1. 11 mi SI' 'its LEWISBURG' CHEONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. .1 1 8! 3 1 ! 1 HI '.T I'M 'I H. "1 ( . - 8 !?' .1 Lk a 'ii ;j: Haw ha Brought In the Retain Tn ni ii ) i I,...! I. fin f T i flfl W.H '"l""'"J ' J bad or tbo office of High Sheriff- Three popular eaaiiidatea were in tlio fielJ, aal their chances of icuce&j were about cual. JlTer, is it t'ii, did the yeoaiarjry cf that county entor more holly iuto a Political . - . , contust thaa on tins ooi- w;oa. TbossaiiU opou thon?inila of dollars had hen staked on the result, and this cirouiuitiiice, pur - . i i i . - tip lent macu to the enthusuum inaiufus- ted br the r."oT!. r i On the niuruing of tho eleeti.iu, run ner?, provided with fioot horses, wore des patched to ail tho Jiff -rout polls iu tha couQty, wao were t bring iu the returns to the county scat a hotel in which were the head quarters of three parties. We will paw by the many exciting and amusing occurrences 'if lUe day, and recur to the closing scene. The returns were all in with the excep tion of one township, and the contest thus far was 61 closo that the disparity between the highest auJ lowest candidates was less than tea tn vote. The fate of three can didates hnng upn the results of that poll. Each candidate bad claimed a handsome majority in the reuiaiuing township, bat as each bad been deceived by the votes of the balance, the re.-uit in this was a matter of extreme dnulit. The three competitors became exceedingly ularmed ; the friends of each were thrown iuto a painful state of j aniety, aud sporting gentlemen felt as ! though they bad embarked iu a hazardous ! enterprise. j Tn the stillness of the nigl.t the clatter- 1 I in of a horse's feet was faintly heard in tuu lii&tance. The shouts of he's couiinc.' gate general notice of tho fact. As the messenger ncarcd them his noble animal ! dying, as it were under whip and spur, j they fell back on cither aido, and opened 1 , passage to receive him. In be dashed, regardless cf human life, and hauling up enddcoly under the dim light of a lamp, with watch in band, he exclaimed : "Fife hundred dollars tiiat better time j wae never made ! Ten miles in osly 20 ' minutes ! and by a three year old colt at j that" A death like stillness prevailed tbe crowd as tbo reader coctiuued to exptiate upon the speed and qualities of his colt a mat ter in which none but himself seemed to feel any interest, just at that time the returns being tbe only thing which could intercat the crowd at ibis jucture. . "The returns i interrupted a voice in ( tbe Crowd. j "Thirtv-cirht maioritv 1" answered th J O f J - runner. "For who?" demanded the same voice in the crowd. "Gentlemen, all that I know about it is that some feller got 38 majority, tut who the devil it was, I can't tell you : but one ! ., . , , , . , , imng l anow, ana tna,. is, that you can ; just bet vour life on tins boss. ! We have since frequently heard of this I J , man, who Is now universally known aud ailed, in that neighborhood, by the cor- ., , , ,? ,.i , . , Bomen oi -me icuow uiai urougut in me , returns. Taking Up a Collection. It id an old established custom, handed down from a time "whereof tbo memory of man runneth not' that of taking up collections in churches for various benevo lent purposes. This is a good custom iU universal adoption justifies tLLs conclu sion. Once npou a time, an itinerant preach er called at the village of W., in an ad joining county, and tarrying over night, was invited to preach next day, it being Sunday, to which he consented. The preacher's clothes were seedy, and bis general appearance iudicated a certain degree of poverty, and awakened a chari table feeling among the congregation. Judge Myers, who happened to be present, as soon as the sermon was ended, without saying a word or hinting at bio object, with iat in band proceeded to raise a suui for j cordeons, Suts, Fruits and Confectionery tte epeiker. All contributed, seemingly j fact,almoM anytlim- in the way of No , 1 1 i t i fi-i t T tions and General Varieties. Call ami exam- in a highly liberal wanner. The J udge jne for T0DrSelves. I charee nothins for lok- approacned the preacher, and staUd that the object of the collection was intended for his especial " benefit and behoof," and tendered him tbe bat and its contents. In a modest manner, bo declined the donation, The kind-hearted J udge was ; snsideraWy noo-plussed, but in a moment vecoTering himself, quietly proceeded to aestoro the amount collected from tbe do nors in tbo order which he bad obtained it, permitting ca:h to dip into the treasury atd tale what he had contributed. Thcn he bad gono about half around tbe congregation, the Judge observed that aeTc-ral prns merely looked into the hat, sj.ed, and took nothing oat This i l" ? - J , arou.ea u c.riOTKj, ui .asung a glance , into the hat, easily discovered the cause of Cbe amile. Tbe fact is, about one half of . j I-, .. , thosewho bad so liberally contributed, Being suddenly overtaken with a shortacss f "aaiall changa" as epidemic which yrevaibj on sach occasions bad deposited Buttons in lieu thereof, and those who Lad I eta permitted to retake their offerings, kid wisely "dodged" the buttons and ta len whatever piece of coin presented itself, Th Judge was angry, and opposed en kstios trer after ; tc thought that his not '-""w v mure (nan tiiiii me i Ja U. v.- . 0BOr, Kit tlim ID tbe Same predicament ' neing able to restore to more than half the f the Irihattur hone the animal would ' ttavaT m tir in .1.. . , get back Cfofton RnfUu. Telesrapllns new Rate Table. From Lfirith'trij to Harrisbur i)A1,pt,iD " 'Junction '""j'f,!!, Selinssnve " Providence 1 Peranum ijltsU,n , Kin?sion i N 'rthumbeKand 1 Milton Muncy- ' Jersey Kh'T .$J,21 Berwick S3 Jt!o(im.hnrg I1 23 CaUavisa IJ SI Danville I5 ?1 Clispmnn 20 Carbunitale S1 S3 Dun more s SS Hv-.le P.irlt. 21 SI ilkesbarre "i 20 Plvinrnih 20 15 Bluomsburg IS n Danvil'e 15 lit Kuiibiiry IS j 17 M'Euenv.-il! 15 18 Wilhamsport 17 j K3 I. ck Hiiven 18 Brech Creek SO Jt Uellefnnie 21 .Mill Hall j Milesburs PUilailelphia. For every additional word 1 ceut to all ta- tions on thii line. Not now in operation. !V.M1 otlier stations west and tenth of Philadelphia, rale increased 9 ceii'. A Word for Ourselves Since toe C'AremVfrcanic iuto our hand, we have cMhsd it in ne.w type, at a ot of SMO or 5100 Office rent hns nearly doubled Printing paper has advanced 20 or 25 per ceut. Tho number of workmen employed is larger Farmers' produce is raised in price generally but our terms have not been advanced. Tha, while our patroncje has iuereascd, our profit have not. tPT"X reasonable inference from these premises i, that we must raise our niTES op ni AKfSF.ii. or otir reaihrs must obtain an increase of p.vtron ak. The papers above u on the West Branch, and some on the North Itrancb, and elsewhere, 'iave raised tV.-ir charjres. AVe choo?e to t-oue K longer-a IU ..,,, t i-i. -tin i. Hi.t mnirt 1 1 n rnnmH with Gnh -5 J " ' an increase of Subscribers. Advcrtiein, and Job Work, s may enable us to keep on at our old rates. Iu almost every ncthburhood, within 20 ruilcs around Lcwi?bur;r, additional Parous raigut rea.niy ie ootatnea, We send out weekly 93 papers in tinjh wrappm. 1 o print, fold, envelope, and direct singly, 52 times a year, aflf rds but a mall pr.ifit indeed. If each one now getting a p iper alone will get one or more new subscribers to join Lini, tho hrqer packages will go more safely, and afford us bct,cr compensation, Hffi,VTe ask all who approve the courso of our paper, to aid it Ly getting one or more subscribers.'fll 723 SXiffiffiM S233-Sa- LEWISIiUKG ACADEMY vvi" com e? Moat, April 17, 1854, to continue 20 wee. The course of Instruction in this Institution is calculated to prepare youths to enter Coliege !f ,ur General business. Composition and Declamation receive care ful atteution. The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class of Young Ladiea. Our constant aim in the improvement of the nunil te rniti-r the )irinjMe i.f the ci-hnnl as well as the mere imparting and aconiruiic knowledire.suliservient :.. the h.hcrobjects, to wit, lh? formation ol a sood char jctcr.lM'ed ?0n sound morality, and the preparation of the vouth by well established habits id order. T.f'Z '"tfnVr1' fu.ness and sucress in life. The Bible is in daily use in the school, Tuitim. For Languages $10. Higher Kni:- 'ish 'JiS, and commnn branches, (including Reading Writinjr. 'Jeoprapby, Arithmetie, rammar and I.". S. History) 6 per session. No deduction except for sickness. JOHX KANDOI.ni. March 17, !.54. I'rinctpal THE9. S. CHRIST, Wholcaale and Bctail DRUGGIST, Miminbur?, I nion County, Pa. HAVING purchased the entire Drue Siore formerly kept by T. J. Elli.f, dee'd, I now offer to my friends and the public in gen eral a fresh and pure lot of AHo Paints, Oils, Glass, Putly and Patent Medicines. ISrushes and Combs of every variety. A line assortment of JEW ELKV.suchas Watches.snldand I stiver Pencils Ear and Km ger Kings, lireast Pins, &.C.&C. Cards.Eu vclopea, Note and Letter Paper. Soap and Prrfiimcrr. A!! kinds of LA.UPrt. Lard Oil, Pine Oil and Doming Fluid. I-iqnnrs of all kinds, for I medicinal ntirnoses. Violins. Flutes and Ac THKO. 8. CHRIST. MilOiuburg, Pa, Jan. S, ISM ly Life Insurance Companies ! luruiun Rational I nan Fund, (26 Cornhill, London; 71 Wall St. N.York) f TT f ; . I dMi Ann uft lmwranct Comvanu. (Hartford, Conn.)' tP"Annuity Fund !plW),000 Keystone Mutant, (Harrisburc. I'a ) t?"Capital 120,000 POLICIES in the above Companies can be ohtained, on reasonable terms, by appli cation to the subscriber. California risks, 3 to 4 per cent extra. Feb. 19 H. C. HICKOK, Lnrit&urg. Re-moval. P. WTVPrUKIlFH ha. .mnl frnm way op town" back to the new build-! , lhe 0d head quarters, in Market treet immediately under tbe " Chronicle " and Tele- EraPh, ,?ices: wl'ere i.."''1. beJ haf,.py to "smoke and "chew his friends and cas- Uomers, in good style and quality at moderate ctl ral"5- Lewisburg, Oct, 14, 1M3. HENRY C. HICKOK, attcrnci) at fao, ASJt FiIffXM 5S2)li32. Levrlnburg, t'nlan Connty, Pa. "VTOTICE is hereby given that Absalom i , -, - . H B. ftoart has this day rettrrd from the Arm of Tnstin. Smart .nrl Lewi. K. in? 1l interest therein to John W. Siaart, who takes brs place in said firm. , Muta trltU READY FOR SPRIMQ ! $2,000 Worth vf CAJJ1SET FL U NIT UK E, Vot sale at the large Brick Warcrooin of Oonarliy & Hitler, (Fdurlh St. one door from Ulair'a lloti-1 ) ifVf'tt stuck comprises Kosewood. Mahogany, V Walnut and Coitaee Diesbing Bl'KEAI'iS Plain and Fancy Mahusanv Uoreaus SE t.'UBI'AKIES aud BOOK-CASES iu endless varietv. SOFAS, OTTOMAXS, DIVAXS, Mahogany Chairs and VVbattiuts Card, Pier, tTeiiter, Sofa. Dining, and Breakfast Tables Grecian, French, Octagon, Cotlase, and Commuu BEDSTEADS linsewnod. Walnut, ManoRany and Ci.ltase V ASHS I ANDb, and various other articles. All work iriUTti to be well made, and on the most reasonable terms. Cash, Pfudu.ce and Lumber taken iu ravinent. F. A. DON ACHY, A. D. ELDEK. Lewisbnr-r. Oct. 5. 1853 UNDERTAKING TTAVING furnished ourselves with a Rose- j I I wood WM the subscribers are pri-iared to wail upon all who maybe so j H:if"rt'm.ite as to reouire their service-, and every attention will be paid to their wants and ; wishes. Orders promptly attended to. Au assnrtinent or COt l lAS kept constantly on hand, or made to order. DONACHY & EI.DEK. l.ewisburg, Jan. 7, lS.Vt The renowned Remedy ! HOLLOW A Y'S OliNTMliNT Thi extraordinary L'uu -ut it rompovl of the mo.-t l)"jliuX (iaUntus, and wiicu u-rj in uneottfaiicf thv JiriH-nwun iik-li Mfwmi Retail y vaoli p,t, wiJ iivur curts when nil Oltii-r uicuih d-il. law vf ttte luo.-ft (1 jMTTtte klH ilin fS rcniltiv jit-IJ to iti ttli. m-y. Jt IS f:illhU& Ttlieli U-l ill Ci. d tf ttoUt.KIlt-UlUwlilUU, Outtriw-Utl it tuil Joint-, iu Aaliuiufts it Wili do Woutiufe it ruWeti iai ihe CiicoL Most astoniabingCure of Scrofulous Ulcers, certified by tLe Mayor of Huston, (Eng.) G'M t.f a Utter mm J. .Vt, Eq-t Jjyor of Bottom, To Pit"Fl!.-J'jH !l i.tnfiA Dear Sir: Mrs. Parnh bixoa ff Li-iuwrjHiuJ strict. iTit-t-'ii. luf tiiin Uny JfimstU b- tore nit? Ilitf r n-ucii.lerltl! i- rn-i .'Iw was s- rvly aff.i:. d witit m-n luii as Knn acl ulctfi-iu h-r tirmi. fiwt, leg, olid oliiiT pu-u U hi t Uxl ; mu1 alLltu.:U Hie firt f m-UicM aulYire .ai .ltn;ni-l. at llio ..it M lar miui nf mom j, ptit? olrUtiuvd co nbateueut of butfcnu, but gruttually nrrw w...-x'. ling ni.tuiiiendcil hj a frit-n j to try your Ointment, itiiKTurcd A firtjll t, and a bx of lit ln!-, auJ t fore Uil wan ali u'ri.iymi't"Uiit ni aja. iiUiUfut agv-a-rtl. liy iriH.ii riu-z wit'i tin uitMiiriiie fitr ft phfrt time ioupi'1 aooniiuR Iu lir Uirwli um, auJ Urictiy aUhTiii( U yxt.r rult-K m u iU t. Kc . h woa perfectly cuxx-sl, aiaU Bow enj.tytt Ltl beal of hrith. I remain, -tofir Fir, Datal Auu. 12, (w,-:ud) J. NOBLE. Extraordinary an J rapi-1 C'ure of Erysipelas in tbe Leg, after medical aid had failed. L'ittr ron'-Vrj. ."ia'"A 1 aUtt ufV lt O V'. A 'rftricV T' lroii n!ir Hiiioiry I MttT-'r.-a fur oiutlr bl jxTud fr.n s MWre tUvk of Krj -.tpeiai. whu h at lDKtb Mitlr. iu uiy Wfi. auJ rr5UrtI a'l int'.i'l tn-ftt-meut. Mf i.uf!4riiit,itwfr vt-r pr::t.ar.i I quite d-upain-d fif any fcnaauri!t ajirutiat, t.u 1 m aUviwil U liaTeiV(Xiurwty'urut'ituiuiiiat.J I'liln. J tiiJoilhuut delay, and am liappy to sy !h riult m t-mmenilT punrm-fal. f'-r (li-y !rTt"i a radical cr of m Kg and p-sUTrd me to tt. enjtiyni iit i;f hmUii. 1 ball i-r t;al vitb Ute utuiopt cu!idijrt of your ro liviu. ao l ba rrntmiu nO."d tUclu to cilnTo m tttt Uuitiboilucd Moularly aittit'trNl. alio ilt-rivM xr:U b"ticfit. I am. ?ir. .mr obligod and faithful M-rrant, I LlZAltETM V KATES. The PHN !hfuM be nl conjointly aitli tbe Oiutu.nt in uit of tht f.-:ioing caset: Eai Chilblains l irtula Sore Throat limi breiista Cbtr'f iKin lim;rjcS llaud tiland'ilar Surr hwi'iliugs frora iladJ I'liiubagu Tumor n 1 1 Icm Hti-uaiat!m Wound Hilr .f Mo- ('atiiTrs f!ifU--P and Cuutractl faiii -t.fc-a nd Stiff t Coco-lUT J 'hit H'-ui.i lawn Clii-e-fot KiejibacUasis Sire Ni;plt- Jtc. tc. 8.,M a (lie et.ib!irtiaMnt "f l'rifi.r II.iliii, 2U. Strand, I near fmplr lir, Lllon). ani al at 1.1 hou In NrwVork. OnU'm (or Mln-Un . in thHtntfa-aiMrwffd -7". U-'U iy, X'V ) rl ' will reiTodue ntU-nti'Mi. kold alpo by all rwp"tl'if rivi(n an J dalrri' iu Meli-iiii-a thrniiguniitth. toiled t'j'.ln l'"t at 7 l.i rtl ST rl". and $1.C rmrh. Whol-eAe by Hie (.riviyai Oru buiuci in lit.' L'niou. t'ftrif a ennsirltrnhl teviaghit tairingtlif lrir N.B. lhrerlion. fr the icu d.iuve of uOti-nt iu eTrr dinordi-r ar aBll. d tni-i-h I'ot (lt.Mill S:dd by Vr. KKMPER, Milllinburg The OIU Slaiumotb D2.HG AKD CHEHICAi EHPORIUH RE-OFEXED. Dr. TIJOHTO. & Co., WJmTnae & Retail Dmijijiatt, Letctsliurg, OUTER to their friends and the public a lare and well selected stock of fresh Druzs, Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spice, (pure,) Dye-Studs, Brushes, Combs, Perfume ry. Soaps, Fancy Notions, Fruit, Coufeciionery, llooks, (Stationery, and a variety cf articles too numerous to mention. Give us a call and judge for yourselves ire charge nothing for looking. Keinember the Mammoth Drnr Store! Da. T, A. H. JJ'HOKKT.NCq. HAKKLSBUIK. BINDERY. J. J. C'Jydo & I I ilultcr, Succ'Uutm t in o. JJieivt t Co. Book Bisdkks an-i Stationers, and BLANK Hook MAXCFACTCRrns, lliirrisburg, Fa. MOST respectfully inform their friends that they are engaged in the above business LiTdirecily opposite Herr's HoteI.j They llatler themselves, by careful attention to iheir business, to receive a continuance of the pat ronage so lihrrallv enjoved by the old firm. BLANK BOOKS for Banks, County Offices, Merchants, and private individuals, and everv variety of foil and half-bound constantly or n!V Tr.i "? P8"'' "'. Books. I ciivuivais, t,iaf;aAiiic-a, uitw XiUUKS, newspa pers, Bibles, Music, works issued io Jios., &t bound in any style, plain or extra. All work warranted, and d;ne cheaply. Please eive ns a call. C. & H. t V Hooks &e. to be bound may be left with the Eilitor of the Chronicle. . 609 M08T KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, HS1TLT & EXPEDITIOUSLY AT THE ''CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lewisburg.; H. GERHART, Snrceon Dentist. AT hit Bfidrnee,8onth Third 8Uamer eftksBoirrl Willi.., sf tit Proclamation to Ike CUlzrnt nf JllOtlnburs an4 Vicinity. Pulermaehar's Hrdro-Eloctrio Voltaic Chains, lO.NiSTRL'CTKU to be worn next to the I skin, nrriiicoin? a cmijiarit current o electro magnetism, cllectiog imiHtduUe rtti'J Trum all arutt Bums, auu a J'ernianint Cart of it Xieuraljie D'uen'- riTLVERMACI! EIl'S ELKCTKIC CHAINS Won. flrrt oumI in rn!.thri juttrn io- . f.r the cure crnfrroiti diMMff,alii atir being Muliuiitti-J UtlwPioat thuru' tniU in ifyery Ixupiul iu hfii J Hie ui't ItariiKl Pn t-aTt in that . itjf, On-y i"ri r-riMuiaend4 to th lii.v. riiiuut or rrmuctf, HBx-n Bnuiwn iuhi r wm tliMMTi-ry. lluritis Uie yr Zo-il-'i, they wor iutro.lurr.1 iu li'-Tuiaiiy. Antrtm,i'ru.-xi tutl IluSwl, auJ nueei Mvt auVtiiig ruin of llh.nmitini. el. Vttarf l)nee, I'aiDful ndwHlJuiU, I i'ilaliii if Of nrt, N nralsi of Um- fw-r, Pi-rKli. l ll..-4ia iiir.ir, ItliD'tneM, Pains frna ludigcsUon, lljtotit, DvfJ.i, VlMine I'nliw, I" qnirliljr mi l rpid Ijt i-unit, by iui.ly aairine Hie Chain Ii-r a liunn eacn any. Thr rliiiii- wr Srt introdun..! In th city if Nw Yrtcwliirrt tht-T were exhlhitwi ti Pri'l. Valimlini? l-t nn Iturrn I'-ist, Cutuociiin, hu readily dlscoYrri-J that XraMj nd iUuyuUir Aiwn or IXST.IXTL f KKI.IEVIXQ f itXS. wlw-naTr ap;.!ie.l, and hy th'ir rtnuuni'-n'lalion nd in tltwpce hty ar-r. iiilntduinjd into th vliilirt-ut h.mj'iula of New V..rk, and aro no iu dily tt- in thrn Witii lioi.s iu thi- triauurut of lie cute of the aboie nauivvl V fill.... f.,.i;,..il Arrnk tll. worM ran y, K, m,, welt authentinit-d cfrtin.'ar.:5 of cum fioui SMontilH- Hivsjriait. ami inMli- fnt i-ati-uin i. m grnt t'ati-uU ah uu; b found in ucb lumifhlcl. whirh :rntl.) at tllM I'TUH Pli ni iiw St. ittfpiit for MilHinltir and Ttriulljr.and who wilt expluia tho winner ol u to uij one wUu insj api'ljr. iu the cit of N'cw York, at the tteneral Offl. IiV Rrwutwy. tlim aro d lily bi in sold from 4o to Wl rhaina and tbe il and dvniand in llotou L a? irrfat iu prpr tion to tti t'onulalioii, allLouh lti- tite only been iu-IriHlui-rd Uiret- niontli'. Tlie f liaine ar eaily worn, and aTcrinally appllrablL' to all elai9 of pL'roii3lbf rluid at well n Him adult, aud are always redv fir use ii.-r tt out of rruair.aTid ah tuueb an arUclo ot bruoiuui.t aa tbi-y arvuf a valuable mcAOt. i.f rure. Tbe rhiiu enn be pent hr mail to any part of the U. Stab-, ami ran be obtained in all the uriurinat eiliet in lb''Luau. rbicianeart'r'iuetd to examine them. t'Aku t3 L.toiu. Lii.liti4wboarei-ti.iVnearHre-iu--ted not to ue them only ftr a h-w ntomi'iitA at eaeh Htne of niivly'n. for by loug contiuued u.-e, miscarriage is fro- queutiy JietHlueed. lo-tpi) STUNrar. lien. Ac-nt,.V5 Croadwee.Xew Tork. THKO. S. C11UIST, Ageut, Mifflinbiirg. lyoiidf l.'niou Co. Pa. clixtos vi:l II, Attorney at Law. LEWISDURG, L'uioH Co., Fu. 8fS.OiTiCE oa S. Second St. near Market. Iiefcrs to llun.Jamet Rtrntidt, BtU'fite, Pa. Jtmet T. i-We, uo '. C. liumrt if- t'n., do Jlon. AlTa'utut S. H'Jscn. Zetvutowm, TtU .1. J-u-Uan, SimUtrq. 3nmi'J (uri, I'Jiniayilmrg. .inn, o'mi'A if Co.. )'(iYutt (iu. Liglitning Rods. 4 FTtH many years clofe invent. f4atiiiii and iiuoieruus tiperiineDU, lhe FaU-Dlec talati I'lcit&ure in ittiuiiniug the public Ibut be tan arrived At the tmc principle ol prottctinp famiitoii. dwellings and property iroui thedektruclive influ ence of LIGHTNING. he calamities that every City, Town, Village nd Country falls victim to annually, thro the gros negligence of iu inhabitant, ic beyond calculation, especial I y nhen the leineJy i ao eay to obtain this i found in AF.MITAGE'S Patent Xllagnctic ligljluing ttovio, and in Ihia alone. Tbii Kod bus beeu eiamioed by tbe most ridi(iflc g-mleinen in tbe worU frotraaora M'.Murtrie. Joltnson.Wallor and many juthct t but have eiamincd ihein, recommend and peal of l hem in the highei terms of approbation, and bae pronounced I hero the only tafe rod i.i use iu thiaor any other country for tbe protection of Livca and Property. One advantage i to divide and throw back a part of the eU cine fluid harn.lfKit to the clood ; in time ol a stroke thin enables the rod to conduct thai portion of fluid that belonirii to tbe earth without the i-lighter-l danger of lea ving the conductor. Thi rod ha many otlier advantage over the old one. The only place ol manufacturing is in Vine St, 3 dwrs chore Wht Phihffrtykia, ht'ro all pert on s are respectfully invitetl to call hand eiamine for tbemlve. For al Wholesale or Retail by TIIO'S A KM IT AC C. Oidera promptly attended to. Term a cash. These roila have leen purchased and success fully u(:d by the lolloping individuals. cotnpanie and corporatioua, fLobe names are cheerfully submitted : and war FfiCad'lphia. A. 8. ItoVrtu, flcnrr Simtiiini:T. Jutlgc B-.uut, JnJ-w Cuitr), J. Iulfvil, Jobu Ilotu, . C.l'Uiil'T, J.Bn-nncr. l. Oakkv.4 Vurn-i ; ltiprtl, tli liltklfy A.niIioui, AoUtTn k Uroihem, Itt'T. J. L. Ormit, Jivtin Nofinian, 1 ho". UrtiviT, lULrt M.nhi. A. R. i:uk-rit, 11. Miumoun, 'I I n. Ntt k Co.. Mr. Ihtwcin. J. V. Urwr, J. W. toon, C Iluuifhr-) J. Uipli-T 4 Co-, J. Nvnii.D. It. Uurlm, J. Ovi-iiatiirc. ii. IVp pr. Mr. .lian-lrji, Mr. tj. Drlivy. J. Unnkl-'y, Mr. lvion, lr. I'uui, a. Ii. I'ovcru k ("., J. M itH'Liu. 11. Millwr, the Knl Uaitk iietvl, the V. ti. ArtKiU... tile Spnntr liiinteti O mirufpU'iirrs' Hall. In the .VtaiV irur Jrtry. jtrorfre Criiptn. Jud;e M'l'all, Judge li.iytt-u, John Srtwut Dr. 11. Al'ilurue, BfDj.KoU-rU, llr. J. Iiowuin . ix i .ju. roryrr. Hartley Tjt. 51 ark lUltf finy, m. Ptvtor. John Iluif, lt"hiil IVlvrfl, Jiwob Moiili, lnitl ilmn. lubta Mfinh, .fTj-i KUrUnpr. JV herlin. luurt lloune, mnd 0iruilf-inrr' Ottiif!. Ltmtttnt Tp. -Julia Jtrbr. r'niMi Tp. Vt. t'lutrlts Wil n. Hu.?tru'jtm Tp. John Kuulz. &moa Kuulx. Jin hue iXultirou. White Dur Ij'- UicLetcl llo2iau. n&coMMEyD a noys. I'iiilai.., A!T.irt,1S47. I hT tliin day trarrfullj ln.?cttt ron1u-tor nr Libtutnff KchI, with van and tiFlcx, TrvMtl hf Mr. TIiomiM ArniitKirr, vn ltllfTn Hftuw. lii'inrptcr, nnj have no hsittiiuii io fuyinif Uiitt It is not unly the brut 1 hav rter tvnt but tli-t it in lh only on ! hTt yet MUttim-it Unit in cone trwUnl on strictly ciotitir prin.-l-.lf. It in with Dtucb pleasure tliftt 1 rC'imraeni cvntiuctur to liut attcuiioD of vwavrs of lu.iiuirf. II. McMLKTRIK. I am wfll fati.tl ttint the MfttHftie l.iphtninx It ml, OianofnctumJ ly Mr. Tlminaa ArnnCB". of fbiladelpbia, iff tlie taut that ban ercr Wvu nwle. 1 btTe,tnt w-vera.1 yfar in tbo ntutly f tbo luwn of fleet Ho ty aotl in.iut't U io, and bT no hnitation in aav.nz (hat ih"re Kods are conj4rurtd upon thi only piinriplol'nihty. The rlrtrie ffhork in rift'itnl and Ui.tp.-rwl by th wnnft at tlt tp of tbe roil, aud it would be ItnpnMible, acntrdioit to tho lava of attraction and repulsion. fr a bu.lding to bo tiijuml by a droit of liatbtuinK bn pntttM-b-d by one of thr.s twit. 1 bate bD ariiiuintd with Mr. Artnitace for w vera I yearn. an4 tx f tr hecommenfrd the maDubtc ture.f theae rrdx I rxamined the principle on winch they are connlrtirt-!, and felt eouvinced that their adopti.-n wovld be attrnd'-d with complete aueet-aw. The inf-reaxinK demand for th-ie ntlrud tlie ex tensive aa lea in all parts of the rouatry.U ample commendation of their utility and auperinritr. TKACV E. WALLKIl, X. t. HbiDK Sua. rhHiid.Co., April 10, 1S52. CTS.C. WILT and SAMUEL HOOVER. Jlartfeton, I nion Co, Pa. art Aptnts far Union and adjoining Countie. and will furnish the Rod on lite ame lerma aud in (he same manner as lhe Proprietor. PIANO AGENCY. HAVING been appointed A cent for the tale of the celebrated Pianos, manufactured by GEO. VOGIIT, Philad., the nndersiignad would be happy to aopply any citixenaof tbe 8uqochaona country who may deairean Instrument well made, after the latest improvements. Two of these Intraroentshave lately been introduced into LewUbgrs;. to which I am happy to refer any one. The Piano are warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for year, hey may b exchtnred. Prices reasona ble. - . FR TiClS J. GE832, ER. twisbttrg,Feb 24 IS5J. NOTES--Promissory,' Judgnwiit, nnd Joist Notes (b!ftuk8).at this efficc. Almanac for 1854. !2i5 t -4 i .! r! t! I ! 4. 6 71 9 7 iM'llll-ll.ilUll.'i lii 17 , in; 10,1 J4-iilioifiii."ji:-i 1 ; :i 4 5 i 7 M it-lull t 13 S Il!t:.1il7l'll9'a ' xaiauiMiJl I I 8U,oli 2 31 41 5 o'lolll.t 101- IVI! l 7 is t4;i; ft 2!: 4 3 !io M C' 7' Si ! 1 1 U 1 11 . T i Ei l;t ir i.r.' i.l 17 1 ii t s ilsli23;aa'a4.aa :'!TiT . . 3 lo'l);i:.1.,;n i:,jlo ej i7.is t;af.'ijaa'2 2. 11!1::UiU'IM Mi 17 i l.lla.jii,: 1 (I t 7 S Hi,ll!l;l.i 14jlS n i ; 1 7 . i 30 3li J i I i l:i anJII-JJ .i;e7i'9 a 1 :ii 41 I m s 'j m ii!i: 2 lr.i Hi' 17 II-. I-. 7 aij-jl 2 3 4 6 a in.iru 5 t.) e I'iiu l.-.iiiiiiTii'iia r.-:lj l! 2 isio. :i, ii it i I ii "i 6l 7 M 4! '. ,11 71 ' !.;iu C 14 m io:.:u iM ' It !j!T::!li!i.-.liiii7 !.ol-i-i,-'iw..il Winlickl Woolen Factory, Xcar Ilarftrton, I'nlon County. THIS establishment is now io the best order. The machinery bein" nearly all new, aiid none but the best ot workmen employed, the subscriber feels sale in saviu" that his work shall not be surpassed by any establish ment in this or the ailjuiniii counties. His wau'ons will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his establishment, will please avail themselves of that opportu nity. l"2r" T hare also on hand, and intend keep ing a chuice assortment of iool, such as t'lnthr, Salhirtt; Cathmerta, Twttd, Rluitktt, Yums, $c, w hich I will sell low for cash, or exch;in?e for Wool and Country Produce gen erally. " MARK HALFPENNY. Hanleton. April 22, 153 tf ''piIE utulerslsned cotitiiiufs lhe LIVE JL AT JJUSI.YESS at the Oid Statid, ou North Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage of his friends aud the public ct'iierally. CI.AKLKS F. HESS. Lfwislwrw, May 22, 1850 fg AVIIOLrSAJ E and l.ETAIL siV IXSUTrt V ;T a. a . n . ar Itlnrbrt Street, lewisburg, Ta. CHERRY PECTORAL T lk. t r. .r COCCUS, (OLDS, nOARSEXESS, BKOMIIITIS, HU00PI.C-f0l(.U, IROrP, ASTD1I1, AXD I CO.VSOIPTIO.V. j uJri't 1t th rTrr,viHtn tht bunk thtrtcf fhafl prcv oV ; frvci f,.r vtrat. wtu Int f tfH ft. it fiut and the fruit ! tknrftif shall Of fur meat and the wf thermfjor medicine." j lb rv wa bpe fr the sick ret ordfd lon ai",acd every i y aratlds m-w proof to the assurances that these pr mires ! shall led fnit. An medical eien.;e iTi.ciTers and designates the remedies j nature has given. o by one the disrate that afflict our rarv yk-!d to tL; c.tntlvJ of art. Of all th maladies we ; EUlier from, bone luin ctnit d more Tit lirui Io an untimely grure than Coujuuiptif u i f the l.uni. f ubjoimd we piw ftoaie evid nee th:it this to limy be cured, and that rulmuuaj- CocipIaiiiU.tuall tlitir furui.m berenibVed by rnKitr.i Pe. t- K'U ion iytm.ss.A jyn mmorixo cozcrr. S si.lll, TeiiD., Juue 1-.i'J. FlE I haie repeatfflly u-sd jour r,i,jtwk- t'ivi..iiAL lor YVIix.;n rut:h and lnrhiviiia, ai.d bae no beritalin in t-miiuUt.ciiiL it a r- mi. I. t- rnu dv. r(,urniuiv i-hil.l dp u b:tve bien (fH;i-t-i with lb. -- diseaeeti, and tbe free J ue t tne jtCTvkal uaa aiwuys aUJtittit iinhbt tntnut nli. f. -m JAilKS UUVi.K. Vc attest the trtith f f the above fttenrent: M- M'l.IXTV. Hd t.rofthe Nuhvilla Whig. J. ii. -'.IM.Ml.i.M W. DruKXixt- iou a coyxevrrn k t ui cn. I'liTsathn. Pa Keb. 23, 15S1. TVat Fir Forthrt e year.1 1 Lave leen aftltrted w:th a rouuh. an d.ire.iiiii: tli.it 1 frfitiet.tl)- de-iuin-d f rt-ctiv- I ery: mtt' h of the time I wits iMi-d to sit up all niv'bt in itiv cair. ac n.y enii.ru wi-uta mhi "rate nte wu-u I lail down. liHTtnir u-d initny retuedies without much relief, 1 at last tried tbe Oiuiky Punuavu which uudr I'mvid encc Uj cured ine ultoetlwr. I am a;th cmtitudo Your, JAMK4 M'CAMUCS. Amor? the other d.rtincniLd.ed authoritiea who faava lent their nutun to recommend thiit pn uratiou as the bust known to them fvr lT.i-tiuiit.f the lunH, ure l're. I'tr.sin. rf Vermont Med. College. Vrt. f iLLiMis. of Vale Coll fe. 1'rof. ViLTii.K M at. of .New York. ti T. Cir.svt.LHHi, vt B- w.loin Med. CoIle$. Vpif Iti'TTrRFii LDt of unto Med. Colhge. "?(ArnS J. I RNAL Or MtDlTAL SfiZNCK. ltTiI1 MtlHf VL A7T Si HtilCAL JoI'UJIaIh C'IIARLCMTkN (.('.) MKDIC4L t.LTUW. New jEittr.v Menu l Hiwhh.k. Ilt.n. Hr NRT Cut. U. i1. deuator. lion. tiro. H. Mrih. Am. AmhaMidor to Turkey. Gen. I.hani'ei. Bi;u.ts. Prend-nt of i Ki ii. Kt. I.ev. Kd. PowtvR. Ird bishop f Toronto. K.v. Dr. LSHi,of Brooklyn. N. Y. Archl-ishfp 1'iiKcr.LL. of Cineinnnri, O. At.omanr eminent perwmapMt iu f r-hni eoantriea. t only in tbe more daneroua ami itxtretwtn- dieaitea of Lhe Lun, but also a fututly medicine for ocrnfional use, it i the Mt t. p'ra.antest and lwjt in the world. rtiKiwKhn A'n sold by j axes c. a yet:. Practical and AnitlYtical chemist, twWi, Mast. ;W.'ornale hy O.W.jM-HAi'KLe, lwisbarp; J. ll.Caidow, Milttyii; Mi;! M. M Cay. Xorthumlterland; . H". Keler New Uerlin; l.Uerhart, .elin-trrovo : and by Druistj everywhere. lyinalde-ttmehgtii Map of lhe Slate of California. OUEGON, UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS.printed hy 8. Aug'a Mitchell io 1846, and painted to correspond with lhe boun daric filed b Congresi.in 1830 for sale at th ChronicleofTice, price 25 . rilllE present Proprietor of the newly disco J rerel Wlnficld Care (limestone) in DKY VAIJ.EV, l.'nion Cp. herrhr pire noiire that the Cart trill NOT be open nn SVKDA YS for Visitors. It may be visiiej by Lailie and Gentlemen on any oiher day, and on SATUR DAY of every week especial preparations will be made to accommodate wiih lights. Pe"ns are forbidden to break off, injure, or takt away any specimens from the Care, under penalty of prosecution. The payment of 12J cents only is required of every person before enterintr. NOAH WALTER. Dy Valley, June 28, 1GM. i Dr. John Locke, SURGEOX LEST1ST, OFFICt. removed to Market street, tec end floor entraace door between Kline's Hotel and V, E. Howes' More. Lewisburg, April I, 183 Lewisburg Satings Injtliluiioii, 18 now open and ready to do business. The regular Discount days are Wednesdays, 'l he following named persons are tbe DmtcTCU Winn Cero3i, Esq. Mr. Jnu.f itox Wills. Mr. Units Ano. Mr. J tis MCaaii,aT. Mr. Tuohas limi. Mr. W illiah Kmi r. Fhkdk C MtiTsa, Ksq. Orncias WILLIAM CA.MLHON, President. H. 1". SlIELLEl;, freaturer. Four per cetiL peraoniiin will be allowed on a'l deposits over six mouths ; and three ptr cent, less than six and overihree monilis. 11. V. SHELI.EK, l reaiurer. Lewi. bur;. Bepu 1, lij.13 itTs a fagt, vE self-evident, and worthv of every J conaidetalion, that do Miller Can make !ood clean Hour without tie has good clean wheut. 1 suppose you wish to know the remedy. 1 tell you it Is to gel one ol Jlergstrtsser's heut &courer$, or 8mui Machines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright lias invented, got up and put in successful operation the best Whpat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards finding that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma chines are to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary, lie is now having a supply made at Lewis bur, by Messrs. Geddes & Marsh. Orders for machines, or lettrs of inquiry, will be promptly attended to. Machines will be sent and put to all order. Address J. BEISCSTRESSER, Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 3J: jtiiit nno OR N A MENTAL TftEES. Th.; subscriber offers lor sale a lars assortment of choice Fruit Trees such a Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hih,40 varieties, all warran'.ei! genuine Teach trees, 21' varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine, Prune and I'ear trees. toe!her witltson.i 6 or 8 varieties ol Grape Vines of theses native and exotic varieties. Ornair.eutai Trees, ituch as the Paulonia, Linden, Ac N. l. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trees.are requested Ii. make immediate application to thesobscri ber, in order to procure the varieties and size w ntcd. II. R.NOLL. Lewisburg, March 4, 1M50. Cciuisburg jTonn&rn hnnkful for oast rat J ronape, would inform the public thai j tnr-V conlinue to manufacture all kind ol ( Mill Coring and olher (. .-tines, i biasing Marhim ,8nJo'her article, of Machinery repai red in the bet manner, tastings warranted to be of tood material, and at price, that can not fail to please. GEHDC3, MARSH & CO. Lewidu e. Feb. 185!. ClOOKIXli Slovrs, nf various pat'erns and sizes, for Conl or Wood, for sale at the LewUburg Fonndry by (ieddr. Marih A Co. S'l'OVKS Parlor. Wood, an-i Ctal Stoves, various patterns, for Mile at the Lewisburg Foundry. (jeddes. Maiah & Co. "lllAllli'jJ Patent Hung Plow, a supe I V rior article, for sale at the Lewishurj; Foundry by GedJe. Marsh & Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent J decidedly the best and most durable j Grain Drill now iu use. for aale at the Lewisburg Foundry by Gedde, Marb & Co. CyiojVioH tfir Life pf Business ! NEW LIY Ell Y exchangTstable. Tbe subscriber would re.peclfully inform the citizen, of Lewisburg aud the traveling commun ity generally, that be hat opened a new Li. ery aud Exchange Stable on FOL KTH meet half a square Mouth of .Market, and has provided a good lut of liorsca, with entirely new good aud lah ionableCarriagea, Buggie.,Sleigh. OiC.whvreall wishing anything in hi. line may be accommod ated on the ahorteat notice and moil reasonable terms. He will pay every attention 10 the want of bi cu.tomers, and hope, by to doing to meril and receive a liberal there nf public patronage. WILLIAM MOOKU. Lewisburg, Dee 30, 1851 Vocal and Instrumental 31 U SIC, and tlje l?crman Cangnagc. . VKKY ltokf.l for past fT-w'-Tj patronage from the Citiaen. Instructions on the Fiano and Guitar aUo in Vocal Music and in the German I. amuse. Having been taught in the best Music School, in Germany, he deem, himself amply qualified to teach Music, and Io aid in the correct acquisi tion of the rich German tongue. He will also tune Piano, and put them in repair, if desired. Residence in South Fourth street, in the late Brick Olfiee ol Dr. l.od.ij. FR ANCIS J. CESSER. "An ounce of Prevention worth - a pound of Cure," in fAaf awful disease, CONSUMPTION! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure ot Consumption. Thispopular work for sale inLewisbur! by S. F.Lyndall J. Houghton and al this office. Price. 75 cents Old Newspapers, SOME thousands in number, f IUras,foi st the Chronicle office, t 50 etc per lOOUkeo uthey run. or $1 when eMorted. A cbeaeefor Scrap Book we.lt- foi wrapping &2L " Ti: ' " i-ewisDurg anu vicinity, the subscriber would -tNaSTV tl,le that he continue, to give Tmb ar k cow tafgtvl and aiitrtorrlitiarf ctr- potvvra of tbeN wonderful iaretion u m wimS tliy Lnuwu nj iir title- tw.fi rrpuu o tin T at Ute whole ronntry so etemive, that u tfctn uufiece.wi jr ui urge ill!- neati fu:U.er i n,e circiontanc-1 inaTefteeiirrH wlix, rt it a matter of duty w Uj public mot to a I'.-f-m iviieut. lor w i.it the eiliinerl nowtnimt of il. a ar truiupetetl ly foiumiM thruugin Uie frtw watlliMei Ly ijuitrU t,4 fralluns by Uui tviicaj aiul aia loozul just g fmr tttUumg, ChrfeflcH Carvaiiic v4 SUgactlf Curaiim, hvm been quietly worlmg their way uanr. ant iuteilient aivl tetpertabltt elaasea, tJ cointantiy tftcttievmir cure iu o tlitrminm tr.: Jjeiuei, wbinh hts Sot agee tafllcd all tA m -j neUiciaa tu4 all lum rMMucea ol Sciauca. 1 -m sii at c&iiwl NERVOUS COMPIsAIXTS, and in these disease netlicina ia of ao artj vzm mver. It never dtw xootl auJ it oVtn -i Syru4, KxtracU, ttalm, Bi-am, Liiirt. fill, fuwtleia aud futsont ol ery kiuu art tZl worthies-, for tliey weaken the itaj rrgit at airetviy protrateJ it stem, while iiUr t!.!, ltd) life pifinff. vital'" influence hi" 'rtjrta as atltetl by thu tMauUfui diccir. tlie ttttjitmi natieut aud weakened mfTerer it reUjr4 w Lima Lea i la, Mvenicia, laticity and vip)r. Tuee remaikf relate to inch litertt u W A A Mil A. TIC DOLOUKl X. BRON HiTIS, YL, fil'AMOV of the UK ART. W-KAK-jtS ti .1 KMALt. UISORDKUS, tucil N Kb VOLS HiLAi. AtAlk LASSU L Ufe. aia-i M-JirOMKM V, are only other nunw tor Nervnna Ijera-igesiev ZriLWElC 'ITS and t O.NV LUiiONS. n.c!.tt mw known to result from a rKm-yjmh:,iiua a t:ictnc mnuuce; NKK VOL'S TKKMOitS. tiKSv which i nearly aJway caused by torii-w of the Au litory Nerves, and can always te tvry ctrrd bv (rAlvani-m. when the organ u net deatroved l Si'KISI ui iu worst lurma . fALS'.' ai: l t.k.C LVSiS. unJormly caused bv a -lefinncy ot Vm influence; LHltONl; BHt-LM VTlSM.l ORPiimr of tlie L1VKU, PAIN uitbeSilF SLl';:SH ' L I L LATION. SPiL and HIP OMPLAIM1 UKKiriilNt F of kHVOlS and Fli.SIt AL EN. i-KOY, aud all tho autrsxn.ng comlainu rrtza. in from a ULKA-Nji-Aa 1 of tke tv&V0'I fi.STr.M. Iu the itbova prat 4 It-, t an J terrihle cUa of i aases Nervous LofnpUinta are macilv Btera aoast (tiu than u f eneiailv uiuined cnEisTirs GAimic mxmts, Arm an AlMolnt and PoalUva Specific, The BKLT is aied when the MJy or syktesi tn. rally i aJtected ; the Nt- KL.' i. Ur coo-'v'-sof the Threat, as Asthma and Bntncititi, ax! si tie Head : and the HU.U I LKTS lor ail disorder, at at arms or limbs, as Khet.m.titn. Fdly. Tieoiefs au ! t I'-isinodic acectiun. luee articles are s;raviT i i.evl asdirtKUrd with t! MAGNETIC KLl learta acom;amea theai, ami SUA luiiuiiy used latf rr. tit ail : gT The irrent ieTrliirity anrl excellence af OALV.M- LL.'tATiVrJ consists in the bet uu they ar:e.4t and cure 'b-eae by tmfirwrd mrmUema, in teo of the usual ethod of lfrnztn I rhyirkin tho pntient till exhausted naiure uess hoele.ly u:iJer tue infliction. 1'heff ttitttg IM iss tchttte sytrie. eytimlut the rtrcuUtian mf tha Livd. r awfe the secrriitrtu, imxi got ml the emtiem wun J-H. ass can meter Jo the s.ix'e.r .Suras mmler sirs; rtTr-mtwtiana Since thsir intnxluetion in U.a Ltulsrd States, ta, tkree years siuce. aiore tlan 7 5 , 0 O O PERSO.Vy mrTudintj ail aze. classes anr conT.tiiiia vmmf bom ete a sure nun.bcr of LS'hes, wbo art aw Luly subject tn Nervvs romjdi.iu, have ln Entirely and Peraancntly Cured, when al hoy-e of relief had been Krri ap, ind erery. thin ele been tri-d in ran ! Tne teneilcial resos whjvh hare anuormly attended their cse m csc& oVntly stated to te wtthont a parallel in the 10.114 of Medical Srienca. . lei s;raieo. lawyers, and eraa hKici'ns ; lad.es of tue itls;tiet stand ins; ; iisi;i. srui.hed ersons holdius; eii-te.I oificiai statieaa ftierrhant, manulacture;s, and mechauirs; ti.e tMer and the rk'h alike ; often iv!r :amiiies. amors; ail Ciae4. ranks suul condiiKni. have "'taily heeo rs ciieats. and have enK''v L,LnwJe.!reJ tha ) rousaitd ol:ea uusanccicU lu:ULs wluck they hare thii received. asf Let it be known and retnemvared that theeciy Natural Restorative lor the Nerves is (elfaooa, aai that in aU Nerrus Diseases we skioid " Throw Physic to the Dogs." To illustrate the uif the C3 AI.VAS.U; BELT, suutHMse the case of a irwn arlticte-i with that tas oi i-.iiluatiKu, D&rf.lSIA or any other ( nnriicr Nervous Disorder. In ordinary caaea, stjm.;scts aie taken, which, by their action on the neri-csici Btiiwcles ol the stomach, alford temperatf reheL trt which leave the rwrteut in a lower state, and ik B.jtied taculues, alter the action thus evnwd us laascl. .Ntw compare this with the effect rer-ilv Hot the ai'tljcatiwn of the GALVANIC E.L-T. T ike a Ly?ce't.c sufferer, even in the worst s?7 f mi of an attack, and simily tie tha Beit n-uaJ "JS Body, usinsj the .NUffneuc Fluid as diierted. is s fhert period the insensible per-pirstton will art aa tie positive element of the licit, thereby ciutwi s ataivanio circulation which will pass on te iss negative, ai.d thence back sgnin to the p:iTt thus keepinjr up a emtjntiou 4alvanic circaisnoa throncliout the system. '1 biw the mot serere csms of DsSPKPSlA are PKRMANKNTLV 1 KEO- HW DAiS IS AMPLY 81 KFH IKNT "LU UUJi LATE Tllfcl DIStASK OK YKAR5. MANY THOUSAND CEBTiriCAlS AUD TESTIM051A1S from the most intelliprent and respectaMe l0 residins; in every portion of the Coned Stairs, coaM be presented. These are now unnecessary, tat s Bumerous seiectKn embracicar many stsrtmeers m the most essraonlmarv character, scjicient t lOI VINL K THri MOST SL'LPTH'AL hit he bsd of 'M aothonsed Atreai. Tha iateresud axe fuuciuat invited to calk WHAT THINK YOU OP THIS t Prom one ef th wiost di-itoiVfJ rbjil clans la Uic CHy ef IWw lerlu "I have been nsin Christie's Oslranic ar.ieUs ta quiet way among my patieiua tux about two yeara Pit, and I confess I am astonished et their succsss. 1 am sura a disease is A . I know jbsi sal tlicv will do. In Fpiteptic "Kits, particulsxly children ; Deafness end A tactions of the Hsad, ta alulis ; Paralysis and Paly, io all srcs. and several other diseases oi like "a , ticb have lef porzled the prQlessaAn, I -nsw I the t-s.vt.-iaf articles of snrprisins; beneti Althot fh I detest tss shameless qnackery of adt Ttiseite- m and ne tapers, I must express my f"... e and bi in tbe wmnierfnl virtttea of IHKISTIF.'S ClB--TlVrA My name is. of eouraa, conBdentiaL sat ahall never' hesitate it rsrnianima year aruciss s ail proper occauwaa.,a ANOTHER INSTANCE 0T CAND0& Io D. C. kl os iNno, M . ?eo. Agt. tor tHBisTssr, New VaTSV Dear Sir, Beina; a physiciaa 10 the vicinity ol sme of your A cents, I have been mack stised m the extunination ol your lialvanio iorsuir ss kisihiy pleased with tnsir practical rml ' obswrved that they are constructed lb the tree aciss tifte principle for the arrnmr, y4et and ass. ruMsaw development of tha Uaivasuc t arrsrit. toershy filling a ihsiderstum, long sought for, but heretofore wnluown. I cheerfully recomxiend them for the alleviation and cure of those distreewnc ailaaesta called Nenvete CoMrisjjrra. tor wlucA taey ss s kappily and ingenioosly designe.1. Vary tnilv yours, DAVID 1UCE, M- Leveret t, Masa February li, 1S. Km No tronble or hTcoTrrenieflce sttends tW Of DR. CHHISTIE'S MiFsVlC i'l .iTI5 and thee msy be worn by she most feeble smt cats with perte t ease ani aaiety. In mtiiy eas the aensatioB attending their use is iV; iT end aurrep. 1 hey are accompatued by frill a plain dirertiona tor nse. Fajophlets with fU r tjculaxa atij te ottaiceil gtaua, of the aiuiMUU1 Afita Q Prices: The Oalrame Belt. Three Doltna The GaWanie Necklare, Two Dollars. Tbe G ftlTanie Bracelet, Oue i)olUr The Magnctia Fluid, One Dollar. PARTICULAR CAUTION- J- rwsre ef CestsUr rts swat Wwrihltm hi D. C. MOREHEAP. M OZNUAAL AGLNT FOR T1IF. I NiTr P ST. it IJte skaaaaiaw. ' Aarjrr Inlwlstourg C. W.SCUAITLB toontci at tlje Cljronidc CfE 0 N arroaal. from one en t M alaadirjg.CASU asJ aba Wood, Wheat. Butter, rS Atkat TkaaaltlaV'sB far and Bost oik.r Piatluc (01 hen"1 tha tuiRLl rait r7 in