl7;Kl'ii-..; w; s-j 2-. -i,-'i,U' U. , 4 ft I 'I 7; H 11 I.-H-:.II5 I S, 10 J.l.-Jl ;-J J H'.ii. Wiifa -9 .1 11 Il a II 1-.' -' l : il 1 l-'.l7i l :!!. I 'ilj 3 a 4 ii 1.-. I 4 1 1 f. i ! i7 I -J I ; ''"J i -"' , 'J I ;;!::7 ii-!-'.':-" :!! -n :aj I IWiiilielil Woolen Faelory f:r llari:."loi, I r.lon Couiilj. 1II1S ,-sta!)!iliment ir. r.o-.v in the l e-t order. The machinery I'm? nearly all ncir. and none l.ul ihe b -?t of woi kr.icn employer!, the sn!erib.T feels sale in sayinr; tlutt his work :,!ia!l not he surpassed l-y any eslatli-.li-m-'nt in this or the adj.'ining counio s. II.. .. .. ..-.11 t. r..,f,,l -. - IKIin! ni'd Ilia i !:...- ni.. I Ih..se wisliii.' to p.iir,.i.ic Lis t,i;:l.li!imeut, ! will please avail l!ic:ii--th es of that opportu- j nitv. IV I have also on hand, and intend keep- in-a choice a.vortinent of ,olS, such a. l-WJi, S,,t;rll,. rar, W. I I will sell low for cash, or ! exchanie for Wool and t'uiiii-rv Pr.o'nce "pn erally. " MRI II AI.Fi'E.N.N Y. H.irtlcton, April S-', !H.".:t tl" 'PlIK iiiiiiersiL'nr.l euiiliiiucs llic 1.1YF.- II V LCSI.YLSS at the Old S;nnd, ..ii North Tiiird St., near Market, ind n speet.'ul'y so'ieils the prilrnine ol I ffktiJ and :!,c ptil.Iic c'-r. rallv. CilAiil.ilS I-'. IICSS. l.ett'Hb irj !,. fl, 18o0 Jj fcj 1 jJil a' a' ,J-JZJ WKCLrSAI J: o::d KKTAIL DIIUG .tlarKcl Sfrccl, l.cv!si;:r?, fa. A A A. mm CHERRY PECTORAL For I bo C're mf fOrGIH, COLDS, U0RSrESS ER0(HITIS, WII00FIC-101GU CROIT, ASTII1M, AND io.sr.nrTiox "An l ly th ri: -r. .'. ,.' ,r. nf trees fry --t. vhne '- V 1 ' .' 'ft-t .'. fn .Vr '' ' !(.' I 'V r-f r iu - i.. II. Tc h ; f-r :Y. r- i r:- ' -r, : r. :n. n : ! . t- r Ti-nr atltl new yr.jot U tho a. .-uruue-.a that tl.. riliall nt Civil. Asmo .i' u! r.ni'ri!i .yt-tf nature- .nt- j:.fTi. n. i y ijf r:u'v yii-M t' tht- r ntrt.I i f ::i -! -..-nnl. i-t!." n i.-. - e-.i l... i . tt..;t ul 'i t onr of ail 11 mi:!- r. we I eufr fi'iin. ii'". at lin.s c: r.i' J i-irt; ti:a.-; tn i prate th.in f'"::fi!mi -W n f tli-' i in. f ti iii t ni- Fuiv.ni-I -v,. enri ft. ni.il tint ui.iy U rvaivtvii I pWe ?ome id -ncf thiat tlii: t o car 1 I'll. nr. nary roui,.!aiittr. iu ali lln ir (o:ui ,y CiirEP-T I'ff-r. r - t. roi: i.xfLit:.ZA Jr jrrr-nrjxf: wrn. N -htii I r. i', i.ti . ,lini V1. Iv.J. Pin I harp rpt-aif '.y u- -i y- ur . ;: l l'-r W b"'lin!5 1'm.i:h lai'.-i It.l.u.-i.i a; J h--.-;! .: !r:i !u i.r.'inn.iin-iT.n; it a - ni;!"t" r- nv l . 1 1 ur t.f c;. ! dr. n hnTP bxn ufilii l-.l with thiw ti-I tin- !' u of the tixioKAL h..s aiw-ji aJT.ir.lt :1 n'luo-t iii-t;nit rli-f JAM:.- iJLVi.U. tie attest t!-.c truth -rtV aVr.- t n t!l : SI. M( IM V. tU 'rcftii- :i.-lui!:.. hi. J. M. Zl'iMKI.MAN. Itu,-: t. FOU A COXSt MI'TIVK rut ;fl IliT.ii.i;-.. pi., !.. -j:,. r.T. I)r:'.r Sir For thr.'p yr 1 li-nc (..,: yCMftrJ with a rounh. ( hf-'ri-.-iitL' ih.tt 1 fri--iuciitlv dr-j.-iir'-il of rt-cov-rr : uiuch of tin- liru I w:i oh;ij.-t to jait x all ni::!it in iny rltnir. as ui c -iuii w-.uiJ -utr- ruti- nn- wli- ri 1 lai.l J ,wn. II:. Tin-.' ii- -I many ri in--i.t r . iihl.ut murh rvNf f, I at last trit-il tin- Oiritr.T I'tCTuF u which nn-i.-r Pro.ia euee bu cun-ii ni allo'-tJii-T. I nin witti crt tit :,, Yuuri, JAM I.? MVAMfLKa-S. Amonc th oth r J'.Lin:riii-!u it suthoritic w!it lutTe lent th. ir imiii'T ti ruc -ii' m th; pn p.irf i .u a,- the best known to them l""r a'r.-etimif . f th lun. are lrff. rniKiN, i.f Vttrniotit Mt-J. Colli (jw. I'ri'f. .II-LiMlN. ..f Vale Ci.!jt. 1'rof. Vletixc Mi-tt. rf X.-w Y..rk. l'rr.f Ci.rvt.nn, of H-.w-h.in MtJ. Cnlh-g, l'n.f UiTTKHftLLn. of Hno Mi J. Coll'-c, CinaiiUX .1 ! ksal of MrpiiMi .cii:L,e. r,..-;T-'N lKMriL Si ;MI'M. .I-.l RX L. fllARI.f-T'N ".) ti:.Tri. Cf;iCW. Ni.w .Ik'--'t Mu.it... l:Lr"RT.!t. II m. Hi. m y Ci.i.. L". S. S'ii:,.r. Il'.n. ii o. I. M rh. Am. Aml.!f r.i r to Turk T. ).-n. Kn?n kt. Hi 'r-,.t 'ni t-f I'liili. Kt. i;.-v. Kit iv, t. v.. I. -rJ i::.-hoj of Toruuto. K. t. I'r. I. an .ii, of Un oklvn. N. V. An hhi.ih.'p t'rnnii. of (.'.n.'innrtti, . A!w manv fmitu-nt ,rnnairof in f r ijn rountr:ri. Not only in th more .hit! LTt;ron. an.l Jt-itrififlins il,irasn ofthe Lun. hut al.-o as a f.iinilv no iliritu- f..r tM'riisii.nal ue, it the :'f."t. i.h-a.-;intrt an-1 h.t in the w.irM. rh r.i'A it Kfl ax n sor.o ayjAMEsc a i ,-,I-or!.aleM r...sriMm.K.!.(wHhtirc: J. H.faMow, Milton: Miss M. M i'av. Xorthmiihprlanii; ti.M . kih-r Xew HrliB; I-Ut-rhart, f.lintrmTi ; anj by Cruixut. eTerywhere. lyiDsWich.)u 5Ia ofllie Slate cf Callfomla. j 0l.Ktiti.-S. L I-A1I. ISEW MK.VIIJO. and TEXAS, printed by S. Aug'a Mitchell in 18 16, and painted to correspond with the boun daries fixed by Congress in I80O far sale at the ('hroniclroilice. price 25 ets. rpHE pre-ifnt Proprietor of the newly dico I vered IVinfirld C'ate (limestone) in 1)R AF.I.EV, I. nion Co, herel.y piv.--; notice that the Care u-ill A07" be open on'SVXPA YS for Visitors. It may be visited by Ladies and Centlemen on any other day, and on SATl R DAY of every week especial preparations will be made to accommodate u-iili lights. flT'All persons are forbivlden to break off", injure, or take away any specimens from the Cave, nnder penalty of prosecution. The payment of 12 cents only is required of every person before enterins. NOAH WALTER. Dry Vallev, June 2, laOS . - . ' -'- i - r.y Mmm-- Dr. John Locke, SLUG K OX DUST I ST, I OFFICE removed to Mar'net alr'rt. sec ond tloor entrance door belvt ten KUueV Hotel and C. K. Bnwes' More. Lewiaburj, April I, 1H53 Li-wlsburg Saviust CiiNliiuiiun, IS now open and ready lo do Imvinm. 'J'ii regular lliscmint days nre .-t.icsibys. j I'l'ie loliovi iii named person:, ore the DlBECTOM WllLUM Vx -ltUut, Ka-I. Mr. Jioi i" W.ti.i.. Mr. Iii i-iii A m i.,sa. Mr. Jmi.4 M't'uti.iur. Mr. Thoa 1.' trta. Mr. Wiilia-4 Kim x. I'tioi'i i' J!.'Hi, E i. Orrin ita V II. I.I Wl 1i:i;oN, I'reud.-ut. II. P. MIUI.I.Ei:, TituMirtr. 1'ittr p.-r cnt. p.-r itiin im will I.'.' allowed !' ail i,-.i'si!- Kir six in litif : aid t!r.t j'i cent. 1m liian --it a:,d ...i-nlirro mi.tidi. II. P. .sinil.I.r.;:, TreaM.rtr. I.etviiliiir?. r?-' t- 11', IT 13 A PACT, NK self-' vuli nt, and worthy ol' iver;. W consideiiitinn, that ti-i Milh-rrun niaUi. oood clean Hour witliou! l.e liua .oud clean uheut. 1 i;po-t; you tili to know the rciritdv. 1 tell vou it U lo gel one o! Iirgslre3fr'' ll'heut Scourers, ot .Sinm M idline. He U ina an old, practical aii. ex peril need Jlillwri"lil h:is invciited, got , .. - , , -..,.1. up and put ill surces.-.ui op.-riiin.ii u.e no. U hont Scourer now in u-e. Any person ordersn" a machine and ;i:ier,ir(Js lind n' rf f .is " " . .. ', ., sen'e-J. Il.eie shall be no wle.a ll.fc m i chines are to he warrnt d good. Furthei j recomtiirnc'ntions arc ll-.nntit unneressnry. j j He is now 'i.ivinc a s-j p'v rradc at I a-v. is- j i burf. by Messrs. Getidi s 6i ?I.irsli. Crders , I for nneliitirs, or letters nl inquiry, will fc" : pr'.m-t!y :i''cndi d to. Machines ill ! : srnt and CUt tO till orrl. r". Address t J. FJK'MISTJiK.SKIJ, : Low isl.urjr, I'm. I. t'o. I'u. ;'i'.' ; " 'T7,0 Pk r j a M E N T A L : 'I'lie .suliseriler -!i. is ii r s.:l.- n !ar :ss, rln '-ii ol' eh-.iep I'll' 1 TttCs sii'-o il 1 A ; ;.: It. es, ' t, 10 I", ri 4t voruM- : all unrritnt.i! trtiuiti' 1'i.ieli tries, "Ji :ui't;t-.--; 'I'-ir'ai iu:i "h-rrj , X -. t:rin,' i'r iroiln ! P.-ni tr.-f". to.''-!ir ..f : f! i r S v.'iri'':e cil'tliiip- V:ii--s ol I I.f be' v.:u'.- aii-I rxotie v:iric;ifn. Ornan.fi.ta j Trers, sin h as the Paiiloiiin. I.itnlen, ir j N. ?. IVrs'-m wisliir.; to procure a j otntiti' the li nil lr'-f-,nre reqiiestKi lo . m-i'.e inuneiliate npp.ic it n to tin suoa-cri-hor. in urd-r to nr.icurr t!ie v.irii-Kcs and ; ize u in'.' I. II. U. NOLJ.. LcwisliirL'. M.trch 4. IlT.O. Cctuiobnrg Xounfcrn TjMIK subscriU'rs, tl.nn.iui fi-r pn-! r:i'-' ' re.ii'ue, wou'tl infor.il ti.tt u: l.'.a' j ti cv ron'itiiK' t. ni'iniit'ai.'iire a'l kinri- n' ! Mill (erinal a 1 other (.-iiiin. Tli'a-' irnt Mnr: it:i . an-l i-!irr aniil. -l M icl.ii.ny repai red in the leu! ! inner, t'n.-iinc;-' narrauteJ I.- j i of C"..' matt rial, and ar -it. I'll ran not : foil t- i. I--. fii:i.'i;;, ViAi;li A t o ; I.eAi-tu r;. Fe!. 1., 1 ; liltlKiM! S'n(s,(.;" viirn-us put n,- ! ar.il -I7.---I. f- r C -i! t WooJ, !r u!f it 1 1 L. .it il'c Lewirt-urg V i'iv I-T (;.,i,!i-s. Vrtrsh A C.i. S I'O'. TorU r St. -vi s. Viiri-iid Li' A i-Iillr-j r.'Ulii.ry. j UriAIll;':; r.i:.:, : l i r. ;r ariitle, lo: Vl LC(i. llll'l fill' ! tr. f, r .-.tie .it tl.r t;.-.!.!... M. Inn V ..,1. CV C... mv, a su:ie- .' L-M1 il:tiri; ireh & C. ! rullll.rv ! v f V. or r 1 Il,;iisK, 0 Pi.ti I-! vX cii-fi Itillv ll.e l,i fit rtii.l nils' ilvrahlr Crain Iiiill n. wiii use. fr s-ilr at t! c Lewi :ui? Koui ilrv I v tJ.-iVe'. Mar.-h iS. t."n. 0 s t.ir !.,J NEW LIVKIiY ; AND EXCHANGE STABLE. ! ' The sut-L:ibt-r wouIJ rceclfully inturni ihe ' c'nizrns of l.c.:.-bur and the trrtiini; conimi:n ity gencrilly , that he has opened a ntw Livry und Eirh-ti)i;e iStaMt on FUl li 1'H otrcet hall a -quart .South of Market, and ha? pruviiied a good ; lot ot Horn's, ttb en t if fly new good and ta?h- 1 iauatilt t urriasrs, Uusri?, Sleigh? e.n here ail , wi-Iiing anything in his line may be a ceo iu mod- : i atcd on the hurtt st notice and most reasonable j terms. lie will pay every atten'ion to the: . wants of hid customers, and hopes by so Join? : to merit and receive a liUenl share of rullic 1 paironape. WILLIAM MOOiiE. Leni-hur, Dec 30, 1S51 j Voe.il and Instrnnental MUSIC, 1 i anli tljc iTTriniin Ccnjangc. j I - --"s, VEKY tr.ar.kfal f,r past , .7'' . P'"rf",? from the t'itiicr.s! : 'M : r' Vj- pt anJluJrntol I.ewisburg an.l ' iSt"',? '.' ''""i'.'. 'he ubcril.cr would j "kliV state that he continues tn give - Vocal Mu.ic and in the Corraan I.nnzasRe. Having bcrn taught in the Lest Music Schools in (;.-rmany, he dcema himself amply qualiticd , ' '. 7. " , ' . lon Ine rica bcrman tongue. IIo will aUC ! tune fianos. anJ nut them in rcnair. if desired. : Rel'nce in South Fourth street, in the Lie Driclt OlHcc ol Dr. fitulwig. FRNCIS J. CEfeER. "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that airful disease, DR. FITCH'S Lectures on ihe Preven tion nnd Cure of Consumption. Thispopular work for sale inLewisburg by S. F.Lynrlall J. Houghton and at this office. Price. 75 cents Old Newspapers, SOMC tb.ou-.anJ. in number, of INizca.for ale at the Chronicle offic, at M) cla per 100 taiteii aa ihey raa, or $ when ...sorted. A cbancefor Scrap Book, aa wella. for wrapping P.' April 8, lf.u '..- - - lvi ft Tm a,-V n.twlc !ti 1 an-t extraorlinary enrati-a powers nl tliese ..ii ierlul ini'iiti.inj la i;w tn mil-, kiiewn a-nl ll.'ir a.ni ri utri.,n riir. ji mt trie wii-ile country r etpi,:i,e. thit it w'i.l p:n .r.nrcesiary In u'rec their cents fiuir. II i. s,i;,.. I t'.o i-iic,im.ta.-ire Laioccurrfi winrh rn !.r i! a mir'.T i,f -luty tu the puM.c not to he alo-ell.r il nt. l.,r liilet'lie i.heir.er:.l noatrnma of IL. ,u aru turn,; et.'J bv colnmna tliroiiRli la I re. a n,!i.,-.l I r iiirts anl g.ll -r.s bf Uie taktoJ, auU aiu loul.4 jut t i"tliS, ChrLtlc'a Calvanle and Jlagoetl Curatlvef, bava toen rpiietly woikiita; their aray amoac tha Bio.t iiiVili'clit anl re;.cct.,!.l claaat. am) ar rou.tAlitlT a.-liievii.ir fine in an aiiirinirs: ti ma if diseaeit. which have Ut aa;ea barfl-! all ti.e J .,f m-lieiii aiiJ all ta ruuic of Suicacc. fui ili,easa are calic't NEUVOrS COMPLAINTS, an-1 iu the-.e JiifrM me.!Kine i of no e.i.l ',At ever. It never d.-s ijwnI an 1 it offn i'"". Ii-.rni. Sijnil'. Kslract.. K,l.i,i, Bilvims, r.ii.rs. L. '.:-:, fill., 'iiw lfr. ami l'.iniis nt every kin ' ar k wortl.le., lor tl-v weaken t:.i Titel e.ierv of U.e alreaii)- .ro.tt .tt'l'tytwr!, lnic unlcr the slnr,--h en::.e; liie givinr. v it-iiii.x i..iluence of lilvj:...:!,, a au-l.r'l ty tl-is to.-i'IU.fiii .liS.-ov-crr, the ellia'i.!-1 p.iti. t a.i.l weake:i.. s'l.-r.-r vc i4 r.-vtoie4 to fo.-a.rr fceiil'.h. Itrcmrt'i. eln.ticitjr an. I viir. r. The-se reniiiki r.'!:.:- to ,-irli .'..env-ei sa Nf.tr Rtli.M. TI. DOLollr I V. UKO.V IIITiA. fAU ,l Vri..V of the UKAKl'. V.l.AKNrS.i. anl i. 11. V.1 LB U:s .;::'r.l;s. m.-ii a Nr.KVol S llr.AU A Hi:. LASS, i'i Or. ami Pr.SM INilSNl V. hi, i. are onlr oilier name for Nervous veririwt.r ; Ki ll. I.l"' riU Vl'iS an l O.N V L USION4 aajck art ow known to refill fr.m a noiJ-iiM'ri-Ji.l . f fclectrie l..lt..ce-, .Nr ltVOfS TllSM'-K r.r.U. Jv.'-S Hh.eh is nearly alwuya caujej tijf t ..-i;..ry ol Uie Aiii.'-ory Nerves, a,il can alway if e,..( Nt I . ,1, ar.itm. lien tl.e!r"m '-' ' - : S , H .si l-.'lSl A iu in or.- l loi-J.s : f .Li. an.l r Ul tV5lA Mrnl'r.rn v ca-ise-! I y a ieti.-ielicjr ol -.. .f ,,.,:-, . HK..NI- B1IKI MVTI.S-.!. T..':r!! :TV of the I.IVr.ll, l'MN m t:.e Si . 'r . Sl.t " -ii ".: 111. fl ION. SiiNAI. anl UV ''Vi I.AIMS), UKKII.IKM V of M.KVOi.3 I.ii.-f ' A I KV H;.iV. anU all tho. di,t:sag c. rj. .. e.i..s. in- f.nm a litHANOr-ilr-.W "I tu ."..-.UVt-ii Si.sTK.1. fit the aV-oT protul'-lt ar..I tcir.. .e cl.ss r ... eacs Nervtm i -t Ijin'. aie mucii n: ;c CLii.r ous than i generally im. gir.e 1 CIIRISTICS CUVAXX crSlTIYITS. Are an Alwolut and Palltv S-eine. Tho B I-T is r.e.I wly n t::e t-.Ty 3r .y.'.Mn rally i a.-tej-.eJ ; -l.e N. l Kl. Vi .-. I"l c. : la. .'f i tt. t!.e 1 li:.' it. as ..-:..'.ii a:n i.",.- ..... Htad : a:i '. tl.c liKAi ! I.1.TS lur all in arm., or Linl... I'.'I 1;!. f'-il-T. 1 rr n.Ts ani S,.,me lir allee-nm. 'll.ea attiele are sii-iy a t...e.l aa dirct-t uh f..vf ..NrTI- IU iiic arromj hiko. tht.'ii, and wueu laitulul.e uaed tie Nhl t.li t AIL : iThe cf-e-i p.-. 'V. t:-v an.! exre'V -i. of :!. fi ti.VAMI I.l K i 1 '. r.S i-.-:i I..-S m : c : ,t TV. it ti.ev .inert anl ruiu l: ei-e t.y u!a-d in ! .re of the n.nl rr 1 of limr;. C an.l l-h'. -i,-ki-i? the i-i-:ent ti.l elhin.ta-i r.a: i:e sinB h..:-t!.--l in. 'cr t:.e irfhel.'.n. T.ry .;,r,-r-ta . v r-y -,1'm.; .ui zr Hfrii.'.i:.,r. cf Pit .'..i!. ai IV f- .r'.ioi,. niifii'f.'i fir eiifVe rf.rrftrt, mr.i rcn n.rr J-. i',e ,iii',..- ,,n.r ttr.y ontai'sv., S. .ce iie:, i:,:r, lueti.-n in ti; L cuei St.s, Oi..f thrr- ye .rs si:n c. more tiilu 75,000 PERSONS w fa-'-ii '. . re a I.tr;c mir.l.T ( f L4t.ief, n!n re ; L.uiv st;l'.ect : ?: v-is I'ii.uirin. ha.i i.-cci Entirely and Permanently Cured, ithn all l..pe r f il.t ! I cr. c.'- "i ';r. c -f crtyrr ti.;''3 cl. --- 1 .Ti: -i i:: . :"' ' 1 . S'-r. il TCul' a U ifU lilc u'.if.Tii'l t-.lci V 'tr tint- rtf t5-i.iv to 1 m "'. -:.t a .' I in tit artr.ai of ;c-'ii-ii s.-,(". ;.--r""-V.wyiT iitd prua i: . I-;,;- -f !!r ,.':t lU.:!.'.. jC mi.. !:! i1.-; ::' h-M.; !-. itf.! uJli-'i-; a:.--n in. :!. i:.'.-. n.-r.'i;j ;.ll. ii. a:..l r.H-J;..t-s : t'; fo,.r o:.i Tt.e in h ti.vc . rf'.'H 1.--le la.iit 4itvr. all f U (.-. r-:.e. .i'-. i -':..:n. I.Jtf crlr ! en: Te-cip.-: i '.. t.',-ijilv n. ifcT.-.-A k--r-' i Ue i air-'M-.i: I n tn.o; i 1'ti.t tits inch tut? Li.". i:.u. Nai-it auj i'ia: i t. -rrr.rr.? cr I ihfl! t!i or.ly "-r.tva t..r Nerve is tvanva.-a. il .Nirv -i, !'i.---j.,rs iv e !!;.-:; 1 "Throw Phvsic to th? Do-s." T ilittr.vtS.r'cwi tr.,- iUXlV BELT. Pi: ;-.i-.-ihe-j-t"-! a;- i.U' ! w:;:i lh t ar. fl'. ,L; ::.-: !.i'..iSi :..: "ti.cr I hro:v.C of rwtwun I't-'T-lor. In ..r.linr.ry caff. a.r,iin:lu:i lrtt en. lufh. by tin.r - i oa I;.- n-rves snJ Bin.ol i t!i( s:iTTi.irl. nfT-.;.! tmr-""'f ft-J'f, hnt h--aj tli- . irif.st i. a K-v..r ;r tt? an-l Vki'.h Irii r.I licul;.. a:.cr tin? a.-:irn t'u-T exrite.l haa 4-i-f... N.tw c.'irij itre w;ih tl e!f. . t rfnlu fniin th? ayyln ' -n of the H .VAMO BKLT- i a D - rj-rjO iuriorrr. rven in th? worst svmtw r. of an j..n'k. un,. s;flj!r ti- the Belt mnaJ t!. EfJy, UsK.ij; the " i-;r tic r lai l aa diicctP'l. In a Jh rt t-i-ri.il the i!L :i -ilo j-crj irarion iU art o-i I pt-ititi- rU-.ie;.t -f the licit, thrrehj catisintr f. lUnui.; circul a'.i.-n wiiicli mil pass oa t t!. rej?rivt. a::-l tliei.ce b." k aj;(in to tho poiti.e, tV: ki-et iMT n;1 a c.'i.iinMi:s i.j'.vanic cirouU'i- .1 tUrnr;i.i- it t';.c svstem. Thus t!i? n:ot rre ci? rl P. Si r.t SI V a:e 1 rlliM A.NKM'l. V 1 T 11 i I. A KH US IS AMi'LV felH'IK.NT XO LlLUJl tATir: THr. liSL VSeT OF YiUU. MANY THOUSAND CEHTIF1CA1S AND TESTIMOrJIALS frftm the most iLteUiff?nt ar.i repectaMe ierscra reM.!ini; in evert porUv-n of the VnitoJ Slate, i-om. I be pr'?eiiteil. Yhosc are . unnecessary, tnt a ninieru!is sflecti.-n em hi rieir ms::y t.i tuner, ts ot the most eatraor.h .1 irv c!f-ractr, L-Jicte:it ti t"ON VlNt K TtiK MCSl'St Kf'l l AL may te L3J of th authoria l Ai;t.-ut. Ike interested are paiUcularly iunteJ to caii. WHAT THINK YOU OP THIS? From one of Ihe most dMbiu?$cd PIij-K clam la the City of Sew ork. ! !;ive heen nsintr Chri-iti- Galt-an-i? artirle ia a niit way airrtne riy Fa'tj-cli for almt two teaa put. anl I conless I an atmufihed at tLc.r inr. If I am -irp a di-pai' ia Xrtjt, I know l.,S thcT will Jo. la i:iuliiaC"rii, iri:c ;;i;' i chiilrcn: Deafneii and AJeoti.-n ..f i!:e lio: "'. aduUa; Taralyaia and Pal-y, in ail a,; -1. nr. ! 1: act era 1 othr diseases of Xm -- . .:-';!. .1 .' f puzzled the profess inn, Ik .j t - rr t;Ji;:.J articles of iurprisire her.'ft A'. ;. I :c . t e shameless quackery of a.lt apers, 1 must express mj j. Il r. 1 TW "A e-.;i l"ilf in thi arim,!rlnl trtnt r.f t Ii!'. . S i 1 V H - TIVKS. My name ia. of com:, c-;.:. l it I shall neTer liesiiate to racuinasi jour aiuclw oa ail projH:r occabiDUS. AJTOTHEE DTSTAHCE C2 COIC?. To D. C Moat Mr ao, M, D.. O.i. Ajt ur I." Tttjr .iV, Bein a hr'ic:..n in th Ttrin'tr - nof your Ajre.it.. I l. ne hen much n-nmde.1 n the examination your ir.i"anTi Curativer ar ( fcighly (leisrl with their practical tvaul:. I L.-.vi obierTeJ th:it ther are con'tructe-l ca th tire sc.ev tide frineii-i iof the fmii, ftif, iltatent a:.J ( tmual Jevel'T1"- 'f e Jlanie f a: re:it, t!t-:t filling a Jubleratum, long souUt for, iat horetofr tnilLha. I cheerfnlly rrcoaiirt.i-l ihcm l. r t. alleviation and cure of thoc tlitrt jiii j axrrit ealle-1 N.vpf oarniiTi, ioT n hicj tLej ft happily an 1 ir.zeniouW tlesifrnet. Vet truly )vu. DAVID RICF, M. D. Lrerett, Mdis.. ttbruary l-, l?o0. Bf So tronMe nr inconveairnre ate-.Ji t: ? ! of vk. CHRISTIE'S 4i.tr.iixrc crt.i7im and they may t norn l-y the most leer'a aj i le t cat wiih pe'rlect ease an.l shirty. In a : j ctot the sensati.ia at'rn.lir. the,r U'v U hi-, ,-'. -- rnnd rij. They ar acceTr;a:t.,ui ly i-'A plain Jirections lor u-e, ranii'liL-t it;i i.m.'.l rjr' ticular saay b oL'taincJ gratia, oi th auuioiu Agea Prices: The GalTmc Kelt, Throe Dollar The Galranic Nevkl.iee. Twj V Ut9. The Galv:vn:o l.mcelets, Cue I' INr T-Kfl. The Magnetic fluid Cue tviiar. PARTICULAR CAUTION. 0Qh Jnrar Ctunttrftif and tt'orihiesw lt(.'iJe D. C. MOKEIIEAP. M. P. GNBAL AtiKNT KR THK rNITKD TTr Uioaulway, Nw atM. Afltst tn WarsC. W.tfiUAUXE fiJanlfb at tljc Chronicle Cfficfr ON eccoonts from one on to fix etandicg.CAMI amJalsj Wood, Wheat, Butter, anil rait orhfr TioJuce fot fcouichcM the curifKl rat I I 4 1 ' : ! f i it ' 1. in