Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 12, 1854, Image 2

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What advantage 1 tlio slara States ti
pcat from this HM ? (Vrtainlj tbcy cxpiwt
ilia cxtrnsion f slave power, and ulavc
noiiulatioii. Tlint may prove a fallacious
expce'siion. The UoMino of slavery in
th. w T. rnt .ri.-K, if turuau open to Uni-.
torial afiiiin, wili be a rpiestioD of numbers
a fii t;..ti of the nnj..rily for or :i::iiii.st
lavery: aula hat chance wuld the lave-:"iS'd into a cotkcit bat. 1 Kuow one
bolder have u, such a cutest? No chat.ee ' ,Ud -6l
. j broke tbe fourth commandment about lour
at all. I !.. lave . mi-rrthtwul be out-. week. t somewhere among
Miiubt red, aud cmp -Y.ri In i.Iaj at a inoat j c ce slurt lluit yut the twal " of
uiit-iu..l ame.iitit .n ly in puiut of numbon; a Saturday utgbt (I dfii't km.w whether
but m p iiui of i-taUts. The Elave-1 bat i.'ut a buil,) to fittish a spring dros,
holder ttuhub Ins j.i. pi i ty : and has to run
has to run
it off, r loixe it, if uui voted at the poll.
1 see imiliii.j' which slaveholdri are to
jraiii uudtT this bill nothing hut an une
qual and Tcxutkiur crtitevt, in which they
arc to list". 1 uVz.rvcato such a coii-j
test, aud did my part to keep it out of the
ftate of MifSuari when her Cituetitutiou
was formed. 1 was not. a member of the
convention, but was a chief promoter of
of iho el iu. wiiieii forbi 1 the Legislature
11 emancipate i-lavcs without the coi.seDt
of their owner. I pi'jumtcil that clause
f.r the eake of p"ae f..r the sake of
leaping the slavery rpiestion out of ourj,,xc(.i1(,nt machinery, aud part to Careful
ch-ctious and legislation for the sake of ' officers.
preventing perpetual strife among the pee- Politics are a " little more lively since
pie. What I did tor Missouri, 1 would do , "r 5 th leraut parties bavit g made
, ., .r , c , , 1 the nominations : and uow comes the " tu;
for the Territories : and if it was au open , , ,, ... , c
' , j' of war." Tha canaidates for Mayor
cjuestiou would vote one wy or the other, u bcrt T mJ j,. of
te settle it ; but it unot an open question ! ,A,yfWaruotoriety -are bi.th well known
and eau utt be opened without a breach of citizens. Mr. Vaus was formerly, and fur
faith, and the dcetiuctiou of the peioo of a loug time, Recorder of the city, and
the country. 1 r"'ore I fit'ish this sentence let me iutro-
c- .i ...: j i .. :i t .in ' dnee an anecdote, a la Tristram Shandy.
tir, tlii Question has Wu uectueu. luci, .
, . n . ,, ,. . I was once present m a Mothodist meeting
free fctates ar- again.t ihm bill; and it is , buse, jui-t after Conference, aud a new
au ill return lor their past generous con- j miistr was about entering upon the
duut to endeavor to forec it upon tbeiu. charge, who, wishing to have the names,
They have been not only just, but wa-' residence, and orenpntion of each of the
nanimous to the slave States. Vht was
States. What was 1
i . .u- .
slave fetates thirty i
. ,
the ufe of the soil ,
the condition of ihe si
;v"" -6" " " l"v ' "
within their limits : Iebarred ef a great in tlieir residences and occupations cart
part of its use; an Indian population enr-jers, laborers, shoemakers, tailors and gen
cring more or less of almost every slave tlemen. At leugth the name of Hro. C.
Stale, and r-reventin- the exoansion of its 1 announced ; residence, Thirteenth .,
i wu . ' n i- j I
II . v..
s Indians all gone; their lands all :
ught under the dominiou of the white ,
man : and the area of slave population, and I
. , .
of slave cultivation, greatly increased to ,
he extent of a third or a fourth t.f itg soil i
in some of the States. How was this doue 1
1'crtainly by the help of free State votes,
(for it could not have been dune without
them ;) by the help of their votus in pro
curing the appropriations, aud ratifying the
treaties which the removal of the Indians
required. Missouri got hrr fine southwest
quarter relieved by these means. The
same votes gave us the l'lattc country ;
seven Cue counties added to the State ! and
that by altering the compromise line to in
clude it, and actually converting that 6ne
region from free Foil to slave soil. Nor
thern votes cuahled it to be done ; northern
v?.i'3 uitercd above an hundred miles of
the '.i.ii.j i.'iniou line for our bun tit, upon
our request ; and I will neter be ungrate
ful to the North for it, nor requite it by a
breach of the line to their prejudice. Aud
how did wa obtain the northern votes which
were uecesnary for all these measures the
appropriations aud treaties for all these
Indian removals, and for that alteration of
the compromise line which gave us the
beautiful l'lattc couutry J llow did the
Missouri del gaiiou of that day the most
amiable and talented !r. Liun aud myself,
in the Seuatc, and General Ashley, in the
House how did we obtain that great boou
for our Slate ? l'iu we get these votes by
belching abolitiutii.-m against the North J
No ! no ! we got thciu by appealing to the
justice, and the fraternal fttlins of our
northern brethcrn, and to which we never
appealed oucw in vain who, in the last
Lard trial to get the Cbrrokers out of
Georgia, gave us fourteen affirmative votes
to balance seven negatives from the South,
and saved the treaty by one vote. And I,
who was part of aU these transactions, ac
customed to solicit northern votes, and ex
press thanks fer thcni, will not now return
them evil fur good by attempting to deprive
thtm of their share of a compromise which
we imposed upon tl.ein.
It is now four mouths since this move
ment for tbe abrogation of the Missouri
compromise commenced iu this CoDgress.
It bgan without a memorial, without a
petition, without a request, from a human
being. It has labored long and hard in
these Halls, and to this Lour there is not
petition for is from the class of States
for whose benefit the movemeut professes
to hav been made I uot a word in its
favor from tbe smallest public meeting or
jrivate assemblage of any 6lave State.
This is the response of the South to this
boon tendered to it by northern members
tinder a northern President. It is tbe
response of silence moro emphatic tbau
w ordo and worthy of especial note in this
debate. It argues well for tbe harmony
of the Union, and goes to show (what in
fact Lis been often seen) that the troubles
of the country come from uneasy politi
ciansits safety from the tranquil masses.
Jnnn Charles Gardiner. On Mon
day last, tbe ease of this individaal,chargd
with perjury and falee swearing as a wit
sess, on the trial of his brother, Dr. Geo.
A. Gardiner, was called up at Washington,
1. C. The defendant was called, bnt did
ot appear, and his recognisance were
therefore forfeited. It is said that be left
Washington some two weeks since, for
otn jilaca beyond the United States.
Cormpendrnee of tit Lewleburc Chronicle.
1'Hll.AD. Monday, May 8, '54.
Dear Curoriclk: lid you ecr sec
Hui-h weather I've asked the iiucstioa
f ,j,e . iubulitant,' aod be aajs,
No! Spring styles, aud nierry parties, and i
it is generally supposed peachtv, have been
'ca au e 10 nrPP:,r w,lu 11 m lula
day, ami n vw it is time almost, tor summer
clot hea. Horrid is'nt it ?
We Lave b-ui a truly new item for once
a s'eaujboat disaster ou the Delawaru,
killed 5 persuus' It sounds so strange ;
especially when every pjT one takes tip
is the bearer of such news from other torts :
but, od the Delaware ! We can hardly
r. alite it. Aud why is it not eo every.
whero else? Is there any good reason
why it should not be so ; that persons
niiht travel in safety, aud not be every
uinuieut in apprchcn.sion of losing their
lives T It is very rare that the slightest
accident happens on our rivers, aud we
must attribute it, suppose, m part to the
n""""'. tnat opportuory auer otn
'"einoers, tooa mil opponuurj auer uiu-
er business was gone through, of collecting
.. fc , ,fc. , ,
them, ti voce,.then and there. A large
lijt ba j reSp0uded to their names, aud gave
list bad responded to their names, aud g:
business "you It now the business, Jiro.
OiMiper," responded One of the members I
.1.. v.. ,i ir.i..j..i. .U. 1
from the neighborhood of the deslt.and so Mr. j
L'ooper went on to the next. Now ihe fact
IJ . g. . I . 1 1
.,, f,, h, . ..,, , . i
gregation cut he had made his money as a j
shoemaker! and Mr. C's wife and daughters
w-erepres,n.:ana Mr. Conrad you Know,
fufrruf . . ii iui i, jti oniau la writ aiinw ,
and a good manr think he is the tail man for
the oilier, though he may be the man.
I see by the Chronicle that you have a local
eicitenent of your own to attend to; bnt who
would ever have dreamed of a single county
in Pennsylvania undertaking to dis'he the
Union .' We trust there are enough righteous
men in the IValley to avert sach a calamity.
and that the big sigh fathering around the big
heart of the nation may l peimitted to go off
without an explosion. Hut we are not enongn
at hone in the Constitution to fully under
stand the question.
Yours un-divulediy, S. H. F.
The Coroner's Jury in tbe case of the
Broadway New York fire, rendered their
verdict yesterday, to the effect tbat tha
deceased were killed by the falling of tbe
building, which building had been improp
erly constructed, contrary to the fire laws
tlicu in force; that the whole building was
a complete death-trap ; that the parties re
sponsible for its perilous condition are the
architect, C. II. Mountain ; the mason, X.
15. Fros; the carpenter, C. J. Kctehutn,
and the lesees, Tabcr & Uabley, for whom
the alterations were made ; that tbe fire
was caused by incendiaries who entered for
purposes of pulnder, and that V. J. Jen
nigs & Co., are exonerated from blame.
They also recommend changes in the fire
laws and in the manner of executing them.
There were 231,791 soldiers engaged in
the Revolutionary war. Of this number,
there are now less than fourteen Lundred
living, whose ages must average nearly
ninety years, seventy-three nave died ;
during the past year. A few years more,
and these venerable octogenarians will only
be known in the pages of history.
Reported far tbe Chronkle.
Baltimore ISarkets,
Reported by Caaa, Gisai & Co, Commission
JUerchatUt, Baltimore.
BtLTiwoac, May 9.
The tendency to an improred state of our i
produce market, noticed in last weeks report
' , . - ...
has been realixed and prices are firm. We
quote Extra floor at $; Superfine standard
brands $9.50. While Wheal !.2.10 to 5.15;
Red406to07; Rye $106; Corn 77 to 80c ;
Oats 52 c
Lumber finds quick sale as fast as it comes
in. Sales of White Pine boards and Plank
16 to 22: Siding $15 to 16; Hemlock $13 to
r 6
13; Poplar Plank J4 to 29 do scantling
$20 to 22: Half inch $15 18; Oak boarda $16
18 do Shin plank $25 to 30. '
. .
Lewislmrg Foet-Office Arrangements.
SJSTEJtX Mail, every day eicert Sunday,
elnae at S'4 o'clock, P. 51
WESTKRX, on Monday, Wedneeday and Friday,
eloae at S A. M.
VOfirtf2.V(William.port) Mood. Wedn and FrL,
C IT 0'S l1"!!? '
BCFFALOE JC KOAPS. Tuesday and Friday,
eJoae at S r.M. of night preceding.
WB-Buriaea. hour, daily (except Sunday.; from wnUI 1
li1. A t., ana ironi la. M. ubui a. r.M.
Kbe. 23, loia. H. W. CKOTZEB, P. M.
a iriDieiMr e a 1 T I..
Blank Books. Gift Books for Holiday
presents. Pens, Ink, Letter and Cap Paper,
Fancy Stationery. Magazines, Papers, etc. etc.
for sale cheap at the Lcwisacaa Post Orritx.
waBBBBBB aawamwaaaea
Corrected Weekly.
Wheat 82,00 Eggs $ 10
Rye 75 Tallow 10
Corn 62 Lard 10
Oats... 45 Bacon 8
Flaxseed 1,12 Ham. 12
Dried Apples. 15 Cloyerseed 4,00
Batter 15
Baltimore Adv'ts.
CAHK, ;kise & CO.,
Flonr, Grain, & Lumber Commission
Merchants.. .'23 A 25 Spear's Wharf,
airca to Bultiiwre.
J. hB Clurtf F.q., Yrr Citiitu' link, ) oju-..
A. r Ulk r., Cti.FrnkliB de
tvn Siiiuickwa k Co., ( r""l
J. rnmr. Kq . Pnnid C-11 llDk, fott Dupoait
J. Walloper A Sun, Hnrrwhury.
tel". inirt k Co Milton.
V. W. Cooke. rt . t MnBr-
Simon Suimylr. Kh.. j y'
4iora lloitine, Kq., Huitlitvlll.
Wm. Wfn.T. MetitounTille.
(l.-n W m. K. Parker. )
T W. l.lo,d, L,.,CMhl.r. ( WilUMnfport.
I'Wik U. UuiitiK, K . y
M ll.-nrr a llnKb. Jny Shura.
J. f lluhnc. tn , Lok lli.n.
!7"CARB, GKISE & VO have the largeM
Wharf room of any Commission House in
Baltimore, always giving quick despair h to
boats in discharging their cargoes. 6in5 17
For the run of Fit; Spiumt, Crampt, and all
fiervovM and Constitutional Distant.
PERSON'S who are laboring under this
distressing malady will find ihe VEGET
remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy,
or Falling Fits.
Th'-iw Fills poiiwwi s ficlfle artioa on th aorToni
ffystcm, D1 blthuuun tby rr prorrd curUMf forth
mrHr '.f iuriujt KlU. tb will fcmnd of i.nil hen
vfit f r all prrxiui alMKtrd llh wk nrm. or whoM
nrrvous nji-Um has bt a prolratl or latlfrel frxm
ut caune ahatrr. Iu 'lirouie o.mplainu. or diaraea
of 'ions taniliua. utioiTinduccd by nenoiMneaa,tb.ejr are
...Jinrl k.m.Arlnl.
I'ri. r i. orr bo. or two boxr for i5. Poraona ont of
the City. MK-lonlna a rrmllUuf, will haoetht Fillaarnl
tl-m tliroii-'h llie mail, frro of oontaze. For aale l.y
SKTII S. IIANCB. No. 10, ltLTiM-kR SrarrT. Italtiuiorc.
M.. to whom ordrr from all part of the t'nlon nail be
mMrwd. pout-paid. ly47t' nw e.w.
Philailelphi.a Adv'ls.
ZtW l.41.TS.
LEAD, and free from all poisonous
THIS JCKSKr 7.1SC CfMPA.r, hain
BT atlyenliirp.-d llirlr workp. aod ImproTrtl the quality
of thir iTtnlui ti. ir. f.r-pared to exts-ute ordrrn fi.r tb ir
tOIEKIOR FAINTS, lry. and i.r,.nnd in Oil, in
a.-."!! Wkajtre of Ip.ra '2a to ti(Hi poundv ; alao
lUY, in burrrlii. of 3k0 piond ai h.
Their W llll'K II SC. wliirh ! aold dry rr rronnd In
nil. is warmnt.d pure and aoaurrawied for b-idy ard j
Buitorm whio-ni a.
A mtrllKwl of prtiarat1on ban rett-ntl? Nen disroTrre.1,
which enable the t'ompanv to warrant their paint lo
In thi. reit their painU will be nuiierior to any other
in Hie market.
k.u.t. rr.k -i.il v.!) it. t It. k. n f..r n r.u.n.l l.
Pr,. and
HOWS ZINC PAINT. wMrh In antd at a low
can only be niude fiom the Zinc ore from
V,.v .bra,. .. ne well km.en ft.r . I . r. il-l i 1 1 1 1 b I .
tie. wb- an-iied to iron oth-r nnaiie .urraei a.
Their stove couik faint po--e all the propee.
tie. of the Rrown. ana noim aareeaiie ndorfor pain-
--,-, TSii kTaW
WVleale Paint Dealer and Inntortere,
N. W.eor.of 10th and Market Sta. Fluladtlptoa.
HE subscribers are now prepared lo exhi
bit at their
SpleDdid cw Establishment
No. 41 Suth S-cond S'f. Fhiladelfhia,
an entire new and beautiful stock of Straw,
Fancy and Silk Bonuets and Flatts, Flowers,
(Vcand Panama, Palm and Summer Hats for
gentlemen, which our old patrons. Merchants
ami Milliners grnerallyare invited to examine,
confidently promising them.in ritent, in variety.
in novelty, and in styles, a sloe unequalled.
CP Orders carefuilv and promptly executed.
Willow Ware, &.c.
Philaitrlph-a. S doors above Chestnut, East
side. Importer and Manufacturer all kinds of
WILLOW WARE Consisting in part of
the following. Ladies' Traveling Bas
kets, Work Baskets, Flower Baskets, Office
Baskets, Se;ar Baskets. Plain, Fancy and Em
broidered Baskets, Ladies' Work Siands and
Sewing Chairs of beautiful desipn and excel
lent workmanship, which he is selling remar
kably cheap for Cash.
N.B. Just received from Germanv. a large
and varied assortment of FANCY GOODS, to
which Ihe attention of the public is respect
fully invited 6m517t31
(Croi-er, Bahr & Co! Futent.)
Harmarket Sonera.
405 Broadway,
New Tnrk.
No. 42 Sooth Fourth St.
Bear Chratnnt.
1 Baltimore St.
J-No CootniTerry hetwer-n tlit. and any other Patent.
The utility and praeliral advantages arising
from the use of llie great time-and-labor-saving
qualities of the Sewing Machine being now
universally admitted, and several patents hav
ing already appeared, the next question which
naturally arises is. Which one of these is best
adapted for household or manufacturing pur
poses ; In answer, we wonla beg leave to
state in a few words the advantages which we
believe our Machine possesses overall others,
ask a fair and candid examination of ita merit., and with
mMto th jn , of M .nlll,,teBlJ
diar.rlminatlnr auMir fnr a just, righteous Terdict.
We claim, in ttieraf place, our ability to make the
' "' "
whieh will neither rip nor ravel when eeerj third atife-h
jlaeut The rtio-b by whieh thi end la attained la n dla-
j tinsui.tilur feature of oar patent, belne wholly unlike
I y hr in tut, and secured to aa extlualrely by letter.
.. . ., ... . .
I Aowirfrjr, the slrar-Hrlty of the eoniitrnetioa of our Ma-
!chirie.ranninira.itdoeettreilOBthe' - eanioreeeentrlc
moT.'meot," without the une of a .ingle cog wheal, ran
j not fail of con.inein tbe moat eaaual obwrrer, of Ita
j lataienar strength and eoneequent durability.
I Turv,,mretotoyyur.cia
, wner&torfroa the neceMityuf .topping every C-w mtnutea
J repleni.li the qoJU, and enable, u. to na. ordinary
apnol. of cotton or tlk of 2 or 300 yard, in length.
J Manufacturers of Boot., Shoe., Bags Clothing, Mat-
treje. Carriage., and all Cloth or Leather work, where
rtrength and dur.Wlit.are required. from theeerrfinert
"'l-'t, wiU Sud thi. the ,, Machiu. adapted
Pamphlet, containing drawing, and nuBr-rtm. teatl-
avmial. front thoaa who hare naed them for years, may
he bad, or will be tent by request, and the Machine auy
ia full operation by ealliog at any ahnre
Sa-The Uold Medal for the Beat Sewing Machine was
awarded ua at the Uroat fair of tbe American In.tltute,
utatti Mi - B,.mon, - . "
0R0VF.il, BAKER k CO.
Have opened a Phrenological Cabinet
aad Book Store, at 231 ARCH St,
between 0th and 7th, PhUadrhhia.
and are prepared to furnish all their
Works on Phrenoloev. Phvsiolorr.
Hydropathy, Magnetism, and Phon
ography, at New York prices.
Professional Exarainations.with ChartSetnd
full written descriptions of character, firen
day and craning. (7"Cabinet free to visi-
Trusutea, Supporter.,
S nIil-iA" Uraces, and all other
Surgical Apparatus and Ban
dages, applied and warranted
te five satisfaction, by Dr.and Mrs. M'CLEN
ACH AN, No. 41 North SEVENTH Street,
The great number of Females relieved and
cured by wearing Mrs. M'Clenachan's Sup
porters, warrants her in commending them as
superior to anything of the kind ever offered
to the publ.c lS17t5d
Philadelphia Spring Trade 1854.
152 Market St. k 23 Merchant St.
Importm and Whalrtale DeaUrt II
Staple tt Fancy Dry ttoodi,
4 RE now receiving a very GENERAL
2 A8SO RTM EN T of
Domestic onb foreign abrico,
suitable for both City and Country Trade, and
which they offer at tiery low prieet. for
Cash, or to Prompt Six MoDths' Men.
l7Vt solicit an examination of our stock
by City, Neighboring and Distant Buyers. ,
Wainwripht Huntington &. Flovd,15S Market
:im517c2i St. Philadelphia.
J Street, Philailrluhia beg leave to call
the attention of Country Dealers, Schools, and '.
persons visiting the City, to their complete
assortment of Knpliih, French, and American
STATIOXERY,vhichUey are selling Whole
sale and Retail on the most reasonable terms.
Their stock comprises every variety of Cap,
Letter and Note Paper and Envelopes, includ
ing a full assortment of the celebrated goods
of De La Kue & Co. and Thos Khoads A Sons
of Lcndon. Also
Guld and Steel Pens, Drawing Pencils (Fa
ber's and others'), Drawing Paper, Bristol
Board, Sealing Wax, Ink, Inkstands, Rudders',
Crookes'.Wostenholms'and other fine Cutlery,
Purtinniiaies, Pocket Books, Portfolios, Writ
ing Desks, ic.Ac Persons visiting the City j
can have their paper and envelopes embossed .
with their initiate without extra charge. I
I xr'Orders from dealer and institutions of
learning respectfully solicited and filled with
the strictest integrity fimMTpd
I BEG leave respectfully to call the Public's
attention lo my Etablisbmenl, No. .W !
South FOL'RTH St. (below Chestnut), Philad
elphia, for the manufacture and sale cf En
telopcn, where I will always be in readiness
to attend to any orders I may be favored with.
I am prepared lo furnish Envelopes of every
quality, size and description. Wholesale and
Retail.the Government pattern, plain and leeal.
I would also call attention to the Die-Sinking,
Engraving, Printins, and Embossing of
Business Cards for Envelopes, Letter-heads,
Bill-heads, Cards, Circulars, die., all of which
I furnish at very low rates. Stamping letters
prevents their going to the Dead Letter Office.
With patent machines of the latest improve
ments for enibossinc, printing, Ac, also for
the manufacture of Envelopes, and every faci
lity for executing orders with despatch, and for
their delivery by Evpress Lines or as may be
agreed upon, I can not fail to compete wilh if
not excel any other establishment of the kind
in the world. CT"Homoopathie Envelopes
constantly on hand, samples of which may be
seen Chrtmirle ollice, also of Die-Stamped Env.
Iy5l?7jt WM. COLBERT.
lll,JVortA Third Street, helm Race,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in
Corn Brooms, Looking Glasses, Cordage,
Painted Buckets, WickandTwines, Clocks,
Willow Baskets, Window Shades, Matches,
Cedar Ware. Bristle Brushes, Blacking,
WOOD AND WILLOW WARE of all kinds,
at the Manufacturers' lowest Cash prices.
Jama Ererov. SmriOtl Jo. M. Rowx.
Fruit and Conrecflonery.
) nufaclitrrrs and Dealers in Confection
ery of all kinds. No. 113 North Third St. below
The attention of dealers is requested to an
examination of their stock,wliirh will be found
to be at least equal to any in the city. FOR- i
EIGN FRUITS of all kinds in season.
N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly
attended to. 2m513
Book AjtentH Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED in every Town and
County in the United Slates, to sell the
most popular and saleable books published
many of them beautifully illustrated with Col
ored Engravings; also the most popular works
of T. S. Abthib, including "Arthur's Cottage
IuUlllifent and enteryrLing men will find thi. a aleae
ant and profitable hit.inee..
For paruculara, atldre. (noer-paia '
J. W. BKADI.KV. PnWi.her.
No. 48 North Vuurth St. rhiUidelpkia.
J. K. GOULli,
(Suceetaor to A. HOT,)
JVb.164, C7en ul Street, Swaitiii Building,
INTENSIVE Misic Pi atisHsa and Dealer
J in Musical Instruments of every descrip
tionexclusive Agent for the sale of Hallett,
Davis&Co's(Boslon)PatenlSuspcnsion Bridge
Aeolian and other
I.Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons.Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music
Books, etc.
Residents of the country will be supplied by
mail or otherwise with any music they may
wish, at as low rales as if purchased in person.
Having one of the largest stocks in the United
States, I feel confident of satisfying all who
may favor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal
terms. Pianos to leu Second-hand Pianos for
sale. Iy473
Rag Wanted.
BEING extensively engaged in the mannf
actnre of PAPER, we will pav to Conn
try Merchants and others having RAGS for
sale, more than the pment market prices Casw.
JESSUP A MOORE. Paper Mannfaet'a,
Philadelphia you 24 SB, North 8k
Sm'S (lit St. bt ow Areh,betwaan Stk ttb ) 1
i t ell1 N
La. i -- ,,
Tool Store exclusively,
The target! Ettulluhment of the kind in the US.
Wm. M. N'CIure & Bro.
No. 287 Market St. above Seventh, Pbilad.
MANUFACTURERS' Depot for Locks of
all kinds, warranted quality. " Patent
Silvered, Glass Knobs."
Premium Porcelain Knobs,overlOO patterns.
Silvei-plated Knobs, Hinges, Ac., wild the
most complete assortment of all the Modern
Goods in this line.
Purchasers are invited ts call and examine
Stock. Catalogues sent by Mail if desired.
JIA Air Rrijittert aud Ventilator! at
Factory I'rirn.
C7A1I orders put up under the immediate
supervision of the Firm.
1000 Tons No.l Snperphosphateo ime,
DEBURG'S Original and Genuine, warran
ted of superior quality the cheapest
manure in ihe world. Farmers and dealers
supplied at low prices.
Eftrn, Quality Lund Flutter.
5,000 barrels selected expressly for its fertil
izing quality.
10.000 hu-hels of same in bulk.
1,000 barrels Calcined Plaster.
600 Casting "
100 " Dentist
Pl7F.4.VGIMAO This article we offer
in confidence to ourcnstomers,as equal to any
imported, and far superior to most in the mar
ket. 6,000 bags of this superior Guano for sale
at the lowest market rates. Also
Patagonian Guano Pnudrette Ground Char
coal, Ac. f.
at the Steam Plaster Mills, junction York Ar.
Crown and Callowhill Sts. Philadelphia. 613
Xew stock i Window Shades. S Artr St-'u'
IBS , t lBa
Manufacturer! and Wholemle 4 Retail Dealer! in
WINDOW SHADES south-west corner
Second and Arch Sts. Philadelphia.
Siicb as Golhe's Landscapes, Borders, Vases,
Scrolls, Boquets, Gold Borders, &c or the most
beauliful designs and perfection of finish in
hte country, and at snch tow Prlffs as
to challenge all competition. Butf and White
Holland!, Cambrics, Tassels, Cords, Brasses,
&r., in every variety for City or Country trade.
yWe invite an examination of our Stock
at the Depot, S. W. corner 2d St Arch, Philad.
Jan. lf54 4mSll
Wall Papers!
WALL PAPERS! The subscribers have
now iu store their complete Fall
Stock of
Paper Hangings, Curtains, &c.
which they offer at very low priees.Wholesale
and Retail.
Our assortment is very complete, compris
ing all the qualities, both French and Ameri
can. We manufacture a large proportion of
our Goods, and can sell at the lowest rates.
Haper Hanging done in theCountrv at City
prices. PARRISH dc HOUGH,
491 No. 4 North Firra St. Philadelphia
For Sale or Rent.
Valuable Real Estate
IMIE subscribers ofTer at Private sale, all
J that certain tract of UMESTOXF. LAXO
beautifully situated along Little Buffalo creek,
Kelly Tp, Uuion Co., about miles from
Lewisburg, and 3 miles from Milton, adjoin
ing lands of Wm.A. Patterson, George Meixel,
Jacob Moyer and others, containing 36 acres.
The improvements thereon are a large and
commodious Two-Storey Frame Mansion
Hone. a good Frame Barn, Carriage and
WtwMl'nouse, with all other uecessary Out
buildings a Pump with good and never-failing
Water near the door a large bearing
ORCHARD or choice Apples, and aU other
varieties of Fruit.
Tbe land is all under good fences and in a
high slate of cultivation. The buildings are
all nearly new, and for convenience, style and
durability can not be exceeded in the neigh
borhood. About 4 Acres TIMBER LAND.
For particulars address " D. Myers, Lewis
bnrg. Pa,' or persons wishing to view the
premises or ascertain terms can do so by
calling on D. Myers, residing thereon.
BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. and Vend.
Ex. issued out of ihe Court of Common
Pleas of Union connty and to me directed,
will be exposed to public sale or outcry at Ihe
Court House in the Borough of New Berlin on
Monday the 15th day of May next at 10 o'clock
A.M. of said day, the following described real
estate, to wit:
A certain LOT OF GROUXD, situate in
Bulfaloe township. Union county, containing
3 ACRES more or less, adjoining lands of
fcdwd .Miller, Danl Wertz, Isaac Walker and
others, whereon is erected a two-storey plank
framed dwelling-hoose.withthe appurtenances
as the property of Ranslar Baiklow.
Also a certain TRACT OF LAM), situate
in BufTaloe township, Union county, containing
'2!i ACRES more or less,about 10 acres cleared
and the remainder Timber Land, adjoining
lands of Francis Wilson, John Turner, John
Bennage and the Kelly traeLwbereon is erected
a two-storey log house and a small barn, with
an orchard of various trees and an excellent
spring of water near the door with the appurt
enances as the property of Peter Hummel.
Sheriff's Office, New Berlin, April 13, 1854
fa'The Sheriff also advertises for sale at
the same time and place
A lot of 1 acres in the borough of Mifflin
burg, on which is a Foundry, dwelling-house,
fruit, Ac as the property of 8iiuer & Fries.
A tract of 20 acres in West Buffalo Tp with
a two-storey log house, barn, &c. as the
property of Uriah Weinck.
Also a lot of ground in MifHinburg whereon
is the Brick Academy Building.
Also the Brick Church in Hartleton.
Also David Stitzer's three-storey Frame
Grist Mill in Hartley township.
The subscriber offers FOR RENT a
large Frame DWELLING HOUSE on
South Second street, now in possession of
.viauiias Hate, near the Female Seminary.
Lewisburg, March 14, 1854
From the 1st Ann. nTt. THREE
ROOMS na TVnrlh TUiwA .tr-t 1
" "c occupancy 01 unaries t. Bell as a
Restaurant, and Saloons. They are well
roittd for Shops, Offices, or Stores- Rnqnire
of . WM. TRICK,
tewisburs, fb. 4, 1654
Orphans' Court Sale,
1 . 1
e I e ,L. rWJt..
T)Y virtue of an order Iron) in I'rpnane
h Con of Union eountv.iha nderigned
XdioiDi-tr.lor. of Sxi. Wiimi, lale of
Kellw To. ilereaaed. will aell at private sale tha
following REAL ESTATE, to wit:
Tbat valuable tract of land situated in tb
lonhip and county afore.iaJ, within 1 J mileB
of to&r. I
DnvtdMever Flavel Clmgan. Joel Rover, Phil- j
p "hook a id others, eln.ainiug Acre-
1 .wZ. L.,.. laKr..el..ra.l.ba.mf lb.- i
or i hereabouts. IHO ecr.eel.arwd. having
T4on erected a Iwoatoiy Frama Houeaand
ill-Kitchen, a Frame Barn, a Spring Hon.
(and a never failing Spiing of Water,) and all
other out building, neerenary for tha comfort
and convenience of a Farm. Tbeia le aleoaa
agooJ Apple Orchard, with veiielj of
Fruit Trees. Th. cleared land ia ia a high
state of cultivation, and abounds wilh Limeatona
(or all necessary purpose. .....
The above properly swill .newer t. divide into
TWOor THREE FARMS, aad will b. .old to
suit porchj.ere.
P.. of sal. apr.lT lo eiihar of tb Mb.
sciibara.or loTa Wiw.B.on the premiaea.
Sept. IS. lRSS
rilHE Co-nartnership heretolore exiaoo?
H .
Tustin, Stuart at Lewis, is this day dis
solved by limitation. The business oi sam
firm will be settled by Jos.P.Tustin.who alone
is authorized to nse the firm's name in liquid
ation. All persons having accounts with said
firm will please call immediately for settle
ment at Thornton 4. Co's Drugstore.
Lewishnrg, May 2, 1854
NOTICE. Persons knowing themselves
indebted to us, either by Note or Book
Account, are requested to call and settle
. . . . i' nr ii L' U a. I'll
soon. v. r. Baii.nift t w-
Lewisburg, April 5, 1H54
PROPOSALS for doing the Carpenter
Work for Eight Frame H..uses, 3 feet
square, to be built at Shamokin, each block to
be finished for the use of four families. Work
to be done in a plain and substantial manner,
the Lumber to be furnished by Ihe Company.
App!v lo Henry Vangasken. Shamokin, who
will luruish Specifications. For further infor
mation apply lo John Walls Esq , L'wisburg.
President Carbon Run Iraprovemeut Co.
Shamokin, March 9, 154
VLL persons indebted to ihe subscriber by
Note or Book act, will please make pay
u.eut between this date and the first day of
April. Afier that date their accounts will be
left for collection wilh Esq. Mertz. without re
spect to persons. R. M. MISSER.
Lewisburg, March IB, 185t.
Kamuel M'Clcllen tlate.
TOTICE is hereby given that the Registei
l of Union county on the 2d day of March,
1854. issued lo the subscribers. Letters Testa
mentary on ihe last will and tesiament of
Samuel' M'Clellen, late of Bulfaloe township,
Union coiiniy, deceased. All persons owing
said estate are requested lo make payment,
and those having claims against the estate
will present them properly authenticated lor
BufTaloe, March 10, 1851
TETTERS Testameniarv to the Estate of
j ALEXANDER M'CLURE, late of the
Borough of Lewiburg,deceased, having been
granted to the subscribers notice is hereby
given to all persons indebted to said estate, lo
make immediate payment; and those having
claims are requested to present them duly
authenticated for settlement to either of the
EDW'D C. HUMES, of Bellefonte. Pa.
Lewisburg, Jan. II, 1S5I
Issue List. May T. 1S54.
Renr, Ss-ftAe- k Co T.-t J rulttrTtMtn and others
$rh !Util T 1'rtT Bvrhtrl'-) A.lffl'n
H W ..iv1ir va A Th'-mas rt al
3Jicbatl VVatfi.r ts Charl- Oawlry
amv A Tlmnua t al
Cletnrnt k Mnuisrr V- nnrann k Walter
ante th John II ll
fiam ts Youtwntan TTItT
PeUr RM-htrn Ex'ra th W V V wrirr
p.mf t i-r't ofJkWF TrXgejtr
Jonathan ienahfrlirtK t- II an man jr with not. ti tiara.
John Kill kc fur Piatt T J Martuaa jr ih avtir
.Mt-hl Flutter T tin tto
iHnl HcnifttT TS Jam MCriglit
rVltr Wvlh Ta Ilrnrr Welri.
Mtn t UVijth dtt Atlmr
rhri-t k Frick t Ifrni? W Cr.rzr
Henry W nyjrr tb John !nydTi AAm't
Vt'm Katfi,nMlIer th Klli and P 1 1 art man
Hannah llumm-) t IVter Hunuuel
Mary Uriel Ict rr Wm KeiclUr-y
Benin Lime t LP Tet-I
Jonaihan Art (Tut th XSm Arfvnfraat
: IaTrd sIfd T BoTfrK't'f AdBI F
J M'l-'aU.lrti'a AJn'r K-yr-tine laanranca Company
Chriat fnr Camron th Jco A rrica
I Jf hn Hatta t W M Van aUaii
j Manr E Shriorr Tru-e Tw i'baa If ?1iriner
Bt-arly for S A S tk Ufcrar Vall. y k Vf levr Turn RCo
rm nrown th nit lr-T Tooibip
John Jar a t iMunuel Ilurh
IVter Iaiit-rt t A S rnmmint (2 tutta)
hunh, Kooke A Co t Ilennr Morrr at al
John M bnf-r th LTenmina Mutual i'ir Insn. Corn p.
lliirh k Aihnght Ta Lorroio P Td
lle-nry Hich th aam
Mary K AhrinvMa Trufttee th Pries and Iddings
Ner MittallffiwarUi ts L Pwangtr
Andrew VYnlfe Ta A J KNtvl el al
Kurt uni U Ki);neria th D llrrr
J TaKnnH!lr'a Ea'rs et al Ta Jacob Hooter jr
Alfrrd hneat-s ts V m Manck
lieorstf lj.wrno Ta Janh W SmUh'H Eiorntora
Wm J Hutt-hiMn ts iliftr and Prik
Ktcht-nliaeh and Herrold tp John Van T!eit
Truckmnruin.Urrwu.tCo tp Uofrnan A MeMwgar (2ata)
Michael V. arUnaa ts aam
MtM-M Labrr ts W k J Tonng
Sam) Rv-tte-r tb Siuma Prank
J k V f V. ai-anarller Ta A UtitiUaS
lanl Renelr ts Jaa MCnirht
Prir lanhert TS AS Cunnuigf
lien 8 KimMo Ta Chan Mt-a
fHxnl Ionbar Ta Philip (h-t
Kfarly fr 9iminton ts Henry Itigh
Kdwd Kioaey ts 9am. Rittrr
William GtNwlfr ts laaaa Stallea
Jna itortHrrr and wile ts do
Panl Kentrler ts Geo Miller's Ei'rs
Hank of Danrille tp M l'ihrr and ii B Garwj&a
W P Watpmsrller th K k P llartmaa
Allen IVhrtiTer ts Jamea Marnh and otbars
Calherinr K Bowes ts 4.etre I Kohlandand Wilts
John M Taylor ts Uriah and VUtil-ia Waihck
James Mrt'rfiTht ts Panirl Handler
Abraham Waiter ts App A Baler
Hamuel fhrinwr Daniel Pehrark
Kliaa C 1 1 art man ts (ieorip Hill and Others
Jart-i.b Maurk tb John itift and others
J Hartnun jr ts Jaovb Ginrieb
lrinh Weirirk ts Marjraret Honsel
A W k renter TS Abraham Rreia
Charles rixher ts William J May
John Mauhkaft ts Dr AS lamadn(S
Sea horb ts Israel C.uHlua !
llenrr Carhran tb Jacob Bmwa
Matilda Weirirk ts l-nah Weirirk I
Mary Jenkins ts H O Taavrt et si
Mtchl Kleckaer ts 8aml Moyer
Jaeoh Brown ts Henry Corhran S Baits)
Hartman tor llartmaa ts J W Smith's air's
Hhit ldjt k Miller ts Henry lliph
S Gales and W its ts Joseph Albert
mm tb Jaeoh Albert
a ma ts Jonathan Waters
Pinion Hummel ts A Kiteass for Q 4 M
A McsFinffer ts aml Ht,ih
John Patioa ts J W Smith's Pa'ra
Troitt, Brothers k Co ts 8aml lUndaraoa
Christian Herman tb Job a Hani me!
Addiet. Tend'a 4 Smith ts Hoffman k Msssiaswr
John Mathias tb Jos Mi t maa
Ir A 8 Cnmmlnfrs ts Hertor A Stewart
finml Xiegler tb Abram Uaofler
1?ICKARI)T5CatUe rowder
1 The best article
now in nse (for particulars see bills) for sale
by Bearer Kremersk Mfxtre, Lewis;.
SCHOOL ORDERS aeatly priaKd aad ft
) mI at tha CAroniWe Ofeec.
Christ at Frick. A suitable Reward will k
paid for any information in relation thereto.
April 4, IM54- GEO. A. FKICX
Ire ( rram and CallnK SaltMm
Comer of Sm.nd and Market
Having rented the commodious and
Xtlfiued building, at the lower end of ..,
St. (formerly the mansion of W mJlayesXa,!
tbe subscriliers are prepared to eniertaia
Man and Beast, with lodging and luoit,t
not with intoxicating liquors.
ITThere is also attached an ICE CREAK
Saloon for Ladies, aad an EATIMG SAL001
I for (Gentlemen.
j We respectfully solicit a fair trial, tag .
share of the public patronage.
Lewisbarg. March 30, 1854 3m
Attention, Fanners!
HAVING newlr fined np his MILL 'OK
GKI.DI.G PLASTER. Ihe subscriber
is now prepared to do any work in tbat lite
on the shortest notice aud the most accca.
Lewisburg, March 23. IH5. 6w
Chairs, and Cabinet Ware.
HAVING made a large addition in mrtC
his Brick ahop, upper end of Jttitri
street, and discontinued bis shop on 3d sum,
the subscriber has removed there all his toen
' and ware, and will be happy to see old cask
mr an(1 Dew al nis jiarkel jit shop
j A rr h ,uppy cf WALL PAPER,
inp of new and fashinnable patterns, is oca
selling at rrduced prices.
All fcimis of VII A IRS and CAB1SET FCB
MITRE, suitable fur Parlor or Kitchen, cu
be had on terms which can aot fail lo please.
(j-Aii work warrant..
Lewisbarg, March 17, 154 6m
for cutting both Grain and Gra.
MAM FACTI KED and for ,ait a,
Lrwisbors Foondry by
if Ai'( i ia tn In; tj-temlrj fntm lytic Murg le
Jsu-ittutca on the Jamnta
Ihrough by .MUBIaburs ! !
T ia a fact tbat I. II. R Uael haa eat
ahead of all the I'nnipanir. and naa near
opened oue ol tbe beet and targeu alack, wl -
ever opened ia ihu country, and of each rlylee
and (jualmea a will giv. miafaction lo all.
DRY GOODS of all kinds,
Coffee. Tea. !piree. gawar. .Wolaaaea. Bare, Caaan,
Creraera. s.a, laadlaa, lulare, aamra,ae.
Also Hardware, Queruncarr, Ccdjrxare,
Hoot! and Shoes, llat!,
ad Cap ot tbe laleat etyle and beet qiulilv.
L'inl'irllaa, Broehee, Hroome, Painla gfoui.J and
dry. Oil. of .11 kind., aad other articles tea
numrruut to mention all of which will be eatd
al niicca so low aa lo aatoniah nurrhaarra.
All kind of CoODlry PIIOUICE taken ia
riclianre for Gooda.
U-l'Ieaee cire me a call before parcaeeine
elae where, aa 1 charge nothwp lor ioukiof al aa
Ooo,l. i). H. KISSEL.
MilHinhorg, Cct 28 1353
The Far-Famed Medicine!
Tha lilt heine ermriaeJ entirely nf mdirinftl Berbs.
are f a offt harmtess nature, while ibe eatraertii
arr Tirtn thev por? haTe rendri them sat!
rail p-ipylar m narlr rverr fart aft he Wt.rld. H
tmmense sueeaPS thT hTe met with throns;tKat tta
states is oivttt extraordinarr, owins:. it is yrewiiawa
to their w'iBfierfal etUi-acr in tie ear ef fi.1-
enmptaint and dwnraVra of tne Ljer and toinart-,
rrraonawbo prri-atere in Ufinp; them aeenrdiac
UirectioBS, arliom fail in being restored ta aealia.
Weakncss and Debility. Kestoration t9
lioalth of a Gentleman, aged 45, wbrt?
at Death's door.
fVpr nf tt LetUr frmm tae R9.(mrtt !kmit, Attti Xertsa,
.V. miipt. wear Bath, SomtfrteuMirt, 11 Ag
To ra.'rrn IIoiiiiwat.
(-ir A l r. J"in Hi Twt trmerlT a raMent rt
plaee. bad hi-en ia a deeliaina: state f WaJth aar anatra?
rl thive TSars. frniduatly waatina awav to a nbailow
aiichllT prrwptratiows and want af ap-et:t. whieh rawat
rrrt unamns to hi frn-ci. hehadroasnlfad Tarwat
nediral men tn Kaih.wifhont e-rt. Ha at last need iHf
t'tll. and nodr Pmaidene was restored to health H
their means. He lately tmtrratd lo New York, and lai
just written to nay, that ha waa aerer better ia heatt.
and desirt-d me to aeqitaint vnn with the eirrnmatanea 1
rught also to mention, that my wits has derived frtsl
benefit frrm tbe naa of Tonr Pills.
1 remain. Sir. ynnrs resrtfully.
CUAKLU ITU, Xhaatatiiiic Mraisttr-
A permanent Cure of a diseased Lirer of
many Years' duration.
Copy a a latter from Mr. fmit Ckrmxst, TmH,
IVar 31 1 In this dittriet yowr il-la command a awe
e"itrnie sale than anT ohT prrprietarT av-dnitw tf
th nnhlie. Aa a proof of their awVeaey ia Lorer aad
Cnmplaints I ma mention the fnllowtna; ease. A tat?"
this town with whom 1 am personally acqaaiataa, a
years waj a seTere off--rer fnm disaasa of the Lirt r
DisjestiTe arsans ; her martiml attendant aarared brrthaa
ha ronld do aothtns; to rrtisTa her saVrinf- aod it
not likely h ronld surriT many avonUka. This anneoa
cement naturally rauard c;reat alarm amons; hrr nrtL
and relattrna. and they indnred her to make a tral "
your Ihlls.whieh so improved her sraeraj health that
waa im.ivenl to continue thm nntil f he reeefweaf a aH-T
euiv. This is tveWe motiths aeo, aaj ah has aot eil-
Iwnced but symptoms f relare. and often daetarss tt
your Piila bTe bea the means of aaTins: her life.
1 remaia. iear sir. yonra traly,
July 2M, (Mjraet)
TfcsK ceUbrntnl I Wa are wowciVrWfy cjficuciotu ta the
Acn Drofey Jaaadiea SeeanJary
Asthma Dysentery Liver Cmplats ymrb'0
Bilious Com- Erysipelas Lumbago TklhMiierssJ
plaints female Irrec-Pik-s Tumors
Blntrhea osj alarities RhenmaUsm rieera
theSkia Ferers of sJlntrnloa afYenreal
Bowel CmprtS kinds Vriaa Irrtias
Coltes Fits BT(fuln, wfomi of
Conslir-at'n of float Kirtfr'a KtU hinds
the Bowels Hea.t-aeho For Throats Weaknessfral
Consnmptiua Indicawtroa) Shmm aad any cans
Debility lnflamattoa Uraael kr. A.
M at th IUUbIisbmmt ofrrofraaor nottWAT.
Otrand, (neat Tempi liar. London.) aad also at a is lwot
ia Sew York. rder for Medieinea in the 1-fatea.sAtre
r iWJoMwy. iYrnr lerAV," will reraie da atteonew
also by all respecUhl DrnncWta and dealers MfdT
throwrhoat in Cnitvd Siatea. ia Bases at ST S rts.
and $l,Mt earh. To h had VbolrasJ of th pnawtaM
Drait ho vans la tb Catoa.
AsT Tare is a eon rderalWa Tins. tT takiar xh rarrI
Boses. X.B. DiTeetions for th cnianee f
oTery disorder, ar aJkird to ach Box lyi
DTfor sale by Dr. KEMPER. MifflinHif
V i QU o refuacd t the
Dl Aufl burg Kbroniclf. rfficft
anb o coastove a.d irw,
1 f joints of Pipe, out of Ihe Pbondrv ar
. rr - ' m , . ., , I "I