BP 11 u Tf U fJ: , v 1 1 - - J E ' A . fc " " i I '"" III'' f II. C. 1IICXOK, Ewtou. 0. X. TTjOIil'EX, Phixtkr. LC V lis I LT II f J V SION I C L K as isni-svr mm jocnxAL. luurl ' FliWA Y mirni'nt al l.ticizburg, V:iii:t enmity, i'enw-ylcanu: TFft V.I l..vl p -r r.; for c.-h net unity in nd vitne 1 .7S. if Tni llrillii.i Llii-.s- uii'ntiia: $20.1 if paid witl:;ti n v-vir ; f t, if u d --. :il b forvilir year ..i:iv.- ; L . i,t lor f-;i rU naniVer. ?ui-r.o-.ini for cix uitulhit nv lr.. to icv-l iu sli'air'P. Ilii .ittiuu:iiif"t optional with tli.i I' i'.'i at '.r. i- nt ;.ii ett vcjr i rtui-1 ur. Aov :rc -mk-c: . r- U .n I-'1 t -iy iu.w-1-u- i :il "tit ivnl . por t i tr--. .a rt -W. tti! Muvkj. m v.-,-: two -.t!n -i i. $1 loi-lv: m ...I an, 50' 1T :v y..r. jd .manlim Ttisu in it.-'. t it. v"til i; onu lintrt i nf '..ilit..ii. fit a .i.-r. .1 til U t llv ituj c:v.liti v ,ii'.u-:iu...l. to IM.' -li.t tor 1. 'it 'i.tu lt-1 i-i or l.l...-ri. : -Mi' l .v.i i ....... -i wii ...i -il-.'.-r.f. of -tt -r.-l tut. - ri;: n ! Iv Hill t'ltf I-vi:: 'I ,: rt. or Pr!i tin rrni .1:1-10" . U l-t C U - 1 'I''. t: 'll.:..ih ' tiitT' ' llr-s 'if I j i .frio-r. 1' wrrrir-- .t-;:...,. I-J : I -i. Ol . il.-il.'il lo I'l" o l.w- r u' i'lt l.-!!!'!. to . r. - I '. il . .' i ti.-'c . - . - 4- . .'y r ki. Ho.-.- !trri V -tr- t. rr-n !.! Tint-J. tti't.: .:;-. -i. ... v.--;;..,. 4 r- f-: . iAif isi'.iU .'.v.iit'i-iii.'t Liicriry i:cr oiJo us. TLfM i--, ii ."1:;..:.::i.i- u- ..i!-m it! r-f l.itci-a'urc, wtdi-n ;i f;w y ar.t. ; -1 t -T i inprTcmfiit in '.!) q : .! y a- v, '! aj (t'UMii'y of ron fi;t j hi-.-: r. T'i.- p-i-i.-. it' "fine writinji'' wiiii-lt ti rl .'uvnh,- ): t!ti- tfitii nnmfii jinnil'if. i less iIi iiiiiii Ucil tlinn it was i'.iinicilv ; aini ti:tki-',i lijvo-stjiius crc tl;c-ai J t!, vrjr often, for laalttTj of f.tcU I'lillts of ,-iiiy i'OiAih, unwoliiaulik-j ii-:l's, Jo not JC,unt m jailor t:il.! s as liny b;.Vf; :nn! in their htc:i'l, :tuthi-lt,;.(: p"rtr ii- 'if ii' iii r if men an wftiit n btnn! ; ".. an.i f ions ill JilTor"it i;i::rt f otir i"1"- :" ilustrnle-l ; awl lin-ie is r t.y v. mi Ltauli t it ti ti ilu c vers of Mo.zini1-. fLirjn's i-i'i L has tati-ii lite fi"iil rank in tin- iiiip.-ovLitu nt ; (tut lito L lish-rs of ;hii:y :tnl of (Juaiiam, llioiiL'll tlioir porioilicaU r jn-ofv-f!ly Jcsigr.el for lijjit icii-ii;.. ! tVi; f.'tit:J tt t-oiivenifiit, aii'l we trj.-t j'M.fi'a! !e. t i lyiiisle more of ilia nc lui vli i!t;t or ltaiitcu'ai i:i iMtii'lii!' for tlit? puoi!v. .At! TAIM's h.i fiiliol ,vo l.-;jroi I .;.-o. it i--t i V r.l a oi '.t-i i'.lc. ,(' Lirinij A;f ' .. . to iiivo, Wftkiy. it- t -. lite w'mtlo wor 1 i i . The iiiijn . ii.. i he t Uii.-ioi; of .1. . !i a.; -.t... .t . liO -. !-i, Litll, if ivatl at ati, v. -n J I e Mii. h hetter lc!:-li.fi at cut- uninti iiujil.ti lea'. 1 lie Mnmu'clri X-.-'-r-pajifr J- uriia!-. iro-whl-stfjirlitig thfiT i:inii--tMC .r- tciitioi,, are not pniiinis gv. nnd. 'i'li? !J ic miiiil 1 talus to Lave a moie comet taste, and ,' t llic .'; of CiKikin a.il'1 lis reliJi ru'.LT ihau tLc yrtiH ar.iunnt .!:n-cJ Ltftire it for iuu.t:'.l nintttieat: jn. It is fuutiJ ! thut ;i p.-ck of wh'-nt is w-.r'h lr. -rr- than a bti-hi '. 1 f e'; !! if. .! !' " in-.tl M rr V II ...;.; '. .:, i '!, leadiiig lleiigious tin J 1'oi.i.c.i: !:.: v. dent pre-s. ari it.eo'i.ii:. in . u p.. r.':u. Mt:d III Ti p-.Werful. II meafv. ti.o.iuoi. li.i.ii., .l:iiality, arc (pi. lilies n. re ..ti. n.t.i. .l'U.aO!led f,r F-jully l'ap-rs, vA.:., :l, . !:3t:rigii:-hcJ f.-r j-irfy s r.iiity .-.ul y 'Xitm, sal for sii'y. if n t litvuti 'i.s wit, :ire lo-ine; ia tbe race. Tczsile Hedical Sclool. Ti.e ' Aiiie. icuu i'eiu tie Medie.U L-l-iii-.ii. .a Sotieiy," is an iucrpoia!;' u ut sioU,.J t.i u'id the c.iiloO X1 l..-.-.od ill its tiii.-, aii'l to .-"j-; .-.-,r tl.o r,'iita!.- Medic: 1 ge of l'l.i'..u. iu puri:c'u!ar. The 'oi-l.-ge was iij. or.i. r.tte l Lv (lie l.t is!.i;ur. "f I'ei.n'a in i; ."-0, and is w in . I I; - of the G r.l t ii ,eS h.lV- f u.-'.i; and rre o ii:. 'al. '!!.. tTi-f.--l.ts L t'iTt- I,--. -;:i:t.d Ly a ioo.1. i.!u .!s uit . ;:riujc:it, but uu'.v caiis on lie pu die i . ;.id ;i- a real.. ! c v,: a r.i- u.-.-r . for one year ; 7-1 iiien.ei-iiip- si; port a -lu'leut iu co.ii go. a;nl each un -miter and -kftl'oU Is f.t'.ithd tn a c. py of all d. cu ' tii.-ii'i i.-.'t'.t.d ly th. b'oei.-'y. A L.'y fr, m 1 Northun:! erlat.d is astu-Ieiit ; ati-1 (VI. II. W. CrotTi-r, of lt-wi-l erg, is a l:r.-ttor of the .Sot-it ty, of whieh Uev. Henry 1. Moore ; is the 1 'resident. The education of the! wives t f Misittnaris is not the least im- j portant ol.j.ct involved in the enterprise, j Wc think no one who will reflect for a j moment will deny, that with wouuu audi children, a well-educated female physieiau would naturally be most useful The kind- j liess of heart, the quickness of perception, j aud the winning confidence of woman, : ( joined, often, with personal experience,) uidat render her, when iustructcd as well as man, his superior hi those cases especial ly where woman demands attendance. I'n- instructed, a good nurse is hardly excelled t try the best doctor. While it is not claimed that women will ; he more expert iu surgery, or that they j fhouhl ever be expected to wait upon men iu bickuess, it is asserted that with pr-ctpi r j assistance, they would add immensely to ! the knowledge and practice of the healing j art. They could relieve cases where, from distance, from extreme delic.ie., or Iroui j poverty, the male physician is not called in, cr where he fails tu kara the leal dis ease, or where the exj.er.se is too great to be tome. The amount of sufl'ering would bo a;ai.'ac au tue treatment much "lore r.leasaut t botb physician and pa -int. Hut nnt fir this aspect of the alona ilt we jiiead fra nitiisil education f,.r foinali ?. As a tiiitms of obtainim; an in (J.'pentlcnt an 1 r sppptahlo livelihood, they in iy chain this jirerntpitive. When we k uji.m .s.tt icly ji it is, and ho eir c liu-t i ilit d are I ho UH-ans for earninjr their 1 V i 1 1 vr aeiiiidej by public Ujaj to aiagle, w: t.ored. .,r worst- than wi lowed women, -i vtono r not ih-it many he tlr.iir ch:;r-:iK-T, t:; t't::' n!i"i w:tn-!-r off with I lit; : c . :. " . "... ..If . i tl. l! ' Wo. t . e : i .r....t ht : f i- It ti do if.vli:i !i .i- .i !.. .v ( i, . fie-: ioeairy .n I . ili .. ."-'libt.-r 'uJ - atsfH- i it It" ' If'tll ' 'I'irt ttr !y if:f to .minor"", m..y ot-c- -n .i y, : a-ii-- f.,.,,; n V. ! It i- tlx-, it 1 , . . A i x;r.i-iiujnur!-r uinrT, or ti-atlier, .'0 :l o.,l:; chord .!: ' . . U: V - 1;1 ii .' e'tss.' -. , . i.-n ..i ifil. and in Uiiii.iiery , the t i.t i sy Wud ctpiral of man is cftca hiv.-stc.l aa u.t tho p ttr woman who has a family to Lriit up. I.ot.k, ajiiiin, at l he gr?at variety of busi ness which wat oui t-iu cany on, and which w iuld seem suffieiout to stUfy their 'ar aii.Liiiuu or employ their most vital powers ! Hut no tiny ciOAtl women into the narrowest corueis of enterprise, rediiej l iteir wages to the lowest living jtoint, eon lisie tlit ni to the uio9t inriiia!, repulsive, and unprofitable rwupntions and then dt maud ftoui them hia'tb,virtue, nnthaC"; in cheerfulness, aud, ofteu, 'material aid '.' Wc can not continue the sohj -ct, hut are firmly convinced that a knowledge and practice of the medieal pr-fessioa is one of the rii'h: of vrounn, ani thry 'wrfa'tl 1 e : u hoiit t ami a Lit to t'.ie p'.cr. - . X'i":'- A ?:i;lcin iu nnd l.;dy rec-nt'y :n. t r thj iltM t'nu- m ;m evetil:t party ! '.- ' ' y. ai.J i'l ihf eour ..f nver : M; -; -ir- i v I : w.i e.ie:t. J, that in i t . i i-: o i'I'i t r il.-i :i ? o.,( j... I pu. .ti t i.e 7-. !!! e!i ..... l I II. ii ol J .in.-, ju tuo sauie a iy, ariti eae.l t uott s of (h- ei-eour.se! I:r""ilie d.ff reliee between -seventeen and seventy ja at 17 you are " careless and i. ipj.v," an I at 7l, Itairl- ss aiij cap pj." fl.is is a facsimile of the sick f.tui uy j"kJ For tite Lcwisborg Chronicle. Ky Cousin. I m .-titti-, .iark-ey.-d loa-in, Wh .lu oucc U. n ttoitid you delight; I've r lt.iiou-1 '! bv thf U .tti-n, but n.n like h.-r cf wli-.-tn I wtUc. Il.tr U-suly. lito- din t tiij llltttntii. 5 ,vi-i-j- f.-ittu.-v Lrigh, An 1 lu r tjvsi-tiui4 I dvM.nU tU-'ia Woukl, 1 li-ai. end i yoii ..uit.-. JI r v.ii ti in 'ikt: tho ri,.p in-. Kir.-am, a tt. nui-ii-ul. .ic!ci.r Af I t-t nutsir iu a do am, It f..ll. a KetiLtyiu lite ear. 1 1.-. s a fit v a io Willi hrnlih, A 1: . . iL.oa w.rm mud u.tl.1, 1 u.t .no. i i.- v.-. 1 1 fa ntotv thr.n WNiHll L:iv ti I. i f ln.il'p cli.U. 11. r h tr- nr.- iitll of vitd.ias .-r. c Sy n;. T" I ...aid t.ot if 1 Uit 1, Tif ii..! f -i- j.n ii JilLi- M.it:... tn traite I'iie cli.iu 5 lii.rli Nnttoe f ttpi -il, litit not li..- th.--.' 1 toll.' Iht iw t, i ti.-u.i lb lil. s'ti-ii -ntVt oi Ur-r w.-.y, ' An I u Id -il'-'-ti... will. itiotut'UL- L'e!t, Ani I.T'.-Ii'.i '......id iir fjot.-l-l.. pi.;J. W ill. Iii,iiti.s rnr... I'iie fuii-iii luiuo II h- tl a" ioii lull o. (.io.ilH-.-K ktud l.i li;i- U." Cu..a:u v.r.u.- .bin. W.ii. i-.-l.- ..- ,.: . i i -a. .id. CA.-.L. ro.r.5it-j Jie-.'.s -n Esglasi. j. ...,i t i- I . i i.. tli w.riu :l.e - 1.1 c.-t.. I., .hm. .-.-.!.... .! r ' V li-, i.l, tlAI. i .i.r i i i..k i ,k 1....umiii tuia-i fc-r ii.e '..ri.-i.j l'-iftun in E.i'iimiii uinl lyxdmi in Antcr- i i. 1 ii;- tolt. wtng extracts from the Uos- tuii (I". S.) i:i,;,j ;z'ilro( Oct. 10 will j rove gratifying to iht- inhabitants of iioatou in the obi country : A".-o from Oil LS'islml. A ktit i tV.o.i .1 i:i liligiaud iia.s forwarded to u.-a latt-coj.y of Lhi- njlily llutitlilll, llll'l kSlulliJlin Jlrrrllrl, wtiieh contains some news from the good old town of Boston. Kngland, once the res itleuce of the Itev. John Cotton the scene of persecution of the early l'uritaus and the birth-place of many of ihe early settlers ' of this city ; owing to which facts our town derived its name. The" descendants of those who emigrated thence must ever en tertain sentiments of kindly regard for that portion of the great family who still live near the graves of their sires; and if there be one place above nil others which a native-born American Kostonian would like' to see, it is th Boston of Old England. In fact, wc feel a sort of fraternal regard for the residents of Old Boston, and if a delegation could only be prevailed upon to visit the Boston of New Kngland, we think there would be a display of hospitality which would cause the spirits of the early settlers to manifest themselves through living mediums without the aid of 'rap pings.' A recent meeting of the Towu Council of Old Boston was convened by the Mayor, John Noble, LVp, to acknowl edge the reception of a prcseut from our own City Government, by the hands of Col. T. Bigelow Lawrence, of books, en gravings, aud plates, in return for a like compliment bestowed upon us some mouths i nast. Jhcn roljow extracts from the I 'T icuro. LEWISliURG, UNIOX COUNTY, TEKX., FRIDAY, The llev. T. JSnvhtnd. a W.-sli avn. minister exprll- d at the late Conferou-, is ex1cted to preach two .ermons iu the winegate chap.d on Snndnj nest. Matiy farmers in the neighborhood cf ' '-g;-'"-it hat powt r in its prceidest guproni- Caistor h ive lately had verv eteTts:ve!at"y- It is not to he therefore denied that losses in their flecks (chiefly ainmis; lamhs ) from the ravages t.f a disease whieh appear-; to rjstiuble the cholera iu the Luu'.'aii sub- J 1 1. Fion, return !a.dv n.t'.lwTi.ol if ...n,... :;!t.l.l:ll li(l()..f i.r,..i.v ii. . n i.lym.ic than tw. yards of our lin - ens r.T iiea.I, win! 28.0(1(1,(11,0 in Kurope iak .Iv .lie thlrtv-eiohth i-ait .,f a va.d l.'-r ti-.ttl. and l-ii.oth ol head Mi in. It was killed unit a single gut fpiartcr-!;.e!.!e . James Seniles, the pedestrian champion i i - j I. , i . i- , ... Ivigitiud, has completed, at Liverpool, ids herculean task of walking V000 miles . . , ... t in as many consecutive hall hours, coin - pleting the last mile in seven minutes aud . i if- ti . i , , . a halt, ihe task oecnp cd six weeks, and i . i . . til i.r.lt.r tn c.tr.r...ff fflo. t.ln vit.n cti...r..rfl. anj cmrgy iicct-sraiy to its t.ccompluili . iiieiit, the pedestrian subsioted principally ' i:. me lit ni.l.st week.a jtike was cught fewer than twelve hunl: d Kuns iu rtadi- ''ds ou the dutyot voUng tor ill. tiai-, teuded, only eight persons occupying cue ""1 '",, I y the liev. Geo. WaiU'iiugioii (in the back-' ness for instant servieo more than ; side of the spacious gallery, ft.ur 'of whom the pewa for whose usts tae aame was waterofCLvick Hailjihe weight of which !the aggregate of the fortes ou both ides i Arcii--E0LO0ICAT- Visit LnwJn. werc stral,gcrs. tut in the afternoon and i :--"k: , . was :;5 lbs , length -1.1 in., girth '21 in., at Waterloo. At Tou'oti, the experiment ; Tlte ou;" terk tllcre 'a3 one evening there was a tolerably fair attcn- j cd'1" ihe Cen-;ie-iM..nal Burial (.ironnd a rn animal food, ol which he ate verv lame- buy lo i ll r the alliance of a fjree so l ' i . (mighty r.ud so handy, is tempting; (o Suunwr-Iti-'it of 18,12. The following threaten hostility, alarmiti--. "Accept me, list shows the average heats at the under-, and be fafe," their master may say ; " re intttitioacd places during the summer of fuse me, and yonr blond be on your own 1S;12. It is Ukeu from a statement head. Knthrone 'Order' iu l'aris, or at Bcnuets", thernieineter manufacturer, dread the crusade of revolution against you, Cheapide, London : Calcutta and ICast directed from l'aris." Iu ihe face of per- Indies, i-2 degrees; Jamaica and West la- il, alarm is in itself the worst danger, as dies, 1 ; Turkey. Kgypt, anil China, io ; slumber is the next worst. The sluiubcrer Ttir,i. rulernio, and i'.-imada, SJ; Lisbijn, nut if awake to reeistnuce ami to victory; sap.es, and M idrid, ,7 ; enije aud Tiii the coward's very vigilance is paralysis. Ian. 7o ; Australia, f.b and IX ; England, Has Kngland united both weakness? fi in J.-tiy jlh to the IC th, 01. V'e believe not yet. reparations are O a i J a " s' nif. Friday being the mad , or -are ia pror-ss; but they are .Till of N.-Vt n.ber, the usual search was liiad:; ivh rusa. lest liij timid take ttienee. iiiiiiie iu i...e l'aroiiuieuiaiy cellars to tlis- France is rea'ly ; vre r.ro to have cniileted cover the sbuJo of Guy, and prevent the our preparatives some ymrs hcuce ! Now, blowing up of the urlianient. This Feri- uus cu the nii'itt. iued teaials calculated to blow up the New 1'ai- ace of Westminster and the Peers and Com mniicr-j of the land, Lut none were found. A " I'L'.c Glass IntU'.aitCv! Compatiy " exists for insuring tradesmen agiiust the . heavy loss they would othenvisu suffer when th -ir btrge wiinlows are accidentally or wiifuily broken. This coutpauv ci ui- niaiiied 10 lite Lord Mavor ibat thee !,.,. strff. re,! considerably thro.igii some i.ersous uukuowu, who discharge air-guns at win- dow panes, apparency from the roofs of omnibuses: tliivo such cases Yc-uncd in Cheapsido on Saturday . vei.i.m the o'.kh uit. Bullets have not been fouud, but the neat round entices iu the glass denote that guns or pislols mu.t have been used. Ihdhra,, ,Vt.7k Oa lhe evening of the .uli, uu exh.i.ition of thr.se cxtremelv necessary and useful appendages to the1 rai:wav,",l,t,.:iaigf..ga.,.lsno; signals," to appuse oj.proaciiuii; trains 01 Hanger 111 thick weather, was made at the railway station by )h-.;s. Nelthorpe and B.truelt t f Louth, the successful inventors and es- tensive manufacturers. Several of the tig- nals being affixed to the metals, awaited operution took place shortly after elev- vader. If not still so, if is only through '' VuunUr J.lMeJ AlmanucU- wew 67,3 cr lsot more tun the mar-1 fully luercaJ wiihin the last Tew years, o'clock iu tho morning by several of the latest precautious of Lord Ilardinge -5-, J'aknns-'cr -rmr. 1 he lltust,al, J rii,ges inthe correspoudingrjuarterof 14S. ' and is, not coufiued to .-ingle females, but ..fmvrs of the two Houses of Pariia- that England is not almost an irresistible hshthttor Almanack ; ihe 1 mjom e A!- 15llfls binh9 wefe rejsialjwd iu tu0 quar. repeatedly perpetrated by married ones. . t. livery nook aud comer was exan:- tcmptatioa to any.rteigl.boring adventurer mamuk ; lck Tun, s Calm Almanack ; Jin & u e0lh 1.o52 .ru I . Tho lj)ud(JU leader of late date Tmb- for the uL-eovery of toiubusiibly ma- richer in material power tlmn in cash cr MeIonular hbio,t,,r Almanack. .i;.,-.,i v ..u i,;i k. IvL I a . Ui,.,r K.-.,,. Iu ,M-in .v. r.L the approach of tiie down luggage train. mtut aU appeared tolerably culm and qui- jnianncr in pertect satcly. Ihe young gen Oa the train passing over the signals, they t-t ut as t'lu sti!an' b.-gan to rise from the j Hcman, we need scarcely observe, is a skil gavc such a tremendous report that the ytta tongues began to clatter, which j ful horseman : he stand about 5 feet 11 sound whs heard for many miles. lonly subsided as the tea-pots became t-x- .inches in height, and the horse 14 hands. esb-van Reform progresses in the Al- ford eneuit. At the last quarterly meet- .... nig it was shown that there were upwards ot 1U0 uienibers in the town, and nearly that number also in the district around. Three new chapels in the villages bad been ! wuo at intervals exchanged their position erected, and another is contemplated at from one room to the other, tho choir amu Briukhill, GO of the adult population hav- !sing the company with duetts and glees, ing petitioned Sir Montague Cholmley, janl the band with choice selections of mu Bart. for a piece of land for a site. The ,aic- Several attempts were made to get up worthy Baronet has kindly offered the land j a dance, but the committee would not al f or the purpose in a manner consistent ! low of il- ),r- Hady presided at the As with Lis known character a st.-.ttm b ' sembly-room, and Mr. W. Vergctte at the friend of liberty. Death of an Kxntrh Out racier. In our obituary is recorded the death, at Teal- bv, of Mr. Sam. Broadgatc, higgler, at the age of 75. He was the eldest son of Mr. ThoB. Broadgate, a Wcsleyau lay preacher. The deceased was noted for his cccentrici- tv, aud was generally known by the name of " Old Sammy." A few years ago he farmed a small quantity of land and might frequently be seen ploughing in the ni dit with a lantern on the beam-end of bis ! C O 'ti plough, and doing various other work du - ring the darkest nighis of winter, lie was also for many years prior to his death a dealer and leader of coals, but, stran-e to say, during the last 35 years he had not used for his own consumption a quarter of a ton ; and Lad it not been for the bencv- olencc displayed by Lis neighbors, Le wo'd . 11..., f ,,, . , mof t undoubtedly have ended Lis days by absolute sturvatioa. Th KtLh n; S'rurk. Fraiiee is : atttiiuinq to a potion novel in the- days, but uot unprecedented, at least relatively; aad another state oncj ntnod its ground Ij",is Npoleou is now luil-lingnp a pow - 1 tr which may become available iu various i way?,-according to citeuiusfances Htnl up- iportunity. He is trjinjr it to bis hand -Tr: v.-ler in J"r-inrp rwiiaik the ii'cossi.nt it to bis hand ':.; im:!..t;.,i. ,.f r.sn nr. s. :,... ,.f .-vi.tri. : ments in their iihei rcy. besides the votes to be takeu en diiuaud out vf the of - Ceial ballot-boxes, he hai iu stole, we hear I ... iu stole, wc on credible autl.trity, :n; artillery ef not has bean tried of .-mbarkiti-r -a 1-irw brtdv if tro,,s ; 0Iie 0f the great steam war-ships : recently launched, and the experiment was ! . ,i . i .i i r. pel lectly successful : tlie number of troops ; thus embarked was live thousand. There . i . i . ,.- r , ; was to have beta a reduction of the army s J it has not taken pbice; but these augmen- , e i , n i . tatu.n. of navy and artillery are perhaps !.i i .-. . . . t . .i till Klllit tllti A.r.ttn-f Trl.ot or., tli. d vast torces to be directed .' V. Iio knows. ... . ... : Much may depend ou others. " W ho will . ...... . non-defence i.s cctual temptation for an in renown. The temptation is almost the greater atorwhennon-defenecisb-tckt-dbypre- lions like that of taking down the ti.rts Chelsea llo.-pital, when the corpse of li. :.. ... I .. .t.. ; cauiit in C! V"..I;t.--..i lirtj ... ott.. l... fl.rt f... ........j...... ..vi, .u .-.n, ,ul ..m.-jir-i 'take offence V A land defended only i .... , ' ... . , ... uyari.ni.. people, ana ttiut lmia fvict ' Etiifi.tii.l '' Hv .-... ml., it nr..nl.l be best to dif-ppuso with the fi-ieral ja- - r- -j " .. -.v. ..... ....... geant altogether, as that also mi-ht "uive effewv. Or let a funeral oration declare bat the English, flag is buried with the ht -, aud that the series begun at Clecy cw.-VfV. Waterloo. I'eihnps the pmud in- .vad.-r might grant to pily what he would ,x1' ,,J ? '1'bc forbearance 1 1 fu '? V', hwoxer, is but poor ! reliance for astute. There is only one re:" J ,:illt cou.-tst 1.1 renaenng ,r. .... ... 1. '"'' i7-.vww. rtTF.RBrtIt.r.-W.V..,f Tc M-c.j. On Tuesday evening last Mr. G. II. Whal- J 'l'l-'"' "-..r, t...c .. i.e... t0 the f mi!e popnlation t f tLis city, by j inviting them to a substantial teuiti-j. L'p-, w:iriiiJ ot TOO tickets were issued mid the Assembly-room and Corn-exchange were died with the fair sex. At the commence- j hausted, and Mr. AVhallcy and his friends .... ... .... took their places on the platform. '1 he; ; night cciug ,were in 'an i Corn-exchange. Tho speakers ou the oc- easion wcro iMr" Dil?by Seymour, M. P., CaPtain Kccd 3Ir- Tind:l1 Atkinson, bar- ristcr Mr- Ta'lor ot Crowland, aud Whalley, the candidate. All of thom the ladies it was their duty !t0 853131 in e'g Mr- Whulley, as that ' gcnUeiuan, if returned to Parliament, wo'd , sf""usly xcrt Liujself t0 fict the du,y taken off soaP tea' suar' aud sucU like ! Thosc T were l is need- ii iii ... 1 ..r.i u 1 m . . . ,1 . . 1 to add, vociferously checrea. Mr. 1. ! Atkinson was the favorite of the evening: 1,e d"!ivcred a vcrJ "Porous and clcKiueut ';, wL!ch Lo comnieuced by saying, !" ,ioar me for CUUS' and tLat 'jou waS hear-" This Lint was understood j b lLe ladies' wa3 ""J wel1 ac,ed Ul'0n' Mr' A' "'d h ' Peterboro' ?u th Caaci'J "ton n ins the fair daughter of Milton dotnina- 1 ' 8 , . r e- . .,, : tl0ai and at tLl-' vhi W'J 'I1!!.1: wet, omnibuses, cabs, aud tlys .cing nearly perpenuicuiar. Un reacUing' through any diminution in the number of ' was perecpin.leiii ilie court ; aud tlu-y iett. gi eat request. 1 he cathedral choir ; a small lanuiug at tne top oi tue siairs, lirtLs but by tLe increase of deal hs from ' , t ,7 , ' fc Miller's brass band were engaged, the horse had to turn round and areend : cpiJk,uLc causcs. Emigration has proceed-: lul! 1"' ' tn.i -iJ,;.!!''-!.? DECEMBER 17, 1852. I Iy take place, th ro would be monrners dre.-sfd in long weepers who wonl 1 r, fo.e' ; to be comforted. Tho pit,,U le wMild ' write upon her tomb should le, Here ( 1" s t,ie inlluence of L irl l itzwi li mi, uev- er to have a resurrection." This g' ntle-. Tliia r. ntl. I uis g' niie-. ' '-- effectually eatomhed protection, ' never (as ha Said) to rise." "Mr. Taylor Mr. Digby Seymour won the affections 1 "f the ladies by informtng thera tLat they 'ho ladies by informing thera tuat they wore bachelors, altllouyh UO off.r W:lS !E1 !c ' to relieve the disconsolate ireutlemeu from' ,!-eir dreary poition. The company broke, t . l il I I t . 1 I 1 . f ; UP a0UI 0 ctocs, cvwznuy pieaseu witn !"-' treat, aud no dault several weut home uitti a Cetei mination to lecture tfieir hus-' . - ... ... i tti"cU ,,a'1 tK-'en ,ttcluUtU 111 11,080 I'1" , st'."tuJ PaJment-' ' Ik wa connected ; ! tha Srj'U f 1,0- toc,lal,lu lhe Ma)'or ; to entertain the archaeologists on their visit ; . number came aud ,? .t"?","' , m w ca,c divided themselves into two parties one ; ArehJeaeon of ' j " 'u unc ' c "f!"' . " Lincoln, aud the other at the Guildhall, i J D had been charged lor. Sir. lhoruton, O who provmed the repast, wa3 told to fur-1 i , n-u . i. iit-lt litierl :.b nn.i tilierrv. I he Tttirfe retrtrf ' nish buccllas and sherry. The party b . . , I ttt.nntitiit .if the Ittiielieon ntiif tlm Altiriir , , - ., ,- i being enga'j;cilin attending another portion' of the party in visi-ing the antic.uities of the city, he sent down Mr. Cariiue to at-. i i . i i , tend upon those who had become clamor-: t , , , , I ..tts t..r Itinr h I lif nnrlv ntorA Tt.ir. eon. i '. . . '. j .1 , ! tent without champagne, aud they ordered . -a , . , , . , a. n-l . 11 19 bottles, for which Mr. lhoruton had; . , , ' . . , . 111 oil i cuaii'u 1.V3. a u-JiL.c, iu.miu mu a-.. 1 1. 07. instead of It). ; but the Mayor had nothing to do with contracting thc; extra amount, and he wa-j not even pres- j ent. A long discussion followed; in the : """ """n-w,v n persons were mar- t course of whieh Mr. Williams, in a strain r'lcd 1B ,he lrter ending June SOth.lSS?; j of pleasantry which provoked much mem- anJ ,Lu3 40007 ufcw faD,1Iiw wer0 eBt:ib' j meat, castigated the arcL-ouloiUts for their ! lishe1 01 5-sC m,'W tLaa ver" established j rassion for chamnatrnc. and eventual! v it,'" the corresponding finarter of lflS. ! was directed that the bill should bo ptti k 1 John Cassell, Loudon. Mr. Cassell, cf all the cheap puh.isLcrs, is determined to coautrymea feel that they live iu ago of improvement: they have now ill.- vi.nrltj .i.L.i.....r Tv..t vi.lv 1. ...li r.t.t,.- the vearlv eulendar rifit nnlv futteh hi-hm- J he old price, tut ia every variety of use r..t.. l ...t.:i.. :.:: i... t :. """li ' im: out for dates, ho or she uui.-t perforce ... . f!. - .: ... . T 1:: 1 at t'1C! same time imbibe some additional knowledge. hatevcr the moath, there. l an illustration pertaining to it, and with the illutlration information on industrial pur.-aits and the social relations of life, The idea .if Uncle Tom's almanack b a g""d ne : as an exponent of the miseries of slavery it follows up at the proper time th abolition movement so powet fully pro- moted by Mrs. IJeeeher Stowe's admirable .,.v,o work. Ihe l rutiitant Vifscntcrs alman.icE ,' L , , l r . V, , ."" u . sh'P anJ a!s0 .furmcs brK'f USr? L:cS - Au Ejnntri.in F, at. O.i M )tid y l ist the son of an inukeeper at Caistor perform- ed the extraordinary feat of riding up a Bight of stairs into a bed-room, turning rouud in it, and descending iu the same 1 Tbe stairs,which areabout 12 feet in length !. are very uniavorame lor sucu an exploit, . i - j-'. i ..c c whore ,he marr;a , ;n tjie n,iartcr f,t.n. In Kajrl nd it seems to have fear- A -r ...... .rr. li.- H . J ... . tion, m oraer to enter toe Dea-room. ine; tion bom tbe Uuitetl Kingdom went on ! ety. Infanticide passed from unmarried houso where this took place is situated , luroUgh the summer at a rate which, if it i to married. Even the sane ity of niatri near the church. contiime Ill(.ial relation is not an effectual check ; SviLSBT.-This little town has long lation. 109,236 persons left the ports aU ' , T T 1 ' 7 "i t enjoyed the reputation of being one of the .V.Litli there are Government emigration T " Cn! P T v - t- 11- at wnien tutreare uoverument emigratiou icp1?3 ln .o-,cty, we must n.akj up our most healthy places in Lincolnshire, and 1 p.o --.-q r..,.i, . i-;.j . i j . . 1 - y . . . . ' 1 officers; ij-,o.y sailed lor tue L nitca fitates, ! mitids to sfronr and uucompromismg as- ,f ntn ....... ....1... 1 tt. l.n..A.... .f ..o . ' - - . .. C c aj jvv. mv .suj v i. j inhabitants its reputation is not undeserved, j .Oat of a population, according to the last I j census, of 1462, including the inmates of : J the prison and the inhabitants of Us allot- j nient in the fen, there were living in the , 1 town, about a month ago, 8 persons whose j .ages were between 63 and 70, 47 between j 70 aud 80, 23 between 80 and 1)0, and 4 i above 0' SmCe then 4 h d:ed abora , "' 1 abVe 8' 8nd 1 bVe 9' 1 h ' j gcs of the 3 nonagenarians now living are ; tii. cv.. auts 1 01, 98, aud 99. SttnJoif si hool Fete. On Monday the! Language of the Law. If a nai nie hour! Light sent t eveiy -t re, fac 8th inst. those important Sunday schools j would, aecordiug to law, give to another tory, dwelling and stieet in a g.eat city, known as the Lee-street and New-market ' an orang", iustcad of saying, " I give you t irongh iron or tin pijes, and weighed. or I iv. , .1 .1 . . :...,!.. 1... ' 1 1 cmi j au aciiuuia xuutt vaujiuij u ...o hands of the Reformers) had a teaing giv- en to them in Lee-street, by the friends of Sabbath instruction: the managers and! teacheis had tea in the Mansion-house,! kindly lent by the Mayor for the occasion, j Suitable address were delivered by Mr. I JoLn..., late nt Uoruc.st!,-, .Mr. liaxter of Calee'horpe, Messrs. Tim, ami Vt Ma.rer, and Mr. Kiimu, of Louth. Mr Larder, sen., pres)dcd. Tliti AVesleyaas held their annual m:s bi1)llary mectin-i at Horncastle last week . . - . 111.1 1 ' s esleyaas held their annual m:s- . ii .t i . i fcinnary niectmji at Horncastle last week : ' a (.ff.,rt was inil tt gel up a first- ,ata meeting; extra t-irenlars wore printed an, t.irculatcd profusely abread ; the effi- cioIlt ,e,viw.9 , t jer. p;, nson c;0Ilt tmcest the I.e.. T-ickftison fr..in Hull, and lht R w. J. Thomas late'. l.. ,r.frr.e,l from lh Priontl'w mid K.-t-iee Is;ands, afteran absence ofubnut '20 years) wcre obtained; tho ternittns and speechea W(,re ccll,.nt . ,nd a rrood feelins ,)frva. ...l tu -,,-r,;.,. -w I'.inli- nt. - The morning service was thinly at- dance. The collections were hi. less than ,a8t ywH.f and .bout 60f. less than was contributed previous to the agitation, . Irf e f a'"er Mental. The building on ti,e Fulham mad, situate about a ouarter ' 1 of a r4',a lci'on l t!,e Cl -isurcptitn Uospi- tal, and purchased by the manasring com ' 1 . . , fc c. mittee of the Cancer Hospital, for the re- . ... 1 ' . f : A " ... . ir ' ' : . r :.. .1. . i e . . 1 . ' . . the first time last week. Several visitors were present, and a number of persous af- ' flicted with this most painful dLsease, great- 1 ,c !-v eced,tg the means of accommodation Folded in the house, were in ai tendance to urire their claims for admission. Since c . ... .... the opening of the hospital, 2M cases have t o 1 ' been admitted, of which fftcen have been .. . UIBtillJli.' U q-illti VUltiU, ailU'lliU IVIIUIIIK'J f 1 . , ' e , , cancer had previously been supposed to be a malady which admitted of no cure, nor even of effectual relief. j Qiiurnr'if liilurn f Minuiijrx, Birth, ! i r. .i i-ia Th; -a(-rease in the marriages aj pears to i, , ...i . i. : .1 r be general ; but it is the greatest in Lou- hliy exceeds the high number registered in the corresponding tjuartcr of nuJ is greatcr tv 3li: , ,Qitn tb t. 1UlU.r T istxttA iu ttIlL.a it is Jitv.,j tlj0 r istratU,n was m-.re imperfect ... 0 ... . 1 . . . tl.-.n it is now. Within the last twelve mouths C'2l,iG0 children have beeu enrol- led on the national registers. The rate of 1 .. . , , oir'.ns ia r.iiriana is irinuciteeei rv tne scs- c . sous; it is higher in the first than it is in the last two quarters of the year, in the proportion of ol to 31. Thus, taking one year w ith another, the annual rate ol births per cent, in the spring fjuiu ter is 3-41 1, iu the summer (jiiarier 3T47 ; the rates in 1.12 were 3 5lt aud 3 104. lbO,4'J7 deaths were registered iu the quarter end ing Sept. 30th. This nnmler greatly ex ceeds the number of deaths in utiv of the corrcspondinir quarU-rs f previous year- 'i't WW, when J.a.b, al)J Ubb deaths r-s, were reght.red. The excessive I espeetively ihe excessive mertal;tv iu tne summer 01 I3iO was the result ol an extensive epidemic of summer ch. leta j and diavrhcea ; Asiatic cholera was epidem- jc :n (be summer cf 184'.) ; and in the pre - j nt quarter the chief causes of the increase I 0f Jc.atUs were the same as were in opera- tioninlSlG. As 151,103 births and lUt).- 407 deaths have been registered in t he- quarter, the natural increase is o'),tiW, I'L .1 . . r o.i. tv . , , iucuisai tue rate 01 hojv weeKlv ami 557 daily. The natural increase is less ti)an jt M hitherto usually be.n not 1 aw luviettvu av, u 1 11 1 . a iiu iu 1 1 .a- 7Iiq for jjritish North America, 38,G0l for lLe Auf)traiiaI1 coloujtS) auj jjq U otbtr placcs tm;ralJts s:liled from ! Irish) 507li from gcoU.L porU pl 5 ' sailea from Englisu ports . 70012 from Uvvtf0oit Sl2b ,rolu iqvmoutb, and ! from Lomloa. TLc d,.s,iuilti,m of 14j.j50 of lhe emigrants from L-,nd,.u was AlWraiia. it is weu known that a large proportion of the emigrants that sail from tle port of Liverpool are of Irish birth. Rryiitrar. CeneraC Report. that oran.'e." which one would think uoui.l c t he what is called in legal phraseology " an bsolutc conveyance of all right and title therein," the phrase would run thus: "I gve you all and singular my interest, right, title and claim, of advantage of and in that oian, with all ria l, fk;n, juice, pulp I .11-.. .t.ntll rwii t.f l..iriara fiml it u rfl-il u.l VOLUME IX NO an ip.f, mi nguv a... -uwni.gw 1:1, With full power U bite, f, an I oti.wi.-a tho s.imr or give the same ay, a fally and en u.lj a I, th billl! V. Hill IKI W cunuitt v uii-i V ' , ' suck, aial otlii rtvise cat the same o'.tn e . , ? "e j ' J"i',, iu j 1, ri,"'"re or or ptc ints vam away, iritu vt whmii juice, palp or pips anytlrn; or hereinafter, or in any O'her ".'.u.e., ut wit.it nature or km-t soever, to tue con- ! ,rnr.v '" ""J'':se f'O'wt hsU-nding, wiih rntich more t the same effect, liieh i , '" "'-'" - - - fc--.w., Ield by the mnst lent uod men am tng them, ft. ..ft..tl...t..,-t.n..t.i. o..tfl...-t..r.l t 'V "' -v-.v.-. V-liiii.;:.jii, ii I i-nU-.-tone on which is.ia- -.crib'-d only t!ie nam A-iiiiliii,'' aud iht SB words, " fA-r T'fuge have I mmr." - Oiher re.'ti-je bave I Done!" t'arve ye tU.s on my head stone, Tiiis, and my p .or name alone. Aiieline piatti Ansjeiina ; A .. I I wouM no tejt Jiv.a.- To illustrate l.l'e of mine 'e;tlier ij!.-ejc deaih's truth, nor garb'e; ri'iip!y on lhe lu.ik h!l lilirble Wn-e i;id s?imi!d som lone bird warble The same -tadacss, in t!ie gray ! the gh utly eve, I pray That ye d-i-.e il not away. Hut permit iu m-jsic nu.-ia L'uerance for ihe dead. coU stone - Other ret'tig-e have I nj.ie.'' Augeiiae !" uo ih: r tame, A'ljinicl, ant--cet!fiii ; fetor, isnlf, nor inle, do 1 claim ; Mrti.l or matron, uiticw, br tie, tit' what Imenee, how albe-J, Tell no! to my shame or pruie Cre.-n ihe Irauch. er jirayly uiossfi. It must fall ; h.ie ilealit, a liosl, l i rues in -prii g aU auiuiun frost: Give no due for either fate find's etesi-rii is c.-nstimniate, l'ie we early, it.e -e laie ; S.i, of aie be uolhiu shown, !Sa,p that lure, where I lie lent, tuber re'uge have I Bjne "' Infaiitici'e ia England. Iiifauticidu is a ciime which is but lit tin : known in this cotm.ry. Once in a while . i.. v.... . ... a case occurs in our Urge cities, but not ! lislies a loiter from Jjceds, making the ,' lowing revelation concerning the prtviuecce ,f the cri:Ue, i . th,t t.,n : V.,ur ,r. iele l.(a.l. d Mole.cli," ' im-rea-c tf the crin.e ..f iufantkidc. i .. on the is most ' astounding : nor is tie shadowing forth of the amount at all overstated. We huva at this, time the walls of our town placar ded vtiilt bills offciiiig i.'.O reward for the: .'..Uciiin of tie m iidt icr of a new born male t h ld found en 'I.e 1.1th t f Ai.-gast. IKf. re tin- j-iy . v.t h.. ! ccmplefe prooW-ttf a young woman in ci.stcdy hiving been pveguaut and eieiivtred at or about the lime, and many most Mispicious eircuin-.-tan. es wtie e .tit i.t. implicating her with the crime K fore us; !ut i wingto the cun lting and faheheed of the witnesses, noth ing tangible could le rre vid. Upon thxt ir.fiiifst it was dcciutetl by the eoioiicr. and etiied to as jiot-abie 1 V the nirgeon, ' that there w re, as Lcur as could le talcu- , lated.aLj'ut tUe uuadre-t children put t ,'iiaiu eariv iu i.cci uioue m;ti were not. ' . , . , r..lrit..t.. .1 1- il... I .. Alh. r b'.ihIj ..t 1.. - T T ..t I.... . . , , - J . ... . . luirr .11. null. A .ti..vi...- "riv iiiuiuliv. VW aVl,:.j t10 t,lliwi,.tti .' ,h, ir !ivio, ami ' these n.u.-derers, ts the ctr.-ner safil, art ucvt r detected." ' Tite London M. ruing Chmnicle, eom- nieuting 0:1 the same subject, says : "An example 111-t le n:nde, ar and an : ''il'1- t'1 a s.-noas mi I 11 telftgiM-s cnur- act. r. It is said that in otic of the l)jr- 011 caesc was made the e-.'uuly. They . t ... '. 0f J . . c . . atteii led l!ie trial iu !a: -e numbers : and ' we are informed that on the acquittal of i 'he prisoner a general epre-ssion of delight iiita a rttir n-ir.nic u ii'iiiii ci'iro gr . r 1 1 1 . . j ' sertion of law a-d justice." Wialarful Age. Vrhat a w..nder-workiiig age we live in I OaC huu Ire I and fiffy-seveii heavy rail way ears, all of them fi'el nith c al, dragged swiftly al -ng au iron retad ia America, in IS. 52, by one locomotive stearut. engine ! Men in Quebec writing to men iu New Y..ik or Toronto, aud getting an answi r in half an hour ! Printers pres sing ..fT ten thousand newspapers nn or.e s' le with b.it one 1 rintintr r r;-s. ar.d within IT . measured otit like ha!t oil or rtunnLtu - t - Propel!, rs Hying r.c: o-s tho A tlantlc I y the power cf con pre-.-ed hot air! The cut of a Cr.e lady's countenance taken, in a moment iu the face of day, truthfully, sn 1 without the aid of the limner, by nu- chhir j '-T:.xx:o r.ir ,.,-. .r... -: .i.. . .1 l . . ... f .