Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 08, 1853, Image 3

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ITfDjisbnrg Clpuirlf.
H. C. HIOKOK, Editor, t O. K. WOMEN, Printer.
At si 50 In 4rm, t.76 In tune months, $2 pa'd
within the snrnr, and $20 at the end of th jar.
Amu la Philadelphia V B Palmer ana K W Cut.
Leitisburfj, Pa.
Tuesday Morning, Jult 12,1853
ADVEBTTZB ! Kiceotnm. AtnlnlrtraUic. Pul.lic
OflWrs.l'ily sad tVuutrv Merchant. MnilitrtiinT,
lai-hauWK, Biuiniwa Mi ll all irho wiali to in-ure or to
HgM of anything would do e-.il to (rive notk-e uf tie
aunr thrmirh th. "Lemsbmrct "rnnit-." This paper he
a goai aad increasing circulation in a community contai
ning aa large a proportion of activo. enlveul pnalucvra,
onittuutra, and dealers, as any other in the State.
tw 4liertlenient.
Read them all no time to recapitulate.
Whig County Nominations.
The Standing Committee have called meet
ings for the 6iU of August, hen candidates
will be voted for directly (call in full in our
t" Supreme Court business lias delay
ed the Chroitiilc three days this No. Wc
shall catch up to our usual day as soon as
(jTlie "Liverpool American " is the title
of a new independent paper recently started
at Liverpool. Perry Co., by E. L. Mowry.
A neat and promising Democratic paper
styled the People's Advocate and Press" has
just been established in Bloomueld, Perry Co.,
underthe editorial control of J. H. Shcibley.
" Dwyeu's Elocution." The widow
of the author of this popular woik, is now '
leering it for sale in LewisLurg. We arc
assured ly Prof. 15liss, that the price of'
the book will be well aud niott worthily j
bestowed, by every purthaser. j
KsT" The latest Foreign News seems to
indicate an iucvitable collision Ix-twoou i
Itussia and Turkey. Both parties are
making the most vigorous warlike rrctiu- !
rations. The Ktigli-li and Frowli fleets j
. arc both at the laidanil!c, aud will sus-
tain Turkey. j
5s3 The Su'quchatina Knineers to-day !
resume their survey about two miles below !
Muticy Dam, and crossing over to Mmiey,
will proceed, nti tLatsiue, to Wiliiaiuspnrt. I
It will take litem about ten days to com- ,
jjlete the survey. j
aW Messrs. Gtss-SKR and Bonewitz
were to repeat their Vocal and InMruinetitnl
rouccrtat the' Odd Fellows' Hall, in Mil
ton, last cvenitig.
US' Thanks to a young friund in CYn
ter county, for half a dozen new rubserib
crs, with the cash in advance.
TEMTERAXCE The merlin of the Lew
isbutg Society aannuacrd lor I mi Evr.stsn in
Ihe Baplwt Church, it oslpond to FRIDAY
rvef.ifig- in the am .Li-e in curtsequrnre of an
expected visa fiom Dr. J S.l.oxssaoac, of Phil .
who wilt add ess the Society tliaioiglit (July lfi)
Uorrccleil this Uay.
... 8
. 10
,. 12
.. 9
Dried Apples
"fallow . .
'lovcrsecd. . .
I fttf;T-n- frrn m Tm: TaeE icaonvn flf Hi- H
TEPSI N.n or of tlic two ;rvk aroniii ftoui whii-h it in
.li.rir.-l. Thi h Ih- rttiitimnt anil .pmiriite till' of
Im TlitK LlliBSTIVK HA IU. or (iASTIliO Jl H'h.
mutJ br Ur. J. S. lltil'tiltTilN, at lliilad. lihia. fn.m
tin liinrth Smsiadi of ihr tlx. for Ihe ur! of ln4i!.inn
and UraiD-pMa. It ia Nature own rrnn-ily ir uu
unhralilir M.arh. Noart ..f man ran UI ilacnralitr
mwi. It radem r.otill KATIMi neiltly o.nu.t. at
ilh HEALTH. ISw tbe fjgort .if the OX, in anotlu r
utrt ol tltia pakrt. 146I
Thoaaandu of par'tiu) who a.c Vermifuee rompoai-d of
Caator oil. Calom.-I, ic.are not aware- that btl in; y
appear to ben. M tile patirKt. they arc actually laytnl tie
finidati.l I. a aeriia of dweanea. tucb a., aalivatlon,
loar of arcwL mliwa of liaiwa,
I. aawle rohrwin will l- fmnd th a lTTtiment o
nobeiwark'a J.liein-a. to ieh we auk the attonUnn of
all directly interiafd in their nan well aa their clnl-
flren a nealtll In nor iri" ' 7 :
an.tn from thoa-i f a Wllloua type, 'bonid make use ot
the only avauine m.di ill", ilobenan-k Lirer I'lll'-
waT-B. rfeel," hut a.k tor lldeivt'ii Worm
Syrup and Uiaer filla. awd olwerre that each haa the u- I
aianira of the rropneuir,
alas are neouioe. 1 ' -'
In Milton, th tust by Kev. Dr. Longmore,
Cmiiu A. aiso-, ef Troy. N. Y, and
Miss Mabv Eianoa WiLSon.of Milmn.
By Kev. J. P. Shindle, 2d alt, 1I.P.Jatt
and Miss Reecca Mt-a.Ei.-AJi.both ofSelins
crove. On the 13th, rinEaica, son of Hon.
iieo. Krewer. of Middleburg, and Miss Eimin
daughter of Isaac Smith, of Isle of line. On
tbe I5lh, P. Mslasctbo" Snumi. (engineer,)
and Miss CATaaaiwa Ha, both of Sunbury.
In New Berlin, 30th ulu by Rev.A.B.Caspcr,
Joan G.Fes., printer, and Miss Lima Swabt
LEffDia, both of New Berlin.
In Ihe Tabernacle Baptist Church.PhiU 28th
ult.. by Rev. M.G Clarke, Tbowas Wbits and
Baaaa E. Ali.e-, all of Philadelphia.
On the ilh ulu bv Rev.Wm.Sterling, Loi t.
KtBTE. Editor of Drr Demnlcratitehr. Burgerjind
Miss Maav A. Heivlv. all uf WilliainspnrU
In East Buffalo, 12ih insU Loibd, son of
John ti. Br..wn, a?ed about 3 ye-rs.
In K'Uy Tp, llth insu Jobs Hcmkei, aed
72 years one of the oldest and most respected
In Lewishnr-,5d inat Witsos.son of James
and Jane C.Hayes, aed 3 months and 11 days.
fV bow - Ha lakes thta In Ilia arma,"
With amilw upiiu His tm;
Ana mts, tliK kititc.li 4a is of such,
By fr-c au4 aotrretitn urai.
At the residence of Hugh Wilson, Jr . in
Buffalo, 21st ult, C'bsble. Wiuotf, aged 68
years. T
In Lewistown, at the residence jrf her son-in-law,
Hon. Abraham 8 Wilson, Srs. Nri
N.aaia, re,ct of the late J.'ho $"orris, of
Brown's Mills, in her 77th year. J
Coanty Treasurer. The snbscriler
respectfully announces that be will be a can
didate for the above office, at the ensuin;
election, and respectfully solicits from his old
friends and the public, thrir support.
ffhaniokin Dam, July 11,1853
T. Sice, a professor and teacher of nW
art i. awvin. at Mr. Kline's, the Washineton 1
House, aud is now forming classes for Instruc
lion in this unique system of short hand which
is the quickest and most easy means known
for reiiortin? public speakers. Mr. Slee's
Terms are very moderate for the course of
instruction (at the residence of pupils if pre
ferred) $5 ; parties of three, St ; parties of six,
$.1,50, and lo larger classes at a less rate.
Lewisburg, iaW IS:.
Female Medical Education.
Pcnn Medical Odleije of Philadelphia.
rpiIE Fall Course of Lectures to Females,
commences Sept. 5. and continues 16
Ladies encased in the study of medicine, or
others, wishing lo be informed in regard to
this Institution, will have the Anmmneement
sent them by addressing Ihe Dean. Fees for a
single course 01 i.eciuies, yau. j-or a .VAwur -
ship Crr(!cr,entitling the holder to attend two
full courses only f50. Four courses, J75. Six
courses, j; 100, etc.
io. S29, ?i. ISth St. Philadelphia.
Administrator'! o(lco. "
IETTEKs of Administration having been
J duly prauted to the undersigned on the
estate of JOHX HENXIXtS, deceased, lale of
Kelly Twp, Union l.'ounty, notice is hereby
given all persons indebted to said esiaie to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims against it will present them, attested,
for sriilciiient.to DAX'L D.GL'LDIN,
July 7, 1853. pj Administrator.
Female Medical ColloRe of rennsylvania
The next Course of Lectures in this Institu
tion wiu commence on Saturday, Oct. 1st,
100.1. aim
closing on
KATfP J. JOIIXSO.V, M. D-, I'r ttor of (Ti
nitry and
, TrefebfOr of the PriDcir-lea
ann I'rm-lici. of VMirio.
Itll.liHItN H4ltl.lM,xt in. (I ll, rw.-oror Sur-rr.
AW J'Kl;.-YON. M il. i.r-worof ,l..l.y
t t.W IN I 1 S.-KLI. M. 1).. IfnA-M . Ai.al..n.v.
J1.I;K '.. KKItK. M il, ITuftsMTOl ll:U,ria li.dicaatid
.eu.-mi niT?in'-miC!L
MAKI'llA II Mi .WKY. 51. Vnt,-unr of Olfletrica aud
In-aM 1. i f V tu.-ii t,b-l Oii'.lr.-d.
ALVIttA U Him I tit, u.1.1, Ivia-Jiiftratur cf Anti.io
:il:it Clu-nii-rry
Persons wishing further information as to
terms, regulation $.rtc,;r desirous of receiving
Copies of the Announcement trill ple:ise apply
P' r..oiiai!y or l v letttr to the lli-an of the Fac
ulty, DAVID J. JOHXsO V. M. I).,
4S1 ;a Arch M. I'tnUuhtj.hia.
at Puolic Sale.
be .fT. red at Public Sale, on the
tiiises. in llnnlrv I wp. I'uinii Co.
Pa, on 'I'liui'Mla, , 25Mi ol lueusL
next, the following Valuable real estate, viz.
jt a rp. x 1.
iii -UAJ.MOS JT ARM, ,ol employuitnt. He was in bad health, and
containing tl'JJl ACKLS, and allowance, ' went 10 liie Hospital, v. Sicre he remained sevc
about !2WO Acres cleared and 111 a good stats ral weeks as aftei wards hin t, at a sniv
el cultivation, an.) the following buildings: ! yard. His last letter was dated llulialo. -O h
Tu X.,, X:,,. A.,,.-,.,.. 7.-..J...
with Sheds, also Carriage House, W'oodhoose, '
jnitig nouse.
aw-.Illl in rtiuhiiiz order. Cider Mill and
Press. 15 or 1 6 Acres Ore hard, a LIME
STONE (H'AKRY, a Lunestoiie Spring near
be House, and running water in th.- Barn-
1 aru.
Also the F IRM adioinin;. conlainin? '
US Irit-M and allowance. ItfO acres clear-1
i clear-1
ed, and the balance well timbered, with !
gOOd ItOg HOQSe and Bam,
good Sprine of runninz water near il. LnilJ- I
ings, good Apple Orchard, and oilier Kruit '
cl various kinds.
' Also ailjoininr the above, SAO ArresJ.
of g.rfwi riMBEll I.AXIP, which will be-"
sold together or in bus to suit purchasers. j
!' The above property is in a good neighbor- j
hood, with churches, school-houses, stores,
mills, furnaces, factories, etc., convenient. It
is near the line of the proposed Lcwisburg,
Center, & Spruce Crre!: T' ulroad, and about
18 miles west glatiif " ;uir:.u:t -i i'.i. i- 1
Lewisbiirg, to which place tlieie is a good
j Turnpike.
The pr.-perty is in excellent order, and eve-
rv way woithy the attention of purchasers.
Letters of inquiry answered.and terms made
i known on the day of sale, by
K. (i. H. HAYES,
Executors of W.. Foster, dee'd,
July 9, 1S53
Lancaster lad. 117ojand Readtg Journal copy
till sale, and send bills to this ollice.
.Most Valuable Town Properly
IXaue, Earn, ami Lot of Ground at the
corner 1" Front and Market streets io the bo
roueh of Lewisburg.
Also, 3 Vakiabla TOWN LOTS on the
West Branch of the Susquehanna, in the Ko
rou;k of Lewisburg, fronting on Front street
in said Borutish, and running down to low
water mark. To be sold as one lot, or may
be divided into three serrate Lots.
Persons derirous of purchasing will please
tldress a line to
4$ No. 3.3 Race 8u I'tituiefphur.
For tire care of Fit, Spatms, Cramps, and all 1
Xerru'tt and Cuiutituliunal Vintases. t
11ERSOXS who are laboring under this -
distressim maladv will find the VEGET-1
remedy ever discovered for curing tpiltpsy.
or Falling Fits.
Thi-e l-ill- P.41M-M a spciftc artlm rn tli nerrona
.v.ti-ru. ami al'lmtt xh th'J anr .n-parai i-icia.l) f.r tlie
I "nri'ina if carin t it". tliy srlll be fimtnl wial l-ie
eSi 1'T all riu. aflii.-U J wilU weak uerTWSur lioe
nerroua .vnt'm lias i"n pro-trate.1 tw sliatlrriil rr.-ia
any eaoiw'a -hater. I" rlimnir implait. or diai-ans
i f .m taiulinit. mii'rinlutl t y Drrrousnsta, Uiejr are
i-ri,-. :l tH-r hoi. or Iwn Vnxf fir $ri. Perrona oat of
k. n ......lniiiir a n-mitt-tiic. aol hare tit.- si ot
frm thmn-'ll 'he mail, frxi of OSt-. Knr aik It
SLTII S IIAStK. 0. ins, IIALTIB-ia. .-litr-y. uat.iuK.ir,
M.I.. ti. wlmm i.txlim from all iris uf th.- t'niun must OS
aiiareneeil, irnst iai(L (.Iy4li n.;w t.w.
WANTED 30 to .Vl.iM'O ft Maple 5 by 6
20 lo 311.000 do 4 by 4
10 to 20.000 ft 3in.Ash plank
20 to 30,000 ft 1 J do
to be delivered this coming Fall aud Spring on
the bank of the River at Harnsburg. Lumber
of eond quality and strait grained is wanted.
Proposals will be received till Sept. 1 for
furnisbinz the above, and persons sending pro
posals will state the quantity and quality of the
different kinds they can furnish, and when.
Terms ol payment cash on delivery and
inspection. Address (post-paid)
4Sii W. O. IUCKOK, Harnsburg, Pa.
Just Received,
T7IXE Lot of Berages, Prints. Muslins, etc
J. & i. WALLS.
HAD and Mickerel a new supply at
IV E1LE M LoJ ars- th;mi",tes.
Flow.'nS reSs Goods. Trim-
, eJf - r" d a,,J "r sale ''P by
June 30.
Beaver, Kreiner dc Moore.
Sellnstrrove Brldsc Comnam.
f "VTOTlCE is nercby given that Books will be
.. i Xl opened to receive Subscriptions to the
Capital Stock of ihe Selinrgnwr BnJ.reCv.upatn,
on WEDD'Y, the 27th of JULY next, at .he
following named places: At the JIou.,c of
Mr- TJ-tiiH, in Sfi;:;-nve,
JjCuu Fryer, in Mmdn-uurt;,
Charles V. Kline, in I.ewislint,'
Isaac V. Buyer, in Freebur!?, Union count",
Samuel Thompson, in Sunburv,
Peter 8nyder, in Lower Augusta.
iivu" lPrer J!alia""y- :Sur,l'''! ct""y.
Mich I Weaver.m Minersvi le.s-liiri cnm.iv
j "'"e and places one or more of the
uuuersigned will attend for the purpose of
""i,?,?"?. S"bf nptions.
, 1 11
j,oh- B. PACKER
r-"v AKU 1 okk.h I
k Wll I till i I fc, L' 1,. .vr
CommUt iutiers.
Selinsgrove, June 17, 1353.
f piIE Partnership heretofore existing under
X 'he Finn of Christ &. Fmcit oelwecn
Levi B. Christ and tieorge A. Fnck in the
Foundry Business, is this 21ih day of June
15;J dissolved by limitation. tieu.A. Flick is
ajoue authorized to settle the business of the
Finn, except 111 case of his absence from home
w hen L. li. Christ will attend to the same.
L. H. CHI.MfT.
Ji. B. All persons indebted to said Firm are
1 isi uay 01
nay ol Ue-totier next aflfr which tnr.e all
I accounts will be left with a Justice for uuiiied
j iate collection. 4 SI)
f" 'HE present I'roprieior of llie new ly .usco
X vered fVlliiit ttl t iltc (limestone) ta
I DRY VAI.LEV. I nion t'o. -by gives ncmce
j thai the Cave will XUT be jim iii .Sl'Xit.l YS
: li.r Visitors. It may be vi-ited by L ohe and
Uentletiien 011 any other d.iy. and'on SATLK-
DAY ol every week especial prcp.ir.il. ims will
j be iimd- to accommodate wi ll lights.
I p3'A" p-rsons are fot bidden to l.rcak oft",
' injiiie, or t.ike aw.tr any s'pecitncns fiotn the
tave, ui.iler penalty ot prtisecu'inii.
Ihe payment of 1JJ cetits only is requircl
of every per.-u.i bet'ote et.t. i :n:.
Dry Valley, June SS, I8o3.
Information Wanted
F WILLIAM ELLIOTT, shin c.-ir;.enlf r.
ajed 00 years, about 5 feel 1 in. high,
stout lii uie, Itght hair and conpli xo 11, blue
eyes. He left Lcwisburir, I'mi 11 Co. P.i. in
.varcn, in.ii, 10 go to UhiikIo, .. 111 search
.HT - t - 1Hi,i- "' which h- stated be would ie
home in 3 neck siuv.e wliit-li lime uo Unm t
wiKiiever have heu had ol him. A.y mir
rnatinn if his whcreahouis or !;iie,ui!l be most
grU'Iuliy received by his di-tp'ssd
Lewisbnr?. Union Co. Ja June ail, ltS53.
(jj'lliillahi papers please notice.
The Female Cession
I 1
iF the Pi.w MbinejL CotLroE or Pmi.4-
M. ""'"'. commences n me st ...on.ny
'" P'f",rr- "-, com.ni.es t-, wccks. i. times
and others interested in a l-beral Medical Insti-
tution,w.ll have th'-i1nnuurrm'r. (containing
full pamciibr. u k;.li pm low.
tc.) sent mem. i y requesting me same oi
AHUM. LI'EZEY, M.D, IIkax, i
479 No. 3S!, X. 12th W. mM.lphim j
.June lfillt.
MACKAREL No. I in iu.irand half Bbbls
do -No. '2 just ree'd.
do X j. 3, new.
No. 1 SHAD, just ree'd.
HKRKIN:, wholesale and retail.
j( TA''" .TS r-r -Ie.
Its it ... i si V . ... i 'tt - "inr afer.
Uottoii and Linen CAItPET CHAIN ol aii
colors for sale by J. HAYES & CO.
To Collectors and Tax-Payers.
rilHE tax payers of Union county will pl-ase
take notice that en Aiidin.ent vf FIVE
per em!, oa all State taxes will be allowed by
the Collectors tor tne present year tso I, lo an
those who pay on or before the HJ-h of JULY
nprt. The abatement will be a owed onli" on
:tne sjtate ta-, 3"id to those who pay their Stale '
!and at least one nAir of their County taxes ;
those who do not pay the one-half of the County i
tax, will have no abatement allowed on ihe
State tat. and are to pay the fuil amount with :
which they are charged
! 1 he unrtersinert, Iiavin?
no oou.'t ol tne
iiite'.'rily and fidelity, or the ability and dispo
sition of the people to pay their taxes, rely
i with confidence on their prompt action.
I tiKoltliK iikimiim II.
I FI4II.V K. IIKUItill.il, C')l.i!l0ais.
I aha 'I miki;ki.i:ii, I
Cnmrai&.i'ilM-r.' (Kite, Nrw K.rin, Juiis 10, 1S33.
Mriiyed or Stolen,
From (pt. Knilziiei's, in Sitar
Vallev, about 22.1 ult a vale-able
Hark brown HORisE, 13 or 11 years
iuld but would pass lor younger, io nanus o
in. hisr.carneil his tail one snle.one litiul loot
white to the fetlock, a small while stripe
between the eyes and nose. I will pay f'-O
reward (or his return to me.
11EXRY KLINE, Sunburv P. 0
May 6 pd Up. Augusta Tp, Norlh'd Co
I s
t as
ST received at the Bazaar, an extensive
assortment of XE V HOODS, compri'inpr
everv variety of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Diess
Goods for siunnier wear Call soon, as they
are going off lat.
May 26, '53. Opposite Kline's Hold.
Please call at my shop. Smith
3d street, and examine tlie best
aud cheapest lot of S!11)K ever
ottered in Lewishnrc. Mv assortment is now
complete, consisting of the beM varieties of
PLAIX and FAXCY work, whirh are offered
luwer than at ana other place in Lcwisburg fur
Cash only cali and see.
Child, en's Shoes, 25 cts. and upwards.
Ladies' do 62J do
Shoes made to order. E. Flslicr.
Lewisburg, April 2B, 1853
New Store! New Goods!
TTAS been purchased, and shipped, and will j
I I arrive next wet,., one ol the larcl.
ctuZLt,tmtt..m,,htc and varied stock of goods
effered .n Lewisburg. Ever, body can
Daccominodaled a. to quality, qitantitj and
price, to their entire satisfaction, at ihe new
and magnificent stcre-room al the corner of
Third and Market streets. Particulars next ,
week. BEAVER, KKEMKK Mtiuitii.
Lewisburg, April 16, 1853.
SCHOOL ORDERS neatly printed and for
sale al Ihe Chronicle Office.
Charge 25 eenj fur each insertion of 12 lino.
rrottioiiotnry. SAMl'EL WEIRICK
will be a candidate for the above oifice at the
ensning election, and respectfully solicit from
his Democratic Whit friends, the nomination.
New Berlin, July 1, 1S53.
7b the W'h!g Electors vf Viiiun Cuunti I offer
myself as candidate for the office of Proth
IUtary, subject to the decision of the
l'v:i. .raiic V.'ln" County Civent;i:n, act! li
liouuaa'.v J and elected I will etidt-avor lo dis
charge the duties of said oflire with impartial
ity and fidelity. AAKON SMITH.
White Deer, June IS, IS5 I.
' T he muf Elector, of Vmoa Count,,.-l
' a- ...ic. . t:.iT... .1.. .
Ii'Oi!touot:irv, subject 10 the decision
of ttic llemocratic" Whig County Convention,
j anil jf m,mi!ialed an(, eleclt.d 1 wi rD.ravor
. I and if nominated and elected I will endeavor
PETER 8XYDER to discharge the duties of said ollice with nu
ll. W. SX YDER : partiality and fidelity June 1 1, 1K53.
ItCprosClllallVO. 7b the l'tojik vflhe
Viiiun and Juiiiula District. I was greatly
pleased lo see in a Xew Berlin paper, some
lime since, the name of HLXKY W. S.Y
DER, of Seliti'grove, for next .Member of the
Assembly. There seems to be a general
satisfaction with his name, among all with
whom I have conversed. His sterling merits
are too well known to require any eulogy at
my hands. Let us elect bun by an old fash
ioned Snyder majority. LEGION.
is recoinmended as a proper person lo lead Ihe
Whig column at the next election ol I'rotll
' Oliulary of I'niou county. As to his ability
; to perioral the duties of that ollice, none need
j have any doubt, as all who aie acquainted
j with him can testily. Knowing as I do his
; ability and esteeming him well worthy I would
: respectfully recommend him for that ollice.
j A Ctinii Whio.
i irwcc'utiii;r AUornoy. Mr.Ednor:
j At the coining Fall Election, we will be called
; on to elect a Prosecuting Attorney for Union
I county. I think we ought to re-elect tiEOKliE
j HILL, Esq., of Sclin.-grove. He has held the
: ollice fur three years, is well qualified, and has
discharged his duties to Ihe eutiie satisfaction
of Ihe court, bir and suitors. His urbanity of
manners has won htm the esteem of all those
i who have had ihe pleasure to form his acqua
ituaiicc. May 1H. I.i.w isnrun.
Thuuseind are testifying to its Ecacy!
The merriul -tf.i u Ima tv hit It-cut."
VY'i'YAl years uf stuily and experiment by
the Invent" r, la ctunpouuJ from pure
tgtuhte mttiertuS a j'owder that hihlu and
shut take the place v( the thousand and cue
1:0 t rum p tt-it U(. ik1 n.tuct uin the (hi b lit- tut "cvr
tiiui lt lutttn-s" tor lh cure uf ail iIi-m a tiicti the
f!rue riv:ii'.n ar -L ir ti,' hv has rtNJuvd tb cn
li-int:u: tiii ittlVorti.M.n.eiit. IXnu r.iu ! yrtiunw unltrs
Um-iu our r.tc siuiut mm oat it r-. ihf d-mauU bus -u
.-uclt tl;at iU it) btf u rb.t-lly cuiitln-l t tint Slat'1
nt I'eiitiM lrat.iu, ; but wc hav nov roi-piimiuMti nuch
rri.K-':!M '.(n tint weri'rfanti t(f-Upl' the i.utiifitur
i.rU r.- mw ttn ti:,ud. ,. weii tu ttiot hv luaj LtruaiU-r
r.vmf f r t -111 titb'T t;iu- -.f tlif L'uiun.
Ki;t.nm- in:it I'nw'fi-r i" p'i. 'i'Mt nil ih! rnmtlvi Tr''D-
nit i. Iit-re m t ti - til, rti- in a MlM'm tirade of wotiln
f-T it a reily .;m l'"ii-tf ru;ii-ei of purr Yi'iwlai.ie
m-.'ri il;;mt. Il not tin iwCrij nml judiciously tr.;n t tLat
ni'liln auima! tlie lill.ffi--,iil ulla-w-ni ami iunv.rOif!M.
It. e.'Vitn arr KJiUf Miniefoiiuf tlm ny.t.-M,cr.-alius; a
bti.at.-d carraai..tb a pr.-uiAlllri' .lHiiilini; i.f tile leur. but
on Ok: olhcr banl it ulri-nineui 1 1.0 .lijf ejttiou. pariliuti lite
it. mid. rt ffiiialei. tl L'liititry ur?iuit. tbereb iutproriuc
and inkctiliK the aholr iliviiirj nmilitirn of the anicntl
i-.fu wii..'n in an apia.t:ntly hfaltiiy iitat.. und a CcTfum
and tnf Jhttie cur wii-n he titii cuir.rnru-d the
llIBTLMiaa (iUSliUta t'litSDUl STldKU
lsrLiMJ LlSilB Vm.M.W WTRR.
Tu the Arieuituri.t and Dairyman, it in an inralita1,l
ri wdy r.r tln-ir NKAT v'aTil.K lalwriuit umlr II-. .r
lll,r.A?ui. Il'iu-iu llnas.andulhi-rof ttieinan.vcomlainUi
a liirh ilii-y are liable fmni a cuiiprcseiou of tbe ualural
not-n tii-iis.
MllA'll COWS are much brneflti-U by oira.innaHj'
.t.ln .itl, tb.-ir Sli.. or rid. it linn a ti-iidenrT to
utri'o.illic'ii th. M...W.1. - ... i . .. , -.. ..
mlla lult-ii, promote ail il.e -cn-tii-iis aij.t ou..tii-ntiy
SygSSS"'"'JM""? "
lliai.s, uurin me aaroi m;mius are rnn.tantly otpt
Leatinc tbcinwoes. wbu h reiiltn in thi ir p tttnC'oUi:ii4,
L'tr-Tit of thi Lunir mid other iart(t, wtneh naturally
ha., a tendency to retanl their j-row th. In all surb caMia
a table .pootiful, mou-d in a hui-het of nwill, alul frivvn
erery othtT day. a ill npnsiily miiove all ilitn-jultiea, auj
thu aniuin) will mioii iuiTeaM in Ib-ailh and Fat.
Wliw, ol ihe u-t.i of thouitaud. of thi rouutry, lMving
.ittti'r tin' oiw or olhi-r of llie au.lualu ahrrh TH. roa,Ur
! tsfii t-, wiil In- m oi.:-.r I1'- in.. ii'-i.itul In I'
r.u i.uli'1' ul.y pr.Mlcl Ota. M IttTever it gnu.,: itilroitiiia-J
i it wi'i tie nil p-itusu.itit in ibnt Mablr, aad ilertuil an
I eMientia!, aa the Currv-mnib and Mrnidi IhemlTi' are.
I AUk.r OAMt.l. U.1.1 LIUN,
I tlmt'O (Sau' iioirr,! Ktlly Tp, Union Oh I'a
OK C-'arpt-ntf rs. Double and single
Plow and Groove Pannel Ploughs, with and
without handles ; Fillisters, sclf-regtilaling
Sash ;Fbt O'Uee and Bead O'liee and Fillets;
Ruhbil and IJ-.nls. .ill sizes : lira, es w ith anil
without bills; Long Shanked Firme and Socket
Tinsels, together with an endless variety of
tools to fit out ihe" kit" complete, all for sale
at lowerrates than ever offered in this country.
t Wll EJalltS-ri. 'l'he lllo-lc
I' Norltuentol 1 rimmings tor liuililinirs ever
Jins ev
oriercd, at
B., K. M.
I)!)':)!:!. For Blasting, H. F. G. j
C.inisler Powder, and Safety Fuse just
Ai M.
I i invention, just received at the Baznar.
fHITE GOODS a heavy stock, offered
verv cheap, ny
tOD FISH, Dried Beef, Cheese, and a great
arielv of Groceries at
j -I r HANDS wanted, itamediately, to make
i IU Clolhin" by
Y EXTKESSParasols, Borages, Lawns
and Ginghams just ree'd by
Beaver, Kremer & Miore.
1F.COXD Arrival of Fine Wool Carpels at
May 11). Beaver, Kremer &. Moore.
Second Arrival of Kew Goorls !
HAVING disposed of most of our first pur
chase of Spring Goods, we would res
pectfully invite the public to call and see Ihe
Cheapest and Best assortment of New Goods
that has been opened in Lewisburtj this season.
Having bought Fine Dress Goods at very
reduced rates from spring prices (particularly
for cash) we feel determined that our custom
ers shall have the benefit of our purchases.
Call, see and iudse for yourselves at Ihe old
stand of J- HAYES & CO.
lOK the i.nu.r. nr r, u..u, c
JJ " JB bad "
ery reduced rates at the old Island of&
; ; .
"W-jARASOLS a splendid assortment of Silk,
I Turk Satin and satin lined Parasols to be
.... . I Itl iL. J:LI.
k.,l si vrit low nrices at il A r.o .
nATS AND CAPS Moleskin, Panama,
Chinese and Leghorn Hals Silk and
I'aucy C"o!b Caps a! low prices by HAYES.
THE undersigned have this day entered into j
Co-partnership under the firm of T1-.T15, 1
Srt-ART & Lewis, for the transaction of a
general Merchandize and Produce business at
ihe sland formerly occupied by J. P. Tustin. j
The former patrons of this establishment and
the public 111 general will please continue
favoring us with their patronage.
I. '.'.: ' . !, lsa.j
hQi Fresh Meat!
rpHK nndertigned respectfully announces
that his Kiitthrr Shop iu the rear
ot his residence (on iSouth THIKD street) is
again in operation, and Betf, Veal, Muttn, Ve-.
will be regularly supplied 10 his friends and
the public, every TrEsnar and Famit morn
ings, on cheap and accommodating teims.
Lewisburg, May 12, 1853
VI.I. persons are hereby notified not to
trust my wife Polly ('ate Polly Mook)
as I will not pay any debts of ber contracting.
Buflalo Tp, May 6, 1853 pd
n.l.Ci entered into a co
partnership for the purpose
ol carrying on ihe above branches
of business, the subscribers are
prepared to execute work in their
at the upper end of Market' street, with the
utmost care and despa'. h. As they have both
had the best advantages in obtaining a know
ledge of their business, and are determined to
give entire satisfaction, they hope lo receive
a liberal share of patronage and pay.
Lewisburg, April 18, 1853
JUST received -n assortment of fine-tone.,
rosewood Melodeohs, I'roiu Ceo.A.Pi nice
Y Co.'s eelebrattd establishment, BuQalo, N.Y.
4 octave Meiodeoiis from C to C 15
4 i do lio C to F 65
5 do do F to F 75
Large 5 do F to F, Piano style. 100
A. L. HATFIELD, Lewisburg
Fruteatant America's Book for th. Time..
Or. Dowlicg's History of Romanism.
TUST published a w maiitiaotl nt
tiom of Ua. UOWLIXti'S HI.STO'' Y OF
KOMAXIS.M. This popular and va!u. io vork
(w hicb is Protestant but otherwise uusccarian)
has been pronounced bvali Protestant denom
inations Hie tttunUurd Hulurij of Ihe subject
ol winch it treats.
. r .i . e - .i r, .
in consequence 01 mc laic urc in tne run -
lisher's establishment, he has been unable for
the hist lew mouths to supplythe frequent orders
lor Ibis work. He has now the pleasure to
announce that Dr. Dowling has preparett an
extensive and valuable tSupplement of about
lot) pages, including all the recent events of'
interest in relation to Pope Pius IX-the strug
gle for liberty iu Kome, the Madiai, liavazzi,
etc. etc.; and that the enlarged work (making
a noble volume of 815 pages) is now ready, j
ana w in oe supplied io agents, DooKseners anu
the public without any advance vf pr.ee upon
the old editions.
Hundreds of testimonials from distinguished
clergymen, scholars, presidents of colleges and
others, have been received, testifying to the
fidelity and vaitie of this History. A single one
of these, from the pen of that eminent Protest
ant scholar, the Kev. Geo. B. Cheever. D.D.. is
i .. .i. ) fj.etmen of tne whole :
1 "'J'liui ext-eli. lit and beautiful work," aava Dr. CoeeeeT,
I "piiSM'.w many ami v.-ry atrotiff claims for popular furor,
aud we do uot iioubt that it in destinw to hare an cxtra
oniniary Mle. It i one id tile aioi.t elegantly tnibeltished
aud exoi-ubil woi k we bare erer reen hmued from the
AininiiMt! prrna; ronmitiin? a lame nuintsr of highly
i tinirdied euiiraTina, iliurrtralire of the rercruoniea, aupt-r.
' miltiiuit, ivrHYUttoua, and incident- of Uouiauitm, ahii-h
! often tell a mol elmiitent tale, and .ire of r-al utititr as
well an highly ornniui
it '.
l v trr.
.1 -aio..- .ui tuii inju ry of tbe ris
f-roafrr-p. ir i.-. t ra- itif-s iuit prtfeut cuutition of the
1'afaht-y, nuthftttic-itrtl .t icfn.occ to Ui mwI uiw-nubL d
ki.-torie mrtini, rt-latol in a ppiritd, cu-Aln nnj
ir.ij-n.t.wve t-tj lc, nnd arran-J in tbe ni.dit ichl iuhuim r.
It atMiuu'lit in Urt ul incitienrit. with its tvautitul
i)iutrmt'Ul, is bctt.T ai in furniuli a Ttvid airti ira-prt-ssive
rtTjiture'f Kuuiunim m it i, tlin any oUi-r
bo;.!i we know of. It j-uppiH-f a pnrat lack in nnr tlb-olo
pi.-al litrn.tur; and bow Uit a contlift with Koine in
j.-ret-J upon U-t, and m ejn W beoime bnnem of un
alt. rliTjfy aii'l loiy. a work no rirhly tn-.l with 'arts
ami aruumrnti wiil ! nwt timi'Iimfid titAal. Vf!h -id
t jrlint ti 9x it iu rv: ry liaiuii , aad atlonucg errry c-u-
t n-lalilsa ill lli lMnH
(rVAeents for ihe above work, to whom val-
u.ibie inducements will be offered, wanted in
every Slate ol ihe Uninn Apply in
May, 'S."3. 114 Fulton St. New York.
The nndersigned, would
respectfully announce to the
citizens of Lewisburg and its
Vicinity, that they are prepa
red to do all kinds Black
Nlllldlin at their Shop on
the corner ot' North 4th street
and ihe Buffaloe road.
Horse Shoeing, Wagon Work and all kinds
of Repairing done to order.
Coal, Iron and Oram taken in exchange for
work. c. Si. II. OTabcf.
May 1, 1853
Boots and
Books and
Shoes, Stationery.
rriHE subscriber announces to his friends
I and the public generally that he has just
received from Philadelphia a large and excel
lent assortment of
mars mn sassa
comprising every kind and variety of Gentle
men's Boots, Gaiters, Monroes, Ties, Slitpers,
L'ldira' Fine Gaiter Bonti,
Buskins, Jenny Linds, and Ties of tlie latest
and most approved styles.
13vs'. Misses', ami Children's
Boots. Lace Boots, Gaiters and Shoes of every
style and variety now worn also a cnoice
selection of the School and Classical
now in use in our Acidemies and Schools,
together With a good assortment of Stat
iters , etc.
The above goods nave been carefully selec
ted and will be sold at very reduced prices.
The undersigned also continues to manufac
,r . uc..6.. w..-....-.. -----
Boots and Shoes of ivery description to,
order, and from his long experience and a
determination to spare no effort or expense to
please, he hopes to merit and receive a liberal
shareof business. JOHN HOUGHTON.
Lewisburg, May 5, 1853
Heaver, Kremer XV Mre,
HAVE just received, by Express, a second
supply ef Fancy Dress Goods, French
Needle Work. Embroidery .Bonoets, Ac.
M iJ , 153
Wool and X r.lo t arc- J
i.AOMPivevenuv ltiiiinvisi ,
. , , ' u J - - - - ---- ---- - - - .
1,500 Uox.lIL'CKETs. Auru COI.nnH
& Thtlargest stock ever offered in Phi'adel
phia, and Ihe cheapest in the world. Orders
promptly filled. M. A .1. M. KOWE,
rto-ltl iowTH lllHlisin.il.
Ml'. 11 3:n tZZ
S Dr. John Locke,
OFFICK removed to Market street, sec-
ond lloor entrance door btlweeu Kline's
. ,
Hotel ana j. oowes more.
Lewisburg, April I, 1853
The sols' fil ers
having fi.nn'.J
c-partoersiip in ,
, business, now i rb r
to old friends an.l ,
the public, at tiie
late aland of !. F. ,
LvudaU.on Matkei
street, the cijeapesl (for cash) and best lot nf
for Men and Boys, ever olfered in Lewisburg. I
Men's Boots from 51 up lo C. j
Also all kinds of L, ? .'j i0 JSJ.
Caiters, hall-Gaiters, etc. :
Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes. I
Work made to order Mending as osual.
As we are both known as practical shoe-1
makers and experienced woikmen. we solicit '
a share of the public patronase nnd will try lo j
merit it. S. & I. Mll'tr. ;
Lewisburg, April 2e), 1853
II iT, CAP Ai t I.OTIIIf. STOIli;.
South Eu-t Curncr Market and Third
J. & F. Spyker
HAVE just opened and for sale cheap for
Cash or in exchange forcouutry r .t
HatS Moleskiil Xos. 1, 2, 3; Silk N.-. 1.
2. 3; Angola Xos. 1,2, 3; black curled brim,
pearl and flat brim Hungarian, fine brush,
maegon, wool, for Men and Boys. Summer
Hats from Panama down to a levy chip.
CMM of the latest styles and (if every des
cription, to soil everybody.
Clotbllie Coats, Pants, and Yests for
Men and Boys ; shirts ol dilleittnt kinds, shirt
collars, slocks. namiKercrucis. gloves, sot i.s,
in short evervtbiug to wear from head to foot.
i Also
Carpet Bags and Trunks.
t -
I Thankful to our custniners for past favors
' wr DOPe tor a continuance of the same, as our j
j Pr'c!1 are low- t;'ve 1,5 a 2n'1 "amine ;
f,,r yourselves before purchasing elsewhere.
Panama, Leghorn Hats, and Bonuets whit- j
eed ask tressed on short notice and reasou-
able terms.
April 27, 1853
I ioa-'i
heteby inform the public that
they have just rec'dfroin PftUadelphia
a handsome assnrim.i.t or I
Merchandize, i
Of nil kin.la nml I.ale.st slvles. which, havint
been purchased at unusnally low rales, they
are enabled to offer to the public at
It wonld be almost impossible to enumerate the
manv articles comprising the stv:i of gin-ds,
:o- i.'v'.t- i.i :rt- fc !.-r thein-
sel.es assuting lbc.li that tuey will get
than at any other house in Lewisburg. They
have all ki.-.ds of
and all other articles usually found in a well
furnished store. lo render their estaWi-h-ment
well worth a visit at all lnn-s they will
cont-nne to receive as the season advances.
ne- . dees of seasonable goods tor I.
and i; -otteinens wear, so as to be able at all j
times, lo offer the choice of the Xew Yoia and j
Philadelphia markets. j
Having adopted the motto "Quick SaVs .
and Small ProBts." ihey hope to receive a lib-
i ... . .. f nkl;A .... - - A 1 1 1 ,
of COUN TRY PRODUCE taken it. exchange
for Goods. Lewisburg. April 29. 1
(gimssaor to A. HUT,)
W 1 G4 , Chest n ut Street, Sir a ' Ha Ud in-j,
IXTENSIYE Mcsic Pi Limt and Deal-r
2j in Musical Instruments of every descrip
tionexclusive Agent for the sale of llalleu.
DaviaACo's(Boston)PalentSusrenston Bridge
.ouit and other
f.Oilbert's Boudoir Pianos. Melo.leons,Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet .Music, Music
B.Hiks, etc.
Residents of the country will be supplied by
mail or otherwise with any music they may
wth. al as low rates as if purchased in person.
Il ..... nn. nt ih Inrest stocks ill ihe lniia I
States. I feel confident of satisfying all wli-j
mav favor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Miisic supplied on ihe most liberal
terms. Pianos to let. Secout'-haud Pianos for
sale. 1)3
Paper Hung I tip.
THB undersigned have just opened a fresh
and complete slock of Wall J'uprrj.ainon?
I and coinnleie slock of nail I'uprrs.i
which are 0ii and Viltet, risa tsTis.aud ;
the rixtie-it priced Vii'lazrd Papers Also, Use. '
m...i.a. Raifem Fma Srattvx. A. Ar.
Which titer offer al the lowest prices, both
wh.,lesale aad retail. The best woikmen enr-
.ilhr in ,.r
totintry. .
Urtn! iioot; Stationary, dc, tfr.
We have also our usual assortment of V"ri-
.. ti- r. (. 1. t
tiw rims, iirrna rirtun, uiana suu
School Books, Stationery, c.
No. 4 North Firra Su,S door.abqve Market,
Ctnm paid for country rags.
March 11, 1S53 3ruo30
PI a..
tp jjj
at. E.
OS & ELUEH h-ivi. g t.
entered into a o- aiiuer.niti ...
I Asve business. wutiM resp-ctluoy 11 vt.e ,hr r
.:.ri.,Mnm. and ihe public in g-i ex t.,
' to ihem a raU St D .'Atax s old stand .
1 Nonl FCHU I H street, where they are piej -e..t
... .it M work in their line wi.ii the otr-i t
j despatch - uo ll-e most reasonaWe wi m ..
I F. A. I(ACii ,
L?-.rir burg, Mhv' :
J .
Al a.
MOISK I. ? 'MB Kit" !
LAi:c:E additional s: 1-U!rl
added to the old sioen t' 'rr
I t j.OOl le-t of Joists anil Ch.n. "
t ing of all sizes and lendhs.
Sawtd Kaii. bisd fhiojtlins La'" , ,
i r.O.aob l'iairru:e Lath. 3 and 4 t ".' -
Inch Hoards. V. ea'lirhraid 1 d . ' 1
! Pannel Beards and Piai.lr.
i All who are feuilihr.' n be accrnitroi 'i--,
' calliuv t n :l.e scbsrrilier. who t-t c
thai.Llal fur their patronage.
Lewisburg. May 3, ls.ij 3uipd
i. it r i.if.
fed &iim2i&
'rniTumiif fir the Hi-wmu Doors rf.i ' at 9
o'cluck, A. M., performance lo comn.c;. e at
7 or rarl.er if Hesired
al lb it Lcwisburir Bazaar.
one of the choicest selections of
' ever brilliant lo Lewi-burg or vicinity, which
i are teiw oliered for Ihe i:i-pec!H u of all lui
' town an I the rest of mankind,
i The I.Rctie-H in particular are irviter! in
'' roll. ut:r. asd i i'.h'H our Nt U.uillS. Ur hat.
no lr.i l lo .W. no trap to ct. learvpt a woune ti-.avi I n
ad. pled pnee i,''.rm.p low I'.u. bi cur p:l.dru
! ly t'.i i l y t rkl.VT.-, .iofl.air. Ijwiis ISarra-e Ue
I I.1-..U.-H. Ui,re. l-.-p'iiit. Ltt-trra. ii Beci-a. Ln.'ara.
' fVi.cj, Suuiir.rr SiU.a, Aii-ai... Si. i iin m-lUi! H'i
J i.-ril. AI- Lian auil-i:e irhrt lliiaf . Irtacn
..fK. 1 ll tkl-. Iiii rlii...:s miJ t.Ui.:rir; .McLuir Stetii.
! -v - li-;i.t - Ihii-. l!it.-ir i.jilob, Mer.Lio aal
.- . .1- i s T.:.Mvisf;a, laraea Tr.&.u:ii-f
I r..n.i.; siti d a n-a-iy of .Notii.rd.
i 'ihe a:ti niion of the GeNtla-inns s'9- i
. inv.-tisi ti-1 ai .1 !t of Split c aud cur.-iu. r la- e n
ciii-pr..ii. ". . Mi .-. Murium. .V.rf.'af tnd -t'.s
ari t i-l re;y nn.t .ty..-. lAol coa l Lt Isut. A2-S0 i ..
tn i.tri;e.l ai.d 'j'L. rol.-n 1'loih. t."ittcnaii,
gi'n-ral ri.iriuo-oi . f l.i.Ua S.r tfiimmiir wear, t
' ULh:. aaiM t .tMiia Ol Ibt- awl ap .
j triiuil.. AI.XI r-hirt Cvi.ara. Ira.al, t:iMierv,t-i
i IU1LN. Su-pvT.d-ra, .nd a riat Tarktj ol artic-a .
leii iwii . tuinu'b.nz fav.
i Ifoilrkr ejM'l ! your attention i
, io,.u, -i., ,. o,., i.,a. n ai.d i .rvn n
' ina. -ii w .'..Ijilinii. bn.an ai,t b..-.-.-lH-d tu :
I liitot tKIK.n aiiDilan-e, ii.V.V and M.u:; '.' : ,
j ltaki-t". Wot.n Ware. L:.a.pn, tarpt Uir-. Ai- '
i till .'ioiti. ar'd t.l though not lea-t in It'e ach. o.
pli n-lil lolt I r-fkr'l MJ-ley. I.nbin'g remiuaa Kiu-i
C.'f ij:i.es. I'uiaaiJa, Jaj Water and Lb. ukoat fragraaiu
Admission fViv. Call on
471 opposite Kiine'a Hi tel, Leir.-.'iurj
j 'infield Woolen Factory,
Sear Iliirtlcton, I'nloa Connty.
ment is now in the best order.
erv being nearly all wt,
j and not.e but the oe
i Ine sal,srriDrr ,'p
fiest of workmen eu r'.oved.
j the sul.srnbrr feels safe in saying tnat b:
1 ... 1. .. 1. . ' I . I . I 1... 1 ....it:.i
wiii a snail noi uc suip.issru uy .ny rsiaousu
ment in this or the ailj. ining counties.
Ii.s trfti-f.fn arill he arontiil a noil r i
; Ihse t isnlo7 to patronize hts estab: shroen
win please avail inemselves el tnati - oriu
VjT I have also on hand, and intrr .' 'cet -itis?
a choice assortment of (.oo!. i.eh us
Cit!ii, Sniirifttt, Cahnures, 'lu-rtd-. !U fit.-.
Yuma. 4c, wh'ch I will sell low for casb. '
exchange for Wool and I'otintrv Pn t'nice g. j
erally. " M ARK HALFPEXN .
Hanleton, April 22, ie53 tf
" X 1 j... d Quick Sale."
J. II. & YV. iiltOTi .
take rhis me.hi.i of tnl. ' rii r
public tl.at we bate Mie.l " .
-vxi'ix TKADiyn .sr.. .v.,
where we wo.ild invite especial alter. t -
ur s'ivk of
; of ; i los and tlsi:.
tt Inch can not i.iil to piear,e, either in
j io price or jraltt.v. Our eoods bnv
bi.tint l'-r e isti. at the loe.-l liner, .
be si 'd i n r.c mini drtiirg terms.
CASH will i.e j- id brail kiti.ts '"tn-..
and llie very ii "hesl price pani, ingvitf
evtry descuptruii of f,e Fruduen.
Tuti.'evitle, April S2, 1853
tLix ru.v rt Ei.Mi,
tllornty at i t
i 5u-0't u-E nearlv opposite Klibo'. 11'. -
Heftrs is
iia. J.ia.5 Bira id'. HVIrfmtr. ft.
J.rj I. Halt, ' il,.
r. f. Hum, a-1 v... ,.
Ihm. A-nlum 3. t'i.'x lcntu, rt.
A J .w'ri.. OiunV-?.
S.J I UK.M. llU-iafffbirrg.
."ait. .sn,i i, a O... I li-is.il-. ,lim.
L trnt'trrg. Aj rU Si 1SJ J.
rpiIE suWrihet iliankful lor past patr.magw
J wi.uM solvit bis iricuds iir.il the pa. ..c'ss
e.iiilinuance in his line of business, as . .
j 'lffje
eies to kep a large stock ot Lumber on bauds
rsale. Ms has on baud al rrasent tii t..l
low-Ti?, vlT;
1 10,li0 feet of pord drv Pine . aids,
lo.mw itetof PianU and t-oau
Wcrft'te, boards. Joist aud s-crntling
Poplar I'hiilt. raaiiir; and Boards.
1 J ri tt1inlrs
I'me l'al.;.r- uud Shin-ling Lain,
21100 luci , i .-juare timber
17u0 Uet awed Kai's
Nails uvd Stone Juss.
All. rf wUieh he will Sf at - pr;e.fc
Lewirt.irg, aan. 21, lr 8. 3mt: j.
rill!!: subscriber is bow prepared u
!.l "'hit lo .ierrhants and Mill nersn
, C,'1T sloCE Ladies' and Misses' .
I and ARTIFICIAL Fl.nv.irts, raim.L-.-
Manama and every variety of
! for Gentlemen1; whth 'V!r "'a-iety and
beauty of iriant.factuic, s t.l as uniform!
' I . . '
v-io3e prices, will re louna Ui ni a'fd.
TMOtliS nirr.
No. 4 1 Soctb Slcosd Stsilt.
F'b. ll-.lir.46 1
Ct:lSI of . superior forr0, f0T !a t ,fc
Chronicle idEce, 5 et tin;le, 0e re. a
lW UU Afk 1
May 19
7 1