Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 25, 1853, Image 4

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Another "Rushing Melody."
-C1eb Cus'airg, Attorney General
under l'res. fierce, recently wrote to his
Democratic friends in Massachusetts, not
to have any kind of connection with the
Free Soilers. Whereupon a writer in the
Thilad. Duly Rcyister who souuda quite
like a Whig Poet near Lcwisburg perpe
trates the following :
Tea Tsrribla Manifesto of the Graat Kn-Shme.
(i'l-Mof ft fMnr.tfoe Coining ,
Cashing once vieitrd "I"""" uf. u "
Mo-- Howbrit, be ought somewhat of Um Celestial
Inflation, and bun lf appreciation.
Ho- ye men of Me.earhu.rlts,
iTi the (treat ku .bine Uiat apeak :)
As ja value hwve. and fl.lie,
l-lit your AUnitiou fn-ak.
H'bil! amalgamate with freemen.
Ye who've own. d by Franklin fierce 1
Ilread ye Dot bis iudlgnatioa '
sear ye uol bis srr-ta m fierce!
Will V ll'.liD that question
Uaiusl th- rreud'-ula commands t
Cea jp tun -h tbe ark of kuowl-d
With uueuuescrated bands?
Know ye ax, that lord of sr.g-s
Who convened at Baltimore,
Sealed that question ui, fur --e
Aye: perhaps fur evermore t
Eecp your eyes an t , ye faithful :
lime a till give the ".a I
Will a owmmi Democrat man
Dare to undertake to t un.. 9
Knew yel that in solemn council
All "the Government ' b-. met.
Anil tli voice that i f irew-iru. yen
Issues from the Cabinet I
Oct upon yonr knees, e relele!
And conks, year awtul siu ;
See tlx frigulfat guif twl-.re y,a,
Er headioug v tumble in.
Purine this Adiuinistmtiou,
Every spark : sreedoni'e fire.
Gleaming oa the wi buriwn,
Shall be "crushed" till it expire.
Into the Tannic, fiery furnace.
Shall each ainld i ig wight be thrown.
Who wont let this Slavery question
Clean leek-tally alone.
Tat, Sim. take the aide that err do,
ITvtng Haeery to hr ritflit.
And like our uroeina;, hum Ir um "Orh-an,"
"Afilate" with all your might
lam with Tnaaury pap we'll feed you.
Till you eim"l burst your hid.
Though of aseoa you're tlie dullest.
Or are oonndrele doutde-dyed !
Tote and art with rank Free- Hers!
lierce will never sanetivn that ;
No I the edvurale of Havery
la our modern lVm.KTt-
Morn p. Ilcanrn. tli'Hreat,
Hard wf the '-'Jnrrowiise.M
Change of Names.
A correspondent of the jtiicatcr Ex
aminrr thus freaks f ibe change of names
gradually iffoctrd by the descendants of
German'. This change affected the spell
ing and pronunciation
On frequent occasions, 1 meet wLh new
names by looking over the advertisements
of your p ipers. I was as'ot.isljd when I
lately discovered a name in your paper
written '-Zuck." This is not the first time
it is misrepresented to the public. Such
was not the name when it was caried across
the Atlantic ocean. About the year 1750
two brothers by the name of "Zag" eini-!
grated from the canton of same name in !
Switzerland, in search of better f irtuue
among the inhabitants of the new wmM.
One had settled in Peon township, (War
wick,) Lancaster county, and the other
near Chauibersburg, Franklin county.
Their deceudaut are uow scattered abroad,
some in Tancaster Co., some in Lebanon,
some in Ohio, and even in California.
They spell their names in the following
fire different ways vis : '-.tig Z'ike, Zuck,
Zook, and Z'tokc." From whence have
have all these names come ? They arc the
descendants of two Gcrmau brothers from
Switzerland. Let our readers take their
maps and search for a town and canton in
Switzerland of that name. Tlicy will find
it spelled "Zug," which was the original
name. Thus it is with many more
"Gibble, Kibble, and Kipple," Zimmer
manCarpenter; Steiuweg Stoneroad ;
Hochstacdtcr llostetter, and so on.
Thus the nam -s of the rising generations
are entirely different from their true and
original ones, as brought to this country
by their forefathers.
American Ingenuity Mattertiiat
Almost Thinks. Among the multitudi
nous objects iu the l'ateut Office at Wash
ington, aud which evince what skill can
do, u IS an invention tliat licks Up pins!
from confused Leap, turns them all
round with their beads up, and sticks them
in papers in regular rows ; another goes
through the whole process .of cigar ma
kiog, taking in tobacco leaves, and turning
out the perfect article. One machine cuts
cheese; another scours knives and forks;
another blacks boots ; another rocks the
cradle ; and seven or eiht take in washing
and ironing. Another patent is for a ma
chine that counts the passengers in an
omnibue, and takes their fare. When a
fat man gets in, it counts two and charges
double. There are a variety of guns that
load themselves; a fi.-h line that adjusts
its own bait ; and a rat trap that throws
away the rat, and then baits and sets itself,
aud stands in the corner for another."
Pon't Walk so Fast. " I have often
used," said G retry, " singular stratagem
to slacken or quicken the pace of a walk
ing companion. To say you walk too fast
or too slow, is impolite, save to a friend ;
but to sing sofily an air to the time of the
walk of your compauion, and then, by
degrees, cither to quicken the time or
make it slower, is a stratagem as inuoceut
s it is convenient."
A genius down east has invented a spy
glass of wonderful power. lie sai l he
looked through it at a third cousin aud it
brought him relatively nearer than any of
his brothers.
Hew man bats cover a multitude of,
tins and worthless heads ! and hot' man
plaited shirt dosobqs cover a cold, hollow
cavern, where there ought to be heart !
A tree was blown down lately by a strong
newspaper puff. The roof of the priuting
office vJercd much danagsf at tlie same
time. j
The subscribers
having formed a
co-partnership in I
i ... T 1
to old friends and
the public, at the
late atand of 8. K.
l.vndall.on Markel
street, the cheapest (tor cash) and best lot of
3300.0 .in tr SOorfl
for Men and Bovs, ever offered in Lewisburg
A Splendid Lot of GUM SHOES.
Also all kinds of aSISS VIAK
Gaiters, half-Gaiters, ric.
Children's Shees if all styles and sizes.
Work made to order Mending as usual.
As we are both known as practical shoe
makers and experienced workmen, we solicit :
. . i r ., i.i: . 1 .ll ,n in
merit it. . H. K I. Siller.
Lewiaburg, Nov. II, 1803
Readings Patent Corn Sheller,
rx Capable of shelling lOOOBushels of Corn
r per day. For sale bv
Sulc Agent fur I'hiLitlttphia.
This Sheller. patented in July, 1852, has
met with a success unparalleled by any Ma
chine of the kind ever offered to the public.
The following cerlificate(one ofa large number
received) will give some idea of what people
think of it who have used it:
Ssiaiaor Bridgr, Del.. Jan. 2. 18M.
Tiiis is to certifv, that I haie had Kesilins's new Corn
Sheller. pateuhd'in July last in operation on my farm .r
rart of a dir. durinit whieh time it shelled rifting See, n
Hundred lliishels of Crn : and. from whet I hare ain of
iis p rf ,rm .tee. I am sat sfied it raiwrity is fully
lluri and ' Uu-Ji'U frr him. It does not break
the Corn, nor are the eol-s at all injured frr fu.-l. I great
ly prefer it to inv o:her Shelter now in use, and think it
will iup. rse.ie all othr n"W made.
3m. Very Kespntfully Voura, X. S- W "
Here I your Remedy !
a Most MiKArrLor; clrk of bid legs, after
43 YKAKS' fcl.KKKKi.NO.
Extract ." a LrUsT from Mr. H'uivtm 1iiptn, nf 70. Saint
X.trgt .Strrfl. H -Ottfl, OatCti X" ldCA,
mk At thr air of IS mv wife f who Is now fil rmujnt ft
violent om.1, wht-b wtllU in he.- ftiKl err finer that
tiraf tht-v h.iWf .trti iD'rrrnr ton; and rrrtlf inflaoi-
cd. llera!otft were diitrftinn, and fornioiittm faitf tbvr
Pi wan d:prifd fntirely ii rest aud rilrp. Every Trtavdy
tbat uedjeal turn alitr-d wan trieU, without tffrt; br
haHfa 9utrml nef p y, and the fatal- of her letn wii tr
riMt. I hnd tftfn read ynar Adrcrti-ieiiient,and atlvimd
h r to try your fills ani Ointai-nt.amJ ana last rpsoure
afvr every oth-r remetjy hail .ritTtd usclro beronse-ntt d
ao m. Mie comuivnced nx wykii aeo, ana, tranice to
rrUU-. in now in mod h!ih. IlerlernHre iainleM,witbout
earn or tr. atii her leep tound aud unditurbed. Could
j'.u navv witDf-AMii iuv fiuflfnua of my wire during tLe
iat 4 1 Trmr.aud ron trust ihm with her prv?-ntenjuyoieiJt
t h-altli. ! u wouiit in'lcM f.-f 1 d-Hhted in liaTiUiC oeeo
the m ant offKr atl allevialinic thr mtlfrinswofa fellow
mature. ricued) U ILL. AM UALflX.
OF Vr.Alia" i AMJl.Ntt.
Copt tttt-r frttm Mr. Wm.A Wf, liv xldrr of Gas Orm,
r iv . -. nrar Muaaersneta. aatea muw jim, iooi.
To l'rofrMtr HoU-'rWAT,
tm-1 -uff-rrd t-ra uertod of SOyemre from a bad les.a
retu)t of two or three dillereut aoudenU at iim Works;
acrom;abrrd by K.rbuUc ryfuptoma. 1 bad rrrourse to a
aritv ut mtcal adir,withoui orriTiug any Dettentyana
W4 even U'ld that tile Wm muit b- amputated yet. in
Opiiitoii tn tht opinkfli. jour rilU aud Oitutiirt-nt have
-ife-u-l a t-oru.iteie cure 10 M hort a uute Uimt lew wbo
had uot wiinvathil it wuid cr-Jit the fact.
(rtiicued) WM. ABBS.
Tlir truth of tin- tutemeut rata be Tor.fltii by Mr. W. P.
CncUu i. . hi-mh-t, U, Market ttreeL, lluJdenoeld.
Ej tract of a LetUr frttm Mr. tfUrick Turner of Jtns-
hurtt, AVtjt, tbiUd December lcfA, lt5U.
To rr.f.nMr 1 1 on--'Wit,
Unn Ma .Mv wife had f-nircrvd from Bad Breast more
than mi mnttthfl.aiid during the whole per, bad the it
tiidi-ul atieiitlaii't-, but atl U no uim. aod bavintc before
Itt-aHl an awful wourd in uiy owu Wg hy your unrivalled
luedt-'Of. I dftermiueJ ajain to ue oar Tills and Oint
ment, aud then fore cave tin m ft trial in br eae, nd
f 'rtuuafe It wan thnt I did fo. f r in'a month a rure was
p -rf- rifi ; and the i-rtii-fct thnt variou otlHr branches of
my fn in i ly hare derir'd from thir ut-e ft really astoniab
ing. 1 now utrouifly recomraend the-m to all mv fnenda.
U'ul FltKliKi;it'li TLUNLH.
ax INFLAMMATION is hie ."IIiE rrnrisciLT (TUF.P.
O'j'jf f a fatter from Mr. fraicu Arnott of BrruhuUft.
LVwM Kncd. WinW, datd April ..IMA, 1861.
To I'rof-ejMpr Huu.-'Wat.
Put For ni-irt than '2f yearn my wifr bar been iiuljivt.
irom time to time, to atta-k ni innumntation in lue tuae,
for whi-b she wan hied and blii-tervd to a frreat rxteut;
rtill the riin culd nt l reniuT-d. About u-ur years aaro
"he m in the papwsrs the wnndrtul cur- s efft-etu-d by your
rM and OitiUnent, and thought nhe would icive thi-m a
trial. To Iht prrut ajtoni-huient and deliiiht, rhe trot
imme-liate reliff from th ir use, and aft r peieTering for
three week tlie paiu in her side was prfertly cured, and
file ha cbjoy-d the best of health for the Innt four years.
lii;ned FKANUti A KNOT.
The Pills 7hoa:d be tued oonjointlj with the Ointment
in most of the following cases:
Bad 1.c Chilblain. Fitu!as iore ThroaU
Hal BreasU Cbatp-d Oout Skin DiscaaeS
Huuiona Corns (soft) wellinKs S.relI-ftdJ
Cnr and cmiti-aeted piles tirers
and rites and Miff Rheumatism Wounds
0co-ltay Joints Sralds Yaws
Ghteg-fotd. Elephantiasis iore Nipph s Ac Ae.
3old tt the K-t-ibll-hmeot of Professor flourWAT. 2,4,
Strand, i near Temple Bar, London), and by all reppccUh.
IiruriHts and lalers in MMdirines throughout the Britfrb
Empire, and of those of the United States, in Pots at 37U
etSe. s; ett., and $l,.'rearb. Wholesale by the principal
Uriisr bnue in the I'nion : by MeMrs A B A D.Saxw. New
V rk.and Ur.CD Km.;ht.7. mth Sixth t., Philada.
Sa Vnr u a cmnderaMt sunny by taking the. largrr met.
y.n. Directions lor th guidance of patients in ereiy
disorder are aflixed to each Pot. ( ly452a )
RAYI.N't. been appointed Agent fortheialr
of the celebrated Piano, manufactured ly
.ro. lOCallT, riillad.,
the unilrrticnrd would be happy to cupply any
riliavneof the Sumju. htinna rnnntry who ma)
ilcaire an Inatrumenl well made, after the latest
improvement. 1 wo of there Instrument havr
lately been iiilrouticci! into l.ewMiii'f, to which
I am happy to lefer any one. The Piano are
are warranted, and if nt ratisfaetnry on trial for
a year, they may be eicliaiiged. Price reason
I.ewihurf. Feb 24. (Sol.
Drjnt and Manufactory
.. I. Miller & Co.,
9. W. rOBSca Aar sn SuruBa Stbiit,
IVF.RV variety of shades. Wholesale and
J Ratail. such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic
igneite. Oil ami Dry Landscapes, are to be
hrl at the lowest prices for quality of work.
Orders f..r (Silt, Plain Store, Lettered and oth
er Shades executed at short notice.
Merchants and others are invited to give us
a call. H n-ill try to please.
Brasses Trioitnioes, &r alwavs on hand.
Remember 8. W. corner Seamd and Arrh !
Utreets, Philailelphia. I
Feb. II, I8S3 6m4I I
fTREDI of cuperior form, for sale at lha
Chronicle office, t rti sintls, Afr per dot
AttorMy at Law,
LEW1SBURG, Union Co., Pa.
8ics.Office nearly opposite Kline's Hotel.
Refers to
Hint. Jamet Fnrntidt, Bellrtmtt, 14.
w James T. Mile, do
P. C. Htt nut f Co do
Hun. A'lrahitm S. Wiltrm. Lemitlown, 1.
A. Jtritan, Sniibiiry.
u &tmel (iWrta, IfJtitlalrtburff.
Linn, Omit t Co iui(j.Ai.
rieuf'MrjT, April 22, l&X
" Small Profit ami Qnuk Sales.'
J. II. & W. BROWN.
1TTE take this method of in form in
j public that we have fitted tip the old j
where we would invite especial attention to
our stock of
Groceries and FISH,
which can not fail to pteasr, cither in regard
to price or quality. Our goods have been
bought for cash, at the lowest price, and will
be sold on accommodating terms.
CASH will be paid for all kinds of Grain
and the very highest price paid, in goods, lor
every description of VmwHc Fritduce.
Tiirtleville, April 22, 185.3
(Sueeexanr to A. HOT,)
. 1 C 4, Clt est n u t Street, Sica ' Bu HJ ing,
IXTEXSIVE Mcsic Pi BLisHia and Dealer
j in Musical Instruments of every descrip
tion exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallrlt,
Oavia & Co's( Boston) Patent Suspension Bridge
AmUuii and other
I.Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, MeIodenns,Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music
Books, etc.
Residents of the country will be supplied by
mail or otherwise with any music they may
wish, at as low rales as if purchased in person.
Having one of the largest stocks iu the United
States, I feel confident of satisfying all who
mav favor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal
terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand 1'ianos lor
sale. Iy473
Lightning Rods.
VFTEK many years' close investigation and
numerous experiment, the Patentee takes
pleasure in informing the public that he bss
arrived at the true principle of protecting families,
dwellings and property from the destructive influ
ence of LIGHTNING. The calamities
that every City, 1 own, illage and Country fall
victim to annualtv, ih-' th a .. nealien
iu inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially
then the remedy is so eai-y to obtain this i
found in
Patent magnetic igl)lning Bobs,
and in this alone. This Rod has been examined
by the moat scientific gentlemen in the world
Professors M'.Murlrie, Johnson, Wallor and many
ulber lhat have examined them, recommend and
.peak of them in the highest terms of approbation,
and have pronounced them the only safe rods in
use in this or any other country for the protection
of Lives and Property. One advantage i to divide
and throw back a part of the eh cine fluid harmless
to the clouds ; in lime ot a stroke this enables the
rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs
to the earth without tbe slightest danger of lea
ving the conductor. This rod baa many other
advantages over Ibe old one. The only place of
manufacturing is in
line St. 3 doort abme 2th, Philadelphia,
where all persons are respectfully invited to call
and examine for themselves. For sale Wholesale
or Retail by THO'S ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. 1 erms cash.
These rods bave been purchased and surees
ully ued by the following individuals, companies
and corporations, whose names are cheerfully
submitted :
In and nrar IViHadtlphia A. 8. Roberts, Oeorgv
Santzintcer, JuUin Bonvier. .Vttdire Conrad. J. Mulfopi,
John Hnmes, C C. Claulry, J. Brenner, ii. Oakley, Onrail
rngersol, ine mocKley Almshouse, Anaersnn umcners,
ft-v. J. L. tlrant, Jubn Notmao, Tbos. tiruver. Hate 4
Hoons, A. R. Oinkers, 11. Simmons, Tbos. Nott A Co., Mr.
bowuinic, J. . Urver, J. W. HttwiD, C Humphreys, J.
Ktpley A Co., J. Nymsn, n. Barlen. J. Ovenshire, 43. ten
ner, Mr. Sharpies, Mr. Martin, S. DorUey, J. Urlnkiry,
Mr. Uariron, Ur. Paul, . Ii. I'owers A Co., J. Winrpenny,
II. Miller, the Ked Bank Hotel. Ibe V. S. Arsenal, tbe
Spring tiaMen Coaamissioners' Hall.
M tlir St.tU of Hex Jerarv. Oeonre Crispin, Judge
M'Call, Judre Dayton, John NelmsD, Dr. H. M'Murlie,
Benj. Huberts, Mr. J. Dnwninf.
y.v vmox rorxrr.
UnrtUjt Tp. Mark Halfpenny, Wm. Foster, John Haas,
Viehael peters. Jaroh rmith, David Kilman, Reuben
Meneb, Ueorm Kleekner. X Rtrlin. Court House,
and Commissioners' oftt-e. iAmttt'tne Tp John Jteher.
f aton 7. Dr. Charles Wilson. Washington Tp John
Knnts. Simon Kunts. IVna Tp. Isaac Cuuldrtin. While
Ueer Tp. Michael Hoffman.
pHruma Aug. 13. IS47.
I have this day carefully Inspected a conductor or
l.irhtnlni Ksj, with vane and index, erected by Mr.
Thomas Armitsire, on Itellcvue llonse, Oloueester, and
bave no hesitation in saying that it is not only the best
1 hare ever seen, but that it is the only one I have yet
examined that is ronttrurted on strictly scientific princi
ples. It is with much pleasure that I recommend bis
conductor to tbe attention of owners of building.
II. MrMl ltTKIK.
I am wrll satisfied that th Magnetic Lightning Hod,
manufactured by Mr. Tbomaa Armitago, of I'biuvlelphia.
is tbe best tbat has ever been made. I have spent several
years in the study of the laws of electricity and magnet
ism, and have no hesitation in saying that tlie Knd arc
constructed upon tbe only principle of safety. Tbe electric
shock Is received and dispersed by the magnet at the top
of the rod, and it would be impossible, according to tbe
laws of attraction and repulsion, f,r a building to be
injured hy a atroke of lightning when protected hy one of
these rods. 1 have been acquainted a ith Mr. Armitagc
for several years, and before he commenced the manufac
ture oi these rods I examined tbe principle on which they
are constructed, and lt convinced that their adootion
would be attended with complete success. The increasing
ucmana ror mese rods, ana tneextensivesales in all part
of the country, t ample commendation f f I heir utility and
snpenorny. TRACY K. WALLER, M. D.
losing Sua, thilad Ce April 10, 1862.
Hartleton, Union Co. Pa.
aie Agents for Union and adjoining Counties,
and will furnieh tlie Rod on tbe same term aud
in the same manner as lha Proprietor.
Surgeon Dentin.
4 T hi Residence. Romk Tki.J at
XV of the Board walk. ."Mw.
Dr. John Locke,
OFFICE removed to Market street, sec
ond floor entrance door between Kline's
Hotel aud C E. Bowes Store.
Lewisburg, April I, 1853
Entered areorlit:)- fn A'-t of r-flTis, In the yea
1M. I.y J. B. ItoKIMToV, M. It, iu the rlerk'a
OHiea uf tle liialrict Court f the YfUn
IH-triet of Pennsylvania.
Another Scientific Wonder!
PUF.PAIIKD from F ESN ST or the Fourth STOMACH
OF Til K OX. after direction hy BAIION I.IKHHI. the
great Physiological Chemist, by J. 3. UUUUIITOS, M.D.,
rhilndcll'liia. i'a.
" I DIVEST." Pnch i th true meaning of tn ward
PKI'SIN. It is the chief clement, or Ureat Digesting
Principle of iheOastrir Juice--Ibe .Snlreaf o t, the
Vmrijying. freiemug, and StimntaUna Agent of the Sto
mach and Intestines. It is eitraeted from tbe Wgestiv)
Stomach of tbe Ox, thus forming a TKUK DKiTl
FI.I'IK. prlely like th natural Gastric Juice tn its
Chemical powers, and furnishing a COMPLLTB and
PKKFKIT Sl BTITt;Tli for It.
This Is SATl'KK'S OWN KEMRPT ffer an nnbealthy
Stomach. No art of man can eiual Its curative powers.
It contains no ALCOHOL, B1TTKRS, ACIDS, or NAU
fKOt'S DKl'tiS. It is extremely agreeable tn the taste,
and may be taken by tbe most feeble patients who cao
not take a wat-r cracker without acute distress. Ib-ware
Call on the Agents, and get a Descriptive Circular, gra
tis, giting a large amount of SCIKNTIFIO KVIKKNCK,
from Lieoig's Animal Chemistry: Dr .mlj's Physiology
of Dig stion ; Dr. Pereira on Food and Diet ; Dr. John W.
Draper, of New York University; l"rof. Dungllnson's
Pbysiolog ; Prof. Silliman.of Vale College. Dr.Carpan-b-r's
I'hyi-iology. Ac. bether with rcportsof Cl'RES from
all parts of the United Stales.
Aitentt Dr. Thornton k Christ, Lew
isburg ; Roabong A Antes, New Berlin ; J. W. Friling,
Sunbury. lyl&I
rPHE undersigned continues the LIVE
L RY BUSINESS at the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
resnrrtfullv solicits the Dalronaee ol his
friends and the public cenerally-
.... - . . . . . - . . t - r. r.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1850
Executors' .Vol Ice.
T ETTEK3 testainentarv on the last will
j and testament of Simi-el Anson, late of
the Borough of Lewisburg, dee'd, have been
granted to the subscribers by the Register of
l.nion Co. AH persons having claims against
the estate will present them for settlement;
and all persons indebted make payment with-
i i . .rev- i mins-u -
out aeiay, to n irj.v. i.i.rivf.vc, p-rs
I.ewi.burg, Oot. 18, ISfi.
N. B. It vers Ammons will continue th
lumber business ol the late firm of Hum and
A -so, and respectfully solicits a continuance
of the public patronage.
Y7o 352A??IL2ja
market Street, Lew.lttbars;, Tn.
Far (be I'arw aaf
uJnt hy thr rirr, wptm the kink thereof thatl grim a8
tret fur mrat, hrw tmf shall w4 fad ami the f ruit
tnereoj shall or. j"r mmi a ma me. ienj inerenrjvr mnuetne.
IIi-k was hopt; fur the i.rk rrrordrd o mfro, and rrrrj
yent Id Drw -proof to tbe lUfaraiMM thai Xhrwe proniaan
shall not fail.
A medical arirnr dtccToni and drjpnatft th rtrotAte
nature ha Riven, one Y y one tlie diteanea lhat affliet oar
nee yield to the control nf art. Of all the naladiea we
raffcr fr.rtD, none ha ranird 3orr Ttrtitnutoao untlmelj
Krae than Conjmmj tin of tbe Lung. Subjoined we
gire Mine eTtd'-nce that thii too tny be eurrd, and that
Pulmonary Complaint, in all their form, may be irmoftd
hy CiiCBtif PccmiKL.
ton ixflvksza Axn MToorrxc eorcn.
Nashville, Tenn June t(L lhft2.
Fin I hat-e repra telly nnd your Cmaai PinrrtaAL tor
Whtmpinif Conph and InftUfDia, and have no heitation
in prnnouneinj- it a c mplte n-m dy. r'onr of my child
dren have hen afilirtrd with them diaas and the free
ne nf ibe Peci.al has alwaya alTord4 almoat inatant
relief. JAMES UlaOVKH.
Wc attest the trnih of the above rtatement:
M. M'Ul M V, Editor of tbe Naahville Whig.
J. M. ZIMMKUMAN, Dniprift.
Fitthblhii, Pa Feh. 2i, 1R&1.
IVar fir For thirc year I have been afflieted with a
eouh. o ditresitn(t that I fn-qnenlly depaitvd of reeoT
ery ; much of the time I tu oMipd to H up alt night in
my rhatr, a my conch would riiffi-eate me when I laid
down. Ilttvinf nried many iemrdiea without mueh relief,
I at lat tried the Chejlkt Prctoral, which ander Prorid
ence ba cared me altoprtber. I am with (rratitude
Among the othT ditfn7iithed authoritiea who have
lent th4r dkuth to rt'eommend tbia preparation aa the
best knAwn tn tbem tor atr.ctiotui of the luajnt, are
Pre. pEKBirwH, of VintDt Md. tollea.
Pmf. SiUetMt, rf Yale College,
Prof. V LTiPri. MoTT.of N w Vork.
Prf-f (ut a t rla so, of Itowdoin Med. Coll ra.
Pmf RiirariFLo, of imio Med. Colletn.
Caam.i Jt!-ai. or Mwcal 8cie5cb.
Bnaroii MimrAt aso "caoirAt. Joca.wAU
New Jcasry Mirnru It croaTF.a.
lion. lUitBT Clat. V. 8. Senator.
Ilito. Geo. P. M tuR, Am. Amhauitador to Turkey
Ci"0. En xl el Itt-UtKm pRsidfnt of Chill '
Rt. Kee. En. Powm. Ird Bishop of Toronto. '
Rev. Dr. laAarwi. of Brooklyn, X. Y.
Arehhihfp PintccLL, of Cineinnati, O.
Alan many eminent peiwonaftea ,m t reign muntriea.
Not only In the more damreroua and dktrexwittw -" 1
or the Lunfn, bat alo aa a family medirine iVr ortprional
oae. it ia the aaiVat, pleaaunteat and beat in tbe world.
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell. Mat.
OLFoeaale be C.W.rnkTwtM-1mMrm J un..
MilUn; Miss M. MTay. Northamhariand; A. W. Kossler,
New Berlin ; I. Gcxhart, UniarrvvTe ; and by Pruggifts
eTeryhM. IyladtW6cbia
Winfield Woolen Factory,
. nasiiafan. I'nion County.
fflHIS establishment is now in the best order.
I The machinery being nearly all new,
a"na none but the best of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels safe in saying that his
work shall not be surpassed by any establish-
ment in this or me aoj.iu...8
His waeirons will be around as usual, and
tits wagMu . . . ,slani shment.
nl,y. . . i - anr! intend keen-
rr i nave ai - --- .
in, , choice assortment of V'"
Yiirnt. nrf.e wnicn a wm -
Iur HJ--t prni1r tren I
exchange for -woo. , " rk if i LFPEN N V .
Hartleton, April 22. 1853-tT
WH TEVEU concerns the health and
fce.ir,, Uf a people, is at all times of
I, -;-,; i take it for
the most vaiuaoic i..Fw...--- -granted
that every person will do all n their
power to save the lives of their children, and
Siat every person will endeavor to promo e
. . 1. 1 . Mil aaerifires. I teel It to
their own neaun .
be my duty to soiemuty asu.
...7. 'j: tk. nn in nn of the most
M,ebra.l 'V-hTh "iVlulU ar.
r'iT yif vo?.n TptiU euDliooally rh.ne.bl.
'IT..8- KKISb-w- Pu.- Irrular
Wr fratl thei ae-ou WOUMS, aud you aho-ld
vt once appij lue wr-utj
Aa artklv VoBded 0 eejenttlie prinriples,c.ruiled
etbrarj overall others. .
ai ;iT"b"efIrtin tl health T "
e.M 8 "vitas Ihure, I Its, e.. U.at th.-e alBieted seldom
saspeet Uiat It is rape lli-nr. basteamir lhu to an
iararaJiT lo order to destroy this worm a
treatment most be aarsned; it w.ild thered re be
IroVto Sw to ' u'" V'" "o"" ."""!
SlTCbstnieUona,tl.at the Worm Syrup may art direet
tLZ tknmtnV whirb must be Uken in doses of two
le.Xr.lib Urn., a day: the dlnelta. M
towS aever been kaowa to fail g cunug lb. moat
obstinate case of Tape Worm.
voBtxsACK-s Livr.it mis.
No rrt of the system is more liab e to disease than the
Uver. lt serving ai a altera to purify the blood, or giv
Id, tli proper seeretioi, to tbe bile; that any arong
a, lion of tbe Liver effects tne o ner .n.por..u. r" - ,
tbe system, and results variously, to Liver lompUiut, ,
. V. a. u'. .hnulil. therefore, watrh I
tbe IJver. These I'ill. being e..mised of "
llanU furnished by nature to heal tlie sk, naijely. 1st,
An Exprtoranl, which augment the ret.ou
pulinonTry mueus membrau. or promotes t diM-bam.
Sf ielvetid matter. 2nd. Aa AlUr.,l.ve, whieb changes IU
s.,me inexplicable and inacnsible manner the certain mor
bid action of the sy-tem. 3d. A Ton which gic. tone
and strength to the nervous system, renewing health
and vigor to all parte of the b..lr. 4th. A ta(.irt.c
which arts in perfect harmony with the otle-r ingredients,
and operating on tbe bowels, and expelling the whole
mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, and purifying thr
blood, which destroys di-ease and restores health.
I Too will nnd theso Pills an Invaluable medirine in
i many complaints to which yoo are subject. In ohstrue-
i.t.u. I ... n.rii.1 fthev have been found ol in
estimable brneflt. restoringtheir funetionalarrangements
to a healthy action, pur.fying the blood and other fluids
so effectual ly to put to flight all complainw which may
arise from female irregularities, as hesyiache, giddiness,
dimness of sight, pain in the tide, back, e.
None genuine unless signed J. N. Hoar.
sacB.and others being base imitation.
Ageuts wishing new supplies, and store
keepers desirous of becoming agents must ad
dress the Proprietor, J. N.HoBK.vssra, at his
Laboratory, No. 120, North 2d, above Race
St., Thilad., Pa.
Sold by all Druggists and Merchants in the
United States.
AnanTS. Dr. Thornton & J. Baker, I.ewis-
l nri...lo..l. .ml I? ..,-: I Snnlc ftie tTitinn
tU. I'A V l W. ,lliiitciiiijpM.,v , - ' .
Bro., Mifflinburg; Yotingman & Walters, Dry
Valley ; R. Keller, Adamsbtirg; S. Wiltenmyer,
Middleburg ; M. Specht, Beavertown ; J. D.
. . tr , i- - r. v. : - . U ffej.v
nienennener, avcw vuiumuia ; n.
Forest Hill. Pbii r, ucu 25 tun
Flour, Grain, and Lumber
Ko. 23 Sl 3 Spear's Wbarr,
Refer to
John Clark, President Ciliscns Bank, J n-liimare
A. P.tiiles, Cashier Frauklin llank, 1
John HerUler. jr, Ksq.. 1 rhil,d,, hi,
Koacra, ilinnirksoa A Co., "
J.Tome. Esq.. President tVeil Bank, Tort Deposit.
J. U allowt-r k Son, llarrishurg.
Col. II. C. Kyer, 1 ,..
J.II.AppCo4 J
Nagle, Wingate Co., Milton.
W. W. Cooke, Esq.. 1 Mllllc
Simon Sebnyler, Ksq, f J"
Oeocxe uodine. Uuirhesville
W. Weaver t Co., Moutoursvills.
Oen. W. r. Packer, 1
lwis O. Itllllne. I
Me Henry A Bubo, Jersey Shore.
J. P. Huliug, Esq., Lock Ilavrn.
(Cj'Cabb, GtgsK & Co. have the larjrest
Wharf Rooms of any Commission House in
Baltimore, always giving quick despatch to
Boats in discharging their cargoes.
Feb. 11, 1853 Cm461
Almanac for 1853.
5 I 5 ? I 3 J s i ? g a
l i1 its
J 9 10 11 12 lr. U IS I J? 10 11 12 1.1 U I". 1A
Z to 17 IS 10 JO 2 a I IT ! 19 ill 21 a 23
? 23 2S 2T 2R a ' 24 2.'. 2. 27 1 2 30
30 31 1 , 31
IZ34SI' I2.14&S
3 J S 9 10 11 12 ( 7 S 9 111 11 12 13
13 14 IS 1 I" IS 19 i ' C 14 t.S 1'. 17 Is 20
J 20 21 2223 24 26 26 , 9? 21 22 23 21 24 2i 27
S7 2S I . I 2S 2!l :l 31
ll S I 123
3 I S 9 10 11 12 1 1 J I 5 1 S y 10
1.1 14I5 11'. 17 IS 19 I, 11 12 13 14 IS 1 17
a 20 21 22 23 24 2G ' "S IS 19 20 21 22 23 24
T, 29 Jo 31 ( a 2S 2-. 27 2S 29 .Hi
12, 1
k 3 4 ,' 7 S 9 ,1 - 2 3 45H7.
aw lolll 12 13 14 IS IS .1 Q 9 lo 11 12 13 14 15
f 17 18 19 2il 21 22 23 I ft tfi 17 1 19 20 21 22
Si 2S W 27 2S 29 30 1 1 S S3 24 2S 27 2S 2
3 1 2 3 4 S K 7 l, 1234S
S 9 to II 12 1.1 14 I 7 9 lo II 12
B Is Is 17 in i. 20 21 i1 a 13 I4iis in 17 is 19
j 22 23'24 25 2f 27 2S , s 20 21 22123 24 25 2
29 30131 I 27 2S 29 10
I 1 2 3 i 12a
JJ S 7 S 9 111 II M 4 S R 7 9 10
g 12 1.H14 15 If, 17 IS . S II 12 13 14 IS 1 17
S 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 I . m IS 19 20 21 22 23 24
26 27 28(29 So t 34 26 27 2 29 50 ,11
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
Thispnpulor work for sale in Lewisburg
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
this offi.:e. Pric. 75 cents
"Map ef tbe State of California,
TEXAS, printed by 8. Aog's Mitchell in
1R46, and painted to correspond with the boun-
dariea fixed by Congrea in I860 for sal at the
Chronicle oSee, price 25 clt.
rain Prilte.
rpHE undersigned wish to inform the
J farming community generally, that
they are now manufacturing
J J ROSS" Nicy Improre.l CRMS
Without stopping lo discuss the compara
tive merits of numerous Drills now offered
for sale, they merely wish lo invite Farm
ers to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will cive entire sntisfnetion.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850.
ONE pelf-evident, and worthy ot ever)
consideration, that no Miller can nmkt
good clean flour without he has good clean
wheat. 1 sunnosc vou wish to know the
remedy. I tell you it Is to get one ol J
Btrgstreiser't Wheat Scourer, or Sinui
Machines. He being an old, practical and
eaperienced Millwright has invented, got
up and put in successful operation the best
Whoa! Srnnrer now in use. Anv Dcrsou
ordering a machine and afterwards finding
mat It uflrs not pruvc iu I'ltriair; us icjiic;
mnted. there shall be no sale, as thrse ni-
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary.
He is now having a supply made at Lewis,
burg, by Messrs. Geddes & Alarsh. Orders
for machines, or letters of inquiry, will let
promptly attended to. Machines will be
sent and put to all order. Address
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 320
J7i u(t flirt
The subscriber offers for sale a larg'
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such its
Apple trees,? to 10 feet high, 40 varieties,
all warranted genuine I 'each trees, W
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and Pear trees, together with sonie
6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the bes
native and exotic varieties. Ornamcnla'
Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, Sir
N. It. Persons wishing to procure n
quantity of the Fruit trees,are requested t'
make immediate application to llicstibsrri
ber, in order to procure tlie varieties anr!
size wanted. 1 1. It. NOLL.
Lewisburg, March 4, 1850
ctuisbnrg JTonnbrn
'PI1E subscribers, thankful for past pat
I ronage, would inform tlie public lha
they continue to manufacture all kinds o
Mill Gearing anil other Castings. Ttuahina
Machine, and other article of Machinery repai
red in the best manner. Castings warranted lo
be of Bood material, and at price that ran not
fail to please. (iEDUEj & MARSH.
I.ewisbnrc. Feb. 18511
I BOOKING Stoves, of various pattern-
J and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for salt
: at Ibe Lewisburg Fonmlry hf
iiiMp Ac .warsn.
(JTOV KS i'a rlor, W od. " and Con 1
O Stoves, various patterns, for nie at th'
Lewieburc Foundry. lii.Uf iV Maish
IIJIARD'S Patent tlang Plow, a supe
I ? rior article, for sale at the Lfwisbur
Foundry by Grdiles Jr. Marsh.
GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' P.ttent
decirledly the best and nmsi durable
(train Drill now in use, for snip at the Lrwrishurr
Foundry hv (ieililes ct Marsh.
Ojyiosition in the Life of Business .'
The subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizens of Lewisburg and the traveling commun
ity generally, that he bus opened a new I.ivrry
and Exchange Stable on FOURTH street hall a
square South of Market, and bas provided a good
lot of Horse, with entirely new gimd and lash
ionahle Carriages, Uuigies, Sleigh. Ac. where all
winning anything in his line may be accommod
ated on the shortest notice and most reasonable
term. He will pay every allrn ioo to the
want of his customers, and hope by ao doing
to merit and receive liberal share nf public
pationage. WILLIAM MOOKE.
Lewisburg, Dec 30, 1851
Vocal and Instrumental MUSH',
anb ttje German Cangnagc.
VERV Ifcankfii for past
Mlmna.s ffiun th. fin..,..
, ..........
Km and Students of I.ewisborc and
V) vicinity, the subscriber would
t stale Ibat be continues lo give
Instructions on the Piano and Uuitar aUo in
Vocal Music and in the Uerman Language.
Having been taught in the best Music Schools
in Germany, he deems himself amply qualified
to teach Music, ami to aid in the correct acquisi
tion of the rich German tongue. He will alsc
tune riaooa, and put them in repair, if desired
Residence, after the 1st April next, on North
Third St., first door south of the Schoolhouse.
P. L. UVTTER 'V)., ncreoarf to If O. fidaJt, U,cXok
or uaaiiae, ann iicai al uarrtu,
OOK BINDERS, Stationers, and Blank
Book Manufacturers, Hibbisbi-bs, I'a.
Th sobscrlbers rcpvctfully Inform their friemls and
the public, tbat tbey are now carrvina on the at.ve .u
ineas, at thrOu Stash orenpiol by llirkok k llarrrtt
They flatter themselves that by careful attention to busi
ness, they will aierit auit receive a eoaUnuanee of lha
patronise so liberally rnjoved by the ohl Srms.
.'articular attention will he paid to tbe Kulinc and
Rindinir of every denription of HI, A N K Hi N IK S. for Kan ks.
County Oflices, .Merchants, and I'riiale Individuals, and
every variety nf full ami half bound Hlank hooka, Music,
Newspapers, ke liouad in any style required.
In addition to the above.they have.and will at all times
keep a general assortment of STATIDNfcKY.consistioxnt
Letter. 'p. bTawini. Tran.ri r. l o rinr, and Blotting
paper: Wafers, Arnold's Writing- Huid, Uad I'encils.
Black Ink. Ulua Ink, Sealing W ag. Copving Ink. Slates
and I'encils, Utter stamps, India Buhner, Wafers, Ked
Tar Blank Boards, Folders, erasers. e.
a, Paper ruled to pattern, and all work warranted
and done very cheaply. l . L. IILTTfcB 4 t'O.
May 21, 1K52. ly.
0jBooks and Pamphlets to b bound may be
left wilb Editor of lha Lewisburg Chronicle
Old Newspapers,
SOME thouunds in numtor.of all ..set, for
ale at the Cbronkle oiTic, at 50 eU prr
1 00 Uien as they f un, or .$ t hen awrtril. A
chance for Sfrap Book an well as fur wrariing
paper. ApiilS, 1830
The rfcRnwledpf'' "" trtwdinry Caratit
ftwra of tisCavc womlerful iuventiotis is now to g.
rail) kiiowVB tual li.ir avijlet itiul repntatioo Ihrr jga
out thm whil country so ettontnt, thnt .1 fjronlvS
lefcn nnnecetwury to ure tbr ment fiuther. Bu.
n,mt Utc.iriimUict. h e occurred mhiek tmdre
it matter of ditty to tli i-uMic nut im k altofctbetr
ilent, for while th ehmrl imtrnm of U.daa
ar tnimpeteU by eolumnt throuirb tit Fret ana
awalluwrd I' quarts anl Kallntu by lha ailUctad,
ajid ax iuuud jut gl fmr nothing,
Ckrlstk9! Calvank mn4 HagawCIc Cnrathn,
har tn (uietly workinf- their way atMiw th
not! luteliigent and retftcubl clasatt, and tr
cfinstantly achieving cure in an alarm in; Imaor
Uitveaj, which ha tor baffled all th aid of
mcliciae and all tit rtMuurcaa oi Scicuc. Tbct
diavaict ar called
and in these diseases aietlicia is of no avail abst
ever. It never does gund and it often does ksna.
Srus, Extracts, Balms, Balsams, fcliiira. Sittrra
1'ills, Powders aud Totions of every kind are ab,,
worthless, for they weaken the vital energies of the
aireaily prostrated system, while under the strengta
emitg;. life-giving;, vitabzing inSuenceof tial.aaua.
sa applied by this bcautifol discovery, the eihatutaf
patient and weakened anderer is restored to lonaer
health, strength, elasticity and vigor.
These remarks relate tn such disease, a, MT.r.
A 11 LASSITl'UK and DKBrO.NIJKNfT. wkick
are only otaer names Ibr Nervous lieranaemeot ;
KPILKPTIU KITS and tONVL'LSIO.va which ire
now known to result from a noncjaibbnuw ef
tllectric iiiSucnce; NKRVOtS TltKMOBS. bEAF.
S) which is nearly always caused by torpidity
of the Au.litorv .Series, ai.l can always te srrwrlf
rarrrf by l.alvanum, when the organ is not deitrored ,
1)1 SI'KrsIA, in iu worst forms ; PALSV and PA R.A
LYS1S, unjHrmly caused by a deficiency of Ner. was
uidiience : t HROM; KHEl'.M ATISM, TliRPIOITf
of the I.IVKK, PAIM in the SI SLltel.lSH CIS.
ERttV, aud all those distrevaing complainu retun,
"ing from a UERANOKME.NT of th NERV01S
In the above prevalent and terril le class of dtt
easesNervous t ompUtiits are much awfw aaswr
vat than is generally imagined
Arc an Abaolwt tuwd PMltWtt SpeclOif.
Th BKLT i need when th body or ystew (rB
rally is . it ec led ; the W KLACfc tor eomplainuof
the Throat, a Athma and Bmochit, and of to
Head ; and the BKA r LKTS for all disorder of ta
arms or limla. as Khetimatum. Paliy, Treavon aad
8aimtedic altectiiina. Three article are imj.ly a
llietl as directed with the M MiNKTU: lLl ID wbt-tk
accompanies then., ai.d when UiUiiuliy nsed tiVey
afaT-The frreat pecnliarity and excellent f Hv
OAl-VANH. l ( HATfVrS consists in th bet that
they arrest and cur thefiie by smtwmrd mpptieeeimK
in i3re of the usual method of Drnj;ir.$ and
Pbirktn-w the put lent till ehati"e1 nator uiks
h'(rc.e!il) utfler the infliction. TVy stiemgtken the
wKir ytrm. emUxr tit rir latitm if the lUowd. Be
mt t ie serreliotts. intizarmte the entire enrrg. mmi
etm nerer Jn fr slightt hmrm undrr en ewrrtnntmnrm.
Since their mtrtmiucutm in th Lnu4 Sut, tiif
three rears iinre, more than
7 5,000 PERSONS
inrlndint: H ff, clme. and t-ooditivM. mif
whom m rre a larr;e nntnlr of liise, kie ar pCtV
liarly subject tn .NerTou t oroj-laUiits, ha ben
Entirely and Permanently Cured,
when all heof relief hed been c.teti up. arl tier,
thin ele hen tiie.1 in vain ! The benencial msit
which hate uiuiortnly attentel their n is con!,
dently tttatrd to be without a par-alK-l in thvsirasls
of .Vetlical ScH-nc. lerc.vmeii. law rets, and es
phVctiriani; Ut.lies nf the htjehet ttaadinc : dutia
f(uUb) rersons hrline; ele. aieJ olhciai itatson
rnerchantw. manufacturers, and mechanics; the f-wrr
and the rich alike; often whole familtea anion U
claw, ca.iks and conditions, hare,nally beea r
r.i'ients, and hare equally ackniwl!a:ed' th ws
ttrou.aid otren imejtrected beuelits which they bs
thus rpi'eiwfst.
g i .ct it be known and remembered! that theooiy
Natural l.etomtive lr the Nerves is 4alvarusv,
and that in ail Ner thus Diseases w thou Id
"Throw Physic to the Dogs."
To iUnstrate the use of the GALVANIC BELT.
mipMx i,te cae f a 'ersin aitlirte.i with rbst bn
of oiili7.atii. liVSrKTSI.V or any other! hronic of
Nervous Disonier. In ordinary cases. atimnsSriits
retaken, which, by their art inn on th DervAssst.
muscle if tli stomarh. atfonl temportrn reliet bot
which leave the patient in a lower state, and sntb
ar.jeretl faculties, after the action thus excited bat
ts-wsed. Now comjiar tiiis with the effect remit
.e fmm the aj plication of the Hi AI.VANIt' BKLT.
TeUk a I,ce(tjc stifle re r. even in the worst
ms of an attack, and simply tie th Belt tomk tie
Body, ainc the Magnetic Fluid as directed, to
;hf.rt period the ineunl-l erpirtion will act s
lie jMsitive element of th Belt thereby cansisf t
Csalvunic circulation which will pass on to tbs
negative, and thenc back strain to th iwwitivf.
thus keepiiifr up a continuous Galvanic ciixas4s
throntthr-nt the srstem. Thn the most serere cum
from th Boost intellifrent and respectable l-srsn
residing in every portum of the United States. wj
b prenented. The ar now unnecessary, but
numerous selection emliracin; many statements n
the most extraordinary character, scswcieut to O?
VIM K THK. MOSTlW'KrriCAL may b had ef lis
nnthorised Assent. Th wtcrcsted art paiUcuiar!
invited to call.
Trrnm mnm or the stMrt dsUlsriiM Ttt
clam hi Ibe f Hy f ffew Tork.
"f hav been win? Christie's Galvanic articles
n quiet way imonj; my patients t.r about two ai
fast, and I confess I am a-toiinbed at their surxstav
r 1 am sure a dii a is Attbh4s, I know inst wbst
they will do. In Kpileptio Kits. partculrly
children; Deafness and Atlcctions ol in Hnl
adults: Far Ums and Palsy, in all aces, and i&Is
several other diseases of lik nature which have leaf
pui'led th profewsion, I hav found th lialvsiss
articles of surprising benefit Although 1 detsel tbs
shameless quackery of advertisements sad mem
papers, I must express my conn-Jen c and belief
in th wonderful virtues of tllhliTlfcS CV R.-TlVr-S.
My name is. of coursw, conftdential bat I
shall never hesitat to rcommetad your artxis oa
ail proper occassons.
another Distance of casdos.
To D. C. Mobshcao, M. D., Gen. Agt r Dr
t HBisrir, New York. ,
Dear fir. Bains; a physiciaa in the vicinity SJ
one of your Agents, 1 have heen mnch gratifieJ is
the examinatan of your laslvanic Curstiiea aai
highly pleased wilh their practical re.nl!.- '
observed Uiat they are constructed on tlie true scien
tific prinride r the gcaftc. tqfe. reMssaf and os.
timtml develorment of the Gal auic t urrent, thervf
ailing a UisiJeratura, Ions; songht Ibr, hut hereto
unknown. I cheerfully recommend them tor
alleviation and cure of those distressing sii
called Nisioi s 1'e.wrt.sivra, r which liej
bappily and ingeniously designed.
Verytrulv yours. DAVID "ICE. J4. J
Leverett, Mm, rebruary la, ISilk
m- 0 tronMe or inconvenienc atteials the
and they may be worn by the moat feeble and del
cats with pe'rlect ease and safety, la many am
the sensation attending; their usa is rf, e',
and arrrraUe. They are arrompaaied hy A
plain directions tor use. 1'amphieU wits fwVT"T
brulars may be obtained gratis, of th 'n1
The Galvanic Belt, Throe Dollars.
The Galvanic Necklace. Two DolUi
The Onlvanie Kracelets, One Dollar Bt
The Mnsnetic Fluid, tne Dollar.
Qtf- Benrare of Countertilt and HVrraiVss Imttaf
CJ UrwaHtwajr, Haw Va
Afinrr in U wlat r-C. W. SCUAFFLB
tllantcb at tlje Cljronidr (TfBff.
OX aecounU from one on to fo V
stsnJiuf, CASH and W
Wood, Wheat, Butter,
anJ ro.iet other Produce lor housthoM i"
the cufrcia n ei