Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 04, 1853, Image 4

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Wit anD umot
From toe "Kxicaxaaoclia" f Aoveuioer.
Desire Ayres.
In my native town of M , in tbe
year 1 8 , could be seen, two afternoons
in eaeh week, a large collection of devoted
ladies duly organized into a 'Sewing Circle.'
Among the ' sewers that went forth to sew '
on these occasions, was a maiden-lady of
about forty by name, Desihe Ayres.
She was au inveterate snuff-taker, and her
nasal twang was not particularly agreeable
to any body ; and she was sometimes, to
the inconsiderate, the subject of practical
By the aid of tho Circle,' five promis
ing young men were enabled to graduate
from University ,and expected to enter
the miuistry. 5ut to the indignation of
J'tsiRE and others, one had 'a call' from
a charming young widow to take charge of
plantation, which of course he accepted.
Another had 'a call' to quack-medicine?;
another to school teaching,iilthough he soon
arrived to great distinction as a horse
j jckey ; and David Junes, E.q , can ' post
you up' as to the fourth. The last, Mr.
P , a blundering, near-sighted, absont
niinded man, graduated at tho Theological
Sftminapr . . . I oranl ac a iniuumnut-i I un
island of the Pacific After twenty years j
absence, he returned to visit the scenes of.
his boyhood, aud to look upon the faces of j
those who had so kindly assisted him. The I
, ., . , , e .
joy oi in oia ioiks at noms Knew no ;
uuuuus. iue ouug peotie c.iugai iuu
excitement. A score of old woiueu followed
him wherever he went, aud compelled him
to pass but a single night under the fame
roof. They lived over again the sceues of
the ' Sewiug Circle.' The bingnphy of
those striped pantaloons was repeated
Every eveuing, for many weeks, Mr. 1'
held meetings ' at the different houses,
where he repeated, again and igaiu, the
Story of the thousand conversions, over
which the delighted villager cackled lise j
pullets over their nrst egg ; and eaeu uld
lady that had set a stitch for the ' Circle,'
took full credit for every conversion, re
serving but a small share for the mis
sionary. 2io one followed up the meetings more
constantly than a little old worn m with a
WlZzled-UP face, of the shape and Color of I
r ' 1 i
a eiicQS-nilt. Ilpr head wa ilrneited in
the extreme corner of a huge, flaring hou
net, f a fashion that had out-ran the
memory of man. This was the veritable
Desire Ayres. Nor had the new growth
of boys ceased to tease her.
To-night there is a meeting at Deacon
F 'a. It is November, aud the house
is crowded. Mr. P stands iu the door
way, where the keeping room ' opens into
b;..i -in
which half the village might assemble
and gossip. The services have commenced.
AH is hushed. And now Desire ranrches
in, and brushing a small boy off his chair,
takes it, and seats herself before the huge
fire-place. The boys look at each other
and Iangh. They believe more in Desire
than in P . They pile the wood on
the fire, and are pleased to see her move
back, and back, as the beat increases
beyond her endurance. And now some
chestnut-wood bpging to ' snap,' and De
sire again pushes back ; when lo ! she has
pushed open the cellar door, and down she
goes, chair and all, to the bottom of the
stairs! Mr. P , apparently half asleep,
walks calmly to the cellar-door, and looks
down into the darkness, without offering
to assist, or to let any one pass by him to
her relief !
- In a moment Desire comes trudging
up-sUirs, dragging her chair behiud her,
her bonnet terribly distorted. She g'cs
to her first position, and raising her chair
as high as she eonveuiently can, brings it
to the floor with a whack; and then sits
down, and attempt to get her bonnet ' into
condition' until the meeting is over.
On the foilowiug Sabbath Mr. P
' preached, as a matter of course. The usual
requests for prayers for the aOletcd ' were
read ; aud aiu ing the rest, one handed to
Mr. P , as he passed the entry. It
ran as follows :
PrjiiKS A Tr.u desires prayers
Fim- tumbling down the Deacon's stairs!'
ITcre Mr. P paused, and eyed the
note for a minute or more. AVhcther the
writing was bad, or he disliked the senti
ment, is not now known ; but be placed
the not by his side, and still kept his eye
on it. The last two lines, however, he did
not read, which were as follows :
Sue broke uo bones, nor bruisi-d no meat
That ciltx r cats or dogs would eat:
And now, as 1 pass the Deacon's hou-e,
on my way to the paternal mansion, to eat
the thanksgiving turkey, I tell the story,
and point out the Deacon's house, and
Desire's also, to my stage-companions :
all of which is true to the letter.'
Ccaiovs Reason. The New Haven
Register thinks the reason why the thauks
giving procliinatioa of tho Governor for
Massachusetts was so short, is to be found
in the fact that there are so many and va
rious religious creeds in Massachusetts,
that it is tlifficuit to write a proclamation
that would be satisfactory to all !
. The man who "got off'' a speech, is en
deavoring to get eu again. Ilis train of
remarks was the wrong one.
" Kelly announces in one of tbe da
ly paiwrs that he, ;!! .lis,. . ..,
leeiiishfoetforein.twuli the bark off
u a wither.
" Readings Patent Corn Sheller,
Capable of shelling lOOOBushels of Corn
eET per day. Fur sale by
tia. 23 Suctb Siitb Stbskt,
Sale Agent far Philadelphia.
This Sheller, patented in July, 1852, ha
met with a success unparalleled by any Ma
chine of the kind ever offered to the public.
The following certificate (one of a large number
received) will give some Idea ol what people
tbiuk of it who have used it:
"Summit BriiK. Bel.. Jsn 28. ISM.
Thit hi to certify, that I have had Heading's nw Corn
Sheller, patent in Jul; iMt Id operation n mjr fsrm for
part of a day. during- which lime it shelled rising Seven
II ami ml Ku-belscf Corn: and. f rom whut I hsve wen of
it p. rfornunee. 1 am patiiftrd ill capacity is fully One
HunJrrd mod Sfln Hmhtl aer hrmr. It dees not break
the Com. nor are the eohn atall injured for fuel. 1 great
ly prefer it to my olher sheller . in
, and tbmk it
will supersede all others now maun.
Jm;J Very liespclfully Vours,
Jos. 8. Viuo.
The subscribers
having formed a
co-partnership in
business, now offer
to old friends and
the public, at the
late stand of S. F.
Lvndall.on Market
street, the cheapest (lor cash) and best lot ef
iJoota ana Stjora
for Men and Boys, ever offered in Lewisburg.
Men s Boots from tl up to 6.
Gaiters, half-Oaiters, etc.
Children's 8hes of all styles and sizes,
Work made to order Mending as usual.
As w are both known as practical shoe
makers and experienced workmen, we solic t
a share of ,,. bhc patronage and wiU try 10
' merit it. S. .si I. Oilier.
Lewisburg. April 28, 1853
fcl YEAItS' MrrEKl.VG.
Extract f a LrtUr from Mr. milium Galpin. of 70, Saint
Uarft xtrtet, W ymoulh, duUd Man lit, 1851.
To Proli'itor U'jLLuwat,
S'li At the aire f IS my wife (who is now 61) caught a
violent roM, wh:rh Mettled in he.- lees, and ever since that
time tltey hare been more or less sore, aud greatly iuflam-
ed. Her ap.nies a ere distracting, and for month together
she was d.-f.rived entirely of rest and lrep. Kvery remedy
that medical men adrieed was tried, without effect; her
health eulfeied severely, and the tMte of her lex was ter-
"l,le - I hsdofw-n ied your Advenimeots,and advised
her to try vour 1'ille and Ointment, and an a laet resource
afer every other remcly bad provrd useless cheoonM-uted
' V' ilo so. She commenced six weeks affo, and, strange to
re:MU. i now in komI iicaltb. Her lejm are painless,without
team or scar, and 1t nleep sound and undisturbed. Could
you have aito, Mfd the suffertnics of my wife during the
la-t 43 re:ir?.:ind contrast thrm a ithlierpresenteujoj inent
of health, ycu would indeed feel delL'hte-l iu having been
tu.. means of .-loitreatu a.levialioc thesunenbirsorao.ih w
crratura. l.-igned) ILI.1AM UAI.l'lN.
opv of a LttUr f urn Mr. Haw Abbs, Bviiiirr of Go Oeeas,
i.j HmJidijt', if or IluJdtriJUid, dcXtd May -&IU, 1641.
To I'rofeseor Uli.oW4V,
Sir 1 suffered for a period of 30 years from a bad le,a
retult of two or three dinereat accidents at Oat Works;
sceouipanied by eorl,ulic sympuisas. 1 had recourse toa
variety of mrdl'-al adf Ke,wilhont deriving any benetttaud
a,eeiiviitaifeHuUioittvolr.-jmrt lha auuorntmVut tiai
elfected a couiplete cure in so ehort a tints that few who
had not wilneffsi'd it would credit the lacs.
(suniedl WM. ABB.
The truth of this etalemeut can he verified by Mr. W. P.
Kiulanu, himi-t. la, Market street, llalderaosid.
Extract of a Lflt'r fnrm Mr. hrttifrick Turner, of lit-
burit, Ktut, dattii UuxmOtr IXh, l&IM.
To rrof-seor Hull wit,
1ieh Slh Sly a lie bed suffered from Bad Breasts more
thaw six months. and dunujlte whole period bad the best
cicdical atierdam-e, bul all to uo use, aud having before
h,-aUl an awful wound in my own leg by yonr uurivelied
medicine, I determined auain to use your Pills and Oint
uient. atid tliervlore nave tbem a trial in her case, and
fortuuate it was that 1 did so, lor iua month a cure was
pt-rftcd ; and the liene tit that various other branches of
my family have derived ftom their Use is really astonish
ing. 1 sua strongly rcuuiunvud them to all my friends.
(signed; IKLiltniCK Tl'KNKil.
O'PJf of a Lsttrr from Mr. Ftaneis Arnot, of Jirrutwuu,
i Hood, ttlinbro', datvi April JUth, ISbl.
To Professor UoLUWjir,
Sib For more than i years my wife has been subject,
from time to time, to attacks of inflammation in the side,
fin- whi'h she was bled aud blistered to a great extent:
still tbe pain could not be removed. Atsiul lour yesrsago
she saw in the papers the wonderful cur-s effected by your
Pills and ointment, and thought site would give them a
trial. To her great astonishment and delight, she got
immediate relief from their use, and after persevering for
thiee Week the paiu in her side was perfectly cured, and
she has enjoyed tbe best of health for the last ft.,ur rears.
(signed) FRANCIS AK.NOT.
Tbe Pills should be used onnjotntlj with the Ointment
in must of the foilowiug cases:
Bad Legs Cbilblaius Fistulas Sore Throats
lljul Breasts Chapped Gout Skin Diseases
hums Hands Olandular Scurvy
Bunions Corns (soft) Swellings Sore Heads
llites of Mos-Cancers Lumbago Tumors
chelo-a and Contracted Piles Cb.ere
Sand-Flies and Stiff Kbeumatism Wounds
Coeo-Uay JnuU Scalds Yaws
Chiege foot Elephantiasis Sora Nipplea Ac- Ac.
Sold at the KsUbli-bment of Professor lIotLOWAT. 24s.
Strand. (near Temple liar. London . and by all respeetaMe
liruggisia and ileali-rs in Ued.sntw throughout the British
Empire, aud of tuoau of the L uited States, in Pots at STJsj
rts., cts., and t.i Mi each. Uliolesale bylhe principal
llrug beuses in Ihe I'nion : by Messrs A.B A U.Sssne. New
York, and Mr.C II KmoiiT.,. South Sixth St., I'hiiada.
.'lure it a eoUrallt saving oy taking I fir larytr sues.
N.H. Dintiims for the gntdance of pstieuts in every
disorder are affixed to each I'ou ( ly452a)
HAVING been appointed Agent for the sale
of Ihe eelrhratrd Piano, manufactured by
GEO. VOGIIT, Philad.,
the underfisned nnuld be hippy to supply any
citizen of the Susquehanna country who may
desire an Instrument well made, after ihe latest
improvements. Two ol these Instrument have
lately been introduced into I.ewisburg, to which
I am happy to refer toy one. Tbe Pianoa are
are warranted, anil if nt satisfactory on trial for
a year, they may be exchanged. Price reason
Lewi-burg. Feb 24, IS52.
Depot and Manufactory
G. Is. Miller & Co.,
S. W. coawca Acn aim Sicoss Stbiets,
T"VERT variety of shades. Wholesale and
j Ratail. such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic
Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are to be
had at the lowest prices for quality of work.
Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and oth
er Shades executed at short notice.
Merchants and others are invited to give as
a call. We trill try to plritse.
Brasses. Trimmings, 4c, always on haad.
Remember 8. V. corner Second and Arch
Streets, Philadelphia.
Feb. It, 18 Si 6ni4l
F)EGD.S of a mierior form, for sale at the
Chronicle orEee, S cts tingle, e-0e per dot
Here Is your Remedy!
Attorney at Ieair,
LEW1SBURG, Union Co., Pa.
STA.OFFICI nearly opposite Kline's Hotel
Refers to
Hon. Jama Burnwidt, BUfimU, FU.
" Jama T. Halt, da
r. C. HumtM Co, do
Hon. Abraham & tFOton, Liwiifi , Im.
" A. Jurann, Sunburn.
teams! labia, U Uutiyitmrg.
Linn, Smith stOs , PhiuuUlvhia.
Ltwitburg, April 22, Ibii.
" Small Profit and Quick Sales."
WE take this method of informing the
public that we have fitted np Ihe old
where we would invite especial attention !
our stock or
Groceries and FISH,
which ean not fail to please, either in reparr?
to price or quality. Our goods have been
bousht for cash, at the lowest price, and will
be sold on accommodating terms.
CASH will be paid for ail kinds of Grain
and the very highest price paid, in goods, lor
every description or Dome! ic Produce.
Turtleville, April 22, 1853
(Successor to A. FIOT,)
Ao.lC4, Cltettnut Street,Stcaim'$Juildiitrr,
I7XTEXSIVE Mcsic Pcblhiiib and Dealer
J in Musical Instruments of every descrip
tionexclusive Agent for the sale of Halleit,
Davis A;Cn's(Boston)PatentSuspeBsion Bridge
JEulian and other
I.Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music
books, etc.
Residents of the country will be supplied liv
mail or otherwise with any music they may
wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of the largest stocks in the United
States, I feel confident of satisfying all who
may tavor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal
terms. Pianos to leu Second-hand Pianos for
sale. 1)173
Lightning Rods.
A FTER many years' close investigation and
j numerou experiments, the Patentee taee
t-ltaaure in infiwming the public that be has
arrived at the true principle of protecting families
dwelling and property from Ihe destructive influ
ence of LIGHTNING. The calamities
that every City, Town, Village and Country falls
victim to annually, thro the gross negligence of
it inhabitants, is beyond calculation, especially
when tbe remedy is so easy to obtain this la
round in
0V&m a2.0nfn. ST fcir in ?.?.!
by Ihe most scientific gentlemen in the world
Professors M Mortrte, John.ssi, Wallor and aaany
other that have examined them, recommend and
peak of them in the higheal teims of approbation,
and have pronounced them ihe only sale rod in
use in this or any olher country for the protection
of Live and Propeity. One advantage ia to divide
nd throw beck a part of Ihe eU ctrie fluid baroiless
o the clouds ; in lime ot a stroke Ibis enable the
rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belongs
o Ibe earth wiiboul the slightest danger of lea
ving tbe conductor. This rod ba many oilier
idvarituge over Ihe old one. i he only place of
manufacturing is in
line St. 3 doort above 12A, Philadelphia,
there all persons are respectfully invited to call
nd examine for themselves. For sale Wholesale
ur Retail by THO'S ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
These rod have been purchased and success
fully used by the following individuals, companies
and corporations, whose name are cheerfully
submitted :
In and wear mtad'lfhia. A. S. Robert. Oeni-te
Santsinger, Judge Bouvier, Judge Conrad, J. Sluifotd,
John Homes, C. C. Clauley, J. tircuner, U. Oakley, Conrad
Ingersol, The Blockley Almshouse. Anderson A Brothers,
ns-v. j. l.. tsraut, John fsotinaa. Tuoe. orover. lute a
Uuuns, A. K. (linkers, U. Simmons, Thos. Notts Co., Mr.
Oowning, J. F. ireer, J. W. Watson, C. Iltuniihreys, J.
Itipiey a Co., J. Kyman, B. Ilarlen, J. Ovensbire, O. Pep
per, Mr. Sbsrpless. Mr. Martin, 8. Uorhley. J. Brlnkley,
-Mr. navleon, nr. I'aul, 8. II. Powers a Co., J. V) inepenuy,
II. Miller, the Red Bank Hotel, the I'. 8. Arsenal, tbe
.Spring Oarden Commissioners' Hail.
to the Jitute of Acts Jrrtru. tieorge Crispin. Judge
MVall. Judge Dnyfem, John NetmaB, Dr. 11. M'Murtie,
Benj. Roberta, Mr. J. Ilowning.
iy vKtuy couxrr.
Hartley Tp. Mark Halfpenny, Ha. Foster, John Haas,
Michael Peters, Jacob Smith, David Filman, Reuben
Mencn, George Rleekner. Assv Berlin. Court House,
and Comuia-toners' Office. Limeitime Tp. Joli n Ketier.
I'nion Tp. Ir. Charles Wilson. Washington Tp. John
Kuntx. Simon Kuuu. Tp. Isaac Couidron. H'Aife
brer Tp. Alichael Hoffman.
. Philxi'A., Ang. 13. 1S47.
T have this day carefully inspected a conductor or
Lightning Rod, with vane 'and index, erected by Mr.
Thomas Armitaice, on Bellevue House, Gloucester, and
have no hesitation in saying that it is not only the best
I have ever seen, but that it is the only one I have yet
f ramified that is constructed on strictly scientific prinrV
pies. It is with much pleasure that I recommrud bis
conductor to the attention ol ownersof buildings.
U. MrMl ItTltlB.
I am well satisfl-d that the Magnetic Lightning Rod,
manufactured by Mr. Thomas ArnuLage, of Philadelphia,
is ths best that has ever been made. 1 have spent several
years in the study of tbe laws of electricity and uugoet
ism, and have no hesitation in saying that these Rods are
constructed upon tbe only principle of safety. Tbe electric
shock is received and dispersed by the magnet at the top
of tb rod. and it would be impossible, according to the
laws of attraction and repulsion, for a building to be
injured by stroke of lightning when protected by one of
these rods. 1 have been acquainted with Mr. Armiuge
for several years, and before he commenced tbe manufac
ture of these rods I examined the principle on which they
are constructed, and flt convinced that their adoption
would be attended with complete success. The increasing
demand for these rods, and the exu nsivesales in all parts
of the country, is ample commendation of their utility and
superiority. TRACY E. WALLER, M. P.
Rising Sun, Philad. Co., April 10, 1S52.
Hartleton. Union Co. Pa.
are Agent for Union and adjoining Counties,
and will furnish tbe Rod on tbe same term and
in tbe mm Banner ihe Proprietor.
Sargeoa DwBtlst.
T hie Rewidenee, South Thirtl Si., corner
Of the Board walk.
in S
Dr. Jthn Locke,
OFFICE removed to Market street, sec
ond door entrance door between Kline's
Hotel and C. E. Bowes' Store.
Lewisburg, April 1, 1853
Entered according to Act of Congress, In the yeas'
bv J. S. IMt tiilTOV, M. 0., lalherleiks
Ofties of Uie District Court tr tho Eastern
liistrict of xNuinsylrania.
. Another Scientific Wonder!
OK Til V. OX. after directions bv HA HI IN I.IKHIO. the
mat Physiological Chemist, by J. S. UOL'UHION, M l),
l-hlladelj.liia. I'a.
" I DIVEST. " Such is the true meaning of Ihe word
PEPSIN. It is the chief element, or Ureal Ingesting
Principle of the Oaslric Juice Ihe Soletntot the tof. the
Purifying. IWfrrvtog, and Stimulating agent of the Sto
mach and Intestines. It is extracted from the Digestive
Stomsrh of the Ox, thus firming a TKUK DKIK.xTlVE
ri.L'IO. nrecl-elv like the nstural Gastric Juice in its
Chrmioil powers, and furnishing a C'OMl'LLTK and
This is NATURE'S OWN KKMF.DT for an unhealthy
Stomach. No art of man can eijnsl its curative powers.
It contains no AM'OiillL, IHTTtltS, ALIOS, or NAL'-
SKOIS IllllllS. It is extremely screeable to the taste,
and mav lc taken bv the most feeble patients who can
not take a wati-r cracker without acute distress. Beware
of DllLtillKO IMITATIONS. Pepsin is NOT A OKUO.
Call en the Airents. and get ft oescriptive itrcular, gra
tis, giving a large amount of SI IKMIHC KV1IIKNCK,
IrM, I.H.l.iV. Animal 'h.-mistrw. ln P.tmhe. I'hvsiolftlfV
of Die. stM.n lr. Pereira on Food and Iliet : Dr. John VV.
Draper, of sew tor university; rror. irangiin-o -l'bvslolfv:
rrof. Silliman. f,f Vale College. Dr. Carpen
ters I'hvsioloey. c.. together wiin reports or luncairum
all parts of the United States.
A'en ft Dr. J IIORSTON & I'HRIST, LeW-
ishnrg ; Roahong Antes, New Berlin ; J. W. Friling,
unliury. iy40i
fllUr nnrWslo-npil eniitiniipg the LIVE-
J. RY BUSLXESS at the Old Stand,
on" North Third St.. near Market, and
rf-spec t fully solicits the patronage ol his
friends and the public generally
UllAKLl f . licas.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1850
rxrrtitors' Police.
T ETTEKS testamentary on the last will
I j and testament of SavragL Ammoj, late of
the uuroueti of Lewisburg, dec d, have been
eranted lo the subscribers by the Register of
Lnnin Co. All persons having claims against
the estate will present them for settlement;
and all persons indebted make payment with
out delav, lo ALEX. AMMONS,
Lewisbnrg. Oct. IS, l52.
N. B. Byers Ammnns will continue the
lumber business of the late firm of Jit itsH and
Amwok, and respectfully solicits a continuance
of the public patronage.
Market Street, EeCTClflburg, Ta.
rt trie Care "
"And by th rfcrr, tvwm the (mink Utermf Khali gram alt
trt't f.tr mrat, who lea f thall ru4 fad and the friit
thrmjf shall be meat and the lea f thrrrof or medicine."
Here wu hope for tho sick rerordt'd tout; ften, and fTery
jrar ailds nrw proof to tbe affuranoM that them proBiisei
(shall Dot fail.
A medical (ck-iira difwoTirn and di-fti-riiat th rmdler.
nature han Rt'eoy one by one the diteairs that afflirt our
rare yield to the enntrol of art. Of all the maladies we
euffwr from, none ban carried store victim to an on timely
graTO than Connumptkm of the LuogA. Suhjoined e
gire some eTid'nct that this too may be cured, and that
Pulmonary Complaints, in all their forms, may be removed
by Cbeekt Pecti'RU.
N A.- an lie, Tenn June litJ, A2.
Pir I bare rrpeatedly owl your Cherkt b-ectsai for
WhoopinfT luph and lnHoenia, and have no hesitation
in pntumnriug it a ompl.-trt n-mcdy. four of my child
dr-n haveh-n fflicUd with disMLSf!, and the free
use of the PxtTOiLAj. has always affurdtrd almost Instant
relirf. JAMES ULOVtil.
We attest the truth of the above rtatement :
M. M t.INTV. Kdit.roftbe NashvllU Whig.
J. M. ZIMMERMAN, Dntrist.
I'lTT-m no. Feb. 25, 1851.
Pear Clr For thr- years I have been afflicted with a
cough, so disiivssinft th;it I frequently deMairi-d of recov
ery ; much of the time 1 was ohlirrd to ait up all night In
my chair, as my eonrh would mAate me wbt-n 1 laid
down. liavinic ased many remedies without much relief.
I at last tried tbe CHeaitf KECToaAL, wbicb under PimtmI
ec-e has cured me alUvgethcr. I am with trratitude
Among the other dlstfoenished authorities wbo have
lent their names to reeommeud this preparation as the
boat known to tbem tr alfiioue of the luna, ara .
Pres. Pntciffs, of Vermont Med. College,
Prof fBlUiHA!, nf Tale Colk-ir.
Prof Valcmthii MoTT, of New York.
Prof. CLCAVKMn, of Rowdoin Med. Collera.
Prof BcTTFMELn, of Ohio Med. Colleg.
- Boaroaj HewcaL am Sitmical Jncuaa.
CaakLEToH (SC.) Mrmcal Ktvixw.
New Jtssrr Mkdical Kcportkk.
Ifon. IIevkt Clat, U. S. Senator.
Hon. Osn. p. Mar." a. Am. Ambaasador to Tarkay.
Oen. EMAifi'zx Biru.ES, President of rhllt
Rt Rev. Ed. Power. Lord Bishop of Toronto.
Rev. Ir. LaFcsnr, of Brooklyn, N. T.
Archbishop Puscr.ii. of Clnninoati, O.
Also many eminent rientonafres in f rriprn eonnfrfes.
Not only In the more daujteroas and distressing diseasea
of the LnnRa. but also as a family medicine for otxrasional
aae, it Is the safest, pleasantest and best In the world.
Practical and Analytical Chemist, Loell.Mw.
&Jorsal by O.W.St'frarnA, Uwisbnrg; J. H Callow.
Milton; Miss M. M Cay, Nrnmharland; O. W. Kessisr.
New Berlin ; I.Verhsrt. NlswrnM : and be lVnmii
orerrwberc. jinslditOtbfcqw
Winficld Woolen Factory,
Wear Hartleton, Colon Count.
s-rUirS esublishraent is now in the best order.
I The machinery being nearly all new,
afd none bnt the best of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels safe in saying tha his
work .hall not be surpassed by any establish
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
His waggons will be around as usual, and
those wishing to patronize his establishment,
will I please avail themselves of ibatonportu,
"".-a-1 have also on hand, and intend keep
ing, choice assortment of ood, such as
CUht, SatinetU, Cashmeres, I weed,. Hlimkels,
v.!: jl. ,;,, I will sell low for cash, or
eachange'for Woo.
Hartleton, AprilJ 1853-tf
WHATEVER concerns the health and
happiness of a people, is at all times of
the most iraluable importance I take . for
granted that every person wUl do all n their
power to save the lives of their children, and
hat every person will en.leavor to promo te
their own health at all sacrifices. I feci it to
be my duly to solemnly assure you tha
WOKMS. according to the opinion of the most
huh , ,11 Tsubnesn l.petit. contiooally ch.n.re.bl.
at ouea atiol; the reiocJj
An article f.,nndupon a,i',?'fTn?tt
with purely veiretable substances, beiu irf.ctlr safe
when laxcn. anJ cao be iti.en to the most tender infant
wUb deeded beDeHcialellect. Wber. f,6'
and Ifiarrhora have made them weak and u-......oa, the
t..nic vrpe" of to.r Viorm Syrup are su. h, that it
.Und. without au equal in the calal-J. of
in Kivin tone and strenilth to Uie stomach, which aiae.
?.Kn intallible reu..dy tor iho
The astouishintt cures ,-rformed by this p aTter
PhysWaus have hiled, is the best evidcuc. of it. superior
efficat-y over all others.
Thi. is tbe most diHlcnlt Worm to destroy of all that
Infest the human system. It Rro.s to an almost ..elrfi
n.te length, becoming so coiled and fasten.-! in the intes
tines atTd stomach, effecting the heltb so sadly as to
cami S" Vitus lnc, t its. c that U.,e sltl.cl.sl seldom
il ever suspect that it is Jope " .na"n
iarl v arave. I n order to destroy this worm, a very eoer
LfccUuel luust he ,.ur-ue..: would tl.e.f..re be
u.r,)w.i.. ...... --- - . , , ., .1
lowed have never neen auowu w a
obstinate case of Tape Uorie.
Ko rart ol th- s stem is more liable to disease than the
Liver, it serving as ahlterer te purity the bt-sl,or xiv
ii.a the proier s creUon to the bile; so that any aroug
action of the Liver eth-cls tile other importan) parte of
the sv-tem. and results variously, iu Liver tuiaplalnt,
, i; i,.,,..;.. Lr. YYe should, therefore, watch
every symntom that ""r.. . ..,, ,:., ,
the I.IVer. I lies. Illis ueiUK ""-'- --
PUitiU f.imished by nature heal the sick, namely, 1st,
n Expert'iraut. which suiflueut wie secrei.oo injui ...w
ulusi.iiary mucus membrane or uroniotre the discharge
of secreKsl mailer. 2nd. An .Kfrrutre, which etaiip s ia
,me inexplicable and insensible manner the certi.m mor
bid action "f the svst. m. ai. A onie winch (toes toue
and strennth to tbe nervous system, renewing health
and viicor to all parts of the tJy. 4th. A Ootorlic
which aeWIn perfo t harmony with tbe olhr inarcln nu.
and oen.tin on the b.aels, and ep"Hmit the whole
ma-s of corrupt and vitiabd metier, aud purifying Uie
blood, which destroys disease and re.ts.res health.
Ton will And these Pills an invaluable mei:::;r !s
many complaints to which you ai.. sut ject. In obstruc
tions either total or partial, th. y have tn-en found of In
estimable beuetit, restoring their functlonalarriinirements
to a healthy at-tion. pur,fyitiK the blood and otlo-r nuiils
so effectually to put to Mitit all coniplsints which may
arise from female irreeulerllies, as headache, giildiuess,
dimness of siht, pain in the side, bv-s, Ac.
None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobem-
icx, and others being base imitation.
Asents wishinj; new supplies, and store
keepers desirous of becomine agents must ad- j Machine, and other article of Machinery repai
dress the Proprietor, J. -N- lloars'sr k, at his red in Ihe beat manner. Castings warranted to
Laboratory, No. 120, North 2d, above Jlace be of t,ood material, and at price that can not
a,.??JriD',air0Bruccists anc Mercnants m Ihe ' 'l.fw.Sr.tiT, res. mSr' - "
ITnited btates
Asbjts. Dr. Thornton It J. Baker, Lewis
burg. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Union
Co. Davis tl SchnurcSelins-trove ;Slitzer A
Bro, Mitilinbnrg; Vouupman &. Walters. Dry
Valley ; K. Keller, A.lamsburs ; S. Wittenmyer,
Mitldleburg; M. Specht, lleaverlown ; J. D.
Dielfeuderfer, New Columbia; A. H. Lutz,
Forest Hill- I'aicr. each 25 cists
C.4KR, GIE.SE & C O.
Flour, Grain, and Lumber
Ko. 33 & 2. Spear's Yf barf,
Refer to
John Clark. Km.. Presl.I
.ntCTttsens Bask.)
.. Baltimore
A P. (111. s.l ashier FrankUn Unnlt,
John Itertzler. jr., r.sq.,
Rocers. Stnnirkson A Co
i. T -in-, E-q., Prrsid -nt t'eeil bank, Port Dsposll.
J. vl nl lower A ts-,n. llarrisourg.
Col. II. C. Kyer, 1 a,
Nrle, Wineate A Co., Milton.
S-mon Schtiyler, Ksq '
Oeoree Itodine, lluk-hesville
W. W eaver A Co , Montnursvilla,
Oen.W. P. Parker, 1
e ir t , : s. t. i-:
l. ... r.-, , , n-urei,
James II. llulintr, K;q.,
I,wis (I. Ilulinft.
Mcllenrv A Bnbb, Jcrsev Shore.
J. P. Uu'lin;, Esq., Lock Haven.
(Tj-Cabb, Giess & Co. have the largest
Wharf Booms of any Commission House in
Baltimore, always giving quick despatch lo
Uoats in discharginr their cargoes.
Feb. 11, 1853 Cni461
Almanac for 1853.
f? S ? St H. 51 JJ jo, jj: h, j;, h, rn
I I 111' II 2
t 3 4 S 6 7 8 (' . .1 1 S 6 ;U 9
eT 9 10 11 li 1-: 14,1.', .1 j? lo It l'J 13 14 li IS
Z is i; is in jo ii a i "it is 19 jo 21 12; 21
? a 24 26 2b 27 26 . ' ) 24 2i 2o 27 2si2 30
30 31 ',31 I
1 2 S 4 S ' 1 3 .1 4 S 6
t a 7 k o io una t s s 10 11 12 13
"13 14 18 1(1 r IS 19 1 B 14 tft I'll 17 IS 111 20
? 211 21 U 2324 26 2 , 1 al 22l;! 2i 20 27
27 2fc I 3t2 :ai.H
1 2 3 4 5 I 1 t S
3 6 7 8 9110 1112 2T 4 5 7 S t 10
B 13 14 1.1 111 17 18 19 1 , 2 11 '-!13 "i 17
n, 2(1 21 22 23 24 25 2S I IS 10 20 21 22 21 2.
27 28 2 30 81 I a 25 26 27 2S 2u 30
1 2 I 1
a346678,1 A 2 .1 4 5 fi 7 S
aw 10 11 12 13 14 IS IS .1 O 10,11 12 13 14 15
a 17181t 2i' 21 22 23 I A IS 17ilSil9 20 21 22
24 26 26 27 2). 29,30 1 1 T 23 24 25 26 27 2t 29
1 1 30.31
1 2 S 4 .1 r. T 1 2 S 4 5
3 t 10 11 12 l.'ll4 I 3 A 7 8 9 10 11 12
B 15 lo 17 is 1UI20I21 i1 a 13 14 i: 16 17 Is 10
! 22 ' 25 21 127 28 . ' 1 21 22' 23 24 25 2
29 30111 . 1 27 2s 29 30
. 1234 l .128
Jj 6 l 7 8 l0 11 1 1 M 4 5 6 7 8 8 10
g 12 13 14 16 I6l7 18 Z 11 12 13 14 15 lc. 17
B 19;20 21 22 2:1 21 25 ' m IS 19 20 21 22 23 24
S 26:27 28 2ai30 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31
"An mincn nf Provpvittori tcnrlh
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
Thispopular work for sale inLewisbur?
by 8. P. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
this office. Price. 75 cents
nap the State of California,
TEXAS, printed by 8. Aug' Mitchell ri
1846, and painted to correspond with lbs boun
daria 6ied by CoDRtea ia 180 foi sal al th
Chronicle office, piles 25 sis.
vain drills.
THE undersigned wiab to iniorfn Ibe
farming community generally, that
they are now maoufacturing
J. P. ROSS' Kewli Improved GRAM
Without stopping to discuss the compara
tive merit of numerous Drills now offered
for sale, they merely with to invite Farm
ers to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lnwisbiiri; Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850.
ONE sel!'-evidint, and worthy ol evcrj
coiiHtili'ration, that no Miller can make
good cli an flour without he has good clean
wheat. 1 suppose you wish to know the
remedy. 1 tell you it Is to get one ol
Hergslrtsser't Wheal Scourers, or Smui
Machines. He being an old, practical and
experienced Millwright lias invented, got
up and put in successful operation the best
Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person
ordering a machine and afterwards finding
that it does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shll be no sulc, as these ma
chines are lo be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary
He is now having a supply made at Lewis
burg, by Messrs. Geddes At M.irsh. Orders
for machines, or letters of inquiry, will be
promptly attended to. Machines ill be
sent and put to all order?. Address
Lewisburg, I'nion Co. I'a. 32U
iFrttft anD
The subscriber offers for sale a lnrgi j
assort n.ern of choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple trees, ? to 10 feel htyh, 40 varieties,
all warranted genuine I'each trees, Sit-
varieties; lartarian LI.erry, iSectarine,
Trurie and I'ear trees, loeiher with somt
6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the bes
, j . , , au n S3 111c . aui,'i.u,
N. li. Persons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Frull trees, are requested If
make immediate application lo thesubscri
ber, in order to procure l lie varieties arm
size wanted. II. II. NOLL.
Lewisburg, Mnrch 4, 1850
CciMsbura JonuDrn
fPIIE subscribers, thankful for past pat
ronage, would inform ihe public ihn
they continue to manufacture all kinds ot
Mill Gearing and other Casting. Thrashing
COOKING Stoves, of various pattern
and sizes, for Coal or Wood, fur salt
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
tJed.'es A Marsh.
O Si
rrOVES I'arlor.
Wood, and Coal
oves, various patterns, for ,aie a! the
?rns, for ,aie a! t
Oeddes & Marah.
Lewisburg Foundry
"ITIAI'' Patent Gansi Plow, a supe
1 V rior article, for sale al the Lewisliurj;
Foundry by tieddes & Marsh.
GRAI.V or Seed Drills Ross' Patent
decidedly the best and most durable
Grain Drill now in use, for sale al the Lewiehurr
Foundry by Geildes & Marsh.
Opposition is the Life nf Business !
The subscrih. r would rr-pectluil mturm tbe
I citizens of Lewi-i'iire and the trjx ling commun
ity generally, I Ins ..p.'iic.l a new Liverj
and Elcliaiitf. 'ei.;.- n I til Ki ll street hall a
square ouih : '-t.'l. ai.il hs prviJed a good
lot of Horse, o. i:i eiilnelv new g.'ud and lash
ionalileCarn .int-a, Uuecies, S-iciths. &e. where all
wishing anyt.iing in Ins line may be accommod
ated on the shortest notice and must reasonable
term. He will pay every attention to the
wants of bis customers, and hope by so doing
to merit and receive liberal share of public
pattonaee. WILLIAM MOOKE.
Lewiebulg, Dec 30, 1351
Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC,
and li)C Carman iangnagc.
VEKI Ittnkf.i for past
palronaee from tbe Citizen
'fiNr. and Students ot Lewisburg and
''ii) vicinity, the subscriber would
. T state that he continue to give
Instructions on the Tiano and Guitar aUo in
Vocal Music and in the German Language.
Having been taught in the best Mosie tchonls
in Germany, he deema himself amply qualified
to teach Marie, and to aid in Ihe correct acquisi
tion of the rich German tongue. He will alsc
tune Pianos, and put them iu repair, if desired.
Residence, after the 1st Apul next, on North
Third St., first door south of the Schoolhouse.
Feb. 54,1953. FRANCIS J.GESSrSER.
F. L. HITTER r ro, mo-e-ion to W. o. lliclok, HuXok
d Cantine, and II, dole c BamU,
BOOK BINDERS, Stationer, and Blank
Book Manufacturers, IUbbisbcbc, I'a.
Tb. subscribers respectfully inform their friends and
tbe public, that they are now carrying on the above bus
iness, at the I run !tsb occupied by llickok A Barrett.
They Salter themselves tliat by careful attention to busi
ness, they will merit and receive a continuance of the
patronage so liberally enjoyed by tbe old ttrms.
Particular attention will be naid tn the lln .n,i
Bindins; of every description of HLANK B'XIKS.for Hanks,
County Offices, Merchants, and Private Individuals, and
every variety of full and half bound Blank kouka, Music,
Newspapers. Ac, bound in any style required.
In addition to the above.they have, an'l will at all time
keep a renerat assortment of fYATIONKKY, conststtnrol
Letter, Op. brawls. Transfer, Copyinir, and Blotting
paper; Wafers, Arnold's Writing i'luid, Lead I'ancils,
Black Ink, Blue Ink, Sealing Wax, Copying Ink. Slates
and Pencils, Letter Stamps. India Rubber, Wafers, lied
Tape, Blank Bnarda, r'oklars, Erasers. Ac.
ar. Paper ruled to pattern, and all work warranted
and done verv cheaply. F. L. 11CTTKK A CO.
May 21, 1852. ly.
rjf'Baok and Pamphlets to ba bound may be
left with Editor of the Lewisburg Chronicle
Old Newspapers,
SOME thousands in number, ol all rise, for
ale at tha Chronicle office, at 50 cts per
1 00 taken as they run, or $ I w ben assorted. A
rhancs foi Scrap Book a well as foi wrapping
i paper. April , isow
Thb ukiioIef1fpnl and ntrsordUajry cimj.
pta vferf of the oDtierf-il ia eutjons U nam to .
ralljr known and thtir tMlri and rrpiitatsOQ tan-tfa
out th wbol country tw csienuT, tuat it WhtijJ
Mini unnMtMimrj lo uif( thair mariti further. Bi
tomtetocirrumaUuci haveorciiiret which mvimur
h a natter of duty to tha public not to ba towthw
ilant, fur while the ehemnsl ivtruiui of tii 4
ar trnmfretM by rolnmna through ifat fri-M Bfa-
wallowed bv quarU and a;aiiitia by Uaa affUctad.
and ara (oaud jtut g oi Jar nothing,
Chrkilc'fl Calf ank ah Jlagnetk Carathct,
have been quietly workm their way anon tha
aaoat intF.lij(ei.t aud rnUbla claitiea, u a
cont-taJitly arhtevinrr cure in an .larm.nr traiaof
diifasei, which ha fur age baflled ail tUa ail of
nedicina and all tha raMiurcaa of Scik4i lha
diseatea are called
and in these diieaiea ailicine ia of no avail what
ever. It never does jrood ani it oiten due harra.
RTrtps, Kxtracff, Balrai, BaUinna, fc.Uira, BHtr.
filial. Powders and Tutu'iis of avcry knui ara jj1J1
worthlfciM, for they weaken tha tiUI energ i of tht
already pruatraied tiu, while utler the trente
tuiug, life-givina;, vitalurinr iiiflaenca of Ualfautm,
a a-lietl by this beautitul discovery, the eihatiatai
patient and weakened auflVrer ia restored to fora.e
Lettlth. itrenzth, elasticity aul vigor.
The. rem irki relate to auch .ietee aa NEC.
KMALK iJlSOHUhUS, such aa NKHV(M S Hf All
ai'HK. LA!SiTLUK and DWl'ONUKM V, waKh
are oulr other name ftr Nervous lennefmcat
k.PH.Ki'TlC KITS and ONVIXSIONS. which aiw
now known to result from a iioa-eqmiibnaui af
Mertuc iuCuence; NKK VOL'S TKKMOKS. DKAt.
r-.SS, which is nearly always caused by tpri-i.hty
of the Auditory Nertes, and can always te prvism
turrit by llv.ni(m, when the orR ia iH deitrn-iad .
I . srKI'olA, in its wont forms ; PALS'. an 1 P.VkA
L SIS. uniformly caused by a dcftcieiivv of Nervoua
of fie LIVKU, PAIN in the SI (-, fcl.l'.i-ISH lit
t:i LATION, SPINAL and IliP roMlLAl.MS,
DKHriKNCV of k't VOL'S and FHYS'I.'AL KN.
EKUV, and all those distressing complainU resoh,
irr from a LLliA.Nut.MKf of tk .N-U.VO(.
6i STKM.
Jo the above prevalent and terrible class of sis
eaes Nervous ( om. Units are Bucb mora iiaaai
out than if generally imagined
Are aw Abeol nt ami PoeltlY llpeelfiev
The BKLT is used when the body or system gene
rally is .aitected ; the M.t kLACfc. for coraplkints of
the 'Throat, aa Asthma and Bronchitis, and of the
Head ; aud the BKA4 t Lr.TS for all Ji -orders ef the
anus or liuibs. as Kheu mutism, PaUy, T re mora tad
Si'HsmoJic atttctiotut. These articles are airn)l aa
Dlted as directed with the MAli.NKTM' VU lUwbteh
a-C4iin irues thcta, and when jaiLhlulIy used tLsy
0arThe great freculiariy and excHnee ot tke
GALVANIC LL'HATIVr-JS cousisU in the tsc4 that
Uiey arrest and cure diea by eultrard aaicsvwa,
in place of the usual method of Urusrsing and
Physicking the patieut till ehau?ed naiura sinks
hoelessty under the infliction. 7Wy wtrrrtttk es
trtts rytttm, etjualizr tSr circulation of the Himmti, sts
aaWt the Mtrrjttmt, intitarate the entire emergiets. saw
can never Jn t'te sltz'Unt harm un.ier trny circHmttmrsutM.
Since their introltiction in the L'ni:ed States, only
three j ers siuce, mure tkan
71,000 PERSONS
jnclu.'.ng all aee, elates and conditions, among
whom were a ktrare number of Ladies, who are pecav
liarly subject to Nervous t omlaints. have been
Entirely and Permanently Cured,
when all horpeof ielisMfkad beenjiven ofv andovry.
deutly ttatfvl to be without a parallel in the annals
of Medical Science. lergymeu. lawyers, aud eras
physi-eiuu ; ladies of the highest standing dittm
guuhed persons holding elevates, oihcial sUtsooa.
Bierchants. manntacturers. and mechanics ; the pner
aud tlva rich alike ; often whole fanuijes. among aJ
classes, ranks and conditions, have sajually been rs
cipients, and have eiully sx:kiMwledged the won
drous and often unexpected benefits which they hate
thus received.
mT Let it be known and remembered that theory
Natural Re-ttTr-uve fr the Nerves is v,aivaiiiin
aud that in all Nervous Diseases wo should
" Tnrow Physic to the Dogs."
To illu.trate the use of the GALV AMl BELT,
etipuoso the caiie of a person anlictod with that bene
of civilization, ) St'Ki'S! A. or any other Chronic or
Nervous liorler. In ordinary cat, stimulants
are taken, which, by their action on tho nerves and
muscles of the stomach, ailord temporary reiioC but
which leave the p-itieitt in a lower state, awd with
kg red faculties, alter the action thus etejted baa
i-osed. Now compare this with tho effect result.
.g from the application of the iiALVANlC BKLT.
Take a Dyspeptic sufferer, even in the worst eymp
gtims of ati attack, and simply tie tho Belt nrand the
Bodv, using the Ye -jiit tic Fluid as directed. In a
thcrt period the inseusiMe perspiraUow will act an
tie piMitive element of the Beit, thereby causing a
Sal. a rue circulation which wiU pase on to tbe
nec":ve. Slid tuace lt k again to the po9itiia
thus keeping p a continuous Oalvanic iirulatie
throughout tlie sv-tem. Thus the most severe rates
from tho most iuWUigeut and reaportalk ereos
reidiug in every portion of the I uited Sutes, cHii4
bo p reseated. These are now ttneceasary, but a
numerous selection embracing many statwtnsnt ef
the most extraordinary character. stAciest to t'ON
VIN'.'K THK MOST S4 KPTU AL may behiJoftM
authorised Agent. Tho interested are pai urulaxis'
invited to call.
rra n mi the m&t tlMhikf. ThTaV
ciam in the City ef lew Term.
"I have been using C hristie's fsalranic articles ia
quiet way among my patients for about two jeira
fast, and I confess 1 am astonished at their sticcsu.
f 1 ara sure a disease is Athni. I know wtst
thev will do. In Kptleptic Kit, particularly ia
children : Deafness and Affectums of ti.e Head, in
adult ; Paraij.i ajul Paltiy, in all ages, and m-ieed
tcvera other dieae of like natnre w hich hali-g
pui7led the prttxfsiin, 1 have found the tialtsx
articles of surpri&uig benefit. Although 1 de.- tte
shameless quackery of advertisements aI
(apers, 1 must express my conflthrnco end belief
in the wondciful Mr lues of t litilS JIK S t I KA
TiVKS. My nam ia, of coarse, confidential, bat I
shall nei-er hesitate to recomiuend your axucles u
ail proper CeCcauajnj.'' ,
T 1). C. MoacHaso. M. P. fsea. Agt. for Dr.
1'naisTir. N'w York.
Dttt Sir, Bcung j ti-i. tun in the ricinfrT of
one of your Agents, 1 liii.e been much gratilieJ ia
the examination of your tialvanic turati.es. and
highly pleased with tlieir practical results. J hat
observed that they are coiutructed vn tbe true sciea
tiSc principle tor the gmtie, .:. pirmsieitt sat. e
timtal itevelopmtuit of tho Galvanic l urrent. theey
filling a dUideratnm, long sought for, but hervU-tois
unkviown. 1 cheerfully reciumend them tor ths
alleviation and cure of those distressing aila"1
called Nsavera Ciimfmi-?, fcr which they s.t ss
kappily and ingeniously designed.
Very truly yours, DAVID RICE, 5! P
Leverett, Mass., keb'nwry iu. ISM.
stsTNo trouble or inconvenience attenif the ass
and thev may be worn by the most feeble end
cato with perfect enso and safety, in eisay c
the sensation attending their use is hsgit pif"J
and arrteahie. They are accompanied by full
plain directions lor n, I'amphieta with full
ticulara may be obtained graua, of tho auUiatisas
The Galvanic Belt. Three Dollar.
Tha Galvanic Nfcklncs, Two Dollnr.
Th tialvanic II raxUtj, 0a Italia
The XIagnetio fluid, One Dollar.
ftja. Btwmn of Cownltrfriu and Ifsrttlera Mratissx.
p C. MOREHEAD, M. ft.
Aaon In Levisbnrf C. W. SCT1AITTJ ,
iBanUb ot the Cljromtlt (PK'f.
ON account from one on to tow 7"
(landing, CASH and also!
Wood, Wheat, Butter,
and raoM ether Tiedace let bocstBcld UeW,,
Ihe canenl is'es