I LEWISBT1RG CHllONIGLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER, Wt"WI Vft'Bli H H t'h IWVIVL'K towards the Grove, near towu, where pre U3 JiuJ. Jilfl aililUllJaAi potions bad previously been madtt for the Jclt 7, 1854. : W Hmmlmm .Weai Toe I.i.imi no fi.wu baa MAkfmMv the larrrst circulation os rj ugusz Wtwapttat la union uoaury. H'Aiy Store TiVi-ft Km-. IAIE POI.'.OCK . Northnmnlmt. thsprr Omrl D. M.KM s SER. Montgomery. C.C..iMio--GEO.DARSIE,AllcKany. : Democratic State Ti.-irt. C-tr-WIM.MM KIOI rift, of (VartVld. Supreme Ouurf -J. S.HH K... f K.mrrsrt. Canal ConwhtwnerH'Y s. MOT P. of Pike, i Uniou County Wliir Nominees.! . . , Conrrm Hon. JOSKPtI CASKV. Auruil.'y Pr. FKK1EI!1CK SPECK, i .t'mmi'uH-tirr MARK HALFPENNY, j itrjutrrA-r JOHN" YV. rENNlXCTON" . 'Auditor llES'HY S. EOYEIS. - """Z-" - -----'--"'" - Fourth Of Julyin Lewfsburg. ............. .,,, . .Ul v..,z..u, ... Jwitburp and adjacent townships, (with ut distinction of parly) tnol in the Col . lege Chapel on Tuesday the 4tb, aud ur- gliiited bs fjjlowt-: ... President Fkanci.-i Wii.sox. Vice Presidents Messrs. Wm. Wilson, James Ke!!v, Tho. Uavcs, (f. V. Miller, Eli Slifer, Peter leaver. Joseph filaes. rVretarvs diutou "tYclcb, f . 1". Lyn Jail, C. . Schafde. - Committee on l?.-sol;iti..os J. W. An- dtrCpu, Geo. R. Kiiss, John Chamberliu, 11. ('. UickoUaud I. I. tiuldiu. Tt.iTi.-i....: e r.i i t i. t li'- i . i 1'T rot. liiu, and extemporaneous adrea- Bex were delivered by Clinton Welch, 'Prof. Andcrioa, H. C. Ilitk jk, aud Kcv. Dr. Maleoiu, Prof. Anderson repi l.-J (he folbin;r rafclnuona which wire adopted and after listening to tbe finging of the Pilgrim Fathers, and the -tar Spangled IJauucr'' by Mr. Dyer the blind voil:st, aud onle riug the proceedings to be pr -jiared fur pubiicati.in by the SeercUryi, the meeting adjourned. AssemLled on this hallowed Jay, com memorative of the declaration thut all men are created ttial, aud that they have "certain Unalienable rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness," we adopt as a faint cspn-si-iim cf our entiiueuts the fellowing preaiiiblu & 1 evo lutions : Wbcraa, Tho present Consre-a of the L'cited States Las pafded a law for the government of Kansas and Xrt r.ir-ki.which repeals the eighth section of tho Missouri Compromise act, thus preutly endangering the pace and prepnity of our l uiou. Therefore RrtrUcfil, That the repeal .f the Missouri Comprr-niiue was not only uncalled for, tat entirely unexpected by the people. Neither the menibirs of the present Con f res, nor the present Executive were elec ted with reference to nu b an issue. The measure was sprung upon the country uot only without the concurrence of the people, bat it) defiance of their will, so fur as it W. posfibl? for that will to be expressed. lirnAvfil, That one of the most heavy accasations made by our Revolutionary fathers against the Kirc f tjieut JJi itaii .1!.: tu. Ul,.J.....,,.ll,;. w mw a "- ""uu.1 j VXclTVTt then Ilritisu iyolontes, and ibat lie had wickedly opposed thc efforts of the people to rid themselves of that gieut eiil. JCe$iJrel, That if the propagation ot slavery was a crime i a the teclucniuntcd King of England, in an nge of compara tive darkness, it is a far greater crime if fommitted by the free American people in the full light of the nineteenth century. Ilrtoltftt, That the icfatiate demand of the Sonth, for an increase of Slave territo ry, while vast districts already such lie Vnoccupied, evinces a determination to ob tain fer the slave power a political prepon derance iu the national council, aud such preponderance would be used to prejudice the interests and prosperity of the free gla'fs. JiettJveif, That thoe members i f Con gress who manfully opposed the passige cf the Nebraska bill, whatever may be their party names and party associations, are entitled to our lasting gratitude. RrvJvril, That we cordially approve of the Gnu and upright course ptirsix d by our tr. r it,... v s,,-..v..rr a . ,. -.l-H.l- ... 1 liuuieswarin, oi iuc i in parij-, nnu our late Representative, nou. James Gamble 1 coula not 00 -cgsroca M "l ' burg was then named, who also concedes of tbe Democratic party in resisting the i wrong to any party, l or Slavery can the ri tt t0 jun;a,a- Messrs. James Mar .geoftheltill. ' ' j -STcr Jlcsnlve.1, That we w.ll give our sulTra- Mverci t .loe and Gutelius 0f Sclinsgrovc.were then g to no candidate for Ce-ngress , wbo ntMfJ 8l,Tery eJ 0fllv 'elceted 8cnRtorial c,nferec,, aWiTS Tor Representative, M.srs. Fpeck of eighth section of the Missouri Compro- & r to i, original force at rrcticible momeut. ; For thf chronicle j 4th Of July at Mifflinburg. Mn.Er.lToa: Wc had tho pleasure cf participating in ,he enjoyments of the eel- ebration of the 73th auuiver.ary of Amcr- ican Independence, at the above borough, and a short history of thc proceedings may ot be wiutercsting to many of your raadeK The - star. aa .tripes," suspended from louse to house at opposite sides of thc street in various parts ol the towu, togetn- er who ine euuvcuiug music ui tueir nrass V..J :..J !,. it.... ka.t nn t..nlln ! a.aUU, .... vr. , the day dear to every American heart, and : .naa mey possesscu, anei were reao, u .1 . . 1 A . auaoiicrii, a. least so tar as mcjr wciv crju- ceraed, that " tbe spirit of '76 should sever die." - The day rai unusually warm, and many of the citizens of thc adjoining towns took advantage of the same by making an early tart, thus vff-rlmj them an opjxtrtunity f Keing th " Indian Chief," (ouly they 1 L wge pfscek.u moved ("!. J'l.l.r t,.t.,.t l,.t .T.,hn Smith, led the procession, uud attracted considerable ".ttcmiou in bia official cos tume. Wo were not a little amused at , LenriDj the ilicpiiry, from a junior farmer, i whether the " man with the ribbons was tiie iU(lilin chief r" Ou reaching the ... , ... '-rove, the exorcises wore opened with ; prayer and reading of the Itcelaration of Independence. The oration, by Wro. C. UT' WM a ate1 Induction " ! young mail of IllS SgC- 11 embraced What ulHy (V, ji,,, tn(! ,.,,. fcwirtiTt of a 'I". mmA V'"ia anJ brevitj. Mr. II. promise fair to Leoome a prominent aud useful nietubur of that cuiumunity. Hon. Jos. Ca?cy next MiowcJ with a abort speech, prepared for the occasion, aud although ho preferred being " kicked twice to making a 4th of July speech.," he quitted himself nobly, aud iio doubt . , fv.,r..i, Ilir,rs,on. The music by the UauJ has cheering, and nil hough the members aru few in number, their pieces were well selected, and played in such a manner as to rauk ' theni among the first musicians iu this re- gUm 01 "Untry. After Mr. Casey's speech, the Chief ! Marshal announce! that Mr. Croiier, of j the Columbia House, had prepared a pub- j i- j:,,-,., f,,r .1,,, nreasaon. and all hands were iuvited to partake at fifty cents a eou ple. Several lmnJrcd of the ladies aud I centlciuen present (all good soldier. ae . ... 1 , . .. , , , cordingly surrounded tho board and par took of tho bounty set before them in the grove. After dinner, tho pcoplo were again collected to tho stand, by the music, both vocal aud instrumental. Drs. Fibber, Christ aud others coniDOsiue the Glee fc ,j i. l r.i 1.1 .!.: I....... 1" viun, won lor inemieir3 i that occasion ; their eingmg would have to Uuiou county. Rev Mr. Kit (for delivered the closing speech. He state coming to town the -Jill, inquire done credit to the Icwisburg Rantist Choir, tne party, anil am anxious it possible to : Scrolls. Bluets, o.n.1 Borlers. A c.ol the most , . f , , i,m I avoid the necessity aud bad effeeU of hold-' beautiliil designs and perleetion of tunsli m and were wepeimitted towpresa our hum-, . -', hte eomitrv and at such litw lri-"i as ' ,. 1 .... I ing two separate Conventions, and having , nle eomiiry, ana ai sur-n auw I i e-si as ble opinion, we would pronounce it the i ; ,b j ,,am,.. , - fn .vkCiiII ..i.ir i ' challenge all competition. Bull ami inte , ' , ' . r. nnlreM visit iMCY tntir ""W" toaI.ASKlall, Willi- Han,s, Cambrics, Tassels, Cords. Brasses. best we havo heard Bince tfce Dukers isil mt jat for . (i0,,Ten,lon of Deleates. U . ; . e, f.. J that a country kd ; ommond to all the bigs iu tho County f w davs previous to i 0 nicct on 1 L"UA thc - ,tu 01 ' ... . i June iust., and elect two Delegates to ren- i ot i-.sq. ioungman n.sn, , !,,.,; r(,i-vTV ('(VKT1(V uhcre the 4lh of July was going to meet.' on MONDAY thc 2fitli iitst. This rocoui aud after being informed where tbe cele- mcudation is made without pretending to bralion would be held, utatcd that their 1 kIioo! house would come in to," which s'mgular expression formed the basis of some very entertaining and instructive re marks from Mr. K. Another song by thc Glee Club, and the procession was again formed and marched to town with swelling hearts, smiling countenances and perspiring faces, joyful j in thc remembrance- that they had again j terrtJ their country. NEURASKA. j Letters on Nebraska. TTho Committor appointed by the Suli- U 1 1 y . vau county, (IV) Auti-Nebraskl meeting held at Laporte, on the 23d of May, for . :-.t , i, purpose oi rcijuesung me I'jimiuua 01 , tha 6CVCtul eir'j;Jates' nPn thc NebraskB . . . .n.. .,i i , 'lutst'on. .". that ,tcy J'Ct.L. ' tern of inquiry to James Pollock, illtam istgler, dereiman c. iiacK, vnma ' Smyser, George Darsie and Henry S. j ult., with accompaning interrogatories, has been received. To your first questiou I reply, that, regarding the passage of the j Nebraska Jiill, as reckless and ill au vised as a wanton ureacu oi uaovum uuiior and plighted faith and as ah open and undisguised attempt to extend the iustitu-! tion of Slavery to territories now free, I am "in favor of re-cuacting that portion of the Missouri Compromise which prohibits Slavery in the territories of Kansas Nebraska." To your second question, I say that the J - . . e i re-enactment ot tUe provision reicrreu m would necessarily exclude slavery irom 1 these territories: anu iub mwiuaiu.. .. . 1 ... ...... r. . I , , 1 1 , .1 -i I . .11 davea then there. I mail U I U IDOiVt - - it . 7 . , . - I 1l I ' " " ,:, , ; not bsolutc tS ; g (ho t.ons.jtution contains up grant of this power, ernrcst or implicit, it follows that Congress has no power to es-; tabl.sU directly or inu.recv.y. o, P-.ve 2- lny to teinioncs of the United States. If there- ' fore slavery enters those territories, it j j will be there, not mil without authority j i of constitutional law, but in vioLuion of : iaU law. Under these cirenmstances, j ! trtT, j K principle of law, and justified by 1 every consideration of national laitu and - national nonor. YoUrH. rCSTCCtf ul! V ' , ...j 6nTTftPtT Thos. J. Ingham, Henry Metcalf, Jno p Taggart, &c., Committee. v " tw.... ,r.A Svcr., .r.i;.d t - milar terms to the first inquiry, and Mr. . . ...... t.. t.:i, k.,:-. - :...t;;,t liarsiu to iiiu laoi, nuivu, a j....-.... question, Judge Smyscr deemed it not proper for a judicial candidate to answer. Washington, July 3. Father Ritchie, thc venerable editor of the Richmond En- j iiuier, died at Boon to day. ,io. j.y - - "".. --.flinburff, JJuiraloe, White Deer, annexed three letters. T J. Inoi.am J , Lewisbu JV.and S. Wards', East Milton, June YJ, l?o4. n , ,r r o i- v i',.o, ,( i.., .2T.i,!Uuffaloc Union, Penns, belins- lloi-tislurg, July 3. The time for re-1 ceitlSg the proposals for the Eahj f the main line of tho Public Works expired to-day, at twelve o'clock. Governor Hig gler wag present lo reeeive the bids, but none were made, and consequently no sale can take place withot further legislation. JWThe Whig Nominations "take" extremely well among the people general ly, without regard to party. Not a word can be urged agaiust them. But it Las disarranged all the pluns of the X.Berlin wire-pullers, aud they kuow nut which way to turn ! MottB Tears to he sued ! Saturday j last, the Lnion County Democratic Com mitec were called to assemble, when, lo ! ONK member (only) "met" the Chairmau at New Berlin, and with great unanimity proceeded to call the Convention, some time after the Mormon disorganizes have tried to sec whether they can sunder the gluriuus Whig party of old Cnioa. jusjuWe expect the New Berlin presses which mourned so much over the absent Whigs, will drop a tear or two over the absentees on the above occasion. I'NION AND VICTORY! for Governor, JAUES POLLOCK! erThe undersigned, being a mtuoritj of the Whit; Standing Committee of Lnion ' J 'lrkir i V.OUUiy, U'J uereoy, lor luu pukc ul icaei- inw I.eaee BIl.l llal'IllOllV in the Whil? '. vtng peace ana naimoiiy iu iub my , party, call upou the Whigs throughout ! the tounlyto meet in their respective Districts On SATLUDAY TUE 24TH PAY , , , . . ,, , . , i OF .JL'NE INST, atld elect tWO Ik-legates to: r..r.re.it. in t'fU'XTY CO X VEX TI I ) X, ou MOMAY the 'itlth day of Juno iust. (Signed; 1. L. V. ALKKIGI1T, 2. MICHAEL BROWN', 3. O. N. WORDE.V, 4. M. H. TACiiiART, 5. W.F. WAJ ENS ELLER. J lie naacmgneu, mcmocrs oi me nig .Maudtng Committee of Luiou County, Hi ... i ... r .1 . . r .i . in . i .iuuuiiik vwiiimi,w Ul LUIUU vvuini I . i nave viowea wuu mueu concern auj regrei J the division and distraction prevailing in hereby, for the sake of peace and unity, RECALL the same, and respectfully rcc-j decide on the rightd of Mr. Wagcnselltr Mr. Merrill to act as Chairman of our oouiuiiuce, anu lor ine aoiu purpose ot naimomziug the parly and securing tbe success of our nominees. (Signed,) 0. JOHNCRAIO, 7. DANIEL LEES, 8. J. W. PENNINGTON', 0. WILLIAM RUIIL, 10. It. V. J. LINCOLN, 11. WM. S. CLING AN. 16 June, 1851. I 'The Committee oricinally consisted of SO j members, one of whom (Mr. Wm. J. May) has i"1"" r'"ved from the Couuly-leavinff but 1 13 members in the Coniiniaee. tlTOther 'oiembers of the Committee have not been seen, and have therefore had no opportunity io sign me aoove i all. In accordance with the fore- Z5 Call, the Delegates assembled at the tim)J an(J pjaco arpoin,efj. Tho following Djntncts wero represented Uanley Wcf)t BulTaloe, Mif- grot e, wasmngion, -.enter u of the 23 districts. "JAMES M'CREKiHT of Buffalce was .cWen f resident, and J. D. Forrev, of Jf , c..--,,,.- i1'80' t"rCl. J" . . The first business in order was the nom- ination of a candidate to represent this Congressional district, when Hon. Joseph ;ASE1r 0f Union county was unanimously j nomiua,tel,and Messrs. lifer of Lewiaburr', ; Gibson of Union, and Snyder of Selius- i . , JO . , . trrnrr. nr.nointed Contrressional Conferees. For Senator, Judge Marshall of White Icclined in favor of Dr. Ilower of Free- uxr u uaucu, mmura u .aoi ui Tl ... i 1 . . I T l . r . t..:... .,t;.l..tn U UUtlllU liumiiui s. . iSehnsgrove, Howor of Freeburg, Simonton I" of nominated. Tho Toto stood Speck 15, ' Howcr 3, Simonton 4, Wilt 4. So Dr. FbedERICK Spkck, of Sclinsgrovc, was dcclared nomiD4ted, and Metsrs. W. F. " Tr ? of ,Jarllt7 nd A orden of Lcwisburg, appointed Representative Conferees, For County Commissioner, Messrs. S. n0ycr Jr .of Fcnns, Aurand of Middlcburg, and IIaifp.DI)J. of Uartiey wcre put in After several balloting.,, MARK. llAi.rPEXXT, of Hartley, having recta. en me n.gucsi numoer oi votes, was duly nominated. For Register & Recorder, Messrs. Smith of White Deer and Pennington of Mifllin- burg, were nominated. The vote stood f Mningion lo, when JOIIX W. n a. a. . . !PMJra of Mifflinburg was declared nominated. For Auditor, Hinby S. Rover Esq. of Washington Tp. was duly nominated. The Mifflinburg Academy having passed ent of the control of the County, tbe use jeM forDia;ty 0f nouiinating Trusteea wa disfrnd hh. Baltimore Adv'ts. CAKIt, GEISE & CO., FlouT, Grain, & Lumber Commission Merchants...' & 25 Spear's Wharf, arrta to Jitltimore. Ji.tin Clarka. Fwj., Vm Cltiaww' Bank. oiii-k,,. A. C. a.'.ih. Franklin lo I J .h llt-l, Jr., t.., . I muijhj Kiim. eniuick.'wtn t Co.. I J Tome. Ki-. PrnM Crril KaDk, fort Wpo.it. U'alluwftr A Soo, llarrtsbur. . l!.A,.pftCu.,fSe"u",:'"-N-lr. W Intnl. i Co Milton. v. w. r,.. tM, , i Wini -liujler. K".. ( " Irorn llodiuff, K., Hiifh'-fTlllc. Wui. ivacr. MvittuuravUla. Urn. Win. . Parker, . T. W. Liny. I, I 'anliir, f , WUlialDfpert. JuniH II. Ilillmic, rjtq , r lrwl u. llullnff. J M'IIomt 4 BuLb. lrtij Shdra. i. V. lljlin. t , Lix-k UaveU. LiTCAUil, GKISE &. CO have the largest Wharf room of any Commission House in Baltimore, always giving quick despatch to boats iu discharging their cargoes. Cin517 FITS! FITS! FITS! EPILEPTIC PILLS, tor the etire nf fits, Spaxmt, Cramps, ami all Arrou ana Voimilutiunal Uisewitn. rERSOXS who are laboring under this distressing mali.-ip will And the VEGKT ABLE EPILEPTIC 'ni.IJJ to be the only remedy ever discovered fur curing Epilepsy, or Falling Fits. Tli.-' Till ivwwial a n-itt arllnn on tne nrrrnnit ytf m. an.l atlhuuclt tY'J atv pr.rwlaaplaliy ror lhi 'nrj of raring Ht. ihy win br.nn.i ,.tru tn- prKona aul.ctra wilu wank narrra.fr ahrtsc n-rt.i r,Ktm han brn prutralsl or fthoUVTfl Irom y hujr. la rlm.a'e wmplatntf. a-Gnu n( Ume ,,,Miult ,aT,tiBiuori b, n.rfoUjq,.,ti,ei arc aicnainirij t-n-'nciai. ,,,-,BXn5' I"m lioxeaforfA. Prraonn out of ItanM. wtl! hare Ihr I'ilta ant th-n. thr.mifh lh nail. fi nr po.t:e. Furialf hy SI.Tli S. IIANCK. No. H'8, IHLTlaiirr Sir.KT. IliltOniTi-, M,u to whom nnlw from all prloftha lnijniuut ba rUnwnl. pirt-faW. I l4Tfi WW m.w. Philadelphia Adv'ts. Am, .sudt ) Window Shades. tw ju 18il . ( lhJ C T. MIM.HR X- CO . uvlrMlurer. nd h,,lt,aU i Mail DcaUr, in l v lA1E . v r lv a y Second and Arch fts. fh,ld, ll,a. Such as (Joihe's Landscapes, llorders. Vases, SIT We invite au exainiuaiiou of our Stock at the Depot, s.W. corner 2d & Arch, Philad. Jan. 1K54 4 0)511 BUILDING HARDWARE ASH Tool Store exclusively, 77ie larsett Estultirliment nf Ihe kind in the V.S. Win. 31. MTIure &. Uro. No. 287 Market St. above Seventh, Wiilad. MAN! FCTt REKS' Depot for Locks of al kinds, warranted quality. "Patent Slivered, Ulass Knobs." Premium Porcelain Knobs.overtOO patterns. Silvci-plated Knobs, Hinges, Ac., with the most complete assortment of all the Modern Goods in this line. Purchasers are invited to call and examine Stock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired. llui Air Itrijittrrt ami Ventilator at Flietortf 'feel. IvAll orders pnt up under the immediate supervision of the Firm. CALL AND SEE CS. 6mfil9t Wall Paper! WALL PAPERS! The subscribers have now in store their complete Fall Stock ol" Paper Hangings, Curtains, &c which they offer al very low priccs.Wliolesale and Retail. Oar assortment is very complete, (nmpris ing all the qualities, both French and Ameri can. We manufacture a large proportion of onr Goods, and can sell at the lowest rates. Haper Hanging done in the Country at Ciiy prices. PAKKIMH & HOCGH, 491 No. 4 North Firm St. Philadelphia SEWING MACHINE. (Grocer, Baker & Cut Patent.) OFFICES. Haj market ftjnar. Doatn. aOa Broadway, rw Turn. So. H Sonth Fourth 5r near ChrRtnuU fliiladelphla. lrjS Baltimore St. Baltimore. 4sT-Xo Coutrovrsa Irftweon thla an any other Ttent. The utility and practical advantages arising from the use uf the great time-and-labor-savin? qualities of the Sewing Machine beinj now universally admitted, and several patents hav ing already appeared, the next question which naturally arises is. Which one of these is best adapted for household or manufacturing pur poses 1 In answer, we would beg leave to state in a few words the advantages which we believe our Machine possesses overall others, uk a fair aud candid examination of h merit, and with eo&rMenee leave tht cam in the hands of an enlightened and diarrimlnatuig public for a just, righteous verdict. We claim, iu the Jfnt place, our ability to make the rironyt. hnwUfmrJ, and w.f diraWe mrcat, and which will neither rip nor rartil when crery third .tit'-b 1 cut. The tltch hy which this end is attained 1 a .11 tityruiehlna: feature of our patent, Win wholly unlike any other in tu, mod aocureu to ui exclusively by tetters patent. AoMeify. the airaplielty erf the oooatmction of our Ma chine, running as it duos tun'rejr on the "'cam or eccentric movement, without tha use of n tingle con wheel, ran not fail of convincing the most casual observer, of ita iMMemar strength and cODsrqucnt durability. Thirdly, our o-j.-etlon of the "shuttle" action, frees the operator from tbe necessity of stopping every f -w minutes to ret'tenl.Ta the quill, an-l enables ua to ua or li nary rpnoln of cotton ot silk of i or SM. yards in length. Manufacturers of Boot, Shoes, Bsk", Clothing, Slat tresses. Carriages, and alt Cloth or Leather work,where slrenjttb aud duratlllly am rr.dred, from the very finest to the heaviest, will uud this tin only II actio adapted to their use. ramfihlft containing drawing! and numerous teti menials from tlio; who hare used them for ynars, may be had, or will he seut by request, and the Machine may be seen in fuH operation by calling at any above offices. T-The Uold Medal for thc Belt Sewing Machine waa awarded as St the Ureal Fair of the American Institute, held in ew York, and at the Fair of the Maryland ins titute, held at Baltimore, Oct. SmSITeMJ GBOVER, BAKER k CO. Phrenology. FOWLERS, WEILS, CO, FRO FEW TOXK, Have opened a rhrenolitgieal Cnhnel and Coo ., at SSI ARCH Ht, between Gth and 7th, Philadelphia, and are prepared to Tarnish all their Works on Phrenoloer, Physiology, Hydropathy, Magnetism, and Phon ography, al A'ev York prices. - Professional Ezamiuations.with Charts.anJ full written descriptions of character, given day and eenlng. (yCabiaet free to visi tors ' lly517ci!'i " TrutN, SHpMrei, j STRAW GOODS.oSPRING 18M. A,t.ACK HTOCKINt!H.Shonl- TT1HE subtcriben are now prepared to exU r?lJ&tt braces, and all oilier i bit at their SurRicalApporatnsandban- ' daaos. applied auilwarraiiied. , tisfir!iun.bv Ur.aiwl Mrs. M LLt..- ST, I 8EVEM-H Street, Pkiiukrh.it. dumber of K-nales relieved and 1 hs ;reai cared bv wearin? Mrs. M (Jlenaclian s rsip- curt-u u nra...,, porters, warrants hrrin commi-ndine. them as superior to anything of the kind ever offered .. to the public Ll&17ioUj Philadelphia Spring Trade 1854. WMSW RIGltr.llUSTlSGTOX S, FI.OYD 152 Market St. k 23 Merchant St. hnyirUrs and Whnkmle Dealers in Staple & rancy lry Ciood, VRE now p-ceiving a very UEXEKAL AsSORTMBXT f Domestic ant) ovciju Xabvicg, suitable for both City and Country Trade, and which they offer at very low priees, lor j Cash, or to Prompt Six Mouths' Men. j C3"Ve solicit an examination of our stock by City, Meigbboruix ad llistaut lluycrs. j CHAUXCEV HULBfRT, i WITH ! Vainwrij;ht.IIuntiugtoni Floyd, IM Marliet :iiEfil7c- Mt- i'lubtdtlpltia. sTATioxtni'. BAKS &. FL'LTOX, 15 South t.H.IIIli: Sireet, l'liUadtlihiuhrg leave lo call the aitenlion of Couiiti v Healers. Schools, and I persons visum? the Citv, to their complete j assortment of Knglitli. I'rcneli, and American ' i .S'7'.l THSl'.K V.whieh they are scllin; Whole-: sale and Het.nl on the most reasonable terms. ; : Their stock comprises errru variihf of ap, ' Letter and Xotc Paper and Envelopes, inelod- in a full assortnunt of the celebrated poods j ol le La Kue A Co. and Tbos Klioads & Sens J of London. Also I (fold and Steel Pen. Drawing Pencils (Ka I ber's and others'). Drawing 1'aper, Hristol ; j Hoard. Sea!in Wax, Ink, Inkstands, Unders", j Crookes'.N ostenholuis'and other fine Cutlery, ; j PortmonaiPS, Pocket Hooks, Portfolios, Writ- i I insr Desks, Ac.Ac. Persons visitin" the City can have their paper and envelopes embossed with their initmlx without extra char;e. 1 IT? Orders from dealers and in-.litu!ion of learning respectfully solicited and tilled with the strictest integrity OuiolTpd j ! I jjr.e. leave resrectuiiiy 10 can ine i iniiu I I aiteniion to U Establishment. -o. lift - r..i.. . n ..- I..t.i:v ! M.:iitli FOCKTII St.'(be!ow Chestnut). I'hilml- tlphin, for the manufacture and sale of I'.n t"llCS, where 1 will always be in readiness to aiteed to any orders 1 may be favored v. ith. I am prepared to furnish Envelopes cf every quality, size and description. Wholesale and Itetail.theCoveriinient pattern, plain am! Ie;al. I would also call attention to tha 1'ie sink- ins, Enjravinz, Printini, and Embossing of. HiiMness Cat.ls for Envelopes, Letter -heads ! Bill-heads, Cards, Circulars, &c..all of which ' I furnish at very low rates. Stamping letters prevents their KuiiiR to the Dead Letter OlKce. W'ith patent machines of the latest improve-; mcnts for embossifi'. printing, Ac., also for the manufacture of Envelopes, and every fai i-, , . , , , t if, lnv for executinir orders with despatch.ar.d I. r : their delivery by Eipress Lines er as may be agreed upon, I can not fad to compete wiih if not excel any other estahliriinenl of the kind in the world. '. "Homiropathic Enveli-pes constantly on hand, samples nf which may be seen f hrnntrie olhce. also ot I.ie-St.impe.l r.nv. Iy"il77t WM. Ci.i.iiKi.-r. iionn &. i i stov, lll,.Wi 77,i Street, Inlaw ftfc, riflf.AI.MLI'HlA. Manufietnrers and Wholesale Dealers in (Torn Brooms. Lnokin? fllasses, C.-rdaire, Painted Huekets, Wiekand'l'wines, Clocks, Willow Itaskcts. Window- Miades Matches, Cedar Wars Itristle Brush". Elarkintj. WOOD AM) WILLOW WAKE of all kinds, at the Manufacturers' lowest Cash prices, j Jturs Khstov.I Sin.'.n i.ls... JI. n..r.. Fruit nnd ont tioncry. I) CHINCAM cV SELLERS, Wholesale Ma- I 1. ml far Hirers and Dealers in C.inl'eetn.n- ! ervofall kinds-, .so. I l.t nrln 1 hird !M. below Kace PIIILAUELPIIIA. The attention of dealers is requested to an examination of their stock.whirh will be b nnd lo he at trust equal to any in the city. FOK EltlX FKITI'S of all kinds in season. .l). Orders by mail or otheru ise promptly attended tu. 3m5l:l ; - i Hook Apents CENTS WANTED Wanted. n every Town and Counly in the t niied States, to seil ihe most popular and saleable books published- many of them beautifully illusiraied with Col ored Lnsravings i also the most popular woras o tne most popular woras: udmg "Arthurs Collage. of P. P. AuTiie t, incl li.l..iliient and enttntrttlnir men will flml thi.at , ant and trtfitiltle Itimioess. For particulars, add re-. (iio.t-T.aidl J. U . IIIIAUI.KV. Puhl .l.cr. tytoj Ko. 4S North Fourtli St. mini, lyhit. k. aouiai), (Succcrsor to A. FI0T.) . . a n .... i .. I ls.1 I 'A . ...... .Ve.i .V,p.. '..'........' ' ."'",t.....u.."y,; PHILADELPIIIA, j TXTENSIYE Mcsrc Prausnr.a andTValeri in Musical Instruments of every tleserip- ( Hon exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallett,! Davis iCo's(UostonJ Patent Suspension Bridge Aivltan and other PIANOS, I.C.iMpns Boutlt.ir Pianos, Mflotlfonn.M.Tnin's (luitars, Harpf VidIuis, Sbect Music, Music BiKks, etc. . .1, wt.b v-. . - i". ...... .-im . i m t t. ii.ii State.,1 feel confident of satisfving all who : may favor me with a call or order. " i Dealers in Music supplied on the mostlibr rat ' terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for ' sale. Iy473 Ras Wanted. BCIXfi extensively engased in the manTtf actt.ri of PAPER, we will pav to Conn try Merchants and others bavin? KARA for ale, more than tht present mnrkrl priees Ctsn. JE3SCP Ac MOORK. Paper Manufaci's, PL2UJ.TnU:.. V. o. s. Ae s.- , c. 2m' i,Ut rt.be ow Arch, between 5:h 4 ith Residents of ihe country will be supplied by 1 JL ' " mttr ner . I !d '" ll"o,-4., rot7or otherwise with any music ihev may. Instalment cf Til C Uollarsi Pr Miare ' strand, i near Temple l:ar. lemtor.) ard ai. at km h.--e wish, at as low rates as tf purchased in person. "e(1 PTb fr before the K of ( .wa, 'yTf'"" uL n- r .i, t.,r,u . ,,.-1,. ;.. . i. i-. i.-i i February ne.tt ; and an instalment of lifceir.lwi.artn.Afa. jor. will rmiwdii. ,u"il"Jf jjjn,!,,! xCw Ilallisliment e,,,,! o , . e, l'kil.uhh.KLx. j , 'an entire new.nj beautiful stock of Straw, ra.iryu. TJl1 peminn'.., ..... . . . - r- i u it. -ara M.hpralIv are invited torxainine.l ttllU .illliiivi 'h1' - i '!.!.veitv. and iu suie.,a'tuck uneouaiie-t. 'j IV -Oid:rs carefully aud promptly executed. THOMAS WHITE CO. XtXV PAI.wTS. ONE-THIKD CIIEAPLK I it Aii VlllII fc LEAD, and ficc from all poisonous .iuiitil-a. pnatly aniarir.d uitflr w..rka. ai.4 improf.d U.a iunlil)r i of thf ir rrulU' t. nrt' pr.-pnrl to enrol orrt.T p.r .hlr f SUPERIOR PA1MTS, Orr, and i.r. ona in oil, IU a..wrtwl 'iwai-'e5 i-l Tri.o. 2-i U pnuuua ; aiao Ml) , io biirri-ln. of '.i.o xuiil4 h. Th-lr V, llt tK .INC.atiKlt IS M try or (rraimt in o:l. is wuriMiul puiu ai.il uuturj aps.il f-r btxljf mttd uuilorm w!iitj-tii A m.tliid ofp'riarntion l.aR r.Tifl hrn 4ienTtf-l. wliirlt .'tial l..-- Hie e,in.otuv tu wnrrant ILeir puint to Keep fr..l) aid Pull in II krm t'r tin rraMnai ! liio,-. In llti rv-i-'-! ihvir kolU will tar pufvrlof W muy Glut i ill llle loarlo t. 1l,.ir lllton N fivr TAINT. !.Vh la and at a low priri. and ran milv 1 mitua fr.an III Z.nr orea fr'm Nt w J,-rl. i nuar well kui an lor iu pn.twlia ua.i-lii-n all- n M ;i!ii -I lo iri-ti or oilier n.elaii. aurler.. Their stok l oIi.it: ejll.si i-o--e an ine rnire-r- ; tii-a of ihe lln.wn. alel 1 rn aj;reea'.le ef,lor ft-r pain- , tins t.lUi;ee. llvp. la, Out l-ii;..tit.i.'. linitK... ! t i.l.M II 1111 AlliiS, Wln.t."ate PmOiI ls.Ieraan'1 Initmrtin, N. tv.e.-r.ol'1'.illi and M:: kvt Sla. i'AWyA'f Am. j m.Viit i Milloiv K ure, &c. II. COCETER, 41 South SECOND St , I'liitiidilph.a.'i doors above Chestnut, East linporteraiut Mauulacturerail ainfis ot 17 ll.l.i'W W.I W t!ie f.Ilowir. AJir. l onsiMin:; in pan ei ir,i;. Ladies I ravelins Bas kets, Wi.rk Baskets, t lower Baskets, Ctliee Baskets, Si-rar l)aket. Plain. Fancy and Em broidered Uaskeis. I.a lie' Work Siands end Hewing Chairs of beautiful design and excel lent worktnansb'p, !i:ch he is selling remar kably cheap fur Cash. X.IJ. .Imt received from Cermanv. a lari;e arid varied axoim.ent of FANCY fiOODS. l whir.h the aitenti..'n of the public is respect- fully inviUd I" :jt:Hi lOiJU Tons Xo.l Superphosphate!) mif. ir, Ill KfJ S Oiminal and I. .-uuine, warran ted of superior quality ihe cheapest inaiiur" in tne world, r armers and dealers supplied at low prices. I'rlrn (mlitif fsM'1 Phtsfrr. 5,01 W barrels selected expressly for its fertil izing rjuality. 10.000 huhr!'; of same ii b'llk. 1,000 bands Calcined Plaster, fioo " Castiriir " loo " llentisi " I'i:i:1'YI. V r.'.t.VO Thisarticle werrTi-r ! in er.nll.le,.!. In nlirril.liimr e.aS ClOiat TO ailV I import. H.ai.d far superior to m"st in the mnr - kel. fi.nim bags of ibis superiorCiiano for sale at the lowest market rate. Also I'alagonian liuano Poiidrette tlround Char- coal, Ac .ve ' '. T Kl I A I. - .... at the Stem Placer Mils, junetin . ork Ar. Crowr. and Calhmhil! Ms. I'hduxh Iphia. JM:i To lVo!-(-rowers. -t .'.. )IM) pounds Wool WANTED. I'ne Mib rib-rs feel thankful for pail patronage conferred upon their manuucturtnn operations, and hf pe in futare ,i,at ,i,e cll-wi.-.iiers of their country wtll feel ,lip,.sed lo share abundantly by patreliizmj Home Indusirv and Enterprise." Farmers. Merchants, and Mechanics, we invite vou all to eivt us a .., as ve lntcnj keeping eons- taritlv on han I a rjoo.! assortment of Goods of our oan nianufacttire, such as ... . . . . ,,, . Liit In, ( ..ir', itinrtts, t faniiclt, ' , ' J.mil.- ts, .St'l.,nj irn.Av. to exchange f.r Wool or s.'l low for Cah. Crain, Lard. "Soap, or any other inaiketalde I Produce. I'hev will al-o Wholesale to .Mer- i chants.nnd save them the Jobber's prolit.whie h I is fr.im 1! lo la per crrr. Cash u i!l be paid for WtlOLat all nms.ihe resular market rnre. t" do not expeel lo ran Was- ns to collect Woo! ut ilunk it i belter lor both Wo"l (irower and Manufactu rer to deal at the Factory, where there is a variety of cnods lo select from, and the manu facturers have a much beti' r chance to render satisfaction to tln ir cnMorncrs than when a few :roods are haub'd out in a waijon. By strict artenuou lo business, they hope to j merit a goodly share of public patronage. erv respeetfnllv vours. STATTEN. MA Kit CO, White Deer Miils. l nion Co Pa. 10. tiol 3m:)C1 ! Ma Samiicl 1i' lellon'- IMalr. "TOTICE is hereby ?iven that the I'egistet ' 1 o! 'I'n ion count v on the -d day of March, ! 1851. issued to the subscribers. Letters Testa- ; mentary on the last will and testament of Samuel M'Clellen. Ia!e of Uulfaloe township. . moil loiiii., ut.t-jscti. n ii ix-rsons iiwin i ' said estate are requested to make payment, and those havinc claims asainst the estate mil present them properly authenticated lor setiieinent. SAMUEL MCl.El.LKN. Execntor. MARY A.. M CLELLK.N, Executrix BulTaloe, March 10, liil Notice. y KTTERs Testamentary to the Estate of j Al.K.XANDLK M'tiXRK. late of the IjoTeiU Ii ot Leu t'littre.t'rreaseil. havin? neen granted to the subscribers notice is herel y I civen to all persons indebied to said estate, lo i make immediate payment; and those having I claims are requested lo present them dnly ! authenticated for settlement to either of the undersigned. UIIW'D C. HUMES, of Bellefonfe, Pa. ELIZABETH M CU RE, Lewisbnrg. Leuisbnrg, Jan. It, D-51 I'.xcMitor's Xoticc. "VOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa mentary on the estate of St s t mis. 1 . r , , ... , , , i ., . , aa in.iuetu io enuuuue ia.u uu.u .aereeerreu a wevveev lale of Millluibtirg borough, dee d, ha e been i rlrv T1, ,., Knalh, ,RO ,h. hmr Viper granted to the undersigned, in du form of law, t jenrnl any ..mrtosaol relapee, and often deetatwa that nr ine lieoisierni i nton coumv. rtir ih-isoiis J " -.- - , indebted to said estate are requested U make immediate payment; and those having claims I against it will preseutthem duly authenticated lor settlement. , HENRY W". FRIES, Execntor. I.ewisMirg, April a;. ii Instalment. OJict Stutjti'htinna Railrnad Compctty," 11 inaint tn, Jan. , IS.1T. J nilR STOCKIHfLDKRS of this CompanT Is. ..Is.. ws est . tTw th-. thaw .t.nn.l . ...t. . amount payable or. or before ilhe 1(1 h day ot rch mon"' thereafter, until the whole is paid ,n- ,!,e 10th of c,ob" n'-bT ,bose Ifs.' din" 111 Baltimore at Union Bank of Maryland I Dauphin county Bank of Middletom n I Korilnimberl'd county Hank of Nonhurobld; Union county Lewisbnrg Savings Institution. By order. ROD. S. HOLLINS, Treasurer. TT 4 ATTC for Justices and I J I i r IV O Consiables. for sale or ptinted to ordtr.at the Chronicle JI!ice in Perfect Fits! JOII It. JH I LL.ER carries oa tk. l ailonae business, on his ow h'k, n K,, old stand on North Third 8treet,where he will attrnd to Makinj and Cottins as nsna). The FASHIONS received from ew York. All work done in the bei atyle and on tut ! Market" n, mosi reasonaui terms, r roc nee received a rices. I.ewisbnre, Mrnt. 3 h1 B. MILLER. Summer Fashions for 1S54. , from Ths P. Williams. Uroadway.Xew YorV .,llt ,rc-d ,,r y jj MI1.UK Uwisbo UNION TEHPERAKCE HOTEL, aao Ire Cream ami VaUng Saloon, Orurr nf Smml ami Market Sit. rtaHavino rented the commodious and Wtll : " i:nd Luildins at the lower ei.d of Market Ut. (lormeily the mansion of Wtn.lt 1TMl,q j the subscriii-r is prepared lo enterum ! STRASCERS AM) TRA rEI.ERU, ' Man and Ileast, with Iwlpicrj and food L ! nul with intuxicating liquors, i t"5-"Tliere is also attached an ICE CREAK , Saloon lor Ladies, and an EATlXti SALU03 ' for (.eiitltroen. He respectfully !iri;s a fair trial, aad a ! share cl ihe public f itronage. E. PETER3. J Lrwiibui?. March CO, l.-,4 3rn 1A IMS 11 II AN fl I XGS, Chairs, and Cabinet Ware. T T A Vi.Vt; made a Iar?e additica in rear et J his Brick shop, upper end ef Mtrkct sirtel, and discniiitnued his shop on 3d street, the subsrnter has removed there all his ke',s an I ware, and will be happy to see old custo mers and new at his Market St. shop. A fresh supply of WALL PAPER, eensin. in? of new aod fashionable patterns, is no selling al reriered priees. All kinds r.f CHAIRS and CAB1XET Ft'Jl. MTVRE, suitable for Parlor or Kitchen, can be had on terms wbirb can not fail to pleui. rrJ'AIl Work warranted. WM. ARMSTRONG.- Lewisbnr?, March 17, tK54 6m HUSSLTS GRAIN KEArER, ; for cutting both Grain and Grass. M AM FACTl ftED and for Jaie tl tht Lewisbars Founder by Hi E D D ES. M A RSH & fi t STILL MORE AfiW.S COXCERMya ! THE SUSQUEHANNA RAIL ROAD lfii A u tn Ite tjcttmle'l from IjraitLura It Jst iristiirit on the Juniata '. tbrollgll bjr SZtHIlDburg !! ; TT i fact lh;l . II. KImm-I hu g ahead of sll the Compauira, sni hu aw j opened one of the best and largest tork of !KT.r. A- WlTi. i! r:nnrm . - ------ .. x-..,.i j .i- . . r . opened in this cuuntry, ind of such My In and quabiie. a will give un.faetion le all. DRY GOODS of all kinds, i;uovei:ies. C'.Tw.. T-a. Sji'e-. Su.-:.r. Mo.'aaws. Rica, Cheats, Ornrters. Snap, I anulc. Tot aero, S. k-ars. Ac. j AUu llardirac, (Jamru-af, Cedjrxarrt ljixtana Shun, Hals, and Caps of the latest style and best quality, Umbrellas, Iiru-hes, Brooms. Paints rouud aid dry. Oil. nf all kinds, and other articles low numerous to mention til of which will bt tola! at prices so low as la astonish purchasers. All kind, of Country PRODUCE uUnja exchange Inr Coods. ir J t'lease i.e nio a csM before purchtaing elsewhere, as 1 charge nothing for looking at ray Uon,l. I. H. klfJSEL. M.lllinhurg, Cct 13 1SS The Far-Famed Hedicine! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. Th.se Pills being eoFtud entirely .if medicinal berbt, I are of a mutt barni.e.. nature, whiie the eatramaia. ary virtu.-, thry ioeeiu have rrnd.rd them eai.-r .atly ioi.u!ar iu nearly every part of the world. Ihe iroiaenae suo-ees they have met with throughout tl.t Slati a i. n-t eMiaor.liiiaiv. owing, it a t-rreunml, I., lln-ir wouderful eflteeey In tha cure ef ltin.es enmplaint. and diinlrrs of twe Li.er aud So ataca, Ivriit. bo iirre.re iu u.icg litem accordiag tt dir. e'.itib, scidom fail In being restored to heal'.u- j Weakness and Debility. Restoration to j Health of a Gentleman, aged 45, whin I at Death's door rofwo tst'rfram IS AVe e?r, Hmit, ticttd .W.-T., .V. It.u.fi. near tiui. avracbliira, li A. lSSi To Ts r.fi'l fli iLi.'W.f. Sir A Mr. J.'ten II xtov, formerly a resident of thlt rlaec. had rs-ea in a declining stale ol heailh lor w-ar3 rf thn e y.ars. -radualiy wt;np awav lo n abatlew I V bihli. p.-r.pir.tiou. aed want ol aT.pet.t't. wbt. h eaaM errat mutn.ines.to bL-.frier.das bi-hadeoa.ult.dvarioue m-dical uit-n in llalh. without eftVct. He al ia.t uerdyetif fill., aud uut.ee I'r.viileDee wa. rertored tn heallh by thfir menu.. He lately emiar.ted lo ew York. snU hat jii!-t wntl.n totmy. that he was never tetter in health, al d ileeired me lo at-quaint yea wiih ihe cireumataacc. r eucht .-Oo to aientit-u. tli.t my win, hat derived great beneltt lrRI Ote ue ol your I'lita. 1 remain. Sir. vun. re. r-eet fully, CII.SULES MalTU, tiuollii Minister. A permanent Cure of a diseased Liver cf many Years' dnraticn. Coj a Letter e-ie. Mr. tiamis. Vi'Mist, TemcQ, tt Pear Sir In this dtriet your Fills command n mere etenttive .ate thaw anr other pr-prieiarynHdirinebefort th pitUiie. A. a prt.f .4 their un;ra.y in Liver and INIarut C. nitt'aiuu I roa nrulina ill- foUowing ease. A lad; of this towu with whom I am pertwwally aeneainted. frr Tram was a at-. ere -uffvrer Irom dtfeart af the Liver and lhte-tie organs : her medical altt-edanl assured her that he rotted dt nulliitit lo e-!ieve her safft ring., and it waa not likely -he rul.l .ur.i.e man. mttuth.. Tbie annoww eeuient naturally caus.d crrat alarm among her fnewdt ar.4 relallona. and tht-y imlucd her to make n trial ot y.iur l'iili.wtie-h soimiroTrd her svneral health tbnt..h - I reni.u.t. ix r. tutua tmlT. In1? SNjJ. lV).i. (Sivat-rli J C..MIJ. ThtSACtlcbraUd W r- mmtrrftdlf Htratrirsi im tkt of tnmng c-mplamtt : Ajtify tror,'T 4lftai.iM- gwtwUry i Asiftms Itytroiert Liter i'mplntj) mfiww B.ihu Crm Kr.lpe.ii4 l.umbmgo Tir bnloremt r I RlOtS IrpiaM IrTTi-r.Ird TIIBOM IBiriftii en utriti- ribrnmfttlm VVrtr thvleilfi rttvrn H fcll KrtrktioB ffrB-r-al if-Ite.wfK-iupru kiiuU t'rm fcettoa ! ToIkp Fit ftrrfnlaU ir1w"or f !l ; Conrttrftt'ii ofw-o-jt KiTe' rtil klitds ! tb Htmtlm Hrmd-nrta rWt Throat WMkaMfra r. T,4ot lrnHp.ncrt. tm d I W'ui.ij mnaumirvB Craeet also or all reepeeTa.iw. "'im m ... i... , thr,,ilH)Blth, vnuiitrn. P.a..t. j"M c..,Ke. j ..d f..v... e,.h T,j ht rtxq.l j D';,Vn!r. !iier?He.,lr,t.,ukittkl..f Itoxee. . a. Liirer tkn for the cmdancu tl nttttaft i ever, dimwder, art affls. d to each Bog 1y&04 riTcr sale by Dr. KEMPER. Mifllinbor K (1 1 T not refused al the Lewis ii Dll burg KhroniclertTtce. D F.EDS ot toper tor form, f or til at it Chrocileltoffic..'. elt tingle. ' t" ll'OOD WANTED at 'h ChfSi?trff.4 )