Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 24, 1852, Image 4

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. -
Fioiich Wit.
"Ia the world," aaiJ M., "there ars
three sorts of friends : your I'lienl-i v.I.o
'ike you your friends ti ho u i cot care iur
you auJ your friends hu Late you."
A lady, aged tolncty, said to FoutcEcHc
at. u:;.ciy-five, " Death lias forgotten us."
f I
9 J 4F q
l"S the place where G .
L ufucturcs aoJ sella
For Sale.
Carriages and Buggies
ban at any other shop in this country, without
I'lada v his finger upon hi mouth.
Hi; subscriber offers for sale his Farm in
I'urlal'ic 'i n, 6 miles JC.VV. ol" Leu-ishnrrr.
Sil uco I not a word." said Foliteuclle, c.n:ainii;t; 1 S. Kri' more or less 60 or i exception. He has the largest ami test ass irtrr.ent
III nil .vfll.rai rcillli imina, sou ia m i,-iiiiiiiiu ii'
give s.-.ti-tnctinti lo all nho may favor him i:h
Marshall i! Turi-nno diui:ir at M. C'" letn-e. and noil cultivated: llie remainder tlioir custom. Call at the vomer of ulnut uud
Trie l-.iiiiiiu.rs :-.re a n.-.l Frame Hr.nse,Coo-
K llou-e. rv.rrr.ir lloif-o. i. or I!:im fvritii n
ii'-t atiach.-d lor s:aMit. r.ii'c.1 V WATJTJTSStmC F.flCir.B!WIER1T,
1! .-ii-r, etc. a;,J an cx.-eile-a! faring of Water ! f. L. Illiri:!! .r re, seen..-, to ir o. IT. -J.uk, u.Vxl-
aerir t.:e door, j d Cc.t.ni: nn.! llrj;..k If Z.'.HTi.'f,
'1 here is dl.;n erected a first rale ?aV A?H1 , 7 0OK HIXI'KKr, Sia'i mors, and D'at.k
t:Ca::i c! v a'.er.u-iili aiioll.er 6) b.ok Manufacturers, liaKinsrsina, Pa.
Laiuoinon'f, the Lost iiKfiireJ of his
giiesr if Lis courage was never ehaki n at
toe eoaiii;.'LCiu.nt of a buttle. " Yes,"
f- iiil Ti.ri.uoo, ' I Von titles uudeiTO -ri"at
li'.rvous excitement ; but there are in tl.j
an;:v a gre:U number of subaltern oliLvrs
acl tftAdkrsvvho experience, none whatever.''
Iu a large compnir', luauy details of tl.o
f 'uticny and goin-m"utifr of various tovc
rj""t'ns were iiiGi.t'oued. "WLat wjul.l
Tot Lave ?" s;.iJ 31. de Urcquigny ; " 'n
the i:anie cf lleawn, wltcit would you
Lave? These poor Lius lnust soiiie
tliing, and it is as nece.-aty they sbuu! J
eat as Jack, Toui, or Harry."
A certain gentleman rLo .-ball Le r.nr.v
les, had lecu, for thirty years iu thu
ftabi; of p?.sing Lis evenings at Ma daiue
II. 'a. At length Lisv.ife iiied. l'eej'lj
thnugbt b3 wouii uiarry the lady uL.0
Louse be frt'iiicutcJ. and Lis best fiie:: !.
Water s-treeis, I'j.j cr Mi'.ton.
Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC,
a t!jc (Scrman lannatje.
-sjjrv. VEKY ixtmf." for past
rTk'-?vV pal ron see from the Citizens
'-'T'.yVrLandrttuiIentso! IiCwinhurg and
" . T'r'"i'y 'be subscriber would
r'Siv ftale 1,8 continues to give
I nti unions on the i'iauo and tiuilftr al-o in
Vocal Stu-ic anJ in the German Language.
Having been tauxht in the hem Music Schools
in (iermnny, he deems himself amply qialiliej
to torch Mnsir. and to aiJ in the correct aruabd
tion ot the rich ticrrcan tongue. He niil !c
tune Pianos n 1 put them in repair, if desirtd.
K i!cnce, after the I at Apnl next, en North
Tl.i: J 8t., fust dojt south of the Schoolhoii.-e.
F.b It.lS.iS. FKNCIS J. t.EsNER.
s:t.- !ur V. j'r h.vor.
ciy. ;. si. -ft:? i.-r l.ujiirg c r Uui!t!inT aI'-.(
til. I il;. uri i:n
in.-'. t t! 1 l. .vsprm!
TU'-v l!a t r llier:iM. :T.-i thai Uy rawfui jU'j ut :m t
11. t'.i. v Mti'i - i-it l tt f. iv- a t'on.i:itriii(ii
J : Hi p'-r Acre. Fit fin thr pnrlic.ilars i.-a:.-i..i.i-n !,h-ri.v mj";. .1 l. tli- M firm
s0J J.t-OU illiUALM. Uu.ivw.il.tj, !... '. i-i.it. ;ti.l r.iv:t,- irui v .. ;.nJ j
. ... . t vi.(V ,f i; ;,,,,( i.:,ifN I t.bi.k 1 i.-lti. Vurif, I
J in ji.Mi:.' n io tiif i.l vr.xU t-a ".mil niKiit a'l ftnr
iA f2f i.u.r.i i T.a..-f.r. iv:;. m.i li finnlnMl in snperuT sivle fi.rihe rft-rptiun
is-A Lll. i ,.f,,rr: w :;r. An...M v't.:i r F ; - J. l .-..! iv m-.k oC visih Ts. The 1.0 ttt rlror lormeny ocru
nnn .... ,t...,-i ,t x---:-:ur. Pil U smrrs, is now incluU-J in the lh-
I f TLiut'cs at Hi v'vl'K i; A. M. if j Taj, itw-
siw J .!;.- i. rv e!irity. f. L. II llTI.il i Co.
M.-.y 2!. 1 !y.
t!i.it va'ua'ol.? E'riil f.oi in lite lSorutic.!i of i U ..k sad 1'an'phlets to he li.iun 1 may he
I.r-i'.i:r3 "ti N. VV riser s:r.'vt, 1 doors ahote : lift unh UJiior of die l.ewisburg C hr inicle
. j Sit 71 . 1 T . 31 r.ll ..... .7yl.
I r.'( i.u.w ji'in terms i..' jni "v
,!,!";, i; .",, i',':,. flMlE $uUrr:!r having lately become pro-k'-i
i.v k lr.-. tt - I pn.-tnr of the FHAShl.lS HOl K,
l. . s . 1 . . . ... mill
' r.:i.-siatit Street, Uiow Jl ana tin, nnn.i
't!'' DEIiPIIIA. and havinc r.ac-d thr pric. of
v.nU, rinl 0,1:1 flu, f.t) per day, pves notice that, nol-
witliNtnikliir? this reilnclmn lie n'lll Mill cure
tiiine to keep a FIRST CLASS HOl i-l'.
Fra'iklin House has just undergone extcn-
;i aiteratioii, and is n iw fitleii up ant re-
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease,
DR. FITCU'd Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Conautnjilion.
ThispopuW work for sale in Leisbiir.
by S. F. Lyndnll J- Houghton and at
tilt office. fV: . "6 eenu
JJiJJUn'jurg, L'nivn cvun'y, Ptnti'u.
1) nl'EC I Fl'LLV iu'otins the citizens of
Union county, unil the public in general
Uiui he has lia:jd the abce taml. lor many
Ji'ais occupied by his Father, and ia lo pre
pared 10 accommodate fiiends and the traveling
coniii umlv 111 a iiiani.er acrcinanie 10 an.
I'M: .K1I HI1 r.V D KTOIt
TSr t .r.i:iir ta-li ri' lr m a wan r m.'t ie.r': irt-j-riii.
li- in ri k""'"' xtensi jwticc iu tLUi.
. Am- tin. oi.i..:'
tilf I ir ' I wrru- ti. le T',:i POTne amount r tn
wtu-Sr.il.;-.:W pn- hy ti..- u-u .f 1) -.'r 'ira-ks
Vn -netir linlli.3l in I'l n -.-. I li - a !,VMi l: n
Tii ti.li.'irii. ru.i! "l.diT Miy o 11 tbw-r-
K.. n. it il I '. rr - .n-.;.t: n.
l a. 1st A .Vrx. !.!, ! 21'on f ' i ' T
ri.f W rat'-'i 1 li ! iu-- '"- m lln . t
The HOUtfE is larpe and roomy, well arran- J"", J, , i.ii.nr.awi fc
ue.l in uli iln dcnJrinirr.ts. a'nl every care will tie ' , . ., ,
laken to rel.iier hi- ciietti ronitorlable 8lul happy. '-"
Dr. John Locke,
rtrrrc K on Thirj ,..t, ,oro,r ,tttt.
the (.ermn Keformed CI. arch. r"
I.twi-.burs, February J4, I85J
K " "" to the n,o,t n rt.It mj.
. 'be day when .h. noinlj o
th.. afliiud is talon n.io cn,lr,mlu,a
wfcrn it is rr men.berid that until the inlrcucUoB
of ihi. remedy it was tho'i niip,Hbl 10 ,
' the di ra.e without meihinfcal n.eaus and b, a
I 'rm.
M'trJtatfs I'ferint CuthJtnm
i::mt . in r.w of i ri
UrXItct-l )la..:u
l.,r .w. !.. r , gn. Mi.iii, '1 t " " 7..'
rmJii in inn i
ID rs'lUl-liiatn (.f til I Attif.l:rN.
"ILL !
iSiiiuiJiv, 11 January, 1853,
'.s "i'pine! anre H 'tel.
, ei:i.:risiiis a two-
r-v lr"'k II .'. v. rtri aier-re roinos, also a
Kill hen. iriiri.a .'l :il'.t r ():iibcildings. a Well
of c i ! .vr.'t r. ai.i! a lairr- nnial it i f Arp!'-.
neourageJ him to perpetrate the deed. 1'' I' n ii .o.d '-"bei r. Tices. (Irap-'s, tiuin-
, ne. .-n.i a rin j- 01. ir;e I1.1, u inea may
He refused, faying, " In that ca?e, t:iy
dear fiiemla, where should I bud a b
of refuge to pus my evenings V
r. ! Yi-.il
iiiir.iily e-i by tins uroperli.
'I1 -.i e-ib'i 'l of the purchase money 10 be pai l
ori ili'il'en. I lie l:torAi:ii! next.
A clever man, M , who bad run i Nov. sj s. V cil vri'ELL.
counter to the cenrral
opinion?, pio-
Lounced himself agaiust a popular work.
In all soeicties, he was answered, that the
puunc taa coma 10 a very uinercni coneiu- i ri
rion from his- " The public !" he rejoined, !
fox i$k Sale.
HAT birye and ijisiiable property on
the cornor of Market and U'a'rr f!s.,
' bow many fools must you collect togetb-: oll sirtini d lor a rcsi ii nce, for business,
ft to form a public?" j or lesiderrte and place of business.
, ,, , . ! Tiiere is a lar-e J5UK.K House contain-
r one said to an agrceabl misanthrope, jR 4 r )0(iis in ,he firs( Q
ttho had introduced to mc a young fneud j ro,nij l)ie sr.Ilfj (ir arjj ,wo llre
cf his, " Your friend, ruy dear sir, has no ' linisl.ed riKims on the third. A Kilirben
worldly tact j he knows nothing whatever i .md Wa-liliou-e adjoins, mid it his also a
of the ucs of life." " Ah !" said U , ! Ilrc ' " Citern. h Pump and Well of
be is already as mournful and JowncM j S ?fy r' and a" lhe neccssary UI-
s if be knetr crery tittle of that cf b:cb j e. ,,.. trt fir p
you reproach him with utter ignoianco." j j.q. s. li. DAVIS.
The Chevalier de Montbary lived fur a j J"Tt' flefK 23' ,e53
time in a provincial town of uo m te. On i ""vv vyyw.
.. . V - , , , !PtIrjli ainK'Sltltt.llAKISG
his return to the capital, Im li lends were i ,t., -. L .
., ,. r . , , H l.J houeht me shop, ma-
condolmg with him at to the wretched so- A trr.ali. ami good will. lately o(
ciety, See. "You are fjuite mistaken,"! lJ J,ax Hi.ktx, at the upper eud ot
ii u .i. i c.i . v..i ! VTf' M.iikt X!.. the subscriber is now
eried Le ; the good company of that Int.- j ,,rrpart,, to ex- cure wetk in hi
town is like good company every w here, and i HCCt"1 '1!'"i
the bad company is most excellent." j -1 T THE OLD S7'AXI,
Madame de Talmont, seeing M. I). Kich ; h.1 h.i.l .-. -,,,! irim,i,. j t,e business, b.-tl
lien, instead of lavishing attention on i "! I"v.'ll.- and in L".vibnri. he is conadeui
, . , , 11 'i'3' be en do .nnl wile, and hopes to re-
.or.A. l.imiiirii.iii4 t Al .ill i.i.i .1 Ki'iidl... 1 ..... ' .
u.....u,1..j..,6wU.c....aU......u... !CC1V, a i, ,( ra sii:.Tr i jiaironaee ami pay.
a Very pretty woman without the lea.-i ; 'rd-rs renecifuliv solicited and rood
Kiind, said to him, Marshall, you are no. j ccsby the Pse.
Himt, tut 1 believe you arc a jtttje ueat. . I.wib!ir. Julv, H53
The b'e diiaiirous
;v'tyil.-. Ff gives fresb evid
SiV5 I,l:ii'?:- cuce of die reliance to
Lf5 i j pi-vJ. placed in " Ourr..
M. de
asked the I'isbop of
to lend Lim a country Lox, to which be
never went. The Uishop answ i red, " Iou't
you know it is necessary to have a phut
win: mlj;kal water.
you know it is necessary to have a phut Q t U
where you never go a place in which yot, C---V3"
fancy you might be happy if you wcu 8 f 'jS
there?" M. de , after a momentary h ! I?
hiler'ce, answered, " That's trite, and this i: V : ti I i-"Jl
fecdin it is which htu uiade the idea o! i , . --Jt- 7s7 5'.-"t;-. rri-
I'aris so wmular." ! .T1---rT.
rr.bers having aso"iairiI ihiniK.-lves
1'aris so poj.ular.
A villar.-: doctor went to visit a patient
i;i a neighboring hatub t, anl took iviili
liiin bi.-i pun, that Le i.ti'it v:'v.)g any
j a 1 : ei.vwUtiUred iu erossini; the fi. Ids.
A r asaat, meeting him on the way, a bed
V. Uer Le was ? To sec a patient,'' i Private 1' rii.'ie-. it.it. J Keiirs.ai.il Pie Nit
vas the answer.' "What, then," said the ' ''"'f' '") ' "''" l,,u;e of :7i
, ' ... i I -b-X. li.iill. ie' j.nej.
I easant, " u i yea reaily f. ar to uns Lim i lVn..:n ..ui-w. will pb-i?e liict t. Dr
in the ordinary way, that you take your
I !'.. t i r in me m i ! i ai 1 1 us of M.nrrril
. irir, are . i p.:r. d i.i lurin.-li it. (bivorud with a
v-ninv i.l ii.'U'S. s- eh a. Nre'iir, ."-'arraparilla.
Pine .. j pre. d'oier. J.irkev "!u:.. Straw-lia-n'.ei'v.
Iii4. kt;i;riv. Vaioili. Ac.
X. CI, S'.nlh S-cmd St., PhUaihljihiii.
Wc tak? pleasure ia stating that we had or.e
of Oliver r.vans' Fire Troi f Wales in our store
during the Great Fire at Hibt"s Briunaoa,
which, when taken from the ruins and opened,
wan found to hnve preserved our books, papers
Ac. tnivtUj uiviijurtil. (jtTX & Been.
My sh're was entered by biirplnr?,an'l failing
to pick the lorlr cf my iron safe they tried io
blow it open with powder, but no less or injury
was sustained. It was purchased of O. Et ans,
61 Stou.h Second St. pu!ad.
J G Foi-Lks, Bord 'ntown. N J
For sale of all sizes by OLIVER EVANS.
61 J. Second St. below Chestnut.
Sole Agent for Day A Ntwel's World's Fair
Premium Bank.VauIl and Store Locks Thief
and Powder proof.
Also in store Seal and Letter Copying Pres
ses, Trucks for moving boxes or crates.Watcr
Fillers for purifying bad water. Druisgisis'
Presses wiih cylinders and pans, I!efrij;erators
and Ice Chests", Portable Shower Baths of sup
erior construction. Water Coolers of all kinds
for hotels, stores Ac. 3ml38
Oif this out awl jimrrrr it.)
nAVIX'j! adopted the Cah principle in my
busmen, by which I avoid the annual list
ot bad debt- and the expense attending the col
lection of o'd accocuts, I am niar enabled to sell
and icit'l f l. at prices that will savt to my cu
tnmers at leat 25 er.u T. on their purchases, al
the same ti ne uwrrant cvtry article to be purr
cs rrprenntid unil serxtiinu fir thr prire.
Orders filled in original pa. kies ai imnortcd,
of 14. iit. 3 , 'III, 75 an I ISU gailuns encn.
trr-.i -lii? nf cTi-ry !"' rij.tion, at
o'il 11 .r'nn.l arvl st;!. .'aiu '.i:!,
.Ia:ii'iii-a laini tf .t:iT-ront
Irii an.i srot.-li Wl,ik.y.
I.nili'ii tr-riitin St.iut ati'l Srnteh Ate,
old Maili-irn. Mi,.rry, ainl I'-.rt Wintift,
CUrt of ecry irra Ic tu ca.ies
do it ra-ii,
Cranil-aL-ne nf wn-ry Q':a:ilir,
With Tincture, Cicilv, Lisbon, and Malaga
Wine in qr casks. Al-o imported Liipieurs
I'u'acoa, Marachino, Arrak, Ciierry Brandy,
Kinrbwaier, eVc.
Oi l Monoii j.iliela ami Bourlon Whiskey from
1 to id years obi.
fXj'Every cask carefully examined before ship
ping, (ioojs ihippid under petrosal supervision.
Wines u:rlovd ill double casks, if desiicJ, to
pievent tappiiii.
A. II. M t.AI.LA, I.npo.ier and llialer,
3ml25 lit) P.uni. Sircrt, I'lti'ud
II .let. forni'tirr a spaeious Reception Koom
(1 tit'enien's Parlor and lltninit Room, thereby
allow inu' an ad.liiimi of thirty chambers and
several beautiful parlors fronting Cheitnut
street. Rooms in this Hotel are superior to
most others, beinu constructed with alcoves
firm in? parlor and bedchamber attached
iell lighted and ventilated. It location is un
saroassed, either for business or pleasure.
BUN. II. WwOliMAN. Piep'r.
Cm 134 i'hit-nlrlphfa
Flour Jlarrels.
f fHIE subscribers would respectfully inform the
J ciiizeus cf Luicrne and adjoining counties,
thai they will keep constantly on hand al t'iahrr
V H'lgardut Warehouse id lhe Uoro ol Vt likes
Barre at ka-t
1C00 Flour Barrels,
From hence all sections of the-country can be
N U. OrJers for barrels from a ditance will
be regularly attended Io. Address "Baldwin A
Bruwn. HunlMnlle, l.uxerne Co., IV" Trice at
Warehouse, $Jo per hundred.
Huntsvilie, Lux. Co. P- May , 1852-3iapd
$1 00 a S ("
S3 2 10
1 ?S ? 'II
1 is 2 ;o
it: i t
!S 4 00
2 r'i in m.
!4 0.1 4n on
V "0 lii Ou
VI.. HATFIELD, fcas on hand large
.and splendiJ assortment of Mstches,
Sin xawsax and Jiirtui, jusl received from
the best lmHrtii.g and Mauulacturing Houses
in 1'hiladelphia and New Horn, ami consequeni
j ly much lower than if purchased from lhoe'Ke
I lailcrs who pretend to be Wholesalers.
n.ilj Pat.-nt Levers, full jwelfj, 18k $e0 00 to $124 00
tio dn Jo 4 Ji cll, 1-k
do ilo do full j'welil. t'.k
do do do v j-weK 10a.
do An.-liorn, full jeweil. lsk
do .'o dn do lik
do L.)iines, 4 tuS jewels, lhk
do do 4 jewels. lk
do Eu ;lih and r'reerh tt slehM, 18k
irver I'liteiit liever.-, full jeelrd,
do do do 6 j-wt-la,
do !Imitir.i5 do ji-weiwl,
dO Am llHTl, full jwweleii,
do Leiiiies. 4 to H jewels,
Gpruian ilror Lupines, 4 jewels,
Silver 0.i:3iters,
(ii'riiem iler A seeond hand Watehes,
linld liiisrd chains,
do Laiiii' Fnti rliJiin,
do iieiiti. men's Fob I bains,
do Ve?tl'li;iii.
iold Ladies lir.-s.-t Pins. latest stylea,
eurh an Mournieir. ainllitn.s,
t'nnieap,l'l..li-r. erel. Hrnnch.ae.
Gold Ui-ntlemen' lln-s-t I'ins.
do u.1 l'.n . ili'Ji n ut itjles,
ilo Fin-r Kinj.'.
'iold Kar Itinir-, f-nli H'op. Tlrops,
J, tiny Lii.de, rrn. Wheal. ?:rw
Wrrv. I ludi-r. Scroll, Itraticti, Ac
G. M Wsteh esls,
tlo d-i Kvfi,
do Tpuri's,
d. I'.r.i.
do eeartts,
tl.i Itnritiiii: l.o ki i. ptedeliss)
do liriii-eteN.
4S l " IKl e
40 10 " 6-"i Ot)
So 00 u Ml im
30 lJ " fl 00
2. no " M On
Co oo as eo
IS no 2S m
12 io 9 !
in on w 3i on
14 00 S5 no
in 00 " 34 On
li cw ao ihi
11 00 " lli 00
7 no " In yn
6 (si " In no
2 in " 12 on
l-o u 2'1 00
12 on " li Imi
14 oo " a& en
k Ou 1. cu
1 oo o no
Ta " 20 no
1 2.T 2 .i.
37 " 00
1 on s oo
IU" 7 on
SO " ! no
1 25 " 10 i
1 i.o u a on
e 7S ! i Hi
1 IS) " 12 nil
S 50 " 12 .)
1 CO" 20 On
1 00 i 2 f,o
His TABLE will aivisvs be fum'ulitd wiih ll.e
choices! i!eliercieof lhe season, and lhe lies! the
market can afford. The BAR will nt all times
be attended by careful persons, and cone be! the
very best of liquors will be kept. Hi TABLES
are ample and couvi nient, and the O-Vl'LEIi s
punctual and at'.entive.
In ehnrt. he pledges himself to endeavor to
give tier e ral satidaciion Io all, and hopes by
.irict attention to business Io meiil and receive
a liberal share of ps'ronase.
Mitllinburg. June 10 800
f VHE subscribers ofTer ihc public, at their
J nev Brick Foundry, the following new
and valuable Stoves :
Iron Wiich Air-Tighl Cooking Stoves, with
a Briik Oven.
Lady Washington Parlor Stove.
Cast Iron Air-Tighl Parlor Stove, for Wood
2 sixes.
Coal Burner for Parlors I size, 13 inch cyl
inder. Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 3
Shield Air-Tighl Parlor 8tove for Wood 2
Egg Stove lhe very best in use for Stores,
Offices, Barrooms, and Shops.
J he celebrated tienesee A ir Tight Cook Slove
The Complete Cook I sixes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings. iVc. Are.
Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849.
I. S metime IK JI.V Isfl. I rl ealleil to ee a
Mr-. All. li. liin-e w in ti mile- ui-ta: i. u.r ctw nau
i .. ii-i t.v sweml l ) vinn.. she wn f r-t ki
Mi-ke.1 l.y wwtifdi-wt ije" . -4ll eet. n- inB
i-vi nin :
;.f. Srt-Iiiry
We I .
ii.ii.ii i-ou iti.d iiaiivr l ri.durtee ..f snC.riDF in tbiM
wl.n l: le.ted ut.d. r llffwrii. tfi. willi t. ei.u. ..i. ,v .
tl.-re won no cure. lht we f.el ihu ieK:M ,U1
li uj:. I dr,-iae. an iiiektiauitle a .iii.ii ion. '
a l.iii..an i.l jau. tl i niniencv, all. r sxsBiiiiiBf tBa
I mrrfi. me. and okM-i vir.ir its, Ifecls. iuB;irkii that
' ers l.a.1 a; ruin u. in the liv.-s of Isnialen. sn-i lbl r
1 they del. r-tiill ill the leant di'Srethr virlaas of l,e ra
I me-ly, and the iitahtilty of tke -r&reai o to trcal the t
-,. me. ..ii..i in i ii bk vit ij e.r Bnoi.av in Otci...
n . f ll.e L.wi-ls., l ""' ".' ' I n -r vet f infer M m iw toiluie. I aeural.!...;
:l r.-nn l l.er im s ..... ' Tl i, tneilrnrre is a eirtain rare m- l-r..l....... i ....
tt.e l.rmk nt lhe irisli-. I .i.uilneii.-eil 1 V i ,. , ..... . ... . . - .-.ri,
me i.rt.'i. . i ila lllnr. l tin- U.mih. -. !use Lixhar.. .. ..
hi.rrl-.ea. i-r Wliiiea. and Ir ai..M
niihiii:t.v incident to Keiosri.
mib.et ptlei. tull farticuiars .f lb bait:.
wcudirlnl a:elirii,.
I..-, .,,,, we h ?.....e -,m,.le r. inedi- , adeeli.rt.T..- ii-erral- - 7 ,
M ni.-ri.in 1 '-."fl l.-J - . t-'tt- r , at I
P i.n l her n..e h I. tt.-r that left f--r h. me. will, . .
re toi.sl..e..i.tialle lle.. - ! lb- o ntm nt. eh. fnl.y "''
.......l ;n . f. w .l.i . .-Oi l 1.- ' nj'o in- ii'"' ' a .11.
I, m. A Vr. W inters I id ht l.'arly all . fl.ie hair,
had Un.d lor ni ne rear-: hv U.n a'clt o..frfri
.f !k' it ..ti.-lic liir.t:i.t. '."1 I'l- h'tir rtl.'l'v reiT-icl.
and n.. hv a- l:,iailul a ru-nd ut heir u any rjanevuld
wi.li. II , veais.
"a.4h. A n!l: W rren f tV . t"wn. It Tenrs
..f te. I.I..I l. 11 lti .0.1 ai'li li e A TiiS, ll 111 ei.iia
die. II,- Inn! the U-n. til ..f Oil' ' HI"' 'i-i e H al a
li .in.- an t wealrl. t.-oher eou'd ).r - lire, allien t avail.
It was "lie !f il e 'lil. 't :.K.ral'l raw I ev.rraw- he
wasernii.latol aloe-t t. 1. !k-'e'-n. 11 if' "( few
Isittien'nf tie lliiilrn.ut he af 1A r.i..;'., rr.ti. and It
Tin-.nlh. fset '.a' . ij..v..l 1 I u-l !.e..!h
-J.lh 1hi a. all .-vtmi-e eaie or ! 1 'Si. .ttr.it
f sjJr. ..flniig JUiiid. in; l.a.! a varie'v of treatment
frnni no le-. tbaa ';" di rent 1 l yjn i.i.a. Without rt
ni,ins belief t vae.und ly ll.e u-r. f ..i.l) fo..r l..ul.
nf tl e Ma-ie li.- l::illi el. li le w-.- f .ir 1.111.1I1, a".
an! the In.ry 'a i. Hunt. m.. itid inee-l h.atlh and
aide to atteLd to l.. r usual Lous-ho d dune-. I ! sve
tr!e.l two cases of fKWlXIl f'Mia Mrs w.lh the lni.1
nient both of the tienl so :"'. l-ir.'l. a ti. n. i-1 an
alt r.bent to lead lie m fmin place to I lr.ee one ef ih-10
ha.lb--.-n IBi. le.l is v. ar-. 1!..- ether shout yea's
Thev hral tiUI thr h -t lo-i ial: 1:1 lb" te- witlmul
l.-oerit; and hoc of llieiu l.aj !-n un u r lhe tPiiliuei.t
of ll.ecelehrat. d Iie I. WnMV.i.f t'ili.-n.IIStl. B.r er.lilren
nii.i.th. aid hi.d exiendi-d hunJrcie ol dclsr-
efo: t? fi . Bret :i 1 un-. They a! e le w I j li
ui Ik ointment reiuly or i-dte cur d: an.
r. ad and aiteii.l loanr ..riiire.ry oin-iiie.-a.
in vt.iii
of the Hi;'-
I a.e al io
I have iis-d
1 i.uiiit..
of '
. f Pur
id ill ao
-.1 rrv
guu with you?"
Gabrieili asked for singing for two
mouths, fjOOO ducats of the Iritnpress Cntii-
crino of Ilus.-ia. " Why," said the cm j
r -resr-r, " nouc of my lield-marshals are paid j
.-tor that rate." " In that case," r.-pli: j
J.n Gabrielli, "your maj- sly nvy r.ialce ;
.Kir Lei'l maistiais smg.
''a editor of the Chicago Iirmnrrni.
f 'i.oug" John Weutwerth, Ks-M. t'.;i
some years ago published f.Ttiov. ltmieaii
ri.orntou and iue;ii. n ivbat rr-tin thev viish
.he iai:uri;l fl ,v.i:r.l wjrh. Far:, lies in loe.ti
wili leave iIi.it 1 '.'i r. a! ll:e M.irinnolll Drug
Store, wiii-i ibev wrlr teiri.e in.me.li.i:e at'eti
noii. It:t i l.'tifN' l MN & l liKIsT
Lee. Ui rj'g. .time is,,
Jr.it Rweivci r.t the Chei? Stare ol
.C. E. BOWI'S,
V lop ..f 1 i : 1 n n coons f. i,0is, i,,iiC5
and (i'i :, U-:. 1 n, l.n h i -ll I e -old as cheap
i at any nrher es 'il-!i-i.nti-nt berivtin this and
& prochTiiatlon lor 1 haliksgtvilig, WIUioU. , ril.le'.tia. Fnen.K w:. pl.-.e tie us a call
i veu cousuiting Lim. The first the Gov- ; 'I i v.jm.ne out eloeii which coinpiines a choice
i a-eori::ii'iil
11:1V i:(K)IS,
. i.ii.'L'viv nn
I i -i.r.. - 11 mi r..
i nor knew of it, ha heard it read from
lhe pulpit. All the Chicago clergymen,
however, noticed it, and the day was kept
m the customary maimer, wherever the i I i A'I'S, (' Al'S, Arc.
roelamation was kuowo. The sermons ! An enumeration of the ilili'i rent ankles we deem
wore as able, the dinners Were as good, unnecesMiry. as lhe .lock comprises everything
. usually kepi in a well fuuii hed s.lrc.
and the balls and evening parties as agree-: ., ,. ,
c.' I bankful for past favors we would endeavor,
aide as if the proclamation bad been a , by selling fjd.n.bj tio.Kls ai low rates', to merit
geuuiue one. ! Joiuinuance ol the sime.
.....v sv-. ! Country Vnihicr wanted in exchange.
An n!,l o-entlemrtn trarelino some ears ' ''"''bura. M y . 155J
t- o J
lb karat case
l -ujllv su'd for sts.
SiC lo.id Lckinc wteU s, is karat cac.
only y.O
.... 1 . It'
so, insirj tne mm man, naa iwo i.iuies, cl,EAl, WATCI1KS. JKWKLHY AND
Bisters, for companions. 1 he younger, an ! S1LVKU WAIJK.
iuvalid, soon fell asleep, and tLc old geu- j gv.kat vkimnox i.v rmcim
t Soman expressed Lis regret to see so ehariu- j Tmt, j-r t. ..t ttjumnr lute Ucn Kid in Mr
mg a young wily in Hi Iicultu. " An, yes, ' a n,.id uvea- watrmn.fuii jeweled,
ia deed '" sighed the cider sister, " a dis
c.iio of the heart." " Dear me," was the
sympathetic response, "at Lcr age ! Ossi- """'' VaX InrlZ 'wiis.
tieatioD, perhaps?" "Ossifi V "Oh, silver inir-wwi..-..j.-weiw. - -
' c ' ' I Silver T.-a si-cei. j er half drs. n, &
no, a lieutenant !" i f's siiv. r ii-.td.-rs. " i
' Ivist.n. wi-l inir a Win. h or Watrries. or Jewelry, can
" ' ' ' STr tl.CTII selll hv mail, a itb p- rlret sna-ty. to auv fart
PltrPtniVD TOR A StOPM 4 five "' t,lc luit,'a Sn-s or W,t llid.es. l.y first sendlliic lhe
IBEPAHIU tOR A STORM. A ItW .mou, ,.f lu,.ey. All ait.ele .arrant, as repr.-s.riM
nights ago 31 r. IJodkin, who had been out ;,J."'.tirUy'nKcaull uJiaUJ-
taking his clas aud pipe, on coing home i.kwis i.Aeidi s. io.-,,-bestnui street,
I T i. , - .-j ii. - iivr of T n-.eJel" iim s:i,cr i-i:i, Teas, Ta'jIes.Uessrt, and
l-iiii t'lMl HI iiC'Aleljai.; mu
' l eillvT e..I3'i'J.
UNION CO. PA. Ai.J a variety of fine goods, latesi slyles, neatly
'JJIi f:!.'ce i ear commences on the ?d e.,t up, at prices lr suit the times fj a' d war-
i J hurf day in October in It. j muled Io be wh il told for. Also a greal variety
The lust: :u i .' ii is modi-led on the new plan 0f gilt and plated goods t h .ins, I'ins, Spoons,
adopted in Ui'nwn. Harvard and otirer l.'mver- ; L .i ke's. Speemeles. Cases, Baskets, Ear nines.
Mnothcr lit ante
I WAS on thi- TfiTE of th ?. and to turfttiv that u.y
family nnJ !ri-i.s hail lot !I li"rc t m rmry :
aiiij wli-n in Uii fit unit' n. KuMtiit btvn ten at-d by lli
ur-e ot .V" lik.X'k "S 7-.V"A ' S)ht't I diirr to
tntifv. with KrPtrtdl -nif.ti.lin. to lr K-MKNCK. thr un-rH-wti":t.Ie
Irt-tn-tit 1 Le n-ceititl t'r-'iu thr ue of Lis in
Tnluul'lt nmJic.iir.
tnrly f-ill I rontmrt.! vii.lt lit r.W. nl in
of wli'rh 1 lind rhil!. Jilt" TTMtl with f- Ti r.
pain in Div nplit bnat and phiuMr-ltldf. wth a InJ
cnut:h Miid'uo rpc.-torlM,n. I kft f.U?0;r worn liniil
I leuk my h-d. and had lh att n-tsiir-' d my fntuily i.hy
Fit iait. i Wiu under hincjire al-put ti.ur wwk., nnl t
tb- .-ipimiion if tliHt timi wa nnlnord m low thai
df?-:ur t-k I nid ol in-lf nud frit-n-U, !' '.v
i hy-ician alotid-n d nit, aiad irivf ui- vy to di with th
naitty tMn-uiiuuii. My -lis w fin-. my l-a-wein
irtry irr-t:iAr. f.r ami nvUt fw- Htt. mu in my trea.
and )vli..iil.:fr. tt4 D it-d with a tli-trfin coo-h, whirh
ni vt-rj tiizLt.tti fl.-.-h had narly all n-n. and 1 w:is w
wrak that 1 trt4ild Mnri'lv miMui had Irt'lu the i-Hlow.
am! n-if iritly an ol j. rt of ity to brhold. My Irirndsi
l.aii l-t-v-n wnt f'-r to w nir and my wmh f.ir-
numlH ! kiud and onii'wthi-vinx nritrhhore. who had
r.'iiir to w:tn-)f my dr-jmiture fnui thin wrid- H lirn
all ravn nt li"lc had tlt-l mt nn r.-cverv. a nijhV.4'r, 1r.
lMTid"iVinral, rriiNMl I'lt." St'liKNCK l'tl-MMO
Y: aitii a ; of I..- mnj: uiy ntutfli. and r.-Iiv-
inir nif uf i)- tnui-b phlt-zni. and u- a in- mi "f atfoniiu?
t ii)nr:ry r li-1. ri-markiiia at lhe tun, "irmi i wa ik
far stint fr lh vru( t Dt- ol any pernianeni
My wil. aiixH ll Tir tlu- reiifl ol my linena t
.rociiivd hiih-tif th I Vim.h Sump. I mumi
fl tii r)iff. Biut r iitiinii d uin-r it. I a!d fi- I :p h;al
iiipinrtnt r.ee uj'n my limi:. I ii-nrinm-d to liuprovp
unikr it5 u. and u.y fii ltd. w. n niueh i;mtii;.-l to
'in- niv mit-AiM cti'J inn laeut: mrvn; of my m-Lli-
U-t rr.nic tf !i -oY. lk- a r-i-t-i fi n. thr !. M. 3!y
cnh i:f.w I- -iir.t- k.j--. Mid 1 Kit m tin-in it..-- ir.jsK.
th o-pt inert in
curt f.iif
er;il rutA of Kail. .v-. Ami la-t hut wt l' t I ha-f
within 'he I:tt .-.r ru:rl fmr rk f of CAM LK lj iLc
im-t.f the Mjnh ' . t m
Vu.u a tii' i..u.h tril ol lhf iiiirm-.il i" ntaily er.-ry
iii-eav f-r whi- h it in r -.mant: d d. I .n e i.ti l'iiuj
romniud it tf 'h om- of ih- im ?t ulul remt-uks ever
oitrrd tu tli on l lie.
ti.-M.-w v.iiih EUKT Ill UiiELL; 31. T.
I).itd. Jun'V 27. Ametia. Oi io.
t .it in Uvri'bur oiil I"
iui4-i-ii ' Jr .Tiion.vT 'N x rnniPT.
l a. T li TIIOK.TO. m&v-c-
?JI4!7 iS -'If Airiii tor tin on coui.ty
IS now crtrried rn as titi.it, nt ihtr up; r
end nf Miirkrl sfriPt wl;srr i-irri
cription of CASTINGS" k-v l .
bond or rnnde io order such ki
The Complete, i,t
ltll.lt MtWj
fefjJ-'SSSi'ij " either Coal c
JTV. .7 i-'a- Jl.-ri5- ta'4
: f .Jr--f other kinds o(
alPL(HI(. IIS of differ-
, a (. .ro.j,r.e.'..' "'l',"""''tjfD! kinds Cora I'lou'hi, Bull I'louvi.,
n.Ml.ae. 1 hat. al-o u-e-l It la-ui t:.-.::.v ll -ev C
una tne
Eelf-Sharpciiliig Plough,
a new arriele, and which can not Le !et
i in 1 tu Waoia. Call and ee and ju:.
' riv vi iiro-itet.
Lcwiiburg. July 8, If-Sl
lr? and -JU North Fourth Street, i tn ishuni.
ifjiniattuirri sT.nioy u,r fit am e.xei.xr?
oj a to loo Vieiie Wr, J
4 XI) everv ilcrrndlon ot Mvehinisls' Tools
sueh a Lathes, Pl.-ners and u rihi L i.l.-.
Saw Valid ills. Mill SereAs Ste m ole to ordi r. j
Particular attention civeu to t'uf.uig (i.e.-- )
1 inch to 3 feel in diameter lare and sni . I ,
Screws, Tips &c.
(icnetal M.icbine Wotk done promptly and in j
the be I in. inner j
For permns or Icrir.g from i"ili .-i.ak- '
accurate calculations of the s'rens.h. power and ,
speed of every variety of inaciotieiv. and make j
working drawings of thesvim io the most perfect .
manner. Our Shop and Marlonery are NLW ,
and feeling confident th' we c.t. render pertect
satisfaction we respectrullv reiiuo! our Iiiend- '
and lhe public to give us a e.ll. i
Dec 151 IIICKi'K & lliX'K i
i r
L aV,
'J'lIK umii-rsioned roi.iiniies il.e l.ll L
1 It'' El'SLYESS at the U;rt S ai. ,.
on North Third St., tear Market, ii ;
r speefji'v solicits lhe puironage ot l.
'Vii iiii Mini ;bp public e'nera'll.
Low-bor-. M, vi, I860
t I ws l.Ki S ae V
:a L ctuisbuvq Jounuvn
.1 it allonl- , r
lluis oiiciimrr the ailvriiiiaires of ibe
higher studies, in whole or iu part, as the stu
dent lriiiy elect.
Pres. el :i!inilrrof sfidcnts 1S7. Tuition $M.
liorir.l frr.m 51. SO to f'i'lt per -er k.
The Ae.niKMic DfHAKTMEvT 1ms three Itis
rurtors, and tii V"ttnr' men for t'ol!-ge or for
'.if-mes. Tuition '.10.
For fnrii.er pait.riibrs apply to lo v. IIow
inn Muhim, 1'ie .i.b nt of lhe L'r.iversttv.
Lewishurrr, Sept 10, IS? a fim'n'!
ins. Coral Ueadj, Steel Beads,
Ac. Also
haul Pins, Hair
Purses. Ac, etcc
llrs-s S day sl-rie and weight Cloeks
do ::e h- ur d-. do do
.! :ind j;ilt Time ekces,
Alio Mi.-r I'm lor Cljtbs,
i-l.-i.t o r iT i:irine Ctnclra,
t r. i:ch Acc. rl.ou5. S keys,
do do V4 "
i:.lt. do lv.' "
M i:-ic ihi!!..
And hundreds of articles not mentioned.
Wchcs, '"ck and Jewelry carefully re
paired and warranted. Call aud ace
M.inb. 1SSS li416
li CO " m on
2 M " 4 no
7 isi R ihi
V, CO ' IS uo
10 eo 2 t,u
s no
I Si
so " 7 so
lu ;in " is en
3 t'O ' 6 00
KVEft'THalS' ?'iltt:.
LL perss-iia hiinnr; tlarins -r demtnda
aLininst the estate of Johrta !l..u-el. late
of the Hi ioiiph 1 1" Lewihurr:, L'r.ii ti cointv, i Bro;vn's Essence of Jamaica Ginger.
decM, are rer.iie.ve.I to niuke known lhe same w s a .niei,y sUj(ra 1o ,le cxlreme- of heal and
lo the Mihscribers, eaccntors of the last will . J CK1, ,,iU-i, very l eneGcial whenever gentle
and teMament ol sard dee'd, without delay, and , ,I)jc am, .ri.n.H.ni,,. influences are required, lis
all those indebted are rcipicsled to mane pay- s,m.ulat ,)r, env beinc independent ol alcoholic
power, its elleet as a frequent remedy neid never
iVh trow l-c:oi-..- Ir.se. .indlf.it -om.th.!.- I-r. k. ! r j-,r i y ,., i o-.l.!'.,! r T -,t ,.,,.
I., re 1 had tin- .in in nv l-icas!. and I .t . -:..-sr-.-.i b.re ' I SU JSCr.U r-,, tr.ank lot l T p.lM 0 -
i:aiilitie..rell..w matter. I here f r K .l.-l.ar- il I rfin.TOO, Wcuiil il.fomi t!;C pl.b'.rC '.bat
id raised a su.t box tull ef uialter every day. Willi b-ir-l . . . . , -
u,.i.s. iike.rLin of snr.eii.iii '. Mi bowel, n..w iee-.me tl.cv connnue to niunulacti) re- ad kinds Ol
reular8t..lieatur..l.ii-imyaeKeasis)r.rlmirc.v.-. ; Mill' Gearing ar.d olbcr Castings. Thtaahing
ti::.l 1 ci llln i-ciocvly lelr.-.iii tiom catin; l,fl ram-li. My ! . . , . . , . . i
rtreii-.th in.l.r. v.-l.":i:i i I resr.nn-dii.y rt. -I.. I mwirtreu I vael.mes, on.l o'her article oi isclniiery tepai-
I air
tl . --- -. -; ; .
ifli'Ti Vt' ill even re-,- t .--til Uil.'T I rt'mmrr.ee,! llt-l,!-,'
the Svruo. ai d the ii'ifiu mvut ev nl.!.u d mm! 1 w;-
rrFt'fed t my '.r:;-il het.lt h. I h;iVi p:.s-. tlirni.di
thai ilirl- Ptt-i,t wi Hlti.T r.l ti.e luiter ..rt of w.ot r p1
t!r --: irtjj. ai d fee 1 wi 11 w a? ctrr 1 f U n uiy I if-,
and 1 an i? :? dnv a I'vins tt-liin'-iiinl f th- tjreat eitiraey
..f .vi '. A' A A 'i'tX J.'t'-N .'(' 61 A triix cmriujr puiiuou
ar u m-'-s.
L.-ei :!ii "tnts-meni VonMhe tho'ijM t'solifyli'v roI,.reJ
hv s tin i' n " !''. I stil'H'iii a eri thi'.'tr of a iitiml- r if the
ii'h:it-i'Htit nf Tuponv. vhi fiw m ; at dtfleieit tiiu- s
ditriiiir my diTi-. ami reer t ieet(il tone tne f-t"Tv.!.
1 a -o :i o,-i l th- rertitn-Hl. cf the hro titer." of Mv-tio
Is-xlLe. ;n. I. o. i.f . K.. h kindly nit- linl mi r
mv. and Hi My h-lived tl.ey anii!d rtTi.s:i m reinrir. t-i
thv tou-h: hitt tlitik I-r. Sdt- t;-k. Kr hi. in.:.liix!-h
r'uin:o:iip Svniit. mv lite liff- leen fimr"!. ami I m ik-f-
miit- d to make it, hu-eroing tatemvui f -r the lu tl of j
miri-rniLf nuiil.i:.l
I p-ide at Ta-i'Tiy. and am w.-ll known hy mo5t o:
jH.j'le tin r'. ai.'l wit I r-e arnTireii io ikiw any
rlail.t f ift-, l. ,i jibtirs. I'a.
(Drain Orilio.
rIHK undersi.nr-J wili Io imoiin : tie
I fiirn.in eoiiiiouii.tv (rencrully . lt.
COOKIMI Sioks, of various parrrns 'hey are now manufa. ttirir;
and sizes, for Co.i! or Wood, lor sa'c ; .. '. EOSS' A' w ' Iuipmrnl GEMS
at lhe Lewisburg Foundry ! v j J-E1LLS, or SO 'LXU JUCIILM.
'.".'I'VL' arL-' i illiont stepping In itiseuss the conipara-
S'l'OVliS Pari or. We'd and C al live mrrits of numerous Drills now utfrrej
Stoves, various patterns, for .-nie at the for stile, they merely wish to invile Farm
Lewi bura Foundry. tieddes A Maisrv trs to call and see the above named article
l IAKL'.S Piiteni tiani: I'low. a sopc i 1,,'",re P'Tcliaing erlsewht re, leeling conti
'.nc'an ; V nor article, for sale at the L-wi,hurj; 1 d,-,it lf,at lhr.v can lurnish an arliele ihtt
will give rniire sntisfaciion.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1-50.
red in lhe best manner. - Castings warranttd lo j
be of .ood material, and at prices that can no! :
fail lo please. CEL'I'KS 4 MAIIsH. j
Lewi-l U'ir. Feb. ISSl i
Oct. 6, '02.
ADAM s!;i:i kli;k,
of BiiftaloTp. I ujnn Co,
of Harris Tp, Centre Co.,
'xte'a if cu:J deed.
.1 Grritf Arrr.mmoihdii.n It Ettm'tirss Mi lt.
I V. IMKl;it. No S. llnrmnnv Slreel
- cppo-iie the Exchange, J'hilttdcphia
offers to lhe public a superior arliele ol Plain,
Fancy and Lejjal lls t '!,l'M with a card
encliinp the Undid rluNs l,otnre Sinmi'. mid contain
ing tlie nimiv and i.tai-v of heo-iuess ol b dividiinls and
lirnis. neatly printe.1 on the corner. To ci tnpintes or
private individuals, harincrn i.vren-iiec.-rri.-i'ii.'i. ii.a,
this arriinir. MivTit aill provt-of ritadv;inrac,ol.iia:iuie
tin; delay and uncertainty incident to the ,ij u'yiujr of
the I'osnie Main.s. as n.e a.ertis.'r will irliarnl..-f lhe
.Pilit) s Mi'.ird h' hint r.-m.tin s;rm:inei;tly. Tin tettelH
of liavini; nn advertieeim ut serroundiu ihc staLifi will
la- upi'i e nt to every liUi-ini- nian.
The i'aii,-r troni which thes-.- l.nve!otMS are nianufac-
ttinl. is of aeuiM'THirquidity. iN-iiietiuiiM-llcil ean-liment
of a Miio. ih. ,H.li.heil surface, and water tToi.f, aith hut
little ftddtlioiial rxinss.
Siirapies uiay bo seen st the offl'-e, where all orders
wili he i-ri mntly at'eti.le.1 Ui. The ats.ve armiiireiitcut
having ts-n C".y r iij'it. ft. tliec cnreloncs can only U- ole
taimsl of lhe advei tier or his authorised atrents. I aui
also rjianblactiiriojr the A'trrrlMntJ Knr:. so mu'-h
u.-ed hy all t usinc-s nicn, a nj the utilily of which is a--liarent
to every individual who has tisi-d tbcni. These
ciivelopi-s cnu Le furni.-bed iu large or small .joint tirs.
June, ltv3. 4-.s
he dreaded. While it strengthens and refreshes
Ihc debi'il.led in summer season, it is not less
potent during the inclemency of lhe winler ; by
warming with its heahliy Ionic principle enabling
lhe. system lo resisl lhe influence of incipient
dise.iscs which lurk in a changing clima e. Mo
family should be without il, and lo travelers by
laud or sea il will he found invaluable to use a
few drops in waler aa a uniformly healthy and
agreeable diink, without intomeation.
Caution. Persons desiring an article thai can
be relied upon as pure JAMAICA CLNCKK,
should be particular to a-k tor Urown s bsrenre
of Jamaica (linger," which is warranted to be
whal il is represenleJ lo be anJ ia
Prepared only hv FKEDK BKOVVN and sold
al his Drue and Chemical Store. N E. corner of
Fifth and Che.lnul Ms. Philadelphia.
Da THORN TON, Lewisburg, Agent
ni-.ii me and 1. am u. re .ariirklurs of the ure-il virtues ! FUUBJrv by Geddcs & Mar-h
id ltd.- iii.'d-cio.-. Joll.N C. liLEhN'. I . .
iV't 1 "f" v w ..... vo -o ' H I'AlN or Seed Drills Ross Potent
I. l. of (I. F.. ! M.-lme-htir. I"., di hereby eertify that nfCl'I(d'v the Ofgt RXiQ m"f-t durabfc
:t I II Dull UoW in Use for s;Ip at tl;e L,- i-Imrc
Foumlrw hy f.ril.fe- A Marsh
we know John V. (r-.-n. (rtt.d ir n un inl-i r in ir--t( ?t;id
ii-i; in Vii. 1:7 o, I.o. if ii K..iwho wae tUiiiieniUr-ly ill
with a 1"W I'nlmrnary rnoMtiii ti..n la-t w,nl-r. m that
they irve him up to di ; th:it lie ik now fully re.-tnred to
pertt et health, and they l 1'n-Te hta rcrufcry wns pr-dt;e-d
hv Sehfnfk'f Pnlnir.h- SvriTp.
e U lit ve his eeriitu ate in e rrect in ewr ratieuljir.
Itrtr N fc. V. ti., I A:.VHD U't:-o. IM;.,
Aiiit . uam Aktmi a. P. G., J. K. O-maV . G..
Jjp.i 1:lilxk, (.lai'it Waii-maS, Jr.,
I Ifine.hu nr. Tld'ad. C.t i'a.. Juno i5, la51.
The nnd rrvicnMlrei-id r.t of Tacony. rijrht mile-nlrc j
liiiladtd; hia. hein; well ariuainU-d with Juhn ('..rv-en.
and the Wreimista.-een attendinz hi5 rM feel im lltnl j rilizi'nsof I.cwishurt: ami the travt liDta romnibn-
K.e.rLt.,,.nri h oI;.ned a new Live,,
Utst ntar.i-5 of a Tuimorary CfOFumption. to enttrrly anJ Lxrhanrje -Stable ou rOLUl 11 i-tnrl h.ilt a
nmpifM wa.-. m mnuiuon: nvinif i-t u uui a r-nei pc , square lSiuIl ol Market, anJ h:is iirovi.itd -i tomi
riod in that rapidly f:nkiux and pmartnttil state, an to : i . u i . .
uUerly pnelude iu the opinion of hin physician am!
No. 1 English Iron and
No. 1 Center County I on, nflem! for sal
Tyre, at 3 cents fair lb. Hand ami Hoop Iron, per lb.
nial o;--. oo I norse ?uoe liars 4 uo
i'.te, borrowed an umbrella, and whan his
Oi'leo-ilc the Frai-kliu lloues. l'hVtitUltt,ia.
riatif'Tuiit il-.ld Is.ut-I t.or uiauu&iclurcd iul .lewelry.
... tl, i-iaiaoi.iiiis, jhik nmM
woe a tongue was iiruvueu, uvr nai. ujr iu -
Le 1 and spread out the parachute.
" iVL.t. do you have that here for?"
" V i.y, my dear, I csjefcted a lietivy
i'.Tat to nioLt, and so I came prepared."
Jra i-sd tr.au Cra miuutcii 31rs. Uodkin
in' tDi.Ms' i:iiii:ss.
LK(iII assortment of I. ui" Shawls and
assorted col'sSacliins Flannel lust ree'd !
Iki 1 'A!! t nl IT tt e'1 r I? sr. r'rl'w !
4 fOMPLETB assortment of Centre Co.
i V Uar Irwu for ac low by
VOTIC'K is hereby given lhat lhe subscribers ' .'4 oval ai d . .Nail Itods i'i do
iiiiend to make application lo lhe" next! tr $75 per ton, for u assortment of difftrcnt kinds.)
Legislatuie of lhe Slate of Pennsylvania for the ' "prlnit Steel, 6 ets pi-r lb. Country Strl.6ctsr...rlb.
pasaage of a law o incorporate an institution w ith ' Call al my Blacksmith shop oo North Third
privilege of uicoum anu oeposit, wun a catnlal
of One Hundred Thousand Dollars and the right
lo commence operations when I wenly Thousand
Dollars shall have been pan! in : said institution
to be called the Leu hburg Sating Institution ;
to be located in the Uoroui;li nf Lewishu I nion
counly, Penn. JOHN HOI.fiHTON,
DAVID K El) lilt.
M M. FltK K.
June 54,1855 6m PETEK CEA VER. &e.
i nnn lb ,m"h mrh-7 9 mcb-1 inch-
lLrvJl il inrh, 1J in' h iquare and 3 Sb,
4. i by i Sanderson's r. CAS I' STEEL jurt
teed by V. S. Kl'EMEK i CO
street. A. AMMO.VS.
Lewiabarg, Sept. 17, 1861
Lewisburg, Union County, Fenn'a.
OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied
by L. B. Christ, Eq.
TT K ATTZQ forJustices,Con.ta
1 Jill IN iVD oIcsACmOD hand at
the Chrouicle uiTicc, or primed to crder
fiiendi. who w at chid by his lfdide, all hopes of eten a
temporary reeotery and restomtion to his present r-hust
henlth. Thu the earetul ue of your invaiualde Spectf.c,
the rtilni'inic iyrup, makes it in our ht-li f. under the
rirenmtuncet ot ho prev-inim pmtrate. not to say dying
eomlition- one of theimft utirt-in,; result that the whide
aun.iJa of medim.! akill or aeit-nee ran prod nee. It lr
terxeft to be imerishahly reeunlcd to your emiit, and
rnres to y.u, the irreattliseiierer of an inhtlliMn rure for
thi hitheito n m-diUryUi.en?, a lasting lunnuiui'Dl. ami
a wo.'ld wide n-pututHilk in the heal hi:; art Uiat no time
may either diminish or d atry. Having witnetneii Mr.
virecn'ri dMtrewint; urUsTleet aud ull' rin--i from a rr.n
tinnal eoush. min-ratlded to the oth-r fymptttms conse
quent upon, or atteit liiijf the hist ntasr.- of a pulmonary
dieam-; and nit reover at b ine so cencrally Vliereil by
hii. numcrouH friends that m human power nmld relieve.
rr protract hi life, mueh lef. r ctore him bark a-zain to
Ms former b-allh, we ft-cl it thuscurdutv to give our un
riualifieil tetiiitt.ny of Mr. tireen's perfeet reoiTtrv. It
nieaitp nf theexrluiTe use of your wonderful Symp; and
we should indeed rejoice if we could he cade the hum Me
instruments of r.-ltef and care toothers who may be so
uiih nunaie a. iu jye similarly aio.ri' u
OjKnIttun is thr JJfc of Htt.o'nrss !
The subriher would repeetluilv iiilmui llie
as to ; ... , i, . , ...... ... i , ,.
in. wi nwiKB, wnu riiiiivi, lien pi on anu 1ar.11-
vt tven
tonalilet aniagrs, Uupgipf, tK iutit Ac. lie re a!l
ihitif anything in his hnr may he ac-commoj-atcil
on tbe hurlcst notice anJ ou-fit reaxuiutile
li-rma. He pay ecry a Urn ion lo lhe
natiU of his customers, and hopes -y so tJoiut
to meiil and receive a lj!?ral i-haro of i.ullic
Lewi-burg, Dec 30, 1851
In.. IIivku:. Captaiuof
Steaiulx al 1 rentou,
Joai'ii HtAji, Ja.,
St f n l.i'vr.is,
M.itTin w Turn, 4 .
Ai.tJ Vi!DEoitiTT. Buck
county, I'a.
I ti tl I 'pif.H. J.P.
Auacw Heath, Oapta'n of
M-anrat naAiuutoov.
Jijusk Watho:,
KoafcRT AlATS,
Jam. Tordkt, of the Wah
inton tloufie, Taconj.
Prei-areii rmly hy J- H- 8CIIKNCK, and tr aale at Tiii
W. otrner of i-IXTII aud C'UfcsfMX atrm-ta. and by
lruffrri-t generally.
rric $1 per bottle, or nix bottlca for $5.
fVS.le aeent in Uwiabur- JOSI AU BAKER. Iy301
Vpper end of Market St. next Brick Foundry.
"PllE best and most approved COOKING,
Ploughs, Casting. &c. at low rates, by
r-r -s. trjt-xsii
Commission and Forwardics House.
CAPR, fllMSK, & CO.,
Xij. 19, Sjntr't Wi.irf BALTIMORE
VrlLI. rec-ive and sell. rtX Il. CHAIN slid all kinds
" of COl'MKV I'lilllll'I'E. and also
rarllcutar attention will be piven to this Branch of the
business by Lewis W. II. liicse, wh. se whole attenlion
will In- devoted to the site ol Lumber. and will o.-eu v an
olfee on the Falls la.-k, eseeiall.v hr this purpose. Mr.
lli.'se's Ions exiM-rii-nce, andreputaitonas a first rate sates
man, a itiiaranlev tbal lbs highest market prices will
alway s be ohtamod.
V Liberal Cash advances made nn Consignments,
but in noease will this House make any advances until
the Pnsluce is received.
JWarch rlfari. 414 4m.
Map of tbe State of California,
TEXAS, printed by S. Aug'a Mitchell in
1846, and painted lo correspond with lhe boun
daries fixed hy Congress in 1890-dof sale at the
Chronicle office, price -8 cla.
N rc l-t v.dei l, and worthy
J eoii.sideiatinn, iha: nr Mi U rcan make
oeod clean Hour w ithout he has o,KJ(J clean
wheat. I suppose ou wish tu ki.o l!is
reiietly. 1 tell "U it is lo oei une or
lit roirss'a It In at .V. mer. oi u,..t
M el. ini s. He Ix'ino an old. pidruca! :
experienced Millwrijitii Ims inveutrit,
up and pul in sticresslol oi rotnm Itir ties'
Wheal SScouier now in ue. Any ptrsoa
ordering a machine and a ieraril lind ajj
that il does not prove to operate as reprt
senicd, there shall be no 9a!e.as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Further
recon nicneuiions are ibouoht unnecessary-
lie is now havino a supply made at Lowts.
titir, by iV'essrs. Gedues Si Marsh. Orders
f. r mrichincs, or letters ol inquiry, "ill be
pn nrptiy aiiended to. Machiuits will be
sent and put to all order-. Address
Lewishuref, Tnion Co. Pa. 328
jmit JnD
The subscriber offers for sale a large
assorliiicnt of choice Fruit Trees such i
Apple trees,? to 10 feet hijih, 40 varieties,
nil warranted jjeiiuir.r Peach trees, 20
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine,
Prune and Tear trees, topeiher with sorrs
6 or 8 varieties oi Grape Vines of lbs best
niitive and exotie varieties. Ornamental
Trees, such as the Pnulnnia. Linden,
N. B. Person tvishin lo procure
quantity 'he Fruil trees, are requested lo
make immediate application to thesul-siiri
ber, in order to procure the varieties and
str.e wanted. H. K. iWUs
Lewibburg, March 4, 1850.