JUL LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. ICfiuistrarg Clpnirlf. a. o. hiosok, Editor. o. ir. woRDDN, printer, AHtl.Wrejhin adranoe, $1.7 In three month, ti-aid within the year, and $2.50 at Ui end of i lie yenr. A rent, in PhileJeli'Uia V B Palmer and K W fjirr. L.ctvisburff, I9a Friday Morning, PebI, 1853. j AC7CBTIZE Seeutor. JJm'nMnil'T., l'ufclic Olioem UilvanJ Country Merchant's MnnuCu-turcra, II tames. Buaitwn Men all who wiidi to pr-ure or lo i.r-.-e of anth n- wcnU do well to ive notice of the a.aM thrno-litlie ' xirWai ? nranidt." Tni. paper has a food aitd iucreiiii;r circulation in a community con-ui-n.af as larje a proportion of active, solvent producers, eeTinininrrt. .n I dealer, aa any other in th .State. SEE NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. (s&fEurope was quiet at the last dates, ! hut there u much anxious uncertainty ad to the future. Louis Napoleon it is eta ted sulLrs greatly from ill health. Kos suth is coming to the United States again. In India, IVgu has been taken and an nexed to the British dominions. STlic MUtoniau chuckles with huge Htif.iCtioa over the slanderous aid and comfort derived last week from Its new ally, the traitorous Appolonicun ; but the i i -. ...l .i : t. j .ecu aj-peuic wnu woict guiuj uonu ao f February, A. D., 1S."3. at 11 o'clock, A. V. mall a potato, taiuted at that, only proves A good attendance is solicited. Dr. Malcom, the deaperate eagerness with which drown-1 Pie,lllu"' "f'he Lewisburg UiiiAersitv, is ex . .... 1 peeled to preach the dedicatorv imr til it II itfli fir ntrflwa I fa I n. 1 :rf ah a offer to annex the fresh and vigorous pros penty of our town to tueir dozing Uip V an "Winkle, Las an irresistible tendency to bring up our thumb and open palm in sa lute a a mililaire with graceful gyrations added. We can't put our new wine into your old bottles; but if on will promise to " behave yoursel' afore folk," we will generously permit that celebrated omnibus to make daily trips with your citiz;us to the west end of the Milton Uiidge to ena ble tliom to t.iko the cars ou the Su.jue Launa KailroaJ. Kt'FFIAM.Y Assalxt. Wc luarn by telegraph, and from other sourecs, that uti Mouday evening last, about 7 o'clock, as A. C. Sinipson, Ksq., a young lawyer of Scliusgrove, and Mr. Caspar llaue, were j crossing the West Diauch bridge at North- j umbcrlaiid iu a sleigh on their wav lioine. 1 i they were met by Joseph Vaudikc and his two sons, and Frank l'cncer, who were j returning, somewhat intoxicated, from a j thooting mateh, down the liver. Two ol j thorn were iu the wrong pasnge way, and it being pretty dark, cucoujtered Simp son' hnr.v, frightening it, and turning i' lip against the side timbers. An alterca tion eiisucdjWlicu Wiiliatu VaniKl.erusliC'I upon Simpson with a dirk knife, and in flicted fjur severe stabs, oue penetrating the left breast in the n gion of the heart, j c i nuJ another the lower part of the sight breast between the ribs. Simpson imme diately retreated into the Collector's tfik-e, closely pursued by Vandl:e, but the lat ter was met at the door by Miss Mary Wi'sja who very courageously pushed lira back, and .succeeded iu shutting the door. Simpson fainted fiom loss of t ljod, but on the arrival cf Dr. IVicstly he wa letivtd, auJ his wounds drcs-cd. Hi? condition h:u? siiiej been very critical, but he was improving at the las! accounts, with a reasonable prospect cf ultimate re covery. Vandyke as amstid the satne evening by Sheriff Kipp, and lodged in Sunbury jail to await his trial. Mr. Simp hon is a sou iu-law of Jesse C. Ilorton, Ljij of Northuiuljcrlaiid. '. " . I 03.1 he xlirector- of the busquchanna i Railroad met at Ilarri.slurg on Friday lust, j , a- , , " .- , . ; and rc-a!himed their determination to ptisii t ca theirgreat enterprise as f..st as po.-.-ib!e, .-.-ib.e, I , r I .'ills ol I dJ witLout regard to the movunei Ln-ti!c Cf.n.pauies. The route from the j v-rmiDus i uie jretonon nanrwu 10 J I.i ill .raro-.t-t tv i ! ! I .a iri-i.l.i.l f.f i flcu'i n . I i hit life ii long uhlcli an" "-era liri great end, traci at the start, with a view to the early aru tna, ,h.lr loss is its eltrna ?ain. , w. accominodalion of the immense coal trade On the 27ih nit., while on a visit to his son which wiil pass over this road. Literal ; '"-'a, in New Uerlin. William Peters. Mosrs , . i . .1 - Bowiw. of Milton, Nuithiimlieriaiid countv. accessions have been made to their resour- a;H f,0 y.-rs. Hls re,Ilalns re conveyed CCs, but of course, active operations above j to Milton, aud interred in ihe Lutheran bury-; Cunburv will be deriCi.dant noon the fit f , iaS frr,",d ,,f ,hal P,ac- I , -r the official fcubscription of Union couuty. As soon as our County Bonds have been obtained, the work on this side of the river 1 i will be pushed vigorously forward ; and if j the Sunbury k Erie road should cross over j to this side at the Muney Ilille, it is iu j contemplation to throw the Susquehanna i ra l over to Muucy, and thence to Wil- j iianifport. j Notwithstanding the pretentious dis- ; play makiug by the S. & E. Company, we have not yet believed, and have good rea lons for still disbelieving either iheir present ability or bona fide intentions to construct ihe link between Sunbury and WilliamsporL Their present movements in this quarter, like Cost of their past -labor lot,'are evidently con tingent, and for effect merely with the illu sive hope of still thwarting the Susquehanna Company- Some of the leading wire-workers it is said are so ill advised on the subject as to seriously believe that if they cculd defeat the corporate subscriptions ia this region to the tuque'a Company, the 85. t E. Co. could get tabtcripiions from t'.ie same source,, and for tne same, if not larger, amounts for their road. . Any one cognuint of the public opinion on j tbt subject, knows this to be an absolute im- j possibility, under any circumstances. The i management of ihe S. it E. Co- has been such ' as to destroy confidence in it, and little has : Tf bB "-one to mend matters in thia respect. The estern counties have been flattered with ! line promiaea tad smooth speeches, while the rate's, nr.-ate . r i ' ffkterwd .war Yn t,.the COm?lay 1 Co!y,hat fK:. i and injure no one else. ..a . ,.: -"-. We know of one aub-contractor, under the late letting, who came oa to commence opera tions but finding there was no money likely o be had for his work, threw up the job in d's ".r a:. J returned Lctae. Straws ihow, &e. I teS We understand Mr. J. N. Beers' ! exhibition of singing Geography, is the ' Methodist church, on Tuesday evening last, was well attended, and gave general satisfaction. He expects to organize new classes oo Saturday afternoon and evening in the basement room of l)r. Thornton': dwelling. Democratic County Mct-fin;-. The Democratic citizens of Union county arc requested to meet at the Court IIuo.se. in the Borough of New li-rlm. on Tutray, Feb. 15, IS33. to concur in the elections of Senato rial anj Representative delegates lo the next Sta'c Convention, take action with reference to the formation of a county ticket, Ac. A gen eral attendance i requested. JOHN sv IXEFORD. Chm Standing Coiniuiltec. - New Berlin, Jan. 57, 1853. SocitTt of Niivirt. The regular month ly nieetin? of the Society of Inquiry will be j iiciu in ri 7,iiy i ii.il';i, on Ilex! c7unaavat - .niaii. .. . ternoon, at 2 1-2 o clock. A report on "Modern . . . ' : ur"1 Judaism,' wul be presented by Mr. M. Hexth. I jjouatio. i nc inemis n i;ev. Jmnrt ! Kkllt, of this Borough, and vicinity, purpnpe maKiiii mm a JJ.mation. at his residence, on this (Fitdav) afternoon aud evenine. All who leel inclined are respectfully invited. , riMIE dediration of the new Rantisi m.Hti,., I I 1 .... ... . ' " 11CU e in Elimsport. Washington lp., I.v- " "''"' 'n taiie piace on tne I'jui dav J MANY. Dt.BiciTioir. The new Lutheran f:hnr-b i C'l-nce in Lewisburg, Pa, will be dedicated the service of the triune G..d. on Sabbath, the VOih day of February next. The fnends of' relijiou ceneraliv are" resnrrii'nllv inviiM m! i attend. Jan.SS '."1. CoireUeu litis Day. Wheat ..100 62 50 33 I 12 .1(10 1ft l 1(1 . 10 . 12 . 1(1 ..4C0 !iye '.'oi n , :.ts l-'i.ixsced . . . . I fi d Aji.iles IJoilei K.'i! Til low . . Lard ''" i icon Ijverseed. POISOVIVO. Th"sn !p of t-arfiiTji who vife Vimiif.i'?e cimr--'i of Onf-t'-r oil, ChI.'Ui I, ir.. nrv imt a an-, lliat hi'e lhy Hy --ixr t-i r-.'it-.M.l llu jit :t nt. tlirv iirr m-mUy 1 in iiv :..tuiijrtii' n- 1 r a H?n .-! "Z tiii iiii, utb a -a.nuon, , t Mht- wak 11-95 of Jlt ll.". Ar. In aii -t! -r ct,Uun;i l-i-mn-l tlic Jt lrcrt'feninit 01 H. U Dn.:W' . i'.tin.d. ft h'-h vk tLo pt .ti n of I n.I tiirTlir it.tcr- st i:i trie-ir n a 1 h-ir nil- j Jr t'- h- itlth. In tAvvr O-mt !ui:.t anJ nil 'l.s.riJi r liiiir ta Ui-mi Mill, ice ijpi.fLoj!J m:.ki! UKut ! ily ci-ntnti" 111 J-i'iii. Il'ih i..icV' . -.t f:II. i not fit-re-i.' l-iit. nK lor IIh-n-.-o Ii V Worm ru;j and l.ner 1iIIf. tr.d (.l Te li.-l ea: h 'ii tl. ..i .-n-tiir cf lb- 1-rftrietcr, J. N. HuI I XS M K. aa uon arc -i-nuae. ;iv!.:y ' I'tK-T. ''- fi'cn i- -it- rr.rr .vi i,i of tli ao.d ! l'l:i'SI 'or of lie ten-lireek d' from l-i. li it is j .:ir a. I 1. '11- .icii'li'-mit lnl rrcrn-.t- t'l be TI.Ul: IHOE-IIVK I-I.I ID. or I! ..-.'III.- Jl'irK. tu miml awk'.it. . fr.r"t' rnre..f indnte-tRa - ..ri thcrnu. Ti i. v.t....- r . . onl.r.;tl,- si.-ir.i.ih. Xi.rt.f.ii.im.uqu.Ii!f'eur:nir, i r -cr. I rrrl.T 1-iH'Il r.VTIVi ff I ! - t'y emi-i-t-n: -ill. lir.Al.ill. ..See tr.e ll.iin- l '!.e OX, iu aLolliti ort ci tl:i rl'r ) l4il --- i ii - ----iiii- i a On the 27th uli.. bv Kcv. S. L. M. Crnser, I'mtt KkT and Miss Margaret Bcrkhki- i Kan. both of Cr.illisqtiaque, Norih'd county. Oa the same day, by the same, Willi-i IIakick and M. , CaTKaniirc Fisulh, both of New Columbia. i On the 5:"ith ult.. hy Rev. Joseph Frane e. Tniis Nf.sbit, of North'd county, and Miss ; It.nr.cCA n 1 1 lt.t, of Danville, Montour Co. j Sa., J3,-t DV the same, Daiiel LArrora of j Lewisbart;. and Miss Nasi t Jaju; Pihli, : of Danville. I EIED, Nctr Be'leviHe. St Clair county, U!inoi. on I ilie9ih of January, Jicoa Itasot.m, aed about years. He as a nauve of Curialo Valid-, and moved to Illinois in the fall of ls37. Iii Kellv township. 2-th ull , Mrs. Si sass Sri.T.ns. m her 4&h year. Ia Kelly twp. 29ih uli., Mo.tr Ett.r. daughter of Joacph and Margaret Kcily, in her ., ( ,7..r Thus has another immortal spirit early in , ... ... , ; tne morning of life earned its en'ranre into ihe realms of et-rnal bliss ; and although called .... -.. I rcn's rejoice to know that Attention, Cameron Guards You are hercbv commanded lo 1 meet at tne House oi a. ii. uiair, ia the Borough of Lewisburg. on the Sid of February. at 10 o'clock, A. XL, in full uniform, for parade. Each member to be provided with ten rounds of blank cartridges. Bv order of thi Cap'ain, ISAAC H. WAGNER, O S. N. B. At the same time and p'ace a Court of Appeal will be held. Ail delinquents are hereby tiOtiSed to appear. All persons having claims against said Company, are notified to present them on the above day well authenticated Pt payment. F. A. DONACHV, Capt. Attention, LEWISBLKG INFANTRY! v.. .. l,.v.n -,.,.r.j I to meet at ihe house of A.J. Wei-! densanl, in the Borough of Lew-J ivhurir on 'FneiHav the e?it Aitr of Febniarv, f. r parade. A good i THE subscriber thankful for past patrnnare attendance is required. 3- would solicit his friends and ihe public's JOHN 11 BARK DA LL Sec I continuance in histine of business, as he con " " ' ! tinnes to keep a large stock of Lumber on hand v'"u" " "fi" will be held ihe same day. By order of ihe Captain. JOSEPH R. HOUSEL 'The members of ihe Lewisburg Infantry will meet at the Town Hall on Saturday eve ning of each week for drill. TXiurniir!.'! v e. r.. -ur i I " ' etUMmckUiaU naiCnmS' 1 k'r' None but a -r.nan. aad well recommended need make appl.caii m.-Also, cooa uioctftnaifer, can nnd constant emo ot. ment by jan.S8,'63 A. L. HATFIELD. . i a- aAta-o n w a ... ' 1 000 ,b. , "!fh' !.,nch 7 8 ,neh-1 ,och' 1 JJJ 1 ,nch, I i inch square and 3 6 by J. i by j Pwder-cnV bit CASr STEEL jajt I ed by WHOLESALE GROCERS. Waterman & Onburn, N. W. Corner Secctid & Mulberry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Oiler for sale a large aosoriiner.t of TE 9. " - COFFEE, At the Lowest SUGAR. XIOI. SSES, Market rate. SPICES, Ac, Ac. Those coinmenrinr New Stores are panicU' J Ir.rlv invited to call. .Attention given to Produce. January 2G, li52. 3m SOMETHING NEW. MRS. II. G. M'PLEE. invites the attention of Country Merchants and Dress Makers to her unrivalled assortment of PAFER PATTERNS, for full s!ei! La-lieO Dresse. Sleeves. Manttes. Talmas. Mantillas, Capes. Aprons. Sacks. c. I he I'alterns arc embroidered in various ae sigti, printed and fringed, showing exactly how the Dress will appear when made. i . . " , ,v ! xeiii in -it 'li "ill 11 1 1. ill u 11 it aiiuii Willi uit- i rt i ji ii best hiiiises i-f I.oniion and Pans, and furnisbed mmMy Wh evy ne. desjgn as so(m ,s appears, the public can always depend upon this Old Established House A.T the most re- chcree novelties in dress. Always ou hand a beautiful assortment of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, of the newest styles and materials. Medals were awarded her in lS48.'50and"52. A set of Six Patterns will be sent to any I one enclosing I hree Uollars. i Mr. II. ti. Suplcc's, Children's Clothing and Pattern Kmpotiuin, S4 Sotuh Second si , PHILADELPHIA. Jan. C3, 1S53 3in fi-TAKE NOTICE.-u who know themselves in account wiih LI. the la'e firm of I!urh & Ammon will please call for settlement. It is desirable to to have accounts cloicd on or bfore the first tf March. 1S53. January 5S, 1853 3w P. HL'RSH. Union Counly liusiness. iCUY LIST 't'LBKL'AKI tf.rm, 1553. CPA.VD JURORS. Xr.,t Htrrrr Wm J Uny f.,irVnr.aj.-es ll:irtlrtt .'mr Wil.icm LkiiS f l'nirn Mill-in li .-trrtw-er, Amoi Stroh I'tn y Jo-epli Shallo. .Ua.b si ely ' R,i ihnry li. i.T. J'.bn II r:h':r. Simon CLriUne .tmi-fw J' l-.n . J.iroU sLitely. E-it .',1i'o TLf.mns i'eniiy It'irt'tv S:iiuu -I ?w?iili, Jn It" d. J C Smith. 7l..r u, r.-t r ltnn-r. Aii.lre- Ilaii-k i.l,i".vM Iiaiil Ste'-n- r. laaac U Uiyer. -V.le ilrroi-T!o:nniC Wi.s. u I n m-Jaetb ll h J.. t.h II Cout NiJP.n.lnti j Jotpb lionp- TRA VKK.Sk JL R0RX Wl.itr D"rl iiU lluik. jr., Johu l Dl.ff.-I.Jerf' r, Jonaa t'i-li-r. '",. Ji,r.lt3''m G Broin. Atirabam t-ir.md M(VtK bt V tiloier. .1. tin Suiiiii, .1. Vi.uian Mtjuil.urff x im.-llii". Tinira-i ri.ncurrr Jf -d utc'f'. J:ieo' Snd-r. 8 I ilzl. M:r!iael F.nlleT Cri't.-. lle.ij.i'iiin iti' nmvor, o. m ie J Srb'-eli. Henre A st-rtVr. J.-riTiK.h Ki'ciuer, JoLn Swtugie, Henry li nub .li. iiore II !ir- JWio- Mn-I.e I tc.hart. J.r.tuiali Croufc, Cer.j. Smitli, .l.ur. li'inv-. h.iniel (iau.-iik-r r.tt m Jtcl'h- rsen. -i-- M W.ltcr. S-imuel retcr ..ir KeuUn Klose. S.muol Mojer, D Zl-.-bcr, Jouiea .S s mi :ii frfi.tn.ij Aavcn T. Vtrl AV-. B rhu I l.ri.-lian W irt r. ;t l.im Jon;,ib:.n II R..inetd. Js m!a:i$er Wr, 1,,-jr,;- hin. J. hll 1'rOUp. (SOU of Jollb.) iris'-itl.;'!" I-nae 11: k' I 111 t .'.'ii'- .tai-..ii I.ut- Andrew Iddloga l.im'V.tm'. Ji lin I r-w.-r".. i.t.rc M ' ixel. vvilii.im limi-l. itfatti 1 ii tlii!oin. Jiiin.fi Iatbcia, C. Drlrabach j L n.j'iaun l'bi:i liurivl:.srt. i-etjt ji i:oi. -jw ) r.f.ei Diir.iel l.rnwi p. anil Sraniriar. tyfatuail ll'our, J-Lo Lineoiu, J. Vrrger, Dan'l I-L. Imvr tt-Ti -i:no-t ?l s.tt. I red.-rli k '.'. er. IIAie DtT Nil bolt Onoer. Jamil. Finnic. IsM'imrj Ad.ru lleuitr, lieuj. Anatadt, I cter tluratl, lrd;-rii k su -il.tiiu. r-nti- J iei b MIHIi' N-, U-nnnn.l FnU- Ccnj Clrub, jr., lil:aiu tawiii.r. J -hn Kr-i !.r ile-f hu-lr I'a.i'l Matli. I.id ebktVr C..iri "il. crv Cnilil. sot -iiion liuwersox, Aaron Stetler. H'j,AiJ.--.l. M. liael ( . Mmer .Vlt Ipittn .V.hn S He nil neb. Xiiitl rctt.li ll.-n-y Yi-x-er Ilr'ii.'i Dtid ll.er. (;inrpe CThwor-- 4. h. ptann ,l;-eob li- rch. Tl.r m.f Tburnby v i tt J. hn li -as itni o.'ora obi-rdorf, Conrad K.ari.k A.W(v John AI- in d r If! t Ifclixr Joba II P.onile Issue Li-t, F lb. T. 1S53. Wm F Trn(.n(;i;er ct al Jwob W SuiHh'- Exoeotrrs none vs aio Simon UnnM. ts awae (2 taita J n..!l,r.n Z lli rn T. S I. TWk la' t.b Fan. y v J. bii L F at at Win 11 S'llnian'-Ea r v A Thom.-i and Ueaainer Si.mii.-l b in,-4 Co. t lli-r.rv Ili.h Frwrieii Wi'.i rn Wm w iini farmer) Tiinii llnds n sa Ira Siivr J.-.C.I. Fnrlt-y T JcLn L F sher John Oit R.k. fi ill r s Abbot Oreen'r Ex'ra Jor .-' ea Merlin lhK-i-1 sih s. mi. A . and O.-o A-kin Or J P EaiboM (J te-ta.) WmFri. k ys hynil lodl.' ieJ''e A Marsh T Uei.r.. vill Krenicr J"lm Iliironaii Jr. 4c. t li.-mr ijcng llek' r .t Wi ill r s C tiarii-. ?! : l-vi II rii:i-t ti Jois-i h M B w.rJ IhiTiiet Uovrcrs Ti J. litirlh. r Hwn imutcnnun t Oeutlio'oel nuJ nif? -a tn ek ;.ni waitar ra Carta t vi J.;hn Murohv and w.ld Gor-- Filer and ifa 'vh.Tnp 'riliaci, tn. Sti. Co. ra a.m. OttiLrtwa. a al Svh Slabl v I'et-T Ifcs-l.t i'j E.'ra S' B ! ts Oe..riE.' ltubl Jr ll.-nry W Smd.-r vs A Tlionia. et al Jainei. S Mnr-h v Mine Ji.ci.l' s(ji. I'cO r lltonn-.e! ( . atiiri Mary M-ilit;oniry s l'!-0! (i I..-I ni.-in'a Fa Saml St.i -l.'i A liu'ri. ts S..nil i.il'rl J V Smith'i l.x'ri. t. J.'bn ,t K llartmau Ji'i-ob Jloyi r T J .roe. II Young John Larn vs Sauiu'd Hi i-b I d. a Mrh a tba It Shrlnec .li.iiii- S Mmt-b for ne ic. es earn 11 W t'rntwr for Walt. aame Jaine Braia v lli-neeilli- !polt ao rmitn a Yoon? e. w lioy. r with a. ta Oar Pnei'l 11 l.anib Ta A Thorn- ,-i al Mwhart Wafinar t lirlee l awler A Tl.oin." et al II A D Keller th Cbaile II Shriuer Fn-bri.-k UolmJer Ti J Mltchi l AJMltcbtljr Samuel KvIk t Gideon ltzi ring llartnian f..r Ail.ma ea H F Wannnaeller J Cumtnii'ir- f ir Ac t Gil.-oii Leiseriui' Abniham lf-y Til Jim". liw-on John Menniint ti J D Diefft-n.ierf T Clouent A Maeai-r ts Y''tini:tn.n a Walter pume tb J'.bii U U-fl -aiiie Ta Y'oinem-n A Walter J W Snutli'i Ex'en ts Vn!entiue Hare UinW Z. Hera u JO ri.r I'harle. U'w r ea John F'iher Ae Peler jluiiimal va Jacob Sptea a. SYcTXIv, Proth'y. Sheriff's Sale. At the Court ttooe. 1n the B iroph of New lierlin, no Mmlt'il. the 14tli day of F. broary next at 10 o"e'ok. A. M a erain lot ofirmiind iituate In th- town of liar He ron. iin-aiDine ona fourth of an aer. herin ia erect.-d a Two Story Frame llooae and Klick.n ; a Frame Stable and other ou-buii'lini;i. ajin:njr rihara Shipelmyer, Wilaoo'a Mr. :h. Taik. with ih- apparteoancoa. lo be Mild as lb'! properly of It M Grniien KK4SI.RR. Sfr!ff. LUMBER. for sale. He Has on hand at preseut the fo - lowing, viz: 110.000 feet of good dry Pine boards. 10.000 feet of Plank and Boards Weatheiboards, Juisi and Scantling Poplar Plank, Scantling and Boards Lap and Joint Shingles Pine Paling and Shingling Lath 2'jOO feet of square timber'.' 1700 feet sawed Rails Nail, and Stone Jugs. All of which he will sell al fair prices. THOMAS NESBIT. Lewisburg. Jan. 21, 1853. 3m 158. DT K ATT7 O for Justiceg,Consla. f I J A K k i.leva hahfl at f hf1 4t"U ,,,&c:' M ,l w w waa.wa vaiik.stt i" L' A eJ '.wr U IV i JO ER01Oa.LK. TROPOSAI.s nui he received at the Cora- 1 missiuners Oifi:e. in the Borough of New lirrlin, on Tuesday, the 8th dy of February neit, lor remodeling the iosi le ot the Court H 'Use, according to a plan adopted by a Com nutlee consisting of Henry R. Noll, Jno. Mains, Joseph Casey, and the Commissioneis, in June last.and recommended by scleral Grand Juries. The plan and specifications may le seen ai the Coiiiinissiiitiers o&ce at any time previous to the dav of letting. GKORGE HEIMI1ACH, SIMOS K. HERROLD. ADAM SHECKLER, 'crom'ssioncrs 0:lice, Cummisnoneri. New Berlin, Jan. 13, '53. ) To the Hon. Judr; VTil-en a-d lii aa-rcirt-.of th Court cf f;tnrlcr S -s-'mnj .t lh Cese. in Krd lor Uie County of 1'i.lon. at Fetmnry Term. A. li lS'ii. Tlie l'eii'iua or I'll lo-t.-ijrr'Mi.ol the U'WiisMp of Kelly, count, of Uiron, rcai.i'tlii!ly represent, thai he is lt prtjihl d Willi house-room rw.d ciiiTenienet'- f. r Uiu lcl' ing and a--com mo-1 at ion f ur:u:ir m and tneil.-r., in tl- Z' i el.r. He tbr-fjrt imva tiic iiunomie ttort to Knt him a Itemsr f tl. aaow. TIWMAS WIUKS. V. Hie uii.l.T..i;'ld. cttilns .f Uie li;u-bip "f Kily. doeert't'y that Tll"Dl'i lirueo tli !toe p.-U'lotier t. ol gf K.i n-putt- fur lionvsly and t-ui;mnc.. an-J a wpil ir .Id.-d wtthei ry u-r-ary cjiiv. uiviic f .r lh- are. mmo dnlK'n ot ftrapg. ra an-i tiiiet ja nnl tliat Mich innor tav eru i uir-.koy to ace iLuil.it tbf piiil:e- Wo there fvri.- buuibly iTa; y jur LouGiable tudy to gi'ut biul a ii eene. tv m P. l iti.miiD, Wm. 1" Pi'ii-il Antlrew llDckel WiHinui C. Koer, Joti-ilt.aii luycr, Ivt.-r lfii.v.-r. J.hnOrote, ll-irij flro. , J.ic-ih liomui 1, Joi?D:iuHh, J- ltt-.ucin, Henry iluiuut-l. To ill? Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the Coun- i ty of Union, at Febru iry Session, A. D. 1953. j rilllE petition of Jonas Fisher respectfully I showetll : That vour Detitioiier occunies ! a commodious home, situite at White Deer Mills, iu the township of White Deer, on the road h ading from Leisburi; tu Williamsport, and at the east eud of the Suuar Valley and White Deer Turnpike Road, which is well cal cu'ated for a public House of entertainment, and has been and now is occupied as such, and from iis neighborhood and situation is .suit able as well as necessary for the accommoda- j )ion of the public and the entertainment of ' strangers and travellers. That he is well pro I vnled with stabling for h'-rse;, and all conve I nieuces necessary for the eiitcr amment of j strangers and travellers. He therefore respect fully pravs the Court to prant hun a license to heep an inn or puouu tiuusc oi euieriainmeni. at the place herein nanml, and vonr petitioner will pray. &c. JONAS FISIIEU. We, the undersigned.citizensof While Deer township aioresaul, being personally acquaint l.,t,.,ll, P. .I...- . .k. '. Uontr, and also having a knowledge of the j house for which a contiii'iance of .License is ! prayed, J hereby certify that such a house is J necessary to jiccoinmod He ihe public and en- tcriain strangers or travellers ; that he is a pcr ' ton of gond repine for lnnesty and tcmpecanre, j an J thai he is well provided with house-room I and conveniences for the lodin? and arcom. modaiion of stranscrs and travellers. We therefore beg leave to r . -commend that a license be eranted lo him aureeablv to hi petition. L F Albrisrht Eiijih Bell" Daniel Willams J. P. Hosue Danl Trump J Brintzenlmle liavid liailisoy J.is Biac.k David B Stenlnser xrm u.',IL-r T,.,.. Ii,.- I.. . ' ' ' " ' " " . . "-""""'"y Jan. H, HA l.icnteiithaier ... Dissolution and Sew Firm. JONATHAN WOLFE hav.n? tms day dis posed of his interest in Joaiah Baker's Drus and Variety s5:ore to Dr. William Leiser. the business of ih? establishment will be car ried va hereafter by J.isiah Baker and Dr. Win. Leiser. under the firm of "Dr. Leiser rV Baker." A continuance of the liberal patronage hereto fore received from the public is respectfully soliciied. A full and choice assortment of ev ery thint- in their line kept constantly on hand. TI? Hook ari'l Nxtes of the !atn f.rm will be settled ty Josiah Bakpr at the old .stain if. Ur. LLIsE;. & UAKER. T.eTibnr?. Jin. W. IS5T 2m Auditors .otIcc. . IHE nndersigned appoiiiled by the Orphan's ! Court ol l mon countv, to audi! and report : .7 .Ua a i;,;r..,ni ........ , . ,u . , i ufi.iii 111; auiii.iiui.il c-i."i"ii, iu in..- aueouill ol Andrew Mi gee and P. is. SSiahl, administra tors of J.Mia Mntr, late of Buffalo township, deceased, will meet the parlies in interest, for thai purpose, at the public house of A. J Weid ensaul, in Ihe Borouirh of Lewi.sbur?. c.-i bat ntday ihe 5ih of Febriiai v nex'. at IU o'clock, A. M. H. V. HIt.KOK, Auditor. January 21, 1551. I'OR HEST.' riHE subscriber oilers his Grist. Clover, and Plaster Mills, and also hn House. Garden, and Stable for rent for one year. There are j four run of stones, one p ur liullms stones, a ; S nut .Machine and Knllmg Screen, in the Grist j Mill, ll is constructed fur merchant and coun try work. It was thoroughly repaired last fall with two new Water-wheels, and is in ood I order. Tire Piaster and Clover .Mills were al- j so newly repaired within a year. The proper- ty is in the cenlre ol IWIlalo alley, r.n Ihe Bufi'aio Creek 4j miles from Lewisburg. Possession given on the 1st of April nut. Jan. 10, 1S53. DANIEL KENGLER. """OTIC'E. I have this day purchased for a valuable consideration of A-rnncw Ka.ick of White Deer Tp, Union Co, the fol lowing personal property, viz. I bay hrrse, 1 bay mare, I sett of wagon gears for two horses. 1 wagon, 1 sled, t cutting box, 1 cooking stove. 2 beds, which property 1 have ihis day loaned to the said Andrew Kjnck, and is so held by him and in no other wav. The public are hereby cautioned asrinst pu "chasing or in any way interfering; with said properly, as ihe riyht and title to the same is in me. DANIEL RANCK. White Deer, Jan. 3, 1853 pd COl'RT Proclamation Whereas ihe Hon. AHM S VILM.. Present Judge for the "Joth Judicial Diatrict. connUiting of the counties of Cnionand MitBiu. and JiO"B WiTTEMtrult and JtM.-i MR.-HLL, E-2oiru-, A-io-iale Judaea in Umn county. h.Te i.-oed their recei t. hi-nring dnt the uloth dy of ls'r, lsolf, and to me directed, fur the holdin "f an Oi. t'hanV Court. )ourl of I'omtu jn t'len.. Oyer and ciminer, aud g.-neral Quartrr aea-ioiia, at NEW" Hi.lll.lN. f .r tli countT of I'uiun. ou the eend Mindug of frttruary narf. fl-in the 14th dayj IS-kand toeonlinue two wt-ekii. A67CA' ii therefore" beiaby given to the l.'orom-r, auilic-a of the 1'eacr, and OiUilaMea in and lor the coun ty id L'uinn, tu aot-cai in their own pror (icrsons with lhir lloii. Record., Ihiiui.iLion. femmioationi. and other Kemi-mbraurr, to do tho.-e thing, winch of their ume aod in thir behalf appertain u. no done; and all wttuease. ami other periu. t- roeeeuting in behalf of Uie Cumoionwei-ltb aain.t any pcraun or irieiu, are re quired to be ibou aud there attending, and not depart without leaee at their peril. Ju-tieeiare requeet.-d to bo punctual in their attendance at tba anioiuUel time agreeable to notice. ti iTen uuder ray hand and eal at the 5herif7 Omce in New lierlin, ihe aoth day of lhn. iu ihe year of our Lord one iiiou-aiid eibt hundred and hfty-two. and in tlie rcecutv -ixth Tear of th..- lil'teinileue. of the L'uited ' V'tetesuf Am.-rica. God iaee tAe Oia-iiiu'ii.'iA. JUU n.L.-Jl.LtL, SttnJ. NOTICE 18 hereby given, that 31 White Pine LOGS were taken up while floating on ihe Sus quehanna River, at New Columbia, the Sfith day of December last ; a list and description are lodged for inspection of all concerned in my oflice at White Deer Mills. The owner or owners thereof are requested to prove proper ty, pay all legal charges, and lake ihem away within three months from date, otherwise they will be forfeited. ROBERT CANDOR, J.P. White Deer, Jan. 3. IS53 just Received at J. F. Spyker'a, 1D0Z. of Boys' Coats, i doz. of Double Overcoats, , 6 doz. of Kossuth Hats, S doz. of Hungarian Hats. Cheap for cash or country produce. fPee 16 A COMPLETE assortment of Centre Co, Bar Irca for salt Jo- by KRSMER & CO. Paper tlaaginK. r1HE subscriber has received and intends I keemntr oa hand a lane and seneral supply of Fashionable WALL PAPER, Land scapes tur r irebottnls, v inflow i-nnaius, etc. which can be sold, at City Retail prices call tnd see at my Chiir and Cabinet Warehouse on Souih Thinl street, Lewisb-irjt. where i . ,.r .vll.,a,I CAUIXF.T WAKE. consistiu? of Marble Top and Plain Dres-sui! Bcmin. Mah'"anv and Hair-scat Chairs and sSofas, a variety of Cane, Parlor and Itockinj; (,'hiih. and ail articles suitab'e for Parlor, Sittni-ronin or Kitchen, to be ha J on the most reasonable terms and warranted right. H-jv S3in W M. AKMsTKOXG. OTIOJi T'HE Co-Partnership hereti.fore exisiing I between the subscribers under the Firm j "1 31. Rudy & Co. is dissolved by limita lion. 'le B.wUs and Accounts are left for settlement with M. Rcnr, who continues the business. MARTIN RUDY. DAN'L I). GTLDIN. rarmersil!e, Buffalo Tp, Dec. 31, pJ The RaaJ to Ecalth! ?Ml.l?;tt, mi HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. CUnE of a DI50IllEi:tD LIVER asi BAD M0ESTI0N'. j 0M o a Uter from Mr K. K Kirkvt CUfitt 7, 4 To Proftw lU-uaTAT, ?ir Your Pills nJ Ointment liHTe Mik-ti the hn;lipst on our sale list f I'rorittuiy M ill ines for Mme yvm. A custviuur, tu Ik.u I cma irVr t -T ativ i-nqiiirie.-t, d e'trc tav lo Kt y-u knuw the hvrilo- . i.l -.- l.i.t- at... ... Kl.il rtirawllha ' 1! iii?.. ',t vVlL".Tu ' ?1 , T. " , t -M . Z i I'tluR.'. . , -, . .... f , ! d-rlrr-l liver, and tat-l lit: tiit.amli u i -t to vi tu:nri ot hr nor liriri; a tit-1 U-.tr up untVr it; fortun .tciy an fritlumi to try y-'jt-r Pili. acd hm iutrm me tli n t ftr thu f.T-U alitl u b suco-nliu Jo.w, be had gtnt riitrf- tiic rotitiDutil t tai. OieHi, atitl aJlhu' liv Wei only Ihr. llcxe. !ie ia sow in tr.a ei,jouint ol I ' 'Tt' ? "-" - t- ? -. -.c-orSs;t l.i-Jth. le..ldb-e a-nt yon me.iv uor. ca-s. T ,'k V"'t. "r ""V:.';'"- ,'. "r'T,,'. Inn lw.,?,t,cm theme, i'y ,.J i at0. , id tbcVeJ, I l? o1 '!"l(-,h 1 r:0, " ? tl"El I M ere. ve.U m I I k iu U.or of r. ur to-Ata, i'JI''l "."? V"' t".T;i.;"1'' ' Am EXTRAORDINARY Cl UE or rriUOZATIC fEVEH, i is .n Diijo.s'.t Land. Cfpy rfa Ts!tr insntf in the JlJart Toxn. Courier ttht Ut Match, lKul, hf aU jor J. Hutch. -.farurvt M'Loiii.iiin.tainf-irro yesr oi aar-raiJiiiriit New 1 vwn, hud becu -ufl.riin trui m violent rhuutaie r. er, li r upwards ol t-- abiith-. whub 1im1 vi.Lirely ieariTtd Lit of lite ue of her liuib.-; dar.i M.t jerkl, -U .if itii'lr the care uf the most euiiiK'tit wedical tun iu ll.-bart Town. aut hy ihrui bcr case was rousid. r-U h' 'P h. A fri i)d prevail-nl ui-ou tier to try Uuilowuy'a r-!-ttrateti Piil. which al e enuaeiited to do, and ia an iucrtfdiUe abort apa- of ume tUcy ccTixtad a perlect euro. CURE of a PAIN aid TIC.lITNr.$S a thi CHKsT am bi uM AUl or a k-k.ii.iOS hi rum or Aut. Pram XrJtrt. Thew d Srn. ir prirtir offfe Ijfrm A'cr tiser. uhucan v fCU J'w tke jtit,;wf SinUmmtt To Pro. I1--ll'-t. Aiiiitiat 'At K-l. 1 Urirc to btj-r U-tiiaionf to tt:e .o d iikcu f i-atu hlU liuhtifM iu the f-tou.M4.'h, wbirti a:ao V.L..'. V" " i. racciiaii-aijied y m -h rne5 t.f hrkatih. tliat pr-TiiUd id a " . iroui w.iiam ai.ut. i am s. ri or at-e. an i noiwiUi-' relta-ved iu. tliat 1 am CoirtiU5 tuat ott.era fthouid l-a . A ..n. !..;--i..M 1 .m i oiuU'ii my mTaiic u ...ale oi ii. v. .ii. : ,iii- u.ic Mj'.a j by lbir uieani. colooai tiely airtiea. ami ran loke ex.-r- I ir miuuui lutvu.ciii'-ui. ui mio, .iiiiii . ivm, uui uv bufore. ( -iua IIE.M.V cot, Xortli treet, Lynn, S-.rf Ik. WOXDERFt L CFFIOAf Y or II'iI.I)WAV'3 FILLS u CA.to of Uiior.-Y. Persons snrin from lrop.y, aither aVnt the tnm t f lif". or at otlur tiniu. ahould iiuui".liatly have rcourae to tbcae I'ille.ae liuudn-ia of person nre anuuailv eiire.1. Iy their ue, of ttiis d'reful coniplaint in iu dutr.tt btaci, eiiicti al. otLer tuvuua bad failed. ru.t KUWMd p,v, , u,Wcrt-iji rile., m t' f-A- Azue Di-oppv Jbuuo-a J-oudary AkthmA lv iM niery Liv-r i mpluta sytti U ma Ii:iioiH Com- r.r."iit.'3- LiiUtufcu IV Unuraux Llaint hvwntv lrrrg I'd-a Tcm.ira UioU-J.c en uifcrtUes !:b-um.ntiin Uiccra the Skin Fevera of all ltetrntion of Veufrual Af-fUtwrlCoif-ru kiiula Lnn lrctioua tu i a F.ta JScrofuia, or W ornm cf all CMitiffttn of ..,nt Kn;i EtU kitfU the llead-flche Sre Ihruata Wiaknen frm Ct-iifuinpUwu Indnei.iH-o friotie aad any causa Dib..iiy ltiilatLuaiiou Oiel Ac. Ac. So'd at tin Establishment tf rrol-.ior I!eu.o-:AT. 2.4. Strand. (iK-i.r IVuifir H'.r. Li-inlon. I and by all r-tH:it:il'I trtiprji.Ui and tU-alrn. tn Milieiu':. throughout t!:e llritih l.ni.ire. and tlifee of Lh I. uiled .-Ute. iu ilii.9 at -T1-.. S7c.. aii'l Jl.f.it. erh. W lioMle l.y the prim-iinl I'n'g lion-e in the I'uiou: by le-fn.A.B a Ii.s..sL..NwY'urk; and be Mr.l'.O Ivsioiir,"", Stoth sixth St. Pbiltnil-hia. Ca Thri- ii a ciii.i'lriil'i .avinu iy titkii's the hirecr lti.... N. II. llir"vti..nn f..r the uidAUi-e of paiieiiL. in t-eiry disorder, ale aflixi-d lo e.n.b box. lyaiS l-XCllIorj' .otiCC. ! IETTEK Testamentary on the last will j and testament of Jacob Mkckii.t, Uie of While Deer towush' p. deceased, have been' nrani,! t,. the siihsn il.erv. hi- the? Kei'isler .if I Union county. All persons having claims j asainst the estate will present them f t settle ; ment, aud all persons indebted make pavment without delav to DAVID XIECKLKV, Ex-c-JaOpd ' JOHN MKCKLEV. uiois VTIX'TCR GOODS. nAVINU disposed of most of our Fall Stock, we would respectfully inform the public that we are now opening the largest and most elegant -lock of Winter Goods lhat has ever app-arcd in this market. Having selected them wiih great care and purchased for Cash, we would cordially invite all our old customers and ail others in want of Bargains to give us a call, as we feel confident lhat we can give entire satisfaction as to quantity, quality or prices at the old stand of Nov -ZG. j. Hayes & Co. IADIES' DRESS GOODS, of all desirable j styles, shades and qualities, with all var ieties of Trimmings, to be had cheap at J.HAYES CCS VLL in want of Fine Cloths, Cassi meres. Coats Overcoats, Vests, Hats or Caps, can be supplied at very l"w prices at J. HA YES 4 CO.'S IRENCH Xlerinoes and Wool des Laines a choice lot for sale by 7. HA YES tc CO "UPEUIOR four faced Broche T.r-ng Shawls for sale by J.HAYES Jf CO - . : P.ITIG ana t-ii tiK .ri ivia j HAVING bought the shop, ma- tenals. and good will, latfrlv of ; fpr t aTc. ini.-n. rrt-. Ac. Joiiif Hcrtx, at the uprr end ol if- hatxact of rarsaparilia tw t Market St.. the subscriber iS now J . SrMp,rl""' "d prepared to execute work ia his j irth The celebrated epre. STRESGTHrjctyi 1De, rLASTFR. mad from In- LIX'3 TKKipu anj the Boat AT THE OLD STAAD, with ea e, correctness, and despatch. Ae he has ha. a good training in the business boir in Danville and in Lewisburg, he is confident i that he can do good work, and hopes to re , . . l e . j ceive a liberal share of patronage and pay. I Orders respectfully snliciled and giod Tca.ia.av ay. -.a- -w. j STOVE WARE-ROOM, Jpptr end of Market St. next Brick Foundry. f Ml E best and most approved COOKING, 1 SHOP. OFFICE or PARLOR Stoves, I PJo-.-oM, Caitrri-s. &-c. at lc- rate, by nne.-T a. r-ui-.er FIVE Horsa power Steam Enslae,; also several Slide Kest. i - : J Inquire of the subscriber in Northnnibefiai! j ai ihe American House, Ltwisb'irr. , Snr.M pd II. MAI hIAS, ; WlXTEIt num to rale UrfT.rlrd rar, Sullro, an.t yad. anh all Ma riiag train, i Stki!. aud etouda, anj fttorinj." "O J f UT wtih thm comes aiso the orY, f T : we have just nxrued our sec ad supply : of WINTER GOODS, mhich voti will Hu well ; to call aod exarr.ine, as they are n..t surpansed i Pt quality, Myle and cheapness, to say nothii g ' of the quantity.for have a liitieof eve.y:i,,ns that belong to a store in these d:?emes. tJoini; one, come all. anrt examine tnr v-or- ' selves, for we are too rriUwh eLgajcd selling ; take time to etuuvrrate. ! I. S. Krc'iner X C'a. Lw:-brtre, Nov. S7, lUZi Kr. rff a.-rn::v t-i A t 'A fm:xt V tb f J5M. fcf J. i. JlOt liHT-A. M , in :h-c'-il Lilr.( (4 Piiwlst.iA, Another Scientific Wonder! CHEAT CURE FOR DYSI'El'SfA! Dr. J. G. f.OUCHTOi.'S DIGESTIVE FLUID, PRSl-U.f r. from FESNKT , f .rjt st'lnU B I 1 O' T'lK OX. af.er dir Hon. be B tlyN I 1 1.1:10. ii.. " ft Cneni.., b, J.a. Uoi-oilrN. H i, , j I'cil'jOVtt.hiR. I a. I " y.'i'.ST. ' Sueb if the trite Buanin of liw Wf-rl , PRI'SIN. it it lb riir e:-tnut. er Oi-at V -ttr..r i l'rin.-i: of ihr o.t.trk- Juice lb .WieJe1 !.- -. tU j Thi- H N ATLKk's o'rtN KEMEDV ft-r an nnUaltLy Stomarb. 'o art vt man can equal iu comt: prwM It cf ntiiD" no ALCOiUL. MtlKK-S, A r N tl)L3 L-KT'tiS. It is ritrnMT arrehlt Ui lb Ut-. nd loir be taken b th n;ot p-itHiiU vbo m not take wat-r rnirker without m-ut Uitr. rVvaxu ot Di;L'i(.KL lUil Al'l'jNA. ivbrio if sur A lfl'.Li. Call on tba Ac-nta,an.l icct a ttewnnttve Cn- i!r, rrv ti-. ph it.t-a lar-.T- am -unt -f at.'! KSTIr ! - LTIbCIC ( , frow LteLig'a Animal t'LemiHry; Lr C utWa Vtp-.c nr j tit U'ti-stiu : lr. P rJra on t Jod auJ b ei ; lr. J hu V. Ir.Hr. of N-w York fn;cr!iif ; lr.f aJitniina-d'c i I I'bTffM'lfgv: Prof SiHiwao. ct im Cot'eire: lr. C.ri a l-hri''oiry- Ae-twiiier miii rouiu of ctutufrwrn I all laru of tb 1'nilf.i acatea. j Ajeuts Dr.Tnou.NTON & CiittisT.Lew- : nnr: r.oahoo- I Antes, Nt-.- Dcilin; J. W. Frills-. ! Sui.r.urr. Itj.i a-'. v- u. viiu.uivaii uwui . i aas. - . a .- m.iuBiuiua sv lutisi, llUicaaiC l i , r. -. f. " . i (X lietull Uf UgLJUU. , .CTi5''liry, if. ' FFER to their fnends and the public a . large ana wen selected slacK ot LHLUS, MEDIC l.$, CIIEV1 ! cals. Ground Spices, iwairii:fJ pur?, 1'aints, Oils, Varnishda, D;e Smd uf Uie I ery bei qiulr.r iu the n.arkei; Luok j ing-Glas, Piaies and Window Gla j of all Sizes; liie most popular laixsr .Mai.insws ot ihe (lay; ttgether with a complete as sortment of Hji,-, 'J'ccih, Nail, Shaving. Comb, Cloth, Flesh, Paint, Varnish, While- wash and Shoe BKl'sllES. Dressing and Graining Combs, Fancy Soaps, S; viug Creams, Pomade, Ox Marrow, Ex-trad- and Per;'uniery cf all kirids. maou e ... ii a..i- . .. . . Mwuiicu.r.um nauei.A. DjZin ami otUers. i Also a well selrct-d s-oeir of Ladies and ; Gentlemen's FANCV NOTIONS, such as i Sue! Clasps for Basand Pursts.Twist. Steel l-ntige, rur.se Kuus; Bristol Bcaid. Zephvr, ' Crotehet Needles, Ac , Port Monaies, Razors,' KaZ'T Strops, Knives. Segar Cases. Cards, I Card Cases. Noie Paper, L.ivelopes, Ac. ; Nl TS, FRUITS, Cui.leciio.iary, Fiihing Tackle, cVc. And aanetycf other articles ico numerous '"" Uive J'"!-"s a i vourseives wc charge m ilu for l.-kir.g. Remember ihe Mammoih Drug Move ! -" A- '' h"l..i,N Aug 4,1S55 '1 UIU). S. CHRIST Hooks & Stationery. An extensive assortment ol the ; I iilic-r.ity St itool Rooks j S I A TIONEKV, &r. Ac. iual reed I and for sale riry ha by j J. P. TUSTIX. Lewi-burs. Nov. 3, 1852 Tu JiiitliJt on-J the Side. THE CELEIiKAIKD it. Tii.e?z:.ir rsis rxritrr' it .cox-tel'-a i 1.aLI.Y'-; curie- ail Hurei uod ad exuirnal I'ins and i 2d. B ILV OPCOLl V'trt for Jtirinrnr Beatreriti I the Human ii .ir. ' : 3d iir.wt'.i yER 'E .i.vr prsE liyjMtXT and y.i'.i.v YE'JttALLE ELUt.lt, a rare for ad i ra-? ol Hlieiimuti.ui. . 4th. MrSAitsj .icorrni rj-Tifn ' Oil, i certain en re for th. H A r.e tr.V.I.Vr.Vr a known cUT--S-.r -b' Pilea. rth. ,ffV. lir.mi.li HE KEilE'iy ?th. SI-JiHEKS lliiUEr , Ir r all wouwn in the faml I It why. i I srh. trtxGiETs GBr..T nxsrrit.v .vw.t.v , i t'AX.H't.i. fir told aud feivrisb es-:lng an prey, ntioc , fi-eer.. ; for A-ll.nia. Loer Complaint and Million. AfT'C- tratii: for liiarrhcea. Indeition aod Lo-. of Arp-tite; i I for ("o-tieeiie-a in femaies and m-lea. and nerrou coaa- 1 plaint.; fir Str.macli A..iKui, ly..ere.in, Ftla R.!i.-u-mati-m Ae. Tho grant point, are it not !ad to take, ! never g.re. pain, an I ni-eer l.-.Tue cue co.tie. i 9th KvLlliTVCKS rEHMirUi.E (Worm Killer', for chitdrrn or trorn r--r-nu. l.iih. Afn'. B.OII.V'JI CHEAT JU.V KILLER. I No nwdieine lias be. a di-eorercd that ia o happily a.l.p- te.1 to n.e iiAf-etfiiy aailroiei to be taken, and et perform I .ueh woudera when aH'lied 2'rni.7i aa a waeh ur hate, i I bv friction. In L.tlle Irom e0 ceatieach I lith. SU XUOI.TFS KOA-H J.Vfi HLI Rrtl ' BASE, fir driTiiur away Vermin in a "hart rime. : l.ih. TI,.roi.t-r,tcd fos Li EE riLLS and IE& I n.KASUE BIT1FI1H 13ih. TK. itAltTllOl.E3tF.W!S riXK SVRVP. tfce cornier Kvc-cTnranT T r Cnujli,. Cn.. In,n-n7a. i4h. thu eat ixoia axl xewtohk hair I t' thr nnlT UT- (wl'nni off ttt hair. I IStk f V'V It 1 J V f)FflTfA arnin,.ia r l1xh, uK. kllxe's tooth acue drofx. a ertMn..ie-.-'"--t1 Tooth .eh- tX mixihaL water, found at the ?ait Bprin-a of p. wm. C. O a at st C herinca, " w tlu medicma has attaimd a eousrhrtv and r-prfirrty neeer l.f-ra r-,oAiied t any preperation at that iUc. and u .a-, haa conaa.nairrate wiih Ila merita, which areeanaar T3 wWD 0 Ui WOO Ca4J JT,ie UaCJ aUT-SUCiUera ajV lleTltV voTTre All iei-ntrilkiuli.r.fa4ii.tMM.uvwif. STOTK-S' or comstoc K A Cys, alwa s)onrt cll,JT. les--i,r.Cc-wjn-.k: andthea;iitn. rtj. n.tura of :o..w)ck A Co. will h. ecn.lnaivi. aha, nr, laaal with the faeatniile .i-ramra of Dr. Llcm i. laiui wm.'-."1 i - iOt0tUUMt6T !ijr firIrw, vii-c a. iiutriv. a. Tba abora medkroe ran bo had In lesrrlabarr a)y J A J. WaLIis, wboara Wm'y asva;-a!atjc-r.-:te IT IS FfTl Fftl Srft St H ,7? V T fflK-(a M-w an . . Iwrv Stf I if" iiiii r i i I ii m-aTijifa r I 1 HE TI.IK ! I I rTY.-Mr-rs f?t pas A.z?:ys NEW GOODS!!! just received hjr J. P. TUSTIJf. JAJIP-UMP! s J PaTkar Staiisa TlVia. The subrttrs are prtpanrj t Lamps at Phi'iiVtphia price. ai.d Paw tut Bnrutn; Fluid at Ih reduced pric of Id 3-4 cis. ytt qir. Stodeota aa4 oilir will Bud it to 'he r a-iesntnye t call ar.J examine our sttek bfi.i pur ..i..; .:.-.!.. p;n rvt tt... . 'tej-tctioa c th. r. , - 3 -ruonM-mv - cuiik p Lewist nrj, Oi SU. 1S3T. VEW rillM. Har in taken my son, Jan. K. Mittaa, into pa'rnersbip. i-e will carry oa h Tailor ing business, under the Firita of J. C. A J. K- Mima, at the old stand (sign of the Suv ped CVa:) us North Third street, trtKic w ai prepare4 to Cut, M-i&e, or Reptir all kinds vf Mens' and Boy's Cloihioj, a li sti'-rtest bodee. Fa!I and Winter FASHIONS just ri4. Ii our work dots not prote to b a futi Ot, made tn a workmanlike aaiintr, toa Taiaa the cloih will be repaid. C-'irntrv Prvduce of ail kind raraived ia pannes." JOHN B. M1LLKR. lwisbur;. Oef. 19, "V"01 ItE. All person haeirj clainaa ar ' dan anda again! Ilia c.lala of CklSaassat hxi-rM lata nf fca-t Buffalo Tp. L'a'iun cn&oty dee'd ara mjuataJ la m-k known iba aaaaa af tha ubrriler, ra-iJioj in aaid tr..hip,iibaa drl.iy ; and all iho-a indebted lo aaiJ aatala) ai icajuutd lo make irnuiftdia a laymanl. JUli.N tjL.U. AOniini.lrator iihih will ot El.iabeth Seaiih. daJ. 0 - - Oat IS. i52 The Manimotli Store! J. & J. WALLS HAVE avain received at their naw Brick Store a full supper of FALL AND WINTER GgOODdSs, GROCERIES, QaecatiiTare, llardwara, ata. mercantile establishment ail cf WBiah ara 1 ntfrr) in lb ucnal chaan an.1 aatnaiffloJlliia iteiriiS r ei Very 0.anT-il fr pAtt farors, w aak df t corttiDaai.ee ct in puoi.c patrocaf. J. It J WAUA. Lewikbu.c Oct. I S6t FALL AND WINTER GOODS. J m:oEn a, tokse, j ITTOULD hereby infurro the public that I they have just reeenc-I from Philadaj. ! phia a handsome aesortment of FALL ASD MISTER GOODS, of a'i kinds and latest str.'ei. which baciaf been purchased at unusualiy low rataa ibef ; are enablrd to offer to ihe public at aaeeaiaif It would be almost impossible to enumerate j the many aiiicles eompnsio; the suxk of j goods just rrceived, but I Ley invite all to com j and tec for themselves assuring them that thry will get Mure uoaiit fur IA aeani Jfa-Mjr than at any other koaac in Lewiabarf. They have all kinds of DRV GOODS. UKOCERIFf, HAKDWARK. QI.EC.NXVABP. and 2ll r.iher articles eisnally found in a well Iurin.-hed store. To render Iheir establieh nient well worth a visit at all timee ibey will continue to receive as ihe season adrancee. new invoices i f scisinab'e goods for Ladiea and GeMlemen'.. near, sn as to te able at all rimes, to r.fier ihe choice of the New Totk aal Ph'lai'e'r hia markets. Haviiir- rdip-rd (he mono "Quick Sales and Small Pn lite,"' ihey hope to reenee a lib eral share t f publ e patronage. C?-Mi kind) of COUNT UT PRODUCE taken in exchange; for Goods. LeniaLurg. Oct. II, 1851. IDDINOS It CO. nAVE just received from New Torn-aws Philadelphia a large and atlraeUvr a soriir.eiit of r.ALL AXD WIXTEH GOODS, I cimpnsing evety thing in tlie Dry Good ear? T- ' . ... . . . . . 1 ancv. ""r "''i ecn a flesirert by the LaUieej or called for br the public in reneral. Ia t superior qualilvof their goods and ihe remar i -. i . i .. i . . , . . . kably low prrce at which they are offered, fhew challenge comparison wiih ail competitor la this region, and reptfu!y invite their frieade and the commnriiry lo demonstrate :hn fact for themselves by calling ano examining tfcwir slock. Thev have a full and cheap a-irple of GROCERIES. r" HARDWARE. ' QUEEySWARB. Oct. 2t. 1BS8. CX)Al-,. ta a t a-a ax a. ar-w v-p..w. a.- . vx-uiuim SlVttfc. I & r. Ft" I KEK have inst opened at lhair T i tf cd stand in Market Stnne dooT 8ootb ot na, me Dest ana cheapen assortment ct IATS, CAPS, COATS, PANTS, and VESTS fh-rt ever a-as offered for safe in Lewisburg. Hats and Caps of the latest style. Coat. Pkt. ad Vt very cheap. X general aa sortmentof MUFFS from tl.50 to $11,00. Also a lot Draw, Voder SAirtt, WmMeit Caen furt; Waoei Cop., eje Thankfnl to otrr cnstouiers for fast farers. we hope for a ennt.naaoce tf tht? same, and tnvife new ctrstomers to examine our eteck before baying elsewhere as wc ca give jro a tarzam. Hats made to order aad dressed on the iW. test notice. Oct. 31. 1SJ2 OIH lVrAVsi.niiwr: B B -a -w CJME ibou-enda fn rmmhwr, of all abee. for ,,1. ai tha Cbrouiela onW al M aaTe. . ,7 per 100 ta.an aa may ran. or SI whcia ateorteat. A. ia,iwa m wwaa mm well Sal u i . April t. ISI raffing 500 BU?" fOVER SEED wwwtel BfAA aa ara . IP- T a -.- r r 7 -J- tin? If L. ffi jl D S. KHI.VBR ft CO VliiiO! Oi I .s 1 i. . - r waiiii-iJiii 9 XJ, Ji nr