LEWISBUKGr CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH' FARMER. A i I J luii$hnrg CljroiiirIr. K. O.HICEOZ, Editor. O.K. WOBDEM, Printer. At J1.10 cash hi 4nn. 1 TS in three month", (2 paid within tha and i-.M at the cut of tint year. AfeaU la Philadelphia V B rainier ana E W Carr. IsCtrisburfj, I'a. Fkidat Morxixg, Mxncn 24,1S54 A DVERTIZE ! -Vlanufaetnters. Merchant, PnMie .!. in OtT and Ouuntrr, Merli.nMT, Kceutor. Adminietratora . Onerator." all h wif h to oroeure diepoe. of anything would do well to iTe notire of aam thronrh tutn'w,"ioV.' TWn irr iWwe?S onauinera. and dealer,, a any in the i't. rrSee Xew Advertisements. M'Clure & Bro.'s extensive Hardware and Tool Store, in Philadelphia. tr" Farmers can pet their Plaster ground to order, at Brown's Mills in Lewisbur?. Bay Editorial Correspondence uot ree'd. YYe bare for next week, two interesting letters from oar young friends iu Germany, ...... . TCSDAY,3 o'clock P. M. The steam- t 1 1 . er.duc in New ork on liiesijay, Las not vet arrived. It is feared the recent severe storm may have driven mr iroiu her coune. Latest Foreign News. Austria Iv all accounts indicates a decided intent i:i to take tides with the Western powers naiust Russia. Every movement mill's to war. Decline in uread'.ufN Continues. Jt3""We learn that a new township JaCKSOS by name has been formed from that portion of Union county surrounding New Iteilin, the elections to be Leld at No. 19 J-cbooluouse, New ljir'iiu. Jackson c-uiluaces p:irts of l'enns, Mid- dlcereek, Limestone an 1 Union townships. tST"Mr. Lkaw.h, the new jmKii.-ber of tlie L'ninn County S'-tr, toot po-.-cssion of that establishment, last week. We wish biiu a very happy time and a safe delive rance. SThc Harrisburg Di inocratie Union .I. -r, - a-trn.1 t. ,i t- tJJ3 "1 i'" " ' exceed sir millions ot dollar''; last year,! the appropriation was over five aud a Lu!f millions. ! gt-Our readers will recollect the liar- ' row escape of Mrs. Jane A. Wilson from the Catiiauebe Itidiaiis. 11. -cut intellig ence from Fort Wasbi'a, s'ates that tier two youni; brothers-in-law have sit.ee been recovered, at different point.--. Also that the discharged soldier, who f, 11 behind Mrs. W.'s party, overtook the scalped Meiicau, carried him to a stream uear by, waskei bis wounds, carried biiu neveiil days on his back, and they fiually ticiped after intense f u fieri ng. j California Wheat Crop. ' A Caiifoniian writes to a friend in this vicinity as follows, under date of Fan Jiisk, Feb. 9, J?54. It is estimated by persons fully compe tent to make the calculation, that the StalJ ; will raise at least 50,000 acres of Wheat ' this year, which, at the low figure of .10 bushels per acre, will yield l,:"00,li00 bushels; and allowing 5 bushels to the barrel of flour, 300,000 barrels or one ; barrel each for every man, woman, and child in the State. That I think looks something liko home iudustry growing our own breadstuff. The present low price i of flour we consider an advantage, for it , will certainly have the eff 'Ct to cheek shipments from the east ; and it will be well for eastern speculators, for we can j more than compete with them in prodtic-1 log the article, as well in price as tresli ness. Ten dollars per barrel will pay wheat growers here as well as they could . . . , reasonably wish. Lewisturg, Ceiitie & Spruce Creek Railroad. The next meeting of the friends of this Road will be held at Etl.EHT's in HA R TLETOX, I'lUUAY, APRIL 21st. ah?Let there be a good attendance from the neighborhoods.JJ Lewisbure Tost-COice ATranee;nent3. XASTERy Mul! a. tjTcrr dav cxrtt t 1ihHt. rio at oWxlt, P. M I WSSTi:X,on Monday, iVijdntfduy an 1 l-ridar, t-.h nl A. M. JTOMTirEBXlViMimrjrTt' M W.d h r ri.. j cIo- ai h I. I. of mht ( rtciling. SOCTHRXiScltoeiar) Tued. Tburad. and ra rtoHratlJ. M. BUFFALOE JT HOAD. Tucv-'ay ard i'ri.i ty, j Joso;di Kvii.. f r r.trriiit CbuI nnd clt an cl"tc ut tt t'-M of iii,i.t j iwc 'Ir.c. in f-an rni nr. f n w in J:,n. Is,.;. Vn.HoMnrM hnuM dii r vpi frundnj-froni 6 uutil : Clirii-iian Vint T. clt-ntitof ih" tppT riimi ll1. A.M.. ani from 12, H. uutit f. I'M. " 'be Court bour-. alw tbv fire irvn in iiur. 2A, l&o3. 11. W.CiiuTZE.i, P. M. J Com t Imu-c. Grnnd Jury rocin, Acty order of tirand Jury, A VARIETY of School Bonks, I Blank Uooks.Gift Uuoks for Ilnlitlay presents, rens, inK. l.etier ana t-ap raprr, rincr manonery, ..ia2azine, rapers, eic. etc. jr sale ch'jfp at the hi isarm Fust OrricK. acvatfibuvff iarlift. Citrrecttd Weekly. Wheat.. Rvc ...Ci,.W L,?ps in Tallow .. Lard li.tcon ... Ham 10 10 I Corn Oats , Flaxseed , Ih-ied Apples liutter 55 45 1,12 1,25 15 8 10 CloVeroCed 4,50 - ; In New Bcrliu, 5th inst. hy Itev.A.B.Casper. Jn Hick of Northumberland and Miss Jain Watsws of Chillisquaque. fA luscious Cake accomranvino- the ahnee found its way into our office via Mrs. DeXor- ...j :. : ' r " I mandie s establishment. Thanks !) CJED, Tn Chilliftnaq'ie, lSrh inM ,ScAW!rnrf relie.t of Adm Critea, aged 81 yeur. 8 months, and 2? Hayv In ChilUsqaaque, Slst in5tH Mrs- Siutm PoaacH, avi iS vrr.s. Attention, Fanners! PLASTER MILL IX LEWJSBVRG. II A VINO ncwlv fitted UP his MILL FOR . 1 . ! . ...---, , tt'iLo ,u ..il. is now prepared to do any work in that line j on the shortest nonce ana tne most acconi j modaliug terms. I.ewisbtirc, March S3. 1854. 6w J. L. YODEK, of Eastox, feJHan rented the Room now occupied by . I. H i-TFiri.n. where he will onen on the 1st i , iiiti'H,.j I p UP I ,' V .VI Off F or ' " r' " the i 111 all Its branches. haa j ne u j; Came highly recommended as a i P""1 Watchmaker. His acquaintance w ith the holesale business and the diMerent Philadelphia and New York cities.will enable him to sell goods at the lowest City prices. March 2, IfeSi : I i AT PI 'III.IV !.... TILL be sold at ihe residence of Rev'd C. IIAMMEU. in East Buffaloe Tp, i 1 mile S.W. of bmoketown, on SaTinnav, 25th j March, 1851, commencing at 10. A.M., ! A superior Family Horse, a Carriage, iig- Rey.and Harness. S Cows which will soon give I fresh milk, 7 Pins, Potatoes, a Wheelbarrow, j j Sideboard. Bureaus, Tables, Chairs, neii- ! steads, a M.nras, Uarrels, Meat Tubs Settee, i 'Cupboard. 2 Coal Stoves and Pipe, Pipe and . c.,ikjng S(ve f()r .ood or all(J olher I articles of Household Furniture. Terms made known at sale. pd2 Wanted, PR0r0?AI.S for doing the Carpenter Work lor Eishi Frame H uses, 31 feet square, to be bmlt at Sh 'mokni. each block to be finished lor ihe use of four families. Work to l.e done 11 a pl.::n a d substantial manner, the I.urr.ber to be furnished by tbe Company. Appiy 10 Henrv Vaniasken. 8ham 'kin. who will iuniih Specifications. For further infor mation ajiplv to John Wall. Esq , wistjur'. W.M L. EVA.N.S. President Carb.m Run Improvement Co. , Shauiokin, Maxell 9, 31 ; ; PAPKIl HANGINGS, Chairs, anl Caliaet Ware. 1 , j ! ; ' . UAVIN'S ma.le a lar-e his Hi icU hp, up ari'e addition in rear of pper end of M u ket t, aioi fiiseoiitinned irs siiop en Jd street. trie sot'vcriher has removed theie all his tools air! ware, and will be happy to see old custo mers and new at his Market St. shop. A fre.h s'lpply of Vi'Al.l. PAPER, consist ing of new and fa-!iionab!e patterns, is now selhn? at redeeed price. All kinds of C'i.l MS and CA F.I SET FVR- - sllLhl, suitable lor Parlor or Kitchen, can , be had on term ns whie.h can not fail to please. (TV-All work warranted. WM. AI?!STROn. I.ewisbiire, March 17, IMftl Cm -on i:. VI. I. persona indebted to the subscriber by .Note or B ok aci, will please make p?v n.'M.t between this d.ite and ihe first dav of April. Afier that dale their accounts will be left for colleeiion wuh Emi. Meriz. withr ill re sp;ct In per-ons. K. M. MlSStlK. Luisl,iirj. March 1G, lKi4. VOTICE i: j. It. Siua hereby piven that Ahsnlom art has this day retired Irom the firm of Tustin, Stuart and Lewis, he bav ins? sold his interest therein I. .John W.Stuart, wiio takes his place m said firm. Ti:sTI., STUART & LEWIS. March 4, 1S51 SELLUJG OFF AT COST! HB suhsrhlier will posit. ve!v close hrr Store (corner of 31 and MarW.M Sis.. l)c- NormanHie'. M stani.) -n ihe I Xr 1st April next, ami o,r.r. Inr rcmaiijirij stork of IfRY ;00. Arr'O.Y.v, Ssc. Ac , AT COST. Iow is the chance for Dartfain.s M. C. MENSCH. Lctrisburtr, March 9, 1S.M TOST, on the 2(:lh ulu a C j Tne finder wid cooler Tunin? FORK. a lavor by leai - iii it at the Chronicle o:Iiee. T fJ IT n'' refused til th Lewis V ;l O 1 1 bor Khrmiii'le uflice. Receipts and Expenditures of t -.io oi'.Ti ron i.j3. Auditor I''?. Auditor, for Auditing- Anounlsof lri,in- iu-:iii ' I'Tk. J Au Mor. f it Auditing A"nnl8 of Pro thouolary and ltcg'r. and lite r. Astrxsors. Assessor, f T their tr rxices in ls.3, C'frttmi AVlwlise '. t .wn.i,.p run., t-.-M tr.rrh is, is3, ' G.-ncrai L.ellob do Oct. 11, lb.'l. j Cunrt nfyn&r. J iirora pay and mil.-at IVli. Ti rto. IS; .1, fls to Ml .17 ( a! 2447 25 67 ;s til ! 50 211 Ud 21 ;r, 21 M 21 T.l -I Z hit 74 Btti.f- Ji.y i'o Uo seut. lsc. J Court and Contib!ea pa. F-b. Term, i53. i i. s..(t. bo Die. I H-ft lice. S-ndiliing and ('titliiinf '". fv. Public Elia H.tfl, srruhoin. ; Ac., i crron- 1 4ffnt,w Fm JA SO i c.o. Hill, Deputy Attorney den. hi- f.-n for K.-h. T.-rm. Do " lr I io " - g,-pt. " Wm. V..n fi.-ier. " Dee. " CI. a. Merrill, Attorney to Comnikiaionera, hi, s- .liiry. Cha,. Jierrill, Ksfj.. for Writ of Error and aerriLS a renilered in ra.e nf Tniov County v.. V s. James in the buprcme Court, July, load, Pmlhonntant' Ofire. J. V. rrnf. r. M, i.iit .f Merrhandiie re r"i,ed bt I'roilainolary. J. II IVrn-ii... t.t.ob ll,L . TnV rh" llnel.niilli r for bul ling l.nw, of 1813. Jos. fcjetcr, l'rolh'y, hla bill offers for Rrrjistrr f- Rcecrder't OJRcc. C. Preyman. R-rlrt A Reeorder tor 1 Deed I liorket and freiuttt. Ho rei.rinirde,tt1.niarrlace.Ao. I Joa. Louder for repinug I'reA. la Hog. 14 00 85 1 75 ! S A-irand. do do do tk". llnrhruiHer, f r binding Lana of 1851 and 't3 f-r kt. ft Iee. oflicij, ' - p Coronnrf Inquests. Wm ti FermM. Eq.. for hoTdiinr iouwt on tfa dead bo of Geo. W. Ilufier.of rhipinsTi township, on tuo 12ili day of IHvid Vtdrf. raq-,do tfoof John Eaotiof W.pjbta t-rniwiir, June lftfa,l$in Building new Bridget and Repairing', old one. ll"nrr W.FnydiT for repairs at Penna Creek nralfce at yelinvrore. 14 83 Charloa Ki-h-l, ir ai feet plank and labor . kl-ll... l..i.l at Scllu.To,e bri.lee. H-r'in tniirv. ncd nniirs- lrV iiham lVt-rs, f r mauvixl and labor at j bridge acrcwa Turtle ari-trli, orar Turtla i ville. i Mo?a Mohr, for material and nfafra of trid" nar liauiu'a Tararn, in Miltil 1 rnvk tfitvrtHhip, ' E H. M.Dicc,flrr Ditto, near V. Kaoti't, in j Wa-hinnton twtiliip. : Martin Dunkle. f r tect plank tat New HtTlin hr!J', Mod liawilntc, Vi'li-ioj tvti i-h, fT m:itriU and rrpairsof tritlrr ifcto." 'I'urtli- rrtN;k, Jatb Fry-r, for Biairii.iR and repairs of Middlevrtfik brtle , at MWdlfbnrn. P. Kerhn. for repAirit ot i-riOt at B. Long'l iu Knn t'a-tihi. Sanni-i Kwioc. ftrxt I'Hjrnient on contract for t'li'IdinR a n briutt acruM buflaluo 4 S3 4 2 CO 5 7Z 3 21 2 2D 8 00 412 & crtHfk at Lwi.tirir. work t tin. M rritt rhapp-1, lo .b filling In at do. J If. Avp, for-! Vft planS and lianlinr Cr bridp; arss IVutis etrk at B. Long's in I'l'Iiii tnarn-hip. Jo-i h Lfwz. 6r ntntttrials and rrralr lit bridjeo a-rus M.'iittvt M k iit ar tt. llnckmaatar, in W ent l-cnirr t'wnhip, John Kliif. for tilliii? in at th bridga near hi null tn Miitllecrt1). Uiwbfp, J. M. Ntbit. for mkin.r m.--urenint of nv bntikm-iit ur tiliinr in at Lewiburg blidg rrrf)B! littfftlo' rrt-c, Sh-Ttra-Utt r Maus.J-l payment for bmi work V.r ..!( rii't. at hri.lar orui4 BtilTalne crekt Gi'li'n Lt i.Jd-nr.nir, loll f rluuiber fur rvpa'M at Mjti2'n auil atk-linrvvc bilfif acrosa lcutia cr'fk, Mfe.-s Mobr. ft-rt plank und rrpalra of bridga cro- !i Mlrrrf -k. m:ar Wi-firl. Anrun B nfir, f jt baulintr grarcl to Now Berlin bridge, 3bnri:t rhaprt!!, Cd psvmfnt on eontirrt, for flilinf in at RufKr-- brije at L-irir-binr. John S. K'-rn. lor y'nvii at:d rnir-' bridg nori'-x .Midtllf-jrv-k near If aver Furumt?, I'h.Np K;intz. lor n-pair at briflfc-eueareiud K-'a in U'M-li iitcin .wil:bip, Samiirl C. i ih- r. f.r.w nn-t plank, hantintr tb nm--. and rii:-f of thfo briiltr' tiar P. Jtrttii'". Kcrout Mi'tJKcrk in IVubiugion towiitlii, 200 00 us uu t to 1 00 t 00 200 00 6 20 4 90 2 00 lis 04 16 1 2 23 IS 1X6 tit Rn-ol Ditmnqn. Grfrco ?1itt-rlr. tlMnatfc awar,!. liTPonrt.for off n.n a rr:,.l tlirouli hi. lan.I in IVrry tp., Jtritt. V rsl am, J".. d- , in U hite Ili't town.'p, I'liilia' ll.ltili, do., do., in e'bjjimau townihip. 3 CO 43 DO 40 00 UU Roml Or.f,r. Jotm A. KtUncr, anj ctiicr, tr tiim of Publlo I'iiX Stilt. Jacob Coiig, andotln-rit. ptvmiumson Fox Seal pa, Slitl'jT's . J. KrsT-r. c! er;ff. I.i ft-i- f ,r ttraa inland Mira lilontr .liT'.r. t'.t febrnarr nnj M:,y Tern,., for i4iurtn 'rittoor-r J. H"rdl,er and 'o. f r 'irRwirt and rumirnnlrK Jurora f. T St't trnitw-i hiid bcciooer IVruiof Crjurt, aojj, eldu- twal, ac, 7 00 M TO 09 10 11 29 t 25 j J-iil Espenre. j M. RheVner, V-trm. ctoni-mai frrjalt, 1 An.lr-w Witlii r. one .,i,i l nood, ' -l.-liTi s..-l.,M. L' en' d,.., .1. A snvtlr. tii.-n.iio-' J.ol watt. Ae I sid Mnu k. one root f ao..l. .'iiRl- lai'l. one i.ir,l of liivbory wood. It. li. ll.ois. t.r n-aiilDX sluSle,. j J.'l.n s. I.i-ii'ii n. tT Itla'-U-mith work, . I. Kului.y. ti.r ho.I. mortar, ae.and labor ill I r-Miritr lireak in Jml wail ; Mili'.n I'orfielio.. rnr ila..-rina the aame, I M. Imnkie, for '..U1) plank. ihtMinl maaaure,) and ,' liiiliii-j. fr repair, at Jail stable. ' C liiii'liniiller.r r b'nrl:n law, for SherilTeofllea, It. Sain.-f .rd, b:ll for tJioea aud atocLiuga tot 1 ri oiu-r lai l M:oirk. for 2 loa lanf wood tn Jail. . ; A.. I. Sj'itlfr. lor half ttu2en eli.irsf Jail, , It.. -lii.it A Ant-'K. l.iil lor bljtikeU.milelln.eom j tort an.1 making tuctta, Ac lor jail, by order ol Urud Jury, j I Comity Printing. M.-rrill 1 Smith, English rrinline, on contract, . O. N.tonln, do do do 1 .1.11. Ilantn, do do do t n-'i. sniitli. fleruian oo do . l,n.cl tiuU'hu.-, do do ! 1 12 i 1 M I 2 7u ' 2 10 ' 2 oo ! 2 0O ' Ml 3 00 fiU 1 76 3 uo t w 1. f-0 so m w S8 oo St'ifp Cost. CopiTnonweaUh th the follow iuf wnon,for b "untv )uul i't.-),ii: . t.ros nod w.fo 3 22 IVnj. IIoosr. Jasts.iTi lttiirror 42 77 i. I1. lU-arick, tti-.it.-l Strtu 'ZA 04 Joo. Johnson, J H.Mny.l-:i-mbrlIiig K. tirnilinj, nml W.iritvr,t. C 21 V. fi-twrit, J l.Ma4K.U -T'ingS W M. M?tmi!. i; l-mlrlinK id W. Pituiot l-"t ". ,-! wit. 57 n2 .. W. Kanta, M hddi"ir)trth, $ 1 1'erry Wi.-oo, Win. 'iat. L-l ugs-rt, l.obcrt lilt 3 Si m the 14 05 I - 4 b4 It. TT. I.nlnl. Tr-n.iir.T of the TTninn rounly Ay ricnl'oral s- riety, ai-nmiTl.tion nnthoriaed by art of As-,-ntr.y of -."lib Marrh, lsol, Unity IV Sny.li-r. i.'1' p r i-eut. on premium l,ot.lir renewal .f In-uratiee ontVlurt lloito anilj-.il. i-i wit Ii".raiiee touiny, II. h. IlitUT. re.eter t.f Ibe Lyeomhijr Mutual Iio.ii:u.-e Corura-iv. ar'ssiuent No. 1, for la ,uri.t.e of 1 ublie Uni.'dioga, i no iow Jobn Yftnrr. nc ditvVai tendance, beforr th4au dit'r at m ttl-nifiit i iS-2, Ar., I-rafil itut.'litirf. fft and dfbt rovpn-d aainst tb Ymnti iht'. i- ti.rv k'.i- Koup. JonsMiMn U'olt, fir wrrirf rf ifl'Tv CoTnmit f . jn'rauJ Au'iiU)..in ctlirnif utn of Iol and i Dai.l ?(iit'er. cr-ti !u rat of rc fliit dius t.' I I'ii ion roitiiiv. l-fc Jutitw Kouxb. for ram laonm fitin-.-w, Aoxm liinir. nK-jT-y refund, it br.tijr for t-ix and ri?r (i.tl -y bmi on a tr;ft of t'n-'i'att-! b.nd :n WlnO Wr tnbip. warraiittje, U. ' Miirtttt. 't at Inti Trtniutvrii .si", Jnrtib l.i"ji h!r-y. money i-fun-ld, tax a?sr.d ajMnn litm ov oii'lnkc n t2, ! J.t?i .i,h Kv.-t'-r, !r'tbin"tr,rv potH In fwofj. 1 37 2 22 Mjmh k, Tn Mirr, n. L'nii'U fV, n ordcru ro j.-r't 'I by AU'!i''ir at lt wttlrmnt, li.E ribt tor 2iifo.ti' Kin ti'-n lhir'xt of Penn- cy!vanta f t -a h township in l'ninn Co.. Daui-1 llorlach-.r, lt- Tn:i,rir. for nonya ovrr;-nid by h ra tu Militiu. Tax of ltwU into lite Stuu- Trvomary, .?ftTn.' luri.in. n.stf In 'aao of Israel Cutvlins ra. I'nion t o , b-f .rs Jtl-lif Unuh, J. Stamin. rilli-tr of Linitont- township for ly, inontT ovfTpuid on bin duplet SIrrrill Mtnitli. for priotinjr iaor hook for Pa pretnt Court, in ftim of (Viuini3BUners of Un ion Co., t. Prof. C. .Tatn.'-, W. AriKuaxt. mtiwH'tor of ft-rry tnwnfhip.fr lSfiJ for n.n yj ofrnnl on rV-ttlt ront of hi Iup.t Irwl .inliu' fir lhrr Tears iubci tption to the L'u-.on I--nioliniU'' P. L. B-fk, for -if and otlicr. eos on nnanH Irmd-. 1'i'ibt ty tbin at Trrau.er'! si lea of Vbaud which were afterw.Lrtia rcdaird? 4 W 19 S" 62 00 CO no 2 W 145 U Si3 43 GiwniiMt'oufrs for Dividing T'HCndips. Drvitl tr.-iii.-lt, .- and oilier,, eom'r, for firm-in-x a m-w t-.wn.hi, out of part of Cnion, Iri.tiieie. 1JS0 J V l.iim. 1i an.) otliers. do. do. rnnnin; diet sioii On,, of e'euti-r twnliip, to form a new t oil.ehlp 10 00 J. sIir.-i'. Fq. and oth-r", do. do. do. between e.t I: IT.it.e and W hile ie-r townhina 30 00 11. 1i4k. t..q. do. do. do. f r dieidiuir To... S. XVtl.'.n. K-q. and o'ii' ra i.. d-. a new Tp. out of part, of Cuion, Ltniesioue, Ac. 12 00 ! J lau j Pu','i Building. 10 41 : tali 73 . D. W. TVornl fir rariit!'n in the office now ooca 21 ) pfc-d by Wm. Van Ovr, 1 i0 M. I'b'iirber. OTwtdup drain" torellars 4( iA) (. WVr, i cord pint woo. I for C house 4S 60 J- I H'lTT. It'i f reriridle, rni te ll. I. Mixe, bill fir new upoutinj, U!i, pntty, Zt 00 2 wsb hifntiJi ftf. fr jsiil. : Gror.'t- H imtrh. 7 tnno of tne Coal t hanlinf 1 f r court hout and Commissioner Oflke i, , 57 i 11 S3 8 81 25 37 8 07 1180 100 91 R.hotitf ft Ante, bill for Merchandise, imeS m bo.ird-i, iron, candles, ftc. jor Jail and Court ; JJ Kleckncr. bill f rcoal. wo. id A other Mcrcbun i dis. t T j .il trd c.rt bo-.me, J. f. Il lint arh. forlTxit.tr coutt hooM bell and hiintrins ttuttrTat Itd-g. 01i.ee Hobert Jai'V on. for clcnutug ail too cbimoxT of Pnblir bmldins O- llfimbach. kr a new utore in room above Pro- ttionotarrV n1rd. and 1 ton of coal 6. Jrierts, repair at coitl Iioupv, 1461 ' U h. bauis pnuii'tr icoi? in Courtboaiw niodowt ! and 1 Mw Rb'ittVr iu OmrthntW ateple ; lUaiBeft jbki;ber, tin lr Uilf r repair! Of spout i inr. on new totfp k drawer, i FbntTor ft Lr anion. Iron. Black jr. ftc. 16 S3 62 2 87 IM l H) ' S- J. An ran I, repairing pump at Court bonae 87 I a. . laninriius, stnai'A. ym.1, K. f?wia-ford, sand aaudboxM, fto. do. II. KUcknor, for npiK ta'W brooms, slaas. Po- too! ty. rand law, Ac. or Coort bouw. S T6 M. If. Taxxart, 6 tutu coal for do. K DO Kof bongft Anu, bill for iron,Tail0,G!alOsUdaS ftr. U M E- Wilson, lr caiMlroa, oil-dotb, padlock, twin, site. $ SI I. ioyrr. Pine wood fT Omrt hotve M IT. T Mitv. ft-r mendlntr apAuu. An. 1 00 jVaKtg m An.fc, Uil f .r onadJaa, tju6Utkdl. 4 A 90 lHa Commixsionrr' OjUcc. n nmharb. lnt Coamtitmontr In fuil. j 8. K. Ilvriuld, Coinmuwioiwr. Adam thta.hrr, tWm Uitarl, du. J. n. O-rnelius bill ftr blauk Bookf, paper, 1 00 H.lIuS.Vs. llrportaforl?6Xlnffsj.ndA' ; R. Swid. f rd, tr papr, peiw, "6. Do J ruaut fine flat papr rr aiorurm Dmnaa 9,fW D. Bver. nine wood forCWrs TriT C. Burhmillor, binding of Laws of lt53. A J. Fvtora, iwrdln Ki-rriptf 4 JSiycBdltarca, for 9 year, in Hook of rwrJ Jos. Cat?- E",- for A VS ttrd dlgMt for Coramissioneri oluoa 40 00 4 24 W tha nnderflireed, rommiaainnera of Tnion Count, harchy auimit the foreoi aeoonnt ot tha Itecalpta aod ExprndituiMa of uud Couuly lor tha year 1SU, aa our.act and trua. . . UiTib under oar hand, at the Commiainrtere' Office m tlie H .mu;h of Now Berlin the third day of January, A. B'MM- HMOX K. nEP.KOtD, AllaM KHkeKLK. SKM LMTZKL Couimiailooera. Attest A. J. FETKRJ, Cleik. JACOB MAVCK, Treasurer 1353 KBTOR. To cash ree'd of deUuqu-nt collectors fir lqls do do UU do do lsiu S"cJ H To c?sh rre'd of rol.Mtfori for 1862, 3117 4ft do fo la- 67n, m To cash rc1. A. J.i!rrorfvrrnnt f StsroiOct lot do do A. J. Ptn f r old taM trvr do do J. II. Coruvltua, ground rLt for shop f -r 1S.V2, do d Ik W. Wood mnt f-r oCco in the Public KuH ling, dn do P. Mi'br.rolWtorof Ciiffoloetp.l85J, tax not aMUfjivd in dup'iraf, do no J.a Kystcr t:raa in lnbli( Tyita, do do C. Browh Tax al.owod aod aftrwarda col lrt-. do do f. Merrill, T.-. nmunt of julmnt, Union onnty r. Itnlph liittr do do J. Itilar, for papf-r ald l.rta do of rnHo'is prin, lntrrrit on tax paid as redemption taont y do do of various ptrjus tax on nctMled l.ands do do do tax ante--d do do P. Ktnnwjr, A otluT. d- do do J. Eftttrr. Pr--t'jr. Jury ftr do do J. Kc",r, Sii'lf. Uo do do tlo S. L. Beck, and otbdi, lXes on on ttcatod Lands 4 00 j no 00 IW . 26 ?1 11 i h; " t I 2, o 111 OJ 13 IS I COXTRA, CR. Br amnt of rcminiri.on-rs orli rri pjid dariog til y rur H;), Kk)l 12 By uni iimt of ,.rd r Xo. il, biu-J October 1&, 1S, to yjmu ,-i Kw,ti;, and r-J-ft'-d at ltrt tluni:t.t ty Au-iH -rH but aubaafitLi oficr-d to 1. ali..wcd hy I'urt, TS 03 Cv Mnio.iut 01 oid r No, :.J2, i-xu d Lk-omtjrr 17f 1H.VJ. to !-aTrlt i,k. rand.Iitiicr,.ilo. k.K q. aitd rfjti-Urd at lal n.-ttlLinut by Auditors, tut ubsvquvutlr orJerv! to be all wd by Court. 200 W By amount of Commission of l1- pr ont on V put i ivrrt'atau.cr.duraui UoSjtu.owd as txm;'fOovtiii. Ilia S Bj nmbuot vtv mperiFation to Trtwarcrfor pro runn; aionvjr I..r u of founry to uiuet deficit iu ir aury uuruirT and bttor May court al low. ,,j Aud lor, Uwlaiice iu Treasury, Jan. 1, U&3 2.(K. 7!; - IWt, Jan. 1. Cah In county Treasury 717 -t llaiauce itue hv toll, of 'i- aui prefiooa years 744 11 aw: ;i do do '43 WE th ntvfrrwIamM Arnlln of th eoonty cf 1't.i.m. bainf cartully vxaminvHi and anlitet tbe for-(ivi.t, I atxouitu f ttie CotuuioifioDt'rs aud Trtuurvr of aid 1 count, l find and riori. tb ni-l .icc.'Uut of R-rriu f ' and Kipr-Dditur. al Trunurvr'i Armunl d-r th ymr lfi'i, truo and .rrtt, mn UCd. J. Uun.-M bir.f. ! we hara lir"nnto rt our b.-ind- ot tbe Comnmiiu rs' Oft!' In tbe Boiough of S-w hVrhn. this flftb day of ; Januarr. AD. li4. JiWIN .(ITII. i II. IV. SNVIiKK. LAIUD iltW HD Auditor. Auditor's Notice. fTlIIE nndersicned.appotnted bytheOrphans vnrt.ri-.......,..,, a,.i........a.ii...i- itite the balance in the hands of John Oundy, sq.. Administrator of the estate of aizub'ti b "Esq. Smith, of Kast Butoiloc township, deceased. ; wilt meet the parlies in inleresl at his oilice i '" I'wisbum on Fkinav the 31st day of; i March inst, at I o clock. P. M. li. C III'. KOK, Auditor, March 10, 1854 To the Honorahle the Jnrfj7?s of the oort of a- vi vrr W"f atM nr tu lounty or I'Muw, m 21 HI Uy iVrm. la.'4. 22 ."4 Thf petition of Ann flninter. of IVbite Uv-i-r townj-hii' M 7 in rl.i- rounty of I'nion rHp-tfu)ly fhtweth tht your 20 Ht af lltrKtwr i (leiroui of k "pi n a pub(i boo in the 27 Id i hou?e krpt by Ann iiumu-r ba-l yvitr nI brrr b tir 3 62 nvriy kt-pt a ptibh hoti f. r a niiiitlr of year nnl i Sft V2 provided wi'h Tprr nretnrv e-nTiiir.Dcr 'o todo. ho " tfuri-fiirw pmy th Court to srrant ht-r livnr o kep a CJ- 65 tavi-rn or Iwiw of pul.lic intei-tainiunt P.r tb tM-pni-i uiobtin of trarrVrs anl utrn risers, and kilt b a tavern i Bc-cfnaarily wanttd aud she Will prav r. 100 00 : " a v nnTrn t vvte "u'nb ri nMjrn fY Whfic iv-r t.irohiiii. .lo rTlil,f th'u1thM bnr, a-.piicant i of n-pn for hon t and tiuptranee.mRd id well rro.idi'l wilb hou-e r,-.m and cnnvenienn-n fr.r th- I.in a,i rr..T,,n, -da tton of tTAteletri. and Planter, and ku h a tartrn i BrtWRarrwalitrtl. WPutva our h tn.li thin Matvb 2, l-a4. William Guinti-r. An lrew Sibert, Oonrad Hlind. It-ol ( It Helr, fatniiel f.oxiUiid r. KoVrt M'Onrley Jr. Iftl-iy 1 m inney. Joel nan-K, Jouatuan Kaock, atvoiuel Ut mb f erlin. Chai-le Kl'iif. Jar.li Kittintr. NOTICE i TS hereby jriven to all persons indebted to ! JL 'he late r irm of Chn.'t t Frictt, either hy '5 ' Note. Book Account, or otherwise, that (iTO. ! A. FKIC'K as one of the Partners of said Firm 3 ! is alone authorized to settle the same anl j receive all monies due. I Feb. 17, 1 Sot. I.. B. CHRIST. OEO. A. FRICK. Last notice. a f I . . 1 .1 . r , pnwiia iiiicicsoru 111 in- evaie oi ine I J late Jon BacH.wax, of White Deer To. j are hereby notified that I am prepared lo settle j the ad'atrs of said deceased, forthwith. All having claims will present ihera by ihe 1st of j April, or be debarred and all indebted to it. must settle by that time, or bear the expense , of legal proreedines. JOHN NEWMAN, Jn, Administrator. j Kelly, Feb. 87, IS5I. ; To Joseph Kiisierborder, Henry Kusterborder, . I Elizabeth Kusterborder. Aaron Kusterborder, Andrew Kusterborder, Luey Ann Kusterbor der. Margaret Knste: border, Daniel Kuster border, John Kusterborder, tsamucl Knster- bnrder, James Marshall Guardian ad litem J of Solomon Kusterborder, and Elias Kin- j terborder hy his Guardian Jacob Keiser : Heirs and le?al representatives of Henry ' Kutlrrljordtr, lale of While Deer Tp, Union : r l- O.. 1 a., deceased . I VTOI ICL is hereby ?iren, thil by virtue rf ; i S ril Ol I auuion issiitu ui is uir Orphans Court of Union Co., Pa., on the Real Estate of said deceased, situate in While Deer lonrnship aforesaid, an Ii. quest will be held on the premises onTcrsnii theSftth dav of April J next, at ten o clock in the forenoon oi said day, lor me purpose ol making paria.oo or vaiua- l of r5al wae; and wher ! 5 may attend 11 you shall ttunti proper, uiven under my hand at the Sheriff s Cilice in New ( Berlin, this 2J day of March. A.I). 18.t. JOHN KES8LER, 6w51G Sheriff of said county. lirASTED.-The subscriber wishes to t hire a PIANO, for which the highest price will be paid. Applr at the Chronicle Ortice. MELVILLE MALC'OM. l ewisburg, reb. 88 UNDbK I AMfi-. HAVIXG furnished ourseives with a Rn?e- wood 3;3,S;2','ne subscribers are : nrenared to wait upon all who may bs so unfortunate as to reouire their services, and : every attention will be paid to their wants and ' . . -1. O. 1 .mmnll a f l . n rl nA tn An ' assortment of Ul)tn.a sept constantly on hand, or made to order. DOXACHT ELDER. Lewibar(r, Jan. 7, 1853 ,1000 (10RDS of good PDfE WOOD suitable j for burning Brici warned bv . - PAVID KEBEB. Lewisbarg. Jan. 31, 18H . . , i keut rram. ?y? t " EDUE3. MAI!iH & Co..herebr S'e - . . ., j . ii . mi Jan. :ii isji. a i . i-s.i i use mat tnev nave tins nay assuciairu 7 ; .. lit 1.SI Pl'u in. nnit kivliurTaa l m,.a is ,4 vV r P.-ra Baa-. .'with them in tb Iron Bust- riHIE STOCKHOLltEKS of lht Compaojr ! - '; '?' of " h,,T Tvf' LnK " 160 oo Mr. I tT pa wiintnem in in.iron Diisi h,h r,iif,i ibat me Secmd . o,dec'.thae been granted t iheoaderaisnH ness at Union Furnace and thai branch of 1 " n"Lr oer -bare lT t loa couoiy M da. forn, 12 4 their bus ness will hereafter be conducted in Instalment r.f Fle Bollliri per . Hare is , ,ht.-,ltjr, ,,i iBjrh,rd u said " the name ot Beaver, Geddes.Marsu Co. called iu. payable o or llore the Mk rl Ji.w T. iaia lewisbur? Oct. 20 IB53 February next; and an instalment of like Bu n T1 ' k ""' PT- 14 U i.ewisDurg.iJci. -u, iboj. i . m,Dl. ,d il.os h.vu r any iut claias bit . . .uiuuiii l.1 a a . . v wi. v. iw,-. ... -v. - . - Fall Stock of Goods AT THE WELL KXOWX Mammoth Head Quarters ! J.&. T.WALLS TTAVn just received and opened an unnsu l 1 ally large, vaticd And extensiv assort HO-II l OI Dry Goods, Clotblnsr, Queens, Giuss, Cedar and lhird- Wan, and GROCERIES, more in quantity and choicer in quality and variety than have ever before been offered in I.ewisbure. beiiis a vast improvement over the ..,.l mA i.t.ohiiii, , .r all l.irm.r cMtnnl a n it I purchased at such remarkably favorable rate. I I I,,. ... , ,i- u i...,-.;. ,t Zr:::,L::n ... ,u,h,.re , (Xj-Enttrely too busy to five particulars this week but call and examine our multifa rious supplies of everything that anybody in town or country may want, and prove lur yourselves that in variety, qua' ity and cheiip- ness we positively can t be beat. j fcaf-As heretofore, the UIOHCST Cash ? r f 1. k TV i ittcts paiu xor uiiii.i. j. & j. vr.ii.LS. T.ewisbuis, Oct. 19. IRJa Latest of the Season! ! J I.'ST received, a SCrOND SIPPI.Y of; Fancy Kress Good-, Triimiunga in pieal vanetv. Cloths, Cassmere-. &atiiiets, estinis. Hats, Caps, Clothin;, Hard and Queensware, i Cedarware, al lower rates than can be had i elsewhere, also a complete assortment Itencn ' Pi.inl,f'l;,p!enr all Lnmls.in shirt everything Planes.Clusels of all kimKin sh-rt everything ! thai a Carpenter uiav want, at prices that defy ' ...mnetilinn. cunrietiiion i BKAVF.R. KfiEMF.R A. MOORE. I Lewisliur?. Oct. I", lh'3 A COMPLETE assortment ol lchTritn- mine at H. K. x .V s. OTOVEd of all biuds at low prices for t.r IS. K. dt .1. Fall and Winter i.1 lUIlllUW Vaf aev. Ori.U hereby iniorm the public that they have inst received from I'hiia- I delphia a handsome assortment of j I fur a -r wivTri? nnniix I ttl all Kintt saa laiesi stvies, wuicu navoi . i been purchased at u.iiisually low rales lhey j ar enabled to otfer lo tne pub.tc al UAK(A1..S! It would be almost impossible to fnuirer- ale the many articles comprising Ihe stock ol oodsjust received, but they invite an to come land see for themselves assurine mem mat ihey will Ser MORE C-OODS FOR THE SAME MO.AEV than at any other hoa.e in lewis burt?. They have all kinds of Dry Goods Groceries, Hardware, Qucensware, and all other artirls nsnally found in a well furt.ished store. To iend-r their establish ment well winh a visit at all times they wii! ' continue to receive as the season advances. , nfw- invoices f.f seasonable jrootls f.ir Ladies ' i .1 . , ,, antI f'iemei. s wear, so a in nr blmc hi an tiines.lo ofler the choice of the New ork and Phita.t.)r.hi9 mirL-(t HaTin adopted the motto "Quirk Sales and Srriall Profiis." th-.'v hope to rrc!i'e a liberal share of public pi'ronce. t?AII kinds of Ci)i;.'TI! V PRODl'CE taken in exchange d r Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 21, 1&3. Seasonable Supplies j na TnE ; FALL & WINTER CAMPAIGN ! ; TIIIIK undersicned would respectfully an-' noance to their friends and the citizens ol Tnion rountv, that Ihey have t peued a iNew i .Stock of DRY GOODS. For Men's Wear Iftey have French Cloth, IW'kinsand fatvy ( ainirr. Co-'oivd and White L.n-n, lrill. Coltonad-. Vestin, em stjlep Mar.-H'illfs V- iitufi, (Enpli-h lloidery.) c. e. i ror jLalie' Wear, ! Rifh r.uT-d Black Silks, Plain and ChanaMa 9ilk, f Siriptd Mlk. Mirvlmf, Cheeked India bilk, j'lornct j tin (lino up labsces, Parii1 Paint' d Jacconets and London . Hrinte-l i:irrai- D- Lain, tfur-'r Plain Moin-linra. T di ' D oire. Kreuch and Set'trh Uioghaiui, Xieiir V.urke.1 i'ollar and t. inl-rf lee. Jurronet and im EJinic j ad wifiK I nwrting, H.iTca Loen Edcint and Larea, ; Plain and r'tueyCnp N. t. (uw ityle,, Turleton. llln-: atn. UlondiK, kmbntttlrn-d and l--ar Lan HJk t, a J prior inaiiry Kid, Tnff-tn. and Hit lo9, I at and j Short . tifur Mitt. White Crr Shawls, Clegatit Worm Sbawlf, Ac , Ac A lfirpc aor.ci'ut of FLRMiSHIM- GOODS, I Prnrsrtf. Matta. ?tair Damuiilt. Super Cotton Sheeting, j Piliuw C?e Mu!in, Furmlun i hck, Tirkioga. iV:tn Vrinur. Cotun Tabl l'iai--r- Uamafk Table Cii.tb.Np- ;:n, ".V''";-, .".T.1 Siller Mir.eilee guilts and Diapm and Craeh T-wehiu?. knit. i'vl.4H. r.mhtM)d Cotb an i Cotton TnMe Covara, Coi,nterpancaT liuckabuck. Ac, Ac. .J h,ir Mock of GROCERIES is very large anJ chp- Their assortment of QTTEEXSW ARE i on of the finest ever bronchi to this section of Als. an extensive ttnclc of ITAavDm AKL. ' ! Their Mock ofsood; having bren purchased J al Ulf prrsPllt extreroclr low prices, and for auk. enables them to offer unusual indure. mte tf nnrur rnpfi vr.ri.-uv tvl atll nr-J' Th. h.ir! a ' rnartfnil inri- ana pr r.es, nr. suono are resnrriiuiiv mei- j , i . c . ,i ' i,... ,r. . "" . ' " "-- - Mlitii,nii; ricnie ir. . COl'XTRV PRODUCE talien in ei-' cUame for uoods, am the ni;iii market pri ces allowed. REBim & rons. i Lewisburr, Oct. 13, 1653 Latest lrom Europe ! ! ! ! rrilTE subscriber would inform o'd friends I and new ones ton. that bavinc with some I trouble and expense secured. one of the best! VAT(.'H-.MAKER3 in the wor'd who has; been emnloved as Finisher in different W 'ch ; Factories in Europe and now in his employ.; T calls upon all having fine watches to reward ; J V.:m .,,t. nlantu r,r .vie : H. havinn- tool, not eeneraHv kept by watchmakers in America, is.enahled to make any new parts to watches in the neatest and most workmanlike ' Gold and Silver Watch D.ats cleaned j Freshed like new. I Galranizina n Tire Gildisr done In the best and cheapest manner al the old stand on Market $iret, L-wnView. bv Xov. :i, le53. A. L. HATFULD. Instalment M .. ' . . . . " each moutu thereafter, ouiil the whole n p'id in, to wit. the 10th of October next by tfcoat residin? iu Baltimore at Union Bank i f Mr 'ndj Uanphin county Bank of Middleiown ; Norihumberl'd county Bank of Norihumbld; I I'uioa eonntv Lewixburj Savings lrjututioa. By order. RtiB. S. H0LLI.N3. Treasurer. w- ,,rr, . .... ...... lj ALEX.V.NUF.K M CLI RK. Ute of the Borou.il. of Lewisl.arF.deceae.l, harm? been rranted lo the subnbera not.ee is berebv given to all persons indebted to said eta . to make immediate payment; and those having claims are req'ie:ed to preseut them duty authenticated for settlement to eiiucr of the nnderiined. rilW 'l) C. HKMF.S of B-!!efonte. P. ELIZABETH M'CLI.KE, Irfrwuborg. Lewis&urg, Jan. 1 1, 1S51 Adnilnlutrator'a Xotlce. , T ET1 ERit of Administration taring been A duly granted to the anders.gned on the , .aie of DAME!. ZEI.LER. deceased, late of Lewisburg Uoro', I nion Comity, notice is hereby given all persons indebted to satid ea- ' , r . . j ., tne to make immediate pavmert. and tlioe having claims arainst it will preaent them, attested for settlement, tn tsOLOMO.V RITTEK, Pec. 2;, IS53 Adminis'rator. ,. . . , HAlllilSBUItG BINDERY. J. J. CI j dc & r. L. Ilultcr, Sucrax n a W ' O. tM d- to. T.OOK J.I.Vl)Ft:s5 A.NO STATIONERS, AMI liLANK. Jj'XlK. MAStr'ACll'tUCKS, JlarrHLitrg, J'a. f OST respectfully inform their friends thai jy f Ihey are eni.ied in the above busines j 5.4' directly opposite Herr's Hoiel.s They' llatier themselves, by carelul aneniion to their business, to receive a continuance of the pat ronq?e so liherallv enjoved by the old Crm. BI.AK BOOKS for Banks. Couniy Oiliees, ) ; Merchan s. n l private individuals, aoa every j variety of ! hand. Par '1 tun ana nau-nounu constiioy on : per ruled to auy pattern. Old Books, Periodieals, Majrf.zines, Law Books, ? eT-sria- J per-,. UiMes. Iusic. works issued in 'os.. A:c- ' i hound m any style, plain or extra. All wi-rk j ! warranled, and done cheapiy. I m . .... nii r a. u 1 ir.r i.c rto. - - " - ... j . !" B.M'ks Ac. t b" bound rcty be left with , tne r.iitor oi tne inromcte. wv THINGS AS THEY AEE! I 1 T is an admitted fart, that Tustin. fniart 1 l I -... 1 rm,..A ...t,,. lT.e. " -v....-, - an eytcrsive assortment of Fail and W in - r ous. at so greatly naueta price; as to . ie ..t,.,.o.6 u ii cati unarifr itr uarcaiBd: i Th-ir snpp'y emt.rares all the nsual variety j of t.'loihn. I'assiireres. Satinets. Veatiiifa, ; : .Muslins. Trims, Flannels and Blankets, lege. a- j I er r.h the newest sivles of . j Ladles Drraa toodl, ! ronsistinq of Silks. Cashmere,. Merinoes. Pe l.aines, On chains. Hosiery. Khawla, Hdk ft Olcves, Trir'iiminys, Frinse's, and Riobands. Hats and 4'aptt, and evervthinir else tor use and eomtor'. Trunks. Carpet Bai;s. Carpeting. Table Oil Cloths. Baskets, Blooms Tubs. Hardware. Glassware, io-ensware.I.amps.l.ool;ini!(ilas- ses, and a complete assortment of Grorenes, : Honey. Aiolasses. I heese. Hams (Lewis sugar cured.) Tobucco, t.'iaars, Ac. lrrliimrT. A well selected st.ick of lVrfuniery. embra cing the best ol" Coloifiies. Pomades, Bay Water. l.nhin's premium Extracts, aud every variety I t Touutrv pmdnee takm ft, chance ftr eoods. - ' - TUSTIX,STrRT4 LEWIS. (oposiie Kline's Hotel.) Lewishnrtr. 0,1. 12, 1SS3. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. VLAKGE assorunent of I'niversitv and olher Btw-Usronsiantiv on hind Lette Paper. Note Paper, Envelopes, Visiting Cards. aud Paper by the timreor Ream, for sale by HMIA.Ml .Mil & l.C IS. J.ewishnrg. OcL 12, 1P5J hV IIIII I . I Ml I IV I 11 Lat I I 1 il U Li J UUl'O JUAVfC $1 Pf) II H I LlJ CC Vlii I"Efj leave to inform their old cotMrnern and a l others that they are now npniiiK one of the moM choice and desirable r cks tf -"verbeen brought , ,h K'-euon Oi country. Having selected them ailh with nre:it care, and of such rtyles, oiialmes. and price? as to defy comparison, we would particularly invile ali in want of Goods to call and examine lor themselves at O. t.5 HAYES' OLD KTAM. ' H)D of the nut I , . . peninc bT ..-u n. 9 JU-. J II tVFS A CO "I EPT assortment of I,idis' Spencers. I'n- I dersle-ves. CurTs. Hdltfs. Flounces. Jac- . . , , , . onel and Sxus Insertings. 1 bread ami eatn j EJt-in to be had at HAYES" 'J"r,,ua' j . . . i " AWES deep Trim inr of aM kinds ,r1 qunlities, a' so 1 r.nges, Gimp, and Bui- nsaiicwprices.il ,i.,. IXEST M"lesin, Casaioiere and Mnryar n HATS, Siiic, Plush and Ctoih tJAPt at HAVES'. NEW GOODS! r you want che.tp Dry Goods, Groceries, j -toves, or ilardo-are, call upon miCTCr, wrvturr -v, who are now openinr their new Fall Sioek. J7 -, se,7 G'-nn'x JSnns at they cam ,, fought in PliiMe?phia ,SSt & L,fsbarg.5ert. I2. 1SJ3 ' BL. TT7" CI for JualK'.1 ' i lVO h'' ..Aie-. P rl f the Cbitotrla itter, i r"51" 'r' ' liTlaLinal I J r i , U' - - e T ., -i,t a a t I AdwlBlfraior' Xilc. I . W A.ln.ir.t.n.)i..n ..i. lk Fatal ..f HAU. also requested t j preseut them properly atb. enlicatcd for iettlement. OKOliCE 6LFER. AduabUtrator. Buffalve Tp, W. K, 18jJ N EW Eoots sad HaT Sboss, STOCK OF Books 8Bd , So, StaUoaerj. rpHE .aWr.Ur annoaneei to his fHenia . 1 " !he r1" "r tUl U k.t ja.l i " "- rn.i.cipuia a large as a tutw rrccivcn 1 leoi assonmiii of comprising every kind and variety of Genti men's Boots, (Jailers, Monroes, Ties, 81iyprs Ac. hndiri Fine Gaiter Btx4; Butkass, Jenny Linda, and Tics of th latsat and most spproved styles. Boys', Mines', arid Cldldrrn's Boou.Leee Boots, Racers srd Shoes of every s'yle and variety new wern aiso a (ooisa selection of Ihe fcchot I scd Classical j BOOKS . . . , . . m , , m as in ot-r Acaoerries and Schools, , . . , . . . . i. - w.m m ,Hui.ui,ui wi Haaaaaaaa, nt-rr. etc. The above gocds ha hern carefully salrs id and will be sold at very reduced prices. The undersigned also continues to raanufss tnre Boots and felices of every drscriptioa la) e-'Vr, and from his lonr evrer etee sad determination to spare no ePort or expense t rleasr.he hopes to merit and rseeire a libsral share of Lo.ir.ess. JOHN HOrCllTON. Lewnbiey. Vn 9. 1893 TAKE KOT1CE! The andersigned, wool) respectfully announce lo tha citizens of I.ewisburg si:d its vicinity, that they are prepa red to do all kinds ltatcla Clultblut; at their bbop oa the errner ot Norih 4ih street and the Buffalne read. Horse ShtHrine, Watron Work and ali kind vf KepsiririaT iloi.e to cider. Cell, Iron and lirain taken in eiebspwe for work. C. Jt II. I lafarr. May I. 1S53 Perfect Fits ! JOU. B. 3111.1 XK ratrieaoatha , '1 aiioriut; buaii.ess. en his eh hi k, at kit ! old stand on oril. Third Mreet. (if b of tha Striped Coal) where be will iitrtd to Mskitig and Cnttinc as usual. 1 he r'A I I. FAliU'a ifor ISi3. received from "Sew York. All work done in nVe tr?l style and ea the most reasonable terms. Produce received at . Market prices. Lrni.t iirp. e-'ept. 9, IS? JOHN B. MILLER. Fresh Meat! fl'HE undcrsisrned respertfully aunoniicca I that his JttMlcbcr Miwft in the rear '.I hi ietil.nr. foil Swtnth TtUk'Tl OfMlt im I V " - : again in operaiion. and ErrT. teal, Mutton, f. I :n h- ". -i,.j , t,;. rj. j ,he pu0i(.t ri rrsawar.Tai nnnai and Tvaav ; mornings, on ngs.cn cheap and arcon.mlatiBfi lera FRAM13 ZELLER8. Lewitvlorp, May IS. 1853 FAIR WARNING! i 4 LARGE r.omler of 1,-ceunts sre still ia H lhe hnd "" rxreoti rs of Saawas " '"' "f Lewisbnrs;. dee'd. Nones ts i b";b' Ce "' do' 'oust he paid ft.rab. or measures most be adopted K .enforce them, withoni dterimiratioa. fpt-8. B EKS AMMON. Act'g Ei. ... . . . T I "l nclilioeJ KS jost re4 l and for sale at the Mamm ih Drag More. Aug 10 Da. THORNTON it CO. yl'ST ree'd and for sale at the Mammoth, Driir Stre a large supply of Dr. Green's genuine BITl'EhW, f.r rnre of Dyspepsia, eta. Aug 10 Da. THORNTON & CO. ' I """IHIIC friBllnr 0Wff f a. t - ... . .. . uii' . i i.i--. . J wuu m laikr uauiii 01 a . JV1. a, lor I K. VOLKMAR. i Corner, on X. Fourth St. opposite H. Neusr'a, GERMAN and FRENCH I.aniniaires, Draw irg. Paiuiiug. and Draughting, Uugnt by K.T. WOOLEN and "ILK Needle work exerntett anJ sold by Mna. VOI KMAR. who also will pive instructions jn that line mf feisale educa uoa. Levishurg. Sept. I. Ie53 f'mirrrniftj tted9r1me i n Ara CtEJtn ar KowaMi Tome Xtxrcmir. j 'PU E I otvtraity f Fn MdiHn- and Popular KnwU ; oiiee. ctirtr-d by inr Mate of Henelvanla at t j laat aMuo iris. Sink April. aaamly tr the pvrptraa ..f arivrtirf tbr r.t mnhtigt frrm tke'paj of apwrkkn ! and da,p-i-ou nomrfjaix. alou lor lite putpoaof aupply mrf th- pi a.ifi with is-lial tr rvaaed im eaea wbriw-' , lirr. b.in iirebiMed that .t.auak rm ' Powaiul T.'twir future, im aeennnt rf t jnat t eeicbr.iy aaxl kn- wn cnVa- in tb txaUn. Pewr a. l Au -. anl u kina.rtrsi viT' .&. baa no beiatofji la rrMititiTait it in iIm nihee krnu to Um r-airnafa " ronri Kir en-edb. powsmts black. V Pt-I-RT Knr. Tbe a inrtticttoti aun-i t: ?lr Kii.hiwirv Koot. audeaiueetiy imnia.nl it u ih. aoa 'ene of per.uo, ,(",ftt wi.li HiMeis asp'a'nta. Keli., ' lag it to be ir.ealnabi.iB the tie, intent of ener eaae. , lion Hear. K. tmng. 1 lion. n. rian,(.w. By ordVr of the Tmatee,. - .1 hn K. H..WI. M. D. ' . nhi... la,. ; V lleetor Orr, Rj. .a ,TI .irairalMHr,, 1. - - J ...1 m ttowar i n. 1.. a. 4 of tr.e H.arnaecutkal W-a. ta.i - '"""I"1 Ihe IV! r I'y " Ul- o"M--iiee.-j ano-mir.. S...T mum eeettfl ain.t. V i a. iii fc ia. brjr:,-h lli.pwwrv a,t the "tore of j Dr. 1. A 11. IUif..1T. a ro y. . JACOB DYER. Cattahusa, ffr "ould inform i.i old friends and tha r till Va! it r.r rat i ar aon tit A At ATlk f e..utlnu , ke ,he STJGK jn nt of fce n() jU , fair share of ' 1 of patronsfre. r-ept. n to riiiir.R?iE.f. '"ANTED so to. 'Onto ft Msp by to ?0 0011 do OH in to 20 OHO ft 9 in. Ash plank to to so j on ft l J do . . a 1 - : . V7-I1 I n 1 to ne li'ITfrrit 'ni cuin'n a v-,-'ai the hnDSI ..f the River at Hrnsbor(f. Lumber mialii and strait riained is wanted. : ' . ' ... . a a, Proposal will De rereiven nil a p. a m famishint the above, and persons sending pr peisals will state tfcs 5nantit7 and t;nliT of tha different kind tber can fnrash. and whea. Te-m of paymentrash deliver- ami inspection. Addrw (post pnid) 40 W. O. HICKOK. Harrislwi.. P loiul Sol (H-nki) J thi i