Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, May 05, 1854, Image 3

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IJcralmrg ClirnnirlrJ
xoioso. w--.j o.il. wonnw.r-...
A til JM ali hi nUranea, $,S t months, 2
within tb y.T, and t lt
-V Palmer an K W Cur.
Lcwisburg, !.
Friday Morxixo, Mat 5,
talwtrntara. , JA, .1" notk-of tin.
m.- f onTthmr-wonl.t do - " J" ThU i.
VVE; Tmw.ru !, 'i"t iToauoc,
and deaUrs. " -
tTr See Sew AdTerllemcn.
8,Happy to hear from "Observer."
lie gets up a model letter for a country
-A boom broke at Lock Haven on
Wainesday morning loss, 5,000 log?.
Boom at Williaoisport broke last night.
tThe Telegraph Offica at Mill nail
is discontinued Mr. M'Cormick having
removed to Lock Haven.
t n r 1 - lnaA tit a
wayi.-xne "--6-".
bill for selling the Mam Line of the Tub-
US - V"
1 S. II.
r., on our nrst page, is
native of Ireland of middle age never
voted ! but we think promises fair to cast
Lis vote soon.
. . r a i. t
-Fair prospects for Spring at last !
The River i. very high, aud an unusually
large quantity of Lumber is along our ,
shores, waiting for the fall of water.
Ont at Last !
The new Editor of the Star, after hav-, a few remarks stated that it was a purely
ing done the Division cause all the damage , local question that he was opposed to it,
be could, under the garb of independence j and hoped they would not take it up in
and neutrality which was, to give all the j opposition to hit wishes. When it comes
room the Anti-Pivisioui.sts asked, and to j up again, the IIou.se will be made to un
refuse the Pivisionists any room this i derstaud that the will or wishes of oue man
week comes out fairjiud flat-footed ayaintt is not alone to be considered, but that the
Pivisiou, with some tcciyhty reasons for his
opiniou ; which reasous, if Pivisiou be now
thwarted, it may be worth while Co notice
when the discussion has to be resumed.
The chief consideration which seems toj
actuate Mr. Leader, is, that the people ;
the very particularly dear people are
against Division. lie " inoirs" that, out-!
side of Selin.-gruve and Lcwisliurg, very
4 few people approve it-and bis honut
5 .,...-L ,V h,t fmm thse boro'.. !
..ot 500 votes could be got for Pivision !....!
, I Well, to know" is pretty positive, aud !
I an "honest opinion" he has a perfect right I
I to-but if he does not vary his figures,
J and enlarge his knowledge somewhat, be-!
'i fore he casts his maiden vote, we mistake. J
. I '2'20Q petitions last spring, ") arc not
I 1700 votes last fall, V to be
J 3100 petitions this spring, J despised.
'; t-Thc clothing store of Mr. J. F.
- Cauper. at Milton, was entered on the
night of the 20th ult., and robbed of goods
; to the amount of $250. The tin ware cs-;
; tablishuieut of Messrs. Uliawn & Chapin, !
and the boot aud shoe store of Mr. Pavid 1
Krauser, were also eutered on the same
- night Eleven dollars in money were ta-1
ken from a desk in the establishment of:
; Messrs.
Ilhawn Si Chapin, but nothing
iWas mistiiu" in the store of Mr. Krausor.
,A reward of 7tLdtUar5 is offered for the!
- detection of the thief. j
Dtiow-fcD. Mr. lVter i-trtIow, form-
erly of Pona toweship, L coming county,
waa drowned near haniber City, Cler-
t..M .....it. tti iKa 9'nJ !f It 9nn3r
I Mr. Barth'W was on a raft, which he and
I hia comrades attempted to laud, and
suine mifhap was dragged ioto the water,
f aod before afisiijUace could get to him, he
pauk. Ilia body had not been recovered,
d to the date of the letters received.
A man named Jacob Lewis, aged about
85 vears, fell dead uj.on a raft, on Suuday
. . .1 . L a t I 1?....
list, ju awio two ..iiuiv wi x,"-vuo "-
Jl.ro lis wi. a eiiir.-n r,f l ork count v.
' '
Pa., and a man of sober habits. He bad
" sot eomplanicd of being nowtll, and it is ,
. sjaid was whistling when he fell
It is sun-
aaaaorl ho die.l of ducasa of the heart Or !
V regret to learn that two raftmcn
were accident! drowned at or near the
Buttermilk falls, abont ten days ago.
Their names and tbe particulars of tbe
asult; we have not been able to obtain.
' Old Samuel Ilainc (or llcvnc,) wbo bas
--, keen an inmate of our county prison for
tke cast thirteen rears, died on Wednesday
hat- We believe he was first imprisoned j
1m a brief period on some penal offence, j
aad at the expiration of the term, refused
W leare- He has since been a tenant by '
rpurtwy manifesting at times mental de- j
;- Clngement, bat at all times peaceable,
- - Eairmless and disposed to be industrious
)ben any duties were assigned him.
fillianuport Press.
i eru IT IT , a !
y The bill reguUting the salaries of Asso-
aaaw-uugesuas passen Dom crancnes oi
Se Legislature.
Tbose Assooiato Judges
ahose attendance at Court does not exceed i
x weeks in tbe year, are to receive $120 j
yer annum ; those not over twelve, 150 ; !
om not over twenty, 8185; those not
i C. .1.:... aonn. .Zl T., i
f " """Ji'-""-
The new State Treasurer, Joseph Daily, 1
s .worn in on Monday. II appointed
it it . , , , ;
J- I). Hth,Mon, of Jefferson eounty, I
plate of Dr. Patrick, Other (
The Division and New Berlin.
" "
Tho New licrliucrs learned from Pr.
Wil. -v.,, 1... csofcial attention
t0 LU (.Division) a couple ot
months that the House bad adopted a
rule which
i jr i. - Ti:. : '
would Slave oil me i'iuiuu
bill an long as Siuionton is there. Great
jo io the Collector's office,Liverpool, and
eke New Her 1 in.
On Dir. That New Berlin is preparing
to give Maj. Sitnonton Pinner, in appre
ciation of bis services in preventing Pivis-
ion. It will be a second edition of Charley !
. Gunner s dinner and illuniinatiou ot Mit-
. fliuburg in memory of the man toasted as
oir netmoaen An
holiest man, the
noblest work ol uou :
JIurrisburg, Monday 1. Slenter and
G. Merrill arrived here yesterday (S'n
tlau') afternoon, post-haste, on foot and in
i bueev from the Junction and Puucan-
j non hey had heard the orders of the
; were gpeuj which gives Division
j a chance.
Y. S. New Berlin jubilee dinner post-
poucd, so long as her pious citizens have
. .1.. U..1.1....I. i .... . .t.
o I J
a-foot at that-to stop Division !" after
... w . .. ,.,,,
Aiurnwary, muu u. xue cuoiv
j ... . i
& b. h. Koad was disposed of just before
dinner to-day, and as the orders of the day j
. , ' , , o , ,, , !
were already suspended, Mr. SullaJa called j
I up our Piviaion Bill, aud ou moving to
, . -i . i
proceed to its consideration, the Ayes and
.F .....,:'... , I
-V" " J ""J I
i friends beinc absent, as it was dinner time.
This is decidedly encouraging under all
the circumstances. Mr. Siuionton niadi
1120 majority who have petitioned for
Pivisiou, are also entitled to sympathy and
Thurxfajf,3ray 4, 2 P.M. Night session
for our bill just voted down yeas 3G,
nays 38 several friends absent will be
in order to-morrow.
" If it it right, vote for it; if it is
"fa"'s' S"ch,.,
language of one of the New BerLn
Such tots the
r'als to the E1"?' ow ho"e
the WV f ?'"n ry out, 'Pen t
tc at 1 f ! off ! post-
The fnends of Pms.on think
,f " h!lve chance to come wl" have
taThc Legislature w
I Tuesday next nearly a
I than last year's session.
ill adjourn on
month longer
fcJ-No particular Congressional news.
'Lcwfaburg, Centre & Spruce Creek
Commitlrrs to obtain Stifwrivtiom.
Bujptloe Martin Driesbach, Col. P. Ruhi.
Wnt HuJTil't David Watson, David Shaf
fer, Henry Zellers.
lAiuewmc jonn .ires, lanner. !
Mirlr Hi rn.nnv J.ihn Wilt item
vi,,h Jaei.h Braurher.
Mijjliukurg tieo. DmsLacb.
TUpnrtcO lor thr ChmiiicV
Baltimore markets,
r MerchaJst HfJtimi-re.
IUltihobk, May C
Prie- of Floor am! Grain are firmer under
the steamf r's nen. Considerable sales were
made tr-r!av at for standard brands ex-
buihels hue Wheat it $110 ind 3 It.
very pfirae parcet T00lli a frw cent
more. 8a.-s of Red Wheat at 2.04 and 2 06;
Bye $10; CcYn 77 and m; Oaw 51.
lumber continue in active twmm at pre-
vi cut quotations.
Lewlsbur; Fost-Ofllca Amusements.
t.t.'itii.t niiirmjufii-vatriioaT,
. . : . .
l!.)rtr.V oa U'Wdij, Ktoarotlx; aa.1 f rtf.jr.
rl-aaafU A.M.
A'OXrSAWilUaKiTort.Mon4 Wr4a an. rrl .
rlo-. at S r M. af .ijbt aronlia(.
0Ttfi-tf.V(Min--TOr)Tud.Thuna aaa Salard .
cloot at 1J. M.
BL'FFALOE JT SOADS. Tartri.v an FrM.r,
j elutwalS I'.M.of ai.t.t aiaro.inr.
sfrsj.Ttiiinssa honra dal'y (eaeepi ?an laya; from 6 until
aud fruw 12, M. nnUI a. I'M -Not.
2a, loost. 11. W . CKOT2ER, P. M.
A VARIETY of School Books.
nianlr nnlrc flif flrwiba for HnhHatT '
presents. Pens, Ink. Letter and Cap Paper,
for sale cheap at the Ltwisnrno Post Orncs.
Corrected H'eeAy.
..81,85 Eggs.
$ 10 1
Tullow .
Bacon ..
Dried Apples . 1,25 Clovcrsced 4,00
I In West Buffaloe Tp. Union Co- 2d inst-
Roar.BT GuoBLot Hiaria Haves, Esq- in his
60th ' after a week's illness.
Tb. de,eJsed one of fcest kBown
ad respected citizens of our county, and was
bat recently in the enjoyment of fine health j
and all the comforts of life.
His father, John
Hayes, was one of the earliest and most ex-
,ens'Te sr"y Ti and the
h? Prob,1!,,y M w,'7!r'i"" "
1 minutely acquainted with corner
lines aud surveys in Union counly.as he was.
1 .
hd been frequently appointed ana eiectea .
rveyor o, tne cmy. - -.--
be was re-elected last tan. ror wis siauou
AM of m,lter wb,t might !
h Ine Bniz,, or joeai conflict, there were
aariera'lv if b alwav. oM fiienls an! ac
of b.c jH.H.,.M-eii to eiec
bim. Honored Le bis memory!
n Lewisburg, 30ih u!t,Miss J.stC.Lios.,
of Northumberland, aged 19 rears.
j freehold. .
' -
J. & J. Walls,
L. Iuuinus & Co.
Are. receiving teaps of New Goods, for j
and Summer trade too laey to
write out descriptions.
vti. r. -1 i I
O FINE SHOATS.S months old. for sale
Z cheap for cash by JOS. V. Tl'STIN, at
Thornton & Co.'s Drug Store. May 1
rnHE Co-nartner.hio heretofore existine as
J. Tutiii, Stuart &. Lewis, is this day dis-
soiired by Mutilation. I lie business ol saiu
firm will be settled by Jos.P.Tustin.who alone
is authorized to use the firm's name in liquid
ation. All persons having accounts with said
firm will please call immediately for setlle
meut at Thornton dc. Co's Drutore.
Lewisburg, May i, 1854
aKeciitor'a Notice.
"NOTICE is hereby given, that letters testa- j
mentary on the eslaie of Srs Fans, !
ale of Milfliuburg borou;h, dec d, have been i
. , . .L , : j j e n...
IB"11' io N.e uilrrlSiieu, ill uu .y
grantee io ine unuersignea, in uue lomioi -,
b ,h- Ke!!isterif Un oncouutv. All persons
- . - .
indebted to said estate are requested lo mane
payment; and those having claims
aSa,n!l " w,a preseutthem duly autheuticaied
ior settlemenu
HENRY W. FRIES, Executor.
Lewisburg, April 2'.l, 1854
v .
. . . . . .
V .UliaUlC liCal JLiStalC
It TJ Ivll SALE.
rilliE subscribers ofler at Private sale, all
X that certain tract of LIMESTONE LAXD
beautifully situated along Little Buifalo creek,
Kelly Tp, Union Co., about 3J miles from
Lewisbure, and 3 miles from Milton, adjoin
ing lands of Wm.A. Patterson, George Meixel,
Jacob Mover and others, containing 36 acres.
I he improvements thereon are a large and
commodious Two-Storey Frame Mansion
House, a good Frame Barn, Carriage and
Woodliouse, with all other necessary Out
buildings a Pump with good and never-failing
Water near the door a large bearing
ORCHARD of choice Apples, and all other
varieties of Fruit.
The land is all under good fences and in a
high state of cultivation. The buildings are
all nearly new, and for convenience, si) le and
durability can not be exceeded in tile neigh
borhood. About 4 Acres TIMBER LAND.
For particulars address "D. Myers, Lewis
burg, Pa.," or persons wishing to view the
premises or ascertain terms can do so by
calling on D. Myers, residing thereon.
Isfub List, May T. 1S54.
Reaney. Nifla iOo n J Culbertitoa ud otben
9th Stalil vs l'et-r HWhtet't Adm'n
HWSnvkr t A Thotuna t l
11 icluvl Wagner vs CbnritM Cawley
moid A Tbomaa t ml
Clemeut A Masaer ti Younrmaa A WJtr
MUtM t Jr.ha II IJntn
same Tit Voims-mau Walter
Pet?r Ki- bter'i Ei'ra t W f WuvwAWr
me ta yr tof J A W f Watft?netier
Jonathan st:nih'rltn ua Hart man jr with nt. tr liana.
J..hu KUi ac fur fimtt t J lUrtnuaajr with notica
Klirlll I'tnllfr lo Uo
lnl ltnirlsr Ta Jam M'Crkt
ttrter Wflfb tb IMiry Wtlth
aamn T9 N HVIflh d-n Adtur
HirUt Frick t linrv U Cnrt r
Hfiirr ' nydrr tb John Snyder' A.lm'r
Wgoowllcr va Kllia aod P HarUuM
Haeiah Hummel Ta Ptr Hummel
Mary Uiclilejr t Wn UeicUt-
hrjn Ioff Ta LP T-ri
Jojattiaa Arbutrant a IVn Arbrat
DaTKl Spayd a Buwfras'a A im ra
J M'f aiWtn'i Adm'r Ta Kt yrt me InsaraDra Company
Christ for Cauntron ra tint A Kiiclt
Jhn llui va W M Van Jmh
Mary K lirirwr'a Tru t-e t t'baa II 81irlnr
II, rlT for a A t dar Vali' T t X lKt:r Torn RCo
tiro I! row it Ta Wbitc IWr Toa-n-tup
p.-trr luh,rt w A Citmiuior (2 nulls
fhlirrtl. Itnnk. i On ll..i.rv U.. ., .1
f"h" ? " Muiuinreliu.Cmp.
. ....... llut
Lurvmu I' Tcvti
ili-nry Mii:n ts muuv
i Mary K fiirinr'a Trujit-a tb friea aud ltldingi
r MitMlivwarth a I. Ftranrr
Andrew Wolla Ta A J HVl et al
' rortuuita lipciMria Ta l il-rr
; J .nrvlr Ki m t al aa Jac.b Iloaafr jr
Alfi-Ml Kttf-a va Hm Manrk
j t.ewfT- llrlM Va J an.. W Smlttl'fi CsTUtori
i Mm J Htibbtmn aa Hlifr and Fri. k
KKb-tiri.'-b acl If-rr'.lrJ ym Johm Van Y!tt
lru. kra. rtor. tir M2f., r Uffman A M nailer-(2ta)
' Mtrbarl M rtouiai t mhi
Mopts liw-r a W ft J Vounc
! tnl tu-ii. r a hiina r'rank
J A W f U acanMlivr tp A Outilua
Ianl R.n-U-r MTrvL-Ut
( l't-r Iui-rt aa A ! ummioga
' i Knabw a 1aa Ma
ISutal lHtwr aa Hbi.ip OU
l-r t tmiiuum nr Hih
M.vtnvy i. aai Kilt-'
Uiiltaaa UmUr rm luaaa MavlJea
' Ju (iosMtta r atad wife Ti dr
, ltal Lfviler 4rv Millar Kx'ra
rmttk f l&nT!l'a M rttnr nd O B Gemaa
! fwiM(r t tiC Hartman
A'lm KbntDt aa Jrr 8 Mrb anl othem
' aliKny a. Ihrtiea liourte I h -bland and Wifa
1 " a lr U aud Matilda V einck
im- r-itt aa liaairl Kftnalr
A oral.aat altrr si A t I'.'dtr
o..noi nn-T iaui.i s hmrk
I tuM C llarti
(euriie Hill andolbcrs
Jawb Maia-k
J llarimaajr
I nib Weirf-k
ra Jti Uttt and otben
ts Jatx'h tiinrieh
tb Mantaret llouael
rs A'Tabam Hrvin
ea n illiun J May
T lr A 6 I umminS
A W Kremer ti
4 twira fier
Jt.bn t4att.,ie
rw avrhvh Ta
raei 4;uteliua
Henry C-hran
Ta Jaerb Itrnwo
Matl.tU Wrinrk Ts t nh W'irirk
Mar J J-nkm Ts II 11 Tairrrt ot al
Mtrhl klrrkarr T. hanil MoTrr
Jtool. llrowa v. llrnrr Cochran (1 suite)
Hsrtmta l llarttuaa "is J H suilk'. tir'i
g,.H,l. a Millrr llrnrr llih
& (lab. an4 It uo ts JoiH-pb Alliert
Kitiie ts Jucot. Albert
raui. ts JntiaUisD Wator.
Simon iiumav-1 ts A Karat, fur li k M
A Mor.ini'rr t. .ntl lliirh
John Fauon ts J W fmiOYs Rs'ts'
Truill. Droihora a Co ts Saint Hrrolenon
Cbriptiaa Ilrrtnau ts John Hummel
Adilii t, IVn I n a .Smith ts Hoffman .M-tlgM
Jobn Mathias ts Jus Mitnun
lir A e CunimioK. t. Ilrctor A Srrwart
6aml iUesler ts Abram (Jangler
WITH a larre assortment of CLOCKS.
Hatfield's Old Stand.
(Particulars hereafter.)
Lewisburg, April 27, IBS I
BSomethlng for Yon !"tta
SUGAR, Teas, Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa,
Molasses, Soap, Hernnt. Washing and
Baking Soda, Pearl Starch, Potash, Pickles,
firo f netnril fnillfirfi. Unifies nTOnnd
and uagmaiwi. tthoe nnshos, Bronni.. combs, oiovr.
lloriorv- Knitiina Cotton. 8asnontlrrs. rortmonaio. an4
1'arsra, l'rfomryl'isbiD Tarklo, Kmot Strops, and a
TarietT of small ware, such a. tvcariKWT WWTS, will b.
told rhoapf ir Cash b7 B. K. KJUISEM.
1 rwi.bun. April 2S, 151.
A Second Supply
GOODS just ree'd and for sale eheap
April 24, 1864
ljpjf. r,DT.8 ..lti. Powder
now ia nse (for particulars set bills) for sals
by Beater Kremtr Mocre, Lewisburg.
n ASTERN SEED ONIONS, a large quan
tity just ree'd at the Mammoth Drug
biore of Ua. THORN TON C :
equipped with ten rounds of blauk;
Lewmburg, April 28, 1S54.
nam, cuuuiw..-., ,
"HOARS, Raisins, Lfinons, Oranges. Fig,
'. j Cr'ai-kers, Cheese, tSutn.n'ry, a large
variety of Coiifeclioiiaries. Ac. Ar. b.r sale by
I Murray's old stand. Market Square, uear 3d Sl j
j Lewisburg, April
13, 1W51
Summer Fashions for 1S54,
From Ths P. Williams.Broadway, New York,
just ree'd by J. U. .MILLER, Lewisburg.
timore be(?s leave lo announce to the
citizens of Lewisburg and its vicinity that he
is nrenarcd to do all kinds of Bairn work in
the best manner, viz. such as Press Ilrick and
Common Fronts, also settiti" of boilers, build
ing of slacks, furnaces a!id ovens, in short
a ....,. tli mT annprtmtiiriflr in in i line nt business.
, -- o j .
a) JEmallt work done in a .-nperior manner
j ,. ,,, jworkj0ie ,,,
, . ; .... . ,, .,rrnnli ,
give 1
ith a i
; &atislacIllin u, a !, W1l favor him w
aiiu iii mi. . . -
ca Kesu
. anie gt
ou" F-irth ee,; , d'r
ewisburg. April 19, 1H."4.
Tiact its liiiifa '" sav" ,haI wc i
11.-51 a ta -H. siiiv nave received an
instalment of our laie purchases of
to which we invite the attention of the trading
Lcwisburg, April 13, lol
T7ie Great Spring and Summer Exhibition
CAl-TaKMAX would respectfullyannounce
. to the citizens of Iaewisbnr and vicinity
that he has just received at his x Sforo
adjoining Kline's Hotel, a large aud splendid
stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
consisting of the latest styles and best qualities
of Cloths, Casimeres Hatinetis datonades,
Veslings, Ladies plaiu and fancy Ureii
CSoods and Trimmings of every description.
irrtirerirSj Qaemxicart, t'C.
together with a large a&ortment of
Men's and Boys' Clothing.
Alt of which hare been car-fully selected with a view to
Ktve aatisfactii lo all purrbaarra.
We iBTite all tnCOMK AND EXAMINE for thomwlrea
before pur'baina;elwherttaa we are detmuined tone 1 1
at 4Ve very lomrtt Ou pricft, and fel mnfltlrnt that Wl
can an it any wbo will farur ua witb a rail.
Lvwiaburic Aril 1J Iw4 C. ALLEMAN.
v-Oountry Pmduca taken In earbnag fr U.Kula.
Proclamation to the Citizen of
Ifltfllinburgr and Tic in II y.
Pnlvrmacher,s Hydro-Electric Voltaic Chains, .
TiO NSTRUCTKD to be worn next lo the
y sktu, prducomga constant current of I
electro maenetisin, (Meeting immediate tew
from all atutc ptiint, and a
Permanent Cure nj all -V iini'gic Ditenses.
.. . . i ... l . f. ......
at vmu miw u:.r iini raraim '
.1...-. utor .hh rra... . r-w f . I
aiw.iTT. uunn!,,,... -".... .-...... j
in urruiawij mb, wi-. r j
aiuo- iutrodm-ed and ateutel i-y th i . f. UoTernmvbt.
M "tt at,totukuy rurt '
PbernnwUem. ht.Vitn-' lan-e,
I'jutul and Swelled Jinta, l alpiutton of tne Heart.
Neuralfia of the IVc, r.-ri--ti.-al lte.iwe,e
iN -fiiriw. Bl.o-lneAe, lin. fr..m Iteiieatioa.
liyurica, lejia, I terine lainj,
Jt'cere fumar. mlirti Atwh.
i njekly and rapidly rurtd, ty uu j wearina; tbe Chain
f-r a lew boura erw h day.
The haino wen flrat int-odae.d n tht ritT f Ne
York.wher tliey were eabittitcl tx !nde. Valentine Moil,
an Uuren. PiwCCuvnaicban, v bo readily diwred Uiat
they p.eee-ed
Srnntt Jn-f Si9l9T n-vrt of
tXSTA STL V HtLihfiXt i'AtXS,
whenever ariylied. aud br tlteir tvoiinuMu'1aUon and In-
fl.wnM ih.. w.tv inln.diitm.1 iot ih irt-r-nt h'Mttl.
if jT.w ork, .u4 .n-on. . d.iiy u-r m tim InMiia-
i lin.i. in tho uvaua'Ut of tiK! cure of lb. i iuuiioi
(1i-s.m. , !
No Oihor Medic! As-nt '
In tti wri t nn prrlon" to mnv U uthnli-H i
cms..!-of cun- fr..m i-..ti.te rhv..ri.n. .nd
cent rt-ni i m.v tw f.uni id rrb pampbi-t. hw-i
Di.y be LbMlm-d (tfrstls) at Ihe Unix Srn- M 1 MSO. 9. ,
I HP1..T, a r
t. onto awnt fr M itllinliuri; and Ti.-tultr. and
will rxpl.in tLr uMiurr of uw, to anjt oar lio may
In tl:o ri of Xeir Vork. at tho (Sonera! Ofllre, a .
RrosilwaT, thrrr arod iilr U in; uld from 4" to bu chain,
and tho jaln and drniond in KnOm i- a itn-st in pmpor. j
tion to tho population, although they bae only been In- j
tritlurod thror months. I
Tli. hains atv ra.ily Torn,an.l aroroually pr"'',le
to all i-ln,.". of wr-'ons thr child as well a lhr adult.
aud rr lvii ri a.li f ,r u nrrr irrt out of rrpair,n.l
mtu-h an article of ornament as Ui' j arc of a soluabt.
niONnM ol euro.
The Chains ean b sent 1t mai! to any part or the V.
Stat-s, and can bo oblainrii iu ail tho priuripsl cilo-s in
the I'aion. I'ltsNrians a-o r.iU. stcl toosaminc t'"1"-
.D to LApira. Ladieswhoar.oinarrronurlod
sot to ,h them only for a few momrnM at oacb tunr of
ai.pijinn, f..r by loug continued, uue, niiscarruig U rro
quonllT nroiluccl.
Jossrii cTrisEkT.Ocn. AimtSnR BroadwsT.Ncw Tork
THEO. S. CHRIST, Agent, Mifflinbiir!;.
Iy522dn Union Co. Pa.
Superior Fruit and Ornamental Trees.
Wot. R. Prince A Co.
W ill send their New Cutalu&tes tnitn rtauaa i
nrires. eomnrisine their fcxtra l.ar"e sizea ,
Trees, which will be sent to post-paid applica
tions enclosing stamps. 4w520
TS rierebr rrn
8 hereby piven to all persons indebted to
the late Firm of CAri Friek, either by
Note, Hook Account, or otherwise, that GEO.
A. FRICK as one of the Partners of said Firm
is alone authorized lo settle the same and
receive all monies due. tj. CHRIST,
Feb. 27, 185t. GEO. A. FRICK.
PREPARED by R.demacher & Sheep,
Apothecaries to ihe Homoeopaihic Dis
pensary. No. S39 Arch street, Philadelphia,
constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale
and retail, ia Lewisrp. at the Drue Riore of
WASTED The subsrriber viahes to
hire a PIANO, for which tbe highest
price will be paid. Appl at the Chronicle
Iwisborg, Feb-S3
NOTES Promistory, JuJgtrent, and
JAM Nule. (faUak) at Chii ciTiee.
w- L... I... - , . . - . a . .t . I weat.u ,
ion are t.c.cuj .........io..,. ... a large and nanusome variety, 01 tun u.o-,. , ba, (J no, Uue t(J pul, lnJ m ,horl ,
meei ai inc . iu styles, just receives ana ior saie cbp Wor,hleb. beast, aud lle cote bvinK been
saul i,1eUo;"u.0'L';f"- same can be obtained elsewhere, by ! atained thresh fraud I wilt u.l pay the
on Satuiday the th day of May, Mn. IRLAND, Jame unlesJ C0peUed by law.
next, at 9 o'clock A. M. fuily; sd bnildin? below rfoazhtoa's 81ioe shop, i " iv.iVtr.v. Tit?IJ i
tvavi.vi'y tt tnAKSk
RnnriPte Tri mm intra
Bonnets, inmrnings
Of all Kinds, Collars,
Laces, Black Mohair
- - ,
MlttS, Unuersleeves, j
Chemisettes, &C. &C,
New Spring Goods !
T1 IRST OK THE SEASON ! We have this
dxy opened a larre and beautiful assort- '
ment of Spring Ooi ds. Persous iu want of
New Styles of Goods and at low prices, are
respectfully invited to give us a call.
A pi 7 LIiAX?-?l
V -SPLENDID assortment of Kills, Shailie. ;
Armenia, Wool Delaines. Persian, and '
Lawu DliCS GOODS, to be hai ai very low 1
orices of J. HAYES & CO. i
1 1NGIIAMS aod Prints of all descriptions,
X also 100 pieces extra 61 ets Prinu to be
had cheap of
J. IIAYE8 it CO.
7INEST Moleskin, Fanama, Canton, China
Pearl. Leghorn and Palm H TS at low-,
est prices by
f aurime-nt fashionable BO..NET3.I
Misses Flatts, Flowers, Ribbon, and
. price, by
IXCEI.LENT assortment Wool, Ingram,;
I I a aud Hemp CARPETING, also Drugget 1
! iTi .l..,k, l...l h;nn I
Oil doth, colored and white cotton and hemp
Carpet Chains, at lowest prices bv
O PERM. Tanners'. Fish and Linseed OILS
O and White Lead, best qualitv, at
April 13, 1HS4 J. HAYKH A CO
LBS of excellent FKATHERS t. b
had of J. HAVKS&CO.
F11HE Co-Partiiership heretofore existing j
I bpiwe-n M. Wrchler and WTm. Berger, !
. .
.rdinr, under the Firm of Serkkr A Hr. is
this ilay uissotvea dj muiuai conseuu . c
books and accounts win remain iu uic
of M. Sechlcr, and ihe business continued on
by the subscriber, where he hopes to share a
liberal patronage of his friends and custom
er. 1 M. SECHLEK.
New Columbia, April I, 1S64 pd
For sale at the large Brick Wareroom of
Uonacby Av Klder,
(Fourth 8t ona dour (mh Blair'i Hotel.)
OUR stock comprises ILisewotd.Mahngany,
Walnut and Cuttaee Dressing llt'REAl S
I'lain and Fancy Mahogany Bureaus SE
Mahoeanv Chairs and Whatnots Card. Pir,
Center. 8oia. D.u.ug. and lireakfa-t Table, j
Grecian, French, Octagon, Iptiaee, ana I
Common BEDSTEADS Rosewood. Walnut, 1
i i- .. u'ltillsTlvns ...I!
.wano?any ami oii.gc ,
various other articles.
All work
: vL.mTK. to be well made, and
t reasonable terms. Cash, Produce i
on the most
and Lumber taken in cavmenL
Lewisbure, Ort. S, 1S3
nAVINU furnished ourselves with a Rose
wood fe" f" i t 'he subscribers are
. I. . u-i.it nnfln all 'ho Dllf be SO
, ,ir, aie . lo reauire uieir service, ami
P' 'hr wan. and J
wishes. Orders promptly atiended to. Aa l
a5Virtrnent ol "JurriAS aepi coasiaony on
hand, or made lo order.
. i . . i i
Lewisbnre. Jan.T. is.3
Offu-e Smqurhanna Kuilrtiad Compnsiy, i
Il.aaiesi ao. Jan. SO, 1834. 5 !
risHE ts nM.MltM.ur.rls ot tn:s tompany
1 are hereby notified ,ha, the Seeond
Instalment of Five Dollar per Share is ,
eal'ed in. payable on or before the ath of i
IE STOCKHOLDERS of this Company
are hereby untitled that the Seood
Fehruarv next : and an instalment or like
. V.I. n nr Kf. .r I h llllh HsV uf
. . . . ,
;each moinh thereauer. until me wnoie is pam
in to wit, the loin ol uciouer nexi oy luosv
residing in
Ilaltimore at L'nion Bank of Maryland ;
. ,.- n ink of Midilletown:
Dauphin county Bank ot Miauieiowa .
Northurnberl d county Bank of NorthnmbW,
Un j1(U COUI11V Lewisburg OiVltlgS lUSlltUtluD.
Bv order.
ROB. S. HOLLIN8. Treasurer.
Jury List-Hay Term, 1854,
,n.isn jrnous.
.Vcw Arrtia John Lobkitrhw.
W Uttr A.u.n MoiiiugTr.
Hjivrr D. Klosr, rhristlan tinisa. John TrSs.ll.
lt ffiloe Con rad aartUntlrr.
iVnn. II. 8. B'yrr, K. tlundmni. Jaoob Ott.
CralccraTid UVuick, A. Witlennijer, Saab KlSter,
Israel Knnrle.
A'-uf Wojr.ilas A. Anran.1. jr.
J.?aVcrrri John Anmiilcr.
f nauir John Hitter, jr.
N -tiles Jamos Mwkten. C.Monrh.
S-Uf Jacob rillatan, John lMownaa, A. Kaunaaa.
7.ckuoKi-o frrd UUUW.
yvrrtr John trawMr.
Heat Jfcucer Urnry Brnfer.
JVrry Jonas Snrdrr, Jan Rrirhonharh. Oso. BoTf.
,,i (ley Win. Hoffman, m.Tate, Thoa, Cburch,Dastd
Hut Buffulce DanM Sellers, BerryhHl Tonns-
icu(r9 J.WjhriuerUaniel SnydorlohMOn Walla,
J. h. Itamond. . .
JLiaMKoac C.M.8biTr1y,S.R. BarbfT, Jacob Orosa.
fatto-Jobn lloeh, A. Klatn bower, Jacob Lon., DaTid
Wlls-in, 0is. Mou.
Iwia Henry Gibson, M Fpccht-
Btattr Samusl Uackman, P. Markley, L. - Dains.
I T. W. ,-hipton.
(7uipauin-Ira Oalra. IHsnt bnydVc, Jaeob cWcbrbt
KMf John Sloyw, Jin KoU.
Hut Buful! K. II. Laud.
Hllilc ivc D. D. Kaufman.
eZ? "
na'hiitfjt'm M. C. Sloyer, I. o. Bayer, - a. j.r
MuUDrcmlt Jobn Kliaa. i. !aar. .
Arm Unin W. B Kane, P. frank.
Bullaloo Ooo. J. Wolf.
Otnfre Simon bayebtr, 0e.8thiunan, P. BeTwtox, 11.
stusscr. .
Wnlt Dni Joseph Motot, It. Candor.
BilblotH Bilcrr. PrntTnntina, Martin TrrrUbacB,
arUVy DaTid 6ur, Jaeob Moor, W. Pbllcr.
niu-E. Kn.l., P.ler Kerlia. P.WrHolig.
iVrry-J.A. Utaybill, Daniel Stack, Pter Aelnr.
MuUlxrvk Andrew llnmasst.
Watln xu)Im W. T.ats, J. S. Hsckanbergw, I. BoJW.
irurcr Henry Mitchol, Jtfka ipanjlar.
fAipwitn Samuel Snoll. tM .
Ztnbv-Danlol Benf-r, J. XlockaeT, J- Soebold.Jr.
;t ujiilir ill. Wolt
A Berlin . 8. Winter, I'stM Mawrk, ".Swlnraira. i
ratoH Jobn Unz-r, jr. r.uu altar.
HrX Botrv X. Haurar.
.A.na - A tirVff SJTTrtnTl .nit.V.1. i
(J for bjjagBrick-wanted by !
mvin cTVFD
Lt wwfcuiT. J- 51. Ma...
Loisburg, April 13. I8A4 j BiifTaloe Tp, March 2i. Ui !
"VTOTICB. Ail perso... are nerer.y cuii-
jv BeJ YurcbA...(S r holding .!
Promissory Note made bv ie J.hi. Uureei j
f n.e sum or Kii-y u.dir. !.! ..ih
one or more payments, u .le a .en
for , horse wtitcK he warranted to be a good.
tea.ly working horse, suitaol- kr a tiuck
Union Coantv liusiiiess.
m m
COl'RT Prociatusttlon Wbertw ibt
H n. AUM & VlUO. K'ekli.t Ju.ige
for tlw Jhth Ju tkil LUirtct. of u eouotw
Of tlWB aiitl MiJfelu, avbd Jm1 tV'llTEMaTfcfc. UJ JJlb
HAMUtu iau, Aurmt J-j !; n Imou t.-a.:,-.
hmv iaul thwlr LNrtut. tritix trw 2th dJ f
1 uu u in i.inJ. fc't u buiirf 'f m ur
jbi4'Otiri,iourloI unnuo rW, j -t ai.J TarinMr,
n-j fturrKl QurUT l Nfc.V HKl.tN. fT L
wui.iy of t nwo, od tl arMi Jf 4 wr J ' m4
.jr uf I n. U ftMhi iu Uir -.wn Lr- r wtom iti
tUir KUa, fcrrord, iaqiuMtK'aM. Lfimn .. bl
otlwr Kabi.K.braiir, f ttr llM il ( U f
often ftiiai m Uwir Ukftir bfprum u i-m t -i.; ui a
VIIUMrl ul Clbr faU r-m a i. ' tMftif il
C'n4amoaaih aaioi ir i m. t r
iil ia l limmn mjmI tKora UMalM. att ft t kl-Ml
iuuut t tu.tr a. J i.u ar. r.ta
b a-oe- u.
ftf iwiabl to "
'"" f tTf, Z 3
'ulim ti4bi Law ti-i. ur. mj iu u
uwrslH arVPItfh Ta-BkF Uf thw I tle' et. 1: t t b CittsW'i
To ,he Hca lhf jujes , lh Court
f Quar-
ter icak' of iha iu ana far tb county of tuvn.
at My leru, 1 '.4
Uiimi ifJufe..iir.iiiaj'.w k-.; a i-.. iv-a
wi ea eriwumroi m uia ""i w-v-ua.-i uj
number of yeara, in kak i(JTatoa tuanaltip aitja:ed on
thaturnDika roatl. bavtina fru UT-'bu-rU MiHubor.f,
J wbebabvsiVsbukpta9a,utie jM.uelbr iuau
p,t. .ixi thi h. tU iroiira h
irmrpcc fcr U: m.aiaiuiiw w u.. vuIuk, u
Uinunt..f.lri.r.ii.dU..lr 11. lhT.f..r.
ana entar-
Tuor nunora to irraut nun m ucruaa ivr mm r'iri au
be will 1-r-y le. GIF KtN HI Kill.
W e the unleTii.metl, cititaaa vt tbe U whip f r:tat
HuL'!ue( d- Lrrt-bj eer-ily, tl.at e i paiet,iMr ar
quaintetl wirh Gidrca Kit bl Uie abT named p titiooer,
ami alo liaMo;: a aood hrjowit-Je t ti.e hour mn i ia
tt cation for wbah a eontiniwtionuf iieBia grayed for,
aud Lbt tb rubji.der ub a n,u nerrat mt tml
laea, lor tha aeeoiinodatt..fi of lb- b"nr. and entertoi'
ment uf tiancre and tr mlern, in l OiaL the atud tJi
unt is a pTMa of fiMjd rejt.ite for hmt uul l aii-r-aiirv,
aud tbat he io aell pn'tuivl aitii bouneavnd atabia
rim m. and all otta-r ooht-lI. nca fr tb- j -rite . .ie
CbBtBHMtaUujatranen nuti tri Itra. Ha iberefuce l-eg
leave In rervutuier. 1 tbttt a licena be p-aoitafd U biui
aatreeabu to nia d u.n.
ior jr. r. H ?rd. ihnhnm v.?rrvr. try
Af. ji.a.awefc,- Urrb,t,J rervk.J-
To the linn. Judges of the Court of (Quarter
rVWu of tne vc m and lor Lba owunty uf L niunf ;
at May ein A 1- I'-i.
The petition of Wia. L. Hitler, of New Columbia, town- 1
hi ol WbiU levr, euu'y cf l'ukii, rvapecifUiiy tltow
atb, tbat your petutouer u deinouj of keeping a VJbiic
buuav in l be house k .-t by Iiim for a auuurr "f
and ja proTided iLb w ry n-rerfry aerimtavUitUos to
do m; be Lberefi'r pra tile Court to raiil Liu ak-'O
to keep a lawra or WiDm f tublie eniartainmrnt for
lit M.iutDdatt'ii of atrangera and tra.ra. m-Mi uvb
t a taaern is ax-crly wantal. WM. L RllTk..
U ntbc auiie.-ribt.-rs eitix-ba of Wbae LWr ywirtii. do
eertilv tbat ua ai?oe a'Viteai m oi tT"u re; u icr
bouerty wud ieau-rbeet and la aell .ro idea with
b'-uw mora ud amrenienee for UV luutnu an 1 mccwi
Miutlattt,n of tratL-lers and liatuer, and sueb a taaem
9 neeraanriiy wactud in New Crtluniiaw In wiuca t ur
nandx tbia Mth of Uarcb, A. I. lKsk
J'j'jw ItwWnmtrifr, John kijL Ji tTrtrl,
AmH i". Hruiuer. have .V. 'wAer. AHuhum Ajmty,
lUnrg .V"f-'. O" J-iect, yjArr. J-i bit,
Amtrcm totxst, V. 4- XlraurT. James Alim.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
UuarVr rVatuona of Union County, at May ScaVione, A.
li A.
Tbe pUtron of Mavrtln R.i ly ofaid rounty r epvelfully
repmrata that a aww keep 1.4 a fitc buna of
eattwrtttinaaenl in Ilu8le lowaebip at a rtc eaJted rar-
h.., itm tw.'i .utiiuvii u
ta ilw UhuwI,u4Im i rmj.
w.ih.lrrM-ieiia.rfi iu.-..t..uf btf.l.
I 4n certir tht ..tfvwvll Mii.sl.t J Msrtia KuJf
tb. rMitwMr. ti .u. tl
" "
A ico.mI rfmw t S-If mn4
botoer- fc e aaaaol:4Mai aawl o a
Tea Mai IHrattcb rr .. mm I he a well pen Tided
with ataldtaa: and atber un ruenaai at. aatd atcii
Inn or tarrn la neeetary Sr tie at-ebava'dtai of
etruaaTrr m4 tmaatera. W ttuaaa bit-U Macca ia..
Wnliaaa llvwra,, r-ter Miller. Uaar U'k-r, kjward
Cmp. reter UtaaeaelreiHk, Danwl M. I.awer. Abrtm
;eetaaeyer. A-lam buiu, Iakl ilvimar. Oec lietevr.
Abrabaaa IVaUbat, Mward tiKk. pd
To the Hon. Jud e W'ilsu and hi Asvite
f tbe Court of VKft r V .aa-w 4 the tz -in aad iVr
ti eeunly if I uu ar M-y term. Iu. 1M
1b , . r ,K.u....kn. , f k.ii
,r.m tn i , hm u.d t .- ..ir
rara a. a aoaa. i.f awb le -atartaiuBi' ut S Mi
g'-t. ana I r. , -i. r-. br Ih r-l ptny. I... Ua Court w
(mat alia a IWav t-t ih- ..a. T.IIASiRr:r:I.
V Ui. alirir4 ritia-n of thr toaal.l 4 Krlly,
do wrlify Tltoaaa. Or . a. UV aaoar Klrr. tm of
lt.d rraial Irr ua iv ai 4 trmf-r iir. arl writ prv
salr. wiih itjt an aiaX) ..aeuti thra-roatnto.
datoa of Mrsiim ai.4 lraolrr. a... tbat rh ia. or
lav-ra ta a. r..ary to arruo.an.t-t. ta. auUie. H.
I thrrrlnr. t r.t luui k. I.ii-i.u Lu: ( tu r-rafit
a.ct a Jirrb .. i--4 in
.1 '''"iTJX:
(r, Uim l mU. A4 .sunt, u-aaw iLJU. j !...
, Jn tvmm-L
To llie Honoiable the Jues ol ib- t'onrt of
ttuartar S-wj-r'tte uf the trm.- f r the c -uiiij . f titiot. at
ynj ae-aioB. A h Itv-.
1 1 peUUoa nt I, b. Mt-ber of hit Der b-wn-hi? in
the County f L'nHn retp-rtfuil 4Meii. bal ot.r pe
titKine. t (ieir"U of kt-epinat a puhle br.te In ltr touer.
kept by D B. aVber last ear. an.I wht-r be ffnraarrT kef t
a pul'lie boup ttd in pmattjV t witli eert it.v-i -t.r -n-entenoe
o U itu. De lbr-l re praye Ibe iVuri o -rnnt
bint ieeoe ift keep a tar-ru nr hu'e nf ;mo;. ent. rtajo
ment t.r the aMunsWatk(n ! teaara an I f Ira r
and ucb taaern ta ncceari' wot-.j wi b- will
pray At. IMMK1, n. KKaihak
H tb auhatrritafra.eiliiinar.f W t.to leer inwueliip Ja
canity tbat the alaae applicant t ff u rt -pule r hon
ert and temurraore, -in.1 in well proiue.l'witb hfu- roi
anl ej.nieoWns fi.r the hlj;iii' antl err,roiri'b.t;oo of
tra-eieM nd atrai geia, a:tti tteb a ta' rn i n-eeaarilT
wauled. Witoeaa aur ltand- tbia J7tn .lay of Manb.A 1.
Jonathan Wtjf7"nrh rfr. J Mower. Henry Call. IHtH
Mover, A iron sBBJth. John Koeb, bar Id iUuiiae-. J.-tin S.
Kao- k.O. II. Wei5-l-41etrj tywr, sautucl twCiitKj-r,
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
Quarter 8 seious in anJ fur lba tcuuty of tokiti, at
May Term. i. 4.
Tlie pet item t Ann fiuinter. of White I?er tu-wnabip
in iheeotinty of Union repe'-tfuliy "heweth the! your
Cautioner w dsirou of keepinic a ptl-He. facade in the
outaekept by Ann Oiinter !n-t j-r and where he f t
nerfy kept a puhiie houee for a numtHtr of year and ia
prowiletl witb eeery neieai.aryee-nT-iD.enee otb. he
thareaire prays the Conn to cram ber liren.e to keep a
tTrn or hu of public wntertainuient ir ibe aveora
mcdation of traaelera and strnni:ra.and a.ieli ataTern i
nooBsanly wanted anu iv w.ll pray e
We tha auWribera eitlsei. ef W Mia leer u.i.hir. do
certify that tba ahora appliruot ! of rl repute for
honeaty aud tro.praner. and is well irtuwisb d itii boue
mom and conTnienee- for the Ldin; ami srmuiwa
tion of travelers and strantf rt and au h a taeern i
nerTsary want I. Witness our hand tbia Vnrch ivi
H'llliau Ouinter, AnUrew JMbe-rt, t unra! H,int. I'aul
B Rebr. Samuel OoodUnd-r. llo-rt M fur. re Jr Rr'wy
M Curie. M Kanek. Jonathan Kaneb, aamtal fttnw
riitsg, Charles Kliaa, Jacb Butinic-
To Joseph Knsierborder. Henry Kaierborder,
Elizabeth Kusterborder.Aaron Kuslerborder,
Andrew Kuslerborder, Lacy Ann Kuslerbor
der, Martaret Kuslerborder, Daniel Knster
border, John Kuslerborder, Samuel Kusler
border, James Marshall Guardian ad litem
of Solomon Kuslerborder, and Elias Kus
lerborder by his Guardian Jacob Reiser
Heirs and legal representatives of Henry
Kwtrrborder, late of White Deer Tp, L'nion
Co., Pa deceased
Vj-OTICE is hereby given, that by virtne of
a Writ of Partition issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Union Co Pa, on the Real
Estate or said deceased, situate in vvnne ieer
township aforesaid, an Inqnesl will be held on
the nremises onTcasn.v the 2.1th day of rri'
; next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day.
for the purpose of making parition or valua
tion of said real estate; when and wnere you
I may attend if you shall think pror"1-. c"ln
under mr hand at the Sheriff's Offlee
Earlin. thu Si day of V,,
,0.A4JIIV & LLUUt ha.ia. to-day
ciitereu into a 'o-Partnerhip la ta
arove Luiiies, wuold respectfully invite tbair '
loruier customers, and the public id general.
to give them a rail at Duiai ola suuta ea
NorUi FOkHI'ii street, wbcie tliey arc piepa
red to do all wrk in thtii line iih lit tmast
despite a aud ua tne Bwst reasonable ursaa.
IdailaU'rulor'a !!.
"V'OTICE is barely Jivea, thai L.trs f
1 Amiuistratioa" on the Ettas ot MAat
LEL fl.IEK, late vf V hue Derr Tp. I'rioB
Codec'd. tve beeu granted to the uir'(4
by the Rtj iter of I niou county ta dao Wiaa
of law; therefore a.i persons iiidcbieu Ut sa.4
estate are re.)ne'i io u.La ina,rdiai Bay
mrnt, and those bavir ai.y juit rla.Bis aaa
also requeued! present llm propar.y aata
nucaieJ for seitl'ment.
1E0KE 8LEER. A imiaistraior.
Baffaioe Tp, Dec. ta. 189
Boots and
Eooks and
rriHU tubsenbar aaaoanaes to haa friaals
and the putlic generally thai h bat jut
re. eueJ from PLi:a!!j.!ua a Urge ai.d aiaal
lent assortment of
eoTnprisinc every Luid and vnri.iy of Oollt
tuea'a itovts, Uaiucrs, Muaroes, Tits, Sli.pera
Lad'tt' Fine Caittr Letts.
Boskics, Jenny Lindt. and Tie. of lba laiaat
and mosi approved sly let.
Boys', Misses', and Children's
Bouts, Lace, Boots, Uaucrs and Shoes f ir
style and variety Bow worn also a chsia
.election of the School and Classical
r.ow in us. in our Academies and Schoals.
together wiih a good assortment of fetall
uery, etc.
The above goods hava beea earefoVy tele
ied and will be sold at very reduced puces.
The undersigned also ccnticues to mautfac
mre Boots and Shoes of every def enptu a ta
order, and from his logg experience aad a
determination to spare no effort or expense
please, he hopes to merit and rereive a literal
sharrof business. JOHN HOtOHTON.
Lcwisburg. Mav . 1S
Perfect Fits !
JOIIX R.9IILI.EK carries a tha
Tailoring business, cn bis a hi.k, al his
old iia.-.'l on North Third b'lrect, (sign bf iba
Striped Com) wbrra he will attend 10 Making
and Conine- as usual. 'I he r'ALL FAMilONa
lor ifiJ, received from New -ik.
Al! woik dona in tl.r t en sty'e and oa tha
m. t reasonable terms. Produrc received at
Market prtces. Lewisbur;, Sept. S. IUI
Fresh Meat!
fl'HE undersigned respectfally announces
: J that hit Bnleber b ia tht rear
ol Ois residence (oa Mouth '1 UiKD street) ta
aiu In operation, and Beef, MraX, iiuttum, tie.
will be regularly supplied 10 his fnesds aad
i Ihe public, Trinit,Tir.Mii and 8Tcaa
' mornings, oa cheap and acrommcdatiog leiraa
Lewisbnre, May IS. IH.S3
V LARGE sumler r f aeepaats are still ia
the hands of the Executors of
' Aaa.i. late of l ewisbure. dee'd. Notica is
her-py (irea thai all due. moM be pa d forth
; with, or legal measures asust be adopted ts
t enforce them, without d;criminaiioa.
j Srptn. BYER4 AV.MON. Ael'f Ex'r.
1 )UrEK VlMi and Pirklin J Ks just ree J
aud forsa.e ai ihe .Vainnt-in Urn; flnre.
A2 10 Da. THORNTON k CO.
j I I'KT ree'd aad for sa- at the Mammoth
1 Drue fi -re a Urce supply of Dr. Oreen's
I oonn.no M'TTr" k f. roor. ..t ... . ...
AU( 10
TllhoKrapble Hrlnllna; office,
a a:id a lari-e quantitv ol PIC ll."l:ES, lot
' Framinf, and for Diawtue Teachers.
Tomer, oa !S Fcarih Sl opposite H. Acuer't
GERMAN and FRENCH Unraa;es. Draw.
ing, Paiutmg. aud Drau'hiing, taught by K.V.
WOOLEN and MLK Needle work eiecuted
and stld by Mat. Vol.KMAR. who so will
g:ve ins'.r'jctmns in that line of tetnalr educa
Uon. Lew.shurjr. irpt. I, IM3
M'nirertity fteditimts.
rsTftH 4td AtfPt 0sUi bv R(wa)St( Toaie .Vartatn.
! 'PUB rniTerairT of Free letlielne ant) Fopnlar Knowl
I1 e-le. r bartered by tha MaUr af leitjB--ltata at It
last eeamn (tu. jivtb April, il.i aaafriiy for tbe rr
i uf am unite tbe eviia rrnultinft fio-H te ie of apurvntiS)
j acl ilapprou w atruina. also fr iba a.rpef.f anppl
I itiic tue pitbiie wiib reliable remni ir rnrm where, 9
I the paiit-nt ran not oMa.o or will n..t eanpi.j there
I Bje-'irat sriier. havinc piuvha 4 tbat ma.uarIe rent
ety. Kowaiul' T-uir Mixture, oa arofiui . f it a jnat
I eel. 1-niy and known efflraa-y in tha treattuan: of soever
j aie. .m. arttl ta kini're! atVrtic it. !.ae n" r,a,talin la
i ree. tr.rree lmy . iu kb bigbaat term U lb f aire nag e
uf tita alUictcil.
WrL rilMPI llNT cnreribT ROW.5D'Sl BLACK-
HK.KKV kte.r. Tit. soot. Inaitnlton .mt.nd. Ha
ftanet ton. tn lis- manner, to t. rem-clT t-r "H..W.1 Cent
p'aint. ' so w.ll ii.iu ltowan-l's C.mm a4 Syrnn
Black berry Boot, and earnst!y reecmni.nJ it to tb. ana
fil.nc. ol f-terw aalictea wob tLe. c.ni,;tnui.b.lt.w
IDS it t. be inT.laabl.ln lb. tr-e.lro.nl of at..b caw.
i- Horn, ll-nrr K. Strong.
Hon. J. K. risaie-a.
r.y ardar of Ua Truataaa, Jka B. kuwatnl. M. D.
J l. K. Sebum. F-i-V
litortirr. Eeq.
4aAT e.mr-an;eat!on. to a. adjreed.-Jrba U
Rooao. M. i . head of Pbartaarantieal rpartajB
a. I Pre:.'en:.f tL. Cti.errlts
Hem. isa.naary andt'fllea,o 47 tonth Sar.r.a Straet
I'.ranrb Msnoraar, at tb. star, of
Ilr. I. A. U. lUvir.M.N A CO.. iMuttrf.
JACOB DYER, Cattawi?a,
Would inform his oM riends and tha
:a a pnntie generally on the w est unit .sort.
ranrh lhat he eontinnes to keep the 1 ACE
HOTEL, is tha renter of ilia lorn, and asks
a fair share of patronage. 'pt-
TO i r.11KF.Kir.!f.
"1 tr ANTED 30 lo 80 10 0 ft Map's by
SO to 80 OOO do 4 bv 4
10 io to doo ft s in.A.h plank
to to no.i'Co n 1 J do
to be delivere.1 ihis ci ining Fall and Spring
the bank of the K.ver at liarrisbnrg. Luc ber
of eoo.l ejnality and s'rait gi aired is wanted.
Proposals will be received tt'l Sept. 1 fit
furnishing ibe above, and rersons sending fra
j pnsals will stale the r.nar.titr atid qualnv of lha
i diiVre-.t kinds ihev can furnish, and when..
Term of payment rash cn delivery aai
i inspection. Addr. fpfst-paicl)
40 W. O. HICKOK, Harnsburc ra.
TiT K TVTTT O fr Jostieea.Cotn '
'he. hroniria ofSc. tr pr uieJ h Clr