Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 17, 1852, Image 4

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: I,
; i
THE WHITE ROSBIn die 15th century,
the Dnke of Clarence (of he 'boose of York)
sent to Lady E. Beaucharop.a violent adherent (
to the 'honse of Lancaster,' a white rose, with
the 'following happy lines : j
" If thys fayre rose offende thye simile,
Pte'i mne thve Imsoinme bare,
Twyll blush to finde itselfe less whyte,
And tame LaiicaMrj une there.
But if thye rubyc lippe it spye.
As kvss it thou n.vst deine. 1
With enrye pale twjll lose it? dye,
Aud Vorltysh tuim aaiu.'
"Teeth Extracted witJmt Pain.'
Heine troubled ib a ra-r.g toon,,
J afnek Murphy riishnf into a tfcritisi s
. r .i .1. .1.. ..,(';, r, lmu-lj ,,f i
"UCT. ""f u" ' , , " ,
amrui.su id uiny rcu pocr.er.-uan'iKen.-uiei.
"Faix, dorter," bo cried, drawing ny
Lis re It j
r- I
Lis right leg, and drawing duwu
fchoulJer, with an expression of ineffable
.,rM,r. -T rr,.t . LWI, 1,,1 m.,.,d,.e '.!
tlirvia to jump through the top o' my head;
ati' I see by ycr feign 'at ye exthract Icclb
wiJout p-a-p-a '
"Without pain, tir, and on short uo
ticc," said tho doctor; '''will you sit down?-'
"That I will; an snrc ycu're very kind
d'K-thor, and ye tuny (Jig out. the uasty
s.'ump as soitn as iver yc like.
The tooth was out sooner thau he could
possibly Lve anticiuitod. Ho rubbed hi
' us, and would but believe it trns gone
i ill he had seen it in tho dentist's instru
i:it.nr nd tint l,U own rflrtv f.o.rrr m lb. ;
. c J
cavity. . ,
"Ugh I the ulv divil!-' ho muttered. :
..Ki:.,- I : r, . T " .1 . . .1 '
.eubliug hi list at the itineeint tooth, '-sti ,
I've rid of ye at last! CIujp i-nowgh, t,o, i
.-tid it didu't hart a Lit. lle.-s yv, doctor.
e're very kind! aud when I hate cnotheri
....1. .I...'IIL ..:.. MM : :
tuo..,Suai. , oea.u.eruirnut,,,,, JS:,g;.,. ,
'Urtainly, at any t.ine. ; J ( f of Mjrt!l w s ! Mow ,t open w,il, powder, bm no oss or injury
''Thank ve d-jcthor' CuA il;iv n "i j r -i r l , was sustained. It was purchased ol O. Evans,
ibdiiK t, ujctuor. Oooa t..iy, u..i . 4t:n s,luf. d ror a res,,ence, for bus.n.ss, ' cl guu;h Sccnnd St H'ilaH
uocilitir I or (or a lesidcnce and plnce of business. j c Foiiks, Bonlntown, !S J
"Cut," said the dcutist, must ti-ouUi i 'l'lru is a l.iree 15U1CK Mouse contain- For sale ofa sizes by OI.IVEH EVAN'S,
t' for ni'- fee." U'A larc mini s on the firsi lloor, 0 bod- j 61 S. Second SU below Chestnut.
v i i..u,s on the second flour, and two I ire Sole Arent for Day A Newel's World's Fair
- i'ii .sl:! rooms on II..' third. A Kit 'ben : Premium Bauk.Vault and Store Locks Thief
4VrrJfT'v , - , - , Was.,h.,.. ad;oir.R d i, ha, ?.so a L. and Letter Copyin, Pre,
.y crfr, cned 1 atr;.-!:, m ofton-, iari!(. . , (;i...r.,. a Pump and Well of ' r w ,V r m.inff W or crates. Water
lshnieiit. " otild I be al'Oier givin' v ' '0"d wntor, an! all the neressary out-I Filters for purifrintr bad water, Drutaisis' ! y A j ( ff III 1
Ll.'v tints? And what, did I owe her- ! hil'lding. ! ''' cylinders and pans Refrifrer.-Hers I 1 .fckz&SL. '
i 1 v -, , I', r ii nm i r unn'v to fJp-i F Mriup ! and Ice Chests, Portable Snower Baths ot sup- tpyrT.v.l
f r, lut at 1 in a poor d.vil, Wtdout fait;. !U ltr"1! "e- "PP'i 10 "f;.' . enr constriction. Water Coolers f all kinds ipmWBnBP PA
chits in the world, and Ve adverse t. .. , for hotels, stores &c. 3mlL'8 , , . ' J , ,
. ' . j Lcv-i-btirf, Pr-pf. 23, loi) j a L. HATFIELD, Las on hand a large
tXtl r.lCt teeth I'T nothing. , . .Wv-JwWwv-vaaav I tVll.Uovl ommwrn-iM A . n,l .n'M,!,.! assortment of W ATlt.
Li". 4...!. I. lli VU'JJt'U II1I. .Ill .
l aix, iI. ctiiiT, uon t your stijn reai:
" Tuth rj trotlui V;j,.1 ,tJ,V ( ,,;,. !
The carUo6in.'SS and i.k-itynf IV-!
... ...
i !. ii.il tC UtutLst . favj.ra!.h , ;
t!.a.. lauilii,tf at the Lliind. r. In, ...n, :
" Faix, di ctliiT, don't your sign ica'i
""'g ue uiuu'tei', lie na.
b;ui avisy, witbont fsaeting his f e. ;
VAa ! ha ! h;i !" sai l Jt archlv, wLci.
.1 . . . r " , . ;
i i.uo in te strctt, ''I cmuod it over him !
t . 5 ll!i:e, too I As if I dull, t know tin .
uuii;rct.cc between yW ami imi .' Uut i
. , ii,, 1
jyni would ve been pa to me; ko 1 j
calculate, ou the whole, I got off cheap
enough. Mike, will yuugoand dhiink '!'
1'auLcc Ij'at'c.
. Cow toLangh. :
Among the various indices of ehavr.etci-
there are few more Hgnificant than buj;h
ter; it is indeed, as Cuitilc pays, "tin '
cipl er-key" wherc'y wc uul'.ck the petn-'
liaii.'s of a uian. In the diirorcnt diyp.-.-j
sobs ot the organs of eachitia't n, there in
au endless variety ; they form a pel feel:
M-4IC, I10U1 tlie roar ot the ouii ol lhan, f HE subscrihers haiini; asuoii.'ed thems-Ives
tv hull shakes the leaves from the forest I logrtl er in the .m urn in of M.neral
tree, down to the scarcely audible fuiut- : VVa,or' l''l ith a
' vaiuty of sirups, s ca as .Nectar, birsapanlU,
l ess of a grtusboplrer S chirp. One man ; l.e-non. PiiM Apde.(;iner. Jockey Club, Straw
draws out his laiigh iu a long and fcitlTui ! beny. Ks'p'ieiry, bbirkberrr. VoniiU Ac,
.. 1 l .1 j i - - i ' Pii'aie F -milie?. Hotel Keeper., and Pic Nic
eicendo a letigthtnd and ii.extmgui.h- tul,t lkJ al lUe tflllcJ flliae ot a7J cls
a'de peal, constantly iricreasia; in volume ' per d,:z. Bottles retained.
: ud power, till it abruptly tciiniuutcs U
, - . " . , , .
'UWUUg ills waist UU1US, anu tj.l.lling UI
l-iree-lians. ThelailL-h of another cxtilodes '
,1 :i.. t , '
!i,no lnierviils. will, a loin, :iii:l vi.rnr-.
e , c i
-'.h jerk, like the short, rjuitk bark of an
t in-aged whelp. The luujji of that tall, j
ti.iu, l.interu-jiiwed fei o r, lilting yomlei I
between the horns of a shirt collar, sncal.s !
into the world, as if a-liamed of its exility
Ki. cs a rutllbliti sound, like the ptal oi '
1 vy cannon, or the nil of distant thim-'
J ' "
li ; it jsrs the room, and In ! the window- j
m'.aiu feels its power, aud waves to and
lro in the current of agitated air. j
If there ia an object in this world that j
we do from our haul detest, it is one of j
,, , , , i- , i .. l ,:.
y .ur well-bthaved, po.L-bed, and poltt, I
pcojdc, who, itcripalle of any thing Lut ;
couimonjdaee and dec -ruin, deem it at
inngiiauimous and out-of tbc-w.iy tlevaliou j
c. . !
of wind, always to laugh iu their fcleevt ; ;
v. Ihi wearau everlasting, barren, teeth-dis-
playing im,,r ; vvho can only, a, Cadyie
says, sniff aud titter from the threat out-,
var-Js, or proluee at best some whiffling, ,
l.tiaky caehinatit'ti," as if their wind tiip"
. .... .. - :c.i .... ... !
wanieu Olllltg, or, as u turj .ik- iuiiii
i.i'X throuoh wool." We abhor sue h a lase l
ci-utproiuise. Such incaii-si.irited yneaks ;
would rob a ben-roost Cviunicn.l us tti,
the roan who can latioh t utril.t ; who,
, . ,. e ' ' I
llistoaa of lllltllil y elL'CIIUir at a good I IKt",
,, , . . ' . . . , ' . !
tumbles back in hl3 Chair, atld buTS's lUiO
, . I Ii I it ii I
a llllartot.8 roar, a rcgu.iir 11a . 11. ila.
a ,, t 1 , i , :
a "guffaw, or a horselaugh t von as loud
i it, ... ...,!,, ,t
i.ud meittiTiguishable as tue laughter ol
tlie' "O.la of ill'liler. Suell lailirbttr Cai,
e . lit'
be CLioyed in i's leifection only by those:
ho read aueh witty papers as the YA.v-'
. !... i . ., ii i . '
ana uo are tnus enaoicu to.
.-',ake the cobwebs from their Lrain, aud ;
I'.i.iba tbnir aprt.il-t.... .1... t..... :C1... .... I
... llIl.1.,.., v. .., ... .
Ulu; capreatite " youth, j y, antt uiern-. j
uienL lb.
- . i v. i- ::... i .! Hpc-pottoI at tin nhoon Sln-n of . " r , . j n . . . . . T!,.- -.it. r;i r-'.nfiiMsniM' s,--., , j7,.
a,i-.i siow iv u es awnv a laniL uuuertoae " -.sw-.w s. o ,.uv . m.i. w 1,1 ,a ui-roiiffn ri i.eteisniirry. i nion eonniv. 1 Mrrttrrn'o k'nonfa nt . nmi: ri i.inp-r.r , .. ... t. . , i , . t... i j. .. .n . . r . i .1 1
--rf -- .... I, ., r 1 , , . au... u -.uw..v. v..u..-w sj.iv,!, 1. ... 01 ... r e. . ' i" V A ' C, IU O ' V I ' M .11,11 IIH IS li III tl ..'. r
i;'. , il,. ,1 ,f , T-n'mfnoi-f fl .-. 1 t I I f t I I O nec d. are reniics'ed In make known lie same c. . , .., , , , f, , , ' we km-w John o. lirer n.iand is a hkuK-i iu aianj .ijji.i- , . . ... , ....
Hue? the Uealu-nioan fl a puiincnary nea. - I , 1- liilW I1 S .1 , . , r ., , . ,, I S a reneily suiled In llie e trru-.es ot beat and , in v ..- . ,,,,, t .,.,.,. ,i .,..,., ,, i ( an, IJul. uurv m use. f..r sale l t be Le-i.-lurg ,
...... .... lJ- l'"tl lji3, to the stihscnhcrs, execiiu rs of the last wil I I hi- . i i .. I "'s .10 ; . ; 1 "' . , . . -.. : l- i , c. l '
Tht; Lush Of tint platter fjced, portly- . - . . . and leMament .f said rlee',1 willinut delar no.l i A Cl1'' ":d l " .U,"'1'c,j ""'never gentle will. I-w lulmowr, eo-iui.,;41..n la I wrntrr. . I ,,t - frounibv l-v I., .we- A .dar.-h. j
, ,,. , .,, , ,. . i.' ' '" 1-. i. o.'-iu - mi iidi n I.3IUCS .n.L -ii. i ,1. . ' ionic anu sii nui iiine lllll irntrs a,c M-iiiiiirn. ,-------.---
!,:!: J. i...lv-lool;:i!3 iu;;ii ot noslte. les- 1 ...i r- .,,i . , ,. i t all those indebted aie requested to mane pay- ... ..... .b. ,. ., , . ... ... i -- t InaMi. nt n..y i. iiev.- id., rc-ovvry in- ...... .... j. ,
JLmid Sales,
... -v e,. --is- jEllW.
i!! T... 43
. t . . n. e. . i.. i.:.- i.-.. .
I HufTHloe Tp, 6 miles N.W. of lwi-hunr.
cmimiiiius I 15 iCICS more or less 80 or
93 acres clear,!. divided into 9 fields, 2 Mead-
and 2 ORCH ARDS of choice fruit, under
po.id lence, and well i
cultivated ; the remainder
, WELL ri.MIii.KLU.
' The buildings are a jiond Frame House.Coo-
kins House, Spring House, Los; Burn (with a
shed attached for sialiliwr cattle.) Wagon
'ji,js eic..,at.d aa excellent Sniin of Water
' near tne door.
'1 here is also erected a first rate SaiV
'on a nei-er-failtns Mr. am of water,tvilh another
fllT Water Power.
There are extensive I.1ME QUARRIES of
chotee "u,w fr 1 :niiur or Buildinz also
f,,w . . ! , U Z" BU'MinS
UtO.N OKI. in abundance.
Piioe ? 10 perae.ee. For further particulars
Piiot 510 per acre. For further particulars
address, me at Buffalo X lfoads. Union Co, Pa.
r II. I. 1 ciffered at Public Pale on the
rreinise.s r.t 10 o'clock A. M. of I
Sulmdiy, 1st January, 1S53,
fs, etc. Also a hriOl on II
b? divided, and another buildiii? erected. The
ijjiirg.l will probably en by this property.
Two-thirds o!" the purchase money to be paid
on deiu ere, ilic 1st of April next.
. .,9 cilrVFAA.
j f&cK ge I
JVl 'iS.i
, .,:,.,.
. '. ' . . . .' , A . u r.u.i :., n :. i. i virwl. Rooms in this Hotel arc snperinr to ' sirict atten'i'-n to hut:!,, sa tu uieiil cuj
lPacfc-, -IVmneVance Hotel, eomrris,. a two- t .... - - --- 'tt constructed will, a coves, , 4 ,.,,1 s.a.e ot I'.'nase.
I ..,-, rmrrt (.n si .tr .,ri,i 4 i nr nnovf iiii biiii r.t I lil ul luu new iuum: i iiiuiiii m ' ------- ...... .
stmevC k II , use, wtl, ample rooms, also a j .-.Hv.u, he late tlisastrous j hiriniii? parlor aa,l .cu-ciia uoer a d... , . Illfl.,a,U,g, Jum.
- ,- . , ... ..... .u... ... ....!., . .,, jKTittf&2&- Fue eiecs fresh evid- we ludikd ami vent'laied. It loeatinii is un- , . . . -
f. UliUtl, I, 11 II, tllt'l OOiri .r:iiuiiiHllll;, il t il I I It.riV- r . . . t f t .1., t
of cod water ami a Ian number ,,f Apple. . & . ? 1 "f "e rell:!"ce ,0 M.q.a.ssed, cither for "Vir m
, '-"' -,.l :herry Trees, pesuin-1 .3: "VTi J ,., "' " " , 7f if t fB jg? .
u IAt. boutstit the s mP ma- j T AV.U adopted the Ca-h principle in mv !
V? V r:1',:J r,R'1 pri"' ,a"'1' "ill business, by which 1 .vu.d .he annual l.si !
k;, 1' "2w i J" TTTl '
- ? . i i. i lec tion of olil accjuuts, 1 am now tnatil-o to ell
VTrtA to execute work in his ; &nJ lUll( wi 81VE ,0 mT ru,.
1i!?J3! .. rrs tomer al least 25 rm ct. on their purchases, at
II A VI.(J bmi;lit the slinp, ma-
Ji-iSj, it- 77' njn RTAXn.
iih c-.re. eoneeti:e;s. and rtepalchs As he
,l?5d n
m Danviilc
j.,, c:u
a -rei'il training in ine ntisiiiess, noiir
!!c and in Lewisburg, he is confideui
crui do coo I work, and hopes lo re-
reive a liberal s:iai .l iiaironne and pay.
,"11crs ""P"'"'' soliciied and g.'od
woikduneat lair price, by !iie pub.ic s str-
vant 10 please JOHN li. Cll'LEK.
I.ewisimr July, Is.VJ
,-wV-TT:"'L"'- e:Sii
,'''r""l-. l',c"e l lr
Tl.ortiion and mention what stiiiii th.-y wi.-h i
he mineral fl.v,r. ib. Families in to n '
dl leave their or,l. rs at ihe Mammoth Drua 1
"'tore, where ihev will receive imraediaie alien.
. ' -
inn. t I li,Mti TtlA oc t IlltlST
I.ewisliuig, June 18,1802
is at any oilier es 1M1 him nt between ibis and
" l'l"- us . call
oi'. examine our stock nhu b caiputes a choice
4,r ortment f
An enumeration of the uifnient aiti. les e doem
unun.elty , ftock cowpri.w overvlhillg
usually kept in a well fuini-hed t-jre.
Thankful for pa-t favors e would er.deiror,
h s,llin ''U"'l,;i " at luw aX"' 10 w"il
a ronimuinee ol i be same.
l'(t Vuuntrif Vrmlurr wanted in exchange,
Le'vi-burg, M y 4, 1S32
SIl.X'l K W
A GRK ,T ht:ri TIOX ,v rarrrxt
,d U wat.hes.fuil j.wekd,
" r".. .w tnr , ,.
only $Z0
.Jj-id Ui-inr Watctos. la UntWe, u
- tbriWa:i..rniUe..ie.i,
Leaity pold tor 18.
-ib-r ti.i-- w-..!, s j . v. ii.d. n
Silv.-r Tea Se ns. .-r l lf d -i n, &
O ' d l- 'ns. si . r ll. ld. rp. " 1
IVH..1,. .i-l.lo-.- a Wat lior Watrl.ea.or Jewilry.ean
I tl.m s-l to l.n.i:. .'Uti V r.'t saf, ty, to any i ,rt
i.f ttie I ni:.l Sl:i.-f or Wet Indtisi. Lr first s. ndinu Itre
.mount of money. Allar.ie!esarr.i,t.-dare rewntnl
aim.-, l.r l. r fn'm tl.e is-uutry. n-sis ctfullv roiivited.
a,...,. ,,,:.,,! '
I.HWIS l.AI,rS. K! Cheftmil Srrt,
0 n,jt, rrenltli li-.u-e.-y.w,.,,,.
rtif. nlia.!.llouAt.orIlUlUuJaeturediIltJw.lry.
I '.il'.'i.'l'ia. June Is-.-. tmirJa
4 Vl.t.b assortment of Lonir Shawls and
as)rleJ col'aSackii.s Flannel just r-e'd
tci. "i,'."'-j
foMI'LETK assortment f Centre Co.
Bar leeti for sale ioiv I v
JiKEMEll i CO.
i - i .' :' . , t - ! I'i
lS &1 illlll
IS the place where G . H . H E RTZ
ufaclures and sella
Carriages ana Buggies
hsn l mJ olber hoP ,n count,T 'luont
; exception. He ha the largest and best assortment
j ' " Central Pennsylvania, nd is determined to
' satisfaction lo all who may favor him with
th'ir custom. t;all at in corner oi v aiout anu
Water .ticel. Uot,er Milton.
Feb 11, 18 2 UEOUGE II. HERTZ
F. L. IH'TTER f CO., nicrrnort In II' O. llickol:, UuAol
OOK BIXUEHS, Stationers, and Blank
Manufacturers, lljuuisnt nu. Pa.
Tlwimlisrri rsresniTtfiil! inform tlx-ir frills and
tlic put.lic, tlir.t . nre n.i carryinir on tV aln.ro l.us-
, t itcu e-apltrt h lli.-Uk k Barrrtt.
; They lia,ter H;enWlT. U.at l,y,,reful atU-uUou t hu-i-
nm, tli.jr Bill merit ami ree.111. a couiuiuannuf the
j.air..u.:..,-( lil. rally eujoy.rt by tlie ol.I finnj. .
I'arliculur utti'tition will W paij to tli Kuliu? an:l
, niniliiis ol t-vury d. 'er. tiunif t'.I.A Nl BOt IK.S, S.r B..li'.
: t'uunty otlin;s, McrrUauti. and I'rivale iinlimlua i. anj
l t-,-ry variety of fullno'l l.a!f twund IH:oik i'rfick.s Musii-,
I !Ww!-:ri. Ae., lxmnj in any style rrqu'T'il.
j In ad'liti' n to tlie ar,Te.lli'-v Lave, nnl will at all timei
Lrtb-r. Cm. brawinv. Tran.f.ir. I'urviiK, Bl BlotUuj
faper: Wai'em, Arnolds Britir. Huid. L-ai rev.eiis.
siH.k ink. nine las- Maiinx ar. i.'ime hik. siaii-.
Hi lak. .aiiniWar (,,.;i,,s iI,k.S!.i...
:i s, l-it. r elaiu.1. In lia KiiM er, Maters, Ked
uk u..ar.is. K..i.i,-r.. Krser.. e.
Mill IVlW
'''! ''"'
(, Paper ml' d t" pattern, ami all nrk warraiittd .
an,' dune very ele ai'ly.
L. UL'TTeit 4 Ci.
y 21, i-s-' iy.
Xt. ill. Stuth ScohJ St., riiihMtihiti. I
I We take' pleasure in statins that we had one
of Oliver Evans' Fire-Proof Safes in our store
, during the Great Fire at Hart's Bi iuuie.s.
! which, when taken from the ruins and opened,
I was f.iund to have preserved our books, papers
UVc tiitirji) untnjii.rj. Uetz ucck.
Mr More was entered bv burrlars,a!id failin
! , r,iek ,he lock of mv iron safe ther tried to
AV1V1X T.K'llfn?I if '
" ' ? ' i
tomers al least 25 nit ct. on their purchases, at
the saroa time warrant iteni article tu be pure
as repmtntiJ end sitsiiob firr the prke.
Orders filled iu oriina! packages as imoorled,
of 14, 20, 3 40, 75 and 120 galluns e.en.
llmn'V.-i ,.f f-ri-rv ilf.-rii.t'f.n. at
old lliillaud and Miii-dain ".in,
Jimuti. a t.um i.f .iirr.-niiit e9,
I.'ish and Scutch W hisk.-y.
I.irilon Bn.au SU.ut and Sewtrh Ale,
Hid .Mud.-ira, fili.-rry. and lurt WiucS,
Ciarwt of evury ra.a.' in ca--if s,
do do ea.-k
Chanijaine of every iviaiity,
$1 00 n 5 0O
60 2 10
1 -li 2 .',(
1 25 2 . 0 !
1 el 2 uk I
ii 4 00 I
2 J5 10 m I
14 00 4'i 00 1
9 1-0 JiJ un !
...I 9 ., . '
Wine in qr casks. Also imported Lion, urs-
l.0'ar.3, M upcluno. Arruk, Cuerrj liiaady, j Frh ;,JltlIllIlf. r.,.x an.t
Kirchwnter, At, :imt', Iu-t-rn.. ru'.l. 1 rLrb U'.
OM Monoug-iWa ant Dourbon Whiskey from u-nti. i. u-eat Tin.
1 t lOyearaoM. ,. i iMW.r Liu.
Qj Every rasli cnrpfnlly f xamined hi-fttrp nhip- "M i:.t l.iu;. wh a. IKfra-
pirt;. Uno,!s t!.:npfd under pcwonal suporvi-ion. J-": '"'S ( ' r"- th-M: P:,rnw
1 11 1 1 I I-t:-.'. ( IuIit. rJH. JUitbcii, &.v
Winci nclosrd iu duui.le casks if deWred, to G M Watch
prevent tripping.
4 II MT1 4 l,...o,(-. nl
if a V.'l lili.s lil'F'"lcl "Mil irt-w-ci,
3ml25 :10 Wahiut Street, I'hilad
ITiui'firc-iTie ot T tii-!cltiirir
CllltClPHV (ll liLUlOOUlt
THE College Year commences on the 2d
Thursday in October next.
I he Institution is moiteled on the new plan
adopted in Broun, Harvard and other t'luvcr-
.sinr; niu i.,.riiiii iiic aiivaiiuipes oi me
iiigiier stituies, in wt,o:e or in part, as ttie stu-
"em nun elect. c
Present numberofstudeiits 1S7. Tuition 5-0.
Board from 51.50 to $5,nfl per wee!,
The Acuikmic ll ae a bt m ,i has three Ins-.
trueiors, and fits -o un men for College or lor '
; bUMiir-i. Tiiitinn $?AK
Kr furthfr parlirulars apply lo Hev. Huw-,
Ann ;uu'um, rresitKMit oi nic i.inv. rsnv.
iiw, i
,ew;liirr. Sept !(, 18.VJ rCniiid
Srpt 1(1, lS.Vai
1 LL pcrttiis havifit? ck
; claims or demands
,l.u;i House!, Ime
of l'urt'nlo Tp, Cnion Co,
Oct. C,"2.
ICx'c's of uiid died
.1 ffwi Arr,nimo?tttton to Dustnss Mm.
Y C. IC 4Ki:K, No S. JIarmonv Sdeet
oppoiie the Cxchuiis, Vhihdtlphia
offer; to the public a superior article of IMain,
1'ancy and Lcral KnvClopN with a curd
D'-If.iiMjr, th.- Initi-tl Stati I'oU tnnip. anrt con tain -inp
th lirnii; :in.l i-lae. nf l.uini-M of irdiritlualit and
rtmin. neatly prititr-l on the rnrwr. To o mpanica or
y.riviiU- iDliti'l'iatr. havine an MtfnMTf e-nrwrmniti-nr',
thi arrauiii ment will pmvc nf irrrat a(trantar,ohviatinir
tlH- tifUy and nncr-rtainty iiicnti-tit to th j p'yinjr of
the iVstajt ."Umipp. a th ailvrrti-n-r will su:irnt tht
Ulll4 ai-plit-tl 1-y him rcniMin rtfrniarifiitly. Tht t-enrtit
of huvin an ni.Trtimamiit Kiirnuiitl:iig the stmp will
hf a)t ar nl tTiy lusinfat num.
Tlie paxr from which thca KnTHoppji mrm manuAus
titrtii. . i.f ju- rif.njunlity, t iii2-n:UDllfl parrlinipnt
of a Fmo'-th. iJi-ht surfacr, and water jToof, with but
little mt titioiial XfOi'.
ft.rapl.-s may le awn at tin offlct?, wbtre all nr.lem
Willi-; ( ri'inntly utinnlfj t. Thv mTv Hrmnifi'iiient
having itn C"jp-rt)ttnl. tln-; nv'IOff. mo only N- oh
tainrti of tl, oaivi-iti.-s-r or Ins nitihorirtHl atvnO. I am
!wi lu-tuuforturinj: tire Alrrtiinj Anrroi, ao tnub
o- J by nil r u:ini unen, and tht- utility rf whit-fa ia ap
pareiit to cvi-rv imlividnitl who ha tiM-d tht in. There
eTiloti cuti 1 furuiihtnl iu larye or final! quant ittm.
J iiu, lw'i. ALH
ICK is hereby given that I he subscriber,
iniind to make application to Ihe net
Lejiislatuie of the State of Pennsylvania for the ,
passage of a law o incorporate au institution with j
privilege of discount and deposit, with a capital
ol One Hundred Thousand Doll ar and the right
lo commence operations when Twenty Thousand
Dollars shall have hern puid in: said institution
lo be culled the Lewiiiurg Suvirti; Institution
to be located in Ihe Borouijh nf l.ewishom I'nion
county, IVnn. JOHN HOUGHTON,
June 24, 1852 6m PETEK UE.WER. Ac.
1 flflA lbs. 4 inch, j inch, 7 8 inch. 1 inch,
lUUly 1 inch. 1 1 inch square and 3 8 by
. t l7 i Sanderson s nest t.Afir ursti, ju-t
leid by
L. KKt.Vtn V CU
Yocal and Instrumental MUSIC,
onii tlje German Canguac.
VERV tr.ink.fa for past
r-iQ? patronage from the Citizen
t?'fir , and Students ol I.cwisbarg and
jk i"?.v ieinit, the ubectilier would
to-V t,a,e '',ut he eonliuucs to give
linftiucions on the Piano and (!uitar al o in
Vocal Mu. ic and in the (Jerman LancuaRe.
Having been taught in the lest Music fhooU
inCery. h. 7.
to teich Music and to aid in the correct ir.r.ii
tion of the rich Gorman tongue. He will alt-c
tune Pianos, and put them in rrpair, if desired.
Residence, after the 1st Apu! next, on Noith
Third St.. first door south of the Schoolhouse.
Ftb 24,1352. Fit NCI8 J.GESSAEIl.
To (lie Travcllos rubric.
First Clas Hold To ms 1.50 per Jay.
THE subscriber having lately become pro-
, 1 prictor of t!
, Ch(.M'mit 4,,,,
. ... . : ,
, . ' a"
pnetor of the FKAShLlX HOUSE,
oeiow au -u .
havins reduced the prtte l
Ml,, .50 per day, Rives notice that, not-
with-tatidms this reduction he will si. II con-
tinue to keep a F1HST CLASS HOUSE.
Franklin House has just undergone cxten-
ded alterations and is n ,w fitted tip and re-
" i- . -..r. .,..(
lurilisneu ill superior at) ic 101 un nnj.,..-..
,,f visitors. The Lower t leor inrineriv ocn-
; i i in.s i now included in the Hie
- , fc stores, is now included in the
I , , 1 .' . ,,
Hotel, f.,rinni2 a spacious Hccrp.ion I(
(Jcitleme'.rs Purler and Uinin? Riiom, thereby
nllowir.L' an addition rf thirty chambers and
Flour Barrels.
FPHIE su'scribers would lespeclfully inform the
citi n of Lczerne and adjoining counties,
thai they will keep eons amly on hand al t'hher
Ji ;fnri' Warehouse ia the Boro' of Wilkes
Uarrc al least
1G00 Flour Barrels,
From hence all sections of the country can be
N. B. Orders for barrels from a distance will
be regnlady atiemlej to. Address -'Baldwin &
Brown, lluutsville, Luzerne Co , Pa." Price a!
Waiehouse, 30 per hundred.
Huntsrille, Lux. Co P. May 5, 1852 -3:npd
S,Lt F.HWiitE and Jiwtuar, jusl received from
( I,. 1.., ImnMtinO anil M amitACl Ufillt? ItOUseS
,,h , ' ,
" "'j'U
hlphia and New York, and conienuenl-
loe.er than II purtnaseo norn tuose ite-
who pretend to be Wholesalers.
'Mcnt Lrvi-ra. fllj. .1. IMt f W to JUt c
do 6 Ji-wetnl. lsk 46 UO -
la) no
,lo do do full ji wel.d. ltk l -
lx UO
do do do ii-wels. li,k J on "
do Au'hors, full jeweled, lk 30 00
do io do do ll k 00 "
do L. l ine", 1 to H jewels, lk .. "
d do lj-wpls.ir.it IS lai "
do KnulUli and Frenrh Wati hf, lsk 12 u "
' W
2S ill) i
ilwr I'aifiit l-i-Tfr-, full jtelr-l.
2.1 III "
14 is '
20 Oil "
11 00 '
an in
ir do dn b wcl.
Uo lliJiiliny lo Jt Wi ltfi,
tin A iirhorM. fnll jrwrl'1.,
il I-i-iiu j. 4 to k jwl,
i nr m:in ilver Lt-piut 9, 4 jewels,
Silver mrttT.
G.-niuin ihr St iHoud huJ WatuUc,
liolj Turii ('liHiun,
Hi w-
5 no
t 61)
K ,i "
1-2 ml '
14 UO -
8 UO -
11. trtl
-' f"
,( '"l
!? if
1. to
ii vo
l'1 ,-
a t"J
i do lit iitl u s Fob I um.h,
I tlo Vt I l.n.rxi.
1 eo "
TS "
1 J '. "
1 Oil "
a an '
;.n o
1 "
1 10 -
li : '
2 (.n
Z jo "
1 no "
1 no '
u" ,l ",!
ill I'cn',
do J,rr-enelf,
do llill.tili,. l-nrkvll, (MedaHar.)
do Hmn-Vli.
Mirer ius,Te.i. Tablee,llrcrl, an-1
' ' '-"
'2 '' i
i- On I
Silver J.i't:-Ie.,
And a variety cf line Roods, latest styles, neatly
.i a-t . I ...
got up. at prices to suit the limes OCT ' '
ranted to be trait sold lor. Also a great variety
of eilt and plated Bonds Chains, Pins. Spoons.
. , .. . ,: i . , T.-. l:
.,,tkrta. Spectacle. Cases, Baskets, Ear Kings.
.Sh.wl Pins, Hajr Pms.Coral Hrails, bleel Iliads,
I'urses. Ac, Ac , Ac Also
Itrass 8 day nrrinx aud Wfilrt C!n ka
' do ..0 li ur do no au
! S .lay w,id and Kill Time 1' i.-eea,
2 t'4 " 4 Ot
; ui) 8 tm
10 CO IS 00
lu Mt 00
2 .V
li M ' T 50
In im 1;, mi j
.,' ..,','1 i.,',nr n.k
i-atrnt lv. r (or Mur.ne) riorks,
.. i k , ... -
Frti:'l Arc- rlons.
rn.k- . lu'i
And hundrfds of ariiclen nnt mentionetf.
VachP5 Crk and Jrwp!ry rarefully rc
paired and warranlcd. Call and sec.
March, 1852 !v4!6
power, its effect as a frequent remedy need never
j be dreaded. While it strengthens anJ rcfresl.es
i the di biiit .ted in summer season, il is t.ol l ss
Pen5 ur'5 xxe inclrmenry of the winter ; by
ihc s v si era lo rcfUt tlu1 iuflumce of incipient
diseases which lurk in a changing cltir.a e. No
family should be without it, and to traveler by
land or ta it mill be found invaluable to use a
few drops in water as a uniformly healthy and
agreeable diink. without intoxication.
Caution. Ftrsoui desiiiiig an article that can
be relied upon aa pure JAMAICA (il.XGCR
'boaU b prtiniUr to ask for -Brown' Enre
of Jamaica Ginger," which is warranted to be
what it is represented to be. and is
,r, l. Kl.rliLT llOfVU-ar I i .
I rerared only by 1 lir.Urv u it 1 1 ll anil sold
al his Drui and Chemical Store, N E. corner of
Fifth and Chertnot Ms. VhiMelphia.
Da T1IOUN ro.N, Lewisburg, Agent
No. 1 English Iron nd
No. 1 Center County I on, oflcred for sale
Tyre, at 3 eeuts per lb. Band and Hoop Iron, 3 per lb.
Oral :V. da Horse Sl.ae Lars 4 do
Oral Zyt do Nail Kods 4 do
(or $T5 per ton, for an amrtmentorilifTer..nt kin-l.)
Sprin? St.I,;;ets r lb. Country SU-el.CU eLp.-rlh.
('all at my Blacksmith shop on North ThirJ
LewUhurg. 8epl. 17, 1851
Lewisburg, Union County, Penn'a.
OFFICE on Second St., lately occupied
by L. B. Christ. Cs?.
1 for Juatices.Cocsta-
i!os,eVcfon hand at
ChfQuicIe ofLce, or auriuicd to erdci
; silu.u.Jiii i rnicrij oiiii: iihii-ul-uu. in o. aiceujor , ,i,,,l Iv S. k a riitiuuTiir Svn.p. , i , .
"An our.ce of Prevention worili
a pound of Cure," in
that awful dintuse,
"IIt. FITCH'S Lectures on the Prcven
1 tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sulo in Lewisbur
i by S. F. L, ndal.-J. I .ou8htuB nd M
thii nllice. Pri . 70 oonts
MiJJIinbufg, Cniin county, Vm'a.
) ESl'Ut.' I'FUl.LV inlorms the citizens of
11.' I nion county, and the putitic in general
Itiat he has leased the above stand, for many
years i occu,,,,.! by Ins latber, ami ( ts now pre-
. . . . . . . .
, '";? ." '"
1 be HOI it u large and roomy, wcl arran-
j Red in all its Jej artir.ei.u, 011J eM-ry care mil no
j take,, .0 rende, l,i guests comfortable an J happy-
: His 1 A11LL will always Le furuwUd wtiu l"e
. t boicctl delirtde. of the seasou.and the best w
: m.ltal ... , .il. ! all II Illf.A
. v.,. .. .... ........
;.e nnenueu y c in .-oii. nu uuur. ui
1 icrv best ot Iniuois nt tie kept. II i 1 u t-i.
j aie sir pie. and ennvt iiient, and the t)'i'LEU
( puneiual and nt' utive
In short, be pi. des himself to enilenv.;r to
II, and hopes t v
rccei-. e
r j"Iin subscribers o.fer thepublic.nl their
.1. new Hriek 1'omi dry, ! he lo'.lo ing new
and valuable Stove :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Sloies, will,
a H rick Oven.
I.idy Washir.ston Parlor Store.
Catl Iron Air-1 ihl Pailor Stuve.for Wood
2 si.es.
Coal Burner for Parlors 1 size, 12 inch cjl
i nder.
Louis Air-Tight Cast lion Parlor Sljve 2
Shield Air-Tigbt Parlor Store for Wood 2
Egg Store the very best in use for Stores,
Offices. Binonois, and Shops.
The celt-butted Oeiicre Air-Tiuht Cook Slove
Tl.e Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings. A:f. A;c.
cii;;mt fiiick.
Lowisbur:', Di e. Vi, 181!.
.itiothrr ficCHe
j . w . S on Hk- v-rire f tl.e .-. e'a . lar ;. tUiu i
- ae.,1 ir..i,.;. had i.-ia
wlt.-n In tin eim.'tii n. Ictv.n-: U - n rMti- d l Ui
Hh. id Al i l A titU,t&l.ti' U ff li
t Mi.-., w.ili cn.t.-l'n! tin .h u, u lr K'UKM'K. t' uu
ei. ak::l .,- L. i : r.t I have ri-i-fi,, d Tri-m tun u.-o. i La lu-valual.li-
1 , :.r:v h.. I l..:i ! i-mOr,., !..! a t Lnl. lit r, !.! . m.-i in is ,1
, S..,u. I.io f .ii . .. I l::i.t rt.l'!, sit-IT,
f r
,.mi, n.u ....l,f -h,.nl.l.r.,.l:..lv. W.tll a 11:1 '
! r,.l,i,h and no ,-t is.tomtinu. 1 k.-i.l ucltlli'' a o.ii.- UlrU; '
1'OS my Iwl. ai.d l.al iu. aiu-n-uicet- 01 uty ki:,i.v i-iii- .
f ii tan. I an uud.-r hnei,re al 'iut tour we-Ri. rui at ,
i tl.
s,'r:-liili it .i.:.t tint- wn. rrslnc-d f.'. I'.w It -I
. ii s-1 ir l' i- I-.'''1 id" LVNa-if nr. 1 fi si,.'-. : , d e v. n niv
! it.ii u.11 ata!,d.n.ed me. and sire me ui ... -lie uit 111 ,
, r-.i n.n.Lii.i.; iin. V.v r.: i.H.- aa. a. ui t::v l"s '
t.:r irtri:uiar. f-rer and nuht f.r.-.-i!;.. lain iu my I mod
and i.l:i.uloi r. aitrndul wuti a ealrfs-iiM co'iSU. auaii. i
wr.ST.rvti;ht.n,v b l.a.l n,-....v all, nr. anil :.;
J reaK tlmt I could srarivlr raifa y ht-ad irv-ai tin, , ,.io.
' nl wartrulv an ol j.. t ot l ily io Uli'.ld. My irirn.L-
i t:ad let-n kiiI f.-r to nw bh tlif. and aiy si- k in whs ,ur-
1 r-ir-.l.d l.y kind Hal ; ti'T "1 i ''- "-r i-"' -i:Ui; xlro l.i-J
I r. mi lt K.iiK.i !uy dii-u.nrt- li.,lu lit: a.r:d- I:-i
I all - ..f !, I::. I ft.-d - f rn r f a re i ' --r. Mr.
! lm : I c nr..'. r-i..-d 1"1. sell !M hS IT! 'io'.ll'
sV!.l v-1. :,;-r-o. 1. rn-. n, n, sM"-l'. a'. I r. li.-v-
j in r.i ol ll.e r-.uil l Iiti. aad as a m am. t aito'din.-
1 t n-i' .rary - " t f u arli.iti at tiin-. "li it U.'t-
) f: r n i-r- i): Svriiw tc I t- of nriy ;-cr.nii -i.l I. i -' !."
j Vy 'r. ill-. u. r r if: rvl.' i --t in, ii ' 'is.- u j.-rir-s..
i .-.I ui. ii-.ii 1. iiu-l ulinu .! i: .ii." ' f . -iu.-I I" ' 'Is It- .-.1-
i il.r Ir.Ci'iiif li)on ny t-.::rs. I r ln if. I" (.tirr-.o
: uti.l.-r il.. t.s... ai:. I n.y frir.i.ir. w-re cill-di i nu'-.lui lo
' wilii:- nr. ui. j.l-rr-io liuLl-oi" til: .. .... e. I. j I.' .n
I la.rs (;..,"l.. ..k i.t in.-a- oi'.-v.i-. I 1' ".i 11.- .-
con- h ro-v I-:'.-,--- I.. .y,.. rt.i1 1 1'T "riH-l:i : t : :.!;.
wtill 11 ,! the T.i in y tirrai'l, al 1 J-lisaid
.ini.iii,:,. s, f -.-:,.. iwn.r. j ki.vri.ra.s-i.s.i. .ur.r.,;
mid mifsl a sj.'l ... lull T m:,U. -r r-ery .'nr. n.'h i,: I
lump., like irrr inn nfK. met hio. My bowels now hueanw
r MM v.:.'. nt .ii i l IU v "s ''. '' 'I
, tl".-. I r' H '" r ;:.v '
str. nrlli lint n.v d. -nil 1
, t.. in:T...vi-li. ,:,r;n-n.
p ir.:iu fcam tot.!;1: 1. 1 '.y
1 ;ti!i J Diy V -It. 1 c- ii'.ti.oi
t r fi'Tiimf t.t.-1 imi";
lh Svrwti. aiul Mt- Inivni'mt ut nmt.iiu-tl uat.l I vu
ntt Tel In Tin witi'trd lu'Hiili. 1 hat- ijf ti! t!;:r.::Ji
Ihr iu. ii in. nt -:-tl.Tol' ilif b'li-r trrt ! imr .-.tmI
lh B.lil.tr. f ! T ii" ,, r ' '' ?M mi
tttvl I an; rl.lVall r IWf ir t-t im'tnirU-r nfl.n r
arv i.
- IJ(.sitl:i-t:ittn!"nfI:AiiMUtti'-.'VJt t.lhiyi-.l-.n-' ;
ly com p. 4ikl. 1 Kuhjnin a t itlil t ! a nuu r T Ihe
iiilui'-iiatiiK . l'X.ic;'ij, wl.o sw m- at iiiU"t-i:t liuu-.- .
liTriir.' in u -. ,m:U i.i'-.'tx it s in - r. ,i.
I :.ifO 'i.i'j'Tn! tl'.i rcr'.ifi'Mt nf tin ltvtli'-f -f wTi
liilf. v ftl kiit-llr t. at-d'-ti ,.r
ii.i'.'ih..! Ittl'v i- ii. v-l tl u-ti t. i'OliM;:n :n it m-u: '
tli.' It.iiiii: iut it.; nit" t-. It. N-ln i;. :. f r lii. in.-tlinl l
rtilinoiiic riij- nr I'f- ri'trs U-i-i. r -t. nnil 1 iti.i te-r
iniftnl tu in: L the lreii.un .-iti aii-ai for tl.e !.td Lt '
U'Vrinir i.ipt.kiti't.
j ir-i.lf ;tt T.at' iry. rnl m w. 1! Ici'-urn ty t:i'.: f"T J!.
x-.p! thtT'-. :in 1 will If tlft-irt't-tt tf ll.ivf ;tiiT )'."":. II
n;-'n n:f' anI lr;.rn Mu'it p;u'm ulurf i tin ri-:it .ri:i
i.f II, i ir.-.rci:-..-. J,'H- L. titvIil'-N.
Jtiiu- '-I, l.-vl. 1
We Icli-T. hi- e-;!ii'.iiiU-in T'-:! in (Tpri- jtnrtnir.
Il.ir - r: P. ii , I Ai.n.t, K .L.i;-. p. ;.(
Alkaiias AkiHt.r, P. tt., K. Ax. a..
J.iii C. ( ai rn.
II. lmi-.sI ur, ri.ilail. Co., 1 .... .InriH SS. W 1.
The ur.'liTsirtnitlre.-iiK uU- of Tiicouy. t-iht ni:!i'- aViTt
I'liihtilr-Ii'l-ia. bclriij well at- pinhiti ti with John tiri'ii.
auil the nrrun.--tnnpfa att. inJtti-j b!9 ca-f. f.t-1
i.yaueij, -nse .;i iniiTnit,y.. duty, u, uuik- univ.r.niiy
Kie.wu to tlx' niil-lie Lis inlire ne..r.-rv from the .-r-
last ftap'S uf a IMilmovary Cnsumidii n. So er.tir ly
ne.piew wa i.,s mrniiinn : navina is.s'n nm i ner f.-
rii-d in that n.l'ii'K finkinz and elnai-(at-.d state, a.s to
utterly rreelude in tlia ..ii.ir,n of Ids .y.uiaii and
in. n.ls, who wau-iui, er ins rsoue.n Hopes of rven a
,enVs.r.ry ni-urery .1,1 restention to Ms jr. , rolmst
lieallli. Tl, lis the earetul use ot your inra iialde .-rits-itii.,
th. I'ului'.nie .sr.i,, i.,V., it in our U!i f, un.t.r the
V. i.Y ' n,.rit"i '.V.'i
cirrnm.tnneei. r.f his pn-rions nnetrate, not lo y drinc
eondition one of themmt surttin rrsuluthat tl wl.le
ar.ni.ls i,f mnuenl nkill or svi.-nee cnu ir.Mluee. It de-
..rVe, to Is- iinirrial,a.,lv re,s nii 1.. ...nr m.i .,,,1
etr to jn-o, the i.-mt li-envrrvr or an lnCil!ii.letm- tt
Hi in hiihi-rio rem(Miiircsdi.i!', a laatinic rnonuiiHiit. mA
world wtle rt-.iitatitn in tin- hi:ihncr art th:tt no t ni;-m-ty
fithfr tfiiniiii'h or d-itry. IIvintf witin!s-ii Mr.
OiiH'n'a ili-trwifipj; irutrlfs and i-utrt rinua from a ma
tinunl ronh, autM-rad'.fnl to tht othr "yni t mf muw
giiftit upon. tr att-n.linp the bust ?tayas of a pulmonary
ilir-in-; anil mrntTt'r at txinjr m senfrally 'iwlit'Vfd by
hi numviou fri(TTU tl at nhiiui:m iwt could rii-.
or jintroet lift, nnn h r lor him tiack a-.ttiu tu
hi forin r h'-:ilth, w f ! It thu.nurduty to sire or un
qualifiitl titimcny t.f Mr. tinn's jsfrftrt rfroTt-ry, hy
lutdans of thecxtlu.-ircu'"etf yourwuudfrfnl tfirtip; -ind
we hh'.uld luiifr-d n-juite if we omM lM-n adt tlw humMf
iiwtt uiu -nts nf rtli t an I rnre to otln-rp who may br n
iitift rtunatp a.- to be (timilarl atttietwl.
IUviii ('4i.H4r,
i 44 0; v.-.a. J P..
Avrip.rw Mr-.Tir. I'pra'n of
Stsi.mrxi-it aaiiintajn.
Ji.tii Waih,
H"B :r;T Ailvm.
Jam. TorirUT. of th Wa?h-
inttrn lloiu". Taccny.
J ins :liiomsuii;t.
lv,v. Him kit. rtptiinof
StfnmtN.t Tr'iityu,
Joi'H II nr.. Jr.,
St p iin Li kf,.9,
M TTiirw Ton. v.
All. VAX!.a.iurT, Burks
county, Pa-
rr. pr.riHl mlr hvJ. II. ?rin.Nriv. and frr pair at hi
W. connr of MX1II and tIi:;ST.MJr slrwvu, and l.y
Prituii-tn n nt-mllv.
Prut- $ pi-r bottle, or six l-ottlca for $..
.Sole agnt in Lewiiburg J 01 All BAKER, ly&l
I'pper end of Market St. nejet ISricte Foundry
r I M I R best and most approved COOK IN O, i
o, . (, , . . , , ' I
I lotij-hs, Castings &e., nt low ratr, hy j
J ' Ti':-l"s l v.VKTU :I.M MK"i.
. . ... i-j i.r : .il, t.'tl 1:X IiT.IT l
T. .H..whre l.t rr trm n " ' f
, of Ain.l:". "!
I wiiti' to iep ynj snuif i'Tf- int f th'
, ,n!.ic..i ii tin- u.- i,f r riori;.-.
i Mj i-tie o.uauent u m .v.a t raie a .l.Krhn
. .. 1 - 1 ...... 1 1 .. 111.1 r l-n' nirr. fin t-i-
;;;k u ;,,, ,, ,r..,ri ti D. "
' ' " L. , ....;.... 1. . h,.. w (., o; I
, . "r ri, t.?m .V .wwnt h'. 1
''j :!,!,. ,0.i new wH as r, and b
,, n : r :h. ,;,,. ,.a, (1 , !
t: !?lt "IV.
!,,...!,,,, . .T.r:.i rt
d 1 y '';' ''-'V 'iV' ."n i
, ; , ti,nJ tt.r , a ,ry ,l.,i,L.r.,i. ntu- te n
' I...
: i.raiiT,,lv .n tl e inr.K 1.1 me ew.
-.Uilitf tin- flli.tlU' l.l fl.iv I-tl -1- m-it-h: lid lw j?.al
' " , 1 w; i, .:i,i rii.-i. - r-'ii. 1 '-t r'l ir.''r::'
ij'io.dl.y i..ernhu I l.an.l L.-r nine!. l-:t.r tl.a I
, f .i t.I 1 nr o ni.i' l. 1- iter !e. 1 1' ft f-e ! -ine. :tti .11
r.s I m s J-roiilmii" Hie as. el Hi" ii.i.ou- 10. .1 t. ii. j
,, m. r -l :ri . I ds. and : 1 ltj- ii-.- -' 'I l- !
l.;.l. A Mr. V inters l:l i.:i'.:.'i a. 1 . 1 ii. Ii.or
l.iu! :. " 1 l'i " ---i ' : '" " '"'
tftr M ti'XU- ift Inn.: :' .in.r.'.v r..' .rrf
. u. .- !fi.-- :i : 11 ti l'i -1 1:- "t l'i' :!-' ' I..: :: - 0.::
nisi . ,l;- i-i- il- ;:l. nt Ol: V- n.r-.
, ,. I I, A-.:, -f M- W-.. f !:. t-n. It v.-...n
f:i-. I.. I I. 11 : .r I. 1 il!. I A : I'M ' I-11: 'l. err.-
!,,. , : 1 , ..f ,'. I . : 1- 1 :.'...;:.: r
.,i :. 1: ,- m'.ii -r n 11 11 tein .. t -.v r
I 11
o, r::.-t : . . I !
I w',n...-l I.- s Uls-.i. !; . . I .1 f. .
i ..it 1 - ..I' L. c ...'..'':'U i:' v :'S '...':; '..' tu. LD I t' r
T f.:...'lt - 1". I I :! .I'j 'it-t r I'J t l:.f.!l:
l'.-w 'tli 'i)i a till rule t oi ii.jfvui.'Lun i.f .
' . ! ' .1: -Is, .1 I ir: I :i I n M:r 1 f .-1' Ir-rlne Ii'
f,.:n! Lr. Ifs li 01 .ji.l .lilt. ri.t -l.; s:. a. us. Kill ant t. - '
U l.-i:, lit- - .11 1 'i 1 , i l..' t .'!-! r i fOl- .
t li c .in.'n':lii- iiTitmclo. 'I ins was f-er iii'.iill au. ,
a,.. II..- l:..;y ia Mr.. I111 h,..' : tl.l i' e.l Ii. lilt. an.. ,
.1 !t- ti, ::lt. I ll If. her UM!:il ,1. 11-.1 J J .tlltl.'s. I ..-if" '
lr T.I. -I ln uwi f I'm Mrs aitt. ths nt
1; 1. I,, ii. f ilu- (.lOi.-t.i.-- ii. .ciij, 'V,.'l. as tc 11. .-.! in
.1 1 ;. I. !i-ul t' I n I Hi' 111 fii'in 1 ': -" " i '''' "f" ' !
liii-. 1, .n if.i.rtd 1- l-:ir.-.'h' ilti.r lm !.r.r.- '
T.-v l.a.1 l.i-"t '.!:- ti- -t 1 ,.vi.-i:.i.. ill III" Slate, w lli-ml
I. i.,-iil; 1 l.-l ..l.i- .1 tlinm liad I'"" m.-.i-r III- I f sTii.rT-l
. f ll sr 1.1 rali.l Iwt. Merjv.f.1 I'in -ii.r nti f. r rclitf. 11
u!h ai d l,:.d Jien.Vd lii ndrisjs i.f d.-'.lrrs in "in 1
. IT-. Is I.. . fT. '-T a ri:r -. Tr.- are nfw 1-y u-"i- .r tli.- !n- '
t.i-li- . niu..-iil ncaily .r i.it eurid; snd art al-! l. ;
r. .-vl ni d a'Mid to ni:r . r.iit.ry t,ii-it'.-f I I'm "S' d
.1... .,:....., im m r ,.f (m-raof I'lUPS. .Illd in aft
..,,..' fuil.4 iiiii-J i:n"i:'r.lfl ..k.-,'t. f'y
MiKia a il-jn I bvu al. u.-.'l it lnrtieialiy in:
: ,-nt -!. i-s ..f F.m-ii t a. A ..il la-t ! lit net !. a-t 1 l.rr-
..itl.in lUelasI y.ar.-e.rr,l Mir nif...t CA.M.ER l.y tte
V,,n : .fejea..:!, hlal .l .Hie to aeariy ever.
-4-n.-' t-r r In h 11 i r- leuini'l si. 1 ,-an siitnuii;
r ,u.ui li.t .t t.. 'i je ol lis- ui.st os-fn! rrmlies evr
oil. r d I" ri - 1 uiiiic.
H -,. r vurs PI RT"i lirHUKI.I.. M. I.
II. tel. J- i: y ti0. Amc.'ia. Ol io.
s,.:.l ill I.- wisburg ooty l-v
em-it 'i-i l' Tlloi.'NT'iV k fUHtST.
! W. O. tlli'KOR
! . l5aud-U.Nor.Ll-ourtl,Strect,ra..
-..Aic.rrr.-., f .'TAT!" M Y STEAM f.Vl.V.VfTS ,
I. ', ', . l "r .
ND every thrrripiiuu ol i ji hinists' To.-L.
u: h as I.atbes. ! lantrs and uprifhl 11 ills.
Svt ileiidiilU. Mid Siems Ac made to order.
Pnrtietitjr a'lention uiven to Cutiitii; li"eis- - j
I ii ch t.i 3 fert in diameter large and antjl! ,
r-eri w. Tup. A c. i
Criu 1. 1 i u liine Woik done piomptly and i.i
i!n- i e t uito.t r i
l',r persons orlenns from ns, we will T.akr
i scrMraie calcuUl i.n.8 ol the strenalh. power ai !
, f ..... ... .......... ...I ,L.
l" '' of '! 01 mucd.uery, ai.tl make
petd of every vile'y ol macd.uery, ai.d niake ,
ii.i'kinc drawing of lh f m- in the ui 'st perteil ,
m iin.i-r Our cil.oji and Mailiibeiv a:e ZNKW.
at.J Ue!i:i!j confident thai we tan render (erlic
f itiiliction we respectlullv request our fiiend- :
aid the public to give us a c ill. j
H.e is.'.l lilt'K'iK A- lnWK
r,TTfs , i 1 - . i .
I ' i snb,T,.b-r. 'bao-.i.! u-r past p.V- .
I ri.niei-. u.-nltl iaiorin the rnli'ie -l.-r- i
... ,'
1 t'l-V C0!f !l'l!C tO n.itf'trrtf ill rv a I k'lils f'! ,
Mill tr.-ai.n. a- d fi!-.': f.i tires. 'I hrasi.inn i
Mj.-. ii.es, iinJ o her aiti.les ot M.iehimry repai
red in tl.e lirtd manner. Cat!ri;s warianied to
lie ol i.ot'd llintellal, an.t al price lliat edit nut
fail to lease. ti t I'lJii? A .M AKsli.
I vvl.-t n.-r. Feb. IS.'il"
UltlKlNtJ tovip.nf various r.at:iru
ii.ii siz-s for t'oaior Wood, lor mi'i-
f rr'n
'I ,! i'.tr
'--Ss;-,, g n-9T- rJrj j ul ui "-en me imna.e. f
- v. i.f i 1 svti ! ibuK aflieiid is taktu itto c.iiiM.'iia.iii. lJ
-ftv- - ' ."w'f'rT ' v Ik ii il is nmcii.bertd il.m i nlil the u.fi. Jani, n
E "f r'ii-ssjiti I ll'i remedy it was iIm.'i i.nj ;i2e to inuow
"la , i?tzJi-'i-Ciz ' the di ae nitli'JUt nieibauuui u.ULt n.i u a
-.-rft- : , ;, r..t r(.urc n!" freatmei.t.
at the Lewi.-burg Foundry bv J'L'JLJ.S, -r SO l.'.Yf' MAl'ULX!..
lieddesA .Marsh. I ... , , .
v lir.oul sloppirig io discuss the eumpii i-
S'!'() lis' I'ari .r, Wui'd, ard Ci a' , lut merits ol numerous Ilriits now elf re I
Is" :f. s, various parteins. for aie ot 1 ' l r sole, liiey merelv wish to invite barm
Lewi bn-r Foundry. O.d.les A Mai.h . ,Ts ti call nnd see the a hove ii iineti artn-ie
Y lAiUi'o r..:i n; tiaiij; I .,nv, a aupc-
I V r'.ur ur:u!t-,fiir al.'iit lb.- L- w i,l,i,ro
F.MIIldi V 1 V
Ci diii's A J!a:sh.
riUA5X or Scl;1 l'i'!-ala, Patent-
e V
Tl.e stl.ccnbi-r tvoiild resprctlully uilotni the :
iiiz.nsol I.eA.sl.urii aud ibelraMlimi common -
1v eM.nuy lhal he j,M opened a new Liveiv
- J - .. ..."
and Lxekullge Mal.le oil Fill II I II alreel ll.ill a
j Mjuare !s..uib of Market, and bs pruvnlcd a cooil
I . 11. -.u .- , , i . i
. 'Jl ol ,lorsr.". wl,h entuely new good and lash-
loiiaiuei arriaoes, ouegiea, e-ieii-cs. Oie.woerean
wisllinB anything in bis line ma. be acco.umod-
. i ., " . ,,
' utlu ou tu -hortesl nonce and most reaaonaSle
i U'd on tbe rhortest notice and most reaaonaMe
I terms. He mil pay every alien ion to llie
! 0f cusl.niiers. and Lopes by so doins
, , r. J , ..
I to n.eril and recciv a lilieral .hare of uuldic
i ps-ionaiie. WILLIAM MOOIiE.
t I 1 T... o.a ,ot.
Li-tti-burg, Dec 30, 1851
Commission and Forwardins House.
CARP., (51i:SE, & CO.,
Xo. ll), SjMltr't Wh'irf 15.LT1MDRE
TII.I. rreeire ad MI. riJ'fli. flttAlN and ail kinds
uf lOl.Ni'nV I'ttollll'ri, and also
ParticnlarattTitioii will U- vixen to this Hranrh rf thf
bii'in-i's hy Loui? . ll. 'ie!vf w lit ae nhnle attntHn
will be drvot. .1 to tht a-.Ie if I.uraWr. an-1 will ocrui t an
otr-tf on th r'.iM ltw k, e-.Lrriui:y for U;ia purpos. Mr.
-'"(t loiu; f.ijt-ri. Dt-.an.(r.' tiluli..nka f.nt ratr ?il-a
man. i. a ruarnntfe that the hi-btut markt-t j rievs w.H
ajua N' i lila.uotl.
I.il- rl Cash adTaiiri'a mMe on Conigiimn.,
hut in rota.f will this Hiuv make auy sdvaucea uu.il
th I'p-IutH- it rrrtivtd.
M .rrh 17, f4!4 4m.
Map cf the Stale of California,
fK .'i-.LTA U , ? E W M KX1('' '
.V ...5 V:; , 1 , 8 V i , " '"
1S-.B. nd panitrd to eonesponj with Ihe boun-
,.HriM (n, j by Congress in l-ijij-fur die al the
Chronivlg cflicr, rm .5 ct.
Dr. Joka Locke,
. xn:r:rftv nrvrmv-
! ibr Herman l!i f.rmed t; urr.h.
I I.ifbur(i, Pebiuaiy 2t. 18S2
7E row cim to Hie mst imp,runt iu-,!i
i ilnnhnli't I'trriue Cullioiico
u rti.iyat.t imri;ti..e ,. It Tt:rf;,r. f-
t l't:c;i. an ui't aud ru n .-J ul Ra; i,rtnii!f ir. t w
, . in ii r ! i fuift'tl ly ruxi'r'fM ,h t.i.a.
it. u in a ni' 'f l"rIij i;.- Utt-ri v l.i:.- bih'.i t trtrfif --ni
i :4.ii, 11:- r Miii: plaint Tfcr ur?rtl'l in U i .n.., ,
mi t- & rs-.iirjw i l.r(f at d ?r-. r.- t tl . v 1.,. It i,T.
ii tl;i rf !: n tl' I ! !rrM. H I m
n,u h i -ail n nnd farii-f.t t-t.urpnrr .t t ft. ni.B ;(, -itatt
r.v li.U-ifU uis'ti r il :eM air-.-w. itn t: r ' ' i , i ti:
ttir! ait" ti" ''lift, tjiil we f i 1 t) if li;t'!;r;Q(; re
iunti. I v .' an iii'-f!iui:i lf jni?itti'Ti
A f !:-iilin t mwt-h riiiiiw. atirr rxr.niii-( tl.f
nirdirini. i:d oba-rvii-s ' -lUfel". it mrrJ.rU iLsi -j. L.
. r:i oi.c in : ttf Uu il :lii.lt. ni-i t : )
:. vni T-l;tinl in tin- J.nn: d".'r . tu- n u- f i f r
in.i'v. uti'i thv it ul iify ift'rh rm'l' i iTt iu r
n.st, . tl,-v wnuM r4 Ja nir iile ite r acotv ji it. tii t l, (
r id. ii4r jrt-t sulier irua iLr turlurtfof a t ui-1 , tiin:;
'LLi ii.t.i.!Lt; i. c era u tut- f'r I'rt V t- o- ! i.
Fiil.iiii" f lU W m1 I'l' fti TI--hrr-F t? PnM
x!i-::trtiari"n. I.ffrrl .- Hliii. . w;J ;r n.-t 1
ili ta;i-.v!DK O m)ljiuu in in In rm,
r.i.-i s-ll.; tl.i.- wi-i-U' rfii i-.ttji'-.i.e.
i . T H TH f'O.. .--uf,-i-.
Ti E KLlfftt-tE&V
IS now enrr t ti on as usuil. at lh 'upp.- -tnJ
of M irkel street where, evorj. il -
oriprion of CASTINGS is kn' "
iiund or made lo order suut, aa ;
The Complete, or
Complete In pri.tej
tttlirg Muo
for till.tr foul rr
i , i
r." 7- i;.'s
4. ff.i.K?i?5
iCaSSiV r-3 other kinds ol
nj kinds CvIu I'loUghs, iiull PlOUrl.J,
- : . .
and Hie
EoIf-SliaiTenlalg FlOCgk,
I ar'k-!S and uhich tan no! le !!
.... ,
in Pcnnsy l an:a. Call ana see i:j jii.e
!'or yoursifives.
Iwisburtr. July 8, lfl
fPHE undersigned coiitinius II, e l.ll .'
1. I. i LISLYEiS at ll.e O .i S m.i,.
..li Noiih Thud S:., near M.nkel, 'it"'
n spert'ultv solicits the pnrronne ul hi
friends and :he publir r-rneraiU.
I.ewisburg, May 'ii, l&oU
N- II. Ki t. -
ti,. .'.s.,'.'!,'; f.- -
rain Drills.
, r'KK undi rii m of wi.li In tun, untie
. I :.rii,ii,o eumminiitv ireiiHiullv. li.;
. ,cc' ore Dow macufaetiirto
J. V. ROSS' X irlu Im.nuci J CR-iL
!,pfure purchasuij
, that tbey ca
before piirchasin J elsewhere, Iteiino coii:.-
tau luiinsii au uil.c.e i:ia:
I ,. . . . e .
Will IVl" t-IlUlC sitHal-iriii.n.
I : ur V, ,rv. ls' ,.3
IT IS A F..0Ti
NE e l-ev uii nt, and ort:! ot on
I Vy roiisideiation, that no Mi li-r ran
j eeod clinn flour without he hn i;-H..I c e.i.i
wheat. 1 suppose, you wish to kt.o
icn tdy. 1 tell you it is lo get one ol i
tit igstrtstti a llh eut 'cuMff-i, or Miiui
M ...I.. 11 . i...: . l l . ..... l
, "''"" c ov.i. m. o.u, prue m a
expertfllCtO iMiIIwnt.l Has Invent, il, j:"
1 . - .- i . i J. F
. up aiid Ul 10 SUCCeSslul OJ'.f ration t'lC best i
u hpnt Scourer now in um. Anv person
I - .
or(),.rjn!, a machine, and afterwards hnd Ui
, - nrove lo ot-rte ,h renn
lha' 'T'8 ' .P6 ' "" '
aolitpd iherl chilli bt n.) Slt'e. 3S t fiese lllil
st l'leJ- ,nrre - ' l "
seniej. mere nai, do i... ...c, na-w i,i-
' chii.es are to be war rallied good, rmthir
' ri coii.n.enHitions are ihouohl unnecessary-
.. , . , .
I!., is mm h.iv 1110 a sni.olv ma He at Ij-.'.
11 , ,i..., firl.a A. M .rvh Orrl.a
I lf. "J .... -
for machines, or letters ol inquiry, ill be
nronmtlv attended to. Machines will be
sent and put to all order?. Address
j. r,i:i:i".s i KtissER,
Iwisbur?, I'tiioi. Co. I'u. 329
ifvtitt nitD
e: tiiees.
The subscriber olT. is for sale a 'a'.''
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such t
Apple In-es, to 10 feet high, 40 vanetie'.
all warranted ppnuine Feach trrcs,
varieties; Tartarian Cherry, Neeturifie,
Prune and 1 ear trees, toyeiher with sent
C or 8 varieties of Grape Vine oftliek
native and exotie varieties. Ornament
Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, A"
N. B. Persons wishing lo procure
quantity of Ihe Fiuil lrees,re reqiiesh i v
make immediate application to thesuis"'1
ber, in order to procure (he varieties
Mw-w-T .:i ftcsafrtcf-'
p;r(! wanicd. II. R.M'Li.
Lettiibitrs, March J: lt50.