Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 21, 1853, Image 3

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jTmistarg CI)roitirli
H. O. HICKOX, Editor. O. N. WORDEN, Printer.
At$l.fiOa)t la blTAnee. $1.76 In tlire- months (2 paid
within tb yaar, and $2,"0 at the end of tlie ytur.
AgouU in PhiladIbla V B Palmer and K On.
. L,ewcisburg, Fa.
FlUDAT MORNING, OCT. 21, 1853.
EJEHTI2E! Ei-ator. AdminWrntor., r-ui.lie
vih'-bh. ii una ounirr irniwui', .uMiuiwiurerp.
Mechanic. Ru.trw.. Men ail who wita to prorun- or to
dlapoae of anvthiu wonld do veil to eire notice of the
Mmthnajhll-UKithurrranmicI,." Tlti. paper has
tood nd uwai'iniFirnHiiUnn in mrommanity ronui -
Bine a. laxee a proportion of active, solvent Diilucvrn.
ea.amr. and dealer, an T other in the State. '
Xw Advertisement.
Sheriff Sales of Real Estate on opposite
page New Goods at Walls, Iddings',
llebor k Vorse's The call for 7 Male
m I VTt . Tt T 1-1
Teachers in 1 hite Iior Tndul not arrive
. , ,,; r. ...
m Diduii aw, laofr vi T:a a loauir. ... ..1UUIC
Goods at Beaver Si Go's.
Reading's Patent Corn-Shem-eh. j
Ai e invite the attention of our rea'lers.ana i
especially of farmers, to the advertis.-ment !
tt l.: i ... t. : - i!
... mm v... , y-. i 54iu .
io dc capatue oi snuuing one imnarea ami
Ji'jf LuJich an hour, without breaking the
corn or injuring the cobs for fuel. David
Landreth's new and extensive Agricultur
al Warehouse is at '23, South Gth St Phil.
tap" Thanks to Messrs. R. D. Harris
and C. C. Mullen, for California papers.
SaT'The Publisher of the Miltouian has
leen disabled from work, and is iu want
of a Pressman, immediately-
Water Works.
Since the disastrous fire in Lewisburg,
our citizens have had their thoughts turned
to the construction rf Water Works, not
only to supply the town with an abundant
fountain of pure soft water at all times,
but also to furnish a guard against the
ravages of fire. A fire remote from the
River, iu immediate contiguity with other
buildings, under such headway as that of
Saturday night, would have swept away
whole blocks, for the want of water to
check it. A fountain with hose aiid pipes,
is the most sure, reasonable, and ccouomi -
cal preparation fer fire.
A Charter for the Lewi.burg Water
... 1 A" .1.1. - 1
company, was procureu i.om me i.a-
ture, last session. A correct copy of the
act, is in our possession. We iuvite the
determined and iirompt attention of our
fellow citizens to this important nutter.
Uur town is beeomin;! so larsre and s j
compactly built, that we can not lonjrer I
S . ... 1
hope to be exempt from outbreaks t f fire ;
to take measures to prevent its extension,
is certainly the part of wisdom, and may
in a measure be made sure.
BQU'ir. enrtstopner sceoota complains
bitterly that he was misrepresented at this
end of the county. We say, if he was, it
was his own fault. The people would
have been glad to know if he was iu favor
of rebuilding a Court House in New Ber
lin 1 This information he declined giving;
but instead of that the real issue he
volunteered the following Card against fu
ture Improvements in general, and in favor
... , , . '
of Repudiating the contract of this Couuty ,
with the Susq'a Railroad in particular. ;
Read the Card ! j
To tht Whig 1'oters nf Vition County: j
A my name baa len announced an a candi- j
dale for th oflireol County Commi-i'ner. !'
jact to the deciion of the Whig County Con- '
vention, I deem it neec-nary lo make known ibe '
plil form, or principles, by which I i-hall lie eov- j
emed, if nominated and rlrelcd to that office.
I an now. and alway life been, opposed to ihe !
County auuttrilime (tok, or eiving Mit to
ny Railroad Company, or any other Corpora
tion, a,d if nominated and elected, I will never
ien my name to any fuboeriptian In any Rail
road Company, or any other oMication which
wdl imMiae any !eht at liability upon the Coun
ty, to any etieh Railroad ('ompany or other Cor
poration, nor l any rulxcripiion or lionii here
tnforc given by any other Coinmiafionera to any
Railroad Company. I a-k the support of all
tbuee who agree with me on Ihi q "cunn.
CllKlsrorilER SEEBOLU.
July 23, IS53.
It is true that Mr. Sccbold did not write
the above ; it was prepared for him by the
New Berlin clique; but he n'yne'i it, and
became thereby justly responsible for it's
sentiments. I
US" We stated, the week prior to tlic j
Election, tbat we could not guess what :
scbeme the New Berlin Juntos would de-
IS to Stave OR tne division issue. lire
weLomei is now apparent. It was to issue j
tickets, as follows :
" E'miU and Diria'an.
a.;r.c K Railroad Bonds Ajninst the :
These tickets were circulated in
Anti-Railroad Districts, the morningof the j
Flection and the people were told that j
J-alCCUOD, auu i v
if they Toted against division tlicyj
could cct rid of the Railroad 1 and with !
. . ,- r - l,,M nnerilinir neailv '
that belief more or less operating, neany
two-fifths of the vote of the county was .
cast finforAallvl atrainst the Railroad.
cast inioransiiy; ofc
They were voted on the same slip with the j
Division ticVcts, contrary to the recom-;
mCndation Of the half Of One Convention !
onlv which recommended it ; and being
a ' " ,
oniteMatit tinint (.nriyivl ami liavinfT net lp(T:il ' '
force, the Board of Kcturn J udges rcluscd i
to receive them, and they were notcounted:
by the Ckrss. Tbey might as well vote .
whether Geo. HeimWh Ootid have hern
elected Commissioner, as to vote npon a
contract which has passed. The N'cw Ber-
.-o,.to4 il.i.nl.n.mo I
. . , . ,
neo who were most instrumental in ohtai-
nicg the Railroad Bonds ; aod are laugh-
log io their sleeves at the success of tho
plan in weakening tbc Divinm vMo. :
Northumberland, Oct. 8. 1853
My Dear Sir I am afraid from present
appearances, I shall have to disappoint)
myself in the pleasure cf meeting jou and ;
the other gentlemen composing your Soci- j
cty ou Thursday next I
I have just arrived from the State Fair
at Pittsburg, after a most unexpectedly
- ii- 1 1 . , . r
uuS juuiul-j. ttecouia not leave with
our " caravans" until Monday, and were
afterwards four days on the way. Instead
j afterwards four days on the way. Instead
of being absent 10 days. I was cone 15.
of being absent 10 days, I was gone 15.
, Xhis alone would prevent the nrenaration
i i
i to which your excellent association is enti-
', 1,.. l,.:.l., ,l,: r I . i.
i "- "no, . mio caugut a
1 severe cold, accompanied with hoarseness
'. . .,.. i . . . ." '
SO Uiai 1 nave ncimcr the VOlCe nor tllC
baains at present to satisfy you.
You will not, I am sure, impute my fail-
ure to a want of teal in the good cause in
which wc have all so enthusiastically cm
barked. On another occasion I will en-
UlttkUl W III V BlllCCrilV,
?. . J " j'
Most truly yours.
David Taggart.
Jacob Gundy, Tres't Un. Co. Ag. Soc.
E?9ulu consequence of Mr. Gundy 's not
bavins' called at theLswishurff Past Office
before the late Fair, the above Letter was
. ...... , ,
noi receivcu in umc 10 De reau on mat oc -
fc'ffie Engine of the Steam Flouring
Mill was put iu motion yesterday for the j
first time, and was in fine order and worked j
smoothly and beautifully. The engine is t
of 50 horse power, and was manufactured
by Goddes, Marsh k Co., of this place,
and is a highly creditable specimen of their i
skill, especially as it is the first one they
have made. It will not be long now till I
this community can be independent of mill
races and low water.
"Tub Lames' Irr:it," is the title of
! a VOTV iiP.-it. nr.ii Rnisililr W7fLlr linnor
, ...j i av.y
j published in quarto farm by Messrs. Curtis I
i . !: 1 1 X 1 XT a a. TaT I
ft, ivieiiaiu:,, .,o. a .uurray aireei, it. i ., ai
$2 a yenr.
It is printed entirely by female:
and will doubtless prove a serviceable and
successful publication.
Bt W. O. Ilickok, of llarrisburg, was
awarded a diploma and a premium of 910
at the Pittsburg Fair, for his improved
Cider Mill.
) gEllIOVS Accident. One day last week
j a Lorsc Btl3c!ie(i t3 a bU;:v and llhl:heii 5n
j ;f f s ; h. Hotel, in this Rorough,
1 C '
. , , .
ran away
- r; J
in tnc uirection I Jiuucy Lrcck. ine
j owner, and a luau iy the name oi J.evi
j Xorris, started in pursuit, and after g"itig
a short distance from town, met the horse
, i-Mtiirntniv Tli slinfld l.f fill lillfrirtl ri.'ltl
. ? i -1 c t
lcen broken, leaving on one side a sharp
1 point, and cndeaoiing to catch the horse,
it struck Mr. Norris, penetrating the lower
part of the abdomen, to the depth of five
to lac iiot'eroi .iIfrciKrar;''irr,-hiMiav.d
immediately called in and the wound dress
ed, and, we are glad to learn, he is now
rapidly recovering. Munry Luminary.
l fl;EST.- Srrn is hie ti- hf-asi nf th word
- TKi'Sl.V" or or tht two On-vk word., irom which it i
dTi'tl. Thix U lh Kipnihrniit Rnd uppniprintr title f
he TUCK liIi;fTM K U.t III. t.r liASTKIt: JtK E.
pn-paml n lr. J. g. HoCllHT'tN. nf flilUd-lphln. fnn
tlie l.irlh St"tnarlj nf th Ox. fur llie run. of ludicestion
and lvpen,ia. It u Snlilre'n own rfin-lv fir an
uuhraltliv !Sbiatarh. N o art nl man ran iiimI itn rurative
i.wr. it in.i.-r omi kativi f-ri.-rii cnii-tm
with IIKAI.TH.
,artorthi pani-r.)
the figure of tli OX, In another
1)4,, I
Th'iri!uinJi of parrntx who n-e Vormifurr romi-l of
Cmtur oil. alom-l, 4c, ure not ft war!, that wliile tbry
apnr to lan't)t lb fntieitt. they an artuaily lnrtDT titv
touuilntiont fiT a f-rriv-n f (ImafM, tucti as salt ration,
lit of Kibt- Wfkn-r of Irntt. A.c
la antiitr mlutno will r fiun 1 thr a'1rert'Femnt n
IIti(iua-kit il-titnin-. t 1ihI, r ttfk the attfnti,n f
ail dirftiy fntr-ftd in th- iro.rn mh well as th.irrhil
tlr'a'i bfalth. In Litr !oniplatut anl all diri'r
NiBf from tbw rf a httliuA trnu i-t,ou.l inh aae ol
tli- only snuinr m dt -ini, Hut-n-ja-h.- lairer llllx.
e.-i t"f firrvfrftf," but ak tor Holtfomk'n Worm
tvrup au t l.iver li and obTT thnt eah htP tlmiic
nature of Un Proprietor, J. X. llOlHAr'ACK, aa non
ela arc gxnuin. i 1 j4o9
Vorrecteil this Day.
:"nrn, new
Dried Apples ....
Ruttei ,
-12 j
R2S .
Lard .
B icon
. 10)
B.00 .
4ltll-ea n-llll
in aiiuimourg, uin insi oy iiey.Ar.wiaicom, i
Jos era SancwAKEa of Miinry and Miss Hiaai- '
i atta G. MosTsowrav of Mituinburc.
i At Rose Hill, 17ih insU hy Rev. G.C Drake,
I Dr. Willi aw Mcsssa and Miss Fasst H.
j daughter oflhe late Joshua W. Alder, Esq.
Iu Harrisburg. 28th alt. by Rev. H.H. Bean,
Jnav S. Dctwilab Esq. of Lawrenceburg Ind.
and Miss Emit daughter of Benj'n Parke
Fn nf f tarrisliiir
Rochester City. 15th tilt, by Rev. Wm.G.
Howard. Rev. Joh H.Catle of Poitsville and
M AvTiflVRTTi! danirhlerof Wm.E.Arnold.Esa.
Gn ,he ,3th insU by RevJ.rj Anspach. Capt j
Chaslfs D. Rocsm. of New Berlin, and Miss
Mf Avw Scf.rold of Limestone, Union to.
Qn w
Df New Berlin and Miss Jcliaxk Coacs
of Selinsgrove.
On the 13th iust. by RevJ G.Anspach. Job-j
F.K of Jnniat. eminty nd Miss Habsibt 8.
Fbasb of New Berlin.
On the 27th nit, Davin Kurms, of W est ,
)n ,he flln jns, j, f Davjd Rather
man. of Hartley in her 3,,h year. ,
f 'j. 6" Ao8- B""' j
Seven Male Teachers W anted.
rpHE Board of School Director, of Wb.tb
I Dr.rB Township will meet at the honse :
Township will meet at the honse j
ol Widow uinier, in mew ioiumoia. on r-at-
ta.v Ihe 29ih of October, at I o'clock, for
'be purpose of examining and employing
wm MARSHALL, President
White Peer Tp. On. 11. IP53
Fall Stock of Goods
Mammoth Head Quarters!
I T $?r T TKT K T T Q
TTAVE just received and opened an unusu-
: i . ;
al,y 'arSei varied and extensive assort
' meut 01
ry tootis, t.lOtlliU, Ifuceni,
. "J.. t'J .J 1T.-.1
vaauw, v-cu. un.i i.n,. u,i.
more in quantity and choicer in quality and
variety than have ever before been offered in
Lewisbnrg, heine; a vast improvement over the
stock and selections of all former seasons, and
purchased at such remarkably favorable rates
as enable us to ofl'er better bargains at lower
prices than can be found anywhere else.
(jj"Entirely too busy to pive particulars
this week but call and examine our multifa
rious supplies of everything that anybody in
town or country may want, and prove for
t voursclves that in varietv. uualitv and cheap'
j ess we positively can't be beat
fcAs heretofore, the HIGIIEET CASH
; PRJCES na;j f01. (JRA1N
Lcwisburg, Oct. 19,
,tj" -.ttillSi
Latest of the Season !
U-ST received, a 8ECOND SUPPLY
fancy ures, i.oons. I rimming m great
varietv. Cloths, Cassimeres. Satinels.Vestmgs,
Hale V'iik CliiihinT- Hnrd ami Uueensware.
Ccilar are, at lower rates than can be had
elsewhere, also a complete assortment Bench
I'lanes.Chisels of all kinds.in short everything
that a Carpenter may want, at prices that defy
Lewisburg. Oct, 1 8, 1 S53
COMPLETE assortment of Coach Trim
mings at B. K. & M's.
OTOVEd ofall kinds at low prices for sale
s, n iv v. . jii.
, t -
Fall an'd Winter
St V W fl
"VT J"Ol"l.l hereby inform the public that
liny have just received from Phila
delphia a handsome assortment of
Of all kinds and latest styles, which having
been purchased at unusually low rales they
are enabled to offer to the public at
It ..M.AI Y!
It would be almost impossible to enumer-
ate the many articles comprising the stock of;
goods jast received, but they invite all to come !
and see for themselves assuring them that
they will gel MORE GOODS FOR THE SAME ;
MONEY than at any other house in Lewis-1
burg. They have all kinds of j
Dry Goods !
Groceries, J
Hardware, i
Queensware, !
Itirni.snea siorr. io .tm, fc..iii
ment well worth a visit at all times ihey will
continue to receive as Ihe season advances.
new invoices of seasonable goods for Ladies'
and Gentlemen's wear, so as to be able at all
times.to oSer the choice oflhe New York and
I hilailelphia markets.
Having adopted the motto "Quick Sales and
Small Profits," ihey hope to receive a liberal
share of pnhlic paironaee. ti"AH kinds of
COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for
Goods. L. HIDINGS & Co.
Lewisburg, Oct. SI, 1653.
Seasonable Supplies
-- -"" ,y ADIES deep Trimmings of all kinds and
ri"HE undersigned would respectfully an- j qualities, also Fringes, Gimps and But
I nounce to their friends and the citizens tons at lew prices at HAYES'.
oi Union county, that they have opened a New
Stock of DRY WOODS. -
For "lien's Wear Iliej- liave J
Frrnrh I'lolb, n't -..kinii nml fa:ii-y Cainiir, CotonsI and i
White l.in.-n. Dill... Cnluniwli. Vmting Arw Stjlca
MaTMeillva V aliuv, iKtig'i-b liM-irry.) te.. Ac.
For Ladsejt' I ear.
Itirh l.or.d lllars Silkfi. Plain and rhancaMe Pilka,
Strip-d Silk-, MarH'linra, ( h-krd India Silk, Horrn
(.rnl-Tinj) GliiifR. 1'itn I'sitilf lnrron t ami Lndnn j
f'riiiie,) Hirm.jv It lii nt. ur C lain Mon-n-lin-. T-iil
If" Noire, French nd Mrxtrh i.inffhuirn. Net lie WtrkeJ
t'ollnr nl Linl-rs'leeri-f'. J.icwnct ni 1-ttimi K-IHnfTK
Clam and FaurT ;tp V-t. inrw uxlf,) larletona. Illn-
n. Hiomi.P, Kmi.r.iHn-t and fiear Um Hdk"f, su-
Shawls, ic , r. A larjrc anxinm-nt nf
nrnt.. Marte. s.air Daman, Si.ner Cnttnn sti-etlnira, 1
Filli.w Ca. Mii-lin. Furniture I h.-rk. Tic-kin. Cntum
Super Mniilra uaiitaand uountrrpaora, uucaabura,
Ulapar aua craan i-.t-uinp. i . -c-
I'heir stock of GROCERIES is very large
ami cneap,
Their assortment of QUEENSWARE is one
of Ihe finest ever brought lo this section of
county, and extremely low.
Also, an extensive stock of HARDWARE.
Their slock of goods having been purchased
. ,
at ine present raircmeiy low prices, nu
cash, enables them
to olTcr unusual induce,
r unusual inuuee-
ments to purchasers, as respects variety, style
and prices. The sublic are respectfully invi-
ted to call and judge for themselves before,
purchasing elsewhere.
change for Goods, and the highest market pri-
ces anowea. Ktiiitiii a, Uiisc
Lewisburg, Oct. 19, 1853
J - j. p n
e I I I)
at f atn,
mi Alii I133w
aLew isbur. l nion County, Pa.
For the cure of Fits, Spasms, Cramps, and all
JVerrou and Constitutional Disrates.
: .tlnanv'a - liK..rina nniti.r tbic 1
JJ - , , wnd'heVEGE'r: 1
ABLE EPILEPTIC PILLS lo be the only j
ney ever discovered for coring Epilepsy,;
or Falling Fits. !
TbeB Pli. anrHfle artimi 00 the nrrron
eit for all reraona afflieted with weak nervea,or wboa
... for all reraona afflicted with weak nerve, or whoa
nervon ayaum na nceu pra-ixausu or naanw iroaa
any oauae whatewr. I" chroaie ooaiplalnla, or duran. ,
of long tannin, anpanaiiuo oj uci .u.iim, un7 ...
them tbronrh th nail, tn of potf-
sid.. to vn ordvra froot all rrt of tba l'nl- 0 mual U
.lt-rd, p r,l ;.47 Dtw t w.
WINEGARDEN has removed from
"way on town" back to the new build
ing at the old bead quarters, in Market Ireet,
immediately under the Chronicle and J ele
graph offices, where be will be happy to
-smoke" and " chew his friends and cus
tomers, in good style and quality at moderate
cash rates.
Lewisburg, Oct. 14, 1853.
York and Philadelphia, a larirennd fresh
assortment of Goods for Ladies' Bonnets, etc,
etc., neatest and most fashionable styles, and
on most reasonable terms. Rooms on Market
street formerly occupied by H. P. She Her and
by D. S. Kremtr.
Milliners in the Country can be supplied
with articles in their line.
Dress Making at
Oct. 18, 1853.
ten led to.
TT is an admitted fart, that Tustin, Stewart
A. Lewis have received, and are now offer-
ine an extensive assortment of Fall and Win-
tter tJoods. at so creaily rtductd print, as to
make the I.ewisborg llazanr
; Head Quarter lor Bargains!
1 he .r supply embraces all he usua -ar.ety
of 'J lo,hr; SVT ,. . T'
Musl.ns, Prints. Flannels and Blankets, tcgeth -
ef wj(h he newest , cf
Ladles Dress Goods,
con?istine of 8ilks, Cashmeres, Merinoes. pe
! Laines, Hinghams, Hosiery, Shawls, Hdk'fs,
Gloves, I riinminps, Fringes, and Kibbands.
liais anil caps,
and everything else for use and comfort.
Trunks, Carpet Bags, Carpeting, Table Oil
Cloths, Baskets, Brooms, Tubs, Hardware,
Glassware, Queensware.Lamps.LotikingGlas
j ses, and a complete assortment of Groceries,
j Honev. Molasses. Cheese, Hams (Lewis' sugar
cured,) I obacco. Cigars, ate.
A well selected siock of Perfumery, embra
cing the best of Co!ognes,Pomades,Bay Water,
Lnbin's premium Extracts, and every variety
of Essences.
Country prodnre taken in exchange for
(oposite Kline's Hotel.)
I.ewi.sl.nrg. Oct. 12, 1853.
V LARGE assortment of University and
other Books constantly on hand Letie
Paper. Note Paper. Envelopes. Visiting Cards,
and Paper bv the Ijuiienr Ream, for sale by
I.ewisburg, Oct 13, 18S3
xrJwlw.irfiarirfpy are now opening
. of the most eh'oire and desirable stocks of
''C.'oj'S'iD lhat has ever been broucht io ihis
section ol country. Having selected them wilh
with great care, and of such styles, qualities,
and prices as to defy comparison, we would
i particularly invite all in want ol tioods to call
and examine for themselves at
desirable styles just opening by
BEST assortment of Ladies Spencers, Un
dersleeves.Ciills, Hdkfs, Flounces. Jac
onet and Swiss Inserting, Thread and Seam
I Edgings to be had at HAYES.
1"1INEST MoIesAin, Cassimere and Magyar
' HATS, Silk, Plush and Cloth CAPS at
BBLS. of LAKE SALT just reed by
OOK AGENTS WANTED, to sell Piclor-
ial and Useful Works for the year 18D3.
; .: r. I., ll. a,....
Vanted,in every section of the Uuiled States, iy!ion lrt lheir fl,rmer acknowledged supe
tivtt and wn tern n sin? men. to (Dsate in the Vrioriiy. have recently received the most
. un). ,ue PS Books published in
"the Country. To men of good address, pos-
sessine a small capital of Irom f6 to IO0, ;
such inducements will he oHercd as to enable
,hem lo make from 3 lo $ 't a day profit. :
(T--f.,fhe Books published bf US are all USC' !
fuw "'r character, eaireinelv popular, and
command large sales wnerever tney areonerrn.
v- - j
For further particulars, address, (post paid,)
ROUKKT SB.AKiL Publisher.
William STieet, New .oik.
Book Agent Wanted.
GENTS WANTED in every Town and
County in the United States, to sell Hie
most noDUtar ana saieaoic ooohs puoiisuru
m.n of them beanllfullV illustrated With Col-
j (hem beautifully
. .1 ,iC- mr,u nnnlgr ainrke
ore lnB.ra: f. "JZ.u.u&Z? 1
" ' . -
intrh'b-nt and ntrrprllng men will And tLbj a plfnfr
: ant and nrnfltablr huainaaa.
rorpartkiilani,adiSri!i,a (pnat-ps'iO
J w IIUAIII.KV. ruMi.lier.
1492 No. s Norih F-mrth St JiiiknUijM'.
IP yon want cheap Do" Goods, Groceries,
Stoves, or Hardware, call upon
Rearer, Krruicr & Sloore,
who are now opening their new Fall Stock.
They vl( tell Gh at low at thy can
be bouijhl in Phitail'ljthia.zg
lewisburg, Sept S3, 1853
.all Papers!
WALL PAPERS! The subscribers have
now in store their complete Fall
Stock of
Panel" HanSME'S, CurtaillS, &C.
..... a- i : UTL.1...U
' ' '
"D0ur assortment is very complete, compris-
jng a the qualities, both French and Ameri-
C1D. ve manufacture a large proportion of
onr GooAs can sell at the lowest rates,
Haper Hanging done in the Country ' City
prices. PAKKIon a Jtuuvtii,
4SIJ ISO. w ivoria no. s... . ..mm"...."
T)T AT 1 t! 'or J ustiries.uionsia-
Db A IN lb bte,,sVe..o0 h-od
ika ChronKle ffliee, ftr printed to order
Levrlsbarg Saving Institution,
XS now open'and ready to do business. Tlic
regular Discount days are Wednesdays.
The following named persons are the
Dibictobs William Cawkbow, Esq.
Mr. Johsso Walls.
Mr. Bitas Aaxoss..
Mr. Jakes M'Cbmodt.
Mr. Thomas Hate.
Mr. William Faint.
Gsnant F. Mills. Esq.
OrricKas W II.LIAM CAMERON, Pwuidttd.
II. P. SHELLElt, Treasurer.
Four per cent, per annum will be allowed on
all deposits over six months ; and three per
j cent, less than six and overthree months
II. P. SHE1.LER, Treasurer.
I.ewisburg. Sept 19, 1853
Fancy Fur Store.
IDWARD S.MAWSON & CO., Importers
1j and Manufacturers of FANCY FVH-S
AND A'A'.V', call the attention of the public
to their extensive stock, which thy offer upon
most reasonable term'. Wholesale and Retail.
Storks M North Third street above Arch,
Fhilad.; and 41 Maiden Lane, New York.
or THE
Will commence on Mo.nit, Octobib 17ih,
to continue 20 weeks.
The course of Instruction in this Institution
is calculated to prepare youths to enter Col
lege, or for general business. Composition
and Declamation receive careful attention.
Youn men residing in the neighborhood,
who are at leisure during the winter months.
j w
ill find the present session a good opportu
nity for improvement.
I hjbi
1 kindness, eoortesy, and a spirit of h
, fneom
All gross, immoral practices, bom in ami
Jitea ; ana
rivalry among the pupils are encouraged.
The subscriber is solicitous to secure a class
of voung Ladies.
1 Tuii
: lish S
Tuition For Languages J10, Higher Eng-
58, and Common Branches, (mrinrting
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography,
Grammar, and U S. History.) $8, per session:
50 cents extra, per scholar, for contingent ex
penses, charged during Winter Session. No
i deductions except for sickness.
Sept 16, 1853.
Administralor'N Xotlce.
THAVE received from the Register of Union
county. Letters of Administration upon the
estate of Lewis Srn-rrs, late of KcllyTp.dec'd.
All persons indebted to said estate will please
make immediate payments, and those having
claims against ihe same will present them duly
authenticated for settlement to
DAVID MYERS, Administrator.
Kelly, Sept 7, 1853
AdminiNtrator'N .Vol Ice.
IETTERS of Administration having been
J duly granted to the undersigned on the
estaie of NICHOLAS WELMI. deceased, late
of White Deer Twp., Union County, notire is
l. . V. .. .- .. .11 ...1.1 1 ... .... I -
" is
livtroy ivtrn all jirisuii-j iinicuiiu io ,-am
late to make linme.nate payment anu mose
having claims against it will present them,
attested lor settlement, to
Hept, IS, 1853. Administrator,
V LARGE number of accounts are still in
the hands of the Executors of Samvkl
Awwos, late of Lewisburg, dee'd. Notice is
hereby given that all dues ran.. - ra !
wiih- r,4'"'l!?f.?.'"re? adopted to
enept8. "'byER8 AMMON, Act'g ExV.
-WaREHERVIXd and Piekl.
tJARs Jast reed
I and fur sale at the Mammoth Drug Store.
Aug 10
JUST ree'd
Drug S'ton
'd and for sale at the Mammoth
re a large supply of Dr. Green's
genuine BITTERS, for care of Dyspepsia, elc.
Aug 10 Da. THORNTON ft CO.
Just Keeeited,
i by
iOt of Bcrages, Prints, Muslins, etc.
J. & J. WALLS.
SHAD and Mackerel a new supply at
May 1!) WALLS'.
Ilthographic I'linllns Office,
j and a large iguantity of PIC CURES, for
Framing, and for Di awing Teachers.
Corner, on N. Fourth St. opposite H. Neucr's.
GERMAN and FRENCH Languages. Draw-
ub, o'"3' s t,t
WOOLEN and SILK Needle work executed
'and sold by Mas. VOLKMAR, who also will
i give instructions in that line nf female educa-
lion. Lewisburg. Sept 1. 1853
5tIt,Li:R'S Iron Frame PIAXOS.
These celebrated Instruments, in addi-
flaiterins commendations from Madam Bisnnr
and Mr.Bncsaa who had them in use a. their
late Concerts in this city. J he public is invited
to Call and examine me assortmeni now on
hand, and for sale at the lowest prices, at the
WasMSOOSiS, 2'2 S. HlXTIl St.,
3m4S8 Philadelphia.
f 'Hirer xiti ISettitim s.
Frter asp Acre Cvvcd bt ItuwAXp'a Tosir Mitikr.
rpllK ITni.i-ri.tty of Pri- Milii-tn and Pnpnlar Kim,!
vtln. rliartr.1 hv tlir Statu of IVun-ylrania at IU
lo.st rtniiiiii (vis. 'Aith April, is.i.f.1 niainlv lir Ihi purlin,
of arrrrtinp tlMf erila nnulilne tnun the rain of apurMinji
aail ilanti-roua noatrura.. alau Ibr tha purpnaaof aupfilv
injf the puhiM with ri-liaMe rrmrtla in raws whirria
thr patient ean nut obtain or will nut employ the l-t
mnliml ailvwira. having purrnnawl tnat invalualil. rrm-
.edy. l!owan.r. Tonic Mixture, on .rnnint of II Jual
i.rfU - nrily ami Known rmrai-y in tna tmatairnt ol .rvar
ar"' Af"? .. . 'IT .":'.: '?,.." to
1,7 " " " "
tJOWFt COItrtAIXT rami hr ItoWAND'S ftl.ACK
IIKKKY IRH IT. Tba alo.e InrtilniH-n ealmita In
mnrUrin. iu lis. munni-r, to the r, ra-ly f ir 'lkiwel Com
plaint." ao well known a Itowand'n tV.mpnuMl Svrnp of
Blackhi-rry Knot, ami iarwilly riummcnd it to ihr con
ffdruce of patient. anlM-fesl wilh theaccoaiplaint. believ
ing it to bu invaluable in tbe treatment of auch raai-a.
r Hon. Ilrnrr K. Hlroiig.
1 Hon. J. H. Flanig n.
By order of the Trustees, Jnhn K. Kowand, !U. D.
j II. K. Anhton. Eki.
Hector Orr, Kq.
Ci" AH eomnviniratinna to be addra-eed John R.
Koaaml. M. II.. hi-ml of the I'hartnamutkal Ocpartment,
and l"reiili ntof the l!niTrity.
Home liwpraaary and om.,.'o. 47 South Second Street
tiranrh binpenry at the Store of
llr. T. A- II. THORNTON CO, Zsvfuburg.
"JSTOTICE is hereby glren, thai the Co-Part-
nership in Ihe Tailoring business here
tofore existing between JOHN B. MILLER and
JAMES K. MILLEK, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. The books and accounts are
in the hands of Julm B Miller, who is authori
zed 10 settle for the Firm,
Lewisburg, Aug. 30, 1853
JACOB DYER, Cattawissa,
Would inform his old friends and the
public generally on the West and North
ranch, that he continues to keep the STAGE
HOTEL, in the center of the Town, and asks
a fair share of patronage. Sept 8
"VTOTES Promissory. Judgment, and j
Joint .Nolo (iinn; at tins onc. ;
Hickok's Patent Improved CIDER MILL.
IN the p-e-ent ariangem.nt of this highly approved and valuable MILL, the JaN, U divided by
arnnijiug a cutting Cylinder to beak the appbia, and thi n deliver ihem to the lower cyln,dr
lo bo reduced to pomace, lly this arrange;nvnt tue woik ia performed faa'-er and with much Waan
The Presa in arrangred wilh a much larger arrew than formerly. anJ hy a very ingeniooa device
the ue of Ihe bag i di -penwd with, and ihe Tub wade lo oii al will to deliver the powace.wbil
at the anme lime ihe Coin ia tc't clear, and the wuik can be done wilb much leaa laboi than by
the old meth hI.
The Cylinder are covered with heavy hel Zinc, b-vh on their pripberica and end; the wood
in Ihem ia arranged o a. not to a veil, and ihe whnle woik on ihe Mill aud Prea made in lb veiy
beat nfanner. and arranged with especial iejv to their dur.ihiliiy and aervire.
NO FARMER, who uca Ihe Mill carefully and avoiding lo direciiMia, WILL BE DISAP
POINTED ; but. on the other band, be will God tbi one of the moet valuable aod efficient
machinea on bi fum.
The Maclunt) ia made to run hy hnrar, a'eam. or bind power, and when the apple are ground
a hoy of 14 year of aite can pre Ihe pomace with all ease.
GO-Thie Mill i wananied superior to any other Portable Mill in eTtatTlre ; awl the Proprietot
ia ready at any lime (on fair notice beiny, gie) to teat it widi any Portable mill tnal is not aa
infiiiigemenl on it.
Farmers! rxamiM this 2 tEWL VJ.UPRO VEU MILL, tfe yu luy avy oiler.
One great advantage of ihis Michine over all other. i. ih.it IT WILL NOT CHOKE UP.
and hjul or ao(t apple ran be giouod, and yet ilia Cylindeis will alway remain clear anil IB
grinding order.
The price of the Mill and Pre- i $10. W. O. IIICHOK, IlarristmriC
(CJ Pewona in f ,r.n County, and the upper pa't of Northumberland, can obtain iheae Mills
on appl-estion to the .ubrr.l,er. I C. UICKOE.
iewuburg, Lnion Co. Pa. Aug. So, InoJ
" Ilecdllfct, this is the Newly Improved Mill."
CPIKCR e. ll tW V w.n.ld inform th
i O public tnat lliey have fitted up a
xpriii for liqg'iji'iic'ij'iiiiia,
in the New Building over Dr.Thornton's Drug
.ire-en trance at ine ji f. up "'airs-
where Ihey are prepared to perform any work ;
m their line in the best style of the art. We;
can take pictures at almost any hour in ine .
dav. Children taken as well as adults and.
joiber pictures copied. 'acrornn-dauon of the public.
I As we have now a permanent location. R!tfi,, ... , ... J. .,i:' .i.,;. nam
I p purposely and exclusively for DHg.ierreo.;
ivping. we think we can render entire satisfac-
j typ
,ljn alld respectfuily tender onr services
I.ewisburg, Aug. 1, 1853 J.L.HAW.N.
Lewisburg, Aug. 1, 1853
Tlic Old Mammoth
LW. J . 5s '
RF Ol'FXED i fT'f M'tn tie and Puckii Buok Miiimfarturtr,
' l3nvt7 aoj Arch .St. belo Sixth, Pbilab.
Dr. TIIOK VrO.Y & Co.,
U-We,e .f- ItrtoU Drn rjUs Le;J.r,j, aTtt7p n'ma.ner.
OFFER to their friends and the public a feHCXAHT'i CATTLE POWDER
large and well selected stock of fresh'. HATH ACHIEVED.
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spices. f
(pure,) Dye-Stufts, Brushes, Combs, Perfume - Thousand are teatifriaV to it Efficacy!
ry. Soaps. Fancy Notions, Fruit, Confectionery.? 7V wminl Mm it laa to Kis BnuL"
uooks. oiaiionery, an t a variety t.l ariiciesj
too numerous to mention.
Give us a call and judge for yourselves we
charge nothing for looking.
Remember the Mammoth Drug Store:
. , :
aS' iaa.lw.fi t..a.
30 lo 50.000 ft Maple S! by 6
. r
aij IO Jir,WJ!P HO ny ,
4 bv 4
10 to 20.'lt)0 (i 3 in. Ash plaitk
a i, in '. ii A . .
to bt? delirerrd mis cnmtnn F ..M and Snrinir on
the bank of th Kiverat H.irnbnrj. IjOinner
of good ,-,al,.y and s.rai, grained is wanted.
Proposals Will he received till Sept. 1 lor
furnishing Ihe above, and persons sending pro-
posals will state Ihe quantity and quality of
dilferent kinds lliey call llirni.sh, and when.
Terms of pavment car-h on delivery and
insneetion ' Aildress f nosl.midl
inspection. .HMre (posi-pam;
4 SO W. O. II ICKOK. llarrisburg. Pa.
C II r I I a IVI .
wa a a w -ar-
"1 Ja 1 A x V.n
.,.,.,(. .. rlnrn ..!
,0 41 fl Ai, I.MICR having to-r:.iy:
entered into a Cn-Partnerhip in the?
above business, would respectfully invite their
former customers, and the public in general,; mim mo,-., promote .11 the srrrrti. n. ami conwqiiintir
lo give Ihem a call at Dos urn's old siand on 'H,',,nt t"' 't"-nirth of the animal, quantoj aad
North FOURPH street, where they are preP.,. 'u
red lo do all work in llirirline wi:h the utmost .hratf-ifrtiH-mewvi-a wht, h roulia in tluh-:.-ttini i(kN
despatch and on the most reasonable terms. ib tuers n,i other part, whirl, aatmally
. . . !!Be a temK-ucy ti n--ar.l 1 heir irroa Hi. In all auwii
, , ,,,... 'a table .aiful. ni x d In a h.i, .t of .will, ana eivra
sFl'Jl em v. iA Jljr LrJAjUiil. l-vr lH-r-.v.will pedily mm.1 .MleituieaBA
r.vuo o ""iviajjJ h-aimu-.l win ., inrreiweln H. althami Fat.
' I lHb present Proprietor of the newly uisco Y i r in. t,-o...f th ntn.i. r th i-,,nir, tavi.ir
I vered Wilt field Cave (limestone) in Uhrtlie one or oth, of the an mala whtth t'.i. i-ow.hr-
llRY V 4 I.I FY Union I'.i hereby o-iv.- null,-. - -o i.j-.r,tly al.d .u ninirroful l the
V I- "r- '"" -VK', . ""-t -i nj..rt to himlf w not to siv, it , trial
hat Me Cave unit Ndr be open on t Af.l 1 j-.w-,rSi, nt.j t.r..iiet iiu.i wh.-re.-tu eo.k-.mimiiiie.it
fur Visitors. It may be visi'ed by Ladies an l1 p rmimnt in itt tM.,. ami ,te.mi-i a
Gentlemen on any other dv. and on 8ATI R-j - Tms
DAY of every week especial preparations wiliiim.ts (?p ,ti' eo K. :i t-,. UimUrt
he made to accommodate wi'h lights. I
(r-j"All persons are forbidden to break off j
injure, or lake away any specimens from Ihei
Cave, under penally of prosecution. ji
The payment of 12$ cents only is required;
of every person before entering. '
Dry Valley. June i 1S.V. '
-1 bap satuka bi lluier, Tnas ISauiiptsr." henry Clay J
Life and Speeches of HENRY CLAY,1;
WiT at i'VRTKMT A M 4 I tVT OF 1113
9 BIlilUVLMK..
In one largo octavii volmue of 1300 paces,'
b-antfuly IsninU a cloth. li t. YMVV. ONLi
TIIREK IXILI.AK3. Or, bound in Two o.uuk.,
cloth (lit, t i-'n.
f rHE work here presented is imended lt.,
trace clearly the career of Mr.Clay. from"
his entrance on ihe stage of public lite down
to the period of his death mainly by the Irght"
of his own lofty, persnasive and impassioned,
elooueoce. sr.Cl!.y Dnrllamenter. ellnrla. cli-er. .!ire.-l.
a o,l vioroua, emta.ly ail me riK.w.l, tnat is ueeutul
lo tti-ir full un-leri-lauiiiinc lb aei-nf mjpoftani-r. va-;
rietv. and iiideatrurtilile lr,l.re.t of the toi Is h. .general
ly dWuaaed tbe character nail .Si ity t the ihaior. thi I
direct anfti-AAct fcuariuu ot hi. at;Oiiatiul.iin thu cra-t;o
hia apeai'hea amn lire nwl valnnti! ennfi fr-otion , i
Patiiotiem M ift-maa an us cnrLtcua ,nl ami elrva
UUBSI auo..io ...
javks 1. nilto?i, riin't-brr. r ,,r " 'l " "".- nnairmaie pav
No. 103 Chesnut street, PhikiJ, ft,hu- nent of Ihe same m the subscriber ar hi rev
.Cora aotir man. who wwk to en-age n the ..1,. e tence in Kel'y towDhrp; Botf those having
thaahov work w.ll ha allowed a oiMat aurticJU. a .laim, B;a,M ihe Sam- wjU DresM iwjl?
Uretoenalltlieintomaliaatr.;trauUiiaui.vii. S ,, j r ' prrsemi Iaar
rorBarnlanadiirias i ,n,T attested f-r re'tlement tr
JAMBS T Cia-iy. "Mih r. 1 lACOR NFUMEI . .
V. inn n.i,,..' S.,,,rl rA.A.f,;..A.e -
- - ,i-.-. . , - -. - -
Material Aid !
IN 'he sharw of FRESH MEAT, care
fully dresed and cut up, furnished regu-
l tieciay. Thursday ana saturaay
(mornings from the newly fitted Head Quarters
ol the subscriber, in tear ol uis resiaence
n(raijp(. jn be (fvm St. John.s stne,t
b-lvcea Front and Second streets,
.he n services of Mr. I. W.itlocc
bfell secure1 as &llpintel,jellt. ,Bd
. , , ' ,h. -,,.-,..
W.A B,4f;Mllan vl. etc, according
, . . mtkmrm f lihli. i,
respectfully solicited. JOli.N JONLS.
j, Lewisburg, Aug. 1, 1853
" Porl tloanaleej,Pnctaet Books aad
r fancy CUnmIm.
JrrHE attention of the Trade, and others, in
wint of Porte Mr.nnjiies. Pocket Books.
.Bmkers t'ases. Dressing Cases, Portable
Writing Desks. Backgammoa and Chess
Boards. Chessmen, Pearl, Shell and Silver Card
itfein: Cigjras'esT'orlffrir.s'.' SAY KtropS
aud Razors. Traveling Flasks and fine Cutlery
logriher with a large vatiely of Faici Goooa.
I which will be sold at the lowest rites.
. FTER years of study aud experiment by
the Inventor, to compound from pure
i. ,- ,. . Pn,lr .hi . J
,r.T ,ak. ,he place ol thousand and one
( nostrum. tttn np ami (ia..i uia ih. pubiir asr-
jtaia Urailir." k,r il rurv of all duvam wl.kh tKa
; HruW rrrtma ar- i.rlr 1"," k bi projui-vj lh ew-t
li-alina tlii. adrrtlfB.it. oue e-.n Iw aejee
ilwahnour rvv sjila fienaturr. 1 hi d maiHt baa l am
'" "'t " k rhi.lt ,-ronfutd tu th. Stau-
ol I'.nn-.l.&tiift : hut wn hi.v RMjmaalhl .urh
arnui nihniU i b t o aRPPriiird to.u, r tbf ttnnf rtiu
onl-r n vn riA. as a. iLom wo iwrtafUr
r - fi'ia tlH-i tHtr f the L'ummi.
. r.,u , ' J
, i.in.ai ti . MKsk.t all rae(asaniiaMratAra.
it- :is.-u r. n -ir fumymfif iii-y-ira.ar.auaj(a
i n ual. nealalr. Hie I rio.ry nram Ihrn by ipro.iux
a pT..-ctii:r. owboi. .iiacai roua:t-onrrt animaj
rrn h-n io an op..arrutly braltliy stale, and a eirtmja
i.j m,.u.hi, tUTr .h..B h. u r,,a-rrt, tii
t H.Vi;i-r Ui.si.uLa r-vsuaa Stacch-i
J sna 1 1 ii lu.vra H rr t. Chlic
ISfLia.D tlX.ls Y M IJ.W WTa
I , Aini-ultiirl-t and llairvTwan. it ao IrvslnakTai
lnmJv r ili-ir NK.sr 'AITLK lnlsnn under llisie
lisr.-;ai. I1ixiw M-a.awt,th-rnf ttiemanyenaaplaini
are iiuiawai unaiiiei utu.nl
f"l,s much WiKfit-d hj K-rakaal!
.""?,. .'al'TL'J.T " 'I . ."
Vocal and Instrcmentil IHnsic.
irEl.VILLE MA1.(:oM, Pn.feasor .f
Piano Forte in the Le-wishneg Female
"eiiiinsry. hr.ving a lew leisure hours. re
,ectfitily tenders his professional services l.
the citizens of Iirrsbrirg and vieiniir.
The subjtcriber has smdied nnder the most
lisiiiigtiiNhod protesv-rs. b-uh in Europe and
n.erica. devoiing r.uii'-.iimr f-muiu lo the
irl of tec;h:ns Mu.-ic.
I errns inodiTarc. Resideice on Market
iciow r olirtlt.
Ijin nK,,,-.'!,,!. 4. ,
i'"B, AUiy 38,
" "
Ieeillurw !C.Hlee.
t 4 I.L oersos iiiileMi-dl'o lh estate eifJOHTf
A HI'MMEU deceased, late of Kelts Tav
... v., .. J a...' rm
r..i. -r. 1 oc. . sdjW.
a , , v.., i- p,