LEWISBUBG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. Cfmisbiinj Clpnirlr. t. C. HIOKCK. WtwJ OW. V.-Ckof K. Printer. 4 1 $1.50 nuh i& tdi.-, $l.Tl ; twit n:r.i"r-. t?paid within m jfus. fcfca Aw at Vn. rudui tin year. Acbu in HhiUifipkia V ii -kl,.o tad S Carr. JLcitisbitr, I9a. FRinw Mo:;r:;c, July 29, 1S-5S ADVEBTI7E! .kxv.w. Aimini.moi-.. r-uwie Merhaniea, Bn.iiovia M.-n il wi.o will, to erorure or ti tliapiMr of any lo.u .H.Iu .;: well to B note-e of tli ua Uirili llw -LnvtJnj tft." Tnia na..r h good aud iBi-iwaiur-liai:;o in a own m unity r,.tai- iu as larcv m nn.ia.rtM.1. of aitie. aoivoiit nroducera. uumere, and dealer m buy lr in tint fclalo. Xew Advertisements. A splendid chance f.ir business in the I'onn. dry line a Teacher of Music, Vocal arid Instrumental Candidates for county Otfic- s -a fresh supply of Goods by Ut-uver, JCrrmar flc. Moore Dr 'i'lioruton At Co. have re-opened their Drug Store. srj- The Report on cur S:-bt .page ill be read with especial .ttcttien by a large portion cf cur Union and Centre county ub.scriber3, wi will not la trithout its use to nil who aro'iutcicaicd in the great .juestion of the bast tad most direct route from tlo "Jkfiopulis of the Xew V.'orld to the Cciiital City of its tjreat A'alley, (St. I.ouss.) The Report states that ours would ie the slortrst route from Cincinnati to New York, Mid the Diagram shows that it is almost an air line through from Xew York to Wheeling; and thence to Colum bus, Cincinnati and St. Louis, is as direct. For the diagram, we are indebted to Mr. IIatpiki.d, Jeweler ia Lcwislurg, and as it is his first attempt at map-making, executed in a hurry, and on indifferent material, it is quite creditable to hi skill. Messrs. F.mmct nud SuiiAVKii nfw keep their ofEoe in l'ottsgrove, (where the Cat tawissa road will probtibly fork to reach Lcwisburg and IilU-u,; and will be happy to furnish aiiy information relative to the L., C, & S. C. Road in their power to give. Ye have prititeJ extra copies of the Chronicle contaiuing this Report, for sale i;t 5 ets. each.) Wholesale Deception Attempted. The last New Rerlin YMetreund ac knowledges that the Caucus Ticket is yonMEli, just as we charged last week, but it calls it an Anti-7?iVf-o.-n instead of an AnU-lticisiuH ticket. This is a bold at tempt to deceive the people as to the real issue this Full. Tic Railroad question is decided, tuT and the Xew Berlin Caueus knows it. The division is the only local question ia the county; and yet the Cau cus stifles it. and the Vol!. fir ami is full .c i .ii : ..?..i J5un:"l uu nunuuu iiguusn ".- HailrtMul ! W can allre I'm AntS-Di- I 6 Can assure US -iHU I visionists that success ty such meac3 will ! only postpone the evil day, and those de ceived will soon learn the whole truth. The Voff;frtund charges us with a Di vision Caucus, of which we have no knowl edge whatever. Mr. Snyder is known to favor the Division. There are four candi dates for l'rcthonatory and three for Treas urer. The vole of DivisionisU will prola lly Ic scattered on these offices. Christopher Seelold comes out in the sr.me paper with a "jJut'e"' ayriimt lite li'tilrvaJ! AVliy, sir, you arc a year le hind the time. That issus is past, and most of the people know it. If you had pledged yourself agaiiiit Division, as you are, yon would have done what you should do. All this attempt to revive the Rail- 1 . .. . - , r 1 At ' road excitement, is simply fraud upon the . people, to evade the Division question. ' j Dr. Lox'iniioRE, l'rofessor 111 one of the Philadelphia Female Medical Schools advertised in our columns, las Icen lec- turini: in Lcwislur?, and enlisted consid- ... . . r. , .. . , tnible interest in behalf or Jlctncal Jdu- cation for Females. We hear it stated i ..i -ii t ti t . that there will probably be some F"Pls from this place. A hearty Cod-speed to every rational mode of cnlarKin3 the ,, ,. i I . tphere of usefulness and of employment to "U'oman ! Dr. Longshore will deliver auothcr lec ture on Monday evening next, at the Lec ture Room of the Raptist Church. JKjfA beautiful white Heron, measur ing f uir feet eight inches from tip to tip, ttaudiug 3 feet 5 inches high,and weighing one pound and a half, was shot on Buffalo ( reek one day this week, ry II. cpecs, and las been offered as an addition to the unique little collection of stuffed birds and animals to be seen at the store of Mr. Houghton. This is a very rare bird in deed in this country. Four, it is stated, were recently seen passing up tlo river, near the mouth of Buffalo creek. $t& A Railroad las been surveyed from Pcranton to Bloomshurg, 55 to 60 miles, which it is estimated will cost over t'2, 000f'0 to put in operation n a first class road. An extension froa Bioomsburg to the Susqaelanna Road, at some point on tic West Branch or the J unction, would make a continuous road tip tlo Snsque hanna, North Brand, and the Laskawa&a to tin e7 York & trio Road at Oreat Rend. Democratic Pcicgato Kicctions ia Ccntrn county, tOtb Acgust; County Con Yention, at BeKcfcntc, 23d. Jous IIo?T!srma3, of Brusl Valley, is a DcmocraUa rndia.V) f-, (Joniwirjioacr of Center ctnr.ty. WST Mr. Buchauan cxpadtTTotail for Ivrglaui from Xcw York, on tlo Cth of lion. I'iiilip Allen, Governor cf Rhode Island, lias reigned, having been. olocteJ Senator ia tls Congress of tlo Uuitcd States. Tie duties of Governor now de volve upon His Honor the Lieutenant Go vernor, Francis M. Dimoml, cf Uristol. About a year ago, we had occasion to remurk, tLat "stopping the Vhronick wcuU not slop the Rak.hoak." Wq would fcdd, just now, :lBppic2 tLs Chro- lcTc WOnt stjp the Dmsi;):," that's all. 11 JCA VY 1$AS ii ROBBERY. A CWai'i, JllIV ' f,. ,, , , rn i i t i . -0 I lie .ICCUUUK'S ailj X THilCVi JJ.iIlk 111 -r ..... -i-. . , . .1. . eXoCy lily, was etileiOii iUt D.gut, ami rolled cf ?9,OC0. TLo llisvcs stole the keys of the Cashier find rolled t!io vault. Mr. 1'. IIvBstr, of Lcvialurg, laving been Earned ia the New Berlin Star for I'rcthoEatorj, has promptly declined the Icnor ofcctcilci upon the canvass at this I'saT The Democratic State Convention re-assembled in I larr's'jurg yesterday, to nominate, a candidate for the Supreme Court, in place of John . Gibson, dee'd. flrj- Tlie fire in Williainspnrt is thought, to have originated with children playing with matches in the third story. Yriiat business have children willi matches?- t-2i" The Pennsylvania Yt'lig Siaie Con vention is to Te-assertille ia lluntingtcn ou the 25th of August. University at Lewislurg. f rXDAV. Aut. 11 SJ.uVlwk, I' M. Aiiniml Srrnn :!!- tii KjCM-tjr iifluuir.v, Ojf Her. Wm. IIacl, It. D.t f .-Vrk. N.J. MoNliAi', 15. SoVIrrh. P.M, lis ting of tlie n.jM i.f Curaton. "j;, 1". M., the Socitty of Aluiuiil II. v. A. J. It vt, of lluncauvllle, Orator ; lUir. J. M. Lu, of Milun. town, IVH. TtrtDAV, 1C S, A.M., Annual Mitinj i.f th Bnard of Trustee. l'.M Annual MMtin of tht- Fuan. ikip. r.tlu'-ation Sori,.ty. ."J . I'.M .. AMrar Urfore the alne. ' -j. 1. Aubtrirearv cf the Tlut Alpha and KiKtan Sicietw W. Ki:i, of rhila., Orator; Jos. 1 (.'HrTKll, Ki( of I'Lilat!., l'"j..t. WtliX KSOAV, IT. S u'rlnrli, A. M. OoMMEXCf Mr-fT. tiEi). W. ANDKKSOX, r Kaenlty. Corrected this Da'.i. Wheat Rye I'orn 3 tits ....... 10O 02 50 37 112 Flaxseed Dried Apples ISuitei I'SR8 Tu'iow . . Lard Ham Bacon .100 121 .. 8 ..10 . 10 . 12 . y Cloverseed 4.00 u7 r'JCh T. Sell Ii. the trtt: MriMSrt of the irer't rKHSIN. or cf tlic two lins'k would from which it in iliTivi-l. Tin in llir .i'xuifji'siiit ami approjiriati lill. of , Tl:l K OliirTIK n.i III. ..r ;ASTI!lr jriri:. prTarrl hy Or. J. S. ItOl'lIIITo.V. of l'liiliiU''l.liia. from t, fourth Stomach of tl . for thr ran- of In.lir-,!!.! mnJ I'.'r'!'-" unhi - nlthv Mom It Is yature'n own rrtsi-dy tor au uuhi-nltuv Stomach. No art of nian can riinl it curatiw power. It render OOoO KATIMI ierl.itly eoimi.ti'Ul with HEALTH. (Soc the fiuri' of the OX, in another oart ol thin w-r.) ly4.M i-i! :.!. Thnnnnli '.f nn.nlK ilio ne Vermifuge enmoo.V'l of CnMor oil. t:aIor;.el. acare not aware, tl-ut while they 1 .tpoear to luetii tile .aUent. they are aetual!. laym the , fi-un.lAti.n tor a wriep of ili-i-ase.-, nuch a mlivation, j los of i.Jllt, weakniw of linitvi, Xc j In auolher eoliitnn will le found the mlTTtfccment "I j HolN-DAai'k'ii Medicine. U whii-h we a-k the altenti'-n of all din ellv interested iu Iheir own aa well as tlo-ir ehil ilren'n health. In Ijver Conplaints and nil dworder I ari-in-j fri'ln tlioae ef a biliioun tvl- 'hiut'I make u.ie ot j the ouly senuine Kieilieine, llohens-u-k'n Liver I'iil. j tia.4 n'i cei'riy," hut aril lor itohenaik'a V.'orm Svrup and Livi-r l'ill, and observe that, earli tna the His. ii'nture of t!e 1'ruuiietor, i. N. IlUliKNSACt:, aa uoae I e:. are gecuine. jly4::o la Chiilisquaque, auth ult, by Th's Pardee, Esq., James Sheikku and M.i. Ki.ixiiirii .SsiDtn, all tif that township. On the 21st insU by Ke--. J. WinreolT, E'i Stkir and Miss Caiiouse Joh- s;iw, biith of Northumberland couutv. Un ,he 30h n,u b;, ,.ev.. Mr. acVmnn, Dkxsis Look of Mi'.iheim and Miss Maria Khkhkk of Aaronsbur". DIED, in New Errlin. 27th inst., in his 50th year, !Saiui, son of Wm. Roshi.nr;, Esq. On Ihe 10th inst., aqed 61 years, PrTsn !uAl.w cf jenn -j'j Center Co. ALrr.o trmitiii:n, in his I2;h year, son of i Jacob Schreider, of Aaronsbu, fell from his he, in u,. Valley, on Sunday week, and j died the day followii I In Muncy Creek Tr, 23d iiiiU afed about 74 years, Ann. Ehwahiis, 61 years ao a res- ; i(Icllt ol- VnUtD cntv ht since In; marriage tillin; the farm open which he died, j Near Middleburir. ared 17 years, r.nzmtTH i C. daughter of the late Thomas C. Wilson. I The reported death of Mrs.Ass SMHistit.in ' Ir.st week's Chronicle, was an error caused by the informant. The person deceased was the ' mother cf Mrs. S. Mrs. Sarah Acob, aged 80 ; years. For th Lewisburg Chronicle. County Commissioner. The people of this county are resolved to take more pains in electing for this office. JACOB GUNDY, of Eabt Buffalo, has been repeatedly recommended for Commissioner at this time, and he was requested to state, last Saturday, whether he was a candidate. His reply was that he bad net sought nor expected the office, and that the slate of affairs at home would not permit him to lake the field as a candidate. At the same time, if the voters saw fit to elect him without his personal soli citation of their suffrages, he should feel proud of Ihe honor, and would serve them to the best of his ability. Mr.fiundylostabo-.it S 1,000 by tlie recent tornado, and has not yet had time to restore his fences, etc., to order, so that it would not be proper for him, even if he desired it, to ask for support These are the facts in the case. Many persona from different townships have urged that be be presented &s a candidate and with this explanation, please announce that Jacob Uundy will be voted for as County Ccmraissitiner on the Whig Nomination day. No one who knows CapbGundy can doubt his intef rity, or his entire fitness for that res ponsible post. Those who wish him elected, rattsl take proper measures to secure his ncm inaikm first. A CITIgN. -Wc sr r.o ose nominated for County Auditor cn the Whig Ticket, and therefore "take the liberty" of naming JOHN J. DIEF. EjSDEi.FEtt, of lYew Columbia, for that Marion. Mr. V. is a SliCring Whi? and thor ought bii-incss man, (ir-d would in his ft tMrf-: itraijlii. uNfi. 1011 SALE, A large Brick Foundry, BUII.T six years airn.situate in the Boronelt of Lew isburg, L'niou Co., Pa., in a very favorable i.ication, HO by fib let ami tiro sto ries high, with one Eight Horse Enjrin, Scouring Mill, Charcoal Mi:i, 3nd Machine Simp attached, all in pood condition, and a never-failing Well of Water in the Foundry. Also a larjr WARE-ROOM, 4-: lv :)0 feet, f-.ro stories h.gn, with an Oi'HCK "l bv So let attached thereto. L. U. CHRIST. Lewisburg, July 5:8, 1853 ISfc- Vocal and Instrumental Music. If EI.VII.I.E MAIX'OM, Professor - .-" , isi in ,io ilcwi)UU 1 ClllitIC --. ....nljr, 11,1. i,i i irw insure Hours, res pectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Lewisburg and vicinitv. The subscriber has studied under the moM distinguished professors, both in Europe atii An.erica, devntin; particular alteni;u to the arl of teathing Music. Terms mnderato. Residence on Market St belon- Fniirih. I.c-ai.-bnr;, July 2H, lsf.3 SmZ ib. ,m t. . r. i: ' Latest of t fie Season ! ! "lrAi:K, KKE.MFIt & MOOKE are nst eceivitii a ireiiei'al assortinent ol'l iviiieii iiiey oiler al lower rates than ever - Mjus. l)e lie;e in great variety, tJinghams, I. awns and Prints at surprising ior prices, a cnmnltte assortment l.ailirs' llress Trimni'gs. Cloths, ;assimere3 and Vesting of every style a;:d shade in the market, that can't be beat call and see. The Hard. ;ias, Queens and Cedar Ware department is complete. Fiosji (iroceries, Apices, etc. All cf which have been purchased with gre;tt care, and will be sold as above named. L-eu-isburg, July 2d N.Jl. All kinds of GRAIN WA-STLU, for which the hijjhest Market prices will be paid t y H. fx. ti. M. The Old ?:nnmoth AND CHSZHCAL EHP0RIU1H Tr. THORNTON & CO., 5!7iie-Wr it- Hi tall Drwj'jist, Levisituy, OFFER lo their friends and the pnblio a I.ir-re and well selected stock of fresh Mi ngs, Medicines, Chemicals, ground Spices, (pure,) Llye-Sttiirs, Brushes. Combs. Periunie rv.Soaps, Fancy Notions, Fruit.Confeclionery, Miioks. Stationery, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. Cive us a call and jude for yourselves we ch.irtre nothing fur lonkinp:. lieiucmber the Mammoth Dm; Store! Da. T. A. II. THORNTON & CO. FITS! FITS! FITS! TUC VKiO.T.IBI.E LXrllt'Y EPILEPTIC PILLS, For thr cure of Fits, Spannm, Cramp; anil all X raius mid Coiinlitutiimal llotustt. jCKrr."Nj who are laboring under Ibis distressing malady will liml the fct.ir.l- A ItLE EPII.KPTIC PI1.1.S to be the only remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy, or r aliin? r it. Thiae I'illa iton-M-na a leeifle aeti.n on t!ie nerrous VHti-in, and altliourh they an j.p-iiared enjMially for the l-uroose ol curing Ki:. Ih.-y will b.- found of epeiial ben efit f-r all ieron afflieted with weak n-rei. or whee m'rr.iiiK iy-teui ha been irotrat,l or eliattere.1 from any eLU.o uhati'ver. In ehronic i.inptaintM. ordieaa ol "lon Mnn-lin::, iiirierinduued by nervonmieMt, they arc I'rtee i.-r Nix, or two hfiTea for -St. Teraon ont of ttieritv.e.iel.wini a remilL.iiee. will hare the i'illa nt tl.ein tbroii-.-h the mail, free of .wta-e. For Hale ! I . j - . .1 SKTil S. IIANCK.No. los. nana. MUKfT. ItiJliinor... 1 Mil., to whom orlr' from all rartu of the t. nion tp.ust 1 addressed. otl- aid. tt'' nt"w e-w- T. Sire, a professor and teacher of this art is .staying at Mr. Kline's, the Washington lbiise, and is now farming classes for Instruc tion in this unique system of short hand which is the quickest an.', most easy means known for reporting public speakers. Mr. Slee's Terms are very moiKrate for the course of instruction (at the residence of pnpils if pre ferred) S5; parties of three, SI ; parties of six, ?3.50, and lo larser classes at a less rate. Lewisburg, Juiy 12, 183:1. Female IZedical Education. P,,i M. Jkul CuUnjc of Plufaihlphia. 1 HE Fall Course of Lectures to Females, commences Sept. 3, and continues 16 Weeks. Ladies encased in the study of medicine, or others, wishing to be informed in regard to this Institution, will have the Annmneemenl sent them by addressing the Dean. Fees for a single Course of Lectures, f SO. For a Hclmlar riin CVricn'.entnling the holdervt attend two fiit! courses, only o0. Four courses, $75. Six courses, 100. etc.. A IS KM. LIVEZEY, M. D, Dit, No. 329, N. 12th St. Vhiladetphia. Female Medical Collese cf Pennsylvania lOUKTJI AWUAL SESSW.W The next Course of Lectures in Ibis Institu tion will commence on Saturday, Oct. 1st, 185:1, and continue fin mnniht (21 weeks,) closing on the 25th of February, 1851, FACl'LTV. I'ATII) J. JOItNfOX, M. 1, rrofi-tfor ot Cbcmliitry and T"leiil,.jrv. ELLttooo IIAKVKV, M. !., ProfcwoT of the ITinci.lMi and rractiee of Ahiliriiie. Ill l.l;KKM liAltt.lMlTuN, M.n, Pro"-r ofSnrp-ry. AX I'llKsTOX, M. 1, 1'n.le.wof 1'hrri.diy. KI.WIS H'S.-KLL. M. 1), rvnanornr Anatomy. MAKK O. KCHIt, M.U , I'aofestur of Materia M.dii- and (leneral Thenua-lltic- MAUI It A II. MllWUV, .M.IV. Vmfeaaor of Obrtetrlcs ud Oifeaseli of 11 omen and C'liihuvn. ALMIIIA L- FUWLKK, M. l, Ueuionctrator of ArutoinT and Cbeniistry. Tersons wishing further information as to terms, regiilaliins,ete.,or desirous of receiving copies of the Announcement, will please apply personally or by letter to the Dean of the Fac ulty DAVID J.JOHNSON, M.D., 491 229 Arch St l'hiladeliihia. TO M JIHKRMI'.V. "TTTANTED 30 to 80,000 ft Maple 6J by S 20 to 30,000 Uo 4 by 4 10 to 10,000 ft 3 m.Ash plank 20to30,oe0 ft 1J do to be delivered this coming Fall and Spring on the bank of the Kiver at Harrlsbnrg. Lumber cf coed Quality and strait grained in wanted. i'rorosalii will b received till Pent. 1 for furnishing the above, at:d persons senuing pro posa'd will state the quantity and quality of the different kinds they nan fnrnish, and when. Terms of paymsrl -Cash cn 'kltvery and itispccttoii. Ai'dfcrs fnost-paid) . to XV. 0. 1HCK0K. lUrriblmrj. P. 1INE ;,f Bttufs, PrJi.ls, Miislin. lc. SHAD and MacUrei new sunp!y at May 19 WALLS'. fWMlZ Partnership heretufore existiag under J, the firm cf Ciiuijt & Fmrit betweeu Ievi B. Christ and tii-ofje A. Frick in the Foundry Business, is this 21ih day of June iad dissolved by limitation. tieo.A. Fnrk is alone authorized to st'.'.le t!,e business of the Finn, except in case of hi; akser.ee from home when L. 1). Christ uili ulttnd to the same. L. B. CHKIST, UKO.A.FKIt:X. K. I). All prrsons indebted to said Firm are requested to iiiuUe .?yini.t of the si in by the 1st day of Oolcber r.et after which lime all accounts viU be U'A w ith a Justice for immed iate coiieclinn. i tr r11IK present Froprieur cf the neu ly uisco- JL vered f lnltIl C.MC (limeslone) in ! uiti AUXi,l iiieri -o. tierebyjivei notice , tiiat ihe Cave will NOT be ,tptn an .SCW'UA i'S tor Visitors. It may be visited ry Ladies an 1 Oenilcinen on nv other day, and on SArLK- 1A V of e;-ery week especial preparations will be matie to accominoilate u-tti lights. (jj-A!! persons ere forbidden to breair off, injure, t,r taite away any specimens frcci t3ie Cave, under penalty of prosecution. The payment of IS cents only is required of every person before enteiin". NO A II WALTER. Dry Valley, June 28, 1853. Information Wanted 0 F WILLIAM ELLIOTT, ship carrer.ter. used CO years, about 5 feet 10 ia. hii;h. stout made, li;;ht hair and cor.,p!exion, blue : eyes. He left Lewisrnr?, L mon t'o. ra. in j March, 1S5I, to go to Uutlalo, N. VM in search ' t employuient. He w as in bad health, and j weM 10 the Hospital, where he remained seve ral weuks was atterwards hurt, at a ship yard. His last letter was dated Biiifalo, 2tlih Sept. Is.2. in which he stated he would be home in 5 weeks since v.htrh titue rin tidings whatever have been had of him.. Any infor mation of his whereabouts or lai!,wiil be most gratefully received by his distressed wife. MARY ELLIOTT. Lewebnrg, Vuion Co. Pa June 2!t, 1853. Gj-HutTalo papers please notice. June 16tli. MACKAP.EL No. 1 in Cjuarand half Bbbls do No. "J just ree'd. do No. ti, new. No. 1 SHAD, just ree'd. HEKKINt:, wholesale and retail. POTATOES for sale. IOO lbs. TOW YAK.Y, a superior article. Cotton and Linen CAKI'F.T CHAIN of all colors for sale by J. HAYES & CO. ALL It ML THE T It IV MM: TIIAT JFICKART'S CATTLE POWDER HATH ACHIEVED. Thousands are testifying to its Efficacy ! " Tht mrrriftd .Ifm it kind to hit &wst." VFTER years of study and exprriment by 1 lie Inventor, to compound from pure tgttabtt material a Powder that sn.icLn and KTitT take the place of the thousand and one tKMruuts tcotten up and palutett upn the pultlie ucct ti l:-Djelira" for thf run of all dinfa wliirti ibf I'tutf cnntion are it--lr to, b has pr.nluevtj thm on hiU'linx this atlTtfrtiwiuent. None ran 1m .irmmihc uota tiearin our T.kv sihiijc ttynatun-. Ihe U-innu-t ha Ittfn ucb that it pale liaa i-n rhurlly coufiiH. to the tftatu of IVnuttylvMiia ; but w have uow ronsnmmat".! ttuch arnurimmtA that we art- tvtrfd tOKuyply iw u u mer iu orJiTP now on haaxt. an well tu thotio we my brrcafter rMr--lT from other ftate f the I' mon. knowing this Powder lo phwmi all the mntire prop. ertif bun Met firtli, we iteeiti a fulMinte ttnwj of noniM utitievervary, feiiiganrtl tlmt itm menu will m-enn tr it a read; ante. Iteiut; roDiKHH-d ff .hiv v,-tHlli iii'ivlintii, tt ran he jnfly and judiciously piTn u that iiieblf animal the IlOtlSK,ataH jmnsau(l in ill nutithert. "TTt r- tiv t'ttsr tamper t n;t if Uif v.-U'tu,rr atini; a blual. J ramif ... .J-(wr; 1 ' rt,.,t . ir ,7ut on tliH other liaiil it nirtuatlicu inr atp'n.pnnnViite IUiomI, tttittlaU the triimry nrt;aiit. thiTt-l.y itniin.vinic and i.ni ftiujt thwlrOlc ilijk-jl eonditwiu f tlie aliiltial vtrn h'ti in an aian:i.tly ht-althy i-tnt. ntiil a cwtuin ttuu tntotiibir rure .hfU lie on. ct.ir.rHcuni Uit !'istLSii-eft GL..bKK r'H?rrut r.'.r,rns Si A(iiif.Ri; MiWLti Hottm tuout; lrnMi lit :u.w Vatle. To the Arrnrultttrl-t and Fnirvmati. it t an inTa.1 jrMe n-iiie.lv fr their NEAT .JATTLK l..b..riM un.l.r Mr I'liUsw. ll-iLum lliK?f.andthfrof Lhfi?iaiivrinDiAinti t ahirh they are liable from a tfuporvMion ol the naturrtl nrretHXtK. i, i,i, ron-3 mM lu.n..a,...i i... : u , . " " 'j :-'""" Iheir Mop or le.1 It ha a tend-ne. to rtrenslhe. the aninia I, renioro all ollruetion from tin. . lub.-,proDiyte all ll.e wrelion. aul roioKiiuuiitlr tiling mii'.-h to the utrentli of tlie animal, quantitr and ii.ality of her Milk, Cream and llutter. IlitliS, durinir tla? warm eeanona are eontantly over, healititf llieniiel.ea.wlii. h reenlta in their KettinCoulii, t'ler-ra of Ihe Lunes and oilier parts, wliieli uatitrally lian a tetideaey to retanl ttieir gron III. In all eurh raea a taMe ejiooiifnl. mixil in a imrket of ewill, and trtven every other day. will aptiilily renioTe all dihicuiti';s, and J ! , ... . , i 1 M,o ol llietenaof lln.iiun.laot lb... eomitry. l:Ttne ( either the .tie or other of the animal.-whirh thia I'o.dvr lH-nent, ", V "u,1,''"'"rr'.'"' ,".,' 1 l.-a-t, anil W e eonedentlr oredirt lliat w'lenrrer it !s onee ihlroduretl I .i . . ia, . V a i it will le 9 prrnia t In that $t:tl-le, atitl do-Died ivi esit-ntialit, as the Curr-eottih and liruh thenjs.lr)i ore. Ai H .V T I A N 1 K I I. (.IMJIN. 3m4"C (?pott' Stire.) Kelly Tj, l oion Co. I'a. - - . . - 1- lOR Carpenters!. Double and single beech Planes, Long Jointers, Kaism-'. Plow and (iroove Pannel Ploughs, with and without handles ; I illisters, self-regulating SSash ; Flat O'Gee and Bead O'Gee and Fillets ; Itabbit and Beads, all sixes ; Braces with and without bills; Long Shanked Firme and Socket Chisels, together with an endless variety of tools to fit out the kit" complete, all for sale u Uiwt rates than ever ottered in this country. May 27. HEAVER, Kltii.MER & MOORE. 1 OR HiiHders. The most complete as- J 1 sortmcut of Trimmings for Buildings ever ottered, at B., K. & M. IyOWMEK. Fur Blasting, II. F. G. and Canister Powder, and Safety Fuse just re eeived at B K. v M. "I ( HANDS wanted, immediately, to make 1 J Clothini. by BEAVER, KREMER & MOORE. "1 Y EXPRESS Parasols, Borages, Lawns JL and Ginghams just rec d by Beaver, Kremer & Moore. s ECOND Arrival of Fine Wool Carpets at May 13. Heaver, Kremer tV Moore. Second Arrival cf New Goods ! HAVING disposed of most of our first pur chase of Spring Goods, we would res pectfully invite the publio to call end see the Cheapest and Best assortment of New Goods that has been opened in Lewisburg this season. Havine bought Fine Dress Goods at very educed rates from spring prices (particularly lor casilj we leci oeierimucu tii.ti uui unaioiu ers shall bare the benefit of onr purchases. Call, see and judge for yourselves at th old stand of J. HAYES & CO. IOR the LADIES Every desirable style ; and quality of Dress Goods to be bad at verr reduced rates at the old stand of J. HAYES & CO. PARASOLS a splendid assortment of t?i!k, Turk Satin and satin lined Parasols to be had at verv low prices at HAYES'. rw ATS AND CAPS Moleskin, Panama. '"I i'i.lii.ii f!rl LesJirtrn Hats ttl!f and : t aney ClotH Caps at low ptl t,y UA VES. AdttttttlNtraior's Kwttca, I; t.ttpui .f . : . : . ; - 1 ... . I. , - 4,4 u l ui i4U.i.I3i oi:.i )nlK 1 l aaly eranted ta !!je iir,dsri2iied os ha - . , " . . .. estate 01 JUHH llCIS.i.t.i, ilerease-l, !! oj Kelly Tp. Union County, no'ics i. he.-rt 1 SoOCKDAI? CHlK.s, rivor ai! persons iiidobt.il t siid late 10 t DU2. Wi,'.LfV BAS'if KTC: nialfg ii.tittjdiato pa.ym.cM, and tlmse having! 3uo Doj. VAL-L 4 KCKl'IJ BKcailU'iS claims -(T5iii:t t will present thorn, attested, fte. for seitlenii-nt.to liAS'L U.ti' l.iilif, j The irH-s liiocV; ;r i tfwr. l ir. Thiu '! Jui;; 7, l-iii. pd Adi,,:i.;i:!r5lr, j p'tiiai and the cheapest 111 she ::!!. Orners rnilE ur.drsi?ned h?.vo this djf shterij int: I co-tiaiinership ur,d-r the f;nn of TtTi, Sri'ii'T & Lr.wiw, tor '.'ia transaction of a general Merthandiaa ai4 Prudace business at the stand formeily occupy by J. 1. Tuilin. The friner patror,s cf t!:s establishment and the puths ia jtnerai will please coc;ir.ue favont:" with their patronaje. JOSEPH P. TCSTI.V. ABSALOM H. xTl'AKT, THOMAS LEWIS. Lewisburg, May 2, 185 J Fresh Meat! rilHE undersigned respectfully annoiiiices X that his Hut flier Sh in the rear ol his residence (on Somh THIiiD street) is again in operation, and Brrf, Ytitl, JhWm, r wiil be regularly supplied to his friend. and the public, Tt'tanar. Thviiskat and tti-rrnnAY mornings, on cheap and accominoibting terms. FRANCIS ZELLElt-a. Lewisbar;:, May 12, 1853 NEW FIllM AT PlIXTING aciilCII IIR 3IAUI.4. UAVINCJ entered into a ro- ajam partnership for the purpose "1 1 ol carrying on the above branches I I of busiuess, the subsenbe.-js are prepared to execute work in llieir line. i AT THE OLD RTAXD.X frTTt at the upper end ot Market street, with the utmost care and despatch, as tney nave Doiii had the best advantages in obtaining a know ledge of their bu-.ine.iS, and are determined to give entire satisfaction, they hope to receive a liberal share of patronage and pay. I johx i. ci; ri.fcit, WILLIAM WHITING. Lewisburg, April 18, 1853 TUST received an assortment of fine-toreu rosewood Melodeons, from ;eo.A.Prince & Co.'s celebrated establishment, Buffalo, N.Y. 4 octave Melodeons from V lo C j5 4 do do C to F 5 5 do do F n F 75 Large 5 do F lo K, Piano style, 105 A. L. HATFIELD, Lewisburg Prottatant America'a Book for the Times. Dr. Dowling's History of Romanism. TUST published a xew anii KtAnRF.n rm tius "f Da. DOWI.I.XC'S HISTOKV OF KOM A N ISM. This ponu lar and val Liable work (which is Protestant but otherwise uiiseciariau; has been pronounced by all Protestant denom inations the Mtmiiurd Ilulory of Ihe subject ot which it treats. In consequence of the late fire in the Pub lisher's establishment, he has been unable for the last fewmonthsto supplyihe frequent orders for this work, lie has now the pleasure to announce that Dr. Dowliug has prepared an extensive and valuable Supplement of about 150 pages, including all the recent events of interest in relation to Pope Pius I.Y., the strug gle for liberty in Rome, the Madiai, Uarazii, etc etc.; and that the enlarged work (making a noble volume of 815 pages) is now rerdy, and will be supplied to agents, booksellers and the public urithout any advance of price upon the old editions. lhiiidrcds of tpstimoni.ils from lisrinrtiish ej ; .-e, . ..i..!.. rwa.MMi rtrff'TS and others, have been received, testifying to the fidelity and value of this History. A .single on of these, from the pen of that eminent I' rotes t ant scholar, the Rrv. Cico. B. Cheever, DJ)., is given as a specimen of the whole: Thif exrellfiit ait4 heaotiful th,"' Vt. Choerer, fna.iacii mmiy and fry tron;'rU' tnuular tuTur. and w d not dult that tt i l.ri: : ( haw an extrii- oniitiary U. Itif-ne"t '. m.-r .-U'..r i iy emtvllishrd I and etieuti'd worku we li ... . r m-i; iu-i troin tin' ! Aioerii:.n resi : omrsiiti: ; . r-re ir m t of highly hoihel eHirnmitir, lilu-tni tlie'- .iti.;-i. imt- itititii .TeetttHiiK. and ic-vu-"' ol it-aiinniiii. v. hih I'fti-n tell a nio;t eloiu-nt talt-. an-, are ol ral utility av I well highly oruuinenhil. Tite rk itll is character- ; iM I'V trtvat re?warrh.and aeonipn lM-niv.Mid M-rif)tur.l tI- w nl the tint are ainl hi-U'ry i t' th I ., -h ftytcui. It J .rvmiti a t-urriuct but ftilliriently lull hi'-tf-r) f lh-rii. ; lnnjjn.(. rrn.r. rrut-lti, am? pnnt nlittn of llw l'apa-y. ntithftittt-mti-d " reliTt-uoi- to llw mo. iiictoiihttJ j hi -tot it- inun!S ivUtt in n iiiriteif. eoua-ttirr and iuiDnx-ive tyle, and arrnii;etl in the nio!t lin-id irtMiini-n It aUmiHln iu Cu t and inci-h-Dls. mid, with it lN.nutiHtl i ill nitration, ia better adaptint to furni..h a vivid and im- . it, ,Blaui-n. aa it i,tl,a any r ..'....,, it ...,...ii . ail,.'i i , ,i..i piral literature; and no- that a con.li.-l -ill. l:,.m. ii hTeed upon ua, and 11 "I""" r ;.' .. V.- . ! I and argument, will he mo-t timely and iwef.il. tte.h-iil I lie alad to are it in eTery family, and adorning ercrj ecu-. irel. in the land." , ! a:i. eierirv a.ei laiiT. a mint mi rieniT ew'n-u wiiu i.ir.a : (j, ."j;i:iii un me iiii. t m ii it,, to v uiiiu . ti llable inducements will be offered, wanted in everv State of the I'nion. Apply to EDWARD WALKER, Publisher, May, 1853. 114 Fulton St. New York. TAKE NOTICE! The undersigned, would respectftillv announce to the citizens of Lcwisbur; and its vicinity, lliat ihey are prepa red to do all kinds ICIiK'li- Mlllillliil? at llieir Shop on I he corner of North 4th street ! and the Buffaloe road. Horse Shoeing, Wagon Work and ail kinds ' of Repairing done to order. Coal, Iron and Grain taken in exrhan"c for work. C. & U. Flsht r. May 1, 1853 " A NEW Bcot3 and STOCK o r Books and la. Show, Stationery. T HE subscriberannounr.es lo his friends and the public frenerally that he has just received from Philadelphia a large and excel lent assortment of 33 33 MID comprising every kind and variety of Gentle men's Boots, Gaiters, Monroes, Tics, Sliopers, &c. Ttiulitf Finn Gaiter Jioott, Buskins, Jenny l.inds, and Tics of the latest and most approved styles. Hoys', Misses', and Children's Boots, Lace Boots, Gaiters and Shoes of every stvle and variety now worn also a choice selection of tlie School and Classical BOOKS now in nse in our Academic and Scbnols, together with a good assortment of Siatlo- nery, etc. Tbc above goor! have been carful!yf!ec- ied and will be sold at very reduced prices, j The undersigned also Continues to minofae-l luib uin-ij nil., --i."--., .ilij ij'ii.'i. iv order, and from his lona experience and a determination to spare no etTcrt or enpense tr ' picaie, ne hopes to merit anu receive nuerai share of business. JOHN HOUGHTON, l.cwiabnrg, Mar 5, 1 s CHO0L CRDURS neatly prinfrd and ft ale at the CTirwitt OStt. SB iO.OOfl JM.VCY :OI!. UKO0MS. J:hS U:.BI;CKt . -. Aiisri.r. OdLijlU I .. . . . t It ILlkU 'I'll . W" r..-i. ot,u-.( "r, prciiiptiy niie.i. 31. v J. m. nun i.. lii(.i ivun. j'hitatltlifhin E?. Joii Locke, &UHUEOX iiEX'tlXT. Ol'F'K 1 remr.ved to Market s;tet. sec ond tloor entianee door betvaen Kliiit's Hotel and C. E. H.iwe' St..,4. I.ewi-.i.tir;, April !, ISE3 ; NEV FIH31, j AXI ; A NEW STOCK IN TUADTvj The subscribers ; hisvin-; foim-rd a j co-partnership in I , ij'.smess, now oner ; to old Iriends ami i ti.e public, at the i late stand of S. V. j Lvm'.all.cn Marl.et ; street the ci.rapet (tor cash) and tiesl l.d f for Men and Hoys, ever offered in I.ewt.-biliv. Htn'i Hoots from 51 cp to 6. Also ai! kinds of " , - j ? Zi Caiters, half-Caiters, etc. Children's Shot s of all styles and siee. Wr.rls made lo order Mending as usual. Aj we are both known as practical shoe makers and experienced workmen, we solicit a share of the public pa'mr.aate and will Iry to merit it. S. & !. Sliier. Lewisburg. A pi il 2. 185 J Sri. 1 NO FA,S! ! IONS 15". i hat, ( ti1 a. run su; .Tn South Etot Corner ilmkit and Third J, Tp Crrlrtt . K . BPyKer ir AYR Mist or.ered and for ale cl ean for r i r just openeu ami lor san c..t ap lor Caih or in ecii-ini.-tor coUMry priiliiCe Hats Mi. leskin Nos.1,2,3; Silk N.s.l, -No 2. 3: Ansola Nos. 1, 2, 3 ; black curled brim. ! -i.iio.i -e Leiiiirmrn aiso , . ., . . ir . 'tiviti-1 to i.nr ..f-k .f rrinj!: r.t Stintiu-r faa-imrre. pearl and fiat nrim I!:insan:iti, fine brush. , .,tll.rMll . , w, .,-., w r,,. i,and .b.irll mairtron, voii!, fur Men and iioy. Sum.ner ' vanrtt ..f rery nrttyit--.f;,.rfori, rri.r ;,if. alx Uu Hats from Panama dwn to a lew chin. i tri:- i Uit. t .r..n l..tl .Ottr.nad.. ano a, Cft2! cf the latest SlVlCS ailtl t OVeiy dos- j im Kw . h i.ftt-s of ti.- mnt aopmviKt Criptl4.ll, to Uit eVervU...... J 'r:';'"- 4A' Co'iar.i;raaf. ll.pj. ti lores 1 r ; ll'ikf-. url-d -r-i. t n-l a rr-at variety uf irifkii in tiio C'lotllllla? oat:.. J'ant. and Vests fur j rutin'.. u v t rD.iin, line. Men and Bys ; M.irts J tiuirrvm kinds, shin j Si )tt -I'lfiJ'Cnri yonraiteniinn iscallfi collars. Mocks, handkerchiefs jrioivs socks, j o .uf -t--!. t r-f ,.,. r.,tt..u m.-a Un-n ifur'r. heet in short every:h.n? to wear from head to foot. I XVxZr. ntt Also j l.rk. . 1,-u ar . Lamp.. ar- t llairn. t'ARPrriS, rTr.ot Tx-ioe- nil Tn-nl' I l!""'- ap.l l.-t tl.ot'tfh ic.t leaet ia tlar o-hicw-a aittlt.l 1M,1 Ull.l lllltm. I .(.i,,,,;,.! t, f )! ;tl Vf7.-.Lul.iirvreimnmKtrct. Thankful to our customers for past favors I madr.., t.v w.ter and tlw moat frarac we nope lor a continuance oj me same, as ..in prices are low. Give us a call and examine for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Panama. Leghorn H:tt, and Umiiiets whit tled as d raksskD on short notice and reason able terms. April 27, 18o3 Ifring anil Inuinifr 185:,, L. ID DINGS & CO. -r-i"rnri.ii her. h.- i.,i.iri.. ihe nublie thai m j..,, arr jirt reern irom 1'ui.ai-eipni.i a handsome assortment ol IScrcli a n itizc Of rdl kinds and latest styles, which, bavine been purchased .it unusually low rales, they are euabled to oiler to the public at BARGAINS! It w-in'd be almost impossible lo enumerate the mar. ,- articles comprising the stock of goods :. i hut thev invite all to come and see tor tlieni selves assuring them that they will gel MOKE i. VODs Ff THE SA.VK .Mf'NFJ than at arty other house iu Lewisburg. Ti". have all kinds of DRY GOODS, - UROCKKIK.. HAKDWAnE. Ul EF.NSWAKE, rnd all other artir'es n'.ial!v found in a well furnished store. To render Iheir establih- ment well Worth a Vl.it at all ton's thev will Continue to receive as tile Seaoll advances. new invoices of seasonable poods tor l,iUtir J and Gentlemen wear, so as to he able at alf ( times, to offer the choice of the New York and ...... I Philadelphia markets. " f Havin? adopted the motto " Quick Soles and Small Profits, thev hone to reeeire a III eral share of public patronage. (Tj-AII kind: of COCNTKY PKODI CE taken in e.Tchnn;e fur Goods. I.ewisburs. April 29, 1SS3. J. E. GOULD, (Su.-ee.anr Ui A. fl.JT.I Ao.lG4, Ciirshnit Slrrri,Sirn!vi' liuiiiin'j, PHILADELPHIA, TJXTENSIVE Mirsic Pi atisntr. and Dealer j in Mo'icat Instruments of even- desrrip-. tion exclusive Aent for the sale of H.ilb-tt. j DavisA;Co's(Bostoii)PatentSuspciis;ou Bridge ' Aiolian and other j PIANOS, i I.Gilben's Eotidisir Pianos. Melrdeon,?,!ar;in-; : i Guitars, Harps, Violins. Sheet Music, Mns.c i I Books, etc. j Residents of the country w'.ll be supp'ieJ by ' mo .7 nr mherwise with anv music thev mav I i.-IbI, i a lf,u. ra!. a. i f ntire b.iseil in nerson. Having oic of the larsest stocks in the I'liir 1 . Statcsri feel confident rf satisfyin? all who : may favor me with a call or order. i Dealers io Music supplied on the most libers! terms. Tianos to let. Second-hand Pinnos for ' sle. Iy473 j Paer HanKlny?. i TflKE nndersisned have jitt rp'ne:! a frtsh ' and complete stock of UV.- Vi'nifrs.srr.ocr; ' which.are l...t.n r.tn rivrr, r i k .-wit. arm the imic-Tt pri.-ri I'utuzrd Papers: Also, Dir. tinT!n-. Bumir.c, r u Srnrr.xs, fee, Ac. Which thev offer at the lovrest price, both wholesale and f-tatl. 1 be be?t woritmrn em- poyM to bang papir either in be cr'y or conn try. r: r T . C ..,.,... We have also our :.naU.srcrtrirr;i nf Wr-. Ti;, Pak", V BArrt- r.rriis. fc.aM and Schi-cl Books, Stattonerv, rVc. j PARKtsH et HOf Glt. Tffi. I ICcr.ti FttTl t,S d-Trs.rrnvr Mr.i-k-i, I ktlaiph-n, r.n rnol fr.r Cflinlr.' s;. I I Jiurvb 1 1, Igtf-3mo3SS :.:". - i NEVV F'lfiM. it U S I) T UK!SG. FU IfitX A. Uv.r, t-isy J Miiti.rsj ;n;o a Co-J'a:!ier.!.iji . io.;vc businrs;, -..tjltS r.'i;:-rlfoll 1.1.1! it.:r i-.rirer c-.uinrsvr-:. and i;.b p-jb!.w in gtherxU i. giv ih.-ir. a cr.'t at !. j's oid Uitd rn, joiUi j'Ut'KI'II st;ejt, where '.he :re pripa fd u tl" all in tiieir iine w;th the utnw ft Jespat;-.1! 3i:d r. iha mast reasonable urms. F. A. D'JNACHU, A J). ELDEK. Lmi-b-rr. My 2, I as, MOIIK LU31HK.I! l.AI.'iiiC riditinnal stork of Xew Laiali-r : A, a.i-;.-d I the ol 1 stock of Dry .5,0110 feet of Joits ana Seaai.u.g. consist ing of ail m:-c arid lengths Sawed i'ii:.'s and Shingling I.atb. 5i).i).Mi Plastenng Lath. 3 and 4 f.-et l.-.i.c. Ineii Boa: is, eailierboaids I ai.d Jj nob Pannel U(arili rnd r'ank. All vr'u.i are bmliintf can be r.ccomniodafed by ea.i.r i.n the stibsrrber, wii; woeid ta tiiankfu! f t th-:ir patronnee. THOMAS -NESMI-. Lewisburg, Mav 3. IS53 7 iT-JuT.iili;- r i" GRAND EZHIBITI0N! t'rtpTttr.-.me fir ihe Stamm Doors oprned a? 9 o'cli-k. A.M.. performance to commence at j at Hi t Isbui-fj Ilazaur, I Fi-ttU Iri'W J'.'ftUflflti-i, .Wa- i'arl; LrTrpml Jd VjwU one cf tlie ch iicest selections of SriiiNtf and SnrrKK Good:j ever bronj-bt to I.ewislvirgr nr vicinitv, wiirH are now ..tiered for the inspection ii ill tbu town and the res; of mankind. i I The .:;il.''i in particular are invited tt and l-llll K onr .NUM IHHHIS. We lis, tier, no trn to ivt. tvrv t a mouiM trap.) loit l.ale al l .ru-. nii-iia;, jr jfttJ u.i.ur etab.ia.1. ? t l.v fl.., ... ... I'lMVl'S i::..i..n. I . . k . k...,. ,u ; Laii,-.. l:r.v. . ailna.' l.a.tn-.. He B-J.. Sliallief, I ''' " ""11'"' Ali ae, s s plain and euil.riK- l l. i.d. Jl..-n l.m. n Camla-'i: iet IMUf-. Krenet "'"r-"' lriiwii ed ttirua, Mohair Mitt. , si m, K ii f ii.-i.-rT citon. V T;. ao.l i t.su t.ii -' Tnivsis-.-. lmsa Trmiaiiua;-, --ewirs si. aaal . van. ty of aoiion.. Admission frf. Call on Tt STI.V.STFART LEWIS. 471 opposite Kline's Hotel, Leteu&urg U'injield Woolen Factor, e:ir ISaitleton, I'nion Comity. I 11 is establishment is now in the best order. J 'I lie machinery being nearly all new. and none but the best of workmen employed, the subscriber feels safe in saying thai his work shall not b surpassed by any establish ment in this or Ihe adj.-inii'g counties. His wagons w ill be around as usual, and lho-e u-ihi,i,.,r to paireniae Iiik 9fnMrh'mcnt, will please avail thcmselve of that opporu 11 1 v . I l I have al i on band, and intend keep mi a choice assortment i.f ff.oo.l. such as 'VoAt. S.,t;n-tt. Civliuirrrx, Tu-nds, Htnnktt), Viirw.-. .Sr.. w hich I will sell low for cash, or exehai.ffe lor V.'ool and ' untrv Produce reti- ra!!v. .MARK HALFPENNY. llarileto: . Ap.il IS53 ;f " Suur'l Pr'.jitt and iuk iW.t." BARGAINS a: I'm CHEAP STORE if j. ii. f; iv. ztaon-r. E tal e ibis nieihod of informing the public il at we have f.tied tip ih eld -t .VO.V TIlAOlXfi STAXD," ve r.ould invit.; especial attention t w when our stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. reeenes an t 7Vi, which can r.ct fail to please, either in regrn? to price or mialttr. (ur poods have been hoiisht for cash, at the lowest price, and will be sold on accommodating terms. CASH will be paid for ail kinds of Grain and the very highest price paid, in noots, lor everv deserifMion of I'nmftie ymdtirr. TurtleviHe, April 22, IS33 CIiUTOS VT.M II, Attorrjer at r.arr, I.EWlSr.VRU, (':. ('., jt. ...Office nearlv Refers to . .?.-e.e, 7. ,',i,V, ,., '. i : .i .if. .l'TT,.fc. .V IVsntt. T:Ki,Ufrm " .1. .S'Ol.M'y. " .Snail- f , lrt,i. H J'.flt ti-l.aiy. Linn, .a;a i tw.. flilAvilfi,,u. T. ...V..... .1;.., SJ. r.',.J. LUAII5KK. TITHE siibfcn'oer ihxnktiil lurpal nair.ir.-ip I ul I solicit his tiifsi.Is ainl thr public's ci'iitinuam-e in h'slinc of. homines.--, as lie con tinues to keep a larye stock of Lumber on bacil for sale. He has on band at pieseul the toU lowiiii.'. viz.; 1 lli.OI'U ft-et of oTod drv Pin b.),-irds. 1 .' feet f pi'i.nk- ar.d U..arJs Wearhniboards, Jmst r.tid Scamlir? Poplar l'l;;im. Scantling and Boards Lop an I J.'itit Slurries I'itie I'alire and Shingling Lath 2J(UI feet ol's'iuare limber 1100 luet sawed Kails Nmis aiui S'oiic Jn-s. All cf which be will sell at fair prices. THOMAS N ESBIT. Lewisbure. Jdn. 21, 18.iH.---3in4o8. Mrmv :o!4 sp.ii.jr luj. rjHE ubscrtber is now prepared lo t hibit in Merchants and Milliners hi beavr Moe'r rf Ladies' and MiV STRAW H v SILK KONXKTS, STRAW TKIMMINGS :! ARTIFit'IAT, FLOWERS; IVta-Ieaf Pntiam t and everv variety of SUMMER HA T! , fir Pent't-mrn ; which for FTtret, Varietv and b-a-y ft' iMarttfseture.as w!l tir.ift.ranly ciee prices, v. ill re (nnnd nn'ile. 'n. 11 Srrr Svt Tbiht, Teh 1 ! -3t. H Fhlhdrfjhi-T. ' ' S l.t'.! I i yyei!or Fur.-. f-ir ' at tha r CuMot.te ..r.L, ct einjit, KJv .r i.-a k'