LEWISBU11G CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. 'f". 4 lBiisbnrg Cjironirlr. B. 0. HICKOE, Editor. O. N. WOHDEK, Printer. M ..ivanf. Jl.TS in tnrre months. IJpaid l;utj in I 1 PhilUrl.hi-T U l-almer ana r. TsCtrislntra, Mma. Friday M-vrvr-n. August 4,1 So' r'-oa-i' . "' : . rroi . i r. in I i'-r m l l?ni.i. ' A lminiatrator. Oo-r..l ;i.l ii" inoan or anvllini n..i. u -earae thmn h the i a lar.- and lomva.in!: r.T u -aim i.vm a iim.iirtioil of a . in n ( i " ITe, eon.iimrra. and dealers, a any iu tin- S'a rr? Sec Sew Alrrli-ci' University at Lewisbun: 1-31 Commencement Week. The Uianiinat.Vn of 'h' -' , -,U co.-nm.nce on Friday- Ans. 1 in. at M and be continued on Saturday and the foll. u inj Mimdav. On Snndav the i:ith a sermon will be ilehv rd br the Ker. lienj. (irilfiili of riiiladelphia. J -. i 1 i..i.: i.. beiore the iocieiy oi .itorai aim nniiuus m quirv. Dr. Maleom irill deliver 'annua! dijconrse t,i the Cradnatins class in Baptist Church on Sunday Evening at TJ o'clock. On Mi-nOar Eveniim the 1 1th the Society of the A'umni of the University huld their an imal meeiingi On Tuesday, lSih the sermon l rf( re the Education Society will be pte.ii-r.rd ty the liev. Mr. Cheney of Philadelphia at 10 o'cluk A M The annual nieetin: of the Society will be hrld in the atiernoon. A l.lressrs bv Her. Mr. Charlton of Wilmington, and Rev. J. Whca ton Smith, of Pliilaib-lphia. The Anniversary i f tbe Literary Soeietirs will be celebrated in the Kvenint;. I The tVatiou will be delivered by Samuel : W. Ui.iek I.sq. The Poem will be delived by A. Taylor Esq. i Commencement Exercises will take place j on Wednesday the ItVh in University chapel. On Thursday ai 10 A. M. the -tlili Annual I N-.s:on of the Northumb -rlaud As, ciation. j wi I coinmenee. Opening kermoii by Key. If. : Lsiick, rd Derry. j r!i,!oy. IliVr lias r. jiointid . (). j IIicki.k, ofllarrisbir, A: J-Jj-eainp with j tlic iai.k tf Lieut. Co!. i "A culvert ahoiit two miles above Milton, fell tlinui.il last Fuii'inv, wl.ieli ill it,teiriid navioati-ju on the. West Jli-anch caiial for at !ia.t ttn Jays-. The J jekcts do not tiuw get li-rlatiJ. above Njrtliuui ttfjufj'ivcrs of vocal and instrumental music may e xpi ct a rare treat, from the !Sr.Ui!l Alf. Howakp, at the College chapel this evening. It will also hi a:ou that another entertaining concert will come cf to morrow week. BPrjTLe tlioronb cleansing auj limiug rf Etreet?, alleys, cellars, au outbuildings is iuiKspi-iisaMti til fimlili during tin's ex cessively warm weather. A worl to the wide, &c. 'Anothtr Vhan-f at Xeir Ji rh'n' .'- J. A Ettingcr, Ksq., lias become with tho 'j'k:fWuntl cstalli.-hu: 1.1 at New Uerlin. Mr. H. is a g-nt Ionian, but 1 is not respjn.Tible for the lilthy falsehood.- j iu the columns of that paper. The Next Fair. On the firs: piire of the Ckrvntlr, will it fouirJ l!iu I'n inium List fur the nest j 1'niun lt:i;ty A tit- StuAc. vtt ni-tiuU if. urul Fair uH'l Cat- : :T pr-t we Lillevi ' r r;-i' f-f t! next i'air. Ai tii.y ej iiao u.l o'::! . . hatnls since the I.i.-t wan tna i,: ..ti, v. would request the new Klitors to e--j-v tin M'ce. It was liy ilic votes of c:Ui r i Lewisburg, that the Fair was lu l l at N . v IJerlin, last year, ami several cit.,-. n this vicinity cx njej Sj ami S10 tic1, in carrying out thattfTirt. ISulTiIoe Vai ley eihibiteJ much tlio greatest sliaio ; i, . - i it, ... it i "u" ujHia i tuns ami .'liudiccrci-K rallies to return tne favor tiv "r largo turn out to Lewislurg. KXone of the Xew I5crlin papers Lave yit jublLbed tic Division ! but they have propngatcJ gross errors respecting it, with now and then a garbled extract, tor tured into an imposition, Gentlemen of '. Arte Irrrlin! the Penjilc tennt to know why Ho yr,n nt jivc than the Division Hill, ful ly and correctly ? Struck by Lhhitcmno. On Tues day a week, a daughter ef Mr. Harny as iubtnatly killed ly lightening at lea ver Furnace, in this county She had been etigagrd at washing, at tho time the storm carnc on, and was returning to the bou;o when she was thns suddeniy summencd to ! eternity. The fluid in its passap-c throw ! a comb she wore in her bead to a consid erable distaucc, and a sack which she bad on at the time, was completely torn to pie ces. .SW. The California Christian Adxocato RaTS "An inl.ll;..oi i .1.. -r . " - ...fccUi iouj ui our aermaiutanee, l:..i t ... n u-inu linn' iir,v i j ... v.-giiminir io Fwear, :. r.xicus to express to her chili btr horror ! of profanity, bit upon the novel process of : washing onf I,;.. .1 i i washing sut bu mouth wuh ioapsuds ' whenever be swore. It was an effectual i cure. The boy understood bis mothers ! - J , . "'"tui-r s , fense ot the corruption of an catb, which, i wuu tne taste ot the suds, produced the j nesirca result. This t,rac! ee. if Univcr- Mlly adopted, would raise the nrlce r.r eoip." 1 The only daughter of cx-Presidetit Fill ttorefled tt Aurora, N. y., of dysentery, "u ncarrfsaay a wtvv k IB .. rrn wag 22 years cf av E?,The treaty with Russia Las Leon ratified by the Senate. It secures the neutrality of the I' itel States, in the pending Kuropca - r. II..it.-r.t(1i'iMrvT on 1-n.t. tlie t,-t IirmnlTf r Run l c. an.1 nil Mii.1 , I W.oin.l- 1 h- of IIiomi ini.,lii:,l,le insli,.D- in e-rv part of Ihe rinl- ! writ i i uie niiwt conviurmg pmofH of tln-ir l'.sd lee-, ol-l won.no, a, rofula, and ,11 TIk uaamla of people who eulT-'nsI I iiialali. have Uri-n enreil by their elt1a r ran- p fr .in - r.m.iiy lall.'.l; mid it IK ft met 1-e- .: i. no .itaraw. bow, ,roinntH. riMiirt.-1 hy tbe. ...n.!.., i .;Vi.t.-, should tir llulljiraj-a j l .?!.f.i Kir..-- .... !!;. 1 Till'- . . t - ::)! I'.'t l.;r-.? . . I- -t, .. I ; ! 1.!:.' li . .. I'vi- i Ai-i-s. l.-.Ti ( ;-,ui- , K-.i't,,- l-i DIED, It; 'luilisi-tiaqtte township, 2nd inst.. John, son I Samuel and Mary Kvyse, 1 )t-.-.r in inotiih. ' In Lewisbure;, 3.1 inst., an Xener. infant chi!! . Henry and Caroline CONCERT. ii.r iiowaki) IS IN TOWN, And every bndi) will gn Id lintr the Grtattft VIOLINIST KOW LIVING ! Thi bet Comic Ojmttir Sinyi r A. (JuiUtrisl In the oiti.ix 'A" F. HOWARD is rronouneed the only successful Rival ever known, and , wno-e cxceiitmn o:i i dm is actually i pronounced the "A J'i.n I lira" of all Violin- s's- lb- will perform before ihe Ladies Ae- f LEW 1H1 lit;, fin the College Chnnell on this FRIDAY Evening. August 4th. ! v For particulars see small bills. J ickets UScents. DICKINSON SEMINARY. C Mnli: ion! Fi nm.'f.) VEXT TERM will coinmenee Atisriist 51, A 1 lol. Total expense for boar ), room, ashinv. lii hts. fuel and tuition in F.nc'ish, Latin tlreek, from Ss-.ril to lyjo, per quar ter. Siudtnts should be here on Ihe 2:Jd. TIIOS. Ill) WM A N, Principal. Villiamsport. Attg. 2, If 5 1. ! CONCERT i t'K Ti!K 'Young Ladies' riusical Association. THE -VliI .NG LAMEs' MUSICAL f''V' AssOCIATIO.V'ol I.e -isbnrg.under ...j'- the iiisirnctionsof Prol.GLssnn.pur pose giving a Vu al and I lis i llliK-Ilia! t:i'--, in Ihe IMvimiTT Ca a pel, on Saturday Evening, 12ih August, 1851. The proceeds are to be devoted solely to the purchase Books. &c for the benefit of the Association Doors ,,pcn al 7. and Concert to ) commence at .), P.M.. precisely. Tickets ! of Admission. 2" cents, lo be had at the Post O.lice, Kline's Hotel, the Stores, and at Aug. 1. the Door. Dissolution. TIIHE eo-partnership heretofore existing he l tween Ihe subscribers under the firm of Donachy ci Elder is this day dissolved by mutual consent The accounts will be set tled bv Mr. Donachy atid the business contin od by Mr. Elder. F. A. DONACHY. A V. ELDER. I.ewisl urg, July 17. I--.V1. r;A- v- sir:ij-i T'Prnm ll-.o...il.. .. sty '.'" luih u!t- a row, with four c-r J iiiscd out . ) .ntv ab"tit LM7 iiiiue ire si white xii 'Is !i)-.v 1i X'tlH' five yonrs nl-i. i'lt(i a-, nl" a Jn vc Mi;.t mine frtmi six A:iy person reitirriing the f- r n i a r i " n 50 that we mav get il paid for thrir trntiblc. I'ow or t'iv iter a::;i:ti, me i' i'ev Farm -t.T3, CT C iOj. 1 i I.Miiiii!. T.iere on. I JS.'V"1- I.. ot bushels arc sold ' ye. - ,. -. . i; fiasalsoa young tearing 'I'.., improvements nil new are a good ! two-storey Frar.ie IIOLE with a Cellar : K relieii.and a Pump beside u.a Snrinf ! House, a lare HAXK It All A', a Wagon rhcd, I a Corn House, and other outbuildings. j The property lies in Kelly township, near Ouldin's store and Kelly's mill 5 miles Irom ' Lewisburg. and 3 from Milton and has b en pronounced one of the best in the Valley. Title, indisputable. Payment to be made one half down, and the remainder on time. ; Possession riven the 1st of April next. Aug. I, lt,54 SAMUEL i ODER. IVotlcc to Teachers. ! T" HREE Male and three Female Teachers aie wanteJ to take charge of the Public Schools of ihe Borough of Selinsgrove, to commence on the first Monday of September 1 next. There will be a meeting of ihe Board of Directors on Saturday the iGih day of August i at in o'clock A.M. at the Union School Hoii-e in said Uoroiigh, to examine applicants and : employ said number of Teachers. Liberal uages will be given. The higher branches are . required to be taught in one of the schools. By order of the Iii.ard.1 j July '-'b, 1S5I. GEO. HILL, PrVsnlrrit. j fj33r TAkTV CP. about two weeks a-o. ' ( fj - Oj-J"v oe siiosr.i loei, a oios n 111.11 1.11 I aboiii a year r id. a little white along the belly an 1 end of tail whim. It came in with a drove j i from the West. The owner is requested io . , (.i.F.i- ,io.. in, s.i.inV!,, ... .. ....... : . :., i: '. , i..ui.r. " CH Klsl't)PHEi: GE.MRERLING. " ; fftf CAME back to inv premises, about jjtu - 0 weeks ago. a light brindie COW, years old, tresh milk. I sold her five as 10 ?1'lrovrr lin? ,p rojtsville.anrj , - - .,. he soj ncr on ,he war. 'i-iie owner is requested to prove propeny, pay charges. ai"' ,ak n" aa' EMANUEL REEDY. Kelly Tp. July S4, 1K1 Vanted. I VBOY 1 or 17 years of age. to learn the ! Watchmaking business. Watchmakers taken under Instruction in Watchmaking and ; Enzravine. Good references required, I J. L VODER, Praeiiral M"atchmaker j Jute S. Lewisturg. Pa University at Lewisbcrg. A STATED Merlins' of the BOARD OF TBI.xrEKS. wilt be held at the IW. ersiiy Buildings, Lewisburg, on Tuesday Ihe ISth day of August next, at 8 o'clock, AM July 7, 1S5I. (J. F. MILLER, Se !T"The CURATORS meet the'same d.iy at 9 clock, A.M, in the usual place ! O. N.WOKDKX, S. -i"';e. ' T; ... , , rt . ; u ",on ss- " the Orphans' Court of Union j Cnutity. Ill tile matter of the Inniiislnn r Hi- Ke real estate of George Royer, late of dv township, dee'd. jV'O I'ICR is hereby given to Jacob Royer, -a. 1 i liristian l..Vcr. John R.irer. N.-mr-v married lolirtorse Meiicl, Lydia Price.Martha marrie.i to David I.niiznccker. and I.rah n.irried to Joshua H 'rhst, kroihers and sisters a1- ,'i,i.itc oi ici,y lownsinp.aec it, :. eiing: Whereas, by an inquest for that , '-pose duly awarded by ihe Orphans' Court li. I,..,,.,, .r. : l '.i - . . .... vium .iioicsui'i, hil rai esiate oi (he ..J laeore Kover was appraised.and whereas none of the heirs of Ihe said dee'd appeared in burton the return of said iiiqtiisiiu.n to lake the premises therein named at the appraise ment ; you and every of you are therefore hereby cited to appear at the next general Orphans' Court to be held at New Iteilin on the l.Stli day of September nejt, to accept or refuse to take the premises aforesaid at the appraisement, or show cause why the Court shall not decree the same to be sold. Witness the linn. A.S.Wi'son, President of our said Court at New Ucrliii this 23th day of .May. 151. I..S. ). SAMUEL ROUSII, Clerk. 1 Union Co. ss. in the Oiphans' (nnrt (f Union i county. In the matter of the Inquisition of j the real estate of Henry Kostenbader, lale of White Deer township, dee'd. j VTOTICE is hereby given to Joseph Kosten i. bader, Henry Kostciibader, Elizabrth Kosienbader, Aaron Kostenbader. Andrew Kustenbadcr, I.ucy Ann Kostenbader, Mama ret Ko.tenba.ler, Danitl Kostenbader, John j Kostenbader, Samuel Kostenbader, Solomon ' Kostenbader, and Elias Kosienbader who has Jared Keiser for his guardian, heirs and legal j reoreseniatives of Henrv Kosienbader. late of I late of ,erea White D('ertownshin.dec'd.Gree!iiir:Wberea : bv an inquest f, r that purpose duly awarded i by she Orphans' Court of Ihe county aforesaid, the real estate of the said Henry Kostenbader was appraised.and whereas none of the heirs of the said dee'd appeared in Court on ihe return of said inquisition to take the premises j therein mentioned at the appraisement ; vou j nd every of you are therefore hereby cited to appeir at i!.e next genera! Orphans' Court ' to be held at New Berlin on the ISth dav of September next, to arcept or refuse to take the ! said premises atore-aid at the appraised price 1 1 r siiow eau-e hv the Court -shall not decree i the same lo be sold. ! Willi ss i,,. Hon. A. S.Wilson. President of ! our sai l Court at New Berlin, the 25th day of , May. ts.11. ! !.... SAMUEL ROUSII, Clerk. Will be VuUiihed nil the 1st Augtiit, "THE CABIN BOY'S STORY," A Simi Nantiril Romaiira cf intcnw tntrfi-!, I.y the Antlior of the '-Pirate fioctor Lawycr'a t-torj-,' the "Old I ctor,- Le ir. 'J'HK ,u,-re Miiiirtonij.-red br tho writrof the t,o..- . v puUr norki. i. a .omnt-ot Riinnoilee of th.. r.T.ir ' a-itli win, li anv pr,.,liiftions roiiilna ffln bi. Iw-n will he ' ni-eir.d i,j ihe i-ui.iie. -tmi i'u:is ik.t'a po,tl- , . i ???l7iI2Ti7; llutu.'ln.tsirm ba -TT-il iu the navy ami tha dfrn-riptioM n.i cli.r- : I ftrtr r.-paiuiti from ; rt-otiai a.fjiiaintanocwith ihtm. I j Tht..rT ,-fulIoffiritinx inter.-t mi-d miiintiin n I th- w. i r:.t..i vork uf ir-fhci. Uohinv,ti t ruw," nn. . 1ia tiiAn tvatiu.'o ever thitt rh,rvM2t fi-ti.m. inumurb as it i r.i;n..-i .r. r.i. u f.f rv.-ry d;iy rrnnurt. Hi ; ! hi"li.ry nf th- h-niinnuf tin Story. Z.i! lk. tin Circm ' I ta r.t.rrli.rl t t 'nn.l,.. i,,r.I- .l.t.t..l ...1 ! I in a fried by lh reck y-t cliivaliic. ymur tii I ; rtmtnauil r f.f th Alb.itrot-s. i- tsimply the narrriiftn t.f j & lui-t piitiliti frt m Mf .if.-, mri ail tIio i.nai- i u char . j tt-rn prtrira tiir ou,::.out tb- slury arc iiJt ai;J f irrnj tilc.iliy tlrttWH. I Tlic put- i-lnr l:ar. nV'Jt'iy rrTrir, or.Vrn fT tli ' j mh uf Hi. d.ti"o it wnf Tivi.aIiy thir in'--:iti -n to pu'-Ut-h ; Cs-'UMur nliy. iUty bn- t-e.-n ot.liirt j larvuly I j tv lufr-ftKP it: iiil thfT rfiMrt fully roucst tiint ail ur U' r may i" wni tiiinip-iiHTfiy. 1 Th-y rftiifMfntly fxp-vt t!t.t th w .rk will crrato a l Ditit-h tntnt ait anv ' rk -f ft ti"n that hat of l:itt j j'ri fmnott-d fr. in tl o .n".". nitwit. if-Uti'iinffa , sin-- il.c i.tit lit- ition nf-I'mlf T- m ('a'. in," -ikn r i j l.iLiim t.i ry in A pi- rtri, fii- ami c-in. Ita ; ntiit.i'mii'". n-ii hiiTi- ni'j x-nn -l t-mintr n!ttln t lht ' '. nr.lt in .f .iir-ti-i-;i.' -:n.-u:i tt.- Afriran Const, nt- ' t. li I y cm- wl.o l.as -t ti'--tl it in ail il- tiidi'ouw -( r- ! iniiy. T!.e work i- writ n in ii-9!f an.i f,t:tv l;.nu li.'. f nn will ! a wvlcume an 1 intrucUit; aiJiliun to the ' fiinii!y Iil rary. i Tin wurk will f.rrn a Wjititiful orinm Tnlume f.f I ! fiUff. liii.ti-1".!!!- ty ii!uMr.tl'iI wirii fnic -Tinraiiip-. aiid lcpmiy tr-.;iinl :n ci..th I .- li-,-. iu ri. in. one a- l.ar : : in i.apr.,:, f nt. at nhirh : u r.,.,.i. mil i i.t i y ic lopi.-ri win i m-ni t country fr,,e uf ,os- ail U fie niii.l'.li-rs, i lln- ,uM sSir. t-j aiir part of tie U-'o. It m i'cr ah-iU-f-il,- aej rel ail H.I.-U'lltTIi . MTI1LKI-. So 2: Iefkmis STinn. Ntw V -ilt. AikM.t a!l n-w.Vc Hits t!i;onrh iul the t nitcl Stall 1 lln'i.-ti l'r'.n-es. i:i.-,lf 'MVERSITY AT LEAVISBl'Rfi. Persons yet in arrears on the original . tipiion, are r.quested to pay the sine to .Tl'-i'n. Theoriinal papers are in the ! ii. F. MILLER. Esu.. Il is very desi '!. - subscriplion should he settled before -i b i-t meeting of Board of Trustees. A. K. BELL, General Asent and Treasurer crishiirg. June 1, 1S5I lic.-tp Saildli? nuil I! ar no mllamifarlory. The subscriber, thank ful for favors hitherto conferred, respectfully invites the public to rail and price his work, as he is confident they will r-'. lor entire satisfaction even to the most t' ri lent customers. Constantly on hand, or matte to order, all kinds of SADDLES, H.lllXi:s. liriiller, Cul Urr. Wtin, Trunks, Yalicrt, Carpet lliie'.fc. Also the cheapest and best assortment of Worsted, Linen, and Cotton FLY NETS to be found in town, at prices ranging from $ 1 .25 to sSi r0 per single net, also Leather Fly Nets uf different styles and prices. The a'oove articles will be sold cheap for cah or eounlrv Produee. All kinds of REPAIKING done at short no tice, cheap, and in the most durable manner. The citizens of Lcwishnrif anil the stirroiin rliif country, arc solicited to extend a fair portion ol their patronage. WANTED loo cords of Wood in exchange for work, also 10 tons of Hay wanted at mar ket prices. IT" Shop in Beaver's new brick block.Third and Market, 4th door from corner. P.H.BEAVER. Lewisburg, June .TO, If M rPn Cnnt.rnnt.nrfl nr Tirlrlce-Gnilrlers. , , UAI.MJ Proposals will be received by the undersigned. Commissioners ef Union county, al the house cf Philip Gemberling, in i Kelly township, said county, on TceShay the ' Hlh i f August nest, between 1 1 o'clock. A.M.. and I o'clock, P.M., for building a BItlDGK a,Ti' I into 1IuITmo crwk. a, nr nar ita lontliiilK-. . milli H i; Ilullnloa rrrek, n.-ar aiiitl I'bilip llemlirriimc a Sai'i orris-, ,n ' e built in the name way an,l on tlia anui" I iauof tl'fc liii'lire n bb h nowiro.. a CilIU- lliilfulia i f!i-1 at er n,ar Kiuvel rlito.-aii'a .n aairl tnwntbip. and 1 will bv anont Hi fe,-l lonir. Tberoiitrnriororrontriwtora ! alllU r.iitr il to luroi-U all tlie uiatrriata for the btllMtn? or eonstrnrtiiig pf aaM Itria'.. KI-KrlFhlA-TIONS will lie i-sbibitil at tb bor. mentioned place on tha da; of the o iioiz 8. K. HERR0LD. 1 Cnnu ADAM SHEt'KLER, Commit KEM l.EH ZEL, ji'oncr. Cismm'ra' Oifice. Nrw Berlin. July 7. .VI TOM S. I.K rr F.XCII A NC.E for a Horse, ither a R-irmwii or Tn Brnorr. July S" KREMER A CO 6 Heal Estate. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. r)Y virtue of an order f the Orphans' Court ) of Union county, I ill expose to Public Sale, at the house of Henry Gibson, in V in field, at 2 o'clock, I' M, of t r. u;i Saturday, August 5, lso4, j a certain tract of LAND in Union township in I said county, about I mile from Union Furnace) now going up, touching the New !! rlin and! Sclinserove roads, and adioii.imr lands set apart for Louisa M'Pherson, widow of ,he dee'd, Joseph If. Ilnust, heirs of Win. Brown dee'd, John Hess, Joseph So; loseph aTiannou and others. containm nearly i"w A oenc CSS 7 niore or less.O or 8 acres of which are cleared ' a'"' ,ne remainder in Timber. TERMS made i K nuwwu JOHN' GUNDY, Administrator of July 10, 1HM. V. M'Paansus.dt c'd. University at Lewisburtr. PUBLIC SALE OF LOTS. IUir.DIN(. and OLT-I.OTS belon'ini; to ) the University at Lewisbur', will be oilered at public outcry on the premises at 2 o'clock, Tuesday the ISth of August. Terms made known at the sale, lly order of the Committee : A. K. Iit'.LL, General Agent. July fl, !S51 FOR RENT, From ihe 1st April next, THREE IviiROOMS: on North Third street, now in lite occupancy of t'harles S. 13ell as a Restaurant, and Saloons. They are well suited for Shops, Olfices, or Stores. Enquire of WM. FRICK. I,ewisl ur, Feb. 4, isr. j Sheriff's Sale. T virtue of sundry writs ot V en. H. issued mm oiu oi inewoun oi iuiuinou i iras 01. Union county and lo me directed, I will expose to public sale at the house of A. II. Blair, in : to pill ! ,hc borough of Lewisburg, on Sati imi ihe j 141,1 da' f August next, at one o'clock in the aftenoon of said day, the Moving described 'eJl estate, to wit. I A certain lot of GilOi. - U. situate in Ihe Rorongh of Lewisburg, Union county, being about thirty leet in front on Fourth street and about one hundred and sixty feet fronting on St. Mary's street, bounded on the i a-1 by an alley, on the north by lot of John Pardoe. on the west by IVurlh street, and on the so-uh by St. Mary's street.whrreon ar erected a two-storey brick Dueline-honse withiji a frame Kitchen, a frame ltlack-nnth Shop, a frame Wagoninaker Shop, and Stable, with ihe appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution and to he sold as the property ot I, twin lusm. JOHN KKssLER, Sheriit SlierifTs Olfice, New Berlin, June SS. 151 Admli.ittratflr'r Sale. 'ITfllU be sold, on f f Fuuiit the 23th August next, at the house of NicuoLas Wai.aii,late of White lownship, deceased, the following Real !, r Estate, VIZ. afcrri A certain Tract of LAN D contai iilninc about JO ACKKrt, on whicl. s erected a I05 Jloose Ac. adjrinin? ami id Joel Knnck, fienrpe Kanck Jsrph K. Moyer, nhrrs ahnut !( arre cleare.1 and in i ana omers, aooiu .ju acre ciearea anu in a f?ocd Mate of culli vaiion, the bnlance excellent timber. There is an excellent Limestone quarry v l r :i- . . 1 . WlKim OIIL-M.lirill U. iX II1UC t'l !tdlU IIMCl, ST-7J a.nsdxPi?CvvU,'l! s vr 1 BENJAMIN ANGSTADT, Aiministrator. ? , , frlA'lrt ,I'A-NU "''".'T.ewisburg. June2L.. IS51 for highly Acres of land, not yet located. i ne auove piopeny is simaicu in a neatiny reeion, ar.'.t is convenient 10 market, anu mP.Ke a very oesirauic. uomy .o. a man oi ; Iirnitet capital. , , r . i T o be sold by order of the Orphans Court of I, ,,on county. Sa e lo commence at It n Wb in caul ,lnv. tt-hcn terms nl snte will i o'clock on said day, when terms of sale will be made known by JAMES MARSHALL, Administrator of Nicholas Welsh White Deer, June 2:), ls'il rUBLIC SALE...Satanlu, Au.j.li. p-.I FOIl SALK. e, 1 a a H 1 riSUP ailhser iier nlTr 11 Plili'te !le ,11 ' " - -" - - - . . . that certain tract ol l.iMl.s i . t LA A I) i inai ceriain irnci oi i,i -o.-s i beautifully situated nlor.c L:i; I Kelly Tp, Union Co., about 3 liull'alo creek miles from Lewisburg, and a inues ii.-m Aiiiton, n-t'oiii-ing lands of Wm.A. Pauei in, Grir 'i ixel, Jacob Moyer and others, containing acres. The improvements thereon are a lari-e and commodious Two-storey Frame Minsion llouse, a good Frame Barn, Carriage and Woodhonse, with all other necessary Out buildings a Pump with good and never-failing Water near the door a large bearing ORCHARD of choice Apples, and all cihcr varieties of Fruit. The land is all under good fences and in a hijh state of cultivation. The buildinzs are all nearly new. and for convenience, style and durability can not be exceeded in the neigh borhood. About I Acres TIMBER LAND. For particulars address D. Myers, Lewis burg, Pa," or persons wishing to view the premises or ascertain ti rms can do so by calling on D. Myers, residint; thereon. Sale to commence at 1, P.M. Tirisis one third Cash. Possession given in the Fall. Mm. ANN MYERS, S25 DWII) MTERS. Orphans' Court Sale. -.1... i .1.- lt J, , virtue oi ail oruer iitmi nm .iiuau i j) Court of Union county, the umter-iirned, Ailinini-lrators of Savrti. Wilsos-, lale of i Kelly T,-. deceased, will ell it private sale the j lollowinz RE A I. A I. ESTATE, to il f Th it valuable tract of find situated mine lown-hip and county atore-iid, wnliiii 1 miles of Ihe thriving village of l.ewi.lm-2. Iionnded by landruf the heiis of Tho's Wilm dee'd, Davbl Meyer, Flavel Cliiisan. Joel R uer, Phil ip Shoo, aiid others, containing t'l't IrrM or Ihereabouta. IiOerescleire,l. hsin thcie-t-Aon erected a two atoiy Framo House and JitiijLlvitcheii, a Frame Barn, a Spring House (and a never tailing Sprimr of Water.) and all other out-hiiiidines nrrcfiury for the comfort and convenience of a Fiirm. T'he'e is "'so5 a gooJ Apple Oichdid, i h a variety ff? Fruit Trees. The cleared land ia in a high a-tatc of cultivation. and ah iunds with I.i-nestono (or all necessary purposes. . The alinve property will answer to divide into TWOnr THREE FARMS, and will be sold to suit purchaser. For terms of sale apply eiiher nf the .U'e. scribers.ur laTuuxlae WiLsos.nnllie premises. Kllill . " "rL't WM. WILSON Jn. Stpl IS IS.'iJ. Administrator). FOR SALE. That large and desirable property on i" -, corner of Market and Water slreels.wet1 ,t..ii...i r r.i,lenee. fof business, or lo .. , -i i..,-i.it. a residence ana piacr ... . Th- i n l.-irae BRICK House Containing , union syo net u, u..; wo, . . .... 4 lar 'e rm "n the fi s. floor. 6 bed-rooms on undersigned by the Register of Union Co ,,. he veond Swr and 3 large finished rooms on due form of law , therefore all persons i., ct the S A Kitchen and Washhonse adjoins. : ted to said Estate are rendested Id make lm There are also a spa" ions Cellar.large Cement , mediate payment, and ,hfe havmg an, (us, Cistern, a Pump, and Well of good water, a! claims are alr.o requested to present men StX'and ali Tnssnry Outbuilding 1 pr.pefly authenticated xr for terms ir, apply to . Milter. nn"a AYES. ttw.sH,e.S.rt.?9,lftS ( ne M. tM Administrators. ISprlogand SuninierGoods.j .r J. L. IDDinGS & CO. d il vt.'i-,J X X NFORM Ihe public that thev have iust receired from ruila.lt!phia a Lanilsnme . . assortment of fT'J) JjiTJ.j for Spring and Sum mer trade, of ail kindaand latest styles, which navinj been purcnaseu at unusually low rales lhcy ae enaDl.d to ofrer lo the puljic at R A Rfi A I N S ! . ... . . ... , 'tw""hl be almost imp.ssible to enumerate arucics coinpnsinS our moc oi Vnms but they invite all to come and see for ihein- selves assnrin" them I hat they will get More UoO'U for the Panic. Jloney than at any other house in Lewisbur. They have ail kinds of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hard - war-. CJ.ieensware, and all other articles nsu - ally found in a well furnished store. " cler their establishment well worth a visit at all limes they will continue to receive as the season advances, new invoices of seasonable Goods for Ladies' or Gentlemen's wear, so as to lie able at all times to otter the cnoice oi tne New York and Philadelphia markets. Having adopted the motto, Quick Salts ami Small I'riiftls, they hope to have a liberal share of public patronage. I i?All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. I.ewisubrg, May 3, 1S51 Eqx,Something for Von !ta SUGAR, Teas, Colfee, Chocolate, Cocoa. Molasses. Soap, Herring. Washing and Bakin" Soda. I'earl Slnreh. Potash. Pickle?. Pepper Sauce. Mustard, Indigo, Spices ground an, unrmnnd. Sh' llruvh,. Brvoil. i'omlia, lilo?, . II j.i,TT, Knittlnic Cotton. Jlilend-r. r.irlmoiiaiea an-J I'urai-a. Pi-rfiliii'-rr, Fisblni? Ta--kle. Kaor Mropa.and a vnrietv of uniall warm aurh as cThnTi-ir-r vsrn. will In ,o'i ch-np t .rCa.li br II. K. KfcN.NEliy. Lewi-lMir. April '2. ISSI. New Berlin Hotel. Rep irts having been extensively circulated through the county that I am not prepared lo entertain my guests. I beo leave to assure mv i )rlelll; iM j am U-M ,u;jj!l-il with the hc-t I ... i h ue room, an, ,)lllli?t an. can accornino.late all who :. . ,. . ,.nh , favor me with their cist.-n I hope thai mi-re ,iresentat: m a'o!pHy p. rs cittions will not drive my t ien Is ot:. " itbo-a tirsi giving me a trial. DAV !D ELli;!. New Keilin, May R, lS-'il N rUTI''K. Hat ins bren ii'ji'iiiiiftl the SEXTON to the Lewisburg (t.-m tery. 'he subscriber would slate thai he is rr pared to perform all duties connected with the buri.il ot tlie dea l, on short notice. Al o thai he il he u t 1 attend to the re-interment of deceased persons, mid t the direction of iheir surviving friends. Residence in the Lodtre al the Gate of the Cemetery. GrJORGB DON ACHY. Lewisburg. May oil. Wot j IHSSOLUTIO.X. ''HE Co-Partnership heretofore existir.g i r between the subscribers under the firm of "Hertz & Cutler." is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The accounts will be settled hv Mr. Hertz, and the business continued by Mr. Cutler. JOHN HERTZ. JOHN B. CUTLER. Lewisburg, June SI, 165t pd ArimlniMtrafor'M XoJIcp. IET TEKS of Administration haying been j duly "ranted to the undersigned on the estate of GIDEON ANGSTADT.deceased.late ; of Lewisburg Uoro , Union County, notice is hereby given all persons indebted to said es- ! talc to make immediate payment, and those having claims aeamst it will prcseut them, ! n.,..l.l f... c.Ml.H.cnl 1 .''I't-.xT -"filJiist Opened! ascpplv 1 f ; of M inil It 4;OOIH suitable for the -mm FRKSII , ...r ,', suitable for the 'season. Summer Wear of all descriptions, season. oummir -ar ui uu uun jhuh, au r(, f;j ,Js of a ,,era,,!(. SI,,es. qu;i!l. , J. HAYES & C'O'S. ' ) KASOI.s beautiful assortment i l f isl lonible Parasols lo be ha 1 et ! '-v - r,c . J. II Whs .v t.t. Ot 1 I ATS Ju-t eJ, a superior lot of Fine Panama White Magyar, Moleskin, ' Pearl Fur. Cabans, and Palm Hats for sale at I, i. I IMVI'4 J I'll ,lw 'in.r hi .......... O TON i. A RE an excellent assortment o: covered Itutter Jars. Milk Pans, ream- pits. Pitchers. Jugs audspitioons just reed and for sa:e by J. KAYES & CO. Call and Try i.' txr c 'iv w u' IV TP tl I T. -X. "y"- "i The subsrnbers Having lormea a i cn-parinersnip in i .business, now offer to old friends and th mihlic. at the ! late stand of S. F. Lyndall, on Market street, the cheapest (or cash) and best lot of for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg. A Splendid" lot of GUM SHOES. Also ail kinds of kf.-Ilii5 fc'IAK Gaiters, half-Gaiters, etc. Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes. Work made to order Mending as usual. As we are both known as practical shoe- makers and experienced workmen, we solicit L Mi.tit; ui .lie puuiio jiauoiiai;i: aiiu tciii 1131 iu merit it. S. Jc U. Mil'r. I.ewishnrg, May, IdSt NEW GOODS ! 1 X II I II 101 II HCilU UlliU UTS t J.& J. WALKS n AVE again fi led their spacious Shelves Counters, t ellers, and K ooms, with a careful selection of SEASONABLE GDCGS, embracing everything req iired in t! e way of bit 1 GOODS. VROr-F.lilF.S. 11 Mib WA..E, SALT. FISH, &c. sc. for the families of 77ie Farmn; Th- .V.t-XotmV, 2"e. IIitti!;r,cr in w'nateyer vocation, which we odtr to old friends and new on the m ist nccominod-iUng terms. We invite public inspection. IsirPittMirCK of all kiiidis wauto-.l, at tho highest Market prices. Lewisburg, May, leoi 4iIniInistrator'!i olice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that Letters ol Jl Administration on the Estate of Robt.G. II. Have late ot west uutiato lownsmp ... h. .K,. PI m. . i r- - I.O K8 all kinds of -da and i 30-honr Brass Clocks and patent l-er f i rl0.m-a Ttrac 13., law I.Mba , at I or.i.-s su-hour clocks is low as tjii. am riocks i inieo lor one year j.itiuui,no ) . ana Jtwrvy ware, nnnna.fm I II... g' - "r -"""fc Lewisburir. rATCHES Gold auS sder Levers, F.epines, and Verne. OtiM Watches from $25 to $100, at J. L. YODE H i ctreap Watch and Jewelry store. JEWELRY of the latest pattern of all qual - iues for sale at the lowest City prices by I T V 1 1 1 1 1' P SILVER WARE Table, Tea, Dessert, 8alt i and Mmtard Spoons, silver warranted ,e'iia' (, coin. Silver Tea spoons from $5 upwards, no charge for Engravins. at 1 J- L. VODER'S. ! 0, jH A.sf -iirV Ch.teljin. CoM a a,.h lac .. I I ! .. . -.1 ft,4;. lr..r. -Sill to I0, at J. L. VODER'S. Oi'ECTACI.ES-f.old, Silver. Plated, an kj Steel, suitable for all ages. All kinds of ui"" pui rooprciacies at tnesnoriesi notice. ; Particular attention paid to fitunt; Glasses for weak eyes. J. L. VODER.. ' -m -vi i-rrn w l of -,t. i i r.,i.., ; I ' ah! F,,rir sn. .n.i i k-.,,..' 1 ; .,.n., .i...r.i:,.j .. .... ' .,1, .r VI n.r 1 A.. All I. ...I ' give satisfaction All kinds of Enrraving at : Ihe shortest notice at J. I. VIIKVS - 1 OLD PENS all prices.in Gold and Silver jt JiuiUs,i9, tiiiu wiiuuui ri'UiT''. i"r ue ; Cheap at J. L. VODER'S. T . If. Cheaper than Ever! IJXW GOOJ: 18FJ. THE urlersi.-nej irspectt'.i"r -. t'leir tv:rnd i -.1-1 i - uu--,i e ": n:v, lb : t! --v li.i.e pi pd . -J:-i, em - ,c on t .. lion i f 1 co.np'e !- . A " a- i.-s m' . i. s . t: I l I .'W,,-, ...V, (,-, "iV. .i :: v'iiii; o. e . -e i neir s d ai ex. es tuem - t. r- clia- oat en. i ' to ot I - urius r. '. .... ' ,,...,, ' ' ' c ill ana ex.miiti for Iheuisei es cha-i'.g iNoihee. COLXrilY I'EOI'V' E exchange for Goods, anj t.'te in vi" : ', .t heat mark' prices allowed. nrtir.il & von sr.. Leaisbarg, May 3. I54 Id Perfect Fits ! JOIIX It. -tllLLLR carries rn the Tailoring business, on his own hook, at his old stand on Nonh Third StreeLwhere he will attend to Makinz and Cuttinz as usual. I he FASHIONS received from New York- All woik done in the best style and on the most reasonable terms. Produce received a Market prices. Lawisbnrz, Sept. 3. 153 JOHN is. MILLER. Summer Fashions for 1S54, From Ths P. Williams. Broadway, New York, just ree'd by J. li. Mii.LEK, Lewisburg. spring T7IRST OF THE SEASON f We have this day opened a large and beautiful assort ment nf Spring Goods. Persons in want of -V.r S'vies of Goods and at low prices, are re-.p-.-ciiully invited to gire us a call. Apl 7 J. HAVES rV CO. 4 SPLENDID assortment of ssilk.s.Shall.es. I Armenia. V ool Delaines. Persian, ami Lawn DRESS GOODS, lo be had at very low prices of J. HAYES & CO. INGHAMS anl Prints of all descriptions. T also I 0 pieces extra CI cts Prints to be had cheap rf J. HAYES A CO. T XCELLE.N r assrrtitent Wool, Ineain. li and Hemn CARPETING, also Dri.iei Ji Oil cloths, colored and white rottnn and hemp i,arpel Chains, at lowest prtces b J. HAYES CO. W 2 PERM. Tanners'. Fish and Linseed OILS and White Lead, best nnnhiy, at April 1.1. li-.U J. HAYES V CO 100 LBS of excellent FEATHERS to t e had of J. HAYEs A i O. IIUSSEY'S CHAIN liEAl'EI!, for cutting both Grain and Oras!-. MANUFACTURED and for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by GKDDES, MAR!! A 'l FAHIL7 GROCERY. Ham, SllOultlers, Lnrd, TolmcCO, C1IGAR- Cra II , Raisms. L"mo;i ;, Oianrt"s. Figs rae.kers, I hetsc. Sutmu; ry, a larre variety ol tontectionarics, &-e. Sic b r a!e b. H. K. K EN N '!) ', Murray's old stand. Mark't qla!. njr ' fi; Lewisbur?, April li, HOMCHOPATHIC r E 31 Z I W C S IytEPASMJ by n..eir:.aeher fWa, Apothcc.-'i js 1 1 t'le il,iiu-i-,sna-!r,r T o- pensary, N -. 4! 1 Arch sr er. P'"ia r,. c ronr. :iii!-.- on h,in I ai 1 t.r s.:r. w,- es t and r- .ti'.in T.f n s! uer. a' to- ! e; I rtt Ti.V,;: . Dn.T. A. U. Ti?i'".": ! i ' toil' K. iv''e.una uili to I ,e : C t i. -. . i'n,-e n-vie oi in - v ir -- .v I locat 1 a' !.". .S.. , ;.i i- . : itor ri - . m th;; i t; v f.; r;:;. H tr. ' ? ! T u- ,d :' .'..r . . m 1 a-r'u .-. v t.. i-s:r- i.s i w t'itinn ; s-i '-i.-et to tit,- o.' visi-i-h t f bir-'ii-:- iiv of this ( i r.i ni.-r. w . By order of the Director?: h. p. s?!i;-:llr. t Lewi !v:rg. Pa., June '-. '.'." I Uotict?. rCTTEKfTestTnei 'irrne "he T'ti-e o: J WILLIAM A. PAI'TERMlS, U'a i Kelly township. deceased, having bi u Issue-: to tha sabsrrlbers by the Regis'er of W.lls , ' Union county, ail persons indebted lo s'i estate are requested to make payment, and all persons having claims to presmt them, prop erly authentic ated. fof settlrmen. THOMAS COML. . THOMAS II AYES, JLt'c July 51, 1S54 Pw N'OTirE, Persons bnowisg ihemse've. indebted to ns, cii'icr by Jsole or U ,l Accnnnl, M requested to e'l and e tie scon D. P KREMETi s lf) Lewiih'.tr(, April t, Itji New Soriiiir Goods ! b TUCK ii Cooks tnrl Shoes, ttit:rnerfl ril?1E libsctibef antionrets to hii fritadaf J. and Ihe public fer.rraliv irst te ha.' ;rt , receiveJ from rhilade!r.hia a larje aLil iue tent assortment of ! & 1)373 ilZD 2Ill3 .' comprising erery ka d ar.d Tariety of GU' j a . t 1.... a ... - I "ls:H ww,waiic:i, moorccs, fieSv SlippflV Ac. I.adiet' Finr Caitrr tnofi, Buskins, Jenny I.i'd--. i-d Tim of tkt and most approved les. Hov , S!iss-s . ond Children , Boots. Lace B els. Gaiters ard thrt ofa.e atyle and va'-'' tele .ti',n of iV ': . ) orn also a ctoic 1 s-d CiZss.cal - K R . en-ies rrd V-.o - -'n rt of Hsl.' J - 1-7 i-Srffllh ' - - . icd r . ta -ota lo n.. ...'-. : I ,T .... a ,- r ,:n-!.n(i J. 4 e r.o i - - -7-.-; -. e to - t ard r t ' r.:,! id-.: . .. j row in nse , ioeemr t: ', n r y, . TV- a';ci ted and ill It ri . l"e u-ider.t.yr--; . nre hn i..-. i i.:. : CTlfT, ar.d ffc- ! , ' ' ' ,: 1 I please, he - shareof h.. Lewisbvrr. . I stive) ;.:, Til- li- - ' of Free (A .v fc - :t , r-.r .Ji ,- ri m )'- - t at,a.-irff i if I., .'. r-.u. j- - Uon oi -. i io i,tjuiii5:; ANTED So .. ,j ; . ... i -'" a, : , ... :c 5.'ti-fi f- - ; 4 t,-. r. F'2t eo T'-Sg , 1 Bir.te so :i.'.: 3 it Is :hi :i.mi!: Fei: ?::d ! to be de!:vf the bank of th R.ver at Harr::-1 oi eooa quality and s:ra.t pratre ; is i ird. Proposals will be re -ived :,; ;s(p,. i fm furnishing the above. ard i erscrs ser r.iw a nr.. t posais will state the quarti ir. cna'pv r '. tt "'"orm aula? lurj Clll in : CIS o , 9' C. lr) Terms ef payment rtih tn ce ivery aal inspection. Address .pnst.r.ii) 40 W.O. HICKOK, Harris! orr. Pa. DA G U K lilt EOT V F E.i ! SFl'HKR i. II WJ would iLform ih public that they have fined aft iiMiO iecs$jj fee ifaciiit.-rfciup.'rj,. ib the New Bui .n.g over D.-.'i'uornion'a Drug Store entrance at ihe Jlr t dw. op sta rs where they are prepared to perform "? "rk in their line m trie tt ,t; le oi ihe art. We can take p::ures at a'rr.' st nryhour in the day. Childrro taken as wei! a's ti-y.r and other pictures copied. As we have now a rcrrnanrnt Iccattrn.f.tteJ up purposely and exr!ns:.e,v for LVfcOir.-eo-' typing, we think we can to ir ert ,c susfac-' lion, and respectfully ur.d:r our sn ic. , F. ipKef.. Lewisburg. Aug. I, 18"3 J I.. H.W.. JACOB DYEIi, Caitaw:; ?A, mW'ouId inform hi t id frleftds sr.d th pnblic generally rn tie tl et a-.C Ncriw ttrai.ch.that he continues tn keep il. tTJCB HOTEL, in the center of tr.r Town, ar d ask -lair share of patronage. Seri. i 1RF.SERVING and rVk :r,j Rsi ,OS rec and for sale at th Vemm. th Drug Store; Aug to Da. THOKSTON & CO. I UST rer'd ai 4 for s t at th- Msminatli V a'rus --t re a large .; - of Ur. Grera gennine rl FI EK?, : r -i Aug lo Da. 1 f; - f I'rs'et ?:a. etc I'.NTON fi CO. rltiio.ii?; I.:, J a-vl a Ijr. e , ' Framing, and t.r : N. V . L. : GEr.VAN ard Fi r ing. Pa n'i: - ? ' Tl; . Lewisi urg. Sej t. i i i m.,, tJi ::. vl KM .A R. i d Xa.-kc 9t. '.' Li-X) -nf . .r, la.-gi.t I f I BARGAIN'S at ihe f i.AP i -.eiti' tt t i-. .. V1 '.'."' i-'v;!c espe. i n ...... e, i i)nr r-, '1 r ' r.i v ' wo-..- A,-. . . ai-d l.i T:. IS 1- .. "e S-9 0 :il re s r . Sen era'. K VOLKJ ti" Lewis'; nrr. '.iv IJ. Dr. J;.c Hrrhr'tfr, TOTANIC PIiY;C AN v -g re-a sett ) bis health. ha res.ir." ! '... rr:n ce it ihe healinsr rt. Jl'SStn.'r -r S"f.VP -t .fit in great demand, air! all r .- furp:.ei it usual. New Berlin. S . i. .Sri CJCBOOL ORPFRS reatlv p: nfert ar J (V 5 sale at the Cr-.n''rr Oitse. N K W BffoU aad 1 I m ft-.fl ?J i HI 9. 11 Til li. ' r I A J i ' " fi t,t