LE WISBUBG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. August 4, 1854. ! fm Hniur .firm. The Umitm 'ii..!n,-ix ha coaatdaraMy tie. largest cireiilaiiu of njr tDghan cwepaper IB I'uiua eouuty. Y.'hij S'nfe Tiehl. Governor JAMES POLLOCK. Norliiumblnd. Vnurrmr iourtV. M.SM YfV.K, Monipomery. i'aHuH'ummisuuwr I.O. 1) AliSIb.Allegany. Democratic Slate. Ticket. rfr?Mr Wll.l.HM IIIlil.F.rt, of Clearfield.' Muprcmt Court J. 8. BLACK. if Somerset. Canal ommiv,ioner-HY S. MOTT, of Pike. Union County Whig Nominees, i Congrcsi Hon. JOSEPH CASEY, j or li..! mcrrr. a it i rnt'TiL'PTPL- L'liei'L' 1 jisscnwy it. r ivr.i.'r.i.iivrv. . i j.. iv, t or M:u!isfiRivE. Commintionri MARK HALFPENNY, or Hartley. Iingiijer J A M Ks W. l'ENXINC.TON, or Mifru.t ti. il7V..r-IIENRY S. liOYEU, or W isHmr.Tox. Democratic County Convention. The Democratic voters of t'niou County are hereby requested to meet at each election district in the county, on KATCKDAY. the 12th dav of Annst next, an.l elect two Dele pates, who are to assemble in County Conven tion, nn MONDAY, lhe llth dav of Auirust next, to nominate candidates lor County Oili crrs.elecl Senatorial and Hepresentative Con ferees tn nominate ca'idid t-s for Senator and Representative, also a candidate for Congress an I Congressional Conferees, anil elect a De legate to the neit Stale Convention. C. D. ROl'SH, Chairman. New Berlin, Jt'ly 2T, ! figj-Tlie Regular Monthly Meeting of the Society for Moral and Religious In quiry, will be held in I'niver-i-y Chapel, on Snnday "x. V: T. I'.M. A Kop-.i k -!- la.r- ' ' ..- H. Ids for X'.-'omrv i.ib' i'.' ' i i I( ! Mr. J. r. Moris,., if :! o r-ivii nt' fis AJt'J i ll Omdi. ! . :'(,, .1 it!y 5 1 .The steam-hip A ! , with Liverpool ti .tin to tin- I. lib, arrived line at uooti to-day. Her advice.- are four dv.s later. The Liverpool nurkel for Rival.-t ulT rliow that prices are fluctuating. The .yiotaiioiis arj very iiii-:.tisf..ctory. It ap pears that a large decline has taken place boih in Wheat and Flour. Trade at Manchester was somewhat do pressed, Goods and Yarns were offered at a reduction on previous rites. The Waii News. A telegraphic despatch in the Second Edition of the Loudon Times states that the Russian troops were returning from Moldavia to Wallachia. The Russian troops stationed in Lessor Wallachia, says a despatch from Widdi n of tho 12th, have crossed the Danube at several different poiuts, ank occupied the principal places, in order ta prevent the troops from crossing at A'uta. Advices from St. Petersburg tn thc8:h, announce that three hundred young nobles had been arrested on the charge of express ing sentiments in opposition to the govern ment. It was rumore at Yienna on the I7th that Prir.CJ Paskicwiteh was dead. The whole garrison of Rraila was march ing on Bucharest. The Russians were rep Tted to be en gaged in cutting down ar.d otherwise des troying the crops of wheat in Wallachia The Servian government has been com pelled to give satisfactory assurance of it course to Austria. Accounts from Bucharest to the 14th mention, in consequence of a dispute hav ing arisen between the Emperor Nicho las and the heir to the crown, the latter will not join the Army. The Allied land forces in Tarkey were in full march to the Hanube. A body of French troops had arrived at Rustchuk, and there was a force of Eng lish troops at Embelar. The German powers now announce that it will not be possible to call upon Russia to evacuate the Principalities, if it be not at the same time clearly understood that the Allied powers shall stop their move ments in advance in other words, that Austria hag fallen back into an alliance with Russia. Accounts from St. Petersburg s'.atc that tli Cz ir is detenniutd uot to yield ; lut discontent prevailed in the capital. The details received show that the re cent victory at Giurgcvo was aehieved by the Turks unassisted, leaving the uholc lat.k tf the Danube from Turn ( 'l-n-i'n i 'Voir lia '1 A 1 '1.- so-il! u.triau tU .: I.' n i:y . io tu: t a:i b ! -";v 10 ful t::e r. n . i,d enter ut ;b- Ilussiaiis. It vi,tii.-:t. r of the Sultan Wa.i..v is stated tL-it ti:. at Vienna has requested hat the Austrian Government will uot, uud r the circum stances. s rl its troops iuto any other' provinces nt the Sultau's dominions under J tle supposed authority of the Convention, ! or of the notes which have been since ex. changed. Ou the 9th inst. the Tugks attacked Brigadiers Pauloff and Solmenuff, with other Russian detachments at Fratcscbi, north of Giurgevo. The Russians were completely routed. The whole of the left tank of tLc Danal e between Kalafat and Oltcnitra is fulljf oc-1 "I'orutAB BoVElirioSTf." A ouii cupie.l by tbo Turks. I grant nrritinc frorti the Kansas border, to AH the French and English troops bad the jfcw York Tribune, says that thus far been disembarked at Varna, and were J tjj0 prospects of Northern emigrant arc gradually advaueing toward Silistria. The cucouraging. The Western Rcporter,pub urniy was sadly in want of the means of i;suej on the borders of Kansas, offers a "heavy draught," which bad been the ' reirard of two hundred dollars for the de great cause of their detention. j livery, at Weston, of Mr. Henry Thayer ! The Xoniteur announces that the Rus-! Mr. Thayer's ofTence bad been that be was sian ports of the Ulack Sea and the Sea ' a3 act;ve Ulember of tho Emigrant Aid ! f Azof, will be blockaded at a date to be I Society. Popular sovereignty, then, is to . fixed upon. ,e fa aw 0f force anj bowie knives, 11 13 saM IUM wtillc "vw nussians , were marching from JJucharcst, one-half 8trm.k Jown ly BUn.gtrokc or iuflam. '"a1'10" of ,hc brain- . . , Lxdi.AND. Iu the British House of Commons, on the 10th inst., Lord John U!.sci 3VC not:cc that be should wove, e ' in the course of the ensuing week, to vote ! a credit for the purpose of carrying on the war. Si-aim. The insurrection in Spain is believed lo be spreading throughout the country, nolwith.-daudiug the strcuuous efforts of the government to put it down. The regiments of Navarre and Guada laxara have taken the initiative, amidst the loud acclamations of the populace The latest advices from Spain, under date of Paris, July 18th, report that Jar-; celona has prouounccd against the govern- nieut. The news is very important. The in-1 stirreelion was spreading rapidly. By tele-1 graph from Kayonne, the 20th, it is stated i that Madrid and its garrison have pro- I nmineed against the cU'-cn. The Cabinet dissolved, and Sail Luis, the Premier. h:i tle l. Humors wore current that Queen Chris- tiana had fled to Bayonnn, and that (jueen I I abulia had left Madiid. Advices received frotn Madrid of the lS'h inst-state that tho insurgents wen masters of Ma Irid. During the night the Ho ips etigagi d acted vigorouly against iLc barricades, but for the most part uu-Mtece.-afuIIy. Sympathy. A large meeting of the citizens of Lew isl'tir was held on Wednesday evening, Aug. 2nd, tii express their approbation ot the measures of Judge Conrad of Phila 1. ip hia, enforcing the laws in regard to be liquor trade. On moti in, President MALCOM was ailed to the chair, and Hon. Eli Slifeb leeted Secretary. Mr. James Aiken then offered the fol lowing Resolutions. llcttJccil, That the conduct of Mayor Conrad, in enforcing the laws, and thus preserving the public peace, and the pub lic morality, has made him a model worthy of imitation by every magistrate in the countiy. KevJval, That if Robert T. Conrad, irat elected by a union of all the "isms" (as alleged by his enemies) then we hope that all the "isms" will continue their uiitcd, and vigorous action uutil they fill nir I road land i h executive and judi cial oflieersvvho shall, like Conrad, fear !od and work righteousness. lr:t,tr,i. That in the success which has ittended the efforts of Mayor Conrad, to nf irec State law in the city of Philadel phia, we see the clearest proof that it can be enforced everywhere. lierrJmf, Tbatnien who live in open defiance of the laws of the land should be regarded as outside of the claims of court esy and should be made to know the prcat Americanism that the majority shall coti r The Secret aiy then offered the fallow ing : JlfucJeciJ, That the Officers of this' Bor ough are earnestly called upon and sacred ly bound to detect and prosecute all viola tion of our existing laws in regard to the sale of spirituous liquors, and that we pledge them in so doing our combined and linn support. On these several motions, which were unanimously carried, addresses were made by Mcsi-rs. Ross, Slifcr, Mcrtz and the President. The meeting was animated & harmonious and showed a spirit which will be felt in our October election. On motion of Mr. Neviuj, tho proceed ings were ordered to be printed and the meeting adjourned. The Richmond Enquirer understands, on authority which it has no reason to dis credit, that there are already about three hundred and ', fifty organized lodges of ' as may be necessary. Ad,further,the Sian 2S in Yir.'inia.-01d Yir-1?:"'". Know Nothings in Vinr ginia" will have to come at last Washington, Aug. 1. The House will hereafter meet at 10 o'clock in the morning. There is an immense amount of business pressing upon Congress. Great bustle, excitement and confusion prevails j in both Mouses. An attempt to prolong lis.-- session of Congress will not prevail. Tlie weather is very hot. One of Mr. Garresche's powder mills, -ii iateii about a mile and a half from . Wilmington, Del., was blown up on Sat urday night. James Lynch, watchman was killed, and Dennis Conner, engineer : much injured. Cause of the explosion un , known- The New York Hecnivg Post of Satnr- day lat, publishes the names, age, nativ ity and residence of all the persona who j have died of cholera in New York, from j t'k'n't a must &mii tllat Messrs. Sirnon the first appearance of the disease np to I ton Buffa'o, and Ilackcnberg of Wash the 22d inst., a period of nine weeks. I 'nSton d f'rlj represent the Whigs The aggregate number is six hundred and j of those townships, who but for outside thirty-one. Five hundred and two were influences would be entirely satisfied with foreigner, and one hundred and twenty- the Ticket already in nomination, nine were native Americans. Islgj-See next column. therefore we shall not emigrate to live un der it. We prefer the despotism of civil ization and a free State constitution. Philad Sun. Union County Whi! taS-We have been asked, "Is it best to attend the Mormon calls fur dividing the party ?" The call is to "the Wlti," un der which all Whigs may attend or uot, just as they choose. Our own opinion is, that no good would result from any inter ference with their plans until wo meet them at the ballot-bos. From the man ner in which New Berlin managers have conducted the whole contest from last fall (and from other evidence) it is certain ,.ulli r:lsl .... i. Ji,,,utcd scatj cnoug, to Kivc them the control ; 0Pj if they" were defeated at that, the Star anj YMsfmuhl have already announced tI)at tliey w;ji not g,)Terru.d by the ni)Illjn.lton unlcf3 it suits them. And ":his is a free country" give the Metro polis "plenty of rope." KirLaat year, the New Berlin Whig i liipto got upon the Ticket, Messrs. Situon- ton, Ilaekeuberg, Seebuld, Solomon, Peters, and Yau Gezer. Together, these nominees did not get half the votes of the county; three of them were defl ated outright ; and a few Whigs iu the 1 ivisiou Districts saved the other three. Nt satisfied with that rebuff, the same clique have since divided the Cuuuty Committee, mid now are pro ceeding steadily to work to divide the par ty itself, by a disorganizing Convention, although a Convention called by a majori ty of the Cuuuty Committee have already uomiuated a full Ticket of unexceptionable Whigs. They are determined to rule the Whig party absolutely, or to destroy it. Who will aid them ? WAsnisiiTox, Ji lt 21, 151. Talking about the House, I can not help doing aa act of justice to your able and talented Representative, Hon. Neh Min uleswartii. There is not a man in the Houso who is more generally respected and esteemed than he, and for the obvious reason that there are few men in the House who have a better capacity for duing business, and who are riper in ex perience. "Old Ner" is not oue of your blustering, storming fellows, not at all, but he is a working member, devotes him self to his business-, is always iu bis seat. I shall give an instance of his patience, aud determination to do, when there is oc casion. I was told that durinir the Neb- I rasj.a exc;tcmcrit ; the House, he did without catiny, drinking or tl-fjung lor thirty-five lours. He kept to Lis pot, and it will be recollected, in this connec tion that he is an old man. This is true ; I have it from his own lips. I think of such a representative the people of your district may feel pretty proud, lie goes home to morrow. Corrcjioird-rrcc of the HarrUlunj Telegraph. Hear both Sides! Bffi.The following is the Call to which George Merrill got the names attached by going from one to the other and telling them us side of the story : " W'hio Coi'STT Covrsni!r. We, the undersitmed. members of the Whig Standing Committee of L'nion county, do hereby request the Whigs of each Election District in tlie county to meet on .Saturday the Fifih day of August next at the election house in each district respectively, and elect two Delegates, who are to assemble in County Convention at the Court House in New Berlin, on Monday the Seventh day of Anctust next, to nominate candidates for County Ollicers,elecl Senatorial and Representative Conferees who are to meet similar Conferees from Ihis Senatorial and Representative District, to nominate candid ates for Senator and Representative, also a candidate for Congress and Congressional Conferees, and transact snch other bnsiness 1 IIIS Ol .UC I.OIOII inii- le 111 u.ii. u i., the Call for a Convention issued by Wm. F. Wngenseler&e, inasmuch as the same is en tirely unauthorized by us, or a quorum of us. (Signed) I.. F. Albright William liule Daniel Orosscnp John C. Wilson Win. S. Ciingan J. W. Pennington R. V. D. Lincoln Aaron J. Middleswarth John Craig William Courtney George Merrill." Daniel Lease S. Hachcnbcrg David Weirick James W. Simonton After hearing the other tide of the riucstion, seven of the ahove Committee recalled tho foregoing, and endorsed the Convention authorized by 11 of the 10 nictuhers of the Committee. The Disorganizes therefore have Lut eight, a minority of tho Committee, to sanction their revolutionary course. Sis of these from New Berlin, Widdlccreck, LimcstoneCenter, Franklin and Beaver prohably reflect the wishes of those they represent on the Division question; but we UNION AND VICTORY ! For Governor, AMES POLLOCK! ftyTbc undersigned, being a majority of the Whig Standing Committee of Union County, do hereby, for the sake of preser ving peace and barmony in the Whig party, call upon the Whig throughout the County to mnct in their respective Districts On SATURDAY TUB 24ni tlAYj OF JUNE INST. and elect two Delegates to; represent in COUNTY COX'EXTWX on MONDAY the 20th day of June inst. (Signed) I. L. F. ALRKKiHT, 2. MICHAEL RUOWN, 3. O. N. WOP. DEN, 4. M. II. TAG G ART, 5. W.F. WAGENSELLF.R i lie un'iers.gneu, memners u e ..." , htandin-' Committee of Luion County,! ir , . , r .i ni.:..t have viewed witU much concern ami regret the division and distraction prevailing i 1 1 , the partv, and are anxious if possible to avoid the necessity and bad effects of hold ing two separate Conventions, and havino signed their names to a JtLANK Call, with out date, for a Convention of Delegates; hereby, for the sake of peace and unity, RECALL the same, and respectfully rec ommend to all the Whii's iu the County o meet on SATURDAY, the 21th of June Hist., and elect two Delcfrates to rep resent them in COUNTY CONVENTION on MONDAY thc2(ith inst. This recom mendation is made without pretending to decide on the rights of Mr. Wagenscller or .Mr. Merrill to act as Chairman of our; Committee, and for the sole purpose of haimouizing tho party and securing the success of our nominees. (Signed ) 0. JOHN CRAIG, 7. DANIEL LEES, 8. J. W. PENNINGTON, ft. WILLIAM RU11L, 10. R. V. R. LINCOLN, 11. WM. S. CLING AN. 10 June, lM.jl. The Committee originally consisted of 20 members.onc of whom (Mr. 'Wm. J- May) has since removed from the County leaving but 19 members in the Committee. l"9 Oilier members of the Committee have not been ; seen, and have therelore natl no oppnnuniii ' to sin the above Call. J JIn accordance with the foru 1 fioing Call, the Delegates assembled at the 'time and place appointed. The following Dinners were represented : Hartley, West DtifTaloo, Mif fliubur?, Duflaloe, White Doer, Lewislnirfj N.aud S. WanN, Kast Buflaloe. Union, Penns, iSelins grove, Washington, Center V of the 23 districts. JAMES M CUEIGHT of T.uffaloc was chosen President, aud J. D. FoilKEV, of Hartley, Secretary. The first business in order was the- nom ination of a candidate to represent this Congressional district, when Hon. Jokewi Casf.Y of Union county was unanimous?! nominated, and Messrs. Slifor of Lcwisburg, Gibson of Union, and Snyder of Selins grove, appointed Congressional Conferees. For Senator, Judge Marshall of White Deer was named, bat declined in favor of a Juniata candidate. Dr. Hower of Free burg was then named, who also conccdo the right to Juniata. Messrs. James Mar shall of White Deer, M'Creight of Eufla loe, aud Gutelius of Selinsrr"vp,were thr u elected Senatorial Cunt'. ics, iastriif..' ! present the name of Dr. J. 1J. IJuvvtlt i. : Senator. For Representative, Messrs. Speck of j Selinsgrovo, Hower of Frecburg, Siuionton ;of liuffaloc, and Wilt of Hartley, Were ! nominated. The vote stood Speck 15, I Hower 3, Siuionton 4, Wilt 4. So Dr. I Fri.dErick Sl'ECK, of Selinsgrove, was declared nominated, and Mcfsis. W. F. Wagenscller of Selinsgrove, Dr. SeeboM of Hartley, and Worden of Lcwisburg, appointed Representative Conferees. For County Commissioner, Mcssr?. S. lioycr Jr. of Penns, Aurand of Middlcburg, and Halfpenny of Hartley, were put in nomination. After several ballotings, Map. it IlAi.rrEN.NT, of Hartley, having received the highest number of votes, was duly nominated. For Register & Recorder, Messrs. Smith of White Deer and Pennington of Mifilin burg, were nominated. The vote stood Smith 11, Pennington 15, when James W Penm.ngton of MilUinburg was declared nominated. For Auditor, Henry S. DoYEtt Esq. of Washington Tp. was duly nominated. The MifHinburg Academy having passed out of the control of the County, the use less formality of nominating Trustees was dispensed with. Whig County Committee. The President of the late Whig Con vention of Union county, was deputed to appoint a Standing C'omniitteo of one from each Election District, and would recommend tho following gentlemen : IIAiVe Jeer Samuel Marshall. Kitty Jacob Hummel. llnjj'aloe James D. Chamherlin. He Ihijpdue Jacob Ohcrdorf. JliffiinburglsxAC L. Beck. Hartley J. 1). Forrey. Limestone Fredk UolcnJer. X w Merlin Saml Weirick. Jackson John freyer. A'ns Miijaloe Jacob Gundy. Leici&urg Xorth Wiml I). 0. Slifcr. Leicislurg South Ward J. A. Mertz. Union Henry Gibson. l'cnns Saml Boycr, Jr. Selintgroce Israel Gutelius. Middlecrcek Conrad Stock. Washington Isaac D. Boycr. Chapman Wm. G. Ilerrol j. Perry Jonas German. Franklin Jacob Aurand. Center Israel Knettle. Beaver Ilccry Smith. Ircrt Heaver David Fcsslcr. July 13. J43. M Ceeioht, Trcs. New York Ad v'Cs. THK GKKAT UrMl4I)V, I TSOt'T which so mtich has been said and published, is aiming ns. Who has not t the MKXICAN MIXTA V7 .A7- .M.'.V'.? Many millions of bottles have been sol ! and u.icJ to cum Rheumatism, I'lcers, Sores, llruises. Sprains, Hing-worin, Felons. Salt Ithenin, 1'iles, Sore Nipples and Caked i Breasts, Cancers. Itch, Corns on the 1 oes, : or Limbs, Cuts, Scalds, or scald-head, Numb) I'alsy, Bunions or frosted feel. Warts, or anv other complaint that cm be reaehed by an i external remedy. Ami it lias always been successful. Ir is rn.iMi.l-r odiid in heal.n? Wounds, Scratches, saddle or harness tialls. or anv sprain, soreness or siinitess, anu it is B.arr:1,(,, , C1.e y ,iu lingbuUC, Splint, ..,,1. 1...1 Horses. 1 y 1 iiu mil lit is 11111 1111 in uir, : sizes. and retails at -." ets, 50 cts.and 'SI. Th lar-;e Domes contain nitien more 1. iniinen: 1:1 prnpor lion to the priees, and are therefore cheapest. Jfi Lniintn Mrrchaitt. Kvery store should be supplied with this valuable I.I.MM K.Vf, as it pays a pood profit and sells rapidly. O.W. WKSTBKOOK, (successor lo A. (J. Brat? & Co.) Originator and sole Proprietor, rrincipaloffiees 301 liroadway, S'rwVorlr, and eor. :M fc Market Sts.,St. Louis, Missouri. Sold by every dealer in drills and medicines ihrntldii.iit the Caiteil Slates, Cauadas, West ladies, and Bermuda Islands. Iy5:l3 Baltimore AdvYs. , Floar, Grain, & Lnrater Commission Merchauts...23 & Spear's Wharf, .:rtn to IS-dtimore. J. tin riiirlu.. K... Pre", ( itii n. Br.nk. I C:iltim,rt. A. I. oil.K. Kf).. I'.ifh. Krun'nlm il'j I J- l. Ilerliel Jr.. I!-,, I phi,,,,,, j,. -er", .sinn:i-k-'.n & I .. . ( 1 J. Mr. K.' . l'p-.i.l. luil Itank, roll Ilefo-U. .1. V'aer A Sou. UiirrifliUr,.'. '..I. II C. f.ver. I .1 II ...ill'...! -.."-. N.'l-. Uin.-r.t- Co.. Mi!t.,n. V . W. '.- I.e. K-.i , I ,. S.lnoil S.lnnl.r. K-Q.. (,'uor-T-lie .r,- CI i.e. K-. . Ilu.-h..ill. Wm. VV.:iv-r. :..iiturTii:e. il.ni V m r I' ,.-i,. r. i T. v. I.I...1. i: . .a-!.i.-r, f .Lis..., ti. n,.i. . i.. k- o. It. i. in '. K-.j VVitti.on "..1 1 S M 1 1 -lev ,1 '!;,. h. .1 r-. J u T-. J. I'. Iliil:,i?. i:.-, . l...-k H -.T. e. the l.-.rf v hart room of any C ooin o: any Ceiiim n II. use oeM.nuh l.ilrit!!e: boats in '. a!w:r, s eivinir ij'.iick uciinreit. then- enr-.res. fiii.S 1 7 FITS! FITS! FITS ! t:r. vf- .r.Tt.;.c: is:ri- t ; EPILEPTIC PILLS, ! Fur thr cure of t'ttx, S'infifia, Crathp. ami alt jV'TCiei and Vtmtit:itnmal MtsruAtx. j IERtSO.NS uhi are laborn; under tins j disiressinp maladv will find lhe VEfiKT- I A 15 1, K EPII.r.l'TIC "I'll.l.S to be the onlv : remedy ever discovered IV-r coring Kpilepvy. ! or failing Kits. " i Tie?..' I'.tl. r"- re.-:e .-ti..n en llie n rTr.n ! .yTtem.nn.l alilunu h lli.-y nr--.rei;ov U-l-erinlty f. r til. I iirp'e of -.irin,.' 111--. Ih-T wi 1 1..- foioi i i f eI.el-inl l.-i.- ! efit frr nil ..-r-en. aPli.-t.tl uitl, w....k neivef.r.r wht-i n. r..i.i. i.vi-t..iii lias tn-. a prur-lrate.1 er Mitt.-r-.l fr.m j any eai,-e wh .ti-T.-r. I', el. ron e romr-laino. or l!..-a-e.- . it ti.nic .inn linj. tir. rmJui-J i'y n.-rvou.,li.-:tft tl.p are j PrW 1 r r l. .x...rtwo1.nx..i.f..r .-.. remnn out of th rit. en.-lV(n:r rrmift.ini-e. ill haTe ti.K en in tltt-m thn.il.'h the mail. fn. of rt..laj. For ! 1:T SKTll S IIANCK. Nr.. ln. tl.l.TI'l ,r.r Mi! I IT fall in.,.r. M-I-. t. wlintn ..rii.T frum all J.srlii nf Hi .l.ln-se.I. p..ftt . :.. I 1 v lit' n.-w I'ii .u mui be Philadelphia Advs. iFrtntti Zvussts, Vi!iinz A.-fl t-'i'ui 31 ounce., 17011 lhe cure r( HKK.MA or l.'C i ri:i: 1 A.-l.i'.o-.vleJ.'ed bv the highest incdicai " r ''s of I'liilii b-Ii h: a. nir impariiLlv sti- ! fei ' :inv :li. r in u-e. smrerers will be j . " ,i .,!'.: .1 i.. leai n that ilie occasion ti w r lit r j " '- II are, .sf. to pr ire- not only ihe lihlttl inij n ta,,, II. C( il'I.TliK, !! S'-.trh S ii1. ' N"I f-'f.. but as rfirr.-.-.'... a Tril'S ai any other, in lieu 'ol I'.'nl h . S d- . -s a. eve fbr'trnt. Kls: the eiiinbrons and nneoinfortablc artie'e uvu- s: 'e. bi r: r r : M i: Mt'ncttir.-r a I kinds of ally Mild. There is no diliiriilty auendin; the ! 1 T II.I.OM . !:; C t.sistir.s in part f fut:n, and when lhe pad is located it wiil ! the f,. i,.u i;.;;. I..-.1;. s" Tia-. elu.p Kas retain iis posiiion wllbi ut cti:inj;e. Lets. V. . rt, II i-t.-i" .. er l'as:,ets Onire Persons at a distance onal-le to call rn tlie ; Baskets, s.-.-.-.r l!.isk!s. Pl.-.tn.Fancvand Em snb.criber, can have ilir Truss sent tn any 1 hroid I !!..' . Is. 1. 1 oi' Siaiuls and address, by rcmittins Five Dollars lor llie sm- j Sewinr l:.:;iv of l,eau:'u! dcsi-rn and excel gleTros'.or Ten forth" dotililc- nidi measure . lent w..i!.,n-ins!.tt.. wli;ch he is seiiini; reinar- around the h:p, and statin? the side allected. It will be exchanged to suit if not fitting-, by reuirnintr it at once, uns-eled. For sale only by the Importer. CAI.KB II. NEK 1)1 Fs. Cr. Twelfth & Knee Sts, VhiLit'lj .W. H Ladies rriimrin the benefit of .Mecha nical Supports, owin to derangement of the internal organs, including; falling of thewomb. vocal, pulmonai-y, dyspeptic, nervous, and spi nal weakness, are informed that a competent and experienced hiri will he in a'tendance at the Rooms, (set apart for their exclusive use) Xo. Ill TWELFTH St. 1st door above Kace. lv'i.13 Xem stuck ) Window Shades. XcwSfVu, S ( Hal G. L. MILLER & CO., Manufacturers anil Whnlernle V Ketait Dealer! in yi 71 IN DOW slIADEsy soulh-west corner y Second and Arch Sis. Thilmleljihia. Such as (.'utile's Landscapes, Borders, Vases, Scrolls. Hoquets.tJold Borders, Ac.of the most beautiful designs end perfection of finish in hte country, and at such I.oiv I'ricrsi as to challenge all competition. But)' and White Holland?, Cambrics, Tassels, Cords, Brasses, &e.Jn every variety for City or Country trade. ( tr"We invite an examination of our Stock at the Depot, s. W. corner Sd & Arch. Philad. Jan. 1S51 4m3U BUILDING HARDWARE Tool Store exclusively, The largest EstahlUhment of the kind in the I'.S. Win. 51. M'C'lurc & Bro. Xo.287 'Market St. above Seventh, PhilaJ. MANI FACn.RERS- Repot for Locks of all kinds, warranted oualitv. I'.-.tem Silvered, (ilass Knobi." Premium Porcelain Knobs.overlftOpattcrns. Silvei-pl.ited Knobs, llintres. &c. mlth most complete assortment of all ih f. ftoods in this line. Purchasers arc invited to call and Slock. Catalogues sent he Mi.il if jei,..i Hot Air Regimen and Ventiiuton at Factnri Priees. IVA11 orders put 'up under the imme.l;,.i supervision of the Finn. ''' SEE 6,n5iat Book itccnls Wanted. A CXT WAJfTnD in ever, Town and iA. County m the fnited St.ntf.. tn tu rnout popular and saleable many of them beautifully illustrated with Col-T-n ,nS,ravinSS i also the most popular works Ubmn" incliJing "Arthur's Cottage futelllirent and nterntiln r,m. ;ii j u; . ant uit pr. BUI.1, btiKimw. r'cu 'or parlu;uir5, iddren (post raiil) J W III. . M .... lwln v ,t . """"'.. 1 liminlinr. 'Wm Nortii r .rth SI (.,...j,r..i. . TriH'i, Supporters, Vo-iJp-ilcr Bracks, aiot all other V ttiirirical Apparatus and Ban dages, applied and warranted te pive satisfarlion.br Dr.aMl Mrs M'CI.KN ACJIN, No. II North StJVKNTIl S reel, The reat number rf Females reliered nr)l I cured by we:u"!ii Mr. M Cleii:o-Snn's Si;p i norters. warrants in r in Ciiii:nimdins them as ,uo,.ri(,r t anvihuig of the kind ever i.ftVrrd u lhe pahl:e HjantW rhUidofo'lil Sorifl? Trade-"1854 ' .lA7r,.v7y.70.Jrf.ov(., ....; f.r wn,.i tr aril low for Cash. 152 Market St. L 2o Merchant St. .S'CTS Imp.irtrrs unit k iltrnlr llmltrt tn Staple A Fancy iry odi, VI5C now reeeiiin; a very OKNEKAl. ASSOKT.ME.NT of DjiiKslic nub Xor;ijn .tbrics, suitable for b. 'h 'Av and uatry Trade, and which tney oi.er at tm icctr. li.r Ca'-li, or to Prompt Six Month' Men. I J We solicit an examination 01 our suck by Crty, -seiaooriiis and Uistuni i;ucts. CHA'.'.NCKV hui.b: T.T, i WITH I Waina-ri'lit. Huiitiiiij'.oa A: f'ioyd, I2 Market l:im.r.lie:j Ml. 'iWeyiia. ni: sTvrio.M.nv. j CtHAIO & FI'lrON. lf Souih EIOIITH Street, I'hiluihtiHn be? leave lo call lhe attention of Cimntrv Dealers. Mchnols. anil r.ersons visum? the tlitv. to their complete ' assortment of llnlmh, Fn.ich, ami Ammcnn sTA TI WHY. which they are srllinsXN ho'e sale ami l.Viail on the mo! reasonable terms. Their stork comprises frrri ruri'iy of Ca. Letter anJ Note I'aperamt K.nvelopes. iiicbel ins a full ansortm. nl of lhe celebrated eomls of lie I.a Kue A Cu. and Tin's Hhuads &; "i f of l.cn'lon. Alao Oold and .steel l'en, Dratrinr Pencils iF? bir'.s and others"). Prawn:; I'aper. Unso.I lloar.l. en'ni V. ax. Ink. I.ikstan.ls. . .doers'. Cri.!se.s",Vosiei,lioliiis'ahd other tine Cuib i v. rortuioi.aies, I'oeket ll.'ots, IVirtOdio'. n: inz l)esks.A.r.Ac. I'er'i.ix visitir.a tiie fay can hae-p tin ir paper ain! envelopes eiuji'Ssf d with their i.iitin'i without ex'i.i i-lum '. I Orders from rVafer-. at: I inv:im:ion i.f lea rniti? re.reetf.:!!v soKc.ted an.l titled with : tli.- strieiest i:i. --i tv 'itm.'.l Tpil r m:r. t.-r.v. r. -rff..'K to r-;i ihe I'ubiic-s I af.enfon i i n: v r.-taidi'l.nient. n. .'." s, nth. FOt'KTSl S't. (be-.w Chestnut). 1'hd.id- ,,',,,. P.r ihe ..-.nt.:a..-re an I s;,ie of tin- lioc. where I v.-:i: :ilw..y . be in read;!..!-- i., attend to ai.v r. :.,.. I nj-iv be lav. red .:li. I am pi.) an: 1 lo furnih lltiv.I.-pes . f every q-ialitv, .- ai.l descrip::..ii, W l...:eale and Ketail.thnJorriimei:t pattern. p'.ain and It cal. 1 w.m'.I .-!.. ral! attrntion r the I'le S.nk- , in. EiiL-iai in.', l'lintine. ai. i Kn.!'.'.sir.s rf( liilstn.-vs .tr ts I. r r.nveiopev 1-uer Ileal s. : Hi I-heads. Car.is. Cireu'.ari, Ac all .'f tt bich ' ' i e...,: t. . ... v.....:.... tati..rL ! 1 1 "'"'" 1 1 .' . -. ( 'I'V it W TV. ! prevent i I vv un pa: i marinncs of ihe siiu.proi-e-; ! ments l.-r ll.e inanntaeture i f I'm i ! r's :md every fir: lityt'or t..Tiil:!,; orders w i h dr p.i'i-l..: their delivery bv Expre.s lorn rr as t ::u : r -v be :!: U , . kit.' ceil tl I er, r. t f:1 i r f -t;i:-: - 1! I not eye.-; in ll.e B . ! ee.riNt.iu:! ; seen 7.- .1,1 I lit 'pa'bsc t:nv.-l. j-es 'es of wi.iL-h rnny be f l)rc-Mnipe.i Pnv. ; V. M. I "l.KKbT. ' ly.-i k.ibly rhe.i;. , r ( '.i!i. .VI!. Just reeeive.l fr-m flennar.v. a Inrce . and varied assortment , f FANCY lilHl:s.io w hich the attention i f the ptiMic is respect, ftnly inviit-,1 (fimSl?t:i.!; I'lii niitoay. ZOIIVA .v, wil.r.s, a ft,., i.o.v .Vfir roKK. Hare .o-n"i a i .irrnrl.i''ctki i':hiurt , and J..A- :nre, at :J1 AKCII St., ." between Clii and 7ih, I'hilmblnhiu. Vaml are prepared to iiirnisli all t J Works on 1'iir. noli gy, I'hysiob their locr. II vdropathy. Magnetism, and rhi jj f graphy. , at New Vork prices. Professional Examinations.wuh Charts.and 1 full written descriptions of character, iven ' day and evening. E i' Cabinet free lo visi- i tors IvMTcSdq ZI.1 I'AIXTS. I Ice NK-THIRH CHEAPER TH AN' WHITE LEAD, and fice from all poisonous , iulili.-s. 1 i TIIK SEW jritSFT 7.ISC! COMP.Sr. kTim erentlT rntnre.1 tlirir wer'..n. anil iuiprovrd tH -(ualuy 1 ol'th. ir Tr...ii.-ts. ar- t...-isin .1 to r.-rutr or trrs for iti.ir ! SUPERIOR PAINTS. I.rr. s.l lin.nn.l in Oil. o, ' n...,..l ,.,e.. . t ... s .-.,w, I'RV. in barrels. .f X M -.unJ t-.v-h. I Tl.. ir VVIUTK ZiXC. l.i, l. is fcM dry or rrenn l ia I oil, wrnirti-.l pure aud at:.-uri.n?M'd fer b-Kly and 1 unilorui hil. n, . A mt'lhod of i.re;ian.ti..n haa iwntly been di.rrTrrr.I. I whi-li i-lial.lrs the U. mpauy to warrant tlirir pniota to ! k-s-p fre.h and a-.rt in the katrs for any rraar.nal-r lima. 1 In tnia re-rert thnr paints will Im aupcrkir tu anj i,thr ; id tin mr.rk Tht-ir HKiiWN ZIN'C PAINT. mh-h in txUl at a Im PrttiT. ntitt ran MlW b Blfirlt froin the Zinc nni fvr-m Vw JTy. l new wrll kiif n f..r itn j.n.t.rtttc iUiiU- I iifn w.icn '-('ii''U to irin r ntlit-r nifialii- urf:tr-i. I ThrirT))KO..t!l I'AI.NTptN all 111- j r r-r- iSeVSg " ' 'l.,..Hde palter,,,, no. V;lwlr' yirn.K -..at'!e f. r ra.!r or Kitchen c r? Avi i .-i6iSS ifVS N8 A.I m.ru arrante.l. C'jSraf! ! T WM.ARSIKTRl).a. r5$a&! ; I:!'u lun'. March 17, 54 f., im i'i in! nrown, rim id r.j n-'rt1 ;t.(f color for raui- i tinsCvJttafltei-.li", trutl.iitt.l.n.. Hn-V- . Ar. I rUrACil KI7AKI. WhlMc IViii.t I.!.--t i.n.1 Im;. rtrti, N. W. (wr.vf It.th nn1 Market sis. I'htla 4-. y.'ua. STRAW GOODS.-SFIURra 1854. i rpilE subscribers are now prepared to exhi- J, bit at their I S;leilli.l CW IMaI)!i,lllieut i 11 South S' .-tiuil V ',;. t t 1 ; 11 .iu.i omd it. I mladcfjiha, : an entire new and be.uitlful stock of Straw, Fancy and Hilk Bonnets and Flails, Flowers, stcand Panama, Palm and faminer Hat for: pentlerrien, whieh cur old patrons. .Merchants and Milliners generally are invited to examine, conlidentlypromisintliem,iuextent.in variety. in n"v;eltv. and in styles.a stock unequalled, i tsrorile'rscareliillvand prnmptlv executed i THOM AS W HI I E A CO. ' ; Ra WanlTll ' BFIVfi ,e wancl. ! trr Merchant, I u ' W't'" Tar ' try Merchants and others having RAf.S for t.L ; j,?- . MOOKE. Paper M.nufaci's, rhihidilphui- Snt. 34 Sfi, Xorlli ft, iu'H (ll St.be ew Arch, krln.-cn "'ii & '.ih To Wool-C rowers. 50,000 pounds Wool WANTED. The subscribers feel thankful tut past patronare conferred hdob ih. n...nui..ciurii!-s operations. and hope 10 future ihal the well-w.shers of their countrr will f,l ! ' t"', S,'ar'' b,"---n" by paircnmng " It -.in Ind-istrv and En, -fpUr." rarmrr. Merchants, ami Mechaa.e, we .,.v;:e yon a. untly on hand . ewi nr,ment J, uJ. U our 1.1a minnricture, -.och as tVn. 4',rm,,rn, &itirtt$ , FlantU IV... f. 1. - i- . I, ,ii:n t;my jurm, dr. chants,and save them the Jobber'tprtfiLwhich is from to to 15 per Cent. Cash will be paid f. r WOOL at alt timet tbt reeul ar market prce. W e do ma expect ta run W aeons to collect Wool think it n better for both W(.ol Grower arr1rtannfe.n. rer to deal at the Fartc.rv. where "the 1. . variety of ods t..elect from. and th n..... faetnrei-s have a much better cltanee to render f(.tt. els are hauled mi in a irii..i. ' o .ui,.oairr inaa wuea Uy strict ntirminn to htniness, ihey hop H lent a eondly share of public patronage. Very respectfully rour, STA ITEN. MAKR A CO, White Peer Mills, l'nion Co p. My 10, t.':51 3mS2; " UKICIJ TEHfERAKCE HOTEL, lie Oram eai.i :ui. ruling KalooM, r S'cr,:,d and Market .St,. i hrne 1 , -led b,,ib!,s a, the lnwerrnd of Market t. (to.nie, ly ,e mariSil.n f Wm.Havr,i:.) the subscriber .i pr. psred ,fl ,,," ' V U t . 67 V..S- Ay lkA LI l:R, V.inai.dllea .t.w th lo,V ? Buil f, odb, ""; "l"i-aPi. l.'i.u.-r.s. I v There i a!v0 aiiaci,) in jrE CKEAtf . .!i.n for I.ni!..s,aiidau KATLNU SALOO 11 1 .'il.eu.en. He r-spect:u;iv $,di.its a n.ir triad, ,nd , s..aie i f hie public paliot.age. I.rn-isl urs:. M.nch cO, isri ?m IMP Kit IIANt-rfxosT Chiirs, ani Cabinet Ware. T t . i i; C made a larpe ac'dition in rear n( 1 1 lo- Luck- p, , per fni) (ll Matiet s ...:. ai d d:srn,.t,,;r,t i,.s sv,, , ,j M i m l ril rr has ri mored there all his tool ne. tnd will I e liarry t s o!l cu,l0. rs an., r.cw ai l.i- M..r..et St, -hop. .-a suril.v ol V, V I 1. ' " ea iiieaicjuei TV, Ts . u . . . Q I "fcl A fc t , frTVTO' .Wi ft f ( V. ffaV'' f JU l'rJMPSM .A s 'j, KrWAy. , VfjtV' M V jj t i ' J ?WJi4lp tlyJia. Itfificr6'1! u i!SJH5'aUJs8 IIOLLUWAY'S 1MLLS. cs rai r-..-t enirrly r f meilWoa! trht ! ai-?. e-. italure. l.i ll . x:rai . J:- - t a in r, ,!,iti. . ( . y , ........ bur rLfr utim. : I - I ii r i b.- t .,.r. lait i.f ;l. . r.a 1k I " i- ' -- tl.ej h;.,, m.t wtli ihr, n;L.ot ll.a tJ' - . ni. .t esl.-ar.:-! H.ry.cw nf. it i r r..nm.4. I.. I..:r m.u !e.f.,i .n1.-n.-7 ' lee lUTf of btliear r -in o t- ar t r.t. of tne l.i.er mid Sto-acb. r 't''' .r.f..r.- it. UMtp iLrm a-cirdin l uir. . :i. 1.-, .i. m laii in .,-ii-g rc?iornt to Lcallli. W.i!:t..fs anJ Ielilitv. Ilestoration ttr IKahh of a CiL-ijtie Bian, sl-cJ 45. whin at I', at i's 1... r. - ' - '. ..- l!e-e.e-u.,,J,,J VrtM. ... ,,,ir .. ,r,.l..i.rf, i; .1.. ltia. . II. 11 P. ;t. .. f;.rn:erlr a r.j.!rrtof lM :n;e .laleei t.a :h - , . a-l nir o a -I ... .r y -ai.-. i.i i::a I:. I WM.I ..fait.tv. raa ii :. I C a. l c l.n.l ei,i.,u,t, d ar.C'i ..Lent .IT. cl. hp at !ar.t t.a.,1 .. -. ,r to, r.ti rtM If. bvaiti. It .u.r .i.l I,. V. Y..rk.al !. : U .: r-v,r Inirr m Kealih, - y. wrh ihe elrruaaatanr. I l... I mi ittliu dm. ,4 arrat 'LI I . I. -:!.. . r It i.O! T I l.i V- . I ; I- i- ! l : 1 . lOH.a.1! .-XI. -. e. tr.'lTT. CiiAi.l 1 .-..i! I!!. I-iMrntirf Vlnirrr A pern nr.. nt Cir, . t a elirtascd Liver if many i ears' uiiiii'.ii n. cr jr. n il, . :rmit. CH-ymi., r .1 i- "-... r ., 7. m -Tn II,', ,l.,i, 1 niLf,,., , men I.- ilian n. mh. r rr. 1 ,lir. d .lr.e I-ferT 1 r. . f. f th.-f r.ffr y iB Liri:tl kiifeu uiinli. n, I am persenally e,1niiii,i ' 1 ...rr. -u!- rr fr. m .li.r:, f i... .. ' m 1" j ext. ii-i,,. 1 ih- 1 ui r. .. . ti.-tewi. 1 ' "r ' V ..ps: hermnlira; :ier.lsnl .-,nr.d i,t tt-.t I1..1I III le relieve rer liff.-rine. ...J i. 1 he i . 11 .t.i. nt lit.. :v -he rr 1 I KUTTlTe ftllin, Dfnn.ha T.i. - . r--m.nl i.aTtimllT nun 4 cre.t alarm iMt .r trWmM v.l tvl,ti- ".n,l th. v .u.lur.a hrr lo . iruU of t. ur P11U..I ,. h !. imir. red h.r p-nrrml iinllh Hit ,h, lli.llir. ti. C TI tiULe lli.m nolil .h- ,erriTrt rrrfn-t rure. 1 1,1, i.rlt, D.r.nlti i;... nd ibr tu lot tim irered , ,, :- , f .rd , jour 1'llU Wm tl e meuiu i f .,in.- b. r life. . , o . . ' "c:a - ''' !-ir. jour, trolr. Julr 2. d. is. s. (Simfd) j r,lVI r.atIcl,ra(f(l nr. n.n.lrTfur, rfficacuxt.m :Uf lowing c,.nttli,tt: - 71 A. lie PrO..r -J.UB.lir, frrer.f.r, tfc - ,JS"""'T "-""f-lh.:.. Ui.r in Ccm- I ry-i; . :., UmtiE T.,-1', a-rrT I tain. b. ,rg-H TLr, B. , Irl.r. on ul.lltir. lihr.mili-n l ;nn tl.r .-kio rrni .f mli KrtrBUoB olV.n.rrtl ? I.eweleuil.1 t9 kiuds I'rin- A-.,. rolii fit Sm.fu!a. or W-:oi. ef :t lPnitnof...ut hirSsr.il ind " . "" rr - rr ltrtls Wr.tnrfri V!'""l' ;nuitlo ' nm.WB hratri; ir. r. t s" cl " '' K-taM:..hn:rnt of 1'n.fri.H r Iloif w.T. 541, etrnnd. . near r,-nilr liar. l:-r.ei.l arul al,o at hia b.-u w JVr Vult. Cr,!. r- f..r V.'r-ilnn. a imhr Male-a.'Urrlf.st '" ' 'M'"esf.v. .V.ir wmi I rierivr ril-r aItenti..B. i. 1.1 by all r--.p.-rtabie iTucista and -iralrra in MrdiriDrf "'r.!'i--l""t llir I uiled Stairs, in rosea at : Tt. rta.7ru. J"" u, '' h. To I r bad Hbolvtala gf ttr (ruicial l.r.12 l-ena, a i tbr I'nien. -There iaaroondrrablrnninrbT fakirttbrlar tf r..xrf. . H. liirrrliena f,.r Ihrsmdanr. ilpatirnulB r? ui.-ordiT. mrr ftrd to curb lk L V 1' - l:o4 ' r sa't v Dr. KEMPER, M iBinbnrji T J CStC l mCIit. nj-., c . . .. , 'lViff'in " haihcad Compnitrj.y II uim-smr., Jnn. 20 !S.r4 V iL,,, "7vi "a!l-. d in. payable en er before the s h of February next ; and an instalment rf like amount payable en or before the 10th dav of ? m'11"1' 'hFr,"aHt'r- until lhe whole is f a:d to wit, .he lo.h of October next-by ihM resielin?; in ttaltim. re at Cnion Bank ef Van-land ; ! Dauphin county Bank of Middln'oWnj Noriliiimberl d e. untv Bank f N. rthumb'd'f Tnioo countv I.ewisbnrg Savinos IutitQfielf. By order. ' ROB. 8. HOLMNS. Treamrer. " NOTICE. H'-'ARrENTERS anj LABORERS .as- JV ted. to work on lhe I nion & Masqat- AW J' A- BOXER. M.n. jrrve, or WM. A. BELL. at the HriJaf evri June . 1?;1 - I I of 'uF"i',t'"n.torl tt ih (.lHklf jJice ft Uf mgl eO