Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 16, 1854, Image 5

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repeal it or o .t, no intter what lliat Tote
tnigut be.
To your tecovl inquiry I anurrr that I
wnoervly deplore i'jperils of iuiempennce,
aud am no willing, as I always Lave been,
to sanction any proper mtaaurc to mitigate,
arid, if pjwjbie, etitircly remove the vice;
Lut I cm not p!dg r-rjsolf to sanction a
law, the i;l.ii!a of which I have not seen.
The term of the Ontintinn an J oath of
office would ceem to forbid this coarse on
the part of an Executive. He slwuld be
free to j-nig? of the cost;tut:onaliiy and
srischm cf a proposed law after having
fully examined and couaidcrcd its pro
Very respectfully, yenr fb't,
To Stephen Miller, Jas. Black, and others,
Mesara. 1'otts and Bradford, tno Fres
Psmoerat and Atnr-ricati can-Iiilates for
Governor, replied, at considerable lcn'h,
ia the ajfu-mtttUe
Iuterrogafories wore a!o addressed fit j
the other candidate tor State Omccs, to
which Messrs. JJlack and Smyser resjcct
fully replied that a, in the CT.at of tboir
election, the itri. proposed might cotne
before them for judicial decisiiii, it was
improper to prejudge them ic this form
Kr. Dars'.e's Letter.
l'lTTSEtan, May 16, l?ol.
Ptkphes Miller, E-i Doar Sir:
Your communication as chairman of a
committee appointed by tl
- i e - i
int,t.n oi a
i-rcbibttory liquor law, t.i n.tcirogit.. the
several caudidatee, as to bather tWy arc
io f.ivr tf or opposed to a law pr.L:b!tiug
the manufacture and sale of all intoxieat-
ins li.mors a a bcvcraL-e in IVn;ivlvan:i.
.. . . . i
was duly received. I as a sitmbcr of the I
prJ0uivocal and weii d fi icd, and as lh
opinions which then controls 1 my vulva
remain unchanged, I would respectfully
refer the convention to the journals of lh
Senate as the best answer I can fornibh to
your query.
Your?, truly, Gr.oR.ir. Parsie.
From Mr. Molt, IViraocratic nominee
for Canal Commissioner, art answer was
ISViiraaka Items.
CHAPMAV, COOWIN. against Nkb-
In ISlfl Mr riimm .n l,nn
cnor oi me nanuaeer, was iom io
erow," aud he did! He lately offered I
limself as independent candidate for j
Congress in the luiiiauapoiis district, sub
ject to the votes of the people on cloctiaa
day. On the Nebraska and slave question,
he bays he stands on the pktf.'toi with
Houston and Benton.
According to the New York Post, ths
old sehctnc of Mr. Calhoun to got the IX
Senate the l.t two bciou.s, during which '"""'S- T"1"
... . . . , . ,. jiitrons mi"ht readily be obtained.
xrid tno subject i.f tuu i cuipcratice re- ' f ,, . . ,
'. . ., . . . - V, e send out weekly OS papers in sim'e
form was repvatcily an-1 io rations forms ,,. . , f 1 1 ' .i
. I'zrtijiper. lo print, iidd, envelope, and
tefore tnat L'.Hy. ... t a-t;oa was a.w.-,ys .. . , 52 afrurj!1 lut
auotciau Government under Aintri(an 1 The Bible is in daily use in (he school.
oontml, with to annox the whole... TaiLT'lT hAnsaT
' . Iish 'Ss, and common branches, (including
Island of llaytt, and put down tao negro Reading. Writing, tieugraphv. Arithmetic,
aipira, CstablieM by S.loque, id revived Orammarand V.8. History) G per session.
, , , . ,lNu deduction eicept for sickne.
o&Jer tL present admicUtratioa. And
jet another s'ave State !
Kixgstok. X. V.. Jane 6. The fiit
election for municipal officers under the
Bew charter toot place here to-dny. The
Know Nothing ticket was elected ly a
Urge majority.
Hon. Charles R. Hucbilcw, cf Bloom
turg, ia appointed bearer of despatches to
the government of Paraguay, in -South
America. His lady will accompany him.
They go via Loiidou, and will probably
he hrue by Xew Yeas. A good chance
far Buck, to recruit bis exhausted health,
and a reward for Lis untiring hostility to
The N. Y. Evening Post (Dem ) propo
se that ia every case of an apprehcuued
fugitive slave, the c!ave he liberated, and
a douguTace he saistilabjd mi l sent bzee:, tneilicinal purposes. Violins, Flutes and Ac--roviAsi
enc M be found of eqiu. value Nuts Fruit, and Confinwir-
U tb fugit;ve. That fjUAhSfalin ne: J ; t;0n and ?neral Vaneties. Call ani cxam-
BOt embarrass the proposition, for if on" !
ionglifaee b not as valuable, scod ita
Josepb Wrig'ai, son of the Hon. IT. .
'Yrigkt, Las keen appointed a Cadet in
the West Point Military Academy. Ilia
feiber, Ifendrick K, vou:d for Nobraiia
sVe did ;
A spirited exntest $ t Congress is going
a in tlie Schoyllsill and Northumb.rlan.l
AiBtiwt, bcttteeu Co!. James Cameroa aud
X'in. L. Dewarr., Esq. Straub.thc resent
SlemWr, will undoubtedly bo dropped in
eward of bis Nebraska kpeecb aud Tote.
Slaves roa Ntbiapka. A number
f gmg of slaves have already passed
tJiroagh St. Louis, on the way to Nebraska.
'What will those bo have so coufident!y
, predicted that Slavery would not go into
that Urritory, say to this 7
The Chicago Tribune says that the pro
Scbraska procession iu that city on Satur
day suiiug last, was a " graud f:lurc."
About sixty wdirpJuals, two tuirds o(
whom- were boys, earned torches, and the
Poetmaittr aud Collector were active ia
the- celebration." Ihe Tribune says,
For the honor of the country, we Lere
state that set no. American conld be found
to taka paot ia the proucssion. They were
ncib!e Celts,' vsj nwtbj.r'sowl oC thim,
XL aa itbo. "otand t joke too Ec,""
Aoejed afc. Xha ElutiS u him.
Telegraphing new Rate Table.
From Lttclthirg to
M'Kees falls
Jrr',v Shore
t.'l Hall
$0,S9 'Berwick
25 Blooinsburg 13
S3 Cattawissa 17
tl Danville 15
91 'Chapman 20
1 20 Carbondale 28
S5 Duuroore IS
85 Hv Je Parlr. 24
21 Wilkebarre 20
20 Plymouth 20
15 Biocmsburs 18
13 Danville 15
(f 15 Siiobnry 15
17 M'Ktrensville 15
18 Williamsnort 17
20 l.nck Haven W
Beech Creek St)
31 Bellefonte 21
For every additional word I cent to all sta
tions on this line.
X.it now in operation,
jy Aii other station west and south of
Philadelphia, rate increased 9 cents.
A Word for Ourselves
Since tho ChronMejmm iuto our hand.,
w h:tvc clothed it in new type, at a aot
of $300 or 8100 Office rent lias nearly
(lu!leu Printing paper has advanced 20
or 5 pr cent The number of workmen
employed is 1-irgcr Farmers produce is
raised in price gen"rally but our terms
have not been advanced. Thn, while
o::r pitroMKjt baa increased, our profits
have not.
F3A reaTinaTi'e inference from these
prci.urcs i. that WE MUST HME oca
RATES t.F CHAUOE3, or r rrmlfr mnt
obtain an increase of patronage. The
lanrs above us on the West Ilninch, and
on the North Kranch and cisewucre,
, , . rlinose. to
nil v i &t tutu v.-"i'-'- - -
w;litone jear i0Dfrer at the old rates,
(piinj, that we may be favored with fuc'.i
an increase of Subscribers. Advertising,
and Job Work, as may enable us to keep
on at our old rates.
In almost every nci?hborhood, within
a minll profit indeed. If each one now
getting a paper alone will get one or more
new subscribers to join him, the larger
packages will go more safely, and afford
us better compensation.
BQuAVe ask all who approve the course
of our paper, to aid it by getting one or
nvire subscribers."
DP 111
Will commence on Moshat, April IT, ISM,
to continue SO weeks,
The course of Instruction in this institution
: calculated to prepare youthsto enter College
or for senerli business.
Composition and Declamation receive care-
tiber is solicitous to secure a class
of Ynunr Ladirg.
Oiir constant aim ia the improvement of the
pupil, is to render the Discipline of the school,
as well as the mere imparting and acquiring
ot know!ede,subservient to the higher objects,
t i',the fjrmatinn of a Rii.d character, based
upon sound morality, and the preparation of
the youth by well established habits of order,
energy and independent self-reliance, for use
fulness and success in life.
March 17, 1854.
Whalaul and E.taa
ninilnbars, I'nlon County, Pa.
nAVING purchased the entire Dru Store
formerly t?pt by T. J. Elliott, dee'd, I
Kivr "IT'T to iny friends and the public io gen
eral a fresh and pure lot of
jjirua?, ei):hfi:ais qpD 3)jrc-?itffs.
Also Paints, Oils, Class, Putty an t Patent
Medicines, llrushes and Combs of every
varietv. A fine assortment of JEW
El.K V, snch as Watches.cold and
silver Pencil". Ear and Fine
ger Kin;rs, Breast Pins,
ic.&c. Cards, Eo
velopes, Nute
ami l.etier
Soap and Icrtn?ieTT.
All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, Pine Oil
and Hnrninc Fluid. I.iamrs of all kinds, for
ine for yourselves- I charge nothinefnr look
: barg, Pa, Jan. S, 1851 ly
Life Insurance Companies!
fjiiiJun fa!lonal Loon Fund,
(S6 CornhiU, Londoo; 71 Wall St. XTork)
tVCapital $2,500,000
JZlns Jjfe Ir.surimet Company,
(.Hartford, Conn.)!
LyAnauity Fund $lS0,Cfi0
(Harrisbur?. Ta.
Ift-anital SlW.Ol'O
POLIflKS in the above Companies can lie
obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli
cation to tlie s.iheribei. California ri&ks, 3
to 4 per cent, extra.
Feb. 19 IU C. IflCKOi:, teu-Uburg.
WIXEGAKDEV has re-moved from
"iray up town" back to the new build-
in? at tne olil head quarters, in .Market street,
ijninediately under the" Chroiiicle"and Tele,
eraph offices, where he will be happy to
smoke" and "chew" his friends and cus
tomers, in good style and quality at moderate
caih ra'es.
I.ewisbnrg, Oct M, 1853.
llttornei) at fato;
IvrUbm-y;, Fnloa Ceaaty, Pa.
"VriJTICE is herebjr given, that Absalom
B. Smart has this day retired froja
the firm of Tustin, Stuart and Lewis, he hav
ing sold his interest therein to John W. Stuart,
who takes his place in said firm.
March 4,184.
82,000 I
For sale at the large Brick Warcroom of
Danarhy fc Elder,
(Tnnrth St.eM duur from Bl.ir'a llctrl-)
nVXt stock comprises Kosewood.Mahogariy,
.... . . . . -urulMl'tj
J W alnut aiiat-Otlase uressing nuu..n o
Plain and Faucy Mahogany Bureaus E
CKETAK1ES ami BOOK-CASES in endless
MahopanT Chain and Whatnots Card, Tier,
Center, Sofa. Iliiiinp, and Breakfast Table
r L'ii.pk Ortapnu. Ctiltase. and
(;ommon BEDSTEADS llosewood. Walnut,
Manogany and Cottage WASHSTANDS, and
various other articles.
All work wnKTrn to be well made, and
on the most reasonable terms. Cash, Produce
and Lumber taken in payment.
Lewishnr?, Oct. 5, 1A53
HAVIXtS ftirnUhed ourselves with a Rose
wood 8Si3jUK3!g. the subscribers are
prepared t. wait upon all who may be so
unr,.-tnivnte n tit remiire their services, and
every attention will be paid lo their wants and
wishes. Onler pmmpliv atienaea in. nu
assortment of COFFINS kept constantly on
hand, ur made to order.
Lewisbnr?. J;m. 7, IS53
Th9 renowned Remedy!
TLl traoitinry Ungunt l oomptwl of th nut
,cluiif li.it. in, arid whn nJ in ncconlanct: with
tbx J.r liti.f wliicli tteuumf ii' each iut, wi.i in-nr
iuri& wh-'n nil otticr utuun kr.L Cnsv ul the raont
d rifV lv)n Ui'a rc;.Uil yh-Ul to iu itS-cy.
It is f:mi.'HH wheu UM.-1 in ca.-ii of w,ut,i:heuaintidni,
iuniiM-;i-i r 2rtttf .inii t-. In Aolliuiu it wlU di
VuiiUvrk U tlll! iiilu llu Chest.
Most astonisl.inaurc of Scrofulous Ulcers,
ccr;iCod ty the Mayor of Huston, (Kug.)
Cjjf c a LttUr rum J. ,W., Ej.t Jtfuyor of Smtoa,
To Pttnrr js II'iL'. a l'r fir : Mrv.ParAli Dijon
of l.iiju rpiB 1 Atri tft, IbifUm, tlm df ljeid Ik lyre
m tLv t'.r a oiHr''l N-riwJ ffw wnit nrvrmiy aJUk-u-4
wuli mt.iIuIou wm nvl ulcr-r in h-T fcruu, f.-ft. h'g.
aiitl oi)i-r nrt f U-r Unly ; ftn! mllitouli the firrt uf
n -4irl iwh ia ott;iiiisiJ, at tlw rout f a tn
i'l raotw-y, he ol-taimai uo utMUiBcOt oX tullv tm, but
ral-tahy grew wnmn.
lteiu r-.a.uiiu -ntli-l y fr!il to try yunrOtn'mfiit.
rtecircd a rmull Hit, ard a box of the I'iil, and
before tlit uM. yin bn of anvmlaint pr-
Ml. lit fwrvrrtut: With tin- niiiirine! lr a "hnrt l-ine
Unrr fdifi to the"lirwti.nm and sirictly alhrm(C
to your ruttw m to di-t. At . tue was perfcetiy curad, aul
now euj'iva th bt-it ol limith.
I rviuain. dear sir,
fatal Aug. 12, !h.' iMtfnl J- NOBLE.
Extraordinary and rapid Cure of Erysipelas
in the Lop, iiftor medical aid had failed.
LtU'T fr.mitt. EKMlfth P-t OJKc. A 'dwiek
To lrfl.for ll'd:oway Sir: 1 nuff.-tvd fr a eonM-lrra-bU
prrto-l fioiu a err attark of trTip-I. which at
lenvtta fttlri in piy lK n4 retd nil tuedirai trrat
Bint. MyMilT-rinCriWfri: vryicr-l,niid I quite d-PT aired
of auy pcraaanfttt anifO'tni'tit. hm 1 adid to
kav Eroto tr.yoti7tAiitiu'-!itand I d.dao without
d(ayt and am hj py up pay tb rwmlt waa eminently
owj-f.il, ftT th. y hriwl a radial nira of my h-g and
tvft'irrd trw to IIh enjyms-itt of health. I fhalt ever
irfwak with the otraoft ootKh-no- of yur iwdiciih, and
l:e r-O'tB-n-iidel liifin to iir in this neiUtorhuod
lUliarfy afflict d, who dvrived Rrrmt bnnt.
1 am, fir. Tvir obltged and faithful rrfint.
(F.j-u"d Kl.lZAHtl ll YATS.
Tb PilU !"hooM l afted eon jointly with the Oiutmt-nt
In moMt of the following
Ilsl I?' rtiUhlauil
Itwl llriats Cii p-4
lliirnfl H.iflH
lliinions TornR (Kift)
Illli. or Mni. rauCi'M
thru.', aii'l CmitrnrtM
hD l F.it-i nl Mill
l'itolafl ForeThront.
1hui Skin Um'iM
Uiaml'ilnr &cum
hwfllirgs lleda
LuiuUio Titiaiw
I'tln Uteer
Rhi-unatinn Wouudl
Sralilfl l aw
Chirp.-f..t Elihiotiaiiii ?ore Nipplrti Ac. Ac
S14 ftt tli KtahHnhaiMit of Pnr Il-rt low at, 214,
Ftntti'l. 'nfr Trmpl lUr. Lomtoo). nil bIno lit bic houM
la Nw York. Onjr for MVtif-im- " Jtat.MjarK.wl
UoiJovny. A-v 'rk " will wn- due tf O""'- Sol
mto rW alt pHtTei-viahi1 !ru-'iit rni-1 1-It m Mviicint-a
1. tka I'nit.wt itnl,a in Witw &t ST ft- ST U.
kud $1 ,M, e i h. hoVsaic bj thf riBCipai Irug hoiuea
in 111" irnimi.
H 7 kr is a enn ridrratJ' sari no ty taking tht lnrrr nut.
XH. IMnrti-n for tlte ituttluncc of patient in erry
disorder nr fx" to rh ily&u4
Sirid by lr. KEMPER Mifflmburg
Tlie Old Maiuuteelb
Dr. TIIOK.vro.'Y it Co.,
TfAornrirV; ft- RetitS Druggists, LeifUhnrg,
OFTEK to their friends and the public a
lare and well selected stock of fresh
Drue. Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spices,
(pure,) Uve-Slulfs, brushes. Combs. Perfume
ry, Soaps, Fancy Notions, Fruit, Confectionery,
Boi'ks, Siat!uery, and a variety of articles
too numerous to mention.
Give ns a call and jur!;e for yourselves we
charge nolhin; for looking.
Keinemher the M.immoin Dnit; Ptore!
J. J. Clyde & F. I. EIii!tcr,
.Vuoxriwr.- to in O. .ri- ,' rf
Book inpi:hs and Stationers, axd
II irrifltiiri, P,i.
MOT respectfully inform their friends that
they pre ensajred in the above business
i ndirectly opposite Herr's Hotel. They
Hatter llieniselvcs, hv rareful attennon to iheir
business, to receive a continuance of the pat
ronage so liberally enjoved by the old firm.
L'l. AMC COOKS for Banks, County Offices,
Merchants, an 1 private individuals, and everv
j variety of full and half-bound constantly on
nan'j. j aprr ruicti iu iin v panrn llooKS,
Periodicals, Macszines, Law Books, Newspa
pers, Bibles, Music, works issued in Nos ice
bound in any style, plain or extra. All work
warranted, and done cheaply.
Please cive- us a call. C. & II.
P"Books Ac. to be bound may be left with
the Editor of the Chronicle. 509
Surgeon Dentist.
T his Residence, 8oath Third St. .corner
Of tis Boardwalk. '
ProcUmatiiM to the Citizen if
niOlInbur; and Tlcfnlly.
pu!Tnnachr Hrdro-Eltric Voltaic Chain,
NuXSTRL'irrED to be worn next to the
V &Win, prducoini a constant currpnt of
electro magnetism, ejecting immediate rtk'j
from all acute pains, and a
rennanekt 'ure of all Xcuraltpc D.'icases.
Wer firt uri in Fmnre.tlirw yfw inro for tli euro
of wrtouii d.a,nJ utv bwit sobinitud to ilw m t
thurt.' trial ia rrv 1 Pari bv
rVrsM in Ihitt rity, wru Mwn.ll la Hi
IVirunimt nf rrmncc wlih ltruitl m purut t r Uie
di-ry. Durinic ilf Jf"r itwj were nitnInn-d
iu O-rniatiy, Austria, lriwU J Kns'""1. MtA niiyar
eiaoi iotxtAiocvJ and patuatna t.y :W t;. b. Owvcruibcul.
3rwi a$bmthiff rtrrt of
lthamatlm. 8i. Vito lnwm,
I'aiufnlmndriirelMJuiBU, lalpiutionot Ui Heart,
Kviiralsia of lb- Vma, Veriodi. iU U.-a .who
DvMfiiriM. Blin.ine-, raiim frm Jmliaja,
JlyUic, IyfMip.i, Writi. Ptn,
Etta ;HaMt, ntU.fi Atw.
I qnlrlity nl rpidiy rami. by wmplj wearing th Cham
far n t-w bf urti nuch day.
TtwChain ware flrl Introducift in th ity of
Yark.wbfliw tkuj wr rxiiilM.ed t I'rvt. Vairiiime M tl,
Vmh Uurr. ist,Cuuucbur wbureadilj Uif.rtil ibut
.Vranfff nd S'tHfiJir P.,wrrMof
wlrrtitT'T app'ifJ. and by their irrounnrndairou ul fn
lluvnre they Wfiv inirtttd into itw aiJwrwut lmitt
tf New Vtrk. and arv mi in dally u1 iu th Institu
tion in lh trs-atni. nt of tiic cure uf the above aauiod
No Other Medictil Agfnt
In the worM ran produce eo mativ well aulb-nMat'-d
crrtifi'-V -f eitre front HHwntti'.c Hiviriana and invili
pent Patinid an m:y W uul in each pampht, vhirb
way be obtaiot-U'ifraUrti at the I vug blfrr vi TilM S- !
ChkIST, ho i ) aiirnt Ct l itfl tu Iwirff and vh-trjity.nil l
who will eaplaiu the manner of iw U any oue hu may
apply. i
iu ihe rite of New York, at the OenerrJ CAW. f.Rt .
Ri04'lwav, llien re dtlW Wilis Hold fr.ui -Hi lort elialn"
fcfij Hie i; anl d-iuaiid in Irotn i- m tcnt in propor
tion to tin rifn;mti m, nJlhougb tb-y have only b-u iu-
"i liel ha:u ari- i-a-ily Worn. and nrenaHr pt-IViI V
tr atl fU.-ft t f piT-oun the rbiid tl wr ll a t he adu.t.
and n alwiya m-dv f t n;' r pet nut of rHir.n?'d
it- ni'ich nn urtkle f ornaineut a lh-y are of valuuh.
Uiemf of rut.
T!h t'hain' nn he pent tr mi! I t-t nnr part of the V
Putf. auJ i-tti be ohLaiii l iu all tV prii.ripul ri'ii-K fn
the L'iiM-n ih 4ein r-tU' Hlrrt t u.(afiinr thriu.
t'AKV Tt l.lHC't. l..nitCj whor-fCJH'f arvrrHiU.-ud
not t' ue th hi on'y f r tt li nK.mftit at erh tun.- i.T
.p'yiiirr. f r ly loiig continued use, mb-farriap is Ire
que'.itiy pr"ducfd. ,
Jo r c Stv4uiT.Ofn Aff-nt nron'r. NVw Yurk.
'J'lIEO. 6. CilRIsT, Agent, Miflhuhur?.
Iy52Ji8J Uuitm Co. Pa.
Atfurncy at Law,
IOfficf. Oil S. SuconJ Su near Maiktt.
Refers to
Jon.Jtm't tltwifo, BiE'ontt, V
J tattt T. JlaU9 do
F C Hum rf C.. tfi
Jim. A ra!tam S WJum. Ltm.tewt
A- J"i dart, Sunhurif.
Stand Citi-in, HVidaytburg.
l inn, Smtih it O . I'hiludclkia.
L'wisOurg, Ayril 22, ISW.
Lightiiing Hods.
VFTEK mny years' close intigtion tnJ
nuroerou exptfiimcnu, ihe rit:iiifctakft
pl.n.ure in inforining the uilic that ho lio
rriJ t ibti tiue principle of protrcting famili,
Jwcliiiigs tml )rnrty from ibe dnrtructivc influ
ence of LIGHTNING. Xhe ralumtiie
i hat every City Town, V illume tnd Country UIU
vkuin to annually, thro the to negligence nf
its iiihaliiiaots, U beyond calculaiioa, especially
when the letuedy ia w tay lo obtain Ihia i
found in
PaUnt magnetic igt)tning tlobs,
and in lhi alon. This liod bus been eiamioed
by tbe mott seieuii&c fnileinen in the world
rofeora M' Murine, Johnon, Wallor and many
others thai bava eiainined them, recotnnirnd and
ffpeak of I hem in the highest terms of appruhatian.
and have psanounrcd them the only safe tod iu
use in tbtfior any oilier country for thr nioirrhon
of Lives and Property. One advantage if to diviile
and ilwo-whack a part of the eh c'ric fluid hrirnih s
to the cK)uds ; in rine ot a stroke thi ennl hv the
rod to conduct that portion of fluid thnt hi Inn
to th earth without tbe stif;hte-l danger of If
vtng tSe t andticlnr. 1 hi rod has many other
dvantgr over ihe old one. The only luce ol
manufacturing is in
fine SL 2 dears ahove 1CA, VhUadetphiat
nhfre all persons are respectfully invited lo call
and eiamine for ihemaelves. For sale Wholesale
or Retail by THO'S ARMITAf! B.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
These rods have been pnrchasej and supccm-
fully uwd by the following individuals, companie
and corporations, whoe names are cbeerlully
submitted :
in end nmr F,iitad1rhia.A. k S. T,fYerx Cnrr
Sfintzinswrt Jud li'iuvter, Jule C'4nrt, 31tilf.rJ.
Jibn li-m, 4'. f . rinuU jr, J. Itrrpner, tl. OnMey.Omrn.l
luKemoI. tli lilorkli-y Aliiihhnus, Andtfrson 4 liiultit-rs,
Krw. J. L. tr:tiit, J-lm NotDiau, Tin. tin.T, littt'- &
l(K.iir, A. 11. imkfrst II. Sruii. ti!( Thof. Nott A ('., Mr.
Dcwninjr. J. lirir, J. W. Wnt.D, C. lltinihrf, J.
Kiplt-y 4'o.t J. 3 uiD, it. ltnrlru. J. Ovrluiliirr, ii. l' -p.-r,
Mr. Si.4tri le.-n. Jlr. 3lartint S. Jh ri.I. v, J. Hnukt. y.
Mr. Itaniwo. Ur. I'aul. . II. low.T!" k lo., J. Witifp-nnv.
II. Mili-r, ii Hti Hunk Il.iU-l. ihe V.6. Arwnal, tbe
frib Urtin C-luntii4-ioni,ri' Hull.
Jn Ot Hat Aew Ji-rtry. iiorp rricj'in. Jinl-.'
M'Call. Jndce DhtUhi, Jnlm Ntuwu, Ur. Ii. 31'Murur,
IVuj.KoWris, 11 r. J. l".timc.
ix i .mox corxrr.
Hartley Tp. Murk tlnlfnnjr. Wm. Vttstrr, John
Mirhnel Frtt-r. Jarob tmith, Itim.l Uman, K-ub.'U
Murh, (Jronfo Klckur. A hrln Court lluHit
aii(i Commis.-ioismt' Oftii LimtiVme J. -Juho Jttlr.
L'm'tm 3). Dr. Charles Wiliu'u. ihingtim 7. J- hn
Kuuis. feiiBKn Kunti. I nn 7p. Iflaic CuuJJtOU. White
iMcr Ijj. Michnel lioftman.
I bawj this dav carefully iarti a cmniuctnr or
I.ihtning Kod, itli vuue aud inlx( ercrtnl by Mr.
Thotnna Amiitnt', on lit-llevue Houm. tskmcfftfr. i;il
harff no b'-ftitniiun in saving that it in not only thr brer
1 ha tir ii, but that it in the only on I have t
oxainiDiM that n' iruct il on ntrit tly M.-Mrir ,rinri
ple. it i with mut li idpaiure that I rifiiutm-iitl his
couductor to ibt aLUutioa if wooers of builitn.
I am wll ntlsflt-i thnt the Mactvtffl LizlitDint: K'd,
manuiW-turt1 ) .Hr. X!"m.ia Arruiucv, ! fhiln-ltitpltia,
i lt I hat has tit mmU: 1 h: tp n cut iTHr4l
3Tars In tW .-idy of th biW nt flcrtri Sty .mil m.cnt
ilT.uud bar ro boitNtion in fayinic that Utvm arr
Cfiuntrui-ti-ti Uffni ti t- only (rnici(ui -i n.ilriy. Tti- .n-frif
iihnrk if tviyiTtl and dLiHTrt.-! by the inncn t at the t"j
ft tk rotl. and il would bt imp:b!r, a4.tiintiii)( to the
Inwm of attrm tf -n prd rrpulnirtii. C r a buildint; to bp
hijutvd t y a trli of li-hltuftt vltcn jr"l-ti"J hv one of
th roiln. 1 ba Iwb ainaintfd villi Mr. Armttuce
forsevernl y-aTtt, mid I f -re henumiueitcpd th.: manufac
ture of ihe rod I exsniinit thr Tr1ni-ii.Vftn nhirb they
are rowuratt-d. and f-ll oonviucrd that their ail option
vauld be atRnd d with nmipleie rurv4. lh in'reaiiis
(Hniarid fr tin-fe rodi-juid the exr-niTli-i in all parti
f the eouittytsaB.lvleooairTtenlatiirn tf rhelr ntiitrnud
superiority. Til At' V K. U ALLtK, M V.
HMnsivn. rhitnd Co., April 10, 1A.V.
llarfktan. Union Co. Pa.
are Aprnts for Knion and edjoinine; Counties,
and will turni-h the Kmlson ther-ame terms and
in tbesime manner as the Pmprietor.
HAVIXC been appointed Aenl forthe sale
of Ihe celebrated Pianos, manufactured by
GFO. TOGIIT, rhllad.,
tbe oniUraicned would be happy la supply any
citizrnaof Ihe Surqurhaana eouatry who may
desire an Instrument well made, after the latest
improvements. Two of Ihese Inatramentrhate
lately been introduced into LewirWora. to which
I aa happy to lefar any on. The Pisnoa ar
warraaled.and if not aatisfaetory an (rial for a
year, hey ma ha eiehaneed. Price, itmn.
I Lowiibnr. F.h 4 ISM
OTES Promissory, Judgment, and
Joint Ne:ei (black i) at Out office.
Almanac for 1851.
gH H , ,
1 1 1
ii a
31 4
fl t. 7
j; ttito!n;i-j;r:!ii!ir.
1 .'I loll I
. iiii.ii;ii..'WiU
I S! .1 4 6
7 k !- lu ll 1
II li I- ! I m
2 :i 4 61
e ? !
:liiill I'.-lia
h.-'i-'li. l'l--rfc
'44 21 i-'liTil '2.'. ''.'S7
.-. e' - ' iii'
11M2 I::;H'U,llllT
a J J M r! 7! 1
9 l"ill I.'l- 1415
n i-;i7il";i'v''i-ji'-
Ti 'i l J
f.j 7 hi f.tifilVlil
m " i '.' io n
B ii!ii'i;!ii''iT'ili
- !.-i;.-i-j:;i2i,ajl
O I" l l-jl-i H'l.. I
!;,! i9iLn.ji 2j.a
i! T
h Hi uiiu iiiij i . ;i
S I.'.,l':,i7:'i"i-:'i
.-j j" 'Ji iV s't.m
I r e! r, 4
5! 7 l v lnlll
S ijii.i hi i.'.ih ; iv 1 1 s
S i:a 'Jii-- s2i.
m 41 ;i ., 71
liii-ji:ijii !..J'
!a.a si
Winfield Woolen Factory,
Xcar llartlttun, I niuii Coiiuly.
rlllScstalilihinent i now in the let order.
J Thf mirliinrry Li-inir nearly all new,
ai.d r.one but ilie km of workiiifn eir.pi'tj cd,
th'j hiibsiribiT fci Is sitfe in faying that hi
work shall in t lie surpnv, pj ly any fitablibh
meut in ili S'T i!ic- aiij linn? counties.
JI is a-."iis wiil hs an undas nnal, nnd
tliftf -i..liui u airi'nie his esial'lishrnpnt,
mil please aa:l iiieni-elves of that opporta
ni'v. t?" I hnre nKn rn hnnA. nnd intend keep
in; a chmrf a'MTtuieni of floods. uch as
i 7(i, Sttinrtl. Valhmrrn. 'tirrid.'. Mnnket,
Ytirtif, &r.. vhtrh 1 will sell low (or cash, rr
exclianre lor Wool and t'oumrv I'r.'dm e trcci
cra'lv. ' M KK IHLKTOM'.
H.inl-ton, April 22, l:.3 if
'IIIE iimiiTsiLMHil -iMi:iues t lie LIVE
JL IIV Ursi.YESS nt tin-Mid Stand,
mi .North Third St., near Market. inil
r'.pci:t!uliy solicits llin patronage cl his
fiicnds and ti.e public amprallv.
Jwi-burg, May 22, 1830
WlirilWlV nnl lVTtIT
F I ilViiL.i'.l J. J tl II U IViJ A .lll
IllarUrt Slrocf, l.fiiOtir?. r n.
t-'tsr Ihe Cure
cromiiitis, inioomc-toccii,
taoi r, ASTinit. ad
C0.Sl'.lirTI0. i
'-4pf ' V the r n.r,nw,i ,,; in
UT 'fnf ""i1
thtr:.fiai! i"f- r Jtf-ct at.d tti ttn f thvJ u,r mnlv ire."
II re wa- lT - f'rlhe ih k rTrfiJt tt Ion; ar. and eT-rT !
r..r!MI.Un,s tnftotXea,.surAatthBr,W'-4 !
Phsii n-t f;,n. I
Ame Ijr-nl frWnfS.Iier.Ten. apt J- ina(-n the retaedie 1
nati;r" hn- itrii. vuv I nr t'ie t!i-4aM-?i ttmt afllict our i
bm4T ra
futTT from, none hi. rrTit j ai reTirlimr-tonn imtim
I prrtta thn roi.rn.nii't'i n tf the l.oncj. tu1joini tl we
' .1 ..l,.t ihij t..n a,.n t k. r...t .n.l fb,
I'uiia d.arj- Cuija:itti-1io all iLfir fdio',iii' avu moved 1
N vnvTf y.r. 1-.n.. June artt iNf.'i.
Sib I hne repeatnliy nf-il y'mr i'iii-skt Fic'ri'irs.i. fi.r I
1 n boot mg (.ufeIi hntl lnl.u.'Uij. ;.a bate nn bt-wtxtloa
tti .ruHuiiMt-iiiif it r tni. t rni u v. t nur t: mr :hilJ
tlri-n ti:ivi' b t-n :tfl''-ttl wirli thw rt-emw !, and tli free j
ae rf tlie FicmuAL hs alwnys alf-T!' d almost inaut !
Wc attest tlie t-uth rf tli" RtS-ire 1 it-i. nt : !
M. m i.imv. Kd r ftbe NvbTtllt Whi-. ( citinn!of Lewiebars ami Ihe traveling commun
al. M. .il.M!r.KiAN, lriWt. j it -n--.ii-. ,h.i he has ouencJ a new Liver-
ion a co.x.a xmvF vonui.
I'ium:,i.i.. ii, ISM.
Tenr 5ir For tTir-p v -jr I he tn tfl-irr-l with
; erni; h. ili.t'n-finir Ilmt 1 fn ijn. rrK iWiiind t.fri'tvr
I fry. much -f thr- time I wjj. rbu-z-A in ml rp al! Tiirit in
j juy cktiir. it rurf-mpb wi.nld Mifrwate n: wuen I Lud
j 'Iwsrii. IhiTinr n- -i nianv rt-mi d i wiiliont inuri. r-).i t,
j 1 al ht trh tl tlv t'tif.Htv i'lricn l. whiHi mul. r I'mtid-
cuee half cured me altogether. I am with r:ttitutt
Amtn? the f fli'-r J st:Di:i h' I autboriti -a who have
lut lb-ii- itrtmi !i t r"cmni.:-il thi j.r. p.ir.iii a tbe
bt kMMnni m them ftr rrt.-ct:iui t-f irn- Imp-, arc
i'r. I'oso-.if V nnoiit l. loiivgw.
I'n-f Sn.i.tHA.. 1 1 Y.iie ( :';-.
Prof VLrTiM. M.-.T. i f Yrt.
I'ri-t ( 'uwil AT, i f It -wdi'in Mm. College.
1'r-tf l.tnniFirLi.t f n.n 1 . ( ,.il-ge.
''iM J im4L "F Mrttic.1. S. tRra.
I'.t-sTi.Ji M.rni. nw tfi t;t.icLJ n kau
tUAr.!.KT-'N S .) VI.CW. KlVltW.
Niw .Ikph't Mtpi."i. l;rp"RTha.
ik.u. ll.iK (.'nr. L' S. ai-na'nr.
Jlon. Hio. P. M .rmi. Am. Atnhviftr fo Turtey.
tii-n. KM li. IIi i.i.ks. Ir-s.il nt i.f i'hill.
Jit. I.ct. K. fi.ni.B. linl Bishop cf Toronto.
Ji- lir. Ltfit. t f Br4ik!)ii, N. V.
Artbbli ri:Ti.( t. of t'ili mn ti, O.
iJtw manv eminent ntTnirci In f r irn einntrfes.
NntoulT in i'ieiars'tiD;erou(.aml.tiwtreiii8: dtneaae
ofthe l.unt:, l.iit::Hf.in.i.ru'.IiLiii.-f.rmrr-i.Dal
use, it i l.e .f st.i.vH-auttiuid ie..tin u,?w..r:.l.
PREFAB l AXft sot.it .'iV.t.v. c a I Fit,
PrnetisttUmi AnihH -ni i)temtt. K Mi
l:f M. 31 A'r:bitsi.Hr,and ; i. . KeIT.
New llerliii;
l.ttetnart, r-ii:i ;r.ev ; and by Irui-'i-at
lriuid -tA'reliuqa
oft lie State or California.
OKEUON. UTAH. SEW Mtl.Yltn, and
TEXAS. printed ly S. Aug'a Mitchell in
1846, and pinned to ome otid with the houn
daries Cied hy Coni;rcsh in 18o0 for sale at the
Chronicle oiVice. priee 2i) els.
rilHB present I'mnndnr of ihe newly iiuiro
I vered M infield C'sn e (limestone) in
PRY VAM.KY. I "nton I'fi. hfrf lv ptve nniire
that the Can will KoT br nprn mt HVSHA YS
for Visitors. It mav he visited by Ladies and
Oentlemen on any othfr da, and on SATCR
DAY or every week especial preparations will
be made to accommodate wi'h lights.
(rj"All persons are forbidden to break o!T.
injure, or take away any specimens from the
Cave, nnder penally of prosecution.
The payment of 1SJ cents only is required
of every person before entering.
Dry VaUey, June 2?, 18S3.
Dr. John Locke,
OFFICE removed to Market street, sec
oii'l lltxir entrance door bttween Kline's
Hotel and C E. bowej Mure.
Lewiaburg, April 1, 1853
LetvUburg SatiBgn tniiti lion,
V u .. nn.n ami rAilv in An hit.;.... T. -
Iw I j I
regular vi.-.uuiii .ic . cuuesuayb.
Tlie fuiluwing naim-d pcrsuos are the
Mr. Juvxmix Walls.
Mr. Bum AuMot.
Mr. J.aei M'Chcic.t.
Mr. 'Ihihas litirs.
Mr. Wili.ii! Kiik.
Fkkuk C Mtiritii, Esq.
Orncsns WlI.MAM CAMERON, Prtndtnl.
If. P. MIELLEK, Trtamrrr.
F'mr per cent, per annum will be allowed on
all (Irpoits over six months ; and Ihret per
cent, loj than six and overihree mombs.
II. I. SIICI.I.EK, Treasurer.
I.en-isbnr;. Sept. 19, 1153
NE self-evirlent, and worthy of ever)
J ccniJeralion, that no Miller can make
good clean fluur Milhout he has pood cknn
wlical. 1 suppose you wisli to know the
remedy. I tell you it is to get one ol
l:trtlrttstr' ll'licut Scnurtr$, or Smut
M icliiiii'S. lift be 1 1 1 an eld, praclical anrt
experienced Millrif;lit has iuvpiiltd, got
up .mil f ut in sucre.-s.rul operation llie be.n
Vhrnt Si-ourer now in use. Any prrsc.i.
nrderins mnchinc and afterwards finding
that il din's nt prove to operate as repre
sented, there shnll he no sale, a these hit
chires are to he warranted (!"d. Furlhei
recninmenHtions are thought unnecessary.
He is now hat ins a supply mnde at Lewis
hurjj. hy MessM. O'-dJes tt Marsh. OrrVr.
for in-iehinei, or letlers of irjitiry, i'l l.
promptly m tended to. Machtne will b'
sent and put lo oil order.. Ad lress
Lewishur, I'ninti Co. Pa. 132!
jvuit nr.3
I'liu subscriber oileis lr sale a larp
assnrtii'etil of choice Fruit Trees iLch a
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feel hih, 40 var eties.
nil warran'.ed genuine I'cuch tres, 21
varieties; Tiirnriaii Cherry, Nctarine,
I'rune and Tear trees, toe-her with aon.e
6 or 8 taneties ol IWape Vines of theies
ntlive and exotic varieties. Ornoinet.ta
Trees, such as the Pauloiiia. Linden, tc
X. II. Persons wishing lo procure a
quantity of the Fruit trees.are requested Ic
make immediate application to thesubscri
ber. in ord'-r to procure tbe arilies ant
size wa nted. H. R.NOLI..
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850.
Ccwisburg jTounimi
TVUE subscriheM, thankful for past pat-
I u :..f n..kl..
ronJe, wouiu iniomi v,u'tv. ni..-
tl ev eoniinue lo manufacture all kinds o1
: Mill Ge.rini and other Cibiincs. Thr.-hinc
; Machine!, uml other ariicle.ol Macbineiy iepai-'-.
red in ihe U-ai manner. Cling, warrsnied lo
! he uf i,ood material, and at pticea th.t ran no!
; fail lo pleae. OKI) LIES, MARSH at CO.
; I.ewi.t'U g, Feb. Hal '
jIOOKIMS Stoves, of various paliern
j and siz"a. for I'rml or Wood, for sali
! at ihe Lew isburg Foundry by
I Otd.lcs, Marh & Co.
L i Tin KS I'arlor.
Wood, ati'i t-ua1
tTj StovH-a, varinud pnfli-rns, fr Miieat ih
lewi-bure r otinclry.
GfdJes. Maish A Co.
I iAIU I .ttenl l.Hni! flow, 8 Slino-
rior article, for nl ni the Lwii-huri:
foundry J firdtles. Marsh Ac t'o.
- -
rfpriflfdlv thf best nnd most dvrahtt
i drain Drill now in use, far sale at the LeTrishur
I Foufulry h iei!tle.-, Mart-b & Co.
Opposition m th IJfc of Business !
The auhsciihrr would respectfully infuini the
and Eicbange iStaMe on FOl'lU'lI street ball a
square outh of Market, anil has proviJeda good
' lot ol Horses, with entirely new good and lasn
; iotiableCarriDges, Uusgiep, Sleigh. .c.rherea!l
' Uhiiff anvlhtpg in hn line may he accoinincd
! ated on the fthortrsi notice and most reasonable
; terms. He will pay every atlto ion to the
' wants of his customers, snJ Lopes ty so Joins,
: to merit and receive a liberal share of public
pationace. WILLIAM MU.iL.
Lewi.burg.Dec 30, 1851
Vocal cnl Instramcntal MUSIC,
- VERY ttankM for pst
Jfj&-' Plwt9 ron Cii'zei.
- Jk V V 3 indSiudentsot l.wishur and
-4j5 Vj iriit !he suhetiher would
f state that he continues to five
Insttiicuons 011 the 1'iano and (uitar al-o in
; Vncul Mu.-ic and in th1 Herman IjAtizuae.
1 nM, u- , . l , i,, v ai.-
I ""'"R wrtl taturht in the beat .Voec rhonls
n Oernmnv. he deems himwlf amply qualified
to tejrh Muic. and to aid in the correct arouiei.
lion ol the rich lierman ton(iie.a
tune Piftnos. anil put them in repair, if drairrd.
Rendrnre in Sjuili Kounh Hrett, in the Ute
Driik Oinceol Dr. I.ndwiz.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disrate,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on tbe Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
Thispopular work for sale inLewisbure
by S. R.Lndall J. Houghton and at
ihisofRce. Prion. 7.1 cents
Old Newspapers,
SOME ihoasmada in naanhar.of sllsiaea.for
aal at the Chronicle office, al M U par
lUOtaien asthej rna.op $1 rVan assarted. A
chance for Scrap Books aa wall to wrapptnr
paytT. April S, 1MH
7 T-r
Thb arknovIe'1rvl and wirtracirdinery earativ
powers nt thess wonderful iueotions M dow m (&
raliv kmw r..l their tales and reputation thrc (
vut tlie wble etxintry so etn4vs, Uml it oi4
svera unneresary tu ui?o their murtt furtber. fea.
nine late cireuototances baTenersiretl wkieb ssstUr
it a matter uf duty tu tb public not lo hw aitns;eiar
lileu, for while the t?ihemerl Do trams of ts
srs trtirnpet"i lj rnlumni thrmph th fress bb4
walloweti by )urt4i sml sjalinsas bj ias af4Kts
aud arc JouimI ju1 g4 Jw uiiunf,
Christk'i CaHanlc (! Xaffactk Carat Ires
feae been iietly working their wa aw f tfts
mntt intelligent and respecUhl c aud sr
cnmuntly achieving cuics i an alsrwiioc traia f
di-ne. which bav for battled mil tha 4 4
sietlH-irM anl all th nsuueess of Sctsnca sassa
tltfeatcs ar calicd
sa l in the Ji.ieaes me Jieioc is of ao avail what
tTr. It never iiie eeJ and it often doss harm.
Svrupe, Kltrar-t. talma. Bahusaia, tlisira, aMtarc,
rillv rwtii a:i fotK-ns f every kind ar aii
worthies, tr thev wmicea th vitai snrjisof th
slit-ad) iirostrate-a lyKtem, w title under ths strsnftiv
nine. life-tiiii. ei'ulixinc inflosnKS ot Urnl
a. ai-i'Led hy tui heautil-il .licoery. the ehmnn
Ctient and weaken e-t torturer is rttMrl t0 4esaf
eel'h. stteutth. eU'ticity aud ig'r.
Ihe retaiL rel.te to auch diwasa aa NFV
R X LI.i, Tl: lOLO!tK-X, BlitiN HITIS. fL
riTllUS uf tli HKAKT, WtAriNkSS. and aj
,HLK flSOKUKiiS, auch as NKRVOl'S HKAO
At-IIK, LAJvSlTl Ut and Di'-SPO.SDfcNCV. waKh
are onlr ou,er RaanfS Ur Nervia neranenieat ;
i.t'lLKKllO UTS and CON VtLSIONS, which ar
now kiKiwn t renit from a nnn-equilihriuai of
rtne mrtuencsi NKKVOLS TKtVOhJ. UtAF-N-.S,
which w nvurly aiwa canted hw torpdiry
of the Au-iitirT Ner, am! can always t seriVU
rurt br .aviiunu when Ua organ is nrt deitmyoe r
VS M'Ki'Sl K in n worst forms ; PALS'.' and PARA
LYSIS. iimf'.m:T rsoed by a defieiency of Nervoas
iiifinence . i.HUuMC KUKL MA'i lSM. TORPIDITY
of th L1VK.R, PAIV uHheSIDK, 8HVW.I8H Til,
KUOV, and all thuk diirmg cowtpiainu melt,
ine trn. Lk-RANOt-iiLNT of th NLR VOL'S
In the aTor rreattnt an I terriLl elaas of sis
saaxts Nervous om, Uints are muck am aomas
Sua than u generally inutg.acd
Art an Akwoliita and FmaHATw pwrHs.
Tha BKLT i ed when the b!y or syitesi eas
rally ii afteried i ti e NM KLAI'fc fnr eotBlaiata of
Ut Throat, aa Atnuma a-i bronchitis, and i u
Headj and the EK M KLt- TS tor all diannters f th
arsw or hmb. as KiieumatisB, Paiy, Tremors an
8Hraio.iir srlecti(n. Tnet, artirlea are umidy aa.
ahed asdirecied with U.a MAONfcl IC rLtlOwacw
a-cnni ni.- theia. umI whea faiUifullj uasd thsy
7he errat rer nPtrity and axcsllencs af th
GALVANIC I I'R'ATIVW eewwists in th fact that
they arrrt and cur li ly mUwm-d mrpixatim,
in Vl"e of tii mual method of Dnircin; and
Pbvirkinr th trsticnt till hatd Mturw siaks
hotelesly aa-!er th iiiflserion. Try ntrmflhm few
tthvtr rttltm. twntuz Ae eirrutmttmm tf I
wai'r Ae r-ef("fia, wcixerarle Me tmiim i
can wrr 4" th tliskfit iacrtw wwaW nv tnrsjwltwirei.
&,nee their introluctiAa in to Ustiud SwUe ami
three years sine, mvrm thai
7 5,000 PERSONS
wlo'lin; all s;es, clan'e and eon!itins. aataaf
who wor a large numher of Latjes. who ar pcs
ltarly sul ect U Nrvoti romrUtnu, ha Wsi
Entirely and Permanently Cared,
when all h.fif relief had been siew and every,
thin; el-e leen triail in vain ! 1 le henchcial reanlt
whirh hava urufttrmlr attended thir M is cn&
den'lr vtated t f without a parallel in th annai
of Me.tiral Srienre. rierpjmen. lawyers, ana
phvm.-iani; Iniiien of the hirhet landms; ; Utia
f(imhe1 (lertons hfliiuit elevated official station,
nterchant. niamifactiirers, and msthanic ; tfae pwr
and th rieh alike; often whole La mi Lies. aHnr all
cUev i-iilii a:v! cunUion. hav qnally teeB r
ci; reftt. am! hav e,nally acWnowl1red th waa
4rtiat) oltrn uuexecied beoe&U which they hav
thn received.
at Let it he Vr.rtwn ani rewmNeret that thenly
Nat'irai RetnrstiT Ur th Nerves is 4laium
siad tiat iii all Nervous Diseases m e should
"Throw Physic to the Dogs."
To illttrwfe the ntenf the GALVAnii' BELT,
nriose liie case of a prrm arttieted with that baa
of civibzatKm, V SPKII . or any other Chrwwi r
Kervoiis iir lcr. In ordinary cskcs, sUKulaats
are taken, which, hy their action oa the aerves and
Muscles of the stomach, sltord fnrmf rlif. but
which leave the patieut in a lamer stt and wit
It il liiciilties. alter the action thn excited has
wawaed. Now cmar this with th effect rasu.i
from th afi'luafen of th GALVANIC BKLT.
Vtke a Dy peptic suRerer. even in the worst svm
m of an attack, sni simply tie tho Belt round tli
JlcJy. u in: the MajrneT.c Klnid ax directed Is a
fh.rt period the iru;iuitde ervpiration will act aa
JSe psttive element uf the Belt, theretiy caasma; s
Satavainic circtil.ttHn which will pasa en in it
Dcfa'ive. and thence tack aain to th potitiv,
thus h'-ej'itipt trf C'ntiiiuona isalvantc eirculanea
throu'iiont t'ie ytem. 1 him th most severe cases
tAi't T1IK !ISrLSk: OF VrlAKS.
from the nost intelligent snd rsisctabl Sasrstwe
resi-Iinx n 'T rrtjan of th I'nited State, c14
be presented. These ar now tttincsary, kwt a
numerous selcctnn emhracinj; ariany statements ef
the most eiWuiTilinarv character, srActent t COM
VlNt K THK N.OSrSI tmCAL anay be had of th
tnhonted Aent. Th tntsrentsd an faiUcwlariy
invited to cali.
Wrtm iie mt iht mi 4Mswkt4 rkyaV
ciaos In the CUy f Hew lark.
I hav been osin Chri-rti't fsslTsnic article aa
lUKt wiiy MRMaiiK u.v aMUlj tor about two year
rt. and I conOvi I am aetoruUied at their aaccets.
If I b.tj sure a iiease ia .Vrrw(j. I know jaU what
thrv will h. In f ruieji'ic "Kits. parUcalarly iw
cKi1Iicd ; Leafnes aud A jerunt of the Head, a
ilu Its: raralyais and PaNy. is aU aas. and ladeeA
severitl other dieat ol li ich have lose
rxled the miein. I I . torji I tW tealvaais
articLii of snriiriiit( benefl AKh (U I detest th
ahameiess quackery of a.h "tuieray- s and isei.
Mjfn, I siuftt e&pre ny '-' .A aud belief
in the wontterttil virtue or UIRISl'ir.9 CVRAw
TiVfJi. ty nam is. of cotne. conlvhuitisi. but I
sHill never hesitat to recoousskd year artsctos sa
ail proper laccuiou.
To O. C. K.oarMv.o, M, !en. Aft. for Da.
1 tmiiTir. New Yo i.
aDree Sir. Beinc a physic tun ia tke Tirimty ef
One of yottr Ajcer.u, I btve t-een mnch satihed la
the examination of your Uairaaio CttraU.es. and)
highly t'!.ie.l wtlh their practical results. 1 haa
ol iaerel tint they sre coutioctel w th tra sces
t.c prmcii-l hr Uie gmtie, afrt t fa w and
ftnumt JeveU meut ol tlie Oulvaaic Current, thereby
fii lir.ye s rit i ierntum. Inrtg mticht fnr. bnt herereffr
ark Krwn. I cheerlally reciuunind them tor tho
alleviation and cur of those distrevtwa; Siheeat
cailei NBTotrs t ourLAinra, for wiucA Lbey azs as
happily aud ingeniously destined.
Very truly your. DAVID UC, U. D
Leverett, Miua., VebitMuy 1, IfCt.
tfr No trouMe or inenneeniertrw sr1es Aa asa
Of IjR. VitMSTlFn C.I I I. IMC LLfLiTlVl
and they may t worn by the moot fabBad dl
rat with perlect ease and safety. In a say easss
tfa sena3tixn st'endin their us Is kigHm
as! uwratoit. They ax acccmpanieil hy fall aa4
plain directions lor nse. Pamphlets with. fuH fs
ticulaxs ausj b obAtiajtsi gxaiut f te aaliwtiaaa
O Prices:
Tie GsItiuui: RU, Tbrea Dollar
The CalTanic Necklace, Two Dollars.
The flalranie Bnu-eleW, On Dollar EadaV
The Uagneua Fluid, On Dollar.
Ml alrMdwajr, Bww teak
Aurrr taleHlmrj-C.W.8CHainjS
toanUii at le Clltoiiule CPffirr,
ON arrnonl. fim on on to aa J""
standing, CASH ad al
Wood, Wheat, Butter,
and taw oiher PieJocs tot touAMi las
tbe cwitat itee