LEWISBUKG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. The Farmer. . . i .1 1 1. f roj fterkt 1 rVhoykfjl Jouraal. ! Hints on Planting Orchards. Correspondence of the Chronicle. HABttiSBUBO, Jan. 17, 1853. Both branches of the Legislature met in Conrention to-day, to proceed to the choice of Stats Treasurer for the ensuiug year. Thos. Carson. Sneaker of the Senate. nre- I'ZZ" i,S?S2rSSZr ' 10 tkct crP iu iU9 P of tha I sided, and Wm. Leeeh. Jr., acted as Teller n:iiLW to--. aaason, you will find a riali reward in the ; on the part of the House, and Ilenry S. ized charcoal, and four quarto f salt, to the barrel. Take a small handful af this mixture and drop it into each hill, dost it over with the soil, from one half to an inch in depth, then drop your seed and "Istba AppasTrea iwl the trrea of thr wo.,d. aa ta The annual time of plant ina ton has day of harvest. gain nearly arrived, and a faw practical j I saved, from eighteen hens, about nine hints on the subject, derived from trial, ; bushels the past yoar, and found it superior xpertence ana observation, may not bo ; to half a shovelful of hog niauurc to each out of aeaaon to those of your readers jmst j hill. The increased productiveness of that about planting. j part of the field, where this mixturo was Notwithstanding the endless variety of applied, will mure than furnish the required fruit, little attention has been bestowed, stock for a year's food for my fowls. I ao far, in tbia section of country, beyond ; am wll satisfied with the results. the cultivation of the AmAe, aud it is H. GERHART, Surgeon Dentist AT bit Reaidenca, South T or the Bowl walk. LEWIS BURG. 990 probably one of the most useful products of nature, especially in which the genius of man has had a hand in bringing to its present state of perfection. If we witness i our poraologieal exhibitions, it is surprising ' i'rOD the Sunbury Amrrkin. Barn-Yards. II. B. Masser, Esq : When I visit my neighbors' burn yards and see what labur some of them have spent to keep thir barn Evans en tho part of the Senate, when Jno. M. Bickel of Schuylkill had 7(i votes. -"GeorgeA. Madeira of Franklin " 50 James S. Wallace of riulad. " 1 " ; Absentees 6 - So Gon. Bickel was declared re-elected State Treasurer for tho ensuing year, and the Convention adjourned. . Mr. Madeira was a Whig Representa tive from the county of Franklin, last year. Sir. Wallace received the vote of tho Native Senator. Among the visitors here to-day is Hon. Andrew Stewart, of Fayette, commonly known as "Tariff Andy." He is a giant o notice the numerous varieties of this . J J . , . , t. ' t . , in body as well as in intellect. ..;.i..i:,..i..ff...;i the barn, so tho washing of th stable M'n . , , wuu rnuvuu uuh iiina iw iir- , . j. ue Aetuucntiic caucus me oiuer e vo- . .. . , t , c, , ' Jnauure, which lay exposed to the rain . f'ctum. in Leautv, hue and color, shapo or . '. )v. ning recommondtd that the nest Uenio- , , : . . ,. and sun, may pass off into sorao puhlie , me, and of inherent dualities rsonie i , ' . . r cratie State Convention bo held on Mon- i rnnii nv ruiimi.c :rfnii- nn "inrrr-.r Willi. I iramUfi GSvotttitft. Or UBLS. FISH. 300 Iba. CHEESE, 2000 a0 lb. HAM. Flitch, and Shoulders. l)irji SALT.ie. for sal at Uwibarg Cheap Stare by C li. BO ES India Rubber Gloves, EUttens, tc. COUNTR V Merchants, in making their par chaser, should not nn;lfct the&e desirable and saleable articles. Their manufacture has been much improved recently, and ihey are made very durable. Particular attention is requested to the Wool-Lined Glnet ami Mitltnt. Thjr n ln'l'pnuti! In t'I Mi twrllir Ijuli'W will uii.l tli is liii.-i ntrful in any wrk tlmt "ill o.l tin hBl, at tho MtTf tiuic that !hr will nm t! or.t !ali Kheuroor(hxt-4-tl Unula iwmeiliataly. Tat--y are miult nil IraH In mlM-t lb arma aiiJ ariKbi. K.ir.nlt liy tVilmx. ltillioim k Co. Nn S Church ally arxl aMxltvur. fts Lesnutdlruet l'hl!a'!ptit'i- J- " Hiillil rutatfury, Vn. ln.n.r Ifafkrll, Klninur, M l. II. W. Scliillirr. ( haiicaton, S. C. Burt llx-kmx, Cin-lnali. 4l:iu. anil 1 j nil l:utU:r lVa!.r.. in tli t'liiun. At retail ty Couulrv MurchauU georrallj. SinlCO U;i Octaru Toluiue. 1'rke only $ ,S'. KColffE?rDATl. "In tht work t'Bin'i Jl'fTtce) arid lt companion, MlamioV '.aMS. itha rerutatiun of which is w-ll a.taMitlief! aa to uccl no eulogy.) the AUistRitt will finil all the- information uvrMnry to a eurrwt iiirhart' uf the hi:iairtant dntirsrirtilt'tetl to him ly tlH.laft if IViilisjIvaula.' IV'Jucc "J UriQhtl'jt Jintnl, tijUt Ld tiom. . kltX WVTX1!S TUB tnori, BINNS'S JUSTICE busixkss jiax's i.r.r.AL nrmrc aweet, some Urt, so as to meet the appro- i , , . aunuall" heul their daJ lhe 28th da-v of F-'l'raarJ next, inU-ad a thkatiKS on ti om anj Dti of Ai.w.r bation of all tast,, and fancies. ' kLille to obt money to pay of 45,0 4if March, when many will ' To behold a fine lot of well matured: ... .. , . , J J I anxious toatteud the Iuati.'unttitm of Gen. !"d h'tnn.i rmVdymgiirt onirb?b:r lllt'ir laa.. X t; laillQ I11U et'UllllUUlUUS i w anj "t tnma-jir w .UJiir, ri uf nam1. : u I lerce as lTesiueiit. The bill to incorporate the Odd Fellows Association of New Berlin, passed in Sen ate today. Mr. Sliferrcad iu place a bill to change the venue of the Administrators of Jack son M'Faddin, dee'd, vs. the Keystone Life Insurance Company, from Dauphiu to Un- 'twcbat and iulvs pbaoticis. v aniTWH lOn County. lorial i'lrtcti-.'n of Imucia Whaiton, , Antlior of Hon. Abraham S.Wilson, Col. Eyer, ItT """ i f. vuua, fipo A FrLlr Vn onrl . , - f nf't llATOX TilK LAW OF LIMITED PAKTKKK- ueo. a. i ntK, j-q., and a number of !sii u, tue CuitM st.it...withfUii rrrer. a m tiu other gentlemen from the North and West ' TTXV! "y af-Onier or ItteiB cf lnqutrr from t!t Co tin try .-.ti.. .( i. .i ir v a, i.u.iTiifK .in4l7. GRAYJ)ON'S FORMS, NKW AND FOlTRTfl EDITIOIV. .Vd Attwwy, MagiaeraW-y or .Vast Iiui)u fho-M U Without U.:' i'MlXAtf. JioHTH ArJUCAS k U. 8. iiAZCTlS. JtfT l't BUSHED, OUAVDOX'S rOtt-Mi Ntw As..rotrrTii Ed!TW. rorui of ('imvevMietii!;. stnti of FrarUco In tl O.itrt of rniuiun r.tiii, QuAjrUr tHMus.Oyer fttiil Ttnnittcr. tlic Supreme aiil Orph.-iut Courts, stiti the olltrrn uf tli riiut. Civil OiftrB and Jiiti-s of th Kor. font tit riiition. lU'viwl, l'orrl-tl, Eularjji, nl AJa.rtil to to tii HrvM'ttt iStttvof Ui U : vilb copious bT.itt.inn fc.ry otc auU Kffinrftir. ana ni rurr Cnoipr- it,- k,- -.1 i..e a . fc . e i ... . I a" ". -i Oj ster Saloon. nAVI.N' fitird up the Kooms iu Fmeit'a new brick bliicli in a superior maimer, tlie subscriber is now nreoured lu acciimmcdate individuals and names u-ltli l!iklir nr.. in i Au.lu,rNfit!lj.ele.l. WATCH DEPOT- LEW1SBURG, PA. VL. HATFIEM), has on han.1 a Nr(te a anj apleatlij asanftinnnt at V arena, SiLtiawiii unl JawaLBT, just rfreirrd from the brat Importing anj Manu'actutiu? lloa.-e in Fbiladelptiia and Met Voik, anil cnarjecnt ly much lower than if purrhi t'l from llioae Re tailrra who pretend to be V buleaalers. Gold Patent Lcar, full jcwaM, 15k fO 00 to m 00 do lo do 6 Jvwrital, lMc do tlo d full jr.clrd. ltk tto do do a ji'wvia. lbk uo Alienor!, full Jwnted, do do do do lr.k do Lfpincs, 4 to i l$k do do 4 jr. at.. IMC .'o KnIi-h and r.ci.cli afliaa, lSk li 00 u iiver f.iti-ut LaTrr futl jawrlwl, do do do 4 jul, do Hunting do jcwrrj( fruit, even in the recent state, is temrta-1 , , , ... . , . u , . ... , , ., . ' sheds built on two sides of my barn yard tion. Its sight makes faces smile, its par- . .1 , , ' . . , ... , , , i wy baru on the J side having ar o ' cirtnTiiniT nr. ttir nar. Of.il nf rli vnril I liofa I 1" "o " " ' J a largo vat, made wuu-r tight, which will hold about twenty barrels; In to this my og, therefore, that ministers to tho j ' 1 "ul ss of our poatcrity, and so plea j u"Jor ,bcso heda 1 liave a11 thc manure 1 our personal cout'foi ts, and serves I Put 88 lt 1S takcn out of t!,c 'Me merry many a ruffled feeling of our ray 'juveniles; whilst its susceptibility of ap- Vti A.tinn in m nnT, i , n il ttf nti.n.'iO.iO .'.fti',! '.lVaV4WU Ml a. IUUIHIUUG U& v..wu 1 ..... ITt. J contributes largely iu completing bihs of : , , . . . . .. , , ,;r , yard and receives the whole advantasjo of lornry to meet thc most fastidious tastes ; . . , . . 0 . , ' : the juice and ririne which coilecu in the of graver years. A thino thpretarf. that: mimstri to thi Lappincss ,..,;i,ia i . ...arl nf , m'ne of 1,3 fertilising qualities are lost "some prudent old gentle MW, wLo i ln tbosc ahcdt lt-""al" until my ground had the courage to plant orchards in by- 1 ' readiness, when it is hauled out and gone year..,' and now reaps the bem fits of j PIuUSb nw'T as soon as possible. Liquid his labors, is deserving of e.-pccial atteu- j froru tLe vat ifl LauIctl n "iks, and ap t;on. . j rl"d to my fruit trees, corn and potatoe - Many a social family circle was farmed i liUf ,,Ie!lon v''"-8. to every thing 1 in oiif earlv life around the tiiue-heimrcd W1,tt ,0 Krow lusurantly. Tho mows of fruit basket, which maternal care scldum i tbe hcds are Uj!1 ,0 h, way straw and failed to keep well rcrdeciilcd, with our i aud fodv then cood cheer. What hurr-V faces ! a shclltr lnJ cattle. ytcture with associations never to be erased. Laii'll'inis Truanta and tlrn'-rrl .azrnt. and makiuz ttie To!umc what it piirix-rta to be. A Sfr Irfrfal tiuidc fr !:na?n-s M-n. ! Joint Iliunx. i;ita A1Hrmiu in tlia city of I'liiladlphia. Kit.h t1.t:n. KtimM, Corrected nl-'l .ircatly Kiilartrt-l. Ily Y. C. ltK!:l.-TLrt tfi. lu One ttii k Volume, Oi-tATO. Pii.-e ouiy $t.oo. Ju ice Oil -im aa.ra of Bimu'i Jiutft. that " It I. m.t only tL" au but ihc ulj Ttry good work that c liife ou tliu ml-jecl." And Si-tMj la ba taWisViL i?Iieit:d by lacwitburg, Srpt 15, 152 nea, 4 jtwcla. U V. llfc.SS Silcrtiu:rtera U.'rinau ilti-ra aacoud Land Watebaa, I iid tioari I haiua. j d0 Loiea' ,b Cbaina. do Muti-ii(cn'a a'ob Miains do VeKl OiaiM, uid Luliea' Iirivt Tina. !att atytea, uch aa Mournina. aud ia,f, tanifav.t. Injjtt-r., cnol. i;rio.cU,c. jVcw $1 Shop. Samuel S.tfrr has just openr-il a shnp oi .M.trki't Sijttare, brtwern tlir Pist Otfice and ' CoM Ot-ntumen'a r.r.at rina. I.viidall's Bookstore, where Le is prertarcd to I So ;''. JinVrtyi atjl i 1 . no riur muc Boots anj Shoes of all kii.Js, fur Ladies, Misses. Men and Bojs. Alsj for sale, CUM SHOES of all size?. IUr.iMi done as usual. ProdtK-e uf all kinds wanted in eichangf fcr wtnli. Ky punctQality, and usinrnnd materials in the very beat Kay, lie hopes to share the pat ronage of a ilist-riiiiinaiiuz public. Lcwisburg, Nov. II, ts:j j and fodder, aud the sheds themselves to LEUMA.S. Yet, that basket smoothed uany a child ish grief, and saved us fr.-ni many a mischief. Every man wlo owns ground should Sliauiokin January 1853. Cast Iron Buildings. Cast.iron, for building purposes, is com- take this matter into consideration. Fruit j catU moTe iu, nse capabii- is daily becoming more extensively used, " ulore "J experience and if is found subservient not only as a ! arml "! ""P'ontj ovcrevry other material, Iflxnrr.htrtactuallvtD.iai.tt.iM to our Ltalii 1 strength aud durabiUty, is most evident , j . if properly partaken with"our food. y trial. Since public attention has been I . i . :. it . . t. - - , ., Fine fruit is' a charm of delight to every j lu ec.:uquauue8iron nuiiu- e whil. in particular it cau.es a spell of! lnsaro tKctei ,n a11 the PrintiPal citics- nni.v.1 m mc juvnun i I unieripi point out many of tho ad vantages presented by iron for building purposes, to say nothing of the security against conflagration, which sneh buildings would afford. Frames of buildiugs can be cast according to any rtyle of architecture or taste. Frames of one triumphant pleasure in the oil to observe the products of tliir oarlier labors. Xn nnseldoin, some of the fairest specimens cf the season are carefully selected, by dainty lands, to souic reserve place of tho house for tho purpose of gracing their hospitali ty on occaaious when friends call to Me a Law Prli win.." ,o lk.,nn i : k,, VM A'a.-l rf fitrnt, I'M!. Rnncll TiWrirti in in lr,wn oam.i ..F ,I,...m I 0, uly. , luulII) . u atuuaid to. KA V i liKOTlIKK as u supposcu, snuliing the savory spoils about to be dispensed by the Canal lioard. .WiyMr. Geo. Roland, the worthy sexton of the Lcwisburg Cemetery has a hou that was caught under a piece of old carpet which the wind blew over it, during thc Lite se vere weather, and freezing fast to the ground, kept its feathered prisoner in cbse custody for eleven days and a half, without food or drink. It laid two eggs in that time and lost an eye. The missing biped PIANO AGENCY. if " if i Goal Cur Lin?, aiieh aa Hoop?, Drop, Juuy Lindri, t,'jru, V beat. Straw bcrrv, ( luatcr, Serull, Braucli, 4c, 3.d Watch rail, do do Keya, do funrila, do Pena, do lerearla, do llnntm lakrta, (Medaliaj) do l;racrictj', Silver ManTcaa, Talea, lieiart, and s:t- Sihcr p-x-tacloa, 44 00 " 0 taj 40 00 " Co uo tit no " w ix 30 U t 00 2j a M) OU 20 oo u a t.0 1 IO " 10 la ou a on 20 " as JO 14 00 " 34 OO 20 00 " Si 00 11 00 20 lai 11 00 - 1 v T 00 " 10 Oo t 00 " 1 A tilt" 12 W a iJ " OO 1'.' 00 " otl 14 00 " 2 5 O 0 00 - 17 to 1 00 " t 00 Ti " VI 00 1 Ji" 1 Ml J7 " i 00 1 00 " S 00 3 0 " 7 00 On J no 1 ti " Jo t I .' a on 7i " lo Ut I t o " u to 3 M " U (w I 00 " 30 00 1 Ou " 2 iO MEDICAL REFOUM ran. n. it. iimu "ai- " tna ciuaena f Lajwi.1,. he ha rcmoaad into Hotih Tki.j U( nouaa lormail ocenpiad b L'.a,, d . ? t.frtnan HeforoMd Church. Ti.. 77w,ft liberal patronage ulibarto reniai i M t o oura ma uioieaaiotial aarrir. -c. . .1 - m ai. k I. . oeair in am. - -ai Il practice, median a cco., . mart i proTu Taieroa of M.di..i , "'" .. , . ntiflrm .- no uaiomri or .nvrcur m ,n. a liae. IV pro nimavii woitb of Ilia . . "fi - - aaioian,.., Ha keeoa on han.l . . an ..: a.iiacir u a aomiHiran an.l ,j i: r - ' " ' .wtniiniic-, lor iije rja rltirp itiam. if. ... a . .... iv . aci3iro la . i. , L.-i,l.0rr, April 7. .5," "-' aVi ''uch tualoa... L !" PORTRAIT OF V.SJijGTov LVrputh,h!d.T.B.VVKI.CH;B,a.;: lltiul lruii. x.. " . o j nal porirdii, in the Aihananm. ! una ,ur.ir. li.ti.re.rnrraT.d n.j-... I nt or TlliOIa.-, tfl.LV, , tl-aTi.- '""W Itntrl artiat. u.ronja i.k; """JM tL. . Y n.lu ,., Ir k ... . I.L . " ' ' -... kd fR,ruUn,.l . , ' rer siodurad in tin. . C"u, to.,., ao. Waa, w, a f " a-SaJdH Ifta aao.iaiK.- a a - ' J " '" fit ir, l.t r.a. aa a " w run. lu r . k.-l ...4 I I. , UM, .1 a, L. aw .- ty V ail fjnrt Uirt ... . . - -11 . .. .1 . ...... i., nr a:.. !..twt G. M ...i'. . t "i,r.:i; Ij.-k Ur. , i .a s. .... j , - . ; . tf.Ufc, mj sjiiMJ 18 w.tr r. ... .. r i -... . I . . i 'v ..'a au a. lrt, y, ur K m ail . . .,: I I L. . - -.a. a.,,! up, at price to tuii the tiint t ' .. . I in I.a u,.., .,.1,1 I. . r AC a V , r iut I tra.l fajv.lkM-.U - a ;i. i. rl. l. . w.. ! niac.ntrr. wl.Kh all mt... ' ft"-- r " ' rlaiartrii, tu-r.fii.,1. "-waaa, aauar I u . l. ...... I . L .. . t' . r,: . - u au . f-4t IIt.I r.i " 10 00 l.oticeta, Swdaclc. (.'asm, Uuka'ta. Ear Itiaga. Sbavl I'iria, Hair 1'in. Curat Deads, Steel UraJa, I'urees iScc. fee , Ac. Alaj Brara 9 day aprinjr and arai-ht Clocka da 30 liiur d do da S 'lay Md ..c 1 -i:t Tiaie Fi.ni, Moutb Cock. All.tar f.irl-r Clocta. i utcDt Lavcr or Mnrinoi Clocka, i'reneb acri"iu, " kcra, do . - do ln'i -polka do loU Muaie BVuea, Ami humlteils of articles not rr.rnlione I, Waichra, Crk ai.il IrvtUy rae!u!ly ra paired rJ ararraniaj. CaH nd aee March. 1952 14I loter r i . - , -.. "-niaTlTKU,t,S. auj.,t.r.alutl...., ... . . '."a ..lie. a,ii ' J ""' a aiaa I .?'jai.i,, Jurt. U t to ' 2 M 7 no 1 i oo " lo to 8 w 2 M 3 W " 10 00 " 3 DO ite;ses of our good " - .nan , F Bnd t j f Jia , ! can be ntade of wood, for bnildinus ofi. i ., f. , ,e ,r,l"'".-i .M;)a,if, some . ' 'l r uul,uiDSs 01 , to a close Tho ship Ericsson, of 2,200 i . , smaller sine. They can be cast so as to . , . . ' ' say bo sent to our . . -0 f 10 1 tons, is making proof of tho hot air prin- p r t i'C firmly united and joined throuphout -i , , ' 1 r' is. I . (j. IS. . . : . . fc cmle. tnumnhantlv. Th rnt i u.- KJe with thc pretty priestesses of our sood ,ron w,n M 01 u,ucU lcss ncnsionB than and generous neighbor. some 1 ti,n u,.a' 01 wood f ihr.. v- . smaller sine. 1 hey can wuvu ai'v,tiuiuii3 ia r Tomoloeieal rx!itliitinn UomesliC Guaao. 1 perti Eecently there has been much written ! omanicn in regard to the Lobes gnano question, ! necti avbich has caused no small stir among the p:trts nA VING Wen appohiterj Agent for th nalr of the celebrated i'ianoa, unniif ictuiej by .io. vociitT, riiiiaii., Was discovered by one of the chilJrcu ac- 'he nnderaigned woulil he happy to 8U p!y any ;rtnrnl!c tr.JI : T. i ; cttmiis of the tsufiiti. hanr.a country ho may , ' . 8 ' ! denre an Iiulruuieiit ell mntle, after ih latest 'donsy like when first released, but is ! improvetnenl. To ol tlice Inauumcnt hav, now as lively and well as could bo expected under the circumstances. TTe alsa learn that during ti e summer weather in the fore part of this month, a lilac tree in tho cemetery grounds, put forth leaves half an inch in length. John Alejtander, Est,, of Kelly township,' on Wednesday last,; (til led a hog 21 months old, which weighed 645 pounds. We reckon this will pass for a Union Co. specimen. The New Power. Eaicesox is now a name greater than lately been introduced into LeiM!-luii, to which I ana happy lo toff r any oi.e. Tho Pianon are are warmntcd, and if not ratiafaclory on trial for a year, they may be eie'ijnged. l'ricea reason able FRaNfiS J. OESSA EK. f.emiaburg, Feb 24, . i ' - 50O AGENTS WANTED. $1,000 a Year. WANTED in every County of the United State, active and enterprising MEN, to engage in the sale of some of lhe best books published in the country. Men of frond address possessing a small capital of from 55 to f !tn, will have such inducements tittered as enable them to make ftoin $3 to $10 a day profit. The books' published by us are ail u-cful in character, extremely popular, and command lari;e sales wherever tliey are ollerctl. J'or funher particulars adikvss (po!aee pj) UANIKI.S & GK J Z. (successors lo V A I.ear- & Co) No. 139 Isonii tecoml Hireet, PhiiaJc-lphia i IIUSSEY'S GUAIX HEATER, f jr cultin-r both Gram and Grass, i ui, Great Tmprortmeiits f ir IS 52 ! Lewisbura Foiimlrv h- Dafriu-rreof fp IJkcneHNOit taken accorhnj; lo thu luiesl improvruieots, at the first door below Innixoa' btore, ou the most rea.apnable terms, by . L. ItEROSTRESSER. I.ewibitr?, Oct. 27, lo'. STILL MORE SEWS C0XCEKX1XG IKE SUSQUEHANNA HAIL-ROAD icliich is to be. ex'tnultul from a icULurj to Js'uifl'iwn m the Jnniahl Un ci!::!, by .11i:ii.5)urs !! T U fait ihM It. IJ. ,Sts.r has rt ahad of all the Compantrs. and hia Ri?w .jai,,w uu, ui tub veal oil', la.gCTi aiui:a,a UI it. , tl I an r h " dial every t-.ty, i own, illate and t ountry fall KALIj &. IN'l'KIl (i(J01)8 r Mi-tim to annualiv, thro' the grow nrglicnice of ever opened in l!ii country, an.l oftuch a'.ylen ' ,I:US' is D'""J cak-ida imi. rap. rialtt ..., k.,., " v "fat- . , r i m . . , . . . . ' -" a-. i - i . . , ai.a . .',., m . i " ' I IITM.IB LaaiUiu. ,.f l , l;,. ; tl ..i.u.n of W,.hlclo. ,JL? 'STi nmwii ao artiat. ..... in. --i-wi ril:iuurr. MrJnr lira. U .f.M . I Pal a.. IIn. M m. 1-. K,-.. Ii7 7. ... . ""I" s l.mn In.iil. II. b..w.v V . i '" 1 OO I lion t.a.ar . lim, IU l.a - .. ' V. u v. I Uau. Ton. Bmua t b. ata 'ri-iM .Z- I W, .U a,-,.." JT.rZZ.L t -ho -, ,ouM ..,ur..rr7i ' ii. .rM,u i.,,,i:,':'r-,,o,r r-.V-1-- .-". K..i, T. C. I, Lmi J- T V. J'J x l" lalV k. II. W. Un,lMVvt.V .t.?-.. atLRi I!. Laird Tlif.ua,t v i. . -- I I U!J A.a,. Lord JI.r.f tn. on ai? ll' ? " niaU tha n-r t .f ,i i. .. .. .1-il",n,tit. rANlTACTLTED and for sale at lhe j Lti:,:.u u " ""J -.i' ha. xfX Lewisburo Fmiiitlrv bv I --i" w. iu.,i..aui.T CiEDDEaV MARSH CO. x w tun, of r m . ,1 i'f i-1!1"1 ' ' 0 rrai an a -,, for a, ttJl ., .. IJ ; frum hudu .lillor.a d - 1 rJ l.ii many rara close investigation and 1 -"rriu:i" " br.n mcor i A lru...U. the PaU-Wee tak j "'pTT.'c.'oTd!.'" it!, tha ri rri artmtcan Urn piia?ufw in iiuorniiiig iiie puoiic ii.a( lie iiaa i . wain, vw raiui.tiiiy t iia la.tara tr. to B p. airied at the true principle of p otrctilig families j " Ma'lTitci.,ri'I,'i'1i"i'' ,,'il","J,",'va'aail Jw. IIiubs and pn perly iroiti the Jeatrutive inllu- : rJrtiau. fuii.d a! UaTw' V V"" -' r -nice of LIGHTNING. 'he ealaniitiea - "' "" I.... : 'u-u. a Biagmliceol Torrait of CLWEKAL JACKSON' aad ijual.tiea as will give muslVti ;n to all. DRY COODS of aU klcis, (;noci-:iin:s, Of. Tea, 5i..Te!, ?r, M. Rie, CLrwr, nrn tue reaicuv i so at la oliin tin i : r.n;ravfd iiv B.Wiu V(' ,l. , f I i ' roftrait n-.in..l i r i- . ' .Mrr.w L:il i" .rr:'tV ,f,r",M.. Ia Paliitt Xlliijncttr ij!)t!iiit3 and in this alone This K.ul ha bren eaiM'.ei by the mot feietitifii . - ' .n.u."J.lir,inf pp.. . r.-it painted JjrTjSvii,,,. lb,ri ItOUS, 1 cve,r "spect as ell got up. I'nre J (0 , ! copy. Address ahrve tf IT 1 St V l J kK IMWl Fl irilllllt. g'llllCIMTII III lia.. 1 - Also Ilarrfimre, Vutrustcurr, . tofirifare, ! VlMesto,a M-Murtrir. John.on.W allor and manv TAILOBLUCJ. limits aii(( Shitrs, Hats, j other th u hive eiamiued theio. ieco:oiiirnd ami THE sub-enber having taken the and Cap of the latest alyle and best quality, speak ol them in the highfat teinx of approbation, t lately occupied by Samuel A in mi i uuioiroas, uiiimiw, vruoma. i-jiim Krn'n.ii anu : anil naae pronnunretl tbein lhe only ale roil tn ; " --siiiiiioii x Mon-pomerr. on Man. r.iy, win. 111 an ainus, anu otner artieiea l I u,e in thlaor any oilier count s lor tha protection ' , l- 5:"'r?. is now prepared lo etn numerous to mention all of whi.-h nill ba uld I oi Lives and Propeity. One a.lvanlaje 10 divide ! L'n"H'? and Mi:Vjn; of C!().i,fj accir;.';i. at pices ao low as to a.nun'.n paiclusers. and throw back pit of the ebeinr fluid harmUs ",c la'R' rasliions and ou the rtiis! I.tr AH tin:!, ot 1. ountry niUUL'jE taken in i 10 lh cloud' ; 111 time 01 a stroke this enaMe the ' .r i r?..n 1 . i 1 1.... .1... 11....1 .i... 1...1 . ! ntrotiaf' nf ll I.,- a: caoaiic i.ii uuu.ih luu u, imiuu... ii.u, pwiiuii wi uuai 111.1 la ain . v i.iii- r lm epaT;' f t. Cj l lfuse give ni a ca I before purchasing j lo IheMrth without toe sltghte-t tlanger of lea j Jt!l. MO.TGO.Vi:i:y eUewbere, as I charge nothtn? for lookint; at mv I vipg lhe ronducior. ' This rod has many otiicr 1 '.'STts. nr- Sepi. -3, IS52. (oiija. D. H. lilSSEL. ulvai.t ipp nvet the old one. The only place ol ( M HIinfcurg, l et as Itso2 matiu:acturing is in Korosish Ordina Bit'. importers, venJera and eonsumcrs of thi important manure, in England and iu this country. The annual removal of organic and inorganic ma' ter, contained in the pro luetlwa of the field, dairy, and etalia of the rami districts of our country, will, no doubt, in process of time, obHgo every thrifty farmer to use imported manure, con taining those ingredient- especially, which hall be wanting in thc soil, fjr the pro duction of remunerating crops. Thc che.tp Cin43 . i Wif St.Z&Mn abate ISA, mitukluhia. 4 1a .Meeti.-jr ,.f t,e Town CVrtr-l f IIOK- rmcturc. Aud the parts and .1":.,' .... r.., , . . - . I .r a r t v.,., 1 " ' "; -h-'e a!) persons are re.pectfull, invited to call ' "C""P. held the 8 i unexposed to view m:,y lc highly I . 1 . !r j r !v wcignt ot tlie ?0UU Ula,UiL.,UIa. EICS02S PATENT CHrER KILL '"r,' I Tr'Z. ,. ,l'l,. .1. rr ; ogiuc iin.miiua icsft luaii steam engines tk ' IlAlr..u concerns the lieaim ana: 1 j ii.Ugna.,ii.,.ii,. crdinar.ee no ner.. . . 1 a-vn. led by tbe pattern. The con-Lr . x- 1 0 . IV k,nn.a., fa n; all ,r T-N !1 former time, it .s,urPosed ihata large T(. ..via h... ha... ..,.r.h....l .,l ...,Maa !,.';.: ,'"-'"r'r.-c.rrerseii.si::?f,;-i, 3g and ftrcngthenin portions and' r : " ... 'n '. g , 1 the most valuable importance. I take it for ; X quaniiij of idar could be aiJe or.ly hj using J ,u:iy uwd bv t f..l!. ing ii.oivh!ual. cobii.anies i dirt or nni.sat.i'T'.'.r J nnv be curveiincar or stra.trht ma-T I'"- vc engineer ana one framed that every person will do all in their iiUer0ui ma. Line, tnst sloisiy c,uh.d tlie al.d ,...rP nations huse names are cheerluily j nroi, r.nv of th- rVr-lV, U( Dijui ui, ilitk- i Hl,,nH Tl. . V t - , ! . 4. . 4- .1. u i.l-.. 1 hi n m without runtime ths?m l.n. I hpv upr ' l .... 1 . ' "' r N' IS IJt r( i. . tl J t r ; aaittuau a unite. iuu tutu urav.9 Li 101 i lvrr w ive iuc lives vi tucti lhuuich, anu -n - . siinaiiuru : j anv c1! ! r ninri-x ..f J inirlfJI Of squares or Other f..rm. r.r . . , . . . 4 ILtt ;L.a :u ....! nr.. thn maJe into a maauve cht?-e in ktiAW. anil . , , ,. , . . . . '. . :. r rs r a,fr ll.rr I rtously rami6ed in these structures ! 7 , X ? 1 their own beallh at all Mcrif.ee. I feel it to ; most ...ere and lo,.S pr.ssure as retired .o , Sao.r. . J i ori. J. .M,.,t..,.i. .. ; t,!rPM': in tha frame-work mnnels cf easi 27 fwt ,0 to tho 'PU'e my duty to solemnly assure you tha. M".. o he e,,l m tue irame woih, panncls of cast, s lf , . 1Mfl nQ - WOK.MS. according to the opinion of the most : "on being absorbed hy ihe s t.aw and tbe mass of K,v.j. L. ,.,, j,;,,,, twtiMr.1.. Iwns haii te li h:. ... V". .r""n ,r' DC hilt, there bCHlZ an OUtWard e-l. ,r J Irrlahratert Hi.si. Inns, are the primary ran.ra of a lar ornice, and to Obtain tins linsallalactory result l.-.u. A K.tiiuk.-re 11 mm. u... U.u. Nutt i C-., Mr ! Me ,!jar ,.- , f'S " I...,) t - t ' c 'yv uuiv nine roues an , a""1" rai..r - ... lne iaimcr nau 10 take un ma uin.is ami prrtups - - - .- , : ,; , .y,,- , jr t " ors i. ,-ft luward groove for the reception of an ! t. t,, . . ... f '' ".? !-! ".""":: ;h.'.'-':'-b.- hi. s. hM iMm......l .!-. . h..i . . .h ., t?''7. lr-i:N?,,.?.nP-iM-.f.V!'."h.Mr: " . fe-. :nd r,,r,h" ii: i - ii.e .-, , " . . i wuuii a4, c uiuaiiL'uicuiuur ruiLim nr. iirsr. mini nn. ima o i.a-tf 10 unoiutr. i;a.i uKaiu. raiu iu . i"-r, .nr. .-iiarria-. -ir. ,riTr. . iri'ii'T. j. i.ririKrrT. i me ittcii i,.,..t.i .. . linnel or fillif-h. Thei. i . - . tlie stomai-h. Pi. k.mt at th-Ni, llnlue aivl rullnrM could have tern more profitably employed, to 1 Mr. laion. br. I'aul. S II. lv.r. & t,r,'j. H,i.cicuuy. i ... . ,0 ' , I'' I ce rr. ai r ;. uettr priinuseu moro llian nve ana only ...r tli, IMIy.Hr, t.u.rii. .'low IVrw. N Irriilur m3.c (tum fix , ,rteie u,.U ,.f cider T.' " " l,"'l I'"'1- I'.S. Arnal, t!, J " " r" uo Miu.i oLMiot l anr rl - I ...... .1 a I ., . m. 1 r mauitaT tliat all thae dcDutu H'JKMS. anil ou atoulj ; e , . " r li-rjcn I'ltvimLv-ioneis' li;.ll. .sTtrets. ailevs, EUIIeis rr hoped to reach SIS, With Steam. I ,t oax-a,.Pi, th-n ai-lr- I "hsiale !he d::h-ulty the fauners have horetofoie , w, it.,,.. At J' rfc.y.-ijrow Cr:a..in. Ju.t-c r-m..vesa-d'r.L7,. -, " Wfr (, tnts, .. . .. I I, ),,, lr M..ail. Jj.'.co I,Jrr.. ...y,,. .,nun Ii, ll ' . i ' V "". 1 C " " Ce.slrueiirBS WI ll in fl t, . lltJKi.yAUK .s ii".Jl ."li."'. . . - ' - -" - the (!ate of Mirh o, j ... . '. ' .v ............ a-u...-,,.,,. v.iiu ii tne sai il ifc.tr: kin? ,i be va: V.'ith iron may and outward ani inward pi pannels can be cist after patterns of the greatest beauty and taste- Between these pannels but little space will ho necessary, therefore, upon a given lot, more indoor room will be obtained therewith than by ness at which those f jroinn manures, of a j any other building materials- Tho sleep good quality, can be offered in the Anicri- I crs and flouring being if iron, more height can market, will lag a subject of great in-! ot story will be afforded, wi:h the sumo tcrest to the agricultural producer, in all J height cf building, than with the materials parti of 'our country. uuw in n. Hoofs hou!d be double, so ' Yet every American farmer should be jas to ff.rd a current of air to pass between constantly impressed with the vast intends j them iu the sultry season of tho year, connected with his profession, in saving ! Through ventilation, may be maintained aud mating all thc fertilizing matter rt throughout thc edifice, and more equal home, on his own premise, he possibly j temperature. Such buildings aho would can, thereby saving his uiouey, to be oih- J be a thorough protection against the tics-! arvia Avnnnil.il In linrirnvnninnt. iiif.ri.Ma. fru. .T. ...la sf li,.l.t,.Tn. . . . 1. ' v.n.BW . " . . - j ...... . v. h. . " - ' -J v. liuium. a3 IUU ClLt.riC ing the productiveness of his lands, and fluid would be safely distribuaed. Oue thus putting within his reach, at a mull . can order his house from the foundry of a outlay, the means of rendering tlicin more I particular siie and pattern, finished fur aud more ferule, as every succeeding crop ercctiun, to the turning of the key, doors, is gathered into his garner. J window?, wtr-heg, stairs, and all the fixtures The objecj of this article is to rccom- J even to flues of good draught, provided or blend to thc American farmer, the manu- ' furnished therewith. These frames and fat. lure of domestic guano, from tbe drop- plates need be only of necessary thickness piugs of his barn-yard fowls. Let him j and dimensions. Where much strength Lave cievtoJ a suitable hen-house, aud j is required, the support may be increased i'uen Ua:3 .that every old rooster, hen and j by hollow castings, enlarged in dimensions chioken on Lis premises, shall make it ' but not much if any in weight Tbe their resting place for the night, at least, foundation for suth structures will, there under the penalty of death, after a suitable ' fore, be less costly aud extensive than those time of training has been expended ou required where otber materials are used, them in vain. At the close of every week, : GenwmtutcH Tib-graA. cause those premises to be thoroughly --- --- . aweiit, and tho nroduets thus ohtainrf. te Dalti jiobe, Jan. 11 The case of R.i aa , . . BCSdECnsmTiq KSllriHfl. An artioV f, unj. i! un'ii yrii.ntilic irin'iil. ac mimnrilrj aaaia.f. n.ar.v. f with vuraly vei-ulilc aubstano-s. bciuc v-ri..lr aati-1 tU" J'Ca i I y t H C (Tj The i'IiIv aothnrized Aze nl for the Counties At the Annual Election held at the office I'tt" VKtSS ited.and statement of a frwfae.. o f ...o... JuuUa. Mdibn, OI,I,h,. l,e.,ff, of thc Company, in Harrisburir. on Mon- Warth... have maa.tii.-oi wak awl u. i.ii:ti.uu. the ; may prove that it is not only the Bent MacJiine ! r.oilliuii.hti.-uJ, .Moiitoiii.Cuiuoibia, l.tuvrne, ih day week, the following gentlemen wore 1 "-t . " ,hB - . , , , ... i IneivinR loiieaml str-n;th to the atranai-h. wlikli uakaa ' f""'''''' tna' man cau have on his farm. The unauimou.ly re-electcil I'ircctors : Ilenry ; n Intuliii.le mdj t.r th., am.-u-l with l3 apple aie bv this machine grated up into a Cue 1ir a,, , , , ... . i i na at(niiiin cures r.-rirrm! i.y inui rrun arirr ... ... .1 . . . .... iffany, W. F. Murdock, Dan Holt, Alex. ri.rM.iaur. hav, Trail.a.is rtbe beat cTidcnreor lis 8uVrior HU'I'." "hatit reutiesbul a compaiatively light 1'ic.uiti, buu iuji cut u niinui ur two,it) xuaci rail tli.it Fisher, WiHiam Cilniorc, Simon Cameron, j pK W0RM, til Mifer, Oeo. I-. .Miller, Joseph Casey, I Thi. I. ti.a ,..t dinirou wrm to a-stroy ..f V Prii th.v ,n"'el Inp htiman 5yu-ni. ll jin.5iu aas.nii at. I l ICaUey , nile .,,11 K.,Niriitii; - iilnl anil faf.ti:n. il in t INplfr.r i tinrs si' f-ti-iinrli, i fT'tinr lir liiltti . ' lruSt. Vitus baiire.i'ila.'.-.. that thoseaircli fsecretru an, 1 it ' sosptct that it u ; llr haloing theu icuu j ,ade on the old-fashioned machine. On this i L"'"." T' K -r rarir eiav.. In or'h r to drftrov tin., worm, a very eiu-r- . ., . . . . ; Kuuts. aunt' 1. Cfti'tf Eit'li- g-tic tnatmantmut be Furnc t; it wuui.i thervf.,r, W j ""n? ," ,he compactness ot the pomtce in Ocrr l.-il ... i-rojr to taLc ti to s of ui- Liver l':Hs, so a., to r.'iur.rtf ! the tub and tlie complete manner in which it is I all tbe cider, it being asccitained by practical experiment that One Fourth more can lie obtained Jacob S. Ilaldeinan Jns T! PnV.th.i.- ' inf,'st miiaan syrtem. It ir.'s to an alunat itidi.fi- I than by the old ptocefs. Deaiiles this it leuuires watuo . Jiaiutuiatl, JUS. It. I llcsllty , e k. K.-omii tte .-oile.1 ami fast.a iu th.- iut' s- OIl!v .',,.,,.,.,,,,,.. alo , John B Packer Win. F lrW 1 l'n m.,..i.ki., 1 ir.tin- the l,.ith , n as to I 0, ,y lwo ll',j3 nJ me up into cnier uutiu A. A-atatr. in, r . I aCKcr, -n- vi,... i.. t.ia x- n,.tth.i.a,iri.,i ,..i.i,.n. a lamer ouantitv of aoo es than run ha. tmiM. 1 .. m V. V. O If 11- r, . ... .. ' ... . . - . . . f. . ' r . 1 ' J rienr. llObl. C5. IIOIIIIIS, Trraturer. wer. f AMI'EL HOOVER. Hitrtletnn. Union enunly, I'enn. Orders and litters adJresaed (post paid j to .Mr. Hooter, will be promptly aaendrj to. He has put up nun.ber of these Rod in Cuion county, some of which may be seen as follow : A. B. Warford, Appoia&ui2nt3 by Canal Commission- j i,,wc,i ,,e''r 'u f-'wututiui igcunug tue most I o fart of lhe h.vttcm is wot? ltai.ie u (iiw-ttfts-llhnn the j LiTsT, it wrvin( at m tltTr to puriijr thr biooJ, or rit Iii the iroH:r t-ciftru lu lhe Ou; mi that iuiy wroug actiou or thu LiTcr etwU thu other icit urtair) parts ot all ob:tructi0w,tl.at tl..- Manu arop may tvt u.rwt I ground, pressure of lliree to fi0 lon wh.ch uH.n the worm, wh.i-h uiut t e takt-u in U-a rf two ' . . ' .. , ... " . w ra.nr uuiuiuvu win piouuce a more la.u'at.iu lecuti inao one nanoted tons be carefully packed away in barrohj or tiht chcl rar ker lhe o'cred girl who was last boxee-, mixed with aUmt one third it8 1 PnS orn Chesicr county, Pa. I 1. 1, ,if.a iui Di11.1v Ufl9 uu ItlUI ; in lhe Baltimore County Circuit Court be- weight in plaster. When you have your corn ground ready ! fore Judire Constable, on n petition for for planting is thc spring, on the day you i freedom, was decided this afternoon, by a intend to put in your crop, not before, j verdict granting her her freedom. Rachel hae a kox in readiness, stiCi;ieBtly large " w" w conect. a, was taken away on to hold two , ,Lree l.rrels,and mix well t'Zl 1 "h-,7",!Lf,,f S?a-C' j .- n:I C8S" acited the liveliest in- aiu uuiucauc guano, aovtu uouoie IUC Taatitj of 004 petk cf julver- lerest amonu the cii:Zfusof Chester counly I ..L- I 1 'J . J e .. . warcrc uw iwu rcoucu tioui CDlIuooou, HaBniBiRo, Jan. 17. SITEkVIsORS. Delaware Division Geo. W. Clawson of Hocks co. Eastern Division -J. B. Houpt, Mont gomery Co. Lower Juniata IV. W. Wilson, Juniata Co. Upper Jun ata Jas, A. Cunningham, Il in'ingdon Co. Upper Wesiern W. Bayer, Orecn Co Lower Western Jwscpli Clark. Arm 1 tronjj Cii. J West Drancn J. H. Kelton Lj coming iounty. North Branch G.W. Search Luzerne County, Weigh Master. Philadelphia It. R. Simpson Phila. Co. Easlon H. Ysrd, Nohrtampton, Luncssier Lot Watson Liwrence. Mouutain R, Williams, Blair. Weigh Scales. Hhllidaysburg J. Jl. Leet, Washing ton County- Johnatown J. C. Barret, Clearfield. Weigh Lock. Johnstown J. K. Gregg, Washington Co. Pittshurs A. Steward. Alleshenv Beach Haven H. R. Kline, Columha. Uie a-v.-U'tn. and n-aultn vuriouaiv. in Liri-r t:oiui.liiiiit. aauiulire, llyi-anaia, ie. Wa ahrmlil, iiiarario-e, aatrii every sjmi.ti.nt Uiat miht ii-Uicate a wrung a.-tiuu of the Liver. Tru-ae riila bcin? romAel of I.'onCr and Vlavtn fiirnirll t? uature to lii-al tlie airk, liau:ljr, lt, An tTttramL srhirh au-m-nt tl,e sis:nirin from the pulmouary Bnw ur mnuhmuc or prutaotrs the uicliar.:e of aei-reted matter. 2nrl. Ad JUrrutire, a'hirb chaugf s in .m inaxplirablc and inseuaihie oia.mr Um ecruiu mor- 010 anion oi ins srst. ui. ;il. A Ionic all eh a tea Inn. anil atrenth to tue nervous aitem, renvwiuir li-alth anil tizor to all .arts of the iaajy. 4th. A Catlanrd'c whieh acta in prrfiirt harmony ilh "the other iwrreokntt, anj oratmir on the howoi... and espelling the ahole """- f eorruut anl vitit J ualtar. and purifyiug tin blood, which Uestroya Umaa- ana teslotv hcailli. TO FEMALES. Yon will find theae pilla aa Invaluable mrlMne In many .miiliunt to vihleh you ara aul j, cr. In ottrue tinna cither total or nmrtiaL4h. k. . . .a ,.. rMimabic benatit, ratoriDgtbeirrunctionuiarraiiicrmeiita to a LeaUtiv a,-ti..n no.,. I... .1.. i i 1 . ,J, e. ., ota, mic aiuui auu uiut-r puma rti eEcctually to put to fli-ht all enniplainLa wln. h may lariae from uale irreiUlarlUi-a, as liialarha. eiuilinMa. uilnncst of ai.-lit. pain in the side, back, -. None genuine unless signed J. N. IIobes sack, and others being base imitation. Agents wishing new supplies, and store keepers desirous of becoming agents must ad dress the Proprietor, J.N.lIosisstra, at his i,aonratorr, no. ISO, Worth 2d, above Race St., I'hilad , Pa. Sold by all Druggists and Merchants in the United States. Agists Dr. Thornton & J. Baker, Lewis burg. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Union Co. Davis & Schnure.Selinsgrove ; Slitzer A. Btxv, Wirfliiibarg; Yonngman & Walters, Drv Valley ; R. Keller, Adauuburg ; 8. Witienraref. t WaT ar . S ...luMicuurKi ju. opecnt, ueaverlown ; J. u Hollidavsbur!r J. it. tierd. CnfrB. Kortbuoihcrlanii C-3 Brown, WaynR ( ffai,!T'r Kw Columbia; A. H. latin:, ' rciiest Hiiia ' Jnci; .Mta. 35 tiaii - treaure on the oriiiniry cider press, even if the applee were ground as finely as on the improve J Mill : and if thc apples were mcrrly crushed as on the Nut machine, it would require a pressure of lwo nunoreu Ions to prouuee the result accomplished by this I'aient Mill. The following are adduced as decided advantages of this machine : Vrrt It makra mon- CM-r thsn any other arrsa, with a pven jiiant:ty of at plc., in a given time, nU with u.. u irra nua.r A11U rxpt nac. oirf--lt maVia cleaner ana sweeter CUar than anv otrcr marhinc. J Thitdr a can niaaVyonr fi lar as yoa want it, and whan yon want it and in nuauttiiS from one aalioa to L or twi.au bam-In. FnwVi ith it you can press T'-urCnrrautn.Cberriag, Ilcrnca, tTirere, iliitb-r. lArd ana Tallow. Fifth With It you can ;aava ONE F0CRTI1 of your time in niakinr Applr Dutti-r. a Sirlh tt ith it yon can trrind or chop yoor A pplea, Tout toaa, Turnlrai. Iteuts. CarroU, or I'Umpkius. fcr Cattle. .Vr. nth Hy ita uae you can at all times hav S'UESU and WK:T Ckb r. The price of the Cider Mill, with right to use the same on any one farm, is $35. Price ol the Root Cutting Cylinder, $5. Tbe sizo of this Machine is about 3 hy 4 fe and weight about 200 pounds. It mav readilv be taken to the cellar, door-yard, kitchen, barn floor, or orchard, as may he most convenient. For State, County or Township rights, or for Grant to make machines in certain territory for slated period, address (post piiil) IV. O. JI1CK0K, llarrubarg. Fa. Person in Union and lhe upper part of Northumberland counties, and in 1'enns and Brush valleys, Cenler county, can procure the above Machine on application lo H.C HtCKORT. A Bargain! .v rxio.v corxrr. rrttrttry Tp. Mark Halfpenny. Wm. Foatrr, J.itn TTaaa Vi. h IV ters. Jaoti tmilh, lfemil tilui.n, liniben ,M. nch. lieorje K!-kuer. A"- Anfia Court 11 .uw. and Cmniia.ionar-' i.lltne. Liaurfoae J). John KcVr (.lion ;..-ur.i njrin wiihu. IU ail.a T John n Kuntz. Itan Jo. laaaa Cuu'dr n a... illchacl lloffuiau. lions are nut r. .... .. i , c x " """'" w.ioin the lin.e r-i ..e... .1 ui,,, re ti.e dmr f lhe H,ch ( lt.; t-Ie to remove lhe sun.e ihe ... t :.... ... val I and ll.e anii.tini f fil,e r'finf; Vw.. sa,, re desermincd ty ll.e .-,, -"".; to recollected fam person rr p-r,ens so P.Ten.lin. Published l.r .imlrr of the IW.I JH-V r!OruHTt).,C: !i. 11e loth .rsston Lcwisburg Acadciav M il! commence on Moaaat. OcUi.r is i he course of In.Mruetion in ,h,s Inr s ""ui.t.ea to prepare Youths toea.art U gr.or lor general business. Ail bwuchn - uoiougn .-.cauemic course.-inf-fn.li.ie I; HSCOMJtCXOA Ttoy. Hi!.a. Aa 1.1. 147. I have tMa dav enrefiitlr itaarta.1 a -r,n.i...,A. t.ithtniuz Ho.1. with vnuo'aud inilrK. an ri. ,i kr w. I 'll.om.-i9 Armilare. on Kvllevin- llrnac. (ia-orvatr. ard ! have no braitatiou in Ming that it la not only the taat i 1 have aver aa. n. but tli.U it is the only one I have y t rxamii.e-1 that i cmftrurti it on atrh-tly arienlifc prin-l-plea, lt is with much plcaaura that 1 rrroninH-nd bis I conductor tu the alt, ulaou of oaatrs of bu:Iflinr- I H. Mi-MUUMIB. I I am well a!i..(Si-d thut the Man.tie Li-htnin. i'r.l. I manufactured hy Mr. Ttiomaa Arniitaire. of 1'l.ila.l. t !i.. is U.o beat that haa vr,r bean niaile. 1 Uava a,ieiit a.,aral yeara in uia aiuay oi tue law. ol el.vlri.itv and m.ii:n. t I ar iri.-ll nr k.l i i. u ' i.n aa.i h:.,. a wii.u... i. ...i.. .k., ,k oi .are stntlly p To hi buetl. boih in ami eontrurtr-d Uan the only principl'of salrty. Thclirtrie schtHll ; and kindness, COUrtCSV ard a r abock ia raet-iva.! and diam-a.,! hv 11. n,a..ni t tl, nl h.,tuv.kl. i ' t cf the rod. and it would be iui lawa of attraction and repiila:ou. Sr a buiklinr injured by a alroke or luhlr.in; whn protecb-U hy one of ttwae l-ods. 1 navt. Daea ae.uaiutad with Mr. Armitaco for several years, and bef re he oaatmencrd the nianufac. tare of theaa rods I examinaMl the principle nn which they are constructed, and f-lt convinced that their atloptiou would bn attended with rontpi.-te aneci aa. The increainc. demitiid for tbeee rotl,and the extensive aah-s in all arta of the country,! ample commendation r fthair utility and urarinritv. TKAI V K WALLER, il'. t. W.ln Sun. rhi'a.l Co.. April in. 1S.S2. gu.iges, .VidihuiatC.s and General ti:era;. air laugut. The present wm aiTords a good opporto". lor imp.-orr-tie.-tt to Voung .Men. reitd.rf . ... ...s..oll,lwu, .ao are at leisure dot mv .uit r innnins. fi mpi.sim.ti and Declamation wit! earelul attention. All geosS .rnnoral pracu. lire wtri..lv np..h.l.:...i l npioi aaiciy. iric engine - . , anuuuess, COUrtCSV, and S l by thr mau-.lH at the b-p of honorable HTalrv am,.r,.y ik- . . p.iide. h. th. ...couraoeii 1 g ,be ''U,A :o.i, r a buiUinir to b. "Curagea. NEW Rockaway Cairiage with MOST KINDS OF JOB PRINTING, SEiTLI EXPEDITIOUSLY AT THE "CHRONICLE" OFFICE Lcwisburg. 1 G?Q 1000 Englith and GcrmaB AL i Osjsj. MAN ACS for 1853, ju-l received and for gratuitous distribution. Call and get oaa and use your aitpence. 1). THOR.NTO.N & CHRIST The subscriber is devienn. ... . of Youns Ladies. TnilUmFor tangnoges $10. Hicher Iish Vi, and timuion liianches ib, per .. jusi KA.MlOLl'H, Oct I, lf?5 Jriticipa'- -m fcr . Jl' receivers an a&auriiEeBt of firetri'l y ...artsooa .tteioileons, irum Cic.A.P . t-o. s eele braterf establishment, Buffalo.?' 4 octave Me!iaon i... i- , i -" w v aa ft. 41 do do CtoP (i 5 do do F to r "f Large 5 do F lo F.Pi,n f(T,!f A L HATFIELD, Lew.sbr, nOAL,PLASTER,SALT.FlS-1,IRON teats fpr fuur lor sale cheitn by f J and NAILS, al av on hand and fur CIUKLCS S. t RITES. V. S. KKEMER & CO. TO COACH MAKERS. SJ ttL, ppnnps, Spring SteeUron andB h , . '"P PrP . rlaia andf black Oil Cloth, black anrt fa n s- ..lrv n3!i Cloth for Trimming, Lining Cloih. Coach Li J nits. c. Ac, to b had at redured n me cneap itore of . KKEMER & CO. Bt5IT. Com iB ears sraatrl atx't or ia aachaac tr KBIMEH 4 W 2,000 I I