LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. :i Rye Unuiotarg (CljroiiifliM . ... - , , ., H. O. Editor. O. N. WORSEN, Printer. At .40 rath is advenee, $1 .76 In three months, $2 paid within the yesr, "d $2-il0 the end of the year. Aranta ia PLiladrlphia V D Painter ana B W Cur. IjCirisbttrg, Pa, Fkidat Morning, Feb. 24, 1854. ADVERTIZE ! Manufacturers, Merchant., PaMle Otltnere. in City and Country, Mechanic fcaecutora, Administratore. Op.-reU.r ell who wih f Bro",r"r 1ipM of anethine would .In well to " same cbroofh the "UwUi.urn -nWe" Tbi parer ha large ami inereaemi ehral.tfc- in .community rontiu lo, M l.rre a propertion "f . producera, wouumera. aad dealer., aa an? la the Mat. OSce New Advertisements. JtaJWe are indebted to U. S. Senator Docolas for his view on the subject of Internal Improvements. In return, we submit our iews of the proposed opening of the paradise of Nebraska to tho blight ing breath of the demon of Slavery. We are also indebted to lion. John I.. riAWsiii. II. H. for his earnest and ... . ,, , persuasive speeeu iu iavoroi a jioiuesiuj i for every Freeman. We like the Speech. Yet we tee it statd that ita author has been relied upon as one to assist in car rying out the Nebraska outrage aud fraud in shutting out from that broad land every poor freeman who has too much American spirit to labor side by side with the bondman toiling undur the overseer's lash. Will a Pennsylvania- Democrat vote for a Free Homestead, then advocate a broader range for chattel servitude for unpaid labor for broken f.imiiy tics for free laborers to be degraded and despised? 0 a. We have received a new schedule of Driccs to be charged bv tho Susotiulianna Telegraph Conipauy on and after the 1st of March, Wednesday next. It will be seen that the prit to ectrg station on our line it raifl from 3 fo 5 cb. uu 10-wurd messages as follows : From Iic!Jiii nj to Harrisburg Dauphin 'Junction Liverpool M'Kees J falls Selinsgrove Providence tScranton Pittston Kingston Berwick Catlawissa Northumberland Milton Munry Jersey Shore Mill Hall Milesbtirg Philadelphia. .11.23 'Berwick 25 23 21 21 20 25 25 21 20 H 17 15 13 15 17 18 20 34 Bloomshurg 'Caiuwissa Danville 'Chapman Carbondale Dunuiore Hyde Fark, Wilkesbarre Plymonth Bloomshurg Danville Stmhury M'Ewensvil'.e Williamsport Lock Haven Beech Creek Bellefonte 18 17 15 20 i 20 , 25 24 ' 20 j 20 I 18 , j t j'. j is 17 I For every additional word 1 cent to all sta tions on this line. Not now in operation. The new line above Pittston we suppr.se will soon connect at Carbondale with the New York line, and render Telegraphing, ia that direction, cheaper than now. t& ithm a short time, riro roofs with- j in a stone's throw of our office, have cauirht , , , . ' ,T r. fire from exposed stove pipos. Happily, each was in the daytime, and so were easily i ,t nn, Poiinell rl i well to appoiut some one to inspect every chimney and stove pipo in the Dorough limits, and make them safe at the expense ; oi aeiiuqucuis ; I On Monday afternoon, nearly fifty young men who had oeen swindled out of - m. from ?3 to 8200 each, by the purchase ; of spurious California tickets, at the office ee.e a. a- . -.- . , i oi w m. itt. xonng s co.,.ew xoric,enter- . ... .. .. ... ! eu at kvuipwiut Haiiiai tui.i( nniiimi.i!i, fonr of whom where arrested. Young, i the chief offender, is still at large. wtjyTwo wagon load?, employed in car rying counterfeiters to the Penitentiary t from Tioga county, passed through Lewis- ! burg on Wednesday last. Some of the band cuffed prisoners were hale looking young men in the prime of life. j largo number of the Masonic '-,.,...,, , . ,, . , 0 ; iJLBLIC NOTICE. The following articles fraternity, from this and the neighboring of household and Kitchen Furniture, late towns, partook of a Supper, at Kline's, on ",e property of L. B. Chb.st, and allowed to , . . ,,, , . . , . .. him by Ihe Appraisers under the Three Hun- the Anniversary of V ashington s Birth- ( dred Dollar Law. are no longer the goods and Day, 2"2d inst. ; chattels of the said L. B. Christ, but were this ; day bought of him by the undersigned. who has atay-Some one dropped a gold dollar into paid full cash value for the same and has pos a ootitrikurmn r..lr,.t re.r.lw it i ,.r i session thereof; and all persons whatsoever .... , " ' r,Oia.l not inn.lmrF b.-i lra a ami! Kir . r o e " calling on ns, wo may direct him so that j Le mar i-,.; It i e.-j nx r r-vr - Tr j 1 1 ! V, (-ahforuia 00 MondaJ" hil : Messrs. Thomas Reber, of lewisburg, and j Kostcnbader, of White Deer. The best ' risbes of very many attend them. LwWlahnra- Vnat flfflAa l rrc.mIni. .WlSuurg F03t-OffiCe Arrangements. taua.aeery day eirept Sunday. eloae at siij o'clock, P. M WBSTZBX, OS Moooay, W, a VAi, doaeats'i A.M. .V0Bri7M.V(Willlinep"rti Mond w-an end Pri close at r.H. of niht preeeiinB. "OCTii'S.V(Se,.incrOTc) Tua-d. Thund. and Salurd., eloa. at 12, '&. BCrrALOC JT ROADS. Tuesday and Friday. cloee at 8 P.M. of aiitht rreeadiac tr3BDainew hour, daile ejiiypt Son'lsye; from 6 until II V. A M., andtroa IS, 3t. uutil S. P.M. Sue. S3, 1S0X U. W. CHOTZER, P. M. A VARIETY of School Books, Blank Books, Gift Books for Holiday presents Peus, Ink, Letter and Cap Paper, Faaey Stationery. Magazines, Papers, etc. etc for sale cheap al the LswisnrBo Post Orrica. ! at j Corrected Wccltly. I the Wheat .1,65 Eces.. 3 12 10 10 9 12 5 SO j 75 Tallow ..... Cora Oats Flaxseed Iried Apples . Butter 62 45 1,12 1,25 IS Lsrd Bacon Ham CloTtrs'cd . BS-Wc are informed thata Township named Franklin, has been organized in i Uuion countv. from that nortioo of Center . ! Tp principally embraced in the Centcrvillo Kici-tinn DiatrL-t. A so that SELIXM1HOVE ! lias become an incorporated Borough under the general act for such purposes. ! .L.rKTTAIN CL'ltE for Scorbutic Eruptions. CuUa ' eoui. Oi-earei. Had Le.m. L-leers. a'ld Old Son it U an imdi.-iputi-d fart tbat fi'itlowayV Oiutmvnt in the outv one ehicb i iu elfeel infallible. Case, lhat toe moid emiueut mistical practitioners heee de..pi,ired nf retieeini:, iiuiued-iutt-ly yield to ita curative powers, and when usad la acror.lance with the prinu-d direction, which accompany curb pot, anil llolloway'. i'tllii, tie two eouiiiini thor oughly eradicate the mist pr.ulcnUal dieee:., aud bmvw the .uuVrer without a blr-uaieh. Ml CTT5T1 t o 1 r- 4 i. 7i'T 9 a o. By Kev. J. l. Aaspach, 5ih inst., I.iwis S. T f tlL'. t ff Af- a Rslb.xo of While Deer 1 p and Miss Alli KoKsiscEi of Clinton Co. At Williamsburg, by Kev. J. Heck, Tunvia ..r i,,.. i..., 1 m.. u j 1... . f .nr.nr of l'ittsbur; and Miss Bill daughter of Rey. Dr. Schmucker formerly of York. DIED, In Chillisquaque, 19th iasL, Mrs. Smsu BmxutaT. ai;ed 8 years. Near Belleionte, SOlb inst., Jaa, widow of Ruland Curtin, dec'd.aud daughter of the late Gen. Andrew Urejr In East BurtUloe Tp, SOtU inst., Micniii Qcivs, aced 69 years. On the 2?ih uit., Miss Carulikk Kaisan, of Kelly Tp, as;ed about 2: years. On the 5th inst., St:aaH BooENaair, of MilHinburir, at;ed t!S years. On the 17lh inst.,J.llrsar PojfTics.of Mid dlecreek Tp, in his 81st year. In Harrisbur, 17th inst., Hon. Lctbes I!i ity, M.D, in his fiinh year. In Danvillj, 21st inst., very suddenly, Mrs. Exnv, wife of Dr. James D. Strawbndje. ry DON ATION VISIT wil be Riven Mr. ' Haaat Piuth at his residence, neat Monday, anriuin.ii auu ru. ( . ."S an aifTU -. 4 1 ... . 1. . i.-u n-t . 1 citizen, he is worthy the charity of all who are willing to give. I he public are respect' fully inviie! to attend. lw ts:. i TTllKE!! A Special Meeting of the Le j f1 burg Fire Company will be held Saturday eveuing next, at 7N'clock in Frick's , Saloon. Important business to be transacted. By order of G. F. MILLER. Pres't. JOHN B. IJN'X, Sec'y. Feb. 22 w TAXTsESI. Thp subscriber wml hue a J'lA.NO, for which rhe hiehrst nr.p tAMll tisa nai.l A nnln . al "I 'll Apply at Hie o.ri. MELVILLE MALCOM. lewisburg. Feb. 22 Notice ts Contractors. a nr . .: e .v . r I 4 T a meetin oi me vontmissioners 01 I A - .u. ..... -ca...i. A. JL. i.i.h bowiiij.im iat ui acoruary, li4, the following preamble and resolutions -V..." VI hereas, there are at present various orun- - ions among the people of Hartley township in : eut.ri aiuui.u t. oi ha. ijemamt i nov uerupird a. u h, I of law ; therefore all persons indebted to said i I reference to the propriety of building a Brtdee ; "','. """ekhnrti""' and .itustinn 1. .nitabie a. estate are requested to make immediate pay 20 , .. . r. . 3 , , , , , ! v"' ' ne-nry lor the aeeouiutodiuion oflhe pulilK . ., 1 . - . , r J the advertisement for the letttns of which has 'an.) the n.i.ri.,,,1,,-1.1 of .tiMiurer. and iraeeter.: he rnent, and those having any just claims are be -u published heretrifore, therefore P..l.-A.l il. ., tl. ....!...:,. e .i.: . Board, passed the litth January, 1S54, for the purpose of receiving Proposals, at the house of Jacob Broucher. m Hartley township, oa i,ie rn nay oi ret.ruarv next, and ho din? a Leltlllg for the bulliling of a Brid"e t cross Penns creek on lands nf .he Isle J..hn Itrou-n ' i enns crecs. on latins oi tne late jonn uroan, , dec d. near Cook s Ford, in said township, be 1 and .lie a:.me ia herehir rescinded. I ... i.i .i .u i .- . f Resolved, that the loreenng resolution be ; I published, lhat all concerned may have notice j h.i i....... iii k.u . .i... .1... .... that the whole matter has been postponed for present, .v.' S. K. HERROLD. ) County ADAM SHKi KI.ER, ' CummU- SEM LEM UEL, i".nrr. Com'rs' Office, New Berlin. Feb. 1. 1854 .... .... ...... uc ," 11,01 . iprc, .'KARDT'S Cattle Powder 1 he best article J"'w '" -:rSr I , 70i'XI On Thursday eveuing, the 26ih Jan. last, in Market street between Front ",Dl-(Len,shu; ' fr a"d SHAWL. The owner will please inquire at the chronicle office. 514 i.ttfi ip.anranrti unmnantns - Ixmihni trtiimnl Fjinn Fnnit. (26 Comhill, Loudon; 71 Wall Su N.York) ; Uf "Capital 2,500,000 Xtna Life Inturnnre Company, (Hartford, Conn.1 I tAnnuity Fund $150,000 j Krystone Mutual, , (Harrisburg. Pa.) , I irv.i :.t it, tin' t ,i 1 s v capital .711.0,0011 POLICIES in the above Companies can be obtained, on reasonable terms, by appli cation to the subscriber. California risks, 3 to 4 per cent extra. Feb. 19 H. C. HICKOK. Leu-uburf.' are notified not to molest or interfere wilh the ; same in any way; Carpel in parlor, 1 center table, I lard lamp, 1 Pier ,able-1 sofa6 mahogany chairs, 2 look- ' ine classes. 1 rocking chair. 2 coal stoves and pipe, 2 picture frames, 2 card tables, 1 rocking I ihair.2 small chatrs, 2 hearth stones,! spitoon! 1 fireboard, 1 hat rack, 1 oil cloth and rug, 6 j bmbo chairs, suir carpet and rug. carpet in I udct 101.111, 1 cuiiaiu ucu c.t uiuiiii uru eic. I bureau, 1 airtight stove, 6 chairs, bed and ; bedding, carpet above entry, washstand and : l0kins glasses, 1 settee, 6 chairs, 1 bed. I Dureau, 1 oreauiast lanie, carpet aoove micnen, ron;, , liberally enjoyed by Ihe old firm. 1 cook stove pipe and fixtures, 1 kitchen table, I IJLANK BOOKS for Banks. County Offices, I kitchen carpet, lot dishes plates etc, 2 green ! Merchants, and private individuals, and every blinds, 1 pickle stand, 2 meat stands, tub and . variety of full and half-bound constantly on bowl, 2 baskets, 3 casks and tub in yard, 1 I hand.' Paper ruled to any pattern. Old Books, copper kettle, 1 iron kettle. 1 cow. I mantel ; Periodicals Mnjazines, Law Books, Xewspa lookmg glass, I sideboard, 1 rocking chair, 1 . pers Bibles, Music, works issued in N'os.. Ac washstand. lot mantel ornaments bed and bound in any style, plain or extra. All work oeumng, 1 nan lamp, 1 piciona. geoerapuv. HESTER CHRIST. Lewisburg, Feb. 8, 1854 ELECTION. STOCKHOLDERS in the LswiasrBo&Mir- , i fLlsBuao TcBKnai Rota Cohpibv will i please take notice lhat an Election will be held ! the house of Gideon Biehl in East Buffaloe itwMV 47,vl township, on Monday, the 6th day of March, I 1854. for the purpose of electing one President I and f,...e Man.rr.ee .r. mm,., tk. r1 said Company for one year. I GEORGE 8CHNABEL, President. 1000 Jl ilORDS of good PINE WOOD saiuble Albbibbt. the subscriber hereby circs notice! J tut burning Brick wanted br 1 of PAYJD EEHER. t-Tisb-irj. Jm, 51, 1?M j ; Taken Up, N or about the 14th inst, by Swnt VJ Fis.a, - LOGS while floating on ,n(. isusquenaiina wver, at .cv toiumtjia, ana a description of said logs is deposited iu my oitice. i ne owner or owners ot the same are hereby nonf.ed to prove property pay all just charges, and remove thin willun three months, or they will be dispnsed of according to taw. KOUKilT CAMJU,J. P. White Deer Milh, ian. 10, 1851 Instalment Office S-iAfuetanua Hailroad Company,') Hiamaacno, Jan. SO, lbf4. S rpiIE STOCKHOI.DKKS of this Company I are hereby nolifjfd that the Scemd Instalment of Five lr!t.tt- ner Share is I called in. payable on or before the bih of! i February neit; and an instalment of like I i , ,,..ki- K.r..,. .v.. 1,1,1. a r 1 I l CKJ.L. III! J I M- I'M", lilt H'lll 'JUT Ul each moI1, d.erealier. tmul the whole is paid to wit, the loth of October next by those ' r ' ' ' Baltimore at Union Bank nf Maryland ; Dauphin comity Bank of Middletown; Northuinberl'd county Bank of Norihumbld; Union county Lewisburg Savings Institution. By order. UOB. S. 1IOLLIXS. Treasurer. Adria. "OTICE is hereby given that a lot of Tim il her was taken np while floating on the (Susquehanna River, at New Columbia, on the i 14th day nf January instant, consisting of 13 I round White Pine Logs, a list and description of which are lodged in mr office at White Deer Mills for inspection of all concerned. The owner or owners are requested to prove prop erty, pay all legal chartres and take them away within three months from dale, otherwise they will be forfeited. Jan. 17, 1H5. ROBERT CAXDOR.J.P. "lTOTICE is hereby given thut seven round Jl While Pine Logs were taken up by J. W. Fisnca while floating on the iL.quehanna River at New Columbia on the fOll Jan. 1S5I, and a description of the same lodged in my office at While Deer Mills, Union county. The owner or owners will please prove property, pay all legal charges and take Ihcin away wiihin three months from d.tte, otherwise they will be forfeited. ROBERT CANDOR, J. P. Jan. 17, 1S5I. ! To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of gnartT iVvioim in and Svt the Cuuoijf of Uuiun, at Februjitn Tirm. 1 The (written nfi'. i. Kline nf th Bfrmupli of Lrw'i-hurz r'Hpei ifull jr tf ptiiHut '1 hat Im- is o'irou if cotiUuuiug t" k--p m du Ih b'i- "f nil- rtaittmoiit in ibe oin- lior r-rruitfi by bin fr maiiiT r-, unit th?t hr ta proviJril villi ttwry 4?iurnwut fr the- r-tiuitioftitii'n i f tUa pul'tie ant tl'i -tiicri.nniJ'Kt uf ftniern ur.tl trav-terSy muiI lie thTefrf tl ajrvsi iour h.n"r. lo i'int i.idi lirsi-ni fi'i- "-Aid parjn. ' (' I Kf.lNK. Vftb ul"-flxr ciiir-n-ftf t'.c Pi r u if i-tiinr do li r. bv c -rt-l Uiat ' It Kline . - i itii .1 iii1i- i c-int in a man -f cont r-pnv for . mi-? i.mi tcitije- r:uim'. j n.nd tltst i w. H prwiid t-r tli - ri.fiii-'ur and i,n.ir .. . SHIhiS Half, JMU tTMVrPii, If. JA l.PDrr. . P. Si-haltlr. A. SMutliloit. Jotin M. ll ff. l.if A. lieuf'-'.ter, y. Stnu::hton, A Inn Sli.iraiaker, Knnidow PutTny, T. iL FieVr, Stephen Yueip-r. To the Honotable the Judces of the Court of Quarter Siin of the IVarr f.r the county ot laiou at , P-i.rusry fs.i.n. A. l ik;4. Tin. n.t,ri.,n ..r.l.... Vl.l... M.nA-tr.,11. .li.v.tl. that your ,rttioner oceupi a a e..mu..JIu. hou eituate at I hite 0 . r Milt., in tin- townriiin of White beer, on the ' tvuci I. a liny from Leii.ire to W iiliaiuport ami at the K....I .u -.o :.,...,..i . i.n. ......: ,.t I lii.-r-l.-re rt-Biwu-tfatlj pray, the rurt to Kant him a lirne lo k.-.-p nn inn or pablii houne of entertainment ' at tb. pl.ee herein uamjd, and your petiliouer wilt pray, ,c Jonas HSHEK. i W.the iin.Ier.irnet eltizetu of White Deer towu.hip SttnTV ktiowi. j.v.,f ti.. ho... r..rt,i..h .e..non...ti.,nnrii.nyj. ' '"3""l d- h. n tiy ecrtiry that ueh a house i" nee- """T aroounnMate th publie and entertain unrig- I r. a tr.T.ter.: that he .memnof Booj repute r.r i e..tr uui t.mVr.o-,.tHi o,m he s. w.u penveit.1 with l"u-e rm and ronventenree for the lodirinir and areom- , noriaUon of etrantfer and traeelera: ae therefore lesf p.,. t reerjnmend that a license In z ranted t hiui I agreeably to hie piiunn. A.ron c. Iiieh. J. v. Hoeue. J. M. henu. Jaonh n-.;. R I,',,,.... n..t.i u h.k.. won... i i rump. J.iue. Hlant. Mm. lleluey, John Itly. Oeo. Olel- . fei.d.-rf.r, Jemaie rlriotMinhofs .aid MrjnCDTAIllllfs I UlyUtrllAKIIiU. HAVING furnished ourselves with a Rnse- wood C-u'SJf.SSd-'he subscribers are 1 prepared to wait upon all who may be so ' unfortunate as to require their services, and I Prerv attention will be oaid to their wnnis and VTTT tl ,and, or made to order. DONACHY & ELDER. Lewisburg, Jan. 7, 1853 non t: x nrsTo.v, 111, Xorth Third Street, below Race, PHILADELPHIA. JIanufjcttirers and Wholesale Dealers in Corn Brooms. Looking Glasses, Cordage, Painted Buckets, WickandTwines, Clocks, Willow Baskets, Window Shades, Matches, Cedar Ware. Bristle Brushes, Blacking, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE of all kinds, at ibe Manufacturers' lowest Cash prices. Jiai. E. nos.l Smim Jso.M. Rnwe: ROI5ERT V. liOn iZS, WITH REX, SILVIS, & CO., WHi.Lr.SlLC IISLI.EIS IB FOREIGX AXD AMERICAN DKY GOODS, No. 77, N. Third bt. AuttHAIf R, 1.E7CJ. ILVIK. (a iVw duors abora Arrh.) Philadelphia. II l :TSIiITI!fy IL.1IIHIOIJU S.- BINDERY. J. J. Clyde & F. ... II utter, Sucaui-ri to It: '). IM.ok d Co. Book Binders and station frs, asd Ulank Hook. Mascfactlrebs, llLtrrisbnrij, Fa. TOST respectfully inform their friends that XvA. they are engaged 111 Ihe above business directly opposite Herr's llotel.i They fliUcr themselves, by careful atlention to iheir businesS, to receive a continuance of the pat- warranted, and done cheaply, Please cive us a call. C. A IT. IVBooks etc to be bound may be left with the Editor of tire Chronicle. 609 1 1 t v I ; i i nil rvirrv Ttmtntr . , . T T 1 1 i T e . . jtlrtrttt11 ill Iflltl AND ISITi1? ? TtVT TrnTtl-Tr ilJ It J 4ri Ji i IT Al 4 -S3 J J a.eT.Ubaraf, a-'nloa County, Pa. NOTICE. TTAVIXG disposed of bis interest in the Firm of Sranar.i, Maws St Co, to L.F. hin withdrawal from the said Firm. DAVID PTENNINGER. Vhi'e Per Mil!", 19, l5t pd Xcw&ock) Window Shades. ' icuo.ocfc WfflUHW OU1UI3. ' . CI MTITI'R TO G. L. NILLJ.K &. W, Manufacturer and Wholesale A Retail linden in WI.MKMV BM.iur.B siiutn-wesi curin-r S-cond and Arch Sis. l'hladtlpha. I sJch Goili;-$ Landscapes, Uorderi. Vaei. Scrolls, Boquet,tol'l Borders, &.c. of the 01.1st beauuful designs and perfecuon of finish in hte country, and at such Low a,rlc'!l a to challenge all cottipetilinn. Bnlf and White Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, llords. Brasses, in every varicly for Cily or Country trade. CVWe invite an exammaiinn of our stH.-k at the Depot, r5. V. corner Id A Arch, Puilad. , Jan. 1S5. 4m511 1 IUOuCO. T ETTERS Testameniarv to the Estate of' I j ALE.VAXUClt M'CI.UKK, late of the i. r .;i.r jrr.rH. I.avin l,en JJOr'U'l MV I' " " , - . - -" - 1 eratited to the subscribers notice is hereby ! e,yen to all persons indebted to said estate, 10 .....I. immediate navmpnt: and those having? claims are requested to present tne:n amy t- ... . ..r BUtuenticatea lur seiiiriue.ii 10 ciuin ui undersigned. ED WD C Hr;MES,of Bellefonte, Pa. ELIZABETH M'CI.UKB, Lewisburg. Lewisburg, Jan. 1 1, 1S51 . OTHE0. S. CHai3T,- Who'eiale and Retell CC DRUGGIST .O" MIBIlnliurr;, I nioti t uun!, l'a. I TTAVIXG purchased the entire Drug Store I II formerly keut by T. J. Ellioti, dee'd, I now offer 10 my friends and lite public in gen eral a fresh and pure lot of iJnigj, ei)v'li)i;ql8 q)3 Jiiji-Siiiff.. Also Paints, Oils, Class, Puny an. I Patent Medicines. Brushes and Combs of every variety. A fine assortment of JEW Ll.lt V.sticli as Watches,'old and sliver Pencils, Ear and Fin ger Rings, Breast Pins, &.c. ozc. Canls.Eu velopes. Note and Letter Paper. Soaps and ierrintery. All kinds of LAMPS. Lard Oil, I'me lu and Burning Fluid. Liquors of all kin.fs, for 1:. t-l.. 1 i. mcuictuai purposes. 10011s, 1 uui-a cti..i .i..- Nuts, Fruits and Confectionery - conleons, and in fact, almost anything in the way of No- ; tions and (ii'npral Varieties. Call ami exam ine fur yourselves. I chare nolhine fr Irmk inc. ' TIIKO. S. t'HKI-ST. aMitTlinburg;. Pa. Jan. 2. 1S54 ly Adr.iIiiMrator's Xollce. T ETTERS of Administration having been 1 i duly Granted lo the ondersisned on the j estate of DANIEL ZELLEKS, deceased, late of Lewisburg lloro', Union Connty, nonce is hereby given all persons indebted to said es tate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present them, attested for settlement, to SOLOMON RITTEIt, Dec, 21, 1853 Administrator. AdmlnSslrator'li Xotlce "VTOTICE is herebv given, lhat Letters of 1 - ...... 1 Administration on the tstate ot .M- UEL SLEEK, late of U hue Deer I wp, Union Co., dee'd, have been granted to the undersigued by the Register ol Luton county in due lonn also requestcd.to present them properly auth enticated for settlement. GEORGE SI.EER, Administrator. Buffiloe Tp, Dec. 2-t, 1S03 Latest from Europe ! ! ! rilHE subscriber would inform old friends 1 and new ones too, that having with some trouble and expense secured one of the best WATCH-MAKERS in the world who has been employed as Finisher in different Watch r,,,n ; p,,..,., .,. ; hit emnlnv actones in turope and now in ni3 empto). m s unnii All havinff. 15ie watches to reward nm with plenty of Work. i - . i. . .. i.., , ,. He having tools not generally kept by watchmakers in America, is enabled lo make any new pans to watches in the ueatest and most workmanlike manner, Gold and Silver Watch Dials cleaned and Freshed like new. Galvanizin" aud Fire Gildins done in the best and cheapest manner al the old stand on Market street, Lewisbure. bv Nov. 24, 1853. A. L. HATFIELD. DISSOLUTION. THE partnership heretofore extsting be tween Ihe undersigned, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 30th of Oct. nit. The business will be hereaftereonducted hvH KRTZ & CUTLER. JOHN It. CUTLER, Nov.! I, '53. lm. WM. WHITING. Admltiistrator's XoSit o. I- ETTERS of Administration Laving been j erante.l to ibe undersigned on the estate ot JOHN D. MILLER, deceased, late of Bu!la Ioe Township, Union County, notice is hereby given, all persons indebted to satd estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will present ihem, attested for settlement to JOHN ClI AMCERLIX, Nov. 4, '53. Gw. Administrator. " " . ... tirr.lcnap (. i..sa. i-rl. Psiutid Je.ceon.t and Loud, o such induceinenls ill be olieied as to euaole Estate of Josl Royer, dee'd. , r;!Z. ... make fro,.. ?3 , . day fnt "VTOTICE is hereby given, that I.e'ters tes. ! iA,Mar and I n.i.-r.l.ei, , Jjeonet m l swii K.kii.a-s (jj-Tlie Books publisned by us ar all use I 1 tamentnry on the estate of Jon Koveb, 1 ! li.rwr.ini". w..en Lien Mnioics aud hares, fu ln xieic charscter. extrein. lv popular, and hue of Kelly township, dee'd. have been gran-1 SKnHeSt ffife'l!: command large sales wherever they a.eollere.i. ted to the undersigned by tne uegister 01 L n- , inn county, in due form of law. Therefore. ! all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, are hereby requested to may im mediate payment, and those Laving any just claims against the same, are also requested to present them without delav. JOHN SCH RACK, Nor. II, 1853 6vr Executor. NOTICE. ' T a meeting of the Board of Manaeers of . A the Union County Mutual Fire Insurance : Company, held al the office or said Company, in Ihe Borough of Lewisburg. on ihe 27ih i ly j of October instant, the following Resolution i was nnanimoiwlv adonted : A'MoiW, Tbat an assessment of fifteen per cent, on the premium notes prior to the 16th day of October 1852, and an assessment of ten per cent, on the premium notes since the Kith dav of October 1852. he made to meet ihe los- ses sustained by this Company and due the De visees ol r ncK, muer 1.0, anu oiners. Published by order of Ihe Board of Directors. Nov. 3, 1853. J. A. MEK'l 'I. er'y. Dissolutian of Parta8:3i!?. rilHB partnership heretofore existine: he I tween the undersigned oud nder the firm of, High i. Albright wis dissolved by mutual con- , sent on the 1st of Nov.. 1953. The books will be iefl in the hands of L. F. Albright for set- tlement. Those knowing themselves indebted i will do well to call and settle. i White Deer Mills,? HBBY HIGH. I November 11. 1853.) I- ALBRIGHT. I DissoLirrionr. TVTOTICE is hereby civen.that the Co-Part- ! 11 nership in the Tailoring bnsncsa here. tofore existing between JOHN B.&tlLLERand JAMES K. MILLER, is this dav dissolved by malual consent. The books and accounts are in rha hands nf John B. Miller, who iii aulhoi i. red lo settle for tin Firm. J ?; t.e,-hiir. ne "0 1S1 1 i HEW FIRM. . ... . VI uce lhal they haveihisday associated Mr Pet.. Br4yr.aw.1h them in the Iron Bui- Bl,ss at uniu Furnace, and that branch of tneir oasins will nereaner ot conuitctcu in the name ot Beaver. Grxl.les.Marsh 6t Co. .ewishnrg,Oct. -io. 1853. Fall Stock of Goods1 SSr. AT THE WELL A'A'O WW j Mammoth Head Quarters!! J. & J. WALLS HAVE just received and opened an unusu ally large, varied and eiteusive aaiort- unrumi I - - ... ill. .... ; si-jr uouue, civiuiug, ajuccai, Glut, Ctu'ur and Ibirtl- War; a,l CnOVKltlES, i m.re in quantity and choicer in qnahty and; , variety lhan have ever before been offered in ; . Lewisburg, being a vast improvement oyer the , i stock aud selections of all former seasons, and ' i purchased at such remarkably favorable ra:es : as enable us to offer better bargains at lower . ; prices than can be found anywhere else. j (Entirely t.,o busy to give particulars this week but call and examine our multifa rious supplies of everything that anybody in j lown or country ui:iy want, and prove for ! yourselves that in variety, quality and cheap- uess we positively can't be beat. ftaTAs heretofore, the HlGnEsT CAfU raicts paid fjr UIIAIN. Lewisburg. Oct. 19, IS53 i m - 1 0P& WJ Latest Of the Season ! ( T;y , ,1 p 1 ' . I" received, a SECtlXD SLPPLY of anr.y Dress Goods, Trimmings in creat I'lAiKs :aimerew. Hatineis-Veslinvs. Hats. Caps, Clmhins. ILird and Oueensware, I ... ; odarwar at lower rales than can be had elsewhere, also a complete assortinenl Bench Planes.Chisels of all kmds.in short everythini thai a Carpeuter n.ay want, at prices that defy competition. BEAVER. KREMER & MOOKE. Lewisburg. Oct. 18. 1853 t COMPLETE assortment of Coach Trim 'V. minga at B. K. & M s. OTOVES of all kiuds at low prices for sale O by B. K. dt Si. Fall and Wi:itcr r w fi n i-ri? 3V ilUiilJJe IX-? LmfilHOt' O. m wm , IDallfebd Ob -U. 1TTOULD hereby inform the public thai they have just received from Plula-: delphia a handsome assortment ot FALL AXD W1XTER GOODS, Of all kinds and latest styles, which having; been purchased at unusually low rales they 1 are enableJ to offer to the public at j KIKUAISS! It would he almost impossible to enumer-! ate the many articles comprising the stock of ; goods just received, but they inviie all to come ' and see for themselves assuring them that they will get MORE GOODS FOR THE SAME MONEY lhan at any other house in Lewis-' burg. They have all kiuds of Dry Goods Groceries, j Hardware, Queensware, and all other articles usually found in a well furnished store. To render their establish ment well worth a visit at all times they will continue to receive as the season advances, new invoices of seasonable goods for Ladies" and Gentlemen's wear, so as lo be able at all times. to offer the choice cf the New York and Philadelphia markets. Havnm adopted the motto "Quirk Sales and Small Profits." they hope to receive a liberal share of public patronnce. f''All kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchintre for Goods. L. IDDINGS A Co. Lewisfcnrg, Oct. 21, 1553. Seasonable Supplies FOR. THE FALL & WINTER CAMPAIG? ! rillin undersigned would lespectfully an J nuunee to their friends and the citizens ot Union county, that they have opened a New stock of DRY GOOUS. Vor Sleji's 'Wear they !.? Freneb t'to.h, lNiek invalid faney raaimrr.. Tolor- d and V 1. ita l.inrn, Orillii. fnt'tinad.-i". Vestinps New MyUa l.:rs.-itles V. aiiti, 1 Encii-h Hosiery.) -. c. Tor I.alies Wear, . 1. I KI..L- 4111,. IM-.li. .n.l l'h.ne...M. Stilt. I strlnid eilka. Mai. liiiee. ("li. ekeil India .-i:k. rior -nee ps-rinr iju.iiiv Kid. 1 r-ff. ia. aud ilk ututea, l-oi.r. and h..rt M , l,air"Miit-. Whiiet'rais- M,.iwta, l.iegsui w.rm Shawls, ae., ec. A lanjrs aescrtuienl of I FURNISHING GOODS, - Pruepeta. Malt. Sisir Dntnsnk. Super Tot ton Sheelns, : Pillow t'ae Mii-din. runiilure t'h. rk, Tirhitt(r, Cott .n j l-'rini:.'.. r.dton Table btarer. baniask Table Ch-th. .Nai . knw. ll'o.lU-.. LoiboaMsl Cloth and 1'uli.iu Tstde ( '...era, I Suier M.rM'ille.. Vulllaaiid Counter; anea, llu.kahurk. 1 Uiser and Crarn l weiuug, e., ic. ! I heir stock oi L.KUCt.hlL.3 is very large , and cheap. Their assortment of yi. l.tASW AM. is one of the finest ever brought to this secliou of county, and extremely low. i Also, an extensive siock oi iisuli .mr Their stock of g.wds having been purchased at the present extremely low puces, and for cash, enables them to offer unusual injiice- inents lo purchasers, as respects variety, style : and prices. The snblic are respectfully invt-; ted to call and jude fur themselves before purchasing elspwhere. 1 i.ol .slot i r.v'i.i. . r. lasen in ri( clianse for Goods, and the highest market pr- ces allowed. KIIBCK & VOKsU. Lcwisbur;, Oct. 10, 1P53 TITS! FITS ! FITS! TU! VbVTIlTULX IXtWA- T EPILEPTIC PILLS, p(,r if,, mrc of Fil,Sptum; Cramp,, and all NVrrcws ano Conttitnt'onul D.Vttr, "T"ERSOX3 who are laboring under this I' . ,.i -lie., j . ff t-.p i I ciisircssinw inaiaov win iiuu tuc cvir. i - AIJI.K EPILEPTIC PILLS tn be ihe only I remedy ever discovered for cttrins Epilepsy,! or Falling Fits.. , Then Ptlla poweaa a paella action on ibe Berrens I ay.te.a.and.llle.nihtheyar.ne.paeeaeepert.llys.rtlie a. thev wt:i he Lmno oteapecial ben-1 "r " ilii ' weak n:ea.or wi.rM ! e.. win naa me rnie aeaii . ' II I l 1 w af poataae. P.n-ale le, ' -' jill j I IAW i.M"..Ai- .t-n II. 11B0.K Ea!t!inere.TkjoTnS Proiiiiss.yry. Julotiiepr. and T '- 1 V,1 ....... le, n- art.othfB!rSB.u.ttar PVI . ,., , .. .r.e.f.. ' ihe (. .'i' Cfif-K- - !'CP. C U r f f L -f- 10 O.i them tbrouirh the nsil. frea ETU 3. 1IAS.CK. 104, Bvlliaol d.. to a bee. eritee. frea. all part S-idlet.d. ,..t raid. jjyli'u-are Execute.", j-iwi. !......: i ; .l... I....... J mrntary on the ute of A d..w M.aa, w of BuJalo township, uce'd, bar. beenl gianted to the undersigned, in due form of law, ny me Mrgisieroi cnion county y ind-lited to aid estate are riqiiestad to All persons nuke immediate Daymen!: and those Lavlur claiua - : axunxt it will preseutilwm duly autlwnitcated BufTilo, Tier. 18, 18536 Ficntnr. ne-niotetl. T) WIXEOAKDEN has rf-moif from I . -way np t4.wu tek to 'he new bwtlo ' nut at the old bead quarter iu Market street, j immediately under the" Chronicle " and Tel. graph offices, where he wi'l be- happy tn I -smoke" and "chew" hu friends and cus - toiners, in good style and quality at mwJeraie l.k .i. cash rates. J.ewisburg, Oct. 14, THINGS AS THEY AKE!! 1 T is an admitted fact, tbat Tustin. 8tuart & Lewis have received, and are now ofier- an extensive assortment of Fall and Win- ter Hoods, at so greatly reducrd friers, as to make the Lewisourg Bazaar Ileud quart era for Itargalns! Their supply embraces all the usual variety of Cloibs, Cassimeres. Salineis, Vesungs, Muslins, Prints, Flauuels and Blankets, togeth er wi:h the newest styles of Ladies Urea Goods, enncietinv ot Silks. Cashmeres. Mennoes. De : Laines, Ginghams, Hosiery, Shawls. ll.:k rs, f Jl.tL'es Trin.minv . Krinef s. and Ribbands, i liats and C up, and everytnmg eise lor use ami coinioru Trunks, Carpel Bags, i.arpeung. i aine Cloths, Baskets. Brooms, 1 ubs. Hardware, Glassware. yneciisware,Lauips,L.H.kin Glas- ... . . ... .. f ...... ... ses, anu a compieie nxrum ""v.,.., Honey. Molasses. Cheese, Haras (Lewis sugtr ' cured,) Tobacco, Curars, Ac. ; Iert"llinerjr. ; a wen seiecten SHH.-K 01 irnumr,,,...- ' eingthe best of Colocnes.Poinades.Bat V ater, ! Lnhm's premima Extracts, and every variety of Essences. I Coonity pr..dnce taken in exchange for i i i i i I s w'i'i . o r a v u is (oposite Kline s llulei.j Lewisburg, Oct, 12, 1853. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. LARGE assortment nf University and other Books constantly on hand Lette ! Paper.Note Paper, Envelopes, Visiting Cards, 'aud Paper by ihe Ouiieor Ream, for sale by j r TUHTIX. 8TCART A, LEWIS. Lewisburg, Oct. 13. 1853 NEW FALL GOODS! J. HAYES & CO. r)EC. an EG leave to inform their old customers nd all others that thev are now opening one of Ihe most choice and desirable stocks of S,53? 'hat has ever been brought 10 this Krrliimiii rimnlrv tfaeinw ceteeteil I hem or.lh with (rreat care, and of such styles, qualities, and prices as to defy comparison, we would particularly inviie all in want of Goods to call and etflinine for themselves at Oct. 5 HAY E8' OLD STAN D. . J is 1 LADIES' FINE DRESS GOODS of the most desirable styles just onemne by J. 11 A YES &. CO. 1")EST assortment of Ladies Spencers, Un- dersleeves. Cuffs, Hdkfs, Flounces. Jac onet and Swiss lusertings, Thread and Seam Edgings lo be had al HAYES'. IADIES deep Trimmings of all kinds and j j qualities, also Fringes, Gimps and Bui- ' tous at lew prices at HAVES', j 1HXEST M.destin, Caimerr and Mavyar 1 HATS, S.Ik, Plush aud Cloih Cr- at HAYKS'. Q (( BBLS. of LAKE SALT jusi reed by J. 11 A YES i CO. FLEASE TO READ THIS. TJOt)K AGENTS WANTED, to sell Pirtor- j .al at.d useful Works for Ihe vear 153. VVauled.in every section, of the United Slates active and enterprising n-.erf. to entraee in the sale of some ol the best Books published the Country. To lot 11 ( gou a.M.ess, p. SCSS1IIK a S'.iatl caiulal oi irulll trio lo I I'll, r or lurtner pa' ItC.liars. aildress. IpoSI paiu.l KODERT MEAKs.Puldisnrr. 181 William Street, New York. Dook 4geitt Waute'l. VGF.XTS WANTED in every Town snd County id the United Slates, 10 sell Ihe most popular and saleable bo..ks published many ot them beam lui'y tllustia ! wuh 1. ol- ored Engravings ; also the most popular works of T. s. A a rum, ii.t-iutniig -Atif.ur s Cottage Library." a,'"',"'"" ent ard enterpriatuy Bleu will find li.tr a pkaa filsbie in.i. ea For pariwa.are. aihirea ,roi.-pc:d'i J. W. HIHUI t.Y. Pnbl her. Nil 4s Norih ourtil et. leep..a. NEW GOODS! IF yon want rheup Dry Oo- K Crocen, Sioves, K.t Hardware, cull rwu Beairr, Krcincr A, Moore, j wno are now opeinnit i.... r -! Thry v:iit - ft " "' ! U Ui)if in l'hilifMi.hi.Jfx, who are now opening their new rail .'iiva: J Mey run Lewisburg, ept 21, I8S3 Wall lupers! ALL PAPERS! The subscribers bv y y now in store tueir soutp'ei rail Stock cf Paper Ilanrfina, Curtninn, kc I dt.ci iidiuiiiKs,u.i.innn,.o which ihevoBer a: very low nriees.Wholssale ' and Retail. . Qur assortment is very eomp'ets. compria- . ,,:.. v-,1, fiench and Aman- ".. n1-'"-- . , ran. We nianiiTacture a Iars prrpenum oi , 1 N"-4 riP - r . -7r,-w , a .1.1111 .VJ-ea OIBIie e ; ::i .ii,.:-.. K HI lit II 3 I TT n..e nr.ra and ready Hi do Lu.in.ee- Taw J. regular D.acou.u .lay are k ""UJ 'Iu. foliuwutj named peroa. ar ibe J Diaicroaa Wium Caa-ta, Eq. Mr. J'.'iie'js Wills. Mr. H,taa A leaia Mr. ntM X't'aiianT. Mr. !' ilatLe Mr WiLLiiK Feies. fiii'. C- Km a.rar. Orn.aae WILLIAM CAMKII05. Fr.tiJmt. II. P. eHEI.LEK, 7uwer. aw per cent, per annum will be allowad oa deposiu over sii month; and thru par ctnt t,B (hn sis u mertnree moBins. 1 1J. P. hHt l.LER, Treaaurer. I Lewisburg, Kept ll, WJ 1 j Faiirjf Fur More. . TIQWARD S.MA WhoS A CO.. Importer 1 14 . . r ntev t ram Afilt i-KISS, call the attention of lb public (o their eatensive stock, which they oSer upon most reasoaab'e terms, w holesale aad KetaiL. Sroaia PS Kurih Third street a bote Area, Pbilad and 44 Maiden Lane, Ntw York. TEE WINTER EESSICN or rrrc LEWISBURG ACADEMY' Will commence on Mmtii, (Inuti ITlb to continue 20 weeks. The course of Instruction in this Institatioa ia calculated to prepare youths enter Col , lee, or for general basuiras. Loespositiss J and Declamation receive careial alien tioa. j Young men residing in the neighborhood who are at leisure duimg the winter scats. will fiuJ Uie present Stssiun a good opporlSi any for improveruetit. All a-ross, iinmoral practice, both ia aa about the scbl. are strictly prohibited ; and kindness, courtesy, aud a spirit of h norabl rivairy among the pupils are meoarated. j Tne subscriber is solicitous to secure a class of young Ladies. Tuittun For Languages t'O. Higher EBf- Itsh and witnuim nranenes, iinciaams; i Kead.ne. Wntine. Arithiaulic. Geography. Grammar, and V S- Hisp.ry.) 6, per session: ;s cmn nue, ri aui, wi vwuua . ( pen.es. t-nrBeu caring ii , de.ducLons except lor sicuness. j JOHN RANDOLPH. i fc: ... tl IAS.. Pnn.in.1 , . r ; . j The CO-raitne;Salp TJ ERETOFURB existing between Henry and William High, under the Turn or ; H A VI . Hi, was this day dissolved by ate ,n ccnseBK Henry High will continue lbs ' boiness, and ll.e books aud accounts are left , : . hillldi. x ormD, seitlemeni of err ' - i account is indispensable. HENRY HIGH, VM. HIGH. i White Deer Mills, Nor. 11. 153 yd FAI3 WARNING! A LARGE number -f accounts are still ia the hands of the Executors of Saassa 1 Annus, late of Lewisburg. dee'd. Notice ia hereby given that alt dues most be paid forth I with, or legal measures must be adopted ka I enforce them, without discrimination. ewpt.8. BYERS A MM ON. Acl'g El'r. 1)RESERVI.G snd Pickling JARS just rasd and fur sale at the Mamm oth Drug Storax. Aug 10 Da. THORNTON A CO. JUST ree'd and for sale al the Mammoth Drug Store a large supply of Dr. Green's genuine BITTERS. f,.r cure of Dyspepsia, CM. Aug 10 Db. THOUNTON A CO. T ithocraphic .'rlnllris; OMce. 1 j and a large ouanlitv of PICTURES, for Framing, and for Diam iug Teachers. 1 Ik. OLKMAR, Corner, un N. Fourth St. opposite H. Neuer's, ! GERMAN and FRENCH Languages, Draw, ing, Painung, and Draughting, taught by K.V, WOOLEN and SILK Needle-work executed and sold by Mas. VOLKMAK, who also will give instructions in that line of female educa. Uon. Lewisburar. Sept. I. 1853 HllahiCR'sj I rou t'raiue PIAA'tMa , j near reirDratea instmmenis, in aaa. j Vti- n tu Hieir former aeknowluicerl snps- itrriiruy, have rrcenfy received the most fl.n'ieiii.u commendations f-oui Madam Bisans and Mr. Bursas, who had them in use at their lale Concerts in this city. The public is invited to call and examine the assortment now on baud, ar. 1 lor sale at the Invest prices, at lbs Vt . - e.a . - . .. st 3:n4S8 Philadelphia. ' 1 f'MirrrSilV t'tiifiiieM, n Petkb hd A'.ri Ciars ft RowtYD Tosic Murrrma. epilS I uteern.y of free Vettfeuye and Poy.uuur Eawwt. a ediie. ehartere.1 he the slate of I'eui I. auia at ila Uutaffmi t.a 3Mb April. tS."v.i ninly B.I tlie f oryf a. i,f arrert.ne Ihe ee.la realtire from the pale af apttrMraa aad .taiieriina a.4t.ruaas. alw Sir .be parpoaeuf auppiy xui the i-eioie wilh reliable. rane-U ra ia eaa.a hrreiai Ike I all. rtt eati sot ol-Ln or will BS.t emp ear the beet metlieai fctiue-r. I.aiiue parehaaed that ia. ai va 1. ten lv. k.ia.r. Tonie IHiatuee. oa aeehaat rtt ale tijaa celebrity and known etCraey ia U treetanal of Je.ea and Arue. and il kindred affeeib.n.. haa haeila.:ee lai r'eoBmtuUoB itlu tier hisheat tarma ratba j a-roaaca of (be i-ltirled. 1rtwrt rnVPt.AIT enreULy 1 ' HRKKV K.e.T. Tho eho.e le ROUANHft PT.ACS. tttts-u tsate-aMl. ha Muriirt.. in likenUi-r. ts tis r iu-" I s liowi 4'tia j-tatut," an well ai-ovu a- K.st3h1 inrti.l i-wrwav Bi-vrkb- fry IkU-ot. and aro-Miv rr-rt oiSnB i t l llir r f '- ef ttui fHrft-l wi.h ih'p" svptaii.tsj- ttf iUf it Up l mA.4sAbi iU Lb tn"U' at -I ecb ssfwl !? Ilenrv K. rLrvnf, Vnn. J ?: l.nHifM, By tirJpr f UrrTrunNsra, J. ha V. HnviiM.. ii. 1, i I1 It- ALU O. tMi. lift Uir ?. Kft.1. st-J-H .m.etpptV-t tn tt t4fa-J Jh a fcr .s,inj M. I. H-a-1 1.( the- i,i.stHiwcuii.ai Urrta4.i arf j'TanlrulM ih rMT".. II m t-Mtrswt-Mr) rt aVv, . . 4. ?outb5arod3trlL Rru'li IifTTar a' ' u t f it- T A II lllrtf.NTtiN X C isarVrir. JACOB DYhK. CATTAAVIFSi. Wpnld iiiforni his oid Iriends and ths public generally on the West and ivnH h thai he e nunnes kes-p the STAGE ll 'Ti'.L, m the ceiiirr of the I'a.i, and asks a fair 'h.ire i f l a'rnnage. T1- TO M'MDERMEX. NTED ?0 to .'0.OI 0 ft Maple 5 by l.i to 70 ot ,1 rt 4 by 4 10 to to ft 3 m.Asli plank II ... ao.i no ft ? i do to he dehrr red 'h' c..mi"i Fll and Spring oa , the bank of the R.ver at Harrisbnr. Lambcr !.rr.od on.liir and s.rait srsined is wanted. Pn.no'als will be received till eepl. 1 f furni.h'r." the above, snd pei aona sending pres. w-ilt stare ihe onantitv and quali'v of lb 'j.r . fci.a. th. ... fnrn.sh and when. Ui, - . . ... - - - Term 0f paVmeni-caih on nenrery aaq pecr.on. A.titre (post-paiuj 480 W. O. HICKOK. Hsrri-sbsrs. Pa. . 1,,., .--..C, Cni.a JUli del X -t ' ttfn jaaeavWaviitOr f "WaAsiu, ttrtJt