i hi 9 fi.l: LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. 1 t:H L.J 14 i.1 if 111? HI. HI. i i r.' ' O ir ri'h"r J i'i.I ! r.ti I uJ"st thi.n know W'nv v i -n 1 it ln'.ir laud? It .. i"?.it A I i n li! Irr'.ow V .. .. i o: . ii In n lMre's hind ; A t : M- ' U'Vf m Is tf enrtil. 1 i: i ;i - i e.i l'l on every nanJ, A .1 tr ii - it v jf h' birlh, fij ci.' .t T o .nmrv, r.i'.!i-r land.' A" ! E ntv, j , li tt v. .1 -i'. f At 1 m iv T. :' vtic. Mil1 A ! i S.i tM-'.- h1 - r i . v r tiifv sty. n.' ! A ! i:n taught. ' , .-Ii n. !:,. u I tr l lair tT war.: : t.tnn -t!.?ss I.iu s. ii'j.nt tlij hrij, V. e 'leauM-. m it v r t. l.t; At! t'.i- ,:.-!,- 1 I In:" I. fi . in iij ,i!t ti rr, ii t'v mine ; Tf '.tag i a- t;.t ls hath t.dl, Vis f c . i ii i!i? frt-nV line ; A-.-t t!iitv n-e oi T-r.h.;-lni J, U'- i-o irs: 'ssins -hi'ir they sprung: V.' -i " ir - ty Fi:h'r foti, We eVI .v.ir In-tar M.nlur .injur. ."ir,. i'ii: t" u.lTsirt (IV) Patriot j'tiuK tii. fJli ir." name in full in the. cdi t -rii! iuiil and apjc.-uda the following no- t:": Wj pln-v our oitno in the editorial head rf the li'ri it. i!ie hope tliit those j- iaa'Uj-.i-. in lui'lj:s;s wlio so greatly Jj s.rj tf ii i't :r.-on;il clioslistmcnt on thi cJ.tor, in y mt ix at a loss tnfinJtl c o'jvctif tlnir in iiguation. We woulJ it'onn t'j' e . .iT!-3i!s tiiat they can Cod us :t r;ir cSco, a', all reasonable Lours, r-?aJy a iJ wiping to reejivo ct!!s ia their Jina. Thtra was rocently a hutly cnoteiitud cleclion nt l.ridgep .r(, Co.ineoHcut, for a f-ate It prescutative to s-jpply a vacancy. In ! l ;ntuin, aua a lit-v. jir. Minat v. ;t". tho candidates. When the polls v.re counted, great was the astotiisLiuent at uiicovi riii,; that Thi. II. Oakley, wboe uamo had never lo- n mentioned f r the oiaee, pn.Iiciy, had heeu ei.'ctol by a ma- a-1 j.trity f.r !.t) . ; uere th: Ik-kcIs catui j fio!2 aud k voU'l ihcia r-m iins a emu- pli-.tii myntiTy. Titf citiiiis "Luoif notu- I . . . ?ai A.:-.-i:.':vt. An nprt.1 mm known i:i thi3 Ic:ni;y ss " Dutch John," was as - i . J I - Tl . 1 t.Jtia1' l!'! UST-'T at Ile t.. o. tl'Hi'l, iU i V.i!: .ii:.-rrt, in watering the borres at the canul en Monday evening last, when be nra. severely kifki"! io the forcltevl by ti'i- Ifirse in his ilinrge, eomplotely cru.sh ia ill death on Wednesday niomiug. j'Viss. Kit IB. Pa., May 8. Yfbt'TiIay iDom'rp. during the celol ra tlin of Diuno s.'i viee in the Rinnn Catho lic ("nKi-h i i this pUci, ;Ue a'lcry gave . way aim 1 1 li ni' nnor, crusuiLg many j jTMrt. A larij" nnniLer were bidly in j irt'J, aui one individual was killed. i "aree r f the inj'ired arc past recovery. Haven, May 4 T.j f wo Houses 0 the Legislature of the Stata met in Cin- . r. ntion to d.,v. and chosa Henrv Dutton n J , tiie vouih hy well established habits 01 order, fir fJovernor; A. H. Iloln-y for Lieut. . energy and independent self-reliance, for se t.vernnr: ). II. Perry for Seerctarv of ! fulness and success in life. ," " , The Bible is in daily use in the school .-rate; v. n . t. amp lor irea-urer, r.rni j Johu D11nh.nu for , all WLigsi. Mr. , 1i-., I Ji'i ., f aa -o. i ... u.. . i-. . w. Wilmington, May 2. Dr. r IT jrwar.l ! S: Uay"a,ra' j Mayor of tuisj t lie Maine La-.v vaiuiidate for city, was elected to day, over John A. Aiderdiee, the regular Whig nomiueo, by 171 liiajority. I.. S. R Duller, the Maine Law caml.u.ite fi r Alderuiau, is also elected by lbs tiiiin; iu:ij 'Hty. T. . .1 1 -. -e.,l .r,A L (t..,;. ' , .11 TLB . .".ii.j .1..... uu i j, ... children wanuly ca t jast now, nor suoula they, the first, wariii day, take off their fl'niue!s. More moItik-ss among children is caucd by the c'ircb.vsn 3ss of parents in ibis re.-pect, during the ohaiigeable spring uiobthf, than from any e&her cause. The Utica Herald, varying the axiom a little, says that " tature alLors a va gabond." Idle j ouug meu are advised to gj to the West, where there is a loud call for laborers aud mechanics to come and help theui. A correspiPik nt of the X. Y. Express, wntmS from W ashmgton, says that the . NortLtm Dcuioorats and Sou;ht:rn Uuion- fctsuill nominate James Duehanan for! President, end George K. 15adger (Whig) for Vice President. -- 1 " uat an tusallera'jjc puppy mat young 1 oDieer taia iirown, who bad been rath- : . .1 .1 .i.ti t .1.. . 1.:. ... lr '"'' me rwm ' im v"jw' i 01 ii. o tuning reuituik. - les, ta.u uia 'rkiid, "he ia a West-Pointer.' ?'tr. r lift voar RLirit to be subdued bv . . , . .r.unu i.ui on me contrary, steer .t owuivaii!, with a couraac crtater ' tiiuu joitr f tte Keius to allow. - I Theie is a w..n ia I5oston. who. six aioi'ihs ao, nas in reduced circumstances, but is now linking a net f rofit of ?1500 1 .n! per vteek Ly the tale cf a ropular patent A I rilit liltle girl, eight jews of age, i'.ed ou Man Jay in Newark, N. J., from sonvuUions, brought on by excessive ex ertions iu "jumping the ropa." A movement is on foJt iu Lancaster, to erect a monument to the memory of Gov ernor Shu't7, whese remains rejiise in the Woodward 1 1 ill Coinetery. Tiio number uf logs lost by the breaking awsy ot t ne tooms at Ulcus Falls, X. Y.t x 120.000. Crfta peas aio soiling in, I'etersbarj, "it, u 4i fcusJ, Telegraphing new RaU Table. From Ltici'fiurir tr $0,28 Berwick $0.1 25 ninnm.sbnrg 18 23 t'allawissa 17 21 Danville IS 21 Chapman 20 20 Carbondale 26 25 Puninnre 25 23 Hr!e Park. 24 21 Wilkesbarre 20 20 1'lymonlh 20 IS lilm.m'iburj 19 13 Danville 15 J5 Munbury 1" 17 M'Evrensvillt 15 IS Williamsport 17 20 Lock Haven 18 lieech Creek 20 34 Bellefonte 21 Diifhin Junction l.nprpc.ol M'K5 ) falls rHin2:rove I'rovidtnce i4r.raiitim I'ltlll'ID Kingston Nurthuinl-erlind Militia Munfy .If rs'v Short Mill Hall Milrsburg rbiladelphia. For every addition! ord 1 cent to all sta tion on this line. Xot now in operation. "All other stations west and sooth ofj Philadelphia, rate increased 8 cents. i A Word for Ourselves Since the Chronicle came into our hands, we hare clothed it in new tvpe. at a cost nf t?M or S100 Office rent has nearly doubled Printing paper lias advanced 20 or 25 per cent. The numbeT of workmen employed is larger Fanners' produce is raised in nriee generally but our terms bare not been advanced. Thus, while onr pitrnnajt has incrrned, our pmjili Lave not. 2fA retsnnable inference from these j premiers is, tbat ws must baise ui ratks r criAROES, or our reaJrrt most obtain n increase of tatboxaob. The pipers above ns on the West Branch, and .. i. va.k 11m nh nri iaewnere. fc , . ch We ehooN to W3;rone Tear longer at the old rates, Inistins that wo may be lavorca wun ucn an increa-e of Subscribers. Advertising, and Job Wort, as may enable us to keep on at our old rates. j Tn almost every neighborhood, within OA m :1. ..Alinrl T .Awi.-Vllt,r Sfl.l f Ifinill Da m- ht b(j obta;ned. We ge(1 j 0lU wctk,v 98 papc ; tingle ,rr.i;jwr$. To priut,"fo!d, envelope, and Jjrect singly, 5- times a year, affords but it C-. . 1 , t t j goftiug a paper alone will get one or more jtiew subcril.ers to join him, the larger 1 packages will go more safely, and afford . . 1 1 . itiut cwjicusauMU. aWe ask all who approve the course of our paper, to aid it by getting one or more subcribers."wSa or iuk LEWISBURG ACADEMY Will commence on Mossav, April 17, IBM, to coutinue 20 weeks. 1'lie course of Instruction in this Institution u calculated to prepare youthsto enter College or for general business. Composition and Declamation receive care ful attention. The subscriber il solicitous to secure a class of Young Ladiet. titir constant aim in the improvement of the pupil, ts to render the DitripLnt of the school. well a IIIC IIICIC IUllllllI UU V-UH lift jo, knowledse.subservienl to the higher objects. to wit.the formation of a rood character, based ul'un suUnl morality, and ihe preparauoa of Fof L!lnRnagM 5,0, H,Rher Eng- lish :4, and common branches, (including Blading. Writiog, Ueographv. Arithmetic, 1 L. ,r... a ...... utammar auu i .e. nisiory; ? jicr scmiuh. Ku dtdaction excert for sickness. JOHN RANDOLPH. March 17, 1851. Principal THE0. S. CHRIST, Wholesale and Retail DRUGGIST, MiRUnbare:, Union County, Pa. T TAV1NG purchased the entire Drag Store C 1.. t a U .. T I lVli:,... J. IJ t L ""nerijt .cjn u, . . u, . a (n m rien(js anj (be public in een. jeral a Iresh and pure lot ot jJrtms, eiKii)I:qls an gitj-giqffs. Kn l'atnts. Oils, Glass, Putty and Patent Medicines, finishes and Combs of every variety. A fine assortment of JEW ELK V, such as Watehes.goldand silver Pencils, Ear and Fin ger Rings, Breast Pins, &c. Ac. Cards,En velopes. Note and Letter Paper. SoaiM and I'erfHmerT. All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, Pine Oil and Burning Fluid. Liquors of all kinds, for medicinal purposes. Violins, Flutes and Ac cordet ns, Nuts, Fruits and Confectionery :ad i" fact, almost anything in the way of No- ine for yourseIves. I charge nothing for look ing. THKO. 8. CHRIST, Mifflinburg, Pa, Jan. S, 1854 ly Life Insurance Companies ! Lnndon Rational lttan Fund, ("6 Cornhill, London; 71 Wall St. N.Tnrk) jy Capital $2,SOO J)00 Life Inturimn I nmjumy, (Hartford, Conn.)' CaTAnnuity Fund 150,O0O Aynrone MutunL, (Harrisbnrr. Pa.) C5CapitaI $120,000 TOL,r:lfcs ,D ,b bove Companies can be ,1 obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli- rali;,n to the subscriber. California ntks, 3 t per cent extra. . 1 Bn ww rw wwmwrrw r I IC0. I If XI. V . n 1 IV1V IV. MJCtVwMUVTg, Re-raoval. "O WINEGARDEN has re-moved from war up town" back to the new build. ing at the old head quarters, in Market street. 'immediately under the" Chronicle 'and lele- ' .nnh n It. . . . 1 L. : 1 1 I.. Ua ... w.ii-'-.T, iviiriv lie m w wmyyj IU "smoke" and "chew" his friends and cus tomers, in good style and quality at moderate casn rates. Lewisburg, Oct. 14, 1853. HENRY C. 111CKOK, Jllto rnr? 9 ot Jao, AND kLewlttbars;, rafn Conatjr Pa. -VfonCE is hereby given that Absalom B. 8iuart has this day retired from the 0rm of Tustin, Smart and Lewis, he hav ing sold his interest therein to John W.Stoart, wiu takes his place in said firm. TUTL, BTIAET tEWla 4Ma4,mi The renowned Remedy! IIO LLO WAVJSOIN TMKNT Tbil ntraonlin&ry t'oK'Ut ia eomponod of the nnwt baUiiiK UakiMkm11, auJ rntwn used in accurdauce with Ike dtritioia- wtaiHi ocoinpau ach xtt will inner turn vboo ail other BtvM fall. Cas of Uir DMMt Ut)craU tfktn diMsaio-K roatiily yimld to iU efflcacy. It w fKOitas wlien wmi in caw of itout,HLeunatiaiu, CoBlratTlrtj or ttiff Jt4uU. In AalliBkM il will do VMBdora if ruboJ into the Cheat. Most astonishing Cure of Scrofulous Ulcers, certified by the Mayor of Boston, (Eng.) Cbpy of UtUr frm J. oU, Ktq., Mayor of Potion, xo Panrasinit IIuiwAt iwar S ir : Mr. 8th uikoo brlorw of Lijiuoriwuj strt. ium, .th.i . Mrvni.viraM brrM h van Mrvlr afflrClrd with arroTultm. or id uierram nwirai , nt fhr n.ru at htr budv : an.l althoUtcb th ftrtt of , mrdical dic wm obtain!, at lit ront of a largo aura of nioiify, Bbe obtaint-d no alsnUawnt of ulferiug, but eraMliially grew wow. 1. f-A - -airrs ,tt rat. b. ir-.rlnit with tbe mfjiriuw tm . .hort um j . ' .... - . .iinH-tinna. mod atrletlv adhering loncvr r-v"i"ir 1 - . to yonr rule u to dirt, ae . ine was pmccuj to, BOW uniay. lb bet of health. I remain, dear ir, Bated Aug. 12, 18..J. (mgned) J. SOBI.E. Extraordinary and rapid Cure of Erysipelas in the Leg, after medical aid had failed. Lttter fr-m Mr,. Klvabrth rUH'tf" 'wU To Hrof. a.r llollo-.y--ir: 1 ."SjrrJ t ", ble period f.nm a -rr. atla.li '''"Vj lf'f' ? I.....O, .ttlrd in bit I IMC. ami mimUri all medical treat- m.-ut. Mv.ulleriiwere erjrgtt.Dd 1 quite d-arain-a L'e"leo!nHatr M'1"- I dldaowithont delay, and am h.pr to tay the mult .aa emineutly uoreriil. I" they effecteil a rl!rl eur. of my leg aud mitered me to the enjoyment of health. I "hall eeer peak with tlie ntmon o..fidenee of your medieinea, and haee reuimtneodea them to othera in thU Kighborllood auuilarly alHett-d, who derived great benefit. 1'am. ir, vour oUiad and tiitlifil wrrunt, (eigned) ELlZAllkTtl VEATES. Ttie Pill" "hou:d be need eonjointly with the OintoHDt ia owt of the fol lowing cum : Bad !- Chilblains Fi.tulaa Sore ThroaU lad nreafts Chied Gout Sain Diaeaaea llurna llanda Glandular Grurry Buarna Corns (eoft) riwelhngs Sore Heads bitea of Moa- Caneera Lumbago Tumnra rlirtoea and Contracted hilea flcerl gand-Fliet and Stilt nhr-nmatbm Wouuda Coeo-ll.T Joints f.nH Yaa-a Chieei-foot Klephantiaals core N'ipptea Ac. Ac. Sold at the K-tahlthmnt of IViturxr HoiLOWiT, 244, Strand. (ueorT-mple liar. Londoa), aud alsuat hia bouae inNi-wYork. D.ilera air MWicin-a in llientales.a'tdresa'Ml r. nflmiwe. '"rf: '' will re'eire due attenttnn. Sold alio brail reanM-taWeDmirtriaUi and dealers in MnlUinns ti.....i.... ill 1'nifi.d ritut... in l'..la t .17 U eta 67 eta. j and SUM. each. liolesalc Ly tile prmcipal brug houses in th Lnmn. thfrt ii a enruidraht' intinijly Uil ivj theinrrer tiwu, .B. Dlreetions for the eu'dance of patients Iu .very disorder are aflix.-d to each I'ot. Oy04) Sold by Dr. KEMPER, Mifilinburg The Old Blamuiolli DRUG AUD CHEEHCAL ElOFORIUIS RE-OPES ED. Dr. TIIOHSTO.'V & Co., iTWeWe & Hi-Mil DruijjitU, Iicislurg, OFFER to their friends and the pnblic a large and well selected slock of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spices, (pnre,) Dye-Siufl's, Brushes, Combs, Perfume ry, Soaps, r ancy notions, rruit.Uonlectionery, Books Stationery, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. Give us a call and judge for yourselves we charge nothing for looking. Remember the Mammoth Drug Store! Da. T. A. II. THORNTON & CO. FALL FAS1IIONS-1853. UAT, CAP & CI.OTIIIXG STORE, South Latt Vomer Market and Third Sit. J. & F. Spyker HAVE just opened and for sale cheap for Caib or in exchange for country produce latn Moleskin Nos. 1, 2, 3; Silk Nos. 1. 2, 3 ; Angola Nos. 1, 2, 3 ; black curled brim pearl and flat brim Hungarian, line brush, maggon, wool, for Men and Boys. Summer Ilats from Panama down to a levy chip. Caps of the latest styles and of every des eription, to suit everybody. Clot bins; Coats, Pants, and Tests for Men and Boys; Shirts of different kinds, shirt enllars, stocks, handkerchiefs, gloves, socks. in short everything to wear from head to foot. Also Carpet Bags and Trunks. Thankful to our customers for past favors we hope for a continuance of the same, as our prices are low. Live us a call and examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. A large assortment of Furs, such as Muffs, Victoriues and Mutfatees, Ac Panama, Leghorn Hals, and Bonnets whit e ana ratusta on short notice aud reason able terms. Nov. 4, 1853 UAKKlSHUltG BINDERY, jr. J. Clyde & F. L. Halter. -S awrjaeri to IK O. 27; ojt a Co. Book Binders and Stationers, and Blank Boor Manlfactukeks, Il'irriJiurrf, Pa. MOST respectfully inform theirfriends that they are engaged in the above business f ir directly opposite Heir's Hotel.gj They flatter themselves, by careful attention to their business, to receive a continuance of the pat ronage so liberally enjoyed by the old firm. BL ANK BOOKS for Banks. County Offices, Merchants, and private individuals, and every variety of full and half-bound constantly on hand. Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books, Periodicals, Magazines, Law Books, Newspa pers, Bibles, Music, works issued in Nos, &e bonnd in any style, plain or extra. All work warranted, and done cheaply. Please give us a call. C. St H. W Books &c to be bound may be left with the Editor of the Chronicle. 509 MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, IEJTLI ft EXFEBITIOIILI AT THE "XHRONICLE' OFFICE Lewisburg. H. GE&HART. StirceOa Oentllt I Al nia BeetoVnee, Sooth Third SL.con. Mfae Beard walk. i mm . . W IMW1SMVU9. til VL I - M I CLI.VTOX WELCH, Aftoraey at K.afT, LEW1SBURG, Union Co., Fa. 8f30ffice on S. Second St. n;ar Marlet. Refers to . Jimtn Bmtidr, Btltffonte, IV. " T. m, do C llama To- rf itwuni irVwa, trautwa, A. A.Jrtlant Sunbmry. " fgaiMl (alein, ll-iluliUllurg. Linn, Smith O . fWulcijiAia. lu 6r0, jirU 22, 1 S63. " 5ma Vori oni Cul'c Sala." BARGAINS i CHEAP STOKE or E take this meibod of informing the public that we bave Dltea up me oiu -VMOy TRAD1XG Si abu,- where we would invite especial attention to -ri f OUr SIOCK Ol DOMESTIC GOODS, Groceries and ... . r . .- ..,h.r in ree.iri? .wh:ci" .'.:. s-rd. h.. Seen , ru. for CMn at the lowest price, and will 17 1 be sold on accommoaaiing " CASH will be paid for all kinds of Grain and the very highest price paid, in goods, lor every description of Domestic Produce. Turtleville, April 22, 1853 NEW FIRM, AND A NEW STOCK IN TRADE. The subscriber, having formed a co-partnership in business, now offer &lo old friends and the public, at the late stand of S. F. Lvndall.on Market street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot of J3oot.3 anU SO on for Men and Boys ever offered in Lewisburg. A Splendid Lot f CUM SHOES. Also all kinds of Gaiters, half-Gaiters, etc. Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes. Work made to order Mending as nsual. As we are both known as practical shoe makers and experienced workmen, we solicit a share of the public patronage and will try to merit it. S. & I. Sllfcr. Lewisburg, Nov. 11, 1853 Lightning Rods. AFTER many years' rloae investigation and numerous eipeiimenu. the Patentee takes ulcasura in infoimtng the public that be has arrived at the true principle of piotecting farnilira, dwellings and properly from the destructive influ ence of LIGHTNING. The calamines that every City, 1 own, V illage and Country falls victim to annually, thro' the gross negligence of its inhabitants, ia beyond calculation, especially ben the remedy is so easy to obtain tuia is found in ARKITAQE'S Patent fUagiutic Cigbtning Uotls, and in tbia alone. This Rod baa beeu eiamined by the most oeienlific genilemen in the worlJ Professora M Murine, Johnaon, Wallor and many ulhera that have eiamined them, recommend and speak of them in the highest terms of approbation. and bave pronounced them tbe only sale rods to use in this or any other country for tbe protection of Lives and Property. One adranlsee ia to divide and throw back a part of the electric fluid barmlrss lo ibe clouds ; in time ol a stroke ibis enables the rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs to Ibe earth wiiboul tbe slightest danger of lea ving the conductor. This rod haa many otter advantages ovei the old one. The only place ol manufacturing ia in Pine St. 3 duort abort -th, Philadelphia, where all persona are respectfully invited to rail and eiamine for themselves. For sale Wholesale or Retail by THO'S ARMITAGE. Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash. These rods bave been purchased and success fully used by the following individuals, companies and corporation., who names are cheerfully ' eubmmetl : In and near rhitadtlphia. A. k 8. ftot-prtfl. Gfnrtt Santzingvr, Judge lrouvir, 3wge Conrat, J. Hulfurd, John Iodi, '. C Clauicjr, J. Urooner, Ii. tkir, l otirad lugersol, tbe Block. -y Alaishouio, AiideriuD a'brnthri, Rt-T. J. L. irnt, John oiman. Thou. liroTer, ltai k H-nn A. It. (jirkeT, II. eiraiii"Dn. Thos. Nott A Co.. Mr. Iown.n;r, J. V. Orwr. J. V. Watison, C. llumphrvv, J. Itily A Co., J. Kyman, B. BarlMi, J. ranitKiTtt V'. Vvp rr, Mr. tharplefji, r. Martin, 8. Dorb)y, l. Itiiokley, Mr. laiHii, lir. Taul, 8. II. l'owari A Co., J. Winapriia t, H. Millar, th Red lUnk lint, tbo t. S. Artsruai, tlie gprii.fr: Uardrn CoanniMsionrii' Hail. In the Sate of At to Jrr$ty. Cieorjre Crispin. Judire MVall, Jude D.yt.-o, John Nctnun. Ir. II. M'Murite, BciiJ.llobrita, Mr. J. Ilnwn.nff. jy cxi oa cocxTr. Hartley Tp Hark llalfrrtny, Wm. rvsr, JohBTTaan, Ml"hael Vetn, Jarob Smith, 0iid FUnfta. Kmbfn Mnch George Krrrkner. Xem Berlin.CoaTt House, and Commis-ioaMrrV OlSre. lAWuit't Te. John liehor. Union Tp. Irr. Charlrs WiImhu HwMiajrfow rw. John Ruou, Simon Kunta. fnn Tp.lmc iiiiiiron. White Deer i Utchaol Uotbau. JtECOMMEXDA TJOX'S. rniLADA Aojr.ia, 1M7. t bare thle day earefully intipoctvit ctndurior or MirbtDiDt; Kod, with Tane and Index, erected by Mr. Ihomae Anwitatre, UelleTne lloaiw, QhHieejteT. and bave ao notation in Mying that it is not only the bint i nave ewer aien. DUt tbat It ta tbe only one I have yet exajauwed that in eoatruchd ow atritHly MMntifie piin-i-ple. It in with niach pleasure that I rrfonneid hia eoadactor te the attention of owaeri of butldinira. H. M. Mt'KTKIB. I am well eatlofled fhat the Mapnetie Lifrhtnin- Rod, manufartured by Mr. Thomaa Arruitare. of ThilaUelphia, in the betrt that haa ever been made. 1 hare spent MTeral year in the etudy of the lawn of electricity and mettrnet If m, and have no hesitation in UTinc tbat thene Koda are ronHtTweted nrwn the only principteof amfety. Theelectrie tnora ie reorirea ana aicperrai try tno mafrnet at the top of the rod. awl it would he impotiMe, arcordin to the lawa of attraction and repnlnion. r a hoiidinir to be injured by a ntrke of llj-htninj; when protected by one of theae rod a. I have been acfiuainted with Mr. Armitar for aeveral yearn, and ht-fire be commenced the mMufae tare of these rods I examined the principle on which they are mnstrwctetl, and flt convinced tbat their adoption would be attcDd.-d wilii complete succces. The ineTeaaint demand for tbeMrtMsi,an4t tleextensirejla in nil parta af the conotry, if ample com mend atino f their ntillty and eufkeriority. TRACY E. WALLER, M. l. Kbing tfun, PhiUd.Co., April 10, 1652. ty8.C. WILT and SAMUEL HOOVER. Hart let on. Union Co Pa. ate A rents for Union and adjoining Counties, and will furni.h the Rode on Ihe eame lerms and in the eame manner ae ihe Prrprielor. PIANO AGENCY. SfSM HAVING bean appointed Ageet for the aala of the celebrated Pianos, manufactured by GEO. VOMIT, milady the undersigned would be happy to supply any ciliaensof the Susquehanna country who may desire an Inrtramenl well saada. after the latest improvements. Two of theae Instruments bave lately been introduced1 into Lawisbarg. to which m h,p,T ,0 ,efer one- The Pianoe are warranted, and if mkMmtiory on trial for a WarMMIaWatl aftMwl at aa aw raawt.aaaai aha tt.I.I 4Taia year.ine mmj bo exchanieed. Fricee reaeon FR NCW J. CE38KER. Lawiebvf. Feb 24 UM. I Almanac for 1854. S S s si- a I .1 I I 1 Z Si 4l f.! Ol 71 S k 10 llhaii:: 14 IS rmii IS 5 11117 lfll!ll:Tl-.'l ,11 Si it;ii luLaiil r z.'iri4i6i2iij:laiUK S1 24 fcl.Tiiii! 4 a 4 5 fliu'lljU 2 3 4 (; llolllllJ! lolliilxllvl I r! a 7 s B 14 14, 04 !- SSSIldi I:ill4ll5iir.'l'llil 2,1 In 'i'ia! a "Sit'iA 3 " "I io!n'i2 M al 41 K 2 !l t s nil tt i.nitiii u.i i: it- ia; 14 le 17 Sis i 2j!a 22 23,24 27 is'f.ao ai 2137 12 tj 30 1 ' 14115 2l!22 2S:ta is. 3 4 tV I n 7 - 1 4 mm 10 lllfi l.l 14 Ii S l"ll a a) 17.1s,l,2tl;ili2'.'12a s4 sstwlm iai .ao es i i-'ii 2fl! f23j24 ii su.ai I 1 j 7 S a 1.1II4IIS 2b 27 4 s Iltl2 3 s 9 "I S T lni'joL'l t! a ir. i!ii in w ri!'4-'a4 aa 2.1(21 22,2a,24 2i 2S 2, 3 10 lr. 17 51 . t! 6l 7 S li;l 14 C ln-lin 2! TTh l 9 8 4 ft! in II H 41 SI 7l Si I6H!I7 IS Z ll I2ia,i4 ii 22;;l!!4 f) lhI?!-"":212-.' gsliWa:! 26: i7 -H ; -. 3l 30 31 Winiield Woolen Factory, Wear llartlcton, E'nlon County. rilHtS establishment is now in the bent order. The machinery being nearly all new, aud none but the best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying that his work shall not be surpassed by any establish ment in this or the ailjoiuing counties. His wat-poiis will be around as usual, and those wishing to patronize his establishment, will please avail themselves of that opportu ne- 1T I have also on hand, and intend Keep ing a choice assortment of Goods, such as Clntm, Snti nrttt, Vanhmrrrt, Tweed', Blanket!, rums. Ac. which I will sell low for cash, or exchange for Wool and Cnnnirv Produce gen erally. MARK HALFPENNY. Hanleton, April S3, 18o3 it 151 spae.i.fcl rPHK undersigned continues the LITE- HT Bl'SLYESS at the Old Siaod, on INorlh Ihird St., near niarnct, respectfully tolieits the paimnage ol his friends und the public ecnrrally. ClIARLKS F. IlbSS. Lcwisbtirg, May 22, 1850 o WHOLESALE and It ETA I L DRUG Market Street, L,cvlbur?, fn. CHERRY PECTORAL Far llae Cars mt coruns, (olds, doarsexess, BROXCBITIS, vVHOOPlXG-COCCn, 1 CK01P, ASTIIMI. A.D 1 C0XSCMPTI0X. ! uAn1 1$ tht hrvr, uym U-f httttJc U.rrof shall ffTtnr ttJf . trttM f-,r ent. tvhu leaf than nx imte una in j-nu thereof thaii- meat and theitfthfoformtdictm: Here wan hope for the irk recorded Ion ai;o, and every yenr adds new j roof to the aeuranf s that theae prumUM , ahall not fail. Asmedical se.eri-e diwovcm nn.l dr-wij-oatrt the remedies ! nature ha given, one br one tlie 1it-cb that afflict onr j race yield to tbe control cf ert. Of all the maladiee we uffvr from, none has rorrkd uiorc vrctims to an ntitimr-ly j graTe than Connumptien of Uie Luns. fnhjoined we : aire aome evidence that thw too may be cured, and that rulmonary CompIaiuU,in all their lbrmf.ina; be removed by Chrbrt PacToatL. FOR IXFLVEXZ.i AXD WTJOOPIXG COCGfT. N..tnviu.K, TcuDJuue ;!, Fir X have repeaie,(iy ued yur I'ii'brt Fectobal for Wbopiitg Coueh and lulsat-bu, i.U bave no hentiittori in prioonncim it a e mpl! r m d: four of my child drn bve b)-n aftlicted with tlicae (liseari, and ibe free une of the 1'tU.OaaAL haa always afiid.d almost iuntaut irii' i. aj a aa Mmo j wj v ais. i We attest the truth of the above Ktateoient: j M. M'ilTY.Kd tvr of the Nashville Whiff. J. M. ZIMMERMAN, Drusxjibt. FOR A COXSrVPTVX VOCGfT. I'lTTfiiiito. Ia l'.-b. 25, 1M. Dear Sir For thr e yturw I hate been eftiicta-d with a J eouph, so(!irtiriii.nti thit 1 frequently Vpafrcd of rvtMV- ' ery; much of the time I wil- obi to ait ttp all ntrht in ! my chair, a my ou'h would nuiTucate me when I laid down. Ilnvinir ut-d nunr remsliea without much relief, 1 at lat tried the Ckkrky pF47rva.iL. which under Provid- ' enoe haa cured me altopiUier. I am with trriititude I Yours, JA.MKtt M'C A N LI.K:?. 1 Among the other d'stiniruished authorities who have lent thetr nam- tie rccmnmend tbia pr-pa ration aa the i best known to them f r iTectins of the lin?j,are l'ret. FhRKiiftt, of Vermont Mod. College. Prf HiLUM.i. jf Yale C Ilece. Prof Valstib Mott, of New York. Prof. CLiAVatiAKn, of Rowdoin Med.Oolleca. Prof Ri'TTKRFlKlP. of Ohio Med. College. rvt.M . Jocb.v! or Mr.ntrAt ictrca. B'lSTi!l MRD1C4.L AKTi iSt K'.lCAL Joi'BriiVU Ch,BI.TN iS C.) MffaVICAI. KkTIEW. cw JebikV MtBirt hrroBTF.a. 1! n. linn tit Clat. U. 8. Senator. Hon. Oko. P. M.bsh. Am. Amluuiwadtr taTnrkey. Gen. Ewasukl Btuir.i, Preaident of Chill. Kt. Kev. Ko. Powcb. Lord R.aliop of Toronto. Rev Pr. LA5?it?(i.. of Rmoklyn, N. Y. Archbthop Pcbckll, of Cincinnati, O. AN" msny eminent peraonaerea in f-Tfipn conntrle. Not only in the more ilanjernnfiand dbtrcainKdiasiifea of the l.itntra, but ali-o aa a fimily medicine for oeeaatonal UMe, it ia the sat-st, ph:a5ante5t and beat in the world. PRF.rARF.n AXD S'H.T II F JAMES C. A TER Practical and Analytiml Chemiat, L twll. Matt. ,For ale by 0. W. $eu .Ff LB, Iwibnr- J. H.Caalow, Milton; Mis M. M'Cav. N'orihumt-erland: i.W. Kealrr, New Berlin; I.Oerhart, 9eHnrrov ; and by Dru&rUtj everywhere). Iyiiuide4urchen 9Iap of ilic State or California. OREOON, UTAH, KEW MtXICO, and TEXAS, pnnteJ by 8. Aug'a Mitchell in 1846, and painted lo correspond wilh ihe boun daries fixed by Congrcsain 1850 for eale at the Chronirtr office, price 25 cte. THE present Proprietor of ihe newly disco vered Ty'lnOcId Cave (limestone) in DRY VALLEY, I ,'nion t)o. hereby gives notice that Ihe Care wilt HOT be open on SUSDA YS for Visitors. It may be visited by Ladies and Gentlemen on any olhcr day, and on SATUR DAY of every week especial preparations will be made to accommodate with lights. fxAll persons are forbidden to break off, injure, or take away any specimens from the Cave, under penalty of prosecution. The payment of 12 cents only is required of every person before entering. NOAH WALTER. Drv Vall7. Jnn 53, 1S58. i Or. John Locket SURGEOX VESTIST, OrriCK removed to Market street, sec ond dour entrance door between Kline's Hotel and C. E. Bowes' Store. Lewisburg, April 1, 1853 Lewlsbarg Sating Inetltufion, IS now open and ready to do business. The regular Discount days are Wednesdays. 'J lie folluwing named persons are ihe DiaaCToaa Willism Caxaaoa, Esq. Mr. Jons.sr Walls. Mr. Bisaa Anatolia. Mr. Jis .M'Cieicst. Mr. Tausii Hiis. Mr. Willi aw Fbick. Fasu's C. Mixta, Esq. Omcaas WILLIAM CAMERON, Praidmt. H. P. SHELLEK, T-carrr. four per cent, per annum will be allowed op all deposits over six months ; and three per cent less than six and overtliree months. H. P. SIIE1.LER, Treasurer. Lewisburg. Sept. 1'J, ISoJ IT IS A FAGtT ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, that no Miller can make gnod clean flour without he has good clean wheat. 1 suppose you wish lo know the remedy. 1 tell you it is lo get one ol JlergtlTttsir't Wheat Scourers., or Smut Machines. lie being an old, practical and experienced Millwright lias invented, got up and put in successful operation the best Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and a Her wards finding that it does not prove to operate as repre sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma chines arc to be warranted good. Further recommendations are thought unnecessary He is now having a supply mnde at Lewis burg. bv Messrs. Geddes Si Marsh. Orders for machines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly ntlcnded lo. Machines will be sent and put to all order. Address J. BKi:STKUSSER, Lewisburg, I'nion Co. Pa. 323 iTrtiit nr.IJ ORNAMENTAL T&EES. The subscriber cllcis lor sale a lnrg dssortnient of choice Fruit Trees such Apple trees, 7 lo 10 feet hiah,40 vnrit:ii. all arr;ui'.t i! genuine I'each trees, 2t varieties; Tartarian Cherry, .Vtvtarinc, Prune and Pear trees, together nh soine 0 or 8 vnrielie of ts rape? Vinrs of theses! niiive and esolic varieties. Ornamenini Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, &.C N. B. Persons wishing to procure a quantity of the Fruit trees, a re requested 5o make immediate application to thesulwcri her, iu order lo procure the varieties anc size wnnlc I. II. R.NOLL. Lowisbure, March 4, IPSO. ciislmr0 .fonnorn flHE subscribers, thankful for pnst pat X ronigr, would inform the public ih.v tdey continue to mrinufncmre all kinds ol Mill Gearing and olhcr Castings. Thra.liine Machines, and other attirles ol Mtchiiirry repai red in the heal manner. Casting warranted to be of i,ool material, ami al prirrs that can not fail to please. fiEDDE.MARSII A CO. l.ewi-l u e. Feb. 1851 COOKIMs btovrs, of various pattern nnd sizes, for Con I or Wood, for sale at the LewUbutg Foun-l'v by GedJes. Marsh & Co. S IO liS Parlor, W c7d. and C oa I Sloves, varinud patterns, for .-me at the Lewii-bure Foundry. Geddes, Maish & Co. lt7IAUl'S Pulent 1'iana Plow, a upe- V rinr article, for saleat the Lewisburg Foundry by Ged.lea. Marsh A Co. (1 KA1.N or Seed Drills Koss' Patent VJ. 1.1'iiu' . me nr.. niiu inv.i uuraeir Grain Drill now in use. for sale at the Lewisburg Foundrv hy Geddes, Mamh 4 Co. Opposition is f7ir Life of Basinets ! NEW L1YE11Y exchangTstable. The suhscribrr would respectfully infoira tbe citiiens of Lewisburg and the traveling commun ity generally, that he has opened a new Livery and Exchange Stable ou FOL'KTH street bait a square Souih of Market, and has provided a good lot of Horses, wilh entirely new good and lash ionableCarriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Ac. where all wishing anything io bis line may be accommod ated on tha shortest notice and most reasonable terms. Ha will pay every attention to the wanta of bis customers, and hopes by ao doing to merit and receive a liberal share of public pationage. WILLIAM MOOKE. Lewisburg, Dec 30, 1851 Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC, ant) the German Ccngnagc. msg VERY ltankrl for past i f?aSv l5 P,,ro",e 'rom he litisens si'Ti Vi'-)andSludentsol Tl.ewisburg and C&JLgZiw vicinity, ibe aubaenber would l3a5- state that he continues to give Instructions on the Piano and Guitar also in Vocal Music and in the German Language. Having been taught in the leal Muaic Schools in Germany, he deems himself amply qualified to teach Music, and to aid in the correct acquisi tion of the rich German tongue. He will also tune Pianos, and put them in repair, if desired. Ketuli nee in Sonth Fourth street, in tbe I'le Brick Office ol Dr. I.ndwig. FRANCIS J. GESSHER. "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful disease, CO tlSU FilPTIO H! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure of Consumption. Thisnopular work for sale inLewisbure by 8. F.Lyndall J. Houghton and at this olTiee. Price. 75 cents Old Newspapers, ROME thousand, in number, of allsises, for aala at the Chronicle office, at 50 eta per ISO ttien as they run. or $1 when ateorted. A rheneefor Scrap Books aa wellaa for wrapping papar. At-il S, I CM iifllilli siiuggysy Ths ckw.mldgr& arnj ejrtraordinarr enntivt potrers M tiic wonderful wventioas m now n rally known and their lajtrsand repautisrt, tkmt oat ih hie couatrf eo xlenNT, that it wu4 tctj'ai nuncmrj to rjrtt tlienr ateiiu fnrtliar. In. otue bvcircamirituieoa awreoecorretl wtuca roade it a matterr of tiutjr to the puhtte not to b aiUfttar il-nt, for while the eahenecra a4rtnira of lWiaW ar trumteU hy eoiumua through the FraM tatS w allow ed by quart and jrislloas by tiue aiflxloi, and ax lon.nl jtut gd or nedumg. brhlitH CailTank and Slagvcdc imraBms fcavo boeit owietly wockiair tfattir way aejekc the tnuat luifuiirertt aan rvapccuLi ciaaaoa, obo ara roa.tatiUy acui-tvu.ej rum ia aw aiarwitnsx rrata f diseases, wbicb aa for awe. Lafllwl au u a.d of wiruicMi. anJ all tiia raauiucea ai Sciatica, lasas diaeascs are called NERVOrS COMPLAIVTS, end in theae dieaaee medic ia of no avail wkm) over. It never dova arood and it often doea ktrm. Srnipe. tvtracta. Balraa, Baisama, luluura, tuntrt fill. i'owJers aiui Potiooa of overy kind art tm worthlesa, tor they woakea tha vital eaenraa af tae already prott rated aytern, while under tba atrvnr utuy, ife-Kivu.sr. viLRiixJor inlitenceof OwUroa, aa apfiied by tbia beauufnl diacovery. the exlMtnttd paticat aoal weened ao Jerer ia restored to lonaat Lea lib, atrenf tit, elaeticiry and visjor. These remarka relate to atich disease as NEtj. RALOiA, Tit; DOLORKI X. BROM HITIS, M1V PITATION of the Hr.AHT. WfcAKNr and a KKM ALK DISOKUrlKS, such aa N'KRVOt'S HKAD At HK. LASSJTL'DK and ntiPtNlE.C Y, wkjck are only other name for Ncrvnns Deranffemest . k.PlLc.PTIO KITS and tON VLLSIONS. ahicaars dow known to result from a iwn-qiilibnuai af , Llectne infuenca; NLK.OIS lHtH'tL, L-K.r. aS.KSS, which m nearly always caiued by torpkiaf of tbe AdJuory Norvoa. aivl caa always be iriaf rtrreaf by Oalvanism. when the oriran is D4rtdeaires, DVSPKrsi A in its worst forms : PALSV and PARA LYSIS, nniformlv caaed bv a deficiency of Neretaf induence; CHHO.MC UHLL'M AT1SVI, TOKPfblTT of the I.IV KR, PAIN iatheSlDK. SLlOrlSH C1B, CLLATION. SPINAL and HIP COMPLAINTS. DKHi ;ILN Y of NLHVOCS and PHVPl' AL IS. F.KOY, acd all thM.e distref-mg compUinU rtutU inr f:nm a tr.llA.N(iKlifc.NT of the .L&VtX'S S.ST KM. In the above prevalent anJ temble class af 4ia eatjcs Nerots i omt, Units are tuuciA tuoto autssa ous than is jjene rally irnaajioed cnnisTirs tumic itbaTiTes, Are sin Abeolenlw sum! aaalUv-w Sieclate. Tbe BI- I.T ii nsed when the boily or syatem ffss rliy i' ja.lccted : l.io NrX KLAI K for cjmrlaxnta at fit i bn-aL as A nth ma ami BruDchitis, and of is f-tcu.t , ani the lili St. t LfcTS for all disorders of the anus or limbs, as Kheutnausm. Fly, Tremors aad f;-jnM.:c aneotHn. Tbeaa articles are simply ap tT.jed asdirected with the MAO.NKTIC FLl ID which accomraDK's tnem, aad when iaithioilj ttaevl tke Ns.Vr.1. FAIL! asTThe (rrcat recTi!:ri;T and excellence) of the OALVAM i'CRATtVUS conits in the sart that they arritst and euro ducao by attarref ancatfsyaH in place of tue usual mrUud of Prncing 4 lhjrsM-kins the patient till eahawstaal aatuiw ssnka bof'tjiafiy u:i!er Uie inrlit-ti-n. Ttn$ ttrtngthm a rMi tyttrtn. esfttaiixe ttr ctreUmtiom. (Aw Jt.ajaa, pr ait'c IA tfrrrutrnt, intizottle tfe eiitii ewergaea, ansl ran vryr 4 fV ate'eW aeirai mArr mvng rirriusmutmttm. Since thir Lutroaiictmn in the L'tuted Suios, oaiy three Tears since, more than 75,000 PERSONS mcltKiins; all a?es, clase and cnklittons. ajawaj wltn-n were a lare narnlerof Ladies, who are pcs liarly aubject tn Nervous rompiainta, bave bean Entirely and Permanently Cared, when all Imt-eof relief had !een riven an. and every, thins; eUe been tried in ran ! The beneficial reaoite which have uiulurinly attended thoir use is coaS deiuly iuteJ to be without a parallel in theacaai of Medical Scif-nce. Cierpymeu. lawyers, and evwa pbyaicians; la.iies of the hia;ket stamiiof ; distaa guifbeil persotts hoMtne; elevated odicial statiosts. merchants, maantacturers, and iRechncs; the poor and the rich alike ; often whole Umiiiea. aaaowg ail claaaea, ranks and conditiobs, hav ..nally been rs eipieats. and have eually ackrowle"!R:esl the waav tiro at ami often iuiApecued beiaetits wiuch thej have thus received. af Let it be known and remembered that tbe oaiy Natural Re-torau.e fr the Nerves is Gaivauua, and that in ail Nervous Diseases we showlsl "Throw Physic to the Dogs." To illti.trate the ne of the - LV A1 IA BRLT, tnppoe the case of a person afllicte-1 with tbat ban of civiliution, l)VSri.rSIA. or any other I hmnic ar Nervous liitrder. In ordinary cases, stimulants are taken, which, by thetr action on the ner.a and muscles of tlie stomach, adbrd ieaiyawiaw reiief. bat which leave the pat. cut in a lower state, and with Injured faculties, alter the action thas excited has Aac). Now compare this with the effect rascit a; from the application of the GALVANK' BfcLT. Yake a Dyajiept.c sutlerer, even in the worst arms am of an attack, and simply tie the Belt roeae tae lolj, 01115 tbo Magnetic Fluid as directed. In a thert period the insensible perspiration will act a fce postijve clement of the Belt, thereby rauainf e falvantc circulation which will paae en to tite negative, and tnence bark attain to the positue, thus keeping np continafma talranic cirraiatwa tbrotiphout the svstem. Tbus the mmt severs caaas of nVSPfcrSIA are pfrmank.ntly c vrfd. a Fr.W DAVS IS AMTLY SI KFK'IKNT HO lUlJr CATC THE DISEASE OF YEARS. J MANY THOUSAND CERTIFICATES AJiD TESTIMONIALS from the most intel!is;ent and reapectsMe aeraent wanting in every portion of the I nited States, eoaas be presented. These are now nunecesaary. bat a numerous selection embracins; many stataiaeats ss the moat ecaonlinary character, sir-hcicnt to LO VINCK THE MOST SCF.PTIOAL wa be had of tW authorised Aecnt. The interested ate jticuiaxaf invited to call WHAT THINK YOU OF THI rreea ene ar ihe aawsl slMlngtteal rkvs clans In Use City f Hew I erfc. I ka. bca .sine; Caristtw Oalraaae arUclai a qniet way among my ra'jefsts tor abont two jme Pat, an4 1 confess 1 am astntmaea at taeir snecsss I am snra a dias. is ftfr I know just wast key will do. la EtHles'Je "Kna, aarticalsrly av chiLlren ; Deafness and Adactiuna of ta. Itaad al adalu : raraWsis aiwt Palsy, in aU ag aa, and iasssl aeveral other ilisMsa. of lik . sich hare issg BuxzM tli. prafevaioii. II font I tk. tiareaflaf articles of surnruans; bsneA Altl.c: fa I Jetaet la. ahameless quackery of all tHeac at and sews papers, I must express my sod belief u th. wonderfni sirtuee or tllRlSlltS Cl'RA TlVtS. My nans, ia, of course confitentiat tat I shall never be. Hat. to recosiiaawd ywar arueles aa ail pro pur occasions. " A50THZS TJTSTASCE 01 CAJSUGSi Xa D. C. Moarncao, M, D, Dan. Aft av Or. 4'NBiarnr. New To-fc- Deer Sir, tang a fhyaiciaa ia th. vkrait? atuof yonr Aireau, I ba.e been earl eratiSea !IB the .saaiinatioa of voar lialranie Inrautsa ssa kiajhly aleaseit with tneir practical resalta. I Dset aenarrri Uiat thej are construe tail ca ta. trwsecawr tiftc principle for th. g entls. r, aaeaassf and ?trai ilcveloraMmt of Ui. Lialrausc C arrent tosrwr wiling a duiiteratnas. long souc'it for, but heretorr. anrciowii. 1 cheertulir recoeamewd thaas lor tae alleviation and cure cf those distressinat alavesw railed Nsaeoue Cowrurrra, for whica UMf an at happilr and inirenioasly designed. Very trulv yours. DAVID BiCX, H . Lmrrtt Mesa, February IS, ISM. ajs No trooMe or inennvvniewea atteade the set wf Li. CIIKISTIE S U.1U JIXW CCILiTirI and they may tt worn by the most free,!, aad aas cata with perfect caso and saJvry. la apy aaata th. eensatioa attentUns; their as. is siy'i" r-1-? eatd srrele. They are accomparoed by liiU .lain directions lor ns.. Taeiplilets with Mm. Urmia ra auy te ebtasuc gratia, of tha aathovawa gaa V Prices: The fJalvanie Felt. Three rvUsi The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dtillars. The Galvanic Itrarelcts, One Dollar EaatV The Magnetic Fluid. One Dollar. PARTICULAR CAUTION. Bewere tf rewMcraits mnt STertaif ss T. C. M0RF.HEAD. M. OCKsOLU. AGENT FOR THK UNITED J tM aUwaalwajr, New seaaw Iscrr io Lewlstore-C. W. SCHAFILS toanlci) at the Ctironidf 2"' . v. v r ... in aix f CaT 0 criwfjnii iri'in -iiw- .- era lew 1 1 un,.;. V A&rf.anJ atsa Whofit Ttnttpr. 11 V1A1, , , . , and most other Piedure akoa. aha cwrrsat ra ta in