Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, January 27, 1854, Image 1

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H. C. HICKOK, Editor.
O. X. WORDEN, Printer.
WlIiT,F XCSBIB. 511.
The Lewisburg Chronicle.
ii mnrijni ranii-v jovnin,
Iuued on Frvhiy M'rnimj; t Lrahlury, ;
-hp , $!.. rr " f,ir rl frtvno:
ft 7S, if i within tlir- in-in'rn: $ '.' ir pv't iiliin
,'r; :f not -re I hi v.-- . imtf; .f. el-. ffr
a tint'e numher. Snl. rif-t'.'Tir '" ''' r t"
be in ftvanre. Atv .! ;.'r.... pnv-nrttc nn r
iiMra nw iT'in. -h!. Iiavf Hi.-rt.r'-nirle t $1 'cti f-r
htmlf evui the new (..ilrous .for our year uuly.) c-itii in
. . ADrikTtidt?NT nMidi-im-tv in.Tti. at M ctiti wt
aqurn ne wk. wt arh nu q it-iit rtton. t
a yar. 10 w inri".j( r..r "it nioi'n-. $. it a y-ar.
of an ccninpltsiicil trent.en.an. His com
mand of the English language wai
llT JOIKOI. .... v .r.
Itittiscll, the t rogi.mg incidents were
known to few if any of his acquaintances
'from tin. Ncw-York rn.nn.ll.t.1
The Last Yeir's Card-Basket
j eating ices in the crowded aud hot saloon, j casket uuless, by repentance ind reform-1 tafk. The rooms are deserted, the lira
Totssranfi ffllraplaa.
and tliea promenading the sidewalk, j atioo, we arc assured that he is a better, barns low in the grate. With one des-' ft Ci4y D3t generally known that
Spring came, and the cough had deepened ; wiser man. How little did we know of. perate rush we gather the remaicing cards, operators iu vngneiio telegraph offices W
into a consumptive knell.and the healthful 1 him when wc made him welcome. How and as we trv to arrange und select, a naner ' . t. :i: .1.. 1 . .l .
.iv.nS uwe, toe raM,w,,n. . , ,, . l-Bpt n flush. Hcri
. . I 1 r. . . . , . .
lo-re, until after his recall to Europe. It ' ,ue Ka uurl"S nosing )ear parents were alarmed.
bavins become known that bis funds were u t0 U eit,ticJ of ' coi.tents,the memen- T!ie Iuotll(.r helJ coun9l;l with auut3 aD(i
i.-.t fully emial to the expense of tIC "f Pt focial intercourse, that it may sister and old friends. Then the physieian
lioi!.(':ird v.ij;igc, a uindi-nte sum was . J "- .uvu.v.. -- iCame. w Uat could be au.' lie must leave i qucsuonaoie amusements ; but we long suat awcet ctiiia. iiiuse cliUJren entwine Bi.-;esity of baviug tbe marks and dote
privately i-oll.cttd and placed in bis hands' M tLla work' 1"ri"? tho bu,v r""1'!'11"34'011 j ome prescription to satisfy tba family, j resisted the full proof of the depravity ef themselves around the heart. We never uita upon , roviDg slip f rpr, can,
to aid !,!s return ; but if the facts of bis for tl,c ncw 'ear U tcnral!y allotted to ;anJ Le rccomlUL.uded careful attention to j one so talented, so pleasing, so attractive. ! ask why we love them. We lote them as from Munj ,.jn ont Ckjmn.Licl
i.a nw.i 1 . - r 1 - : . r . . . ... . . . . 1 m . . . . . . . '
.uc u. .5i .u.e a.... um ui lue juuijira u. u.iotinn,, auj dlvt amj rcjular hours and Jh, wliat more sal tbau tbt perversion ; we ao tuc n wer ana the LiU and suabeam :
long we refused to believe the too well j falls, aud from it drop a few coral beads, injtrument throuili which they re
iniT..AUvJ r.mrf IT. f....! Inm Wo i Wa f.nl.. A. A ... ... .L I . . . .
.... ...j ... .,., u wo ga.i.ercu communication, as to know what it says;
thought him though tless.reokless of appear-; them after little Annies departure, that tl,.t hey learn to uuderstand the raps
anoes, too foud of dubious associates, and! they would rn.siu the only mctueuto of aad t.lug m laccuaa and without tha
t.ri,tii .i.rti-(-N..n m.t nndimm t ur:ii .r : history had been jreiicrally known to our,
..non. f id ,.r. ii.iir , ir-.. a hif irir,. Twii j . . , , ' the parlor it
ad.riii-m.mt. U11.1.T ii.tr q ttir.-. .mj ntnt. i.Tiinf i . cit !s'iis, :i ul a public demonstration per-; 1
lin. U a jiii.r. 1--IH .iriiutr. It; .r :T. 12 noiil.j..i!. I . , . ; U70n US We
Ui.ni.im.-...!.tion.i .iih ti,f i'h!i.i,..T. Un imtti-il to wliu li, however, he was SCIIS1- . 1
has for a few years devolved if
like it well. We like to bok j The summer was comin
of such powers,tlie abuse of such talents-
and she was han the sight of one whost course should
l II 1 : P nuitlj, llilDL'ttl, II K HU3 BVIIJ. I - I k " "J 6' J " - " " "
. .,,.: ,,. on :..,....,.. ,,v,.v ,V(.rSt.u-e laVt. doubt a boui.ti- VJVU ,lla" luo I"" . willing to visit Saratoga ; and as it prew '"ve Deeu urigui auu glorious, like tliat ol neari. : acM aQj ; tLenJ lI, t nma
I;"'" m f ;,ribuii.. ,ull have been gladly I rennStance8 and the persons connected wamicrj ,Uo CUJgiti ieSj aa,i faac;t.d he the sun, shining more and more unto tl. Quiet when we were busy, pb.j ful when ; t;me'. At lba ukrt-U office in tois cit.
l.Tl.r. nil lio.t hail. K'.ii..miiis1 t v t'i n. in- . . . . " , 1, It Y ir.. clirittl- frA.i m,t.wftii,. 1 t.. r.... .1-I . -ll-.l. 1 1 ...... V , .,-.1 1
n.-... of ., wnt-r t r.-.i tnnin. e-nH. voiunteertJ , sutncietil to nave couveved -o was oener. , ircmu.ua;, wuuu um u. uiijun-iii, tv . 'ii "u .ju.va, iu-
iu.-i.i to ia . .... , .... ... i to the tl imcs. or the entire destruction ot t. 1: 1 .1 i..enl..i;..n inU lt ;.. ik. ...,.!,o nt 1
tions. And Drhans avervbodr dues not
and Annie was on.of,thoo fine, gentle, understand rhat an operator at one office-
,e Cu,.ur.u, mai creep rigui mio tue ,nay couaecuon with an hundrad f.
. ii..K. t. h .t.inr ami ii.uM on . mm uirecc to oiistantiuopie, without hui
r. a'iu t iel'l-l.tv
r t..i iu llar t'
bu.tl.'ai m. tiers m . . .iiii. i a.-..,.-. , , ,
Tim MIUMCTIC Tlll.l.U US I'll i' l'lt. d in 111' nffi.-j. j " ul")'
-t ih. ''; "'"f;"""': rr.' to "1""D lr.0esner has kindly furnished us with
Ci-nuiN. with ti.- o- ar-- Mnt.v nr.ti-iai. f.r mon i the following trahslalioti
Vin.U ! JC3 FRIKTjr.G-, vlnrli will I..- rxviiuil .i;h I
n.aTn.a. at,J utt-li mij on it'a-fi.t..l, l.-rui.
.otlife ..n Mark' I Njuare, uurth inl.. iwcorij Mory,
Siiur abort t!j l'ot .Tl v.
O. M. WORTirN, Proprirtor.
wl.n eoiiimunieatiana ara iiMainir frnm
Traveling was recommended, and they desolation, to be lost iu the blackness of' stiuct adapting herself to our woods f j,ew ( (rv.ans t0 jew York, eerT word
, any token of remembrance or kindness, Tis;tej Niairara she was able to enioy a - the pit !
j from those we have known and loved ; and II100I1iitrht wuile the dew aud thei Another bridal card. But a barter
of a farewell let- ""1 we lm&r M'J, aMU"J ,he ,,lsk'!t-' spray fell on her thiuly-clad shoulders aud ! rather than a marriage. The bridegroom1
sadness, we loved her a such children are j poinp Uia W4Ji my be wd?ntood.
Dear Annie the snow falls on the little
; laying aside, we know not with what pur- uuu0nete(l uead.
I pose, many cards, and falling into long , ,juw stran2e tuat Hl10 WM Inore
ter icceivcd from Jlaj.W. before he left:
I'r.TTsr.novB. Jan "1. !.-. - w. 1 -- -j e j ,
Mr DkarThiend: The very little time! revc"cs' as tl,c' rrcaU t0 us tLu ,"s,or' ! ihat she should be borne back to the city j and pride and beauty, yet was it alone over it,
I left to prepare for inv departure docs make ! 01 t"nsc w" le,t "if ,a- ! to consult her old physician. But it was : pnde, au 1 vanity, and tho Iovs of display,
I'ljfjSJilt fiii'iiDiTiiiii i'' i,"P"s.slll,! t: ",,t l0-day auJ 1 c" Located before the bright grate.whilc the ot Mral)ge ,,iat tIle rib.sicii,n
should try I which led to this acceptance T We watched
operator ia heard to call, X'.w York, from
I New Orl aus, and in an instant the reply-
offered age and wealth, and the standing mouud that covers thee, aad the windL., , ;.. rt,tu,u. Tn tLU manna
! wealih coiifers; and the lady hi ought youth "cs through the leafless trees that bend 1 ilcll of intc::i,.cuc business Doticcf.Bet.
sap -t au 1 jokes, between the operators are
daily exchanged over the euornious circuit
of two tli.,f-and miles, and the: most won.
I Finascea of Pennsylvania.
.... leave 11.1s co.try no sooner than to-mor-1 g,tU are busily arran.i.g the lurniture ; ,,, ,ast ri.sort He ordered her to a Warmer 'he fair bride, with her varying color, and 1 , ueut-rai j f j f f jj , t familiar
.lAXl-AKV 2,, 1S04. row cveinngwul. the Mage from Iilton and ornaments of our littlj parlors. that ull -ti caasavCis for the winter. The disease was dark, glancing eye, and compressed, firm S Keeipts a-.d e ' J
"""-Off for CotantinopleT -yZLyr f 7" " Ske a j .,psaugb,y whe she tried to tlr-rl " ofU'it
Anion, the significant indications of yVby - co.ufurth.-i ,,;:y.ei,'',,rrerti !rocec,;''"l,,blle i fell, t.J bea l.e usk. were tined .i.h eurtu S d am tfaa, ill-eoneea'.ed dis- indu.' "he complete, M4
comiu-cvei.ts" over the wVcr is the !'ura:uieiit have soothed many hours of! I"dful of the admonition not to let the rllllsson, Wld the foliage of the forest was gut with which she regarded her fussy, u 3 ,BelUM e' , i,v !je t;ug cf lh. ;lis,rulljent) cao na.
JeparturC- cu aturdav 1 . t of Gv tvv J'Ur d P:,r,i" fril''"1 ,uat ,houi;,'t filkd a,l'cs uf tl,c P:Ter faU " ,,,c Pul"llcJ lone sea of gold and purple and scarlet dye ' puffy, self-satisfied lord, as he talked of his) RECEIPTS. j der9tenj ,Le usages as they ply at incon.
wL.vKR,f,.; Consntho.pK'.in V tX? teehoiee ro.es were iu ful. IbKim, hue establishment hU new furniture, his; ' . . i eeiv.ble ed-c.n hear the operators at
,uee of a sreeial order from lUu.h M, ' kewi - . i Xc w ( Mean, call, hallo Xew Vork," and
Wja 'tier has been fur a vear or two past thank
ia tho employ cf the Cattawissi ltailroad T!,u ("d pf a" nations will bless you
i its black cdgc.is the invitation to a funeral ' yct niocking the frost and rejoicing in the ' fj for money alone. She too evidently Tax 00 bank dividei
j of a neighbor, not an acquaintance. Yet ; tightness of the autumnal sunbcams.they j despised biiu who offered it. She had been : ,!aJ rZfl"i pei
company as eimiueer and draughtsman W"', " , - ,, l"al 1 SUC I 7, , 3 , , ",U"U UtT f':JCe ,n 0ne ,Ue 1u,cl 6Iaaes ,
,,-.,,., ,' , ,. . cessfolly assist my gallant ennntrymen t.; tall form growing attenuated, more bowed, :0f Greenwood. And wlile they wept oer i wreelted,
...,, -,..1 n,.,.J ,.r .." " .i! 'll,ir'- f' "ur dr fa,l:e,li','1-I1'b;; tlie fuce more pale and dcath-likc.whilethe ,hcy wondered and almost murmured ! he hac
- .. . i,r an v.no are oppressed, ououiu l apiive business of life was still pursued ... ,t,rt .i;. i.:..i A to be i
au associate ot Mr. Mi-'aP-r 111 t!ie survey hear or see anything interesting for you i .... , . , . .. "' t.v - -
.'.. v, v .t...; ..... to., l... ,,Z ( 1 s,lU ,,u was anJ fellmg-and making dl.nI . vouth aIld ucaltu anJ lcaut- , bo her
fled with, forsaken her affections J Taveru licenses
personal estate
-o.(iti4 ; catch tho response from the Empire city
si55if "V0' ir" drawing a biogU
Retailer' licenses
Sample licenses
Pedlars licenses
Brok. rs licenses
uti.'j'JS 1 breath. Ci?icinniTi Cvmmrrciaf.
177 :!
K7i -1 Suaburj k Erie Rti'u-oad.
i The new Hoard of Directors of the Sun-
3 1 bury Krie Ilaiiioai Company held their
subaltern oiiuer in io-r Aiuiies. !5ut at t!ie
lirst, outbreak i:i II uuyu v in lsJS .
tred the II ui.gari ii. ranks as a privite .
soldier, and was promoted to Captain and
then Major for gallant aitillely sen ice in I
tlie field. 11- sponsible duties in the coin- i
misariat were next devoued up n lilin, i;i 1 ,
the superiutcudenec of tlie tnainif aet.o i- of
Jiowder coiniiiitted t bis sj.ecial eliai'e,
an J sj coiitina jd sill the liaal catastrophe.'
lie remained at Katuyah in Aia Minor, :
with Kos'uth and the other Hungarian ;
refuge.es, until their liberation, when he '
came to New York in the I". S. steam-hip
Missisjijipi, Capt. Long, since which tiiuc ;
lie has been carniDg a livelihood by bis !
services as engineer. lie had expected to
be called to Kuropc in the spring, but a '
reijuisitiou from Kossuth whois doubtless
at Constantinople by this time rendered ,
it necessary for him to hasten his dpnrt-!
ure in order to aid bis illustrious chief in
completing the preliminary nrrenio iwntc
for next summer's operations. lie expec
ted to take the steamer from New Vo.k lo
Liverpool on Wcdtioday of this week, ami
frjm thence rk his way to Constant itio-
pie as he best can. It was his mother, j
Madame Von Waagncr, who aided Madame 1
ivosutn in tier escape to 1 111 key, atter the j
failure of the revolution. The hardship-; I
and Privations of their perilous iourfiev in :.!
1 j j j
disguise are doubtless frct-h in the minds 1
of our readers.
at Katuyah.
, her love despised ; and to revenge
I sacrificed herself. Surely she was
litied as well as blamed. What will
1 . , . . , I Theatre, circus, Ac. lieen-es
lit., .iiie nnn inn it npnnnMi ' .ir.A.. .....
1 or l), Mil It" rv and brpuerv liretiaa . ln , r. .: . .... it-
... . . . ... ... - ... . . . - ' !.. IIirCLIHir . L tl h 1 ' , . 1 1 1 1 1.1 M V . T, , 1 1 I'M. fill
Farewell, my friend, farewell 1 reuicm- al,d la',ni? PU,,S U,r ,,,c ,u,ure- 1 "en i A card the very aspect tells the state ! 10 bouor an(1 ar w proud aud debaut B.l.ard. buwlinC and tea-pin licenses 2.1..H , , . 7
ses - 5.333 tiou of John Tucker, Eso.. as ITesident
1" 't is ' t"m' Wls re,ie'T'l and aceepteJ, and
ijjthe Hon. James Cooper was selected to
eneies - 753 fill th raeanov
21 I IQ e'ectiuC which have been mad a
tax - ln5,toi i for both Directors and i resident, tuera
l,naa.-J4ii . j,1Ta doui)tless been some dUappointmentn,
B.7IS : becaase there were other gent'e men named
4l:v-71 , fur either position No eood acd trn
friend of the enterprise, however, will
atop to think of such a matter. Men
are not now the question ; and as all wha
were named in either sonnexion were really
nt. (': gouj ;t juitterel bat little who sac
'75 ;
:t71 !
, . .... oc-ia, u,wu v. mje nirMin .ui IU'
lO.lltH. " "
C'.r.'l tl'ieritial positLo, have xguiCed their read.
S.25H 1 ;ccsi to put down their names for an aggre.
01 mo spruce . rent rouies uormg me past J '
summer. The mni i f these surveys wliii-li .
. . ... . im r me 10 a 1 tliose ho Have :ni vii,i,:.Hiv lor a Tew uavs we inisscu ins conn aim ,c 1 .. :. i 11 as sue looss. suo will nun ncrseil unuired '
ornaments the wails o! the Savings Ii.mi- r , . ... i . .1 . . - 1 . .-1 ..., j"-u ; ,; Talent med.aine hceu
t-ition is a Mv ei.m-n f bis i,r,.f. mo.,,1 J "ll ' , '" ? " ' S. - -" mj the name, Sarah B , delicately : 10 ""J'-10 "ow " u"forn win, 10 nenu . Pamphlet laws
j 1 hi N is i t- r .t u an ""7? r'rlZ wIT'vKn " "C '"""" penciled.wi.h the street and number. You ! Kjr Wore him she has Milma lax
..t .f tr.5: z: s:m t:;: r : " ,ur- ht rA kt - ; vising cam. u h- "? 1.
............ ., , . i Tn Mi- TV,,,..;. T r....r l.on-ivV.,,r -' .u....a., . uieu ,f . ,. j,.:,a, ,....! sne can nonove, one whose very presence! I ax on wnn, wills, deeds, Ac
uimk.hh ...,s.iiij.-si.i tne iiiture. c last night." The undertaker served death, -,. . . ,. . excites loathin" and repulsion ' Tax oo certain offices
iiowasailun Mi i .i. by birth, hut of (Jer- I' - l'lease answer (hi, letter, if it were r ., . ' "gM in form, ber dark, smooth hair uw 'u,Bo Ma P" . Collateral inheritance tt
man no- I .. or-.-i'i ., -1 -.....! i, ..." f "!v " !ve il ,0 Ule an IIICI""rV of' " ' already with many silver threads, a down-! And here is a card from one who will fanal and ra.lroad tolls
man no Maya or.....,..,, I a fc. u.len ... .T . W. ; ceremony. ( ' rtit ,nt ' i leave no more. And we knew that it was Canal fines. Ac.. -
ca.-y ijiTUt.c. lie receive J a l;Oe;.il ejn- ' - 1.1 . . v... ' J r. .... , , Tax oo enrolment of laws
,.,,;., ; t ,.r; I r..r r"r ,, e -" ch,oid.. " - """ " - ' ' while the whole air, though feminine, is i 4U" ,asl Boe coula Pa7 ul "uen 8nc Premiums on charters
Ca the Dsith of my Hother,
A t.rr. w;.n. I...:nl ... n.iot- ttliil.t,
Ai.,.1 ..i if iMy it ou'im wat-U ;
ILt-r. r.'l a .'nalow a.tj a lilijht
IVh'-rt; t.Ut anJ luUiurv. lore lo Jwvll.
I'm ih.nkini 'f a inntln-r'. form
Tl:-.l fvt. Uiu i.h th.. rlmr li yir.l mould,
A l.rour n.'h i .w' -wt-.t .uimhlii warm
In -lh. r tliiya uui ....in., au-. co;d.
oji l.ii, 1 aii.l jintU- 1m- li-.-art
U liirli u-:,ili has h.i.h'-J l ,e:i.-.-ful rent
I '...i:j i in ii. li;.v. -Lr.l 111.- crul UarC,
11 r li li.i'l .oil nil e;sr.t bl-wl.
An.l nrv luy 1. ufl;. I.i-ar. w .u! 1 fran.3
It.-r r.i.ii.-u. tn 1 loT.-.l m wi-ll;
But lb. m -r.- ni.nti'.n of li. r nam ;
Awai.e. a rj- f oio f.r;.n ta null.
S mi tl.r J. ad '" Tlt f.tal a-.irds
A tltiiuiaml ll.-.iaut l.o..i hare rrustii-tl,
Ari wruui; u.y Uoui't. .ti-uililiuf; clionld
Till teari ftouj tl.rir ili- p fount bare gu.-LcJ.
Ytp. it i i.l! l'if.t .l.v Cow
Siu-h liit.r. biirui.ii; drops o! grK-f:
Wf ran not afi-p awry r.ur wo.
Hut U-arB luust tiire tbe urtt rvli.-f.
Hi- will uot tbink of tlu-c aft d.-ad,
Tl.at Uioutit wrr.- f.Ui-rr-1 to di pair ;
Cut a.vH t lb" tbou.-l.t.tlMt ll.ot. bHt flvtl
llt-yooj tb.' rparh of niu aud care.
W know IL- n a gioriocc ; b.-n',
W lien- ai-i' ami .un . irits daell
W ho.-. i,u tli. ia..:;.. -!a,l..i air,
li.t-b tr.-riu.s of c4-r:..b uiuair. w.ll
And b.-ni:. f .rtli we will tlunk of .lire
A. or a -pirn t.r.ht and bl.-.--.l,
Sna.rl. d f on. ttii. .infal world to b.
litcii.d to lliat br.bt laud of r-t.
Mirmsaiaic. Jan. 2 ', 1S0I. I) I. FOl'iT
felt fur the bereaved wife and children ;
and the dea'h of one however slightly
known conveys a shock. And then came
the thought. Was our neighbor ready for
the summons ? Had he sought that prep
aration which alone can avail.? And how
iniirht we have influenced his destiny? If
tin re seemed little probability of any good
as resulting from a direct personal address
from a stranger, e still knew that living
so near, he uiut feel the i m perceptible yet
all pervading influence of the daily life.the
habitual conversation ; and we felt that so
far as wc had failed in all the demands of
the holy life, the entire consecration of the
soul to the service of Christ, due from all
who profess bis name, so far had our influ
ence been evil, even upon one so little
, known. We know that the Christian,
surrounded by au atmosphere of deep spi
rituality, and true holiness, exerts an all-
yet decided'and firm. You know she is a D"e UB lee" " "ne to 'eaye us la.ans lor redemption ol 6 per cent.
' ! fur mhw laa in ....a...;. r.f n-ltk State stocks, Ac. :I.I30,33:
seamstress. r Temporary loans l,075,o
That pale aud silent woman.so patiently : lhan P'eure. The last of a family of Premiums on loans
plying her needle from early dawn to evo- consumptires-thesucceasive bereavements J"
ning hour, from day to day, and month to wL,ch had isolated ter heart, had added ; Salet of pubic propIy' .
mouth, for many a weary vear, had been ' to Lcr fortune, and brought the wealth she J Tax on tonna-e and passengers'
Lorn to. different lot. j could not enjoy from'br.dge Lll. "
Few there are who knew her history ' be La,J 1,)ug becn ,0rp1, bat she knew ! Accrur-J interest
who knew howoflcn.whcn twilight brought dJ's wcre ,0 bc fcw. and sue hesitated A....uy r.ght of way
R. . ... ... . i . - . . , rees of public offices
abriefrcspile.snd the tired hand supported """J" lu ",K,lu ue'!ucu to icavc; R,.randed c
1 ,075,000 1.W5.333
! i ceedd.
Already, we learn at this writing,
for a few miuutcs the aching head, the j tor Mta,e- ' 1ut he urged that change of , M.scllaueeus
present vanished and the past returned j cutuaio, ol scene, might eradicate the too-1
Thcu came the vision of the early home, ' Jcneies 10 he fatal disease seated on her' Balanep in Treasury, D. 1, 18.-.
with its pleasant parterre and cheerful 'steni, or at least avert the progress. And , Imprecated funds, unavailable
uursery, aud its playground and garden, hc married. There was a fearful Ioveli- j Toul receipts - -
and the old swing under the large tree. ness 01 d,'caJ ot consumption around EPED1TL'R rS
There, gathered around, arc the friends of ,Le fair lridc with a complexion so trans-1 pnb.c irapro';emen'ts
her childhood and of her early youth P1"111. a"d ejs so brightened, and form 'Expenses of Government -her
playmates, her schoolmate, ; fZ , Mexican war
And as she drops her head between her : l""c SHe s.rcnguieuca m tue luuuess i.en.ios and Kratu,iies
lateof several hundred thousand dollars
j.is!!.7iii : of the ncw subscription. This is not only
1 ' 41 o:ii ! r"nlP joyfal to the prosr-eets of the
work, aud if the same spirit be continued
$l'VJio.H3 'for a WCek, we shall hare the pleasure of
j announcing to our readers iu as many days,
S5.75S.936 , the gratifying fact, that tha tarty eoc-
i,.j, .i :ji .!, ' of her happiness, and hope returned, and Charitable insiuunons -
. i,, Iiaiiun uuu ocr.ua w im.j ui..in.,...iii voi.ii.o . . - . , ,
pervading influence, deeply felt where he of Mone, 1 " began to anticipate the future, and to, . -
may bc little known. indulgent resnectcd abroad, beloved at . dfe'" of quiet years of devoted love, of a Common schools -
-And here i. a very different card. The of a chccrfu) tcnacr; dcVQ. happy home and children playing about it. : Commissioners of sinking fund
extremes of life love to meet. A bit of . ...tr-all tmrether beneath ' 3 a vain dream. The disease re- .ll , nn , ' ' "
'. turned, and then, as a
, white satin ribbon tied round the envelop, , . ,
... ... ,.i the paternal
, tells of a wcdoing card. And a very pretty i radua . cn,
roof. Then she sees the father
last resort, they uaranned interest
Ml 1 1 a fixed fact.
i7,'ii:jj I.ris N ipolbo.v. Mr. iea. X. San-
alt" dr'' wr!,-r-o f-'&in Lindon, to the New
161X.S ; York rit7, says :
. Vl'l:I i " Lui Nijioieon is preparing for war
4 00 2M7 i
s!i:..5.! 00 ,he grandest soil.'. It is known that
r-,rl.,,llvfl,an,fin,r tintir" into intemr.er. crossed toe ocean.
... ... i ., ti. .,1 - -- B 1
or.oe e .oU...., a..u ...j ,..asaUl was .e , ,.,. n iia4r,i ..p....,! . : cone to ci.ioy, or to revive. She wearied social commissioner
contrast of her shy and timid happiness, , ' , , , K.inil..n,I hil- of all sij-hts and sounds. She sickened of Registration of marriages, births. Ac.
But she was too far "omestic ereao. rs -
. Iljimiff.c An (hp m.nlir. vorkt
OL ! '
I7.SH0 : he will have, by early spricg, an invading
:t hundre J thou'tnd saeu fully
The active part taken by all
This was one of the earliest cards of the
s;:ison. And a few weeks since wc repeated
the visit, and found something carefully
g3Wc lii.il in "77- 0il," edited by
e 1'aiieirs in the New York State Lun
atic Asylum at 1'iie.i, many most curious
Sue died and was buried I compositions some humorous, and some wrappe,i j t.aII,,ric and soft flannel, even
'-full of genuine pathos. We tran.-fer two rr),it.r t,.in a ,ri,le in oranrre wreath and
I be vouchers in JI:.j. asgner s poses- ;spec.iueus Iron, the .o. lor Jan. leo-l :
pion, and exhibited to a number of our cit- usia coMrosm mit urmyizn no cairci ix the
... .... . , . . . IUS.TIC AiTLt.
ixcus, attest the authenticity of his state- be ,, do
Flutter. Tti'h wnry wiot the water r.
Aud fwutwl tin retuiiifc pl(t no walcoiDe tbore.
..., ..-..,,.-.., . ... . . .... f.y (he ,iaDei, t.jllWri,n are Mattered and ; P1 "nu sculpture and me grand ; ,,llblic bulll,,n anJ gr(,UD,Js .
oi me ijnc, maniy i.riuegroom.
1 ' c ent. iir.nn
v ments and history, and were of themselves
decided curiosities. Amonii them were
Lis commissions, in Hungarian and Ger
J man, as Captain and Major, from Gen.
I dorgey ; orders from Bern, Kossuth and
I the Minister of War and other high fune-
tionaries ; Kossuth's receipt upon a final
settlement, in Turkey, of his powder-niak-i
ing disbursements ; a letter of thanks, in
j Oerman, from Kossuth to Madame Von j
4 Waagner, for her generous aid to Madame J
K., in which he invokes the everlasting '
gratitude of his children and which our j
f. friend Mr. Gessner sajg ;9 a document of.
v heart-touching eloquence ; a certificate, in
I Armenian, of bis mother's death, from the
, attending bishop; a passport under the
Saltan's own signature which latter, by
the way, locks as much like half a dozen
. "pretzels" woven into a gridiron, as any-
i thing we can compare it to ; a warm letter
i t J..: r T - ... i .
v. it--i-ua.uieii(iauou irom rvossuin, anu an j
j album containing the autographs of the j
officers of the Mis.sissipi.i. Jiis last com-!
municatiou from Kossuth was simply
1 Com. L. K."
f with a private cypher or signal-mark above,
which Maj. . said was of important sig-
tiificanee to himself, though unintelligible
to any one else.
Maj. Waagner is in the prime of life,
ith a reniarkablv finA rdivciral vanillin.
v r j -
Jion. ao-1 his address und deportment those
So Iuito of luve ;
Tilt lo th. rhItrrine ark.
Timl and worn, ih tt..k lo-r rirwlrm track;
lib b) .i.a M M.'- nlr ha.1.1 arawu li k
W !m 1. Mfut h.r Iron, ihr bark
So to Thy court, rnr lod.
With faint and ft til a.p. 1 tak. my war,
Ixinitu; tn nwl Tl.a wh.r- Tby ptoplc pray.
Though oowrd faruaatb Thy rtal!
So .lo.t Tl.ou rot-rt ntr thar.;
Fa to Thy pl.l.crir- a.m. my .i.it tak.;
bo, ere ih -I ru.M-d msl' iu auguM. break.
I.ut tu nty prayer.
Away, tlu-n. (tl.om and for!
Look 'round the. we.'.i..r e; I, t nnnht bat lora
Aud eratitud, to man hetow am Qoi above,
Have eulraurc here.
Oh. praiw from ua ia nrrt.
Whan .liow oner triune. tftNed and aore d!trrt,
ow clothed and meek, in heavenly place reat,
Ja-aruiDg at Jeeua feat. S. U. B.
aorsns nuan in the istixm at hioht.
fshattered stnn?s shattered strings !
Mournful lones ye ulter now;
Through the night your discord rings,
Jarring on my fevered brow.
Oh. what noble, heavenly harps.
Here unstrwns; and useless lie!
Some, perchance, will ne'er ring true.
Till tternity !
Then those? chords, if once attuned
To the "blc 8avi..r's" praise,
Tlir.neh thev i.eVr asa.n on earth
Aimht hut ni.ies rlisconlant raise,
t'liall awake wilh rapturous swell
When thai "new song" is given ;
Oh, those harps of "thousand strings"
Will ring out true in Heaven '.
The "smiling face" will yet beam ont
Krotn this "frowning Providence,"
The "silver lining" yet be seen
To the cloud now darkling thence
All thai's dim be clear as day,
Things mvsieriouc, made plain,
Shattered srrings shattered strings,
When ye're tuned rgain ! 6. H- B.
satin. And while maternal love imparted
j a sweeter and holier expression to youthful
; beauty, the young father regarded I he 1110
: ther of his chiid with a depth of tenderness
he had never bestowed upon the blooming
; bride
a iiouieuesoi.iie;,Mr.jjjc.i,ooa.iuMieu,wu..c c - ! Stale library
cast upon the world ; and even now, she : and -eautiiui scenes et the natural world Mouses of Kefuge -sUrts
with a pang as sh sees him. who! t itierea,ed the longing for old familiar j xXuoaUnd. - ' . " .'
had ia that bitter hour deserted her who Plafes for her cjrlJf ho,ne. Lcr na,,vc ,uud : cheals ....
could only bring hinr the dowry of the , Sbe turned away from bowers of ro.es and ,
.!r..nkar,l-s child. i groves of oranges, aud longed, with the Oeolosical survey
! But the lsiiip is lighted, and she resumes homesickness of the dying, for the hills ' Abatement of State tax
her labors. She bows, as for long years ' and streams where she was born, ll
she has bowed, to her lot. Never idle ; ' Pegged to return to be brought back.that j Philadelphia riots -
.1 , .1 l ,., ,..r an.l the winter : -be u,iel''t be laid beueath the shadow of Mercaniile appraisers
thro the long summer day and tut winter, ! ;ounsel fees and commi:
midnitht hour she has toiled-toiled fori old meeting bouse, where her Parents; Ml .
her mother, ber sisters, her brothers. When baJ worshiped, where her ancestors bad
SlVl'l rmy ' savCB hundred thoumnd saeu fully
7.1.i. ! cjd.ppe.
I "rtt ' !,rtul'rn carts, especially that of
2,-. Austria aril Russia, in bringing about
Sl.no... the Bourbon fusion, has deeply excited
l,ns jjl)U;s nj,;,.,jr. ife ses in the success
Si;; . f Nicholas, the re-esUbliahment of the
li.'.'s B-jurbons in Franee. ILnee, ntwith.
8 l:t7 standing his pres.nt apparent friendly re
- 3'.',o:Vi j lutions, or rath.-r pleasant coquetry, with
4 noil, ustr'a I"9 '''. 'o f niuutha, strike
95o ; for tha llaliau S'.at-j.-, aul atiCu.pt to hoid
them as tl.c cost cf Austrian alliauee with
g'gis ' Russia, anl the O'lcanisisaai Legitimist.
Louis Nap deoa having ma-Jo up h's mind
-Wc will lav thin card aside no other all earthly help had failed, delicate, feeble, j preached, and where she and her .tejB , jn Tn NoT.ao, 18MV kiavi j ,0 fi,a; -' P 7
.c will .ay I ins cam asiue , no oilier J . ' . , , . , . (ria nf those : r. r,,, ;.i,v. it on" ! aanvassino- t heir r.ronos lions for a, mar.
;n r.,li. ; si, I.,. 1..A !.., , r.n, vout .fu . she roused bcrsclt irom ner iron . -i t..-,
-1 . . . n ctur.ina , li n rtt
and cheeri - r u.vi.j n'i""b
They lauded iu the bleak wiuter, while
' and a memory, and both will soon Bass despair and sorrow, to support
; :.l .. I . r ,,.r..li.,r t., ur ber sisters, to wa'cli i
ana. i tuuii" tut jaa. i-iu.-.iiil n . - , - , ., i i l .1 .
I manhood, will, all .he bright h.Ji, the ver her brothers. She gathered again the j the snow lay on the long, low mounds that
1 iovful assurances, tha foud anticipations ! family together. A very Humble nom
were so often before her eyes.
Total payments
ll.oas eanvassing their propositions for adjvtft-
t meat, until he can have in uiovemcut all
Serious Storm. The storm on Thurs
day evening of last week, appears to have j
the material fr an sj.-.es-ive war."
A Jury, whU?
They are twelve invitill? Judges, .
'joyiu. assurances, ins juuu uu.ie..a.iuijs 1 -"j ...a,-.. j i ., ,. , . inc. .iei.o.i: imi;ii..-,iji-c, wuom
ha. gather around the young heart. Verj! very different one from that in which Lut she did not die until the .rnng; extended throughout eastern 1 cnnsylvania, j th(. (f the
: J . fiiwAM anriinrr nn in ffie. VllilWiirtfl. antl tC
eyes softened by teudcrness and brigh- ;ou, and welcomed their coming .u , auu , -a -r -- --- - -
J J e i . . . 1 1 tU airr,imnrf nntil tht lilac nd rrim-
and radiant with joy and mirth Yet here they offered the morning prayer, auu -- - .
then we noted the slight courrh. and i raited the evening byn.n ; and here they rose n.a ouuueu. w - - .
wlaA wawsh oacriaVl ilCt IA fflA nirl
..a a i la ... i tawaiAw f ii a Cn.w trnm inn
r : 1 !. 1. II J l.l- ! or hnrn-.lt rM (ill II a hOinC. AOa ! U41 nasur;. Pei u -.
lair Mic u.niiu a ricu uiuuui inu uciiuaic "J fM-,v , .,
complexion teeth wli.terinw in whiteness. ' here hermotberwa.ched overhersons going I .ods that lay upon these graves-not until
t ... c O I . ...
assumed the privilege of the old woman j welcomed the day of rest, while they went
that of giving counsel, sure of being des- j to the house of God in company.
j pised and thus we protested against her j They all wrought lue sons rose 10
,1.,.. ..A urine nr. lb.) .lomr. alnllonS Of trUSt SOd prOUC. 1UC UaUgU.CU
111... D..UV3 H..UO WM UMV U.U.' j , . . , , ,
and chill ds-v. i were educated to more than the needle, and ; childhood
Jut we were laiiKuinciy aasurca tuai an , . - ,,ei t . l i-i . .
0 b j I ... .-ii j... J .. : ami rinriA l.iw hrfi.re lier. But She did not
our solicitude was unnecessary. She never ; useful woman living sin. to uu.j, : - , - v - ,
minded a cold ; nothing hurt her; she was ; God. She has lived to see a wrccieu .am.iy . u uu... ; -----
uscd to thin .hoes, in M e-orts of weather; ! gathered into a comfortable bome.and then j were broken. Not unnl ,n the fullness
' 7 c . . . . in 1 - j a 1... e9 lm ns.9fja ami inv llinl Wits IVOUrCU UDOIl
she hated overshoes, wished India-rubber to bless the branches csiaoiibuea.tu see uer - -- , .
had never been invented, thick soles wcre j mother's age comfortable and gladdened fly
so clumsy ; she would risk getting sick, i the caresses of cuildreu s cn.iaren .o .ee.
And so sbe did. Wc beard of ber at that the blessings ol tnose lor wuom
parlies and concerts very wcll.but rather j has been enabled to do so much, attend
hoarse : unable to sing.but ready todance I her fooUteps, and will follow her to her
with bare arms, low neck. We met ber grave.
aoing in some pi.ces, very I tUe it.fliat.ce uff he a..tvT-iiul tta nu. nsscl:.
uauiage. Among auuercrs , bccause ,vf- atl - ww, .,, le found.
the AiUtr names William Fisher, of Bern
until the balance of Jiia'ice is placed In
spring, when we carried ner 10 toe oia
buryiug-ground, and we trod, as we ful
she bad so often gathered there in her
Sbe died while life ia all its brightness
in Broadway, with thin soles, in wet and I Fling this card Into t
fplseliirg wttttbtr; and she wss in Taylor's lOver may saptber of the
card into tho hottest blaze.
gsiae pollute our
. e. t i .. 1 ri
lownsuip, wno nau two oarus ... . , , , ,
and John Kramer, of the same towuship, 1 ' , . ,. , ' ,.
uu uuuu ...u i, u i tcrrame, pronounce, aud lmmediataly dis
one. In Muhlenbcre township the dwell-1 , . , . ,
au "i 6 r appear and aro Oet amidst the crowd of
ing Klohs, and the barn of Teter Rother-! 'r . ,, - ,, .
lowed ber, on the violet, and anenomes , mc, were unroofed In Spring township, ;rf ' L;,vA,.a.i,w,.orh
the chimney of John an Uead a pape. .- '
mill, was blown down and the roof dam-! The f dlowii. on tit is in circulation;
aged. A good deal of other damage was it certaiu'y savors of tho causticity of tba
done to buildings, fences, sheds, Ac, in the ; ex Cbanc.l'.or : Baron Rothschild, it seems,
neighborhood. In the vicinity of Kutx- j was oomplaiuiug to Lord Brougham of the
town, as we lcaru from the GiU der 2 ' if, j hardship cf n -t being allowed to take his
tho storm also occasioned much damage. ; seat. Yu know (added he) that T wait
The gable end of Kute's bam, two miles ', tho choice of the people. To which bit
from Kutztown, was blown down, and sev- j lordship replied, so was Barabba.
eral barns in the vicinity unroofed, among
others, those of Messrs. D. ti W. Market, Tie Irishman that lay sick s-.e nwi,
ber soul, she was raised above alt of earth,
and the last link that bound hef to life
was dissolved. Faith and hope illuminated
the dark Talley, and dying, she supported
and comforted, with the assurances cf her
faith and trust, the hatband too unwilling
to resign her.
Mr. Bieber, && The greater part of the
fenoes on the farms adjoining were blown
over, and tha rails scattered through the
Wemnst not linger lunger ever enr-fie!'. Rtadirg Jawisi.
in the hot month of August, must have
lived at Augusta, G. The Chronicle and.
Sentinel of that city same totuwu Tnt
sty, toad Ice.xbr Sl)9