Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, June 03, 1853, Image 3

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B. O. HICXOX, Editor. O. K. WOEDEIC, Printer,
nilin wb hi actnacs. $1,' in thro Binothi, $2 paid
Wilkin Um yaar, and $20 at the end of the year.
Agent in Philndotnhiar-v' B Palmer and E W Carr.
Lewisburg, Pa.
a iwroTOe RrarntAm. Administrator,
A V .. M,.r. huitiL Manufacturer.
MLrXkthe '"'" em.. Ti. paper ha.
a rood .n.1 uwreaJinKeirculation in aromn.an.ty eontal
liSTae lanr a proportion of active, aolvent producer,
e.,uaa.ere, and dealer a any other in Uie State.
Kew Advertisement.
A Book for the Times Medicine for
the Farmers' out-door Family and new
Medicine for the Household also a New
ajBjB.The llailroad Directors tucct to
uiurrow in Baltimore.
Bjgy-Thc regular monthly meeting of
the Society for Inquiry will be held on
University Hill on Sunday afternoon, June
6th, at 2 o'clock. A report on 11 air
will be read.
XNow is the time or near at hand
at least when Ice Cream is resorted to to
dissipate heat. Nasser's Freexers are
coming into very general use. They are
of different sizes aud prices, which place
the preparation of this luxury within the
reach of most families. Mr. Henry W.
K0T7.KH we believe has tho agcucy of the
SrCol. Henry S. Gross, of Aarons-
we rejoice to sec, Las obtained a
well-paying offwc in the 1'LilaJcILia Cus
tom House.
JoyCapt. John Fkrster, after serving
the Democracy 40 or 50 years, and Laving
no competitors, Las bagged tbo Mifllinburg
Post Office. We congratulate the Captain,
and wish Lira many years of joy in distrib
uting Lis favorite paper, tbe Chronicle.
BgaIn tbe distribution of the spoils by
the new Administration, we observe tbnt
John Sirincford Kq. of New Berlin comes
in for tLe office of an Aid to tbe !overnor,
with tLe rank of Lieutenant Colonel. May
lie wear Lis blushing bonors meekly and
Man Ikownei. A man named Levi
lSurnctt, aged about 35 years was drowned
tit Lock Haven on tbe 1st iust, whilst cn
pged in getting up logs to the new Saw
Mill at that place, and although a great
many men were at tbe place, lie sank to
the bottom and was drowned before assis
tance could be rendered. Tbe water was
about 12 feet deep.
"The great metropolis of old Union,"
tg.A communication in tbe ChrmHr.
of the 13th ult., signed 'Snyder County
referring to tLe Division question, asks :
I want you, each and all Jurymen, Wit
nesses, and what-not the 9 out of 10 of you
who climb the mountains to get to the next
i'ounty Court, to ask yourselves, Shall we
endure this unnecessary toil another forty
years ? and our children after us? While 'J
out of every 10 tax pavers live on lands drained
j the Buffalo or by Middlecreck, shall we be
always dragged from them over the mountains
to New Berlin ? Shall we be forced away from
the natural course of travel and trade, to keep
u that little hill-environed town ! Or, are we .
not now wealthy and numerous enough lu have
two counties, and a County Scat somewhere in
the Valleys where nineteen-twentieths of us do
all our other business ! The greatest good of
the greatest number" ttemanih a change."
It will be seen that nothing is said by
'!nyder County about 'Lcwkburg.' Yet
tbe At'ic ll rlin Titmt asserts that
"The Chronicle is fearful that LcwtsarRn
will In- forced away from the natural course of
travel and trade, and be obliged to come to
Niw Bli. Very true our inexhaustible
lieds of iron ore wi
il r. ,l ik- .,! I
II shortly control the trade
f Lewtsburs; but we can't help it. Nature
has designed New Berlin for the threat metropo
lis of Old Union. There la this difference,
however, in the remark of the Chronicle, that
instead of Lewisburg being fjreed amoy ftom
the natural course of travel, &c.,the Chronicle
and its masters have forced the trade 4c. from
Next time tbe Cbronicle's "masters" as
semble at the "yreat nv:tr2tli" of Longs
. , i ,i i ,i 1
town, wc shall submit the .juery whether
a man who would wilfully pervert truth as ( inahons the .standard History of the subject
it is in the foregoing, is nut mean enough j o wl"ch " mats. .
it- is In consequence of the late fire in the Pub
to steal a ehecp or rob Lis mother : Wisher's establishment, he has been unable for
If the reader will cast his eve upon the the last few months to supplylhe frequent orders
opposite page, lie will fcc that the boasted
" metropolis," after bleeding tL County
Forty years, has A7m out of Cue Hund
red and Eiyhty Taxable business estab
lishments in Union county 9 in ISO, or
1 to 20. OcersIiaduKiny mctrnjiofo !
Compared with the "metropolis," what
iusignificant little towns are Seiinsgrove,
lewisburg, Frccburg, Middlcburg, Ilar
tlcton, Mifflinburg!
We can assure the Timet, that Lewis
burg never had more trading business than
now and that there is more building
going on than for several years past In
other towns in the Northern part of the
county, we are happy to see the same
prosperity manifest.
From this specimen, the friends of
Pivision will sec at a glance how much
fair or honest treatment they arc to ex
pect from the New Berlin press.
6rThe Luminary states that a liund
rcdandffty load of Lumber were brought
to Muney on Saturday last The Muncy
Creek 1'lank lload Company ought surely
to go a head, with such prospects for Insi
nojss before it
tSfCooL. For one mechanic to under
work another, ail then aJt his tools to
work wilh.
ASSEMBLY. The Central portion of
Union county had the Assembly for two
years, '43 and '49 the Northern portion '
for two years, '50 and '51 and Juniata
for two years, '52 and '53. Last year Ju-1
niata by a large majority voted against
having a Member from that County. If
that is her opinion still, the next Member
clearly belongs to the South part of Union
county certainly not to the North or to
the Center. Snyder or Juniata ?
On the Hth April lai.1, by Rev. Mr. Tobias, at
the OM Fort, Dr. Dasikl Hilb..h and Miss
Jiwtt B. Strohei iu, bttth of Rebersburg.
Two nioDtlut hrnrr wll nigh F.ipti aruuuil
hi new io in llmeu ct luiin wn- buuud;
Till oiiw vu bid the trtio report
Of what "did" at Potior t'urt. Bcrichter.
In I.ewisburg, 30ih ult., by Rev. J.WinccofT,
Jons 15. Cl-tlir and Miss .Ma hi Fbaix, all of
MtfOur bert wfchra tn th bride and groom ft their
kindly pmcmbnQre f tho Chronicle efiUMfebuitiit a
luufi and a hny life be theirs! And li.-re comet.
anutkr ri' h rake, with a note that then wrr marrird,
In Mitninbtirg, 31st inst by Rev. E. Kieffer,
D.H.M i LLKR.M.l).. and Miss ihh G.HuirMAir.
an oi Miininiiurg.
II raven bbfttt the Doctor and bin wife
To the latest genrratiufi.
And mar th. find th married life
onr Upon of cnnxtlatton
51 a vrry rva? pleasure Uud.
To ratify tWir uuioti.
And may tk-ir liarrrnt be and end
Our Meld of wtt comtii union.
May thfy in Mfsisiuff, t-o. be bk.-t;
Mistt'rtuun rt.Dif nu. Defer!
Itut Uii-ir reward et-rnal rent.
And 1 rvuirmberr4 ever! JAB, .Tn,
In Sunbury. 24th ulu by Rpv.r.Dorn. Fkaw
cis BuibBT, ofTamaqua, and Mifs Stsiar .
Vur?fGwa?(v of Sun bury.
On the 21th ult. by Rev. J. G. Anspach,
! Jacob IltfDKit Kt and Miss Mirt JaseOmwio
both of Mitlltiibur
On the 1st inst. by Rev. S.L.M.Conser, J.m
I)k1Ias of Lewisburg aud Miss Ana Euza
I.namT of Milllinburg.
For the aire of Fits, Spatms, Cramps, and all
lytrvous ana voiislttulional Viseanes.
)ERSONS who are laboring under this
distressing malady will und the VEu ST
remedy ever discovered for curing Epilepsy,
or Falling Fits.
TU'-se Pills ppmi a ffperifie action on the nerroun
?yt.l.-m. and although they are iTepare,! rstwiallr f..r the
'Urjwe oi euriUK t il, uit-y will to tountj or eyjwnal beu-t-lit
hr all rt.s alftVteU with wnk ncrv.-f. or wliu
U7 ... I.1.. : :Z rr.".T'?,i ,KV or.wJ"""
anv rue t,it..r. in ehrouie eompuinu. .r .t.a-e
of long ttaik'tinp. Mtpcrindui-cU ly uervoiunese, they are
eiecililiKly heTMticial.
lif rr tx. or two boxes ttr $5. Pernonn out or
tlie ill, eurlnin a rrmittjture, will hare the title e-ut
ttiem through the mail, tn-e of fioytaee. For snle hy
SKTII S. IIANCr No. lus, IKLTia B stkkit. HalUuH.lv,
Ui whom onkrs from all farte of the t uiuu uuet be
addre.-ecd, ioet-iaid. J 1 470 Dew e.w.
Thousand are testifying to its Efficacy
The merciful Mm it kmd to hi Bast.n
F'l'ER years of Mutly and experiment by
the Inventor, to compound irom pure
treraric material a rowder that nocLi and
i st take the place of the thousand and one
nostrum ttn up and palmeU ujion the public mi "cer
tain lt-int.tefl" th turn of all diea8 which th
Hrut nvation are hiir to,'' he I1&0 produced the one
hf-aUiDK tliii adTeTtim-uitrnt. 'nu cau grnutnt ualet-f
bparinr' our rc simiJt Miniature. Ihn demand liaii hevn
u-h ttiat itH sale has been chu-Br con fined tu tha jjiat-t
of iVnnsvlvatiia ; but wo have now mnoumiuaU-d sueh
arrnoceuieuUUiat waare urvparrd tO!upplT Un: numertrua
order now on band, an wII a thow we Diav hereafter
' r . ....... . 1
Knoainfc thtf 4'owder tn poaen all tb curattTf prop-ertn-a
h-iw avt f n-ttt, we dvui a tulomu tfnule uf wnrdii
uitn'eraaarT,lliitg autnurrat Uiavt iu ium attrrili will utTtirc
fr It a readj dale. IMnff eompotied of pure TtUiMe
inn dienta, it can be dafcly and judiciously given to that
utible aniuiai the llKK,at ail Mtartons aud iu aUwtathert.
I tn enVeb axe uo J dtr pampering uf I he eyleiu, creating a
bloated earcaw with a prematunfheddiu; of tite hair, but
on the other hand it strengthens the disestiou, puri but, the
rirulatt the trinary orjranA. tiien hy inipmrinjt
and pr-'tfetiUR the whole physical condition of the autuial
ereu when in an apparently facaithy state, aud acerfut.
and itif'tft'U', cure when he has contracted the
hLMtar.kia Heaves Itorr Ciiuuc
T. the Atjrieulturit and Tniryman, it in an inTaluhte
remedy fr their N EAT CATTLE latoritiK uuder ll'-T
I HMthu, I Ioll 'w Hoax, and other of tbe many complaintf
i winrli ttiiy are liabie troui pupprehsiou ot the tuiturai
MIIA II COW? are mu-1i Wnefited by omisionally
mim with their Mop or Feed, it har a tendeuey to
'tn-ntiK-u the animal, reiuove all ountrurUonn from the
mlik ttiU'A, promote all the ttrretion5. and ocnuetjneully
addinic uiurh to the strength uf the animal, tuautity aud
tjueility of her Milk, Cream and Itutter.
lit n ir, during the warm ijioiii are constantly over-
IiejiUtii; tiieuirriieii. wittrn result in their petting touh-,
I nvn of the hun-s and other parta, which naturally
ha a teiideuey t,. retard their tn'lh. Iu all u' h ran
a table fpMittful. mixed tn a burket of fwill, and jOen
every other day, will (tpeeilily remove nil difficulties, and
the animal aid n iutrreajie in Health aud t-'at.
ho. of the ten of tlioiirtandx of thin oouutrv, harlnx
either the one or other of the aumiaJft which tlds l'oler
benefit, will W no in warily and ro unmi-rciful n th
"'art. and unjuxt Ui liinia lf. an not lo Rive it a trial t
e .,,,!, pr,.ait., lliat .hr-.vrit:s.mmtriu.
II will IK a p-Tiuauut in oiiLi uiiiir. biki uet'meu at!
rspvutial?, as Uie l urrvimb aiv! Ilrur.i tbeinilTw are.
Al.E. 1)A MI L 11. I.I LIU N,
imlT (.'ixitts' t-um,) Klly Tji, Uuion Co. Ta.
Frotcstant America's Boos for the Timss.
Or. Dowling's History of Romanism.
"I UST published a saw asn Etnitorn kbi-
ff TIO
KOMANlsM. This popular and valuable work
: tl- . . t.... ...I .
iwniuii ii loi'sitiui ouBonitr wiic u n sectarian i
fcM been prommnced by all P(otestMl denom:
for this work. He has now the pleasure to
announce that Dr. Dowhng has prepared an
extensive and valuable Supplement of about
150 pages, including all the recent events of
interest in relation to Pope Pius IX., the strug
gle for liberty in Rome, the Madiai, Gavazi,
etc etc.; and that the enlarged work (making
a noble volume of 815 pages) is now ready,
and will be supplied to agents, booksellers and
the public witlttut any advance of price upon
the old editions.
Hundreds of testimonials from distinguished
clergymen, scholars, presidents of colleges and
others, have been received, testifying to the
fidelity and value of this History. A single one
of these, from the pen of that eminent Protest
ant scholar, the Rev. Geo. B. Chee ver, D.D, is
given as a specimen of the whole :
-Ttiln rxmllrnt anil t-sntiful work." bbt Dr. ChTtr,
"pogaeMB aiany antl Terr atrnnir rJaiUR for popular favnr,
and we do not doubt that it 1 dwtinrd to hart? an extra
ordinary Dale, it IB one of the moet elegantly einbelHuhed
and executed worka we hava ever aeeu faned from the
American preiw : eontaininft s large number of highly
gniehed engraringa, uluatratiTe of tin ee reason lea, tuper
liuona, aireenitiooa, and inrldenta of Koeaanisia, which
often tell a moat eloquent tale, and are of real utility as
well an highly ornamental. Tlie work itself il charactsr
itd he (rest research. and a eomprehenrive and scripturel
Ti -w ot th nature and hi-tory of the 1'oofeh eyBtem. It
nres-nte a snrrinct but ufuc-ntly full history of tbe rie,
progrena, ermra, cru-ltief, and preeent condition of the
l'aia.-y, authenticated by icf-rence to Uie moHt undoubb-d
hutorie aourom. retaUxl in a apiriu-d, engaging and
iuprewtiTe atyle, and arranged lo tbe most lucid manner.
It alioundK in facta and incident, and. with ita beautiful
illUftraUona. ie better adapted to furniah a vivid and im
prceBiee portraiture of Komanvra as it is. than any other
book a know af. It annpliee a great lack in our theolo
giral hlerature; and now that a conflict with Home Is
toroed upon ut. and i soon to become the hnaini!i of na
all. eicrgy and
wSwui'JMr,5SrSS! JKISS
are tt in every family, and adorning every ecu-
a the land."' I
and arguua-
be glad to
tre table in
ffj'Ageiits for the almve work, to whom val
uable inducements will be oflercd, wanted in
every Slate of the Union. Applv to
May, 1853. 1 1 l-'ultua St, Kew York.
In Northumberland, 19lb ult., Cosmo Uir,
in his HOtli year.
In Ilughesville, S6th ulL, of a malignant
cancer from which he had suffered seveial
years, Col. Joas F. Man k, aged about 43 one
, f the most active business mtu and respected
j citizens of Lycoming county,
Wiedu, 'ears! Vm
J On the 28th April, in her 5th year,
' da6htr of Benj. Haus, of M.iilu.bu.g
of White Deer, tn her 7'Jih year.
In M'Eweusvilie, 21st ult., in her 7th year,
Lakra Jans, only daughter of Rev. S.R.Bover.
On the 30th April, in her C5ih year, alter
years of suffering from pulmonary disease.Aaa
wile of Joseph Wallis of Northumberland.
Charge 25 ci fur each insertion of 12 &ir.
K?prescnlaIve. To the People of the
VniiM and Juniuta District. I was greatly
pleased to see in a -New Berlin paper, some
nine siuce, the name of HE.NKV W. S.'Y
DKIt, of Selinsgrove, for next Member of the
Assembly. 1 here seems to be a general
saiistaction with his name, among all with
I whoin 1 have conversed. His sterling merits
are too well known to require any eulogy at
my hands. Let us elect him by an old fash
ioned Snyder majority. LEGION.
JAMES D. CHAM BERLIN, of Buffalo Tp.
is recommended as a proper person to lead the
Whig column at the next election of Irotll
liolarjr of L'ninn county. As to his ability
to perform the duties of that office, none need
have any doubt, as all who are acquainted
Willi hun can testify. Knon inz as 1 do his
ability and esteeming him well worthy I would
respecuuny recommend him for that office,
A tioon Whio.
Being solicited by a number of inv fellow
citizens, I have consented to be a candidate for
; the olhce of IH'puty Surt ryor of Union
i county, subject to the decision of the Democ-
I ratic Whig County Convention. The Act of
Assembly requiring that a practical surveyor
should be elected, I solicit the support of my
Fellow Citizens, and should I be nominated
and elected, I pledge myself to perform the
duties of said ollice wilh fidelity and to the
best ol my ability. MilHinburg, May 19, IH53,
i lunxuuui, tuurney. ftir.cuiior:
At the coming rail Election, we will be called
I " a m lusccuuiig Attorney ior union
i county. I think we ought to re-elect GEORUE
I HILL, Esii, of Seiinsgrove. He has held the
I olhce for three years, is well qualified, and has
discharged his duties to the entire satisfaction
of the court. suitors. His urbanity of
manners has won him the esteem of all those
j who have had the pleasure to form his acqua-
nuance. .nay is. hiwitiuia.
If Oil CarfHMiterN. Double and single
beech Planes, Long Jointers, Kaisiiig,
jl'lowand Groove Pannel Ploughs, with and
without handles ; Fillisters, self-regulating
Sash ; Flat O'Uee and Bead O Oee and Fillets ;
ltatbit amt Heads, all sizes ; Uraces with and
withuut bitts; Lung Shanked Finnerand Socket
Chisels, together with an endless variety of
tools to tit out tlie kit complete, all lor sale
at lower rates than ever offered in this country.
IOR Buildci-H. The most complete as
" sortmentof Tnininiugs for Uuildtngs ever
oilered, at K. &, M.
Canister Powder, and Safety Fuse just re
ceived at B., K. Jt M.
TUST received at the Bazaar, an extensive
117 assoruiieni oi itc n it uuu. comprising
1 every variety of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Dress
(oodfi lor summer wear- Call Bwn, a U,cy
are going oil fast.
May 2t, '53. Opposite Kline's Hotel.
LADIES' BREAKKA sT COiTlA R V,"t h e last
invention, just received at ihe Bazaar.
HITE OOODS a heavy stock, offered
very cheap, by
)D KISH, Dried Beef, Cheese, and a gres
arietv of Orocencs at
Jiiot Received,
MNE Lot of Berages, Prints, Muslins, etc.
X1 by LjL" A '
SHAD and Mackerel a new supply at
"I i HANDS wanted, immediately, to make
11 Clothing, hv
Y EXPRESS Parasols, B. ragcs, Lawns
and Uinghams just ree'd by
Beaver, Kremer At Moore.
SECOND Arrival of Fine Wool Carpets at
May 19. Beaver, Kremer & Moore.
Second Arrival of New Goods !
HAVING disposed of most of our first pur
chase of Spring Goods, we would res
pectfully invite the public to call and see the
Cheapest and Best assortment of New Goods
that has been opened in Lewisburg this season.
Having bought Fine Dress Goods at very
reduced rates from spring prices (particularly
for cash) we feel determined that our custom
ers shall hare the beneht of our purchases.
Call, see and judge for yourselves at the old
stand of "J. HAYES & CO.
I.OR the LADIES Every desirable style
and quality of Dress Goods to lie had at
very reduced rates at the old stand of
PARASOLS a splendid assortment of Silk,
Turk Satin and satin lined Parasols to be
hal at very low prices at HAYES
" "I ATS AND CAPS Moleskin, Panama,
I I f'hmfxr and Lpo-horn Hats Silk and
j Fancy Cloth Caps at low prices by HAYES.
Wood and Willow Ware.
1,500 Dos.BUCKETS, Assobtbo COLORS
ore, Ae.
The largest stock ever offered in Philadel
phia, and the cheapest in the world. Orders
promptly filled. M. & J. M. ROWE,
No. Ill NoaTtt Taian stskvt.
Mar. II 3m 465 Philadelphia
fit raw Goods Spring
THE subscriber is now prepared to ex
hibit to Merchants and Milliners his usual
heavy stock of Ladies' and Misses' STRAW
Panama and every variety of
for Gentlemen ; which for Extent, Variety and
beauty of manufacture, as well as uniformly
close prices, will be found unrivaled,
No. 41 Soctb Sxcoxn Strket,
Feb, ll-3in !61 Philadelphia.
DEEDS of supeiior form, for rale it the
CJiroukle onice, 0 ct tingle, 50c pcWu
THE undersigned have this day entered into
co-partnership under the firm of Tvstik,
Stuabt & Lewi, for the transaction of a
general Merchandize and Produce business at
the stand formerly occupied by J. P. Tustin.
The former patrons of this establishment and
the public in general will please continue
favorintr ti with their patronage.
Lewisbnrg, May 2, 1853
Fresh Meat! 2&
rilliK undersigned respectfully announces
X that his Hut titer KllO in the rear
ol his residence (on South THIRD street) is
aj;ain in operation, and Bnf, Veal, Mutton, 4e
will be regularly supplied to his friends and
the public, every Tc and Famav morn
ing's, on cheap and accommodating tetms.
Lewisburg, May IS, 1853
ALL persons are hereby notified not to
trust my wife Potty (late Polly Monk)
as 1 will not pay any debu ot her contracting.
Buflalo Tp, May 6, 1853 pd
nAVING entered into a co
partnership for the purpose
of carrying on the above branches
of business, the subscribers are
prepared to execute work in their
at the upper end o( Market street, with the
utmost care and despatch. As they have both
had the best advantages in obtaining a know
ledge of their business, and are determined to
give entire satisfaction, they hope to receive
a liberal share of patronage and pay.
Lewisburg, April 18, 1853
Report of Insurance Company
A BS TR ACT of the First Annual Report of
X the Boian or DimcToas of the "Union
County Mutual Fire Insurance Company,"
made at their Annual Meeting on the first
Mouday of May, A. D. 1853.
Amount of property inaured op to
May 2, 1853 $177,232 33
Amount of Premium Notea, May
3, 1853 17,434 81
Number of Policies in force, May
2. 1853 151
STATEMENT of tbe Operations of the Com
pany during the past year. viz.
Losses Ann KxrEsniTUBEA.
Amount ol claim foi loss (1,115 83
Amount of compensation to Direct
ors, Executive Committee, Presi
dent and Secretary 23 85
Amount of incidental expenses for
policies, books, by-laws, charter,
seal, adverusiug, real, ic.
148 97
$1,387 65
Amount RECEIVED on Tiemium
Notes the past year
871 21
Amount of Liabilities over Assets
of the Company f 4 16 41
A mount of balance on unpaid claim
on which Order is issued $515 83
Amount due from Agents 19 95
A mount of Treasurer's acc't 19 44 99 39
Amount ol Deficit, Msy 5, 1 853 $416 44
J.k. W olla. Cut Buffalo. 41.115 83
Jinx Maboiiall - White Deer.
W. Roshoio - New Berlin.
Jims Gi sui - East Buflalo.
Joax Wilt Hartleton.
Thovas Clinsas Kelly.
Isaac Eiek - Union.
Ww. F. Waosvsillee Selinsgrovo.
Freii'k C. Motek . Freeburg.
Wr. G. HxuanLii Ohapmnn.
Hi oh P. Shellis - Lewisburg.
Nun Miilewatb Beaver.
Joh.v; A. Meste - Lewisburg.
Thusas Hax es - Lewisburg.
Vice Psksipest THO'S CLING AX.
Sei: a etahw J. A. MERT5C.
Elus F. fti si.r East Buffalo.
Jiihv; H. Eilert - Hartleton.
Georre Hill. Eimj. - Scjinogrove.
Hesrt W. Crotxkr Lewiaburg.
I.ewtsborg, May 3, 1853 3w
The undersigned, would
respectfully announce to the
citizens of Lewisburg and its
vicinity, that they are prepa
red to do all kinds Itlack
nillhln7 at their Shop on
the comer of North 4tb street
and the Bulfaloe road. .
Horse shoeing. Wagon Work and all kinds
of Repairing done to order.
Coal, Iron and Grain taken in exchange for
work. . &. II. FlNher.
May 1, 1853
Boots and
Books and
Shoes, Stationery.
THE subscriber anhonnces to his friends
and the public generally that he has jtist
received from Philadelphia a large and excel
lent assortment of
comprising every kind am variety of Gentle
men's Boots, Gaiters, Monroes, Ties, Slippers,
Ladies' Fine Oailrr Bool,
Buskins, Jenny I.inds, and Ties of the latest
and most approved styles.
Boys', Misses', and Children s
Boots, Lace Boots, Gaiters and Shoes of every
style and variety now worn also a choice
selection of the School and Classical
now in use In our Academies and Schools,
together with a good assortment of SI alio
ncrj etc
The above goods have been care fully selrc
ied and will be sold at very reduced prices.
The undersigned also Continues to manufac
ture Boots and Shoes of every description to
order, and from his long experience and a
determination to spare no effort or expense to
please. he hopes to merit and receite a liberal
shareof business. JOHN HOUGHTON.
Lewisburg, May 6. 1853
leaver, Kremer & Moore,
HAVE just received, by Express, a second
supplv of Fancy Press Gorofs, French
.ee.lle Work, Embroidery, .Bonnets, fce.
May 4, 195U
Dr. John Locke,
OFFICE removed to Market street, sec
ond floor entrance door between Kline's
Hotel and C. E. Bowes' Store.
Lewisburg, April I, 1853
The subscribers
having formed a
co-partnership in
business, now offer
to old friends and
the public, at the
late stand of S. F.
Lvndall.on Market
street, the cheapest (lor cash) and best lot ot
Uootfl an&
for Men and Boys, ever offeredin Lewisburg.
Men's Boots from 1 up to 6.
Also all kinds of .ZV V"E.cU!2
Gaiters, half-Gaiters, elc.
Children's Shoes of all styles and sizes.
Work made to order Mending as usual.
As we are both known as practical shoe
makers and experienced workmen, we solicit
a share of the public patronage and will try to
merit it. ti. K U. Siller.
Lewisburg, April 28, 1853
r II AYES & CO. have again received
. then large and well-selected stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
which they are determined to deal out to the
buyer. Their stock embraces every style and
variety to suit the purse or fancy. It is ueless
to attempt an enumeration of the articles here
to be found, for to have an idea of their rich
ness, quantity and variety they must be seen.
You would do well to give them a call.
Lewisburg, April 20, 1853
South East Corner Market and Third Stt,
'J. tt F. Spyker
HAVE just opened and for sale cheap for
Cash or in exchange for country produce
IlalM Moleskin Nos. 1, 2, 3; Silk Nos. 1,
2, 3 ; Angola Nos. 1, 2, 3 ; black curled brim,
pearl and flat brim Hungarian, Cue brush,
maggon, wool, for Men and Boys. Summer
Hats from Panama down to a levy chip.
Cap of the latest styles and of every des
cription, to suit everybody.
Cloth I ua; Coats, Pant, and Vests for
Men aud Boys; Shirts of different kinds, shirt
collars, stocks, handkerchiefs, gloves, socks,
in short everything to wear from head to foot
Also Carpet Bags and Trunks.
Thankful to our customers for past favors
we hope for a continuance of the same, as our
prices are low. Give us a call and examine
for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere.
Panama, Leghorn Hats, and Bonnets writ
ei ed ai presses on short notice and reason
able terms. April 27, 1853
spring a nit lininncr
WOULD hereby inform the public that
they have just ree'd from Philadelphia
a handsome assortment of
Of all kinds and latest styles, which, having
been purchased at unusually low rates, they
are enabled to oner to the public at
It would be almost impossible to enumerate the
many articles comprising the stock of goods,
but they invite all to come and see for them
selves assuring litem that Ihev will get
than at any other house in Lewisburg. They
have, all kinds of
and all other articles usually found in a well
furnished store. To render their establish.
ment well worth a visit at all times they will
continue to receive as the season advances,
new invoices of seasonable goods for Ladies
and Gentlemen's wear, so as to be able at all
times, to offer the choice of the New York and
Philadelphia -markets.
Having adopted the motto "Quick Sales
and Small Profits," they hope to receive a lib
eral share ol public patronage. (TJ'AII kinds
of COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange
for Goods. iLewisburg, April 29, 18S3.
mn urn suns,
J. FISHER, Proprietor.
March 4, 1853-2mpd.
(Successor to A. HOT,)
Cluetnut Street, Sivaim,' Building,
INTENSIVE Mcstc rcBLisHttl and Dealer
in Musical Instruments of every descrip
tion etclusive Agent for the sale of Hallett,
Davis &Co's(Bostou)PatentSusneosion Bridge
ASolian and other
I.Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeonsjrfartin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Muste, Music
Books, etc.
Residents of th country will be" supplied By
mail ot otherwise with any roOsic they may
Wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person'.
Having one of the largest stocks in the United
States, I feel confident of satisfying all who
mxy favor me with a call or order.
Dealers in Music supplied on tlie most liberal
terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos tut
sale, 1)
SI rayed or Stolen,
V From Cant. Kemiier's, in Sugar
jjT Valley, about 21 ult, a valuable.
rTTj dark brown HORSE, 13 or 14 years
old but would pass for younger, 15 hands 3
in. higk, carried his tail one side.oue hind foot
white" to the fetlock, a small white stripe
between the eyes and nose. I will pay $20
reward (or his return to me.
HENRY KLINE, Sunbury P. O,
May 6 pd Up. Augusta I p, Nortn u . .
PVOVICH li. KLIi:il having to-day
entered into a Co-Partnership in Ihe'
above business, would respectfully invite their
former customers, aud the public in General.!
to give them a call at Doa.rm's old stand on
North FOURTH street, where they are prepa
red to do all work in their line with the utmost
despatch and on the most reasonable terms.
Lewisburg, May 2, 18.'3
A LA ROE additional stock of New Lumber
added to the old stock of Dry
65,000 feet of Joists and Scantling, consist
ing of all sizes and lengths.
Sawed Rails and Shingling Lath.
50,000 Plastering Lath, 3 and 4 feet long.
Inch Boards, Weatherboards 1 and 1 inch
Pannel Boards and Plank.
All who are building can be accommodated by
calling on the subscriber, who would be
thankful for their paironatre.
Lewisburg, May 3, 1853 Smpd
Programme for the Season Doors opened at 6
o'clock, A. M., performance to commence at
7 or earlier if desired
at the I.e.vliburs Bazaar,
Frah from iVn'WejjAin, Acw lort-, Liverpool and iiru,
one of the choicest selections of
Spring and Summer Goods
ever brought to Lewisburg or vicinity, which
are now offered for the inspection of all this
town and Uie rest of mankind.
The IadieM in particular are invited to
call, EXAWSi. ana THICK our NKW (ioOUS. bam
no bitits to oflV r. no tra. to -t, (caoT't a mrm trp, Hut
have adopt! aiwaa BmifcrMBl Iriia thu la our Btanuanl,
by thit try on. TK1 NTS, Gintrtiam. Lawn. H.rvjr
Lainra. B'anrr, P"ptinft. Lunrva, lie Hg-, Mulltr.
Tiivnv, SuniDHfr finis, Alpara, Swi- plain aol ral'na
Urrvl. ALSO Linrn Cuul.rtc ptrket Hdkf. Fivorh
wvrked IHkt. Inwrtinirs and Kinir". Mr.hair Mitt.
Silk and Kill lllrirr, P:inx, Hosiery Vtt"n. M'Tino anil
iik. A L.Si i Towns' Tuasivia, lira TnnunjLig.,
vwinR Silk, and a variety or Ntiou.
The attention of the Gentlemen also is
inritd tnonr Btork of Spriuit and .-nmiii.-r ra.,iin-re, t
rouiiirisiiiit l'UuU. Mrifws, Xittum. V-tUfa, and a rhir ,
variety tf very neat tyl' rA"f cna'f In bniL A t..W l.in- (
en etriid and plain, t' niton Cloth. Cottonalea, and a ,
general asaurtnteot 1 iimI Inr ifumtik-r wear, tenidea i
AaMutAs asd r'nr.w-u cloths, of tbe rnoMt approved !
brandn. AWIt rh'.rt Collars, Cravat, Ikwlery, lilove, '
IMkr, pipeiidrr. and a grot
uentleinen'0 Furniithini; lino.
lldkf. SiDeiidrr. and a trreat variety of arUt-lea In the
Uouse keepers! your attention is called
to our u-k of Ttriitvii. cotton and I jnen liaprr, sheet -
inn. Pillow Mo.lin,, hrnwn aM bleark-a Maau.
. i . v 1. 1 . .i-i'fc" t i ii .unit' i
Kket, Wooden ar, l.i'uips cirpet itaj!i AKi'KT.-,'
Oil Cloths, and lieu thooirh ttiH lea-t in tho frtteme a
plrndid lot of I'EISPI MKR J". I.ulia prrBium Kxtrarta,
tlirnea, iVniBBlini, Bay V atvr and Urn tnoat fragrant
Admission free. Call on
opposite Kline's Hotel, LncUhur
lin i, iir a 1-, ,
inucla Woolen raeton
Xear llartlotoia, a'aloa count)'.
flllllS esublishment is now in tlie best order,
I The machinery being nearly all new,
and none but ihe best of workmen employed,
me sunscnocr teeis sale in saying tnai his
work shall net be surj)assed by any establish-
ment in this or the adjoining counties.
those wUhiug to palrouize his esinblishment.
...c uc biwuuii u-un. ami
w ill please avail themselves of that opportu
nity. CF" I have also on hand, and intend keep
ing a choice assortment of Cioodtt, such as
Cloths, Saline Its, Ciwhmcres, Tweeds. Blankets,
Yams, Jr., whrch I will sell low for cash, or
exchange for Wool and Country Produce sren
Hartleton. April 22, 185:1 tf
" Small Iritis and Quick Sales,"
s: ii. & v . imowx.
"V7"E take this method of informing the
public that we have tilted tip the old
where we would invite especial attention to
our stock of
Groceries and FISH,
which can hot fail to please, either in rrgard
to price or quality. Our goods have been
bouzhl for cash, at ihe lowest price, and Will
be sold on accommodating terms.
CASH will be paid for ail kinds of drain
and the very highest price paid, in goods, lor
everv description of Domestic Product
Turtleville, April 22, 1S53
Attorney at Law,
LEWISBURG, Union Co., Pa.
6rS.0rriCE nearly opposite Kline's Hotel
Refers to
iAia. Jaws ftrrroe'iV, tjfU'frU, Its.
- Jim,, T. It.tlr, Jo
F. C. Ilnmrs t fn a..
.. Ainhvm H. h77.i. Ltwittovn, TH.
- .4. Jrl'jH. Snnhnnf.
u Mmurt 'iiria, . Unlavibttrg.
Linn, Smith d Gi- I'hiiadtlylua.
tsteislwg, April ls.Vk
1 Watchmaker and Jewekr,
. i
x JLetoisDnrg,
- -
THC sobseriber tharrkful for past pa'frnffage
woald solicit his friends and th ptfblic's
ctiutrrrrraric'e in hislme of bttsiness, a Re eon
finnes to keep a large stotft of lumber on btfnd
for sale. He bos on hand at present the foK
lowing, vi.
1 t0,n0 fert of good" dfr Pine ftoarrTs.
10,000 feet of Tlank and Boards
Weatheibcards, Joist and ScatrtHng1
Poplar Plant, Scantling and Board's
Lap mif Joint Shingles
Pine Paling and Shingling Lath
VMM feet of square timber
1700 feet sawed Rails
Hails and Stone Jugs-.
All of which lie will slT a fair' priers. .
lewisburg, Jn. SI, 1653. 3m45e).
8CII RACK would respect-
II fully inform his old Iricnds aud cuito-
mrra in Town and Country that he has
removed his 77.V SHOP to the South side of
M.-irketlMreet, between 3d ami 4th (oppokti
Hitter a Marble Yard.) where he is prepared
tn execute all orders fur Tin Ware, Spouting,
I etc, and atieud to Repairing as Rshal.
I Lewisburg, April 21, ISaJ yd,
Please call at my ahoD. South
3d street, and examine the best
and cheapest lot uf gllOl-g ever
unY-red in Lewisburg. My assortment is Bow
complete, Consisting of the bet varieties of
PLAIN arid FANCY work, which are offered
Laorr than at any other place in Ltwukmg for
Cashlonlv call and see.
Childreu's Shoes, 25 CIS. and upward.
Ladies' do 62J do
!hne made tn order. E. Fisher.
Lewisburg, April 26, 1803
New Store ! New Goods !
HAS been purchased, and shipped, and will
arrive next week, one of Uie largest,
elteiiptst, mm complete aud sorted stuck uf govt!
ever oflered in Lewisburg. Every body can
be accommodated as to quality, quantity and
price, to their entire satisfaction, at ihe new
ami magnificent store-room at the corner of
Third and Market streets. Particulars next
Lewisburg, April 15, 1853.
IMMEDIATELY, a Journeyman Watchma
ker. None but a good workman, and well
recommended need make application. Also,
a good Clockmaker, can find constant employ
ment by tjan.28,'53 A. L. HATFIELD.
JUST received an assortment of fine-toaa
rosewood Melodeons, from Ueo-Ariac
At Co.'s celebrated establishment, Buffalo, N.T.
4 ocuve Melodeons from C to C $45
4 J do do C to F 65
5 do do F to F 75
Large 5 do F to F. Piano style, 100
A. L. HATFIELD, Lewisburg
Daguerreotype Likenesses take
; according to the latest improvements, over
i.Mrs. Uelahb's Millinery Establishment, oa
1 the most reasonable terms, by
lewisburg, Oct. 27, 1852
I II t lfcla.wKIJ'al fc ,
bate r
moved their Smoking Emporium to lh
siiop formerly occupied by F. A. Donehowtr.
. next doir to A. H. Blair's hotel, where thaw
... hanl,, u, on .K-je oM frwiids. and
' all that may favor them with a calL
Lewisburg, March 31, 1853.
Executors' Kotlce.
T ETTERS testamentary on th last will
u Boroogn of Lewisburg, dee'd, have bees
rranted to the subscribers by the Register of
fciooi;ob ap baT,
, ihe estate wilt present them for settlement ;
and all persons indebted make payment with-
out delay, to ALEX. AMMONS,
) Lewisburg, Oct. 18, 1852.
, j, Bvers Ammons will continue ifa
lumber busmess ot the late firm of Hlr.r and
' A son, and respectfully solicits aconunuan.s
; ,,f ,n. nnh ir nntronat-e.
- z r o
Oyster Saloon.
HAVING fitted np the Rooms in Fates'
new brick block in superior manner,
the subscriber is nowprepared to accommodate
individuals and parties with Ojrsters etc. in
he best styles. A share of public patronage
folicited by C. F. HESS
Lewisburg, Sept 15, lUSS
.w ami
Tkn Cnitrd State and Territories, At 0U
nrtd't, New Bntniwiek, Nova Srtiat
and Mejcico,nlm Ventral Amtrkat
and tlie West India Island,
0npiled from the moat recent Survnta and autheatVA
toiuvea.-moii.nra oy jacvb xo&,Kauaaora,Nd.
t FTER much labor and expense, the Pob
lisner is enabled to turnish a complete
and accurate Gegraphical Map, on a larger
scale man any general map heretofore Issued,
embracing the whole country from Ihe Atlanli
to the Pacific Ocean, and extending from the.
i ooth parallel of .North Latitude to South Ame
! rica, or to within 7 degrees of the Equator. IS
' labor or pains has been spared to make it otls
of the most accurate Reference Maps ever put
forth.there being much entire new matter taken,
from actual surveys, and many name sot
found on any other work extant.
The Drawing and Engraving art X ecu ted
with neatness and accuracy.shoWing distinctly;
ihe Railroad (made or projected.) Canals, Ki-
vers and Lakes, with the Names, BonndantT.
Position and Relative Site of all the States aod
Territories belonging to the Government- off
the United States of North Afhertea,and aftthv
Hrpublic of Mexico, together with the Caaadasv
New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, also ail thar
different Slat's of Cf ntntl America, JUw Grt
rtarla and ihe lsthmtis cf Panama ; tbe :aeatiotv
nf all the Cities, Principal Towus,Yii!leges,thr
Indian Tribes; the prominent stopping places
on the great routes leadinr West- to the Cold
Rearms, to Oregott.Ac; also a fbble showing
the distances by land and watea bet-reen the
most impottaftt places on this Continent, andl
tn other fa(s of the World, f-JhibHinj-eleartw
the Gold Regions of California, ihe Surrey
Dud Explorations of Col.FreT--ont,4-eut.Wil.-s,
Birteft, Abert and others-.-
It will be found a vahnble aerjursiiiinvto all
Instittrtion of Learning, and very nsefwt m tho
Library of any georl-mati' as a frfefee map.
h being all on tlie irtftm sa4e,Oitlt no aVttaheri
portions. Whew moOMed ew rofleYs tlie sizar
ti about 5 ft. nis by t. 4 inches wide.
N. B A I4e Mfcjrof the WorM rn Merex
tor's Projeetton, is engraves tAc vacant
South-west corner of the Getw-ral MSp;os a new
plarr, rttrre beingf IVrVgrees n-lreafed, exhi
bning. Chins in the Wesf as- well as is the
East, wirfr the Comine-H of America in lh
Centre ; ThoWitrg. eonelnsireljr, the trans-rsrt.
fion of 61-00 feowl Kasf to West an4 efifi ffsvss
m-ist. eventually, be by the Isthmus ef Panama-,
Nicaragua Lak. or throagfc the Cnned ttr
it hativg many rhotrvaml mries nearer.
I.fTHR ftOOT, A...T,
will sous canvas Uuion Connty fcr this Masw