Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, September 16, 1853, Image 4

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    -"-...- ... - : .VJjtF . t - , V if; 5L ' ''fjj - --aaMaBajnainJinn?Mar??ig -- ' - J- . awaiT . T
J . 1' f I 1 L-l i-r - 4 - .V sr .i r'"f.r'-; a . TiVrTnT ? V ' : v'" . 1 '
' TT- ' Tb.1 111 li1 A I HI U Ki . f ; J" '
.. im sv...A film a Hrtmlnf
Tk. .wosnea,s EUhu," Spiritual Commas
uu.'B4utbvlaKKaM'buUsi 1
BeifareV a T CtTB cuvn.
si (be UU dull, ptM.u way
Is whir oar lib W day by a!,Jrl .
la ban, like Rip Van Winkle, we'll sleep.
ioe a eeeeeo, than at Um warhl take a pa-p.
Tie eirhteew hundred ana no matur whan ;
Lai a take np a paper and .e If w. than
Can caia by tu readme; aa iuiubt so clear
Thai Usui, ta tbait ul Uua itfUt tall apaar.
rancrapa aral ansae wrprlie Burst awakra :
" Tba new caosea rraUnl, atlas Lacy tlacoa,
faeerd thronah this city ; also ia her enite,
tba sVexeUry of War, Miai .Sally Voata.
HosTiranarmdeat (no
Oa tba air Uua road. Tha arw litibtula. trala
knxiatr4 a eocoel, which .cruel ..-vo...! lre,
Sukra all tiaaieiur.rmin bora tie earn.
Hoaxer, aw eve by ipW aneresj ;
alaadal and Uada wseawatbavea bis' Dream."
ejrnbeae etrihva the bnrp, aad Apollo nofly -
rwa sawing done haw by Jonathan hkw ;"
Cbasrs Miilb, aiillmer. areas and ekiak maker
JM Browa, butcher," " Alier Lee drives a hack;'
Fna-ba Uray'a oa-nibaa to Charleston aai be a-"
tar kvllvf. vbiakm ar.4 eanca:
feaVbb Wutttroaa cuara nraiaai and iprulu.
Mtaaara on aurtfrry, amputatca llnibf;
UaTaaa li. cal maaa biwDrta and triau.
" DaPMby Dongkby. attornry t law;
turn liry aublc by Nancy Jane t!baw f
"Oaatata Jaa 8ift haa a ataamhoat tor aala:"
'bkitu aude by 1'aol Jaaaa: call vilboat (all.
Urtara tMixht by Krljn Day.
la oid Vaaiaui Uali, npun die lwt rf
tfi r iroremliiC ultra. China ann.-xinfr.
Utahmg larery, aud like tbiugf rplrxlnc."
Tha New York Triban- now mm to appoar
lun ipirltnitl tar for thi mundaua "1 h re,
V. alter ScoU wriua tbratunr. Will sliakaprua Uit piayai
rWa I'rauklin aaU lypa in Ihvaa lattrr daya.
a (Uaaa at tba areiiie, and tbea we haaa ttuaa,
f jt Ml diatual a plaea we are tempted ta bua;
a f M-Kim-iooki: man lu a ruckincb.ilr atwaa
ball nmrbed ietter Uta aacret dweiwaaa.
w fVar Ja. baeia ntended m little bot'a ttjek'.DS,
1 write a tVw Uuea vhile the ciiMlle I'm rktUji
S- lu It aenikta, Bt daughter at ai-a,
I niKl l . jMtlJ u i w, u ua .
"So I bef you to u.t,onr erwiLg lr4 knittlnr.
Tour i rut.bei, yor woi-u. aLjall tliiti n- uUir,
AaU er-u4 I be uest waea k. u atiu j iHJJ
Jlrinx patteruR fur apruna and ircckj wbea joa cv.
WKb a pitiful irb for thia carr-ctrlrken man,
return u the times era prtam ai' bM;an:
luii OTuo ecu lika tbae di tant f r may Uy ba
II akar atecu chaugea we re dVeOhrd tv ee.
liojom TravfUr.
The latest duel wo havo beard .f id tliut-rc-'orJeil
in the Louisviil.t Cuiiricr of the
6tU iusUut: We accidentally hoard of
duel that cauie off )esterd:.j- in the woods
back of town, iw.ww.-u a city blood and a
Lotrhtudid voutL from fho country. The
aetoada of the ufuir concluded to charge
the pUtold with powder only; at the turtle
giving both the principals secret intima
tion that but oue pistol was loaded with
ball. Thecity youth had the most posi
tive assuraui-e that his was the deadly
weapon, and that his oppoucnt's was per
fectly haanilcss. The other waa of the
aame opinion too, and, as the smoke of tht
burnt powder cleared ofF, the country youth
was seen lyiug oa the ground, apparently
badly wouuded. The city youth theu
walked up to the falleu foe, who jumped
to his feet and drew another piud, and the j
C.itS Mfttul re hrtuia - C t-I- t. j
would carry him.
A Slcttisu Fashion. The Boson
J'-nu-nal tsays the dresses of nino-lenlhs of
the ladies who promenade our streets, or
rail at our fxshionable fchops, sweep the
iBsg stones of the walks and the crossing
at every step. Elegant silks, costly bro
cades, beautiful dres patterns of every
rhade and hue, aro kicked along the side
walks by pretty feet, or are dragged after
theiuits useless and unpleasing appendages.
Uunecessarily long as ladies dresses were
daring the past season, an extra tti.-k sec tut
to have been let out this year. Ar.y cn
walking up 'Washington direct on a pleas
ant afternoon, will meet crorrds of fa--h-uuably
dressed women with the extra or
nauieut of a couple of inches of dust and
dirt around the bottom of their dresses,
kSSL ashes, may 'be fashionable, but the
latter is anything but ornamental or in ac
cordance with good taste.
A laughable occurrence took place in
Norfolk a few evenings ago, which has
kpt the population in a broad grin ever
since. It fccius that a circus company
was performing there, and among other
tricks, was to exhibit the well known 'Me
tamorphosis of the ack,' iu which tbe
performer enters the ring acting the part
of the drunken man, and afterwards as
somes half a dozen or more different dres
ses and characters. The police who were
iu attendance to keep order, not being ac
quainted with the piece, as soon as they
aw a drunken man enter the ring, imme
diately pouncr-d upon him, and in fpite of
all tha winks and nods of the ring master,
hustled him out of the circus without cer
emony. The effect upon the risible mus
cles of the audience may be imagined.
A western farmer found a very Cue hog
dead in the field, after a heavy thunder
storm ; but, to his astonishment, he could
discover no signs to indicate where he had
been struck. The animal was dead, though;
o tbe owner brought in a verdict "struck j
by fightning." If," said he, "it had been
thunder, it would have knocked him all to
A country chap came to tbe city to see
Lis intended wife, and after a long time
could think of nothing to say. At last a
great snow falling, be took occasion to tell
her that bis father's ebeep would all be
undone. 'Well,' said she kindly, taking
' him by the band, 'I'll keep one of thera.
A country editor informs his readers
that there are a number of boarding houses
in New York, iu which there is not a '
yU bed bug. They are all married, and
have got large families.
CkjyThe dandy who was "struck with
an idea" was not seriously injured, as the
weapon was a very slight one. Such an
: accident j, . ifcdj tu happen to him
TU3T received at the Bazaar, an'e'tensive
assortment of HEW GOODS, comprising
every v ariety of Ladies' and Gentlenjen's Dress
Goods for summer wear Call'soon, as they
are going off f.
Mjy t '63. Opposite Kline's Hotel
icv Store! New Goods!
HA3 been pnrchased, and shipped, and will
arrive next week, oae of the largtti,
c teapot, ffiff complete and varied stock of goods
ever offered in Lewisburg. Every body caa
be accommodated as to quality, quantity and
price, to their entire satisfaction, at the new
and magnificent stcre-room at the corner of
Third and Market streets. Particulars next
Lewisburg, April IS, .1663.
(in advance of tba Railroad)
Mammoth Head Quarters!
HAVE just received and opened an unusu
ally large, varied and extensive assort
ment f
Dry Good", Clothing, queens,
GUift, Vrhir aa( Hani- Hare,"
inure in quantity and chuiccr in quality and
variety than have ever before been rUered in
Lewitlwrg, being a vast improvement over ilie
stock atid selections of all former seasons, and
purchased at such remarkably favorable rates
as enable as to offer better bargains at lower
price"! than can be found anywhere else.
(jj-Entirely tno busy to give particulars
his week but call and examine oar multila
nouuprj;es of everything that anybody in
town or eountiy may want, and prove for
yourselves that in varieiy, quality nd cheap
iiOii we positively can't be teau
firTAs heretofore, the highest Cask
PBICES raid for GRAIN.
J. & J. WALLS.
I.ea-isburg, April 29, IH63
Chftpcr than Ever!
riMIE undersigned would respectfully an
I neuoce to their friends and the citizens
ol L'nioo c unty, that they have opened a New
Slock of DI.Y GOODS.
For Men's Wear I hey bat e
French t'luth, lKwrkinv and fancy Caseimer, Colored and
tVhtte f.in n, llrilla. Cottoriadea, Vesting, New fettle
Mareritles Vritiof-, bngit-b lltwtery,) c, tc
For Ladies' Wear,
Rich Lnntrrcd Black 6itk. Plain and Cbanaealile Silks,
trict Si!ka, Mareline. Checked India Silk, Florence
iln.lriiap Olaceii. I'ris Painted Jncoooetfl an-l London
i'litited llNrraire De Lain., Super Plain nonw-llnea. Toil
Fie Neire. French and toutcli tlitirhamm Needle Wotked
IVlnr. an-l Cn-Walcer-, Jncc"net and $wirf Edgings
and ..wl- iiisertings nuriu Dim x.Jgin and !.,
Plain aid F iner C.iw Net, t'new ctvleiO Tarletunr. lllu-
-e-nn. nioiidt-a, Pui!irit..ivd and Clfar Lawn lltlk'fh, Su
perior Quality Kid, Trffcta. a lei Silk (ilovea. Lone aud
i.ort Mohair Milt, n Mte t rape Mutriit. .lr!inl cruig
Orticeetn. Malta, Stair Iama.-k. Super Cotbm Eheetmps,
Pillow Ca-e Mulin, Fnruiiure ( heck. Th-kinpi. Cotun
Frlnues. Cotton Tahle Dinp. r. Damafk Table Ch.tha. Nap
kins. b'Ovlie.. FnibofMMl Cloth and Cotton TaMe Coiera.
Super Msre,.illc(i t'ulltsand counterpanes, iiucaauuia,
Dial er aud Crash T twellinu. 4c. c.
Their stock of GROCEMESnis very large
anil cheap.
Their..rlme.1 .f OITEEXSWAKE IS One
of the finest ever brought lo this section of
county, and extremely low.
Also, an emensive stock- 01 iiArii""
Their slock of goods having been purchased
at the present extremely low prices, and for
cash, enables them to offer unusual induce
ments to purchasers, as respects varieiy, style
and prices. The viblic are respectfully invi
icd to call and judge for themselves before
purchasin elsewhere.
.(:Oi;XTRY PRODUCE taken in ex
change for Goods, and the highest market pri
ces allowed. ki:ri:r & VOKSE.
Lewisburg. April 29, 1653.
The subscribers
having formed a
co-partnership in
business, now offer
to old friends and
the public, at the
Ute stand of 8. F.
Lvndall.on Market
street, the cheapest (for cash) and best lot of
soot;? and Sbotft
for Men and Boys, ever offered in Lewisburg.
Men's Boots from $1 tip to 6.
Also all kinds of SLECES' "SAIS
Gaiters, half-Gaiters, etc.
Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes.
Work made to order Mending as usual.
As we are both known as practical shoe
makers and experienced workmen, we solicit
a share of the public patronage and will try to
merit it. 8. & D. Sllfer.
Lewisburg, April 33, 1853
nAVIXO beep appointed Agent for the sale
of the celebrated Piano, manufactured by
ro. togiit, rbiiad..
the underaigned wonld be bsppy to supply any
ritizciis of ibe Surauehanna country who may
ileiire an Instrument well made, after the latest
imptovemenU. Two of these Iuatrumeols have
lately been introduced into Lewisburg, la which
I am happy to refer any ore. The Pianoa re
are warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for
a year, tbey may be eichanged. Prices reason
Lewisburg, Feb 24, 1S52. -
Depot and Alanvactory
C. I Miller & Co.,
8. W. cobseb Aaca e Sacoaa Stbxits, -
INVERT variety of shades. Wholesale and
j Raiail, such as 8c roll, Flower, Gothic
Vignette. Oil and Dry Landscapes, are lo be
had at the lowest prices for quality of work.
Orders for Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and oth
er shades executed atehort notice.
Merchants and others are invited to rive ns !
-..ii it-. n . . i
ei . .m c use try tu frmam.
Brasses Trimmio-s, A&, always on h Aid. "
Remember 8. W. corner txcond and Arch
Streets Philadelphia.
Fib. II, 1833 6m46t '
Attarney at Law,
LEWISBURG, Unio Co., Pa.
8aOFriCK nearly opposite Kline's Hotel
Refers lo .
Htm. JtretM ftennafr, BeBeflmU, ft. ,
Jjtl TtHaU, . a
r. a Htmet Co. ' rfa '
Jhm. Jlawiarat & tfiTion, Itwulowm, ru.
- jl.JdHnm, Snntmrf.
- -.. JSraei Wri. aVBe. ,
1 .rwa, amilk 4 Co., J-ileVfaj.
lernitburg, April ii, W
"Smalt frojiu ft(i Quick Sale$." "
J. II. tt W. BBOWJ..
WE lake Ibis' method br informing the
public that we have fitted up tbe old
where we would invite especial attention to
our stock of
Groceries and FJSIT,
which can not fail to please, either iu regard
in price or qualitv. Our goods have been
bought for cash, at the lowest price, and will
be sold on accommodating tepans.
CASH will be paid for all kinds of Grain
and the very highest price paid, in goods, lor
every description of Vomettie t raduce.
Turtleville, April S3, 1853
(Sucoesaor to A. FIOT.)
A "o. 1 G i Chest n nt Strei't, Sica im't Bu HJ ing,
TXTEXSIVE Mcsic ri-Busnra and Dealer
'j in Musical Instruments of every descrip
tion eaclnive Agent for llie sale of llallelt,
DaviaaCo's(Kostuo)l'aientaspcasion Bridge
JEoIian and other
I.Gilbert's ISouJoir Pianos, MeliNleons, Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music
Books, etc.
Residents of the country will be supplied bv j
mail or otherwise with any music they may
wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of the largest stocks in the United
States, I feel confident of satisfying all who
may favor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on the most liberal
terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for
sale. Iy473
Lightning Rods.
A FTER many years' clone investigation and
j numerous eiperiineoto, the Patentee takes
phaaure in informing, the public that be has
arrived at the true principle of protecting families,
dwelling and properly from the destructive influ
ence of LIGHTNING. The calamines
ibat every City. 1 owu, illage and Country falls
victim lo annnallw lb"' tba rnmaj tr,-"M f
when the icmedy is no easy to obtain this is
found in
iJatcnt fllajnctit Cigrjlning Hobs,
and in this alone. This Rod has been examined
by the most scientific gentlemen in the world
Professors M'Murlrie, Johnson.Wallor and many
others that have examined them, recommend and
speak Of them In the highest lema erf approbation,
and have pronounced ihein tbe only safe rods iu
use in this or any other country for tbe protection
of Lives and Propetty. One advantage ia to divide
and throw back a part of tbe eltxtrie fluid harmless
lo tbe clouds ; in lime ol a stroke Ibis enables tbe
rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belong
in the earlb without tbe sliehteet danger of lea
ving the ronductor. '1 hi rod has many other
advantages over the old one. The only pUce of
manufacturing is in
line St. 3 fW above 12, Ptuladcfphia,
where all persons are rospectfully invited lo call
and etaniine fui themselves. For aole Wholesale
or Ileiail by THO'S ARMITAGE.
Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash.
TK.C. .el. h.cA hoon nnrrhavd and auecesa-
fny uaru tiy me loiioniiig individuals, companies
anil corporations, wnoce names are cheerfully
submitted : . .
In and near Ph ifaiUlfhitL. A . A S. Roberta, Ceorpe
antzinirer, Judire Houvter, Jmlira Conrad, J. Stulford,
John llomea, C. CCianJcy.J.Urenner, O. Oakley, Conrad
lnprcreol, The Ulockiey Almfhouee, Aodereon A brotliers
Rev. J. L. Orant, John Notman, Tboe. tirover, hate A
Hoona, A. K. Uinkera, 11. Mmmena. Tboa. Nott A Co., Mr.
ltowninf, J. F. Oreer, J. W. Watann, O. llumphreya, J.
Jtiplev A Co., J. Myoian, B. Barlen. J. (rren.hire, u. Pep
per, Mr. Sharpie, Sir. Martin, 8. Dorhley, J. Brinkley,
Mr. Pavieou, air. Paul, S. U. Powern A Co., J. Winepenny,
II. Miller, the II. d Bank Hotel, Ibe U.S. Anenal. the
Sprinft tiarden Comniiaeionera' Hall.
Jn the State vf Acw JVriey. Oeorm Crispin. Jude
M'Call. Ju lne TMyton, John Netman, llr. U. M'MurUe,
Benj. Koberta, Air. J. Downing.
ix imoa t orxrr.
Hartley Tp. Slark Halfpenny, Win. Potter, Jobollaae,
Michael Peters, Jacob Smith, ftarid Pitman, ltenhen
Mench, George Kleckner. Aear Jierlin Court Hon He,
anil t'U'.aii...Kner' ofh'.e. LimejUme Tp John Keoer.
Tnton 2. Dr. Cbarlea Wilson. IliuAiwyroN Tp. John
Kunia. Simon Hunts. Ptnn Tp. Isaac Couldrou. Ir'Aite
Zfcer Stp. Jlichaal IloEmaa.
PiliutnA., Ang. IS, 147.
I bavfl thbl day carefully inspected a conductor or
Lir;htninft Bod, with vane and index, erected by Mr.
Inomaa Armitape, on Bellevne House, Uloucester, and
bare no hesitation la saying that it ia not only the best
I have ever seen, bat that it ia tbe only one 1 bare yet
examined that is eonntmeted on strictly sctentifie princi
ples. It is with much pleasure that 1 recommend his
conductor to tbe attention of owners of buildinirs.
I am well aatisfled that the Magnetic I.iirtitnimr Hod,
manufactured by Mr. Thomas Armitage, of Philadelphia,
is tbe best that baa ever been made. 1 bare spent several
years in tba study of the laws of electricity and magnet
ifiu. and have no hesitation ia aayinx that these Rods are
constructed upon tbe only principle of safety. Tbe electric
ahfM-k ia received and dispersed by tbe UMMrnet at the top
of the rod, and it would be impossible, arconiina; to the
tawa of attraction and repulsion, fur n bnildinir to be
iujured by a stroke of liehtuinir when protected by one of
these rods. I bare been acquainted with Mr. Armitajre
for several years and before be commenced the manufac
ture of these rods 1 examined tbe principle on which they
are ronstrurlrd, and felt convinced that their adoption
would be attended wilb complete success. The increasine,
demand for these rods, and the ex tensive sales in all parte
or tbe country, is ample ouinmendatioa of their utility and
superiority. TRACY K. WALLER, At. D.
Hiring Sua, Phllsd.Co., April 10, 1SSS.
Jlartleton, Union Co. Pa.
ate Agents for Union and adjoining Counties,
ana win lurnun me Kods on tbe aame terms and
in the same manner as the Proprietor.
' Lewisburg. ;
Surjeon Dentist,
AT his ReaideBca, 8onth Third St., corner
of (be Board walk. .
gSt Hi Johtt Locke, i
afheTICE removed to Mark stf-t;'eoi
J ond Soor entrane"Or Between ikiuw
Hotel iM C. E. Baxres' Store. . 1
Lewratmra;, April 1,1853 '
' I ' '
CnVrrd aceordlnr to Act of ronrree, im tbe Tear '.
IS.' I. by J. 8. IMLC1IIT.I1, M. ft, bj nto atark'S ;
OOoa f the Ilvtria Court c tha Fmlam .
" MMri( of Praaeylaaawv 1 v t
Another Scientific wbnrlerl '
CHEAT CUfeT- FOR . . " '
OR, CiAStRIC jiici:.
pBKPAKEn from RKXtKT or tbe Fonrlh PTOMACH
OF Til K OX. after dirdtiona by BAROS I.IKIIKt, the
.bi.-.-i-j-i,! a. i u iL.tLiOTitV M t
areat Phvaiolottical Cbcuia, by J. B. UuUtilllON, M D,
rniiaucipnta. ra.
" I IHOE.-tr. - Saeh la tie trne mcauinn of tba word
PKPSIN. It la the cbier)eleuirnt. or Oreet OmeaOnit
Principle of ibe tianlrie J ui-c the fkitcrnl or the t 4. the
i'liTifiting. Preserving, mn48imnlatltg Airent of the Slo-
h and Inlestinw. It extracted from tbe Diitestive ,
aionioi-u i ore v, ujuw.uraunB a ir,t.
pni-eiy uae uif natural uianc; '
Chen.i.l ,K,wer. and ft nishing a COMFLblS and
pr.net r M url 1 1 in E it it. ...
Thia it N'ATl'KK'S OU'l I;LS1F.DV for an unhealthy
tou;acb. No art ol atau em equal ita curative powera.
It contain' no Al.rolidl. KITTr'RS, ACIOS, or MAL:
MSOi:S 1)1.1 US. It it eita nielr aeieraMr U the tacte,
and may be taken by tbe rjitt fceMe patii nu a ho can
not take a water erarher erthout acute dintrewt. Beware
of IfM-TiGKn IMITAT10.P. Pep-in hi NOl' A IlRlO.
Call on the Aircnte, and f t a Deceptive Circular, era
tla, ifiviiii a lante amount of SCI K.VTI r'KJ IVlOKNCli,
fnm I.ie!i Animnl Cheltirtry; Dr Conibe'a Phvisioloiry
of Divert ion ; Ir. PenJra m Fooil and Kiet ; Pr. John W.
Drapei. of New Y-rk l'ierity; Prof. Pnnrllnaou'a
Phyniolopi ; Prof. Silliman of Yule College , llr. Carpen
ter li.i-.'ory. Ac. tojreth r with report of CbllKfctrum
all parts of the United Staes.
J jents Dr.TnoitNTos & CnitisT.Lew-
ishnri; Hoilioni( A Ante Berlin; J. W. Friling,
Sunburj. lytl
IHE undersigned continues the LI TE
XT BUSINESS at the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market, and
respectfully solicits the patronage ol his
friends and the public Generally.
Lewisburg, May 22, 1850
Executors' Kollre.
LETTERS testamentary on the last will
and testameiit ol'SistrtL Asso.t, late of
the Borough of Lewisburg, dee'd, have been
eranted to the subscribers bv the Recister of
Union Co. All persons having claims against '
the estate will present liiem for settlement : i
and all persons indebted make payment with
out deiav, to ALEX. AM.MON-s, ,
I.e-aArt-ireYrO-.ilMidliS-wtii cmtmiue tnv
lumber busiiiess ol the late firm of Hi bku and
AviaoTi.and respectfully solicits acontinuance
of the public patronage.
market Street, lalsliurs, Fa.
Far Iks Care of
"Jnd by the rinr, upon tit bank there thali .orote air
freer or icA'ae thuU nrt mte aiut thr rvit
thcrftf sAal oeor sseaf anrffAe tea thereof 'or medicine."
Here was hope for the si record, d long ago, and every
year adds new proof to Uio-uisuranoes that these promises
shrill not fail.
A s medical science dbaovrrs and designates the remedies
pstura has given, one by arte the diseases that afflict our
rare yield to tbe control of art. Or all the maladies we
suffer from, none has cnrrl-d more victim to aa untimely
grave than Consumption (X the Lungs. Subjoined we
give some evidence that tins bo msy be cured, and that
Pulmonary Complain ta, inall their ibruis, may be removed
by Cbebbv PscmB.a.
FOB 1SFLCKXZA AXP vnioopixa corcn.
N iviriuji, Term., J uue tt't, 1S52.
Sra I have repeatedly scd yourCrtEKRr Pectoral for
W hooping Cough and lot 'lensa, and bate no hesitation
in pronouncing it a complete remedy. Four of my child
dren have been afllicted with these diseases, and the free
um oi me faCTOlus naa always allorhd almost instant
reiLr. JAJII.S tiLOVAUt.
We attest tha truth of the shore stitement :
M. M'CINTV. Id tor of the Nashville Whig.
3. M. UMMERMAX, llrugsist,
for A coxsr.vrnrE coran.
PiTTsitt-ta. Pa tvh. 1 ar,i
Dear Sir For three years I have born afflicted with a
eoni;b, so distressing that 1 frequently despaired of recov
ery ; much of the time I was obliged to sit np all night in
niy chair, aa my conch would siilf icate me when 1 laid
down. JtaTinr, used mauv rcmcdi. a without much relief,
I at last tried the CoEKnr I'tciottt, which under Provid
ence lias cured me altogether. 1 am with gratitude
Among tha other diftlngninhod authorities who bars
lent their names to rccomrnend this preparation as the
beat known to them Sir affections of tbe lnngs, are
Pres. Pnuii.ts, of Vermont Med. CoUeice.
Prof. SiLunA.v. t-t rale College.
Prof. Vlitis Mtert, of New Torit.
Prof. Cutviuiro, of Bowdoin Sled. Cotlcrvj.
. Prof BrrrrsaniLB, of Ohio Med. College.
Cam am a J'jtrasAL or Mrjicat Sctrjtca.
Bosron Hmru ato SuacKal. JotaHAi.
NlW Juuur MlMCAt. RcrnRTUt.
Hon. Hexsv Cut. TJ. b. Senator.
Hon. Oto. P. llAani. Am. Ambassador to Turker
Oen BnAitcTX Bcuu, President oft hill,
lit. Bev. En. Powaa. ford Bishop of Toronto.
Rev. Br. Lasstso, of Brooklyn, N. T.
Archbisanp Pomcnt. of Cincinnati, a
AIM many eminent oeraonagos in ft-relgn covjnrrtea.
not onlv in the mora d.n.rnn. MMJi - j:
of too Langs, but also as a family medicine for occasional
rue, tt ia the safest, pleasant and beat ia tWe world.
PKMPASED AKIt Xar n are n ttrrr, .
IVactiealand AnaJytJeal Chemist, LtmH.Mau.
...wSJoraale by C.W. Sen trvur. Iwtsbniwi J. II C as low
Milton: Mint M. 1TC.. Wk..mii.TA " ,7.'
new Berlin i 1. tier hart. Seliierr,... A a,. n.i-.:-
avcrrwherr. t:...., ,o...; j
-J vucaiw41S
'ar.eaa. VlairttetaVn. tTaUaMaVUBt Te
THIS ertablishmew bilow is is oru..,
The maehinery iglyu.n
... L b?, the JS-fiTS
1 in this o. . J-"-,1. and
Mis wapg ons . fS,abUshment,
iTal.'.a'via Wes of that opportu-
""'l have also on band, and intend keep
injTchoice assortment .f G"
Chlfn Salinelf, Ctuhmtra, I weeds. Blanket,
v. 77b eh I will sell low for cash, or
. v,!ilih and
happruess of a people, is at U"
the most viable importance. I Uta i it for
tbarevery person will endeavor to promote
ne r own'healthal all sacrifices. I feel it to
be mv duty lo solemnly assure you tha
Zrrlin- lo the opinion of the most
WORMS, according to the opinion
""J rSJV-bkhrebldn and adulu ar.
majority of " ' uu conlinnally cbanneeble
liable. If yo ba an . rP'"" " lh P.jn in
from one kind of food to anol hT, u aa tuliurm
tbe Sloawb, WJWI -ul Irmrular
of U.a "l the-i denote WOKMS, aud Jon .hould
reniembor that all theaa Beaiw v ,
. - ...1. iIm' rumedv
jtn duc.y, J beneficial etlecv. "'." uhilitateii. the
ar,a marrieva avrup are auch, thlit It
1 . s.run ar. anch, th..t it
tome prut "rue. v. j - lll0..ue f medicinca
tumitiihuM an r-l"" ' ' h which makea
,n girins t..ne auu , ".,L.d i,h ow..
in Birins tone aud rS' with ;w,.
H an ItiralllMe iwmaoy " " ' -, , Ulu sr,, ifter
a.-.'L wa..ll oLhurs.
Thb I. the . dUSr.lt
infe-,1 'ZZZL'ZI the inn.
n.le length, becom nb eo oou n (o
5 vSna Samw, that thoe afllicted .eldotu
more liuu'.e to diaeane than the
l.lrv miS. afilterer topurif, the blood, or si.;
. accretiou to the bile; 0 thai nu, .
o'u of "hi Li"cr electa the other important I-aru of
ibe aVfrmTaml reult. Tariuu.lv, in l.irer t-orupUi..t,
i.mJ?. nrener-aia. Ac We thouM, therefore, watch
rirZT'" 1
the urtr. . . .11, ..,),. l.t. 1
J'Jonrr furnh', hy nature 10 u.-. - - - -
An Krrtrl, wl.ich augment tha aecretion frou, tbe
noln!on mucun membrane or promotea tha dua-harja
S?Ted matter. M. An Atterotiee. -hkb ebangea in
CwplieaMe and InKn-ibl. manner mr:
bid action of the aystcm. M. A 0..1C winch Rite, tone
and airenpth to the ner.oua ayftem, "newiu bealtlj
and ito to all parU of the body. 4th. A CnlAart.c
ihieh acta in perfect harmony with lb.
and operating on the bowel, and eapeliiug the wh. le
mo-aof corrn.t and vitiated mutter, and purifying tbe
blood, wbKb destroys di?caae aud reatoies health.
Too will find thew Pills an invaluable mKlicina In
many eoniplainta to which you are aulject. In oUtruc
liuiu ruber total or parual, they have le an found of m
ealimable Unrll, reetorinR their functional arranc, menu
to a healthy action, pur.rjiug the orooj auu oiu.-r nuu
o eiiectualiy to put to tuht
11 cunipifuutp ui.tj
None genuine unless signed J. N. Hoar.- J X ronugn, would inform the public thai
a .ftjvtJ rahs-.hiuv hnsetipnitat,ioiiu . I tr-fr rotiiiruiA tx iruuu(0GUnt " f h racing
keepers desirous of becoming agents must ad- j Machines, and other ariiiiea of .Machinery rrpai
dress the Proprietor, J. N- HeaxasiCK, at his j red in the best mnnnor. Caeiins warranted tu
Laboratory, No. 120, nh 2d, above Race
St., Philad , Pa.
1- Sold by all Druggists and Merchants in the
United States.
Akksts. Dr. Thornton Sc J. Baker, Lewis
burs. Wheletsle ! Kavntl Atealv e Uwm,.
(;o. Davis cV Schnure.cieluisejmve ; Stiizer &
Bro., Mifflinhurg ; Voungman & Walters, Dry
Valley; K. Keller, Adainsbiirs; S. Wittenmyer,
Middlehure: M. Specht, Beavenown ; J. D.
Dielfenderfer, New Columbia ; A. H
Forest Hill. 1'aicr, each 25 cuts
Flour, Grain, and Lumber
No. 23 & 25 Si-;;r UbaiT,
Iieftr to ,
John Clark. rq.. President Citisens Bank, ) D i,..,.
A. P. Cllee, t a,ler f ranklin Hunk, "'""'
John llertller. jr., o.. 1 . ., , ,. , .
K.rs, 8.nniek.n Co.. J fbHadelpl.ia
J. T"nie, ri Pre.td nt Cecil Hank, Port Deposit
J. Wallower A Son, HarrLyburf.
Niigle, W Inm'e A Co., Milton.
W. W. Cooke. Ksq., ) .,
Simon eVdiuyler, Eeq., ( "ur"7-
ie,nte lloiliiie. II ii-iesville
W. Wearer A Co., .Montoursrille.
lien. W. V. Packer, 1
T. W. Lloyd, Kq., Cashier, ! ,.,.--,
Jan. II. Iluliog, Kfq, l-inort.
Iais O. Ilnliug. )
Mcllenry A Hnbb, Jcrey Shore.
J. P. lluling, riT Lrk Haven.
(IjCabb, Gi.sa Sl Co. have the largest
Wharf Rooms of any Coinniisitn Hor.se in
Baltimore, always giving quick despatch lo
Boats in discharging their cargoes.
Feb. 11, 1853 6m461
Almanac for 1853.
2 S
lo 14!
-D til
23 24
B 14
W 21
s 26
5 r.
S 4
21 S
4 R
lo I
i- it
li, i r
3 4
! 7 SI s!m it
8 lalu IS ir.ji;lis
si -nt'n
a r.l
j lo
a ai
21 1
s u
us i
S 6
19 U
ft IS;
2 3!
e i :;i4
V) 2;
w" 211 21
27 2
g 121
H 41 .'.
n '2
SI 7
B lul-JO 21
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure,", in
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH'S LectoresoD the Preven
tion and Cure of Conaumnlion.
Thispopular work for ale inl.rtwichiirn
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and at
this office. Price. 75 cents
Map of the State of California.
TEXAS, printed by 8. Aug . Mitchell in
1846, and D ainlel tn enrrcanand with tha Imnn
darim fixed by Congress in 1850 for tale tl Ih
Chronicle office, piics 25 els.
frTH undersigned wis-T to inform the
1 farming commuinty generally, tnsi
'thejr are now manufacturing
P. ROSS" iWwy ImproteJ GR ALU
Without stopping to discuss the coinpa ra
ti merits of-numerous Drills now offered
for sale, they merely , wish to invite Farm
ers to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish on articla that,
will give entire satisfaction. '-
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 150.
ONE self-evident, and worthy of every
consideration, that no Miller ran make
good clean Hour without he has good clean
wheat. 1 suppose you wish tu know the
remedy. I tell you it I to get one of
Btrgttrtsur't If 'heat Scourer$, or Smut
Machines. He being an old, practical and
experienced Millwright has invented, got
up and put in successful operation the best
Wheat Scourer now in use. Any person
ordering a machine and afterwards finding
that it does not prove to operate as repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recommendations are thought unnecessary -He
is now having a supply made at Lewis,
burg, by Messrs. Ceddcs d: Marsh. Orders
for machines, or letter of inquiry, will be
promptly attended to. Machines will be
scut and put to all order?. Address
Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. 329
Jfntit itnDr
The subscriber oilers for sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hijh, 40 varieties,
all warranted genuine Peach trees, 2U
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and Pear trees, together with some
6 or 8 varieties ol'Grape Vines of the bes-
l e .i
Trees, such as the Pault.nia. Linden, tfce.
. - ...
W. u. 1 ersons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Fruit trees, are requested lo
make immediate application to thesubseri
her, in order to procure the varieties and
size wanted. II. R. NOLI..
Lewisburg, March 4, lH5t).
Cctuisbnrg .fonitbrii
i be of (,ood material, and s pricea that can not
fail lo please. tiEDDES &. MAKSil.
Lett ishurr;. Feb. 18511 ;
ClOOKIXG Stoves, of various patterns
; and sizes, for Coat or Wood, for sale
at the Lewiaburg Foundry bv
(iidjes & Marsh.
CJ'l'OVKS Parlor, Wood, and Coal
11 : . r ,
vorinua puiiv-riis, inr .-me ai me
l.ffWlTIUrfZ-J. illin.Trw
(edde ct Marsh-
WIAUIJ'S Patent (itinu' Plow, a snpe-
V rior article, for saleat I he Lewisbur.' ;
Foundry hy GtdJea i Maish. " !
GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Patent j
decidedly the fcrsf and most duruhle
Grain Drill now in use, fur sale at the Lrtvi.burg i
Foundry by Crdiles ft .Mar.b. j
Ofjjoaittvn it the Life of Basintss !
The subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizens of Levibarg and the Iravriiug commun
ity generally, that he has opened a new Livery
and Exebnuge iSinhle on f'Ol K I'll treel lull a
square Soulh rf Market, and has provided a g"od
lot of Horses, vtilh entirely new good and li
ionableC arriages, Uuggiea, sleighs, Ac. where all
wishing anything in his line may be accommod-
ateil on the h,,tlel nntie aol ro.ial ren.:otirtlle
j terms. Ho will pay every atlen iou to the
. wants of hia cuetomers, and hopes hy so doing
I to merit and receiva liberal share of pul.be
patronage. , WILLIAM MOOlit:.
Lewi.-burg, Dec 30, 1S51
Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC,
aiib !l)c crmtm L'angnuge.
VERV ir.ankfn for past
patronage from the Citizens
J.XxirS'V-fw and Students of Lewisburg and
IsJ"f ) vicinity, the subscriber would
Utae1 't stale that he continues to give
Instructions on the Piano and (iuitar al-o in
Vocal Music and in the German Language.
Having been taught in the best Music Schools
in Germany, he deems himself amply qualified
lo teach Music, and to aid in tbe correct acquisi
tion of the rich German tongue. He will alsc
tune Pianos, and pat them in repair, if desired.
Residence, after the 1st April next, on North
Third St, first door south of tbe Schoolhouse.
Feb. 24,1352. FRANCIS J.CEStijNER.
r. I. IIVTTER tt CO, nrcf.mri fa W. O. Ilictot, lliclot
tt tiiftfinc, and Uiciok tt liurrett,
BOOK I3INDEK3, Stationers, and Blank
Book Manufacturers, Habbisbi-bg, Fa.
Tbe subscribers respectfully inform their frien.ls and
the public, that they are now enrrrinr on the above aua
iness. at the OU Stand occupied by Hi. nek A Larrett.
iney natter toeni selves mat oyearetul attention to busi
ness, they will merit and receive a eontinuauce vf the
patro inure so liberatlf enjoyee by the okl Arms.
Particular attention will be paiil to the hilling and
Binding of every description of ULA.NK BialKS. for Banks,
Couuty Offices, Merehsnts, and Private Individuals, and
every variety of full and half-bonnd Blnnk Pooks, Music,
Newspanera, Ae.,ls)nnd in any style required.
la addition to the above.thcy have, and will at all times
keep a general assortment of PTATloNKKY.coneistiuirot
Letter, Cap, Drawing, Tran.fer, Copying, and fiU-ttiug
paper; Wafers, Arnold's Wrilins; iiuid. Iad Pencils,
Black Ink, Blue Ink, iValinj- Waa, Coptini; Ink. Slates
and Pencils, Letter stamps, India Rnhber, Wafers, Ked
Tape, Blank Boards, Polders, Erasers, Ac
an. Paper rulrd to pattern, and all work warranted
and done very cheaply. IT. L. lilTTEK A CO.
Hay 21, 152. ly.
(j'Booka and Pamphlets to be bound may be
left with Editor of tba Lewisburg Chronicle
e Old Newspapers,
SOME thousands in number, of all nixes, for
sale aMbe -Chronicle office, at 50 cts pi
100 talten aa they run, or $ 1 when assorted. A
chance for Scrap Books aa well aa for wrapping
paper. April 8, I8S0
THr CIfWWillf,ru auris mxwwma j twis
po wars ol these wotitlerft). ioventioiM ia how m
ral.T kottwn ftwl ihcir Je nd rvytiaUtton thnr ur;h
.havL. eiiiintrv MJ AKtCIUl Vtt. thll It Wouli
eetn uainceiHry w "
lurai latcireiimatanc kavaocctirml which mvier
it a matter of duty to tli public out to b aitogtthf
Mlitttt, ior w kilc iU ophcMrtU DaMtruinso. UtUkf;
xm trume?ted by column Arough tiia PrM n
fuaUowr! lr quaru and fraJlnn by tha alilicletl.
WhI are fuuu,d JUt gmid fmr ttndktng,
hrMI-tS Calvanlc an4 Hagnetic CuratKM.
bar btrn quietly woikinir their war aaumr tha
niot lutelLieitt ani rt;iecUlla cli. aud ar
comtantly achieTinf cart in an alunBiiic traiaof
diiveatea. which haa lor aea batflnl ail tli aid of
a4i.c.na anJ all tUa rewurcM of Scicuca. Thttm
tiAeavea ara caiicil
and 411 these diseases medicine ia of no avail what
ever. It never doet irood and it often does nana.
Syrilur, KatraeU, Bilms, Balsams, tlivira, Bitters.
Pills, Powders aud Potions of every kind ara alike
worthies, for they weaken tha riul auriies of U.a
already prostrated system, while under the strength,
eiuua;. hfe-Kivinjr, ritaliiuig influence of t;alvarusat,
as applied by this beautilardiseovery, the eahautted
patient and weakened kuttVrer ia restored to torttev
beallh. slreortii, ela.ticily and viror.
Thete remarks relate to such diseases as JitC.
Pl'l'tTION of the HKAKT, -WKAKNfJIS. and all '
At UK, LASSI'l Lbt and UrJiPONDtNCs', Wtticn
are only oiher names lor .Nervous rieraricemeLt ;
now known to result from a non-efiilibnuai of
tlectno iiiSuonce; NKKVOLS TUKMORH, krlAF
i.SS, which is nearly always eaiued by torpidity
of the An lttory Nerves, and can alwaya ta acrnof
coreW bv (.alt anises, when the orgsn is not destroyed ,
DYSI'KPSIA, in its worvt lorme : PALS'.' and PARA
LYSIS, nrurormly ca'tsed by a .lefieiency of'ervoa
inOiience -. t llltilMi: Wlr.CMATISW, TORPIDITY
ol the l.lV r.H, PALS in the 81DK, SLLOt.lSH IB.
IifcFltlr-Nt Y of N kit VOLS and PHYSICAL UN.
tUtiV, and all those digressing eomplainu result
iiif from a L-i.JiA;vtJi;i-N'r of tha NiJIVOLS
t In tho alwra prevalent and terribla class of dia
ea.es Nervous ( onij.ialots ara auca awora nnmrr
pus thut is generally imagined -
Are an Alwolule and PoalUva SpeeMst.
Tha BKI.T is used when tha body v system cea
rsllv is adectcl ; the XKCKLACK for complaints of
the'lhroat, as Asilimi and Bronchitis, and of tha
lirsd ; and tba EK A I LKT8 for all drsorders of tha
anus or limbs as ttheunnatiam, Talsy, Tremors and
Spismodic ariections. The articles are simply ap
ohel aaduacied withUia MAU.NK'l'IC rLLIDwhicb
ae.com panics theut, and niuia iajtlifuUy used tbey
Nr. V Lit KAIL!
aflT The rrrent pernliarity and axcellenea of tba
OALVAMl. rl'mriVtS consists in tha fact that
they arrest and cure disease by eofa-ard miwicetiaw,
in place of the Uiiitl method of Oruminn and
Phvurking Oia pat.eat ull exhausted nature sinks
hopelessly un.ler ti.e intlietion. Thry ssrenlAe tAe
a-lUr syf.'fn. e7w :hre rAe rtreuimtitm if the iUaea, pre.
siete rAe i', in n::i. mnseroie rAe eatiea eaeraiea, and
tan never ae rie t.'iKe.! aaias under tmt cirmaarances.
Since their intmliiction in the Lulled Stales, only
t three J ears since, more than
! 7 5Q 0 OPE RSON8
i horn w rte a l:irtro nti-nher of Ladies, who art peciv-
hurl) suart t Sarvwu Compiounu, hara beca
i Entirely and Permanently Cured.
wien all hnpeof rfliff heti been iren Dp. tod tt
tltint else ivre n tr;ei in tin ! The beneficial rasulta
hi.'h bive uniform. y atteti'led thetr n ia eontv
' ifa'ntiv tat-l to be without a parts liel ia the Dual
of Me-hr it Scifn-. iMwrfrvmeiL lawvera, atwl
pit vtioiai) ; la !ie if tha )iif;he4t itandjnjr; diftitv
tfiiwhcl er.ous holJir elevated official fUtmos ;
mtTthdiM. Kiauufitctiirtr. aud DiHhaaict; the poor
aud L,ic r.oh alike; ufien w hole fiuniuiea, aaonTt; all
cltrs. nink. a;:. I con.lition, have oquaJlf been ra-cii-it'nti,
and lirtvv eii:iliv arknAwlslt(ed tha won
lrousaji.1 oi:ea uaexjtecJ benefit hii:h tlvaj hava
thin rei-eWc !.
M jr Let it be known antf remembared tliat tha-wlf
iSitiitrrtl Iiettiraue for the ervea ia (itvaiiiui,,
aud tl.at in all Nervous licases wa should
" Throw Physic to the Dogs."
To illtittrmie the nteol the (iALVASR BEI-T,
MfKKe U.e rue of a feron arfliCtod with that ban
of civilization m srKt 'SI A. or any other Chronic ar
Nervous 1'i-order. In ortJinnry Causes, stimulant!
are ti ken. wlttoh. by their acuot. on the nerrat and
nttit.les of the stomarh, arford crMAtir(rir relief, but
a Inch Kave tha p-sTieut in a lower ftat; aad with
ii:jtrJ faculties, af er tha action thus excited baa
k ,.. Now compare thii with the effect result
r 1mm the apjilicatiatn of th OALV'A.MO BtLT.
Vita a Ds;vpi.c suitorer. even in the worst raip
m of an" attack, awl -imply tie tha Belt rnond tha
tody, usir4 the Magnetic Fluid Mliractd. In s
th rt reiiotl the intenti).ta reipttaiaviB will act aa
fie inniute rlcmi.t of the Belt, thareby caosins; a
i.alv..!.ic citvul:iiuD w hie It will on to ths
aeirativa, and thence; back again 4 tha poaiUT.
thus keei-imr - continnotia (iaaf cireailatoo
tii mu s hoi it the Ttem. Thns tli -L serer cases
of D.&:KrSi are PKRMWEXTTT t',TRKD. A
1 ATt TilK blbrJwJ&L OF YEARS.
from the mwt iiiteliijretit and resf-acUbla persooa
resi.lirar in everr rn-ru-.n of the I nited SUteat, conid
be preuteL These are ww niuieceaeary, bat
numerous selection embrac.na; many state menu off
the most eitt.rtr.iiuary charscier. scSicieat ta COX
ViNcK. THK MOST Sr KPTICAL -nay be had of th
authorised At;euL lue iiatoresied are fillarl
iuvtted to call. -a
From oue of tbe awst dHlcftosl fhril
clam is the thy H Hew rtu
"1 havf been nsu. Christie's Oalranic articles la
a quiet way anions; my atients for about two years
past, and 1 confess I am astoanhed at their succe.
If I am STire a disease is sYrrnni, I know jat what
thejr will do. In epileptic Fits, particularly ia
Ciiil-lren; Deafiiess aitl Allections of the Head, ia
adults ; raraiysis and ralsy, iu all as;es. and indeed
svverul other diseases of like nature which have lent;
puzzled the pn-feMiou, I hare found the (iahranic
articles of surprising b cue fit A.tloo?;h I detest the
ahameless quackery of advertimeiits and news
i? rs, I must express my confidence and relief
in the wonderful virtues of LllKlSTItS CIKA
TIV. My name ia. of course, coutVlentiaL bat f
hall never hesitate to recotnuend jour aiticia oa
ail proper occtaUons.n
Ta D. C. MoatHiuo, M-, D, Gea. JLgt fat Dr.
CHauTtr, New York.
Dear Sir. Bii a physician in tba vicinity of
ana of yonr Agents, I bave been mark tratjned ia
tbe examination of rnur tialranic Curatives, and
highly pleased with tbeir practical results. I ba.a
observed tbat they arc con&trncted un tbe tree aciea
tific principle for the gentte. eafe. pltmsam aad asa.
fini.-aJ development of the tialvauie Carrent, thereby
wllinfr a disiJenitum. bn sought tor, but beretcdora
uiik.-amtt. 1 cbeerliilly recomnend thata for tha
alleviation and cure of those distressing ailsnente
called Ncaiet-a CoMrLsivra, for which they ara aa
happily and ingeniously designed.
Very truly yours, DAVID RICE, M. a
. Leverctt, Mosa l ebruary la, ltijtl.
fa No tronble or meonvenienc attends tha wsa
of I'R. ClIUIsriK-S MI.V.IS1C CVttATirtS,
and they may ba worn by tbe most fcebia aad deli
rata with prifect ma and safety, la many cease
tha sensation artendtnir thejr asa is hightm aessswl
tmJ mt;rttU. They are accompanied by full ana
plain directions sor nsa. ramphleta with rail far
ticulara may be obtained gratia, of tha aelherieed
The Oulvsnlc r.clt. Three DoTIar.
The fialvanio NerU'ce, Two Dollara.
The Galvanic Uraeelets, One Dollar acb.
The Magnetic Fluid, One Dollar.
Qg- Btumrt af CamUerfeUl and H 'erraJsas Jaailavaaaa
IJsl ursMHtTaratw, iiw YaaAn,
AcntT In Lew jbuns-C. IV. SCrXAJFLB
tUJiuci at the Cljroniclt (Pffitc,
ON acroonte from one on to four jaar
atantling, t'AslI and alao -
Wood, Wheat, Butter,
and miv-t olbrr FroJnce fot boiuehblo) i, ai
the current Jiicea