Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 30, 1853, Image 4

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Hrubanrh and Wives.
Mrs. DenUoo, in one of her capital edl
toriaU for be Bo-itou Olive Branch, prc
eoti the fallowing s:rikiug contrast be
tween two home and two husbands
" I wish I could ci a pleasant face
wheu I coma borne. Tired ! that's mUits
the cry. ut-ver get tired oh uo ! Cus
tomers to please c'icrlia to overhaul
account to cant up ! llr.ah ! I shall hate
that child. Now walk the floor and spoil
Liiu. Dill, hunt up 1115 slippers. Mary,
draw up the rocting.eh.ir. Other men
have theso things ready f..r them. There's
Saundors, be takes comfort. His wife is
as handsome as ehe was the day she mar
ried. If there is anything I hate it's a
fided woman. Light the lamps and give
iu my newspaper. If I cau't road here
in pence I'll go over to Sounder's.
" Miry, dear, how tired j cu Inrk. Give
tni that treat tJiappirg hov. No wonder
tout arum ache. Oh! never uiiod me
I'm always O. K- at home, yon know.
Take tho rocking chair yourself, and just
bo comfortable. Ain't I tired ? Why yes,
I am a little, but then I've feasted on
fresh air and sun-shine to-day, which you
baven't. BesiJts. I don't have such a
lump of perpetual motion as this to manage.
" UIom my saul how do you live these
Lot days? Never uiiud the room 2 every
thing looks well enjugh
-you included
except that you arc looking a trifle better i
than wMl. How do you manngo to keepj
MM r.n 1 nr-ftr. hoi.nv wifv V I
. j w--c , , , - --j J
Well might the s ..iling answer b, " 7tc
freshness and "- husb'ind's love
limt my heart grfen.
M. B. liARPKY, the Russian engineer,
Uuly deceased, who had also acquired a
reputation as a pout and an archie ilogist,
made a discovery of the greatest import
ance in White Russia adiscovery brought
to liht when his papers were examined
after his decease. Being occupied in mak
ii'g a road in that province, he found it
necessary to drain off the waters of a lake
into another lake at a lower level, aud in
the course of tho operation he discovered
ia a forest, several feet below the surface
of the soil, a road paved in the autiquej
Roman or Mexican style, wi.ii traces of aj
:oue bridge of peculiar construct ion. In
Lai sky's opinion, 2000 or 0000 years must
bave elapsed before the face of the Coun
try could have been transformed to such
an extent as he observed, aud if this sup
position be well founded, this district must
bavu been inhabited before the time of the
Sevihiana, by a more civilized nation. M.
Larsky's discovery will, doubtless, not
pM unnoticed, and may lead to important
Lxtehary Ixukbitasce. It has been
discovered that a speech delivered in th
late Massachusetts State Convention by
Mr. D. Strong, a delegate from the West
era part of the State, wa, by t-omc mis
take or other, pr'inU-d almost verbatim
thirty years ago. fconic go so tar as n
tharge the gentleman with plngarism He
meets the charge, however, by fay is thnt
he did not steal the speech, but tint, b
inherited it from his father, by whom it
was written, rpoken aud pr.uted, thirv
years ago.whcn he.the present Mr. Strong,
was too young to attend to tho matter per
sonally .
Faults or Klocctiox. The Rer. Ja
cob (xruber, well known as ao eccentri
bnt useful member of the Methodist Epis
copal Church, desiring to correct an error
in the elocution of one of bis young
brethren, who was much given to the mel-
odius termination of each sentence with an
cmohatio ' ah,' wrote the following letter
to hitu :
nnr-tih ! BroiIier-ih .' Whm-ah you
K r,vah to-ah preacli-ah, take-ah care-ah
yott-h dou't-aU say-ah ah ah '. Yours-ah
Jacob aii GitUBtR-AU.
Tho Albany Knickerbocker gives ac
account of a doK belonging to one of it
carriers. The carrier falling sick, sent a
boy out to deliver the paper. un UF
unacouainted with the rouna, was accom
pauied by the dog, who stopped at the
door of every subscriber and wagged his
tail, never missing one in a list of six hun
dred. At the door of all the subscribers
who had not paid for the paper for a long
time the dog was heard to howl !
A German writer, Burroeistar, speaking
with Lis mulatto laudlady in Brazil on the
subject i f husbands, asked her what sort
of a man she preferred. She replied, with
out any cmbarramu-nt, " tho one who has
the most money in his pocket." The
German iirofesor says " this was a true
mulatto seutimeut." There is certainly a
pretty strong iufusion of white blood in it.
A sailor in the pit of a theatre, looking
ever his play-bill, read, an interval of
twenty years occurs between the nrst aud
second acts.'.' At tho end of the first act
be put on his old tarpaulin, and left the
house, saying " few of those folks will live
to see the end ou't."
Washingtou Irving is a very great man
but not calculated to shine or create a
geng4tjon on any public occasions such as
public dinners, &c. This feature was ad
mirable described by Moore, who describ
ed him as " a very poor lion, but a capital
domestic animal."
"1i that a lightning-bug in the street T
aid a purblind old lady.
No, grandma," said a pert little
it's a big-bug with a cigar-"
JCST received at the Bazaar, an extensive
assortment of NE W GOODS, comprising
every variety of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress
Good for summer wear Call soon, as they
are going eft" last.
May S6, '53. Opposite Kline's Hotel
New Store! New Goods!
HAS been purchased, and shipped, and will
arrive next week, one of the lirgnt,
c'uujvf, must eumphte and varied stock of goods
! r -.J . I u .. L. j"
od. a ' ZLJZZZ a
price, to their entire satisfaction, at the new
and magnificent stcre-room at the corner of
Third and Market streets. Particulars next
Lewisburg, April 15, 1853.
(in adtnnoe of tlie Railroad)
Mammoth Head Quarters !
HAVE just received and opened an unusu
ally large, varied and extensive assort
ment of
Dry Goods, C lot bins;, Quccna,
Glass, Cetiar and Hard- Wart,
j more in quantity and choicer in quality and
i.e-..,"i,ure;. bein? a vast improvement over the
stock and selections of all former seasons, and
Pwhased at tuh remarkably favorable rates
as enable us to offer better bargains at lower
prices thin can be found anywhere else.
j-Ent:relv ti.o busy to pive particulars
this vveei bat call and examine our multn'a
riutis supplies of everything that anybody in
toivn or conntry may want, and prove' for
yourselves ili.it in variety, quality and cheap
ness we positively can't be beat.
fiiiirAs heretofore, the highest Cash
prices paid for GRAIN.
Lewisburg, April 19, 1853
Chriiper than Ever!
rrHE undersigned would respectfully an-
ninnre to their friends and the citizens
ol Union county, that they have opened a New
Stock of UKY GOODS.
Tor .ilea's Wear tney have
rv-iiib Ototh, rh..!0i hdJ fancy Civiou.rs, ColontI And
While Unt-n, OiUJr. Cottrintdtf, Vesting Ntw gtvlc
Mam-itlt-f V.miog, (Kngli-b lllrrr.) .. 4c.
Tor Ladles' Wear,
Rirh I.u-trrt1 lilck si!k. Plain and Ciian?-aWe SilKa,
Striprd Mik-, SlarIitiMi. chMTkrd India ilk, Flurcnm
Ontdfitai- tilaci. Parti. Taiufe-d JacconfU and London
lrintMl Unrraze I Laino. ur'r flain Mounrliiira, Tuil
D-t Noin. Krrnrh and MMnfe liinghMna, NtHdlr Worked
Collar ant l.ndrpivt-Ti-, Jnccouet and wi(w rlKintei1
ar.d .wi.s I iimi lings, Wtivcn Lurn dpua and Lnces,
I'liin and Fanry C S'tr, (nrw Hjr,t TrlcU.u, Illu
i.n. b:nndcp. fc;iOiroid-rrd and CL ar Lawu ltdk'ffi. Su
perior Quili'r Kid. Ti.fl. ta. and Silk iilvxrr. Long and
Staort M"hir Milt. White Crap, frbawla, Elcg aul Sriug
Shanla, Ac , te. A larpi aofcorimrnt of
Drnfirota, Matt, (alr Pnmafk. Snpir Cmtoo Shf-ttng,
Pillow Cae MuIin. r'uraitare i'btrk, TirktttfCN Cotton
Krinp. Cotton Tahlr Hial-cr. Uiiiu-k Tat.l Ch.iha. .p
kins, r'Oy;iw. EtuKoawd Cloth and Cotton Tabic Coxcr,
Supr Mir-tlle Quilt and Counterpanes, Uuckabuck.
Th'ir stock of GROCERIES is very large
and cheap.
Their assortment of QUEENSVVARE is one
of the finest ever brought to this section of
court'., and extremely low.
AVi. an extensive stock of HARDWARE
I fcfir tM-k of good having been purchased
at t it j-reseut extremely low prices, and for
rash, ei.aMes urm to offer unusual induce-
ner ts ;n purc'.asers, as respects variety, style
m.1 pri-es. The snlilic are resiiertfttllv invi
ted t. call and judge for themselves bi fore
purchasing elsewhere.
COrXTKi- fKODUCE taken in ex
change for Goods, and the highest market pn-ce-
allowed. RCnilR Sl VORSiE.
Lewisburg, April 29, 1853.
The subscribers
having formed a
co-partnership in
-, business, now offer
to old friends and
the public, at the
late stand of S. F.
Lvndall.on Market
street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot uf
i5coi.fi nuO St! on
for Men and Boys, ever offered in Lewisburg.
Men's boots from f 1 up to C.
Also all kinds of 2 i.ElJ'Si' STAOS
Gaiters, half Gaiters, eic. '
Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes.
Work made to order Mending as usual.
As we are both known as practical shoe
makers and experienced workmen, we solicit
a share of the public patronage and will try to
merit it. S. . D. Sllfer.
Lewisburg, April 28, 1853
nAVIXG been appointed Agent for the sale
of the celebrated Pianos, manufactured by
geo. votun r, rtiiiad.,
tho undrraigned would be happy to supply any
cilizvns of the Sutuuebanna country teho may
desire an Instrument well made, alter the latest
improvements. Two of these Instruments bave
lately been introduced into Lewisburg, to which
I am happy to refer any one. Tha Pianos are
are warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for
a year, they may be exchanged. Prices reason
Lewisburg, Feb 24, 1853.
Depot and Manufactory
C. I MUler A. Co
8. W. coaata Aarn im Sacoao STBtrra,
TVERY variety of shades. Wholesale and
14 Katail. such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic
Vitriieite. Oil and Dry Landscapes, are lo be
had at the lowel prices for quality of work.
Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and oth.
er Shades execnted at short notice.
Merchants and others are invited to give US J
a call. He K-i'tf try to please.
liracsee, i rimmm;. Ac, alwava on hawrl
Fb. 1 1, 1659 Coil
Kemember 8. W. corner Second and Arch
1653 6oitl
1L. Med
Attorney at Lair,
LEWISBURG, Union Co., Pa.
SQUOffice nearly opposite Kline's Hotel
Refers to
Jfon. Jam. Btrntidt, JteVrPmU, Il.
" Jama r. ifofc, " c'o
F C faster t- Co.. da
Son. AMahnm S Wilmm, sViruCtrn, W-
A. Jordan. Suulitiry.
" Htmh.i OiMn, II- UtJtiythurg.
linn. irtilh rf fv... 1 Madtlyhta..
Zneubnrff, April 22, lfcM.
" Small Profits and Quick Sales."
J. II. & W. BROWN.
"VfTE ,ake ,h's method of informing the
1 1 public that we have fitted up the old
where we would invite especial attention to
our stock of
Groceries and FISH,
which can not fail to please, either in reganf
to price or quality. Our poods have been
bought for cash, at the lowest price, tnd will
be Sfld on accommodating terms.
CASH will be paid for all kinds of Graf U
and the very highest nrice paid, in eoods. lor
every description of Uomrttic l'ruduee.
Turtleville, April 22, 1853
(Succeor to A. FIOT.)
X". 164, Clirstnuf Street. S'ra iiii's Build !g,
IXTEXSIVE Mrsir PrBLisnsa and Dealer
J in Musical Instruments of every de.-enp-tion
exclusive Agi-nt for the sale of Hallett,
vavia&iyo s(ooston)rateutSuspension Bridge
JEulian and other
I.Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodenns.Martio's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Mustc
unoks, etc.
Reit!ents of the country will be supplied by
mail or otherwise with any music they may
wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of the largest slocks in the United
States, I feel confident of satisfying all who
mav favor me wiili a call or order. "
Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal
terms. Pianos to leu Second-hand Pianos for
sale. Iv473
Lightniiag 1 1 oils.
A FTEK many years' close ir.reMjnation and
2. numeroue ruperiiuenU. Ilm Pukutcc takes
plxaurs in inloiming the public that he hits
arrived at the true prinriplR of proterting families,
dwellings anil propenv from thedciiu;tive influ
ence of LIGHTNING. Tho calamines
that every City, Town, Village and Country falls
victim to annually, thru' the gross negligence of
its inhdl ltsnts, n beyond calculation, especially
when the ien.eJy ia so easy to obtain this is
found in
Patent XHagnctit Cigljtning tlobs,
and in this alone. This Kud has been examined
hv tbc moist ericutint; Mtt..M tn ..- .-
I'rohtiMirB M'Muruie, John-oil, Wallor anj many
others thvt bave examined them, recommend and
speak ol them in the hihot terms of approttaiioii.
and have pronounced them the only cute rod in
use in this or anv ntln r count' lor the protection
oi Lives and Property . On.- a.liat-i i!e ie to divide j
and throw baca a pail ot the . i c.rif 0:i'd harntleas t
o the cloudi1 ; in nine ot a Mr-itr i:.t- enables the j
rod to conduct that portion ot fluid that belnntT j
o the enrlh wilhoul the tlighu-l danger of Irs. (
viti the i-oi.ducttir. I hi rod has many other
.dvant.'gte-over the old one. 'J'he citly place of
inatiutactuiinc is in
I'i'ne St, 3 di-ori abort lZth. mtadrlphia.
where all perrons are reopectfullv invited to call
and eianiine for themeelvrs. For .ale Wholesale
orKeta lby THO'S ARMITAGB.
Orders promptlv attended to. Tern.s cssb.
These rods have been purchased and success
lully used by the following individuals, companies
and corporations, wboae names are cheerlully
submitted :
In and near PMad'lpkiak. t 8. Roberta, flrmre
Santzinger. Judge lloavier. Juice Conrad, J. Mulford,
Jobu Ut.nie-. C. C. t'lault-v. J.llreut.er. il. Ilaltlf v. I l.f.nt.l
li.CTTfol, The Blocklty Almshouse. Andertou k KrolberK.
lite. J. l,. lintut, Juhn o;loall, Tbua. Oretver, bate k
llwina, A. K. Giokeri, 11. Simiu- n., T1.0.. Nott k Co., Mr.
llowiiinc. J. Klireer, J. W. Wiiwb, C. Hunt!. breve, J.
lpley k Co.. J. Nyman. B. ltHrlrn. J. Ovrnidiue. tl. IVi
per. Mr. Sharpie. Mr. Martin, S. le.rhley, J. llruiLl. y,
Mr. Ilavieon. llr. I'aul. 8.11. 1'owete k Ov, J. Woiepennv,
II Miller, the II. -d Bank Hotel, the U.S. Areeuai, the
Sprtxtft linrtten t iimniraeionerH' 11.11.
In the Stulr etf Acar J.riry. .leortre Crt.plt. Jutl'e
M'Call. Ju ice li..yl..i., John Nrtmau, llr. il. Si'MuiUe,
lleiij. Koherta, Mr. J. Ih.wuint;.
.v i:mx orTr.
JfnriJry 7i. Murk llaitinny. l in. ojiter, John rta.1.,
Vichael ivieiii. Jatob iitilh, Dvitt J-'ilnian, 1'euhfu
Meiieh. Ueorj;e Kleckner. A'W Iltrlin t'ourt House,
and Ct'ioutia.-iouer.' oth.. LmtA nt Tp Jottn Kelr.
I'ftioa Tf.hr. Charles Wilttfti. Warlnnytim 7p.-.lflin
Kuntx. Siiuon Kuutx. ! Isaac CoulUrou. WUtU
Dttr 7j. Jlicbiuil Uudinaa.
Ftni tna., Aait.13, 1S47.
I have this day carefully tntpected a conductor or
Mxbtnin Ri4, with vane and index, erecU-d by Mr.
Thomas Armitaire, on Iteltevue House. Gloucerter, and
have no besitaUon in saying that it is not only the bt-st
I have ever men, but that it is tbe only one I bave yet
examined thnt is constructed ob strictly scientific princi
ples. It is with much pleasure that t recommend his
conductor to the attention of cwncrsof butldines.
. 11. McML'KTRIE.
I am well satisfied that the Maeaetle Liirhtnins Kod,
manufactured by Mr. Thomas ArinilmrJ, of Philadelphia,
is the best that has ever been made. 1 bave spent several
years in the study of the laws of clectrieity and mjenot
ism. and hare no hesilaUon ir saving lhat these hod. are
constructed upon the only priori; ot safety. Tbe elei trie J
euta ib receive,, ana aiSperMM lv llie UUIt t at llie l'.i
u.e r..,. ar.u ii wool! oe tnipossit.tf. arcuitl n lo.the
i " . . . , . l'u '"m- " huiMinj to he in rT,,Kuri , j. c mpi-t- r. u. tlv. I.iur of mv child
lniur.il bya stn.keof turhlninsahen prt.UHed i- one .. dr, h.-,Ve h. . a -lttich-J with th d:.-. s, at.. th.- frw
tli. se rods. I have r-t-n ncuuaintid with Mr. Armit.-ue u. , f :, t,.LI0EAL bus aiwnys u,.r.l.d ajmott n tant
tttr several years. i.nd htf ire he crtmtnenced the manufnr- r, f JAMES litOVElt.
I. . . ve triocii..et.iitltcitiii. y
are constructed, and f-lt etitivinced that their adoption j
wonld tie attended with complete eue.-ras. The inerea.ine
demand for these rods, and theexb nsivcsales in all parts
of the country, is ample commi-nttation nf their utility and
superiority. THACV E. WALLER, il. D.
KUng Sua, Philad Co., April lu,
Jlartlclon, Union Co. Pa.
ai A cent for Union and adjoining Counties,
no wiu lurnien me Koxis on tbe same term and
in the same manner as the Proprietor.
Surgeon Dentist.
AT hi Residence, South ThirU 8L, corner
of the Board walk.
Dr. John Xocke,
OFFICE removed to Market street, sec
ond flour entrance door between Kliue's
Hotel and C. E. Bowes' Store.
Levisbiirg. April 1, 1853
FnfMd ar'-cnlmir tn At of Cotvrpaa, In the year
1SSI. J- S. 11 IClSHT.lN, II. r-, in til. rl.-rk'a
uiucw oi in'., oi-ir:--! utt Utr lue aarUita
PuUict irf !Vijfi4vlvNuia.
Another Scientific Wonder!
?R, CiAfcTKIC JlliJ:.
PltKPArtED from FIXMT or thr Fitmb fTOVACII
fll- Til.! tlY mt u- Hi.... , . r. I. It 4 LI IV I 1 I'lMtl tl
rjreat Phvfiolojtal CheOlitl, by J. S. Uol'UlllUN, 11. U.,
l'hilo-t"l In. 1':..
ItiCF.ST. ' Fufh i. the true m.anlnp of the word
PEPSIX. It in tl chief c!.-ii'eiit. or Great Hie. In.;
Principle of the (Jai-trk- J.iiee the S.Jm,toJ the Fi-d. the
iurit'uivii. t'rttrrrii:u, aii-l SlimiUtitiTia Ayeiit .f the Mo-
maeh and Intestine. It i extmcte.1 from the llmestire j
Sloma.h of the Ox. th. lurmine- a TKIK lll.lL-llt k
Fl.Llll. prciM-ly like the HKtorttl Uasrrie .titiee In it. !
'lTeuii-l p..w.r. arrl f.in
n.iw. i-. -tvi r.i-i.i.i. i...r - i-itii'i t -i-it: ann i
I'rlllFElT M'BSTITl'l l! f..r it
..' .-".-. ' . . -
Thin Ik NATt'IiE'. OH.N IlllMKDY for an unhealthy
Stomnrh. No art ot man ciin niiial it. eurntire itwr..
I conlnin. 110 AM .III;!!.. IIITTKKS. Al 11H. or .NAL'-
MftttS Iilil liS. It is extremely ariecahle to the taste, j
and Ul:iy ne taken bv the u o.t l.-el.ie p:tti ntn who eau 1
not tle a wat r rr. eter aiihu'it acut. ilre.. Il-warc I
DRt'iMCII IMITATIONS. P.-iln i. NOT A tillt'J. I
t'.-.ll ...n the A-ei.m. an t t:ct a lit-.crii.tivr t ireninr, era- '
ti-. jii.ine a larm- an t ..f Si 'IKN'I I !"!.' fcVH KNCB, j
fr m I.i-i i Aniin.tl fli.-nr.-trr; I-r mbe'ii rhy-io o--y
of IhireBtinn : llr t'endrji on lot..! aud T'iel ; lir.J-.hu W . 1
Untper. of New Y rfe L'uirerMiy ; 1'M.f. l)mi.'iii:attn'0 I
riivtnt.loic ; I'rof. MiiiniMii. of Vale Collet;!-. Iir.l'rttin
b-rV l'h.i,. o.-v t veib.-r ailhreortMtH'LIlLlr;lu
ail faru 01 i; . v -i-iea nutlei.
Ajeitfs iJr.'l'iieuxTON & Christ, Lew-
isl.ur ; r.oshou" t Aiitc. New Perlin ; J. Yi. Friliu(t.
Sunhurj. lyl
rPHE undersioned rontimies the LIVE
JL II IIVSIXESS ut the Old Stand,
on .North Third St., near Market, snd
respectfully t-olicils ihe pntrnnnge ol his
friends and the public tenerally.
Lewisburg, 22, 1850
Ksitcutorsi' XoJlcr.
ETTEIIS t .stainentarv on the lest will
and IcMaii.ent of Samcei. Aixot. late of
the Borough i.f Lewisburg, dee'd, have been
Granted to tne subscribers by ihe ltcguter cf
I'nion Co. A:! persons having claims against
the estate will present them for settlement;
and all peroi. indebted make payment with
out delay, to ALEX. AMMOX's, ,
Lewisburg, Oct. 18, 1S52.
IS. B. Byers Ammons will continue the
lumber business of the late firm of Hinsit and
Ammo, and respectfully solicits a continuance
of the pub.ic patronage.
5 7s,iil.X!f?lS3
Market Street, Le.ilsburg, T a.
corens, colds, hoirsexess,
"Anti fry tht nfrr-r. Ihr tnt,- if.rirrtf thaf? ffrmty flW
tr9 fr tti vth'tt traf t tl u-t fa'tle and th' fruit
therrt-J s.kali Ujt-r treat ai,d the trf threJ' Jr mrrlicftie."
Ht rv wa bf'ptr for the m. k reroid.-d lotiit ao. autj Tt;ry
jfar add nw proof to Uis atouranci g that thttv- j n tuiv.-f
(ball not ftil.
As medipal scit'iiM jicoTrni and defipnat4! tb rmrdies
nature bat given, one y nn the diat that a dirt our
race jic!d to the control of art. Of all the niabdiea we
MiflVr from, none baa CTrrird oiore Tift i run to an tint inn !y
praTe than Ctmsumption r-t tho f nnp. fubjoin-d wo
frive KonjeeTid'iiee that lhl. t-o xnny be enn-d, ard thfit
Pulmonary (Joinp!&int, fn al! ihtir foi m, may bertniitrt-d
ty Chcthy ri(TKt.
roR ixflvesza Ar vimorixG carctr.
Nf!;v;ti.r. 'let.n., June J:", 1SVJ.
Sir. I hTe reratMiy uw-d yt.ur 4 i:i hi. i I'ii tihiu for
Whtopil.)! I ottch and 1 i.l.tl-rta . , at d have no hesi
W e atlesl hr truth rrtlie ot. ve st.teni. llt :
m. M'OIMY. Id.tnrt.f ihe Xahv
hville Whir.
. -tl. 4,1 .IE. 11 .11 A... ITliglltr
to:: a cox.rsii-TirE cornn.
Pittmui .i. Pa, Feb. 25. 1151.
Hear Pir P'T hreo years I hare lieen afflicted with a
couch, so ti .irtir th.it 1 frequentlv desnuired of recov
ery ; much of - It,- time I was obliged to sit up all niht in
nty rha;r. as mv ennjrh would MitTocato tne when I laid
down, llavinic used many remedies without much relief.
1 at Inst tried the CiiiskT PrcrtiUL, which under Provid
ence has cured me altogether. I am with vrntitude
Among; the other distinguished authorities who bave
lent th- ir names to recommend this preparation aa the
beat known to them tor sftV-ctioos of the lungs, ere
Pre- frasisa, ,.f Vermont Med. College,
Prof OlLltMlv, of Tale College.
Prof V.iLixTuri Micit. of New Tork.
Pr. r Ol.mvm.l-a. of Rowdnln Med. Cnlleaw.
Prof Ut . rrotrilVB, of Ohio Jlcd. College.
Cssamav J -nat or Mtnic.ii. Saucj.
' M -i.icLAS Si kciml Jotiaaal.
CiiAKtvr is s c.) Mchicsi, Itivow.
Kiw Jrnsir Mrncn It.roBTia.
n n. Hf.k r Cur. tJ. 8. Senator.
Hon. Oto. P. MiAirr. Am. Ambassador to Tnrier
Oew, K,yi n BruiES. Presid-nt of chili.
Rt. Ilev Kn. Powu. Lord kisboi of Toronto.
Krvltr l.tvsixs. of Brooklyn. N. V.
art It -h p 1'mcnx.of CineinnntJ, O.
Ami man eminent persons ge in f reign eorm tries
notonh n. ti e nrare danirerons and tlrstrcasing dtseaeea
ofthe Imiv. . nt also aa a bmily medicine for occasional
saw, It is the - f -.t, plraxanteet and best in the world.
FREPAlltD AXnsnrn ur n ri-c.
Prxrtiml sit.l tnalyticalChemfart, imteU,Ma$s.
L.ForwiIe hv C W. Brnarru. Lewl.lmee. r u rt...
Sw Herbn: L vwrhart. Minrrove : .wu k. rJlTH.
t..U JA..I ' Vn
J tttw.ef.ii-js
"ifiifr t - - - m -r tI I, j
WMeld -Woolen Factory,
Xear Ilurtleton, Vnloa County.
fllHIS establishment is now in the beat order.
X The machinery being nearly all new,
and none but ihe beit of workmen employed,
the subscriber feels safe in saying that his
work shall not be surpassed by any establish
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
His waggons will be around as usual, and
lh.i-e wishing to patronize bis establishment,
:!1 please avail themselves of that opportu
nity. ( V I have also cu hand, and intend keep
ing a choice assortment of Goods, such as
Clutlts, fuitinetl; Caikmere. Twrtjt, lilanktts,
Kara, 4c. which I will sell low for cash, or
exchange for Wool and ronnirv I'p'Hnre gen-
M-Ilirl llILIi L.l 1.
Hanleton, April 23, 1853 if
fTHATEVER concerns the health and J
1 . ..i- : ll
-ITHATEVER concerns the neaun ":m- self-evident, and wort
lV hanoiness of a pei'ti e, is at all timesol I "
.," nappiness ui t I . , . , J consideration, thai no Wi
the most valuable imparlance. 1 tahe 11 tor w , .
nrij ii,i .iviv nt-i'Min will do all in their
power to save llie lives of their children, anj
. . ...;n ...l.iv.- tn nritiiKile
mai every prrvi "i r-- i
their own health at ail i..cnticcs. i irei .o
be mv duty to soleumly aMre yt-u nai
WORMS, according to the opinion of the must
col. br .tad PblicUna. ar lh primary causes of a lari;.
nijoritT of dircaecs to obich children and a.luli arc
liable. If jou have au appetite couiiunally ilnooabc
from one kind of fuoa lo aii..tli.r, liud Urcath, Fain in
the sioiiiach, l". king at Uif Star. llardwM and Julloriui
of t!ii LVUv. Hry Cousii, S.cw lew, l"ul li-.cmnar
ri-luruiUr that a. I the- ilniolc Wol'-HS, ai-d Tou should
at once a pi the remedy
An article found, u ii-.u w iculitic .r.n ii.l..corarounJt
ith purely icecfcibN- eubfunc. lein,- teclly :.fc
,i,n Bi, ,, an.i cn heKi'cn the m...t tender inf..nt
Uf-Cid-il ben. lh ii.1 edci-U W h re Ih.wel Compiii.t
" i.. ..i.ilm ,.!. atil dehiliUte.1. the
of uiv Wnrui r-rur are su b. thut it
. i.. .1 .., n..ii-nt.. 1
BLaiWH wiinoui an e ui "'-"i. - -
. i..l .tr. i. jtl. ti. the .touiaeb. which uiaKea
it itu luhil.ll le reiu. uv lor iiw-e a.iie-i.ti -ti
The art'.ni.hin run-! i r' ,imcd by thio rup after
I'Uthielall. hVe lulled, 13 lue Wl l.aciict ui lie !11""
m' uvr ,,n u.a,cra.
, 1 n t 1 y 1r r TV T
J. II la 1 Al r. U .'1
ti.i. i. th. most iliii-ull Worm to Jelr..y of all th.t
lntir-a ihe human irjrletn. It .rttwit to an a.m''it inueft-
. it,li;ih, l.uru:uj; eoihtl and la-It n-U in lb- iutea-
t,n,.B' Bn-I i-tAiiineh, lleet,ni the he.illh o nidly at to
. si Vti.ih Oance. iil-.a. .. thul tl:te all'.tri. d a ldf.iu
-ver ruD. ct that it i. i.itcTl-'ra Inmtenit.,? tncui 10 au
eartv mave. In order to destroy tin- wot m. a vcr.
c. tie tr. stiueut mu.t be 1-ursne.t ; It w-.uid tliere
f-Tt fcu
,.r..iM.r to tuke 0 to S ef mv Liver 1MN, ioa-to remove
ail oh.-trucuoii-, that the orm Syrup may a t d.rcct j
ui.n Ihe worm, which must te takeu iu titles 01 two
tl.lwHilulls three time a .uy; ihexe dirccn.us f..l-
towed haie never been known to fctU ig curing tbe most
ouuuate case of Tape Wurm.
HOBtxsACK'S urF.it tills.
Liver, it servin a a niter-r 10 purity the b.ood, or kiv-
tiie y-um, aud rtsuin varmueiy. iu Liter t'oupUint.
Jaundice lli-pepsia, Ac. Wu should, theretore. rutcb
ecry .mpi..ii uiat mijit ii:d.cate a n.n a.ti..u of
the l.iv'.T. Tli.-e Pills b,-ini; cwpo-e.1 of I;mU oa-t
furnished bv nature to heal the .k, nainely. l.t,
An t'..iit. whi. h nosmt itl tbe seiri tit.u from U.e
fruit-ii:-xplvableard m;ulo.e manuer lite c. ri.iu uior-
b.d action t.l the system, .id. A ioitic ahull gives tune
sdJ 1,1 rent: th to tl.e mroi Htfin, r.u-iu; tuuitti
an-1 ij;'r to all ynrti t th h-ly. A V-it'uiitic
bit b tKiii wrl4-t harnii uy witli ihec h r iii.ti- ii- tin,
and ojeratmir ou the b iwp;. auJ r(il.itirf tlx wbt'le
nia-fi ot corru. t oaiJ iti;.t- 1 ui:ittA-r. aii l pinJjiDg lilt;
LlooJ, n liicb dttntva tikwc and n ."t 'rvu LcaltU.
Tun will find tlivctf l'ilis n invalir.l;ie medicine in
mauy complamn to which yon are suiject
a obi-truc-
titinn ritbt-r total or pan ml. tliy have Imvh found of in-
t-tttiuiabaf lni-&t.rerU'rmi tboir fuurtioiialarran-i'mpi;t(i
to m htrailhjf actioDt puntyniic Iho bluo-t and olb- r flui.iti
MctT(rt'tii)iMy to out to Hibt All evmpiniiitct hi h uiav
antv from ft-titeUv irriuUrltifi, hv ljcU, giadiacts,
dtmncf of tiflbt, pain in tbt- t-hie, ba t, lr.
None genuine unless signed J. X. II ours -
ACK,and uihers being base imitation.
Agents wishing new supplies, and store
freepers lt.irui of bccoiiulli; agents must ad'
dress the Pioprietor. J. X. HoskMSirK, at his
I.aooralorv, iVo. 120, North 2d, above Kace
St., Philad , Pa.
SKtttt tty all Airugglsia anil Mcicliuuia lu tl.w
United States.
Abimt. Ur. Thoraton tV J. Baker,
bur. Wholesale and Retail Aeents for
Co. Davis & Schmire.iSelins-ruve jStiizer Sc
Bro, Mifllinbure; Votmrman & Walters, Dry
Valley ; R. Keller, .Vlamsburs; s. Wittemnyr,
v aiiev : n. ivcucr. .'V'lumbour" : .-. vv lieninver.
Midtliebiirs; M. Specht, Beavertown ; J. D.
Dietleniletfer, New Columbia; A II. Lutz,
Forest Hill.
Pnirr, caca 2o cists
Flour, Grain, and Lumber
Ko. S3 it 25 $iear'9 ll barr,
Rrfir tn
John Clark, Esq.. PretHdent Citisena Baak, ,..
A K Oil. , Ca- h-er Frank.in liauk, Baltimore.
John liertzler jr., Esq., M . , . ,
Kccers, Sini.lck.on to . Pbiladclphl.
i. T,!ji.-, B-q.. I're:d nt Cecil Bank, Fort Deposit.
J. Usllow. r A Son, Ilarrlt-burg.
Col. H. C Kver, 1 . ,
J.H. ArfAfo! f5li"Kr.vw.
N.-iute, W indite A Co., Jli'ton.
W. w. fooke. Ksq., 1 ,,
e:mon Schnvlrr. K.q.. ) ,U"J'.
Oeorce Hotline, llin-he.ville
. it e- v. r A Co , Montourarille.
l. n. W. K. Pa. k. r, I
T. W. I.l.oti. K-q . Cashier, , ..,.. .
Jam.it II. iiuiii K.q., " il iamsport.
heals ti. 11 u iti.
W.-ll.-nry A lliihlt. Jerst Shore.
J. P. Iluiiui;. Ks.., Uk ilavt n.
rj"'A. Gissa & ;o. bave the largest;
Wharf Rooms nf any ('ommission House in i
Baltimore, always givinR quick despatch to
Uoats in diseharL'in:; their cargoes. " i
rcb. 1 1, I85:i t;ni4Cl
Almanac for 1853.
t a. !. js.
.. S' ? '
2! 3! ! ! 4 !
5 MjlJjlS llil-Juj-JliSI
? SB 21 2"aiISlia
3 4! S 6
' Iflllil2!l3!l4lls'l
S IT, I-; 10
1 S4!25.2..
J il ! a 4!
7 t.,lii:lllt-j
! r: j I -1 1 .-: i i.
S 14II.VH ji: tli!i!-u
11 2 4 S
1 -3
' f 10 .
l:tl4'l.s IB! IT
"l u-nviilia
rr. .
2 "I
2 t:ii4 i5iir,;iTiis
j 2". .'Hi! a.!l4
IIS! 2:t,21
3 4 b 6 7
aj in'ulii i;t i4
nil- il:;
a. 17ilS;l;i
81 siinlitlia
ti i;,ii)i7
e i-i4iif.jmi:
i2l 22,2:1,24
2 S:
H 41
5 12 Ki ll!
ft I;
B 9ijo2l
!, 282:so
27'2ii2!i30 31
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," ia
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures 00 the Preven
tion and Cure ot Consumption.
Thispopular work for sale inLewisbur?
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
this office!. Pric 75 rents
Map of tbe State or California,
. ... TE.XAS' pr'-tetl by 8. Aug . Mitchell ri
1846, and painted lo eorrasuonil u.iik ih. L..
' Jrie .file bT Congr... in 1850 for ule at th
vxuhicw nines, price 23 eta.
rain Drills.
THE undersigned wish to inform Ihe
farmiti; community generally, that
ihey are now manufacturing
J. P. JtOSS' Xetctj, Imprated GPAL
Without slopping to discuss the compara
tive merils ol numerous Drills now ollered
forsttle, they merely wish to invite Farm
ers to cull and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish an article that
will give entire sniisfuclion.
I.euisburj Foundry, Aug. 13, 1S50.
thy of tver
ler ran nukt
(food clean flour without he has good clemi
wheat. 1 suppose you wish tu know ihe
remedy. 1 tell you it is to get one ol
Utrsotrtsatr If heat Securer, or S,,,
i .......,..
He bcin;; ao old, practical and
experienced Millwright lias n.iented, got
up and put in successful operation the hesl
neni ocourer now in use. Any person
i . t . . , f i i.,
ururini" a inin.-iiunr uuij uitcrn.ir.JS Iinj.U
thnt it dues nol prove lo operate as repre
... j .1 . 1.-11 l 1 . ,
seti'ej. 11. err Mi ni oo no sine, as III' se lil t-
, cJtlred are to be Varritnled fiiVid. Further
rocoionir nnHtions Hte (houont unncccssarv-
II l.uvino- n mi, m-..U . I . .. f
'e "OW "aving l SII.tilV nidJe Bt Ij'WIs
J htirrr. bv Messrs. Gerlih'S Ar Al.rewfi. i Irrli...
. r i. : .
or letters of inquiry, will bt
, Mir ill ,1.111111 a.
promptly attended to. Machines u ill bt
sent and put to al! order. Aililress
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 329
Jfruit .11:3
The suhscr.ber offers l.-r sole a lnr'
jSSortllieril t)t cholfC FrUIt Tftes ucli lis
" "s
Apple trees, 7 to 10 leet luah, 40 vanetien,
u warrant ti oenuine reach trees 20
. . ,,, 7 . . .
varieties; I artanan Cherry, iNecitiriiie,
,'" p. SHhVr uh
' G or 8 varieties ol Grape Vines of the liC'
I , .
! nrtttve and exoiie vnneiies. Oriiainental
Tree, such as the Pnulonia I iiolun A,,.
1 ' aulonia, Lllltlen, &C
XV. IS. Person Wishing tO tirOCUrC tl
1mwiy of ,he Frul' .r-esare request, d to
, rnllhe I 111 niPO 1 3 1 e anilllCOtlOn to thosil hsrri.
j ,
uer, in .iriirr iu proeurt me varieties aim
izp wanud. II. ft. XOLJ.
Lewisburj;, March 4, ISSrt
Ccwisbnrg JunDrn
rPHE subscribers, ihankful for past pal
J. ron ige, would inform the public thai
tt.ev eoriiinue lo mnniirnoi,,rf nil i,;,i.
Mill Gearing ai d other Clings. Thr.sl.ine
Machines, andoibi r articles nt M.,rh;.... ....
red in the best manner. Castings warranted lo
be of Oood material, and al prices that ran nol
fail to please. f.EUJJEd Si MARSH.
1 rk i af. i
j OOKIX(i Stoves, of various patu ni's
j J "J "izes. for Co.il or Wood, for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
CJed.lcs Mursh.
j a ' arl'r. cod. Hbd Co.il
j -J Cloves, various palterns. for -me at the
"iirg roundry.
Gt'ildes cV Marsh.
"llTlARD'sS Puieiii Can Plow, a supr
1 V rior ankle, for ealeai ihe Lpwilme.,
Foundry by
Gcd.les &. Maisb.
GRAlX or Seeil Drills Ross' Patent
decitledlv the hegt and most durable
Grain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewihurg
F onndry by Gedde A Marsh.
Oi'jositwit is the Life rf Businefs !
The tult-ciilier would reiectlully infttiiu ihe
ciliztns of LewMiur; an. I the traveling comniun-;
ity generully, that be has opened a newr Livery '
and Em lunge Sial'Ie on t'OI. KTH etrret hull a I
square 8ouih of Market, slid has pru.idid & Kud
bit of Horses, with entirely new gnud and lash- j
ioiiitMe Carriages, Uuttgies, leigbH. cVc. where all '
wibint sn, thitts in bis line may be accotuinod-
atcd 011 the rhurti'St notice and must re.i.-oi.ai.lo '
terms. He will pay every atlen ion lo tbe
wants of bis customers, snd Lopes by so doing 1
to merit and receive liberal share of pul.lic '
paimnase. AVILLIAM MOUliS. !
Lew r burg, Dec SO, I8.il
Vocal and Instrumental .MUSIC,
onb lljc German tangnajc.
l.KV tr.incra fur past
a, r -"no iiiitii .ne L.iiiens
.4 .it, I .Xi.lA.a ... I .1 ... 1
.uu.u tt,! atctMieou'li aim
iC.Wifc7 fl
itv, the subscriber would
twLS. state that he continues lu tivs
iit.uucii.ins on tne l lano and Guitar al-o iu
Vocal Mueic ar.d in the (Jeimsu Language
Having been taushl in the l est Music Schools
in Germany, he deems himself amply qualified i
to teach Music, and lo aid in the correct acquisi-
lion ol llie rich German tongue. Ho nill alsc
tune 1 lanos. an. I put Ihein in repair, if desired
lt.'irtcnce. alter the 1st Apul neit. on Nonh
''kit,! Sit Rrt .Ia... r ,
, ... - - auutu ui tne rvcnooinouse. j
Feb 24,1 S52. KR XI 18 J. GE.-S"E.
L. UVTTEK A CO., $ucrm,$ lo IP O. Ihcloi, UnUi
a 6'tit.fvtK, awtl iVic'.c 4t liurrttt, '.
IOOK BiXOERS, tsutioners, and Blank j
Book Manufacturera, IUbbisbubs, "a. !
The .nbwibers respectfully inform th-ir rrirn.ls snd 1
the public, that they are now cai rvinir on the ahrve I. us-
news. t the 1 lin f msd .copied by llickok k Barrett '
They flatter themselves that by careful attention to hu-l- '
Bess, they will merit and receive . n,nii..... . .
patronage so liberally enjovt d bv the old llrnis
Particular attention will be paid to the llullm and
Binding of every description ot BLANK IliIKS.forllauk,
Count) Unices, Merchants, snd Private indmduals. and
every variety of full and half bound blank hooks, Mu-sic,
Newspapers. Ac. hound iw any style required.
In addition to the ahove.th.v have, sn.t will at all times
keep a general assortment ol TATItl.fcKV,eonsitingol
Letter, Cap. Urawlnx. Transfer. Corvtur, and H otting
paper; Wafers. Arnold's Writing fmid. Lea.1 pencils
Black Ink. Blue Ink. Scaling Waa, Copvinc Ink Slates'
and Pencils, Letter Stamps, India Huhber, Waters, Ked
Tape. Blank Boanls, g'oidcrs, gjasers, Ao.
w3-raperruiea 10 patera, and all work warranted
May 21, 1S62. -ly.
tTj-Booka and Pamphlets to be bound mav be
lf. u.:tk em:.... c.i. v . . J
-it. aw.u. ui in. iwitpurg Uhrooicle
Old Newspapers,
SOME thousands in number, of all sizes, for
Bale at the Chronicle office, at SO cts per
100 laien aa they run, or $1 when assorted. A
chance for Scrap -Books aa well aa for wrapping ' .
, nan., a n.; n 1 sin ' ' '
Th. ackonale'ljrei! ajul extraordinary coratir
poweiaol thciw wott'lerful in.cntion. ia now ao(e
ratlr known and their fate, and repntathn thrc-jn
ul the whole country ao eaten.itc, that it wm:d
accoi atir.ecescary tu urge, thair merita further, fiu.
tome Lite ciirutnatancca havciecurrc4 wl,K-h rentier
at a niaiter of duty to the puhlic not tu alt,rether
ailelit, for while the epheateral noatronii of tLe tlav
are trumpeted liy cdumi:a throu-h the Pre. ana
aw allowed !y uuarti and gallon by tha aloicted,
and are Ivand ju.t fed r awune,
Christie's Galvanic anal Sxnttk f arathet,
"v le c,nicujr worumr the a amonr tha
I aioit intclliiecnt ana resctani claMa. and
most intelhieent ana reaictanu. clavsea. auj are
ron.tantlr at-hieviiie; cure in sn aUraiine train ..f
, ron.lantlr a- hielii)r cure in n alaraima
- I ''"T L,.ch ,',,:'. ("r '""i aU rf
sucaves are ca.lctl
and in Uiee di.eaes medicine it of no trail wt.tit
cvtr. It never duva (uJ and it ofta does harim.
Syrtipf. t.Htract, UjIoi; Jfaltama, Lli-,ira. bittir,
1'iU. Powders and Potion of every kjnd are atiaa
wortbleif, fir they weaken tha tiMl anerysea of t:.
ai.eady finxtrated avitrm, wbiie under the itrefis;:a
viunsr, iife-)ijiviiiic. riialixiiiff inHueuceof itlaaim,
as t i l.M t,y thi beautiful discovery, tha ebamttd
pjU' t aad wfukene-l s'trterer ia restored to lorae
LiwUb. fctientli. elasticity and vifror.
The-.e rem;iiL rci.ite tn such li aen.es at NHL'.
IITAilON of t!. liKAKT, WtAKNKSS and a
IKMALK DIS(hli KS.aucn u NKRVOl'3 Hr A J
are onlv other trarues tor Nervou iVrangemaot ,
:riLKi'T.i, KliS and iONVLLSIONS. which are
now known to remit from a nn-itjilitnuni cf
l.I.rrtric influenie ; NKKVOL'S TKK.(.HCi, lKAK
JSS. whi.-u ia nearly alwaa eaused by tixiii;w
of ti.e An t.fory Nervei. anl can always Km arrtj.f
rtini bv .rdivamtm. hffi the organ ip nt destroj e.J ,
V SPM'SI A, iu it wont l.-ints ; PALS', aud PAkA
LVSiS. unifornilT rutted br a detiriency of Nervous
influence , UUO.NU, Hltfcll M ATIS-I. TORPlUITi
of the 1-1 V Kit, VWS in the SI OH, 81-LH,ISH tilt
DKKi:iKN'r of NktVOl S and PHYSICAL KN
jtltOV, and all tUme dctresticj eoniplamu result,
inp from a iLKA.GLM.N T uf tha .Nt-KVULi
la the abora prevalent and terriMe class of dis
eases Nervous Complutits ara much, awrs) &u&a
4us than is generally imagined
Ara sn A Isolate sunt Pualttva SperlfU
Tha BFLT is ueJ wheo the body or system gees
rally is ait ec ted ; the NM KL i for coiui-laiuu of
the 'ihrojt. as Asthma and Brourhitis. sod of tha
Head v and the Blt.V 1- Lr.TS lor all disorders of tha
arms or Umi,'S, as Kheunmtim, I'aUy, Tremors and
Siit.mo.Jic adiM-un TUa articles are timtdr ao
ohed as directed wuhthe M Ali.NKTIC KLLIUwhicft
ar-comi'anitm them, aud when failhiuliy used tha
aM-.vt.i kail:
Aaf The great peenliarity and axrellenea f tho
Galvanic i kativks consists in tha feet tfast
they arrest and cur dt?.ee by muttrtrd appiUaUtm,
in 'ifct-e of the uual method of Urutfing and
PhyMrkinfr the patient till nhauwted nature auiaa
h(tjn?lcsU under the inflicton. TVy tttrfgthtm tm
trAtWc fftfem. tyttal, tkr eireuUlitm mf tha Mid, sre
stffc lAr srrrrurNs, tnngmmf tht tntirt raerfics, cai
Cstn ni rr da the $ligftU$t iira undrr cfry e irrnm ifwpsoes.
Since their iutnhiurtmn in the L'tulad States, only
three years since, more than
71,000 PERSONS
incliidin'f all sees, rlaies and conditions, amrma;
whom w mtrm a li k" num'er ot Larfiea. wko are ace
liarly subject to Nervous C ouapiaiats, havo been
Entirely and Permanently Cured,
when all hope of relief had been triTen op. and eTsry.
thtni; Ue been tried in vain ! The beneficial rasa Its
whit-h have uniformly attended their wsa ia coca.
aSlttly tHs.seS o tnn aw Uis sa antsnmUsttt IM tkkM UlXtala
of Mtf lical Srienre. t Ifrtjynifii, lawyers, and evea
phiciau; UijM otktiie uis;het stso.lias; ; distaa
guMied ier-wn holTiiitr elevare-1 oflicial stations;
mnrUnut. maiiT;:acti:rt ik. aitd mechanics; the porr
and ti e rich alike; ut-eu whole famiites. amuna; U
clars, ranks aud con.lirions, hare equally been ra
e intents, and bure eually acknowledsjed tha wo
drtuand itin uueajcctcd LeuenU which they haa
thus rece.-d.
t a Let it he known and rememberatl that tlieenly
Naliuul Ketorative for the Nerves is 4aivaiAviBi.
and that iu ail .Nervous Diseases we ahould
" Throw Physic to the Dogs."
To illustrate the uc u( the GALVANIC BELT,
sui.puse the case of a peria aiHictetl with that hana
of civilisation. I. SFKPS1 A. or any other Chronic or
Nervous IHior.ler. In vruiiiary ca.ca stinulan'.s
are taken, w hich, by their actitin on the nerves snA
muvrlcs of the stomach, alt'tirj rrwatae, s reheC but
which leave tha patient la s lower state, and with
k'.jVre.l facultie., alrer the action thns eaciteti has
t-sett. Now compare tin with the effect result.
.fr ftam the aiilicuttan of the tiAl.VANii BtLT.
Titke all; siteptic sultci cr, even in the worst sv aip.
aSm of sii attack, anj .imply tie ths Belt round tha
Body, n.ii.c tha Magnetic Kluhl as dtractetl. In a
thit i-eiitiU the inseuvihle perspiration will act en
lie posiii.e element of the IfelC thereby causinr a
Aralvanic circulation which will pasa oa to ths
neu;aive, and thenca hack again to th positive,
tliua keeping; up a coutinuoua Galvanic circulaties
thptneitttut the STttem. Thns the moet severe esses
of li.srH'SIV are PKItMANLMLV I " UKD. A
fmm the most intelligent and respectaMa persons
reM'li.is; in every ortion of the I'niied States, couli
be presented, i'hee are now unnecessary, but s
numrrtm sclcctittn embracing; tnsny statements of
tlie mtist extraortltuarv character, srihcient to tO
VJSt K. THE VI 1ST S KI'TU AL may he had of ttis
xm:httrise.l Aent. Tha iuletetted ara paiUCtllari
invited to call.
rreia one of the stiihi tlMbitfeftl rhytiv
elans in the City of Sew lerk.
"I have been mine; t'hristic's Galvsnic article, ia
ouict w ay aiit,n nty patients lor sboirt two vearl
rest, and I conies I am astonished at their succe.
f I am sure a disease is Armm. I know jn.t wfctt
Vl'T, 'U ln -l'iIl'"e ri'-'t particnlarlv ia
chil lren: l)eafne aisl Arlertions ot th. Head, la
aduits; raralyvia and Palsy, in all ages, and inJeeti
seveisl other disease of bSe nstnre which have lorf
puixled the protession. I have found tlie tialvscic
articles of surprising (.client. Although I detest tl.e
shameless quackery of advertisements and news
papers. I must express my ccntulenc. mud belief
in Ihe wondetlul virtues of CliKISl'tEts Cl'K-V.
TlVrS. My nam. ia, of course, conlitlentiaL but I
shall never hesitate to recommend your artaciss ea
all proper occasions."
Io V. C. Mosfms.o. M. D, (Ira. Agt for Pr.
t ilHisrir. New York.
1 e." i-tr. otiiiv a i-nvsiciao IB iw vw-ioiiv 0,
: cof J"a' Agents, I have i.ceo much gratibed ia
the exaniinition of vonr t.al.antc t urjuves. anl
highly pleased with their practical resuits. 1 ha.s
ottservc.l thnt they arc constructel un th. true sriea
tic piuiciiic lor the genfe. , pleasant and re
tinsel de.elt.) meut 4 f the tiHlraiuc Current, tberertv
fiiling a disi.'cnitum. l.tng sought tor, but heretohtre
unWiown. 1 cliecrtiilly recoaimend them for ths
alleviation and cure of those distressing ailments
called Nra.ot s tssnjivrx lor W hick they ars as
happily and ingeniously designed.
Very tiulv yours. DAVID RICE, M. D.
Levcrelt. Mas... Kehruary ti, 1S60.
anir No tronMe or inconvenience sttewds th. ss
Of IsR IIIKISTIE'S u.li r.l.IC tTBJ 77-.,
and they may 1.. woiu by the most feeble and awU.
cat. with perlect ease and satety. la many cases
the sensation attrniliug their use is at'sAy sl.sisaf
mnd sgreeaAle. Ihey aie accompanied by full sad
plain directions lor nse. Pamphleta with full par
ticulars aiay he ohtauied rails, 04 tha authorised
The Galvanic Belt, Three Dollar.
The Galvanic Necklace, Two Dollar..
The Grilvunic Bracelets, One Dollar Eaok.
The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar.
cwai Ccaalnrsls tnd WarlKU iawurssa
D. C. M0REHEAD, M. D ,
IX tltsadwiy, Bear lswas.
Aam In Lewisburg -C. W. SCHArFUl
lUanttb at trjc (Elironifle (Pffirf.
ON accounts from cne on lo four year
atanding. CASH and also
Wood, Wheat, Butter,
nd most other PioJuce for househoU u"..!'
J - - , J 1 1 o, 1 ov
Lie currei.l t ea