LEWIS BURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. Xwburg Clpnirlf. H. C. HtCKOr, Bain-Tr. 1 0. N. WOBDEW, Frir.toT. aVt 11.10 asaau ta 1aaaase. 1 T5 m tliree month. t--a.J wttlamthe year, anal i H at ltteen-1 a.f tWy-ar. Ituun rhiam.ialnhta.-a l"a!u-r an. S JLciriskiirff, Friday Morning, Dec. 17.J2. ArrjrlTC i-lr. AJwliiitrat.. I'ttl 'te ..wjere UtfH.IO"n M-eelaa.ala. Vanofartiirere, !.h . il..u.. M.n-Ji ih pr.ar.ire to aiie. of .nvlhiB-".-' J -' ' n"t' '-uf f M,, tVnwrii the -X-KUnftf '-"""'- t " I'M"-' '" a (mI anl uu;Miu':rca:ati" :n iramainit; e..nt al anine aa lar;e a -rai;am-l"ou .f active, soiea-nt pra.aluc-rja. cuai.-ra. nJ 4eal-rs. any "I'll" i iiw state. iinsinroi Koikes. .W. hare r-eeilard call? ajf the W 4altTarr .1 port rait, (.uhli-haid lay IHIU". and irake v'j-vairr iu tboarinf it my who wish to ra le a ertoie. bet wee. tiial aOJ aatlW eupteS. ajjTb- MidiiiHM ar.T.a, wliirfc rhan?aaal from an ' J .J-iandenl to. Item aeratte paper drin the lat rani- JiH. I alead- laOrt life Mad WarrrjT Jll'' pa-litiealiy. au 2fais a aaWeai of i-M r.if wer, ia. tlie title laf X nauthiy uine.po!4iJiai b j. Km in Na-w ih-riin, I'l IVT Jar. f . I. a-a- UJ- e.av.a.a. a..' . t:iltkai of Vaxiiij l.-"'W-. in tl d ttaTilat Frculr ?:ni-U-.rao,of lh Unita-l ulrt aiial l'.ada, Mh Eusraaln-a tf Maine arf the K-lilt. f.bat which ihvr clttauLar. Tticrp kre m!1.-ntCoinl'iMis In tlia llltlla IWfw n.a n ell tu aaatae whM-ll ahawlal W- ba-a-n fjrrwt anJ jarun-ai larf-are tltey .T pa n to the arori4 Irra d.-si.-n of 11k ncark i. naaaa-'. and we lio H ni pe"' ue.vftl. 00-Vtt ;ih- l-uKiah-Tj jaJn H the r.imiiu-uJt.ran f II aUfaj5 h In rr a-lTa-rtuMJ eoiunaiia. t.ew Coda at rlk . aj .ltAaatx .piiio AUl-amanal .aiipportm far Li -IS. a -.14 lit Tkimton I ri.t. Irr.bur. al U. F. ."Sains, O -ral aernt. Willuinaaaa rt. vaJajt.iviavf 'w Oithnt ta alau ada'TtiaaM. j-The Edlt.rr"has Wn absc-nt during llm preparation of this No. Union Comity Whig Meeting l'ursnant to the call of the Standing Committee, a very large uumber of the Whi .f Uniou county assjm'j.cd in tl-,e i'ourt Kuoin on the 14:h lee. Ir2, when J:.i:ikt II. Laiuu, was clos.u l'resi tleut; John F. Wil-tn, James Shit-M, John Wilt, Henry W. Snyder and Ht-ija-juiu Cawley, Vice l'resi 1 nts ; au l Jacob Jluniiiicil and Samuel Marshall, Secreta ries. The object of the meeting having been Mated by D. W. Woods, F.-'i , Chairman ofth-j Committee, (jieorc F. Miller, K.-q., being called upon, proposed the following: The plan, which provides for voting fir candidates directly instead of by Dele gates, we will insert next week This measure was advocated by the mover, by lion. Joeph t j.-cv, Israel tin t.diua. and John Wilt, li-us., as most con i .aenial with republican principles most likely to obtain tbe true sense ot tne pen- 2.1e and daman-Jed by the scttletl litt.lity vutertaincd ny very many true v ni to : to the present abitMl anil iuberet.y impolitic jfftoiii tLat tie people coulJ then know that every vote for their cauJiJatc would count, vLercas tj tlae Delegate Svstc-ni, lelegaU?s (voting iu tLedtrli) might alwa ivve. It was urged as unfair that Mif f.inburg with 73 Whig votes, and New IVrliu with S3 15G in all elmuld have f-,ur IVleca.e in Convention, whi n IVnus vi:L oOl votes had but hro. Six diMrictn J l'cuns with 500, Heaver with J45, ; .ewi.burg with 23-., Hanky with -200, j White Deer with 1, and Centre with J !.") have half the Whi? vote of the! ' ' . . , . . ...... f'lUtltV, bUt Olliy 1 . J.Ca-g:iieS 111 aan.eai- ii. an, while tne omer uaai, in 1'uu n-i.- ; ... ., . I. .If II I1..a.tn.l Leve "2 Delegates. The change wan opposed by Hon. Xer MiJJleswarth, l- W. Wtxjds, S.nu ccl Weirick, Esq, and lion J.ii.k-s Mar They ar;:ucl that rtrfscif''ittM was the trnc republican principle ; that the clian-e had not worked well elsewhere ; that it wou'.d give C'roughs undue influ ence over Towu.-Lips ; would be more ci rotiaive and luuibcrsoiue ; waiuld "iC the i rumination to tne man uo ua-A a j n8s j4 about 83 uud the )ounest.IS Vears ir.nj irity over any ou?, '.ltho' in a minority j 0r 0ge t fall the votes; aud that it might be abused j A fccl;nn hieg W.)h be)wren ,wo as well as the llflete system. ! anj three htindied kfjjs of powtler.r.tU'jh: Ail the f-peakers, however, agreed that fire last week at the foot tf I'lanc , on they would acquiesce cheerfully in the de- the I'orisje Railroad. The explosion was ciion of this meeting. I n La f"' om!- '"r. y ar The motion being put to vote, it was j '!;. but formaately w.ihcn, injury to human """ t i , ., , . 'hie, all the persons on the train having difficult for the Chair to decide whether j preciiiitately lift the spot as soon as the the Yea" or Xays were nnx-t numerous, i f,rt. was discovered. At this juncture, it was proSed by Mr. j Dec j , The of MUler that the change be made for one j conpre:.sir,ual cleciiou in Massachusetts vear, and that then it be decided wlitther j ncs'.ertlay. t fill vacancies is as follows : the Old or the New System shall be con-, First Disirirt Scudder, Whip, is tlecn-d. tinned. This motion was by general con-, Secf.nd-Crotkcr. Whi- ThirJ-Ed-, i.t ,.,,;. i Jmiimoal : niunds, whig. :xin L'pham, v ntg. .nt agreed teS and the meeting adjourned p- CMllioBi,L iu uninterrnpte.1 gmtd humor, resolvcU to Wentworth, Wh:... Ninth Dew.tl, Free make a fair trial of the principle of voting mh Dickinson, Whig. Elovenih directly for all nominees who are to come Uoodiith, Whig, before die people for elation. j Thc first jound voiurrir. nf the annual We thiuk the ntatemeut that thi system j.;x,,c.lJti,c commnication to Congress.madc has lieeu abandoned where it Las been t0 ihntb tdyi.t the rommciicemcnl of its t-ied ii erroneous. It csists in Crawford, 1 present sMon, was on Mondiiy issued a 11-1- t . ! m iaM .iu, nuti w - , I . t 11 1 1 .--a-a ra -a ITIatea-ll IHll L to the sante end in Pbiladelpina county. ' I llTattta Ciltrarxri-tlMe. ' . AJ. lUai awAaa. waa a. a,. aa, r,v Wvt OCA.NU 1?'IRSK, is a popular - - ... - new book, for a copy of edition of which we arc in lebtcd to the publtsLter, Charles Scribuer, Xcw York. The articles are iu Kose and poctrv, ana arc ueaikiut u . 1 J 1 to interest the voutli. narticularlv, by in-, CultJAting truthful and ennobling sentiments i in new and attract We W We think , He auetnpt ueciatetl.y sueceiai, ana inc 1- 1. l-.,aa.e -. 1-.......1 f.ae ll.ala.lnv I aJOH. aUltlt-atl iLaa.a-a.a.. wa-.i-vilvi an lavai'i.'a . w presents than the gaudily bound and in trinsically vap:.d Annuals which arc so profaiaely scattered among the young at t'uis season. Some of the pUte aecui not l-d-uioaious with the doci.ine taught. Lor v.iy uful in iila-tr-ilt-af tic t.it. C iv tl.. an.l We-tir.oreluud CounUCS, anj a irom llie lyiuoii ouioe, uuu i.nu upon tne , sls i len.c-pmai aca .-i. .a.-Nv., lay an, .'r.s ; tables of members. The second volume, 1 highly recommended by Pressors Moll. an .a many cuut.es in Oa. 1"-1 cinocratb . , fllloi.tcd Buren, Covington and Webster, and the Med of Northumberland adopted the .New Sys- : cn,res4 ,csi Monday mornimr. .hus : P!' SKnlJl'LL" Caul Week. ITp to Thursahy noon, oue case had been tried in the Common Pleas, a!i issue to try the validity of certain judgments of Jacob W. Smith deed, against Join Ilaitiuan, jr. VtrJict agaiust Smitli's Adtii:a's!ra - tor?. Iu the Quarter Sfssiona one case of Fr - ...cation anl lJastarJy fiow Ilartloj- Tp , on wliicU the Jury were out all night auJ - , . t a lialt of the nest day, and leing cnaldc to airrce. were disirharL'cd tfcn tmrf. Al- w -. c j , so an indictment against Dauiul Kotilasr . for au allogc-d clstiuctiou of the roa4 at 1 T (T 1 V I! 11 t.'. f nil; li .j.a.aj ii.., v i..a......0 uac ou. into the ro.id. ird ct There id still one other case in the Qn.trtrr .Session, tnd three oih.r ifsurs ahou' the Il.trtinan judgments similar to ! the oue already tried. These it is presu- meat will uwupv the reiniiatnt of the wed. Ou Wednesday Gen. Win. F. Packer, IVesi'lent of the Susquehanna It ail road Company, applied to the Court by petition, for a ltale on the County Commissioners to how cause why a writ of Mandui I1US tshf'uld not issue requiring them to sijrn the bonds f-ir the amount of their subscrip-1 tion to that rajad. The rule is returnable ; . . v- 1 -ail' iai-a...aj nuL-u a I'leiiiuiUa-ry iieuiiii mil ie had. Announcement, t iti M Kir. . ' Wu L:,vc "Pg-, l fmjwmr.1 es- prcs.aij ia.r our columns, aua oi!ir;ix.i. with the writer, a lengthy anal thrillingly I , 1 -aa- a , . , an.l kiiliuiy uioviu-'ly interesting tale. Tt... lltTTtai I t tr a-liA.a.-alaTa la.l - eaa IllC Jit H..ILI.1 LJltlNMalV 111 LVL: FliOWIXtj IlltW 7c 7-r, r.- Ae !( him.':.' Every reader is requested to pivpare a botlL- of huit-honi, one aUo of camphor, and three eleati haudkerehiifs and one towel, before lie fits down to read the doleful " sta.ry." (N. 15. We have elected a i .tsiiier .ma three additional Uerks to ean have tlc chrmich the ensninc register the names of utw subscribers, aud j Jcar) for fi each, cash in advance, fil iate the money.) I selves and new .subscriber.. Look out fr a centsttinn perhaps two! i - - - . . t-s.lt will bo comineiiccd ucxt week '. '. ! Fr&ra California. The Illinois, at Xew V rk, has news to i Ktlh ul!., and S2,'OO.fl00 of g.iIJ. V..r Pro;(I.-nf nr-.r A tftO vr.tM trnri . i rolled, l'ierce has abiut 4,t00 maj irity. ... . . . San l'r.ineiseo eli.-ets Whig local officers. ' ' ' i JjovctIv t. caaJcra ts taUtu L;b olacc j as t-ollcctor at tan rraneisco. f, -1 Riirrumeiito City it aiJin! A fire broke out on )e t.y ,,f tho y,, vlkh j ?wt.,lt t!iC City, cade 1.1,000 people house-1 , destroyed S or 10 live, and coods or other property estimated at 10,000,000. Most destructive rcs had also occurred at 3JarjsTilIc and at San Francia?co. IIlxkv D Maizk, lq., has Wn up pointed lVist Master at New lerliu, iu the room of Samuel 15. Winters, resigned to enter upon other business. aaThe polonokons don't want "pat- i ronaa-e I all they want is mtnru and ' tl.nt ,l-...v .,t oJlt. ..n.,!. if tl,.. tentl. ' , &-T-j U r.jtcuo! l.hiu the XorlLam- i ... i .t... t a t. aavil.4U.ax UIIUV alUll lalV XVlWlai-U UUiee, ; a i:. ... . - un. - jirLai v. IlaN. AV. It. King. We regret toloarn, from ihe report nf the proceodina;. in the ('nited Siaics Scnnie, Unit Hon. Win. K. Kin-r, Vite rresident elect, 14 at present too i!l tu preside over that body. Juiiio E !wards, of the Court of Oyer j and Terminer, New iork City, passed i trf:n!cnce ofile.uli on f-ur oiing men las! j Sutuniny, f t murdirin,! a mini on hoard ' ilaC ship '1 himas Watistn of i'hdadelphia, in Auaus! last. 1 he oldest of the cruni- conipieiitig ine work. t uta is very coin- : I .: . ' . rt ! - ' m - n laluo promptitude on tue part ol the , public printers. 1 ,JW tfi even ol proiessmg i. nrisinns, ; are. n 11 :a r a ,f 1 p aa a I .a c a a a .a a.uinfl I r. . i ia I ,0 lhfJ SU!)r)0r, f lhe nr . h!Mprl in riv than in re. ! .j rjjt there arc alms for the mind. ' as we.i as lor in DJtiy. it ue dt-lf con ff f . . a sidtrcd our relations, and our destinies, in- stead of giving Brudiiiglv, or wanting to be called upon, ae .houlj go out in arch i ot llie ocstituie ana ignorant, and led ttist i .. . . .la..-.l... al.. ... . . . ' e were performing lhe most occep'ahie service to Cod, while sharing Ihn gifts of his providence with nur fellow beings. who ' arc h precious in hi, sight as .e fancy ourselves to I ; for lie loe not rcgaid any from -heir external siliufinn. L.it al- J li.IB..kt IreviM tlicir iuicitu! v.r.c. 1 Pennsylvania Finincos. j From the forthcoming AuJitnrdeneral'a Report we are enabled t-j ctva suuiiuirv j of the receipts of tie Sutts Treasury from j iLe 1st Pec. 1351, to the S0:h Nov. 1j2, . both Jiys iaduslve. j LinJ , '' ims !TonHantni..ai ; 1,1 ,'a t''i'"ta ' Tsx am real au-1 lKtiul Ctato Tareni i.mic Ht-'Urm- Ucm I lVi'iCa 1 t ' SI.a.MJ 'X l.'..a;J J ' i',t2 i ; I'c lla-r" IjcatM-a j,:u u a 2.M t L'l i i'Wi;wii ' t",,n,trua Cin-lll an.1 Mamrajaria. l.icsTicf K-Ulirry al liwy Lna lil:jaial rwajju, bowliiay; aaant ten pin alley Lia.,ajol XA ; I Kitinx. laoua. b-er b-.-u-w. rrtauiaul LLceiiMa 'A'i el '4Uut Meilidaie Li.eu-as l.Vai "iru-.i ia ' ua iib. . ia. m it;:: 'j- j -aau iiaajnann: aa-avud , Kaal- lefa J t il 7 a-- , i" on 1 6T.C7I 101 a OoHa'aral InhntaDfe tax Canal anil Kjilraul t-allj t i alanl (iue.., f tc. Trx iD elinatiualat of T.aavf i'rroaltiTu. am Chx1-! era 1-4J.1I1 f-l 1.XSJT4 SM 7J a.'irn kj 6.1, M)1 Ma Iai.aaa.au ajj CfUataaa. Ol H3 I". 1U.4U In a.:;.: i -'.'.fa ;j in 411) 52 SO.Lf-l 14 3,'. 4; l.a.jS an I, tain m ; ''"." o iooj iut.-ra;iouiaom ' ' i,u',:ic 1 r ir,i :tx ou tciaD.txa-aiJ (-.aaaencera llT:ai,n laa ffa-lu IlliJx- Uai J Acrranal IlltaiTtal I l..-lu:.Jaa.l CiJ.U I Kaa'htal9 I Faaa-e . 1 the allbllf offir.-j ; Ma kiiiaai-u ( Vlla-g-lsnda "'I M aja. I ML-C'-ILlUCfaaU i.a -ji : j r.aitie.mTr.a-i.-e.i.i.T.iiaUe iii.t,t7'J 1(M,1 17 L. s- MUlOUnt em HI- OUa-l a-iaaaiit'-al j i sit-Tr...r lo rrankii.. ki. - v Cl 11 aIlin-T -n, tU aa. IX l 1.1UI n ita-KaeUtuJ funO. in T.-a-u. uuar.-uUI-U. 41,fi2uu Ita-.Oail ia laauk af the tf. StaaiaO Uaa 8-?"iUv. Mr. Uutler is rc-ch-etcd Chap lain to the Senate, and 15ev. 3Ir ti.illaher to the Iliaue Conirrc-s.-!.) Nothing impor tant from Washington. tOIJ yubsciibei-s v.ho proture new 5" No alteration to report in the Lewisburu Market. 1 '''.'jVsT."- Sr n 13 7!r T.;iz ?irM-. ..f ihr ryr.t 1 l'Kt'l .r t.f l l.i- lo i.r; k tifid lr.lii viiicli it i- 'he TI.l'K HH;iTl VK M l H. or 5-Ti:i.' Jl HI j.,.-J !.. lr. J. S. Il ; .MT.t. f fliiiMl. li nia- t-om J-la-paf J thet.art '"! ! ains.-.ith rtti Mmiiisi-Ii ..f ih i,.r li:e ur- ot ln.jc t'U Iv-tjft-iii. It is Nuttirrri un rriitv f.r mi . fth v f ltini-.rri- N-i sri i1 m.tn criaj w it.. 1 It itt w with hkaltii. .- u-v run- 4 itn o., iu ai. i -a. l.iri Ol (Itl! Tl-)rT.t 1T4.1 mMj ZVVi'' XZ Th'-naii'l of parents wlm uf Y-nn:fn"c c-rnf"-.! Th'-naii'l of parents wh uf 'nn:r.i"C c-mf"-.! 4 iitrt atrnri. tliat wtiile il:c t!tv t iiCtu:i.).T linz tin (itjats. sv'b tt -aiiBka. n4fl -ivht. .nlin(i .f I in that. In an.rf.tt-r cjiimn will l- ftniti-l thr- a.tve rtl!TTt J Mtafaa'DaaA'-kV Mlrnact. t rliM-b r tk tl.f altritti- f? '4 all dirvrtly inlu:;-au4 in Ih4-ir ovti a -. I a thrlT rhil Iraki's lultli. In i.ira-r i'tau- latnta anil 9.11 atiaririari amit.tr Irun ibtie-f a laliiou irtr. Luuld rti.tkf u ot ti4- aiiIv ciiiw nlfinr. l('V-m-'l. I.ivrr nil. 4WTrd, ' bnt aii fc-r H4-ti-a4 k U'dfin rvrupnod t.iv.-r I'iOs. an-l tTlrrrr tlial -wit hja tbt-Ftff-liaturc f I Ik- fro;.riuir, J. U'JtKN.-ACU, uM aoae Bv Hev.J. MaTorrhead. 12th ittit., Ilriar S. atld aMliS ttllJllITU SAtLL, Lolll of Hirtlrv To. u' Kev- J- Sllne- ,na'- "TOfT.oi ; 2 """V ar..V.,!-' t-ATttaai wi uaugtiu-r ol bm , Militan, and Miss Cithhhi tlauiinr of G'ea Trt xa-I ot t. hilli-i'tiaqiie 1 p. It-.- Ilpr. A. It. (la..tinr. I'etm Srtttrcrn :nd I Miss Mmr Sarnrw, baith of Uuliiilo Valley. ! " Ki-w.il and Miss CVrnA- ri - ' B..ia.Iboihof ImotiTrt. BaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaavaBEat DEATHS. In Iwisbnrg, ISih inM, apeal 9 months, Gcoaoa Lkusabd, son of J.tceb YY. aud I.uvi nah Harris, late of Wilkes-Barre. In Milton, 3d inst., very suddenly, a".ed about 12 year?, Miaia, contort of Israel Kap ler. Ia Trr, Bradford Co., 6th int., neeal abaiut 37 years, Mrs. Shh J. wife of Scth W. Paine. These two laalies were sisters, of the maiden name of Forrest, formerly of Mtlton. Ia Milton. 4:h nisi., Miss IUcui.l Ktioana, aed about 25 years. And on the 2i!i ult., Jaiitrn Adaws, aged !0 years. In New Berlin, 4th inst, in her StV.h year, .Mm M. relict of Jnhn Suorin. In b'uiiburr, 6th ir.su aged aboat 71 year, RiratL. rcl.cl of Isaac Martin. Ia Watsonmw ii, 3d iM,in her P3d year, ELizattiTH. wife of Uavid Wataon. In WiIliamsrHirt, tih iast., in his S"d year, JoHW Maia.TGOlal.ar. MU.!Vllt tt law. i Jus! Rerelvrd at J. &. F. Sij ker's, 1 UOZ. of Bovs' Coats, t daz. of Iloatle Overcoats, C doz. of K'tsstnh Hats. doz. of Hungarian Hats. Cheap fur cash or country proalurc. Dec Ifi M. Eiiitob Haviits recenllv had orrasit.n to Mt.p at IIAHKISON'S TEMPEIIANCE H(HE, in New Beilin, I take this method wiihoai the knowledge of the proprietor of recommendiiig it to public patronage. It has recently been greatly enlarge.!, and can now accommodaie many more. With the snpjiort lh.it might be extended by Teinpcranee Men and Railroad men. (faar Haamsow was a Hail road man as well as Kutmi) the Judge and his worthy family will furni.-h accommotlaiiajns suitable for the Oovernar. Oive them me helping hand. TIMED. Important to l-adios. TK. CKAIN'S improved ?pino Abdomcna. I f Snppaaricrs a sure rt mctly lor rr-ilap- an!tj jj j r?tnr.. General Agent, Willianis Wmsport, Dec. 10, lS52pd pr,ri. Pa. Paper IIanpln.c. r,MIE sahsrribcr has received and intend.- I i I .-. . . ...I trit..,.,! Ummlv of Fa.shionaUcvALL PAPER. Land- scane's for Kircboards, Winiw Cnnains, etc. h;ch can be sold at C,V Kfta'1 P"8-" and s4f- at mv Chair and Cabinet Warebtrase on South Third street, L's': J jh' j3" where is an frf Ma Z Ton and Plain S it".;;. .Mahogany and H..ir-.eit Chairs and "a- fc J ... ,ra I.; u0l - ,s , vatietv of Cane, Parlor and Rocking Cmins. and all articles t-nitaWe for Parlor, siiiiiig - room or Kitchen, to be had on the most rM aad ARM'Soxn. . a. rinv.M l'i:: CT.rrTntNt;. a l.irgo Mi-ck It Kric lv XHVXLli A CO I CAUTION. I ALL prrsons are hei!ay eautionej arinst; purchaa.111- Xcte fiven tyine t. Haul. .rvhart A-m ur Cedalcs 6t Marsh, fa r Fi:ty; ll.'llau, due about the 18 h ol January nrxt, s i hit e not rforivpil i'tr v.iiic ot it as pro;n l.ai, ami wilt not iav n unless tnmptllf't '', Utr. jOsKIMi WU.IiEl.M. Washin'on. I.yconmig t.'o., NliV. Li, IS j2 j llfie Is yussr Keiuecij I HOLLO WAY'S tJlNTM liXT w YLA.iaS mm i;k::.(;. Eitrjrtf.t L tl.r fi-m -Vr. ;r.r- 7'.ii..:'--,j" .f. r'yr.9t,'V Ictt, .ti,...l. ( die-At tbf a-r gf 1h r w:fc L- tin U'1 eaulit a t ui-ut iMMi. kUi aul.l iu be. l--. Whi vr tuna tl in ciun wr tr.UatJ rat. j .a.iu- 4tis i nl rillitclr l.1 .CmL mu i r-i tt rj r- u;--i j thai tttwirxl Uiu cJri d v irici. UtHut rthct; h-.-r i heat Hi m';--! Miacr-iv.aud :l.o tl-' i h- r c- - lr- i ii r.tr:. 1 -4.cn ni your A1- u. ut, uni i.dft.-.a ' Ij j lier tr o-ir 1'itts o-u) O.ut'nt ut. ai I ii a lil iv-ur v . ! i' t u:. u Iter riutMT hi i,n. 4 uscic-hrui-uti -arrira .r "a- i. a.n-1 wau . tt iJl lit.ttl -iaar:.el. L3UM1 -a I .-u l.aaa.- aro tiat ?ajn-:riua ajai ma aaHcc-j.ij a J U-14iauiai.bJC0iattTaa.l h.m a.Ua i,ei-fO -.ia t e-.i;- aitra; j I la.-.a!lh. vtaa M.m-J laaJa--1 f -a al- !l laT-1 t;t la tar.a: !.-n J ! ih-in an.ol .ort jtlv a.aa-.ialaue al-.-i'.i2a-riijriaa.i jf a'a.w j I '". ("VO aaLHalajltlU. ' A P;:KS 3i 70 YKAK- aiF AGT ClTli:j OK A BA1 1-S'J J I 1I dai Va-. l'. ai tM-l.U. j 1 -aa a a Lt.Jf f,vm i:. MVi. A!s', 1. '.duA- Yaii Octtn. . ! . iVaJi-ViS, war UmrU, -' ' d Sl.r, Sil. J j Tu I'ta.S a.r ll-IA-W'.T. I I Sia- I -uttvraxl t-ra teriiaal af :Xf a-aiars fiO!U a bal lee. a ; n-a-ult ail I wo aal Uafa-a) aJalVj-otit aa-a . J-alata at tiM IV a-ejiiiKiiia J la -ea.rli-.ita-: i in,atauj - 1 h'l i-'rajur!aet';a -Itria t l-f :Uaal:il! ailTU-a-,1. illatallt il- riaiutt liy liolaa-ttBtral Wna rTa-n la-IJ 0,3t lllc bait Uaa.-it b- aaitl-Utaalwl Jf' I. in 1 ::E 'Waa-aaitlaau taa llaJi aaf.italaau. aatiir l alia uual lilittiia. ut tavu 1--J a ao;ai.!atf eur-j Iti Ma ta rt aa URie Haul Ia.w Tau.a ttti UOL aillkaaacal it WaiUaal a-r. tl;t tlia- tat I (,i-ndi . A BUS. I Tlia-rtuth of U.ia-UaDtrut can laeT-riH-al I Mr.W.I'. ; Elli.'h.n I, lh nii-t, lu, Matrlaet fire t. 11 u i Jar.-.-W! J. A n:.K.MTLUAUIlKKAKTt'r.:i:niX ONE M.tNTIl. i-fm-f of L-t-rfrnm Mr. -..'er. ! Turmr A.. aj .,. J IKtmlr I .ft, l' J. iVfl- t T" I ra-f'-S-aar llaaU.' WO tlian i Di't). "Unl Httiitfir Uwtth.tlr im.-i1 li iS-st ioi'-tiu-al aUtnJ;ini.i , tut ii t-j m u.'-y. Kfl Laviti t-f -rr h nl-in fitl wurtl in m Ut by t.ut anriT&IIi-l f ia al. a I I.I.. ......aa. a! I p rf..1.;: :.e-i the benefit tU.t rK.ni othr hraneb-a ..f in &uiilv ti..v ui nv d (T4HR lb ir in it r--miiy !t'rttii!i- 15. in. ti-nF;:v rx-c-uiia- i-t I.teia l a.i in. irxiid-. as IXII A11VATKN is tat SIMS riraa.-ti.i tTVEli. Cj 9 'i u Istt'r if.m Mr. t rtiut AfwY. Jumh Mit, , Is -ft- v it tiv 'I, .-i.nvi i,, tlulct .1 il rjf, ! ir lor iiiin tuali iiO Tenm bit TiiJV h K"rn Fiitwft, i frQ 1 1114 l tim . U nVm- k cl JUiti.ii.iaialiiu tu il.e znic, j tor wlii-h fihf vrzi hi.-; a'.id I.ii-r-il a prim. -xt--!:t ; j tHI llir i uitt ..uiJ ut t i; r'-nt'trnl. AU ut tt'iir Tirs if. tu V.Ht m-en wcivifrtul rur j. vfT rt.-J L . :.r ' ami OtutBtiul. a:.tl tii'-uibt i.h u..i;it iiv o & tiial. T Jcr r-:it fi"4'K!i-h;ntfu: ;i J .Ii-ii.t.- fbe rot :mtiirIintv 7--1U-I Iioui their u.- :m t -I r prrjuTfrj: g fr tlirtv wi ;'. Hit- j-aiii in J: -r .drf v :f.ft!v rtir'J. -o i elit La ttij i-4 Tii: ul L'uilfc X 1 :- la't I ur ar. ittit aH-ANt-laii A U N 1 "1 . TW I" ill fh. b!J u, u.,,1 MHiKHjtlT uiih the Oii.imt iit IU IUtaat -l t . IttlloMi'lJJ rtaM: F: tu'aa ittMl? .f'!!llJS Liintl'a'u Pott- Throat S--. in iJi-a Tutu r H..i I'Uat I'h.lJ Iltirii llai-ds Wulii-r. forte: r-nft) Hit. -a i f M-a- i au- cr chflitf ;'ii-l (..nir.t tfsl ."eiia't-l-.u ai-J St;TT J. inta Salil Yaw l IiKu-lw-t tirj-bautin ix-rc N ;i'j,!t Xc ate S-M at the K.tnh;j.h:i-rt f Inf.-wr II-.Mow.it. 2L f Stiaiid.kvar U-iiiiytf Jr. Iatd a.ni b at! re.-rii-a.J iv ; j Jru v'"f "-J d'-alT" in VJ'tii -ia- thn-;tirrlitut t'r.v Hr-t, ' , jCtai.rc. uj-i of lh.i nf tli ("rit-.! Si-:t--. ja I'rjp at JSTJ-- ' I aim 5't " 'vu. - un iiv.- uj iu- jTanfr! 1,,.. U.-.M . ,1. . :..:.., . U l..- a tt I- 1. . - v i V'trk. aud Mr.CL" k aini,7, foutii is'.I sL. 1 iiilttJa. f t. V ti't CJ?j:ucrflI eMri'nu , t-k!nj fAf !argr six. 1 X.B. Lirxtioi fl.r (at i -Lxure of p--ti.t in -Tprr diMrd,r art- a J le 1. iVt- ,!r4ii SECOND ARRIVAL or OVV on JianJ. embracing a large aini cumplete assa.artnici.1, ua ;he most favo rable terms, ricaae call n I.. Iddlltf H & C o. I.ewi-bttr, Dec. 1, ELECTION. Vr0TICE is hcreS-y given to ihe Stockliold- i ersoflhcl.t vrisni ito lUtiwil'uariM.I that an elect on will be ItcM .it llie haiti?e af! A. II. Biair. in the Borough of Lewistur, on . j,,,, ,he y,) (iav f Janttarv, 1S53, f,.i the tlrros(. of electiot.' one President, six Mana ! era, Treasurer an't Clerk to cumluct llm con cerns ol saiat t ninp.inv fur all'" vc::r. WILLIAM CA.MEROX", President. $40 A MONTH. Askit Wascm. in ev ery Countv of the Mate and t'ninn.to tl PlILtr Uaat 11 C X IIB Ell I ITIIS A H I I.IUGE Tu i Aiiitici, just pnh!i!(fd tainir a i leaa-rtl'ti-'tt t'f l4Jef t?ae riiraeij.jal .l-.Ies atl-l Terre taawn I -f tlia' I nila-al Mai-.. tttBa; Uie aoi-uiation m ttae tr-ata-r I1 aarUa f tll r tk. INft WctWa. the nhl,! KaU- I . ...a . ...a.. ...I .:--... , at..... .1 ..... at I I V-a-at S'i-te--. 1 NotifuIlT ea.l..r.ti V,u. i Map ff tlie I I H-.rrr .D-l Kaiinl. . Map ..f the PoitX Stat. a. aia.l tlauaarraeb a.l the WJ.a.ii.ii rili-r: New V .rk. 1-hi- la-la-I-'l.ia. B-ela-n. Wa-b-nta-n. lt.ttl;Di"re. Hninnatti. New tn-tean. t. I.ialiai HUa-tauraf, nulfalo. Cllt'-a.-'O, Mll WiankiaV Seta inanei-a. ea.A-k 1. .l.M ..a.aliellt.tae I tae maaajnean,. a-eraaeinra rna.ua; wbt-h are a t-iri'anc it.w ..f ti.e l'-m"ierril , n , - . i I lrtn.a..iie ! tlie l laivit. l--w ai i-iret. .aaiaenean , I . r..Jl r.la.. I r.ite.1 Stale. C01it -I, seualc CLanaUr. I :i,.t,rt- of It. ,.r. iliT. -a. a.-. i I it V- e-.n-at.tiit.- an Alia .f Cifi, k. th-.- t-atii.e I n.jfer'a lr.e w:t.l -f l.uCi-rical a..d de -r,p:i.-e ; i. i.artnill n. .hetuet aa. a Hete-!.a f r th.- 1 rarrler. a ! I .Mr.-, tart ft i l.uaiue. inati. a Bi-nu-l of l.-t-a, ,Di i 1 clialie ta-r ali-a eo. laiu iuioa aoalK-a ejiac-rnitli Ula; lare , !r.re..-iuee.U..caf.Ur.Ilrn-irel.ut..ie. J ' . .a ,1, r .7 . a . t I .. .inr will n rni nv Hl-aJ . irre ! rt;..T-i- I Ia--anr T-rt ot tit- i tiit I M.itt-.. :n in twv of M .lu'te iiuain-.ii' JDaaaunt Cater all r l'i .Ui.'" "t-.0i;- fa" fuU V'-vn''"' tli'iTUL. Hai ti', oil! Msr'i ratni ir m .dlP-M .I-t i..ii '"ra.p;r rr- nai.r in lilti,i', J-A.NM-Xii A OK lu.Ii-b-n. Kdinri of er5 ciriufi llir aKve two iii-iartinua. i.-. Executors9 Xolice. EITKHS Testanicniarr on the last and testament of Jcoe .Mwiur, late of l Wbite Deer to nhip, drccaseal, have been vranted to lhe subscribers by lhe Register of Ctiion county. All persons having claims against llie estate wi'.l present them for settle ment, and all person indebted make payment without .telay to DAVID MIXKLEY, Exec tiiiipd JOHN MECK.LEY, 5 uiors WIXTER CJOODS. nAVING dja-poacd of mast of our E-iIi Staack. we ould respectfully inform ihe pntiiic that we are now cpcinn; the largest and most elegant rtock of W inter tiooals lliat ever appeared in this market. Having selected j them with etrcat rare and purchased for Cash, j we would cordially invite all our old customers j ami alt ttner in want ot iwtataiio to fit: uj a call, as we feci confident mat we cm pr.-c enure sa!i--faction as to fjuaiitity, quality or prices at the old stand of Nov 26. J. Hayes & Co. rADIES' DRE3S GOODS, of all desirable j tvl-s shades an! qtialttics. With all var ieties of Trimmings, to be h.nl cheap at J. UAYS4 CP'S VLI. in want of Fine Cloths Cassimeres, Coats Overcoats. Vests, Hats or Caps, t an b iUpplicd at very low prices at 1 ' j. Il a YES 4 co:a FRENCH Menntes an 1 Wcol des Liines 1 ea a-Kaala. I.. I f- f V.TI- tlV m VUVIbi- w- a a aa- J. HAYES 4- CO "iCPEKIOR four faced Broche Long fcbawls k5 for a!e by J. UAIbS 4 1" put rerd ty J HAY IO I j ! F!VRII,,iitrrMi.llu In-ln. - ulso rer.i! SiiJe Kc.ls. ""luqmitf uf thr sub-ritwr in NonhnmberlanJ or a: llie American Huue, LewUburc- T ;ij , J B. wI.VTKIAS, WINT-U'-cnK n tb rrie I jtr, j I'uU-a. niki i b a!i far r;i U-u, Kew. --..I U i .1 rmj I i TCT t.i WJNTKR GtMJl.4, which voo wt!I d. twit . tt caii and eiartiiie. as they are iut surpav! f for i?fatHT, fytt and chraness, !o say nv:hj!it; , of tlic quautity. Ir we have a !itil f e;cry:hiu,j ; that beli'it?s to a store in these il:ins. Oume urn?, come ail, and eiamint l r your- selves, ivr we ire toj trueu euKeu m: 1.111. ise lime to enumerate. . K remtr & Co. I.eui-aburp, Xa. 7. tr'jr-J a.-io.-J'-rr to Ar rjf ron,rT-a., In the t. 1-il. l-jrj. S. l-t..l!r.l.V, 1. II, talk ckraa Ov aif liie li'jmt riciart f-r tl(e 1.-1. 1 lia.-tna.-l of f'inallj-a Uauia. Another Scientiiic Wonder! CHEAT CURE FOrl DYSPEPSrA! Dst. J. S. HOUGHTON'S TIIF. TRt K DIGESTIVE FLUID, oi; cimtric .H ire. I ' I ' T. I a w.jr ii-a "r r. '., i.JTiiin-rTion nr i.nri 1.1 r.in't, T-ir ' -"T1 Fbv.atetrbefc.:jt, bjr J.J. llJC-.;i.r., M.l, ; - P.ijtXr. ' pltela : tlaa- trite Cla-aninf aaf (Ik- Wor-1 ".i- .if.,,'"hi'f "r-"'-" ,li,:T, f:'::; rTii. i,fif- t,f ihr i:iiiV Jt.ii- 'be Jrrntv; tt-.t riM thu t Jur- tytH:i. I r;m tip. :.n.I ymtnl itwj A-zvnt i f llm M"t- '(.o.!iati - f lief ox. Ibua .Wuiini: iTU K H'.rrilK 4 l..i:nral p-.ii.-r. rot fnrii-Mn COMl'LCTE 1'H Kfc T t laVrm TK f-r it. ! i- i N VUKi: KtItI'Y r an tiulH-n'tl.t I Si.nnarh. Mn rt -tt m.in cuu mM ilt ranf.r.' i w.-r' ' ; It cMiUim tio AI Ul L. MTTK'IS. Ai M.i. cr N If- ; .t rl iKC'.S. It w afxtirintrlir ajrrwtl-.e to Uvt ' and tuny t-- Uik u l tlie r.tl 'vti yii-u -a.u . fot !aV a waivr frnrKtr wi;hj:it aruU- ili!:rp. It -wart 1 i.t i::i ...Ki. imitatiux.-. ivjm m mt a buia. 'ttj tilt A-itta. n-l get !---riiliv O- ular, sm 1 ti. icninsc a lar- ar- uit ..f il 1 KNTI H' ' KV!0KCfc, i fiA.ii I.ifl irN An. rail t hfinitry: br C-totv t'ivoiv . ! Iie.-ikn ; Ur. r.rvr ri 91 ana : ir. j'.nn lr..r. -f Ntw Yrk t niTeri-iiy ; lrt lutulitiji ih -tit .lo!; : lr'f. aulaiiitun. uf YU ('Htji- : lr. Car:n- 1 1- r l h-i"i--7. A.. t Out with re-rtt of (. L'KE ft1 m i nil i art of tin- I tii(-l fttatra. AjrttU r.TiiGHNTON k riir.ir,Iew- isburj ; KosLl-uj; Autt-a, -w tWriiu; J. M. Fii-iu., Union Countv Business. Tu the C'Ji:-tors ct Tjx payrt of Lui-'H Co Vi llie rar v.i!l s"on come ii a c!"e. and 1 our Ceurity Setilptnent will have tai he I iiuile, wc hope a!! the Caillcr-tatr w-il! nia'.ie a I 1 Ta'-rr-j. a-tT'-rt ta.- hare th.;ir rearaa-tia-e nonlTeaat- aa-tll-a! i ; aaa. 1 ha- luuuty an-t &t au- both tarel all tlie .miala that t a-iia U- ra.i. al ti . st,ta- iiArtia-u'nr. a i-a-linaiia-nt (Vallea-tiara will Ink-- thiaa ftienalle bint aa H :.. tu- au't Uutl wail lae gl-n tliela t-y aa.a t'iieir a-.-ea-tanaj I .... . - i' - - ... ... t - -i - - r - - - ! ca-llra-tia-aa. I Ml v t-.i-'C!.'!. i r nae Tear i"i. are n-GtKlca w aliens I Jiir-j" tlu- neat 1-eas-n.i. r Tern. f ru:t. aud e-i ihvir I Ali-.watie-aa. a. altar that time N Kxajm-rltona ur altaaw- iiuava will 1-e ma aa.al Ihej arc a'.ao urs-eai open, ta.; ..i.r tv. U:.- Treuur r. If tosaltle. the wh!e atnoiant of) their l.ui lK-e.t.1.. a. .tier th -uiM TiulaT-uf JanutuT. lulrrest will ecrr.arr.l on allouutana.nraccaMluLf. lSeJj juUrret wiit t-c ari-l on nil ouitand.u j acevttutf- OfcoHllK !iKiM.:vnr, tlHVS K. litliRjLD, l'(Diai:ii'anrrs of rnin eottCL. CvminiraioDirra' OfI.ee. rw lv-r.iu.Oct. 11, la RppreiTB'Q VStWW KHiUlalibK S lUllUl!a. v ' m it t im-m pitn i in oim.ti uw uw w , k...,-. 4Mb. .a .w kwii. i.mtm vam.tr. and I ' lliat tlie.a.1 araaa.aanls will le (r-.-ea-uta-ai far ft nt.rutai-n . j au-l ail--a.atiee at nae OarT-hana' CaaurL. t- be haM at New ' j Ha-r!in f r llae a.unlr of f nean. -an Ok- T-ta-f 'ea-Jf of iyanvr nrr. tieit f Hie I. in aiatr ot trie ir-antn.' T.l : Fine.1 aa-ranpl of J-atan V. Wtlaaa-n aetilt A-Jmr. of J:-hn t il-a.n. laate tar Hartley tl--. aiea 'J. A-Xaauiala-f Mirlaaa-raaiaapl, Aalur. d ta.alaia .Can of Jacaab hUi)anl. iate of I'ernr In.. la-r il. Aa-aanUUt ajf t.evrC- a-aler. I a utli, n Of Hatt'ala lli-auaaa-t, no antaTiRnel wit L'riaii WeiriaSa aaf W. at Ita-.tTae-'fl tv. Aceaatuii- aI aie-arg-- ! illa-r an t Ncr Mialaila-aawsirili.tluar-Iiana of Alaraltam. Mary. Maliipla anl Suaaanna Kal-y. luiiHehilalra-ii it Alrrflaalulia-,lata-of Ba;aier tax. JeaJ. Aartaunt f f a-lerirk hicliter ari llarri-I ll-.tla nta-in. Kk- ra. -at Peter t'-la-hta-r. lata- nf 1'ecna tn.alee'4. ,U" ''. Olnter.. late wf W hlte l-a-r IP- al. e I. 1'tuul arevuiat a.f 1 laarl--e Klitaa EAaKHUar of (bar lea Aeraannt ...irr M.ller -u..l Jaanathan W.jlf A4mrt l Batl w "!" !"K.ivJ-. ,. . ""i"" "y-""- Issvk List, ltc. T. 1?52. Wn F tVnrcnarller a-l al aa aaea.a W SaniUi'a aiacatDH Ja.. - h Kin. t r, J -hn L r--.,her al II. maw. rt l - k, aa.n'nr. Van J.aKfl U(iaabal - - - - Jinwas Maarali t. Jarab Hutn-aacl li rtiaii. i-a ra A Hwuiaa anl Mu a-'"1 E""" " Henry Hi, h rr.-1-riea Sl ts Wm WHc,u ..farmer) "" S il.lrtui II Wm IISul.lt all aAaara Nutaa lluOsan v Ir.Sajra aJan - Si f-r-'? L . . J - - ba OH Kjcktt-ll-T r. AU. .t4raec Bl-ri 4 - a. .a- a r e- W H Mirttn Ir"1a.akf .aV."h - - - - i'tiilpiTt v9 JtWtp h unt Diin.'i S itnl. A., aod J.-o. A -tin v. lJr J P i5awbjltl i iUt ) V. iai "rit-i t aNUitt i-d Julia irj anl va l harl Fsb-r An l.'iutri App t,i. A Marub x TUnovfilie Krocer J'j.-riii .M-.i.-t Lol-trt M MiiAtcr John ?;jiith a-rtotor) v i.bri lian M"r i J-.ba HiaUvjr t.- -drr. Davl tx'ra J'-hn lUrtntao Sr. ie. ts Iltirr Unj i ttc-Ki-r -i Vit.iicr Ti t'harlrt at- I Linp "rt tj Kiljuh Lcarit . r 'W,T l.i-an luailvruian Ta r'raalk an t Saral Walter ulU-,i I J V llnrter ami Rat nor J .-va r aia-1 s llai,.t aaev t'iiap;-l ani a- rs .l.-lan Maar;-hy and wife ' va va tl -a.rt i filer and wllw lah IT-aaTumn Ta Il-.llael tier Aniiza Valleirlaamp Tat Jolati laek. J-alin U iaajr.cl lor iiC. ra Julan L Fu-ber Klea kner A M a-. r Ta Wm Hoshon lia any. Xaf.e A Co. as J.na- ij Culla. rtat n ct al Sara.. Sa-ui Taa 1'etrr ile,aitt--l'a Lx ra H ll-i.'e ts lle-.ri;c Kulil Jr li.-nry W Snada-r la A TboliUaa al al iti-l.iieaawrth, Main 1 Cj. ts Ciiaaa II Sbrlaer (t soitat.) -lame S M.Ui-li Ta same Jaca.la Sj-ees ts rut- r Hatntnel (.tauita.l Slzrj M'-utUouery Ta Tl.aas O L-.-l.mau,a ITa'rs Urorv lltll t J.-bn n.artinaa Jn aml Sla-k's A-ltn'ra ts itauil litilwrt J W SiiaiMrs IZx'rs Ta Jaabu A K Ilaxtimtl Jau-a-.la laiY.-r T alltljes It Voting Mi IJIaaa-airth. K.-u-ua. A i-.a. ts CLaaa 12 Sbrlner ( iUl'.S.) Jaat-.n Lo-la Ta faaiinua.1 Uerbta-I taaid- a A M.ir-it ia Cbaa II Plirlner J.Uii--. S Mjrb f.r uaae ale. Ta aajna ii W Caoiaer lor It alls ts saute Jury List Eecemler Term, 1852. jxt:i juto&.s. .w-ea-T .-tr--a MMllcwJi, N.-r Miaidtcswarth, Jrai , i';yln,k' , Jaiaa MtCncitht, ban 1 fia.-ngia.-r, jr. John Mnmiitan. i-:lTf J.al n f. Wit" '.!,. waif. Andrew lloufier. .tl JJ.lTtl Ja.hn Zeilera. lliriuj' Lanrid Kline. J.jieai Halfjaeliny. Eaatctta.1 Hart- niati. Jora.ia f iT-tae, Williaia Klli;rL A'c.'v J. bn Snv.Ier. L atietiu ay C. W. Sa haffle. Jaa. Hiitchiron, Jnbn Jonea. MAlOrrfl Fmanu.l Sbaarh. tl. ltau-aerwisn.il. MlUbcll. JWae H-rlm M. iVameliiia. Job. S. Ilearataaert. ; -. aea. t hi i t. Waller, II. Annual, I'-BoalKli, b Heistcr. Vx. a l'rtT Traaup. I'ni .u Philip You-ap, Jialin FL-ber. Wu Mitgtom-Jamb lla-Maati. n-V jivM- (iaUtel II. rtvter, C. Katrjr, llcnrj Milter, trailr Itaer W illiam L. Kitter. ICOOleS; .V Jallt IfinPTV ' v'w"" -" v--- I a. ... :.. ,.. r that 1 nlv. r,Il, School Bm,U. ur ATIONEHY. Ac Ac. iut ltcJ i ,e..l f, a.!, new low bv 1 ' ' J.P.TI-feTIX. Lc.iabu'., Xov. 3, 1S53 !NEW GOODS !!!!D-"- ... JUSt reCCIVCU T T, .nixfV 1 J. i . 1U.H.. ! ,J'A i...nt S : j rirtajr X.Lji.ai.-( j ruin. The utia-ubcn ara; prei-lieJ U sell I.-tmp-i at Phi'i.'s'j&ia or c ;. a:tJ !! J rn! Burning KlaiJ a: tt rMiier-1 ;ricaa aaf IS 3-4 c:n per 411,111. y;uaitnl ami othcrt will fi.itt it :j ihrir itaitntaaje to' r j!1 aol rxamiiaC nnr st ark tel'aair pttr- ihsins fKeuiia-ra;. FVaa-Oi1 an J H i.aj fay llir qtiantny M. a ra.J.Uaa ua liic re tjil price. Dr. THORNTON & CHRIST. 1 I.e-Ai-aburg, Oct. -0, lii-. X'. riKW.-HaT-j nii; tiKcn my jajo, J K. MiLAtw, ir.lu parinefiup j wc wn! carry a 11 ihe Tai!atr- llja raaaalllC."!. U'a !tT lha? Kir Hi of J. B. ak J. K Mill a. at , tite olj slai.a! (Nijrn of the !-ri ! par.l t'a.at) u N -nil Thirili all eel, wucie . c are L-rej-'jieaj to , fata, -Valr. I.T .'a'aliV ' all kia is of Men" aaj B CI::ihij. oa the I stia.art.-t r.fattre. I Fall atiai Winter FASHIONS just rccired. I It' utir wt-rli di-rs tiol provt t. te a g-L.l .rtl, it niR.le in a w.nlainaiiiiUe niaiar.er, ilie value i ul" the claaih will be repaid. 1 L'ouiilry TfaiJaiie of ail iain-U receiveal iu ; pavmei.!. JOHN ii. Mli.LLK. j Lewiabur. OzU 19, ISSil. VOVHE, Ail petn'cs haiii.g cltim or ilerianJa niiin-l Ihe el ila-.1 t li I Htru .Smith late of ULlfjl. I'p, I nio cuunty.j dic'd. are rrgueteJ to oi;-ke tuoii ihe 5n.r lot . . . ... ... . u.srnTr. reJirig tu sju! tvr.-Iup,i ib-ui I deljy ; aud i tliu-e iiitfrbtcd l' si J tUtle are t IPaj'iila-J ta in lie injriirilia-e .Ultit. JOHN lil'NI'V. A.!niiniitrau.r wi'a ihe mil ot Elazi!oi!i S.ni'.b, aWJ. Oet I S. mi W .1 L a) j i lie Jianimoift store. ..& J. WALLS AVE airain receiveal at their new UiiiL Mure a full M'pjaly of F A L L AND WINTER G'0OoD"S, (;iiockkil:s, Oucrnivvare, Ilardivare, Kr. 1 Coal, Salt, Fiih, and everything re jnireJ in a 1 iiiercanlile es;all.-iiii.eiit all of winch arc i ! a'-eit I ou lite iiiM'i cheap ami accvuimouaiiii i terms. ! Verv thankful fa. r pan fav,-ar, we ask fur a ! conlir.uance ot me public pair.anrtsr. J. Al J. y T.ewisbtur. O.-t. IMi FALL AND WINTER GOOD.S. RLBni &. VORSE, "T7"OL"I.D hereby inform the puMie that a a . . . c aa. . : i I ? they bave just receiie.t from riuuaei pma a hafldaome abSaartment of ,.-. u tviTl' 0)fit t ALL AM) WlMLh OOUU . f a;j fc js an,l M,t slvies. Utiuch bavinil . . - ,, . . ,a been jiiirchased at uiiusuaiiv low rales ihey are enabled to olfer to tlie public ai .aa.itas; It wculd te a'mosl inipoasit-le to enumerate the many articles compriinj' the tock of poeals juit received, but they invite a!! tai come and see for themselves asstiiinK them that they trill get .Ware Vnodi ff the ime Monti than at any elber hvtue ia Lcwisburg. They have ail kinds of DRY UOODft, GKOCERIE HAKDWAP.K. QUEE.NSV.-AKn. an-! all other articles uviaily fount! in a well furnished store. To render iheir tvablish B.ent we!! worth a visa! at a!! i:iiia-s tl.ey will ratiitiiiue to receive as the feason B'ivance. uetr invoices of seasonable t;oots for Ladirs' and GeDilcinen's wear, so as to be il.ie ai cl! times to ofier th? rhotce of the New Vi-rk and Philadelphia markets Having adopted the motto 14 Qttick a!t- and Small Profits" they h -pe to rrceit" a Ith- ea-al shire rf public pa'.mra,re. AII kind of COUNTRY rRuUl CE taUrn'ii. nchar.ee fur (laxs I.ewisturg. Oci. St, WL.' L. IDDir.'GS & CO. KAVE just received from New York an'J riii!a ijlphia a lairee aui a".Uitu; e as sortment ef FALL AXD VTIS'TER GOODS, comprising every thing in the Dry flooal anal Fancy line that Ca.uld he de-aiied bv ihj Ladies or called for by the public iu general. In tie superior quni.ty of iheir go a!s and the rcn.ar kalt'y low price at which Ihcy arc offered, they chaiiet'se coinj arisou with ail Cvuipetitaars in ihis region, and resperlfully :nv;te tbeir fria-ntK and the community to demonstrate ihis fact for themselves by calling and examining iheir staack. They have a full and cheap supply ol GROCERIES. HARDWARE. ' lilEENSW.lEn. O.-t. 51, 152. COAL, Ac. II lT.('.ir,& CI.OTIIIXG STORt. IaV F. SPYKER bare ju-t opened at their . o'i stand til Market St, one door 5.uih of .Id, the best and cheapest assaart r.e.u ol n.TM, CAPS, COATJ. PANTS, ar.J VESTS ihtt ever was clT'-red fa-r sale in I.ewisburg Hats and Caps of Ihe latest style. Coats Pts, and Vht verv cheap. A getter il as sortment of .MI FFS from ?l,i0 ta f U.flO Also a lot Iha""rx, L'tidcr Shirtt, WmJlrn Cunt f.,rh. 'U n Cap, 4c Thankful to our customers far past favors, we hope for a continuance of the same, and invite new customers lo examine our slock befatre bayiug elsewhere as we can give you a bargain. Hats made to crd-T and dres'C I on ibe shor test notice. Oct. 51, 0I1 Ncwspapei's, 2OME Ihousan.l. ill retuljer. ol .11 aiii'., for tal aila at the CttouIe .iffice. st 50 eta f,,l 115(1 U'-n aa ibey ran. er I tihen .ported. A 0' mtli " "avv',"t tl I : " TUMI Buh. CLOVEH SEED -.tihrd. o tv bi.h ll.e liifh-l Cash imre will be f ail Oct 1?. V KKE.Ml.Ji 4 11 MICU1CAL HEFOKM. " l .11 .- ,. h. utuovriJ :mo N.-i h rtrt. ui Ui 1 W .u lf.uiir o.cM,4rJ b Capi.Fta.aJ ;,run Krlurnni bu.th. Tbanalol I lh i t.ia-.tl .jir.u. hi Wrh cia-J. b raM ! W uEr Df yaiia-MaltMl mawM aw aaw aa , Jatsirv ite.li. : Jl urjcti;e- meJLne tr trrnitaaM atiah I baa mM a(.-a;-l aa.ai.u a ol Maalnal Ka.iawtk lwa ,1,4-1. i ut Xittiuty iu niat f.jcr- uai ba-tae ,, ;i.,e biuuwil ooiiua ui lLa ow.flci.tt aeitlaut -.,...ii,ui.iiy. Jit. top on h n J. fi la. an iHUt ,nrla ul ih.afiM.a.aan aiaal uthcr Vueikiaa - ' Me iMiia, fur lliS ti wf aucb cu.lJTBeti sa aaj jt.,re !!.. II..- 1 a'l pre--a-e.I Iu . lean atuJ rttllatl iaWA. Lei Iu g. 7. lii r;i- vxly ruts roKTUAlT OF WASHINGTON. I tSf pu ii-het.T.n.WEI.(;ir magnificent f ft' t i-itnii! engra- vei (?-y pv'i nii-iijia) iriin draaatr avaay crtgaW ual p -tirait, 111 the Aibanxum. Bust- a. fiad .n--a-rb i.Ku.ra i.;favaal arita-r LM ..uTcrlaaaiaaa- elaa .af i ill ( i r SI LI. . A. . tli flninclat aUaJ tl J Ift.l a-t-L, laa tlaataaau-j wir-aal li-.tieaaa Ul 1 i.lllnta 1 ...r o-'l.ta-.l. 1. ta Uaa-n caracur aj a Uaa a'eaa Waal at'4.aiia.lvaar laCa-al ala Lla Ca-UO'ry. AO V- lla &ala ..!. "p r- ta. f e tUtsial tta . aal. Jaaajal aaMI ajl tj. aal.aaaar- v . t. 1'fca.A Va stjiwt 1-a.t.aa a. b-taa, aab-a aaya, -ia a at-a.ll-ttat la pa,a.i.tti''a of tin- ev aaraat- at or j an.," ajaA .Oi'.iaa:' Jl ..T.a.i 1 a a.,,1 a-1 Uaa. - la i-r.Waa Cajtari Ol U.a lb-t- at tate-, aaliu lauaaa. "A a a. ll. uitul ttl caa-atirlaa-e aa.al V-a ily tuu.ttairia-a r.aii .4m. wli aea It ; aj.J it laava k-a baa-i-a. ia .1. hk -r.a ta tb t atla.-r aal Lie ea-aaAlra. It wi-a ui a-iail fi t:u:k- lv laaae a. er fc:m in the days of a-j bt. h al; -J Lia a-bvie aa kaaarLo. a jvl alxaaavl ia.X aa I '.B u laa-uiaary. Tj- )uatrlt jU tuau 1 eucal a a.-M4 tua; aVa b-- all .12. U la'a-n. rVprajaTbltUjt kaaleclia tiaaa a-xi rc-.-iian aa- a.. !l tiaaa kai u and Jaratune tat Ufa aUra. alajl aaaa SNA'aMl- a'l-'. I.i- aliaa Lvlc TVj, eJaaWlajfa tin y-x..ti,ni.jt'.il. l-Kl-lDaJal eal.'.'aaa aaraa, - Ll.a ra--t awl k aaliaairalal ea- nte-1 anal eaaaa iay wa rttie rt tb -r laa.- FU-'ll--. Aa- 1MCI.AT. UW CBaakacaVt Ljii. tl-Mt' la. it tt-T bin! ti-r tif.T H a! MOaff -V-M at i.t I.-. o. minj i- mr- rtc:a;kiUr tln tWIlrM m-a. "r i rx-- ii.jr U wx ilw.m.a.aa tra.i i-tl.--r -t.ih ii n' W aaUUtfuilWu r (eiuKXii lM.r. w,...iA,ii -i.n.t i.iuiewu.uradi.rattoi i.iu..tLtcii-t.-cvi ti.- ji u- ua iwh it umjzwmjtatwi. J l a. .T'. 1. ?r it ":hL 71 a:it r . a- ar w Iw'ri- H.aaA.. aiafl, t a aaaa. taaa.'f -fa-., a- Aa- aWa V t4a .. ... a ( '.i p,.t,. aau-t C- Itt Uit- r "J tr JJn-vr 0 ."KaA, .Mui,.aa4. . wa la eaa-a .Sra-al-r. VCa.ai'.t Uj if. alaaU. M.rrLan: 44ad i.iliot. af New karri; f agle K -l: eiin.-l. n.t Ijaay-Jib. :& ll.i'aMi liia: t.Ji-aata.r liar ! at. kL...t..l . .t I. h It... iil.:-.l llo-laad ; CU.t ta, r rar -'1 I lwria-aaua. C.. akM-J i i lira. . r n-t kltllnn MIUA tai.UM.re. l. j, r It f.:e-ial .-a-ix.1. kV . ti-atrai. it. I-.aJ . I!..n V. ua. I.. K 11 -a. Ifenaar! W etaalar, II.mi. I .a.u K a. il n. I. i. t .a.. II- n. VI ui. A.'aranm, Uoaa. i-4aa I K-l.ie-'v. laa-n. K '. W liitSrHf.. L. U P. JlKlatra - la -aa I. -. r It r. a.. . 11. . J.4.B leer. 11- .. Juh. Ai. LaU. Il.au. Kt fj 1 b--ute. la.ia.aa- aTl-ark-aj fa'aataaa, 1-aa-l.. tlae Me kr.Oa.ll LaUaliaaia taf tlfce iljaah Albelli.lav, all" auve. 1 aoulal raliart a-alt il tiaan any naanlaai calf a 11a aaaa eaer tn;'' K '. V ia'p;-!,. kianeral ItaltfrcUa ll.aa, l..l. Cr.tt LI. 1. J l tark.- LI. D, Wm. II l-r. a--tLI. I), (a i.ua.t-ia, Iriimr. La kh W. laaa-e- i u. tri.. i-a- f 1. 1. C; bia. J-T. Ilaaalaey, li a Uaaw lllita. H. W . laaia-..fr.ia. a. Oillayiwa- mlili : a. al r.--wi.aa t-a 1-aant Taa tfa utal. 7. H. Maaaula. tr AraaLl U a.1 A.u-ou. Loid M.v..r a.f LonaVm. Ae- Ac. X .ia lm,a. llie..aa.alt tl:e et.t re t ttiaaH. laate at'UafCa f flu.' DrOiap iaaajal tli- iu T.L- a.-! U.U rUa ,rb kB-rai m-z. Ik alia:.!.. ..li ua jwe- U j. ,a.Uol4- trvaf.. U Bt aalal al tiae iva 1'rkv of , Jaer i-a.p-. fat 1L. .j . lit I W.( II!I.LS. N W. r.-rr.er aaf Ktnh at.-i Arrb trau, rt.iilaitj. 1. la ft fir 1- A jr. i.t LLe Mala of Laaaaira lSiSan- - la a mat arj -t:;w-ra-. Tlaaa ior:ra.il eaau iauly lae otatatnoat Com Ur. Irrarty, fir fr-tla llta.aj-j!y .ti-l oi 1 a;a-bta. Arra.-: naent- laate a-e n arMaie with Lb. afoat ORow Da. t'arl:uaaut. I'T wtiaeli aar ieaa et The IVrtraal Oaii lae WaawA lO a-- tvint. p.-r tt.ail. in petfeet eial.-r. Aj-1'.Taaa-.- a-a reniil'.iuv litf Laalar. t D B. Bewrly. ai.i l.aie a a,.y ,.f tie fa-rtrall ataj to Ui-wjraw tffiif. iaalin.ei.-i.ttiilt kr.ania-aa. . ea--Tea.y Aar tlr it tv.r.-tau, f urul'Lv I at th.- la. a. price ur $.ut aracAv Ju.t isntj, a ma5Q:5eei.l Pi.rr3it of GENERAL JACKSON, Easrived by T B.VLa.H.i;s.i i.rter the original portrait painted by T.4i in.Ea.j. This pt-rir.nl will be a match f, r the Washington, and ia in trery respect as well Rot up. Price 5.tJi par copy. Adairtss a. alx.-e 3m450J TAII)RI.aC. IS?. THE suhaeriber hnni taken the siutn lata- !r occupied by Satnuel A in m. an. an 4 Amnion A .MoiegnmerT, on Vark.t a ra-et, lwasl.urg. is now prt-parrd lo ciaMait Cutting and Maki: g of Clothes aeei.rti.nf, lo the luiesi Failiious and oa the moat litwral terms. Putri-nage of ti:e late Firm rerctfajll? soU civd. JOHN MONTUOMERT. LewiabuipT, Sept. ItWJ. Burouah Ordlnaaee. VT a Meeiiiig of the Town Council i f 9a li:Toi;li of Lewishtirg. held th. yih of Octi ber, 18i2, il was enactej- That from and ailer the passage rf this oritinaiaCe.iiM person rrperous will If tilt td to put coal allies if r.ny oil.rr oe.'criptiou of dirt or Miisanre r.r obstrurtion of any kind upon any of the streets of litis Bt-rotiich or in any ot tiae gutters or water Courses thereof. If any person or feuans shall hereafarr so eba triirt ai.y of the streets, .il, ys. gutter t r wat.r C'.ures of ? aid Ba rough, i-ch person rr per ;ans siiali be lut.ie n. a fiiae of m l lrs than one dollar nor mrre iban tave dollars fa r each ntW.re. Aad furihcr it shall be the daty of the High Constable jn give notice to atiy pr son nr persons lio shall cbatrurt ny uf ifcaj streets, alleys. f.nit-rs i r water etatiraes. lo remove saial ol strneiia ns i-hin fiveVavs fix m the date of Mich notice, and if the said obeirroe t-oiis ate not lenn ved within the tune so srt eiiat'd. it rba l bv lhe duty of the H Coliata !le to remove the same, the cos! of such mso. val an.! Ihe anu unl of fine or fines imposed, (uiiit h shaii te ai. icrnuijf:i ly the Rutg.s. and Town Counrii.) to 1-e rol ected from tka P"rt-n or rw rv-n j- ofla-nrling. Pt-biinhed bv r.ralrr i-f the Uaa.rrl. Jtill.N lif l tiH TON. CUrk. Tlit- IOtU SeRsioii vr rr. Lcwisliur Academy Will commence oa MusnaT, October 16ib, lo cmiiiue SO w- eks. The course of Instrnetiatn in tbi Intitntion is ealculalett to prepare Youths tn enter Col It g.-.or for general business. All branches of a uH.M'.igh Academic course, including Lan-gu.-.grs, Mathwir.aiicsr aod General Litentare, are tancht. The pre.'tnl iet'i alTaarifc givd opporlnraitjr for Improvement to Yoting .Men, restdtrtaj in the neisiliboritoal, w.hu are at leisure daring the Wir.tr r months. Composition and Declamation will rreiitl cai-clnl attention. All gross. immoral practt are strictly pn hibilcd, both in ami .bout lh) achool; an.l kiiidness, courtesy, aud spirit of honorable rivalry aatvftg the pnpils, are eracoiiiagctl. Tjie ssbtcrtbrr is dssinns to sccar a class of Young Lathes. Ti!im Fi r I.anrn.ices f !0. ftijrrier Eril lish t i, and Cvmuiou Br anchea f prr aajsio. JOHN RAND01.ru. Ortl.mss Prineifiar. TUT received an assortment uf fn. rs.ea rosewtwid Mc'.odeons. from tatn.A.Pfinfar i. Co."., celebrated rlaUishment,r?iirrait.N.Te i ocuve Meludeons from l'i I 44 4) do io C to P lb " do d. r to r . Lai-ge 3 do T tn r. K.sno mtK J4i A. L. 1IATTIEJ.P. !-ewi.ibwrg TO fO im MIKCKH. STEEL Srirgs. Kprtnc Pvtrt.lirm tni Brass Nut Ales,Ta Prop Irons, plaia oal ttfaaf blach 4il '4fh. Hack and fancy cTJ onanTaJ Cloili for Trimininc.I.ininj: Cloth, Coach Ijk. Tufiss Ac ale- to be bad ar rtvliaead ra4s U the cheap orr of KKEMEK A CO. O ()(X) TrfV- rcr iB wanW a'- V ACC 1 ai'I in .srhamrw fr ilr