1L ,1 LEWISBOltG CimONlCLE & WEST B1UNC1I EARMEK. J ; 1! ! 5- f:l in if ti? i ; I- ; Sr.-' At must reianiu here for . wn nr tijilit tinjrs lougef,atiieMi'( Wiisol.ii-ho go further on, aud could nt lake ine uulos I was willing ta become s. cijitivc uiim mere. 1 saw tin' party disappear lliC uc! ilay mid it seemed as it my h' prst f rt-scuu d!ip peared with thi'io. l.ut I resolved lu will till I lie appointed timo wa up. In n ravine near ly 1 fiu.id a lartv o which bad been left Laitiiiiir. Ti.i, fire 1 kept alivo day and uight uniii tins Mexicans 1, and with out it 1 ,!.ould pWluW ieu to Jea.h, 3 tho weatW IiaJ very cold. 1 cm-cred a holiow cot- i I i l.l. .1 i .. ... returned. have frozen become ton wood (tump with 1 ark :md ler.vcs to keep cut the col 1 wind. When I could cudurc the cold no louder, I wuuM leave niy houe and ruu to the fire, but wa. afraid to stay there long hut the Indians sh mtd see me. The wolves f ooti fuund out my place of retreat, nnd frfiiarut-iy wliilo 1 WJ3 ia the Mump tluv came audi scralcbe 1 .irouud an 1 ou it top. Th-juLck-berries weru wry scarce here, and had it not beu for the bread Juau Joie gave me, I do not fee how I could have kept from tarving to death. The eight days p.tssod slowly by, nnd I Lnjw not whether to iive way to hope or despair. liut on tho eighth I heard sev eral persona calling to each uthnr. I fear ed they were Indians, but they belonged to the trading party, aud wor- on their re turn to Now Mesicx Tlu v IiaJ lost t tic place whore I wai couecalcl. aul were houting to each oth, r to attract u.y attou- tiou. 1 was so .Vtrj..vel iliat 1 ru.-h"d toward them uumiu.lf. i of bri.rs and sore feet. Juao gave me a fi ie horse to ride, and the whole party UeaieJ me ni'li ut- -.. n. . .,!... l'....!....j II.. 1. . "I.I. ' (Hvra . t 11 uuu ftiuuui.'i. v ' ll 111.: n t i u Hv nf rmr return tnw-tnl Vpw V;,.!. u-.t L .! il. . a, ..i.- 1 .. II r I j ii j , i Majr (,iirluo and Mrs. A lums, ut the lTuittd Stares Ai y, who took the tlet-pest j interest in my cunif'irt. Here 1 laid aidc I iueiT apparel, aud was furniiod uitU a f supply frou. Mrs. A. wardruua. A(rcr j remaimuf; at recnj a few ilays. I was eon- ducujd to .ant Fe hy the son of Governor Meriwether. I T Gov. M ., and also to the Amerienn j ladies of this !nc, I can not bo too thank-, .il ri. tli;.. rrt..r..Iltr .. I "- i;iiiwiu lorui aiuuue?. 1 The pt teems like a horrid dream. I have related nothing but fart j, and uu lan- j guage that I tice can fully express the ! auifering of mind nnd body v.hieh have j endured. My two brothers-in-law are si ill captives, and uule? ruclaimod will become j as savage aa tu lnUmnK. I i;e .'l-iu-aus aw them with the CaniHnchefi, but were 1 unable to procure tbeir freedom; odo is j twelve years old, the other ten, and unle5s j the stroug arm of Government in lifted up ior lueir reueuipuon, mere u no uopu lor Hcsolvcd, that the next Stale Uonveu-tnen- i tiou lie held at Harrisbur ', on Wednesday The Coal Fields of A m r.r. ic.v. Dr. ! cr.. , ... ... , . , ' ..M.f,uiH6,TOl,,, area of t.ie coal fie.Js of America ai fr.l- lows.; ine great Apuacnrm coal Celu, elteuding from New Yolk to Alabama, covert nearly 100,000 square niih s; tho Indiana field S5.000. Add lo tho Gelds Michigan, Rhode Island, Jliswuri, Iowa j and Virginia, and we shall have a surface more than 27 times as large as Ma-.achu- i mittee for Pennsylvania, held in l'b'hdel eetta. If we suppose the average thickness ' phia, Dee. 13, 1SG3, it was, on motion of of all the beds over this surface to be only OR tn..t ll.nn vlinld n i . I Af M.iut t .1 " ,. , ' ... ,, I of the Whiff party be held at Harrisburg, aolid measure in thui country, would not j m i 'of for ,he be far from 1,100 cubic miles. Estimating j pU1I,se 0f nominating a candidate for Go alie yearly consumption of coal in this , veruor, Canal Commissioner, and Supreme country to be 7,000,000 tons, this immense ien.se i body of fuel would keep the hearths bright and the furnaces a-glow for more than a million of years." Utile Childrru. Linle children ! how we love them With their winning, artless ways, 8eoihir.g many hours of sadness. Charming many weary days ! Little children ! gifts of Heaven, Flowers still brieht from God's own hand, Dearest conitoris to man given. Wanderers from au angel land! Little children ! joyous creatures, Cheer with love and smiles their way; Genily speak and kindly treat them , Cbililbood's hours soon lire away. . Wukat AT $2 A DuvnEL. Three times in the present century, has Wheat reached tho high figure of two dollars a bushel in the valley of Geneve. Iu IS 10, by reason of a remarkable cold summer and a very short core crop ; in 1S3C, by a somewhat unpropitioiis season, and neg lect of agiiculture for purpose of trade and speculation; and in 1 So 4, ly reason of abort crops in Western Central Europe, and the war between Ku&sia and Turkey. IiiM-hrtfer American. Th Sullivan Couuty IXmorrat says, that an extensive tract of wild laud, lying about i miles from Laporte, has been I purchased of Mr. Meylert, for the use of the State Prison at Auburn, X. Y. The timber to be used for mauufautjriug tools of various kinds by the prisoners. It is aaid that the I'ireetom of the prison intend to erect a mill and open out roads as soon as practicable. The Cleveland JleralJ mentions the ar rival in that city of a train of cloven cars, freighted with bogs, which were loaded at In A amino h. anil trarwlmrf, in fli ci.io r ' .1 I . i ,. , - .. cars irom inuiauapoiis, ana nity-i.mr mi es r J over the four feet ei"ht and a half cause, . f 1 .1 .n-f -. t Muncie, and thence 227 miles over a fonr fivt l.n ineh M, tr. n..vl,.l - . - - Gbowtu or Trevuktos. The capi- uiuu vuo arc now mis.lnniT torururil r in railroad river bridge, ic. Mahonov aud e. t i .1 btisquebanna Improvement Company, tn NortlinnibcrliUid coanty, are about puttin" p 100 Louies to accommodate the incrc.3 ing force of coal miners. Counterfeit quarter dollars are in circu latioa at Danville. The 7fa'.'icer tays by dose inspection they are easily dittia guitLcl from the genuine. A 'COUNTRY Dollar Paper! i j Siane t!i Chronicle eumo into our Laud?, wa li:ive clothe! it in new tjpe, Ht a co.t f ur 81QJ O-IL-e rent lias nearly doubled I'riuting paper has advanced i0 t,r P t 1 U' 0r'ne.n 1 tuplycd is larS.-r-Fannc produce is riiW in price generally but our terms . 1 J a tv.... number of workmen h-tvj not been advanced. lbu-, while our i'U4-jniije haJ iucrcased, our pnftls have not. f2fA reasoiiublo inference from these premises i", that we MU.-f K.USE Ola KVi'Kw of cilAltiiKS, or our rvnhr must ebtaiu an increase of F.ViRoXAOE. The papers above us ou ths West Hiauc'i, aud seme on the North Prancli and elsewhere, have raided their charges. Wo choose to wait one year lougcr at the old rato., tr.tstiug that we may be favored wiili Mich au increase of Subscribers, Advertising, aud Job Work, as way unable us to keep on at our old rates. In almost every neighborhood, within 20 miles around Lswisburg, additional J natrons muht reaJilv bt obtained. , w , ut weck,v ,)8 ; s; ,e , . ", ,, , , """;: lu r"ut. MJ- envelope, and dirc..t singly, arl times a year, anorJs but a email protic indeed, If Clioll Ollli I10T : t-tti-.i ' & itaner alouo will fret ouc or mart i -i ? . i ?. . . i ... . - ' paekatj wnl go mora safely. auJ attoru 1 e b J U3 baicr coaipeusatiou. OueDtJbura War Two Cr.nixa Wtck aII j n,, r03ta'e iu Utiiou county.) ia all th iU t(J M buhs,Ylh,T , t wli0 wul uoUm 0"H or n"ro ew "es' anJ fud the Oah for all (il eaeh) in advance. Thia oltVr is for one VKAtt ONLY. With ueh a ehauee. uo Ilouaekecner. lo Yimiii' ! . . . ... . . . ... , ) ;,inn, should tie wrneut tbe Lurouieie. 1 " k a l nho arP"" tbc coul-!,c of our paper, to aid it by getting one or nforo subscribers."ta ' Democratic Stite Convention. WuEaeAS.thc State Convention of 1353 empowerei the State Central Couimitteo 10 gx the time of holding the next State Convention at llarriaburg, and whereas tte usuai iliy) the 4th of March, will be Sal Urdus' tbo 8,u.t'f Maruh next, at 10 o'clock, A. , s 31., and that it will ossetuiuc in xue nan . . , Ui f Uertscct;vtiVe8, if it aIlull lu t!ie pjelsure 0f the Hoi ouse to graut j the use of their Hall VM. L. HIRST, Chairman ATM. Cl B'l'lS, ) g . IlKNKY h. lUKFFENBACIt, j Whig State Convention. At a mietintr of the Vi'hij State Oom- Col. Kd.e, of fc-amerset, unauimouly ! AVjoW.That a Convention of Delegates ! Court. A. K. COJ Chau n. Henrt 8. Evans, Sec'y. FALL FASUIONS-1853. II IT, C AP & C XOTIIIXG M OKE, &,u4 Etut Corner Market and Third firs. J. & F. Spyker II AVE just opened and for sale cheap for Cash or in exchange lor country produce Iia noiesaiii o, c-u. .iu;. ... . . . .... x- i n " - t' : ; i . x- i 2, 3; Angola Nos. 1, 2, 3; black curled brim. pearl and flat bri.n Hongarian, fine brush, m.iggon, wool, for Men and Boys. Summer Hats from Panama down to a levy chip. 'H!W of the latest styles aud of every des- i criptun, .o suit everybody. ClOtJllns 'Joats, Pant, and Vests for Men ami Itnrs : Shirts of different kinds, shirt collars, stocks, handkerchiefs, gloves,, sorks, i in short everything to wear from head to foot. Also Carpet Bags and Trunks. Thankful lo our customers for past favors we hope for a continuance of the same, as our prices are low. Give ns a call and examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. A large assortment of Furs, such as Hulls, Vicloriuej and Murtatees, &e Panama, Leghorn Hats, and Bonnets wniT cr.n &XR paE9s:D on short notice aud reason- able "rms- Nov. 4, 1853 lJeadin's Patent Torn Sliellcr, Capable of shelling IGOOBushels of Corn C? per dav. For sale by DAVID LASDRETIl, at or riw itiicimnu WAnt-HOCSE, No. 23 Siirm Sixth Sti:et, Ki'e Agent for l'hiltxtelphia. This Sheller, patented in July, 1852, has met with a success unparalleled by any Ma chine of the kind ever oiTered lo the public. The following certificate(one of a large number inn to wmv, o l niirc Mil K.numn n orn Khllr. tmiUiuUhI ui 1 ..i. lat In untinn iin inv fkrra Air : . i ' ... . . .:: i '. r ; . "h , ' twoe n wunrwri , Ilonrtrr.1 Bu.hfli.tir Corn; and. from wht I hatKrcn of i i vrr-"i-1 m 't.ij iu capacity i fatty o,,e H.imlrr.ia.l fift) ll,.M, p,r l.or. It dm notl.r. . I th. rnm. r a th oo!ai.iii..jnrir..rfiiM. irr.nt-! ! Xir.. " T."'T "i' "J " ! j 3ml Vry RvanortAiUy Voam. Sat. g. V 4Bt." i Aamiai.itrator'M Tintiro. ! T "AVE r:ceived rp 1 county, i.eucrs nt Artministration upon the estate of Dr. J V. So-tox. late of Phre- ' uixv,!e Chester county, Penn'a, deceaserl. ! "UPJ1T. ' 'f M win .pK'ase claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settlement to PETER BEAVER, Administrator. : Lewisburg. Dec. 14, 1853 , QCHOOI. ORDEK3 neatly printed and for 9d m Chrontrtt OfllA. I received) will give some idea or what people i 1 1 iiit present i ropnetor ol the newly disco- ' "' """'","r"' think of it who have used it: I I vered UlHfuId Cave (limestone) iu v- w"'r nd AMI.'EI. HOOVER. "s,-1..BrI.Pt..J.ii.20.lsrs. VALLEY, t,"nion Co. hereby gives notice . Hart Man. Inwn Co. Va. Tlio renowned Eeae3y ! HOLLO WAV'S OINTMENT TUi citraorjiasry t'njru-'iit ;i rui.ti.J tt tht nrwt lictliiijE LWtji, n-iU w!i-n u.-J tu av,rdiir ,tli th l:ri'i-ttoi;ti w !irii arOuiiiiiiy onc'i ; t, vtiil iii'urr cntva !u'ti all utLvr itu-itic 1'jsh ,f ium; U .)writ .-kin 4it iykhLijt jrit-M tw it e-rint-y. It if fnnu us h.-u UM-ti in cjt.t- olG uKLeutaiui, Contractwt or Slur JinU. In AeOiiau il tiu wuodcrM ii" ruliLe-J iiiW tuc CLcsL Mot astoniiliingCuroof Scrofulous Ulierr, certili'w'd thi? Mayor uf BvsUm, ..TiCu'K.'.'lV'. j T'i PrurslK Ili'LLni. l.'r y.r : Mr.. Suruli I)ii..n f Li ,ui.ri.u l sin i;t, Il..li.a. li .s tlif. tl-ie-J l.-foro iivh-r pmu of IitI-jJ, ; art 1 lUlimn.-U tli f.nx i f iii'tlU-tt &.lviv v ulilaiutd, nt itH' o-sl if H Inn;:, fiuui t ..r o..n.j,fl... .t.uiii.a tu '.t rn.ut if .ulfcrini, but i;n;.ljiil!r Kn: o.f--. lii-iiii; rec.mmi..U-i t-y afrii":.! tr ro'irOinttui-iit. l.i- prw-umi Moi ii i t. a ki ..r iii l'iii, ! b-'f hi itmt vimnii nio.i. vii.j-ti.mi. ui m iniiucut ajuM -. louxrr I ti v.nr rut-" to h-l, -. . Lt it-rf-.-cLly cun- , at.4 1 remain. Jojr Ir, Aug. li i- Hsrinij J NOCLK. KxtraorJiur.ry an J raj.iJ Cure v( Krxircias I isttT.fr V.-. 'iV,'t y.a'i 'fiht Ijt 0ic, A'd'cxd: lilt-lit. fc lr .VTM". .Uitr. -!' t J m 1 ".". j I l-.'iltttlt (U!fi iii ny utid iu.L-titl th tiii'ii(-al In at- j id. JiyMinVi . it -r -i ii rtt.iid 1 tnif ! irt il i , -f nut ! i m m. ut a;.n-ii'iii.t.l. m 1 wk mil i- ti t" j di-tav, atnl i.m 1i.iMv " '"V tU- rf-nit t-uiLin-nt y i .... ... - .1 i.. n i:..,-t - r..ii. '.i ..f iw t. j- 1 rt..r..i n-1. hm fio. mnt r i.-.ittn. 1 r-r i '!' tl. utn-M ,firJi i; . 1 -.ir iu li in. un rtf-cmui"ii1it tiifta t 1 au, juuroMt.il unO faiMiltil errant, Ki(t:MNi XIA.LTll VA'fta. Th Pillc fJi uM be OTinjointly Uh the OInLiu Dt in uitiNtnf tbt; It 1 lowing cm j: H.iJ Iaj rKit!!ini Fl.-tnla ?..rc T!rrt;itn r.ni Un:ii?ts Clin; 4 Ci-iit Skin lLHa--s liurus Il.iii.Jt (i'N.iiIiili'.r 'iurr It.mi-.tn ffn5 fwfr) rf,li:.ss Sure II -als f M'W- CaM-tT Lniutjiu T'ltti'im rlift mill OnftrirtfJ ln t-r iinti flits mut Still H IteuiaittiMU unts rco-Kitv J itlt S ;tllft I'itmi CliiftC' loot tk;i.iaittinii;i t-tire NijiJk kc. A.r. Sold nt !:iUlU(iwnt .f I'n f'-or tl-n Luwir. 241. .Qi-i.l.oi-ar r.m;.ii. n.r. l.. n ! i u :.i hi i; .u- iu .rk. O-. It-ri. hir Mllir!ltc il, ti.i M ti . IJlIlVJ -r. Mn. jv. ;w win ivw duo MtrMi.i. f-:. al-r liv nil n.Ji..lil.li' lriiui.'ii.t mi'l .lei. r- in H-li' ir,. . aii-1 $!... i a. h. Whu'.csai. by lh t'l-ibrif .1 Lrug t.uub. in til- I men. V'-. Vicru 1 (I ainsitlTitl't' liiri'n I it l it inl 'hr Tiirrhmit't. .ll. ninli'-ni. I'-r llin tnlrlHun. cl ...tii.iilH iu .irv diifnlrr an- u1t:Kit hi .114 h I'ot. fohl by Dr. KKMITK, Miflliuhur? NEW FII13I, AND NEW STOCK IN TRADE. The subscribers having formJ a co-partnership in --r"USI,iess, now oner to old menus and the public, at Hie l'e "'ana of t. F. l.un.lV.I i.n Mreeti ,ie chtapeit tf,ir cash) and best lot uf iJoot.o nnd !wf$ for Men and Coys ever offered in Lewisburj. A Splendid Lot of CUM SHOES. " Also all kinds of !L j.ilo YIaK (Jailers, ha!l-(iailcr.s, etc. Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes. Work made tu order Mendinir a usual. As u'e are both known as practical shoe makers and experienced workmen, we solicit a share of the public patronage and will try to merit it. S. At IV. SHUT. Lewisburg, Nov. 11, 1H3;1 PIANO AGENCY. I lj If I TTAVINtJ been appointed Agent for the sale J. J ol the ccltloat.-d I'laiios, manubictuicd by c;ro. togiit, riao., thii ondemiirned would be happy to supply any citizens of the Susquehanna country who may dc.iire tn Iuslruniriil well made, after the latest iuiprovements. Two of the?e Instrument have lately been introduced into Lewisburp. to which I I am happy to lefer anv one. The I'ianoa are ..,. .,. nnl 1i.,., ;., f.ir . , . , Jn . .viif, iurj may w vi;uaiii:u. i imrs rLs..uuK- ble. FltNCI4 J. GESS.Elt. f.ewishurg, Feb 2t, IS52. The OM Mammoth DRUG AND CHEHICAL EHPORIUa 11 BOWSED. Dr. 1 1IOK.iio.Y & Vo., W'hohsah f- lldttil Dnitjjists, Lcwiflurg, OFFER to their friends and the public a large and well selected stock of fresh Urugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spices, (pure,) Dye-Stud's, Brushes, Combs, I'erlume ry.Soaps, Fancy Notions, Fruit.Conl'ectionerv, Books, Stationery, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. Give us a rail and judge for yourselves we charge nothing for locking. Remember the Mammoth Drug Store! Dn. T. A. H. THOKNTO.N & CO. TO .uai i.re vuer rem nui be open f Vi.-ii... t. l - '. . . . n j ! i.w.o. il way ue VIMieu DV 1.3.tif.s n rj,.ntim,n nn . ,,,. - y ,"... -niiemen on any oilier uav, and on feA n.R- DAY of every week especial preparations will ,f )na()e w accolnmn,l i, Will "If T, """"""aje wuh lights, ."IL' orhi to break off, injure, or take away any specimens from the Cave, under penally of prosecution. The payment of 12J cents only is required of svery person before entering NOAH WALTER. Dry Valley, June S, 1S53. HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICINES IKEPARED by Rodemacher & Sheep, Apothecaries to the Hoinrropathie Dis pensary.No. 239 Arch street. Phil.-idnlni,., constantly on hand aud for sale, wholesale an man, in Lewisimrg, at the Drue Store of Oct28,'53 Da. T. A. II. THOUNTOX TJECDS of aoperior form, for le at the Cbroufcle office, 6 flt rta( f per des Altainrr at Law, lev:isuvi:g, luio Co., r. Z:J )KfiCE nearly uppobito Kliue'u Hotel, Kefers to . Jtmrt B .rnrfjf, BJttfmU, ill. " Jt,n r. il.lt, il" '. JutHKS t u'' II , H. .1 '.!.' H Wilton. Lewitlnm, rt. A. Jar'ian. tkiHtmr. " tmirl l. ,!rin. If tUhiytlurg. I.-'nil, .Siuiih J .. l'nUai''i'ia. LfK.'il'itrg. April it1!?. " fin:i!l Profits un.l Quick Sahi." SARGAINS at ik CHEAP STORE rip 3. 01. & MY. I1BOHX. "ITTK take this meilmd of informing the I I putilic that ue have tilted up the old "f.VO.V TUMHX'l STASD," u-here we would iuvile especial attention to our SIock ! I it IV "i'lff f:ni)Di4 nn.ur.oiiv ( J rocf'r 'S and FISll, . , , i j ulucli can not fail to please, either in recaro' j0 p-.(.( r oualiiv. Our i'iiods have been be sol. l o:i arcommiMiatmiy triiis. V..H be pant fr a!! kin!s of CU'ttlll and tlte xxry highest price pail, in Roods, lor every d'-scriptmn vf V(metit Vruduce. Turtlcvii.c. April 18S3 J. K. GOULD, (faces, .or tu A. HOT,) X'i. 1 G 1, Ckfitn ut St ret, Siea rill's Build ing, 1'HILADKI.rilIA, TXTEWI VE Mrsrr Fculishfr and Dealer 1 'j in Musical lustrnnieiits of every descrip tion exclusive Agent tor the sale of Hailett, Dav in A-Cu!i( Boston) Patent Suspension Bridge Aialiun and other PIANOS, I. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melode.'ns.Marliu's (uil.iis. Harps, Vinluis, riiipet Music, .Music Books, etc. KeMiienis of the Country will be supplied by wo' or otherwise with a'iy inuic liiey ui.'iy wish, at as low rales as if purchased in person. Hjving one of the largest stucks in the l:niied Stales, feel confident of satisfying all who may favor me with a call, or order. Dealers in Music eiiln d on the most liberal terms. Pianos tu let. (Second-hand Pianos for j sale. 1)473 j Lightning ilods. VF rtlt marly years' cloe investigatton nnd numerous experiments, the P&Wult laLf j Impure ia informing the putilic that he has nrrivftl at lht tiue princ'cle ot p.oterliug fr.mili n, Jwtlliiip anJ ritriy from .tit (Instructive inllu enee of LIGHTNING- calamiiies that every Cily, To n, itiae and foonfry t:.lis iclim to annually, ifcro' the gro.-s negligence of iU inhabitants, is IWoud clcuUiiun, ep'ciiitty wht-n the reuietly to easy to obiainlliiti i found in ABWTTAGE'S Piiicnt illiifjiictic Uigajtmng UoUg. and iu this alone. This Hod has been examined by the mt scientific g ntlrmfn in the world IVuf.'snor M'Murlric, Johnson. Wall or and many others that hnve exsininr-d (hem, recommend aud spt'ak them in the highiuerint of approbation, and have pronounced them the only sate rod io use in thi or any other country for the protection of Lives and Property. One advantage is to divide and throw .tacit a part of the electric fluid harmless to the clouds ; in time of a stroke this enables the rod to conduct thai pen inn of fluid that belongs to the earth without the slightest danger of lea ving the conductor. This rod has many other advantage over the old one. The only place ol manufacturing is in Vine S7. 3 dwrs above 12A, Philadelphia, thtre all persons are respectfully invited to call and examine for lhem$elvrm For sale Wholesale or Retail by THO'S AKMITAUK. Orders promp'Iy attended to. Jern.s cash. These rods have Ien purchased and 'success fully used by the following individuals, companies and corporations, svhoe names are cheerfully submitted : In and n'nr r7(it7fVi. A. k 9. RolNrt. flwrye Sfiittzkiir, fute I.uvtfr, JitJt O-nr!. J. Mullord, Jibo liomtvs V. C. ClMnIy, J. tr -xtuvt. t. Oakl y, 4't.itraJ Iiivrtfi). lUft Klocklt-y AluifhouFt. Anjtirsoa A Kntbr, K.-T. J. L. lirunt, Jolm NoLRi&n, lltoo. (irtiViT, Buti- k Il-Tift, A. it.i:iiliorft, II. Siiuru .!., Ilius. Nott 1 (Jo., Mr. Dturninp, J. iiivr, J. V . tttM)n, lliiDihrvyF. J. Kipkj 4 Cn.t J. yuiu, H. KiJli'u. J. Oveufliirt. H. IV p pT, Mr. M.rirj.leMi, Mr. Mnrtm, S. lJ -rblt-y, J. Uriuklt-y, Mr. I'mvimhi. lr. J'nul. 8. If. I'.ts k Co., J. Wint-p-unv, It. M.Il. r. tl.e lta Usnk Hot. th L;.i. AnvnmX, ti trrinjt Oar-tf n Ct niutui-.tr n?' Hull. in tUt Ot-.te af yew Jl-ti. Ueorsw Criypin. JuJt;e M'Calt. Jutle Iayt. Jha Ntliuau, Ir. U. M'ilurUe, ilirj.Uutfri, Sir. J. Dnwniitit. .v t:xnx ftrxrv. Tf'irfhtf T;t. Murk lUli'inDy, Wni. Kotr, John I?ta, Vicbt I'mts, Jnmb tuith, Unviil Kilmdu, Kubn Min.'h, OtHirc Kk-rknor. Viti JUtriim Court House, an J Cotamis. icprrs Otlif. Ltmt.tt.ne Ip. Joho Krln-r. L itiim Tpiltr. Charlet IV ii: -a. HiUhimjtfm Tp. Juhn Kuntt. Simu Kuntg. itn 7J. lsac Couldrua. White lH'.r 2'p. MK-baeJ UoiriuiaU. jVecoxmexpj noys. FntMPA., Auc.1A.lM7. T bnve this dav cmvfnlly tniTttHl m roD.turtor or .i-'Iitninr Hint, with vn and imlfx. rtwi bv Mr. I hrtff no in diuuioo in yinic tlmt it i tut ooly th b'8t I bavf ivr mfti. but that it i tbfl only onr 1 liar vt txvtuittctt that tit cunnructt'ti on ptrirLly M-Wntitfr princf- p.re. his witu luurn pleasure tiiat 1 rrcomuifUd Ai8 II. M.!tRTKIB. I am wc!l atlsfirl ttiat Ue Mofmctle Lilitnintf Roil, mur.rrturr (t by Mr. TJumins ArniiU4i, of l lulavtelpbia, 15 the tst iht ha ef-r 1md tuiulf. 1 bvttipiit feral VfArx id tlie tintv of Urn litwd uf rlwtrivitr and macnt't- ifin.ivnJ tiart no lic-itatton in mylo Uiat thiw Uot are rou-truct'tt ujMn tbf only principl of Niti'ty. The electric Hinr. tu reRfireif aud dispemil by the mttfrnt at tlte fc'p t.f tlia rol, and it would be iinpof'eilrle, according to th lawa of attnicti n and rt'r nlHioo, fur a building to be ltijtiri fl hy a etroke ol Hebtnin wbn protfrtrd l.y one of tbM Darin. I hHTf bteu normal ii twi with Mr. Arniitiure for aeTpn I yearn, and U f-'re hnncmmeurtfl the rnanuftr- lurp or t!i4-w ret I exiitutned tli; prmctpicnn which tht-y are roufilrtitcii, ai.it f It conrinred tti.it Uteir atloption wonbt tf attt-ndntl with complf b? f in. Tb- innreattini; (temaind for tiij nnijiiid LheexUTiiivr.teit in all parts of the on u ii try. if ample rynira nOation of their utility nnd pri.ritv. TKACV K. WALLER, M. D. (!() tvill furni-h the ttoIs on the came lerinn and in id same manner as ine f ropneior. MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, NEATLY k EIPEDITIOCSLT GXECVTED AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lcwisburs. H. GERHART, iargeon Dentist, A T hi Residence, South Third 8t.,corner X. Ol ftbe Board walk. LEWISBUKC. 393 nn A; Xfi A VV " v -; n is lur ijiiruii uuu aiiuniiiic ".'UUiiur, Almaiiac for 1854. X H, 1 w, :'5 2I 5 I 31- 5 i i t i i i i - r-.i t 5 : . 3 41 f. l 7 !? I,i 11 ljll:;H 17 is III;-"":-"! I ' - :i 4 7 I-1 illi.llll S H lf.Hflt7llM T j.tj'iiin.i.i i Jiii Z i.!itIi ii-'-iil-'i'.'i ""'" j I 2 3 S r 7! si f tu'iilta (I (1 1-1 35 a42l.i442, A'-i,W.l ll R Ii z a O'll) I'l7 B i.!ii:i:.:liit;!isi'.i lllu'.ii;2l!2u' J.li4 37.: "1 I a a! 4 r, r. 7 ' 9 M l.i' 1 ll-!" 14 I'. Ill 1 ITli't'.i'ilSil.3 j i -' 4 ! " i m Hi vHs :'4 ti i.-.ih..i;ii..!m4-ji i -1 ri 4 61 l ' H !"'" l C in 11 lf.;tr.l7lM S I'ti-JK JtJ:: -4L'& ft 2i!-7 -,-J.:Hi j 1 8 Ii O tljlOil! n lii.iT-i - 121 W 2122 4l i 1112 I' 10 It. pJ " S ll 11) 'jr. !t a i a vim: ... .i M a l-.;t4ii5;in'i7 211:21 122;2:f,21: Kiss avai I I i I I 1 9 4! r.l Ti . It'lJ IS'll'Ir.i IB 17 2KIV4 Wiufield Woolen Faclory,! Xcar Ilarlicton, liilon County. rilIII-establislimeiit is now in tlie lest order. J The machinery being nearly ail new, and none but tlie best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in sayitiR lh:.l hta work shall net be surpassed by aiiy establish ment in this or the adji.ining comiliej. His wacanns will be around as usual, ana tlmse wishing to patronize bis establishment, will please avail themselves of that opportunity'- I!? I have also on hanJ, and intend keep nir a choice assortment of f.lMMlrt. such as Clulhi, Hiitinetlt, I'anhmeret, 'I'wctds, Ilankets, Yarns. 4c. which I will sell low lor cash, or er.-han"C fur Wool and Country Produce cen trally. ' MARK HALFPENNY. ll.irllton, April as, i.3 u HE undersigned continues the LIVE- JiV BLSLYESS at the Old Stand, on IWln llnrd St., near ftiarket, anu resjectfully solicits the patronage ol his friends aud the public u nerally. CUARI.KS F. HESS. I.ewi."hiirf, May 2'2, 1850 i:oculors' ollcc. rETTERS testamentary on the last will J and testament o Sutii Ao, late of the Borough if Lewisburg, dee'd, have been qranted to the subscribes by the Kegiter cf t'no'U Co. All persons having claims against the estate will present tlicin for settlement; and all persons indebted make pavment with out delay, to ALEX. AMMONW, 5 p . BYEliS AMMOXS.J Lewisburg, Oct. IS, 1832. N'. B. Byers Ammons will continue tlte lumber business ol the late firm of Hi itnu and A nui, and respectfully solicits acontinuance of the public patronage. BYEKS AMMO.NS. WHOLESALE and KETAIL j Ularlict SI reel, Lcwlshnrs, Va, CHERRY PECTORAL forens, colds, doarsexess, bbo.chitis, wnoorixG-coctu, CBOUP, ASTHMA, AXD comnrTiov. uJnA hy th' rirer. ttptm the fanJs tUrnf shaft ffrnv aTt trej f.r tnfit, wh-e iraf tihitil n4 fwl and Vt fruit thf.rtf thall Uvr meat aud Ou leaf thereof for mtiian.,t Hi rv w facpt for th tick .recorded looje ao, uid rTtrrj jenr adds new prrxf to the a&urauoeii that tin tie .runiiseii Khali oot fail. As medical rlenr diiroTers nnd dcvnn tos the remedies nature han given, on hf one tlie dimuea that aftlkt car i rare yield to tlw enntrol of art. Of all the mitlidiefl we f 0lTr from, none Lm earrted oiore Tictiai. to an untimt ly grave than Consainj Uon rf the Lung. FaTgoinrd we ' aire some eridnee that thli too may be enred, and tlmt j rulmonarr Cotnlaiutsinail their form, may be r inured ! by rHKRti PirtoaiL. j FOR LXFLIESZA AXD WnnoriXG COVGT7. Na-hviixb. Tnn June 2t 1:AJ. Pitt I bare repeatedly usd your CnraRt Pkct-kai. for Whooping lucih and liitluviiaa, ar.d hnve no hniititiioit in pro nou tiring it a complt n m tly. t'uur of my rhi!d drvn liaTti b-n afttictfNl with the diHeani'ii, ami ibe frre n.v of tho I'ECTo&AL baa always aifrttt-d almost in.tant r.li'f. JA!8 isLOVKlt. We U t the truth of the aboTi .t"tvmnt : SI. V'tHNTY. tditor of the Na.shrille W bic. J. M.Z1MMKKMAN, DrunriFt. FOB A COXSVJIlViYE CQVGR. YxvtuwM. IV, ftK 28. KM. Pear gir For three yar I bare been ft1irud with a rowrb. o diBtrinjr that I frequently dfpairrd of rvror ery; niiirb of tin? Utuc I was nhli to ait up all niKtit in myebair. a my ouirh would ufiocaW nie wlien 1 laid down. U:iTinc ncd many remiMlies without much nli( I at (art tri.-d thp Ctrrar.T iEcroaii, which nndtr Prorid eucc has cured me altother. I au wit h crahtule Yours, JAMKS U'CANbU&d. Amanj; the other dfstinpnihfd authoritipn who hare ler.t tb' ir mines to reconrnirnd thin prrparatjon as tha bc.t known to them for (TiTtkji rf the litn,are l'rw. Hutti"!, of Vermont Hrd. College. Prof. PlLtiMA.f. cf Yale Otlleire. Prof Valentine SIott. of New York. Prof Ci.etblani, f liowdnin Hd. rollrga. Prof. Bi tterfiild, of Ohio Mini. Collrge. Caxamax Jgi knal or Mfdical PciE-f ce. CHAJILEfTON (S C.) RlMICtL RkTIEW. NtW JrttSfT MrMi'AL KltHHlTKa. Hn. IIhkkt (-i.it. U. S. Senator. Hon. tiro. p. Mr.-.n. Am. Amha.snrt-r toTarkcy. )rn. KuwrL Biuies. PriKl-nt of Chill. Kt. R-t. t'. PowitR, lyrd Bishop of Toronto. Kpt lr Lxii... of Brooklyn. N. Y. Atvlibihnp Pmritt, of Cincinnati, O. Alw many eminent rMraonear in f.r ipn conn tried. Not only in the more damrerons and iitneiinr disrasi of ibe Lnnjr. but a No as a family milirine fi-r oreasttonaj On, it it tlte valval. pleamnteKt and bfot in the world. rHFPJ BF.D A XD SOLD BY J AXES C. A ITff. Prartlrnl and AnaNtiral Chemist LnwIU JVnn. f)Fornalel.y C W.ScuArru,Lewtfhnr)t: J. H.Canlow, Mil ton; MiftaM. MCny, NorthuraWrland: O.W. Kwulfr. New Uerlin; I.tierltart, Sdin'oroTo ; and bj fJrugglata etery where . lyinatd40lehna Nap of the State of California, OREGON, UTAH, NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS .printed bj 8. Aog't Mitchell in 18 16, aud painted to correspond with lh Uoun- dnriff fited bf Con grew in 18S0 foisai at the Cbronirlr o(Be. pries 28 eti. , S7y? Dr. Joha Locke, CfifUT ' SVIIGEOX D EXT I ST, OFFICE removed to Market slreft. ice end ll or entrance dmir between Klit.c' JIutel anJ C. E- Bowes' More. Lcwistiurg, April I, 1S53 (Drain Drills, MMIE uodcrsigned wish to inform tlie X furn.iiig community geucrally, liif tticy are uow nianufucluring J. P. A''.S'.S" X'tclif Jmproml C.I2A1X DRILLS, or SO MIXO MACMXES Without stopping to discuss the compara tive merits ol iium'jruus iJrills now offered for sale, they merely nish to invite Farm ers to cull and s tlie above naim.d arlii:!e before purchasing elcwhera, fueling confi. dt-'tit that they can furnish nn article that will Rive entire sutisfiiction. 11 OSS, UK DDES Si MARSfl. Lowiahurg FounJry, Auj. 13, lnOti. 1 IS A k;lGT, OXE eclf-rvidvu', mid worthy ol etcrv consiJorution, that no Mulcrcan mukt (ood clean flour without he has good cleon wheat. 1 suppose you wisn to Know ine remedy. I tell you it is to get one ol IhTgifTtsttr'i U'heat Scourer; or Smut M ichmrs. lie bviiio au old, practical auo experienced Millwright has invented, u up and put in successful operation the be' Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person ordering a machine and afterwards tind:r.:; (hut it does not prove lo operate as repre sented, there shuil be no sale, as these nm chines are to be warranted t;ood. FurtlK i recommendations are lhoucht unnecessary He is now having a supply made at Lewis burg, by Messrs. GedJes & Marsh. Order for midlines, or letters of inq -y, wijl In promptly attended to. Machines i!! L sent BDd put to all order'. Address J. BKROSTKiia-sKR, Lewishura. I'pion Co. Va. S7viiit nr.'a ir'0 R. N A M E N T A L TREES. The subscriber otitis lor sale a larg assortment of cho-ce Fruit Trie such Apple tries, 7 to 10 feel hijh, 40 vaiieni-. ull warran'.td genuine IVach tries, -t varieties; Tartarian Cherry, NVciarim, Prone and Pear trees, together wilh s. i: t 6 or 8 varitli' s ol'C'rape Vines of the bol native aud exotic varieties. Oina'tieti'sl Trees, such as the l'aolonia. Linden, ir. N. 15. Persons wishing t" procuie qunniiiy ol the Fruit trees.are request, d t make immedialc application lo ih-snuscri her. in ord-r to procure the varieties arr siownti'ed. II. R. NOLL. Lewisbor?, March 4, "3W TPHE subscribers, thank iul for past pni J ronage, would inform the r.tiMic tha' they continue to manufacture ail kinds o! Mill (.earing at: J other Cut in is. Thraiine MacUinr, anJ oiht-r article ul Mjchintiy repai red in the best manner. t'a!itia warranted lo he of tooil material, anil al iiit-r that can not fail lo please. (JEHbES, M A gSH & CO. I.ewiibu g. Feb. 1851 fTIOOKlNU Stoves, of various patternx ) ami sizes, for Coal or oo-J, lor saic at tbo LeUlurg FuuikItt by Gril.les. Itta'eh A" Co. S I'OVDS T'arior, VH. rimI Coal Stoves, various patterns, for .-nle .it the LewUbum Founilry. (ifilvles. Math & Co. Jl.Rb'S Putent IJan Plow, a supe I V rior arlit'lc, for sale at the Lewishurj? FounJry by (ietlJea, Marsh & Co. GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent decidedly the best and most dvratle (.rain I)' ill now in nse, f.r rale at the Lewichuig Foundry by GeiMe-s Marh i Co. Chtpositivn i the Life of Easiness! v NEW LIVERY Sil55r AND EXCHANGE STABLE. The subscriber would respectfully infoini the citizens of Lewisburg and the Iravrlin; comruua ily generally, that be baa opened a uew Liery and Exchange iSlahle on FOL'Kl'H atreet half a slinwe South uf Market, and has rotidtd a good lut of fioraea, mith enlutly new g d and losh ionablet'arriaget, Burgiea, Meifiha, ie. Khere ail wishing anything in bis line may be accommod ated on llie shortest notice and moat reasonable term. He will pay every alien ion to the wants of his customers, and hopes ly so doing to merit and receive s liberal ahare of public pationage. WILLIAM MOO KB. l.ewibarg, Dec 30, 1851 Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC, ant tljc ennan Ccngnage. VERY ttinkM for pst rJeo"" patronaiia from ine Citizens "'r ndStudentsot I.ewisburg and 'i vicinity, the subscriber would -lv4'tr tt that he continueato give Instructions on the Piano and Guitar also in Vocal Music and in the German Language Having been taught in the beat Music Schools in Germany, he deems himself amply qntlifiid to teach Mu-ir. and to aid io the correct acquisi tion of the rich German tongue. lie wi!l ulrc tune Pianos, and put them in repair, if dc-ired. nrsiilrnre in South Fourth street, in the Lite Brick OtHcs ol Vt. l.udwig. FRAXCI3 J. GESPER. "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in that awful disease. cosuriPTior.! DR. FITCH'3 Lectures on the Prcven-1 tion and Cure of Consumption. Tbisnnnular work for sale inLewisburt by S. F.Lyndall J. Houghton and al this offi-e. Price. 75 cents Old Newspapers, SOME thouant! in number, of all eiies, foi sale t the Chronicle nffice, at 50 cts per 100 Ukcn as the, ran, or $1 when sariej. A t-ha ace for Pcnp BmLa as foi f'lT" ? paper. April 8, 1850 I ; - j ; j i mmmm. . . 'ft i t j, &i -?Tfr?jvr j ! The trkiowWr l ertraswbitary cvrab I-tn. ro. ihte wn icrftil jnrvt-iuru i ikw to rst tntilv kooD aji 1 thnr aalcsaii4 rcuu'tn thrcara o-it tiio wl.:U c"ntry vt eU-n"iv, iiit it wo-iii Kom unneceuarr to nr(f Uiir miiU futth.r. a. lone iHteCirrumiuucrs ccnrrel which tmitt H a mafer of ilutr to the uhl:c not to ! alutkrr w:;.t, lor waile th etheaierl nnatrnrna .!" U.a(ir ara trumpeted hy u.umii9 through th frsa aua aw!l'ci ly ij:ru ami raIloas by thm alflcud, anJ ir tuanJ jut g wW or mtkg, rhrkfle'i Cakank and HatpictJt farathes, bava hfw q:il7 working their way aaar toa anosit Hatelliant aiul t (-tJia claam, arvi r Comran'Jy arhteviut; rnrssa io an alarm: nr traianf ilua.-ttra. mh.ch he lor atr raiHW aii tlit ati oC mrJiciD and all tha resoarces ol Seienca. Tuna diaxiiw are cailrd -AERVOl'S COMPLAINTS, an4 in thes (lic. miiciiM? ti nt do avail wttt ver. It Dvrr do rood and it oftn doa aara. S)fii, K tract-, b;i)rra, Baitaras. hlisira. Cittern PiIIj, rVtwdcra and f rXnt n( avery kind ara li rii.lesi, fr tney weaken tha vital anerjri U rut alrvaJjr proatratcd ryatem, wbtle aoder tl trtnf.b uiik, iiie-tfifin. Titaliii: iiJluaacaof (ialvajuira, M a j-Led hf tUi tentdiliiiwcormTy. tha axiiaiuut) t!ut aad eeu(Hl s.u.1'rer ia realurad toiormet caltb. sti-biigtti. elwticitT and Ti)for. 1 remark relata to aoch il naaea aa XEU ftAf.tsU, Tl: IKLOBKf.T, bKOV H!T!S, PAL MTVriON nt the HKAKT, WKAKNt-SH, aa.1 FKMALK niSOUUF.Uii, auch aa NKHVOl 9 HKAD A.H, LASSHLUi; and lLSPONtENt Y, witrca ara oi'lj other namea Ur NrTnu DeraiiKeR1 ; LCILKCTIC KITS and CON VULSiONS, vhicb ara inw koown to reult from a noa-eqiiilitnum vi Klertric luKaoncct; NXKVOL'S TRKMOHS, KAF NKSS, which ia nearly always caued br torpi.l;:T of the AuJitory .erre. and can always fca awrcrt'f cured by ..iTitsism. when tha orpin is not dtsatroTed , DYSPM Si A in it wur.I forms ; PAUiV an J PARA l. SJS, amtormly rufd hy a dvficiency of Nerroua atifliteitce; iiitoMC UHKL'MATISM, TORPIDITY of the 1 IVKK, PAI.H in tue Slurl, HLLOji8H CIH. CI LATION. SriNL and HiP COMPLAINTS, DKl-llJtNCY Of KfcKVOL'S and PHiSKJAL EN fKtiY. aiul all thoe dutiwins; complaints rasult li.r from a L-iuUANoclMt-Nf uf tha NfcRVOLf SiSlKM. In the abora fra Talent and terriMa elaaa af dj aars Nevnous i omr.lmu are much Bkoca Banw ou than is generally i-nuRtued cncLsxirs cuvamc asiTiro, Are an Absolute ami PosJUv Speclfle- The BKLT i used whn the body or ayiteta frene r.11. ai.IiiCteJ : the NkCKLACK lor comidatitU of ti.e 'l fa.-i;rt. as A-j-..a an) Bn-nrLiiia, and of tha litaJ, aud the BR;tf.KTS for all disorders at tha trm or limls, a lihe-ntam, rnlsy, Tremora aal 4,..molic iiltfcu.i!w. The article, are umpW ap uiicd us directed with the MAO-VKftC KLIMO which Beomi-ajiiae them, sod wheu fajthiuliy aed they nlvkh kail: The srrfa fi-pn!inrity iM trrellAnee af th fiAtVU LHTlVrSconsiMi in tha tact thsd they ariet ar..l cirt dt-e'-ite hy :ttvard mtUcmin, in )tjr uf the nuii rreth'-l of Lrufrir,ine; atxl l'hi' kit'- lite pji:e:it till exhausted naiura siaks k 4-lt-Iy uii-ler lit H.ltictfn. 7-jf hmf ta trv' ttt't'ttt. f;w:.V:r tin nrcut:oa f tha i(iW, prm an tt. iWiTf'i'cii, ir ri.irw t t:e tmfirt energitt, mtd enrt rcr 4 ft 4'fi' i t, m unjT eirru m i.'Kl. Sn'-e thit- i.i.r.-i-:, iK-n in tha tiulc-i States, aiily throe te.in si'.ice. iruic than 75,000 PERSONS irrliiJ'py all ne, c!ea ai.d conditions, amoaa; n tiotn Hem a Ut r.ur.i-T cl lJie. m uo ara paciv Larl inSjcvt ut .Namms Comi-hunu, have bean Entirely and Pemanently Cared, l:en all !n: ef relief ItftiT teen rivea up. ard eTary thtip the I'ecn tiid aia ! The iieuviicial rasclti h:sc mni-u-nilT a:uutlcd thru uaa is eoK doittlv -tte-l in ,e withmit a jr-liel in th annai of !'i:CHl So lent ' lerymeiL liiwyera, and ea liyiciaiia : laattee of tha burliest atandioaj ; diatia KuuI.eJ (.eraUsn ho!Ji:k( eltvtoi o facial aTatituia. merchants. mannfuttrer, and aer banjo ; the j-rcr anJ the rich alii-e ; li--i whtde tasniiiea, anWtx a.l clae. ranfea and conditions. haeNi"iaHy heca ra ripieata, a-td him -.umiy kkmiu le-igwd the Wi Sntuaurl u!t'n ur.eiected beuedts which they fciva tin received. et it I knwnand renienl ared that the only Nat'iral Re-tirative f-T the N'rvea ia iai-aiiia, and that in all Ncrrous Diseases we akoaUd " ZLrow Thysic ta the Dcs." To il.iutrftte tli n?eid the Ci ALVAMC CEIaT. snprtoiia thd -a of a ierson a?tlicted a ith thai baa of civilization. JUSI'trsJ K. or any other I hmnic or Nenrona IiMrter. In ordinary casea, stintilants are taken, w uch. It their action on the nerve and m nse lea of the atomach. arford fratwre y relief, but which ksAve tha putient in a lomer aute. and wMh k)jre.l faeultiea. alter th action thus excited baa tjed. Nr.w compare this wjth the effect remit--a; from the at-plication of the tiALVANir BKLT Take a l)ysiejttc tufcrer. eren in the worat rr. oi9 of aii attack, and simply tie th Belt ronnd th Body. uir. the N'ajnenc Fluid aa directed. In a short period the ineuille pr-.i iratioo will act an She Kiiive element of the belt, thereby cauaina Ealvaiiic clrculatin which wiU pnsa oa. to tha negative, and tlieuca back aain to the poeitive. thua kee,yiue; tap a couUnnoru tialraaie circa latioo thronrh'MH the Titem. Th-s the moat serere cases of DSPr:PSTA are PERMANENTLY CIRK.D. A KfcW PAtS IS AmPLY SLKFK IKNT XaJEilAPl C ATE THE DISEASE OK YEARS. MANY THOUSAND CEBTITICA1S AND TESTIMONIALS from the mott intellijzcnt and rer-ectnMe persn-a reaidins; in erery portiua of the United 8iUes, coald be pru.entcd. Tli-s are bow tinneceasarT. but a numerous selection embrcU' many atatamants of th most exSraordinarr clmractcr, acjfeiHent to CON VINL E THri MOST S"LI TIUAL may ba had rf tha authorised AteaL Tha intereatsl axe paiticaiaile' invited to caii. WHAT THINK YOU OF THIS? Frew wne of IU nnvt li-iiinn!-el Vh ciaus la tbc City cf Sew Vork M liaT been nina Cliriat's Galvanic articl-s hi a qniet way amon my parvfits 1st shout two ears Fast, and 1 coniesa am aotormbrsl at their auccaat. f I am aure a dilate ia Ar I know jnst wht they will do. In Kpilanitcl"rits; particularly ia cr.ildrcn: I'enfne'a sikI AJecu-.r: oi the H.l. ta adults; Paralyaiaand Palv. in ell atf. and n'-e aoreral other disease ol li'.t - r.K-h hare lfr puT.Ied the proteMsion, I I 1 the ;ala:-i article of atirpruing benefi - ;h I dctat shamelesa qit3:kery of adi -m aad nw- rre, I nntat e(kreiS try ... i:U tei;sl in the wonderful vutttes of CURLSTlk. ! C L RA TI VKJ8. My nam ia. of courje. confi.ietiusl. bvtt I shall serer heitat to recoma year arucie a all prop er occtuwia.7 ANOTHER IUSTASCE 02 CA5P02. To V. C. Mcbshpad, M.. D, iao. Agt. fir Pr. i HMisTtr, New Yarfe. TVar Itsutitr a phyp.rian ia the ic iritr "t naof yonr -freata, I have boeaaocb prtiaed tr. th etaratnitiou of ymir Oalranro CeujT. snd highly tlcaaed with their pru-tical rcuits. I ha- observed that they are coarrmctfl ts ti: true scien tific princtr-1 lor the eeaiie. wfp yUen&mt and Unmti dcrelorment of the ti:slvai-ic t urr. tberty fillint; a duideianiav hng soiniit fcT, iit her srtt4.tr tjnknown. I chet-riully nfnMniil tlx- sx tcr th alleTiation and cure of thit&e d.tiri.j uii.ients aalted Naatet-s CotrLifra. sW wiuta tiay axe happily and ingeniously tiefigtied. Vary txnly youra, UAV10 IUC. M. I Lvrett, Maaa.. KLxuary lo, stir No tmnhte or incoBTenicnre ar-e- ft n-w f no. VHUtsriK's li.i.r.i.vh i .i.-'Vi ss, and they aiay be worn by the raoi lei'- si4 aeli cat with perfect ea ariJ saieiy. l.i ire? 0 the sensatina attendinff tlieir iue is ht-'tr, iJt asf eswesAtV. They ai acoa-paiel by (nil aJ plain directions ktr n. rm.lik't with full r tienlara may be obtained gratai. tti CUa snihsirrir1 Prices: Tlie OaWanio Belt. - Three tVilIarav Tha OalTanle Necklace. Two lullar. Tha lialvuuic 1'rateleti., Olio Dollar Ibada, - Ibe MugncUc liuid, Oue Dullttr. PARTICULAR CAUTION. ft- brwar. Cn-Jnl.mU H nrahaa JMMff'MS, I. 0. MOKr.HEAP, M. .. Ot-NrJCVL AOfc.N r HH Illr; t.MTi.0 i;i Bruitway, New )da.'. asctt la 1UI nr-C. V. SCOAriXS . j . tocntcD ct tb(c C!)ioiufJe iDRtr, ON arrouDt fniiw ib on io ;x jcara" alaniliiix, CAH aiitl aU6 Voo(l,"Vleut, Butter, an-l ro. t (iibn TiajBCv tot huihM -:.' llie ftrrn ra et " i