LEW1SI3UHG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. i r 0 81, it ft Mb mam j Tlio Farmer. ; . Uaba Oouaty Asricultaral Society. ; I'ur-iuiat U notice, the following nicni- ters of ibe Executive Committee couvcued .it Tuesday the 1 lib Dec, iu tie GraDd , . Tii . jry I;oom, Aew herua-rMcssrs. Jaco! . i'uily, Mengas, Wilt, Isaac Eyer, John ! licly, VauvaUili, Diicsbach, Bliss, t il-. night, whilo bis cattb are exposed to tho , Henderson, Lairl, Lincoln, Worden, ; angry and chilling blast of a winter season, and H iss. (Messrs. Swim ford, Slenkcr, i wd envy nit bis feelings, ami AVciric!;, detained in t'onrt.) j Yor sr. Cattle. Young cattle should Voted that Messrs. lloss, SlenUcr, and j always be kept in a separate yard to tbctn finyder, report ISy-laws at our ucxt meet-'. bclvc. Tiny should be provided with cont inir. Ifurtablo shed.-, their roofs projecting suffi- Voted that ibe election of Chairman be referred a ill the place of holding the Fair i liicJ upon. Tlio following places were prcposod as uitablo for holding the iii-st Fair : Fn.iNsr.itovr, 'tw Jhni.ix, Jlnri.iMiir.G, 1.I.WIM-.1 KG, MtKM.i.utno. Toted tlwt at our next meeting, the j!ire ,f LoMiii! the Fair shall be deter-1 mined bv the iiaml.er of members of the: Society, the Vice President of each Iis- trict teins t-ntitled to pive ?s many votes 1 as there are Meti.b. rs in l.rs Jlisttiet. That the friends of the Sotitty procure all the Members n -ille Iv t!,at tim-, snl the , IV tliat tiill", fill tllC e liieill l-uwgu iu .I'.a- , tefortlie place in :it. 1 :Tl-s, ami keep them in a healthfully ; ; whhes of tbtbey:"'- WUlcwouttcrlyrepadiatej 1 tiic sctui-starvatiou system ofs.ime, we arc Vice President vote 'csrdauee with the ,. r,,t..,. I I i A',.-,,! i!..,f il,. .f irt TTr " I Vctcd that the turn of Seven'vFivcPol-l if. ,,v . i . lars fr.irCXtraCSpen.ses (ill addition to Melil - bersbii,-) be t.led-.d by some resnonsildc person in duo fonu, fr. m t te District which sce-ures the plate of holdin- the Fair. v t.i 1 T r 1... , .tW;..! to p:iy fr b;wks aud stationery for use ol the officers, and also fur C'eriilicates ol Jleiobership. .. . . cr,,l T..v J ..... . 1 H.im at 1 P M. of Tuesday of First ; , i-- " i c. . (. V Ue.lK.v. JUe Sec v. i - Tl!r l.l'l1 T''"' I . , hup i f tiio ! ( riP'lor:it 01 the f"o ' Mii.eniiK ti.i neiei.li. Hi mi. ' i ro-ty wire not pn sent at the Quartn!.i i J i " leetitig, ami some present had lineic no . progress iu ol.tainiiiir .'1 mt.ers. it is sin-, portant that those Townships tl.c-y r-pie- j scut should exert thc-nisclvcs umr, iu orlrr arouse tlie atteniion and secure the co-' . operation of those mutt to be beni htlcl by j i , tlic orcaniiation. i his season of the year : affords time for all to go about and obtain j im.,...i ....... .uuuiuvio. The time and place of tbo first Fair, j will be decided at the next meeting. The . ri...,rn.i..o.l ),v f1, n.aii.ritv . . il, -,....!. V!.... Ktl llll.ULO-i;., V..1.U .Ulllix "'."Wh" ' . t. .HI- i rtSIOe'lll j ami me f'Wtr w i;i i;c so as inn ; to interfere with the Xorthuwlx-rlaud Co. : rr the State Fair, if their times of cxhibi tion can be ascertained. The Committee on l.v-Lnws would doubt- i l. f. , ) nlili.rrd l.v n-rrivinrr ponies f f Uv- L .ivs of olher Societies, or suggestions j iim any source. ! The Treasurer will soon have readv, tl- CL'antly executed Ckutifh-ates OF .Mf.m- I KttslllP, to be supplied to every Member of the S.n:icty. The eio nm to be raised at the place of exhibition, is to defray extra expenses incurred on tlie grounds, etc., iu ordcrtlr.it fvaTall sums raised from .Members may l.o .Iitftinl.t. .l in ..r.oiiiiilllC A 11 T tOWll V 1 .) ..klU.-V. .11 I 1 I.I I lif. . i wl,n.a .I... V..w io lw.1.4 u-i!l rooirn eiil,. auug nil. a -. ta uii'J, w... . - - . . K'antkl hrmpfi rm.W ptecedino- tint1 , ., .. . ... i sum, besides the honor ot having the brt fair, and the saving which would be speut in omo other town. Winter MATERIAl.8 FOB. MAKl.Nii M.VNl F.. of time and money ! V ,- I "r.t s tn-rvv sn.rr. ! I d m obtain thUuWaeu.,, result i V;.-';;:;,;'-,-;.':;' ;,;r': j t,:ru:, ' ,. ha, ..,in4 WfJtk. I and sales had been in tdc at advanced rates, j -:7't J;T",'y'!,"Z,ll, 1 !' ihe .lilFiculiy the fanner, have heretotore 1 loctoru. the atimtiou of o.UrrS..t k-iiMbrf.. " i ,a..i th.' u'.irf that aV.tthtTJ' , ""'T Whilo the weather may remain open, the j Kr 0f p,,,, J l.yrcn, died on Saturday, collecting aud composting of material' f-r The Talis journals are generally cn inaking Bu'.uurc sL-juld Le the bu.-incs of : grossed with election matters. Thema tic farm. I jority in favor of the Kmpirc, will not fall FlitEWOi'l'. Avail yourself of every jhoi t of eight miilious. Louis Napoleou p-ind day dining this month, to have cut . undoubtedly be proclaimed Emperor ti.iwn, hauled ill and piled up, a full supply I the- 1 lid. on the id iust. General do St. f firewood to !a.-t ym untii this time ucxt : Ariuaud, it is s.id, will be named Grand V' ar; let your supply be such as that, come whatsoever sc verity ot weather there tiny, ! i. will be more ample' ; and be sure to have it hauled as early as possible, so that the j iib.tr to jour beasts aud bands niay be the l.-ss burthensoiiie. W'lNTLai'i.oe'oui.ve;. As we have often before told you, we u iw tell you again : If you have any stiff clay lields that you iu Mid to fi!tivatc next sj'ritig, you would j f really imj'rove their te .ture and capacity bv pli.iiohiugthtui tbiswiiiur. You should ; , . ... .. .1 1- li -iwever, cuoute J'Jui ti; ' i- ' i The ploughing of clays should never be-. Grain Market continues t present a lwltl VJ'p'' performed w hen such lauds are wet. The ! front, and with light imports and an in- ( Yu ,m f.u,, t,. ,.';'; rMirin, itl i.r.'per time to idotmli them, is when they, creased speculative demand : the prices fur ; n.o.yr..,,,;.!,;,,,.-to hi.h ...ti ar. f,,i,j.vi. n. ob.-ir...- 11 Icr ,--1 f 1 I u..u ritliri-o.lal ur partial, lt..-y havo u-a 1...11HI 01 in. are mod, rately moist. i both Wheat and Flour have advanced. I .iiu.ut!. -i.u.-ai,n:-i.riii;iiiririun.-iioiiaiRiirin.rnf j 1 loahuaiUi. a-ti..n. )oir.fii.tf tor. birani and o'.ir r Suid JTAI.1I N'ti A.Ml SiJHI!)IXi FOR SfOCK. j " " , ,.u,vliially 1.. ul 1.. 111. hi all c.a.j'a:ut.. arlii. h mar . Wa-.l1itwt.1n, Dec. 14. This coiiinet rri 1 r'"'"1" ir'-sei'-ritn-a. fc.-a-bn-h-.-, giidiuM,. Is vour Urm i'.! tilled with aiiil le ucconi- . , ' , , . ' I uiuar t si-.bt. ram ir. wh.. -. ", . . ... ! lor Mi;ipl timber lor pun inrriaoes for Aone p-nuine unlr.s sicuecl J. X. Iluacn. moJatioiis of tins Ltiel, lo protect all your ( ,(. anoyf ,I:S I)(c.i avtarded to Messrs. s. a, and oth-rs b.m- base in.i.ation. stock fi mi the inelcinetn.-ies of the tu:cl' fuCr, (htifftj & C".. .:S!iriitfiri)Jf Mass 1 Attcnm wiahiug new s'tpplies, and store from its eoU and piule.-s raius-froi.i Tm: re.p.ire.l qiiai.t.tv is s. UOO feet, j ,",lifrsl ' must ad- its snows noiii us n.ii.a aiit Menus, ji net, p-mit us, in the name of humanity, ",:iru nu.-a-.uff. wuwmS io auoui to ask you to erect them forthwith. Every; ' ----- generu., f.-clia-' of tLc heart dictates thai ach a.eotiimo.b.ti,.:,, should be j-rovnled ; ' ... . , . . I While if.re.tbat so.illd pa-lou Inch, j when it eeice tk.-s pos-cs-i...., makes every . thing e!sa mi eu ul. . iu iy, ,;,i,. .way -t a . .... I niu be preiuiiUJ. Wc WAl a lo uu- dcuuldr true, that anv aiimal nhich mayi . . u , ventilated apartment, can be supported U1,0II .met-fjurth less food than can one t -ti esposcd to the elements. The reason for this opinion, though sound and j ample, jvc have not loom now to Htate. ! . i i ' Jf there be a farmer who can 3lccp with an j uu.&turbed conscience, of a cold, wintry cieutly l,,ng to protect them from snows, rams ami bail ; each sboull have a stall aud manger to itself ; each stall should be bed Jed with leaves or tnw and cleaned out daily, so that they, the animals, way lio in comfort. Their ghids thould face the south or routb cast, aud open into a yard for! ' .. f ... I cxorciso iu good weather, lhey should be j fed three times a day with bay or fodder of seme kind aud receive a food of grain daily at iti "lit ; oats is considered best for such r"" ,ll0USh a,,uwt ony Eraiu wiU answ er. The apportionment of food should e"mv.p..nd with their age. The great "'-J-ts shouM nc, to Keep, ai all times, t1"-' cravings of hunger from their stomachs I li Blvo lllim noiigu to pp:asc ieu , "'C sctui-starvatiou system ols.ime, wearc , i . ..i .v , . cauaiy or:ustu 10 luQ siuuuv' iiau ui . 1 ithi.. ti , tTrt., .-ri. r.-riivn Tinir-' '"... umiMt .iM..r... i : INT. -VmMAI S A 1 SUeh allillialS sllOUiJ; 1 '-A ' I ! llT ' t",oJ condition tbey shou dnc k H ' a 'ode.aely uarm, wi 11 veuliUteel , H1"1 s,l,ll wbKl1 iJ,jUlJ "el11 j, a!lJ clean thctr f'ol should be ! nulritiotis-, au-J given tu.-zii ttirtec :t uay : i"'u!ar hours: tlie-y slimi'J be watered as l.iften, curried and rubbed down night I i ii i.ii i . u ' ..til men. itig; fe wen ucujcu ai uigm ; , . - . f .. .I .. kl.n.,.l 1... I "c "uuUr l'3rt 01 -tU tl,ouiJ Ll i p-vided with a tiin-h to receive the untie , 'i ii il i'i Ti ve' it to a ciscrn t 'tt t si the st able i "'" 11 ux' 3 uUt-,ut-- ohii h sbottld be kept marly filled with t i !!! I 11 . . , ci vcrea n nu I'lasier, iuc which. ; i c , 1 . .11111 I nben perfttly aturated, should Lc rciuo- . . ti i , i . i a. j J,mw- Hiitiia fi.in i.ur ai "''" anu, Ja ut pos- ,,,..; J.lUl,j J,c nuinkled over w ith ; .L.r ..!i(i 0ytr tL.t ,,t.MlJij rl,IJ,lI., jC r.lac-tl. all inch or so of T.lnccd. If the stalls are , -it i i it i t iut Huts t.invi.lo'l. tlicv sliouiJ have mas- j , . . i s . ; le-l uaiiy fp.iui.tei u.er tu.ir muuer p.U .S , ,. j . , wiun. .lie u.nie uii.i e,un0 i.ti. , ! As Apple ?i r.n i.atiox. Twctily-fivc , i.iiiiuiea tiarrtis oi Newton nanius went ... "'ignt n the kst hurojiean steamer, j ! ' cost Uve.loi lars per Uarrei ; tnc ircigni Uh. - .rtre is one dollar and twcntv-fiTC cents, iHitd tbeT are sold in Liverpool for twenty- J " " ....... J.::lir r ovontorn doll:. r,Rr ' o " " lT barrel. The expedition with which perish-; I .1.1- J..... j:.a vl.Cu Ji.a.m.AH be .lelivercd, ensurinrr its good order, bas . 7 - c g'ven rise lb is season to an extensive traffic. ; . . ... .t t As there are tliouan1s of acres of wild ln ls in this State and New Jersey, which coll''l converted into apple orchards without much labor or expense, the raising j ! of fruit for exportation at sueb prices -ii ..tat wtt wouia prove a prolitanie ousiuess. in-ieea, the prices fir domestic consumption of late j J" won!d bring a good profit. Foieicn News. NEW Yt.ltK, Pec. 14. The United ' ' ... .. otau.s man Me'uinei nivui;, itviu j. e-i- e:. .... :i a ... . S mail Steamer Arctic, from IJvtT- 1 . : 1 .. , .1,.- , .1 to.t, :.. W hi. U WaS OUC On ttlC lJtU lUSt., ar- 7 I ' ..:.....!.. 1. ...I f il.:. ..: ifil ..M. t 43 " uuu,c Jl v J u I Several fatal shipwrecks have occurred - phe Cotiiiless of Lovelace, the sole daugb JUrr - bal of l'olice. The Chancellor of the hxeliciner, it was expected, would brins 1 1 ' w ' fin th his budget on Friday, giving a full ! statement of the liuaacial condition of the country. A severe storm had occurred in several of the 1 '.pertinents, causing an im mense destruction of pmjK'rty. The Overland Mail has arrived with two weeks later advices from India, which rc- pr.i t the capture of 1'roine, by the Ilritish troops, with but little loss on either side, Li vr.niiMit., IVe. 1. Wliglit, Gandy .'. .i ' t - .1.:.. 1 .i . .... .1. . il. 1 O. -0 B. tn.ui.ii ... iuia ua.i; ia-i, mat me- , ... - - v... ,.v.. ..,,.. ' " ' eo. nj. ciiiinin "' wp, -1 X" '"A haS n puhli.hpd lor the million. Over three 1 ltlu,ail,, v.,,,r,c, ;HV0 rn pttt,l!lhcj ofj .,. ,w nium . Kll.i,m. Tiw ,,r,w. : ,,ue. i for by Fleisvii, yj Cuest r.tt S'lttrt. , , L"..:r hrl.! ut u " ."o. lino l.tigl.iu'l, IU i,ugt .j.mini- , An arln-Ir l-ui..!. O u;k.ii f n -iillt.r prim i.n.in; rnn.rol uie tatnier 11 JU lo laar an Ills iniiius ami jiiiuaps 1 h.nuns ArlniiM-. ot. It. llt.nv IIi.um:. (.!,.ur, .-I.r. laml ( ... ,,,. .,1. i i . , r " cot-. weic uie rait new ........ v.. n 1 i..i i,.. j ir P"r. t ortfe ..... !. irf uly s..t'.- itf. ,j, horse teams and devote a whole duv thai I h.v. u.. b. -.ifiion in Mir that it i. not. .1,1, ib. 1. ,, I .:,.., ' TOvr? J??: .r..h, u-i.-vrd ill-?, liuiu .lunnaiu. lutl.-u.i una a. mi' ,,.,, uk,.,, ,. ,,, u fl.. n t.i ILc III -l l-iwr mi.int ... , , , , , . I liavr rv. r -rrn, bill liitt II i. tlie i.u!l unr I b itv ol . tiv. ..,. ' -ve t. it it. Kailwrv .barw in I oudon " ' "r""- ' ' . could hxt mon, P", '""1'' emp yl lo V, tr,'lt l;nws,roi1H. on Mvi.,i,rir' ti.t Hn.i c,r, . r . .. rr H,' ' ' Tr""'v ''""""- " CNeitem-lit III tiatlW.IV Siiares in J.OUUOn, ,i i, ,-.,. h..,r irjti;,,., ,a and a ttr.. th. mjke from x to twt w bane Is uf cidor. To ..1 i th h ,.i....-.1... i - .1 ...- I. . ., '. . T ' ..' !'" r l...u; ha.r Un, f. I). EiOCKB DENTIST returnee "j.wr.v isrtaf . ThirJ ..rent. Kept, l, 185 JfHTilllQ YQtttitfS, UUI.S. FlsH. 3 JIAM; r,lt "Al.it otc for aais al by 30O llw. C1IECSE, SUOC Flitch, and si'iouMcr. Dairj, Letcubrif t lifup Stiirr C. K. BOrVES II. GERMART, Surgeon Dentist, A T hu Residence, South Thitd St., com 1. of the Board walk. LEWisHVKO. 399 KYIXI'TORS' A' OTIC C. T 1 ETTEKS leatauiciitiry on the last will j ant tes!amcnt ofSMuL An-Mi, late ot the B'jrcuh of J.ewisburir. dee'd, have been grained to the subscribers by the Register o! Union C-'. All persons having claims afrainst the estate will present them lor sememem a"d ?' Pr;"s 1e ?'Wm!'1 wun UYKRs A MM OAS, 5 tswisbnrg, Oct. 18, " Ammons will eontinne t!. lumber business ol the late Finn of IIcksh ana amo, an-i respeclful'.v solicits a continuance of the public palrotiage BVGRS AMMONS. 10P0 En2lih on.! Oerman AI.- J-OtJtJ MAN AC'S for IS53. ju-t rrciveJ nil for gratuitous distribution. Call ami get one udavc your r pence. D THORNTON & CHRIST VPOX'S FORMS U li-U n. ' ' V( ,.ji,l,;..r Mnnot U-U'n fhnt'A U -.--r- SP&r tx, M . y. jr.-. m i. ,, ,,, iv.,,, i(,-i. r Si!iniv.ir u.t r. n.nn.r.tii. Sitirnic nii'l irp!iunt enri. tni lite Mini's ti inr v.i- riltuciii ini-r( uj JiwiJmv uttu r.n.-.-. f.,t:rtii to lUr IVrA-nt .Uti of UiO Wiwr ; it I nn.us h.eil;.ni trr' Ntr! mil II fi ri ir . :;! Nw .nut t-r C'.tiii n - i..u.i- t..u.x. k. w ii, l,. i,io..r tlii'KO.IatoruIuni.-. I n uiy j. Krroar.ajin w. , tM rk JlTlr wml i(Jrm. ;,,. ... v, tlw lilt. ,..., .,.,,. , ttl ,.j ivi..,-jiia..i.,. -r,.ut..j u,i-jM3; i;.,ni, tyth yn- Ai- 0'5oiion ti m .in-irr, BINNS'S JUSTICE nfclvr.'j t V1.1 t . t f ' wi iii.' it 1 r..-.- .t..o i,t..i, ouit.. A TlirATII'S Ih.. ..ffn- !: 'irs of .M.t.TUiin .h J-'. -f h f.-,.,-..,.,t, i ..,-,!, i,,.i tv. '-. in.iii m..-n tii.- m,Uir-j t..rm-. f t. i.-i iri- i vti itr i-i tn .i n.t !! ir i in i m tm t" j i. r.-nain.. i; i.-iri a.-..i,.:....i m.k,,,- th, i v..Tmw b.t it m i.. w. . s ,i. i.c,.ni -u-i.- t..i j t J"tll l?H.lt. i.it ' Al'I'Tlilttl lit 111 n' I i.r it.n t'Fiiia 1 ifil. ..1-I..I It. ril. I . rr rli .1 :o;.l i i.nallv r.ii!Hrj.. Jfi P. r. i.nalij l.nlnr.-"!. J! r. I . l.air.mt.v. trf.. In on. ti,j.k vtmMMm i-i.......ivr-4.v. . J"',;'' V'1'" '."",f "": omy ihv l.si. i ut ih.. ...i!y i.r s:o d r it al vc hair . !:air.mi.v. I.i. in On.- ! l"c M-,J"U iv n::., ,'.! sy :,'y m i.. ;yj,..f. TitorusT am nu.r rn vt!-k. n.-.-ti iri j--. ; i .. s. ... ;r-ik iini:,,-- ,i i i.......... 1. . r.h-n- tii V'1-''"-" '' i;i. -'r oi iUi. ,;,.. .um L.-. , i.-., Vc. In Io V-...ta tvi'VIUTiivthi: t.irr ok l.lMiTr.n I'iktm.i: ship m tl.r i ..ii.-i Nam. iit. ii.u r. ir.-.:-,is t tin r .,r iutra t( ItfJIlirV f-tl tr.- rrHUtT ii.romrllyau ;Tmr.J" UodiI to. KY & H!("TjlKIt. i-ATT ri bij-it' f a n i;'i sMi.rri. 1l3 .V'tri-.f .r V.Vorf. WrtJffs, M-Ii ii.-!, &c. Jenks & Ogden, a it TI , (-.. , IOC, ."'WA 7liri rret, PlllltllKl.rnil MPOKTER. of Ur?s Mcllc.ines and Dvr- ; . - .. ... . - t NtitfU. M;iniiln.Mn., ,.l Pnrf Wtnlr I.n. .....I .r....U..t ..J ..II , II A t . . .1... .. I . .. ! Pin". O.ls ami Window (Haw of all size.. alia-kl SirxtM 1 iirnr iiiiiip Ritriunn Flu nl An Cl,,lilal,,iy hand at ihe lowest prices. ! j-. t ..- i ... i !Miierie.rv-nemicais.reri.imery anil .-surgical tnstraments to which the attention of countiy merchants and phvsicians is respcctfullv solie - id. 4. - $"00 CHALLENGE. THATEVER poneerns the health and happiness of a people, is al all times of ; the most valuable importance. I take it for; .t.i -! i j ii' .-'. Sramed that every Person will do a! I in their power to save the lives of their children, and that every person will eu.'eavor io promote ttirir mi'.i ltntlti nt nil .nirifirpii I fr.-! il to '' ? ,"uty to s ni.ly assure von that M OR.MS. according to the opinion of the most . . . r.. I.r.r.si hr,i.-i.iia. " tU primary raurr. .' a tori.-, msioritv of diM-asm to biili rl.tldrrn awl ailn'.ia nre . '.. ,.. ..,,. . .., r,.,,.iu.v , 1,,. v l...li. 11 i.ni' -n .iiau.i. ri...uu.u .. i M ik'. rrh l.r.ttisl I'ltvyi. fioia nr l;n:.l ot f...l lo .itiolln r. Hu'l I.icnlll. 1 am ill 1 thr stomal h, I'ii-kh .t th.-.V. 1I...U, -,.-,ai,j Kulln.-. v.;. n hi, " '. :: sr. i on of the Urilj-. I'O rl.. S.ow 1. i.r. f.il.-r Irovu'i r-- . cx:r3ct a portion ol Ihe cider, a conr'durab.'c por XrC".Vi::.lATl)XX - ' " o.-.mr sr-anj that hr lias.u-.l , i "tfitit mMS' a I lion hems abHbe4 bv the ,'. a.id .he aa of .. ..a. A,r. l.t. m:. rr'aSi-lVri:"' "'!L " " ",h- - inrw-iiicton,. rf itr.ii;:th 10 thr. b-aia. h. -blrh mskr. labouM under, ,- , u. . ' . ) . . ' V V "" r,'Uih. r,j, :., .. .... ....I . . . . i . . ..... i 1 am wrtl .att.n.rl that thr Mvmrtic l.'htninc kial. I onaunu.lain ahirh ram rt.M ..... . .. ei'Ma-v ..t.raJiothc a 1 h"n inTrnlfd.aiitl the ttnteiinnt of a few f.icts l -""im thu.ty i tin Uw i.rrh-rin;ity and m.tRnft T II K TA 1 E WORM! i r1". " H ou' ",e 3UM"t Tl.i. I. thr Mont .liffi. nlt W. rm to .lr.trov . alt that I ol V"J '" e'steme, bul lhal II l the moat I l...-k is rrr i.r.1 and lib,. -rrnl by tbr n..-.-n. t at the top it.f.t tin- lu.ii.au n-i.ui. Il r. to .,";ia. t ii.,1. ri- J prif.tiib'e that a man can have on his farm. The ! '' "V nl. aurt uwo.ii.l h.- iiii:.rwii.... arp.r.l.ui u tl.. i..,...,i. k.. .... mii..i niui in...,., .i o. ,i.. ii.t.... . . i. .L , . . . . . I:. of uttr-l!-!i att-1 r..;i.ilr.o:i. f 't a 1'U.I'llIli; to 1." V?rT.4. .Vto ; rriUM.. St. Vilur I'aiir.;. Ut.. tiiat iIhai alt:.ri.d (. Id no : pulp. 5 mat II re.piltes lull a couipaiaiiveiy llgnt I lino- r.la. I l.avr Irrii ur..iamt..l aim Jlr. Arniitn. it rr.r ru-.rl that it if : lli.rm haatrulop Itiriu loan ! pte.-Kure, and that but a miuute or to,to exltacl ! f"r "rml y.1.1... and I. fur hrr..n.ii.u.r.l th- liian.lf.ir- wrly pravr. la .Id. r to d.-Mroy tbi. aotia. a rrry rnrr- ! -it ,i... :. ..jnir .....-.inr.l bv t.rariir .1 i lar "' '"l'3 ' 'Z:"K !'U " f"n "n wbirii U.pv K li. r ti'.iii.-iit tuu..t Ir- piiMHiiiit w.iuM th.-r. Hivlo 1 ,' " 1 eilaine.I hy practical j .. .,..r,., t.-l. ai-.d f it r...,.,n.rd that thr.r ad...t.o,. pn.i.-r to Hike o to S or mr l.li cr 1'ill.s. ao a to rvir.nvr atl oUnirlr.iis, tl at thr H'oim Sru. nay lu t d.rrrt tla n Itl'r '.1. altirll tii.l.t l p Lit.. -II ill iluHs of two ui l.-siKuIullr .n. tin,., a dav: dbrcti..,,, f,.. .i i.-v. ''-.-t ban- i.tv.-r v.n ki:,.r.n u. fml is curing the buki oj- oui.Il- 1-a.M.- or J.nie llo.m. !li'I:.-.S.rh S unci; rit.rx. .-o i-ari oi inr .irii'iii isiiiorr ii.u.ir lo .ii...':i ii:aa tnc Liv-r. il ..-.it.f us illtrrrr n. ..urit the food, or iriv- lu tiir i-ioprr v.i'ti.i.i to thr t.ii.-: u that any aronj; a. lit.n ol thr l.i.-i.-r riln-la th.- oltirr iiitioitaii) artft ol tin rv t.-m. and r.-ult.. T.irtou.lv. iu Livnr t'oiai'laiiit. Jitlindbx., l.iail.fiil, Ar. Via r-houid, thrriifor., aatt-h rvrry eim.t"in that mi-l.t ii...ralr a r.r.n; ai-tii-tt of the l.iv.-r. iui-ro 1'illa ta-lli;; r..utj4i-il id l;vti nitd I'luitlt lurnlrliiil ! natun- lo lo.nl li-c sl-.K. iiano ly. l-t. a ...a n i.... I.uhnoii::ry murui. uifutl mut) t j n.iti..t tb- li.Al:rj I ot furn-tttl itiallr. -til. An AtUruttre, li:rh ciiwitit-i tn j ,-ua- iijrxi.li.-nM-.ml imviUV u..i.n., r thr a rl..:. i.K.r- lml itiou l the ' -ui. HJ. A irtc whtt ii I'nt-s t.n- I an I ..liTG-th lo tin itini.ua ri-t.-ui. ..i...ii. hrallli and ri.rr t,. all artl of thr tr-ly. 4lh. A f. -rrv.f. nl.u-h a-l. ;n 1 i-r. iloai ll.oliy v i:h Ule otu. r ll.arr'.j. uls :n l o(..n.t.oir o.t th.- r-.w.-ls. and cii&rilir.a lhr aln.t uu,.rt r..rni.t 1.1..1 .itu.,d in .tt. r. .n.-d pnnl. ing thi ih,,,,,-, !,0. ISO, ycilx -d, above Race !t., l'hiiii.1 , Pa, Sold by all 1'iuggiMs ani J'tiehatits in tl.r I nitod Mans. ,its rs. ur. i in.rut.in . J. U.-.Ler, I.r is- l?' uW"t "T A"""S ' ""T IV. Ia is Sehnnie.M lipovr ; Sntztr & r.io-, MuUmbtuR ; Voa-.-onaa ft W alters. l) Valley ; R. Keller, .VUrwiurg; . tu-umj et. tidiilern'a' ; M S't -elif. re..irrtc n ; .1. I IiipS. oi' frr, .s.-a I oiii-v.'ii i , A. II. l ut ii..i H,:i. l'ai L i.'.a 'ii ILS !. 11 r A5CTl:n A Journeyman nock Ma f kcr or tJunsmith. to svh in constant mrilorrneTit at Mera! waeres will be grren to fork in BRASS ana IKON. Enquire at this illicc. Lewisburj. Nov. 9, lrt 5 3w India Robber Gloves, Hittens, Sic. CyOUNTKY Merrhants.in maWii!g their pT.r- cliasr.shonlil not ir-;lect these desirable and saleable articles. Their mamifaeiure has been uiuc'ii improved recently, anit l-y are maile very durable, l'articnlar aitcntieu is requested to the lW-yif.7 Gbect '? SVltfHt. ,.. V.' tn mM jui.1 Wrt W-ttUff J'3'ii' vill Snd Ihii ".loo tiM-ri in any i-k tht ni : 'IXZiZm Th.jf are ua.if Ml litlh to pro'''-' tli':mm:ij r:ta. rrle ly Wiiroj, Biltina" i ,t.harr'' -v'V? i"iii:iiTliiiti.ir:. !. Kic..iht4 ll nkcll, lt:.liimow, 1.1. II W. Srhira.T.C!mrl.l.in. S.t). Brl4 M;.l:.o, inii. "Imo. nu i.y nil iiiinr:r iniw in w " At rct.til tT t'ouutrtf Mi'n.hnlfc (rcnMrall--. ?uii) Ovster Saloon. UAVINU fittcJ tin the Rooms in FairKs new brick block in a superior manner,; hrsiibicriber is now prepared to accommodate iadlvilaals and parties witn OVStrrs etc. in he best style-:. A suare 01 pun ic pa ronage solicited by V. F. HES.S Lewisbur, ?cpt 15, 185! New Shop. StlttllM'! Mlft'r has i;ist opened a shop mi Market square, between tlic Pn.M OJIrcc and I.yri.lall s ll.Mwsiere, w here he is prepared to make and sell BiioU and Shoes of all kii.'J.-!, tor Ladies, Misses. Men and Boys. AIm fur .-l .'I'll vi.il.'v' ..r ..il ti 'UK, ill '. 1j V.' u alt lU-t, IIMTAIHI'I, ilnne as usii'il Produce of' all kinds wanted in exchange u...rtr mr unra. 11- ...in,.-n,i;,. o,..t :.l, ; '"" "-i". Kw-t iii.ii. naifl in ; tlie very best way. he rrnpes tn share the pat-! innate of a discriiiiinaiine' public. Lewisburi,', Nov. 11, inr2 I I;iaii-rri'Wt po U.ikrin-aisi's taken ici ui lin to tlie lal.-.t improvtiie'iils, al the Hot door brum- liniiu !Sore, uu tne most . . . reasonable terms, l s. ,. BnttKTRESiER. I.ewil.urjr, Oct. 2'. lt-:52 .7.r , ' 'K a;;ivs roycERMiMG r?-,'.Vi j IRC OUuUCnrta.trt nnli. nUMU -.f.,. r- Kaai i t' (r; t.r'f tvhd tni Ltnsf,ni' tu opened one of ihe best and largest' Mock of Kvi r. Si wtx'fwu f.Mmiw ev,, opened in this country, ...d of such .tyle. n ml n until iri n Will ! i tlr.cltnrk t nil aud ti'jJlilicu as will give ajtiafjclton to ail, DRY GOODS of all kinds, G not' EU IKS, ClT, T-a. pi.'. ?ut.x, M 'la-va. Hire, CLco ' wrkwi. ,, autu To.m. .s, 4e. it .1 i Al$H Jl'JtUf tCllfe. UtWit Hit fire. I t( tntttrr. IT... .ml Cap of th. latest style and best quality, I ...!.. I. - II ... U- . . - t Oil. of all kind, and other article t .o " ...... ; numeroui to mciiliou all f whirh wi.l jd . at p. ices so low as to asioni-h purchiser ' n v;.,.t- ..f r,.n.,. piiimi.m' :. !s.'t 0Sr,,, rK,,UtCL tok,n W ! .:-,. ii e r e ."-h-,. I ... r... i .. .... ' eluunhrre, 1 charge nothiua fur lo.iking at my Hood. U. II. RISSEL. M flliuLurg, Cct S3. 152 Jvipn.Unt, to Fcumcs and lhnsckcq,: HlCXOifS PATENT CIDER KILL . . .. . . .. .... I time. uupp.eu lhal.la.ge iiiirataiiiv nl mrr rtiii'ii im nimii miiv nv iiitiw a poi.d.rous n.a.bine, that utoikly crush, d the' apple-s without iriiiiditig them line. They were ." , . . . . J . ' . .. ,n..A,. ,,,i0 , miissivc clu-esc in atravr. an.l a i j -j --.r , . . rooft severe and l.n.g prrssure was rCjiurcU lo jrfiffi TWsfftfiri "I'l"' maen ne gra.ru up .mo aim . 'riiii.i-n. luui vic a nurin nni.v cm oe iroiaiiNu i than by l!ie old plocese. llesul.'S this il requires : . ... i i . i i . . - . and to Bml and make up into cider 'ar0e: quaiimy oi apples inait can tie possit.ty made on Ihe old-fashioned maihiitra. On this orces, owiijo lo the c:npacliies ol the poinicc in . , . - -. . , . . ,!lc " " lhc complete manner ut which 11 I. ground, a pressure of three to fire ions th ch can be raly obiaiucd will produce a more favorable icaillt than one hundred l.v.s pressure on the ordinary cider pirss. even if the itpplec were ground ag mirly us on toe improved Mill Ullil if llio mini. ivrri runn lit rrn.h.l nn ihs u( marhine, it nouU tTiiuirc a pff&suro ol two ' i,,, i, i . , .. , , . 1 Ions to proJucti ihe rWul accornj.lishfil l'V ihU iattjlit Mill. The foll'iniiig me odJuccJ as divided advantages of lliu m-.rhine m-lo-a m.-rv t i-trr than any olti.-r pr c. iih a irir. n noanlitv ,.r annW in . ii:i,.. ,,..! u,,K I n.u h Ir-. ial..r rind rxa-ur... j ..CTTl'idiir"1" ,'K';"""'n,, '"'"rt-r Ci.'. r thau any j " nV.'JYon'rrn mskr your Cblrr a wn rr.mt IL nn.l ! .-li.-n ynii aaot it nud in i.tantiti. iruia our gai:oa to ; 'r;.i,u I I'rrrir., f'hrrm. Kinu r, ia.nl and T.i..w. I '(.i-Willi it you can nio oxt t'oltilil of jour i litnr In msktr. Aprlr Hutlrr. i v.r.',U,lh il you ran CTidor.ho;,Tour AppVr.rot. lori. Tumi; a. Hi -ts. t arroi, or I'umpliiin. SirlVtlr. .vr.('r-t:.r ii.ur. you.au at all tiuun Lav. FKKSH j ,ud sV t.l.i l idi-r. 1 -1 , . .. . ... . ,.r .a.. r: 1 a. 1 1 -. 1 ... I . nc f.tov u. ..iu vitirr .11111, wim nunt 10 use j ;hc immc on any one l.rm, i. 'J3. J'ric ol Ihe I he-iwofmu' and w.itjht alwut SOU poun I. It may readilv !.e taLen lo the cellai, ilojr-yaid. kitchen, barn 1 mr, or orrhard, as m.-iy be most convenient. Kor Siale, County or Township right., or fir liianu 10 make machine, in certain territory fur 'latcd period, o.Idren. (iot p.id) IV. (. JIICKOK, lluni-iiurg, 7a. t"? Ter.an. in Union and ihe opper part ol Northumberland counties. anJ in I'lim. am) Irttth vallrya. I'm. r ccun'y. cm proeuie tho i.M't i-iitamrs CD eprticat'ini-ia ll.C HI'.KOK. , Js-u'tgfatcn on the Juiuitt f U' aur.cn- ovtr ;nc ou one. 4 u uuiv ji.:cu 01 , i ..u n a:.,i r..u:i.. l ),- i liit'iu vi ni'ir ! r. dti.t, will tiiH l v t-ikin- . . .. . . ... j. or S.'.J (r ooore IZth, rhlhihlllhll. "" ui.hr..a.-n - .MLatirl ro:i.-.r,l r fr-.h .... rr-t II Is a tact III tt I. IS. KIsSiOl lias not. .r. r.1 r.Ii. f rr. in nl: r:n -. ami ,.i,. i 1 nl,,..l .,f .11 ih. ...,.-.,;. ....I k .. .. ' fh-rc all tersoiis are respccifuHv invited to call nr.Ul to tl-..or-.n.l.t a ho' am U.u. a'i.-i i.. . :". OILS," TA LLO W G It E ASK, Chio Mineral Faint. nir SBIAM to'lt.NKiIT on- PricIKI.p;H" tV.'U onllxiiH -d? da in c-rltfiif .ri-m!.iiM. n in do ll 4 l:.rr.l. UOILtD l-AIMOtl. J IS tin lo j.ll 1 GjI1.ii ti' tie do in cnk; if v-iritiMi iu do an do SiO Barn-ln T A .N Cits" 111 I.. VrM ioU nd .uali- tii-s troni niit'. pur si-ll'-n. U'ioO ;!iou n t 1 Tr.fi--i i-- Variom kied tt.id in.'Iilii. 'riiro . to -''I C"l:t.-i p'f CT-b'O-50 Trtin "1 Al.t'M Oltl A.-K IS-r IKhitt lkarliiiw. no 1 Toiirw Mjrlrji.'ry, iu ll.i: n.-t. ur Ci-ks ol u cjU-Ft.t"iii-. rv iiiiM'ti. r'rirp i cnt pfi: lb. 1W T.a oltl'i hii;i:al I'AI.M', in Urrcl, t the l.iirit uiarV-l nrii i. Machinery Oil. warranted no to chill in the CnIil-( nraihur, anil considered by thiwe usiiij; it rM,l to rm Oil. li,iU Point W.,al to l.iusftd Oil, llltmr lhao lor mhile. I am rountuiitly rccening larue suppliej of the , boe naoieJ Briiclcn. and m motto i. Sinail Uroli; !);! u!tk iCluril." II. t 10X0, i ft Wairr St f uniler the IVarl Si. Hou.l New York, Feb H.a 3jji 1-3 AlU- lurk HL'SSEY S GliAIX REAPER, r rntt; i ,t Crn an,l GraS 101 ClUllUg Uolll Uraill ailU urjss, Gnat fmprrnimenHirl'ihil. rANt KACTI RED and for sale at the IT urir , , 1 LcwI,bu,.., F.uin.lrv 1V GEUUES, MARSH CO. 300 AGENTS WANTED. SI. COO a Year. TANTEII in evi-ry County of the United Slates, active and enterprising MhN, ; to enoa?e in tlie sa!e of ainne o! the b''sl biM.ks pnWu,hcj , eU!llrv Mell ofgud a,M.,.,: ' .... . ,, . eoR. . -,,, - w,..!l I ,.f (V.i.r. o"i t,, Slllll posseMU5 a mimi capital ot tn.m ?.S to rl wot nave Mien iii'Mcemcms oneretl as eiiaoic them to make from ?'i to ?10 a day profit. 'I'k- I,,, .l-e ..l i 1 .II.. ,.8 r in fC in , , , " , . , - w ii. . ' - 0,1 " 1 cnarnriri, rxirrinriv 'Mipuiar, aim cuiuniauu i iar tv,",rvver.",-' a.rf ol!l''cJ i ror futtner particulars adilress (polae pd) .It.t o V .it7 17.1.1 I L.I..-. t . f. I t.a W A l...or.. t:. No. 133 North -on,i isircel, I'lnladelphia . . . t rl fcn many veais eloac tnvpstirjauoii anu J iiiune iiiiiniroiu fiperiuieiits. the i'aleiitrc lakra ..l.urr in iiJomiinir the lul.lic lUt h. ba anivi d nl ihr t tie piineiple ol piniirtii.c Ijui;!. -- I din llli.B and pro i rly Irinn ihe desti uctivc iullu- of LIGHTNING. 1 eluin w i ' tlul every t'lti , 1 ti, tllai,e and l ouiit.y lulls ' victim to annually, tlno' the gru.;. n.liiiue of , its iiihnl'itaiils, Is tie.vono cJIcuiauoit, csp.-ciany I when the lemtily is o easy to oltam lhi u ; i found ill Tirt.TITAGE'S i 13'itfnt iU.unrtic L'i.,l)tniil3 UoJl3, I ', anij ,,, nl.mo. This Rod has liien exaniine.l , ,, m.i M-iruofir h. nilenun in ihe woibl Professors M Murine, Johnson, VV allnr ami many ! filling fVl Ik'ltwl fX lltlitli'll tlii.m. ticimmrnd and in-:.koflheuiiiithehii;hraltciiiisofiprobaii.n, and have .rouom.cI them the only sale rod in Ufv in this or any other count: j for the protection o! I.im-s ai.d Propeiiv. One advantage ia to dii.lr . ..I .1.- .1. l.arn.l. a Bimilllowr.M.a a , ...v v.... - 10 the clouds ; in lime ol a stroke this enables the rod to comlujt tint ..'i'inn of Mum tint brl.ing, j lrt lhr railh wiili-ui iheiMe-t Juiteer of lea- . ti . a . ivz I lie cciijticior. ! Iim rut! has many otner i and cMiniuo for ih.niseUrs For ?f W holesale ; or 1,'la' y iiius.iil.ii.iut. , fu!1 , ,he tollo im; iroiindua-.. companies . a..i!.. I -.a. . -. a 1 . . . wa. Ia a. ra nriivtoaa nraa aTKaaaarf 11 1 lw I U:U CUi l IIUIlL'U3a OTUtSOa 1 a. V I.MVV1 aajaia I JufiniilU'J : I H.Tiit'i-r. Jii'U ltiuvr. JuiliC' (.'oiinwl. J. 1olf-ni. .I"lni ll:tu. 1'. fhtii! y. J.Un itn-r. ti. htllry,t'.ura'i IniT.Mti, 1'l.f Ml--kl' .litMliOjf. Atitlersuu i. lin'tliwir. i K.v J. I., nut J.-lm .iioian, l it.. rot;r. 1 . i. f:..i ii I ii (- f Iv. a.. 1 V I ; -. i- .1 V Uatu.u I' 1 1 itnitih It- . J. i ..rMrVM'i rTliyTT , i. : .... i n..i t ir . j A I U ' '"''"'."" Surinif 4.irl4'ii I iiitut5ir'i!r9 Halt. " ,N ,,,, .v,,- ,.;' .v,- J r,ra.iiior fr:.,.in. Jml-e- ' MTa'l. Jii'lf l i.-. AJm N.iuian, lir. U. M'Murii.-, ', "j ';Kr"- Mr- i"i"if- I fopTbeo,..,..b.;,bed Affn. for ,h. Unties ; ' I nion. Juni.ta. .M.lllin. I llliton, l.ycoumijC, : -orthu:ubtil4iid,Moiiloiir.t,..himl., I. uxerne i 8A.MI EL HOOVER, tr il i . l: Il I niriittuii. I.HIUH counry, m uin. ' l..l .r.,1 I. a.l.lru..! nrwli.i.ti lo VIp , ' Hoover, will be promptly attended to. He has Il 1'U l I . ii I lite i'l I'liii't t uuuru iv. i , u., .,, ,, ao i.,ds i l.ion , r '"me ' "?'.?"?Vr.'9' ' county, ) IV I VFOV i.irvn- i ........... -r.. ii.it-.-.mu u ... a'.. ...... ...i.k il... . r . i . . ... t.- . i - v. .. it .,i(., ,,. i ,,rr ' T.1 "'"I ",MU iii--. tfl f'" t"'- sn. .m"u. ''"" '- '" 1 "Ji '' '.")"' Kmra S.ra'.i. Kii .tn. . .. If. I. ia. i.M, l, ., l ll..'l,..,.i. '4,nf Iu. JllllU iiilar. i.A..;f r.. J-I.n Iruat, Cuu.an-u. 1 '1'- "'-' ? - h.,.!r,.. ,tn.U . t li.-htniiv .h.,. ..rourt-d .., .. ,.f .nui'i w- ru- D.ini . m, i.Mn,.ipir mm--, in i.i.-rr.-.-iu. ,'" ' ,., of tlw ro.ii.lry. ia amnio n.oiio.-i..laiio.i ..f thrir iiti'ir-nrd . rior.tr. TUAl'V K. V) AI.LLK. M. U. i:ii.i Sua. I'hilad Co., Aoril lo, 1S52. PIANO AGENCY. rj AVI.t. heen appointed Ajrnt forth rale l ol" the celebrat. d Pi mo-", manufactured by .ro. vora.r, I'ltiiaii., the undrrsinrd would be happy to supply any ritizi ns of lhc Sius.iu.'hnuiia i nunlry who may dcsi,c " '"strument well made, after the latest improvements. Two ot thrsc nstrumrnls have !a"-,l,- n u".;.l,",,!.-.tobkh I Aia happy to leler ally one. 1 hu l lano are arc uarrciitt d, and if Hot satisfactory on trial for .1 . 1 . " e"' thi' '" b'' ''e'wKr''- "' so- "Me FR NC1S J. UE8AER. .ewi.-burs, Feb 24. 1 8a. o MOST KINDS OF TOR ll?lNrrT N(t '-' J lJ -1- A-'---' -1- ---- -4 t .NEATLY & EXrEDtTJOlSLY AT THE CKRONICLE" OFFICE rioAL.Pi.x.srr.K.SALT.Fisn.mox V nd NAl!., al v r-n hand and for lately I). S. KREMEIt & CO. 1 j IJ if If TIIK C'i;U:HK.ATED int. ti artFAT m.v .r; .Tr?.CiNF.i.'sji iAlI.YurMi( 11 Irtifn ai.ti I1 vtcriui fuu uu Sores. 2J. il.lA.V OP eOLT BtiU far .-Urioff or Hturioi j tbr Hum r.n Hrtir. ni LXiUX Y yt.K fAVLK hU.WU, a cure f.r .t ; rartvJ Khrtimatiuiit. i JJth. iluXAHVH AC0CS71f, OIL, etrbin cut t-t I IfrafucM. j Uh. UArSt LT.XAV.:Xr.nunn cun forth I'ilwj. r-th. AVWWVfAVA' HUA'JA tlF. UKSr.hY. I Trli. U'JlUF.iCb KKIJf.F, tor all wtarn 10 lb-, fiwi , It wr. iih.' LOXGLErS CHEAT YTr.n. .V.1.V M.V.f fM. fir tVliit aini ltrtih f--iiu n prvntii' ft r; fur Athmu, lirr Cmujiiiiil iBi lliili'ju All c ttona; for Hiarrh-ra, lu'iirv-stiua ! f Anti; Pr rliciic-; ta f-malf ami uilc.?a't uenuui cuci platttti; f"f M"uiicb A'orfiuc, I''pvrtij, fti, Khru inatUia. Ac Ti uml jr lni an it i U"t KmI t tak j. liffr rain, atel -r tfnv mr rt-'iir- tub. hOhMSfiM.KS VFHMiFt 'St; lUorm KilUr . ! fi'r fliilJnn or jjrown iTj-i. t lirh w u t i zc-iv inn- 'T r r ftf No m.-IWiH. ha Wn di r-.TcrM tli.t i bi.pi.il 1. - tHf.n.mf.rit.iH,lr..I,,b,l.,l:,lin,i.J.l-rf.,riu .urh .o..d-r. l-n ,rvr...l(, . .n'.li r lalk. h, fri.tioD.-t., L.tt;;. man l-',loiui,t..-li. tU'i. ."AI SHitl.T. S liTiH Il Itl A'.W I 'll.. TI.. .n...TAl Aif I lLLSuA TEX- ft: HA rK Hirrtr i. tlth. THE KA.ST l.lli IMP VAII J'W.A for i:iil. Ilriiiri. Snrt'H. Aft lotli. EA rllM.T or .S.I .y 4 M .'.. .1 Tbi r - " hu oiilliTil all i,;h.T Sunmnllu, suj Hill gi anrr.atiii.fiafartioitii.rrcr. ITth. Tbr crlrhr.Mr.1 ..r.n l STKk XiiTtlXMy: '..I.S7":.-.ma.l.. from lla. LIX S rn .'li-, an.l tar aioat I pt..Ur in the m.nk. u i"th. in:, k'u.xtrs T.uiTii aiiik. DKors. " " ' ",r' ,, r a.tir. ih. Jr. m-t.m k I,,. Iat, l-.n-M ,h- ri-M f..r : tur i imi-.i sint....i ti.r r. . i.rt. it i ov rTvr.' a rm I -".VM'J' ll.l Tt l;. f nn.l at th Salt .una..r Iir. t'. ba.r. at St. t'a'hiTitHf. '. W 'll.i- i.ird:r;.ir , liu at.alni a Hoi.ir.rt v an I ropa'aritv nrrvr Wtura niiall.l lT an firrpi-ration at tliat plart. anil ifa "a'a ha. l-fn roiuiu-u.urate with its turrita, wLirli arc rltiar ilii'rv. All Ihr rmr.lta arr fullj .lr-rril..l in A I.MAN AIS, to IvsiTcn toall who catl ahrrr Ibr ni.iiiriiir. arr krrt. NOTIll? all a...a ," ' VniV'i $ i V"v' "'T.f l:a with Hm. fttr trini.t ... , r ,. u --it All in-lll-tr in'ci Vr ,,,,,,,, . OTIIMts JH ST I.K Sft Hint s. Il.-.l b iMIl.T.wf Tli ahotr mr.ii,in.. ran I. lia.l in l.i wi.lir. rnl, nf J- " Y"'"""" .'.,i""r' .""' '""b-r. in Hi. imniM ." ' .j. ...... CHERRY PECTORAL Far I he Cure st fOrCHS, COLDS, IIOARSi:.F.SS, IIKO VI IIITK U'llltAPIVf' tl 'lf ('Irni'P 1WTII1II v r ii t 10aSI.iPTI0., to rt rr: a hi.i. u nti lit: 4,-if avh ' f .V J," Jit I. ;, 1 . th, . .. , - . ,m b, ' i,i,t " -u""? ; ".' I r- in i.r ion. II. ti.ke it rtTi it:. n- ti. ' ,i;;:-i;'.;.r!itf to uiri..w ! ' "I'tllrutly Will alt Hi rIIU.T-, ' f r fr m th- tr ut.ir -h,n t.. v rind it r iln- )i. inc. imi up will JMJt k,,. , in 1- 5-j r.-a.div ' it-h j ".IH?,,, .. in th, . ,i1,m-.iI...ii,n(!U,i,rri;i,,llJC "-;: "l"!'" I :. - a. .... . .. rant, mrmr ft J siir,- tr:al m our prr.v. aa.l tln.l it t nmVt. 9n othr rmly we have for cuthj aff-riir.ii. .f ibe rr.i i ratoi crsai.. ' 1 ... MKVm H4MIT..V liin-.-r. whrn tram in tnii.ll unanOiL. 'i..'.T f1..!! honrarnrra in a f-w hour., at.d aiHiaVrtiil.. - . ... nl frsihilitir of thr. anjp., 3 ..v, -a ... vii.i ... . .. sur r.te , i1";;1 ; .'" th-. ,..,,. " I n ' r irr.latioii i.r ,i . , ' r-.rti..n of.h,. tur-.. n.av llr 1.71,7 f-cor..; in.uulland frciu.ni dom-.. Thr uurubfc-tll'lr ppi. r-ii -rr !. i 1, A.lhma and l!r. ..rli.lt. a. u,c t,, .," . ' v ,oriir imwraf. r , r-in ....ir. ''a.'m.Hri,ra,ltjfn.nVafnl f 1 I . .-..,,, ; until il aui.iurs tar iii.raar i D'.t bill to . nrr. U Uki D IU Klsno, It will ,,, l., ,Vr,, ,, t,', Ua P " J mi. rysA i. .r ,t.t m..r.A i., ti.j, ... nr. .ium.iru..ii.v. ...... !.,. a,.,, . .i,,.!. ...... ......I -...Z-.r..-TT ""-I'O-n.-'a. " -.-i, uir . r , .,. . ,r..i ....... - : ' " - Sirrw. .&.. nth .Tm-w. ;.!. i . I' - i J .iyrr ; i am- to U.r-rm T,.u t.f 11.- Mliar-'.fll. tT.i tk i,f k..i,r v.. r- . a, h. iv ..... .Bl.fr. ...... ... .... . V.1" ,Uw ":u"' pt-Iv enr-.t in Ihrt-e 4.tr ,f i .in-Z.i!?? V-"" t rliv-irinMifv frtn-lv Kll.lt atil.lf ! ... I. a.., .. ... . ! v.T ...r It ia ine.-,Hl a iuv.1 . i... '.'"" ran look aith rnnlMrnrr ftT re:k f. an.l tl, 1 . tail 10 a. ail ll,, l. ,.f ' abva-l uol ri;Ei:trtn ami snt.n Krj ixc . r IT irti.Til and A Maly th ai I hrmirt, ' w''i,. Miltr.i. Alia. M Hr,. v.... ' -7-J,l ,..n.i.!,,f, r iC-Ti " J ,v,h - . : " H very, .rr Uc,hat,. and 1., lm.i,,, irrj .n.r I.Mi.Md. 4.o.,u ' ... 1.1 ......c..-n..riLr. l.eKt.l,,,... t ., DKLXi & UJIKMJGAL DKl'OT! nr. Thornton &. Christ, Wholesale & Retail Druggists, L' ici!,urj, 7a. OFFER to their friends and the public a large and well selected stock of lliLXll bRlca. XEUKISZS, CUEUr cals Lfuuiid Spiers, (uairaute.l pure,) I aims, , this, .armies Uye Stmls of the very 1m.-sI .iiiahly in the market; J.ook-intt-t.lass I'lan-s aIl(l ln(iuW (;ias et all MZf.s; ,le nMsl pplar i air.XT Jltim iui of lhc day ; toseiber unh a complete as", soiiment , f JI;lii.f -J-oli,. ... a!''J fhavm-, i-onib, cioil,, r eMi,ruiiit,Varnisli U'h;........i. --- ,,v-M(Kl , , . .... ... nl;m., ma. .11- UKU u-v Hauel, A". Ilazin and mliers. Also a well select, rt siock of Ladies an.l .entlemens FAAfV -M)Tii.s such as t. el Clasps for R.;s and lurr-s,TNt. it,. rhiie'e. l'mse Kitie's: Ilnvtol It.,!... I v.,.i.... l-roleh-i .Needles, Ac.. Tort Monaies', Razors! I li.H7.ir Vl..n.. la I....- a." aa ... i.azer strops. Knives, s,-ffar Cases, Cauls. iTnlK-r' '"'Pcs, Ac. Tartle A ' ""WW. Mshlllj; And a variety of other arti-les too numerous to mention, t.ive US a rll ,..A ;...t. yourselves tirclMrtv n,,i1.. r... t... i...... Remember the Mammoth Unit; ftore '. I.T. A. If. THURNTOX Aug 4.1S52 TI1EO.S. CHRIST A Bargain! VNCtv Rock way Carriage wiili seals fir four tm mio cltMp by and .M.oe !!!;( MIES.lVessinir.nid J l.raining Combs, Fancy JS,,;.., sh. viiis reams, IWule.Ox .Marrow, Ev traets and PU.. . e ... . . W-if 1l ' T"r " 'WH trr.I.n,rir mi., " th ..l.rfi. in.. Ma, n... Jw kunwn .n.l Ihc.r ulm r.t.n..i. .,. ,,,, '" "boU ..-mrr .... ihv. : .,., " iini"rj to mjt tlrnr . ni. tt,i'r l!. m.li.r of dt I., the f.l-lir - I.. I. ... .? .ileol. for while lb. ca.m.ral oirum .1 ti. a lT lJ J" l" "fc ' h3T t.v.n qiii.-!ly wrkinj( tbir T iwn th 1 rao.t ii:l.-lbi;mt an.) ri.t-ict-lib- uj ar. i r.n.tnlly u-.lneviiiK fMi in n L.rmnic tri f i awrt whirb ha.r for aj-a bafltt! all Oi. aia . nctirin awt -II tbc ri-urc of Scicuca. The:. 1 liiarawl arr rullt.1 ; NKUVOl'S C'O.IPIAI.NTS, i an.l III 111.-, uunars mcurinr ia oi a arai wnaa ! ,r. It iw.cr d.w eo..l a.i.l it ofrra .b bar. Sri'ij... K-.trart. B ilm.. B.il-am. t.l.ai.a. B.f.c.a. . I .ll. h.w.!er ami l'.HKa of et.rr kioU ar. alika : worthte.t, fr tbo. w.ikru tl.r ritil .nrrica Mf la : aliaa.tr .n.tratrl i stum, wuslr ainlrr lar alrauriar runj lilr i tn-. a italiinif itidnrtice of l.alai:iMn, ; aa a.ii.i by tl.i. bratlljul iliMtKn, tk. .xbamlaA ! ,4iiMnt nn. wi-aki'iHsl mnVrrr ia naliKail u. fuiHal , htalik. atrciiicik, .ku.lr.lj auj iwoc. Tbe.r rrtnaia rril. to surh OiMn.ra a, NKtJ 1 RVK.IA. TU. WtUMtM X, BIKli 111 r. rl- : kI.aVkisiiIuV":.' a"rk nijivi'm I's ika1 ' ar '" t'"r n B,r rTi .rnMrBT t ' Bf.w known to rrnlt tn.m a n..n.r.;.iilil.rinn. nf v. uiin . TkKMilUS l.a-4. I r.ll.l in i. univ, , . - M"KS, whirl. ncailv alna. canl by .iaii.r of liie Aii.titorv Ni-ri.'a. a:ui can iilaaii nru aa, ' ,.lh ii:lv aniam. a hrn thr t.rifa.. t not .lrto-.id , , ,, ,.,,... its woral Siraia : I'ALSV an.1 r Ik t- ! I.VSIS .im..ri..lr ra...I t' .IrfirwiM-. nf Ner.dj. i indnrar.: I lllo'lM. H Itril l TIS O. T' l: rillll f ' oi the 1 IVI.II. I'l in ll.r Si OK, Sll.l im.1SHi.. f I I I. VI HIS. SI'IX VI. awl Hil OMi I.AIMS, 10. i.i I..M V of r'lVOtS awl til VS1I A I. I ritliV. i.Il tiioi di-trrs.inir roi-lt lamt. rri-U- i,v- I. ..... a Kl.laA.Mit-.4LM' of tu. M.tUi.'J S.STK.M. In Ii... iil.ove fir. ita-.t 3:t! Irr.il'lr l.if t.f 1 raH.'Nnn.n. oniflai'tta are la'.ru more aua.a. nu luu.1 li lirrjl.. liiwj;i..r 1 riJIiiSTiLS ulLVlMf n SITilES, Arr ail A!m1uc mill iMrrltic. Tuf HY.t.T i ali.Mi lit bi i'rtsi rtlik i il-ntcl . tt. Nl-.i KL-K Ur cisi Utuw ( tin; an AtiiMia aii. Urons-iiiti". .-f tna it, j.i ; w.ul li e jfr.t.V' i-J.V.TS l.-r all Uiwrel-1-( th itiia r L:n!-s. a Iiliiii-t. I;-!'. 'Iiwn-.org .i i(..i,-.tjc aiter:iin. i'li-e artici- arc nuipii mfr i't ri j.iiiwtinl Willi tl.r t V'i.NKTit J i.l Ua.t-.a rrii;tt;.tiit It au-1 Vtheu fctllialilUy tNwJ ta:J jUjC The rji.jt ..-nli i i'.T an-J rr cI!u4- of t) ' 1.V NM I i: ATU rJ rivi-.( in rb trt itftt , ;l,..r ., 1 r,c I.. jn 'p!lrl o( ,hr llxll ll me.hM f ,rcinf I'll k ..rl!! tl' PH'-i'lIt ttil rtl.lMlr.l T.dllllrC aitlkt !.!? I Mti-irP i::rliruni. 't.y tin$lmn r !(.'( i irt-.iiz tU ttrcuUtfion of thtj fllim p- w.V i r'rr-.'iit'. r r ' f'n MmfaM, aw at rdt Mt' al A' '" r,'f.' Wf J1.' tV (""-.'ti' S.'if f'fir imi.xitifti.-r. in the luiieJ States. mlf thivf ien linri.. imrc irjti 75,000 PERSONS ! i-.i'l':.iin5 all cIjm- an 1 -inilitKn. ft" 3 . wt.it, 11 ri: a tarf ii-nnl.r f I !n-. who ar f-wca-la-r'i fuii.ort tn .Nc.tmu tnnvhiuu bjitabcaii Entirely and Permanently Cured, j uiin all h.;eot rli-f Iwn trifti up. in- erT- ! thine el-e been tricl in tain T T!m tuvneftrial rata It ahia li.r ur.1i.n0.lt itn1el t!n"ir ne m ror.ft- ' tlt-nttr Ute. to b wi'ih-'Ot a aialWl iu tL aaaalfl ; of Mrlirai trVi-retii. t lrg m. Iiwfi anl t-a I hTrit-in : tii f th- htltvxt atan(iiv : iltia- g it-'heit P.n b-tl.Jmj; elail H.i ial tatjM . I tti-1 the ri-h alike ; t-ften Uule tamiWa antonjc all c lase. rank Mmt rtm.lf'MMit. lia.c isjtuIIj Lean ra- . I -it.irnta. ami hair riinallv a.-kiaiwlr.!ee.l tk. aon- irt. an. ol'n-n ii!ir.!.rcKJ hrnrliu hnrli ta.. ka.e : litli. rrrri.r.1. f ac" l-.t it br knoa 11 a:ii! rrmrn.t.red that th.nnlf ; Na'uial llr.roralii. I..r th. .Nrrira ia lijl.aBi.aa, and ti.:.t in all Ncrion. Ili.aaea a. aiioilbt " Throw Physic to the Dogs." j To illustrate trie iiavr i liie G.ll.V.tXH' RRI.Tr j tii.j):' il.e caif i-i a (t-r-oti .i..ii-!ffil with th-t haua ; rf civ IL, 3to:L li SPr-:iSI . or any nther hirwic a f i lulls l'i')i'!er. In rl:uary cac. stimtitaaM aret ;kr.i wiiifH. Lv tl.fir vtion on the nirtM aid i cuiit'iea li.e H4.mu'i. aitorJ itmpvrmr rriiet but a biti It'-i.c ire .trat iu a lmer atate. at with Injiircj nruluc. uUer tiW cinn thna xrit1 ku l-..f.l. Nn eMiiie lUi tli the e( t retulr i.; tiom lite a,'lti-ntin f the .l.VANU" Br.LT. T .ke a P sji-fU- :.rToter. :! in th- .irl ay wp ' turn of an .itt.rk. anJ .tnti'lv tie the Kelt mnnd aa T.tMlv, iin: t':e Via-f;:ti:f Vlui-l a !ireWf.l. la a ;1h rt l:i".l liie ijK.-ii-it'ie fp 'trai-n ill act oa lie iiiir element f the Ult. tucrahj ranging a .-liritiit ciivult'ioa w l..ch w ill to lUa aiiTe. ami li.r:jr5 b-iek aaiu to the pnaitira. ' thu k-i!it; ( a couuuiumis iVItaaic cirrulatMB l- tltt 'arh-tiit the iTtt-m. Thus th nnat aT ere caaa ,.f 1.SIK1SI are I'f.HM VNKMl.V 4 fHEf. Vt.W l IS AV PI. !l l-H lrT TO tRADl THK liSKASr: (K KAKS. MANY THOUSAND CERTIFICATES AND TESTIMON I AXt from the iwwt intelliiraiit ail reai-aotaMa araont . rrsiJniff in ercrr t- rtin f th I uiteJ State-, cuoli rt in5eiilcrf. These wra bw nnnareasar. bt a ntimcnms -lectin :ii!raciii,; anany atatrcnr dt . thrr moRt cxtnr.in!rv rh;nietr. ttffeie-:it t. I ON- YlNt'K TUK ilST S'r.l'TH."AL way bm ha.l of ta authorWJ Ac cut. Tha intereeteti sxa artkuiai. iuvitei Ui calL WHAT THINK YOU OF THIS f Fram one of In most db.lbu;ur.d rkyat clans in ibe City of iw Irt. T ha. a ban Q.in I hriatir tinl.anic artialw ia a r.iial way among niy parirata for ahoat two .rare a. I. and I contra. 1 am a.tonhc.1 .t their art.-ca-' I am auro idawir ia .Vrraww I know ja.t aai-4 th.-v will do. In Kpilrplie Fita, partKularlr ta in.-v will i!o. in t pilrolie r,ta, partKularlr b,l.lrrp; )f. a',t Wtion. .,f th. Ilrad. ..Inlta : r.ratr.U and l ata., in .11 ,-0.. and ..!. .rvrral othrr d..ra,i of like na.ur. whirh ha.. Ir I7 7 led the jpteiin, I hava ftmnd the il' artirlf of ftnrptininfr eTH-fit. AJtluHih I iett ta alia mr less quackery of ...teniae menu an.l nw fat-era, I mint express nt ctmfi.ienra belief u tha wonderful irtnea of tHHIslIUS i X KA ll tJ. Mr name ia. of coarse, con&lrnual, but 1 aU j 11 aerer hesitate to rcccanucoj yvar articlaa oa) .ii piover irccauieiia.' MOTHER INSTANCE OF CA5D0B. Jo 1. C. MoaHirf, D. Gan. Agt. tvt Vr. (Maiti, New York. Prr fir, Heing a flivtiriin in th. tklnitf tr vt Tour Axni, I have taen much grati(i-1 th. akjrriii.itii'.a f mir ialvanic i. uraua h.iclily I'leseJ with titeir practical reultf. 1 ta oheited U:t they rt cutitructe4 on tha trae aciaa xiHc principle tr the grtU. yfe, pcattl anl " ttnuiii Ae ehi mut of the Galvanic 1'urrent theruby Cllmp a tliileratiiTa. Kmg aaioght 6r. l'it heretoi'i uitkn-La. 1 eheerlully recommcnel them r dat alleviation aud cura of taoae iattiMiitr a.litcota c)l.i Nrarei a C.Mn.aijiTrn ar hicb fcaat'tiW ani inrenifHuU ilwaitf'-r-l. Very trulv Votira. 1AV!D RICE. M- IX Lever, it, Man., t-iUuii-y 15, S-X. troutle or inonTeniTce it tern! a th. tHfl Cf . CHMf TtF S 0-3l.1MC t l MTlYFX an 1 they aiav worn Ly the moat feeble .Qi 'Ma rate with rvYfcct eeftf and aafetf. In many caw tfiit unMttou att-o4intf their naa b kigklf pUumm) mfA airwl. 1 bey ate .ccTnipaai.t by frill an4 .i;un JiitK-Utsn tor uit. rantpblcta with lull aft tta-nlars may be obumcd gratia, of tba autltatiaaw A.eut. Prices: Th? GnlTfinlc licit, Thrf 1X11.1 The (ialvanic Xcck luco, Two lKUar The t.uUanic Krnceitta, One IX'Ilur Eicla. ' The Magnetic Fluid. One IMlar. I PARTICULAR CAUTION. ii.a-.ir. CuHit'Jil an 4 H'.rlAiraa ' Oi-NtBAL AOi.x r fi.r thk i j,'i -tr.'r-r ATt I Ulaatfaal. Sn liak W.HUAiri. l'" tUnntci) at ll)c Clironirie TfEff. ON aerount. from oue on lo iirtit yw standing, CAM! and alsoO Wood, Leut, Buttt r, rd m,t oihtr I'tcJuer foi houathokl ase.' tLc cuiniit rice 3T in