J its i LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. 1. SB 3 111 I "r ! ! 1 - 1! ri .V if 4 I -.if 1 : 11 . if ' I l-n V I); T!.o E Ktress of the Olirs EriTich, pal. li.liel in Host, hiring r.-oeivol din cnuairin wuctb,r female I'i coal-! be oolainej there to S to Nasuville, replied as follows : "Every srl ii B iri.n, win cnoa-'h lo vr rk is a print!:)? j8L-e, or any othcre, has a lover, whun. she would bsjuH a lilt dy to tr-Js rfT f.r a Tonnes arlitfie, aa s!w w mil be to swap Mm Sf for a grizily Var. The idea of Bj3 ton girl, win gos t. of era, inirotiV- Jollica's convrts, naca a week, tat ice cream, ri'lu ia oinni'ouae, vcun txlia sSipptTS, soiuctiioo kissc llie edit.tr, going fc TeoWsee, i xi-;pt h? guts tlier tm llio wifj of Bie of Jf ur first class citi suo.4, IMitori csc'ptcJ, is truly riJicuiouj.j Wo liJu't rTri in a iiee si!k Jrca, W.h lie-- cleJ puitaLito auJ hiu- g:tcr iol. ! . !: wcil guiiij through 'lie luaJ auJ mirt . !" aslivii!e, to un oil Wu i f a priutio" oD5 in ona wiuir c: t!ie room tw ol 1 irfkijs arc jerkin,: any at a Uainajrc press, nnj in the otliortlie Klitor U sfjuirt ing talivci juit-e over the dmr? AVouI'i n't e te in a ni"n lis tt'icu tlie cJitor ami soma great 1-ra'ei.f a fellow, whom he hvi rrTju-lu!, ftl playing at the -f sin ing with tlr!r revclvcrs, acr.s.s the ola-. at cat-ii others' hcaJs! Who w.a!(i niak? the lire trhea l-a-1 au, off aud thojju an inCTCasc of patrovaob. The cliiar wjs drunk ? Who' J home witl Ler darli nifciu ! ? Who would t.iLi her ont tj rido oa Salurl:iy afternoon, an 1 .n to church with her on Sniidny ? N , , a Rvtou g'.il wouldn't o t-.' Tt3nes--ce for love nor uiouey. Sue can nou-h of botli nearer bime ! A Leaf from .TaJcra Dictioasry. ChitJion li'llu uicu and woiuea d'ca up in whalebone, ciarch and ia'.iu. lhe exact images of their parents. Wife A clay Eg'ir on wLichtndp'ay. Telvct, lace and jewelry. Ilusbaod N'jt at home. Call in the email hours, A. M. Home Sec hotels, kc. Friecdnhip Obsolete. Heavy rnaa A man weighing a million of pounds -'erling. j Brick A b'hoy, a trump, a ; d -1 of j fellow :" used sometimes for building, ! SeSLT t0 can7 5a tie ,,at " 1 . , i ,- . .1 Star Stars have several localities : the b"aveti, the boavds, the pa?e. i ., &c. Those of the heavens ate of tvrv little ac- i count, Mve to trotioniers ami loyer. Those nf the boards are remarkable mainly for thr!r immense stn ng'h ?raini hocse after them wherever they go; those of the first magnitude being the strongest, as tbfj- Jrvx " packed houses." The star of the pave ar; to be seen at. all hours, and n all places, except, gtuerally, where they arj neolcd. Right-Might. Love The money. True worth Money. Poverty The unpardonable in. Ft:,t Man One who Las more money 13 spend than time to fr.ii'd it in. Humbug Any ism which treais upon the corns of any o'her ism. Charily l'ubliely sub?eribing tbous ands to send tracts aud 6nc lo.n b combs to fh Hottentots, and r.rivatelv pritidir.2 tha working mafscs around you down to the last farthing X. O. Vractnt. Jump is. said a gaol natured gentleman riding alone iu his chaise aa be overtook a young man on foot, several years; ago. The youngster jumped in and was much obliged. Since that lime he las often thought of the very tituely and aceep'able iuviiation then extended to hie; and oov, when !5 himself overtakes a lone 'racier, wayworn and weary, be pays the old debt, ly repeating the invitation "jump in." A email matter suiely, to l-elp a stranger a wile or two on his way . yet it is one of those litMe things which CO toward making rp the sum of human benccence and which pays the dxx hree iutcrest cn ll.c amount invested. .Her. Dr. Toll, ou being asb'd biaj pinion of RJward Beecbcr's " Conflict of Ages," raid he nd concluded there wr tbrco sets of people in this world saints, inncr3, aad the Ceccber family. Among the great variety of articles that went doan Naugattic river in the late freshet, was a pulpit ! At Babbitt's IWdge, on the llousatouic, five boarding were swept, aifsy. A ielter f. 'ita f2a Francisco, under jitcf April iu.li, says: "We notice recn peat in our markets to-day, for tbe rst time tbi season, pries C2i cents per joucd in the pod. Fz-Prcsidout Fillmoro is still feasting and being toasted, through the South. Coming events cast their shadows be low." The adage that "there h more pleas ure in giving than receiving,' ia supposed to apply chitSy to kicks, medicine aud ad Tie.." " Gently the Juts are o'er me stealing," as tha man said when he had five due bills presented to him at one time. Tbi people of Newfoundland lave avffeitw severely daring Ut last wiakr To!o5r.ias--BCW Rate Table. From Is oiA-inj tn Tirri.b'irj 5 Hloiin.vbnrg IS 21 Callawisaa 17 SI Uan vil'e 13 91 Chapman 20 SO C'arbonttaie -6 23 Dunmnr! 25 2S Mv !e Park. 24 21 Wilkcsbarre 2(1 20 rivmnn'h 20 l.t Bljomsl.urj 18 It Dan'ilir U 15 Sii'ibiirv 's 17 M,nnsvil!e 15 18 WMMamsp.iit 17 20 I.-wlc llavrn H , Kvh frftk 20 34 llrllrfon'e 21 'Junction j fllls .-i.nssrove Providence old!"n,''n 1 'Kinmn l'''"" ,.- I Jrev aiinre M.n iiiii Mtlesbur; Philadelphia. For everv aJ.litional turns no this line. roril 1 cent to at! sta- X .t n iw in operation. rt'.rr t;!r wt anil south of P!i?;.!r!p lii. raw inrr-twM 9 i-fnts. A Word for Ou rscl ves Since the Ch rnt VV esme into onr hmili". ra have -l.thd it in n-w tjpp. at a cost f $;i00 or SI01 ()Ti-e rent ha neirly l.iii'il.-J rrintin? pap- rhas a-lvance! 20 ir 2." pr cenf. The nnmher of workmen einpVy.! is lrg'-r Farmer prniln?s is rni.t in price coneraliv lit wir crtn have n"t Lr-en a-lvanced. Tihh, while ur pi'mmy has increased, our profit Ii.-.vc no. Jt5A rcaso'j'il'lrt ir.frenee from these ;.r i', that we must raise ru n n tf ou rnp.nrs. or our rwlm rmi' pper. y'icrc ns nn the West Branch, and ome on the North Branch and elsewhere. nnve raised their charges. We choose to rr.iit yeir Jongrr at the old ratrs. trns'inj thtt w m.-iy he. f icored with snch an incres-'e of Subser: !?. Adrerfisinir. Vrk, as may enable us to keep on at o'ir old rates. Tti l:titit. Tortr TAtirlilnrtinnfl itli!n 2ri aioimd Iw'ishnrir. addi.iocal patrons ni'ghf readily le obtained. We senj ont weekly H papers in tittyl tcrapjtrrt. To pilnt, fold, cntclope, and direct in?!v. hi tini.s a vear, aff. rJ.x bat email pr'fif indeed. If each ore now getting a pnpor alone will gt one or more new subscriber to j-in him, the lareer pnckaci will go m ro safely, and aflord s better cnmpciisatioB. CSJiWe auk all who approve the course of oar paper, to aid it by setting one or nvr; subcori!cr..fia 723 LEWISBURG ACADEMY Will coinmence on Musnai, April 17, 1801, )() ,.o:.linac SJ weeks. The course of Instraction in this lntitniion ; !cn'a-ed to ,.,rpare youthMo enter College lor for criieral nuMii'ss. Ct inp,.iiti..n aDd Declamation receive care- ful attritien. of Yuiin ljitlir. Our constant aim in the improvement of the pupil. s to r'ti'ier toe D'mtiplnt of the school, as well a the mere imparling and acquiring of krmwiel'.:e.sii iiserx'ienttothehi!herobjerts. I (pure.) l've-SlufTs, Brushes, Combs. I'erfume ition of a s-iM charaeter.based i ry. Soaps. Fancy .Notions, Fruit, Conft-etionery. to vit.llie f 'rmati' rpon M-ae-t m .la.i'v. ami the preparation of l'.ie v. aili ' v well rsub!ii'..ei hahits of order. nerc7 a"..! :r.ilepnlent ve;f-rel!aace, for ne fiilhpsy and Mir'? ;n li:"?. T! BiliV is in dail)' nie in 'h' cl:ool. ''iii'i'..". For Lanirnapos Hipher Enff-li-h and common branches, (including R"idine. Wnsir?, lii-neraphr. Arithmetic, tiiaininarand V.S. Hi.i,irv) !s(i per teasioa. Xu deduction excrpt fi r sickneys. JOHX 11AXUOT.PII. March 17. 1S54. l'riucipal THE0. S. CHRIST, . WliiunUl and Beuil DRUGGIST, MlSllnlmra, Inlon lonnij, l a. f A VINO purchased Hie er.tire Urus More IX f..imer!y kept by T J. r.lliott, tec a, i iirw iffi-r to my friends and Ue public in gen eral a tresii aiut pure lot of Also Vainis, Oils, 'Jlass. I'utty an l Patent Medicines. Brushes and Tombs of every ar rty. A fine a"nment of JEW ELK V.sucn as Watches sold and silver i'enei!-, Mzr and Fin ger Kinys, Hreast Fins, &c.&e. Cards. En vei.ip's. Note and Letter Psper. Ror nnrt Pcrraaterr. All kinds of LAMPS, l.irl Oil, Pine Oil ana Uuri.iiii; Fluid. J.iqnnrs of all kinds, for meittcinal prros''. v loons, r lutes anrt Ac No's. Fruits and Cnnfretionerv j corneons. and in fact, almost anything in he wav of No tions a. id liiifial Varieties. Call and exam ine fur v .urselves. 1 charnotlunefir look-in-. ' TIlK'i. S. CHRIST. MiflliiiburR. Pa, Jan.2, 1851 ly Lif9 Insurance Companies ! London Xutit'tai Linn I'awl. (2G Cornliil!, London; 71 Wall St. N Turk) t'Capital $1,500,000 .Eia Lift Iiutirrmre Cimpany, (Hartford. Conn.V Annuity Fund $150,000 Kryntiine Mutual, (llarrisbnrp. Pa.) tVCapital $120,000 POLICIES in the above Companies can be obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli cation to the subscriber. California risks, 3 lo 4 per eent ex.ra. Feb. 13 H. C. HICKOK. Isuruburg. Rr-moral. WIXECAREEN has re-moved from wav up town" back to the new build- nt; at the old head quarters, in Market street, immediately under the Chronicle " and Tele graph cnV.es. where he will be happy to "smoke" and ehe" his friends and cus tomers, ia gjod style and quality at moderate cash rates. Lewisbur. Oct 14, 1853. HENRY C. HICKOK, ttomrt) at fao, fwlbnrr, I'siSsMi C4anty, Pa. "IITICTS is hereby given that Absalom XI D. 8inart has this day retired from the firm ol 1'u'ttp, sjioart an i Lewis, he hav so:d his interest tlierein to John W. iMuart, who takes his place ia said firm. TLm, 8TUAKT c tEWtS. Kca4,im The renowned Remedy! I TV! HOI. LOW A V'SOliN TA11SNT This Tlrrdinr; ta comro-l " """' limliait Hii.iiiis'I "-n nmnt ia re.wd.HO, villi inr J.r. tKn wliteli amoitiir saeli in w! iiwura roren when all oOmt m.-u l.il. u of uw mot d-n,M skin auews rnwlily IU to IWflti.-.ry. It tm(.o.lin awl in aarol'il.Kliumii, t'anlraclrd t boB Joit.U. In astllBiM it will do miuderf if rubl eU Into tin Ctaat. Most astottishiogCurcof Scrofulous Ulcers, certified by the Mayor of boston, (fcug.) a Utter from J. Xo'Jt. J'or of Uatax, t H.iLuf isnreir: Slr.smli Dixn . . . II... I. 1... .hi. Hv ll t.l.1 t.-1t" I m-i.!if.rt.urat4rpi--riuewifityaeii-i4 . nh K-r.talii or. unj a us r. in hr rnl. f t. Vrf'. '. 5.l r,.rl of h-rbwlyi la llh,:li tn. rt tit , m-.li-l 4tire -.bu.nod. at luc rnrt .4 a imrg.; nn j tXZl'Z c ""t"","t .uzrsiv. b f r.'ih.i w:i't Qa.-pTi.t .uixrf aiiin-ni pi- ! r.-U. ! iF-nwrttus with Ui- m.-Jn itir l-r rburl tiius 1..:.rVc.rJ.s '''"'l., , wyo,irrurs:isiu uiri.- r j tiuar tij Ul0 bet of henJtH. I rvuiaiu. dwir mr. Extraoriinary and rapid Cure of Erji-elas iu the Lt after mcuical aid Lad failed. Letter 'r m If--. A'WwA Taut, ttfm Ht OJic, alWwici- 'mtJ. rjr iv-wr. cw UtUt J-m ' ItuW. TFmH 'r IM:..-; Hr: 1 iifft.l f r m onuilt'ra Me rr. rf f ?n rrrv atrnrfc of mUwU at In ih Mr-tUtM in my Ti-ff. reKtrl ill t.ieiirl ttvat BtexiU MyfurreiiDjit-Twrtf vrry ffrt-at-und I nu.U J-fi-alia f mi.j iwrm.tucttt aincnm til. ! I mtn d to hfr-'rwuf iaiyurOiituit:iit ud I'itt. 1 ditlmilbouK ,y, M m iwf.pT lo my the rrnult vMiDMtllr r-udc'f iK tt-r h-y (lvttHl a wlral cure of n.t ud tvt.trv.1 in.- o ttte rni-ynfnt tof Ltutth. I hii er nit with ttia ntniowt ctutlittniw uf yonr mtMiato. mttd havr tvrsmmmili tin ru Lo .ibrin tti vihborhtfill aiaiiltirly IH.td. who l-rivci (CCaC Ivnrflt- 1 am. !tr. totiroUtueJ atit Kiuri'ii wrwun. (H-gutnl) EUZAUKTIl YKATC3. The Pil nh- uls. be twrd t-onjointl with the Oiutmrnt in mt ot the foiiuw ins csoc: llm.l Ij-w rMlblnii FKtulas Pom TiroU , Hrvl BrttasU Clin pl tit Skin ln- Burn Iljndu i!a d-ilnr N'urrT (tuni P Corn (. ntl) hT-r'Uings frir lintxll Itil't" of H' 'avr lauiubao TJWr j zm.i tttm sd stiff i;h-ufnftliui Wuuii!a fR.-f4 J lints feMi V4- Ciirrfo4oot EirjtMDti"i Kn 'i-plc to. c. S.td at tht OubUfliWfnt of lr--.r UotLov.tT.2U. Rtraad. (nr Tut)l IUt. LiktWna h aud aim at hi buttw ; in NrwYnrk. HrtrrwMrrin-iii.ilhrSUtrt 'ldr.s.wii I r thttinw-ipo X-w '" wili rt. - r iu-atU-i.ti . Soid ' bv all tvwru.Mf OmxrWU a:id d!-ro In Me-ii' tn- '. tKmnlvttit ttu'l'oitwl KUt'f.iu l"r. at :CUc-., cl. and $i.-M.ab. Hholrmle by the prtacipal Uru houses in lb' Union. S.U. rirrrMmi fT Um tjraidaaM of MttroU m aftjry i diMrdrr rr affix -d to eawh fnt. (lw'4 Sold by lr. KKMPER, Miainburg j The Old Maminoth DRUG AND CHEPIICAX EHFORIUfl RE-OPES ED. Dr. TIIOKXTOX &. Co., Wholesale Retail Druyyistt, LcwUlury, OFFER to their friends and the public a lar;e and well selected stock of fresh L)ru"s. Medicines, Chemicals, eround Spices, Books, stationery, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. Give us a call and judtje for yourselves we charge nothing for looking. Ucmember the Mammnih Dr'is Store! D. T. A. H. TIIOK.N TO.N & CO. FALL FAS1IIONS-1853. HAT, CtP & CLOTHING STORE, Soul It Lut Corner Market and Third Hit. J. & F. Spyker HAVE just opened and for sale cheap for Cali or in exchange for country produce llUItt Moleskin Nos. 1, 2, 3; Silk No. It 2. 3 ; Angola Nos. I, 2, 3 ; black curled brim, pearl and flat brim lluupariau, hue brush. uai.'ou, wool, for Men and Hoys, sumaiei Hats from Panama down to a levy chip. Caps of the latest styles aid of every des cription, o soil ererybony, Clot hi II r; Coals, Pant, and Vests for Men and Boys; Shirts i f dillerent kinds, shirt Collars, storks, handkerchiefs, ploves, socks, in short everything to wear from head lo foot. Also Carpet Bass and Trunks. Thankful to onr customers for pat favors we hope for a continuance of the same, as our prices are low. Give ns a call and examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. A larze assnrtmeiit of Furs, such as Mulls, tictoruies and Mnffatees, ic Panama, Leghorn Hals, and Bonnets writ- im n racssis on short notice and reason able terms. Nov. 4, 1853 UAKK1SBUKK BIXDEKY. JT. J. Clyde i F.L. Under, Suaavn la IK o. Uutolc 4 Co. Book Binhrrs and Stationers, and Blank Book Manufacturers, lhirritburij, Pa. M'OST respectfully inform their friends that they are engaged in the above business I'tT directly opposite Herr's Holel.-dg3 They flatter themselves, by careful attention lo iheir business, to receive a continuance i f the pat ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm. BLANK BOOKS for Banks. Coonly Offices, I M--chants, and private individuals, and every variety of full and hall-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled lo any pattern. Old Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Law Bonks. Newspa pers, Bibles, Music, works issued in Nos Ac bound in any style, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Please give ns a call. C. tc H. "tT Books Ac. to be bonnd may be left with the Editor of the Chronicle. 609 MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, IE1TLI fc BIPEDITIOCSLT AT THE 'XHRONICLE'' OFFICE Lcwisbnrg. H. GERHART, Surgeon Dentist, A T hi aUinc,eoatb Third 8Uotnr ftha Boardwalk. tts CLISTO.1 WELCH, - 1 -i Attorney at Lav, LEWISBURG, Union Co., Fa. n50FFiCE oa S. Second St. near Market. Refers to Uom.Janut Rmnde, Btllrmtt, Pi. Jtmti T. ilti'e, (to P. C. Hmmtt 4k do Hon. A .roAum A trim. Itmultwn, 1. . A. J.rin, 8itnhr$. " Ktmntl Oilri. If Ui lnyjiurg. linn. Smith 4 Co., fhtUldrlikta. Ltmuomrf, Afrii ii, MM. " Small Profit and Quick Sala." sue m BARGAINS "e CHEAP STORE or M. II. A W. BROWS. WE lake this method of informing the public that we have fitted up the old USIOy TRADWG &TASD," where we would invite especial attention to uf .!oc), f uu' ' ,. DOMESTIC GOODS, tiroccrlc. and FISH, hich can npt ';a,, to r!cw- i,,h" in rTTi to price or quality. Our goods have been tx.tasht for cash, at lhe lowest price, and will be sold on accommodating terms. CASH will he paid for all kinds of strain and ill" very highest price paid, in goods, tor every description of Ihtmrrtic I'mduer. Turtleville. April 22, 1853 NEW FIR3I, AND KEVT STOCK IN TRADE. The subscribers having formed a co-partnership in business, now offer to old friends and the public, at the late stand of S. F. Lvndall. on Market street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot of for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg. A Splendid Lot of GUM SHOES. Also ail kinds of W2G2 Gaiters, half-Gaiters, etc Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes. Work made to order Mending as usual. As we are both known as practical shoe makers and experienced wotkmen, we solicit a share of the public patronage and will try to merit it. 8. K I. Siller. Lewi-burg, Nov. 11, 1853 Lightning Rods. VFTER many years' close invefiigstion and numerous eiperiiirauls, the Patentee takes ..a.ure in infoiroing the public that he baa arrived at lh tiue principle ol p.oteeiing families, dwL'lhijgs and propeity from the destructive inllu ence of LIGHTNING, l he ralamiiies that every City, liwn.l itlatpe and Coontiy falla victim to annuallv, thro' the groa neclitenee of its Inhabitant, ia beyond ealculaion, especially hen the remedy is so ea?y to obtain this I. found in ARMITAGE'S Patent magnetic Cigljining tlobs. snd in this alone. This Rod has been siamineJ by the most arimiifie (rntlemen in the worli Professor M Murtrie, Jobnon, allor snd many u'.her that hav examined them, recommend and peak ol them io lh hiaheat term, of approbation. nd lias pronounced them the only safe rod in ua in thiaof any other count. y for the protection of Lives and Propeity.-One siUantate i 10 divide and throw back a part of the eketric fluid harmless 10 the clouds ; in time ol stroke this enables the rod to conduct thai portion of fluid that helone; to lhe earth without the .ligliie-t danger of lea ving the conductor. This rod has many other .dtaiil.ige. ovrr the old one. The only place ol ajianuiactuiitis ia in line Ht. 3 tLiort alme I -M, Philadelphia, b.re all person ara repeclfullv inviteil to call and essndna fur themselves. For sale Wholesale orKeuilby TIIO'8 ARM1TAGE. Order promptly attended to. Term cah. These rods have been purchased and success fully uat'd by the following individuals, companies and corporations, whose names are cheerfully submitted : In and nrar Pt. ijij.lphiu.k . k S. RoWfs. ftrvirffr SaiiUilnerr, JwljEtf Hourivr, JuJ:e Onrail, J. Mu.tunl, J..bli ll'.ue 4'. C. I'lHiilt-T, J.liivnner, li. Oaklrj'.Cil.nttl InrMil. Uie Ulo-k!-y AiiiiImiu, AmlvrMin k llrnttivr!,. R v J. L. limiil. JiiT.n iuimi. TIcw.. ilm,r, But k lltmnp, A. It. litnkt-n,, II. Simin.-a., '11.0a. Son k Co., Ur. Ihswiiinie, J. i(.Mwt. J. Waii-un, V, llutuplirvyii, J. t R.l-r CVv , J Nyin.B B Ilarl.-ii J . 0.-l.i.r. ti. Ivp. j t-r. Mr. Htiarvlert. Mr. Martin, . !nrMry, J. HrtiiUlfj, j Mr. ItavUon.br. Ianl. i. II. I'owt-ra k .'o- J. Wiurnrnnv. II. Millar, tbe kid Bank h)f-l. the I', tf. ArarUbi. tlie ! In the mute of jVew Jrrty. i-nraT CHtn!n. Jndse ! M'Call. JiMlpa I-yt. n, Joiiu Nctuun, lr. 11. M MurUu, j Btiij.KoU-rtii, Mr. J. Ii-wiiii). J .v vMux forxrr. thrill r Isr- llaifwnny. Win VUx, Jobo ITawa, I tiKhtwl Iuth, alatxb Mnith, lavid Him ait, Kiiocn j Mv-arh. vJi-vti" K.Tkr4T. JWt lie Jin. Court II ur, , and 0mhi-ini-re,Mrt(i(-s. tttmett'' Tft Jul id Rh-r I Imtm Ft' . I'r. l.liarl Wilaf a. nathtmfUm Tp John Kuiiit. tiinfti limit. Iun fj.IkacCouidrcu. WhUt lHr J). Mirhiel UotTinaB. MECOMMFXDA TWXX PHiti.., Au;-.13.1S47. I hao tlita day eanfully in(tcd a roDduntnr or Milituiiift- Kod, aitb trim? aad index, errctt-d by Mr. Tnorims. A rnu ia if. An U-llfeTMe Ilouit. flrotwti-r. atid hate do bt-fitalwu in myioit tbat it iwt only tb b at I bavt r-r M-tm, but that it in the only ne I have yet exatntnd that ia rfintmrud on utrtctly trif ntittc prinri-pl-a. It in with mark plnrwnrv that I rvrsuiiurud hi couJuctor te lite at fa-olio of owner of bntlHi.. U. McMt'KTitlE. I am well nati-iVd that th Mayn't ic Lltihtninjt IU-!, mfitiufartuivd by Mr. Thomaa Arutita, of I'lnlivlf Ipbia, is tit l nut that had t hem iBad. 1 baveffpeut Ktert. yet.tr in tbe tttudy of lb law ol rlertris-ity and trMguw-t-im, an. I ha no h'tdtatton In nayine that th ltd are ooutructd upon tb only prtnripiVof catety. Theeh-rtrw bnrk ia rpofiwt-d and diivrMl by the ntaitnet at the lop of the rod. and It kouM be iawxiMible,arorlinK to the law of attravtiov and rrpniaion, for a bntMinit tn bt Injured tiw a itrkrof lightning wbfi n?ntrtet by one of tlM rosif. 1 hav ben aMiiiaintrd with Mr. ArmiUire for afTrral yaam, and a f re Iroconnev-red the Bianufae tnre of tbf rod a I xamind the prinriplc on which thry are ronKtrnrtrd, and f it eonTinred that their adoption, would be attrnded with romplete rucohmi. Tht- lacraaalne; dVmand for thrm rod.and the ntew ivttth in all parta of th ronnt ry , it ample coDme-niatKa of t h"iT utility a nd tirriiriiy. TIL ACT K. WALLKK, M- D. Kiting Sun, rh.hut.Co., April 10, 1Sj2. rFS.O. WILT and KAMUEL HOOVER. Hortieton, Union Co, Pa. ! aie Aitfnta for Union and a). o joint- Couniiea, ! and will fuinUh lhe ItixU on tlie name terma and in Ibe aamc manner as ih Proprietor, PIANO AGENCY. -Ul HAVING been appornlad Agent forth sal of the celebrated Pianos, manufactured by - GEO. TOGHT, Fbllad., tbe undersigned Would be happy to supply any eitisensof the Susquehanna country who may desir an InstraoMBt wall made, after tha latest iiapravanrat. Tww af these Inatranseal have lately been introduced into Lewisborg. to which I happy te rofsr any one. Tbe Piano are warranted, aad if not wtiafsctery en trial for a yar,taey asay we eaebanead. Priera rswoaa bio. y. FRNCI8J. OESaHER. L'w,,trj, r n ten. 11 1 W! A anTl&SXX Almanac for 1854. i Tli. MM1 41 6 ,! 71 S I SI IlltiH ,ll! SfTjiKitil-jij-ii! lull HI Mil 1 A I I- ;J li 13 ml jo ii.ii 7 c 'no : k Ml'l a liiuiti- t; 2.1a IIIIL !(jTllSl ! 21 ::l 4 i 4! s ! 2 7i: ti UIIMi'le! 1 IT -- 1! a 'm'I',:im:Im r. 2s,ai j(i .ii M 1 2 in 3 41 S 6! 7 H 9 og to'llitJ l:i , 14.1,". l't till 21 a O a m 1 1 ! 1 i:;'mi e iliTiis, - .4 Jaljis, lu J7 JSi:l tai 1 3 3 41 S In'tll I-I4 I'O'-'I a s 7 s. lli'll'l ti t i I7l" !! o'f.iu.i-Ii.. i;it-ii m 2"r.'l;.'i.l,a si ii I l ii : A (a si ' 7 fi i. l. i It B tai l n if.!n'i;is S Isllt'lJUlZlljZ -Jtl'l' Wiiificltl Woolen Factory, Kcar llarlleton, I'nlon Conuly. rillUS establishment is now in the best order. I The machinery being nearly all new, j and none but the best of workmen employed, i the subscriber feels sale in saying that bis work shall not be snrpassed by any establish ment in this or the adj .ining counties. His wacgens will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his establishment, will please avail themselves of that opportu nity ty I have also on hand, and intend keep ing a choice assortment of ClootlM, such as ('lath. Sutineltr, Ctfhmere, Tweed. Ulunket, Yurn, 4r.. which I will sell low for cash, or exchange for Wool and Counlrv Produce gen erally. MARK HW.FPENNY. Hanleton, April 22, 1833 if nHK undersisned cuiilimies the LITE I AT J1LS1.YESS at Ihetlld Stand ou North Third St., near Market, and respectfully solicits the piiironnge ol his friends and the public eciiHrnllv. I CIIARI.KS f . I1KS3. ! Lenisbnrj, May 22, 1830 .VlIOI.LSAl.i: KETAIL DRUG RIarkct Street, lA sls!mrs, a. so. CHERRY PECTORAL kVr Ik Cre COrCHS, (OLDS, U01RSEXESS, BRONCHITIS, WHOOPIXC-fOCCD, CKOIP, ASTHMA. 1X0 COXSIMPTIO.V. Mf,.l v to' rl,.n.. ti.r i.,wif xhnll aeon, at tree r w...f. h-e l"tf thtlt n4 me antt f,u. j tkerr..J tttolt J-r moat . lite .;' ihrtff for m.m'Kine j llt-re was Ik'Ih- t.r the fctik nH-oidiMl Ioc asn.i, I'd every yrarad.l. nr. rorf to the aruraiiiss thst thte prcmiar. j .tiall not fil. j A.misliral -f tv ti WTr. nd . .im.t. the- remrstle. j nature has pivrn, one l.y on tlie 'lienws lliat afttirt our j race yrell lo Itw? eouliol i.f art. Of all I lie raalndira xiTr from, nnn has ennird anrc Tittimn toao nntimi !j ! h Conuu-tioi, rf tbo Lonffn. SubjoiwM we . R 1 . , '. Ke n et -or. tht ttii too my bt cun d, at.d thnt Pulmoiianriit:iUint,iui ; l.y Chkhex PfTRi j FOR IXtLlKSZA A.XI WttOOPTXa COftlff. s-si.vni r. T-i.n . Jutiv? 2v 12. Fr I hitf rftaiMliT nx'd y.iri'MfBnT I'KfT'! frr b"t;.i t ouah and ittlunx4, ai d tave no htfitatHin io pmntaunriii it a c mii-tf r n dy. Itiur of my cluld- in n b:fb-rtt afllirt-! with tW-ne !waa-a, and tbe fi-w uv fit ibe 1 ecioual L4l a i way aiTrdf1 airn-.t ittt.iDt rrlii f. J AMtS ULuVLK. We attest tli tritb r-f th ahTr tilm. nt : M M'lil.VVV.M oroftu Nitibi)l W big. J. M Zl.M MLUM.tM, Dn.t. tort a coxsr.vfWF vocnrr. l'lTINHUf.6, la.. Kft.. JStlf.t. IVar Sir Forthrrt ynr I hee br-n afllictt-d with a rou'h- oo itmirritiiig Uiut 1 friirntly dtp;iir. d f r-n-rry; much of ihr tiuif I wu- obtip'd in nit up all nij(ht m my rnair. ait my o;un wonia -unicntt m wh-n I laitl down. Having it d many remrdira withnutuiurhrrlirf. 1 at lait triatl tht fTnt Rnt I'lCTult tL, wbieb undr Provid ence has cured ne altng.'iber. I am with CT tittid- Voura, jAMk$ M'CA.NDLfc3. Among tlie ntbr d tlnrrui.li-d authoritip who bare Irtit their nanifR to rymnn-iid thia pnpnr4tiu at tbe beet known to them f-r alffet.ni.fi of the luiit;, are Pre. I kbit. i its, i f Vrrmnnt Med. Colkgo. I'rcf- It LIMA?, (if Y;ile College. Prof VLKsnta M-tTT. of New Yrk. Prf ri.jriti.w, nf hVwt"in Mi-d. Collega. Prof BtrrTcnriFLn.of hin M.tl Coll. g.. CfaXATt?f J h:U OF MUHCAL !C1ISNC. BoHTo?I MlPirAL Wt' Sl R.ilCsL Jul kAU -iiiitrHTo! (S 0.) Mr.picL Kktuw. New jKMfT MtmcAt KrMRTfa. II an. II La p. t Cut. U. . St-nator. lion. tiro. P. MRsii, Am. AmbaMndr tn TarkfJ. Gn. EwirKi- ttt Lnrfv, Preaitnt f'hHi. Rt. Rer. Ed. Powrt. linl Mihop ef Toronto. Rf Ir. laX8i?to. of Brroklyn. N. Y. Arrhbihop Pcrcf.il. of CinHntviti, O. Atno manr emitM-nt peraonap-a in f rljcn oonntrfre. Mot only in the more dnncernnanad 'litrewainpf iliaeaara of the l.n ntrw. bnt al'o aa a f mily mnitrine f r orraat'.nal nse, it in lhe faf-st. pleamnletsi and beat in the world. WEI A It Kit AXI SOf.D BY JAMES C. A J'EH, Practiealand AnaWt rc-airhemlt. LnwU. Ahitt. a).FoTMileby C.V.8cMArrLt.lewlbtirff : J. Il.raalow. Viltvn; Mim M. MTay, N'orthumWrland; O.W. Keaaler, New Berlin; I.Gerhart, SrUnxrnTe : and by Irugit erary where. lyinffidndOAchfrqo Map of tbe Stale of Calirornla. 0UE(iO, UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS. printed hy 8. Ang'a Mitchell in 1846, and painted to correspond with the boun dariee filed hy Conere-ii in 1850 for sale althe UhrnniclrnlTire. prirr 25 ta. rriHE present Proprietor of the newly disea vered Wlnfleld Cave (limestone) in DRY VALLEY. Cnion Co. hereby pives notice that the Core ict' NOT lie open on SVXfA YS fur Visitors. It mav be visited by Ladies and Gentlemen on any other d.iv. and on SATUR DAY of every week especial preparations will be made to accommodate with lights. (rj-All persons are forbidden to break off, injure, or take away any specimens from tbe Cave, nader penalty nf prosecution. The payment of 12) cents only is required of every person before entering. . ' v , NOAH WALTER. Pry Valley, Jnne te, 1863. - ; 7FW ifjf Dr. John Lock, Q5n SURG FOX VEXTIST, OFFICE removed to Market street, sec ond floor entrance door between Kline' Hotel and C. E. Bowes' Kiore. Lewisburg, April 1, U53 Lewlabnra; Savias Institution, 13 now open and ready to do business. The regular Discount days are Wednesdays, 'i ne following named persons are the DiaiCTOas Willi 41 Cao, Esq,. Mr. J.IMSSO.S Walls. Mr. tiria Avvoi. Mr. Jsaxs M'Casissrr. Mr. Taaau H41S. Mr. Willi aw Faira. Facn'a C. Moris. Esq. Omeaas WILLIAM CAMERON, Pruidtut. H. P. SHELLER, Trtmrtr. Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on all deposits over six month's ; and three per cent, less than six and overthree monitis. H. P. SHEI.LER, Treasurer. Lewisburg. Sept. 19, l53 IT IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, thai no Miller can make good clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wis!, to know the remedy. 1 tell you it Is lu get one ul tergstrtsser'a U'htut Scourers, or Smut Machines. He being an old, practical and experienced Millwright has invented, got up and put in successful opernlion the best Wheal Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a midline and afterwards finding ihnt it does not prove to operate as repre sented, Ihere shall be no sale, ns these ma chines are lo he warranted good. Further re-commendHtinnsare thought unnecessary. He is now bavin? a supply made al Lewis burn, by Messr. Geddcs it Marsh. Orders for mtchines, or lefters of inquiry, will be prnmptly attended to. Machines will be sent and nut lo all order. Address j. BKi:STitt:sscrt, Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 32f irriii? anU i40 RNAMENTAL TREES. The subscriber oiTcia fur sale a Iarg a.Hsorlnieiil of choice r'ruil Trees such a.' Apple trees, 7lo lOfeet high, 40 varifjtjes, nil warrant! d genuine Peach Isees, 'A' varieties; Tar'arian Cherry, Nerlanne, Prune and I'ear trees, together with some 0 or 8 varieties ol tlra.e Vines of the besl native and exolie varieties. Ornamenta: Trees, such as the Paulusiia. Linden, tc S. U. Persons wishing lo procure a quantity of the Fiuil lrees,are retiuesled Ir. make immediate application lo thesubscri ber. in order to procure lhe varieties ant size wanted. H. R- NOLJ. Lowishuro, March 4. 1850. Cciuisbnvg Jonnotji IHE subscribers, thankful for past pat ronage, woutd inform lhe public l ha' tbey continue in manufacture all kinds ol Mili Gearing ai d other Castings. Tbiahinc Machine, and oiher anicles of Machinery repai red in the bri manner. Casing warranted to be of i,ood material, and l prices that can noi fail to ,leao. UY.)t. MA US II i CO. I ewi-l u e. Feb. 13I CIOOKIMS Stoves, of various pafrrn ) and sizfs. for Coal or Wood, for sai t Ibe Lewiaburg Foumlrv by Grd les. Ma'.h A Co. s Suv'!, various pnirrms, (or .nie At tht Lfwi.-hure tdundry. lerildr. Maib A Co. AflAKl'.5 PdiHii (.iiiiL' Plow, aupp V I rior article, fur Fnlpat the Lf wishurjj FounJry by Grdtles. Marsh Sl Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Rosa PHlenr rieriHedlv lhe brut and mn&t dvrabtt Grain Drill now in nae. for nle at the Lewinbute FoQ' drf !ty Gedtte. Marh fc Co. Ojijtowtton i the IJfe of BumeM ! HEW L1VEUY EXCHANGE STABLE. The subaciiber would respectfully infora the citizens of Lewiahora and lhe traveling commun ity generally, that he has opened a new Livery and Exchange Stable on I'OL RTH ttreel hall a Fijuare South of Market, and has provided a good lot of Horses, with entiiely new good and lash ionableCarriages, Boegie,8leigh. Ac.wberesll wiahing snything in his line may be accommod ated on lhe shortest notice and aiost reasonable term. He will pay every attention to the wants of hi customer, and hope by o doing to merit and icccivo a liberal share nf public pat innate. WILLIAM MOOKU. Lewi.burg, Dec 30, 1851 Vocal and Inslrumental MUSIC, anD l!;e German Hcngttujc Ar?C2in VERY tr.snsf.d for past f?A"3'V patronage from the Citiaens 'Bv?'- '"A tudentsol l.ewiaburg and J-J5fijj' !) s'c'"'", 'he subaciiber would "&6v state that he continues lo give Instiuciinna on tbe Piano and (iuitar nl-o in Vocal Music and in the German Language. Having been taught in the leal Music Schools in Germany, he deems himself amply qualified to teach Mu.ic, and lo aid in the correct acquisi tion of the rich German longu. He will aire tone Pianos, and put ibem in repair, if desired. Residence in South Fourth street, ia Ibe late Brick OlBco ol Dr. Ludwig. FR ANCIS J. GESSNER. " An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful diteate, CONSUMPTION! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure or Consumption. Thisnopular work Tor aale inLewisbure by 8. F.Lyndall J. Houghton and at this office. Prim. 7.1 cento Old Newspapers, SOME thoonaud in number, of all sis, for ale al tha Chroaicla office, at SO eta par 100 tai en aa thsy run. or S I when assorted. A cbaDccfor Scrap Books a wallas for wrapping paper. . AprC, t5 . , Tnr ts-kfrowIHfed and eat rmordi nary ear, powem of tbetw wontlarful towewtaoaw m now aa gea rally known and litanr aalaaand reputaTion tbrr aajri nit ikie whule ooontry ao tJwiwt. that rt wu4 t-tjta minesreeaary to 9tgm UWr aewrit farther, k-u aoaic lata rsreumstancee baoccnrred wbKbrea-;r ir matter of doty t th pablaf not t be Knataj aikbt, br while lb fhemrrai anetinma of U 4a re trumpeted by cuiuran tbrmigh lb rreu a a wlowM y ottaru and flJoaea by tha efactd, atad an Ivnnd juat gw4 JW mneAnmt, Clvrlittei tehante m4 aUtriat Cwatftct, bavn been quietly working; their way tumong ti. most inteiligfent and reaecbnblw clariea, and are rtMjtamly achiennjr rare in an iamncr traiaof diavweea, which bae lur nre9 baflled all tat td of meilicine aud ail the resource of licaa:. Tbtw . are called -NERVOCS C03IPL.AITS end in tbirse eiaeasee medkioe if of ao a wail what rer. It never doe-i p;ood and it often daae baiwa. fyrupe, Lntracta, Bnlma, BalMmav fcieurfl. Bittern, PiUj. Towdera and Potiona of rery kind wiw alike worthies, br they wetikew the eiul ir)ren nf it.m Ireietly prostrated t) eteat, while ooder the atrengh eiainf; hie ejivirta:. itlitiii; uiAaatBcn of Ualearoatn, aa apfdied by tbi beauuful discovery, the evhauitael patieut and weakened auiferer ie reatoced to loner Leeltb, atreseb, eUsttcrty end vig at. 1 hev.e remarks relate to ouch disease a XU JtALlrlA. Tl; DOLOKKt'JC, BBON UITI TAU riTA'i loN of th HKAKT. WfcAK SKSS. and ail I t M ALE DISOHiKHS. snch as NKRVOl S HfcAU A- Hr LASSlTLtfi and I)rj.PONUri, V, watch are only other names fur Nerrmta IVruieatat ; fc.Ptl.Kl TIC Kiln and LONVttSiONs, saxa art now known to result from a nna-etiwliliriam el Llectne .rinoence; NeXVUL'S TRf-iOU.ST VtAF 3f SS, which if nearly always canted by torpidity of the AttsJrtory Nervea, and can always te per tip evetW by fealrtaxiisni. when the orgfan is nt destroved , lUSPr.rsI A in its worst forme ; PAL'.' aid r.AKA, h .;, niulf-rmlT transed by defif lency of Nerwou influence . tHKOMO UIIf.L'MATISM, TORriLifTf Of the I IVfcH, PA 1 N wtbeSIUk. 8LlUtIHH LIB, rL'LATION. SPINAL and HIP I OMPLAINTS, DKHClkM V of N hi VOL S and fll.SH AL EN E.KGV, aitd all those diatressioa; cvmplaints re-:lv ing from a UUtANOfciitT of the Mv&VOlJ . ST K M In the Nt prwralrfit and terriblo elans of da eases Nervous ompLaiuts are naock aaoiw aavar on than is generally imagined (UKLST1FS CTnATlTES, ir nn AtMoIatn naxl lwsdtt-re) ftpeajtata. Th BKI.T i nsed when the body or srtst g rally is affected , td NKCKLACK for complarut of th Throat, as Aetbma ansl Bmucbitis, and f Head ; and tb BK.-it rLKTS lar aU d44aMirf taw arms or limit, as Khecmatiam, Palay. Trasaon an. Spasmodic arlecuon. Then article are amply p BliaSi a directed with tl. MAUNKTIC KLl IDwhcfc acompanie them, nod iia fait bin Uy d they .NtVKK ail: aeT The great perollarify and ezcelTii f tk flALVANIC l ritAi'lVhn rMiiWu M tb ga-nt lhat they arrest and cure by outward mptmtmn, in plar of th nsuol method of lrnggina Hi rhyatrking tli pntient till eahaated nature unka hipeleady nnder th infliction. Tey asrrefen ah trfinl tytfrm. tqumUzr tW rirrninUswi m y Mt mm at. fart. at-re fae a-vrriHse. rarvjai mm aW enrea iafiwa eml corn txrrrr 4- r.V ttt!jft Aavraa mmr ttna nrrsanffemce. Since their mtrtKistrtmn tn tit L' luted Siataaa, tvmif thiee Tears nnre, mote than 7 5.0 0O PERSONS tnctading all ages, cUmm and eeodttiwna, asawn; wltom were a laitf num'-rr of Ladies, who ar pacw liarly subject to Nervous Complaints, have bean Entirely and Permanently Cured, when all hope of relief hud been given vit. and every, thing eh been med m Tain ! Tb bymncial twanlt whiuti have uniformly attended their us is caeS dently stated to be Without n parallel in tb annala of Vedk-ai Scitmcft. Clergymen, lawyers, and a physicians ; L.1e of th btgheit tandiig ; diaim guiahed peraona holding elevated oAciai atabssta, nterchaoU. manufacturers, and meehaiiics; f h pMt and tha rich alike ; eaten whole Immi4ea aaaong ail cUaae. ranks and condition, kaweaqnally been re Cipicat, anj hav errally acknowleiaeed th won dronvand olien aaexpccttl beneiiu which tkey bare thiif rereivetl. er Let it hekivtwnand rememrserwjj that tnary Natural Ketfrattc Ur jiie Nerves ie a.vanim, and t'it in ail Nerrnus Dtearet we ahotild M Throw Physic to the Bogs." To illnatrata th ueof the vBAIVAMC afVLTv stipr-ue the case of a person afflicted with that ban ot civilisation, l Si'KPSt.V or any other Chronic or Nervou l)inr-ler. In ordinary cases, timnlan.e ar taken, which, by th ear action on the act-re aad nurle.ttf the ttomnrh, aitbrd f-aiaarare relieC bat which leave th patient ia a lower state, and with) r.jurcd frnkies. alter the action thus evcetad has v-ael. Now compare this witk tbe effect rnis g from the appiicatma of th tiALTANlC Bfe.LT. Tke a Dyspeptic sniferer. even in th worst syms if mt of an attack, and simply tie th Belt mind Li Ecdy, nsing th Magnetic Fluid as directed. Ia fhirt pertod the insensible perspiration will act mm tie ptnitive element of tit Belt, thereby oanaing Galvanic circulation which will paaa on te the Relative, and thenc hack again to th positive thus keeping np a conunnoo vvsivanic eircalaUoa thmnghnrtt the system. Tbm th most serer case of DVSPkirSIA ar rKRMANK.NTLV 4 'jRCD. A FEW IMS IS AMPLV SI Ff H IKNT HO BjU CATE TUt JJliKASK OF YilABS. MANY THOUSAND CE OTITIC AT S AKD TCSTTKOITIALS fnm th most inteUigent and reapoctable ai a refilling in every portion of th I'm ted States, ewaltl be presented. These ar sow anncaarw. bat a numerous selertion embracing many state iaent of tb moat eateraordmarv character, auatcient t COM. VIM K THK MOSTSrivrTlCAL mav he bad ef tan aatbonsed AgeuL Th intrsUd ars aaiiKalarlw iiaViteU to caiL WHAT THINK YOU OP THIS T Fran ef the aaaft alMlaYvaM rkraV claaa la Uw tUj af llrw lark. "1 hav been nsing Christ V Mvattie arttelas ha a ejniet way among my pa'ient ftx about two yeara past, and I eotiteae I am aatoaua at tbear ancewaa. If I am en re a disease is . I know joe what they will do. In Fpilphcrit, prtcolarrf n children ; leafiie arvt AJections of th Head. fa adulta ; Paralysis and Palsv, in all ages, and .ad rat several other disease of like - kirk kav lenag put7ied th profesimn. I I j fo I th Us Wane rticles of surprising beneS A!ho rk I detest th abanveles quackery of adv "jeery a aad new. pera, I niiist express my ... and belief ta th inderful virtuea or CHRISTIE'S Cl RA TI Vr A My nam is, of conra, criaVlatiaL Bt I hall never hesttat to rtriraia saw av arUsiea aa aU proper occasooa.n ASOTHZK HTSTASCE OT CABDOS. Ta P. C. alaaanr.n, M. P, an. Act. tot Or. taiimt. New Vo. Dear Sir, Baing a phTMfian ia tha vicinity of oa ot ymuw Agauia, I ka,a bona mnch gnti tha aaaminatkin of your lial.anie Caralivaa. aa4 kaibly planar, with their practical feraJta. I hao bMivoi that Lhaj are contracted cs lLo Inn acisa lias prinripla lor lha emtle. n. fault oa4 oaa. ftaaat daThpatcnt ot tlta Llalvanic Carranl. tbaeaav glliag a difideratnm. trntg aoucht for. hilt hmnkn nluown. I ckMrfuUjr rccoauneaj thaaa tor ta. alleviation and euro of uuise diitraaalng aUmanta Called Naavava CoMvuira. lor aia UMf ara a aaipily an.) ingeniou.lv de.igne.1 Varf tn.lv riura. OAVID HICK, M. ft. . . Lavmtt, Illaaa., fvbruary IS. ISM. gar N vmnMe or inaonvanianea atta-kW oVa ajaa. Ot V. CHHISTIKS 4S.fI.l-J.VIC Cl'3.fTl-a; and they mar bo worn by ta. awat vrabteaaal Mi eat with parlact raa and aalety. la aanrjt Ilia sensation arfenuing their aa ts sift;, , i.iat mod oo-etoUe. They ara aceompaaiad by full aao plaln direcuona lor a... Tamphleta wKh tall nav toenlara asay ba otxaiaed (aMia, of la aataaveaal Agra o Prices: Th Oalvaaie Belt, Three DoUaiB. The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollar. The Oalvnnie ltraeeleta. The Magnetic fluid. One Dollar III One Dollar. PARTICULAR CAUTION. era. Jtrwsrc of Connterjeitt and M rrlilfU 1 9. C. M0REHKAD. V. .. OEltCBAI. AGtNT FOR THE t NITtB aTATtam IU Bt.aalw.y. Bow Yaara. Aarjrr ia IvaULnnj-C. W. ECBArnjI tDnntcb at tlje ClirotiitU XDfits, ON accoael firm ca en lo tia J' alanding.CASD aad le Wood. Wheat. Butter. sed stmt otbev riedce 1bt hosWVsVo, a ewrtsat t se 1 in