Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, December 03, 1852, Image 2

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aK g&JT 4aU a
- -
NOTiCE.-TlteOiBeers of he Union Count
Agricultural Society are requ.sted lo meet as
Executive Committee, in th- room over the
14th lumber Ve
receive Membership, provide for By Laws,
take into consideration the time and pl.ice lor
holding the First Annual Exhibition, and tran
act such other tmain a may be deemed
fieceisary. JACOB GT'NDV. President.
Tue IxMAN oi.MtK with ail its tie-;
Sights, has alsi it h,tir. To tr,n;-e so ,
Unfortunate as to be unrrcpared frr win Vr, '
It is a repriert a tiiae to supply every
want of fd,c., and to guard against !
the tot great pwr of frost. Every
Souse and slt oi-keeper, and every farmer I
' ' 3 ....... ..j
should "mdke" his winter's "hay while
the sun shines."
Improved Stock.. We are informed
by a former resident of Chillicothe, Ohio,
that there has existed for some years, in
that city and vicinity, a Company for the
Importation of choice Stock from England,
and that they have sent over agentsj'or t he f
pitrpose of pttrchaaiiig. By the following1
aTrst(rr:i t .a wo in.I.r. ll... 1... f w 1...
' t ' - 'fc" ' "-r-'J
ien wen repnta rr all tbcir patriotic
efforts to improve the stock of tht ir com-
. . .
niunity. Tbe prices are enormous, but
.1 . . , - - - . .
ae people ot me vicinity nave had ample
tiiuc in iuii"f r p wpun nntir 1 1 imi vn.i
Olios, and know what lhov are doiii.r
r ii- . r l , "
i 9rxi ant run r u mrr i i
ti r ii r wi
I lift f I ll fill! 11 i IrVtAlirtr u nnHIa oolrt
t.f the .Wo fOliio) r.ry,.. presents an
imatiswerable arenmeut to farmers in favor
f raising the moat improved breeds of
stock. The cot of raising the best stock i
is no imu-e th:,n that incurred in kec,.i,)ff
ui-l ai..u, a.iu ine priCCB
inentione l helow are said to be the highest
eat ever obtained at a sale of the kind in
this or any other country. The sale took
jdace in the vicinity of the place at which
the Gazritf is published : Oue bull, No
bleman, brought $-2510; Master Bcllville
2270; Lord JMson. $1825 ; Alderman,
$1100; Gsmbey, I14IM); Count Fathon.,
$2075; Irtac, 6000 ; Young Whittingham.
$350. The cowa sold as follows : Rising
Sun, $1300 ; Mo. Rsc, a1200 ; Straw
berrv, $1 100 ; Kiis.iIr.itv, fl 100 ; Sunrise,
81230 ; Mary lri.',0 ; Enchantress, $ 900 ;
JHue Bonnet. ?1225. Total for sixteen
animals sold $21,71.
Wintering Cattle and Hones.
Owing to the great drouth the past eurri
mcr, in many parts of the country, winter
feed will 1 exceedingly scarce, and the
most rigid ccoucmy will be necessary to
enable the fanners to carry their ordinary
Ptoek through the winter. What ii the
cheapest method of wintering cattle,shecp,
wars an int-n j.t trig ques
tion, becomes now a most important one ;
and though we by no means pretend arbi
trarily to answer it, yet we will endeavor
to throw out a few hinta that may be use
ful. We would premise that no rartiea-
ut method tan he l aid down, that will be j
appneame to ail eases ; tue climate,
ty, nature of the crops grown, and
obtained for them, interfere with any such
calculations. A more serious drawl;
M y -rray.-. v -
JL aU W u 3nilvii
' r J " ... j . . v - ' j .. . li v. iiiuuniLJ
Lowevtr. i the deplorable ignorance of us ming ; but if we give him 35 III. of straw j winter. Too few seem to be aware of tbe
ail cn the subject of nutrition ; for were 1 equal to 6 U s. of b ay ; 5 lbs. oilcake equal importance of cutting wood thort for burn
the principles of nutrition well understood, j to 22 lbs. of hay , and 3 lbs. corn meal, e-1 ing in stove; ten, or at most, twelve inches
it would le eapy t? "Iter our modes of f .J 19 5 lbs. hay ; he will receive the in length, is sufficient for an ordinary 20
ing to suit circumstances, and so keep the j same amount of yutritious elements, ani : M ifica tcn-p'tc stove. The heat being
aniunL) in the lest and most economical j in about the same bulk, while the cost 0f;8p?rat : a ?r near the month of the stove
njanncr- j wintering him in this way would be con- i an'l 'he luck fart, instead of being filled
Different breeds of animals doubtless re- j sidtrably reduced. By carefully studying ' "P with ash,st wood or a kind of char, is
quire different amounts of food ; yet, as a ;
general rule, it may be stated that animals,
rcuuire an amonnt of food in T,rnrwrlinn fo'
. V . , " . r r
iiieir weigni. j nat is to say, an animal ;
weighing 100 lbs. would requite twice
the food per week as oue weigbingGOOlbs.,
other thing being equal. More food, too,
is required in cold than in temperate weath
er more wheu tue animal ia worked than
when doing uothiug. A lse,c ows giving milk
or when in calf, aud young animals, require j
more than an animal of thc same weight .
in a perfectly normal state. If, too, wc
wish an animal to lay on fat, we must give
more food or rather the same tmautitv or
talk of food, but of more nutritius ftunli.
tj taau woutu uc rw, v at-t-j. . (u
, ... ... .
. . .en. . I n.i.I , t ,rtri e.e vithaiit mehitiutna
a uv. .t-'..M...vU, w. n..uwu. .uv.viufe
. . . ... i
tr decreasing in weight.
The amount of food necessary per week j
to keep aa animal iu a normal condition j
under the most favorable condition of ;
warmth is not accurately ascertained. Tbe
amount of food, however, which animals
eat when given ml lifitum, depend to a
a great extent on the per centage of avail
uUe non-uitrotfrn'm substances it contains,
and not on the nitrogenous. Thus, an
animal fed on oilcake, teas or beans, and ! heat contained in falling rains, thus warm
cloTcr hay, will eat near three times as ! ing the soil, the water discharged by drain
much nitrogen as when fed with corn meal, i mouths being many degrees colder than
iay, &c, though it is probable that the) ordinary rains.
amount of available non-nitrogenous sub-1 7. The increased porosity of the soil
stances eatea, is pretty much the same in j renders it s more perfect nou-conductor
either casts. The advantage, therefore, in 1 (,f heat, and the roots of plants arc less
feeding a highly nitrogenous snbstance, is injured by freezing in winter.
not iu th less amount required by the ani- 8. The same cause admits the entrance
ial,but in the increased value of the ma- en air, facilitating thc decomposition of en-
ETTrt al the iucicased riuantity of fat a riching portions of the soil.
given anwant of non-nitrogenious food will j 9. I5y admitting early plowing, crops
produce, when eaten in conjunction with ' nay be sown early,and an increased amount
nitrogenous subtttances. We .ire, however, : reaped ia coHsequenee. j
by no means to suppose tnat the rfe 10. it economizes labor, by allowing
iitcrtast is in ejeari proportion td the per j the werk to go on at all times, without in
ccntage of nitrogen in the food, for it e , tcrruption from surplus water ia spring,
not ; rojn'ility of increase being attained ( or from a hard baked soil in summer.
only at an increased proportional consump
tion of nitrogenous substances.
Py tiwuVnicuon-nitrngeuous substances, J
wc mean such substances as sugar, starch, !
en, gum, ic, which are read.ly d'.olvcd
'" t'"J "'"Well, and easily assimilated ;
an 1 "nt su.h substances an woody fibre
""'" " "T ,
C, and composed precisely ui wie name
elements as sugar, &.C., is not available asjy
toot! fcdng incapable of solution in the
stomacu, ana is passeu mrougu tue uouy
0f (J,e animal unchanged.
T . ,. .c , ' . ,
,n providing our stock Kith food, cspe-
rially in a scass&of scant v, our object will
K'VJ them a sufticieut amount of '
3ahle non-nitrogcous substance's in the :
,Past Fve form. That is, leaving
out CVrJ 0,nor ri'latiyo (jnesilon, such as
valu0 ofmauarc anJ incr,;:ls of animal, j
a1 aiuji,1? onl' at kcoPi" tLe ani,naI ;
in 1 nnTui!i conJition witb"ut work we j
..., -. t. .l- :.. i...:..l
i 1 r x " 1 m-mg -
the same, which contain the most sugar,
starch, Ac., supplying the necessary bulk
with some cheap substance, such as straw.
The prices of some of the substances
! used as food for cattle, taking Rochester
j wholesale prices as the basis of caleula-!
tion, will be an indication practical far -
triers put npon them. W'e give the price
por tn ; fir it is weight, ami not bulk,
.1 . j . . t r. i . :
, niai we uesirc in purcuaaiu-j ioou, or in
estiwatini? its valu.
tmn ' - i" bn.twi ..r in tt.
M.i l at .1 . ... I i-r Im-li.' ef 14 it.
iw mniii,, t u.u. ,r i.,i .irooih.. il m j
i-ri.;i...ri4ii i-1-., .
jru- ilo J rl-t. rn-r l.u. of '. ll.s. 14 OT ...1
. rt0 :.,. r,h r,, b,. it r4 ,n
. r .... .
- Kt : .-t1. 'vt tu. i.f J'j ili.-..
r'"' w
Had wo complete analrses of these sul-
itaaoe..it wi
' 1
ould be eat-y decide accurately
1.1 be the cheapest food for our
! wllR'U w"ul'' 60 the cepe
i purpose. We have no doubt, however,
: that Indian corn contains much the umre
,o0 s. of gri)UIlJrn meal mixcd witu
. . , , .
I v. mil
be of morn avail in snstninimr nr.ini-il l.f.
(luringthe winter than any other food that
can be obtain at tho same price. We
have no; dovilt too that horses eati be
kept in the same way, at a much less cost
than feeding them hay. If, huwever, they
i)e worsea much tlurtng t'ao winter, they
would reipurc a more nitrogenous food, to
st pjily the wear and tear of muscles, and
a little oilcake meal, pea meal, or oat meal,
might be mixed with the cut straw, &e.,
intcad of, or in addition to the corn meal
with advantage.
Buussino.avlt estimates, from cxperi-
merits and chemical analyses, that 100 lbs.
of good meadow hay may be roplaced by
Car rota
Wheat straw
Oal straw
Hurley ittrair
Tea straw
lanceed Cuke
Ilea tut
If this table of t rjuivilants can be relieJ
npon, it appears that 100 lbs. of hay is c-
qual to 42l lbs. wheat straw, and that 22
lbs. oilcake is equal to 100 lbs. of hay, CS
lbs. oats, 58 lbs. bran, ic., Baussix-
j GAL'LT found that his 17 horses, averaging
! 1,070 lbs. in weinht. eat and did well on
a ration of 38 lbs. bay per day, working
thc price of substances used as food, and .
their relative value, most farmers may
. :i l i.. : i
save tuuMurmuw cj.tusv lit ai'.o.uS luni ,
animals, not by stinting them, (no farmer
can afford that ,) but by using that food
which contains the most nutriment for a
given cost Ueuexcc rurnt'r.
Ten Reasons for Under-draining.
1. It iireveuts water which falls from
in the afi-macTi, and easily assimilated;
an 1 nnt such substances an woody fibre
tvetiol. L . nWeseionMlliz ftllHstnn.
, iocali- ewbt hours reitularly every daT. To ob- !one by Christmas I then fell trees, snlit , and Varnishes of all .malines. Whohstie .. ! ..., v .... .,. i I1" ""- l. ':,".k r'-,L. V--"
1. - - litt. . ' n-zii ... . : im.wmiii.'. j. r...r..r. . tv. -v at...u. 1 Ultfllphrt-Tfi. .1.
prices , tain the same amount of nutritious food in . aD( U!'Ul firewood and posts, make nost-i. 1 a,nts U:,s an'' " mdow (.lass of a.l M7es. i , rp. of the laie.t rle an. I best nnaliiv. '-'i'1'? l'"-J- .". i''-". o.,,,,,e. ti.'
'str..w, a horse must eat 1G5 lbs. of straw , pHt and pile firewood sufficient for ! TZ!Zl.TlTi' c' , - i KVTJX
. : mr i!:ir . f. at ho 14 inp:i:iJ.I ut nirr..t. i liie CODiillaP Snmillfr c nji unH th fM-T i Nnrrt(ir l'litminl Pvrt"t..nr. m.l .1 e. I ' . . . . . . . .. I v.r:.i.t.ai..., r, ici
; nauieu into your crtttic yards the raw ma
restiDir on or near the surface, and renders . , . , T ,.
... . . ... .itcrtalsto form manure. Ja snrcadin ' it
the soil dry enough to be worked or plowed t
at all times
2. Hy rendering the soil porous or
sponey, it takes in water without flooding '
; ,.f..;. ..i ;. .
.1....11. : , J .1. 8 I
. jw prcventinrr aunesn-in ami aisiine
: .! . 1.
iiuiyrrizuuon, it auows inc r'JOlM lo lass .
. . ... . . 1
freclv tlirootrh ail parts of tbe fo;I.
4. Jy facilitating tbe mixture of manure
through the pulverized portions, it greatly
increases its value and effect.
5. It allows water falling on the snrface
to pass downward, carrying with it any
fertilizing substances, (as carbonic acid i
and ammonia,) until they are arrested by
thc absorption of the soil.
6. It abstracts in a similar maancr thc
Gbiat Loss. It is said that one thon-
! sand tons of Tobacco juice are annaally
riuirtcd overthe fair face of Sod's creation ;
and that twenty tons of ivory arc worn out
in iLcwing the weed every vn yr.nrs.
I, Ming HISS.
TLe recipes Lcre given, nro for 100 lbs
TLe following is the famous Newbold re
I ccint for curing Haras : 7 lbs, coarse salt,
lbs. brown sugar, 2 oz. poarlnsh, 4 gal-
lou. of water. Uoil all together, aud scum
the pickle well when cold, l'ut it on the
meat. Hams to remain in 8 weeks beef
3 weeks..
Premium Recipes for Cuaixa ITams.
Mauyland. Hamilton's 1st Premium.
S lbs. salt, 2 oe. saltpetre, 2 lbs. brown
sugar, 1 or potash, 4 gall, water. Pour
over the meat after two days mixture,
It the hams remain in it six weeks. Dry
tor Ja) ltforo smoking. Hub
with fine salt, aivd see that the. meat is
-.1 i i.r t.: -
pcrireuy si jkKLn.
Orekn's, 2nd Premium. 2 nts. salt, 5
02. sug;ir, 5 oi. salpctrc, 1 pint molasses.
Mix. Hub iu well. At tho cud of uiuo
days, take oat the hams and put those in
I the bottom which were at the ton. Let
them remain in the mixture three weeks
! in all.
j Rkooke's, 3 J Pn
! 2 qfs, nearly, grout
'rcmium. 3 qfs. fine salt, J
eround salt, oz. alum.
I - ..... . .
. i,rtt in picEie lour weeks. muRo with
! hickory wood uutil the rind becomes a
. ...
I Slivcli'ff'- -Sth
I '
i rcmium. n ins.
t . r i
9;llt o jbs- lrottu s . cuiyah-nt of
iuo!asdo.) 2 oi. saltpeter, o. jfourlasli.
i o.-. t. . .
lfg: vsei,
irubl,inS 'be ALy pSrt nf the hams well
j fiue 8alt-in a P""'
pickle keep covered with it. Iu four to
six Weeks' (according to the s;ze of tho
U, . , , . , ,
lUtn.s I. stUOkO WltU ClCeU LlckorV WOOtl.
. . , ...
j Cincinnati PltrM.DM Recpe.-" Tho
Iir,.. ..,,; , f
l J O' '
is much Ulore troublcsomn ii tho i.!;in
! now iu use. J no hams are rst allowed
j to remain iu the Ealt a certain length of
'. time, after which they are washed in w rm
water and hung separately on racks to dry,
'where they remain until a mouldy tinge is
j apparent, wuen, alter navmg been eareluliy
tried iu regard to sweetness, they are ready
fur the smoke-house.
About Firewood, Etc.
Those who have provided a good supply
of firewood, may thin it useless to read
jan suggestions in relation to it but let
them not be deceived let and those
who have not procured a sufficiency, re
member, that seasoned wood is the lest,
and by far the cheapest and that this is
the proper time to cut and haul wood to
be burnt next winter. The limbs of the
trees will answer for next summer's use.
Some argue that tree intended for fire
wood should be fulled during the summer
season; but tLis is not my plan. It ?el-
dom occurs, that during warm weather, I j
hud time to cut wood either in tho woods
or at the deor therefore, fall wcik being
' ft 'r tbe Te passage of smoke and blaze,
.fit. t'l-
rowmg out a lively heat, which is very ,
'comfortablo ihirincr audi enld ttp, (Lre n
--- a ----
nM visitea us oi late, vfita mercury stau J-
ing at some 8 or 10 degrees below cro.
Germantmen Telegraph.
Cattle Yards.
Jow is the tiaao when you should have
. , ,. ... . .
let the centre Lo the lowest jioint give
7our yard the shape of a shallow basin,
.ft. frt nTPYPTTf. 11m Inc. r.f nelno . r, 1 aft.,.
f. . ,., c " ' ,
''""S "1 J " "r u.e season.uave
tbe,r rJs rtrew wth jlastcr-, at
least twice a week Or YOU mny substitute
, ... .....
imtVCt tacu lllittcoaj lur lUU piaSltT. r. t UlTl
. I,
-n .i . ...
will su7c tire ammonia, the creat active
i e n
iuc utcai. active
t principk; of all manures.
fcsjr Ma. John (Jaecek, of Shirley
Township, Huntington county, killed a
calf a few days ago,, 7J month olJ, which
weighed, 315 lbs., tho hide weighed 57
lbs., and the tallow SD lbs., making its
weight when Kving 402 lbs. Pretty much
of a calf we would ray.
It Alters tue Case. The assessor
of taxes, in his official capacity, called en
a certain land-holder halfway between St.
Paul and St. Anthony, the other day, and
commenced a valuation of the estate.
" Mr. D., what value do yon hold your es
tate at ? " V y, sare, I hold do most val-
ble estet in de Territoire; I had fine prai
rie, good watere, and acres tree hnndreds.
It is worth one hundreds dollars each acre.
I hab been refuse ten hundreds dollars."
"Very well, Mr. D., I will assess your es
tate three hundred acres, at one hundred
dollars ao acre." Whereupon the assess
or mounted his horse and went to the next
house. Tbe sequel, 10 far as heard from,
is, that tho imprudent D. has for three
days been racing his Indian pony,bctween
bis lawyer aid the assessor, to get an abate
ment of th appraital from one hundred
dollar? per aero to five dollars, which in
his humility he in ready to swear is the
tru a!ue. Aftnitnnta l'lMr.
lione nn in if a u: 11 I I ' .-neiiicine aim I've- , -- ' ; -s.
. - ,ts. .Mannlacturcrsid I'ure lute Lead ! -ltf iMi-itCarr. (Sn'rt.icair. t erf trtrtirr. I L- intnt. J..l-n Notutan. Th.w. tin.aer. Baa-
DR. E.OCKE DENTIST has returnri!
to Lewixbucg, and mty te cnnrultul pro
tt'svionall; tor a law wwk4 at hU Kouui4 iu M
Third ueet. Sept. 1. 18'S
Jfamils ezvotnitfs.
QftBBLS. FISH. 3l0 II. CHKESE, 8000
s&O ibi. HAM. Flitch, and KliuuMeM. t)alr
SALT, dec. lot ale at LewLtuirif Cheap Stitrt
by C. E. BOWES
Surgeon Dentist,
T his Keeideoee, Soulb Third St., coru
oi ttic U.tril walk.
IEVTKJi-S tet,inieiilary on the last will
j and testament ofSasirai Alton, lale id
lite li.rouh i.f I.en isbnr?. dee'd, have liti n
granted to the Mibscribf t by the Kf gihtrr of
Union Co. All persons haviils claims asjainst
the estate will present them for sutllement;
and all peroni indebted make payment with
out d;!d, to AI.I.A. AM.MK. 3Pt
; is.
Lewisbur?. Oct. 13, ISS2.
livers Ammiuis will continue the
linber business oi tlie late firm nt iU itsit and
! Aivo.ad repecii"uliy suite
t l"" lhc 1ub!ic l,a,ruI,a'-
n ils acoutmuaiicr
rt? KOfl Enelirh r.nd German A I.-
iron Knglifh r.nd German A I.-
..... i . i . . .... .
; arill ,, pritl.ii U1,,ri butiou. Call aud cet
one and aave your i,iic..
. mi t vitnvt; i.';hmu
tdi.iit'ii.y l oii.iio,
i r im n,ri:T.'l 1 lortov.
U.-J l, .. I.'.IM.; l;,it rfumU I
ki.A u.-i:.
t',11! x'.'. s 'Kill .
. s A. I', a. Uazli I !..
J'.l' rrstt.i.--
, rttM
1 r:...i- -.ii uu,vtj r.mi ji.ni., rn. t
I fititiim. H.-viiM-l. t't rns t. ,1. Ktiliir.il. an
aw. rouill:
amt AUaftnl It.
to u. fuMii t.i.. ..i tin. i.,.-: nii niiii.u nxpimm
I t"rr ot'"ii ati'l K. tiTi-n.-i-n. a
I'TV ..tiii an'i imi-n-m ... ami i ..r. ..it. .rr; ..,,fr.-
I Inl-n. In.l. t. l: Itmn.KT tt mi.llt. tsu. ll, Oui
'":10 .,rr..V.
I In IM. -ork . Ittss.-s J. -TteO ami It. eontranlon.
. ltt:tSVIS..'S r-'KMli. ttllH to.ulllttl a Of Wllti'h 1.. HI Wi-I:
! e.iai.ii.ti...l t,.-rl no . ui,,-..., ih MauL'irate iil
j riiio all lw tuli.rninia.il n-is-i.i..irv 1 a eorrot ilti'h:,ri
of tli- itmMirtanf iliit,..-' mitt:. !...! to biat !v the Inn.
IVtintvaula." i'..uc ' iu.'y Hums, iiia
A!.' f.iHPVMOS Ti THE tnor
A TItFATIi:s ii the rtffli ml I hi tit of AlrltTim-n
nd Jtllii-t!ioI tin- iVrit'.'. in I 'mihhi-t: wt-ait ti tf rcnii
DVirnntit, inrlthhi all ti r-ii!nt K 'rm vf I'm t'
sn.t lhHkt Kiitrt.-s. ui.J I'lnlnnivnn: n t only uliHt. vtr
niny be d"-m-,I v)il;(Mf to Jutir-- of Ih IViirr. hut t"
Lii.iilorJs. Tni.(- nml 'J. n'-frl tr-nt". ami mtikiiv th
T(rli)fn hut it ttirM.rtr In. . S;ifc Iirl liui'd: fr
ItiHaint-fM Men. .tnltn :i ot. Ut" AiJorm.in in tli ri'.j
of t'hiift'U'lj.tiiii. Kilth K"risl, orrri-l i aift
lin-aily Kularl. ISy K C. 1ri.ii7LV, Ka. Iu Ou
tl)i k Vohinic. rnvo. 1'irtf onlv f l.m(.
Julk't! (iiiiwu nayM t-f Hunt' Juttt, tlmt "It In imt
only th Udt, liit tiie ocly vitv gOi4 worn that liavt
ou Uiu eulgtct."
And to fat lWilhri.
rMi'ion. Oreatly Kn)ar-il atnl Innirovi-I. un-l.-r t It-- 1.1:
torial ,iri...liin of Kruut-in Ubarton, V.t' , AuLhor of
Autcrtctoi Crimiual Law," Ac, &c. lit Two tttuuf ?.
Still in the Unitetl State., with full n frrenem to tlie
tafe-t alitlK-ritie. Kltslili anil Aatericail. r'iUM l.
J. Troi aAT, kvf. lutttut Volume. 8o.
'itr- tnton, nr Iteitera of ltn(,iirT from trie Country
Crttatptly altendi tl to. KAY k HlioTllKH.
Law Pl tuMEFs as d tin a-ri.i.ir-..
Jair IDS JTarivl .vr. (. l'Ma4.
Drufts, Mrdicinca, &.C
Jenks & Ogden,
.Vi. lOG, Xirth Third Street, Pin unr-Lrnr t
Instrument"!. In which the attraiion of ronmrtr
. . u , ,7 , 1
merchants and ) hrsicians , i respectfully .!..
Sep I 10, 1353
4rW mt T Tl'Vfl'
V-Jt ) j i J . J j lj t,., i fj,
If happine'
EH concerns the health' and
happiness of a people, is at all times of
toe must valuable itiipurtaiicr. I take it I, r
granted that every person will do all in their
power In save the lives i f their children, and
that everv person will en leavor lo prt.iii.ee
their own hcaii? at all aaerilices. I feel il lo
,. ., ., .
1 17 I,,v toiiv " .m-uiiiiv tf?sinc you uiai
WORMS. ae'enrdin- to the opinion of the most
o,i!i I.rat.sl l'I,v
si. ians are ttie primary raus. s of a iar-e
eases lo whieh fliil.lr. it an.l ainit. are ,
Injri.v f . ils,.aMs , whieh rhililri-o an.l alnit
I al.i... If vou liave an ai..etite ooiiiiiitialiy rhanr: L e
fiomoni' htni if f ...1 to anotlifr. ttml llrenth. I'aTti in :
tl ftntnart,. IV k.iiir at the Now, HaMiins an.l rulluera
df fhe
ra liy. l.-rv f.nvS. .-! lev. r. i-i.i irr..a' -
iMWiiSy-"0" 1L1 bv:j
at oil c
ItOHKSSAoh S Won.V SYPrr, '
An article f..utiilti upon fdinlif't t.nn. i.l..,ri'niftoiin,t.d
with pnnly ve.vtaMe ,il,.lane. la-.nz irf.etljr ..!o
li. n takt ti. an.l ran Ijc tiveu to the tii.t.t t. iiil.r il,f.ii,t i
.tl. 4o .l,,l Ik i,. f,, ial etiei t. w here Bowel t.i,.,ah,t i
uiai l..airlttea haye tuadethem w.-ak ati4 iieVtihtateii. the
t. nie .r.., rt. of my w.wift ?yrrn ao, an. li. that it
in the rnta!iK.'tie of iiiislirttie.
in pivinjc mm nni tri-nth to tli
tUiii-h. nliich niHai'a-
it an im-imt.lf rrni!y tr th. ntV.i -t-l with 'V W'"-
i'llVt iDf llVt f;lii'tJ.i iLc bust .'I iJfCi'l! tf ifki luiitti'i,.
..v.r..liotU.:r-. eMVii'T ,
a ... n'iti-tiiii- t l . iH-r.firillfil ItV IIIN Mrnit u:t..a-
T 1 1 V T P V V Ci Ti Al
Tllif th llirt -fiiTl-!!! V..rrtr f . ll aw a
Im-! td hitman fv-t-m It "mw t an a:t-'.i hut, n-
V ,,tfy,l1in' '' 'i -l -nM in Hhmu'.- 1
l-U.H HIHl HHIiat'll. filt't'l,!! tl.t li..n! tto ...,liv ,.u ...
' : 'V' . . 1 i: . ' ' ".".'.' ' .
.,,,a, 1 1;...,- anneteu flit, m'
r. ...l..i.i. . n..i ..
iiieteil l,l.Mt '
nil... II tr,
I ,. ..j.-. ..t. , u.,...,
1 'rlv inepi-r to,t..st'..y i.-is
Is '-"'" tust ,..n-..e,i: ,i . w.,i
""' ' i.ir- .rn, a t, ry ei.. r-
nn. aiiri' ei..-r-
uii tio-r. f. r, I e.
:. i.v;,. i, to s .,: ujy i.i,..r rill., ,o a. f. r....n e
'"!'' - '!. Hie Worm Strut, miiv a t .i,r..,.t
tlj.-n the ..na. wi,:h l.-111-t le taki u in iJi-M-;. , iwo
tal.lt .j..ir.l'i,l three, lime.- a llay : ilifi- !ii. .-iui: f,,.
fc.we.1 hat. never Iwu kiioa a to tail igcurni); Ll.t; u,..tt
rioinxsAi K si.irr.it riLLH.
No rarl of the ayrletn is more liahle totiiseajut than th4
l.iver, it aertiBjC a a Hlttivr to tturify the blcrul. or jriv
iiicths protwr aierelion to thelule: .tth.t
at tion of tha Liver etfeels the otHer iuiportaro t'ana o
.... e.-.ru.. .im mu.ia .nnou-iy. ,n l.ir.-r lomi laitit.
Jaamliee. Uyapaiia, are. We shouW, there,.f, waVfc
e-try ainrj.tnnt that m:ht infiinta a amnit aelinii '..f
th l.rer. Then Mil. bein.ir nnupom il of Aifi and
PLmU furnisheil by nature to heal the eitk. namely, lft.
An Erpahiratit, which auirnteut tlie mwtion from tha
ptilniouary aiurtu oiemhrano or pr..nit.teii the diw-har -e
of enttel matter, lad. Aa AUrnilitt, whieh ehatie... m
aome inexplieahleand iliarnsihle maimer the rerlt.iti mor-
1.1.1 aelioa or the nvrt- io. 3d. A imtc.hirh -fte. tone
an t rtrentii to th. neerttia ayst-ra, rq,.v-j.. health
ami war If all parta of the Iyiv. 4th. A -.irA.trfi'r
w.lieh aetata perftsit harmony whRthet!terinrni.lii nn. !
and operating on tbe anil ev,ll,,, o,. i,..i.
mas, of corrupt and titiat-sl matter, an.l pnrifyiui! the
, - " . ....j. umaif-r- NTH! n-Batiwa-ji fiauim.
Ton will lln.l thew fill- an iOTalua. v.,linc in
many e,.tr.plaii.ts to .hirti ytn are sMhjic-. la i.liHrue
ttona either Uital or partial, they hare been found of i.
etinwhlebeneM.returiii their funeUaaIarrankvri.nt
to a haaitliy etM,n. purifying tha blood ami olher dui.ls
H elleetuallT to put to flight all complaint, whieh may
ansa from female irregularltiea. a. heailache, giddinwe
dirniean of u;ht. pain in th aide. Uelt, kr. K'uu"''6'
None genuine unless sifjnerr J. IT. Hoar...
tiCK, and others being base imitation.
Afrents wishing new supplies, and store
keepers desirous of becoming acemc . .1
dress the Proprietor, J. Jt. HnaiwjarK, at his
Laboratory, No. ISO. North 2,1 o...
St.. Philad , Pa. '
Sold by a!l DrnffHst a XTe,eK....
T- . . ... .....itauo 111 Hit
tnited States.
AeiaTS. Dr. Thornton & J. Bak er 1..!.;,
burg. Wholesale and Retail Agents for Union
Co. Davis & Jchnure.Selinserove ; Stitzer A
uro., MitiiinuiirB; Vouncman & Waltprtt. rie.-
Valley ; R. Keller, Adarasbu.-";; S. Wiiummyef
Miudlcburg ; M. Snerht. Beavertown t 1 n
liinTcndcilVr, New Columbia; A. H. Luiz
lresi Ji;;i. Pant iicu 35 iknr '
.- - . . , iiinin i unit--. .i4.ii-111 n I Mir. id a,, ta'llll.lll : II 'tl IV 1 1 If n av I a . I.I i !- a . ....... ... ... - ...
rATI'.f A Jonrnejm.in C!ot-k M.i-
ker or fiutismith, lo Uoin constant
employment at libera! m-ases will b given lo
work m BRASS anil IRON.' Enquire at this
uSice. licwnlttirg. Sov. 9, lrt.'tl 3
India Rabber Glore3, Kittens, Etc.
rlOI'XTKY lerchants, in making their pnr
J chaser, sh'iitld not neglect these desirable
and saleable anicles. '1'heir manufacture has
been much improved recently, and lliey are
made very dnr.ible. I'articular aiteitlion is
requested to the
W'liil-l.iitrJ (Hum ami Miltrns.
TheT sr. ln.l I ;.Ti:tl .1- in rol.t nnl wt-l wivith'T I.Jlit'!t
n j.n.1 ,lr o......s -. r,.i ... . ' : '. -'';
ttn-l tt,.v.is i.-Htl l.i n wink l!4l kill M I ill
-ait i.li U!ii..r i n.i.,.1 lt:.n imiiir.lial.lr. Ih.y r-
iiih all b-n.'tn- l.rot. i-t in. a:tu. tui.l wr'.ik...
l .r ir I lino.. Hillilts-i I'd. No :i liun-h Alter
unl ..iH:r'i.. tis t liwrtlil.t .sir ..it l'lul.VI.j.iil. .1. A It.
I'liillli . ti:a.fn -. l a. la f"!i.r X lln.Ve!l, l:.ili iiuine,
H I. II U .-. r. I -hart. .-. t '. 0 rr..x.
C ina. H't.in. null 1 y nl! rui-l.-r tha'. r-in lit.- Lin ui.
At nriiil l v ( -uiilrt M.ir.hAi.np-iu.rnilr. .'.lul.'
Oyster Siiloon.
T TAVI.(J fitted rip the Knoms in Fiiii k
new brick bbx-U in a Miwior manner,
1 the subscriber is now prepared lo ;iei t ii)iuila:e
! i...t:,-i.l.i'.' nitric tviO. ciikliirK pit in :
, ihe btt styles. A snare of public p.itrnna?. -
suliciteil 1.','
I.ewi.stnirs, Sept IS,
New III Shoj.
. " . ,
'iin M.iik'i-I S Mtiiri-. b-t.teen t be I'usi Otht'e and
"!1 -' ;";ir''- "'-t'e.-n me r,,st i:;:re an,
t i.yii.iait s ..;.:-.-i.-riMaere m i prepi.r.-o i-
' .
: i.it.l.s ;i:ul r ices til ill vimN.
vr I.-id'es, Mi' M-s Men iiimI II..;
Ai. lor
Ki.r AiuiN.-.
1 a -. ' " ii' i.-; , i .i m..-.
d.-t,e lis lli.l.t'.
j ! ri'.tnf.'t; a.! ntiuls nnn.e ,u eritnne
j fur woik.
i Ev puiietjriliiv, and usiiii; ffmul mnieri:ils i rv '
itie verv iiest w:iv. be bniies to share lhc ral- I
roita'e of a lii.srriniinalins public.
I.cwisbort'. .Nov. II, lsJ.Ti
tl: t b fl ft r.S:??
E;ivrnc-i'--oyir !.I!v-H'S.-.f-i tuhen
ai ci'Mint; lo llur l:ne..l uniirovt mt'iils, at litf
iirst tit), r below InuiMia' Jsiore, ou lite nuist
reasunuble Ivcius, by
I.ewisl-rrrs, Oct. 27, lsja
--. ' s
tchici t'& to I- rj-tt hi. 7 Ji-'nn Ij n ULni 'j to
Js'tri.-.fiticn oil th' tun'tt'i
IIironcilA by .HiUUnlHit ! !
I' is a fact that IKII. IUn- k ct
ahead of all the JiMijwniM. and his nw
i.jienpiJ one ot the best ofiu largest stock ! of
ever opt ntil ia this country, aud of such (-lyles
nriJ (juiilitics as will j-ive gtiraction to a'!.
TSY GOODS of all kind3,
rtT.s.. 7i, Sj'Ke.. Sii.oir, Mo!a.s. .. Hii e, Chres.-,
... t... ..... . .: t. u
f .... m .union u.iiiisrt...
. A killl!. of ,...,, ,.,.,,,, :
exrhjiliC lor (i.in U.
I Oj-l'lea-e give im a ca'l before parr baaing
i rvht re, as I ih irje nothing for looking at tnv
liood. i. H. KIsEL.
.M tllinbur g, Ci t !S IS.Vi
' - -
hnp'ii uiif to I'itniifis ! niisc.rrpers .'
. a n , . . . .
; I A all former tines it scptiosi d ihut a l.irg
., c, , i , , . , .
L 'luT" y "f 1 't ' t0" '' '.'" u,,lv ''-v u",?
" I""""""" rra. nine, tnaiaioaiy crtlsn. il l.'.e
a. les n!.v3i gtindin:; them line. 'J hev were
Hu n niad into a massive cheese in straw, and a
, . , ' a
ttw.e ainl l.nn; pr.ssurewas rfilllirt d to
extnet .1 portion ol the cider a considerab'e por
b,-;"s a!'f0,1,e'1 !'' ,he " d 'he mas, .,f
t"'" ,-ca"J " nnsauauciory result
lne farmer had In take all hij hands ami pethaps
his six h ire teitins and dftme a ninth! dav that
.t , ,.. . . i . i i
e 1,3 e ' r' n mo" Pr"''ly emyloved. In
make from six to twelve hdireia of rlrr. 'Ji
obviate the difficult tbe f .r,.,.r. h..
i .1. .... 1 .... 1
L 1 ...
hs Wn inviittd.riil the statement of a frw f.cts
01 " rr,,e ' - not only ihe .( Mie'ttne t
t th kind in eriltnre. hut that it is the in.M
ta, .nan can nave nn nts larm. I te I
apfk- a e by thin machine crated up into a fine I
. i .. ' I
i.ui....i tlmt it ie.,.,i.s i.t a e..n.,....ti...i. . .
' "u' " s...i, aiauei. liot.i i
t.'-Stm 11, ul 1 111. I lint . ... , 1. 1 ,,, . . n I,. . I
, , - - i -.-si..
fi.o.uiir. u.,.1 . (....!.. ...... .
all t:ie cuhr. ll In-
aseeriainea le, liraelle-t
e j-eniiier.l ihnt n.ir fnufth more ean l e nlniunf ,1
linn hy the ,.M otoct ss. Uesides this it ir-.iuirr..
only two hat.ds t.i tjtin.I and ma;e up into ci,. t
a larger quantity nf apples than can Us pcsaihly
c" ":c etni-iasliionetl mat lii.irs. () ,S
press, ow.ne to the ompaclnesa ol the pomice in
the tub and the complete manner in which it it
ground, a pressure of three tu Sve tons n fcich
can he e.iFy oNained wiir produce a more
favoral fe tesnlt than one hundred tone pre-snre
on the ordinary cider press, een if the apple
were ground as finely as on the improed Mill ;
and il the apples were merely crushed as on the
Nut machine, it would require a pressure ol two
hundred Ions lo produce the refill accomplished
by iliii Patent -Mill. The following are adduced
as derided advantages of this machine:
rVrsIt tin 'f t, more CMer than any other mw. with
mMrnJea" " tiu'- nJ "Ilh
o.iH.rn,'a7l!i'e:akra Cider than an,
lliii-i Y.-it .v.. ..-. r; i, . . .
i , J . u WI,ot it. ami
- - ".ti- 't. an j m
rit.antnies from one trallou to
six or twenty kirrelH.
rer-Te."" " ith I,' y' ' rr,n r""' " r"nT "urrants.Clwrri.,
ner.ie. l..-,... It;,,, r , . IT.i,.
rVrfa With it you ean save ONK rOCKTH of year
tune in makiuj Apple Hutter. 'tin ot year
tol t . . 0 -vou r"n enndorrhopTonr Apt,Pota
toes, 1,.. mp.. Heow. C.rruta. or I'umrlc ina. tot 'I'attle.
and !sW'iETCid."r?S',UI,t',Ui ' " " h"e
'I he t lice of the Cider Mill, with right to use
ihe s nne on any orre term, is $J5. Price of th
Knot Cutting Cylinder, $5.
The size of this Machine ia about 3f by 4 fr
and weisht about 850 pounds. It may readily
be taken to the cellar, door-yard, kitchen, barn
floor, or orchard, cs may be most convenient.
F or State. County or Township right, or for
Grants to make machine in certain territory for
slated period, address (post pa: )
W. O. IllCKOK, Jlarrubarff, Fa.
OTersons in Union and the upper part of
Northumberland cannties. and in l.e... i
'f.-Vs X--a
Ohio nineral Faint
f( BBU. l i:lllKi:r Oil.. I'ri.-rTirt-'.r-TII. n.
tjr ujut, i tat !.. uu a,.
in mk. xf tjtrioit. irr. tin
ll;irrvi UiilLKO iMIMillL ii
u'0l t.nltnltJt 4o ( C.
ill r.k ti TarNi.
in do I
II.iithIs TNKK.VOII.- Varixtiti kut'ltf anl ,uuli'
ti'"". flO!ll 115 t" fflL p.'
tjtd) OallxlM til l':utM of v.iri"ii u-.
Vrinn. kin lit
.il l ,.l :.ilif. rn.m Vt, I.. :. .,t. p.r ;l.,p.
40 T-.M!. mum l.liKA.-K tr lira. J a...!., mil
- l"-"" tjt, m l-.rr.-l- ..r lk.. ..I ,..y cu-
i-t.iirv ri-imris. Krii-e .smjU pT Ok
..0 T..IM Mill JIIAI.KAI. i-.Vl.Sl, m U.vt.1.1, at the
Marhiurra Oil wjiranted nut In rhtll in the
, rMr,. WM.l.er. and ron-i.l.-,r,l hv th win n
: pijual lo !-WIIII Oil. lliilul I'lliltt OtV.c4U.ll lo
l.llirru ..... ..iiiw. ninii i.ii wiut.-.
I am cnulaiitly rereiTini; lartic supplies of the
above lumrj an icley, antl tuv motto is. ?nmil
f . .,:,!.,..,, r, V!I
1 . t 1. , 1
Sit alt-r M (iittdel the i'eatl M. tiouae )
;L.W yurlt, 1-4,',-j 3m4) Atip Vi-A-
i i'll CUlIinT OsH U UriUll Ullll J TllSS.
(,'nat ItMjifiii mrn. j'r .i !
: !
AM FACT1 KEl and lor
aie at t;c
. -. .U
EfWisbuit.' Fotindrv lv
i;eide.s,'.uaksii & t o.
j.' a.
M.OOO a tear,
! t WITH in ,...r. ,,.. -.,t,.,
' s. .ii-u e .iii.i t n.i . .1 l-li'-T .o r..,
to eii"arp in lilt a'e i.t' vf'.n n! Itie lil-sl h ...k
published in l;i' contitrv. M.'it " f c i! address
jM.sses.MKg a small m;.;I:iI 1'i.nu ?-' l, rltlO.
have stich ii.niviii'i.t ml re 1 a.s enaitie
liiein t. ntiil-.e I'iio-i :t (., a ,i:,v r r. .;, .
'I'll.. bm'is Oi:bI..-li -d i v ns ai'-r II lit i i1 iri
cli ti .ii t.-i', vxiirii;. '. I'.'ii'i-ir, b:i I n i.t.
1;i:iT' suit's ia :,tM -. .-, i':ir y ;n e t - '.
rVr tur.litr ji;;;;u- tlar n . 1. s (no-in"' P'1)
DAMKI.s & (iiC I Z,
f siirres ; ri to V" A Ij ti v A I n)
Nut, Norili vr.m.l Sttrt, I'hila-lflphia
lightning iods.
4 FTEK mauy yea.' t lte inarstipalioa atur
j jd. tl... i i.,f..,mi5 tha- public tLiU he hta
vntvi aiMJw lute pHarfpl ir wrniiiiinir j
.1.1.. tin. r- 1 wr Irmn I La aL'S I li. A 1 V0 U'tlli- 1
ence ul I IfiHTMIMG. hi
I ibat in ry C'.tv . I ' n. i;l i.c ard IVutr.y i '!
i Mi tim to unnuidly, tlt'.i' the cr.-s n-ijlioenee ot
jits inii-t'iuMti, i,. rt'oi.i e..ci.!:t i.iii. t'.-io e'-i.'
! m In n tl.e rtfuii'dy is f,t ea-y to ub:a;ii ibia t
f .iu ti l in
j isr.i.crriGE'i
j y.:JCjU i'.LtJllCtic tijiUlliilJ Ujj,
and lit llda o'ane. Tins iind has !mii ei.i;nineii
by fins mo.-t -ri.-i.ii.'ir t- nilein.-n in lite ta. 1.1
Professors M".Murttie, JdliiiMtn.W oilttr and in;inT
fibers lb it have eiainined tbrm. itfii.nn.en.l am!
sneak o! them in the Lmhr-t leint- ol ai'roi,M.n.
and have reiinuuet ii iheiii the only rale rmle in
use in t-iii.-Mir any ntlter ctniilty f,f the protection
oi Live, and Prirj.ciJv. ' -ue aii.anlaav is lo Am,!
and llj.iw bitfk a uailol the t'l. enc in..: litirml.-ss-to
'he cSindt ; in lime ol a simke this mat les the
rod to rrmduct that ,irtion ot fluid that tw-lonee
to the raith uitbnul the elihle-l d.intar oi U.
villi; thc rondtictor. This r.nJ has in.inv ntiier
... ...L .
iOai.t. c cv. 1 ine uki out. l ae 01. iy rr.ice 01
manu'actuiiog is in
Hue 21.3 dinirt aiiuve ISA, riiilaileljiiiiit.
.. u... ll . ,,(. ,11., :, I ... ll
..u iv ait p-ni'ii. ..... ""
and examine lor thenistt lvea. For sale holesale
or lieta.l I v TIlil'S ARMITAtiE.
Three rod his-e been piirchn.l and saerrss-
uliy used bv ti.e Iwliom iai! airirtnals. r..:i.t.iBs
, i 1.0
and rnrp ir:uious, abut luruts are i!ia-t,rlu!ly
stdvniiled r
..-I n-nr P ih.l, '., -.1. A S. n..l. rst .-..r..-e
ntiii-er. .Ii.l-i- lit.utl.'r. .luii- C'Hita.1. J. Iuit..pl.
Jfhll H'tm.. I". C. I 'Ian lev. J. Ilr. m .T. Ii. ai. It-v . C.i.r.l 1 I
liiurr-ol. it.. l;!tMKl.-v Auii.tioit-e. Ai:.K:a.ti X !;r.t Lets-.
'" ''' ' ."' -v'". wj.-'ien crin. Jut-
H all. AJ l-yt tin N- tuiaa. lir. 11. 'CMjriif.
lieJ..ii..r,.. MrJ. l .,i,.,.
ifj The only authorized Airer.t for l!:e Ci'timies 1
ot I'nioi,. Juni'it. M dl.n, T'bntnn. Lvcomine. !
NutlhutiiberUiAd, Motitour.l '.iiuintiia. I.i;arrne. it.
SAMI'tl, HOllVEIi.
I,rl!,!m,. f, li,,,
HU H tbilHfu
OnTrrs anJU ttf-rn t-XUctA fot ynt) i. Mr
l.toff. mil te i rontprl atifiiJcJ i . Me ha .
itl ii j) a nnii.l-er ot liitat llti$ in f nion ciMHty, f
stim? ol which tn.iV be sven as f .-uv ;
IM cxirtx t frTV.
lit thy 7V. Mark Ifa.fjH-mjy. W. -.I. - j ,iin
li-'tiHl i'ttt-rrt, Jm.'. m.tb. U.;ii .iT;?iMi.. ffii In'H i
un i i'iniinn-i.nfr' ni;i-. .;,
KtiulA. Sii-K'ii Kunfz. I'-nn
VtLKT vi..iii.ui li 'uliU'aU.
I'iiihi-... Ai:, K17.
I hrvf tM" .I-r rr.r''fi.Hv in-jc'tM . ..i,,)lt t .r 01
l iI.tnin Cel. wii!i v;in- ;in.l iti-lr-x. rr-cN-.. lv .r
a.i'iu.'i' ..rnniai'. n iu n- tiii!--. I.. i:tft.
h:.Ti? uu IfMltatiC:) in sawn t!i:,t it l'i..-tilv III,, k
I ha... Tt-rr.-t,. l.i.t tl.;.t u 1, id,- ,.,. I.,-,. x, ,
c.UviiicCirtn ibv a:i i.lv-n r-t owiirr-- t.iiil.hr..
It. M.Mt li'llifK.
I an w,-n !:-..: r't-tt the M.en ii - l.i.-Umio -!:..!.
m iliularlur-ti l,y .Mr. Tin.ura. oTieiia-. , f CSila.leii.!ha
is the l.,-t li'mt ,,-w i..-t n ie:l 1 i.,V(. ' ''' I
I veiir. ii.llie stu-ly ..I tlie h, ,.f elert,!ettr and tu.uniet- 1
-- :r-i hnv- no h- -
rt.tli til in . tha- tlie. I'.mI. ., s. ;
tha- tiles.- I:.m. a.s- j
t-i s.llety. 'III.- rieerrie
111 --ln t l.t the t-.t, I
'''"-J' t. ; ;ti t.'y ,
,.f ml. an t it .v,, i ia- i,
V--. a.-,s.r. n-- t..
I rr'Mtn.- to I -
- iii-
I artraeu -:i so t r-t'iir.i
If .
i-i-ir-i i-va - . ; .ii t
it r-i . .
,;... I
t.n' ut. .
It., ars.nt,,;. v- CiiS,-,.
Inrsi-ii-n! v,iit.;.f..l 1-1' r- i-..r.i,:,,-a-... .7. .
t'tre in.-e 1 t-s-., -me 1 . nn,.
'-'?; !t:.'V
ii-.- ,-. i, r.i--,"l
-. -1 ; . 1 1- n
leiirtnl f..r ht-
1 T . .... ti.iiLiry.
utter: ir.t v.
i a.,t . .. r
:h . ....... ,
..i.i..i H ,
s .ou; -,-. .
l.iia.1 Co
Ti: .! v 1: w ili.lu. y.'. 11.
.tj-ril i, ls,v'.
lii-tiio.' sttio.
i ifi
nAVIXft heen appiented Agent for thesnle
of the relehrateti l'i.inos, ni.miif.-ctiiicd by
cro. v(m;;it, ru.ia.i.,
the undersigned would be happy to supply any
citizens of the Sufiwn hanna country who may
desire an Instrunienl well made, alter the latest
impionements. Two of these instruments have
lately been introduced into Lewiehurg. to which
I am happy to refer any one. Tho Pianos are
are warranted, and if not satisfactory on trial for
a year, tliej may be exchanced. Pricea reason
Lewisbrng. Feb 2t, IS52.
,anj'SA,V:S'aUaTson nd and for
Tu IueuliJt and the Hick.
eomstocfc JUtiJCtinw.
l.t. The r.KKAT PAIS KXTKAfm ......-.
M.l.f.-leuriiis all Hums muti mil ... J. ::,tLS
j -ii. H itM OP t:oLL'MHIA fit. Q..:
in n.
lli Hum -n ll;,ir. toriaj
. .. Wj ,' YtU.Lt AilrK .... I u. L'SfST
I . , l;,riu..Urru. ' r a.l
; 4lh. jfc.v.l-jl A' OCSThi VIL. a crt.i.
i iv.-.f....... wrtaia
int. HArs t.v.nrt.vriii,Br,r,ft-.,. B.,
nth. V.St A HKAhM-llru, w-W"'
I ly y-
m iu lav nun
pti-C'J'im!tKv,Jtt.E.TK,,x 1X1,1 AS
l.-..r.: f.r .ik.ai.L.,l,u.iJ).1ut .1,1 Uh.lu. AT"
tii.n.: . r fiarrh.. la-hia. a. L,.. , A
f..r Vtir.i.r-l,i treil.-. ui-,l. J '
,.l...t.: f .r M'-tin-l. AiWti.ws bv.i,. ril... Kl".
man-IB rt trrt p.iii.1. jt j. , , '
n. r. r ;;,. ""- " l n. t.-r i.-... r,tiT.. '
;-n. ...'. a. v lajrHv.t ttv
! 'K"X S l.rt.AT VMS KHLtl-
snrh iiiiiVr h. 11 t ,ili.-. tr'-rtft . a r
r, rn.i,..i,-iI; i-ri-. tm,n ;,-,., i,,,,v
I., 1. .s I. iitt is . i.-ei ... .
' J. 1 A vtr tiro in j j:tr V. rem, in a -t,.,rt t-i
. . - : art
I'JOi. T.. n-1. k..r..l l .....-., .
. : ...... . . ... ... . -- t r.
fa.i.l TH.
, t r a .i .r t. Hfiirh's.
; l.tlt,. K.XKTItnr.KMKU-S I7VA- .r--f ,i
I r i "tr KP I. r-in' r-.rCn.iih... IVIJ.. I.,l?n.i,ia. ic
tirh. TfKt:iriM-i.i.it.t:iry'h-hj4AiK
' H I ..'-. th- i.nlv iir-.-..l..hiiL- ,.f hair.
i th. .V'.v u ST ' a.'.'XA. a Chin... R.mr-t.
J l-"n,. ilr ni-. . ri A...
Jin,, ai rtiA'T tn iHx tr iHii.i.A th.
' '"'"",,!".-'"',' """""r -"""
r!.-1,:.- ..ni;ii..i .ii ,,ii.r .-.r..-.t,ariiijiii. ana -nil L-....
sn.-KSf.Tiirsi vc
tATA.'. mail., fr.-irr Vtr.. l.IVS rm-ij, anil the ai..c
i !'i ar in lln- uta-1....
I 'll. .. h.ll fs T"tZll .ii.-uk won. A
: ,-rr., --.1 r-T.v f.r 'It. ffi Aflw.
1 Or I .,'1 T a s, l,a. ;,i,:v Um.-l-t the ri-l-1 Ir.r
ii . i . ;r - : -t t. ... ,i : i.rf.t-.t him k. iK.tr lit
v:t.l. . I r. Il l . f, i Ml at th. Salt Sprinm ..f .r
"in ill a, at ,-t. I a l.etiii. e. I . W TLta anslieinar
1: - t.f ! : ti :-, .t, i...h'.-f ry i.e.r 1Tir
! ! . '. i.v i ... i j . r t.i.n t 1 1 :.l : h.t e. n. tl it. .a', hau
, 1 - - :. ::i i:-i.ra'.e rrli tl r n'.j, wbit h ara.attatr
. ! ih- rt-:.?wi;,.- art' fulU -T-wril .h in ALMANAC'S, to
!.f i.-n wi n .-Hi: wVrr fh.- n- linur aTr kr t.
N 'TP'K All r r-i -aa-vim- h tv-T. f -rr knr-wn H HU.
j "T'l" h s - ..P rnw-fiM k a im,wm iimii r-
iiiTtirt ffMnik j( '.. will In-rtfiinnl. thl xtta
itli th- br imi V t tinturr 94 Vt. L S. C. will in
Th" nr m)iHrM ran hm Im.l in IwUKarr Mlt
l l.U-AUAT,.,. l.ttiin.,,.
For be Vmwm
roi ens, roLDSa hoirseacss,
EKOMHITI, RH00PI(.-r0l(.lI,
cpoip, Asmn. ai
to irt:r. a fill', uitii UKAtiAi-tir Ar
'.1'.'0.M. lilt: I nl,l. lake ll.el'H.n l'ii.t
i." ..ilv to t.-.l. at.'l rajt uj. wnrtu. t. sa.at Junua U.a
nil St
nl: A rnt.lt r.Vl nrfll. take it m..rt.ini:. t.w,
nr. I .t.aiii'.'. a i-l.i lo il:r.rtaiu .1, tlt. l.atle. a
: , " :' '",' "
T "m tins Bn at
r.-ti..r-. None .ill l.n.ir.if.
h.-u I'"'. au4 it Kin be ...real 1.
, ,-,,,,-1
IVr-t.tis :.r!!ii-ie. w.tti a .e.H rfiacri. wh cik
; '"ealt. tlent oftvir n- at i.,-at. ,il lel. tft.kifc:
: lie ut rru r- n nii on coirs o 1 ,.1. ps.-y j,.r nTr
or. at relit r Irom -Aitrt-nai. ainl an ttltilhmte rure. ia 1
' for leH t rhott wi.u. wllo art- lliua a.rel. It. th,. i.
j raiitat.i. reito.
! '"" tw,:it. rr-., f, t
ieni-.-ive uiiTt.i: iiti tt.rt-u ile ue.- wttvu (te MvcT:..
I e,t h.-aeeT,.-.K
1 '" t " eian.ia
r inn. riLi e. Vnr. .Cn.I raib. ic.-.
! sir., lia. tr yur r.er,-, iwt.m.1 .u ,u,.
; i''t tr'al in oe.- i-m t r... ttn.t Si:.l it o. irrja.-. etrrr
r,"" " L-"K theres,.,-
M1S. DIKMKIt i llVrTit
s'V..7.ff? ..XI, MLI, .if.lA.l'Mhi, re
av.lv i. iiitatrsMe. as br it anion .-a Il1.tl.n4l aa
l"im.... aliii ttiS. n in Mttalt .fiiauiiri.-a. it remote alt
I nru-ar- .m a Jf-w l.ra, at ..L -VrlulU iaerraM tha
tatw.r rn.l 1 1 -il.iliSV .file toi..
A XI A' V.i' is ia a.-,a t aiuel. r. ;ier..,.TOj .fv .holle
ear. . lj- l,e, ry y.. ....... :m th. re itraarrit..
rh-linate to TieM enl.ry . I-j.ine. fh,T, f
P 1. 151.,' v.., elite t!. ui. if eai, ta- ntlnl.
.'Art. tTIUI.-t o. rr.-ittfi,,, .( tie tftnatVanJ wPPer
ptolsit . f ii..- .nt-ir-. ni:y 1 rure Ih aaiitiir Ckirry
r.r'.-m r it. .111 .11 an.l f-e.,11. ut .lo es. The uart.oilortal.lu
.j.;.r... an a 1 ..n rifr vt,t.
. I.Vi. Ir l..slti. . f Rn.iktya. X. Mtaa.:
"I tiave . ti ttie l ti. ny l'.cti.ral e.re aiM-h raea of
v t. a ton, re those raee.a '
I "'-"""' liive all em. He f anHirtCBT. to le f. I-
: '" 'r'r--e-n.l lr..;.i..,,,.,,r..r, ,,r, iv.,,.
t t...ir tj-ujN-a.. If takro iu mMin. it v
It-t fr 1 r mr.
Ii .' ' Ctf .;ff m-.nv V br km mp aud mob
flir' I hv rh n f ;r-w
J III .V7 V.i is -"-.fii v ra-m'-rt-U by thi rm-
W. i-nion. in-r.-r.it har. ( , n n..ri.-i whrrr wbolt
wt-r- i r. lrV c ill nny j rii tu n .04-14 u-nrei.
u.. ... r.'. ir n. ij..l-Vw itl.our ."dj t'Vj ry iVrtor-ii, Wt-rJ
u'fi : in z lit, ttl tin- iliivr..
.-i.li M.Hliin. Hth June, "it.
Avi-r: ! vr.:.- ii.f, rm yu t.f thr in.l
. ..f i:r 7,.r lr.t..,ol ill ii,i,!'
in rry -wn I.if.il. ln-rrnt tottt,htr a rwj
j !. t. Iv mr--.! in ll.ri- W.-t (r a ilriMiluI t b.Ni in
I i'tiaeti. h him' ii. rr. M-aq. pb of f ir tity tt
j ii-i. i.11. Jn ! t:.t-.-tiil iu- fiiiiM.lt r- it the lwt r- turn
i lv w.- l.rtTf T- nun -it. : ..tx- ami that hf ha-i rur-t
! uwii' Oriiij with it tlw-l anj cUi. r Birtlir:ti b
1 v a.1 iiriii-t r"I.
t ' r'rrM ntrtn .f tl f PfIt ( hun h tliat .lurin-
t' rnn ! l3"-'i'Tf. t hiT (Li- itM.n. It hat . r.r,
,Vn TOf,r ' iHy hate brltrtrO'
1 Uli",u: n. r r.-; r: fut Iv.
!" , . ' -v ""h ex In nit n tu-
Iti'.t th- I . ii. l lliat 111.,,-ly ana at Iflnrtb been fitUDtl
r.in .1., l; I , II to elite 11,.. rBcl..r..,, .a I
l t.ii.uaii t on t. it-..h rarrr tn-ln stir at.dst tfa.ii.an,l.
eierv y. ar. It is ia ie. I a .a-d to wl.irh the afflirte,
erti k.,k Willi caadei-rs. Ir re.ief, acd U,ey alivuld a
t'.iil tt.a.a.1 lin-inu, . ..I if
I'-.itts ,1 an.l Aii .ijti. 1 i'Uruij,t. Ltrntli, Mutt.
r " I'. r t-v I' ,t. .-nirrLr. i.;.. T
' .!,i'V.: !" ' NorhaiuL-riandi'li. ,.,ler.
' " " r'i' ... 'et ua: t, Se,m.-,.e : ..i t... i. ..
"riSTe. lyiu.k'l' eh -o .1 '
T ! ff if t i w r r w s. . .
inn y vV ctiia.uit'Ah DUrOT,
Wholesale tSo Ketail Dr u"nsjts.
Lnrhlitrij, lt.
OFFER to their (Viands an the public a
large and well selected stock of
Ground Spices. lnrnni.J .... 1
Paims, til, Varnishrs Ve Sfttuffs of tha
"''"'' 'loamy n the n.rSel ; Look-in-f.las
Plates ant Window Clana
ot all sizes; the roost popular
Pite.t Miri..ES of the day;
together with a complete as
sortment of Hair. Tooth,
Nail, Mtavinir, Comb, Cloth,
Fle.sW, Paint, Viiruish.White-waih
and hi-e liKl I1ES, Dressing and
tiraimnjr Combs, Fancy Soaps, Sha
vinjr Creams, Pomade, Ox Marrow, Ex
tracts and Perfumery of all kinds, manu
factured by ules Hauel.X. Bazin and others.
Also a well selected stoclr r.r I ..a
Gentlemen s FANCY NOTIONS, smelt a
Neel Clasps for Bags and Purse. Twist. SIrel
. rmge. Purse Kincs; Erislo, y hyTf
Crotchet Needles, ic. Port Monaics. Razor.,
Kazor Sirops, Knives, Scgar Cases. Card.',
Card Cases. Note Paper, Envelopes. Ac.
NCtS. FKU1T6. ConfeetMnnrv Pi.litnp
Tackle, Ac. "
And a variety rtf other articles too nnmereri
to mention. Give us a call, and judge (ot
yourselves we charge nothing for looking.
Kcraember ihe Mammoth Dm? .tore!
Aug 4,1832 THEO. S. CHRIST
A Bargain!
A J5EvV Railway Cania5r- iih
I.X. at'ttta for four lor sale cheap bv
s7 nrgTeintii
1 a rtCUflUllML