Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 10, 1852, Image 2

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Economy in Hone-Flesh. Mugs being so, and withiu the reach of cash receipts into the UniUd States Treas
The natural lifo of horses is from SO to ' wry one's knowledge, may we not be jits- j nry, during the year, has beca nearly
40 years, yet, with all tbc advantages of ified in saying that the treatment which , $50,000,000; the expenditures over 16,
eivUiiation, most horses are broken down the horse's foot receives is a chief cause 000,000, including $9,455,815 of public
before they reach 15. The early decay ! of bis early decay and death? To us as debt There was in the Treasury on the
aud multiplied disorders of horses, indicate well as to him his foot is a most important 1st of last July, $14,032,136. Since that
that some great errors are committed in our member, and wo consult our interest and period further purchases of $2,456,547 of
general education and management of this and his comfort by taking the best possible the public debt hare been made, and the
oblo animal In an economical pjiut of care of it. J surplus in the Treasury will coutinue to
view this matter b worth looking at If I 1J " not necessary to speat of other can-, be applied in tho same way. The value
we could go into uiiuuto details it might ses of tDe shortened lives of horses, such ' 0f foreign merchandize imported during
undoubtedly bo shown, that huudrcdsof j M ovcr driving, exposure to take cold whon ' the year, was $207,240,101. The value
thousands of dollars are lost to the people npatl, too much water when hard driven, t 0f domestic productions exported was S 1 10,
of this State cither by neglect, or igno- j Trivatin of salt, excessive labor, cruel- 861,911, besides 17,204,020 of foreign
ranee, or indifference to the care of horses, j 'nc merciful man is merciful to 1 merchandiie, making the value of the ag-
Une obvious cause is the generalill j uis teaU "d the treatment of the horse gregste exports 167,065,937. Exclusive
treatment of horses during winter. Flesh, j iu ttose r.-spcets will depend on the gen- J 0f this there were $42,507,285 exported
strength, health and spirits can be secured cral character of the owner. If humane iu specie. As this last gum was mostly in
only by suitable care, food, warmth and i
- - ' I
comfort. UoW is a sad consumer of vital i "u,s" " """'" Juu "ulli uo
power. Dwellers in arctic regions require ab UE hiaa. JV: J"mih Farm rUitor
a large amount of nutritious food. A plen- From tha Scnummn TtUgraph.
tiful meal is of essential service in defe uj.l Economy of Fattening Hogs,
ing us from the effects of the cold. Yet Th" followiug experiment in fattening
...A... . ...I
how many horses arc condemned duriu
winter to coarse meadow hay, or other poor j
folder I How many arc unacquainted v
the luxury of a blaukct and curry-comb ! extract from a communication iu tho Potrut ranging and classifying the census-returns
How many sleep on bar planks ! and 1 I'rjrt fir 1SW '51, by Mr. J. K. ; has been nearly finished. The l'resident
through the day stand shivering iu ricki ty ! l1o" of I'otoei, tirant county, Wiscort-! recommends tho publication and di.tribu
barns or in the opeu yard I Tho rcult is 9,u-"nJ J";"' ,Llj mamtni, while the , rrr;hlicaI! of an m3vtnl jigt of
, . .t , process of fattening is eoinz on, it wnl be ; 1 J .
that in spring tbey rre rough, poor and . witL ijatntt ly the subscribers to the j " nvful inventions-a good
fccl-lc. j ffjcjnq,,, for whom it is our pleasure at ; idea. Tho Mexican B mud try, the surrey
Another cause of their prema'ure decay jail titu.-s to ferret out every iufonnation of the Hio Oraude, and local afL'nj of the
is too early hard work. A horse well ' calculated to advantage them. He says: Iistric? of Columbia arc next alluded to.
treated reaches his full irrowthaudsireuifihi "I" October but, I sehxtcl from my A portion of the publio domain to beset
in about eight years, aud from that age till I
fifteen is iu hia prime, liut most horses '
strained, sprained, lamed, or brukcu down t
lefore eight, by untimely applications to!
hard labor. Light work, aud moderate ex-!
crcisc strengthens their constitution by in-
crc-s'ug the appetite aud promoting the
jreueral health. Ir. Warren says, th it !
two hour s work every day is abundantly J
necessary to maintain their vigor aud the j
upleuesb uf their iiinl. Ot course when j
fully grown they cau do much more. All j
tai?, however, is very differeut from revere
labor upon a youthful frame. In this re
spect a hiH-ao ditfera im no way front a child.
Long experience has taught na that
health can be wtintaiued (so fax as food is
concerned) by three meals a day, aud that
;t it promoted when these are taken regu
larly. A aurc method of disordering the
tttomach and hindering its healthy action
is to cat at irregular intervals'. A horse
Las stomach subject to many of the con
ditions of our own. Over feeding, under
feeding and irregular feeding produce in
him effect's himilar to those produced iu m
D9 liica eances. Stnl-re kcrrrt'rs uudcrstaild
thia and profit by their knowledge. Whyiitl'1'e breeds the corn, yellow-dust or
should not farmers ? Farmers keep horses
for profit Why not get and gave as much
as possible 7 Irregularity in feeding occa
sions a direct loss of food and an indirect
loss is the impaired health of the horse.
It is not a matter of indiilcrcncc bow a
horse stands iu the stable. His legs arc
of about equal length and he should there-
fore have a floor nearly level, that the j
weight of his body may be uuifortnlv di-
tributcd. This arrangement so obviously ' c" ai"J tno l'resident being notified of
required by regard to his health aud com- j ,uc aut ''s Message was immediately
fort is violated by the construction of floors j transmitted.
eloping from six to eight inches. TLe con- j This paper presents in a clear, succinct,
sequence U that the horse is subjected to : am satisfactory manner, the events of the !
a continual strain upon his fore feet, which , 5ar past, including our foreign .relations j
in time diminish their power. lie knows ja" domestic condition. Mr. Webster's
where the trouble is aud speaks of it as well ; death is properly alluded to the Fishery
as he cau by beai iug as much of bis weight ! dispute with Great liritniu glanced at, and
as possible upon Lis biud toes, lie does ' tbc l'resident believes the present time to
this to equalize the weight and to restore ; be favorable to a reconsideration of the
the balaucc lost by the sloping floor. Level j entire subject of the fisheries, as Great
floors may be constructed with deep grooves Britain is disposed to a negotiation cmbra
to carry off the water. This should be re- J c'mg that subject aud the commercial iuter
moved not only for cleanliness, but because j course between the two countries. The
its accumulation iu the bedding generates j affairs of Cuba receive attention, and
ammonia, which is mid to be injurious to' whilo tbe l'resident upholds the right of
the sight Let any of us stand a long ; our own commerce, he does full justice to
time iu a position that strains one set of j tu geucral friendly conduct of the Captain
tha muscles of the logs and we caa then General towarJs all not engaged in foster
imaginc tho effect of a sloping stall upon j ing insurrection on that islaud. An irvi
thc horse. Humanity and economy both i tation from tbc Ministers of Franco and
demand that wc should make the horse as England to the United States Govermcnt,
comfortable as possible. J t0 j'n "'im in disclaiming Cuba, and
Another cauc,and perhaps a chief cause, ; agreeing to dicounteuance any design
of the early failure of the horse is the treat- upon it Las been declined. The l'resident
jnent experienced by his feet. Anybody thinks that Cuba would bo a desirable
with eyes can sco that a horse naturally ! possession if inhabited by a kiudred race
elevates his fore toes to avoid obstructions, j but uudcr existing circumstances its acqui
Why should his toe be pressed down and sition would be fraught with much danger
out of ils proper position by tight heels to J to the Union. The rpjectiou by the Mex
h'n shoe 7 Ever body knows that the nat- ican Congress of the Tehuantcpec Treaty
ural tenJency of the hoof is to expand. A ' is regretted. The attempt to reconcile the
regard to that fact should prcveut excessive j differences existing between tbe Republics
iiarrowing-iu of tbc bhoc. Tho effect is : of Costa Kita aud Nicaragua, deemed cs
eomewbat similar to that occasioned by our scntial to the success of the project of a
wearing tight shoes. I have heard that j ship canal between the Atlantic and Pacific
the best farmers iu England drive no nails oceans, has been only partly successful,
npon the inside heals of the fore foct; that ! but it is hoped will eventually be aocoin
is, they nail the ouuide and just round the j plibhed. The claims due American citi
toc, leaving the inside heel free to expand, xens in Vencxucla have been acknowledged
We know that three or four weeks will' by that Government There is a prospect
produce a considerable growth of the hoof ; : of the La Plata being opened to onr coh
and yet shoes sometimes remain on ten or j merce. A treaty cf commerce has been
twelve weeks, a struggle between the stiff
ness of iron and the flexibility of the hoof.
We can easily guess which gets the better.
We know that the hoof is apt to be cracked j The objects of tbc Japan expedition are
if the horse stands npon a dry wooden stated to be friendly and peaceful, and a
floor; and yet Low seldom does he stand j beneficial result is hoped fur.
npon anything else 1 We know that ow- Coming to matters of domestic concern,
ing to the peculiar construction of the foot, j the rrcsident calls attention to the immense
Bhire'.ug u a delicate operation, requiring labor now devolving upon the State De
skill and the application of enlightened partment, and suggests that a portion of
common sense ; and yet, until jeople Lave ! the business be transferred to another dc
ejffered evcrely iu their pockets, they ! partment. The attention of Congress is
rarely make a t-uiLeut rxrutiuy in the ( called to the insecurity of some of the
;uali jctiliciia of Ikcr fclutktiiiitts. 'llcse ; tu.l Jinjjs cf tie puLL'c daj-tuicuu. The
auu consiutraic, "e win sympaiuiie ra : calilorma gold winch is domestic proJuc
L t V 1 -. 1.1 I Til:.. . - .
I . . L . . C . . 1 " . . 1 I . . .. I, 1 . I. I.
stoct two pigs, of tLe samo size, and ap-
parcntly, alike, thrifty; one, however,
weighed 2'Vi 11?, the other 217 lbs- I in-!
mediately after Icing weighed they were j
l"!t 'n apartments ,f the eamo house kept j
,,rJ an' wwm, and fed with great care fT ,
40 day; thcu they were again weighed,
and hlaughtered. Tbe heaviest was fed j
with corn mnti, mixej stiff with colJ water,
'he other with .-helled corn, with plenty of
l,ure water for drink. The one fed with
consumed 425 lbs aud gained 63 lbs.
live weight; the pork weight after dressing
was 297 11. The other ate SOS lbs. of
corn, and was fouud to have gained 33 lbs.
live weight, hU pork weight being 2S0 lbs.
By subtracting the pork weight from the
live weight; the amount of offal is ascer
tained, which in this experiment, proved
a fraction less than one-f'lh of the live
weight. If one-fifth he deducted from the
amount each pig gained, we have true
gain, in pork weight, produced, which was
tij lbs. for every 50 lbs of meal, aud 5
lbs. for every 50 lbs of corn.
" The pigs were a cross between the By-
6cld aud lKik.-liiic, the bl-st uuil tuusti'tuf-
Cleveland, a variety held in great esteem.
Gain of the hog fed on com meal C3 lbs.
" u a conlf S3ibg
Gain in favor of feeding on nievir', 30 lbs.
The Hecting of Congress Tbe Presi
dent's message.
The opening of the session of Congress,
" ' 1 ' r.v ,0k favorable to the public
'"tineas. A quorum was ready at roll-
concluded between the Unital States and
Uruquay. The Government has acknowl
edged Tern's title to the Lobes Islands.
j u..g., wi.a ,jm,n,a ami nry .u, , jut0 market dur;Dg ,lc t TLer(
... ., .. ..'were ls.Ilo.ii.j acres sola ana located
pan. ti Kcttlt thn miction of tcounmu US: '
i'l t. the Lot iiioJe of f.cdin? hnri. It is an , land-warrant. The labor of ar-
tion, the export of Join as tie product is
over $192,000,000.
Tho removal of the Indians is referred
to. 9,f22,9o3 acres of public lands have
I been surveyed, and 8,0"2,4G3 acres bro't
piirt for the provisional occupancy of the j
.Indian tribes is recommended. Tin necos-!
e;tj c,f apprrtpriatisg money to finbh sim? !
0f the foriinVations already begun, is also !
urg.-d. rieparations have been made for !
carrying into effect the law fr t lie iuirove-!
nient of rivers and liaruor. In conuexiou
aUli naval affairs, tho President informs
Congicss, that besides tha Japan Expedi
tion, and the survey of the China Seas
and liehring's Straits, a rceounoisanee of
the continent of Africa cast of Liberia,
and an examination of the La Plata, have
received his approbation, and incipient
measures been taken for their accomplish
ments. Tbc President specially commends
the plan of the Secretary of tbe Navy to
establish a permanent corps of seamen,
aud for tho rc-organixation of the Naval
Academy. The reduction of postage has
caused a falling off the past year in the
receipts of $1,431,676, or about 23 per
cent., compared with the preceding year.
The increase in the amount of correspon
dence has not been in proportion to the
reduction of postage, but the President
expects that, uu.lrr (he picscut Ion rates,
tho department will goon bo enabled to
support itself. A number of subjects, re
ferred to in former messages, but which
Congress did not act upon, arc again men
tioned as being worthy of the attention of
that body. The Message closes with some
well-timed remarks upon onr duty as a
nation, and the proper policy to be observed
to keep the country free from war, free
from debt and oppressive taxation, which
follow in the wake of war.
Mr. Fillmore repeats his former views as
to defects in the picscnt tariff, and in fa
vor of discriminating protective duties.
As a result of these defects he asserts that
most of the gold of California, as fast as
coined, finds its way to Europe iu payment
for goods purchased ; that our manufactu
ring establishments are broken down by
competition with foreigners; our citizens
arc thrown out of employment; the farmer
deprived of a home market ; ami that the
destruction of our manufactures leaves th
foreigner without competition in our mar
ket, and he consequently raises the price
of the article pcut here for eale. The
views of Mr. Fillmore on this subject must
be read iu detail to be understood.
The Message will commend itself to the ;
reader for its general good sound bco.-:c
and prudent counsel.
The editor of tho Cincinnati A'fvertirrr,
who recently visited the .State Lunatic Asy
lum at Columbus, says that there arc in
that institution twenty persons, whoso ;u.
sanity is clearly traceable to spirit rappings,
and it is stated tbat there are in the Utica
(X. Y.) Lunatic Asylum nine victims of
the same delusion.
Dr. S. Humos, of Lancaster, Pa., who
died lately, bequeathed 2,U00 toward
erecting an atylum fur the reformation of
Since 1841, the population of eight coun
ties in Ireland, has decreased, 654,282.
All of Prescott's historical 'works are
published in London, iu six shilling volumes-
The (axes of the cily of New York will
be increased next year one million five
hundred thousand dollars. The rate of
taxes now is 96.70-100 on $100 of valua
tion, but next year it will be 1 25 on the
$100. The city debt of New York is
f 14,578 U9.
Mary Burr, the last Punkaqusg Indian,
died at Canton, Massachusetts, recently,
aged 101 year. There are many hall
and quarter bloods of that tribe, but none
of full blood.
Letter from Kossuth, addressed" to the
Congress of the American Revolutionary
Fund for Europe, appears in the newspa
pers, in which he gives encourging account
of tha progress of the liberal canso in
The last Milionian says that during the
late freshet, a boat with wheat b longing
to Henry High, of Whire Deer Mill, was
aground on the darn between lie island-
opj uil'c :Lat piiuiCt
Dn. LACEE-DENTIST ha returned
la leritufg, and may be consulted pro
fessionally lor lew weeks at hia Koonu in S.
ThiiJ street. Sept. 1, 1838
ir ami 1 5 (Gvottvits.
nXBUL8. FISH, 300 lb. CHEESE, 2000
sZ0 Ibe. HAM. Flitch, an Shoulder. Dairy
SALT, Ac for aala at LewUhuri; Cheap Hturt
l7 C. E. BO vV Ed
Surgeon Dentist,
4 T hi Residence, South Third St., corn
Of the Board walk. -
LETTERS testamentary on the last will
and testament of Simi-ei Ammo, late ui
ihe Enrciugli of Lewishurg, dee'd, have been
granted to the subscriber by the KfgiMer of
Union Co. All persons having claims asainsl
the estate will present them lor sattlrnieiit ;
and all parsons indebted make payment with
out delar, to AI.K.Y. A.V1M(.,
Lewisburg. Oct. 13,1X52.
N. II. .Dyers Amnions will continue the
lumber business of the late firm of Ht rn aud
A 'Mot, and respertliilly solicits acouliuuance
of the public pairouage.
I ttril iron English and Herman AL
1 0JJ M x..cs far IH63, ju-l reeritrj
and for graluitiKi distribution. Call aud gel
one aud save your i pence.
Vi -I (Virtu v. .VtMi,v, " M-mmf ." Ant-M be
trait -Hi I'ilUUL). Y'ttTH Amiju a C. a. O.UnTir.
jr.T I'l ItUst.'KlK
fiBAYDoVS rouis Sr. Khth T.:ti.
t'nm 4 'fiicueinf. nl i f t'rvti-f in il t'-'urt- f
Totnuioo I'lrnit. J'irtrb-r S-di-d, Vxvt TTTOii:r. tit
lu,-n inr aud Orhant' v'ourr. u4 tlnr tU-i of ilie -riott
il Othr-n mid JtiU.it uftbe I't '- ftu;.lllt
rtitiit. lii(. rorriN-u-rt. Ki :l.niL anl Al.ii t.-1 u
totht lrM-itt Sttrof thr ltw ; with frji"U Kit'uriaV
trTV Xoi .ini II-f'Tt-iK-a-s. ami Nw ai:J rrry i i-u.pr--lirtitT.
IW IN-l-aiiT K- Wbh-HT, i. Iu tUC
tlti- k 0Uvq Tuluiitt'. i'ric. uly
tin xw' V'Myt." till- ri uii"ii cf hi'h i?
rtU'lii-ltM .i tt nl no rn!r.) tlte Mu-i-trnt
V.wl tell th" inferiJiatiofi utn.iry to a crnTt ltrlitr
of thr imi-airituit lnli- mnfi'trrl to lilm t-y thrlnnf
tfnti;U4vuia. r,tjt t'iyhtty's liinnt, lifth ili
AIS tWtWntS TO till AMTt,
kusixess man's legal guide.
A TREVTIEP nn th OlB-f atitl lutiM of Al-Vrnit-u
and Jull-rof thr Praw. in the 0mintrf.wtlth of Frnn
nvlT inia, inrludttiit all the r!uin-l Fnrm f i'tr-
and Irnkft Kntrit'ii. und emlxHljfitin not nly what-vir
my W dmrd vatuat'k to JiMtic f Uin IVarr, but t-j
L.vi4lnrdft, Tenant nd rnrrl Airnti, nd makn t1
Tolum what it rriortri to he, A 8fe Le&U isuitle f,f
Piifln-'W Men. hy John r.ir.n, late AMrninn io ihe cily
nf I'hllatTrlMiitv Kjl h rUil'f.n. IUfixtd. CrxraeUd ami
trratlv Enlarrt. Br K 4 ITftiAitiLr, Ewj. la One
tl.t k Volume Oi-tara Pi ke only $4.W.
Jii(itiiburioyii of Jtinm's Jmtict. that It If not
only ilt bent- lut th ooty rcry g 4 work that e havo
od the Buljecl."
And SpcvtUi to 6c JVArtxI.
Taorn.iT ami iiaivs rnirnci. n aminiira
rMiri'W. lmillj Kttlarird anl Improvvil, UlKkr Ih. Mi
lorial IHrctlinn of f rnn ia WhaTton, K-.. Autbr ff
Aoirrtcan Crim:aal Law," A?., 4c. Id Two Vulumt
Tiioi:nATO tub op umitkb fartner-
SIIIC in thr tnilnl Stlc, with full rrfrrcttn U. Hit
lal'-t autlnrUI, Kncliph anl ADivriran. lly Kkouj
J. Taol MVT. llM. IU OlW Voluuif.
iinlTa tr Lrllers of lii'iirjf from the Country
lrt'U.ptljr aitcsata to. KAY liKoTIIKH,
Law Pib--!miii ami v.
Sin I IT l'ja Market .-r--!, I Vi.a-i.
DraR), 91cdlcln.es, &C
Jenks ft Osden,
Xn. 106, .VwrA Third Street, Piunnr.ipari
1MPOKTF.RS of Uru;s, Medicines and Pye
Hi u lis. iManuf.icturcrsi'frurc White Leal
and Varnishes of all qualities. Wholesale in
l'aints, Oils anil Window (ilass nf ail sizes.
Alcohol, Spls Turpentine, Burning Fluid, &c
constantly on hand at the lowest prices.
Superior Chemicals, Perfumery and Snrpic.il
Instruments, to which the attention of country
merchants aud physicians is respectfully solic
ited. (qt 10, 1S53 4w
$jOo challenge.
VtrHATEVEK concerns the health and
V happiness of a people, is at all times nf
the most valuable importance. I lake it for
granted that every person will do nil in their
pou-er to save the lives of their children, and
thai ci'cry person will endeavor lo promote
their own healih at all nacrificcs. I lee) it to
be my duty m solemnly assnre yon that
WOKMS, according lo the opinion of the most
r"li-lratal IMi; rtielan. a:v the .ritit:iry raug of a larjr
majority of ili.uam'a to w htcii elttldivn and a!u!ta art
liable. If you hart an aj p. titc roMtinnnlly hancruMc
from nil? kiill ol fniX to HU'jtha'1 Had irvMli, f'.tin ill
the ftnuiurh, iVkiiig nt Hi N ', Il:trdtu iw ami KuUn
of tit- Mly. Itry Couyh. Mow Fuvs-r. t'uKc Irnputttr
r-tuviiitr Hint all tliu.se Ui'Dotc Hvltl, auU jou sbuuld
at wHic apjO the r nnily
ifOfiE.wk s trouM srnrr,
An nrt!r f miHlrd Ukhi w icniilK riuripliciipountlt d
willi urrly TfC''laht? sub'LtDmit, Ituiaj rfurtly sale
hin ck-n, mid emit I tJh'ti t the nnwt It-iiIt ittfitiit
itt 4 d -l hfntfift:il eifvrt. U U-r Bvrl Cotnpriiiitt
mt liirrtur hnre inxlt them wi nk atd dt liliiiitaj, the
Unie proifttii ot my Worm vrup ant ufli, tlit it
lisi4'U without nn iitml in tlm catalogue of nn-dinnfn
in jr '.ti(r ton mtd titivnirth to the t(nim h, w hirh nittkra
it mi Iiilallil'l ruim-dT t-r th'Xt' ntUi.-ti'd ith JtyijKjuta.
Tbe fctonifliiti? run iHT;iiria'U hjr thif Syrup aftt-r
I'tiTi-la. tan U:tT fnilitl, it the bcstcviJcnci' of its sup -riot
s ilica y over all others.
Thi Is tit most ditfirult Wurui tu Ut-.ttroj of all tint
inlft the human PyUtti. It i;riiW5 to n aliu t iift-fi-nitr
Irotrth, ki-omin;' io roiled ri f.ntcni-'l in the intf j
Ihm and ftoinai-li. s'lfprunx t!i bra 1th 80 undly an lo
c:luc t. Vitu7 lnri(-t'. J-iL-. Ai-.. that ihicaHI'ttcl Hi-im
it cter punpi ct that it U '.'? Hvrm bitstrnin thctu to aii
rarly pTaT. In urUrr to dritry Ihi9 worm, a Terr rur-p-tic
trtatuiunt must U )unuiel; it would tliprvfite be
proper fi take 6 to S uf my Liver 1MR h at Ui remove
aU ohntrurtmnF, tluit thn Wurtn f vrup may art ditvrt
uru the worm, which uiul ! uiken in ot tro
tallffoufullB thrtw tiiin- a day: ilWo ilirvrlionH t' I
U w-. have rrtrr taM-n kuowti u Hal ig curing tiic uioet
otint raw of Ttpe
No pirt of the sintrni i. more lialV to disease titan tb1
Urtnv it sen in an a tilti-n-r to purify the tltod, or (tit
Iti? the proer crrttn to the hil-; o that any wruni;
arlkn of tbc l.iTur etf. cta tin- uthr iiiKrtn( nr .l
th tjitem, and nnulta vanousiy, in Mver CnaicUint.
Janndtoe, DjltK-a U shonl.l. thfrtfor, watrh
every m,'tfl tlmt mt-ht iud:r:tte a wrr m- q. ti m of
the LiTfr. The I'ilN brin ontnpOMI of I.ftntt
I'UtuU furnifbed by nature to bl the hirk, naiuely. lt,
An I'xfHctoranL, whidi nuznu-i.t thn ftrcrrtion from thai
puluioimry niuruB nemhraue or prontotee tho dinJtare
of excreted matter. 2nd. An A!'rutirv which rhanps in
PUKainexplit?ableaiid inseitf ibie mtuiot-r thr certain mor
bid action of the -y m. IH. A Tmc which (tiven f nt
and strength to the nvrronn mtem, renewing health
and Tior to all part of the Kly. 4th. A Cathartic
whieh act in perfrt bartwowy with ihe otiirr iDredinTs.
and operating on tbe bowela, and expellinx the whole
manBof corrupt and vitiate arntUr, and purifying the
blood, whkh tk-ctroys difewe and rraturva bealtb.
Too will And thcae Tilla an rural uablv nnlkim in
niauy wiapUiuta to vliirb jtoa an auljct. In obMrue
tiunii Uiar total or partial, thry hare bra found of in
rabnukli' brDidl, natorinatlMir rnortioualnrraiiK. n.-nta
to a liraltliT adii.D, puritfing the blood and tb.-r Buida
to cSectuall; to put to Sijtbt all eumplajuta wtakb may
arU from aule Irrul.rltira, aa hM.l,t,Kiaainfaj,
dunoeaa of right, pain in ittm trim, back, c.
Aone genuine unless signed J. N. Hoata
back, and others being base imitation.
Agents wishing new supplies, and store
keepers desirous of becoming agents must ad
dress the Proprietor, J.N.Hoaisaaca, at his
Laboratory, Ho. 120, North Sd. above Race
St., Philad., Pa.
8old by aU Druggists and Merchants in the
United States.
Asmts. Dr. Thornton A J. Baker, Lewis
burg. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Union
Co. Davis & SchnurcSdinsgrove ; 8titzer &
Bro., Miffiinburg; Y'ouDgman at Walters, Dry
Valley ; K. Keller, Adamsburg; 8. Wiuenmyer,
Middleburg ; M. Specif Bcavertcwn ; J. D
Dirlfendcifer, Kern Columbia; A. H. Luw.
tKti IL1L l'jUVi JJM 'ii ClilS -
WAXTED A Journeyman Clock Ma
ker or Gunsmith, to whom constant
employment at liberal wasrswill be given lo
work in UK ASS and IKON.' Enquire at this
office. l.ewisbnrg. Nov. 9, I5 3w
India Rubber Gloves, Hittcns, be.
COUNTRY Merchants, in making their pur
chaser, should not ne-lect these desirable
and saleable articles. Their manufacture has
been much improved recently, and they are
made very durable. Particular attention is
requested to the
IIW-Z.i')ift Gfore ami Mittens.
Thrj ar tn.tipnaM In rol.l and avt wtiiT I!'"
tll liml tbia ul.iTMi ovful iu any wnk that win il !
Ilii.l, at the .-.in liuit Hint bi- ar.U riire tin "!
Salt Khmitiorl hil-in-l ll:-n.la ImiiKiliatWy. TtH-jr ar
luaJi- all li n-tlis ! jiri.tM-t Ui j nrms aul rit.
toriole l.y Wilnu, Hillin C. No 3 Chnn A'l'T
aniti-xtrer'a.6'liiiauiitStiel Wiilah!lfl.ia. J- II.
rtiillip I1tllim-. fa. P.wr llvMl. Ilnlliiimre.
M. II W. Sc!iirll.T. 'liarl.ton. S. V. lUrt II rkr,x.
Ciiii iiiati. olii'i. ana l y all HiiI'Ut lVkr iu the L'ni..a.
At icUil bjr Cuui.tr Mmluuta gcUMall. .tiul
0s(er Saloon.
TTAVI.NO fined up the Room in Fairs' !
X J. new brick bl.-k in a superior manner. ;
the suhscritH-r is now prepared to aceommodaie I
individuals and pailirs with OytT eic. iu
ihe Ust styles. A share of public patronage
solicited lir U. r. rn-ss
Lewibur?, Sep! 15, ISK
icw Sliop.
SallllM'l Minr ha jut nrwred a shop
on Mirkri !iiiian. Ix-iwn the Post ttfice and
l.yndall'a IJ.ikst..re, mhere lie is prepared lo j
inaWe aud m 'I j
Idiots ami Sliocs of all kit.'Js !
f..r I.adi. Mivfs. Men and lloys. Als for
mle, f.'t'V Siloes of all sue'. Riraiaiic ,
il nr as u-nut. ;
Pri!uee ef ail kind wanted in exchange ;
for work. !
B. pn:irtii.ilit', and usirnmd mafpals in j
Ihe very best wav. he hopes 10 share Ihe pat- j
rona;;f of a il'srriiniiiaiiii: public. I
I.ewil.nr. Nov. II, 1'2 I
DUrturrrfotypc I.lkonesfs taken
according to the latent iinprovcmems, at ihe
first door btdow Inuisua Store, on the most
reasonable terms, by
Lewisburg, Oct S7, 185
irAiVA it to be extended from Li ieiiLurj to
IsAcitt'iiru on the Juuiatu
through by niliHloburs ! I
IT i. a fact that l. II. Rliel has em
ahead of all the Companies, and haa now
o(cijrd one of the beat aud largest stocks of
ever opened in this country, and of such nvles
and ij'ialitiea as will give satutaction to all.
DRY GOODS of all kinds,
Coffca, Tea, Sva, Socir, Molaaar, Hire, Chcrsc,
Cra.-ken. .mp, Cainltw, Tutmcrr., Sizars, Ac
Also Jlnrdicare, (Jueeimcare, CcJjncare,
Jlii"ts lllirf St'ie, Jats,
and Cap nf tha latrat style and bent quality,
Cmbtellus, IJ u-hw, Uiooms. Paints ground and
diy, OiU nf all kinds, and other articles t,m
numerous to mciitinn all of whieh will be sold
at p'iccs so lav as lo ajMni.-h purchisers.
All kinds at Country PRODUCE taken in
exchansje. lor (f.wd.
(Tj-rioase give a ca'l before purchasing
elseuhrre, n 1 charge nothing for lo.Ain? at my
(jooda. - D. II. KISsEL.
M.fflinl.ur6, Cct 59 1852
lmpoitaut lo Farmers tifid lloitsrl.ccjiers.'
IN all former times it v- supposed ibat a Isrse
ijuaniiiv of rider could be made only l.y using
a ponderous machine, that slowly crushed the
apples without grinding them fine. They were
then made into a massive cheese in straw, and a
most severe and long pri tsure was required to
extract a portion of Ihe cider, a considerable por
tion being absorbed by Ihe sliaw and ibe mass nf
pomice, aud to obtain lbi unsatisfactory result
the faimer bad lo take all his hands and perhaps
bis six horte teams and devote a whole .lay that
could have I'een more profitably employed, lo
make from six lo twelve barrels of eider. To
obviate the d.Iliculty the farmora have heretofore j
labored under,
haa been invenied.and Ihe statement of a fewT.icts
may prove that it iaaol only the Best Machine
of the kind iu existence, but that it is ihe most
profitable that a man can have on his farm. The
apples i t by this machine grated up into a fine
pulp, so that it requires but a comparatively light
pressure, and lhat but a minute or two, to extract
all the cider, it being ascertained by practical
experiment that One Fourth more can be obtained
than by the old process. Besides this it requires
only two har ds to grind and make up into cider
a larger quantity of apples tban can be possibly
made on lh old-fashioned machines. On ibis
.ress, owing to Ihe compactness of the pomice in
Ihe lub and the complete manner in which il is
ground, a pressure of three to five tons which
can be easily obtained will produce a more
favorable result than one hundred tons pressure
on the ordinary cider press, even if the apple
were ground as finely as on the improved Mill ;
and if Ihe apples were merely crushed as on Ihe
Nut machine, it would require a pressure of two
hundred Ions to produce the result accomplished
by this Patent Mill. The following ate adduced
as decided advantages of this machine :
iirjf It wakes morr li'lor than any other pras, Willi
a eivr-n quantity of apples, in a gina tuav, and witli
sauvh leas lh.r and f speiiae.
.VrcMf It itiaktsi cleaner and sweeter CHcr than aoj
Other BMrhine.
Third V..o ran mrtk your nlrr as yrtn want It. aod
whea you want it and in ianutiv& from one ;al!oa to
six or twenty harrela.
fourth With it yna ran press rnnrCurrauts, Cherries,
Berries, Cberse, Butter, latr.1 and Tallow.
VVA With it you eanave ONK tOCRTU of your
time in making Apple Butler.
StzthTh ith It yna can f tint or rhop ynnr Apple. Tota
torn, TurDift. Beets. (Carrol, or Pumr-kina. tor battle.
JrrfM By lis use you can at all times hita 'KSU
and s WET Cider.
The price of the Cider MSI. with right to use
the same on any one lam, is $35. Price ol the
Root Cutting Cylinder, $.1
The sixe of this Machine is about S by 4
and weight about 300 pounds. It may readily
be taken, to the cellar, door-yard, kitchen, barn
floor, or otcbard, as may be most convenient.
For Stale, County or Township right, or for
Grants to make machina in certain territory for
stated period, address. (post paid)
IV. O. HICKOK, llarritbarg, Pa.
IV Person in Union and the upper part of
Northumberland counties, and in Penn and
Brash valleys. Center county, can procure tbe
aLove Machines on arrlicatiun to
Ohio mineral Faint
OftftBBIAMACIirsiail OIL. l'rio;ict.pr(rlk,n.
OUVi 2-Vl'IOallulia do df
In ea.k of Tariowa aizes. do do do do
jno Bamtla HOIi.kU VAIMOIL. do 4 L do
uuuu Callous do Uo
in ra..ka of Tari.ni aiu. do do do do
500 B:irrrl TAW Kit.-' Ill l Vart.ua kiuU and .luali-
ti-a, fr.ui il l "ut. p-r i(ulltii.
1500 tiallon in fafke of vnri"U .-Ue. VarioiM kin-la i
auil na".!!!!.'. fr.mi :u to jt ent- per tfalltu. I
40 Tons TAM.OW UKKA.-K t t lleaij ll-ariiia. an I
Coarap Maehllvry, in Harnla or Coka. of nt; eon
aiiit'nrv rr.nirt-.. I'riee rrnU it II.
UO Tu. OHIO Ml.M'.IML I'AIM, iu Barrels at the
leweitt market irire.
Mucliinery Oil, warranted not to chill in Ihe
coldeat weather, and rWMsi.!ered by th' uaing it
equal to Siin Oil. toiiliJ 1'iuitt Oil, cijimI to
Linaecd Oil, other than for white.
I am conatainly receiving laice au'iplira nf the
above nanieJ aiurle, and my motto it, - fmsll
protlta anJ ijuirk returna." It. F. VOX
5U Water St (iiiioVi the I'earl M. ltollM.)
New V'mk, Kcb I Z.oil-i A.ir rk
for cutting both Grain and firas
Off tit Jmrri wf fr 1 b'l !
A rANlFACTt RED ami f..r ai at
.1 1 Leitisburc r'otindiv bv
uKWt:; MARSH i t o.
si I.OCO h 1 e ar.
"ITANTKI) in every fVuutv 'f th I ri'te I
f Mlales, active and e:i'erpii-ii g ME.M.
lo ensace i:i Ihe of sonie of the bt b'
pul.lrshr.l in the c.untrr. .Von of ? h d s '
p.ieMu; a srn.i!l c.tpital .d lr m i'i ! Mi"'.
mill have Mirh iiid.i-eiii'iiU ,.. i.-. as rrulie
Ihem In make fmin f t In jiti) a .iav ( r. fr.
The Ni ks p-il!:vhed bv us are ml iim I'jI in
chnr.irt. r, n'rcm.-'y popular, and r .mruan I .
lar.-e salrs whriever lliry are otf.-rr !.
Kor further parl:cu!.Tis ad 'n-.a (ritn!re p.!) ,
m.MKi.s & ;ki..
(nrrea,rs li. V A l.rnrv V d') '
No. I3S North Serrn ' Street, Phda-l-li'tiia ,
Lililiiii!; Hods. 1
VFTEI! many y.ars' ilose investicaiimi arid ;
numerous riperioients. Ihe Pal. iree lake :
.. aure in inforrning the public li.at he baa j
ariived at ihe t ue priiieipln of p otrriiug faniili. s
dllings and property from rhedestru -live influ-
aoce ol LIGHTNING. The calarui'irs
that every Cily, Town, Vrllaee and Country falls
victim lo annually, thro lh gro negligence of
its inhabitants, l b.-ond cilcula'iou, especially
when the remedy is so ea-y lo obtain this is '
louud in
JJatcnt fllnjiictic tijljtninj Uobs,
and in ibis alone. This Rod has been examined
by the mot scientific grnilenvn in thu woilJ i
Professors M'Murtrie, Johnson, VV allot and many i
uthes lhat have examined ibem, ecommend and
speak of them in tbe highest terms of apohaiion,
and base pronounced them Ihe only safe rods in
use in tbis or any other country for Ihe protection
ol 1.1 ves and Property. Oat advantage is to divide
aud ibrow back a part of ihe eh ctric fluid harmless
to the clouds ; in lime ot a stroke ibis enable the
rod to conduct lhat portion of fluid that belongs
to Ihe earth without Ibe slightc-l danger of lea
ving Ibe conductor. This rod has many other
advantage over ihe old one. The only place of
manufacturing is in
Vine St. 3 di,rt abvre 12A, Philadelphia,
wh-re all persons are respectfully invited to call
and examino for themselves, for sale Vhlrnle
or Reiad by THO S ARMITAU E.
These rods have been purchased and success
fully used by the follow ing individual, e panics
and corporations, whose names are cheerfully
, , ' a P..W. r.-,re-
mm m ..a. ... - - "
J'jhu U mt-it 1. 1 . rianley. J. ttr-Mir, . uafch, i"iira
litgci'L lbf Bifccklfjr Aiiu--bjUMrt Audvrsoa l:r!UT.
11. t J. L. i.rant, JnliTi Niitmiiii, Th'm. (In.Ti-r. li.t-- X
ll(Mtl. A. K. litllkent. li. ilUIIrsiU", ItlUS. Ntt t l'o- Mr.
lHKtiiuc. J. Unrr, ) W. WatMin, C. Humi-hrvy. J.
Ilipli v v t'o J. ymnD. If. liarlt n. J. 4(t'Uliirt-. il. l.-
m r. Sir. aijurfltr Mr. iietrliu, fi. Ix.rle-v, J. UniikJy,
Mr. Itoviii, lr. 1'jiuI. 1. 11. t'uwrr Jt J. Wiu p -iui .
H. M.lu-r, tlif (ltd Brink Hftrl. tli t.o. Aeuui, ibf
fprii"; iiar-ti-n '.'niini?.W'iirr" lUII.
In tnf .siit nf sYcie J-rty. liror Crii;-i. Ju-l.-p
MVall. Juti-'e IuyL-.n, J .tm Nrtuiuu, Ir. 11. M'Mun.-.
B. uj.I.'lrtn, Mr. J. Iwnim;.
(Xj"Tbe only uihoiizcj Acer;! for ihe Cnunt.es
ol I'iiioii. Jurii.tii. M H'.iii, 'luiton, I.vcoininc
N jilliuntberlaaJ, Man!nK,C Ium''iii. lauzrpr,
ILtrfk'on. Laiuii county, rain
OrdVrs an J loiters aJJre-..rd (it r.iu ) to Mr.
Hoover, will be ro:r;! Jj- aiifuJfJ to. He has
jiut u a uun.hrr ol lUteW K.kIp in t'uton coun',
some of wbiih nuy be sren aa f dlows ;
.v r.vo.v t or rr.
rr-trfTry Tp. Mark U..il,H ..nT. V:.i F-t-r, Jt.hn Tin-.,
If-?mrl P'-tfr.. Javb aMotth, lj(ii Kiliuitn, Oulteu
li, xar-tiTbrrr Kut-knrr. .'m Vri'tr L'ottrt IIkii.-.
nrtl 'innnib.-itTi-r-' imB-i. l.imr.-tu 7 Juhn lt l.r.
rtw 2. Dr.l'hsrls- W'i!-n. H tsft it.'-ri Tp .h.hn
Kunti. Sim"H Kuntsi. i '). laac LVu!Jtuu. lV?ttt
tH.tr Tf. iii' -hue. liu.ri:taa-
I'niLWK., Anr.13. 1CIT.
I h.iTi tliw d.r arc fully insf-vctM a rncla t- r t
l.i ilitnitii !;". attli Miiu- and intit-. s-rs-t-u-! Ny Mr.
ibotu AruiilaaTi. "U l-llffur llou.. i.loiH-t-i-lvr, ai;-l
li;iTf no lir !itatHn in .-iyh lh:t it i n-t i nty tlu- It- at
1 lif t-Tt r st tn, tut thnt it ii the m.!y ont' I Imve v t
tuiiii'a tliitt i- mn-tructtd on :riLtly ccirutiltr tin i
p!.. It in with nittt-h Wurv that 1 rt-o-inuit-nd hi
couJuctor lo tbc aiu-utwaul ovrurf biittiiuci.
H. M. .MV UTKI1.
1 araw 11 mti-fiM that t!. Man-tic L-irhtninr Kml.
m:tnuf:i' tiin d 1 .Mr. Tlwui.ni Arnntn'. f I'iiilavh'it.ltci.
i th bct that Iim tTr tS"-n mrv I h;T- pnt n
ypun in the 5tudy f ihe laws of vU ctrifily and m.tirnt t
Um. a-.id hTr no hitntmn in Far ins tb:U t!i.- Kiric ar
con-trttitifl Uafin tli'' only iri(i .I f Tin- i-. tr
nhi-rk ii iwil aod rli;wrri'sd by the raa3nt at the tnj
rt the nl. ami it uM bt inipv-il'h'. arconltne to th
lnw of ifttlnarti-'n arnl ri'f.ulsum, f-r a tu.ltlinc to !
ii'j'tri d hy a ftntko of libtuin- h"ii pmt ia-d l.y om of
tlusr r!, 1 have Ivrn aiiuintid with Mr. Amiii
ftr fM-vrrnl ycitn. -nd N f tp he coiiiincnra-d thn r.tvaut.ttv
ture f ihi'M rtl.-1 f-x:tm;tM thf rrinr'.h-on which th.-y
arn rt'n;ru'-ti'tl. and f il nuivturvd that th-'ir ahttM'n
would Ik oth n led with roniph-t' mnsn. Th inr'itin
di tun ud for thoM- r.!,aiid UiCfxt4 Uin'-tilif iu -It parti
vf tl.f rouritry. I anii-le wnnmtTdni ion of thir ntilitv and
nurU.ritv. TK.U V K. U'ALLKU, M. V.
kbin,; Sun. rbilad.Co.a Aj ril 10, 1S5..
.3 -....I.I .,
nAVIXG been eppninled Agent for the sale
of Ibe celebrated 1'ianos, manufactured by
Giro. YOGIIT, Philad.,
the undersigned would be happy to supply any
citizens of the Susquchanns country who may
desire an Instrument well made, after the latest
improvements. Two of these Instruments hare
lately been introduced into Lewisbutg. to whrch
I Sra happy to tefer any one. The I'ianoa are
ar warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for
a year, they may be exchanged. Prices reason
able FR NC13 J. (JESS.NEK.
Lewisburs;. Feb 34, 1352.
nnd NAIL3, aUnyji on hand and for
sate by D. S. KR.EMER & CO.
To IumiliU and the HUU.
Conwtotfe tDUfnta.
BAI.I.V cunog all llurui aud til ntZ.i i. Ll
S..ra. ' 4
SI. HALM Of CVLUMOU br hu ....u..
th" Human Hair. ' " mt
ci. , uy.'. rsr axi n:.e t;vj..,..
rir lul lli utpt.-ui. ail
4-h. itcX-llU-H AVOC.STIC OIL,, mtuim a. .
oib. li t rs try 1 vr.. M W)W
.i"'' Loxi:t.nys vubit t-rrier iulA.
I' I .V.I ' A 1. 1 I uei. an4 ir ruk .,.Hr '
tmn: f-r tharrb-ra. In-l am,.,,, mmtl l .
t.r r4i.. r,r- ain f. M ..'JTL
,.la..f: ftr.,r.b .t-,. W-t-t-w. r.l
' D. 'f - pm. an t Ir.r., .,1,.
I -Hb A". Vt.UM,tl..t. KlWp
, ftri-hiMren rr-w s tm-rm-m
I Mb. ... Rt,T IAIY Klllfg.
. m it vr (rial I m- ktayf
, ps n m m net at, arlai
h rr-l.jn. In ) tilfat ri-.tto !
a- a a a.. a,
a.i mi a a
I .' .Iniif.- .w I. -
: ui.. ik. iA-r'' ji jffir..vA r th.
' ?;y .'.Trv"' r --- '. i........
i j,iV ., . '-r im.i , .i..ii'j..a 114
r I u!. It . ... .,., j, '
j i r 111; ! T '.' .
l.'..!-..!.! TViaar.
arx. ii;M. an-1 at.l 41.
. i. w r.a f..i:n.
' . T r n-,','4 l ST:lX':Tlirni
I '..i.'i...ma.jrn,-w Int. 1.1 ? rrrvit,aarf tl. -t
I "T ar in tli ata a-1.
!-. hr. Aa" TTfl Ji lit VKtitX a
, i-rt.iinl., T.lh
I-'! ',. ;r I i V-I K ban tt lorl t lk rit-M Sr
. ' tt 1. ,i,.4 HMkjria
, V. r.:.lf. I.j;,'. .) , ,u.rifa. 1,
V 1.1 .11,,.,.. ,t , , ),;,..,. , lv Tl i.
hs atp.r.. m n..:...Wl-. . fl n'r tr arr 1-U.n
j r-ia . ..nl b a ,j .r.ir.lii.o at lLat .Urv."aad lt aala t.a
, b-u rou.ju. a.ural. li m H-nu,birb atatir
' A I th n-mnlir, an-fu'lr 'Iwriitl h AI.WANVS.I
; t.-iTrn to ail aborsll "rr ll,r Bl dirill, ar n
,r)'lf 'K A!T t s-a'i..n. K.rrri-ft rv knnwuaa -'..!(.
T.a Kf'.n ...V . X K 1'0'S. alvara kWt.-.J
: il.,. r. .,- I.,,, :,,. I r; a. ,1 tin . h I h.
n.i nf-ff f',.ai-i' k i f....iil w rftf.t.n.Mi. th; r.'.rj
I..U I airli tl,.. r,. .j, ,, ,. ., ,.,i,ire ,.f lr. L C.
future !i-i;:ui. i . :r:r 1 vr.
ALL VTIIr.li.-i Ml'sr KV. SiTldol .
I I f. tt . t OMT'K'K
TT. stiro m.li'-inM ran la hat in wiVuri: oa' rf
1. J. V A I.L.. wl.n nr. Ih mjr .Irak r. In t li.- ,
'. 1 -iVMorh '.s J t.i.i:u:.tTi"..: lytnii,.i,i.
FmW ih Car
forces, colds hoarseness,
fuorr, ASTKH1. 1X0
UESEnr THE liOPf. lk thr Cuibkt lcn.t
f to brd, aa4 wrap ap vara, lo iwnt tlariaf tfat
"iV A CfLl AXb Vr7, take H amiiit.v-M.
and rvrnin. a rrnlipr t dirrrtiou oa ibr Uttl.-.
tin .lifftrulty will mmm W nrmnvl. Njur will Ut f-f-r
frvtii iht trhlf vh' si tbry tad it mm IV t-Mif
cnrrL iVrmas afl1irld with Mtr4 rooh. hia
trik them f lbir rmt at totvfat, will flad. ! Ukiu
! f 'hrrrv 7 Vrts-nsV rm piAuz to I rd, thmj mmj tw- nut itf
M-aixk uuhp'kt-n 1wT. nd rtnrjnsBtJ svfrwbiff r-c
tln mt rlif lrm nfferin?, and an nltimai- rare, t tt
fordl to tlMuvl a bo are ihu alBicird, taw a
tnJiiitltlr n nntly-
rrnia hk n.-n-rl'Ie- cfTeft in tltcK rswea. ataa ftn4
th nix-lria unwilling to (tfrgt. its iue mXntm tbc aaa-sMi;
fi.r it Iirtsi cm'-l.
trmn tkv0rmin,nt PIiyirin to
r vnftTiUR. Trtia .pril 16th,
?:r: W fcaT i;ifra yonr Chrrry Ifriorul aa itvs
,r" ,ri1 ,r fraet'ee, asd and it lo aarpaaa ea-rf
oth" r'n"-v for win -""Cttooaof lb. PV
i niory or l; His Pi
TO fil.XGMK JX1 i lhtir SVEAKEhs tb ?
m-ily b inlwab!r. s by it act ion on the ti.rvai aJ
luncn. when taken in Final i quajuiiO-, it rrai ie ail
ltotirrfiK'xii in a ft-w hnnrn. and aobdrrfally imr-aVTi tbt
pttmt-r and Kextk'aity of th iir .
ASillMA i sae rally nnrli r ltVv,-.an stttfit al!
rond ly V.7rw tWinrnf. Uvt ttrrr tnKtrrtm
.lliT:iti.' a to Tirid el'tirtdy to no iiKiu. CUtM
l"-' t:r"l wit rtirs tl.'m. if tbf run br rrv.J.
Hhriii7Ktz irntatioaof ibe tbruat and afT"
I-Tiirn r f thr lurr'-p. may I eurrd t fcin.: t'H-rrj
I'-v orul in Ciall 5nd fmjlt.nt duffs. The UUClliA-rtabiir
oT'Tvs-in i vin rlt-Til.
K' T. Ir I.ANMNi. f lir.H.klvn. N, Y..tah:
"I h; !ts-n thf'hrrT l'-uml Mtrr auc-b faf"f
Athr.t ard rn-n-hittr . lala tue t a. li. Tr it ran rair-
ty t" run' tl.sf rar."
' f;ori f.ixv an emtir of antiawinT. tt leM-l.,w.-t
ly hir-eiiTiiI fn nut dsvr nf tb f'Aerry JtG
i.Titil it fiil-iu. ihedifbe. If Ultra in arams, H
lift f:iil to ftne.
minfti'iye; C ' rt.f war h hnkvu up aid svo
fnrttf br I'.f o- rf furry Wfnrrtt.
'IMF. .V h'i. ii fi-ediiy p. aiorrd by thi Fwi-
rly. tniiiT.'U iii-fs-ii-. Iim r I.. im i it-. . brr? h -
ftiiiHir w.-p' -r"ti-rti-. fV di any f-riim rnWMiieiv
mli lr tlitr iifiyl-.l.r vitLoutihr t't,trrg I'vctoral, w n
u!ftTUi.t fn m thi- tiirf.
fum. Ohio, 11 lb Jurw. il
jt J C ATr-: 1 writ.- to it.t rui y. of Ilie trir'-.
n ni:trkat-? i lT.Tti f y.nT ' . y yVMrft in thi ptari.
ni'tl ii my n (amity- I'Dr uf my datit-.hU'i-a rt-ut-..Jr-t.
tv riii-l in thiw t!flT if a drrt.:ftil m...,.iiu
toii'h. hy t.'kinv; it. lr. Mi an", one uf .arttrr bK
.by.t( iann fr. ely sLitt'th;! he i-oiisidt r it thr hi mm
.: l.a- f ri'ii'm parr di ac and thi:t he has tu:
n.n u- of Vi witb rt than any uthir turti.nce 1
rtr adui.i:t5h ltd.
Our rli-rprntan f tl e P.-ij li-t fTirr. h that Jiifr;
tlit run nf Inditenza bre thu toii. r ha a enft
f. nut your im-i.iv.tir, br ioill "ODfly have Ulieri
without "frir. V.-ora rrpc fully
J. D.SIM LAI... ....tyVwtmtrr.
Cur .f tT d -n. u j on th-- l,i.r.C!. baf e In- n if
tVefs-sl hy i.krrrn Vrfn. in ttrh extime uiir
rant th.- l-rhvf that a rtnifiy hn .-.t irnth hca
that n ! d. ( r-mlrd on to ftiri- the lYnhit. '"!. . teJ
IVntuittii'tion h:.-b rarry inia our niuJt tlt.-iH.tJ
rtrry yuT. It w iiithftl tti.., in to 1 Vb thr sffii-H
rn btufc wiMi mnfih-atft for re.kf, and they aUuU
fail to avail tlirm?-! t-f it.
rractwal ai.d Aii:.htK-al Cbruti?t, tut i k:t
w, Kor sale hy P W.STMiFTLl. lwUhntf J ( r,.W
MilUn; .Visa M. M't'ay. Nor:linmti-riai:d; t. H. kr.
Nw Urrlin
very wbtTt.
. Urrhart. i Dvrrt.e ; and by Ifru
1-. Thorn to ii & ciiri.ot,
Wholesale & lJetail Druistf,
Lnrixluru. ?
OFFER to iheir friends and the rul!:c
lar-e and well selected stock of
fULSll l)JU(;s. MEllciXEx ciiex:
cals, l.round Spici.s, (narra.ued pure.)
I anus, Oils, aruii-hes. Dye .Nulls ol
very Lost quality m U,e market ; l.ook-uig-lilus.s
I'laies and U'iudow Ulas
ol all sizes; the most Npu.'ar
Pitext Mtnn rat oi" Ihe day ;
together with a complete as
sortment of Hair, Tooth,
Karl, Miaiinj, t'oinb. Cloth,
Flesh. Pjii:I. Varnish, White-wash
aud Shoe GK! HES.Dressin;an4
Graining Combs. Fancy Soaps, tha
vin Creams, Pomade, Ox Marrow Ei
irat is and Perfumery of all kinds, manu
factured by Jules Hauel,.. Bazin and others
Abo a well selected stock of Ladies ad
Oentlemens FA.Cy M'rriOM. such s
Sieel Clasps for Bags and Purses.Tv.isi. Sseei
Fringe. Purse Riots; Bristol Boaid, Zrpb.r.
Crotchet Kcedlcs, Ac, Port Monaies Razors
Razor Strops, Knives, Segar Cases, fard
Card Cases, .,.ie Paper, Envelopes, Ac.
KliTS, FKIFPS, Confectiouar?. Ti&Ji
Tackle, Ac 3
And a variety of other articles toonumerrn'
to mention. Give as a call, and iu.li;
yourselves we charge nlhinK for Iwling
Hemember tbe Mammoth Drus Store!
Aug 4,1833, THEO. fS. CHKIST
A Bargain!
A NEW Rockaway Carriage--1
ix. seals for four lor sale cheap H i