Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 25, 1853, Image 3

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Urinishurg Clpuirlf.!
B. O. HICK02, Editor. O. N. WOFEEN, Primer.
attlJOcaahinadvaae. fl.TS in three months, 1 2 paid
within Iha year, and $i.iO at the and u the vrar.
iranta ia Phlladfltillia V B I'a.wCT ana t W Care.
Lcwisbttrff, Pa.
Fuidat Morning, Nov. 25, 1853.
-Untnr. Admlalatrator. Public
11 1 .r. .-,t. in.J CouuU-T Merchanta, Mamifai-turem,
Mackanica. Buiuieia M.-n all who am-l- to pr.F-u.re or to
dianoee of anything m.d do writ to (ave noti of tli
ana threach toe .-aH.r.iK Chronicle." Thla paper has
a food and incrraainxetrrulatioo in a community contai
ning aa Urea a proportion of active, anlvent proUuctr,
aaaaomcra, and dealer, an any other iu the State.
The First Instalment of the Susquehsnni j
Railroad is called for Hatfield has enjnged :
a superior Waich Maker and Repairer j
Court Proclamation, Jury List and Trial List .
on opposite page, I
gafWe are ii. formed tliat tlic iuJi.-po- J
fiition of the I'liMit-lier of the Democral,h:is j
caused its non-appearance for a few weeks j
Wm.Mayhf.W, of Baltimore, an original
and fast friend tif the Sutut'hanua Kail
Iload, has been chosen a lMroctor of the
Company, in place of Alex'r Fisher, dec'J.
t,It is said that the lloTU.-CHIU-s
the " power behind the thrones greater
than the thrones themselves'" have ela
ted that "there will he no ffiieiu! tear in j
Europe." !
lQWe Lave heretofore contradicted a
report that the Lcwi.-sburg Savinjrs Institu
tion paid out uncurrent money its ctis- I
toiiiers, and required par money iu return.
A renewal of this injuriius rumor in certain
quarters, seems to require a re-afSrnianee
of the fact that the Lew. Sav. Ins. rn-eim
in payment the same kind of money which
itwy on, without any discount or dcdtie-
lion whatever; and to add, further, that ;
it is at the counters of the Northumberland !
and Danville banks,and not at the Savings
tilHEiT."- Seen is ib vacs ait 4Sixo of the word
IV" or of the two ilni w.ir.1. from which it is
i-d. Ttiit in the nt.'iiin-niit aud auiinipriate title ..f
TIlUE lillitSl'IVK H.tlll. or tfASTIllr JI U'E.
i,rn-.r.J hv Dr. J. S. IIOLUIIT. iN. t.f l'hiladi IdIi,-from
tlie fourth Stomach of the Ox. for the cure of linligeitiia
and 1 It ii Nature1 own nui'Tiy for an
uiiucalihv su'Uiach. No art of uirm can ml it. euratire
power. It renders (jOnll KATlSti pcrn-ctlv roui.ist.-ut
with HEALTH. .See the figure of llie OX, in auolher
part ol Una pnprr j lj ,l
Th..nnnl of t -a rents who urn; Wriuifut? ef,mDOiM of
CnHlur oil. Culoui' l, Ac, are imt ar-. that while tliey
aiH-wnr t ltDetit thf itUicnt, tliey arr m-tua.ly laying the
tt.uudaii ns tr a rri-s f di '. smh as t-aliiatioa,
toss ui hihL. w.akits" of limh. kc.
In auuit f r ttIuuiu wiit b.' ! uinl th R'IrertlHemint nj
Ilrlt'uia''k,c Md .riii , to hich we k the att. nti- n of
a., dirvrtiy ii.U-rsi-U in tliL-ir own as woll a tlivir cLil-;
drvn'n health. In l.ivcr ri.m j Inint and all diKontiT !
ariine tn.ra those i a 1 1 u lytn, rbuuM niuke use ut i
tit' only tmiinf uiTltrin. l(betiu'k'i LiVi-r I'tllt. i
-rf dftvi (," but ak lor llobeni'k'H Worm
SviUt and l.ivcr I'll If, at.d t bcrvc tltat o;h It nt thi-si- j
nature of thtf i'rujrieLur, J. .N. liuiiKX A.K, an uvue ,
e!f arenuiue. ily-19 ,
By r.ev. I. G. Anspacli, Stir inst- Samtel
Khsti: b i hi k an t Miss Maiit Aji Kith, both
of While Deer. On the 16th inst., Chahlis
II sr vph nu and Miss Sins E. Eitok, both
of Mi!!li!itur.
In M:li!:iitiurj, ITth inst, by Rev. Mr. Barn
hart, W.y.C Hisstii a:ul Elllx Ti.MeLis.
Mki;t lhaiit.8 fir the "ect m;ti viug doi-unii'iit-V Ed.
In the I.ewisbnr; Christian Chapcl.evening
of Siltli itiMt.. by Klil. Win. l-ane, Dr. C'chtis
J. M'Aici'-, uf Indiana, and Miss I, rim, only
daughter oi'J.imes V. Knss llsq. of I.cwisburg.
aThi I'rinli'rn wn- not f.iri tteo bjtti aiufob'e '
trit, aud "all hull i.-' wh the Iiafiy lair a ik-ruuv
and 'r.j runs titi:c ojit tl;C a- a of Matiitu.'ny.
Tj -The cake from Mrs. Lincoln-, was not
received until the issue of our laM paper
but our be-t wishes hail preceded it.
NEW FIRM. Executor's Xotlce.
GEDDES, VAKsH & Cn..hereby give no- "VTOTICE is hereby given, that letters tesla
tice that they have this day associated inentary on the estate of Andit.w Maokk,
Mr. PcTta Iinivtn with them in th;:Iron Uusi- late of Buffalo township, dee'd, have been
ness at Uuion Furnace, and that branch of gianted to the undersiutied, indu: form of law,
their business will hereafter be conducted in
the name of Beaver, Ceddcs, Marh & Co.
l.ewisburg.Oct. 20. 153.
Fall StocTroFoods
Mammoth Head Quarters !
by the Register of Union county All persons
indebted to said estate are requested to makr
immediate payment; and those having claims
i;ainst it will present them dulv authenticated
for settlement. JOHN T." MAOEE,
Buffalo, Nov. 19, 18536 Executors.
faa aTawCr-S Ta.wl j
nAVE jttt received and opened an unusu
ally large, varied and extensive assort
ment of
Iry Gooria', Clolbln?, Queccs,
67uw, LVttar tntl Janl- Ware,
more in quantity and choicer in quality End
variety tlia.ii have ever before been ofK red in
l.ewisburg, being a vast improvement over the
stuck and selections of all former seasons, and
purchased at such remarkably favorable rates
as enable us to oiler better bargains at lower
prices than can be found anywhere else.
fjj'Entirely too busy to cive particulars
this week but call and examine our nmlliO-
WIN EGA K DEN has re-moved from
way up town" back to the new build
ing at the old head quarters, in Market street.
immediately under the" Chronicle and lele
graph olfioes, where lie will be happy to
"smoke" and "chew" his friends and cus
tomers, in good style and quality at moderate
cash rates.
I.ewisburg. Oct. 14, IP53.
T is an arfmiitei. fact, that Tustin, Stuart
k. I an -;- l.ivtt raoains.l n r, .1 mm nn.f. ntTaaV-
nous supplies of everything that anybody in ; ,,,!ellsive assrtmeri'. of pan a,ld Wi.
ter tJoods, at so greatly rrtiuced jrieit, as to
In Northumberland, 21st inst., lUsut II
Be r. aged SS years.
In I'erry Tp, 23d ult., Rf ooifh BaeooEa,
in his Sid ve.ir.
In MiCl.nburs. loth inst, aged 87 years, !
wife of Davni Miafer. cf I.ewisburg.
In !. iburir, TM nisi., the infant child of
Eiii V. and l.i .ill M (i authliu.
In Ea-t 11'iil.ihe, 17 til inst. Miss Najcct
Hki:s. a-i-d S.S years.
town or country may want, and prove for
yourselves that in variety, quality and cheap
ness we positively can't be beat.
fcy-As heretofore, the HIGHEST Cash
rnicks paid for Git A IN.
J. & J. V ALLS.
I.ewisburg, Oct. 19, IH53
of the Season !
make the I.ewisburg Bazaar
Head Quarters lor Bargains!
Their supply embraces all the usual variety
of Cloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, Vestings,
Muslins, Trims, Flannels and Blankets, togeth
er with the newest styles of
Ladies Ureas Goods,
consisting ol Silks, Cashmeres. Merinoes, De
I.aines, (iinghams, Hosiery, Shawls, lldk'fs.
Gloves, Trimming, Fringes, and Ribbands.
l!ats and laps,
OJfi't S't.irtur!ninn:i H iibnid Cmnpi.ny,
i ....I .1,1 !. .. ,...1 l,
T received, a SECOND SI PI'LY of ! .V.: J. V-... ' .-. '" I" i. Lna
nnrv Dress (tinns, I nimnincrs jn creat ' .. tt i ' . . m. .1 ' n
variety. Cloths I aS.nwre. Ssat.netsV estines, j (:hisre., yeensware,I.amps,I,ooking Ulas-
fl F
II IKHISHI HI!. N.iV. lss:!,
f IHB STOCKUOl.liKlIS or the Jnqiir
j bat.na Kailroad Company are hereby
n.'tifi-.l that an iiis'alnietit uf I lie lOilars
D'r Mia:." is called in, payable on or betore
Institution, that the uhuoxintis discount is ! ihp a.I .if December nevt bv th.i'-e residing in
exacted. When tny incuts or deposits are
maile at either of those banks in notes of
the York, Harri.-liuri:, or otln r luiJuul.t-
i Hats Caps, Clothing, Hard anil Qtieensware.
j Cedarware. at lower rates than can be bad
j elsewhere, also a complete assortment Bench
' PlaiiesChisels of all kinds, in short everything
that a I'arpenter n.ay want, at prices that defy
: competition.
Lewisburg, Oct. IS, ltffi3
MalnniiTe at liiinn Hank id Maryland;
Dauphin county Bank i f .M iddieinun ;
NiTihu'iilierl'd county Bank of Northnmbld;
Union cnritv I.ewisburg Savings Institution.
By order.
BO'J. s. IIOU.INS, Treasurer.
COMPLETE assortment of Coach Trim
mings at B. K. &. M's.
edly solvent hanks hut whose :ipi-r is
not quoted at par hv the Irnkets of the
eastern cities, reunite from th?ir location,
and still more remote from this region a
discount is invariably exacted. Vet specie
or par funds, or their own paper, is always j WATCH-MAKERS in the wor d who has
Deen enipiOVeo as I IIIIMUT III tmirirm an.n
Fai-'.'inei in Europe and now 1:1 his employ,
calls upon all having fine watches to reward
Latest from Europe ! ! !
1IIE siili-icriluT wuti'd iiifiirm ooi friends
an i ni -.v ones Iim, that having with some
trnnii'e aii'l esnehNe seeureit one 01 tne oesi
STOVES of all kinds at low prices fi.r sale
by B. K. Si M.
Fall and Winter
t 1 U-'J
obtained by the Northumberland and Iau-
ville banks iu exchange for this very
"currency ;" and, if we are not greatly : 'im with plenty of work.
. , . , , , , . I He having tools not genemllv kept by
n..fl.A f fMLiinnM,' n.Tii, 1 mil fit ft'l r I . . ....
mistaken, is frequently loaned out at par
thns adding the business and cmolum-
onti of a broker to the legitimate orierations j
of banking. This may be all rijiht, per- j
haps; but whether it be so or not, it is no j
more than just that these corporatiiins j
nhould stand before the public in their '
true character, and bear the responsibility 1
pni Tvu i. irpHE partnership heretofore existing be-
pectally as the charter of one 01 them (the ! I . een the undersigned, was dissidved
Northumberland Uauk) will sliortlv esi-ire, bv mnical e.inse.nt on the :io:h of Oet. nit.
and a renewal will be applied f r at the
coming session of the Legislature.
prji, The following geutlenu-u were elec
ted on Monday last Directors of the Nor
thumberland Ui'Dk for the ensuing year : j
John Taggnrt, Wm. Forsythc, A E. .
Kapp.Daniel 15rautigan,Noithniiiljerlai.d ;
John B. Packer, Wm.l. Crctnougli, .yun
bury ; John W alls, Geo. V. Miller, Lewis- .
burg; James K. Davis, ijelinsgrovc ; j
Samuel Wilson, New H.-rlin; Saimiei
Hepburn, Hobert M. Frick, Milton; Jos-
l'axton, Cattawiasa.
And the following for Danville Bank :
Tetcr Baldv, Win. Jeunison.M.r.flrier,
G. M. Shoop,"W. II. Magill, Danville; J.
K. Grotr. UliKimsburir ; John Sharpless,
Cattawissa ; Jesse Howtnan, Berwick ; V. 1 loe Township. Union County, notice is
V Lawson, John Datcsman, Milton; W'm ' given, all persons indebted to said e
wburir: II. C. Ever, behusprove. c ,,.. .
tSemi-oflicial returns from all parts
of New York State, foot up as follows for
Secretary of State :
wati-hmakers in America, is enabled to make
anv new parts In watches in the neatest and
nwt workmanlike manner.
Ould and Silver Watch Dials cleaned and
Freshed like new.
Ualvanizins and Fire (Jilding done in the
best and cheapet manner at the old stand
on Market slreet, Lewisburz, bv
Nv. 'i4, IS53. A. I.. HATFIELD.
husine--s will be hereafter conducted hvli r.U 1 1.
Nov.U, 'bX 1m. WM. WIMTINU.
No! ice to Coi.tractors.
I "PROPOSALS for re-building the County
Bridge aer.iss Btiflalne Creek at Lewis
burr, will be received at the public house of
A. J. Wei lensaul in the It .n. ugh uf Lewisburg
until 1 o'r'ock I". M, on Friday the 18th day
of November in-t.. at whirn lime and place,
plans and specilicatiims will be exhibited.
S K. HEKKtil.M,
Com. O fice.New Br'in Cuunty Cum.
Nov. II, 153. 5
Leavenworth (Whig)
Clinton ("Hard )
Vcrt'lanck ("Soft")
Whin. Har.1. S.n. Ind. Whigmaj'.
Senate '21 8 2
AcmliW M) 24 '-0
Hon. G. C. Welkcr, of Sunbury, has
been appointed Revenue Commissioner for
that district This appointment is made
by the President Judge and his associates
in the district. The Commissioners meet
at Harrisburg in January to revise the as
sessments throughout the State.
IgjuOur Seliusgrovc neighbors Lave
been troubled by Mad Dogs.
Lewlslmrg Post-Office Arrangements.
EASTEKX Mails, aery day en-t-t Suiiy.
eloM at 4 i o'clock, P. M
WESTEBS. on Mondar, VTcduwday an4 Kri lar.
rlf at A. M.
.VOJ.'nfi.V(Willianirrt) Mnrd Vtin and Fri .
rloe at KM. of nibt m-eilinR.
J'! T;R.V ,?rlin.;r.iT, )Tu d. Tburfd. and SaluM .
cluneal li, J!.
clnw.- at b C M of i.lfrht prei-c-lillir.
I K, and from li, M. nutil s. I' M. "
iJ, lii U. W . tUOTXU, P. M.
AdininiKtraior's Xolite.
E'I'TEKS of Administration having been
granted to the undersigned on the estate
ol JOHN 1). MILLER, deceased, late of Butfa-
estate to
those having
em, attested
for settlement to
Nov. -1. 'fi3. 6w. Administrator.
ses, aud a complete assortment 01 urocenes.
Hooey, Molasses, Cheese, Hams (Lewis' sugar
cured,) Tobacco, Ciirars, cVc.
A well selected stock of Perfumery, embra
cing the best of Colognes,Ioinades,Bay Water,
Luton's premium Extracts, and every variety
of Essences.
Country produce taken in exchange for
(opusite Kline's Hotel.)
I.ewisburg, Oct. 12, 1853.
4 LAKCE assortment of University and
2 idher Books constantly on hand I.ette
i'aper. Note Paper, Envelopes, Visiting Cards,
11 1 . . i - . . r . . 1 1.
j 'tl m II Hill I 'I' w. . . ".; " . .- . .. .. . . . . . -
IUaliaUtf SjU wWi iLcii.i,oiunni oudiiio
"Tiiroi'LlI hereby inform the public, that J.ewislmrg, Uct. Vi,
It they have just received from Phila
delphia a handsome assortment of
Of all kinds and latest stvles, which having
been purchased at unusually low rates ihev
arc enabled to otfer to the public at
It would he almost impossible to enumer
ate the many articles comprising ttie stocK ot
woods inst received, but they invite all to come
and see for themselves assurins them that
they will set MOKE OOODSi FOR THE SAME
MONEV than at any other house in Lewis
burg. They have all kinds of
Dry CI out Is
I lard warp,
and all other articl.s usually found in a well j
furnished store. To render their establish- j
ment well worth a visit at all times they will j
continue to receive as the season advances.
new invoices of seasonable goods for Ladies' j
and (Jentlemen's wear, so as In be able at all I
times.to otfer the choice of the New York and ,.,..
Philadelphia markets. I 1 Es r assortment of Ladies' Spencers. I,n-
Having adopted the motto "Quirk Sales and J dersleeves, CufTs, Hdkfs, Flounces. Jac
Small Profits," ihev lmpe to receive a liberal j RmI Swlss 'nsertings, 1 bread and beam
oi,, r nhi;n'ns,;....9., r-i- in i,,.u ,.( ' Edgings to be had at HAl Es .
COl'NTRY TRODUCE taken in exchanee fr
J,.ods. L. IDUiNU.s & Co.
I.ewisburg, Oct. 21, Mi.
Letvlsburg Savinga 10811101100,
TH now openand ready to do business. The
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
The following named persons are the
DiaacTOat Willi m Cmr.aoa, Esq.
Mr. Juassow Walls.
Mr. Evens Anion,
Mr. Ji M'Cbeiobt.
Mr. Tuuxis Hatii.
Mr. WiLi.iaw Fbii'ic.
(ItoHn F. Millkb, Esq.
OrmiBi WILLIAM CAMERON, rraidcnl.
H. 1. iSHEl.LEE, Treamrtr.
Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months ; and three per
cent. less than six and overthrew months.
H. P. SHEI.LEK, Treasurer.
Lewisburg. Sept. 19, 1853
Fancy Fur Store.
T7DWAKU S. MA WsON & CO, Importers
and Manufacturers of FAXCY FVKH
AXD XKIXS, call the attention of the public
to their extensive stock, which theyofl'er npon
most reasonable terms. Wholesale and Retail.
Stoiiks S3 North Third street above Arch,
Philail-: and 44 1 Maiden Lane, New York.
Will commence on MusBit, October. 17th,
to continue 20 weeks.
The coarse of Instruction in this Institution
is calculated to prepare youths to enter Col
lege, or for general bii-iness. Composition
and Declamation receive careful attention.
Young men residing in the neighborhood,
who are at leisure during the winter months,
will find the present session a good opportu
nity for improvement.
All gross, immoral practices, rvotn in ana
about the school, are strictly prohibited; and
kindness, courtesy, and a spirit of honorable
rivalry among the pupils are encouraged.
The subscriber is solicibias to secure a class
of vnung Ladies.
luilvm ror Languages J 10, Higher Eng
lish fS, and Common Branches, (including
Keadmg, Writing, Arithmetic, Gecirraphy,
tirammar, and li S. History.) $1, per sesion:
50 cents extra, per scholar, for conungent ex
penses, charged during Winter Session. No
deductions except for sickness.
8ept. 16, I8S3. Principal.
Hickok's Patent Improved CIDER MILL
AdmlnlMlralorM Notice.
rHAVE received from the Itegister of Union
county. Letters of Administration upon the
estate of Lr wis Wpotts, late cf KellyTp.dec'd.
All persons indebted tu said estate will please
make immediate payments, and those having
claims against the same will present them duly
authenticated fur settlement to
DAVID MYEliS, Administrator.
Kelly. Sept. 7, 1953
AImlnlfrator' Notice.
T ETTERS of Administration having been
Aj dulv granted to the undersigned on the I
estate of NICHOLAS WELSH, deceased, late f
of White Deer Twp., Unimi County, notice is j up prpsely and exclusively fur Daguerreo
hereby given all persons indebted to said es- , typing, we think we can render entire satisfac-
taie to m ike linineaiate payment, ana tiii'Ee
having claims aitainst it will present them,
attested for settlement, to
IN the p.-cent arrangement of tiua higlilv aj....e I and valuable MILL, it. laLor ia diaidww hf
arranging cutting Cliuder to break the apidr',,and itien tithver thetn to the lowef cltmlr
to be reduced lo pounce. By lliii arrangement liir -nk r.f. in.eJ faster and wilh anOcb aM
The Prel ia arrnnsr.l willi a much larijcr 'tca liun furineily. anJ by a wty ingeniou dwiwl
the Q-e of the hms i dipenarJ taith. ai.d ihn TuS u.ade U open at will lo deher lb ptfuiew,biw
st the aame time the Cider is let clear, and the wot cau Lo d !: with much hraa tabvi iSan f
the old meth.Kl.
The Cylinder are cnaerej with heavy nheet 7 ne, both i n iheir peripheries tod end; Iba tvooal
in them i irMnwed so a i; it tl aell, and the whuie Mmk n the Mill and Preaa made in tb vary
best manner, arid arranged with ejecil vie to iheir durability and service.
NO FAItMEK, who u-enhc Mill carefully nij arcur l.ni ti. direcli-ma, WILL BE DISAP
POINTED; but. on the oih-r lianJ, he will CJ il.n oi ol iha moat valuable and dlciBt
machinea on hi- (aim.
The Machine ia made to run by borne, ateam or band power, and when ton applet arw tHlJ
a boy of 14 years of line can prcsa the pomace with all taae.
nj' Thia Mill ia warranted up. ri ir to any other Poctablo Mill in existence ; and iha Proprialof
ia ready at any time (on fair notice being giaen) lo teat it with any Portable mill Lna ia not as)
infringement on it.
Farmer! exai.i'tnt thl XEWL YJMFRO VFI MILL, b-,rty u lay any ntker.
Oue great advantage of ili-- Michine ov-r all o!inr ,. ihi. I i" WILL NOT CH)KB UP;
and hard or nuft upplea ran bu giound, n.d y.-t the Cy'tiu'era tdwaa remain clear a ad ia
grinding order.
The price of the Mill and Pie-. U $0. t . O. liECHOii, llarriajbOlY
Qj I'eraona in Union Cirjnty. and the u;. r pa I of X t'lhiwibtrlunj. can obtain ihne MH14
on application lo the u!wcriier.
Lewisburg, I'nniTi t,'o. Pi. Aug 3A. 1453
" Ut'CvilIfCt, this ii the Ne.vlv Improved Mill."
Sl'l KEH &. IllVt Ji would inform th
public that tney have fitted np a
in the New Building over Pr.Thornton's Dru;
Store entrance at the Jir.it dimr, up stairs
wiiere they are prepared to perform any wori,
in their line in the best style of the art. W.
can lake pictures at almost any hour ia Ui
day. Children taken as well as aduits an
other pictures cop:e.
As we have now a permanent location. fitted
Sept., IC, H53.
I)EG leave to inform their old customers
and all others that they are now opening
one of the must choice and desirable stocks of i
ijj JJvgS 'hat has ever been brought to ihis i
section of country. Having selected them with j
with great care, and of such styles, qualities, !
and prices as to defy comparison, we would j
particularly invite all in want of Goods to call
and examine for themselves at
LARGE number of accounts are slill in
the hands of the Execut-ra of encii
mmox, late ol Lewistmrg. dec a. rtotice is
hereby given that all dttes must be paid forth-
or legal measures must be adopted to
A "Ml
tion, and respectfully tender our services.
Lewisburg. Aug. I, 1SJ3 J L. HAWN.
The Old .Mammoth
enfirce them, without discrimination.
Xcpt.8. U YE Its AMMON, Acl'g Ex'r.
Material Aid!
IN -he
he shape . f FRKSII MEAT, car!
!ly uressed and cut op, furnished rega-
ir y on I uc-day, 1 hitwiT and tiurday
luirnir,?-, from the newly fitted Head (juartara
d the Mioicriber, ut rear of hit residence
ntrance in ihe alley from St. John' ureal,
orih s.de, b.'tweea Front and rieeood ttrecisi
I he personal services nf Mr. I. WbitbmS
nve been secured as saperiuieodeuL, asd
very arrangement male for I be Mliafactor
tccommudatioa of the public
Cii'i'imers regularly supplied at their owa
lonrs with Beef, Mutton, Veal, eto aterdif
i) or ler. A fur share of public palrooag la
e.pectfa!ly solicited. JOHN JONEa.
Lewisbarg. Aug. I, 1653
1"UESERVING and Pickling JARS just reed '.. w-TTT.
' and for sale at the Mam.n. tb Drug Store, j DRUG AND CHElSICAL EMPORIUM
Aug 10
r. TIIOKVrOY , Co.,
(or I Moooaiett.Pocket Books wmA
l aucy fwotad.
IHE attention of the Trade, and oihera, ia
wint of Porte Monnaiea, Pocket Book,
liui.k-tV Ci'cs, Dreasiog Caaes, Portable
W ruing Desk. Backgamiaoa and Claeat
D.Mrd.t benmen. Pearl. Shell aad Silver Car J
'ases.Vi.rk B xes.C'abaseedleBcokaJCoa
i'iet. Cigar Cases. Ponfblioa, Kaaor Stropa
ind Kaz rs.TraveLiog Plaaka aad One Cutlery
i zither wiib a large variety uf Pabct Gaosaj
vhtch will be sold at the L am rate.
r. U. 8MITH.
Par tr Mutwiie and Ptickft HJl Mmtufaeturtri
:i,4S7 205 Arch St. beiow Sisth. Paitas.
desirable styles just opening bv
T ITS'I1 rpc'd and fiir sap at the Maimnntli
I Drug Store a large supply of Dr. Green's ! " holesule k R-lail Druj-ji!, Lc'n'J.nri)
genuine BITTEKS, f..r cure of Dyspepsia, etc
Aug 10 Da. THOKN TON & CO.
Just Rcrrivt-d,
INE Lot of Berag'-s, Prints. Muslins, etc.
J. & J. WALLS.
Estate of Joel Royer, dee'd.
"OTICE is hereby given, that Letters tes-
tamentnrv on the estate of Jof.l Kiivfb.
in. .,r k .-llv Mu-iishm. dec d. have lieen gran
ted to the undersigned by the KegiMer of I n
ion county, in due form of law. Tl.erelore,
nit nfirsnn Wnnu ill" themselves indebted to
! ni.l p.iii. nri hprtiv reoiitted to miiv im
mediate payment, and thoe having any just
claims against ihe same, are also requested to
present them without delay
T ADII'.S' deep Trimmings of all kinds and ' i'ramin
Aj qualities, also r nnges, Uimps and lluti
tons at lew prices at
Seasoi.alIe Supplies
TI1IIE undersigned would respectfully an
J nounce to their friends and the citizens
ol I'nion muntv, that they have opened a New
Stock of DK V GOODS.
I'or i'TSrii's Wear lltcj- bare
Frini-!i Cloth, i. i"k:inand fan'-y Cai-iiiiriprs, Cotori-it anil
Wliin. I.inn. Iiriilii. CottM ail-i. Vttn-, w tflylefc
janii:i VomiriK, (Ki.ir.i-h lliirj-,i ac. 4c j
ror l-ittlips' Wear, I
Itich I ntr-d lllarli ."Ilka, I'kun and I hanealla rnaa.
Mrii.''l silk.-i, AIarri.in'
T..ii ! them to mat,
FINEST Molesfcin, Cassimere and Magyar
1 HATS, Silk, Plush and Cloth CAPS at
BBLS. of LAKE S ALT just reed by
SHAD and Mackerel a new supplv at
May 19 WALLS'.
IliCiograpIiir I'rlnMn? 131 re,
j and a large quantity ol PIC I L"KES, for
and for Drawing I eai-liers.
Corner, on N. Fourth St. opposite H. Neuer's.
GERMAN and FRENCH Languages, Draw
ing. Painting, and Draughting, taught by K.V.
rrLK to their friends and the puM;c
large and well selected stock of lrel,i
Drugs, Medicines. Cheinicais. ground Spicei I
(pure.) Dje-Sturts, Brushes, Cumbs. Perfume j
rv. Soaps. Fancy Notions, Fruit, Confctionerv.j
K,ilr. SmliAn..,, .,..1 . . t- 8
fun num.r.ill In m.t:ti,.n ?
uive us a can ana ju.tge lor yourselves we yft,rt),ie utnuU a Pow.Wr taat ibobib aad
charge nothing h,r looking. f,, ,T ,aie ,he iacf f ,Ue thl,UlMkDd Vii on
Remember the Mamm .th pr-ig Store ! in.,trun.. v.tten u,. acJ ,i Ul.a a.nntifc- aa-w
Dk. T. A. H. THORNTON & CO. Win !:. Jim" a.r 'k- rim at aU aawaaaa whvvk Laa
- "finite rival mi, ar. " 1. 11 to," ne baa limllrW ln ona
rta-rt If -V i. hctol-t.n , lieruwu.ut 2uaw oaa W aaaauwa aalaat
Thonaaada are tMBtfylnC 10 1 Bagtaayl
" The mevnful Mm it Iraaw at aat iMaL"
j 4 F I E It yerrs of study and experiment by
tjiX. toe Inventor, lo compound fro
0 to 30,
r.().(H!0 ft Maple SJ bv S - '
3r. d 4 ty 4 ,:;;r'j.,;,:1i
ROOK AGENTS WANTED, to sell Pictor
ial and useful Works for the year 1853.
and sold
give instructions in that line of female educa
tion. Lewislmrg. Sept. I, 1853
.lll.I.r.il'.S Irosi I'rame PIANOS,
These celebrated Instruments, in addi
' i'i,x"n to 'heir furmer acknowledged supe-
! ")2fTrioriiy, have recently received the niw
Wanted. iu every section nf ihe L ulled Stales,
ar-iive and cnterprisintrnien. to engace in the
cile of some ol the best Uooks pnblished in tl uu-ring comuienilalions from Madam Itisnop
the t'ountry. To men of good address, pus- ; and Mr. Burns t, who had them in use at their
sesstiitr a small capital of from $23 to $100, , late Concert in this city. The public is iuviled
.''.'""?.''?! j.uch inducements will he offered as to enable to call and examine the assortment now on
ir.-liiaviia-.i'ri J-V ',.'' T.,, ,ilt.m , maL,; rrom 3 to 5 a dav profit. i hand, and for sale at the lowest prices, at the
3m4SS Philadelphia.
command large sales wherever they arc offered, j
For further particulars, address, (post paid,) I'llii Cl sitf . Ttt dU iiUS.
IvODrjnl oimliii, I Hiuisner.
181 William Street, New York.
N.iir-. I r.ii-li and smtili li.aliamm .Men.- . rk.a , rr-7- I lie HOOkS ptlOIISneU DV US are all Use- 1
!' au.1 l-iHlernleeT.,.aer..iirt mi l V-ifituf ri ... ..,,. Pkaracler. eitreini-lv nomitar. and
m-;.. I,.&..iii.. W,.r, l.iVf-n tvir.vK an.1 IJH-'-n. 1 T . J ' .
Nov. 11' 153 6w
I'l-Am ait'l F.-aiicT 'ait N-t. Ciifw pTyl-.i TurJr.inn. lllu-
ii.us. Hioii.tfU. Ktnltrni'iTfal rimI I'l-nr l.;iwn Htlk'fn, .""U
p.rior QurJilT Ki.l, T..lMs.i. l Si!k (.Iotm, laonr
Sh'Tt M"liair"Mitt. Wtiilp 'ra li:twlH, Klogant Worn
Shawlff, Ac., Ac A large nsfjri incut tit
Pm rcl K. M1t5. Stair Kmns-k. Pnpr "ottrn Phcrtinps
I'illow Ca.e Muslin. Kuriiiiurt' t htrk. Tirltiiip. 0'l'-
KriuK"1 "ttnn TaMr lip. r. Ihwa.sk TMp i;i lhs. Np-
kinf, D'Ovlk'H. KuttPoi Cl'-th awl lutton Tt.li Covers,
II00K l?t tH Uanircl.
GENTS WANTED in every Town ami
; HMIE UiiirTsity of Fr lttlirin at.d Topular Kn
tiler, chart- r-l ! tli iil of IVuo-ylvania
VT a meetire of the Hoard of Managers of ,
the L'nion County Mutual Kire Insurance .
Company, held at the cfiice of said Company, i
in the liorongh of Lewi.birrg, on the 27th dy .
of October mstant, the following Kcsolulion j
was unanimously adopted :
JttfJcrJ, That an assessment of fifteen per :
FrTot ash A:rs Crrm rT ItrwAtTi's T.i'stc MiXTVEri.
at ita
Iat srFpinu (Tia. th April, is.vi.) mainly f irtli piirriiwi
if arriitiiiir tli aTil, rr.uliinK from lh" vale of ipurion?
ami ilaiiecrou, nwrmns also fur tfi punioior tuDlr-
County in the United States, to sell the !n "'' wi:h TetnM rera..i;M in wh.n-m
, . , .,, 1 ii ui i tli." Tmllnt can not oi'tnin or will not employ the Wat
nieili'-at adTiini. baiuir purrhafrd that invaluable rln-
iy. KowanJ i ionic Mixtri, on account of ira juH
j Super Mirwillea yiiilt ami rH,unicrpanr, Huckabuek. m,)St popular and saleable books published
; Ma,randCrliT.wel.inK.-e , . bcautifullv illustrated with Col-
'l-l.-; ,...t, ..f rWll".'lflF' , rirr nri ..... , ..h .il....!. . . .. r i-
.1.-.. jiu. u. ...... w ored Encravings; a some most popular worus V7 - ,. ; T
,., !,, I ' " ' e. 0 . , , .i... and Aan.". and it kin-lml atT etioii",ha. nohwitatnmiii
and ctieap. rrTrtn-ipri,!0' T- s- Abtbcb, including -Arthur s Cottage , I,wnlI..,di,.f( it u the hlihost irraia is tha tvtronaK.
'I heir assortment ofQl,EENlV Aufcis one ; lilirarr- ; of the rfJictrd.
of the finest ever brought to this section t i inWiiceni aed ei.lerpmlug men wit! and tins a n.i-ai-county,
and extremely low. 5!
Also, an extensive stock of HAKDWAKh. r j w. iiKADl.F.r, PnWh-r.
Their stock of goods having been purchased ; iyt!2 No 4S North K.mrth St. fhUiririhi:
at the present cxtreim ly low prices, and lor
cent, on ,ne pre .. J m ....tea prior "- - eables ,hem , cfrcr unusual .nduce-
a.,y o. "ctoner ...... .. ..- , pur(.h;lsers, as respects variety, style
per cent, on ti.e pre.nium notes since the lblh prices. The sublic are respectfully invi
day of October Is.v:, be made to meet the los- - i ... . . r , . r
j u .1 - , .,,.,.,,11. led lo call and indue for themselves belore
ses sustained bv this Company and due the Uc- ,"- - " .
vises of Frick. Hif'-r A- Co and ethers.
Publi-hH hv order t.f the Hoard of Directors.
Nov. 3,1053. J. A. MEK'IZ. Pcc'y.
I'Orrtrjct tiis Day.
"orn, new....
Dried Apples
3 Bullet
l'allow . . . .
B con
Clovereed. . .
. 40
K. JOHN LOCKH, Surgeon Dentist, has
returned lo Lewisburg. where he will
attend to hi professional business uutil further
notice- Oct- 2S, '53.
Dissolution of Partnership.
TIIIC partnership heretofore existing be
I tween the undersigned under the firm of
High & Albright was dissolved by mutual con
sent on the 1st of Nov.. 1813. The books will i
be iefi in the hands of L. F. Albright for set- .
tlement. Those knowing themselves indebted
wili do well to call and settle.
White Deer Mills, 1 IIKNRV IIICH.
November 11, 1853.5 L. F. ALHK1GHT.
purcha.ing elsewhere.
.COUNTRY PRODl'CF. taken in ex
( chance for Good?, and the highest market pri
ces allowed. m:nt:ii & vok.se.
t I.ewisburg, Oct. 13, 1853
1)UEPAKKl by Kodemaeher &. Sheep,
Apothecaries to the Hotnnopathic Dis
pensary, No. 2:19 Arch street, Philadelphia,
constantly on hand and for sale, wholesale
and retail, in Lewisburg. at ihe Drug Store of
( Oct 2; Da. T. A. H. THORNTON.
For the cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps, and all
Xrrrmis and Constitutional Diseaxrs.
1JERS0NS who are lahurin? undr this
disircsiinir malailv will find ihe VEGET
remedy ?ver discovered for curing Epilepsy,
or Falling Fits. j
Thru Till tm Fprrifc. .irtfn on fh nrT.nB '
MPtf m, nd alt hoii eh thy arc prfpnretl Cfj-mallir for lh
."urp'fe r.f curing Kiss, tln-y will h f.mnfl tf wpoiril ben- j
efit f-r mil p"m.n ff?i'tx! with wrak wrf.r whof j
ncrTons T5tim has lmn rotratoi or liwtterrd from
iiv muM'wliitcvfr. In rbrnnT pomrlnint'". nr ilifasen I
of innir ftAnilint?. niprinluHl l.y ucrrou?ne-s, thejr re
exrrtHliaiily bivticial.
I'rW f.t pi-r lox, or two Imxr f r f S. rrw)nii out of
t!ii'itv.?ilirz s rmlttnnr. will l;roth 1411 int
tltm I h rm ir h thf ml. frt f iotatr. For Mir hy
SKTII S. H AXCK. No. loft, Caltihrr MuriT. HUimor'. j
M .. M wlvmi orrtr frntu H f rt nf th fToiii muit bm
addiMcd. prjt paid. 1 1 n e w.
IF yoii want cheap Dry Goods, Groceries,
btoves, or Hardware, call upon
Heaver, Earcnier & illoore,
-ho are now opening their near Fall Stock.
They vif fell G'f'fx as low as tlfjf can
he Imuijht in Fhihiihlphia.JSJl
Lewisburg, Sept 22, 1853
VaIl Papers!
ATTAI.L PAPERS! The subscribers have
y V now in store their complete Fall
Stock of
Patter Hangings, Curtains, &c.
which they offer at very low price, Wholesale
and Retail.
Our assortment ia very complete, compris
ing ail the qualities, both French and Ameri
can. We manufacture a large proportion of
our Goods, and can sell at the lowest rates.
Hapcr Hanging done in the Country at City
prices. PAKRIStl St HOUGH.
491 No. 4 North Fifth St. Philadelphia
nj XTT7" Q for Jiisficcs.Consta.
X) JJ I Y IN JVkJ bles.&c.on hdnd at
the I hiomule cilice, or printed lo order
Bnwrt. rfiyPI.ATVr enn-dbr rownds black
, H1-.UKY HOOT. Tbr ntar 'Iiutitulliin rata-nfla iu
j Hanetirn. iu like manner. In tha rm aj f r l!.wl Com
j I'laint." ai w.ll knouu a Itimnnd'a Compound tfvrnp of
j Hlar-kbiTry lt"0. anil i-arn-atly rtMMmmind it to threw.
f...-niNi tit patirnta afH.rte.1 wl;h lhtn'eoillainta.belk-'T-
!ir.g tt to be iovaJualilein til' treatment nf auck emrrm.
llim. Ilrlirj K. tUrong.
I Hon. J. It. Fiauig-n.
I By order cf the Trustee, J.-bu R. K.iwaiKl, M. D.
j II. it. A.-Iiton. Oq.
V. Ilrrtor Orr, K.'i.
8i Alt mmirmnifr.tinn to Ti alrtre.aiNj. John R.
j RnMaml. f. Ii, heail of the PtiainiMeuticaJ I part merit,
l ami I'niaiiiriitof thr IjitivT-itr.
Ifxm. Pf.pfrj9ary andoffice,o.47.SimthSeTOndStrvt,
Iirarjrb Di-poBMiry al Hi" Ptftn nf
1).-. T. A. II. THOIiNTjN CO;, LrmilbuTg.
"JTOTtCE is hereby civen, that the Co-Part-X
nership in the Tailoring Insi less here
tof.ireexistin? between JOHN B. MILLER and
JAMP.S K- MILLER, is this day dissolved by
motual consent. The books and accounts are
in the hands of John (1. Miller, who is authori
zed to settle for the Firm.
Lewisburg, Aug. 30, 1853
utirnrin.: ur 11 fiiita :iirul. a. 'law ikaaaaMa haa baatt
t it. hai. tiaatt 01" a uwcIbm.,1 a' taa $lali
T'.TAtiLa; but Hi Dave car ewuaaiauaaaail anas
ti.. ultLat ' M. ti.". tiriuafi tar aaaiaruaa
lo to xi'.UT'! i; ,f lti.Asn plank ''iM-r. now 'u b'a.'t. a we., aa ttivaa a aiaiv hareanar
20 to 3P.Wr)l H I do ;.r-. ; fn ui .'.ii.i itwt-nfta. Uuio.
k J i- , . - n 3 , . i' Kg. ait..; lr. l omiir u uw ail ILa avitaaiaa araa
to be deliverer! ihis coming Fall aJ Spring ot,;..tIK.. ,,. r s, . ,,rlll; fuUa,,,, tiraJa rf wmU
the bank of the Uivrr at Harrisburg. Juiui'er 'i:io. -r-ar.fUuvuri lUat iuoamiratiii aacora
..ic. eoa.yMia or pure vntaMa
c-an V .wT-iy uj j luiua.. itd t tliaa
I.m H.inA...ttt.:ii.'lMu.uil udlMsllwa;
furnishing il,e above. auJ ;crs.iQs t'uilir.ir pro "iv aifert- .-.iv n.' Ut faitr.t . ihr fw.cwmxit
i.(..e .i.Bii !,.,u!t.rc aumiuuiK u Kur aair. raa
I :t .tr.-i.lljeu!' U. U.Uott.ti.rtriaa U.
lue t'liuiTv uraiLna. LliwtvbT ia.uibin
'l'erms of payment ash on delivery auj ami jf-..i.i.iiir ti. aii"i. vhii-i uuiuvo of tiia ani&iaj
inspection. Ad.lres (pipai.!) "'a." " ,ut:j L.aoJ.T tatiaa aeeew
,a, ... , ., ' .' i:i1i.'.ii. 1 nil' u li Li. i. UUa.UMi tji.-
8 W . O. iVX h(k, Harnabur?. Ta. j iiaam (i:.ii.u.a .i.ia maMatto
- M .l.' ii-'".' II t:S C'aUC
new firm. T.,;'rr?..;?",,....V:r"i
Ulxno9 tindrr Hoar
F.N and .-ILK Nee.lle-work executed j f d , " , ' j - ' ; j , u . rv
by Mas. V I.KMAK ho a,so will 1r, ,Is l,H r,Pflvf,, s ... tVr:
iiritnni in that lint aaF fjxituia ao.1nrra- 1 f . ' .r'1-1" t
nosals will stale the quantity ai.'I au-iiifv of the J.1
d a . ! j . ' i , .(Btff ra.e: v.m
lflcrent kinds thev cm HK!iish, and uU-u. i-u:i
IS enterea inio a i;o r.irtnersh p in
A-iu-u.i jrirt aLu i..i .
f-r th'ir .N'til" CirtLS
a ir a -v '
1' - a . 1 11 Ir a 1m- -a: v.-. II .u. U ns.ai:dcu.rrur ibau.au conpiaiaitf
ari i.aoie rri'ui a 3ufjr!.i.D ul tne natural
(!,., Mil.' II C.v.VS ar. mu--Ti ?.int.,t L aceaainsally
ihnrn hnln w...,l.l (..!.. .u.;. itiw ' itmr Si-.p nr K-r. It taa a landenar H
I- i v ' " "i ii .:,:rr.-t r. t i irual. rTn. all obatrartiona frora tha
lormer customers, ami the puhue in (teneral, .mOk .!!, i r-.iui t i.li tna wratina.. asr? rwnaaiiuMitiy
to give them a call at Do tear's old siard or ;'''' i,Kl' ' th !rva;h r f the aainiai.iiuaetiij aod
North FOUR I'll strert. where thrv are pr.'r.v","."'''"',h" V!l't:""u '""" . J
.... , . , ' I 1 I 1 f I 'Ifc.ru llit narui wop ara innatanilr caar
ref to rto aii worn in Iheirhne wi:h the iil'imst 'i.iii..hi.i.n. arhi-h mulum their avtrtng Concha,
uespatcn and on the most reasonible terms. , ' ' '"""" ' jarta. w.iirn aamraiiT
rilHK present Proprietor nf the newly ti--
vered VI Ifllieltl C'a (lim-sioni-j i:
DRY VALLEY, l'nion Co. In-rehv rives none
that thf Care triU HOT ' ii'n i Sl'XV.i 1
lor isiiors. it mav he vi-im ! bv Li
Gentlemen on anv o'her d iv. ami on S ATI !
DAY of every week especial rjnr.itniis w:
be made to accommod ite wi h lih:s. i
Qj'Ail persons are fo'hiildeii . break ofi j
injure, or take awav anv specimens frion thE
Cave, tinder penalty of Prosecution. !
The payment of 15 cents only is require.' t
of every person before rnterinT-
Yrt 11 T rrr I
Dry Valley. June CS.
'1 HAD airnia : HiGor. nu I arnnLST." Ilerrj Car. I
lit!.- Jt ney to rt-'aiM their trri'Vtk- n 11
'wrt orii'-r t-'rkj. wilt !(,e-li;j rni il dittru'tij,
, I '.if itDim J v:i M-o-i itavrta-M iu Kt-'aalik anti I'M.
U I'... t f The" lt-1-.J 'f tUa'UAMUU tlta t'UUltr, IrftvfBg
"f'thiT tht. i.ur r of tlir lUalluJUa wUtiki hl fcwtlitr
; "-i-t. ittfl uivii-t to b mil-II u?i tn it m irl! i
: Wf -udO ! ii y pr drt tl-t wt"iavit it :un tQlitNliie!
At;F.'T I'iNlKI, V.tiULI IX.
Ufo and Speeches of EETJSY CLA.T,
y A X--1' '-vj j-
fA a- -S- ; . -v" - -
Z fry 1
'"a -iriiaiiaii'
& lit
VkI ar.i Iastni:4rnI Knile.
LVILI.F. MALCOM, Profeasor of
ui u rn rLA 'ii. t si a r
In one Inrrro ocfavi voI:i:ue of Mini pa j.-. i J Hiinn F.irte in the Lwihurs FeBato
naniiinn n.ninn in cl-iTn. n t. I'UM w:.i -.rn; : II TV. n.lvilirf & L-u- Uii.r.
t. -n:.. -n leinf-rs lis proieisions,! services
et..ih eilt, Svl.
Or, biun-1 in Two Vrtliiyi-'
TIIHE wort hre pre.entfd is intended f
I icr.ee dearly the career of Mr.C'lav. from
, jrhe e.;iZens of I.ewi'.f ur and vicinity.
i n u:scriber has Stni?:e.4 nn.lrr lh mnaf
JACOB DYER, Cattawissa,
jcKik Would inform his old friends and the
f-MA Pul'e eenerally on the West and North
firanrh.that he continues in keep the STAGE
HOTEL, in the center of the Town, and asks
a fair share of pa:ronas;e. sept- 8
"VTOTES Promisaorv. Judcment. and
i Joint NiXr (blnnlca) at th't office).
his entrance on (he sfa-c of roMie life dnirai' '"S1-1"" protenaora. -t m r.urre aad
to the period of his de arh mainly bv th lijhtf v '' f' n? panrcc
hie . i n.i Ir.fri nercnnsfi-n rnl imnivcimii. '
.'.zr attention to lh
a'rKjnenee. Ir.Cl.iT' p.-irtiaipenrarr .forr i'i.r. 'Hrw
anil vicnrnn. cmli!y a:l ihe fln.tiaiinn ths? i n!f i
tn thrir fill un.lerelan.linj the rrrat inii.ntnre. i
ri.tv. anil In-h-.trni tii'lr inrort of the tor lr he vear'
ly ilieeuee.l Itie rhirai"t.r r.nl aMiitr ..f ihe Orari.r. rh.
ftireet ami exai! bearin of h:a ar 'itmenf.on fh ronlro
Tersiea anil tn:ern.t of ih. lirtiMn all rr.mMn'. (o ren.tr.
hi reeohi-a ftmone Ihe pv'tt Til-.nh'e rontrintiin.
Patri.-tiera and t.enin tn the entitfhtrcmont and eTa
tion of tbaameiiean n.'o.lr.
JAMES I. OTTTOV. P,.h'.h-r.
No. 102 Chnnut tlrrtt. Philidrlphli
the atioirn work, will he alloa-.-.! a rtt-w-'unt ai1t''"f nllr
tarca tn enat.le them to mntie a Oravratc buaiucs t-r it.
je particnlara, ail'lr '
join r. oitt'.V Piill"'lr.
F. loj Chttnnt Strr, ''.LVIjr..i."o. IttV.-
Terins modernr.
v!ow Fmrih.
Lr-vi-l rrs, July SS. 1S31
Kes.'Jenr on Marktt 44.
Exofulttr' Notice.
V 1.1. persona indebted to the estate of JOHlHf
HUMMEL, deceased, Iae of Kt' Tn.
are herenv required to make immediate pl.a
ment of the same to the subscriber a hi. ....
,avd artiremen. who wi-h to e rrure in t e .-ite nrjinence in neny rownsnip; nd those having
i.iniina ai;uui5i ine same -teiii n... .v.arr
luly at'ested fur settlement tn
Jacob urM met.. t.t..