! I ;1 "I MA llARRBuna, Aj-rilll. QlncK WoniE. A nted counterfeiter, . who had been onoe " pardwwi" out of tin j eyuoujmou. terms, judges tjranta, and le Prtileutiary, as last week detected ia j -t oligarchea. With them blow Perry coonty j bnt the Jail of that county jB oniy Concei.abl remedy for rio-ln-made only for hosctt persons, it was j cnoe a rebellion, a national revolution. deemed unsafe to leava him tnere, fcc- lally as hime. of bis confederates, were j yrowiing around,) and a watch was ast i er alia. To-day, Senator Baily offered a bill prorid'iBg for the removal of persons from the Perry to the Dauphin County Jail whenever k was desired by the J udgt of Perry County, Perry to bear tho cosU j the bill passed both Housea, was sigued ly the Governor, and a certified copy sent up to perry by the 1 J, P. M., mail of to-day. The rogue will soon be within .troug walls. IUftixo is now a lively busiuoas, over S50 arks and rafts having passed between j daj light and dark, this day. Pour arks and two rata were dashed against the Up- per Bridge. The river has not been bigi!, but s moderate riae, well EU."taiacd, li&s proved very beneficial. Most of the crafts, 1 believe, were from the North Branch. Another Victim. I learn that avory honest and much respected man in Sthayl kiil county, late a watchman in the State Treasury, has become insane by the " eipir kual rappings" delusion. The victim in this town noticed in your last, continues with but little improvement, and his wid ewed mother is almost distracted. While this " spiritual" delusion is proved to bave done to much harm, its apologists are chal lenged to show one iota cf tjood it has ever doiie. A matter productive of unmixed tvil. surely thoald Lc scouted by every lover of his kind as a foul but seductive j enemy of man s beat temporal uuu eternal j iat'.icjts. 1 In the S.-nntc, a communication was re- j ccivsd from Gov. Eig'.er eticlo&ing the ac- j etptanee by the Legislature of Aiarylatid, &e., and naming Saturday the lGth iust., ac the day of their visiting HarruLurg, as ; State guests. On motion, Messrs. Slifcr, Dareie and ; Ilaldcman wore appointed a Committee, t in conjunction with a committee of three from the House, to make arrangements j fw the proper reception of iiiedistiriguiehcd guests the authorities of Baltimore and Maryland. J The Appropriation Bill embracing SS j sections was received from the House, and referred to the Finance Committee (Messrs. Darsic, Buckalew, Myers, M'Cas lio, and Sandersmi.) Tha House bill, incorporating the Far mers' Union Iusurance Company of Penn sylvania (located at Athens, Bradford county) parsed Senate. Mr. Slifer called up the Houso bill, in corporating the Meadville Deposite Bank, which passed finally. The bill to increase the salaries of the -Tii.i-vr.. tif Allr-nhnnv i-iinnfv ffqa sr. . ow 0 .. , n , In the JIousk, on motion of Judce Bealo, I rr- . . 1 t 'i the Kixhacoquillas Mutual tiro Insurance : , ., , i Company Bill was passed, with many oil- j c rivate bills ' , , . ,1. A motion was made, to repeal the ton- - . , . n ., , tiagc tax on the Pennsylvania Bailroad, 1 1 ... .1 n , &tiil that: rliA l-finiTvinp fiuv nn nrmml cum ! rj tj 1 . n - .. ... ... I " VI VlVfVUV 111 lICU VI Hill lUj W UUU TVOS debated until adjournment. In tho afternoon, the Common School bill was taken up, and considered until adjournment. - A bill allowing certain Boroughs and Counties to subscribe stock in Railroad Companies another incorporating the Wyalusing Bridge Company and another on some other subject, the Governor noti fies the Legislature bave become laws with out his signature. QUI. Bhecher's Lkctuue on Common Schools delivered at the Broadway Tabernacle, New York, is an adminble effort on one of the most important aud interesting ques tion of the times tlie training of the Ameriam citizen, in Common JSchoolt, furl Iha discbarge of duties, by learning him j to restrain the temper, moderate the pas sions, and cultivate habits of reading and reflection ; so as to obey the laws as well as to make then and to abstain from an archy, wrong, riot and outrage. Few lec tures of the day contain so large an amount cf vigorous thought, and so immense a number of useful suggestions ; all bearing directly on the proper manufacture of the Anieiican citizen, in common schools whose defects and deficiencies he points out; and whose increased usefulness he indicates after this brief, but emphatic manner : There are few iu this audience in-, need, 1 presume none at all who nave xeit what the word compulsion means since the days of our childhood. We have all been i.;r,wj t . 11 . snipped, I hope we have all do - I ;t 1 . 1 r tit, 1 know; but now none of our .-a k r , . , erved acts are born of compulsion, You know tnonch to be irood 1. l .that law u law nntil repealed; yon know the offic5 r themselves. the is a remedy for private wrong and J " ? lbe h"le Ut nublin in5ntK t-n- rfaui :. break at 3I,,n tho Austrian agents were nnmVnir k T 7 nnmaaly, that a mob is anarchy, and that every riEht can Le Drotccted bv law : von nov bow to purge corrupt legislatures, or - w . J I - even sometimes to indict your rulers you are trecmeu. But mark you, and go about iu tue str-cu and find the truth of what I ey. 1 1 uero ne men amone ns who can wuaiiuiudttr They ar, prcoocious ! boys, all but ibsdij id tbeir koowloJfeel nd virtue, who e:B not learn vj reading for they can not reaJ, and who can not learn by thinking, for they nctcr tumk t " j x0 them justice and revenge are A.j -0Ternine.ht Ceu to them ontward compulsion. They criugo to a constable, while they enrse him. . These, fcllow-citi tens, are voUrs. Is these not such a thing as an instructive American education ? I fancy there is. A citizen should read the constitution, and laws, and political ar guments, ths daily pres, and other instruc tive matter. It is tho boast of our nation that tire American press will save the de mocracy : but it will never unless the de mocracy can read it. Ha should have some habits of reflection, and foresight and experience, for every question has two sides, and ho ought to know it. He must know that he can think as well as feel. Look at the crude notions of freedom en tertaincd by nine out of every ten men you meet. A man may jump into the riv er, that is freedom with the multitude. ! But a man should rule bis own tempjr, j know the tendencies and horrots of an srchy and despotism. The common school, then, most prepare tho future citizen." Food of Plants. It is very desirablo in supplying manure to vegetables, that we should be able to give them just such food as nature specifi cally ordains, imp, however, science alone ran enable U3 to do. But every far- jUCr is aware thut while vegetable sub- stances are formed by a combination of principles, or elementary matters, often numerous, and beyond their power to in YeMigate, every individual plant is best nourished by its own substance. Thus, no manure is of greater value to the grape, than its own foliage and tendrils. The haulm or tops of the potato, applied to it as a stimulant, give a decree of vigor which no other manure can impart ; and go with other vegetables. Now, in supply- mg aliment to our crops, ought wjj not to keep this fact constantly in sight. Nature has herself supplied us with an obvious rule by which to regulate our operations in this important department of industrial pursuits, and it is one to which we should endeavor most sedulously to attend. By care iu compounding manures, and in sv ving, and properly appropriating them, we may effect a vast saving, assuredly. The produce of a farm, if returned to it in ma nure, aud in conformity with this rule, would render it fcrtilo beyond anything witnessed, or attainable under some of the present systems of management, which arc improvident and wasteful in the last extrome. " A word to the wise," &c. Germantoten- Tchgraph. A rftrr trrA v,1..r. ... al.tnt- wvaab is to tack two boards slightly together, so as to make a trough shaped like a V. Into . - . ., , ., , . this put earth, and then plant your peas . . ' . .. ,f m it and put in a warm situation. Ibcse . , , , COmC U T0W an ma Pro" tectcd until the weather is sufficiently warm . . 1 - .... to allow their transplanting. IV hen yon , . . , desire to do this, dig a trench sufficiently . J - ; j c r eep to admit the trough, which may be put into iL Pull the nails out of the board., press the earth up against the out side of them and then slip them out, leaving tho row of peas in the trench, all ready to g ahead in their growth. We have frequently practised this with good success. Jfuine Farmer. Bite of Mad Dogs. An English journal says that an old Saxon hns been using, for fifty years, and with pel feet success, a remedy for the bile of mad dog, by the agency of which " he has rescued many fellow-beings and cattle from the fearful death of hydrophobia." The remedy is to wash the wound imme diately with warm vinegar or tepid water, dry it, and then apply a few drops of mu- riatic aciJ hi,:h destroy the poison of the saliva, or neutralize it, and the cure 13 effected. English Capital Seeking Invest ment. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says: "It is known that a few British capitalists now wish immediately to purchase, to the extent of six millions of pounds sterling, copper lands in the Lake Superior region. How much capital they may invest in other mineral lands, and in our banks and rail roads, is not to be named. But it is be lieved that the whole Australian flood of gold will be poured into this country in one way of investment or another, durioc j the next year. When the Emperor of Austria was re- i ccntly assaulted, we are told, by a letter : A v ,. . . , . , I to one of the Lnglish journals, the whole , , 0 A , court at V icnna was thrown into such a Pan,c 01 lerror lDM " 8eTcral DOUre . . " TJ J blow, and if i ., 1 , J, , J 1 . . . " general one, they would have fled like frightened deer. The truth is, that all the absolutists feel as if they existed on the verge of a volcano, and every unusual sound terrifies them into dread of an ex plosion. Nor are they much miuUken. LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE & WEST NctD3 oni Notions, WH- tiMiw rm marnl made Iwi &4kr mktU you womht diipa R O rvr wwi jum vni. m vmf , W what pm Aotc lo tkTFar ttUtrewtltymenl -br MRCWMOI- A. irtptMtr mill SiRaoLaa Lawsuit. Oi the many nov el causes for " going to law," among the most singular is suit now pending in or. L-iuis. The parties are Charles 8iewrd plaintitT, and John R Fiemming, defend antand the origin of the suit as we un derstand the circumstances, are as follows: Mr. Steward announced his intention of being married to Mr. Fleming which tt lattel treated as a jest. To give assurance to the statement, Mr. Siewart offered to give Mr. Fiemming a ten dollar vest if the latter would agree to pay the ministers fee. The matter was acreed to and the vest ordered and delivered to Mr. Flem mine. auDsequentiy Mr. atewart was married and he paid the minister who cfli eated at the 'cermony, tZi which, on being demanded of Mr. Fiemming he re fused to pay. The suit was commenced to recover this amount. The National Intelligencer of Tuesday places before its readers an official report of Lieut. C. F. Beale Superintendent of Indian affairs in California pretni)g a sickening picure of savage barbarities per petrated by the miners and other frontier inhabitants of California on the miserable Indian natives men women and children which would be utterly incredible if not established by evidence so multiplied and incontcslib'e. The Government of the United States il there Le some things in its earlier treatment of (he Indinns indefensi ble and painful remarks the Intelligenrer can yet boast of much which is cnmren'ly humano and liberal; but this California story will be a darker sjiot in the history of Indian wrongs thun the darkest that ever before found a place in it. On Thursday night last, n young man of this icily while very drunk, attempted to get into his house bv gning the back way and entering through the gain. When in the yard, he imagined himself in his room, and divested himself of his cluihing, taking off hat, coat, vest, pants and boois, and quietly l.iy down on a heap of coal ashes mistaking it for his bed and fell a sleep. The frost had the iffert soon to wake and some what sober him- Being unable to find his clothes in the dark he started without them and finally managed to reach his room and gel to bed. Lan caster 7ug. It is a little ejngulnr (says the Portland Advertiser,) that of five cf the PYesidentinl ciindid..t;sone, Webster, is dead: anoth er and the successful candidate lost hi little hoy soon after his election by a most distressing accident and his own and wife's lives were saved almost miraculous ly, while tho third, fourth, and h:th viz: Fillmore, Cass and Douglas, have each had to mourn the loss of their wives since the canvass. Surely death strikes in high placet. WgTiNQTON, April 12- The msnv re. ports in relation to a change in the Cabi net have died away. There was no foun dation whatever for them. Many of the Senators left for their homes this morning. An official despatch announcing the ar rival of Vice President King at Mobile has been received. Mr. Buchanan has consented to accept the mission to England. The prettiest design wo ever saw on the tombstone of a child was a lark soar ins upward- with a rosebud in its mouth. Whit could be mora sweetly emblematic of infant innocence winning its way to heaven under the care of its guardian angel. The managers of the coming world's exhibition confidently expeet to have ihe Crystal Palace ready by the first of June. Everything connected wiih it is making good progress though it ha-i involved much more labor than was foreseen at the out set. The articles from abroad intended fur the exhibition are rapidly arriving over fourteen hundred packages having been already received. It is found that the spnee provided will not be at oil adequate to the supply of all the applications. A telegram liom Mobile announces that theU. S. steamer Fulton with Vice Presi dint King on board arrived there on Mon day from Havana We are sorry to lent n that Mr. K's health has not been improved by his sojourn in Cuba, and that he is now very low. Oil Wednesday last seven hundred bu she'a, or about one million of dead letters weredestoyedat Washington in accordance with ihe usage of the Post Office Depart ment. The lady of Mr. Robert Roan, of Bloom burg Pa., on the 18th ult., gave birth to three children two boys and one girl. They are living and doing well. In the California Legislature there are eleven natives of Pennsj Ivania seven being members of the Senate, and four of tie House of Representatives; in addition to which the Govenor and Secretary of State are natives of Pennsylvania and Ihe Su perintendent of Public Instruction though not born here was last a resident of this State. Mrs. Partington is visiting Pittsburg. She is stopping in the rhubarlt of the city. An English paper stales that several cases or bad health have been traced to papering rooms with ereen paper. The coloring is formed in part of arsenic In some parts of Germany this kiod of paper has been lorbidden by the authorities. At Pern, III.' John Keslerjhas recovered $3317 damages from the owner of a canal boai for carelessly losing his carpet bag containing gold dust. Shad are abundant at Washington at ixpenco.a piece and on the Deleware River at eight dollars a hundred. If a body catch a body carrying oil his wood, should a body maul a body if a body couM r SECOND ARRIVAL Z&intcv GOOtJfl , a FTCK '"TiiTtJks. ..LA .nimenu. the I'stentco lakes "V-OW on hand, embracing a tAr J P'? assortment, fa" ble terms, nease can on I- Idillnsrsi & CO. Lewisburg, Dec 1, 185S ; - . B v AD IMS' EXFBESS. A LARGC assortment of Long Shawls and A. assorted col'a Sacking Flannel just ree'd OcUl.'Si) at KKEMEKftUU-a. Executors' Xotice. -r pttpijs ipviaineiilarv on the last will 1 a and testament of Si-wat A , late of j i . i T : .1 iI.aM hni-f. hfptl ( ihe Uirou;m oi iewiuuigt ranted to the subscribers by the Register of Cnion Co. All persons having claims against Ihe estate will present them for settlement; and all persons indebted make payment with out delay, to A I.F.X. AMJ10N3. J . B Villi AMMONS.5 Lewisbur, Oct. 18, N. B. Bvers Amnions will continue the lumber business of ihe late firm of lluasu and Ammo, and respectfully solicits a continuance r iim nnHlir. natrnnn?e. v,. ......... r BYERS AMMON3. 25' c BBLS. VH, SCO lbs. UHfcbsi., aouo II.. HAM. Flilrh. ami S!iuul.ipr, uuirj SLT.&c for saie at Uwhlirg Clfnp Store hj O.B.llOEiJ Gil VYDON'S FORMS, M W AND FOUHTU t-DITIOX. " Va AU-nvl. Mjliiimlr, r .Van fluvntn tHouU be viiivul ."' l'aii. X"M" Axtri.-AS t'. li-U"-". JLST ITBLIHI1F.D, n.-.v-Q I.-.H? ii-.-w ani 1'iiCttn KnT. Forms of ConTaiicin-. m.-l t IThi Um to In. Curt, of l-inuK-n fh-i tj wu-fc-r CNii-ili, Of.T ul r-imin.-r,tlu-Sui.rc.a- n-l O.-nh.uf Courts, aud Uie SJc of Ih. x ri:il 0w n.l Juttirw otlh !. toiirll. litinu. K.-vlI, irrrt.il. Knlr.-J. Adptru lo to the P.IW.UI ftttc ul the U ; jith rup:ou Liy'uu frv Not.- .ma It- f T-I...-S. ii-1 N.- n.J J-ry O.nij.rc- h-ri..ir lui .- By Ksi i:- '. t l o lliict Octao ri luui-. I'ncc nnlr s 1,-jO. "In tl-ii nrk lliis.'s Ji-sTici:) anil II. oomrsni-m. " r.n (ti-ox--" Kulu-k.'' repiiaii"ii of lii -h 1.1 fo w-ll i-sta'li-Iiud to 1 ,'!"-'- ' Jlfi'""1" 1I, fin l ail thr lutTinalioli mwTI to a correct lli:han! of 'thr imp-.r'aut .liitiw .-mliu-1 J" him i l-y t..r Uvj 'f Uon. 410, COrAN10M TO Till ABOTE, BINNS'S JUSTICE AND BUSINESS MAX'S LEGAL GUIDE. TKFTH!5 on the- OIUci anil l:itira of AM-rm.n nil JutiM oi tl.i- IVior. iu tho Caiul -nw.allli .of Pmu vlTTinia. iurlu'lincatl tho uirl lormi of Pro.-.--. a'n1 iKn-k-t Knlr-.-s. anu i-mbujyinn not onlj wliolcvi r mny U- .l-ful -.1 ralu..! !.- lo .llMlu -r lh J''-'-- t" LsnJionlK.Tot.anU u. ti. n-rri A. ot., and loliins llu timio h.t it ,.r,..rt. t" bo. A .-:.fc- l;al Omd for ItuaiooM M,n, by Join. IIW, lat? A .1. rno-n in tl.o city of roiia.h-l;.l.ia. fifth .'l.t.-n. K-l. t urrwt. d and Or-atly fci.lar.i-d. By f C. l:at ;liTLT, tjq. . In Ouo thi.k V,luni.-,ll. tvo. l'ri.oal; ilM J AiK' Uilwon rav of ;;tnn' Juitv t, that It is not only thu best, but tht ouly vt-rj glH.d urk Ibut c Iiuti oa tltu sul-jct-l.' IV PRESS, An SprrJilf lo 60 l-ubliihrd. TROrmT AND IIAI.Y S PKAfrriCE. Nr mn Third IaIWou. llr.ll K"!rs- a and Imprort-l, und.-rth.-hdi-lorial l'iivrtion of Fr.nri. Wharton, V. , Author of AuUTlaui friui.unl Law," io., c. In 10 uium-, Sttkoibatox the law of limited paktner- 1111 in It"' l oit-'d State, i'h lull roferonn-. U-Hi lat-t authorities, bnglish and Aui. rican. Ity tuMcu J Ta-ITT. K.q. IuOi.. V-iIumo, to. jrOr-irr ur llti-M of Inquiry from tin- Country prouu.UyatU-cd.dlo. KAY IlitOTIIKIt, ' L.iw I'lUisunaa AM Iti-t ltiri.1 : .-, 3m u: j VM Market Hrvt, I 'h .led. Oyster Saloon. HAVING fiticl up ihe iTooms in Fick's new brick block in a superior manner, ihe subscriber is now prepared lo accommodate individuals and parlies with Oyfctrrs etc. in lie best styles. A share of public patronage solicited by C. F. HESS Lcwisbiir?, Sept 15, 1S52 New HI Shop. Samuel SliflT has just opened a shop on Market Square, between the Post Office and I.yndall's Bookstore, where he is prepared lo make and sell Boots and Shoes of all kii.ds, for Ladies, Misses. Men and Boys. Alsj for sale, MM SHOES of all sizes. Ktriiuixo done as usual. Produce of all kinds wanted in exchange for work. By punctuality, and usinsgood materials in the very best way, he hopes In share the pat ronage of a discrin.ina'.ins public. Lcwisburp;, Nov. 11. 1S52 Ri:nor.ia! lHcu('ii't ot)ite l.lkcnCKNr! taken aecordiug to the latest improvements, overj .Mrs. Irklakus Millinery r-siaoiisnuieiii, on the most reasonable terms, by 8. L. BEttCiSTRESSER. Lewisbur?;, Oct, V, 1552 500 AGENTS WANTED. $1,000 a Year. WANTED in every County of the United States, active and enterprising MEN, to engage in the sale of some of the best books published in the country. Men of good address possessing a small capital of from 25 to jlOO, will have such inducements otTered as enable them to make from S3 to $10 a day profit. The books published by us are all useful in character, extremely popular, and command large sales wherever they are offered. For further particulars address (poslaee pd) DANIELS &GETZ, (.successors to W A Leary & Co) No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia Gm4:9 India Rubber Cloves, Kittens, be. COUNTRY Merchants, in making their pur chaser, should not neglect these desirable and saleable articles. Their manufacture has been much improved recently, and they arc made very durable. Particular attention is requested to the Wool-Lined Gloves and Mittens. They .re Indiapenaahla in cold and wet weather Ladl-t will And thia Gloves ueful in any work that will anil the handa. at the same time that the. will cure tl.o worat gait Ilhenm or lliapped Hands Immediately. They are made all Icnpths to protect the irau and wriata. Foraale by Wilcox, BUHna-. Co. tin 3 Church Alley and Onodyear'a, s Cbesuul Strvrt fhiladrlphia. J. H. I'hillipa Pittaltire, l a. falconer Haskell, Baltimore, Md. 11 W. Schittier. Charleston, 9. C Dart llirkooz, Oinrinali. Ohio, and by all Rubber Dealer, fn th. Unto.. At retail by Couutrr Merchants generally. 3m-t.'-0 MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, HE1TLT t EXPEDITIOUSLY . AT THE ''CHRONICLE:' OFFICE Lcwisburg. BRANCH FARMER. LlIliniIlSC liOUS. f."" ",. ,he public h.t h. h lutlU ot Piotecling . -"" , f.-m ihe de.tiu-tiv mna- ece of LIGHTNING. ' h "" tb.t .very C.ly. Tmw. Vitla8o and Count-, fall. ! victim 10 annually, thro' the gro negligence ..r its inhit it.nti, i. beyond calculation. et.picia.Iy oweiui'S . rr m l iu when lh remedy it to ea?y w ouiaiu-i found in . . , AEMITAGE'S T?,t!e?it Ulitaactic i'mncj Haia, .l in il.i. .lone. This Bod has been eiamined by Ihe mot cientific gentlemen in to o.r..... M'xfnririe. Ji.liinon.VVuIlor and many ,..k. ih,. Imvis examined tht-m, icconm.end and spt-uk of Ihein in the highest term, of approbation, and have pronounced ihem llie only safe roJ. in use in thi.or any other counlt, for the pioteclion i .n.l Pr,...P.ti. Oue adt autiize is lo divu. B.,,,.......-,-- - , ......... ,.. arid throw back a partol tne eiecim- iiulu ......... .. lo the clouds ; in time ol a stroke ihU naM In rod lo conduct lhat portion of fluid thai belong to the eaith wilhoul the lishte-t danger of lea vine the ronduclor. 1 lt od lias many otiier dantagc ovei the old oue. The only 11- of mauufactuiing U in Viae St.ad'iors alore 1CM, Philaditphia, nh-re all pcreons are respectfully invilrrl to csll and eanine for lhemr!. Tor sale Vhi!. or Retail by TIIO'S AUMlTAt.b. These rods have bc?n purchased and success, fully used by the faio-irti iiidiidua!s, companies and corp ira'ieus, whose name are cheerlully submilU-d : h and n;.r FUMpUj.-A. 8. r.oVrt., nra-e S mtins-r, Ju.l B. uva-r, iw Cnral. J. M uih.nl. J.-bn ll.-u.o-, f. C. C'Mt'.-y, J.Iirennor, 0.0-.:k!.-.-',.-t.rit lnL---r-.l. The Uiockl. y Aim-house. Aiu!ci)n A Ci-tlit-rs 11... J I. l.n.l.t. J-lin .S.-iinan, Th'J. in.T. r, Bat- MilW, tbo K.d Haute Uot.l. Hie 1. 1. Arw.-ual, tno --I r. .. ... r.-. in. JtuWe -ti l nini:.-i.-i-: na.i. M t ail. J-i-l;" l O t -i!, Joli.i Nttuiun, Ur. II. M Uwu., Bt.J. Rol eria, Mr. J. lH.wni.ij. (Tj The only authorized Agent for the l ounties ol Union, Juniiia. M.HIiii, (Jlintun, I.jroiiuug, orthuuibcilaiid, .Mor.tour,C lucii!'i-i. I.tiarnif. is riAMTKl. HOOVE K. Jlirtkl'Hi, Luio.i cvunf;, l'emi. Orders and b'lter. dJres.-td (p-.tft paid) to Mr. Hoover, will be promptly altended to. He has put up a ruit.l er of tbeae Koda in L'nion county, some of which may be eeen s follows : ;a- vxiox i:xt): rr.rrll'V Tp. Slark llalli.ny. U m. Koate r. John Ilaaa, Mi I arl IVtrW, J:-ob .-luith. l.ii l kilma". 1-ub. u Mrnl h. tor.. K'..-cVn.-r. K. m irti -Court llouio., ' . . ;. .......' Il.li . l.utVft- n'. Tv. Jo'.ill Kt..T. f-iiiaa Th. Or. -hrlra Wilemi. Ila..m-j Ti John j Kuuix. Situ -n iiut.tz. il l"a UU.dion. lute Vt'.r Tji. M.cIij:! IluJnian. BCCOilMEXDA TI0X.1 l'mnn , A nr. 13. 147. I hare tl i. day earrfut'.y in-(. ct,-l a r-n Ui.-Ur . r I,i ht:.ini; 1..-I. iih ian tl ''. er-rt-l by Mr. Tiioiii.ji Ainu;', ou hvllevue lluuw, t.loii-erter. ai.d t..ne uo lnilulioii in rstlPK tllal 11 n..i mi) io- o-, 1 liaee .Tf.-.-n. luttilat It fc) ll.e y or.o i j. . examined that l o. nlrui t- d on etri tlv i.-i:til.c i-r.li.-t. ph-. Itia w.thinu.h .l, asm. that 1 r r muiin.l hla conductor to the au-.uliuiiot oaatr.of l'"'l;!,n I amw-tl aaiMed that tlieMam-lw l.iglitnln RnJ, mamtr.u tiir.ti by Mr. Th.mi;-.a Ariuita-r-. of I'hiiad.-iphia, ia the lt-t lhat bia eeei bc-n mah;. 1 hnrc it aevoral t-ara in the tudv of Iho hiwa of .-lef-tri. ity ar.-l m icnf t irnt.and hue. no'h. ntation in niina U.at the- lit d.. arc rolltru.-U dur.-ll the oi.lv jl il,ri ii-ol ..w:y. Wl-- i-.i-ltrK fh. k if ree-iteil ar l doip- r-id by t!.e mu. l at t.:e b.p of the rol. mil it wouid !. in.ursihl.-, t.-.-..rJ nj i.- tin; !w of atlrafti"n an l r-rui en. i--r ouii.hik ... .. iniund by a stnkc ! iio torn - .!i--n . rotee!..! Ly .no i f iIilk. roJ. 1 hare h-en a.-iua.t.l'd ar-li Mr. Arniitie for a" Teral Ji-ars. ai..l l-f .r.- l.eo:;,n M-.U the il amihii lure of the. r.-.! I . xani-iio.1 the prii.e.p'e on which tli-y are rrnatruili-il, an.! f It cotnin..-d that the:r a.l- ,.ti..n would Iw nlL. n l. J with iin-fl.-'e aiteeeaa. The in.-r. n,-ini deniand Tor theae r. l.aiid llie ext. nmeil.- in all ( art of the rountxv.iaaDil.leoon.m. n.Iati..n of their TTt-tty .ti,l "nJLriority. 7 WACX K. WAL1.KK, M. 1). KWuir Sun. Pfill.nl. Co.. A.nl 1". 1--.-'. $5U0 challenge. "ITTHATEVEK concerns the health and happine-.s of a people, is at all times ol the most valuable importance. I take it fr granted thai every person trill do all in their power to save the lives of their children, and lhat every reroa will endeavor to promote their ..n n health at all sacrifices. I teel .. ... . be my duty to solemnly assure you that WO K.MS, accordins to the opinion of ihe most celebrated Hhvsiriniis. are the primary causea of a larce majority of discaaea Iu which li.iiJreti and adulta are Table. If you have an app'tite continually rhanirewblr from ona kind ol fad to anoUi. r. Had llreatli. I'ajn in Ihe .--...i t:., h. 1'irkiiifC at the New. Hardiifaa an I riillneaa of the Belly. lrv t'otib. Slow r'e-r. I'ul-.-. IrnwitUr rew-mta-r that ail these denote UlIM.-, and you f hould at oaie. apply the n-midy noitssAOKx noi; sriscr. An artirle f. nnJe.l upon adefitirie prin.-.ph-.comrotirided with iiurely tree. -ti.blo siil-liiuc.-?. te.n j-.-rle. tly aal- wh. n taken, rn-l Cf.ii be rteli to the mot tenner ir.uiu Wlthd.cl.d b-nelieial . -licet, ttherc lk.wel 0.nipaint and liiarrhiea have made llieTil w ah and del ilitale.1, the h n:c properties of my Worm fyrup are iu- It. that it aun.la aithoiit an equal io Ihe raialoeue of meduinea IU -.Vll.i tone and atrenutli to IDe stomal u. oieo h..ik. it a. lntiillille remedy for those afXi- led with y p-r""-The a.t..nhhin!f cuioa perlormed by thw yrup alter physieiana iiave fi.ile.t, ia the lt et iieuc. uf its superior emeaa-y over all olheta. THE TATE WOKJI! Thia is the moat liiHrult Weriu to destroy o aij tll.it infeat the human ey steal. It itrnws to au almoat iud.-tt-lille leliiith. lajcomiu? ao coiled aud fastened ill the intea tines aud stomach, ellectinj the health to sadly aa to cause St. Vitus lianeo, r'its. e that thoteatUict.-l a.'M' iu ifercr au-pirt that it ia 7"pr Worm hastening them to an early raw, In order lo dt stroy this worm, a Tjy ener-g.-ti.- tr-otment must b.- pursued: it would theretore In prol-er Ul lake B lo N of my l.iver IMla, so aa to remove ait obstructions, that the Worm St nip may .1 direct upon the worm, hich must he takeu in ilosea of two talles,nlulia three timea a day; these directions fol ioweil have never hern known u. i-i.l ig cuxiu; the mast obstinate case of 7VifK Hiirat. uomysA'-K's liver nits. Nn fart of Ihe system ia more lial.le to disease than the Liver, it arrvin as a fitterer to purify the blood, or plain- the proper secretion to the bile; ao that any wrong action .f the Liver effects the other ini.irtaui parts ol the syt-in. aud results variously, in Liver t-'omplaint, Jaun.li.-e. tsporia, Ac. We ahonid. therefore, watch crcry symptom that minhl indante . wn.r. aetion of the Liver. These I'ills la-imr cluroartl of Wl na.f in.!! furnished br nature to heal the sick, namely, lat, An EsranU which au-ment the secretion from tha pulmonary mucus membrane or promotes the diachari;. of secreted matter, '-'nd. An .1hrfire., which changes m some inraplieahle and insensible manner the certain mor bid anion of the sysf -m. :l. A Ionic which Kir"'" ton. and strength to the nervous system, renewiua: health and vigor to ail larta of iho laxly. 4th. A Cathartic wbi.-h acta in perfect liarmony with the olh. r insretiieuta. aud Ol-eraliiig on the bowels, and expelling the wiiole masa of corrupt and vitiated m-itter, and purifying the bioud, wbkil dcatroya dha-aae aud restores Ucaith. TO FEMALES. Yon will fnd these Pilta nn invalmible medicine in manv complaints to which you ar. aulject. In ole.iruc tlonseilher total or partial, they have heen foun-1 of in eatimahlc bi mtit. resloriiu; their fun. lional arramn-menta to a healthy aetioii. piirifyiiiu the bioo-l and oth.-r iiui'ls so effectually to put to (iiaht all cnoplaints whi.h may arise rrom f.-iu:.Ie irregularities. a healache, git'.dincss, dimness of aiht. pain iu llie side, back, e. None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobex sack, and others being base imitation. Agents wishing new supplies, and store keepers desirous of becoming agents must ad dress the Proprietor, J. N. Hob exsack, at his Laboratory, No. 120, North 2d, above Kace St., Philad , Pa. Sold by all Druggists and Merchants in the United States. Asekt. Dr. Thornton & J. Baker, Lewis bnrg. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Union Co. Davis Sl Schimre.Selinsgrove ;Stitzer & Bro., Miftlinburg; Youngman & Walters, Dry Valley ; R. Keller, Adamsburg; 8. Wittcnmyer, Middleburg; M. Specht, Beavertown ; J. D. DielTendetfer, New Columbia; A. H. Lutz, Forest Hill. Pares iica 2a cisti 1 QfQ 1000 English and German AL 1 0JO. M ANAt'S for 1853. jusl received and Car gratuitous distribution. Call and get one and save your aixpence. Da THORNTON CHBI8T i-,OAL.PLASTER.SALT,FISH,IRON Vj and NAILS, atwaya on hand and for sale by D. S. KRRMER & CO. 11 T K ATT" Q for JU8tices,CoMtu. IJjjAiN JVO ble9,&c,oo hand at the Chronicle c-tlice, or printed to order loon, A. K. liinK-M, 11. tmmn. n... ii.o.-. - v-., liownii.e, J. F. tirccr, J. . W auon, U. IluDitlir y. J. llir.!. v o., .1. Xvmau. II. Hirb-n, J. ivi-nl.iir. ii. I 1'-n.-r Mr. ii!u.ruli, lr. Jlurtin, S. Kirl U-y. J. UrluLlcy, ... f,.:.... I. II i-.,w.-r Ji t -. . J. V. in.-p--noy. STILL 310RB SEWS COXCERX1XO THE SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD .... . i J T Tu-(l ..l.Vl .. in 1.0 rr!r-,l,.l from LeWltOUT! to IjKicLtotni on Juniata tli rough by Miniluburg t! j T ia lal mat iMLiiinn .head of all lh. Uompanie., and h.. now 1 pened I one of tb best .nd la.geat .lock, of j ,,enca on. oi . rYrkriCt WLL & AVIM Lit GOODS. T is a fact lhat II. II. KIKSei ns gx opei K tveropeneJ in ilii. country, and of auch ljle. aud qualitica M win gi ' DRY GOODS of all kinds, GROCERIES, Coffee, T-a, FPi, Snear, Mor.w- Bic, Cb , Crackera, Soap, Candlee, TuUoro, SS. Also lLirdmiTf, Quwvcare, Ced.xncarr, ftW and Shoes, Had, .nd Capj of lh. latest slyle and btr.t quality ground and article, too will be told Umbrellas, Utuihca. uroonn, riin dry, Oils of all kinds, and other ...mnnni to) mi'lltioil all of which at piicea o low a lo astonish porebwr. All kindi of Country ntuutita ua.n ... eichance for (Jood. rr''I'lease give ma a call before purchasing elsewhere, as 1 charge nothing for looking at my Good.. D- KISSEL. Mifflinburp, Cct 29 1852 Tte Road to Health! IIOLLOWAV'S TILLS. CVRK) PIrOniiKKKD LIVKKasa BAD I'W EVib Mrttt. i.V.--5, " '.' 1 To 1 rof.-w-or lleti-ot-. v, r.r V i'..'-; . fcave ah. -1 the lri.-lie.-t on our a.e )- ' :' ft .il. ii.- f.ir .n.e i:.r. A CU" l.-i:'.--. i . 1. t-.ry .Me . au ri-t- I i f t i uy ei q-jirea, d. alrea tne to i-1 y- u iwe the parii. i ular of her cute. M..-h.id be. n Uoobo-u or ).-. i H h a I d- ...lerect liver, and ha.1 Ii:-e:i. u. Utt ti e lat oee. . I oz.-ver. the iruirti ol ll.e altio ii waf u... o....a Ihe ii,iioaii"0 f t in ao a. v. rely, th.t d' uM-were euter la:m d i f il r not Uuii: ..l-h- to benr up uu.ier it; fortun ate y !.r.- t' .du-ed ttj )..iir l-liia. at--l ahe it.f.rnia u.e thi-t aflor ttie lir-t, and ea. h aut-cerdiiig do. 'ho bail cie..t ru'ii-l- s:ie e.iiitoi.ie.1 I ) Uke tluui. ud a.lhu alea ud nniv tl.nV fkica. ahc ia now tn the etyoyln-nt ol icrl.et health. 1 eoi.ldhue trot .- many inr caaea, hut the ala-ae.frt.ni the atrtri'y fthcnuurl. and the Ji'y rure. fpcaka lu. h 1 thiok in t-vor of y. nra-ton!- in-l-illa. -en..l.l K. W. kllthLM. AS EXTUACr.CINAUY ffUE or KIIHIMATIC lttfclt, IN V is I)iC-;'a LiMi. C'.fJ 'fa lrV.tr Smrrlnl ia thr itarf Tmr Courier (': ir- M'l'ounin.iiinetren J.araol n-e,re..i !" nn.lud U-en -uJ. riii fr.ou a vt- :. ut ri eun.i..ir lt M ttrn. i-i.it, . J ;Tar. f.-Ter. I. r llowar.la of tv.o niontl wl.a h ha.l entirely d-i iiv.d h.-r of the u-e -f her limb-: iluni!- thi- pen-d. .he iri,a un f.T the rare of the mM rmim-nt me--.. :il men . in il tart Torn, an I l y thitu h r cu-e w:.a eocid-re.1 I h p-l.-i.. A fri- ii-l prevailed ufon h'r to try llolloway a ; o-letr:.te.l Pill.-, wh-ch aha eooM-iil.d to do. and in r.u j inrr-dihlo short apace of tune they e::e-.-lea a r -rin.-i cure. Cl'KU or PAIN and THiMTXKsS in T'ta CIIKST ami tTOMAt'll or a rr.ltsd.N n Vt-.n or rrem .Ifrjira. Thrm it Sen. I'npH l.rr of thr ..aim JuVer- fi..r, a-o '-ua V"tiC.'t Jor Uu vltnriH tfat'utrnt. To I'r.-t a r I..u-waT. A-ual M, 1S..1. Mi-. 1 .lerire to hear ti atimonr to the paat etTecl of iioilowat I'l I Kora- nieyeaij 1 -ulT. ted a. rarely firm a pain aii.l t.- tilneaa in the atotraeh. whu-b maa atao acrvmiari. ! I -h fl.e- . f hrea-.h. lhat pr. aent.d me from w..lkiii. i.. ut. I at M ye.ira vX aife. and nutw.th tlaealiD n.v a. . ne-.l -tote 'f li..-. -III. I'llla bave ao relieved m-". th.t I aui .le-iro'ia that other, rhmild W uiV ai ui.iBt.-l . ih t'-t-1- tirttiea. I am u.. renden-.! hv their me:-na. ci-mpiinit:r--iT aeti' aeti-.. aud take eier- pain, .huh 1 could nt ,lo i-i-e walnut iu.oule.ii- r..e OK l..-. .-i-it.-.ll IllNliv i;jk. Xorih .trcet. I.y.n. xf .lk. tTOM'Kr.H'L EFilfAf r or n.il.taiWAT'4 1'lLLo ts l-.t.-U or IiKOI'lV. Trra-.n.' anff. rit.i; fr.m Drop-y. either ar-.tit ttnurnoi life, or at other liuiea. ahou'.-l uunteuia!. ly h-ve re.-ours J ... l ili. fl. hiin.in-j- i.f oeraon." er.- atiuua.lv cun-.l- by th.ir u.-e. of thia direful e..ini.!aiut iu iu d.Uirent i stai a, wheu all other Dieaua lia-i inuii. Thru clclralid I'd!' are -..ci;'nU e;pacuatl in the l.jK'iitg omj.iant3 : Acne Propsy jHureliee Secondary . li.ntnrv Liver t'mi.lnta Mnitbau ' E.Hons Tom fcrvMielas l.uoilaio Ta- lou! jreul ' plaints Kirale lrn g- I'll, s Tumor. iUiotchea on ulariliea llh.uroatiem I'L-era Ih-Skin Fever, of .11 Uet. ntiou uf cn.ral Af liuwciiuipi ia Kiuua ...r - I l nliea Kila Si-P'fula. orWormaof.il IVnstiial'n-of i..iit Kite'ai:vil kiiei tl il.-weia M.-a-l-ael.e R.re 1 hrttfits W'eakm-safrm C.liaumptk.u llnlii:esti..T Jit'-tte and any caua. IH-hility lnttatiiatHin llravel c. c. Sold at ti e Esial liehment of Profctsor Km lott.tr. 24 Slrand. (near r.-uiple lb. r. y.i-..ion.l ;ind l-y 11 reactah!e IlHJits and .l.i.rs in M.-di.-inea thn.-iho.it the British Ktuj-ire. and. t to. ..f ,!ie riiilcd .-ti.tes. in lu..va at i. Vc. a?c. and S'- each. Wl.ol.sale l.v lie" principal Urug iionars in the I nion : hv Me-sr- A Hi P ?i5i-.eYork; and hy Mr.l' Il HsiceT,';. Siulh ,-ixtb M. fhiladelphia. 4-Then- i a .s.n-i.hT.'.hle aaTin; i-y takll Hie larcer I!,.x,s . N. II. Iiirecti ns f l.f th- .nidinc of patients in every disorder, are ainxed to each liox. lyalji WATCH DEPOT, LEWISBURG, PA. VI.. HATFIELD, has on hand a large . and r-plcndid assortment of Watchks, !Siiebware and JtwELBT, just received from the lust Importing and Maoufaciurin? Houses in rtiiladclphia and New Voik, and consequent ly much lower than if purchased fiom those He liiiler. who pretend to bo Wholesaler.. Hold Patent Levers, full jeweled, isk $Cl 00 to $1IS 00 do do do 6 jeweled. Isk do do do full Jeweled. 1. k do do do 4 jewels, lok 46 00 ' mi tio 66 (in ta) HO 4u UO " ai 11 ;m ti . oil ' So C . " IS it) " U 00 " M no ' 14 no " on IsJ 14 uo " 11 UO " ; ti do Anchors, full jeaeicd, lvK do do do do lok do la-pines, 4 to 8 jewels, lk do do 4 jewel. It do English and French Watches, 18k liver Patent Lovers, lull jeweled, do do Uo 6 jewels, do Hunting do jeweled, do Anchors, full jettelrd, do Lopines. 4 lev 8 jewel", German liver Lcpines, 4 jewels, Silver Quarters, Oerman ilver i seced hand vraUbes, Uold tlirard 1haina, do LadiK' r'.'b t'hains, do tlentlcmcn's 1'ob Chains, ao Vest Chains. tiold Ladies" llr. ast Pins, lateft sfytcs, such aa Mourning. Hot .r.d li'ass, lameas.Clusti-rs.. roll. I.raiich.ac. Cold tlentlemen'a lirenst I'ina. Jo Cuff l'ins. dilf.T. ut aljies, i.o Finicr liina. Hold Kar KitiE". .a h as Hoop'. Pr.-ps. J. nny l.ii.d--, t'..ro. Wheat, sm-hw-berrv. t luster. S-roil, Diauch, a -., Sold W atch 'a:a, do do Keys, do Tencils, 6n Fi-na, dn peit-aclcs, do lluntin- Lockets, (Medal las) do llraceleta, Silver poons, Tcus, TaMea, Desert, and Salt. Co OU 60 00 3 00 SS PO Ji 00 li 00 ss uu as oo so vo 13 t no to " S la) ' VI tai 14 X S 00 " In on 1-' on :h rxi ltt oo S.S f O 17 oO 1 00 1 0 CO In ta) 1 no 3 .'.il " 40 1 25 " 1 fO " 6 75 " 8 00 " 3 40 " 1 00 -1 00 " 5 f.n 1 oo 6 ia 10 uO 3 OO 10 00 12 00 la iw 20 00 Silver pcctacles, re . . . .a And a variety of fine-goods, latest atyles, neatly got up, at pricfi to suit the time. (T aiid war. ranted lo be what vo!d for. Also a great vartety of gilt and plated goods-Chain Fins, Spoons. Locket. Spectacles. Cases, Banketa. Ear Ringe, Sbawl fins, liair rinorai ueaus.cieci ue.us, runes, etc., etc, o.c. :nao Brass day spring and weight Clocks do 80 boar do do do ft .lav wood and gilt Time r treea, Monti Clocks, Alahaatcr Parlor Clocks. Patent larrer (or Marine) Clocks, French Aceordeons, keys, ao au 1S t no jo no i m - oo T 00 - S 00 li 00 " Oil 10 UO S 00 a oo l to a so T so 10 00 " IS 00 3 00 6 00 And hundreds of articlea not mentioned. Watches, Cck and Jewelry carefully re paired and warranted. Call and tee. March. 1852 lj416 HUSSEYS GRAIN REAPER, for cutting both Grain and Grass. Great Improvements for 1852 ! MANUFACTURED and for aale at the Lewisburjr Foundry by GEDDES, MARSH & CO. MEDICAL REFORM. DR. II. B. HARRIS weald u lh chiiciM of lwirborg tn4 vicinity hc be bis femo.ed into Nanh Third (tratt, ia tt,9 bouM fcrmcilj occqpicd by CptPmil,abot ih ueiPiw iwiwibw vhuch. UBUKIOI lof th . ...u . . . 1 b Con tin lo ouer dm proicMODii acr.icsa to an who deaira them. He practices medicine in accordanc wita . . tmM .. , wi approved system, of Medical Rffo, ,. no Calomel or M.rcor, an, forr.--.rJ , WTirov. hinuelf woiinj of lh. confideuc. of ia. eommaoi,,. He keep on hand, for aale, aa nUnaii. variety of Thomawuan and other Vegatabla Medicines, for the us. of .uch caatomera aa Bay desire ihera. He i. also prepared to clean and .itracl Tttik. LeoNburg, April 7, 1852 THE ONLY TkVB . PORTRAIT OF WASHINGTON. I T UST published, T.B.WELCII' roarnifictnt ; tj Portrait of tf&S KScQY&y -cam. I ved (by permissiou) Irom rtATonvorj.j. nal portrait, in Ihe Athanxam, Boston. I Tina ttiprn pit tore, rmrnivt. aader . f nro or THOM AS H i l l', t q , the emiorat Md a.bl gifut artlut, i the only comet likaim. of Ha.Mxua rrr .ubii-h(-d. It haa bten rharartrruuda. UW gTMUH work of art ever produced in thia couctry. Aa to iu litr, we rofrr to tfie Utter, of tl. iwtopud irm of U m.u. ton.. Oaokus U .hi..i;t.ii F.aaa i it.rttf, heraya,-4 . faithful r-pn-tfrntaticn of the ee'eforated ordinal," aa4 toCmi Jt .71 etV.sry of llie .SM.rraM Conn f u. tab .! Mate, .ho aayp, -A. . work of art its excrilenet ac4 biauty routairike cvrry one Ik aeea it ; and it niolea bappy in tta Iikeneaa to the Kath. r of l.i c-antry. It wa. B. good f. rluo- t ha. a, aim In Uie day. of ay kej houd: and bia .hoi. aopearaMC. ia yetatrniily '- r-in.d on ray m.fuury. lh. portrait yun hat. ivaued aopeara to nie fc he an exuet blru'tM. It-renttiur pertWliy th. ea;.reMiou a. w.-U aa the torn and feature! of the kv. Aud myt .at i ia hft hit nwreanfnMi tf thr arrxi'.ori'y.iial. l'Rlj.rDVT Iili M.a wa.a. -th. Errat wora ia aUmiraiily utvu at.d rmimntly worthy 4 th. ! i-uu-ona of the puLiK." aay. MAM.Mia.r. th. eaiiMiit I p..itruit ji-ioti-r. aud Ihe fuil of Muart, yuur ar.t to ' my uiin-i t luurv rttt.arki.bi. than any otl.erl hat. am, f.T re-ntii- the r-A. le iEdirkluality of the original pi. trait. '.. .-Il.i-r n lit a n-jl ie at-d dTftitfu-d refir. ol airaad n.ui.nrr, wr.,. uii wi.v Ttraw hunei.Bi.dcred amrked ti trm-'r: i.-L:. ..I ti.q .u L.&U it CtU.aieiDorata. I t r t ',Tfit mrnts o' (-; j:jrrr vr V'Ai'-V r,Jrr o.rp ' ' ' I:'...;."'-.i; t.i :ht ,.,rrmt u r'f, toitlt'n ui '..u t. p ; 0 7.-J '.' t Ir't. 1 1 r tj.t hAtne.r.g Jrfirt;, W( .'.il.. ' .'-.;..(. n-t .V A r- u'.,r:n-(-j il. - la'eh-..t at .1 .iii..t. 'J ' Voik ; Nearle, K-1 r . ttn.-l. i.n 1 .b.l.lin. 1 1 li fcta ; ib-.tar ll.r- uirs'-.f bo-tori : ti:art.-.. l-ia;. t tt hr!e-lon. S. C. ; and ti e f..i..!.d n ol W rahiorten. Hen. tieo. U. P f..ri faut.-ilan artist. .-Tii.-vt.- Ilia xe.llenra Mi.lknl ' lib re. M..J.T O.tt. W nrield Srott. Hi n. Grtrp.ll. ' li.-ilJur. lion. Wm. K. K nr. 11. .n. I'ani.1 WeUtrr. Iln. i l.on f-i i d. II. .n. L ai- t'era. lion. W m. A.tirahxan.llrx J-hu p kenu.L-y, lion. R. t'. 1 imbfop. L. 1. 1. Jtk.na . II .n r.i-ser U.lanr; lltu. J. an lAier. II... John Me I Leau, lion. Itulu. tb'te. fcucuiu- Chariea iWtrm, j rl the e!l krowu l.-l.rarir.n cf the Totton Atn-nii.. , who wiya. k-l wni.ld tathrr t.n it than any pemud ropy lb.itae.er ae. n:' t. I-. Whipple. Rh.rd Hi;dr.tk, ; lion. ld- Ir.rett. I.I.. D. J.t-1 Pparka' IL 1, a. ! 11. 1-re.rott Li. I 'utton lrTit.ir. l!a:pl. U. Tmi j ton. KM).. Pr. f T t . I Lrn-. J- T. ll.adley. TIU tirera Ilall.ek. II. . lonjfrt:..w. W m. f;il!more Mnima - ard ; 1-M r.ciuei lxr. Ta ifouid. T. R. M.cauly, Sir Areku ! bald A L-ou. lj.rd Sii.y. r ol Lonv.n. Ac- Aa. l.al aru . throughout llie eot.re l i:i.-n. ha. withc-fat voioa pnatiae I -jo .nal le all topr-w. tl i. aaluail- trrai-ore it it told al ule j,m ITice of Ji per coj y. I'uWhlied by Oh-Rl.: W.C!IIT.IS. X. W. corner of r fth ai.d Areh atrerta. fhlladelphia li u B1...1 A-nt r-.rtli.Sub.f fUaura I'.lji. a.' Iani. and Ivlaw.r-. Thia Portrait ran only U oUsiind from 3lr. Byarly, or from hi. July .ut'.or-a d aa-i.te. Arrnnir''nie.tp hair lie. a an.de with the Poet COlc T. partn-.et.t. by hn-l, -t,j - .1 the Portrait can 1. aand t any t-mt. f-rr m.il. in perf-et oi.t-r. jri-Prrn. by rrn.iit.nic Pi.e K.lara io P. B. Bearlv. will bare a eoj.yrf the Portrait .end totnew rvea.av. Mapoif ri.-nt liilt P'n.mea. i;ot up expre.tr for the rortta.u, furnished at the low price of $&,Ov'a-h. Just issned, a magnificent Portrait of GENERAL JACKSON, En-raved by T B.VrLru,Esn.,afterihe oricinal j portrait painted It T.SrtLT. Esq. This p, r.ra.t W(, b(. m j every respect as well cot op. Price f S,00 per i coyy. Address a al-re 3m50 j Z TTIVTCR GOODS. HAVINtJ disposed of most cf onr Fall ttoct. we wool. I rerectfullv inform the j puhl-e thai we are nowopenine Ihe larf esiand ( most elegant nock of Winter Giod lhat has ; ever appeared in this market. Harins selected i liiein wi;h preat eare and purchased for Cash. we would cordially invue all our old customers and all other in want of Bargains to give ns a call, as we feel confident that we can give entire satisfaction as to quantity, quality or prices at the old stand of Nov 26. j. Hayrs i. Co. ADIES" DKrXs GOODS, of all desirable ieties of Triuimings, to be had cheap at J. HA YES 4 CffS k I.L in want of Fine Cloths, Castimeres, XI. Coats, Overcoats, Vests, Hats or Caps, cau be supplied at very low prices at J. HA YES d CO.'S 1 7REXCH Merinoes and Wool des Laines a choice lot for sale by J. HAYES e CO " See WINTER come, to rule th. varbai jw Sullen, and aad. wilb all bis ruinf train, Snows, .nd clouds, and storms.' BUT with them comes also the aniidutt, tat we have jnst received our second supple i "I WINTER GOODS, which you will do well to call and examine, as they are not surpassed for qoalily, style and cheapness, to say nothing of ihe quantity, for we have a little of everything that belongs to a store in these diggings". Come one, rome all, and examine for your selves, for we are-ton mnch .n...t ..i:,. ... 00 i ,ake "me to unierate. Lewisburj, Nov. 27, 1853 PIANO AGENCY. n A VING been sppninlrJ Agent lnrihMU ol the celebrated Pitoos, mtoutactuted bj GEO. TOG11T, Philad., the ondersitfiied would be happy to eopplj any oilia.naAf I Kara S.1ua.1Al. .n K t. W ataamirra. an 1nilriim.nl ..II .fa .L. . .a Hil'ii teill UIBUVJ, alter IIIV IBITavt ! ;,..,,. r , ,K i. inlroduced in,0 tewisburt. to which , ,m happy , ,ef , one. Th , , ,re ,, j tDj if no, ,u.raory on trial for , JMr ,hf . nay ,,, exchanged. Pric reason- ,b(e FR NCIS J. GE88NER. Lewisborg, Feb 24, 1853. H. OERHART, Surgeon Oeatfat, A T hi Residence, South Third St., cam XX. of the Board walk. LEWISBVKG. 39 JUST received an assortment of fine-tone rosewood Melodeons, from Geo.A Prinee A Co.'s celebrated establishment Buffalo, NT. 4 octave Melodeons from C to C l do do C to T 6 do do F to F Large 6 do F to F. Piano style, ' A. L. HATFIELD, Lewisbnrr, SUPERIOR tour facedBrehe I.enr raTa, for sale by J. MATES 4 CO t-'. -l-i"- I