Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 24, 1852, Image 2

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    The Farmer.
OSecra of (h Onion Ormsy JScrieiilrrrral Sx'.tir-
. '
Pnxvf.'M Jacob It enpt, Edst Buffalo.
Tirr I'resiJrnft j
Am. S!rci. JWtc C-rfiS
i"ic Sim!' irv
V R. Micifi;.. WtTtunfTtati
I'rci 4'. Etrk. feu
J 'Hit fWtf ltl, CirttT
Iutip tt it. IV. if.: tne
ii H JTaKI.VlI Hr ( flOrr
Jnn tt u.t. r.rt -'jr
4 . a. Il..n.rin.. ttkil' Peer
Vr'.i.Sir'v Kc-hd V.B Lincohi.HartleT.
to &?v O. X. Wordcn, Lewi.shnrg.
r.-etrsKre- Robert II. Laird, East Buffalo. :
Librarian Samuel Wciriek, New Berlin. 1
Executi!Ctm.Ja. 1 Ks, Lewisbnrg. 1
d I.Aaae lenWAcw Berlin. '
da Ily W. Sn vder, I'euns.
Heraliers Wanted Why ?
The Officers and Friends of the Union
County Agricultural Society are ureutlT
AwtpA to rr, to trnnK-
desired to go to -vtork to proenre Mem-
bers. xmmfVitltlv. This is absolute v nt - c - -
eswry, for the following reasons :
1. To give rrciaiuma. monev is indis-!
lenMlle; and the Executive Committee
m I
an not tell how many or how large pre-1
miums thev may mfoly offer, uutil they i
i t "... ...u .i .... t . ... !
x.il.-'K now liiutu urjnrv iuvt uavc vj CI-;
2. If Dene tut Members csn enter f,r
. . .
premiums ; u none cut JUemncrs can vote
andexeri.v nthnr rriv:lees of the S.i.'ietv :
I o . i
if bat Member can be upr.u Coni-J
nitteea to Award IVtwiuins ccrtaiulv.
we require a great mat.y m.-mhers
mber-i I
h- - -n!
it . ;
h rtfjunes a.
...... I
3. Tha price of M ember:
ctg. a year it to low, that
l.ir A i-.nnk-r ...w.. i
. a. .
4. February Court will soon be with us
aud by that time the procuring cf mb- j
eribcrs should be completed, and the time '
.mini,., nf iV I-;,,, im. r... i i
If auv Vice rresidcut will not " mno-
nify his office" by attending to his duty,; ?rocn o,1 M,,!l as 1'lS-!i or raw tur
let some other friends of nrncroM in hit--1 "'P"8' Put:-!,,'-s. or m eWeos,
Township or Borough, " take the rej ou-1
sibilitv." and nroeure utiM-r'ibn '
VST There Kork to he J,mr, to mate .
l.n Sm.ii- W ; l u l . j. !
lnd open a good start. The premium.
Ehould be made out very carlv, o that
Farmers and other frieu'ds cJu'.d have
Spring, Summer aud Fall, in which to la-
bor with definite aims before tbem in their
rclatioa to the Society. .
Plans and PrOSpettS.
The farmer's season of relaxation is at
band. Threshing machines and com shel-
lers hive superseded tho flail in throhin;!
aud the hhovel and tub iu corn shelling;
thus enabling the farmer to enjoy his
Christmas festivities at greater leisure
Vhilc rusticating on mince pies and wbolo-
some fruits ho can project plans f..r the
next season's operations. Field So. 3 will
be planted with corn ; a subsoil plow must
be purchased, and the field tubsoile 1 as
the swd is turned over with "Robert's,"
" Prouty," or " White's iron plow." The
Two hundred lis. cf guano, cr improved
FnpcrpL'phatc of lime to the acre, eosting
five r six dollar, will add largely to tbt-,
Birti-Tiint ctr i riiT. :i i:ni .mils -t-jr-ti
m 4 ' --s.
i.n arnliVitiijii will duMc tLe t-ron. J. n't
forg.'t tbe t.lrt hird Lave the 'rees pruned
by shortening tbe small l iauchts ..utoitt'
va large ones, unless they arc dead. If :
the old orchard in on the decline, plant an
other be careful in eclecting tin: varieties.
Dear bought aud far fet.-bed " ere not ;
always the best If you plant for market, ;
consu.t the taste of purchasers. 1 hat truit
waicn I'rtngs me must money m ma: tei . at tile vVei lev 1 Vpat, rereaty-three bmh-
Will yield moat profit to the grower. Be-: e!s of Acorrt niiA for l,L.!g;um amI
f- rr.n iolo.'t nr nlii.t the lreq nrrnarc'.t it i o t- . r
.- j r ,r
Your trround. In tloine this be sure to use
, ., , j .i . .i .
ta euhsotl plow, m oracr mat tne roots
may select their range of depth to auit a
wet or dry soason jgivo your trees a good
" o.7er.H.tnin."
"Will you try aa acre of carrct3 ? if so,
subsoil and manure well ; you cau not grow
root crops otherwise.
After this ramble in the fields, dinner;
over, and beated in the riarlor wouldn't a
eamelia jqmicu, blooming in the front
window, add fresh charms to the scene:
A primrose and an cicr-blooming geranium
night stand on either side to keep it coin-'
psny. Ihe enjoyments 0i me growing
oat of these appendages arc not to be metis -
wed by dollars and centi?y. (f &m.
' HOW tt keep Poor.
. . e t.
Buy two glasicj of ale every dsy, at five
cents each, amounting in one year to 50,-
aniok-e? three cn'ars. one alter each
- o
; 4, .1
rri.riiinn. atia a Cflt IliOrc. iMi:eisll-
provimous, auu -.sii v
tr tbia awouots to tbc friiug little sura ot'i
.$110,25 sulhcicnt to bay six tarrwls ot
- . at
flour, one hundred bushels of coal, one
barrel of eugar, one sark of coffee, a god
coat, a respectable drcsi", bendes a frock
for the baby, and half a dozen pair of shoci
baby, and hall a dozen pair
mora or loss. Just thibk of it.
" i r
Next State Fair,
TLe Executive Committee of the Pcnn
ivc livail.c vvuiiuiiivt; vt tut t in'"-
Svivint v lti.r in
Ilarrisburg last Friday, and fixed
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
reday aud Fit-
dav. the 27th. 28th. 2lUh aud 30th of:
v,teiuber next, for the holding of the
next State Fair. A committee, of which
Judge W.u,, of CailiHe, is the chairman,
was appointed to receive propositions
fxow thecitiieascf towns or c:iis deriring
t Lv th i;Shibiott iu tLeix ficiaity. ,
meal counting up in the course ot thcicnir, net two years oi.i, wntcn wcign.i uubui, which came near resulting sen- An Kziinmi. winrii iikuki,i ti.e eer.u"n m.m tne
vear to 9U 75 ; keep abigdog, which will j 1210 lbsthe dressed beef 704, the hide ou.sly to the passengers. The road at this "XX
eonsuuie iu a Tear at least S15 worth of 107, the tallow not weighed. The Judge ! Pla only nine feet wide and it being
Winterttg Fowl
Tlie great art in ibe management of hen
in nr.W n render thcui Drofitablc, is to
,, . . . : : -1,:.
cause them to lajr in winter, as it js tins
season in which eggs arc scarce and high.
T0 cause heus to lav in winter, furnish
lacm WKU winu, uij muiu, iu n-im
lotion, vl'e thej can be free from cold
w iudiS and on;oj a good share of sunshine.
Tho hen-house aboul J be kept clean, and
all tilth fro:n tho remains of food phould
t enretullj romoTod
There should be a
- .
goou supply ot gravel, which ought to bo
rented oeaasionally, or dug over, so u to
f'rm f' lot often. Hens should have
constant supply of pure water, and pure,
wholesome food.
Thev arc fond of corn, wheat, barlnv,
oat-, buckwheat, rjc, nee, ,n,il0t, botleJ
pjiaiocj", aim arioua oiocr kiuui in ioo. .
i .-. . . , . . .
encral,y luo eneapesi grain may ne u-ea
U zir principal food: but it is better to
l'V l"lu
. , . . l
are very fond of com, and they flourish
wu" wuu 1014 58 tuwr ma,n Moa- nol,ea !
P"ta,oca Iuashed UP hot, with meal j
f 1 . 1 a? . la.!. t A I
01 alm0il aD lnu 01 F' WIWI wuo,u
Lran i,T n0Tl' Ba 1VCI1 warm, are an
excellent find in old weather, and ereatlv
" i
.,,i. l..; ri,,. ; j.
I.... ir.,- ...,r , . ,:. it
Hens prefer variety aa well ,
'im unn-fefitiiered luiie(ii. In winter anil
- hc Sorthuml,eriand DnJje m now nas-
' ill tiiiui-.rr iirii I'lfuani-u j (.111311 varus.
. , ,,. ,. , . . .
lcu s!"vj1J haye w,,n" sa of an,Dnl j
fco,!- Uf f',SC "K!" 0r fih ,1,ay bc Sivcn'
cooked or raw. Scraps are often obtained '
' 1
for this purpose from tallow dealers; but;
tliis w 1"'t acceptable to Lens as fr:h '
niev. or fi.h, which way be obtained at a i
or b'u wIich way be obtained at a .
- . f , , .1
v-""-J ur s,a" ,U,J uau ,UJ1K(:l I
,jr but,;hcrs- "'-su iut'burnt bone.-, poun-!
aoa or '''TP" l-DCi a' excellent, a they
supplv both animal food and lime.
ei . i i i
lury suoitin uavc, oeeafiouatiy, some
I .1 Ml 1 1 a . -1 .1
11X1 vm 1"H U au',eal w"al want. ;
lun tlu'n "u,u'r lu "''-Jtcr lor watit ot ,
"m'is?- Tbej; W fl" froln ,1,cir roof:t'
t th"r breakfast, and stand almost mo-
! "'m:ts' an 1 l" ro" aT;,,n n a,ttr
I n00l, ''y if tncj" ' ''k
j '""'us0- V'' rvoiJ tLi" cvH J covering
j ,liL'ir S"1 Eraw, lct ,bc,u
1 ?cr,k'U ,"r Uxw w!,icU S5" tLl"'
fcr-",sc ,h:,t 15 tonJui:' Loth to their
! health find camfort and to their laying.
j ()i,e winter we had eight liens, which
j Were well supplied with water, grain, and
j gravel, but did not hy iu winter not one
r.g i-, January. The next winter, we
! tri,.J w,at eoul 1 be d.me with the same
; u.c, then the worst for age, as they were
mostly old hens. They were in the same
house. We gave them warm food and
j condimeuta, and buried their grain in
j gravel and old plaster, aud they laid egg
t enough in January to psy three times the
; expense of their food,
j J. Ssrward. !wr. editor of the B.m-
r : ... f....;..i...i ..o r... !
the VaLkee Farmer, stated that from one!
hundred and fifty hens he had nineteen J
btttvlr-d e,,, in the month of January, j
T U.a J . f n Ia .v
jiiiB jijs. ill lllftitiu I t-ij g iji u j jat.Tl- j UU ll.UL.il lUUl.CJ H y t.t,ciii'S "in i ii in (
V :.,I,i 1... i..n.o.i nftthem. JOSEPH '1 0V.S. I
prolits from cstra attention in man-
9o;Ii;: i,Ufc ;u told weather. X. L'. lar
IVew Export.
Thf Undfoid iJ'a.'l 'ltenortc r' enves us
f11(,willg r,MwuV in regard to a new
of olport . 4l 0ll Thursday lajt, ur-
t(n Kingsbery. Esq., of this place, shipped
1 iioiiaiiu. .'ir. l. is ngeui tor geuiieineti
., r,...i ; ,L , .-
t" - "w - u..v,
i wbo orJ(.reJ thcsc acorM f(Jf ttc rurr,ogc
. (lf inrojac;rig the oak iuto those countries,
iT,irj. C0lipr;!l0 fivo (i;ffurcllt varieties of
! tll;g st;ltey ,r,.P au,j were collected in
; Uu-hf,,-!.! ad Windham. A few bushels
j ,,rcviou,i y ordered to Belgium, arrived in
such good order, gt-rininating and giving
,,rt,m;.e ,,f oxeellent success. for the csuer-
:nKEtf that t,e gontlenieu intercetcd have
j XM,V lu;s ar,,u orjcr The acorns are first
carefully Lilii-dried, boscl, and forwarded
to New York, where they are put up in air
tight tin boxes, to stand the voyage. This
is truly planting for the benefit of posterity,
1 fr generatioud must pass away before the
j Iro,,U(;ts 0f tbc noble forest trees of Urad-
j W!IVC ,u0'r branches in similar
iraudeur in Holland aud lielgimn."
fc"'"" ,
A uoi simi Cai.f. Judge Woodward,
.1.,- 1 . Ml t .11.
or. tuw inace, kiiiim, one av insi wcck. a:
! - - ... .. .I
.ii, -i n awl : I. 1 n . ae el
t suia uu UJ3 aiiuLiii-i n urn j cisuutteiit
. j , , - , .
will go ahead of thin. The calf was &
cross 01 me x-uruara ana icTonsmrc
.! ll . Il . I . . t
. breed. M tftmmirt Otwtr.
-pavid Tajgari Eq. of Nurihnmb'd
. attended the Fair of tbe Fenn'a Poultry
, Soc'wt v. at Fhi!ad.. and rronounces that!
branch of national resources, flourishing.
.lore man tow low is were cnierea, ana . JJmpcror. Ihe change, though foreseen, -sone genuine unless signed j. iioets
t.i ices rose to .") per trio for "Celestial" j gradual, aud ouiet, is fraotdit with creat r"' and 0,hcLrs bc'"3 base i"'atioa.
f a I I r n.,..i eonsidorations and invests" the immediate I . AKems. wuih,8 . "'PPbes. aud store
- , , , M
c--c ' c - -- -S--I.
urn. were nere amwed,
w. aui. a. wa0 uo. iuC ,e.s.
1-tTJ. V. Kirbt. Ksn.. of this Boroutrh. 1
' slaughtered one day this week a fig only j
1 tfteeu months old, which weighed when
dresJ, six hundred and thrrty-firo lb, j
If any one m this region can b?at that, let;
biio ond ia bis account, and we will give;
Litu ae-lit- 2tia&i Ayu.
-Tr" V. "fTBT-h-rKurn.dj
hflU5 Mm irtllflnG. AJF Uwisbueg.andmay be eo.,ulted pH
.ivivj uuu uuiuj c,i..ik. . b. ..a. .1 i.u Koomi iu K.
' ,. -, ... . - - . 1 " 1
1-hr any'limf yn irinx mvU A-tiMtm
Vr wAat jtw w ait to tmj
Ai"V wk.it jfii hart iffI
4NJ tt brtur two; Mm
"f;r wore mrfint'-r
4 rl -r qiiirkrr mi
For gtxyi Ktp
Hon. William A. Graham, of Noit'i
Carolina, ijaooounccJ among the persons
enjujjed to lecture Lef'jre ilia New Vork
lluiorical Society during the apjiruachiu
season. ,
I'irf. ! We regret to learn that a now
Saw-Mill, in IVnu lownsliip, Lycoming
couo'y, the property of Stephen Flick, and
occupied by Jacob M.irri", n entirely
de..trocd by fire, on I uesday niht ofla-t
week, 'toocthcr with about 4l),00t feet cf i
lumber. The6ro broke oal about mid ;
: night.
Aa0i on Ffdiy evening Iaf, in the !
same lownsnip, a Ditrn otionguig to jacoo
. ' : L : . ,: I t
cOU,n..,..s ... cre cr..p o, ra,..
"" ay.wa entirely consumed, together
wilh Uo CUW Ttje fire broiiC out b!kuiI
Wl,n iwocowa,
3 o clock in the evening, and was d siiiici-
. . . . . ,
Muiiey. It supposed to h-ive been the
0rk of an incendiary.
" F-'"y Wn-l.t" IWusmom di.;d
Cincinnati, on aionaay lust from injuries
received by a fall last winter. Her f ile I
, , ... i
i.hilosopbv. some edrs ao nmnoiied the
currents ol our sociciy, and in some places
au..doie . uuod I
. - - . c' .
sahle fir vchu:les of all kind-i. On Tliurt-
ojuit. i i ii.iiii.il. u. un ai
day afiertio.).! Mr. Kap,.
" l,J:-d over with f.,
ot Northuiriber
passed over witii tur tior?cs una a :
convevntice coutaitiinj a larse number ol !
'he woikmen. We icr
lUc '!'c "W
the bridge, ami m his fall
. . r , P, .
rut to SaV, One 01 I
i..,.v,.u il-iv l.-ll thru'
pit.VIOU-1 day. I It tnro I
fall IlltO I hli river, I
. J .... ,, ,. . ,
rue uu llic l.liao oiik, uiap.nuillj; sccrm
cf his ribs and otherwise injuring hmi se-
M,. Clemens, Senator from Alabama
deiuucrt, ha-t uivin notice thut he
Witt r
I i .,1 ... ,k. v: ..r... '
''""' Y " " v'' ,
rank 1 1 uicu'. ueiH.-rni on iW:tjor in-ncrai
... ,- , o .. f. i n
V liillelJ fecolt. this IS N jilsl and well
met tied tribute to Ocn. 6coit. As a mil-
lliirj .... ie laj no superior, and even
iruu Amt rican honors l.im u such.
riu ,, . .u..i.. i:
iiic uociorsai msaurg are ipjarn unp
in re arJ to the trea!menl of Hon. Waller
. . . . . .....
ll.rUld deed. In tllC Case Ol Ualliel I
Websicr ii is said his death was hastened !
tiotii.iH !
IIJSH liru I
oy his tall Irom Ins carriage, anil that it ;
he bud been bled at the lime ho might s'iU ;
be lilll;f. 1
I noma) i. i at! is, n.T3 uoen appoinici
Post Master ut Danville, vice Gideon M
Shooj1, resigned.
rh Danville Intcllisencer savs, nil the
machinery of the Wilks-barre Kollit g Mill,
his now been removed, and landed on lite
wharves of the Montour Company, at
Danville, where it wid bo put in position
for work, with the least possible delay.
The machinery was taken up aod removed
under the superintendnnre of A. fi. Voria-
BottutGH Item. Messrs.Crop &Ccor"C,
of Hariishiirg, have established nil inde
pendent daily pajier bearing the above tide.
The first number looks neat and is edited
with spirit and ability.
Infotmalion Wiintc-' Of cither E'ijah,
Sienhen. Wirnnn. or Alva J'owiis. of
! Uusscltown, Canada linst. '1 ho wnter
lias not beurd
fiom t Item (or more than
eats. liliuiild this meet llieeveofi
ailJ If ;h,m 0l lheir descendants he tvoold
l u I... ... i.. ...... .. I.. 1 1. fpnin
Kjsscllown. Manmgsville, Canada East. J
J. I'orer Rnwlv. Snrvovor Gmcral of!
the slate, has br-in cubed homo to Craw-
. ' -
, . . u i ei
I., ait .. f.. l.,i lha inilic .n.-innn lit loa
...sU..,.j, , ...s. . .
He hopes, however, lo be back at
uitr wui ut vju.i.ru.iii-ui ot-tutcti.c ...rou..s
of the Legitluiure.
Lawlessmiss Our local columns con-
' tmue lo leeoid .mirages comnii tied almost
every evening, againsi unoueiiuing cmr.ens.
Highway robbery, in un.'requen.cd parU of
1 the town, IS not Ur.cotnmoil. Lust oat-
,i.. .l. .,, ,.,,, i,. 1B IripH
i "rJj lnc LOurt rco " Acl a dera,rd
f y lne ,f!lCce a(u misutniei.1101 ui to-
dies ; nuJ, when their companion was con-
vie'ed instead of being acquitted as they
hoped, the jury, in gemr.l. and one of
their number in ptrtlCUlar, was Chased
1 .
irom the court house door until he sought
saftty inu neiohboriiiji house. Since thtn
' J a . i .
the marked juryman has leu the city, in
! nrd' rto?ave his life. Wiihin a few weeks,
t':e iail lias been to-let broken, nivin It''-
criy to several it worst iiiinalcs. Bal
timore AiHcrirtw, Sth iut.
From .he 1st to the !5.h of December
receipts Of Hold ill the U.S. Mllll ill this
city were 2,c-7M'l'0 a large amount fur
the period, though not up lo ihe unprece
den'td deposits cf Novemlirr, Of this ;
sum i,210 000 were; deposited yesterday
which shows a remarkable correspondence I
writ It lit. nirmiml rpt.t.rl.,.1 to hi.v lu-n
hrounhi by the Illinois, which nrnveJ at
bt I t, ,
New York on Sunday.
- - -
n,, . ,
k?T.0E LTsET. On 1 hun-daV WCCk. tllC
i , . ,
idav week, the
I . . . . "
,ta nr,.i iium. t hi r. nn I hi! fintmsito
e- -1 e
. ' .
1 Tt-'rv uarh. tuc uritr waima iu ui;tu.t
c - i i i i 1 i i
Siucc this accident bunds bave been 1-laced
(L w j f tl c rurnP!iC 0f lunUne
... .
h wider, and it lfi conidcred cate uuw.
awTi r vt r .
fSl lie Republic of 1 ranee has at length
beeu transf.n-me.1 into
u.i i.uii'iii.. ai'j tis,
l-.tr.lr ftl,i,t .,irr-i ,.f rn.
I J - a.-u.bv- v. jv. v
! pie as a President, now rules them as an
; ... - 1 ,- i - . . .1 ; ,;...
. i. . 1 ...
ruturo 01 iurone wnu an uncertainrv inaL .
M To f
establishment of a Bouapartist dvusnty
may afford tuomcutary relief. It is the !
lt step in th. work of re-r-ction, and con- j
Buniinates the devices and the policy that
feSil hiTme
enabled him to outrun the most dlstia- !
guished men who competed wiih Liia f.-r !
the Chief Hagittnrj cf the naticB.
. . ... a o .a I
I hint iwm. i. inj i
O rt UUI.S. FISH. 31.0 ib. CHEESE. S00O :
20 lb. HAM. Kliich. and dhduMan. Ua.rj
SAl.T.&e. for alo at Lewubun; Cheap Store
C. E. llOrt Efi
Surgeon Dentist,
r Inn Rcfidi-nce, 8oulh Third St., corn
of (lie Board walk.
ETTEUS testaruniary on the last will
and testament ofSmcu Ajibo, late of .
Br-ugh ef Lewiabiirj, dee'd, have been i
; siwcnte oy "
rniiei All r-rsons bavin' claims aainsl
the estate will present llieni for settlement; !
aj M pcr,OIls',deV.ej make payment with-
out aciay, to iM.r... .vii j""", Ex'rs
Lewisburg, Oct. 18, 1852.
". B. Bycrs Amnions will continue the
iiiuiImt business el the late Arm of Htmu and
AMiix,.ind respectfully solicits a continuance
of the rubiic iiatiouage.
1(100 Enslirli and German AL
MANACS for 1853, jii-l received
,,, fl)r sraluilou, di.tril.ution
oae .njite vur pinwr.ee.
Call aud get
ru uivrnv jt .nni r
.xn r i i:
j --.Vo .4r'.,--i.-v. ...rfr.... r .Via "f lt-i.lnrzx zliui-i X
W.'iitit it.' Fiiiiai.. Noi:in AifKicA. A I'. S. 0j-.irc
7' r ni.istirn.
(UtAVtHlN !! F.IKM.-S Ni:w am. r.CKTll Eiitio-.
c . t j ..... ... .I.... ..... .f l.i....i.v. in Hi I'liur-tH rt.'
'"""'n i'i.--i. C'ii-irt--r s-.-i..iifr anj Terminer. tii.
riouCi.t ll(rictr n.l 4ui.ti.-ei i.rthr I'.ai-e. ro.irlli
J,ti""- 1" vi-e-1. ( ..nr. l.-d, l.i.lar.-.-J. an.l A i-ip-rn .
(i ,,,,, fUtU. f ,nc n : ;tli r. pim.s KspUna-
lory Ni.tv. ai.il Itrt-finir,. aijU .". aud ir, t...ii-r--
i.e.;..... iu4.-s. y M.r k. ..,
ilji-fc. Ortito solium-. IVic-j oiilt f .,'.
-Tn tl-i-" w.r I OtxvVa Ji-nri.) n4 it4 -omrsnt"n,
flcn t otN r''tt-u.'". : -Hif utiitr"il o w liKh i w t1!
iv-trO li-ttr 1 .- t- nrpj n in!u"V.) the Iscr-trnt' U!
: T... ..II Ik... ;......... la III a., a, al at r V t ft ,f t"a t 1 i alrtl Al0.
' ef tl. natil .liitit& rlifl.i.J to liiln 1-v
of th ijti" riaui Intis cuiill.it-J t liiin iy ii iuws
lvoii.lauia. l-.-rt-j anjiant imatu, tumm.ii ,
I:ieii. root! ih? I.ikfnoMM-N taken
uicruwiir iron,
rinimcS ltlSTirrr
CMrir US T- TDE mora,
A TKKATIK5 vn the 0ir ao.l K.iti... nf A!.l.rm-n
art i .iii.tl'.-' or ttie IV.-ie-. in inr l-omin-nWHaiin oi i -iin-
',v.r,iia. iclj...L. il t r.-riht r.rui.r
-'ut ""k.i K..tr... a..d mWrms n..; o-.iy .h.trTrr
. uirv h.-U.---U1.-.1 ralual.le tn Ju.-lift-s of tf r. ae. rut lo
-.,!..rd". T.n:.ni- and 0.n-rrl Asi-uN. and nwk.l.s t'.e
I"'" 'I'"' Tu"l"?..U,:.t ZtiKl".
i-olumn vht it r.ura.rt- lo l. A Sfe l!l liui'lv
, .,.,,, ,.:. Al.l,-rin.ii ... tl.c
of ei.iuieii.ina. titih e.ini..D. i
KeviMl, r..rnrtil aiwi
hkoiylt, In Our
Pri otilr I..n.
Ju'lee liihwiu kix of Mnai'iAKi-e. tlit "It I not
Aiilr th- bent, hut tte oal terj gnwl aork that wc hare
;..n iLo tuiaTt-1
i ntcss.
;Tr...ri;iT and halv. fitAiTtoE. n ao.iTi.ii.i
l r:.:iiion.
rratlv Knlarz.d anil tmiiml, uult-r tl- r..li-
turial I'ir. lion .f fritui-ta ULaru.lt, ri , Aullior of
Aiifricm ( nui uil Law,' Ac, Ac. InTao tolutu. r,
Slltl' in tiie L'iiitr-1 States, Willi full rrftrctic.- t.. tlie
lat.-t autlieriliea. f:u-li..u anj Amrrtcan. llj t'Has.ta
J. Ta-i a.T. P..q. lu One Volume. Sro.
a:AOMer or la:iu-rs of lii'juiry from tha Country
protuptly attended to. KAY imilTIIRK,
Law PL'tH.!!..!". a u.
JinllT. ll0 yurka Sired, l'hli L
Iru, Motile Inc, &c.
Jenks & Ogden,
Ho. IOC, Hvih Third Street, PHif.ADBt.Piii a
IMl'OKTEKs of Drugs, Medicines and Dve
Slitlls. Manufacturrrsof Pure While Lead
and Vanishes of all qualities. Wholesale in
Phihis, Oils and Window Glass of all sues.
Alcohol. Spts Turpentine, Burning Fluid, 4c.
constantly on hand at the lowest prices.
Superior Chemicals, Perfumery andtSurifical
j fftS
1 3 . .-
l?ept 10, IS.'.S
$00!) 01 IA L LKNGE.
"TTHATEVEK concerns the health and
i mm . .. -
. f happiness of a people, is at all times ot
' the most valuable impi rlanee.
nance I ,?Ue or
n will do all ia their
prar,.e,i ,hat cvtty person
, VnW,-r to save tlt'e lives
tnai every person . r,,', ... ,.,o..,...c
ineir own neaiiu at a.t aa.-rttioes. i tret it to
ii ii tt,
be in v duty to solemnly assure vou lhat
WOUMS, according to tbe opinion of the most
.s l.br.teJ i h. .i,ia..B, primary ran-., of a laraw
niijoritv cf 'aH-aVM-H to i hich rLildrru n.4 aJultf mo
, ,,a,,!r lf yoa . , aptjt. Mlli...iiy rUan,-eab.e
. f the bvllv. I.rr Couib. slow l...r. I'ul-e lrrayular
! rein-m b. r ti.at all tl.e.-e dcr.ol WOUMS.and you suould
: ,t u.e
ronr.wACK's irorv sricrr.
! aitieie fooude) upsm iirieittiiw pnmic..mra'ie4
( l. n lak.u, and ran be si'en to tin: mot lender intuit
, SSn SM'SrNfflu.'.
tonic propettiea of uiy Worm Syrup ore turli, tbat it
' ........k .'illutli. an M,ll,l in th. Ml.lmn. i.f .ia.ti..in.
; in),1lu. ,w .u,i .tr.-ntu t,. tne .toma. b. wi.irii mkM
:uaniiiiiii.iB-m,dyf..rthoWafflkt.-dwiti; ity.u,.
The a-lt-liiatt.u.e ruft 1 rformwt by Uio. syrup after
I iM.r.i. mn.hn..- biM.i. uk, u-.t evident-conn bui-iht
fli'ft'y o 1 1 rail others.
Tit if I tlnf ino?t tltffirull W'-rtli to tVMroT of oil that
ioftt the huiumii iittm It c"wp to an a! raiwt.iniJi fi
nite ?ctizt!i. frrvf.min o rr& anil fatt nt l in thf i n -
tiu.t ttinl toi,iaf!tt vti'vtm tiif iiraith t mm. iv
j i?
' early prarr. In onler lod.troy lhi worm, a v,
lhat llHawatDi.-t.il a, ld.au
trerv euvr-
fniper to mse 0 t.. s of my brer l-.IK w a. tu r. mo.c
all oltrueti..rs, lt-at the Worm Sirup mry a.-t d.roet
ui-it tbe .,rtu. lii.!i mii.-t Issoak.n In d...j.ft.
taM.-apooiilulla tbtw times a day; tlfwc directtou, fu-
lon.ii have never Iss n ki..- n lu dil tg curiue- tlie utosi
olntiuateeaseof 7".i Hoeat.
' . I'l of tlie syst.-iii i? ntor.- Ilnt.le to dia.-a-tl'n t!io
I I ... . ii wnnoMin rm innutiii IM ni.H.i. or 1.1.
.ma the proper
ai-lion ol tlie l.irf
; tt. .yttn. and i
errtion t tlie bib.; so lhat any nrui.g
irer effeets Hie other i in porta n) paru. !
r.4,iilla sarioiiyltf. in l.itri-r t outi.
Iy. in later t outiiLiiiit,
.tlie l.i
UIIUUKST, ail Bis-, .-la, " waa, iw-icm., wa.io
,.,..,- ,tni.L,ui thai i.ii.-l.t ii.dirute a ron.' a,ti.,u of
. .
J Vr.t.fi furiii.btsl bv tiatttn- to beal tbe aink, uuun-ly, 1-t.
"" .. e-r'ej "
ftnJ ftmith to tiwt iter vents Mstifui. rn'iii(r h-aith
mil Mfw to nil .tfls f th- ie-nly. 4ili. A fatto-ntt?
v. hi li tfU in irl' tt hnnutiny with the otb-r nurfui uu,
anil ui'i ratii nu lit b au-i txi-r-Hinjr h"li-
niArt- it n,rrm' t rud .lUrt-U m.ittir, and urilyiug itiv
LritXrtJy wliKU i-t tt.-vs (JtM.Hr Hua n-Bton; biailu.
! You wilt find tl?,t-e Pills as tnrulunblr n.lift)e in
uin.y muii-imut to hich vou are utct, iu .Lti-u-
a-siiiniiU b.-Uf tt, rvtnitt;t!H.!rfuQrtioiialaiTHit.:i m-i.t
: .tH.i,.imr.fi,.,c the iwnnd oihr cu.,i.
, M, tutH-tualH lo 'Ul u r.i,;Iit all romp' jiii l whirl, umy
J,? iniS.
aveetlts wiMlllll. new aupuites, atltl store
j... ' .1.- v .- s.- u l.;-
St.. l'lulad , Ta.
8old by all Druggists am! Merchants in the
C"lfTjr. Thornton V J. Daker. Lewis.
, wholesale and Retail Agents for Union
Valley; R. Keller, Adamsburp; S. Wiitcnmytr.
MidrJietnrp; M. Speeht. Hearertowrt; J. 1
y'u'' Wl'w 5?,. m
fodia RuWGIovesrnitleris, &c.
otfNTKV Merchant, in making their pur-
( .i ,i i.i ..... m-ind these drirahie
. . .": -fiilikr KaS !
I trtir nrir iiiiiiwu"-
been mucn imprevcu in.ii -
maJo verv durable. Paru'cuiar aiteutioa i
H.-Am on. J.enj
tl-jt n-in.li,n..b:-in coM nJ ' J
!i,in.l...tHH-Ml.-li.urtl.at th. will eu "
i l:h....i..,.rrli.-v....l II in.la immxliau-ly. Tlii-J arr
f..r .l. I.r Wllw. Bi!lln to- No ' .h,m h. AJ'f?
ni.1 iioo.l.-.'. n l.si.iit.-iln.-t l"liilp.pi'liia.
j. ii
M.. II .VI. Srhiflt -r. -harl.-lr,.., S. f. Bart II .
Cm. i..ti. l.i.k a..d I y all K.il.lr U. al. r. in tha t....i.
a .i -;i i.a- r.itiuir. Morriianiai trruriin --
Oyster Saloon.
AV!f; fine! im the Konm in Fairs'a
w i AVlr: fin..,! nn the Ko(.m in Fairs a :
I I ' , k w k in - supfr;r manner, i
,ie shw.riber is now prepared to accominodate ,
inH.vidoala and part.e withOraim c in
slvles- share of puMic iatron;i(;e :
,j jt i ' C. F. HESS
I.ewibnr, 'pt 15, !S52
New m Shop.
Sanilirl Sliffr has nl opened a rOmp .
on Market Square, betucen the Post Oliice an.! ;
I.ynilalrs Bookstore, where be is prepared to
make and sell
Boots and Shoes of all kii.'Js,
i for Ladies Misse. Men and Boys. AH for
i sale. rVf'.U SHOES of all sizes, nrraiaiso
done as usual.
Pro.lu:e of all kinds wanted in exchange
for work.
By punetualitv, and usitiijsood materials in
I the verv- best way, be hopes to share the pat
1 r.,tin-e rifa .1 iv.rrin.iiiallli i? lillblic.
Lewisbur;;, Nov. 11, 153
, .. . i. . ,C i .io.,..,vei.iniis at the
aeei.i.liii' to Hie Lit. ..I uiipinveiueiiis, at mr-
first door blow liinrt.b Store, ou the most
reasouable terms, by
I.e il.urj,', Oct. 27, 1S3S
I'. AkA i t' ht rxti wh j Lnruhunj tu
I.tii t'stJiCH on the ,iniinl't
fliroiiuti bv rUlKIiiilturs !!
IT is a fait lhal f. II. It .,.. has aot
I ta at tail inn. l. II. Illssri 111)
a trad of a lite Cmnpaniea, and h is now
openi d one of tbe best and large,t alorks of
la' t I r e ti'iv'PIMi .,slIst.
ever opened in this Country, an J of such styles
aud quitlities a will givo saiUfa-Jtion to all.
DRY GOODS of aU kinds,
Coff.s., Tea, Spirim. Sitar, .tlola.a,-t, Itie, Cbraae,
Oarkera. r'ap, t'audlt-. Twlaus-o, t?.-.:aia. 1c
Ato llanhcari; (JitcrHsicarr, L'tJ.tricare,
J'uHid ami UltDCS, IatXj
anit rnn4 nf the) taln.it atvLaaml l.,.t minlltw
.-..! .. . .
I tunrciias, uru.nes. uroont'. i:titiis croiind ami
thy, Oils of all Linda, and olher ankles too
nuiiH'rous lo mention all of which will be sold
at ptices so low to a,Uni,h patch .sjrs.
All kinds of Countiy PKODl'CE liken in
exch'tmte for (Jootla.
rrT-riuase uive nil a ca'l before nurcbasinz
rlitenbrre, as 1 charge uothiut; lor lookmi; at tnv
,. , ., ... . .... -
: (;1KHa.
! Crt
U. 11. tVIOOCL,
3 I3.VJ
taut, lo lat mers att'i llvttsrkerpcrsl
IN all former times it ltd- supposed lhat a large
quamiiy ot t 'ider could be made only by using
,Jr(0; lhil ,uw, .j
; , wjlb(iu, M finf .. ,
-"1- . cheese in stiawand a
-.,.,.,. ,j oi- rrs.ur. w te,milrA lo
. " .
. .,,.. t lh.. ,:.i, . -nn.i..,.!.!.
!". . uti.t. .' it
"" bcin8 f w 3 T "B? f
"OUi:C.. and lo obtain this Ul.s.tl.factor, result
t lne laiuier had to take all uu bands and pcrnapd
j ,ix borie ,ca0J. allj dev,e . hole .lav that
J could have tern mote protit.bly employed, lo
! tnaUe from sis to twelve battels of cider. To
obviate the ditliculty I he farmers Lave heretofore
labuied under.
. h,, lun invenled.and Ibe statement of a few facta
y P. . U not cl, ih Be M,.cJUe
of the kind in existence, but lhat it is ihe most
profitable that a man can bave on bis farm. Tbc
apples are by this machine grated up into a 6ne
pulp, so lhal it ie.uites l.ut a compatatively Itltl
ptc-sute, and that but a minute or two, to extract
all tbe cid. r, it brins aacettained by practical
ex(ierimeiit that One 1'uurlh ntorecan lie obtaiiBsd
than by the old ptocrss. Besides this it re.pjires
only two hands la grind and make up into cider
"IT.".'" .... ,..o....,
i made on ihe old-fashioned mm-hities. On this
press, on-ing to the compactness ol the poinice in
j '"! t.Hc complete manner in which it 1.
I g'ound, a ptes-ure of three 10 five lone wh eh
, cal, f,e easily obtained will produce a more
. . - . ',
I faiable lesuit than one hundred tons pressure
j on the oniitiary cider press, even if tho applet
were ground as tinclv as on tho improved Mill :
: and if tlie apples wete niorrly eiuahcd as on ihe
- ut maebine, it would require a prtasurc ol two
1 huiidtcd tons to Produce ihe result acconioliabed
Ku lni . n,... ,,ii Tl fn; 1, 1
by this Pah ut Mill. The following aie adduced
as dccidVd advuiitacefi of tliid niacbiiif :
First Ii mki moru Cirlcr tlia nuy other prr!. with
m jrirrn qumutity f t iu a guto tiiuw. au-J with
Ujiii b ! i; r iiud a-SJe Mm.
Scm-f- It tuKt?a vlcnucranj swrcfcr CHrr thau anj
OthtT IH.V-l.iUf.
7'AiVu "ii mn rt.iir ri.fer an yoa want ft, and
mlii'ii t.nnt it--:ini iu quiitit.ti s fruta ouv gallou to
51X or t-st utv hnrivl-
F'ttt 1 1 1 - ;tb it "i run prfa v.r "iirranta-Cbrrriei,
IJriTii-, t iin!t r. hard aikl rallow-
i' Willi it you rsn .-ivc O.NE riilKTIl of jour
time 111 iniikitiir Ai'i'i.; nuio-r.
,s'tfi V itli it ijuq priudt-r , hop your Applet.. I'ota
tr.1.. Ttirni) f.. ll'vts. I'art-ota, or I'i4 n, kina. for i'artle.
N-r-i,M 11. tla u.- JUU clu at all times bare rKsH
and sWEKT rider.
The piice of ihe Cider M.II, uiih tight lo use
ibe same on any one lattn. is $35. Price ol the
Koot Culling Cylinder, $A.
Tbe size ol this Machine is about 3 by 4 fr
and weight about 100 poumla. It may readily
he taken to the cellar, tioot-vaid. kitchen, barn
door, or orchard, as may be most convenient.
For sjiatc. County or Tonhip rights, or for
(iranls to make machine in certain tciiiloiy for
stated period, address (post ptid)
IV. O. HICKOK, llarrisbarg, I'a.
I"?" Person in Union and lh upper paitof
Norihumbetlaiid coiinues. and in I'ettna and
lltush valleys. Center county, can procure the
above Machines on application to
H. tt fUfKOK.
A Bargain!
1 NEW Rockaway Caniage with
V. aeti's for four lor safe chenp by
wr:91 Vxint.
oiuo Mineral rami.
a . wM a Uli'llTWI'T till. lrinTj Dev fallr0.
viui u w. ...
jn .a..iwof nri.m. ir.
j. ii:,rris uiLi.D r.i.r(l
'u.in il.llmi ill. tin tlu
in of tuw u. . rt" ,'
UU Urti lANNKKa" OIU Vi.o kiaU aotl h"1-
ti.-.. iHKU Ul ' WltJ PT
1500 Gallon in 'a..l. f nn Vrinn klu.li
nti.t .U.-.lilir !"m IU u o-nl yr nllou.
60 Tom TAI.I.W UU:..-K It T ll.-a.jr l-ariiii. nl
l'o:ir. Marliiu-Tji. in !! rein T Cak. ul " W
H.li i.r. ti(Uir.-J. rrr: f'T lb.
liO Tui. oillo M1NKKAL VAI.M, m UarrcU, at the
lowest markrt pricv. .... .
Machinery Oil. warranti-d not to ch.ll in tb
c.iUrsl weatiior. nd eomiiU-rcd by ihne uaing it
rqual to fjerm Oil. HniU'l Paint Oil, equal to
l.inseed Oil, olher than for while.
I am c.wiaiuiiily weening lare in;.;ilie of the
njmvJ aim le.'. and ml niotlo to, " Small
,,;,.i, ,,, " it. l- lOXI.
S(. .-,,, Si rundei tb iVail Si- House.)
xew york, Feb tti5i Krtv w
for cutting both Grain and Grass.
drrat Improrrmeuts fur 1S.')2 !
AM FAOTLKED and for sale at the
Lewis-burr? Foundry by
$l,CO a Year.
TANTEU iu every County of the Knited
States, active an t envrpriMnir sir..s.
lo engage in the sale ol souifti! t!te nest dim'Ks
published in the coiintiy. Men uf jroiul addtvss
possessing a small capital uf from f So to jlOO,
will have such inducements off.-re I as enable
them to make fiom J:t to Jto a dav proht.
The Uaiks published by us are all useful in
rharacter, extremely popular, and command
Iarire sales wheiever Utey are oberetl.
..... i ll
For luilher particulars address (posl.Tje pt!)
DANIEI.S & t;K.T..
, . ... tt,- a I . .
puLi.r.i'i i hi ' ...... ..--(
No. 133 North Second rstieet, Philadelphia
Liditnins: Hods.
4 rTEK man, yeaia' close investigation and
t V liumarous eiiwriiueiitJ. the 1 att iilet. lakes
,. asura in iiifoimiui; the public that he has .
anivrd at ibe true princiide of pioteciing lamiliia. I
tin t IIiiirb and properly from the dr.tru.-tie inllu- j :
of I IRUTNING. The calamines ; I
The calamines
that every t:.lv. Town. VtlU.e and founlry fall ; ,
vit tun lo amiually, thro' the i.r..ss neBltset.re ol
.i i.,hal'itanla. ia bevond c-.lc-iiU'iun. eiet.it!y
. ,,! rl-Milaiiut, eii0ri.lllv
beyond Cecilia Ion. capwcta.iy
Io n the leiucdv is so ea-J ! obtain this is
fuuitd in
lljlCltt UllllltCllC LUiUniiiCI tlCOS, lliroutbont tlie .1.1:1 tniuB. Lawilbottuw prwlai
a J . . . . I n-l il-ui r.l of tl i. ut.rbcn:rains.
and lit lltia alone. This l.od baa bei'n etaiini.e.l Ti) ,,,,,1,. au , p,, uM ,,,il.k- irmm. it i a,.l.l
bv the mo t witutific g.ntlemrn in the woilJ j at tbe low rrrc t,:i per c-iy. p."M!:It,i57J,1,I1 ,
. . ..... . It... t -Mn. ....1 .n.o. I .1.1.1. Wi.t.lf 11.1.8.
ITolei-ola n .tiunric, Jon"-"",
otliet that have etaminetl them. irTommen.I and
... l ..f iiipm m the hiubrrt teimi. of apitrohation.
and have i.roimunced them the only aafe rods in
.1 . .
ue in this or any olher count, t tor the p.oiectton
of Lives and Property. )ue a.l anlaB is to divide
and throw back a paitof Ibec-bciric tiuid Larn.l.s.
lo the clouds ; in lime ol a stroke una rnai'ii s tne
rod lo conduct that portion of fluid ihst llon
. .. ... ;,t. .. ,t.. .lanoer of lea-
I to tbe eatth without the sliRhte-l danger ol lea
ving the conductor. I bis rod Ita many omer
ndvanligrs over the old one. 1 be only place or
Mne St. 3 ilwirs aluvc Zth, t'hilathlphia.
wh. re nil ptrroiii are re.pcctfnlly invited to csll
and oianiiue fur ibf m Kis. For sate U boli-sale
or Retail by '1'HO'S AKMII'AliK.
These rods bave been purchaseJ and success-
fully used by the follow tin; individuals, companies ,
and corporations, whose names are cbeerlully
aubmitlcd : I
lu and n.vir r.i7i.W,.,iit. A. S. Kotrt. lior
.i'i,..,.j.l,'.ll-iii,.r. Julie r-nral. J. M.illot.l
I . . .; ' . 7. ... .. . ... . .tli... ...... ..i i
1 li.'J,".-. il'l'i- ni-a"kl.-y AoViaiiouer. Aiideita.'ti "l:r.u-r..
! " J- t;nii.i. John .Not wan. Tib. i.r-.v-r. Ha.- A
I i',;,; i. i !St. J w . ." ii direjV. i.
l:,p:.-y Jt O... J. Nl 11.1111. K Ibirlrtl. J Otellahilc. ti. I1.-p
t-r. lr. si.art'ie-!.. -ir. i-.niii, e. i-i,r...-.. . i.nii.Kj,
Mr. .vi.oii. Or. I'a.tl. S. II. I'owera A t o.. J. VVitifp.-t;iiy. ;
II. M'll.-
tlie l:d llnuk ilot.l. ttta L.S. ArenaJ, tlie i
! i'riutr 'i-ru-u l . n.u.i.oii,: V it
In ti.' N-'(. ' A'"- Jrr.tr'
losinre t ri.T III. Jildr
M'eiill, .li:'t---e tisTt'-n. Jol.n Nvtuian, nr. II. M'.Mur.ti:,
B..i.j. lto'.ajtla. Mr" J. Uownui.
(I j The only authorized Acfiit for the Counties
ol I'liion. Juuiita. M.lllin. Clinton. Lyi-nutim;,
.Noii!iua.b.-iljud, Montoiir.Coluntliia. I.nz rue, i.
s a mi el iiouv
Ilarlhion, Vnwii county. 1'oni
Oider and Liters adJresscd (p.i paid) to Mr.
I ll..0,er. will be promptly ...ended ,., lie
j ,,ut ,, . ,....lr ol tb.ae Rod, m l.n.on county,
t 1''''
. r.li: .(r-.si.
Il.tril'y Tp.y.iknt Halfpenny. Wm. Jf.trr, John Ha-sa,
iii-i:, i e. i.Te. .i.-..b smitii, iii.v.j ituui.. 11-06.11
,'u;r;;-r.: zJZX'Z:
i., jy.. ir. tiiarics w.i.on. ituiAm;,..i j;,. ii,n
k nun. s:ni ,.i Ku.iir. '.,t T. lwc t'uu.druu. ii'Atfe
.-Jt-eUael It -iru.au.
rHll. . .u 13.
I hare this df rarcfully iti.--.-ct-t a rntudii t-r r
l.i hln in; l;r. with Ti.iif ami itt.h x. onTttil hy Mr.
'Ihont.ia Armit!tSt t,u Iti-llvu ll'iuof, ti.nuet-tfr. an.
linvr uo hit.itiou in iiTiii tliat it ia ntontv ih-: b--M
I littTf . Yt-r M-tfti, hut that it b the only one I have t
rvaiutiH'! timt i .m-trurri J on ftrii d -ifiititit hu-i-ph-f.
It is with mix-h vUnitr that I rtTomtth-nU hi
coutluctor to the attrniiou uf uwiterof htnHinr.
I am well satififil that th Manw t in l.ihtniu KM,
lntiufnotunil hy .Mr. Thoiuuw Armilaiiv.ol Phila h (phta.
it thw U'it Ih.tt had cvt r li-ti lita-h-. I have 9-riit vrrl
cr in the ituiy 1 ihr lawx .f fhrtrt- itr anil kUJtnft
Mn.aitii bave uw hiitatini in iiatiit; Uiat tin lh-t-, are
caiuflrut Utl uwii thf only )riiici)ilr if tuh-ty. Thf etn tne
mIh w k is rww-ifil nd siiaT4l by tin- uiui'-t at (hr lop
ftf the roil, nut it wo'il'l bt itnw-il't-. arri-l n,' to th
luws of ttUnivt.'u antl n-puli:tii. f r a hu-Mtnie to If
tiijur.il hy a ftn ke of H jhtnitip m hn pntt T.-d i.v on of
tl t-M' rilf. I h.-f Wfn aciurintil with Mr. A r mil tie
for M vi'rvl yrari. aul U f ti he .'4uiuu-nittl thf tuanuf.ir
turf uf t.nxt rls 1 e.tu;ufil tli itriuc.!f ott which th-v
wri n.ii.ttru'-trt). mi-? f it ruimiii-fil Utat thrtr whif ti.'-n )
motill Iw Mtlvn-lfl with roniptitt aurr-sw. Th- iii'if x-tn?
th-niitil tor thff rodi.nntl tlic?xt-nivi-ahi in :U f-nriw j
of th- i-ouutrv, tr aui.ec,iuiiii-iiialisii or tin ir uti'ttT nu
siiKriority. " Tl! .VY K. WALLKK. 31 D.
KHitig un. rbilad. Co., Aj ril lt. li-'.
r sia.IS4"
n A VINO been appointed Aijriit for ihrrale
of tbe celebrated I'iinos, m.tnufaeluied by
Giro, vofaiir, riiiiuti.,
i 'be undcrsitfiied would be bap.y la supply any
citizens ol tlie u?o,ui nimua eouituy wno may
desire an Instrument well made, after ihe laical
improvements. Two of these Instruments have
lutely been introduced into Lewisburg. to which
1 am happy to refer any one. Tbe I'ianoa are
are warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for
a year, they may be eschunced. Prices reason
able Fi:.NJlrJ J. GESS.NER.
Lewi-bur,,, Feb 24. I9S2.
and NAILS, always on hand and for
1 bttlt) by V. 5. JVUt.Mt.li 5. CU.
rR. II. II. II IRRMnnU wutwiae lr
' lha citrx ii ( lwiabaif mm4 vicinity that
ha baa ixn)oeJ iota North Third trrct, ta th,
h.iaae formally oceu.iak by Cajil Paul,WDOTa th,
(jatrinan Iteturianl I ba'ch. Thankfal for tb
I.Dvtal patronsge brtberto retaifed, h esotinnr
lo bBWi hut ptofcaatunal wriicN ! alt waa mtj
destrr thrm.
Ha prac'irrs madiriiM in aeaordaiiea with lha
mo.-t approved ayatrnu of Mrdical Rrform (ire
no Cal.ua,! ur Mrrctiry in any form ami hope
to prove hiaualf worthy of lha catiUJaiKa of lha
Ha karfra on band, fur aala, an aifodura
variety of Tajmaoniao an otbar VejelaUla
Meilicina, far lha aaa of tack cu.tomer aa ata
deire llieni.
H ia also prppated1 to rhna and aittact Tetth.
Lewiabuie, April 7, 1852
I 1ST published. T.B. WELCH! maKuifictnl
Portrait of V'tJClVS
veil (by permission) from Sriiat't only origi
nal porirait, in the Athanaum, Boston.
Tina aup-rb .i.-tur. arnrraarat amter th Mt-arintatid-enre
of 1 UoJI AS SI.I.LV. tvq . tl.a iBin.ul and hk j
Riftrt artiat, a. tt.e viily correct lAaneaa .4 W aahioau-a.
.cr pnbiialir.1. It h hers cl.araru na.d aa II I craaun
aork ol a. t ever produced ia tlna OHtulrr. Aa to tu t..a
lily, if rfrr to lt:e Ictt'-rot ties atoplaal aoat uf W aa..in-.
toil., a W .ai.tswTo Pataat KiTie, wlia aaya, - u,
af thlul i.pria. ptnti.n of tl ev:biatd or g ami," atvl
tol'tiicr Jii,T:caT..Svt of tlie Suprraac t'uurt of U tbt-t.-d
Sla.:.., a bo aa.a. - A a fk (.fart iul"altrv ai-.a
beauty mualatrike rvaty one who area it ; and it iaau law
h..pv iu it. Iik-nra to the tatlM-r of tia c.uutry. It aa
mv a;M.I S n uim- to lia.a a.m turn In mc aaya or ay i.,y
L.ak and bia bolr .rpraranra ia yat atuuilly iatpiwad
.'mill ni. m..ry. Tb.- (ortrait y.u baa iatirad aj pear
I to iih- IV- l an a-roel UL'H'tM. raprcaanlinK pararetly tita-
exf rc.i'tii a. wril aa U:e it TOi .ml fa-tut. of Ilea faca.'e
!' AnJ uit.li.tMl ,iv,ila.V 4aa rfhWaWut a
oWyaot'.. .o.A-il. Fka.-li.tsT frixMoaa aaya, tfca creaU
ora ta adiiorabl. r utcd and aa.a.ari wnby uf tlio
l palroti.-itt- of In i'l.l-lie." .-v.a M .rtnasT. tha atuu.t.a
lirtrail p .i.,l-r, binI ll.e pn.il of Stuart, yonr pr.at to.
tuv uiiud i. turrc- rruiarkrb thaa an. oll.ar J bare aaana,
I w imtaiiux ia. ... niwt"j ' w v" r-
, bw lUr !, . tt Jmt.ir..-dr.i.ofarai.'
i tuanm-r. wl.irb all hoer-raaw l.itu moaiuervd a aaark.
rbarw-lcriattrcf tbe illuitrioua wan It comaacaaoralaa.
... . ,. .
Untr'l .lojAwjIwa fc. Mr JM ova tuy, vtttmw a ic
..'Tirt uj U.u -r. ' tu " ifUTM U J.Uom.ng Artuaa,
Mul".'a, Jrrtl unit .Sc'rititn mccum aaoaa m, at.
At l.tU Marehaut and Kiliot. of Naw Wk ; ar,
R. tl.crnwL JVl IjtaiMin. of Pl.iladl4ia ; Ckad.r 11. i-
lii.tror IVi.ton : etwrlr rraarr ui . i-o, a. . . aota
! 1
: tllm,r., ys,.,t tit.
vl aeitH'trioa. ' '
siTAT.-t mi. s Ilia JCa-s-Ueocr MillBr-l
Major tit-ri. W .Bf!d Seott. lion, tlrcrf- tt.
I'alUc, ll'.n. Vt ut. II. tin;, Hon. lhn:ol -t.r. II. m
i ...n H....I 11.1. u wi t'aM. Hon. tvm. A.ijn.baau. Uou.
Joint I- hinnuy. lion R. V. W inlhrop, b- L. l. J.ai-ia
it. . I!. H T.wt rtou Jol-U ltucr. ll.'D. J-din 11a
1U. lion. Uufaa l it. S. u-,lta l narlaa (claom.
. tbe r.l Brown i.i..rarinn m inr a-ai.oa, aiam.a.
it" aays "1 would ratlK-r a. n it titan any patntad cuty
batr..r au .' fc. I' Wl.it.pla. Hu-bard HiidraOi,
1 Hon. Ww. t.erlt. LL. D . Jaicd Sparka- LL. I, ,.
, ( f ttMhili.ul, lr,in(. Kmlpb w. IaKr.
: ,""
mi., frvf T. f. I'ibain. t- T. Ilradlry, ttta .r..n.
Ilsl..-k. II. VV. Ij.nu U"W. Wia. l.i:,aio.- Situma : ai ,1
la v I- c ra lool Taiif' Ut'l, T. B. Vaemuly, Sir Arrhi-
w wr ,,r rinh aBJ Areb atrta. M.ilaa.lpLia-
I. Ii IIi.ilv Sole Ak'.ut forth. States of Barters rVna-
a. l.atna aud Ik-Ik ware.
j Ti.ta Portrait can only be oluinnl from Mr. Byl,
; from biMliilr autlioiil-d ajetita.
Arrau-uivnU bate ba. n made with tha Poat OAoa bv-
patuuuiit. by wtie-l. eu,-k- -f Ui I'ortxait call ba land to
au. i.iut. a-r tn.il. in p-rfret ord.-r.
ai'eraoiu. by r-intluu7 r'i.a 'lara to D. B. Baaet.
I MaII..if.rB-ntt.,lt Inno. sot up cifreaiy St Ui.m
i 1'ortia.U, futuuboi at the low prttsr of amla.
' -
i liav a e...y .-rtli f'.rtrait enJ to I ttamrar cr aeUf.
Just issued, a magnificent Portrait of
Eneiaved by T II.Wku n.Esq.Ser the original
j portrait patnle.l by TXt-LLT.Es. This portrait
-,n ). a n,atch fi-r the Washinetun, and ia in
crery respect a well gut up. Price 5,00 per
jtopy. Address as above 3mti0
as ' THE subscriber having taken tha aht.p
t lately uecuptetl bv Kamuel Amnion. aa4
ft It Aminon A Montgomery, on Market
j reef. Lewisburg. is now prepared to execute
Cutlins and Making of Clothes according u
! ,ne 1 asluons aud un Ibe most liberal
K ,n'.
Patronage of ll.e late Firm resnectfolly oh-
Lewisbur?. Sept. l52.
Itorouli Ortllnanre.
VT a Meeting of the Town Council of tl.e
Bon nub of Lewisburir. held ihe :b ot
j tl. t. ber, IS5U. it w as enaclrC
I Ti.ai fr..
. ..... ... ... at,vi i,,r I'auat or .u.
... . .1 - r, . . i - .,
; ordinai.ce.no person or persons will be allowed
' ' P'" c"' a"' er any tuLrr ticscrtpl.on tf
'l' "J"' "v
j " ' ' Js of lh,s B.-wuh
I a on
. truci any .r ftie sireets. alleys, gutters or water
I curses of said Uoronch, such person or par-
-, '
, one dollar m r more than five dollars for each
i nttencr. And further it shall be the dalr sf
I (hc Cns,alIe . ,- . ,
son or persons who shall ol.strnrt any of ib
streets, alleys, gutters or water courses, lo
remove said obstructions within five'd.irs fn ru
the dale of such nottee.and if the sa'.i ebstrnc
li.ms are not removed wiihia Ihe lime so spe
cified, il shall be the duty of ihe High Consta
ble to remove the same, the cost of such remo
val and Ihe amount of fine cr Snes trepcsrif,
(which shall be determined by the Bnrgesa
and Town Council.) to be collected from lli
person or persons so otr.-nilin;,'.
Published bvordrr of ihe Hoard.
The lOtU Scssloa
or TBS
Lew isbn rg Academy
Will commence on Mosvai, October IStb,
iu continue 0 weeks.
The course of lustrDctir.il in this Inslitotioa
is calculated to prepare Youths to eater Col
lege, or tor ceneral business. All branches of
a ihorouch Academic conrse, including Ijn
gUARes, Mathematics, and General Literature,
are i.tughl.
Tbe preent eson arrrila pood opportunity
r.-r improveutrnl lo Young Men, residing iu
ihe neif:hborlitKMt, who are al leisure during
the Vt inier months.
Composition and Declamation will receive
careful attention. All gross, immoral practice
arc strtc.ly prohibited, both ia aud about the
school ; and kindness, courtesy, and a rpiril
of honorable rivalry among ibe pupils, ar
Tbe subscriber is desiroas to secare a class
of lining Ladies.
7iii,,nr0r Languages 610. Higher Eng
lish 8, arid Common Branches f, per session
" 1S5 Principal.
7 UST received an assortment of Ine-tonra
rosewtKHl Melodeons, from Geo.A.Prmc
ci Co.'s celebrated establishment, Buffalo. N-Y.
4 octave .Melodeons from C to O fib
4J do do C lo r 5
do do F lo F 75
Large 5 do F to F. Piano afyle, 0O
A. L. HATFIELD, Lewisburg
STEEL SpringsSpring Steel, Iron and Brass
Nut Axles, Top Prop Irons, plain and fig d
black Oil Cloth, black and fancy eol'd en.im'd
Cloth for Trimming, Lining Clnih, Coach Lace,
Tnfts, Ac. Ac, to be bad at reduced rates al
the cheap store of KREMER Jt CO.
O f )f Vf BrSH. Cora in ears wanted on
&JJJ tcc't er in exchange for t.ix -s
tf . KKJiMER 4 CO.