LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. 1 ! i 'i! t ' .'! t rV . if : l. fc 4. (is. i - t . 'V. t I . - ,1 K. r the Lewisbi-rK Cl.rooirle. IlARr.isiii,80, Jan. iS, 13-33. rcna. Mlia Asraiioi wjv.eiy. .. wiH S;V8 ,fce 8ubJect , mo. A largo uv.-cling cf the numbers of till Iuoat'3 con,i,!Cratio3: It is unquestiona- Rcciety, with tha Governor, Heads of De-' j..r ce r.tf jaipmtancc to every person in partmcut, and many member of each (j!0 t.0"muaity that agiieulture should House, convened for tJieir annual election fl.,,.,;.;!, arcar.d us. Oa tho efficiency of in tbe 1UU of tho Houso of Rcprcscnta- (liat jrantL of business the means of sub- tives Ibis aftcraoca. Iu the aWee f jiaae. for all of us depend. Could the (be IWidcnt at Court, Chas. B. TttEoo, ' fMmCTI r,.ncrally be lanohthow to increase .......... . ..mi . . .'...i . . f.sq , oi l iiiiaieipinn, was cum ckair. The Erst buiiics was the reading by lion. A. O. Heister, t-f Dauphin, cf the Export on Field Crop, deferred at the time of the Exhibition last f.ill. Cim.w. Tlu'T rceommciidf 15 j remium, and 550 as an honorary premium, to Geo. V.'a'ker, of Woodbury, San'ielianna coun ty, for the largest crop of corn 100 bush- L to the aero as certified to iy Hon V r..- TV IV 1 . ill I " "' hU yA'? ",M Kuam- bcilio, Esq. It was gV.iietcd before be-1; ing suruunci. any, wu.cj wuu..i reuuee "i!t'. arc ncw tj t!icir ,c,rtctivo neighbor- ouut l-Gih or MO:.h, and the e was nut measured, but what WMsup-j .edu fr.tr average wus taken. Tho vod ter is aeqiiaiiiU-1 vih the par'ie, an J the' ,..,11, anl Uows aW that cr UU bush -!s li -lie J orii t the :re is a cuuttu-in eecur-' r?atf 5n us,lnr,ka9" ttU,,t'- .lVTC.W I Also to Jiiiin v. J.itt, ei i.uncas-i tir, fur ticlds producing over t)(3 and ovet b. bu-!ie!s per acre. WiiH.iT. First premium to Bcubct. Vi i t" hanc taicr fuuty, over 4' Lu:icU 15 the aere. Jasjph Lyndill, I.ycoiu'.ag county, S. bushels. Oats. First premium to Benj. Buek wa'.tcr, of hancaitcr couuly, over 72 Lush ei., per acre. CABiiors. Premium off?, and honor ary prctniuio cf -0, to Jnhn Wilkinson, ff Mt. Airy Institute, Gcruiantown, wh'i. raised 10i)7 bushels Uftia ov.e acre, lie Ueo. 11. 1 ;oa r, ot t. uiaiwruu-i, nvas-, urer, repjited, from wLi.t it anp. arcd that j tho finances of the Seffty are in a itmgt Bourisuing con-iituin, tae.r ne.ng ovov invested, 520J in bank, ani fclrtW o;t , baud 7XM-) ia all of available reseutc:s. earlier in tho season, and continue four ; tlays, iu order tLat visiters aul Judges. .0 season, cou. i-mi , er tLat vts.ters and J--'g; way nave ample ume w ot-rte aua nia.e ; up their opinions. , Thero was r.,,ite 1 ttri.o for officers. I , icliev.tbe following b a complete list of ; those ik'cteJ : : J'rt.n'irn FitEUKilU'K WAT I'S- 1 le iWny-Froia ConSre,smnal -j triet-i. 1. ivie ' 11. ."i.?ry, a, jo-., tuii.jstis...., . 3. J. (S.iwen. 4. AlRernoti S. Koberls, 5. Jo K-nnede. 6. Abraham IL M llivaine. 7. Wm. Mavely, 8. llcany Sliuljert, 9. Job J F. Ittitherford. II. Aiu s Kajip, Mavely, S.llcur Shuliert,9. John fcitrihm, to. ; iP. i.w- tli-ck, 24. Win. Ma.liti. r 2: Wtu. Vtaugti; 1 2i. Win. Bislor. S5. James Mi4. I tt;LMr : JJ,.;.t M'Aliister. Simon Cameron. furv io.i.t S crtl,iru. L. KlU vn-K.-c-J,g Au--iar.v K-.oert C. Waiter. Tr-ii-w'r Geo. It. Buehcr. Vh"ni?t nn-t VmtiiotS. S. II iMetnao. lM,ri-uin Uavia xumuia. ! a .1 ......i 7.-i I kuvnt in Isi .r.T ... - 1...k..l.u lw. ! aF' 'i- l liw I"acc 4""J " :!arct next, i-i urgu .j i'" - iis.lo !: ivsneiiig iue lu.ersts -i .tfcri- ci.U.jTB by l.-.a'i.-lvie a"-'- 1 ou" 7 -'0t'i' v- to f .-i.J aJLO pStti-S, and 1:--:' ur s t y exia s, Lies w oi Ag ii!.pi..veuKt.t ;.po:at i-.i the best way p .raiUe. '1 !i? uuittber of lel ga:e. to c4fcsf and tt.la jiw No. of oeii. aul Ren. iu a'-U county ur t ist riot ' ll.iu.Joltaii.al-, Prcsid-i.t f the Ju- fiiata Coutitj Ag J .,gae a v.r'ual ateont.t : o." the ttpciatiots aud j i.aiKc of that So- . viety, and the Couvcutiou a.ij turued. i i:i. B a'tvr. Irou tht from Le an 1, has btrou ' w, .. , . a. .iin. L-stvu for .t.a .1 ce-ti r p.und ty th Citu, sabjecltu dut uf . i.a.t, - -A i r , . n-taa'.a-r L. luvcntcd An i: -iih.u tiAn 1 llu , , Z, V ' "'"O- " borough. And where is ty, and the Couvcutiou was declare J ad- cst amount ever rea. het . 1 uc "Kt-ystot.e , ,,im a r(.giutl wll;tU wili ktter r tJlc ) j,,, thrtvf.nw excels the ' Lniptre .istuo;Ii- , -.,.. j .i,,, ,i , u it, t i m . . ., .,, . . 1 ia.it tutprned culture tuan Buffalo..' at- 1 here were proposals received, bat some er rir.Hliioti. 1 he satue ujIJ pruducM sev-; . , , . ., , . i't of the printers hers are not content with ctul htrti Ird weight in iiuuipkms. it- i .- i , , ..... ,, . t . , ,i Again, we have a more particular reason . the prohts lately receive J, under the low- Also to Jol.u A. li (.tea, of M.mt-i ... , ..,.- ,, ' , . ,. r ... , , I as cn:z;ns of this Nrouh fr denrtnz the : est bidder system. It is jo different from ffonicry couutv, for a field of corn produ 1 , , T, . , . . . . c. . . , , . ... p . . 1 toutity I air to be held here. It u.av be the " cood old times' when thev u.-ed to Hill; . :J l. J .w - - . mv.w. I .."..6.t.u r - , t - ,I0.lS as cdtjosure, H;e.ts, lawc., &c, '. ana resolutions in tavor ot the otjoet were , 17 inches d,ep, d.ing il.. labrr of SO men, . f(tr :ke ,.rop.,r cih;bition of articles Lro't j also prasent.J by Dr. James tW.Lcrs, a l! Zl anlsnJ t;ii.in I tii.a.k.jnii.i, f.r hordes, tiiW ir,j Tile ,.,,s ,am wldcU could be I Senator from Alleghany, arid l.v. Mr. ',TJJVM' ,'J,-y"''";3 a'. :t 1 . oJ e. pr basliel, an -uating to 1 lL, ,u -u. t a,..rpi.tte for this, was fixed 1 Brock, a Representative from Greene Co. r-w. rm.ntrj ' J ' r u " r- I i-v to.: Iuarl .I the a-icicty, at their late Ihe attendance was not larg'-, lit tho m- r.aLii.v m. 1; n-.t; ... T.u It ;. i w..j accepted a:,d adopad. t J,;, jn l.ri1-B) at ?75 anJ thu i,liparU:(l by the Agent, was huprr, Ilii.TtP Hiker of ile -h-rv ecre-: . - . , ..- ... ,, t ... . . . ,.. . , w : MinH-Mui n mini.w-i..i i wun-n .1 1 ue sua D; ,iHan, 'i,.i,r.v. iiik-slmi 1 uri- ..'. - ivjort v. .ncr, oi -j, - , trom it Mr. J. 1'. li .ss wiilsoon cull on pursuits, and their difference iu languat'o, I them to muse fiom j-s in ioa day rr.'fit. ,, rJ .Y a. to ,,.rhM.'r. 1 .,. ,.. i ,-. i.a.t ot ii.. .1 . t- C u.lt.ir ht - tary, toeu read h;s r.-port. IU states llier- )u(. ;.iz. j trUj,t fee importance of i are reasons why we are behindhand in! The bt-ks pul.!.,hed by us are all uful ,n AR ti!)lN of Cl,amr, .0iL-.:E i.keo in to thr ct..uda ; ... .. . . M,..l.e tht- th.- ! arc now 13 County Societies iu the State ; e V., tl) rc. Sublath 8t!,ool universality. QUI. L wr rrar:.n:red.'',nmani1 "" ,f . . i '!,- ' i',"" .''.'b ""b u '"c" "I'T bul complains that fe, ,f any transmttted : e FW, 8ucll Le tlie casc as 3.,. W fatther ritrtict,;a,(n.ad) J JZJZ ar: V;.;:., ! lactr reports annually to tae fctate M-eie- we . :t mir app,:cation APf"ffU"f U f rsocoe.,,'rst W i I rv 'i n.) U '"- ' '' TUe ....ly ,Ue, .. 1 ty. as is retired. The State Society , wj!i m:l,Jo - fom a the ,. cf ! J- B. Ba or, up enutendent Fhtlad,!- No. I38 S V bltnbnt,. IV, 5s ,S54 ......u -i- ai. in i.ris 100 members. Increase of 1 i.n.;- ,, , . . ... f.. pbia aaJ Columbm Rai.roaJ. 6 133 -- 3 a. .,- .We IS'A. Vli.Wt ' urns is adv'aable The next Fa:r will U ! f ? T""' WC ' K' Gca- J Pia tendtnt Alle- ' 1 hro,Unl lo Farmers and limnekfer: ,. h . a, lw rr.,.u!u hlr, ... rl;, I WotHlard.IAAastis!usJ.ukeiioaiili,M. mj -o Jesiun, 15. II. N. M'Aiiister, 18. JacooS. Hal- j I UCottter d::y, d-iuan, 17. Win. Heiser. l'i. J. . ltU ' J- a d.aviuai!. we ..... . 1 a. I 1 if 1.' . . 01 ...t,.. t ' At the evening ew, an amcnatoen , rl:ed.--i'r.-,y, what was your occupation in.l5t.lt-, Out let lock, Portsi.i.mtl, 'XtXt VZVZ t r-m-a.-t..,a. ihe P im I T: lu'"'" " " J 2 IX J 1 was made to the Constitution, by whf.-h ' j ,ltf 0J. Cuautr. J" lr a mcinctit the ! " "i,n' I larksfeiry B ge ,r..,.r ... i.sroi..s..i a.; u...r ri. i.....r ihe int. and tl.e run;, U-.e ...inner :. ttiitth ii i, I ill 'l 'I -r ...1 !.- u-i'l Iioto-tfter b-' 1 l 1 ' . t ". . . ! G. Shoeiliakir Juniata Al'ct a.l ..l.-iru.ti..u..ti..t il.. Worm ,rp .na, a t .I r-t F.oU..d, a pre-.te ol l!.re lo l':se Ion hrh AA''-.'J,rJC.V.,.A Vft.v.t " f ;. freas. anJ ii' "c. o c u iitre.uicr t. tl ln c jir.j aa. urorrcl his liead but1.. . . n... v. i.. i m sui i ukm u. .it m . ... , 1 . .. . .. . . .. I- (' ... ,n.l all! nt . ' " ' '! ' , It. .IktiO, F.Wl.U.t. I U-l. -...slull. II -M I-air. a at : lb- dh.-r.i,... I 1- ' " ! AlS- oloa.re.l - .11 o.,J.t. ,.oe !... ! .t. 1 IT.WIMil.,,,, . , , t . , n'.thMntCtl by le Ls. Loin, ana will "t m an ms.atit after, ravins himself with ! t. ei i a.e u.r u. a k. ... utaimsiw.... u.-mu fa.o.alle .r.t.H ihsn v.w l.ui.d.ed i. a re a.ire . ' " " '' -i ' it r .... 11 , . """." ! .be a I." member, of tUt Cou.niittee. They t!ll. j; f (f a aj fc, ,itfJ SU..,.r.V,So;: juuc-j oa lUe utJinat tTuU-r r, ,, ,b ..p,le. !.. '' .T.'VV ?4 " Cnl Of '.T'T"''' . , , ,, . t,, . ' ' ' ; Geo. Blatfenbtrj.-r, Sus-inehaana. t , . L . . .. .a cotui-J . fit .-.s on r.e in.p-....l .Mill ; , "- i -t-t. . a i ..-t..s ik-t.. . rot.lir. f til fail., v ill also probably have a sa.ary. iIwaa a physician iu Dublin." Some vutiUMASTLUs ur.:... .be u,.d. ,,.,,, , t)a the report of a on.iaittoe appointed . n.;a. surj-ricd, we atkcd how it was that ) v M.l.-e i- , "T t!' '.T'T.'""" " ' "" t-!1--ei .n.rh.i.e. .. ..u.! .,,;,. . ,.rrM..e i p: "! It . hX'-'i'"'t''',' '" - .... f.r that purpose, the Society reeoma.ei.ded ; uc W35 :in drhln, a Jr. ,U rcpl. in I J ,t!. V! ,. 1: ; '"i .;; :'-J":.V"f T"' . -- - - be ... .. t"i ' i aa uu-btstla u. a a;;tvrllar0t.ua H, ; M(, Ada.na, Parlor t,f llw, Waterloo J. tat the waUr jwiug t5';ua fcinlti ttieaui. ( I'riy, inn V'l.ni.gttiion, were all cot.-! D. Wjatccsitr " " isuud. A. i , ' Tor tho LstrUbwr, Chranicl The First Fair of the Union County Agricultural Society. FIIAI.L IT EE HBI.D AT LEWISIiyitO 1 - 1 . Is it desirable ? I tliiuk no one can tLcir products lv one-half, while tho tx- pjn.se to them and libr remained tbc same, it wo:!d cbvicusly be a great advan tage to everybody. Well, there aro farm er, doubtl.-?, who produce one half more from a given amount of capital and labor than the generally do; and one advantage uf fairs is that they make more public the results and the method of the most suc cessful, sril so both stimulate and guide the endeavors uf all who are not below the Mm for kr.p.overncut. Fairs bring to moreovcrj )roJU(.tions of ,L, earth ,10.Mis, in the gardening liue as well as the farmi.lg illirrc,,e,i s:.x.k iniplments .f wn-;jlru, fj;.t.r a irit of uvful cnjUiat:()u jrini oi u.viul emulation em which beU'-Ceisl ciTeets are sure to M(t I ibink the fv.i .b'.e influence of! the i.-rthutIii".-Iaud Fair is visible ahxady, w7 parts of that county, tr.tre panic- liop.-.d that it will dnw a largo concourse cf people, much to the advantage of the ! of th-m now want to get up a " spleudi J" liisiiiess of the plaeo. It was remarked ! Priuting llousa '' Govern iicnt," of cours !y a native of N uihumberland, that he j and a " Superiiitendent," with a " libc had never seen thut village so thronged ; ral salary," of coarse .' Tiu a the printing s at the Fair last Oetslnr. Ia this view, ! would be done right, &c. This is ali i.ur inu-kci pe.-s ure first of all concerned j " moonshine," ia iny mind. M'Kiuley & in the subjtet, tin n the merchants, and, Lesearo executed the work well enough, Indeed, in. n in every branch of business, J and Finn' &, Co. do it well enough, and iiiore cr Ic.-s. A wise reg:ird for their own j they have made enough, or they would uoi ij.te.-est would sum to call upon all such to secure if possible tho holding of the Fair in this place next Fall. 2. Is i: piivib'e ? Two thing3 are rc- jui;i' Uue is to guarantee tuc means r t.A . I . 1 l'i A. -tiii- ' ih.i;sih j uuLA-'iuiijiiuA- 1 must le rdj.a Lefurehand wherever the Fair h tj le TUu t!i., moU(,y reet.ivcJ r(r n eja a-;i Le ;!n,rj,riatod f r Ilttniiinw as tvned. Tj .(t sl;lusmall , , ,.M . , ., IVfsidtats ii! decide oa the place, each ! cas.g a ii8uUt ftf vj,c . , j lta n,ler of Ili,lLcr. ;u dialrict i t,,3 T, , r,:,;,e f,.r LnvTor, tl. I . . .11. T . . . , . , , . . . . , . . ln.,n rr.!..iu 1... t'-...-. ill 1 wo t ..mm- s. i i-i,vv. v-,.,i(..i.c -J UJ Ul I CU i ...... - , .-.ru...o...., ., ii. iij T..... .11. i iinliii-.iiirti'f ii-r.-.l !-. n:t i. . t i,l ... f-jir WIf!l UH w;., Lc to a ni.tjority of I James Morrison, lW ,otM in onr fjvcr. Tlli, we s!mI, bc ' J" "JV' , fl ,;k,.ly t0 Jo as wo aM JjV10' deeper interest in the matter. B. j 2.-, . -- .-: -r---.tt -r-: r03ta i-lHlPie. Tho Ciiicagi Trilniue. heads tho follow-I ing paragraph ; A NoOle hxample, and ; ;,,, ,..., I having need of help from called an Irishman to our ! tie 1 mi mn ins uuty Willi , great promptness, and his language and J S-IIJ -re such as t. com- j mr.ntliS to morrow, sir." l:e nnlltfl n. ! - , . - 1 j t a. it . a i. i t .at.M juowancc was, mai uc iniuj'ii uis lumnj .. a. . a .. . . ... I J - tcct Jrom iiulnin to UlHeag.; tint when , lie arnvea nrre ins Jutels were fo much exuaustcJ that lie was unable to maintain I ti. appearance of b! profefsion ; besida-s, ; Its f .uii l the city foil t f young physicians ' ttiting iill tl.e city grew. Having no 1 ,;.r. hai.it.al tra.l., bo purchased a horse ' a!i, o'ray, and al once begiii to earn a 1 !;Vc!ihoid for htu..scif and family. We 1 ctll this a nobli' sKcltut a i f :t man. How I r.,:tii mare iu !.-pud.nit and happy that! mari IM j,i(, t;l0 j.car if he had ! t,f.cn auj coiiirdaiuiiig of fjrtuue alt ' .j,ut llm - I , .: rv;c, v..;;v:: v:;nrtsr... li ... ..--.-...a- ... a. i. .;;.. 1...3.. i. .. j'ai ; c h.h , i o . -m on , j tl.s tnltl ot :i:r iTtn uti. I m: nentine: ( j ,,0-,j.a j,.,,,,, , tflt,ue,m was S.K)I1 Wl. j J. ni - 1 in ii.. .,r... it.:.. r.!.bi. it alnu.il ..... I C poasiMe I., save env of the con.,.- The ! S , . . r., , . iii.jiid our adiniratiou. Having paid him ! Vrr "aieTt fur !iis trouble, tho fotlowitiff conversation ' )) '.a; : J'ackcr i took plaeo: "How ling havo you been j j. 11. Zttumeiman, j in this t-ify?" we iuijuiiod. " Twclvo ) ptter Fnt,- Cmtf9Bmx of th bilrag Chronidp. ; IIakkisbcrg, Tuesday, Jan. 5. In the Douse, yesterday, Mr. Athcrton CLurernel introduced a unpnVmpnt to the , , . . i i 1 icuanSo iuq oivision iiues im twecn Columbia and Montour. Mr. Bcrgstrcaser, a bill to ineorr orato tho Northumberland Cemetery Company. - At 12 o'clock, M., both Houses met in Convention for opening the propcsi's for St.ito Printing. After having assembled, however, Senator Sanderson (Ucra ) of Bradford moved to adjourn until Monday, 21st day of February nost. lie a3 n:p- j potted by Senators For.vlh (Dem.) of i t. i . " e V. i t'htlada. Co., and Buckatew of Columbia. ti. i r... 4U. -.1: r. xu uu u.su ... .uc .,j..u...u,.l UJ these two gcntlcmcnVerc, that time might 1 . oo given ine ijcgtstaiure to mature a new law in relation to State Printing, which should cure scmo imperfections of the ex isting system. Senators Darsie of Alle gheny, Myers of Clarion, and Kunkel of Diuphin (Whig) and Sector Iloistcr cf Berks and Mr. Cook of Westmoreland (Dem.) opposed the notion alleging that the luw to meet hero and declare the elec tion this day, was imperative and unavoid able; and that if defects existed, or letter plans could bo dev's.d, it was not now iu the power of tho body to await their T.i- iiiu'-itioa. All the Whitr. mud somo j Democrats in each House voted against the j motion ; but it carried by a snufl ' make ljii0,000 or 10,000 per year ! Sum;? ; be after it ajrain. In the evening, Rer. Jlr. IlamniT, Ag?nt'of tiQ American Suwliy School Union, aJ(ircs-sed a meeting in the ll.ill of the Xioujc of lltf Tscntativex, in favor i' , ...? !:.-!. : . .l iinu.uuuu. viuv. jj;ur jucri and we shotild hope might be productive of jood effects. We doubt whether any ytate iu the Uuioti needs more labor in department of benevolent enterprise, than our own. Jts extent, the rapidity of its ghetiy l'ortaje Railroad. C. l. S. S. Moon, Tonnage Clerk Colum- kia Railroad. COLLECTORS. Faston. New Hope. Bristol. 1I ,u,l..!rJ,;i J.J. 'Rowan, l'aoli. Wesley Roate, Parksburg. C.CaiUiOliy, Lancaster. ('olumbia. Portsmouth. Ilatrisbiirg. Newport. Lcwistcwn. lluutingdon. llollidayaburg. Ji'hiisUiwii. Blaitsviilc. Fret-port Pittsburg. lluusburi;. J. Liv. rtiiore, o. J. Ooodnch, J. Katt'V. IcCa j i llUVCI. j. p. OlbbolJS, S. M'AiiuliV', Peter Clawson, Williauisiiort. X .r-1 .....I.... 1 .,.,1 Beach Haven. J..bn lliti'irins. LiverpiKil - ec ' AS.MTANI WElGUMAbTtas. Heury Mi, Philadelphia. a?. Uiuiev, Portsmouth. cacgj iri;croiti5. D. AVillard, J- Hunter, ij.: t'uuiiuing, uiliK)loi,;! c.ircr ' R. Blakcly, T. S. Rowley, Bristol. Philadelphia. Columbia, do Hollidaysburg. Jol.u.itoaii. l'ittsbur;;. d state Aosxr?, coli.mbia railhoad. F. li. Eber, M. Ilibbs, O. ilaiumcntf, XV. Kellv, C. Buckingham, Geo. C- Bt-clz, A. ii. Tiiipciii;, C. Thouipsou, C ahriner, CJark F . . - statu aoexts, toutage eailuoai. II. Dopp, J. Filler, B. Cotter, Josei.u Oliver, - S. Seeley, ' Etigiue 7 - - MKrrr.tAl.Ei.it,.. niiijor:- j . . . i . i ... k... .ii. hi 1 ini-Kuen thn r.rii ! .1,.;. ! r'"""""s " l"i "" ' ' . . . " kin.:, anil ..ii.rr an.. .. t ... , ,,, at.v . th ,r e.-iini t lot tn.- i-.o. . . - . t'luitiwum. . it.Ia.attt DVmetpia. .o. Hr ihii!!!. U.er.Ue. .idiu iT nil' I .ii'Iii .till. I i,r inunu ii,i? .if mtl.Un f il " "vir iii-rMU.-i i. i... uro, fliii.iinbnr"; liisinsman & Walters, lrv W. Dobbins, Wood Iuspcclor Col. R.R. j Vaiiey ; K. Keller, Adamsbitr; rt. Wntenaref fcha.-tLr Car cla do j,Vtd.i.ehuri?5 M. 8t:et-.iiL caacrttwn: J." D Ikdsccier Oat-lot Lock, Columbia. I j-.iH,l,.!-:,'or Kcx '"'umbia; a. h, Lutz, .orestllilL " - PaK SwCsTtS cn SECOND ARRIVAL OF "!fOV on haml, embracing a large anl ' il complete ar.sort:nent, on the most Uvo- j iable cr.ns picase call on I- Codings & Co. T.cvrisbnrj. D'C. 1, 1S.VJ BV AUAMS' KXPRES!. A L WiljC a&.virtineut of l.enz feliawls anil assorted coi'.sSackii;! Kiar.nel just ree'd t)cu 755 at KKKMEK & CU.'S. ' 1 Kirruiors' aollc. TETTEKH tetaraent2ry on the last will l and testament of Svil Ao, late ol the Iorouh T I.eu'is'uurg, dee'd, have been prante l l the subscril.crs by the R?iter ol ir'niimCo. All persons having clrjirs against U--?.aIe nrer.t them for settlement; 1 - ill n..i.rl lttm T.ir cti tm lit ' ...i -n :...i.i.....i i. . . ,,k , ... . a. ,.c.,.., '-"" j ul to BVERsMMOSst Zs'n- I " Lewisbur-. Oct. la, ISiS. t. is. uym -linmons win ennunae tn titiniier business i.t tlie late firm of Hcn and Ai,aml respectfully solicits acominuance of the public palrotiape. BYERS AMVO.NS. iTawflfi GTrortn'ffl. UUI.S riMI. 3. 0 II. CHEESE . 8000 111. II.V..I. rilllll. I'm Olliiu'un.. i-Jiij s.vir. Ac. tor ! at LewUnm t:SeP .- l,y C. E. BO.VEl . (iUAYDON'S FOIIMS, s.w a.v i-.nt.Tit :i.it:..n. '.V. M'o,m' M IJ.Hr.fr. tr Xm of ll- inr:i : ,ho-M I .'JA-.o! it.- i'unf. Vmuii ..m.p.i. in 4 I'. S. ti.vii.tit. j: r ft Kli.;i:Llt. :t:AYnoN"S i-,..Ktt i.x K.r-m r.w. ri.lllt. I I I OllTfV W.l. 111. HI. 1 ' I . f-l' H.W , "! - ... . i-...iin:.i I'.r i. U-it-l- r i; 'ii-. il-.rr a.l T r:n:i:r. tho Sn;.rcTi. m! Orrtuut ..VuriK, ai.U tli ;IThr ut tlw ;i- ,i Ci.it li..V.r. m.J JiwIit rl II." ri.M-i-. t.ii.iui .lilion. Ut tire. I, Oirre-lr.l. tlars..l. awl A-lsfled in t Ui lie-llt Suir "I tli" Uw : with " .:.iuii K.i.nn.t t ry Sown an.l lii fi n ni. . an.! a Now vry Oin.ir. h. o-i.v li.ilix. l!y 1;..3.kt E. W -itiir, Jjij. In uua !liick ..iptavo Ttuiuc. t'r.ro fiily aKv'jaaEiAH'!. 'ln thin w.rk itiiMs'fl Ji-Tic.l ar.J it rn-nT.-nl-ir, I "ilt.TI'V'l K'RS..H.T' 111." lM'Jtflli: tf wl.i-h li Hi wll I .. . ! .. i..r.l.. tei I i li.i. I mM IIik i:.fi.rmsli..ii inT.-M.trv In a civt .iiwl.a.-x- "It lit" iilip'irlalii illll.e rut Jl.f.J In tiilli ly I! r ll '-I IV-iinvUuuin.' J''''Kt " JI-ijMln't Hinnt, I'ijth Mi ..i.n. m cvrtMus to tiis roT BINNS'S JUSTICE BUSINESS MAN'S LEGAL GFIIiE. A YiIEATIF on tw 4trT.rn antl Iuti? of Altleriaen an-l Jii-U'-t ff th !. tu tlic Omiin n.wrallb ni Vt.it Ptt fiiiiin, iiii-lthl.n all the roiii!rrj l'.ruif i-f 1'ro.r. :t"n l ij k. t fcnlrir. un-l 'inTi .lyjiitr. twt only wliVTr may !m tl't-uml vnnwlitr it Juiir.- uf tli .vw. IjuI t l..;Li;:i:Ic. TfT;nn: anil n. trl Ar--nt. ami titak.n t'.e iVntiit w1(.tt t -ivrls to I. .V i:iftf Lval t'ji lf r l-n. l-y .!(!. n i:.nr.- U.t Ai it rm 11 i:; ti.v. i r of l ln vVli t f ifli rl,t:4.ii. J:-T.ti, i .-rr : il n-l ir-4.tlv Knl.r.- 1 i f ' Fki- iiTI-v, .hj. In tli a. V..1. i.... J tsfii l'i M OTtlV il'HI. J :t 4; tmi.M it ff ' l:w J;iH , li'ftt " I. I" not I t-ti;v iln -t. I tit 't If 0(JjT trv s.u. J wi.rii ll:at v.tt lm An.t Sftrhly lo b rmlitithid. i trovbat ami im !".' I'Rm vick. yw nn-iTnrti r.d!H'It. l.rrVIT r.niT. n an-i i;nvi"'. iit' f I T .u Ik Ul a-l. u, r AGENTS WANTED. $.,939 a Icar. w 7"ANTE!) 111 every County of the I'r.ited Suies, active and enterpriMi.R .ilt..x. to rnjae in me sa.e nl so.neo! me bel Iiuiiks" iitiblishe l in the roui.trv. Men ofc-i' d addres $000 CHALLENGE. tTTiriTPVl!? ......i.ftrnu tl.s Itfri'lh nnil lnnpjessfa ne. ...le. is at al! times of the most valuable i.1.1. r.ance. 1 take it f.-r trained that e.eiy person will do all in their . J ..... Power to save Hie lives ol their children, aim that every person will en.teavor to nron-.o-e their 1 own health at all sacrifices. I Irel il to be my duty lo solemnly a wire y thai WOKM9.arcurtlins lo the nrinioii of ihe most reiriaieii t-nip:.-.aiii.. arr- i-ii.hi"? ..n. ... , m... niu.r.t,- of iliM-a" to l.:-l. rt.il.ln-n ami aJult are t aMi'. If vnu Itav. a.. a.M li! funliisually rha.iarrli e ft...n...' ki...l ..f I ... ... . nr. l lir.t-.. ii. rrMrlaiMteil l'hM: -kitw( art? the rronnry nu'Miif laruft tlir .-it.m.vli. Iukti!ir aiilrt-Nt-s. Il;ti,lir nni C.-.li.. m rrmwr.rt.-r timt nil ihr-r ut imic un.tif, ai.a jou ucu.-i atumv nj ..i U..- rrmtiy- JiOiiKXsA'eKS irntVM HYhVP, An Brti-It' f.fui.(i'4 ii.tub tu iviiiillc princJi I.f.uirtittitAtl villi I''-:iv!t ic.-t;ib,' iilunrt;K Iviiia; i-ll Uy K.f a.:.i Iii.rrli.. a l.r uia.i.. ili.-m w-nk and arlnliiatr... ti.r j t. nr prut.-.tirs uf ...y J...nn S ru,i :,rr .i 1.. Ih .t it 1 ntnixli. m.tliout an .iia! in .he .-a.a!ibe of n...!.. o.ca ill fiVit'ir n.ni ni.ii Miit tiin lit iih lttuiuf a. wnir.. uiiait.-x it liiL!'iM nm-ii,v tot thov n.i. n-U with vtv;i.i.. ; I IteW ! ' i:a-5 tt. t .11 cthe-a. ; I T 11 F T A P F W (J H l ' j Ttii-I. Its-..wt .liKi-nlt W. rnt la .1 .11 ll.it i'et tl. UuKii.il .v.i. ui it tKiwa to .:u.t in., k- . . ...... .iu. .-rM-ia . o.r L...:ti. ... .,iii. iw 'rauvst. Vi,u. 1.I..V. t l-.A . li.at .!.. ali:r?..'. 1 1'.iu 'r.ri, a.afi l.ia irtit rii.T't l... -Mr a .r.n a-ti.. ..f i .(.r Uvyr. T 11.1. brn., n,..l v. ..".... j -..,. turi.!,lNa tT Miur. l h. al l.tc M. k. lota..'), l-i. Ut.n. r.!l. r ti.lai ... mrlml. .Iu y ba.a ..ruluu.d.l iu- '.1....4I.I. I. ..-Iit.rr.1. .r..i;. lt:irIuir.-tiwr:nlft.rN..i:riui..l. t. a l.i'.ltti) arli- n. ;.ir l.vou tl:e tiloul ami th- r riuia rlU-' li.;tliJ t., j ut tu lit. ill ali cur.ifiUit.U .ht.4..n.:.v nr. ln.m l.-a.aK' irrr.ili .r.lira, aa rlw, KiMhi-. aialuru i.f .i.ilil. ion in ll... i ir, lij.-k, n. one genuine unless signed J. Ti. Iluecs sack, antl others b.'iug base imitation. Ajents ttibliing new supplies, and store keepers desirous of becoming agents must ad dress the Proprietor. J- N. HoBessira, at his l.abornn ry, :o. 120, Konh 2d, above llacc St., Philad , Pa. r Sold by all Druggists and Merchants iu the United Mates. AritT; Dr. Thornton & J. BaVer. T.fTris- n.riAuTy P.?I? -& 6,hel.MSf rove , Sutzer & , Au lyjtinM. torl. liem.at Krrrt.. Iroul tl.. ' rrl' ' 1 . .' -- ' -- o. .:.-....i"i no- .... - .htlM. .a .t.t -'-'.' . it I' i l....Hu.irr Motru. .m B...rt.. ur l.n.nM Ir. ..ir ..... it.r . ..... ... ,- a; i. ........... .rr ae.i..ll... ... w . . . .1. .. . Wa.r....it,.sblr..a.w....i,.a..n.ril.rr.ri.o.l,a.t. o I' ',... r, . ... , 1 'l"r tr, 1..-I I.I.S o.. . r. . I.i ...f::tl.i,. " A It J. It LK. b.J.e S.U..I lit. ...!,. M. A .w alilrl. u.tra I.-.. . . .W . " " " ,wl 1 ' ' ,ht " ""' "' "ee4..a.e..a t .! I l.ealbor FeS , H.'.f a. ! liaor t. a! I .rl ,4 ikr b..v. til. A f".".(.c wjun. 1 jr a air. k. al lml,ln:j . bra rratr. b a v mr t . IT rp-imsm ...,.l.a.uin ,.ril,l,..10,,.T.i!,1ll...7h rV.,.rr..:u: thJ",! tJtTfrjF?'-'''' ' "" J Vr' rir H. GEHHAjl?, mi oje.auiig ... the b-cia,n. ribrllinc it,- .l..,lr I i,L' r-h lU!"- ., , . ' a.-ter.il jr. -at, a. . I. f -r I., is .,. ihr .a....f ,e- (iiTfCk r r . T . a , . . .a..tie.-u,.l.4,i,,,trlU.lSr, .":V ' '.ZmT'"0' ,olSTi .ur.-..r.l,-.rrl.i..,.e, ,.,,.,l.rl.,,ar,.rs.,.,,.ri..he.v UtO? 50r6eOH DClltllt, v.uvJ. wLivb ttetrua ubeare atl r-t.m. hVallU. Va . . ' 1 . a , . .. art" n r. ni-.r.t, atli I .1 rosrimvU !.:t .hnr irl.,; t,:.r I I T lit. ReaiJei.ee s.,k 1 k.J a. , ' lesiuail 4-J ..hitt..orai.rrin.lrT.b;.yMir.p.:ea.ri.l o..i.l -: "I n-J ...I. as ...rr. ... It, i,-r. .,,.." I unre. .-outtt I kllii gl., colt TO A J.! L K S. ti.. Tin nits. Print. Cat tola, w I'tr.,., ku.a tattle. drr.i -n.l . tt. :r .!..,!..! t..rrM. m .fi ' X. It- Boar.l Walk : !, these I .Ha aa itttaloabie r.rJVinn In AZ'?'??1'''''1 l " t" rKttt i of tl,. rei..... J,:,..a,.:...a......ta.-s.., . . .,. t r.j I I.KWsaVRG. 303 w i . . . ! .i - ! a. u n e.a- r. .i ..r...;i.- T.: II V 1 Iviim-i. it i. India Rcblier Glove3, Eitteas, fee. ; COl'NTRV Merchai.tsi" making tlieirpur- chs-r.shoul.l not iif?lrt ilieie drsirable ami saleable articles. Tli-:r manufacture ha been much improved recently, ami ilicy are made very durable. Tanicnlar attenlioa i reqnesteil to the W-Liifl Glare nnJ Miten. TTiy nri- In.tiJi .n..;. In roM nrl rl nrrallii-r '' citl Cml thin rl..c. inrfnl in ny wo Inst wi.I to.l in Ii.ii f. r.t tlir miih- tioiptluit th w it nut- tlw orl li.-nnifr t nriJ Han( iit.i!i.i.iicit- 'r niu-e .-ili t. n -iii to i-rM.rt ih!-iniai"l r'. wt' K:, - V,N," M !'. j il a'..l ii)ri-.i...rV t ( l.:'i.t .UrtH I r.ilr.!fl I'in. " t'H. 'n. w. run. f. futku UhiVlBMt. "hi", miut yll lOil l. r ival. r. Iu U ti.i. n At rttull l.jr luuulrv : ri uiii grmimij. v Oyster Saloon. - w IB' ... .i i K . 1 I new nnca d;i.'Ci in a Mirrrior i;i.im.r., J ih7libcril.er is nowprepsred t.. arromin.HUti- imlivWoals and rart.-s with Ojster rte. in i II.. I,t c- ili ht .nt.c. A ..hrr ir ni.ii natron? i solicited l.r C. F. 1JESM Lewi.-bur?, 3eni IS. 1U5' ' . New l SIiop. anl Pilfer ha inst opened : on Markrl Konare, liem een the 1'i.st Office and I.yndalls U.-WMore, where he is prepared to ,nake ,, . . 0. f i I Bools and Slmes ol all Klt.'JS, ! f.r I.a,T.. Mi Mfn and K fjrs. A!s fur j alf- '-'t.M SHOES of ail sizct. Kefairi?!!! j d.o.e as usnal. ! r""!"tc vi aJ kinJs "a",eil '" for Work. i Bv punctuality, and units; ffnod materials in j ihe very tlet way, l.r hupes to share the pat- '. ,,ra ii:M-tin.inatinr imb!:c I.ewisluirs, .Nov. 11, EJii-Ul-! I'foJ J Li;iCSJC!St?., taken arcoriiii"' in the lalf..t iini.ri.vrint nls. l the fuM d.ior liclow IiiniSbs" Store, on the must reasonable terms, by S. f.. r.EKUSlT.EspER. Lewisl nrc;, Oct S7, IriSi STILL X'OKIi AL'tV.S CuycLKMXU Tl!c SUSijiitfiAivfiA RA!L-liOAD i. lut .'i i Ui hr rjrtrmifil fevtn L'-triJ.nnj t lj"irn'nrit 1111 the .friiirit I IhrttiisSi b) MlSKInhm s; !! i a t.vl ihni I. SI. Xi.-sst I lu-i B V itliejd of n!I ibe t .ri..Mi.i.- ...id hi r. tijirnni nc of ;ht I'f -et arj l i r.-t tlit'a- KALL cc YVINTI'jI! (00!5S t ir:iu. t.. niiii.eiu, ih..' t;.. - .... rm;il in tI,Ue...intry.ai,.l of u h etjle!"'- n b .' m.i.ls 1- ' r i... . v "-; ul ij'iil.'i? arf w:M ?.t; sjii-i.ii-ti n ! all. D?.Y GOODS of ail kiails, f .'." . ;;.., CSe-. Tea, !:i, t !.. l'r' Ver. S...1J.. n!..!:. -. 1..: r.., sa-. A.'. AIm llartltrure, ithtf,txtrin r, Cul irirnn-. j'mji1.1 mill .Ni -e-:, H'it, .lid 'a of lhr Ulr-l flv It and !..'it qnalilv. 1." nlm rii-i, llio-h'". i'io .in-1. IV.inis armi ! uml UIQZQZS PATSIIT C3S?. HILL T 411 ' it w-,.,,..i. .1 ib.l a b...- -I ' " ' ' "' ? " I'"""' " eru.u me nr.. !r.. mlh..iil .,.. . .... ll.in tl i ... I I... u i- r. -11 n s - j '' a cn- m ....a. ami . foat 'fr "i tewure as rr..nrra ix:ra a oiiiun o i.e ewrr, a wiiMorr-t. -r '' l".t8 a:-Miflfl lv Ihe maw nt..I ijr nus ! . , - j -- (h Inunrr hud l-l take all hi ll.inii a I l'i M'Im)is . . . . , . . l . .1. . hi six hor-e te4insai.d .k-voie a hole .lay th.. 1 Oiii:re. OIlJ t Miiia tht-i uiis:t!ila lnry rrcii.l citifil Lae 1 e 11 n.i-.e rih:I.v euilty it. In . ... , ..a. . . . , l-viute I he tliltiaUtl Ihe UtiMt have bereio:u: LbiweJ umhr f w f'V f T & : 4 f J V.V : i f J I - V mil orote thai il i- no ly life llc't M.it'mir , . klni j,, (,i,lrill e, hut ihll il is the lllil . , . . .... - - ...... ...r 0. i,(, a r bv this nut hme gr.ittil til ii.lo a li tr ''' " ij "s':" cmpa.al.te!, I.el.t , l"e- "re, a.l that l-ul a .ititnitr ui t.o.lo rtu.r! ! r 1 4..'iS a.i-t''l.i.ii-u oy ptar'tetl ( "r""'"'1 '""" "'' ! II..HI l.v Hie olj iimiss U. oli-s this v ir.i-ire I ' ll'ae" U'lailtHV ol Jl.tile. Ill n rail lie .r..!j a. ,lee..lt ..Iran.ee. n .h.. ...,rl I ., a ... - , .... ,. .... 1 I l.r t -net- ol ihe ( i.li-r Mill. i:h iicM lo n.r the same on tin onr tsrtn. ia $33. Prue ul the i U nit Cudinz l.-y'.ind. r. tS. The .:.- of iln. Via.'bii.e i aV.ot 3 by 4 f." slid w. .ijl.t about S(l(l poun ls II n ay rradily be taken lo Ihe cell .r. iloor-tsid kitrhen, turn. fl.H.r. ot mcl.ard. a in ., be must convenient. . Fot Siate, County ot Tori.-l,.i richt. or for Grai l to nn,ke mael.lnca in certain t.-nito.y for rlalctl period. a.!dte- (post p,.,) (1. lilCKOK. Uarriikatff. ra. E7 Persons iu Union and the ups-r pail of Nonhiimberlsnil co.mi.ea and in IVmis and Dtush tailry, Center county, cut procure Ibe abate Machines on uj-plicaliou lo il. i: llti.'KOK. A lleirgain! kew p.ockaway Carriage i'h teat. ft.r f..ur !t enieiiit-a, lv - CUAUlaliS 5. Clufiii. WATCH -.-,.t..,,.,. a 4 T.. t'ATKIEl :.. IIATKIEI.IJ, !. m lisnJ !rp .l .i,!.n.'i.l aantnirlit lit Yt Ittdli. jii. iiiiriiii miJ J.WKi.t. jul rrcri.-d liorn .. . . .:. . i ..... ..... Lt iiiviiii mid J.WKi.t. ii rrcrii-u mi l lfH lmonn R mid Mi.uicii.mii toi I rtiilailrluhia ami Y.k. c.ii';iM- 1 murii lo.rr lh.m it iirrhal . ihowx K.- in . It Uilt-ra win lf i ti? tn.ieaal. i. O..W Ptrnl Ltrr Itittka :;:! do tio rf Jv ill. uo (In lull di .In ! jewel, li lo Awhorsfi'lt jwil, 'v do lift in di. I'h ii U w, 4 ! wlm 1-k iln .In 4 HWrl. life ii w ' j i.o Ml I O Ml 11 SO " II Ml to r.n '.l.-b all Kn.'il-b an rmi. n U-li- ica - 'Jt in. It l -IV -t VI -II VI - 7 lei 4 ..l - 2 - i-o ' ! i I j 1 i ' M ! tl n.tt.. . j. :-, , r"'-"-. j I-r aim lir A m-nycA luuil WilW.-w. tiiirI l tt.Tt . I !ii Itti- Kirii kU 1 bain. .n IVfI ( im r.ft, I ho... IIh- ;r.4tl I'in. !!. r j' li in !- It m OO - j. ... ill l) 1 DO " i " Ci:dviiil.Bin .. ttn.-t wf''" "" X -' il Jrnnr l.ii:.!-. i . rn. ai.nt. ." Wi-ty. 1 tw.lvr. Srrwl. krat-cb. Ac- 1 " " 5,.:d Watrh i ai, S ' " .! .1.. Krj, S " tti I't-nrila, 1 " tl fn!S ' ' ito i .-.'I.-. r 75 .11 J ll.ii-l:. bwkrte. IVrdaliaa) ,i tlrMi--t', S.lvT mnr,Te, Ta'i l"mwrt: ii l Salt, 5;iir rwtwln. 1 i 1 01 " nemlv And a varirlv of fine l4ti yl gilt Up. at I'l'l" ' - - anted lo be hit miI.I ti.r. a a v f ir of (tilt and plau J !f....l4 O. ..in, i' n-i. i-m...j ,.ifke!. Seirlr. Cjsk, l!'lteia. E " Iti. f bawl I'iii. ilatr Iii..C'".I Ueadn.aterl l- J-. rut-". Ac. cr , Ae. ;-. a .lay Pi-rintf anl w,utit C!wli li f.0 " i itj in on 4 i-i i. 1 t . In ".'i li. u- d' I a ,iav vi-.ll ml tfittTitn rin, ;.i..iitli (;:.rk.. ' .tinl.tr rhitort'lii.-. i l''iri:l Lrvi-r ti-r .I.r.i.' CWa. j I ii-i-rli Acci rl'M.s. , ii -! .!k .!i. 1 - M.ifir Itoip. 1- I in 11 :i to And I'.u.i.lfiJ f anii b-- irni'i i. e I. Walciif-t. IVk at.d Jrl- l lt If .airrd ail warraiitrd. Aa:l an.! t i Jl ,i. h. 1S02 !.1;6 m:ssi-:."s f.! ix i:i-:iski?, fii ctttlin liolh (iiiiin ir;ts tt'l fPf .(.""II ri-.'A-I""-l'2! t AM FA(T!'r'EI 3"d f. r a c at the Iwishiit? Kiinmirv l.v ;i:llKr. .NUK-II O. Vrii.u iiijiin iii. i.j .ai' il.i i.Trriii:aii..ii si.d f I'luliffi.i. r;-'il-nellU li I ii;.' . .K" i ;! -U'. in ititn.mirii it. 'ii: ile It .it b I. 1 .liiimV ut lb.- t II.' (ii:.u'i.l" "I ':! Inil" j .Ut. I'lliUs .r. -.-l 1...;.. ll. d titl 11 ll.liH 1 e.-er nl I t H W T ri 1 T 1 G. . ' ' ! llint frv I I.. I . uii. V i t i.r a. .1 . ..i.i.lv ! until lilts irnr:- l . ra- tm itnc - iouui 111 .r.MiTAGrs li'i It. oil- ni'iin' 'I'lit. ii-'ii u- l- .-i. r. ....... t In iti n.ii-t 'i. illl.if i: fiio'ii.' .1 i:i ri- 1 . l'i. !,!.- r?. M" M'lflrie, Jn!ili.-nll, a!t. ait.t m.ii. -tiivfis ih .1 li ivt- exa-nnii'il lln-m. ii--.:.iu rn-i ai--T l'i" i.i ol llil'ia III tr.e lil-l.r-l leiin- ! a; fo -. I.... tui t..r rniii.tiin-1 .1 ih.n ilie oi.' -aie rn.i- ... a'..! i'Vi,:i..! ..r Ilii-in-I-1 I "t . or lli-n I ! 1 li vI l'Atii:. . T1.( I(llU ,VK : , .. ,Mirc,.r., ,Ui C. id., I i! .- t..l!.. ..m .:..;....!., .V a:..r- . ,, .,,, :iJ!ls h,.,e t,an,,. . ,br:ilv : i,Immi-,! : tO . Mitt.in.'-r. JuL'r I: nt.r:. Jul.-. '.-nrf. J. .tluil.i.tl. , 7;, a ..,m...: a. ..u ,1.. ! ,., j u iritllt j.;, ....-,,. r;.t . (.r...r. i;a a . ; "''i'- I.'.. A' ,r. j Ui:.-. A II Ki.uk 1- I( .. .: i... ,:t . . J. ;i':..It. I. r;rl.. J t.M.f ... i't ; (.rt-ir .Vi. Trt:. . 1 r; . J hrit.J.. i 1 If. i it. vr. 1 tt. 1.. j H k-p-i.n. II. i.h.r. Hit liiik il ul. il..- . rttt. (it t.i iw ( iMwti l. U:ill. laf .'m fV.' .v t- -J J 4t r.t Cr tn. J. tl.e M t it I- J-.lla l-I't. aetM.S. N. lUUB. W. ii . M it UI . 11. Ri.irri. 1:.J l.nr..t.. 'Jj I br only ..iihtoizr.l As.i t'yf 11 tiVinw. . oilhuu.j.rlaii l, .Moi.lou .Cin.il.ia. I.tr. f in-. AMI Kl. lliliL-t ll.,,i:,t..m l ,i, !... Orde t-J U lirr t-i'ierJ Mel ) it Mf. ........ II -er ..II Is- V,.S i"idJ .... II. I.a. j put up . n; bet ot tin a.- K sl in I ..lou i-ouutt . aouie ui waicn m.v pe aten aa . il .wr ' , " ' ' - , ' " -"' r ' -nr.... .. , - ' ...--..-...,..,.... sall...waa Htt e L.J ,. -. J.- , s, 1 1 " 'i- SCT I. , I .1. tJVZ":".". rlV.'-"--l- I I Oi - -.m !: MOST KINDS OF JOB PHINTINU, SE1TLV i CXTiiDlTSaiSL. AT THE '"CHRONICLE" OFFICE 1 ttPi'i Heo Koali-h i-tul Crimun A I -1 JLOJJ, MAlSAt;sipr IS3U. ,ece,.J f and ler CMtuitoua dt.iril.utiou. Call and sl j tint) and save voui sit oei.re Vu I II. tit a 1 1 11 ii.c-. . . ........ ... n a 1. . . 'T. ! 1 OA IV.' OAL,l'i.si K:f.s! im ;m; iv.r.y ; cd XAIL, '!' 't tt.i..d nr.) If taalttby . u. a. iai-UiiLti--. co. : IJ 11. f! f MKDICAL ItKFOHM b,.u lrn-ly rcnirj bT C.t.ul.b,,,, ,1,. t.." .iwra. itmllal f , j lu (.W bia prulcMon! miicm Iu all na - --- - q . . ' ; , prjtlire medicine in artor,lanc. m:lk .l ....... .i tt.j .. "I j , praclHwt metiKiiw in arrar,lanc m;th lh : mr.t ,i,rJ nhau ol Mrilug! Kilurn.. , I n i'alonxl ut Mrrrurjr m ar. ftrmslw la .,mc brmilf it.j ri the cai.lWa-iK. ' t commuM:. - , Cr: . Vir- M- .. tor rhe ot i ri rB.l.1M.,. THE OMY 7 kits JOIITKAIT OF U AM;IM;7rv ;. . . . wuw.vo . aJuv enrra- l" r,""'il'". rt.a, , - iiwl - uraii, iu tin: Aihanam, Bust. ,,. . I.lv. . . irr u. I l..lcr,..l tt.....w. ... ' 7. l.-i i mc Hihl:ML(. 1 ..... . . ' V CO I afit:llil..l i.),rig,hb V. . . ... V' "' T" m r rt.a g.atf .- J . w,.n Mi. . la)1 i..,.k.u1,,H,l,,i.,,litl ;.., r..n-.' 1' ' V '"' ie u.r. sa-l il t . t ""-"''' . a MiM 1 1 . . . T, rr B. .. U.iuMlu.'.l.fc, lrtlll, v " ui-r w:in iim .e, 4 a . - uLl.t-r. w! t h ll I .,.- 1. T ., . .. lar,lula . ril r .;;,, WkX rt r.n a,rntm. .-, ,-. B..,.,.4h r.r.itwy. ... ,i iiU.rr. tM h iu Mm .v. mj,,, vt !.! Mi lrlu.t-1 k..a F...u.t , w . I. t'-i M.n I.n.1 .III.. .f -iiv.ii:.kHh, 11. r- .:tt g:t l-.-u.n : ti...rh. i ...r.r. kula.ua ! C : .4 t! uo;- df .. I V.i.L.. B:. I.,. -). u.- IlllttHU tr.M Ml .. , k...Uf V:.: - ! ! in. r. . Vij-rC..,, tv ul. d I.MI. Ih k .;. M I. t ii.. I . K a. I.. !(: ki. . li.. - II. I. . . ...I II i . L. vi . , ,.v.n, AUnUa.. ll.t 'V ' -.. i.... ii . . v.. ,i.-,.r. i. i. . Jt ., -11 ii.,.rr.T'.jl.. J lalN.r 11.. J,k il...i . k.. .-:.,- l.r:.. . k,. i 'trtl.r tl. 'wl. A !..,.. , ..... -I v.i.i.1 t.,1..,,.. ,U.:t. .' ; I !.,,..., a....- t. . ,,,,.. j,,,;. II. 1.1. U .fcW ; (. I...; I-,, , , j.r r:?!-" ' t u" r " T 1 -" rw. I " ,"" 4' lull., toliwati- ..ii(.w,rk r..i... ..V'"' 1 1" " ! .. a ai4 i u., .tj.. ,.rc. r r..'Mr.:,, ! ti".. tt fin r a 1 u 'r.-rrfl Mi, mJ A-ri,,ir. I. H, :,... , I.. I. In , fj, A..l:. r. ,, . . r i ....:.. .V'f wn . 1. 1. . ..mete a) tala.4 fteta Mr. turt. .e ... 1:1 I : .it ..in . a. ... ; Art.. a fc ... , ,,.h ,,) r Ut I -..f. 4f . . -I kllllti", .'-!:. t-. : r at'i .a j.. ,c r. ..:evr. : ') ' i.' Mil't IWanHih f f-i' l..f:l. f rr. lists.: li. :...,,.:,;. 1 1 1. I ..: i .. ,."T; a ii.?-ii,fiiei.i ri-rraitof ri -v. .1 I y -j B.Vu .t:sq.A.rl ,he .M-igi: al '" " V'i i-V !l If t ! .... this. ... n,-.. a i. I' ti r i ' -i 1 Wr. v. ..-i.it-u.i . aad u. m '-. I'lire f .'..It cr iririti' 'iiiiXiil.M;. 1 lit: M.!.-ci l-rr h..vist ta.n; ti:r !.. p .ill-.. ! j y ,,,, Ao mr a. j y ."..:! 1 ... a .Vui ji.n.nr. lr;.i! ! llJt. is Ll.ir erate. .Ae.f.e 'Oil ' an 1 .t-'iKt; - ,.t t :. : tiir- :rv; Kastt f r.:i , . itt' rti.;: to 1 lis itt i n iir . I.Lria: IVt. Kaer f ti , SM. p:r1i rp.r,.f,r;.;ir ,(; l t -"-t-'N Vi. .KidV.f si. 'i lit- lljiii rkicu -r 'it --evisl;!irg Academy 15 Mi I.. eoiit:t.iir tl v. . lit t n. is 1 a.. : i.. . , I'S-.'-r i.,-i.f aM.i:.-ii,..- l 1;, ja. , t i'-l -He i-aihs in 1,1 u..m:,.... A .1 ..... . t a th. A,-ut.:c c. .; r ., r... o.-, .-...i.au.at.o. j;,. Cturiai Laci. are Unclif. iL.r. 'J i.o...fM..;.. i1- i ; Ti i;e:. ii- 'i.r nr.!),:. ,i,, ullo -it al ifcr t .r.t. r n.. t..l.. ... rra II l e l. f. li st... n a...t 1 er;., a. , .f, , , f, ' M '" . iiil 1 1. res arrMu.-.iv r..t. I.ee.i..,, , rn-i 1. 1. .v r.t . ! Tbp "'r isdrsir. ,, sec.feic jf. I 'I . a a. 1 . ai'na !. Hiiber Ert- ' "'a isi.sb.U . u.1, , . Cti-tirla. Jt: ... ...... a. , nH. KMJLIH. -. tvi i. its: flint ii al. 11 A. NO AGENCY. I , . . .. i ..I.I. Iw I'.slwt.tl ...k. ..Ut' I a... I t ... .. .e, ... . .. t ,rl t oti l.ial fc.f Jl ST ircened an bsm r'nttr.1 r.f Cnt-torea. r.se. .VeltCfna. ir, m Cl..A.P.ire & t...s ctb t raied estab!ibme.it, ValUlo, K.T. s t'ctave J'.e cdet .s fri u, i; u V fii Ai to do C t.. F ia t' do F io F 74 Large 5 d F ... F. Pianit atvle, Itt A I- IIATFIM.D. Lewiibuig TO C O tC II MKEtttC. , OTFKI.S.irir.csSpr.n.Sleel fr,..ji .. k if Axle. Ten Prtn Irons, nl... at SVf Mnefc Oil Cloth. Mart- a,.d faneV eof.l tn'm'd f'oth fcr Tnmnwr.?. Linrrg t'l.fh. Coach Lace, Ti.fis, At. Ar., in be bxd al n-.l. e.a .1 I.i .1 . - I'te rrear St. rc to ,.lvir jJ ... !l;r , .,...."', u (bv l!3 . . " '- w.-w. ti .. ... KKMH 4 CO. 1