Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 17, 1854, Image 3

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- H
jCtuiishtirg Clpuirlf.
ST.. O.KICKOC, Editar. O. W. WOHDEff , Frint.r.
Ad 1 1 ,4 h hi advance, $1 ,75 In tfant month, 12 paid
within th. year, nd $2-60 at th nd b year.
Agwntsbi Fliilndelphm Y B Palmer snd E W Carr.
Jjcwisburff, JPa.
Friday Morning, March 17,1854;
ADVERTIZE ! Manufacturers, Merchants, Pullic
dim in City aad Country, Meehauies, Executors,
Administrator. Operators all who wish to procure or
wf anything would 00 won to give www 01 mi
tiara. tattw-r, wrwiKM. "!
- i.m. ud .nareaeln ejrculathm in a eomai
adng at Urge a proportion of nrtive, solvent producers,
aumra, ana ww " j
03. see New Advertisements.
PdiLasaxratx Oa Vie second pnge (oppos
ite.) Enlarged Straw Goods establishment of
Tbo's White & Co. Highest prices
Rags at 24 &. 26, North St.
Rear, Ett. Eligible House and Lot to
Rent in Lewisburg.
Oa the third this) page Penmanship
Public Sale Jobs for Carpenters Ac. at
Shamokin Consolidation of business es-
tablishments by Mr. Armstrong
Session of the Lewisburg Academy
op your Butcher's bill.
"No Foreign News of importance.
S&-The Editor in absent
attttelnivfj fH.irhrt.
Cameled Weekly.
Wheat $1,50 Eggs 8 10
Rye 75 Tallow 10
Corn 62 Ivird 10
Oats 45 Bacon 9
Flaxseed 1,12 Haiu 12
Dried Apples. 1,25 Clovcrsced..... 5,00
Butter 15
In Lewisburg. 14 ih msl-, by J.A.Mertz, Esq.,
Sktrtr.i A. aTsas ol Cumberland county and
Miss Sussaas Biiiaiu of WinGeld.
In Lewisburg, 13th inst., HannirT S. aged
6 mouths, daughter of Pr A. and Anna
In Hartleton,7th inst.,of consumption, Jumw
II. Eilebt, Merchant and Post Master, aged
28 year.
CF"At a meeting of Charily Lodge No. 144
of free and Accepted Masons, held in Lewis
burg on WeJnesday evening, March 8, 1854,
the following proceedings were had :
Whereas, It has pleased iiivine rrovmence
to remove trom mis li e our menu ano oiouier
Joan H. Eittmr, while in the prime of early
ruauliood, with Ihe hopes of long life and
extended usefulness before him, leaving an
untimely vacancy in our raiiWs.and an aching
void in the hearts ol his kindred and inends,
but cheered and relieved by his calm and
confident assurance of a blessed immortality;
od whereas, our own feelings as well as tbe
fraternal spirit of our order renders a public
recognition of this dispensation of Providence
eminently lilting and proper, therefore
Resolved, Thai our departed brother was
endeared to us by many manly qualities and
personal virtues, exhibited in social and fra
ternal intercourse, and that we deeply regret
his early death.
Resolved, That his stricken widow and
orphan child have oar unfeigned and heartfelt
sympathy under this afflictive bereavement.
Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings
lie furnished to the widow and also published
ia the lewisburg Chronicle.
Htwar W. Faics, Secretary. lw
The subscriber offers FOR RENT a
Jare-e Frame DWELLING HOUSE on
South Second street, now in possession of:
Mataias Hate, near the Female Seminary. !
G. f. M1LI.EK.
Lewisburg, March 1 1, 1851
Wa ?aeWSIS T"'t
mile S.W. of Smoketowu. on SaTt anar, 35ili
March, 1854, commencing at 10. A M,
A superior Family Horse, a Carriage, Bug
gey, and Harness, 2 Cows which will soon give
freh milk, 7 Pigs, Potatoes, a Wheelbarrow,
a Sideboard, Bureaus, Tables, ('hairs. Bed
steads, a Matrass, Barrels, Meat Tubs. Settee.
Cupboard, 3 Coal Stoves and Pipe, i'ipe and
Cooking Stove for wood or coal, and other
articles of Household Furniture.
Terms made known at sale. pdSw
PROPOSALS for doing the Carpenter
Work for Eight Frame Houses, 32 feet
square, to be built at Shamokin, each block to
be finished for the use of four families. Work
In he done in a plain and substantial manner,
the Lumber to be furnished by lite Company.
Apply lo Henry Vangasken. Shamokin, who
will furnish Specifications. For further infor
mation apply lo John Walls, Esq., Lewisburg.
President Carbon Run Improvement Co.
Shamokin, March 9, 1854
Chairs, and Cabinet Ware.
1 g AVING made a large addition in rear of
!f his Brick ahop, upper end of Market
street, and discontinued his shop on 3d street,
the subscriber has removed there all his tools
and ware, and will be happy to see old custo
mers and new al his Market t shop.
A fresh supply of WALL PAPER, consist
ing of new and fashionable patterns, is now
selling at reduced prices.
All kinds of CHAIRS and CAB1XETFUR
XITURE, suitable for Parlor or Kitchen, can
be had on terms which can not fail to please.
CQ" Ml work warranted.
Lewisburg, March 17, 1834 6m
ALL person indebted to ihe subscriber by
Note or Book act, will please make pay
ment between this date and the first day of
Apm. Aiurr loai uaic uieir accounts will be
left for collection with Esq. Menz. without re
spect to persons. R. M. Ml SsfcH.
Lewisburg, March 16, 1854.
NOTICE is hereby given tbat Absalom
B. 8mart has this day retired from
the firm of Tustin, Smart and Lewis, be hav
ing sold his interest therein lo John W. Stuart,
who takes his place in said firm.
March 4,1854
THB subscriber will positively close her
Slore (corner of 3d and Market 81s D
Normaadie's eld aland.) on the iy 1st Anril
next, and oilers her remaining stock of DRY
GOODS. KOT10SS. Ac. ere . AT COBT. '
ur TUK
Will M r,ril 17 1DM
1 ' v j
10 continue xu wccxs.
The course of Instruction in this Institution
is calculated to prepare youths Uj enter College
or for general business.
Composition and Declamation receive care
ful attention.
The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class
of Young Ijuliet.
Our constant aim in the improvement cf the
pupil, is to render the Duciplne of the school,
as well as the mere imparting and acquiring
of knowledge.subservietil to the higher objects.
- - , if ,u.,-.Hnm f ,.J .Karar-ler. based
- ,u,,u,,uu w, i
npon sound morality, aud the preparation
the youth by well established balms oi oraer,
energy and independent sell'-reltauce, for use
fulness and success in life.
The Bible is in daily use in the school.
Tuition. For Laniruasres 810. Hinder Eng
lish $H, and common branches, (including
Reading, Writing, Geography, Arithmetic,
Grammar and U. IS. Historj) 6 per session. .t nearer i'hip,
Nil- . , John KlitK. ftr hlliDr In m tns biidB MU 1114
o deducuon except for sickness. ; ,,,, Mkldlecrk townj.jp,
JOHN KANDOLl II, 1 j. SI. Nrsbit, for making meaenraracnt of am
March 17. 1854. Principal i bankm-nt or Citing in at Uwisburg bridg
1 aeeoee Hn1T,lfia rreefa.
a. U. lJUjll, Ut SUAXIV,
Has rented the Room now occupied by
A. L. HaTrir.Ln. where he will open on the
of April a WATCH and JEWELRY STOKE , ,tr0 jti.i'.ueereck, near Wauei'a,
in all its branches. i "iron Bcufer, fr bauliug gravel to Xew Berlin
He will come highly recommended as a ! M.'i-h.pp,.,,. 2d psrment on eontrart, tit
practical Watchmaker. His acquaintance! fining in at Hufll Wildest Lewisbnrs,
with the Wholesale business and the different J' n s. Kern r plunk and rapsirs of brldg
, r , , . acroes MiltlleereAk near Bearer rurnace,
Manuraeturers of Jewelry and Silverware, or K.i,u.ii.rrepir".t bridge near said K'a
Philadelphia and New York cities.will enable in Warlmnton t wn.iiip.
him to sell goods at the lowest City prices.
March 2, 1854
15 Snggene for Sale!
i .LA UL18HMEXT on 8t. Anthony St. near
; ihe Forks leading to BufTaloe X Roads, I am
I prepared lo do all work in the above lines on
; short notice and reasonable terms.
SuggejftfRuckaiaijfiTi'itifuniyCartf, Wheel-
I Barrows, &c. &c, made and repaired under
' my own eye, and warranted equal in finish and
style to any in the country.
Produce and suitable Lumber wanted, and
the public patronage respectfully solicited by
Lewisburg, March 10, I854y
rilllE subscriber, about 10 change his resi
dence, will expose to public vendue on
'J'hvusdat the 23d day of March insL, at his
house in Niirtlnttr.berl'ind Boroueh, Ihe fullow-
I iug Household Furniture :
Maho?atlV snrinp-seateil Snr", linil f'hairc i
Makntrni'T.l.u. it jn- l . a
i!k I X .r. S,UUreaUSandUaSnSla,,ds
With Mahogany Tops.
:fiiiiionny r rencn lfentead, with Curled
i ,,air Ma,r,sse, paiasses, Feather Beds, and
au cornpele.
Ma ,e aid 0akf Rash an( CaQe.sca,cd
. Chans and Sofa.
j Aso Br,lss,e,s lnerain and Rac Cametintr.
; Whue Mafiino. forhnll an.) rk.mher. ,..,h..
wiih Stoves, Tables (one Walnut patent ex
tension,) liedsteads, Chairs, Glasswire, an
entire set of China, and a general assortment
of Kitchen Furniture.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
N.B. This furniture having been purchased
low for cash from Ihe best manufacturers in
I New York city, will be sold cheap.
JNortbumtieriand, March 6, 1854
Samuel M'CJelletV. Estate.
"OTICE is hereby given that the Registei
J. 1 of Union county on the 2d day of March,
I 1854, issued to the subscribers. Letters Testa
1 mentary on the last will and testament of
Samuel M'Clellen, late of BufTaloe township,
I Union comity, deceased. All persons owing
I said estate are requested to make payment,
.' and those having claims against Ihe estate
will present them properly authenticated for
! settlement.
w.a,sn,r.i. M Ll.r.l,M-... r.xecutor.
Buffaloe, March 10. 1651
T 0
?iT, on the 2Gth u!t a C Tuning FORK.
I .
The finder will confer a favor by leav-
ii g
it at the Chronicle office.
I Receipts and Expenditures
OF l XIO. COl'XTV F08 1S53.
Auditors Pay.
Auditors for A ndlting Accounts of liS2, in-
elndinir I 'leek. 37 50
Auditor, for Anditing Arcnun of fro-
thonotary and LVg r. aud llec'r. 4 021 '
Assessors for their vertices in 1863,
Elrrtinn, Erjienre.
Township Fr.pen.es, held Msrrh 1, lSeS,
General Klecuon do Oct. 11, I'M.
913 60
333 6'
o6 67 U
C'lHrt Ejpentc.
Jurors pay and mil-age Feb. Term. lo-J,
in May " -
llo " Sept. "
Do U,c "
1S 40
6A2 -,i
fl S7
est cj
!447 26
80 2S
t-1 76
f-1 60
ei 60
Court and Constable pay, F.-b, T-rm, 1SS
e " M.t "
Bo u 41 ,1
llo " " Kec "
241 00
21 &S
21 64
21 31
21 22
Constffbles Retnm to Feb. Term, ISA3,
lo " Slay - -
ro " g-pt.
llo ' " Dec
Scrulbt'pg and Cleaning Public Build
K cr"w'iB.
ing; .
wahin2 Ae ner eon.
tract, is fin
Joseph Ewlnc, for carrying Cral end clean
ing paremi-nl of snow in Jen. 1SS.'!, 1 60
Christian Winter, cleaning th- npper room
in tba Conrt nous, also the Bra place in
tuot'ourt bouse, GrandJurv room.Aebv
order of tsrand Jury,
6 26
4 60
Attorneys' Fee.
Oca Hill, Deputy Attorncy'lien. his -r fir
Feb. Term,
Do - !y "
Do Kept. "
Wm. Ten Oexer. Dec.
Cl'.. Merrill, Attorney lo Commissioners,
his S.l.rv,
Chs.. Merrill, Tjtq far Writ of Brrnr snd
services rendered in ease of L'nion County
vs. C Jauira ia lb Supreme Conrt,
July, 1363,
21 CO
10 60
40 60
40 60
24 00
171 60
Prothnnotarys' Offier.
J. M. Feufor. his bill cf Merchandjz ra
re i red by rrotbonotary.
J. II. Corne'ins lor one blank Book and Ink,
Chaa. Rurbmiller f r binding Laws of lM,
Jo. Eystar, l rolh'y, hi till of foca for ldi.
Reifitfer f: Reenrder't Office.
C Rreyman.' Rerlster A Racorder tor 1 Deed
Docket and freight.
Do registering deslbs.marrlsgea. Aft.
Jos. Londev for ranairhut 1'reos in Ilea, and
lec office,
8. 8. Anrand. do do do
Chee Burhmillar, for binding Laws of 1443 -
aad '6i for hag A Kac otlca,
Coroitari Inquests.
Wm. 0. n ceroid, F.aj.. for holding inquest
chsnman tawuiiip, oa the 12rk day of
le: .
rne aeaa noay ol troo. w- tiuncr, ov
I 71 ;
Bridge and
old ones.
Henry V. Snyder for repairs at fay Crack
bridge at eellnsgruve,
Charles lli.tr-l, for 2 bat plank and labor
Sellnsjrruv l.n,l,
' , Jidia A. eujder, for
laying plank oa Now
Berlin nrulirr, auu repairs,
William Peters, t r material and labor at
bridge aeroas Turtle creek, near Turtl
vill. Mnirt Mnhr, tor materials and repair of
bridite near ileum Tavern, in MiUdla
ereck township,
E. K. M. nre.,r, r Ditto, near P. EanU'a, la
Washington township,
Martin Dnnkle, for 272 foet plank for New
Berlin bridge, aud bawling,
Willism Helen , for materials and repairs of
bridge accroa. Turtle creek,
Js"ob Frter, for material and repair! of
Middlecreck brMc, at Mlddlebarg,
P. Kerlin, for repairs ol bridge at II. Long's
ia Petm twuliip,
Samuel Kwing, fimt ijment on onntraet for
buildios; a new bridgo acroaa Buffalo
creek at l,wisbuiv,
Sbnemakerd Maus, first do on do for Varna
work at lo. '
Merritt Cbappcl, do do MUds; in at do.
J- II- app. for lu feet plank anj hanllos for
brilpj aeroa Penns creek at B. Long's ia
Penus Uwuliip,
Joepb Lone, fr nietcrials snd ri'pairs at bride
arroat Midilleereek near &. Huckmaatar, iu
41J 2S
ioo 00
lib 00
11 99
1 00
6 00
Shn.Mi.k.r A tn."A Diivment f.,r mason work
I V , at MAw across UolTiil, craek.
. GiWn IiM-nriur, Mil rltulT for repairs at
! louaand Seliugroe brklgct across Peuus
200 00
1st e. ..i v ...i..,ri..:H..
4 M
2 00
124 00
1 24
raiouei v- r iau,r. vv e., leei pisua, imiiiih;
same, anj repairs of the two brUre near P.
Kauts's, across MidJbcrcck in Wasbingtoa
$1206 0a
Road Dumnnet.
j Ocoree Shetterly, damnges awardeJ lyConrt,for
openiu; a roH-l through lii lanil in Perry lp.,
Jrbn D-rsbaia, do., do , in White Deer tnwua'p.
a 00
s 00
40 00
Philip U.lt'i.li, du., do , in Clupmao township,
$10 00
Road Orders.
John A. Ettlngcr, and others, for views of Pobllo
Fox Srnlpt.
Jacob Boiig, and others, premiums on Fox Scalps,
Sheriff's Fees.
J. Render, Sheriff, hi fees f.r draaingand sum
mouiog JumrK for t'ebrtiary and My Terms,
do. for boarding prisoner J. Lordsher and
do. f'-r dravirg and summoning Juror
for Se teml'ei slid lieceinber l'eruu of Court,
wood, stouccoal, Ac
47 00
44 79
99 40
211 2D
S 25
1 12
3 V
2 25
1 M
2 00
2 20
2 07
Juil Erpentr.
) M. Kleeltner, litnnsston-coal for Jail,
Andrew n alter, one lead ot wood,
John Seebold. 2 cortl d.,
J. A. Sii3der, men,Iine J.it wall, A&,
!Tid Msuck. one c,rd of wool,
J:kme Mauek,one cold if bn-kory wood,
ii. k. liens, lor repainue; staotes.
' John S. lainont f r blacksmith work,
! l. Kuhner. for sand, morl.r. ac, aud
2 M
"""n lrnenu-. rr plailer.ns ine same,
St. Our-kle, fur 100 plank, (hxard measure,) and
I h.ulin. f.w repairs at Jail stables,
t fMinrkniil!er,f',r binding laws for Sheriff's offic.
S 00
it. rwineford, bul lor shoes and stocking for
fia.id M.urk. f T 2 load, or word to Jail,
A.J. Ppltler, for half dotrn chairs fir Jail,
H, hour; A Atites, bill for blankets. mns!in,oom.
fort snd atnkinr, sheets, Ac for jaii, by order
of Uraud Jury,
1 75
3 oo
4 00
10 44
41S 7S !
Gmnfu Printing.
Merrill A Pmith, Kngliah Printing, on contract,
O. N. Vi'nrdou, do do do
J. M. Hsnm, Uo do do
Fred. Pmilh, German do do
Israel Ouu-lius, do do
lco oo
i". 22
ei, u
M Od
Ol 00
SSd 00
Slate CUtf.
rommonweaUh vs. the following persons, for whoa tb
bounty para ( ls, iu:
P. tln and wife .1 22
Denj. I loo eer.
O. P. Keartek,
Jno. Johnson.
B. Ormbetllac,
w. U.i..iL,
R: F. Stone,
Daniel Fee.
Gen. W. Rants,
Parry Wilsun,
L l ugert,
.femes Lslliinore 4- 77
Iluiiel Htrsuv 23 &4
and W. Omu.II. S
J.P.MaTAKOemierlni;3 US
E. fieniberling aud V'.
Urlrtwelt, 67 R2
M. Middl swarth, S 24
Wm. Tate. X ii
Kobert Mills, S 62
a nt
R. II. Laird, Tr,urer of the Union County As
rteoltitral c:et.r. appropriatiou authorised by
aetnf Asremtly of 2ltli March, liwl,
Henry W. -nydrr, I:1- p r cent, ou premium
note fir reuewal of litsnranc on tttrt llous
and jrtil, iu ssid Insnranee Compsoy,
II K. hitter, reeefver of the Lrcaniug Mutnal
liisurauce Comrauy, assessment AO. 9, for lu
surauco of Public Uuildina,
12 00
27 00
John Yeawr, one day's attendance, before tbe au
ditors at eeulenient of 1S02, Ac,
I.raet llutelius. est. and debt reentered against
tbe i'oniutiKiom-rs, before Ksq. Tloush.
Jonathan Wolfe, for services rendered (Vmmis.
etonere and Auditors ia settlements of IS61 and
Havid Spll'er. eots In esse of Israel Gntliu re.
Cniou county, before Justice Kousb, for sum
moning nitnessea.
. 1 1 . t r ..A . vj. sm
l 12
43 17
4 '
2 50
I num. ,,.m,i.a. "" . - a. . ,. mnm
I and cost, patd by him 00 a tract of Lutealed
I j I.nd in Wiiite Iieer town.bip. warranUM, U.
I Martin, sold at t.te Treasurer's sale.
4 37
2 ii
Jacob Kriehley, money refunded, tax assented
1 against him be mistake in It I,
Joseph Kjrtr. I'mlhnuorary ensui in ease of J.
Mauck. Treasurer, vs. L'nkm Co., on orders re
jected br Auditors at last settlement.
4 M
19 60
K.IS. Wright for 2ompie F.hrtion Ihgest of Penn-
sylTania for eaoh townhip in L'nton Co,
DsuW llorlachcr, late Treasurer, f,r money
overpaid by him as Militia Tax of 1660 into th
State Treasury,
James lurl'in. costs In case of Israel Guteliu .
I'nion Co , ts'f ire Justice Koush,
J. rtamm, Coll.-et'X of Limesbme township for
money oremai,! on his duplicate
Mrrrill A Smith, for printing paer book for n
prerae Conrt. in case of Commissioners of I'D.
ion Co., ts. Prof. C. ?. James,
W. Arboza.t, collector of pi-rry lownship.for1S62
for mnoys orerpald on settlement of his liop
Israel Guteliu. for three year suhseription to
the " L'nion D-mokrat."
S. L. Beck, for a-lf and others, costs on unseated
lauds, bought by Uiem at Treasurer's sales of
'20 and '40, which were afterwards redeemed,
4 00
2 40
Z 00
146 36
303 61
Commitiioncrs for Dividing Tovcnthips.
Drvid Weiriek, Ksq. and others, com'rs for f erm
ine a new tuwnsuip, out ol part or Lnion,
Limestone Ac
J. F. Linn, E-q- and others, do. do. running divi
sion line of Center township, to form n now
J. Sehraek. P.. and others, do. do. do, between
West Ituflaloe and White Peer townships
II. Mots, l. q do. do. do. f T dividing Tp..
II. Wilsun, Khi. and others do. do. a new Tp. out
of parts oft ui'jn, Limeatonn, An.
30 00
12 00
20 00
Puhli Buillingt.
D. W. Wood, for partition tm ta offio new oscn
ph d by Wm. Van Geser.
M. lbkicher, oneuing drains toocllar
I 37
II d
G. Wher, $ eord .oe wooil for C news
J. D- Bog-ur. Lilifor candles. iianft.Ac
11. D. Maim, bill for new spouting, Glass, pally,
2 wash basins Ac. for jail.
George ll.lmbarh. 7 tons of Ston Coal t Lanllng
f,r court bourn and CcenwUssioaors Oflc $3.
e2! par ton
Bosbnng A Antes, bill for Merehandisa, such as
boards, iron, candle, An, Jor Jail and Court
31. KkMkner. bill for coaL wood A other lierchan-
dise, for jail and court house,
J. 8. Ileimbarh. for fixing cnort hone bell And
hanging shutters at Reg.oulc
Robert Jackson, for cleaning all the chimneys of
S'uoiie oaiiauiga
0. Helm bach, for a new stove. In room above Pro
tbountary's rfllce, and 1 ton of coT
8. Merts, repairs at coal house, 1M
II. K. Baus. putting glass in Courthouse windows
nd 1 naw shutter in Courthouse steeple
Mains A Lebkiehec, their hill for rrpsirl of sponb.
ing, one new store-top A drawer,
gllanVr A Laamon, Iron, Biacks'g. Ae.
8. 8. Anrand, repairing pump at Coart Voaa
J. If. Cornelius, sand, paper, Ae. do.
R. Swineford, sand sandbox., Ao, do.
M Klsckner, for nails, tnrka, broom, glass, pot
ty, esmllea, Ac for Court house.
BT. 'H. Tsrirt,S tons coal for do.
B. Wilson, for candles, oil-cloth, padlock, tain,
14 ei
3 47
I D. Bover. Tine wood for Court ban
1 1 H. D. M-.isa, for manding santa,Ae.
1 Rethrns! A Ante, bill It cajrllrs. ttnllsstr-ka.
Building new
Cummitxirmerf Office.
I ft. Ifelmbaen. lata OMBmtadaoar in full.
Tvr w
8. K. Ilarroid, Uonuussiooer,
Adam Sheekkr, dti.
Hem IIUel. dO.
81 '
.. A.J Petws, Clerk to Com'rs, kls al.
M J. H. Cornelius, Lis bill for blank Books, paper,
M 1 Ink. peua. Ae.
1 ti l" Msi, P W for pnstare for 1 63, peQM.and Ae.
i K 8inefrd, for paper, pens, Ai. 6 (16. Do fir 1
. ' ream ana flu paper f election blaak $7,40
. Boeer. rlne wood forfVnVrs office
- C. Bu'-bmilk-r, bluding of Laws of 153.
'A J. Peters, recoejlng ReeeipU A Expenditure,
" ' for rears, in Book ofreoord
' Jos. Case. Eq. Sir one oo;. Pardon's illgast for
w . CouiuiissionarB 08k
40 00
2i I
We fhs nndoralznod, Commlloners of Tulnn Coantr,
hereHv snbniil tlta foresT'dns; aeeoontot tbe Keeaipts and
Kipeodilares of ask! County for Ui rear 1SS3, as correct
and true
Hit en under nnr bands at th Coremtssloneis Off ee in
th Ibtroogb of New Berlin tba third day of January, A.
SKU LKIT7.LL CommlsJonsrs.
Attest-A. J. PliTlisUi, Clerk.
JACOB MAUCK, Treasurer 1353.
To sash rse'd of delinquent eoUecturs for la14
lo do ISM
do do lKoO
To csh ree'd of 'Otlretors for 1U2, 2117 40
do do IBM 67-0 04
To neb ree'd. a. J.Or-wrforrant of gtaroQse lot
do do A. J. Petar. for old table cover
do do J. II. Cornclina, ground rent for ahop
for IS52. 00 '
do do l. W. Wood rent f t ofllat la th
rn.K nmi'iiua-.
d do P. 3liler,Cjollctorof HnffaloBtn.1352,
tas not asse-.l in duplicate,
do do Joa By.ter ra- In Public Lota,
do do C. Brou-h Tas allowed and afterward
do do C. Merrill, Cw. amount of Jodgmrut,
Union eonnty wk Ralph Ditty
do do J. Bilgar. for paper dd him
d do of v.rtona nersttns, lutereat on tas
4 OS
pekl as nelemption money
do do of f ario us persona, tax on unstated
do do do taxes ontersd
do do P. Kinney. A other, do
do do J. tj.-ter Pn4'y. Jury ti
do do J. Keller, Su'ff. do do
do do ti L. Bock, and others, taaas oa un-
2h c
20 0J
seated Lands
$10,3u 4w
By nvmaurit nt mnmfainmmr nriir. palJ dorlag
Uiu vosir lSa3, 8301 12
By niuouut ofvrdrr No. 16, iMuVrl OctoVr 15, .
lSZtdL to ritnatI twinj. and ivj tcttd n.t lft'Hct
t!emrnt by Anditurt but kubawueutij urvlerl
to Iw iiord by Coart, "BOO
By 4vmouui of ordr Now 122, ftAwl DeX'mtr 17,
l-. i, trt In? Sleeker aixJ Jmm Pullork. K q,
rjort4l at lamt ittlxrwint by AuJUort,
but utatu neatly ordcml to b viitjwv-rl by
Cuart. 200 CO
Bjr autottnt of C mml4ioa of 1 pr cent oa $10,
w w ui lo rrvurer,auraig i9Mtu4aa
V CVMrogtti,,!!,
Bj aniuuDt uf ctuip4natioo to Trratarcr f r pro
curinir nkone fur tttve uf Tonnty to at4t tlrticU
lu Treasury rJuriDg and telorv May ouurt al
lowetd tv AuJton, lsij,
BaUuh in Trca.ury. Jau. 1, li&S
to oi
7U 24
154, Jan 1. fash in eonnty Trea-ury
Uslaucc due by C"ll. of and pratujua year
744 ul
47 71
4,ko 6d
WK the undcrstimed Andibjrs of the eonnty of I' afon.
j basins; ear,'lully esamiueU aoa annt4 sue torecnii,
I aeeouuu of tlw CouniUsi'ner. and Treasurer of said
eouutr. IH.I flod aud report th siu.1 aeunt of Receipts
' sni Kspendilnras, and Irvaturer Aerouut for tne year
: lo: trua and eorreec ns statatl. IN Witness W here,f
I we hare hereunto set our hands at the Commissioners'
i Office iu the Borough of A,w Berlin, this nfUl day of
, January, A.u. lioa. jottft hii ii.
LAIKD llo ARD Auditors.
Auditor's Notice.
fTXHE undersiened.annointed bv tile Ornhans
I Court of Union county. Auditor toMistri-
j bute the balance in Ihe hands of John Gundv,
! Esq Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth
. ..... r I.1 . ) rr . I . i : i i
oaaitn, vi jissi sjiiiuiioe; lowusmp, uccrdsru,
will meet the parties in interest at his office
in Lewisburg on Fatniv the 31st day of
March inst, at I o'clock, r. M.
II. C. H1CKOK, Auditor.
March 10. 1854
( To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of
as 27 Quarter evasions la and for tba County of Union, at
Si 31 M.e Teem, ls.vt.
rissl Tne petition of Ann Suintor. of White Deer townsnip
66 70 In the county of Lnion respectfully sbewclh thet your
20 CO ) petttiouer is desirous of keeping a public boose In the
27 IS 1 huuee kept by Ann Guinter lat year and where she for
3 ,r2 i merly kept a puUia linuae for a number of years and is
36 92 prtwided with every neoeefary convenience so to do. lhe
! tlwsrafore prays tbe turt to grant her license to keep a
92 64 ! tavern or house of public entertainment for th aorom
modaUon of travelrrs and slnnem. and such a tavern is
necaariiy wanted and aba will pray Ae.
100 00 AXX OrrXTFR.
We the sutcrtlers dtlsens or White Deer township do
certify that the abnr appilesot is of good repnte for
16 00 ' honesty and temperance, and is well pro, idcd with house
j riom an.t conveownecs for th,- lodging and acrommnda
tion of travelers and stransyrs. and snrh a tavern U
I necessary wanted. Witness our hands this March 2, 1164.
I William Guiub-r, Andrew Seib.rt. Conrad lllind, Hani
, D Heber, faniuel tloodlander. Itomt M'Cnrlev Jr. Roley
i M'Curley. Joel Ranek. Jonathan Ranch, Hamuel Oemb.
' erllng, rbarle. Kline. Jaroh Ihlting.
TS hereby given to all persons indebted to
Ihe laie Firm of CArisf d Friek. either bv
i Note, Book Account, or olherwise, that GEO.
I A. FR1CK as one ol the Partners of said Firm
; is alone authorized to settle the same and
receive all monies due.
Feb. 27, 1851. GEO. A. FRICK.
Last Notice.
ALL persons interested in Ihe es'ate of the
laie Joan Btrnwsw, of White Deer Tp,
are hereby notified that I am prepared lo settle
Ihe affairs of said deceased, forthwith. All
00 ' having claims wilt present them by the 1st of
j April, or be debarred and all indebted lo it,
M must settle by lhat time, or bear the expense
CO ' of legal proceedings.
JUH.N w main, ja. Administrator.
Kellv, Feb. 27, 1854.
To Joseph Kusterborder, Henry Kusterborder,
Elizabeth Kusterborder.Aaron Kusterborder,
Andrew Kusterborder, Lucy Ann Kusterbor
der, Margaret Kusterborder, Daniel Kuster
border, John Kusterborder, Samuel Kuster
border, James Marshall Guardian ad litem
of Solomon Kusterborder, and Elias Kus
terborder by his Guardian Jacob Keiser
Heirs and legal representatives ol" Henry
Kutlerborder, laie of White Deer Tp, Uoio'o
Co., Pa., deceased
"VTOTICE is hereby given, lhal by virtue of
i a Writ of Partition issued out of the
Orphans' Court of Union Co., Pa, on Ihe Real
T. e- , T -
restate 01 saia acceaseu, siiuaic in iui arrcr
township aforesaid. an Inquest will be held on
it,. .Ml,., .T.....lk.9tkitavnr Ann I
the premises on Tugav Ihe 25th day of April
next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
for the purpose of making partition or valua
tion of said real estate; when and where you
may attend if you shall think proper. Given
under my hand at the Sheriff's OlCce in New
Berlin, this 3d day of March. A.D. 1854.
6w518 Sheriff of said county.
WAITED. The subscriber wishes to
hire a PIANO, for which the highest
price will be paid. Apply "t the Chronicle
Lewisburg, Feb. 23
HAVING furnished ourselves wiih a Rose
wood K!ASSS'h "ubscribersare
- maw.,- . .. .
prepared to wail upon an woo may ow au j
antortunate as lo require tucir mriccs. ins 1
everv attention will be paid to their wanll and
wishes. Orders promptly attended to. An
assortment of UOFFINS kept constantly on
hand, or made to order.
DO.4AlllX Ot Ji,ila.H.
Lewisburg, Jan. 7. 1653
tORD8 of good PINE WOOD iniiible
j for burning Bfick wsnred bw
sO EDDEii. V A RH afc Co..hereby give o-
IV .. that the hs tbia da ae,w,airl
s' Mr. Pari. Baav.a with them in UwIroaBusi-
""'.ness at Union rurnace, and thai branch of
1 their business will hereafter be conducted in
c , the name ot Beaver, Ueddes.Marsh ds Co.
Lewisburg, OcL 20, 1853.
w-a a. ft, i ja l
Mammoth Head Quarters
HAVE just received and opened an nsasn
ally large, varied and extensive assort
meul of
Dry Goodi, Clothing:, Queens,
Glass, Cedar and llurd- Wart,
more in quantity and choicer in quality and
variety than have ever before been offered in
I.ewisDurg, oemr a vast improvement over me
stock and selections of all former seasons, and
i i ., i. ,..,, i,.m., r.,ht.
is enable ns lo offer better bargains at lower
orices than can be found anywhere else.
rrVEntirelv too busy lo give particulars
14 this week bol call and. examine our multifa
25 M rious supplies of everything that anybody in
1 yourselves that in variety, quality and cheap-
, ness we positively can't be beat.
1 JsS-Ad heretofore, the HIUHEST Cash
; raicES paid for GRAIN,
J. 4 J. WALLft.
Lewisburg, Oct. 19, 1803
Latest of the Season !
JUST received, a SECOND SUPPLY or,
Fancy Dress Goods, Trimmings in great 1
variety. Cloths, Cassirotres, Satinets.Vestings,
Hats, Caps, Clothing, Hard and Queensware,
-..rn-.r. ot ..u,,r rat.a than can be had !
elsewhere, also a complete assortment Bench
Planes.Chisels of all kinds,in short everythinc
that a Carpenter may want, at prices thai defy
i Lewisburg, OcL 18, 1853
A COMPLETE assortment of Coach I nm
mings at
B. K. A. M s.
TOVES of all kinds at low prices for sale
B. K. dr. M.
Fall and Winter
WOULD hereby inform the public that
they have just received from Phila
delphia a handsome assortment of
Of all kinds and latest styles, which having
been purchased at unnsoally low rates they
are enabled lo offer to the public at
It would be almost impossible to enumer-l '"8 extensive assortment of Tall and Win
ate the many articles comprising the stock of, Goods, al so greatly reduced prittt, as to
goods just received, but ihey invite all to come I the Lewisburg Bazaar
and see for themselves assuring them that! Head Quarter for Bareralaa 1
they will get MORE GOODS FOR THE SAME j Their supply embraces all the asoal variety
MUAEt than at any otner nouse in .ewis-
burg. They have all kinds of
Dry Goods
and all other articles usually found in a well
furnished store. To render their establish,
ment well worth a visit at all times lltey will
continue to receive as the season advances,
new invoices of seasonable goods for Ladies'
and Gentlemen's wear, so as lo be able al all
limes.to offer the choice of the New York and
Philadelphia markets.
Having adopted the motto "Quick Sales and j I'erfUllierT.
Small Profits.", ihey hope to receive a liberal i A well selected stock of Perfumery, erabra
share of public patronare. Ei? A II kinds of eing the best of Cnlogues,Pomades,Bay Water,
COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in erchange fur Lubm's premium Extracts, and every variety
Goods. I. HIDINGS A Co. ' of Essences.
Lewisburg. Oct. 21, 1853.
Seasonable Supplies
Ml'.i,,. ,or.. .ha. .!,,w haw. cresoerl N.wr
': r: '
Slock of DRY GOODS,
For Men's Wear tliejr have
French Cloth, Doe.klMand fancy Cassimcrs, t'o'orert and
While Lines, Drills. Cuttonades, Vastings, New Styles
Marseille Vesting, (Rngli.b Ilosiery.) Ac Ac.
Far Ladles' Wear,
Rich Lnstered Black giike, I'lsin and Changeable Silk.
Striped Mlks, Marellnes, (heckrd Irnlia Silk, Morrnca 1
Grodenap Glace. Paris Fainted Jaenoneta and London
Printed Bsrra-e De Laius. euper Plain Monselinra Toil
De Noire, French and Scotch isinghama. Needle Worked
Collars and L'ndersleevea, Jsceonel and Swiss Edgings
and Pwise Insertings, Woven Liven lSdginsr nud Lares,
Plain and Fancy Cap Nets, 1st styles,! Tartetons, Illu
sion. Blond,-, KmbroioVred sod n-ar Lawn lldk'fr, Su
perior duality Kid, Taffeta, and Flit Glovca, Long and
Short Mhair Milts, W bit Crape shawls, Llegant IV arm
Shawl, Ac , Ac A Urge nssurtmeul of
Drngrets, Matta. 8tair Damtisk, Super Cotton Xheetlnga,
11 how case atusuu, rnmiture vneca, sirainga, voitoa .
Fringes. Cotton Table Diaper, nsmsek Table Clothe Nsi ,
kins, D'Oylies, Lmrnased Cloth and Collon Table Covers, :
Super Marwillee Quilts and Counterpftucs, Uucknbnck
Diaper and Crasn Towiung. ae.. ae.
Their stock of GROCERIES is very large
and cheap.
Their assortment of QUEENSWAREis one
of the finest ever brouxhl to this section of
conD,.. aB(. extremely low.
- ' J
Also, an extensive slock of HARDWARE.
Their stock of goods having been purchased
at the present extremely low prices, and for
eath. enables them to ouer unusual induce.
nents to purchasers, as respects
and prices. The sublic are respectfully
ted to call and judge for Uieinaelves
purchasing elsewhere.
.COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in ex
change for Goods, and the highest market pri
ces allowed. HCBKR 1 OHM..
Lewisburg. Oct. 19. 1853
Latest from Europe ! ! !
TYIHE subscriber would inform old friends
X and new ones toit, that having with some
trouble and expense secured one of Ihe best
WATCH-MAKERS in the world who has
1 j se:.:i: : j:it . S'.u
oecn empioyea a tuianei ta uhkivhi isiu
factories in enropw mm now ia nia wusp'y
calls npon all having jUt watches to reward
him with plenty 01 work.
He having tools not generally kept bv
watchmakers in America, is enabled to mite
any new parts to watches in the neatest and
most workmanlike manner.
Gold and Silver Watch Dials cleaned and
Jreshed like new. -
Galvanising aad Tire Gliding none in the
best and cheapest manner at the old stand
oa Mirk street. LtwisVirr, bv
JVv. 2. 1853. A. 1. HA1TTTE 1T.
Offitt Suguehmmnm RaitrJ Comtvmj. 1
Haamantnn, Jan. 20, IBM. S
'T'HE STOCKHOLDERS of this Company
J. kereby notified thai ihe (Sceund
Instalment of Fir Dollar per Share is
, ! PyWe on or before the 8in of
) February nesl ; and an instalment of like " requesten to make immediate pay
! amount payable on or before tbe 10th day of no aoy just cta.m are
r - . . .... ... ' . , ; aha rSaoMted In nr..i a ..,k
eacn moniti inereaiter. nntii ine wnoisi ia pa-u
i", to wit, the 10lh of October next by loose
i Balumorelat fnion Baak of Maryland
l ttuX
Lnion county Lewisburg Savings Institution.
By order.
ROB. S. HOLLO'S. Treasurer.
IETTER9 Testamentary to Ihe Estate of
j ALEXANDER M'CLURE. late of the
Borough of J-ewihurg, deceased, having been
granted to the subscribers notice is hereby
given lo all persons indebted lo said estate, lo
make immediate payment; and those bavins;
claims are requested lo present then duly j
uinenucaira tor sciuciocui to citner os we
KDW'D C. HUMES, of Bellefonle, Pa.
ELIZABETH M CI.t'RE, Lewisburg.
Lewisburg, Jan. 11, 18(V4
t ji ?..
" ,
,' I ETi ERS of Administration having been
j -Ll dul V.i110"1 ? i''
(3i.it wi ...u u ........ uiv a .u, ibis
of I.ewisbnrg Boro', Union County, nonce ia
hereby given all persona indebted to said es
tate to make immediate payment, and those
having rlaims agaiusl it will present them.
"""""Ii-nwnv d.-txfb
; P, 58. 1853 Adm.ni.tr.ior.
J. Je Clyde r. I.. Hatter
Awoaavrs as IK o. IfeUt at 6'a.
Book Dinuers ad Statiomks, akp
Blank Book Man i fact lkxbs,
1arrisburg. Jm.
f OST respectfully inform their friends lhal
AT mcy are engagea in tne aoove ouamcaa
indirectly opposite Herr's HoteLa They
8aer ihemselvrs, by careful attention 10 their
business, to receive a continuance uf the pas.
ronaee so liberally enjoyed by ihe old firm.
! BLANK BOOKS for Banks. County Offices,
Merchants, and private individuals, and every
variety of full and half-bound constantly on
hand. Paper ruled lo any pattern. Old Books,
Periodicals Magazines, Law Books. Newspa
pers. Bibles. Music, works issued ia Xos Ac.
bound in aoy style, plain or extra. AU work
warranted, and done cheaply.
Please give ns a call. C. a II.
17 Books die to be bound may be lel'l with
the Editor of the Chronicle. 60w
TT is an admitted fact, ibat Tnstia, Stuart
!1 A Lewis have received, and are now offer-
X A Le
r Cloths. Cassimeres. Batinets. Vesting.
Muslins, Prints, Flannels and Blankets, togeth
er with the newest styles of
La die Dress CeesU,
ronsistiug ol Silks. Cashmeres, Merinces, Dt
Lames, Ginghams, Hosiery, Shawls, Hdk'fs,
Glofes, Trimminrs, Fringes, and Ribbands,
lata and Caps,
and everything else for nse and comfort.
Trunks, Carpet Bags, Carpeting. Table Oil
Cloths. Baskets. Brooms. Tubs, Hardware,
Glassware, UueenswareXampsJenoking Glas
ses, and a complete assortment of Groceries,
Honey. Molasses, Cheese, Hams (Lewis' sugar
; cured,) Tobacco, Cigars, Ae.
Couulry produce taken in exchange for
(nposile Kline's Hotel.)
Lewisburg. Oct 12, 1853.
LARGE assortment of University and
other Books constantly on hand Letie-
Dd P,P" bJ..l.h?,re . "'" bT
i i.stia.si uakt dk lew s,
Lewisburg, OcL 13, 1853
BEG leave to inform Iheir old customers
aud all others that Ihey are now opening
one of the most choice and desirable slocks of
'r- -
Ucs-l&iis Ina
ke. Laaa , . ,
basever been Drought to ihis
secuoo of country. Having selected them with
1 with great care, and of such styles, oaalities.
land nriee. n to def mmn.r,,
:i. finally Hit lie ii in waul ol UOVOS lo call
I ann examine tor incmseires at
desirable siylVs just opening by
LADIES' deep Trimming of all kinds aad
qualities, also Fringes, Gimps and But
tons at lew prices at HAYES".
I7ISE8T Molest-in, Cassimere and Magyar
HATS, Silk, Plush aad Cloth CAPS at
IF you want eheap Dry Good. Groceries.
Stoves, or Hardware, call upoa
Bearer, Kremer Av Mare,
who are now opening their new Fall Stock
They teill sell Goods as low at they ta
be hrmqht ia Philadelphia.
Lewisburg, Sept. 22, 1853
BLA NKS JeVe!!'Vkar.J
ihe Otosirl etric, or print?, to aro
variety. style , A . .,,.,. r . je-
one! and Swiss Inscrtines. Thread and team
''ore I Edgings to be had at HAVES'.
A4l4Ttalaalatr4tr,a Bllc.
TaTOTICE is hereby spvea. lhal Letter of
i. 1 Arlaaiaistraleon the Estate of 8AM
LLL SLEEK, late of White Deer Tw, InKir.
Cosdec'd. nave been granted lo the and rained
by ihe Register of I own county in due iorn
of law; therefore all persons indebted lo said
i . r in. m y vyw i w wu,u-
entieaud for settlement.
GEORGE SLEER, Admiaistrator.
Baftsloe Tp, Dec tS, llsU
Boots ant
Boohs end
SluMt, Stationery.
THE subscriber aaaonacrs lo his frienda
and Ibe public generally that he baa just
received from Philadelphia a large and excel,
teat asMirtsaeai of
comprising every kind and variety t i Gertla
snea a Boots, Gailers, Monroes, Ties. Sitnnera
Ladies' Fine Gaiter Foots,
Baskista, Jenny Liads, and Ties of lie latest
aad most approved styles.
Boys', Misses', and Children's'
Boots, Lace Boots, Gailers and Shoe of every
style and variety now went also a choice
selection of the School ard Classical
now ia ose ia our Academies aad Schools,
together with a good assortment of Mat 4
cry, etc.
The above goods have been rarrfclly selec
ted and will be sold al very reduced prices.
The undersigned also rr Lticnes to trrrnftsc
tore Boots and Shoes of every descupuon te,
order, and from hi long experience aad a
determination to spare no effort or experte ta
please, he hopes lo merit aad receive a literal
share of easiness. JOIN HOUGHTON.
Lewlsbarf. Way a. lags
The undersigned, woulsl
respectfully announce to the
citizens of Lewisburg xcd its
vicinity, that they are j. rr pa
red to do all kinds Bib cla
Bmwltkto4jr at their r.. p a
the eerner of North 4ih street
aad tbe ButTab e n ad.
Horse Bboeing, Wagon Work aad ali kinds
of Repairing done lo order.
Coal, Iron and Grain taken in exrharge fcp
work. C. 4V XI. I'Hher.
May 1. I6SS
Perfect Fits !
JOIIS B. MILLER carries rn ti e
Tailoring business, to his own b-ok, at s,ia
old stand oa Norh Third Street, (sin f ihs
tiinped Coat) where he will attrcd lo Mak't g
and Cattice as usual. The FAM. FASHIONS
for 1853, received from New York.
All woik done in the best style and rn tlie
most reasonable terms. Prnluce received at
Market prices. Lewisl.nrg.Sepu 3. i53
Fresh Meat!
fliHE undersigned respectfully announcea
X 4bat his BaitClaer lbp in tbe rear
of his residence (on Somb '1I1IRD street) is
aram ia operation, and beef. Veal, liuUn, dc
will be regularly supplied to lis friends and
Ihe public, TrssBAV.Tnrassav and SaTraBiy
mornings, on cheap and accommodating lerma
Lewislurg, May 13. 1S53
LARGE number of accounts are still ia
ihe hands of Ihe Executors of Saatv.a
As, late of Lewisburg. dre'd. Notice Is
hereby given that all dues must be paid forth.
(with, or legal measures must be adopted so
wniorcc mem, witnnui discrimination.
SepLS. BVERS AMMON, Act'g Ex'r.
PRESERVING and Pickling JARS just read
and for sale at the Mammoth Drug Store.
JUST ree'd and for sale at the Mammoth
Drug Stove a large supply of Dr. Green's
genuine BITTERS, for cure cf Dyspepsia, evs.
Lltttographlc Prlnttna; Office,
and a large quantity ol Pit; I UKES, for
Framing, and for Diawing Teachers.
Corner, oa If. Fourth St. opposite H. Neuer's.
GERMAN and FRENCH Languages, Pw.
ing. Painting, and Draughting, taught by K.Y.
, and Sold by Ma. VOI.KMAR. who alSO Will
i .i. i.,,,,,..
give instructions in thai line of female educa
tion. Lewisburg, SepL I, 1853
Mmivtrtilt Mrdirimr.
Frvna aw Ann Cans rr BowaaVs Toxic Mrrrras.
THK rndvevsirv of Free Mtdtrhae aad FonwJar Kt owl
edge, charter by the State f Pennavlvnain at it
hast eesu,u ivrs IVtb Aarll. 1S63.1 matnlv for tbe nnmoaa
ef err. sting tbe evile plaiting nv,m the sale at spuriou
nd dangeron nrwernm aso for the purpose of supply
ing uw pssiw wss venaess rem, a e. la casa w iaa
the s silent ran not obtain nr will not emalnw .1 I
niwdieal advwwrw. bavin rurettaeed that usvaluat le r.m
fty. k.,w.ade Toaie Mialura. an aaeaunl of its jnat
elebrity and knew oSienry rn the trewttneni of r r, .r
j nd Ague, and Its ktixlred ainVeU,-, has no l.eitatea fn
rnmairndinf It In ihe highest tats In th pair) nag ,
of th afllictad.
"IRKV Bisot. Tb abnvw Icun-ruw nw h
! aaveview. !! line wauressv, 10 ire ea.n .r -nowe, i.e-a
',1-.- u k-...-J.n...i-. ... a
Blarkb-rry Boot, and enrnestty pnns4 m u ti.e raw
'''nee or natiaat. aroirui wnb t.e-.e.w,piainta.iiiw
l"S to be ns.aiuaU.Ui lb. Oe,lmeai ol
: I Hon J. K. Hanig-u
1 aty arov m na itnsrasa,
Bt eedar of tka Trustees, ( Jrhn B
I f n A
Bownnd. M. D.
V tlretv rv. tea
jy s 11 nmmaaicallone to be amsrard Jo-u
Bnwand M B . bead of the Fbsr'Saarwutlcal lie: aitmaak
- ann i r ertienno w . ni.vr.v .
I lira,. Otenaary and Jew, So C South Second jTt,
! rtitladelpbin.
Branrn leianenaarw at tl:e atow
Dr. T. A. H. THOMNT '1 A r0,7sw eeir
J.VCOB DYEK, CattavTifsa,
Jnasfk Would inform bis !d friends end the
Efspoblic geperally rn tb Weal nnd North
Uraneh.thai be er-ntmues to keep the STACK
HOTEL, in the renter of the Town, and asks
a fair shave of patronage. 9rpL
TTT ANTED 30 to SO.ore a Maple oj v o -VY
30 to 30 00 do 4 by 4
v . . .e. ... A r. a . . S .K .l...k
1 11 It' .W W w 11 w . I. J.. j-tesM.,
10 toSO.CCO ft 14 do
twa d.l,rerd this coming Tall and Spring on
-w- t...ie f is River at Harrisbcrg. Lamber
of good quality aad strait graiBed ,s 'wanted.
Propoals will be received nil Sept. 1 fo
furnishing the showe.and yersons seeding pro
..i. wrill niats. theaaaatitv and quali'v of ihe
different hinds ihey can furnish, and when.
Terms af syreni--eash oa clelivery and
insrseclioa. Address fpo.t-pa.d
4BdT W. O. HICKOK. Hamsoorg. Ta.
TOTirvTdaaTry. Jarltrmrnf. aej
X Joim Nya (btaii " U,L off
Knw t th ehsse. fe Tt.re.,e J I I "rid etdr"f, ts. do do ef Jofcr K1fl of
now is tne chance for Bargatrt ! wuhmgwui iswr-Wr, J.eMib,i3,
Lvvisbuig, Mar'.Ji P, 185 '
1141 1 tr n&scn.
Lewisburg. Jan. SI, 1854
ii :t .