LEWISBUBG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. Taiii ..Tttni flhri.tt.iM it TLr I VMIUU 1 11 K Willi U . J h. o. Hicioi, zattt. o. i. Borden. rriwr. Al jl.50a.h in a.leacre m three Olnntli, t-p J within th. ;.ar, anil at th mud tf ie j.-er. 1 jeate ia riJ'jUo! bj-V 8 Palmer ana E W t'srr. JLeu-isbtny, i9a. Fkidat Mnxixfi.rw.S4, IS 52. ADVERTIZE' UVLKllZb .- i.f-"vr-. aiii.nw . . OiBran.l'iirinJCnunUMr Mf pcliautn. NMprfvUfrn, ft t .1 - . i . kl... .11 .l..ifHlilr.iitMiirlii .'I IK n ir-. i q .1 . jw . - - - - aljIH f anrUniw ""'l 'I" vM to Jiv notice of tbi am I1irii;b the --n''Mr.; f niHir. Tail paper ltaf a, son4 aiitj lurraaiueimilatica ta a tomuiuiiity f"Utai nmg a larje a Irlrt.tt of arli. Movent prvijurcr, aouMtur. and .loaUr. at auv wlhor iu the .''taU. itusinros Xoticcs. tuwiiii fr Ifouaiid anj Walton, want a scitlcmriilnf accounts with Chrouule fur sale rf mcdiclnei. Mut have been a:nini the rtliT unenj.ived good wills of our illustrious prrijeceisor, for we were never iu the tiaile. Atiii' M.oitm, conlains tlie hot mai ler of his Oante, in form for piest-rvalion. Knis Kai'it appoints Ui, Thorntnn A Christ, his ag'Ms for kuiclt-knauks for Christ inn. Tat CaoTZ Estitk, Mitllinhnrif. is to be sol.) on the 26th prox. A pood chance. Col. M't'irna'a paper is all he javs it is. There are hut 3 or 4 newspapers iu the hroad an 1 richcoiinty of Franklin.thry evidently thin-Iin- a few healthv.reliable papers imicli Iwtl. r than a dczen hovering on the confines of life nd death. The Keposiiory " has an ample support, and is thus encouraged to improve. and well deserve its patronage. Ana' Cherry Pectoral speaks for itself. tS-Reaeiuhcr the (Wmi- Dinner Partj, at I rickV t-aloou, for the Lew-fit of the Lutberan CJiurch. . Iou:ilion. The members of the Chhsiian Church in nil- "irti-c i.iirtiu uaviliK a Oonaooil VIMl 10 llieir Pastor, Kev. W. I.e, on ihe eveninj of the 30th inst (riiursdav.) All who feel in terested are respectfully invited to attend. T.miT IcVii, rr ffimnanni.fi CaAlrln HHlHU.h A wlUVbl CUllib CVblClVi i.n .- , . ... .-v j eiiiperanee .wetting will ue held in , the Treabyteriau Church, Iwfcfciirft on Tuesday evening next, 2th int.t at iailv I vaudle lighting. Ir. Maiaum aud others ; will address tin; meeting. A pon. ral attendance of the friends of the Tcti.pe- ' ranee luforui is requested, as busim-as of; considerable importance will l.e transacted. '. Cot.RT. III the Koad case noticed last week, Jury returned icrdict against Deft. Cotu'th vs. John Hcrtsharc, for assault .mJ Lattery. Verdict, not guilty, on the groun 1 ! of insanity. I his Wt-elf s.-vrrril .l..a nn flirt ftririi- ' cu" 1 incut list were disposed of eveuiugs. t An 1 retiou lor (lbt between John Kailey ytcn0N 2. The Whigs in their clec and Uorr, Adiu'r of Godfrey liailey, was t ti.ua districts shall meet at one o'clock I. still " dragging its slow length ubiiig 011 ! t t'llIICStlaV 1 llf 'I II! I . . I-, r r-l. t.ad not t tum.su.iy. j 11c -.aau iioau cast lata not ..... Ken disposed of. e understand fc.vJfti..MAiti'iiALl., f White Deer, is appointed Mercantile Appraistr of Union county for the year gt3iL.U'c observe that Htxiiv W. Crot ZKll is recouinieuded iu several Democratic journals as a candidate for re-clectiou as ergeant-at-Arms. The ri'i.rsurgesstrong ly that lAniocrats who resi le iu counties where their party is in a hopeless minority, are entitled to rewards from Democratic Aduiiiiis'ratiolis. Another professed Dem ocratic paper in the county, refuses to publish a note iu favor of Col. C- hs ' j'uni'tj" must have all the offices in Umou county ! ! A couple of colored men, strangers, one a "swecp-0," last Saturday hired a buggy auJ harness iu I.ewisburg, and with a Lliud horse of their own, started on a brief trip to a nigbboring town. Not re turning ou Monday, " the wires'' were set to playing for their benefit, aud they were tracked iu another direction, were found sprecing it," and making as great fools of themselves as some white mon will prulably do between Christmas aud New Years with this difference in favor of the darkies, that the white folks have much better instruction than they. The "jolly two " fouud their progress arrested at Dau tille. avSTThe heavy failure of Messrs. Swcnoy A Caldwell, extensive grain dealers, Ac, iu Milton, is much to be regretted among all business men. At the same time, it suggests a reasonable inquiry whether the " low price " system of Jones, and others doitn? a larire business at very small if any profils, fi.r llie de tf dow-j a largo , . 1 . . -.ii ... 7 , 1 the file tf roio a largo ousiucss is a wise ouv iu mc toni tun, iw i . ' buyers or sellers. Kspeuses iu iuerchan- ( diiiug arc. considerable, and are certain-; and a lets business, with reasonable profits, 1 will be fouud much more souud, aud tend : to give more general stability and coufi- . i . i-i r i , I deuce. 1 hat business, which is foreed to , I keep up a continual jluunJi aud burnt paying bigh aud selling low is ly no means best for tbc community in which it ' is practiced, for tho loss is felt at lat to f it ..., ftreetra e.ll ...e I ' 1 tuanis. I fc-A Suuburv raner intimates truly. . t , it. . 1,1 . . ... ' rriutcr couveutiou, is the recklessness .,.i ....... ...,ir 1 r,r. r...,nri in ' uuu utt. i pain vi ujuvi . j ari .vmuv- .u their ranks. Too true, and to Le taken iuto consideration. There are those who - don t know more than half the ten com- Biandmeute. and do not remember what ' lni7 nowj HoioeSkussgkove! TLe Telegraph ' c 1 . Office at SeliDsrrrove is orn at J. G. L. Virivr.a-11. ly . r t -i 17 i-aouiM t. Jt uc cfi nueu I tectum iopcrs MIINMLs. lutes from Lewisburc 17Li..ti i.. .1 1 :i .t :.'.L. , in , cts. lor H' words, and 1 J extra for every 1 I.. tuivuii.t i" Bkkwjck, Dec. 21 M. V .WW. 21. M. E. Jackson's .... 1 :..t,.. 1 ..-...,; 1. . a alnut m Lucdui (Tcllsre, laiared for live bei'Iied. 1 w " Z ZZ.,u 1 " . ' , ' , . of Lich character, published in IJ.j.-t..n A recent ..umber contained the followln- ntktruient : We learn, on reliable rrivate anihcr,- ! tv, that .Mr. Webster confessed tu a warm political friend, a short time before Lis tit-aiti, tuat the jrre-it mistaks of bis life as tne lameus i tn ot March riDeoch. in Wbicll.it will be reuien,l,..r...' I.,. .I..f....,l...l the fugitive slave Ihw. and fully I'ofniriitt.i.l . . j UHJIM ll to tUU CUUI tirOllilsp inpnun rca " ii. . .1 . J " Fierce oa Removals. , About tbc jcr 1S11, .SeuattT I'lEKCE : ( now I 'resident elect) gave his views on leiuovals front ofiicc, in ihe following clear d. - ... , , i . patriotic terms. t.Icctcd as Le is, be' can utiord to be consent aJ iudejK-n-' " J lior is (said ue but one sensible, ; rrattiml rule upon this suLj.-ct. rule upon tins suM. vt. If tliu ' discretion tf ihe office bolder will not ob- srrve it let tlieiu feel the iffrct of it. It 1 ; is this : When a public officer neglects ! : the duties of his office fer political purpo-; si's, prostitutes it for political ends, or iu ; aiv way ul'iiso.i the tritBt confided to t.itn, to lirutuute thu objects of a Dart v. A fhoiM , , . ' ,- ' i. i. ....i.. f ui.u, . w a it .iu n e..re ul.l ., tl.-.f ......;..(.. !.:. A' ,..,v..r. iuiii a.veiit. I!ut when vou transcend thin, vou assail the public officer in the free aud un j eml uiraisvd exercise of bis inalienable rights secured tu b:m by ihe Constitution , N "''l'11'"" ever held i tlle ,p'"s,t'f Oovcrimicnt, or that er ,ci7, can afford to turn out the public officers, I who prudintlj, but openly, i i the esercise ' of their inalienable rights, have done all rif iin tl.j.ie e.o... ... .......:.. .1. scone to f-ustuin power that conferred upon them place." The Union Coutty System. I fThfi folloWllLr ia the Plnn for ointnu- ! 1 V O i;... ,,l i., .i...n.:.....f -j.vv. UjoU . uu ., u.o U4 imm County, last week :) That we. ihe IVoi.le asseni. bled in County Coiiventiou, adopt the to!-: lowing Hubs "aud Kegulationa directing j how iioiuiuations idiall be made in Union ' county by the Whig party. j $t.rij 1. TheC .Stau'diuir Committee : sLali ifivt? at lcabt three Weeks' uutice ail the Whig papers published iu the ci un - ty, of the time, ami place when aud where tlie Ik.1! pie ot ihe luff party are to meet :l election di.stiict.s i( hold an election . . . if : i: . . i. i.i i .. .: . ; to vote for candidates f .r the nominees of thr. Whi.r ,t:,r;v Tl.v U'I r.tso ..nl.KJ. ...:!, .il,... it.rt ..,,1.... ...I. I... .1 :. t I J -j " r nun m.ji uvut.li .ui; i uilo iiuvuiui I' li.' 4s f '. n .... . M -, on tne day ami place designated hy ' euuiu .vuiiiuiiit, ana 311111 Ufc one . . 0 i-lilt'K onra.ii st lv (-li'i'Iinir ;i f hiiir:n-iii orgau jiid &,T ' L -cu auJ TL 1 and cecretary uv yeas and navs. llii Cliaiiniau and .Srcretary shall iinniediatelv after tiuy are fleeted, organize aud bold an election for one Jur'ge aud two Inspec j tors, ihe meeting dlt.ill uomiuate such ) persous as they desirs to vote for, f r Judge aud Inspectors, the Secretary shall write the names ot those iionitualed oa a sheet of paper designating the offices thry are nominated fur, after thu meeting bits closed the nominations. Tbeu the voter j shall commence to vote by strokes for a 'Judge and Inspector. Mo voter to vote j for more thau oue Inspector. The Surre- tarv shall write down the Dames of ail ' thoe who vote by strokes, and shall make! a full and correct record of the proceedings, j and the t haiinian and Secretary shall cor-1 .1.. . .t t .: ii. r , i I ..!) inn tut; ui'jt.iou i iieiu us uuretfi ; bv the Couutv inoettug and the Staudin tjotumittte. The tiectiou fur Judjja and luspcetor to be closed at two o'clock. Tbc ceit died proceeding shall immediately be handed to the Judge and Inspectors elec ted. They shall, ai'u.r they have held the election for candidates as hereinafter pro vided, attach the proceedings of the elec tion for Judge and Inspectors to the pro ceedings of the election for candidates. Kach of the Inspectors shall clioosa a Clerk, and at two o'clock the Judge and Inspectors shall organize, aud receive a ticket of every qualified Whig voter in the district, who offers to Tote ; each voter shall be permitted to vote only one ticket, on the ticket shall be printed or written the names of the candidates, designating the office the voter desires to hare him nomi nated for. When the luspectors can not agree as to the qualification of one offering j to vote, the Judge shall decide tbc ques tion. J he J udgc and Inspectors shall de posiie the tickets iu t box or bat, uutil the election is closed. The elcctiou to close at 4 o'clock ; then the Judge or oue of the Inspectors shall read tbe tickets polled, and tbe two officers elected, which 1 . . 1. !.-!... .1.. -1..111-... ' cau uie ickn, mo oue suau ou 10 tho right and the other to tho left of the me ickiis, r , . , . , ., , 4, one who reads the tickets, aud see that the tit,kc(s arc corrcctIy rcad Thc clc,ks 8uali write J0wn the names of every one who votes, and shall make a correct tally paper of the votes polled for each caiididato,when tbe tickets are read by the Judge or one of the Inspectors. Ihe Judge, Inspectors, , ,,t t in .t e V r and Clerks shall certify the proceedings of their t.ifctioI,j that it was held as directed .y t,e County Meeting and the Standing Committee. StcrniN 3. The Inspectors shall be the Return J udires, and they shall meet in County Convention in the Court House in . ,- . , , . . , i .i .M'w uernn, on inc cay designated ny in Stmidinre t'nmiii;;..e and lhrn nn.l tliorf. Ihr. enle. n1lr..l f..e ,.-1. e,nrlH..r. r.f .rniT iilivhitn ilic(r!rt in (lifv i"i-inntr ' 01 every election uistrici iu tne county. And the candidate who has the largest number of votes for tbc office he Las been i antnrl for ahiill riA tlo nnminfte nf lh White , jf 8CVcral of tLt L; ,)cst cand;(1. utos for the same office should receive an equal number of votes, then the Conveu-i t..... - . t , , tho Lava tion stiiill nominate one ot tliose woo liava wcpived an equal number tit votes, to tic , t .1.. . ! .f .1.. ii.-i' . I " nlS VJ- tlFitei. .1 ft i.i. orj uuijr etiueuce to aomii ine net urn Judies to a seat in th C.nntv - . e Louvention 01 tne I vet urn Judges. The Uctura Judges in Coun tj Convention bhall transact all other tlu- ent. .v.. i..- t. .... v isai.vc, tiiui UO.TC UltUl'JlUll' ITUU llttUtKLkC'dl j ' bv Ierrt c.uafv Ccnvfntiscs. . ST.ATE ii.-r-!fkpv. . the of our State Treasury for oae in , i J, 1 "-""g e -.. j Kl7SX lntivari'h Malic i, U '. 1 :.s rj-'i 1 I'tun a ! t ;riculluril Suctetr, Common Stii..!.. . Corr.m .11 s.ii. il.... Jv' v ! Vr,ra Wos FatJ, Ii.e reit en U.l' J i tl 41 C.uarat.tii-il Intent (juarnutii-il lntri.r. a.1.2 41. :i j lvuietic Cr tlilortt. lmaKaa ou ilw 1'ub.k wurka, ! Sp xiai i'wjnui.Hu.'ra " " - - 11.1! lrb'ic ltuiki:itf4 unj tiruujj. 1 -nitiiiariii.' ' lf.,.iOO l) 9.) VI 67 i OS t.'li W ais -:, S.'ii.' ir ,'V l i ' 1) Ui lU.S'l mi ; ,l7-'l -li $',Sl',4J $lE..l II Ui 41.i'. eu VS'jHei tu K ciirats 'oMuial K.Tnr.1a, AmnJmi.i.iui!nCons!;tutil,n, 'rte T. Airniin, ( ouu-il e'. aiiJ CfluinUnioiil, Ail. uc.laiewuj, I'a'n.ee ill Tm.. Sue. TO. lsj-.', av;.l!l le, XH ri:.l U l-'uuai. i.i T:i . lilu-eu' i b e, 1. p-JHU ui Uauk 1.1 l i ., UUilluiaiUe, t.-sn.ir; lh ll.i .im tlie fn'liwin;. evirrcr.llnarv iiiM-naitnri.. ...u.,.. u j.u...em iu a; pro..llall . l-J U.e Lia.sia - i:.,ir.a ..;T;?.."i .. . ... , , . ' " .-w . . . . e- - ! u. :triu'.,,. .. 2-- ":ai.:.ll,.Tl, S iej ' c,",s""',u1"k ""a".n.":w'-! ,"pn-v" ilP.W-J 1.1 .". .'jei .in Kt buil-tiiiff lki al Nurlhuuiie-rlaud. .."0 1)0 Il'ir lo shinittkili x.liu'". Night iraiua uu ih Alirth. ay I'ottJSi It. R. ll'.UW OU 1S.UIK1 oil t.l312Wi SSyThe nttcnipt to deprive Hon. Arch ibald Dixon of the Seat iu the U. S. Sen ato to which the Legislature of Kentucky had elected him, was defeated iu Senate ' r bv a vote of 12 to 1. t j attack on Mr. Kennedy, the Commissioner of the Census. , , . . . . . " bo irgtnia Congressman who asssul- . - . - . j tcJ 8 g'" I hiladelpbia, plead P"'1'!- sentence lias not been pub- liihed to our knowledge. HOX. JollX IiEAI.E. Just before the! last election, the Itcpieseiitativc-eleet of the Union and Juniata District, was Lro't before the Juniata Court on a charge of 1 "mulicious mischief." The case has since j lcun iTOU.,lt to an issue Judge JJeai.e , aMitn aoUittCu the pronxutorTum TuIf ; ' ile . 1 '"". T ' ' 1 .'T ?: " in tTil.t TVner M'OTT Ull ral.U.i:aTe. I...1. r.-ll.rr, y.l. ' ,.-.h i,a..i.i -in i .t....v. no... ,r...: iKi-L-ra -.. , -- - ' uuhyiAe"a,:-u:nea' tihell.vuidaiiun-.uti)uriiia.J Health of Ma. King. Account3 from Washington represent the condition of yk,a j.j j,.ut tQ Lc cstrelne. , . , - ., . ly precarious, and Eotne of those who prr V r t fess to know Lis siluation, predict that Lc will never live to be Vice President. arThe Jau. No. of 'The Gvar- .7:.."l,..c .. (!. ,.,nr. P..eie..: I , ! " - I Sartain, of Its p'oDccr Editor, lcv. II. Hakuaiuu. J Prof. A. Tavlom is to dolivcr a Lecture, ou Music in Danville, Christmas 11 T ''.TrT-T-''- Src n is rut Tat: wkasis-s .f Hi- word " PKI'SIN.-1 rr of tiie tat- Or -k word. fr"l.i hlrh il i tleri-.i.ti. TM. i. lli- .i--:ot: -:o t an-i ai'Lro.irllta? till" '-I tim ti:ci: dicfsttvp vt rtn. t ; tTi:ii- jvv k. u.e a.i'rth stnutii of ih.- 'n. u.r ihe.ure nr i'.,:-mu S-n.c,,!1 oX," p..ei. it rentiers uo.'i eaii.su hti i;j cou i.t.nt !th I1K.M TU. (Siu iLe figure of tlie CS, iu auedur ol t'.. ra.r.; lj.it I'OISOMNC-. Tli'-iiwmls of I'tirinti who ttw rfn.rti7 rriT-niaj t.r Cntvir oil. CaN-mt l, Ac -tr.' n-'t awarf. tlit iilr tliv j B;vAr t-'-cftit ihr catient, tiy nrv ni .tally lnyinn lli t I tui'lrtti .n t -r m.rUf .f diM-atti, suvU t aLatwa, 1oh .l u'lit, w.aknc of liinlta, V. In au'-'ti or cnluuin will f'-nnd the .1vittemti.t c II'jtM-na k's IitJ:ctn-t. to Ii:cli flk Uie tt utl,n t t dir.--tIv inUrtiHtrJ in thir o n n well a tlifir rliil drn'a b'-alth. Iu l-ivrr 4'MinIaiiit nnd nil t;jt rJrr artitf frt'iu thitrv i f a I illioiin typ. koutti tnukn use ol Uif il" ip-nuiiw tiKtliciuu, Illp-uta',r:,i I-ivi-r Till. ft Knt dciiJ, 'it ft?lt ttr IfU.-nia:k's Worm Syrup ait j l.xwr Pill, ntft il.5"rv thnt each bu Ui nin nturri of th- i'roi.rictor, J. . UfJli:N.iACK. aJ Done clu are nuino. 1 Iy4-X9 In I.ewi-iblirg. 16th insl. by Itev.K.W.Dickin-! sr.n, tpwimi lloisTtisr aud Mis.1 Sanaa Ncti, both of Ury Valley. Bv Kev. IJr. iMinsmore. ICth in".. Hivrwotn CanwaLLAiica and .Miss Miut N.Mtaaar, all of Milton In Lewisbiirs, 15th insr., ly I?er. Mr. ronser. Faascis Chick and MiJS Saaaa J. .VUuk, bolU of Elimsport, Lyc. t'o. Ia YVilliamspert, 2nd insU by Rev. Mr. Ster ling. l)lL Eiitoa and Miss ELizaafcTH Wtit ail. both of WmsporU DEATHS. In East Buffalo, 16ih insl.. Pmiir liaa, in his :t3d rear. Iu Penns township, 50;h inst-, Daisi.Ott, a:ed B5 years. Iu Northumberland, 19th inst,J" Curtis onlv child of Jacoh (i. ai.tl t aihanne rrick, aged 18 mouths. Iu Northutnhcri'd. 20th insr, Mrs. Hi ancra Hons in her Midi year. In I'hfcnixville, 2d Sept l)ea. Juaira P Mrici in, in his 73d year. In ShiDPensville, Clarion Co. 19th nit. ar;ed 32 years, Sixiat Mawtu, formerly of Cen tre Co. In Muncy, 18th inst., t f cotrsuciptioii, Ilia av UrnEcaaf f, aged 26 years. Old Krlss Krln?le 3J2i) 'HA'iliisU'iiS At Ihe Mammoih lrug Store of Dr. lilUlCX- TOX A CHHIST. where you will find ail kinds ot ibhit.. ITesents, antl an qUdl.tuy JKld ihl Di ELKCTIO?. Mce tf Ihe Svj-ufianna Railroad C.mpany,) HannisBino, Dec. 24, 18j-. S A General Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company, will be held at their Olhee iu T f": . NIT VlT y T' aanuarv iieott. ironi i to itcnt ., ... , to January next, from ,,,. . . pr-sirfpn, , c,00!e "a presidcnl aod twelve Directors for ,e ensuing year. nivi vear. ROB. S. HOLLIN'S, Secretary. Important te I.adlesj. "1R. CHAIN'S imoroved pino AWoinenal 1J SnprK.rters-a sure remedy for Prola;. sis Uteri, Spinal aod Abdr.menalweaWne.ss.etc.j highly recommended by Professors Motf, Van Buren. Covincton nd Webster, and tbe Med-1 - fcsM.m trenerallv. are for sale at .riivTfv ti Caatsr'a Drue Store. Lewisburr, ' " ' and H. V. Ksrma. General Acent. Williams- The FnaaJia lu-jiusiiory and Wilis, l l 'T';IE "FranHItu KtH.,lt: a Wb enters I'f SianriH '' Y.te, fuJt.Tiiijr rlea;rrc f.f j.Tee.Tilr In all it 1? : J mrliiK'itB uiipMinj-1 J hi it- form.-r bt.iuty. Ii.eirej- taUtjii tit-ri-r wni eu !ar j t. its atl.t.rl..iiia; and joblailie nev.-r e e.itiMiMrr; anil ittt ratittlr ircr aiiis lint 4l r.'&J Ti :T..nl. tS. ..ir... tf .him. tl.Hi .1.., .4i.n. l....,f,,,n -I I . 1. tlwu Wu alttiAlntui, iU Is atavl- wrarJ, bj ui mwi.iRfiiT pi'.tc. Tlie K po-lt .1 hi it ,.f i lar-at rti i f par". ' r .nu: nun' r.iibtlr rii.i L.t.j r.li.n.iu ai..l ! (,..., i,. m. ! cm.t.-ju.w tvp a:d Cio tei-t uuUl.f.f uur. Iu eiiveti.. ! r. Mt c.m .uy iu U.e mallMi.iyp. .o ' III it -till. It r.liia lift f -r a j iMUtt'y .tiJ vrk-iv VV jwfofi-. I'lic ar:-etia"iuebt9 li.rc-ndiieit. tt.j Jiaereut : d.'iiitai nt are .f th'Y mo.t irom-il ili: ei, .rattt-r. Thi l-;i auJ t"--rt LJ.toriul Ui-pjitm lit U milT iLv intrii aie mihtv ei..ti ;f thu I'ronri'-Wr ; anj the L ul an-; l.i.rarr kln.:ir; mailt- are in t!i chnr, uf i:bU-nieQ WU'JS rajeicitf u t ri- ry li?e n-rdered llit:t c.ai arjlieiy m xt future iu C. u cry pfajre, n aucv iut r eni( uuil useful le tbi; e,1'll ren-Ji-r. A niaii uiiiti.'li uf illcpM.r wi.l bv UewLe'l umlilli'y to M.(ical li ucl Iniiy, tu .ep:tr. d Iieui '.iir .MttairA vxcIiaiiK-a ly uuu of our lea-Ill' ;'hy-i'iaii. I'.: li i.nu eUeiiitou will U il tnthe l:.-"rl- ihn rhll.'le'tUua. Uloiujre, ad I haiu-tHrr-bur Maiat., win. t, u Ml brteu wte kly. Tb l..i ni.itiWruf .'.- tuluaic. wbu;! will Ik- ie-.uU-aj flttiriei y. JaunAr; '. wi'lc uum a -Irikiu- tv aie.irale llkvb i .1 u.t Hun. tiui.-l Vtuljeter, with a U t latitie-Nl .k.edi aiiJ reuiini e.-ne-a conn- erw! eilh h.s iiu-: :.n 1 .luring lie y ar al l nMl-k rlralls of 1'ru.i. li nt 'illm-rv. linn Itufas l'L..at. H-ju. S. li. Fr-nn-a. II'jU. Vim. II seauij. Mull. It. J. W:nll.r, Horace Uriv I- y. and .. Jlui.l, ail el eU'vi.aie i-ngrKved iu Uie veiy U-i! l'jlcy;i k.l. ll.ti.aliiOl Saj.iies will alsj I .... ....i. 1 V. Ulle It will crer te th i;m t-f th. Pruvrii-taM.f die '"""" 'j;" '." i aeli-uiue i,iifr loti- civ r.ieij rin-l - , he ai!l via.-ivr tu lender it ueii. -'.o,!, ien.t aim iiiui.j.'Oi -e LU ine. lie eviuiuii. ! ' f.eill.led tu al.y v.iniueiaWe est. kt ih I'B- itidi4'iiti-'1e u VVsi'i, lte e..luuiu litical lll.ul.T a ll-u lh..rc i.. lull v r lis. illler .t f II eu the anijv t; h.a ! ih-.e-ieiidenuu it. ain ie ritoud lo no i -urnl in a a.-l.-uti ui-poit ef the I'tii.ri. ! .... .- . .i .i. . i ...... .. . i. . i. - t.1. .. ilie i;-iit?-ti. and the l.'aiiditiU-e ihe W Hie Farir. , AllVKIlfl.'-L.MI.Xr.S TUecirrjlatl..lior Jtey.'.n!, aitti Whitt i Xi"). and it ia ceitninly the rere btl adfer- lieiue, iu- dium iu UiM aei-lion f the late. It 1HS. Oue ei.py, if aid mHhin three iii.mths $1..S " th.--ar, !'w u " not pniJ w.tli;u the Trar, H..-' Fivecopiea einhracioe ihreu uew f ulecrilicrs, f.ai Ten - li.e - li.mi Wta-n Clu' are ord.-retl. tl.e moner anit InTahaMy ae.oinpnuy the iirdar. L-ter mu-t be allru.-a.-d, j -..(. 0, to ALEX. B. Hct.'l.tKK. Ch.tutlier4mTg. I 'a. 1 II. LIC SAL15. T"H.I. he oflere.l at Public Sale on the premises on Wf dllVMlu ), 5tltll .1:111. next, Ihe following Keal Puperiy ol 'J'aaMis ("kiitzVu. deceased: The well kiu-vti TA ' tl! STAXfi situate k-i on Main si reel iu the Lerouh of A!.l!liuUoi , l.'utoii couuty. on the 'l.rnrik.. l.'Milm-. fr.iin ; io'.B r r Lewishurg to o;u Fort. l;ehe!'inw, etc., Luouu KiyS a tl.e ,SSSftt 'Bail's Head Hote!,' I'uriii .m !y aiiti lor many years kfpi ly ihe ilrc.r.i-cJ, and ai presriil by Cuarle .uer. Ttit stand is well knuwu tu travelers generally a:i'.l I lie Let siiuatiun in ihe U--roujli. Tl.r StaMing is gKKl autl eoin:riudiou, a Well excellent water at the kiti hen d ior; the Oat- buildings are convenient, and the House large and rMmv- Anv person wishing to purchase a I'ood slnnd. and oi.e that has for mam rears -, --- had the largest share of the traveling custom. ! n.-ni.M ilo i-ell lo ullen.l on the H:ltr ot ssle. 41en n LOT silunte nn M.srL-pl slriet of sni.l Uc.r..u"h. on which is erected a iwo-siorey HOUSE and Kitchen, a Well of good water ai tlie dour, and ;tHia l ruit on t:ie lot. I Al. a certain ME A DOW LOT, contain iiu? Two A :res, in said Borough, under a good state of cullivatir n, with a bpnug of rurmiug water oa the same. Als.i a LOT containing Two Acres mere or less, cm veil iii i io i tie i avci u aittnj, ana 111 a I good slaic of cultivation. Also a LOT containing; about One Fourth of an Aero, joining the Stable of said Tavern stand, under a luith state of cultivation. All of which will he sold as ahnve stated on fair and satisfactory terms, to suit purchasers, and possession given on the 1st day of April next. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A M of said dav, when t.'inis will he wad. knoun by H. W. CKOTZEit, 5Adminis GZO N. YOUNtiMAN, 5 irators. M.fainl.iirs, Otc. 22, ISM CHERRY PECTORAL rr Ihe C'aira ot 1 01 CDS, COLDS, nOiRSEXESS, BKOMIIITIS, WHOOriXG-COlVU, CBOtr, 1ST0.M.1, (osiiPTio?r. " .tef ' y r' rtter, t.H the bank lAarye thaU firm (err, f'r Ktftt, rh'tt ttnf tU'ill n4 fmiz and ra fruit Vttri'f thall in fvr wiettl una ' Iff thtresf for a fiiint." Here a ax Lrpe for thc kl retxtrietl teus aitnd every yeararlda new unad in the ajeuraucat that Ihtaa iir .uiisei. shall art fall. At inoJical !ti-nro dicovr nnd 4ttttatri IV wmcKi nature bar giTD, od- 1y on th dit ' thnt itCict our rare y.li to tht ct-ctrol cf art. i)f all ihs malaUiett ! !ulTir from, nouc has cirril aureTicl.msto9n untimely 1 grare than romumrtirn ot lh l.ung. fubjointd we ,t ont tffi4'iie thnt thin too may be eurrU, aud tht I'ulmr-naryCoDii'lauHftjiUisll i&eirioiiiimj ucnnww by Ctitki.T Vsci' M. ion i.vXf at.vzi axo xrffoorrxa corarr. Ntsr.viiLr, Teim . Jtm f, 152. Sir 1 haTP ri'w-atediy n.i your . rut raxvjttAL tor Wb'rf'ping t uob ani liiflurtiz.t, and havi- m bavitHtimi in ironounriiK it a Cotupl"U' r- m tlir. J-our cf Ui v r.hilU Jn n bavt b.--n aflli- t l aith th rti-wni, ami the frw ui- f tia is.ciuMAi has aiwuya atfrd- rt !iuM iniaut tmU- f. JAMt-i OLOVUle Wo attort thf truth f th ftatein.-nt : 31. M'tilNTV. KA 'rt f liiu Nabvill W hig. J. M. iMyt.HM AN, liruinu rOit A CoXM XPTIVE tXfVr.H. ruT-trn,. I'm Kl. Imr r For thr rr I hare brn rifltrtjrti with a n u;.h, HttiislrtfMiiig llit I rnrtitly drpnir J el ri-oT-ery ; taurb ul lb. tiutc 1 u. ot.ic i t. ail up alt Dtjc tit m m cbair, a. uiy Cs.'Ub wittiid AutT catu mt wbn I lajd Umwii. Ilariiiic uh1 many rettirOM-n without mucli Mwf, 1 at lJt trt.d the CiiuuiV P-rtAL, whicb utid'r lrovid euct bin cured & nli,gilicr. I am itb gratitude Youm, J M'l iMil.h.vS. Among th otliaT d-itlo-tti-hrJ authnhtifui who lta tut ib ir uauiwi tu rcoomOotrLd thu pr- p mttuo tbe IabI Ld.'ud to thvui for aA'-clittua -fllw iuiijr, are I'm. rsaK&ixN tf Triooiit Sl-.de Collcgu. IVt f 5.H LiMtS ( Tala C'lleCK. Pruf Xxi&suxc MnT,of Krw York. Pn-f rLit, ff Bt-wd 'in Md. CoIVg. li.f r.cmr.ti.LD, i f Obio Med- CoHa'. t'A.xAi'li.N Journal M:iCAL SVlLK'l. Ih'-tTu-l MtsOlCAL M Hr.IuAL Jot HNjO. tHAKJbM"5 (o.C) M:UtAl HLTiBV. Nhw Jfhki .Mi.ir.cAL litroart-H, ll.m. HtMir dT. V. b. Scrtitior. Itn. iro 1. Mk--ai- Am. Amba.sa(lor U TurlL. T. t n. Lutna UirLuza. In'aid at t-f li.ii. ltl. IVv. l.D- I'owr.Ef Lord biffaop uf Iwuiito. 1'. lr. La'S'. of fcroltljii, N. V. Aicbhih p rn.Ce.n of Ont iun iti, 0. AI" inattv eaituaiit p Tuon-ig-?! hi f m-u uutrio. N .t nutvin it. uturt- d aHit rouRai d itraiitg 'ipmf ft .Lo LoDg?, tut aiHi l-m.Jj udicine lur o-vm tonal ; uc, it tbe p-tf-i-t, p!iiuiile$t aud b-t in tbe c-nd. j i ' iAJI D AX HOLD HTJAXLS C. A l'Eft, j rraclical and Analytical Cbciuist, Lo'WI,Ujus j For m Is bv C W.lcil.rrtr. Lwibjrtr; J. !!.CaiIow, Mil ton; Mi M M Jay, orihutub-rtand; tj. H . U(fwi-r. cw liV-iui; I. Urliia.-t, Hclitvpnire; aud by DrugiO Just Keccircd at J.& F. Spykcr's. 1 DOZ. of Boys' Coats, ' doz. of Double Overcoat3, 6 doz. ot Koisutn nats, 6 doz. of Hungarian Hats. Cheap for cash or country produce. Dc 16 SECOND ARRIVAL OF flrirtr lfnTt taUy iniCT ILivQQS TOV on hand, embracing a large and complete assortment, on the most favo rable terxs. Plena call on 1 I4vllnl C9. I Iswiibur-, Pec. 1, 1SSS Ms. Hinna Hasinj rccntlv Tiad occasitm to Mop at HAKRIsiONX TEMPKKA.Nt'r UOL'SE. in New Berlin, I ta!e tii mclhuj without the knowledge of ihe pripnet.r of (vrommenditig il to public pdiroiiae. It bii rec-nt!y heen preatly culargrj. aiiJ can now at-cummod.tte iliaiiy mure. Willi the suppt rt that inilu he rxirnJeJ hy TeuiperaiKr Al-i and Itailrnad mco. (fir llm-.i was a Kail raJ man as well as Kuititi) the Jiiiie and i his tt'orthr lanniy will furnish accuminoiiaiions HH-WlHUrtlHIIj W1JIIU.1III suiiuble for the GovcMur. Uiie tlipm tne I npipilig It it ntf. l'aptT laUKlaljrt. ! fTlHE su'jscnber has received and intends I : I . ; . , . , . I keeping on hand a lare and eneul sutipiv ot Fahiuuah!e WALL PAPER. Land scapes fur Fireboards, Window Ciiriains, e'.c, whirh can be si l l at City Keljil prices call and sec al my Chair and Cabinet Warehouse I on Si u:h Third street. I.ewisbur, where is an : assortment of well-made CABINET WAKK. , consisting of Marble Top and Plain lresni(.' ; lieuku , .Mahogany and Hair-seat Chairs and : Sofas, a varieiy of Cane, Parlor and Rotkins; j Capias, and all articles suitable for Parlor, villus room ..r Kitchen, lo be had on the most I reasonable terms and warranted nt'ht. I Nov .'Dia-! UM. AUM.VFUONC. j CAUTION. j t LL persons are hereby cautioned against t j parchain a Note given bv me to l.mi A.-vhart A'aiit fur Ueildrs A Marsh, f. r Fn'iv Dollars, due about the ISih of January neit, as 1 haie not received the value of it as prom ised, aud will not pav il unless roinpclied bv law. JOSEPH WII.11KLM. ' Washington. Lycoming Co, Nov. 30, lSOS The Road to Health! 1I0LL0WAY PILLS. PJ J trU, CMi -IV. H. W. k tViai it, T.iVt.cf .VCtrf. i.tr7-w. (tu:J Jur, 16.. 1. I Tu I'iui-Mr M'fLwuiY, ir lour i'llts Ointm.-ul i t4i- toMi ttit bitfhfct vii uur ialr list t-I .'njpri-t.rv .Mr ! h. iur lu.- iuu 'irf. A uut'iu.-r, to bom I tau liit-r t 1 r aiuy ii jtur i'-, iairc iu-i ut li t 'u kuow tU rti.--! ul:irs il liei CaiJ.'. ."bt h;'ti U'a Uroubini .ur yvar.H with '! i.inJ(Ti-tl Invr. tnl tnJ ilvultun. Uu tb il ncruw .11, 1ht(-T'-T. ttit- irul'U' ir -i I It- altark w- mm alaruilii kinl (. iiil..tni:iij'jn . 1 iu m tt.-Tiivly. ihnt (uM t-r -utrr-, LMuir-a ui Uvt iiu! being ui v to bur up utii'-r It; lWtuu ; Pi,n ts ImJm-wi t try ymr I'iHj. b ii.fc.rmn ; lilu tl.att alLr Uif ftr.'t, h urc;idtu iuw. l.c hwJ i Cil rv'i--i. fib- ciiiliUiM.-d tw tak tiicru. mud uilUo' llC 7S ul only three rJ..X.-, an. la ... IU uie eujuyue-l.t 01 1 -hj;,J, ; un.f. Mliimau. of Vale ( ..lleee; .r. 1 ,r;wu jrleet liealtb. 1 eould have aeMt von many more ea--. 1 -, ,-,', c. together irh re; 0i ts of U ltt-Ir ni tart. ..m much I ttnnK ii uur of y..ur a..to:u,i.iiM wo ..tt-B.-.e. ...... ..... j w 7 . uian-si; k. Mhhis. As exip. toltnt ar v rrtiK ..r I.HECMATIC evli i t3i -s I'.emi. Laau. I C'y oiJ Tt!tr inrrt,d in thr H Jut 7W- Curicr cf&.t Ut .WunVi, IsOl, 6y .'Jt.ry. llalfA. i I Marifar-.t M'i olilii.;- n. iiinet. eu y iai!" et ae, renhtn; at t New town, h-d bui-n ufiVriiu: tr'nu avil.-ut r'ieun.aii; t lever, lor uj.eai.J. ot tee u.omti', at.irh had itiurelv ' j iolivL i lai r 01 lle u.-e of her liuib; during this erltjd. 1 ; Le li.. uiiti-r the can- i;f llie uio.l .niiie.-ut lue-l.'-ul ittri. !ill il'tistrt Toau, an ! he lh. ni Iwr CUM ew e..!;... r-t t hoo;:i,-.. A ile-nd -r.-il..-. iijoi h-r l- try llolloaey'a .ii.ltrr.ti'd I'llis alt;t;li tie .t u-ud t do, nut in :.r. t I u..r.d.lle rLorl .pace uf liice lle-y eiie--loii a u.-ile.-t cure. CUUB or a PAIN ast. TI'iHi Vrss is i.:s f II rioM Kt'li of rtKsys si Vii OF Ae. Vcwa ljej.r. Iiar dl.Si.n. I'r-firit-n ff Vtt .ysn JaWr. OmT, e-.o tea v,ja Jur yl.tlt.e-.ey si-'U:.:. Tj rr'JttFt r li-.tiXt-eAT. Au6u.t Jd, 161. sir 1 .iv.vire tu hear leettruonv lo ILe uod elh-CU of llollovray'a Cilia, ft aouie yar. S ,uat-reu aeer-:y lrtui ft l-alu aud tirhtut-i9 iu Uie Wu:ach, alii. li vc aiao ae.uiat ani.-d by a rlit-rtliute of b.eeiii. that pr vei-u d ine from aa.k.u,- ;tUuU 1 alD hi year- el' aire, aud nAw.tii f.udino; my aavuc-d hU'a f lie, th a.- 1'iiis have ac reltevrd uie. Uil 1 am Uer.reus that otl.ora ehot.ld lie made a..o;unin!ed allh tht:ir virlne-t. 1 am noa r.-iid..rtd, by their uieeuti. eouiparatively a-Uve, aud cau tJ.e earr rue auUout iuwouivuleuce er haao, fchlrla 1 could not do tefcre. I. iri'il; IIC.NKY t yf:, .North Ir-sit, lyrru, .iHt CA.ha or M-ufcV. lVr'ns id!T. rihg frtu. LtT;y. i itlu-r atvmt tli ttirnof f life, or hi ".-ti.tr UaiuS, pitou.-l UuuivuiaAuly rfoiurw ! lo 1 I.e.. I':i it b'ti.Jr ol i rjia5 jre unu.li curvd, 1 iy tlitir tit. t tb:s rtirvtul t-Uiiit iu its diiT. it-ul ' mj , Ali.u 11. 1 vlbur luijulil bad tf.tli?d- ; . , T - r t Umaai uiiK.: IroiAj Ja.ud,- 5n1rtry A;litiia lryi.vry Lit Ci lutsi H!t, r U.lifus) Com Lr jipr a Lumtau T:r i-oui jte.ix ptaints tVuiuit: Invg- 1'iba Tutti r3 lllutchtfrt a itlnrillcr lUi-UUlltirtU t'iu.rt th .-kin tevttrtt uf 11 lietnitwu uf Vt nrr-.al Af Itonv lLiuu.'ta kiudj l-rinj Ici'tuui t o it s) Fit gt i -ftila, or Vurmi ail Cnjitipnt'o oftiwut Knit;') Kvii kiU'U thc IkjMfls. Mvl-af):t Sum "iuruits Wl,nrs few rtiis.um,'Uvn ldirtk!tiun ttmif aod any fusuoe D.btiity 1 iH'.uiai ton Orard Ac. Jto. Fold ut t e F.tall.5brnciit cf I'rnfrimr I1oiu.wav. -ii. .Strand, irw-ar r-iii'l ltr, Ixinduii. :iDd b all r-vjvtiat.u- ltri.a.i 13 utid daL.Ti. tu M. dkiKi- tbrougbout tb Uriiifb I tuj. irv. and Uwe of tb Luitt-d .-t-'to,iu Uvxrt ut J;.. ..-.. aud Sl..u,'wh. U tiul.-tiale hy tl:e pritit-iful Ptu- buua.a in tlw tuu-u: by Mesm A .ltl.iiijiorKi and by Mr. t 1 KiHT, uutb Ml.li st l'liiin(i-i'l.ia. tit-'lbcn' is a -..uidt-r.tMf ratin-; ty takiti tht larger litix . .. B. 1'ittvii .fii tor 1 he :uiiauc of jmU- uu tu ..very dut.irdr. art lbd to rncli kUx. ly iii'i ""OTirK is hereby given to the Stockhol.i err. of ihe Li-wismckm Balnea Cunr.ii t, that an election will he held at ihe house of A. II. Iliair, in ihe Borough of L.ewi;bur, on Mon.T the 3d day of January, 1M5:), lor the purpose of electing one President, sit Manag ert, Treasurer and Clerk to conduct the con cerns of said Company for one vear. WILLIAM CAMERO.V, President. Executors' Xotlcc. Ia nTTI-KS TeMamentary on the last will and tesianieal of Jacob Micilii, late ol Uhite Deer township, deceased, have been 1 cranted to the subscribers by the Krister of I,' i.n to county. All persons havini; claims aitaiii-.t the estate will present thein fr settle ment, and all persons indebted make payment without delay lo DAVID MK'"KI.EY. Eri c 450pd JOHN MECKLEV, Smors WINTER GOODS. nAVING disposed of most of our Tal! Stock, we uotihl respectfully inform the public ihat we are uowepenin? the largest and most elegant stock of Winter G:Hids Ihat has ever appeared in this market. Having selected them with ere. it care and puichased for Cash. tv e would cordially invite all ourold rustoina-rs and all others in want of Bargains to Rive ns a call, as we feci confident that we can give entire satisfaction as to quantity, quality or prices at ihe old stand of Nov 26. J. Hayes &. Co. LADIES DRESS GOODS, of all desirable styles, shades and qualities, with all var ieties of Trimmings, to be hid cheap at J. HAYES A CtVS VLL in want or Fine Cloths, Cassimeres, GV.ati, Overcoats, Vests, Hats or Caps, cau be supplied at very low prices at J. HA YES co:s 1.1 BENCH Merinoes and Wool des Laiaes 4 t choice lot for sale by J. HAYES 4 CO s ?t L'PEBIOR four faced Broche In; Shawls for sale by J. HAYES 4 CO s LtTEICB Feather, just jecd by 4 FIVE Horse power Mrain Undine, ' X m. l several suae nests. Inquire of the subscriber in .N.T'humbcilaiid or at ill' Aiueticaa House, Lewiihurir. No. SS pd b. MATH I AS, Sm W l.TK cfid.s to rj! the tari.-1 yer, Mullen. auJ .aa. allh all hie ratio traiu. Suoel, and clouU. . oj .turiaa. IJUT with them comes also the antid-tt, for J we hvr jut received our seci cd supplv i.l WINTER GUUDS. which voii mil do well : to cail and eiaibirir. as they are nut urpast J f..r uua.'itf . stvle a-id rheanr.ess. to .iv Dutliit11' ', eV r ...... .. . ' of dicquaiiiity.for we have a Imleuf evryihli.g liiMl belongs lo a store in these diceins. (N.ine one, cotue all, and examine lor ..nr- selves, for we aie too much engaiTtfd itihuc tv take nine tu enuuieraie. Lrwisbura;, Kuv. lsai l.i,t.-n.-J ir-rMtnjr to .4 :1 ii r-.'i r--, In n.f V'r ty J. S. ilD.IIToN, M. b, in th e- a 0.c ,f 3"f hU-t CV-irt iV-r th l.x'i-in Another Scientific 'Wonder! QH EAT CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA! Dr. J. S. HOUGHTON'S i HK 'I'hl'K DIGESTIVE FLUID, OR, CtAKTKIC Jl"I-F. llKKl'AhKn fn,n. l:L.Kr or He urlh 'ToMAr 11 j 1 Or liiK 0. ahrr .ilri-lnauty l:tl:i IIKHi.i.lI.e -tier I r'h.-i'.k-.Ral l.XtBiat, l J. S. UOfOU foN, M l, I u.liil.'lia.ia. fa. i 0!JAT Such la the true nuautn -f llie a..r.l 1 I'iilulN. It i Uie tLuf eletiem. ..r Oreal ii..-Ftiue. . I'rin. iile of i he Jtrie Jul.-" lire .S.J.,fcl. t' hJ. il, t'ur'j'itj. ltlrriy, alnl .Miaaaufinj Aeent uf lha slv- ma.-h aii-i li.te-line. It Is e-ir:teei ln-ai the ll..'e.-iire i SiiMiiaih if the Ut. ihua furmina: a T K I." at lIOaTIK i rl.Lll.. i.rtri-vlv likv lie. u.l.ir-.l llrMr..- Jul-- In if. I ,rt,,i,T, tK-e-. m. and furr.lehhix a umrUTC audi 1'hKrit T stlt-rll'l TK t-i ir. j J l.ia . .sAii.i.. un.i lir.Mlbl'l pir an uuutai'l.y i Stuina. h. Nnart . I umn call e.ilal 11. rumtiTe u-rj J it rent-in. in. Ala'oltoL. Illi'l'tll'.s. ALIOS. Mr N il.- j sKOl'S Mlt'l-iS. It i.- u&ir.u,' ly aeteeei'le Im ihe !!-. i and lu:.y tv; teka l.y the utn.t tnehle patielit- e;hu rati ' u A t-ke a teat.r ci.itr.er wi:i,oi.t a-uu d!nlie.. Bi-waiu I ..f li'lt O'lKK IMITA IMNs. C. .m i M;T A tiki li. ) fall 0n the A uta, and net a Iht-ertpuee Cirenlae. era- ; li. Ki.iiK a ler amount .f S. i k.M'1 el.' fcV 1 OU'-'I't, ) fiten I..ebiE'e Animal rhemi-try: Or C"U.hv'a l'ii. -ir.-r.-v I Oijs-,ti. .. ; Or. i'er Ira en t'rl and 1 ei ; lr. J .hu tv ; lr.)-r. ! .Sea. lorn, liioertflly: rr.f. lilUitti4.:i 4 , m.1 1 arte ol Iru. I uite.1 St.-t. A-jrnti Dr.TlIOKXTdX & ClJRIST, Lf-w- isl ur : llo'laon & a Aatea, New Lerllii ; J. W . hri.in, Sunbury. lylil DRUG JkCIIKaMICAL IKlUT! Ur.Tlioriiiwii A. ( hrltt, Wliulcsale jicto-il Uru::is.!s, l.tictshurj, I'a. "Vl'FEI to their lueii-U and tl.e public a t f ia: ai.ti ur.i su-iecuu s:t.-t;s t.-l cats, Ur-'uii-J icf, vii rtiii--J j .', i'aiuia, U:U, Varuu.ic( Uye Tt.UaTa ol uiv hxT Miim .ni of ihe aav ; ttigctber wiiii a couii.,w a- sortirciil rl Hair, 'J'ntiili. Kail, buav'iitj, I'otub, Ciuili F fsli.pjint.V airii-.!., V lntf-ua-ii and Mine KK-JMIK, Orri-siiigjiri I iframiiiw Comrs, taiirv Mia- viiig L'reiai.is, l'tiuiaJt. Oil Marruw, Ki- trai ls and IVrtmnery ei ait ktiui, menu- fj:turrd by Jules Haufl.X. BastD aiflutlirra. Also a well aelecltd atot k tf Laiiies and U. utlfUK-u's KAMV .OTJON. Ktu-h a i ' iaNji it Caiys ar.ft 1 uots, i u 1., it;i rriinye. inr-.fr Kiu?s, Bnto Luari. Zephyr. rolchft .APtvlffs, tVc, I trt .onal, Hrs, K.-.i-r strops Knives, bt-irar Ca-es. i'ard. i l -TV .-Il ji'i t a'iir riljTr, rnvriiptf!., aic. 1NLI. FiatlTtf. Confettior.arv, Fihinj; Tackle, Ao. Aud a variety of other articles Pm numerous to tiieiition. Give u a rail, aud jnUe f-r j yntirselTcs werl.arf ni'tbme lor tu.kiiip. j Kcmcuiber the MummtJiii lni? re! ! l:i.T. A. 1!. TH(Ui.MO AH ,i 1 it r,r. r. It Itld I - ... . ' sV j )IS)iU iV 14 1 1 I I il II f V 1 vl. W OiailMliLl f j All eatelleivd aa-ortmei.t til ha riiitcrt.il) S hool llouhs, TA I lOAKlty, Ac. 4c. iuft feed and lor tale li"J ivw by J. P. TCBTI.V I e'.vi.iturg, Not. 3, 18.r.2 . - . 1 Tu Ltcafi-lt and th'. Hide. TIIK CKl.tltllAtrit Comjvfocis mrDicCurjv. lt The CKF.AT Tt.V . t H ACTI .'fr.lNNCI.'SJi OAl.l.x 's; nirmg all liuriai.(l ail ete.u.1 1'a.usana s.tn-9. il. ISM V Of VOU MtllA for Stajluz er Ueteroi tht- llum-ti. Il.nir. i-1.1 Hr.WE'S FRYF tyi ftoyu LISAVFS1 ami IXPUS YH'.Hl.lU;. il.l.KLK. a cine I, r al. -. l r. ii. -unlawful. i 4th. .Vt.V...'4' .tct)ri7i; 67.,a certain ru.e f,r I Peafm... j iiu. H i rx f..vjj.wrvr , am.wn ear.- r..r the Pii.a. j Tih. UviUEU S HhUi k-r aU wwutuiuihe fami I Ivaar. ! S-h. htfSl.rrS C.HKAT nrTKny lyVl V I'.i.XAfEA- fir t'oldn and f.vTili r.flinK mw t)i-utiiia fevera; tor Asthma, Liter Oimnlaint awl rii'Motu AiTt' t-oti; fr liittrrlfjca. It.i;K-uu and Lo5 of Appwttt-, f'-r CotiTcnr'n in t-aiu: ud uieua. aud uttus chu plaitiU. fr t?tfmach A1?rtHnir., t iU. kit' intrm Ar. I hw prrii mnfsrit i ut bid tu Uk. nr g'? fjn. air iwr b-iT n routa. tfth. KVLMSTOCKS VtiKMiri'uK (Worm KillorV fir bilJi'n or prwii rn. i-ib. jr::x ztiouys our at rjr killer Xu int-tli-rihr ban b"-u diCt'TTd lb at is no hl pily a!ap to I u ua int'TmiUy adroit t he Lkau, and )t prrfnnu urh ridre hn apidied ttraiiy as a wr.h r bata, b ri:ticn In r"tM fmoi lj'j to JaO tvutaaarb,. "lllli. SM'XUOI TitC.H MQAVU ASIt BKD 1UC B A , f'-r dritinir awav Wrmm in a hort time. 12th. Tlie rl"brat-d LIX'6 LtF FlLLSuvl TTX FftHASCK BirfFKH. 13;b. VU. BAKTifrJLEMFWS FtXK tke borulnr Kprtrnni ft tna;li. frtbl. loditrnfa, A". 1 lib. THE EAST jyPU AXf XL IV Y0&K II Alt! DYES, th mly Mitf f d'i-c M tlf bntr. 1Mb. i.V HALM OFCHi.SAy a CbintM Kmv vr i uu. i.ruiia. n'm. ac. till.. 'EXTRACT ttF if. 4 ItXA FA FILL A. Thi ar tirl h4 outlfTfl all ntbT ?arai4rllia. aud ftti'l ui- a." tffat :itifa-tin a -r. ITth. Th- rrlfbratM STR FXCTftTyrXl ff.A.f7Ffi ti fmoi Pa L1N noa.p4,aud the B.ot.1 popular it the market. Isth. DR. KLIXITS TOOTir ACHE PSOrX A o:rltQ and e.v "ip f Trtli Afh. l.t!i. IT. rtiMftTiH K haa lato.y pow-rht th rt-tit the f-nitcd !fsfe. f the rl-br-it'd .O.Vl 'F.VTft A ft V MIXF.FA L WATlUi ft.und at tb rnnji r Vt tt f . ' . . t e, r-ikarmra I!. W Tl ta mMltetn. ' baa 'attained a aolorietT and popularity never befc re e(uil .1 bv anv rjrer.rr.iten .t that pt.ra an.1 tu t-aie h b--at rouMuuuinraut vilji its merits, tnch ara utrant : runarr. All the ramerlte. ara fin deaerikMl In ALMANACS, to be jivrt.ri ! all alio rail elen Ihe rr-.licire ara lUpt. NrVnCK. AH t-veparat em he-etttre tortwriaa -COt STOC K'S" nr Ctlll. I'JX K A (i.'s, al.. belonired raa- re- , cfaj.ee'y ni Vt. Lueiua S. Cottt'eX : are! Oieaatfh Ih eif-natur-ot fovaMork 4 to- will he er-mmueel. tls-a aalra l.la-t wRb the fae .loHle n-.ttantra of 11 r. I, s. C. ul la future 4-eln.i Ilea CEM1N t. ALL OTCCLS aWT f smttrrrs Leant s. coasiort Tha aror. mdi4n. can ho kila Ill.a.ii.of J. A J. abe .t. th. aa S-aicr, in ft.aaiM ; INEW G00J)S!!! just received fijf J. 1 TU.STIN. 1 ..MIS LAMPS! is jJ The' suhaoilrrt are prepared to sell tA miiips at i l.iledrlphia pr res. and Pnt w.jJ5ci.i iiuriimz ri.ua at tt:e ledured pnc X& of li It-1 r;. per ijuari. !iuJcuU and L othefi fliid II lo ihe r adrantage tu Jit, v ca'l and exariiine our tik hefi're mir t2jlchsifiir elsenh- re. Pinr Oil ai.d Fiu.4 .:. by the (juanlity at a reduction uo the rc tail price. Br. THORNTON St CHRIST. Z.t iA leiae. Oct 2U, 1653. 1 irn ictkfu my o". 1 " K. Miu.Lii, into rartnrr-l.ip, we u tat carry on Ihe Tai or- ML' ti-i )?tV .,r"j K. A 1 K' .Vina a. at ig ousmeN'-. u'iu.t tne r.rim tf'T 7-l the oi. Island (sign of the S:rt- ' If' I lE sireet, wheie we aie prcparti 1 'JLswSabaa Cut, XruU, or fofiir ! nil kinda of Meas' aud Hi j's Clolhutij. ot: ifci . 3li"rtel nolii-e. j Fall an.t Win-er FASHIONS just rereitre j If uur work dors not prove to I e a k'm.I tit, or maJe :n a worl. manlike njiioi.tr, ihe valua : of ihe cloth will he repaid. I Country Produce of all kinds rceived ia 1 pavtnent. JOHN B. M1LLLK. I LewisLnrg. Oct. 19. 1io2. 'VO'I tC'K. 11 person ba'ing clsif oe a.1 de.. an-le aesinel th eat tta of likllaaSrHt ! situ Uie of Ea.l CuQ'tlo Tp. 1'mi.mi -ounty j dee'd ute requested to ni .ke known the a&nia lis it,.-eul'-r:i' t r. le.i.lini; i.i ajid tr.i-hip,wiihnut di lsy ; and all lh..- in. I. rued to said estate : i liq'llfr.l lo ll .l.e iinii.. iia paRient. i l.ilfV 4-I-VIW i.l eit.. v. .i... .luuiiiti.iiwe wih 1S4 will ,d fil iuvtti 5 tilth, Je.'J. On IS. lii-i The Mammoth .Store! J.&. T.WALLS II AVE n;'ain received st the.r new Ur.ck Store a lull supply of LL AND WINTER F A G()0oss (iKOCKKIIvS, QoctiMware, itarelwarr, to. C tal, Salt. Fish, and e ery thing required in a mercantile cstahhshn.cnt all of winch ara olti-re i ou the usual cheap aud accuiuuMxiatitig tci mi. Verv tisankfu. for past fa-..n. we ask f.T continuance of the puldic patronage. Lewtst'tttis. O-f. tM5a FALL AND WINTER G(XDS. m:iti.u a. voKii:, i a.Ttrr.-nt of I I'ALL A.SO IXTER VOODS, j cf nU kinii and latest styles, wnich harint bcrn Mirch;i I at untt-u'ir low ratfj ihtt '. are tii.t: ..! r- . Jit ui the fju:lic at ait4i.ia I j It t u!J be almost in-osxt!? U enumcrai ' ihe many attirlrs conitirisii.? llie lk vl ; cim.Js jual re-fciveJ, tut ihty invite all t. ctine i and tc U t themse! .-e. -isuti.!g itm that j ily will cl .V-r t'o.ih fr jme Juivy ; ihau atiTtdher bouse ia KiswiaUuig. Thr f hat-e aii kin.U ( DKY i:ooiSa i; UM.KK F., t 1IAK'IVAi7E nrrvRvii?r ' . 1 j and s'l ether articles usually found in a well ! furuihcd sloie. To ret.ri. r ttirir rsiatiir;h. i incut well wt.rih a vimi all l.tnts tl.ey will (continue to n.-enr as ll.e rason sdvar.ccr-, j nt iv invriices rf rss(.nh;e rnnl for l.a.l.es I ami (Jeiitietn. it's wear, so as to be able at ail inio.s, to i ticr the choice of the Ntw V elk and j I'ii U-hdphia rn!iltc:. I llaviut; iiN-ptevt the motto "Quick 8ales atol fnia.. i1:. liK. il.ey hope to receive a lib eral shiiirt f public piitrotii'ee. tJj'AII kii.ti of ( Ol M ii I I'.UliI CE tr.Veti in eiehregs f. r tioods. ! Lewii,t.nr, Oct. 21, lei2. L. ICBINQS & CO. li AVE inst iccrucd from New York arid 1 ' 1 1 1 1 .1 . 1 . -1 ( hia a iftf'e and aititiive as. soriiuciit of FALL AXD WISTER GOOfiS, co:npr:sirR every linn? in the lv inn anrt Kancv hue tl.nl cot-Id p Heaireil bv ihe Ladies or called for by ihe public in c, neral. la t.e superior qnaliiy of iheir pmais and tl.e reinar' i,. t... . . , - . .t o i .i "'" ''"' ' -.i.i. mr; i.i,tiru, u.ry chailei.e Cfiiit arison with all coirpeutors in this fTcion. an;! respectiillv invite their fti-urls Cf minuniiy to demonstrate this facl for tl'ic'ielvrs by cailinrf a no examining their Mnelc. Thrv hive a full .md rh.ar. a... rttv .r tiKOCEKIEst. IIAKDWAKK. ljrEEYARB. On. 21. Ir352. COAU e. H IT, C 41 K t.OTIIIXCi STOnC. r& V. MYKE!5 h.ivt just cpentd at thtir , ohl slam! in Market FL. cr. door K Hth of .Id. the best and cheapest assortment of HATS. CAP?, COATS. PANTS, and VESTS ihat ever was ntlered for sale in Lewi.htirg. Hals and Ops of liie latest style. Coal a i'a-t i, aha t i-erv tneap. A genera! as sortment r.f MCFfS .'rem 51,50 tn fn,fjn Also a lot Drawn, I'-ndtr Shirts, Wa4Ln Cvm forty, WinHcn C::a, 4e. Thank'ttl lo oar customers fcr nast fav.--r. we hope for a rrntinoanre of the tnn.e. and invite new customers to examine our stock Pavin-4 eUwhcrC I Wt Cft!. C1T TOft . " at e b? ',!,. ... Hits made to order and drcsiej on the SbOTe notica. Oct. 21. 1845 Old Newspapers, OOME thotlaABda Iu oourlwr. crl ail tit,, fer ate al thu Cbroubrle oflfc. at flfl eta I DO U-aa aa ihey ram. tr yi wavnn aroaoried. A charxaf (or cp Baoka m well aa for WTWupiram ' fP- l"'1 "' 1,30 oe-a. ... T nacn . a TJIil ' rr.r.jj wan taw. trar b Mb-t fah pnr avtU s : t sTIa-r ID "T. B atr r ST" nr a . m : f r:, Ta. Wm.sror', Vt:. ltf, 1S12; i J. iUliJ Ml-1-7 Vnr