Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, November 19, 1852, Image 2

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Election being past, and "the . V- T "T 7.-' '
. , , 6 , or eonibiord aud mutual action, and to be
ed f.r t least nine mouths to jnforilled 0f the result and progress of each
form a portion of its transactions: he shall
also correspond with the President or other
officers of eaoh County Sosiety iu the
-Tbe Elei
iiir ulrv uavAil'
j .. . ... .. ...... u.uuo w miormea ol toe result and nrorrres..
if .mi. and the Railroad quebtion Lisviag other's efforts ; also to invite mechanics to
It.' a aecided Ly tlie People we gladly forward models or iuipIwuienU for exami
reo.u our Agricultural iVparrnieot. Moa and tri--
We solicit oiigiu! r aelt-ctcu contribri-I :Tbe diw S-cretary .hall keep the
.- r ,, , . i' . v Micutes of the society and of the Execu
tions from all friend y to owr object. Ska p, . "", , B ,
, ,, , -. t- "e totnmittee, and at the close of each
tin, hardly, but may eoutribute something .etr Lcghitll prcpar fdr publicatlon 8ttL.h
to tlie ge."ni nt;iet- I ra"ts of the minutes aud transactions of
Keeping Apples. Society as ,nay Ue designated
6 F1 ! The Librarian shall take charge of all
Mr. Pell, of Ulster county, the celebra-' books, pamphlets, &c, preserve seedi, im-f-l
rxportcr of apples to Europe, reeotn- i piewtiots, or whatever property the Society
in- m Js- that apples, after haviug been care- i Bl.v Pss-
lVIvhand picked iu baskets, should be ! l'' Kxeeutite Committee shall trans
, ,. a , t , , . ; at-t the business of tue OoetetT "encraliy ;
. on a floor by baud, without pouring ghall superintend and direet the puhlic-afion
fr... the basket, uutil they are Jo to 18 ( t.t sueh of the reports and transactions as
Win deep, aiid left to dry and season , they way deem proper; aud shall designate
three weeks ; when again carefully packed . ,ue "-' an place fur annual exhibition,
in clenu barrel,
i:i' rotting, any
fttul safely seut
uc Kast ludies. The plan of drying and j own Chairman, ami meet quarterly, aud
w isoning in the air, before barreling, pre-; at any other time when convened by the
vailed generally some years ago, although, j President. Five members shall form a
nr.w-a-days, it is mostly discontinued, and Vy; f H "1 meetings
i. . , i j . .i , , Oi the Society when ncecessary.
t ..ght useless. e are disposed U, th.nk j The gocictj A J, mpct M
well -,f this process when it becomes nn- nna;iy fr exhibition, when, ou the hist
poi unt to keep apples saf ly till next : d-ty t hereof, all the officers of the Foeiety
f. ring to send to foreign countries, for we h:.!l be elected, by ballot, for the ei su ng
have always ob-rved that on opening a'j'f, aa another election. They
. i r" i e. , - . ; snail alffO bold a general lueetiuj; at the
n-m-la few iU after biinir put up, m , ... f ,W- ? - ,
' " time, of the annual esiuoition, and special
tver so dry weatucr, that the moisture of-1 m,c whenever convoked by the Kxe
ten stands iu dnps over whole surfa.-es, J cu "r e Comii i ter. Ten in. iiihers ahall
and although loose barrel will allow it j funu a quorum for the transaction of bui
i:i'tlv to evaporate, vet where they come I ,',!i, 1,ut n" "''nber in arears shall be cii
i.. e.,ntaet, the t.VJ surfaces retain it aud ! ''"i''1 ta ,,,e P"vil'e f the Society.
c.IIS.rf,j l.t : JtX 5. J his Constituti u may bo
' " "' I a'li-reil or amended at the annual meeting
I he carrying of apples in a common j bv a vote of two thii Js of tLe Members iu
wgon, either before or after barreling, is attendance.
i..jri..BSt!.ej should be moved on springs Ab(JU, 05 or 3 B1CBlbf ,;, we lten
Ohio Blineral Faint
OfVA SWA MACUUiEbC OIL.. rrica7c.prfaIIoa.
OUl J5u0 Ollou it
In wki iif various f iiw. do dA do
fit UtfreU boli'CU I" AIMOIU uo li do do
JVM lUllmia da uo do 1 ' . ' I .'
in emrk of Tariou sixes. do do d do
SU Ii.rr.iU I.4..St.lis' OIL. "Vsia klD-i aud loli-
tictt troru 9ft ceul pr gulktu.
tSO UalUMK in Cbk ut various ami. Torinas kinds
u. tin thtifs- tT"Bt to 60 crnt per ullno.
SO Tons TAUUJVT GKt-K r llni.jr a-rinj., ond
Catkrm lhiurrt in U.nrvU or Cak-, 'l oujf euB
ijitflirr rrtiiiivt. frk-r 4 mits pr lb.
ISO Tou i ill I' i JII MIKAL rlS1, iu llvrrls, at the
lueit market pnci.
Machinery Oil, irrai.tt-J no to chill iu Ibe
cc ildr.il Woalbel, and cunsitlrre.1 by ihueo using il
rqual lo sk-iiii Oil. li urif fuiut Oil, equal to
l.ineril Oil, oiher lliaii tot white.
I am coiiiMaiilly rrcrivniK lame aunfJies of ill
-V .. ...... I ..... in .l.l .... ' Si HJI II
llecently, a new plan for preserving meat wcl1 now uerntt feinith has been elected p,oli mlHi ulrk .mn..." II. V. VOS l.
has been defined and put into practice. . 0g" e district composed of . i"'""" Z
flesi, and in the n.xt plaoe in keepreg it j I,,,,;,., Cowi Crops i Hismvm.
from tho air. Tbo Bnwiwickcr of 8ept 25, says: The
Another avidess to plaos the iysa into yUUofcsw thia season in the Grand
tin canisUrs, after which tho cover is sol- Biw ewmtrj will be nnprecendented,
dered on tight, fcaviag a small bole ia tho a wni protaly briog forth the best fat
top. The canisters are then put into tened pork bogs we have ever Lad' as that
kettlee of boiling water, hj which mesa. tte ,,0,1 ready way of turning
neariy all the air is driven out, and the al- , into cash. Stock animals of all kinds
b.minous parte of tke meat partially eosg- in reat deiBaild n9 ,d wc
uUted hy the heat, and tke kole is then ' BM,n have for years a great market of all
soldered over. If this be faithfully done, : kinds of live stock. Three year old sell
me meat will be preserved almost any .fr0m f 15 to ft 8; four year old at from
length of time, and miy, by noeolderiag : 20 to 25 ; and sucking mule colt at $:J0.
the canister, be taken ont and cooked like
any fresh meat recently slaughtered.
GcRBrrr Smith is Congress. The;
s, they may be kept, with- ! rrSule ex.enuiiurcs, e.amme ana.- j
reasonable leusrth of time, :, ,
- ' fllA nttrltr ait fins Ssks'iatrtr ia mow la.-.cr r. I
to any part of Euiope or ( mote itg intorL.st. Thev shall select their
Tv UtalUli ami the Suk.
Madison and Oswego counties, New Vork.
Besides the abolition vote be received the
or .-leds. The ahrasion of the ak
..c t... .11 ...i. 1 . - .
. mr-u.ng n lueci n 01 me pu.p containing
toe juice, allows fermentation and decotu
p aiiioii, and the conseipieDt decay of the
whole mass.
Apples will not freeze until at a tempe
rature of from o to 10 degrees below the
freezing point of water, and it is beneficial
to keep them as cool as possible, even down
to .10 d egrees. Apples cuclosed in a water
tifrht cask may be left in a cold loft all
winter without further care, and will be
S'tind in the spriug and perfectly fresh.
Urnrtre, fanner.
in, or . raaje) aU(j tue f.jHrtwing Offik-crs chosen :
I'mulrnt J.C0n GCXDT, East lluflalo.
I ie Pi fsiifents Samuel Shadle, Perry.
d' l)aiiielViluier,Chapm.in.
do E.K.Mcngas,Vashigtn.
do H. O. Ever, Peuns.
do HenryWetzel.Middlecrk.
- do John Swengel, Center.
do Jacob Beaver, Beaver.
do Il.II.Margaritz, W.Beav.
do Jacob Sanders, Centervle.
do John Wilt, Hartley.
d It. B. Barber, Limestone.
do A.Swincford, New Berlin.
do Isaac Eyer, Union.
do Juo G undy, East Buffalo.
do DividN'atson.WestBuff.
do Wui. Vanvalzah, Buffalo.
do Geo. Dreisbach.Mifdinbg.
do Geo. R. Bliss, Icwiaborg.
do Wb. X. Wilson, Kelly.
do Saul Henderson, W.Decr.
Treaturtr Robert II. Laird, East Buffalo.
Crry S-ry Kichd V.B Lincrln,IIartIey.
Rrr'ij Ser'yO. X. Wordcn, Iewisburg.
Lihrarian Samuel Weirick, Xew Berlin.
EjctcutirrCutn. Jas. P. Rosa, Lea isbiirg.
do Isaac Slenker,XcwBerliu.
do li. W.Snyder,ScIusgrore.
The Society the requested the publica
tion of the Cousti'ufion, Ac., in all the
papers of Union couuty and adjourned.
The Executive Committee will probably
be convened during next Court Week, to
decide njmn the time and place of holding
the FIRST FAIR. Wc' hope there will
be a pirited competition for the honor of
having the First Exhibition of the Fruits
and Industry of this rich central Agricul
tural county.
Our smaller neignbnricg counties
Confer, Mifflin, Juniata, Perry pnd North
umberland have Societies in successful
operation. Union county should not be
backward in so laudable a work to advance
her most substantial interests.
The Society, to be vigorous and useful,
needs a large number of members, each of
whom paying the small sum of 50 cts. per
year would furnish an amount sufficient to
Gael Borden, of Texas, exhibited, at the
World's Fair, preserved provisions, ia a
form called meat biscuits.
These biscuits are prepared by boiling
down the best fresh beef that can be pro
cured in Texas, and mixing it with certain
proportions of the finest flour. The essence .
fit. ru.m,L f .1.. k... . . ii ! Pcraonallv- lit unanrnnartrl a a Miv
. ..v r..v. ,w tat unt, 11 u tuKU, y ---"f" " i AOO AGENTS
is containea in one pound of tbe biscuit. Methodist Missionary Appropri- I,Ooa a Year
luis is concentrating it pretty well. It aTiosTI.. r.ener.1 M;.5in, tv J II
was stated by the committee who examined ' niittee of the M E. Church has been in ! ' ' 'S,il"' ac'!v' nml " K:x-
, . . . .. , , t uiKicw 01 iw ji. fj. tmrcQ uas ocen in , r,1;;He n. Ihe sale oi sonieo! llie Ik-.! UhI;s
ir.tooea material not liable to undergo session fur some days, at tho Mission Boom ' ullishr,i in the country. M-u.-i k'1 a-!.lr.-s
a chance, vcrv light and portable, and ex- ;n r..mn. v v.i. n. t..- i possessms a small canit.il of from ?45 to jion.
" at au aa uiui ail oti t u vw b inn. irii a urn 1 . . . . ...
treinel n.ilnlin... I ...... ' will liave s
Dr. Playfair, to whom it was submitted
. 1 v
It. nmlKUAT riy KXTUACTVItlfXfSTIVL-tk' i,-fVv
.-i;rurwK an ouros aito an aaiamal rsiitiM
il. r I OLI U1SIA .r Sta-rag or wrial i
th llulunn Hair.
:y. llt.WK-s XKKVK A.W Jto.VsT LIXJMtKT
and tXDf.t.V rr.i:fStABLM tU3f.lt, a can for ail
ca- ut Ulivaiall.-ai.
4th. Jfe.V.lA-i- ACOUSTIC 0i.a crt.ia tar. far
ilh. HA r.V .V4Src.Vr.a known nmt tbo Pi Us.
fill. .VOH.V.1 .sJrK IIK.tUAi-HH KtUtl't.
Ilh. MtJlJlLK S UtLILr, for all wuarn in lua faali
Iv war.
Hih. loxfit.r.rs r.itr.r -esr$RX ixmax
PA.XA'.'t'A. f.r ra.i ami Mrfrixh fsllui an. frwl.tiac
frf w : UiT A.biua. Li.rr Coniiaiiit ami BSnlLfUa ASVo ,
tion: fr Drarrli-r:. In.ITAtton and Lues of Snaolits;
Cr l'utI.inrM iu k'UMi an.1 nt;.ls.aiid nriaas cva
platiit.: l-.r ; Sl'tiuarb .iirt-li.n. l-ip-la. Kil . Kh-m-aialtrui
Ai'.' Tit rt.l f..iui are il i n.4 bad lo lak, '
H-.'- 15:11- T-n : 11. aii'l nr-..r l.t. i nr rnjriv.
Vlh. hor.W.VI'M A .( IMWi a (Worm BilUr;, ,
for rli;!.r'n or izr-. n iM.r-.tit..
I: uli. V.V. M.'i'tnwi ultr.AT IUIX Kft.ll-K.
. I ' "It. Wf:. A.V'llWt A. I T i'Aiy KII.LEK. ' ' ' " T s
. - ...ds...a. w nn tnriiit nan i- -U .ii-jn-w.-ihI ilit t awt iij.noivss.lan- . .
support of maaywLi,. and democrat. He f and Grass. vSlSSfHrST ' TJJAA
, a man of great wealth, and has spent ti,tal'j Jjt. m, 're
almost a fortune in philanthropic measures P..--ri wn if v i the ' rl-irr ntrr rA y'i"mnU Tt" - amu. j.tv i.,ti vut.iic n t..i..i.,J
including more ,rhap, for the abolition u'lr 'M " '',r' ""T' " jtZ?TAZ
cause, than any other man in the country. " OKuls. MARSH & t'O. jM ZrZy.?i Ilfte ua,k ITtVlT-, lL
i lath. AVW Hit i.f I'M - '.: V a 01 j mm e .
WANTED. ! f..r . um. i: r... -' ' -'' ti-;bci atiramet,
1 Ifiia. HATKA'. T IIF .1 IH.IMUKIl.r.A. Tlw ar- nursing umr nrar ir.n u.
I tlr h.i. ...nlii.,1 ;l ii.r ..r..,r,M.. ..in , i.-. '"' inlll.nt ml inuf.'Ultlo cbrt. sii it.
"'"ANTEII ill everv CulllllV of the I'nited i Kr.1.1 -iiS.rlii, rt.r. oasianiljr siliioi..; rtirr in n srjrminy trsi. f
' ' - ...... 1 Klh. Ti. ...i..t...t...i 1 i-ri.r- ui.ca.cs. n Iiicb hav ftr imi ItaSletl all urn aid of
I't.ASfKl: n?;til- irnn ir. I IS r.rnrand tbi- mol ""o.licin all Ilia renmxees uf ScMuca. tun,
....il:.r in tl.r m k-. aas ar. railed
" ""i- nkuvous complaints,
T9T!i. Ifr ' t'rTiH K t...a kt.:. l.n..M .It. .-). and in tli ai..M ..r ... I
I , . " ... ii-ivr Mini lll.ltirt'ineilla lilicirtl tf ciiair.c i int. i uitt-ti .-i-at.t. li,. rfibrnt n lt.M .. TUA Tr. O er. II iar tlws caul ai.l t op.rn d. haral.
uay iiic iwaro 01 luunagers 01 tue .nit- ; iheoi to make from :! to iio a lav pr.-D:. .".' ''' 'V- ''' ' .-rins or ir.
k-i tV.ttn i ! I,. Ul -i i) it. nr.. fir.
sionnrv Society met. with 1 ! rammiiiM 1 The lnuks nublishcil l.v us .ire all iimPiI in 1,-.'.,,,.;.,!., . .. ', ",, .... ..
for examination chemicallr. reported that an,I oinnni1 ' I cliaraeti-r. etin-mclv popular, arnl cuminand i ptiM b, anv nrnn.iim.at iliai vlMrr. and H a ba.
ui'.ji-iiwu svic ui.i'it.' ar.Ft. a e uiicierer IIk v are ullereft. n '"""""!"'. w;li in mr.K, abu-b t niratr
For fuiiiitr particular a-l fr- (postas pd) ' ,i,. r...j., f,lt!, .....,riii h, ii v.iv.in. t..
II.NI'"I.S & (iKVZ. j t-lir 11 to ; wi n rail wlii-i- thr m rtir-.iir air ,!.
fSOCCeMOrs to V A I.earv V C") i XoTtl V.. All hi aralir.nn !,.rr. f..n kn. n -t I'M
No. 13d North S.c..n;l S:ivfl 1'n.la.b-ltrhia ." r ' "'l.-'i'tit K n.s. , W..ne,.
v,...,uc mutj-iwo per cent, or nesn. for tne currcut year.
forming principle. He stated that thc ----- .
starch of the flour was unehane-ed. eonse. i F"Pr"l honors in memory of Daniel
quently there could have been no putres-1 Wcbstcr arc Lc!n3 ra:1 "'roughout the J
c nee iu tho meat emploved in its prepara- j coun"7- ManJ who TP0J hrongh !
tion. This preparation has been usd in 1 1,fe as e ruLlic m are now foremost in ,
Ihe navy and the
an exccllcut kiud
of it being considered
an active man thirty days. It ought to be
more generally known
Liirhtnii)": fl oil's.
jf Vr. I.tlfiu- 1'i.tiwiti-rk: Mint flu -Hurt ll.v
I:.lwl jtW ill.- f;j, -imj v -ftia'urc uf r. I i'. wiil in
fj!ur i- tl.;.t. ll.f i.l.t ink.
ALL ti;tr:ll Ml' ST UK SI'T R JfM
U 1 It a S. liM.TtTK.
army, and found to be I ,auJ'"6 Ll8 '"indent talents, and his j . F'J'K it m.u.y rl.M inve-,igatiun .nd'i Th-.wn m.ii,",,..,!,
of provision, ten pounds- Patnotwm- " 1 6T,LL UVE" Webster's 1 n.eros pr,i.rt,u. .he take. . f; M.wir.win .r.-,
'red sufficient to aummrt I ,ast worJs arc Fop'c of the fame of ail'1' "'fo.ming ih pu-.lic 1I..1 ll..s . - .
rta sumcicnt to Support mvl at the t ue pnnc.pl.! ol i.iirui lantili.a. ' fj O -SI
uasuri uiliiu. : in-a :..! i.ri,u -...in ihe.I.-t.-i 11B11. t Ti T U V LVT J ' XV"
Pennsylvania OlBciaL
. 6-We have the gratifieation of stating
that a Union County Agricultural Society
long talked of is at length formed, by
the decisive aud determined efforts of the
ynuug men and others connected with the
Kast Uuflaloc Towuship Society. There
were also persons in attendance from Buf
falo, Kelly, Uuion, Lewisburg, and Xew
IWliu, only.
Tbe meeting called at the Court I loose
Ia.,t Saturday, was organised by appointing
Martin 1uilsuacu, of old Buffalo?, for
President, and Samuel Weirick, Esq , of
Sew Berlin, for Secretary.
Jacob Gundy, in the discharge of his
duty as a Vice President of the State So
ciety, stated the design of the meeting, aud
presented the form of a Constitution, which
after some emeudatious was adopted, vis.
Constitution of Ibe 1'nlon County
Agricultural .Society.
Tbe name of this Society shall be the
Union County Agricultural Society. The
oljects of this Society are to foater and im
prove Agriculture, Horticulture, and Ho
mes! ic and Household Arts.
StcTio.x 1. The Society shall consist
of all such persons as shall siguify to the
Executive Committee their wish to become
members, and shall pay to the Treasurer,
nn signing tho Constitution of the Society,
nut less than fifty o uts ; aud annually
thereafter not less than fifty cents ; and
aKo of honorary and corresponding xue m
birs. The pavmentof five dollars shall
constitute life membership and exempt the jnieet tLe W;4tlU of (fae Society without
.ii.i... Iiara ul Aii(nlilif litir frm. oil &n..t.fil !..-
making the burden fill unjustly on a few.
members so contributing, from all anuual
J-.,....-"". . . . . . . If ct,.,t.l .t.,.r... . .u 7. -r
Suction 2. Tbe officers of this Society " i- noin. 01 every
menu n me enterprise, to procure among
his acquaintances as many names, and the
money, as possible, and send in the first
shall be a President, ouj Vice President
from every election district, a Correspon
ding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, a i
Librarian ana sucn assistants. u society ; of next Court. This will be especially
nny find ess.nt.al t. the transaction of it. j je!i;r;lIjle f,r 0& cnMe fc
bui-iuess, and an Executive tomraittee, 1 M . .
consisting of the above named uffioers and j. make ProI"r proparat.ons. Altho' it is
three additional members. t tlic wpecisl daty of the Officers to obtain
Skitki.n 3. The 'tsvlent shall have j Members, yet the same privilege- is the
a general superintendence of the affairs of j equal right and duly of any other person
Ihe Society. Iu case of the death, illness, t interested iu the work,
or inability of the President to perform i , .
Ihe duties of his office, the Executive Com- Now for tlie nob,e "trife Middio
111 it tee shall select a Vice Preside! t to act ' k, I'enn's Creek, 8Bd Buffalo !
iu bis utead, who shall have the same ' "
power, and perform the same duties as the i Preserved Heats.
President, until the next annual election, j jhe most of maukind arc determined to
ITor ....-Itshall be theii duty J carniveroa8 and eat a ie mcat ,L
to-take charge of the aflairs of Ihe sssocia-1 . . , . , , '
io in their several district,,, to advance j c" tet "uethature designed them for
all its objects, to caiT up-m farmers to re- ,h,s pufpo0 r not. It therefore becomes
port as Ui the couditioa of arieultue in rather an important question to then), how
their M'ij;hborhood. to ask for inf.irmatktn , meat shall be preserved in the best possi
ai to the mode of cultivation adopted by ie m!mmr for the pUrjose of food ? There
the d ff.rent farmers, and all such matters are m0(jM in me Th(. . . ,
as may interest larunrs in every part of ... . , . , .. . , ,
the county. ! primitive mode is to dry it, either in the
The Ti'riiturer shall keen an account of ' un or in smoke- Ian or "0 as-
jtll moneys p iid into his hands, and shall ele of animals, may be dried in the sun, if
lUcct. Scoit, Hill. ItRmn,
. , la.-r. WH.g. Fmfml. XMrt.
Adams 'M 275 31
Allegheny 72:26 GI5 9Co 30
Armstrong 2430 209J 142 9
Beaver 1943 805 361 112
Bedford . 2319 2273
Berks 9503 4913 5 2
Blair 1931 2590 5
Bradford S930 35i6 281
Bucks 576C 4928 58 22
Butler 2533 2833 lfi5 1
Cambria 035 1461 15
Carbon 1536 863
Centre 993 1916
Chester 5520 5700 288
Clarion 2642 1218 28
Clearfield 1733 997 24
Cliiiton 1318 996 2
Colombia 2192 1165 j
Crawford 3427 2775 996
Cumberland 3188 2878
Dauphia 2675 3073 29
Delaware 1737 2083 107
Elk 423 163 14
Krie 2738 4015 CU
Fayette 3867 30)0
Kraoklia 354 3904 3
Fulton 831 729 1
Greene 2C02 1559 3)
lluntingdoa 041 2511 2
Indiaua 18 21 37 279
Jefferson 1494 1115 22
Juniata 1368 1062
Lancaster 6578 11636 53 3!
Lawrence 1064 1984 514
Lebanon 2118 3105 I
lebigh 3493 993 2
Luzerne 5340 8339 79
Lycoming 2790 085 5 !
M'Kean 597 405 78
.Mercer 2C93 2211 769
Mifflin 1620 1392 1
Monroe 098 418
Montgomery 5767 4791 160 4
Montjur 14:5 866
Northampton 4403 2978 16
Northuuiberl'd 2451 1619 4
Perry 2159 1413
Philada. City 5366 8908 378 168
" Couuty 20656 K.655 248 980
Pike 834 02
Potter 661 2(8 325
ScbuJkiIl 4758 4128 10 101
Somerset 1203 9S6 8
Susquehanna 3046 035 215
Sullivan 426 177 59
Tioga 614 1564 79
Union 1994 3081
Venango 1899 1164 294 2
Warren 1433 1138 243
Washington 4064 3810 370 20
Wayne 2362 1232 21
Westmoreland 5509 3203 119
Wyoming 1253 807 19
York 5585 4700 11 3
Jwrlliii;4 ami prtipni) tioin ihe det i :iie inltu- t
u"c- oi L. vi ri t i-J I d tj . 1 " rriiiiu-s m
ff-i - . . " u I
l ue inauguration ot Uov. Lane, as l.or- ; that ej . To n, liUa and Country Ull
crnorof the Teiritorv of New Mexico, took iemn to annony, tluo' tim gr.i- m iilii-iire (
r.l,... r .'. 0.-..1. r i it-1 "'hl' ili. i b-"inl t.ilciika ton. rp rrally I
I.hw . .u.a. a V TO. I. iv .uui i t:' IOCIII 1 k. .t 1 . -i-i
, . . i wn,.n le lenH-dv h u ra It bkiui lliis la I rr
Wh.g. fYnr.w. .Vjfirt! j her. He was cordially received by the J fouoU in
uVir J- .. inhabitants, and appcaramcs indicate that , M aekitage'S
22m f 1nder his administration the peace ami: P"lt fll,13nrllC Ltjljtnrnj tto&S.
7 . , ... -mi- ! I" ll'i fllone. 'J'his litir) has hi rn oaimneJ
- Trs n , . r. a
For Ihe Car of
rortiis, (olds, hoarseness
- -i . . r a siwi si nimv
.i i t-t . . . e . . - i ut-i- in mis nr auj muer riiunits m inp proiri-tion 1 iv.ui.iii iiv.i,
tne aellUeratC opinion Of the good people I , l.jve.an.l Prnpr.iy. Onea.lianMceUt.idWi.lo ! ro rrvr A mil,, nmi IIKA!,An,F JX1
there tl at none of the candidates were wor- ' ibnw hack a part of tl.e tU cine tin id barmlfu i '-.. the i.ony. i.kr nifimui i-,.i..l
j -o llie cl-iids ; in lima ol a stroke tins rnal.kr the VT.t ' ' ,-,..ur,n, ,.
KiR A rrtl h Al mm II. i.kr it awnfe?. .n.
-.l... r.i. :n i . .... i ''
"'Z l . I. " . u,u5urlu- j l the m.M M-i.nt.fic- g.nllnntn in the w.ll
iy, 1 . i , i I'roli-asora M'Murtiie, JuIiiimiii, Wallor ami many
V otLD.N t 1 ote. At Lrunswick. (llher, ,h hjve f Ia,m,.j ,!.,, rrrmlln,i ,?,
Glynn county, Georgia, no polls were open- t H-:ik of ihem in the liight-t lena ot aitprot'aiiou.
ed at the Presidential election it Icing nii hve ' """'"""J ihnn H.o iu!y aale roils in
thy of support.
i roj lo (oiitJucl that portion of Ituid tb.it tH'tuns
Gov. UBAZT advertises bis farm in ff "":a"h '"" .''i3h7 'l-ger f j iXZRS
wvi" pouw. . at? c "o tailrlj tut'
climate of Iowa being loo ri
Siu,. Kxtiai-t-j, UaIhis, Baliami, Klisirw. ItU'
I" II. T'nwlit a: ul Cotton f mry kind mrm akik
nurllile.. l-r t:n-y atcukra tLe vitxl etier;i i.f
lr.!jr (JiiMtrald v?trin. while? nn ter the trroj a.
'iio. fift'-itviti?. ailiintf; iulleicaj oi Oaifft:,.
ai i-t-licl I v tli t ItciiuLfiii iUs:i.r. the hi;(j
piticnt ftn-t h ruitt.ii s tft.'rr u rcatvrvJ to ftv.xer
kenlt!.. tie!--tit c.'jiicity nnl ir.
i I.C'C iinuik .cia'c to mcli Jiimw Nf.
Kii'.i.. iic uoi.ihiki x, nitr-vtutTis mi.
I'lTAiKtS ( thv UT. ART. Wt KKS. lni ,
t'i. M A I.H niSdl'.IH-'.KS. ncW m NKI-VOl S lit..
lirH LASSJil!-. BtrU br-SfO.NM-.N' V, r..e,
tie ontr o'.l.er i:3-nc f-r Ncrwm l'nn-i:.';
k.rii.rru', yvm (nvi lsions. ..it,
bow Ltvjwa to ictuH fioio a ni:i-ec(uit;. tir. n
Klccuic luiluciwro ; .NKilVOrS TRKVitKS. I'E.
!i.SS, liich is neatly alwst caiivrl by i.tm,;;;
at the AnJitmw Nrr. ii4 cana.way , rr-fc.,
rri b lal tuiim, i.ut. tl.e rn ia n.-t !..,.
ti Sf'KISH. in itt.Anr-tfmi.if: PAIS ami Pa t'i'
!-V9:S. nniffsrn'Ir mtrt a .ic;liCM m t d
inflitance; MltoN KliKl M T1NM,T -I;filn f
ol the MVF.ii, PAIN iu thaStPK. SI T stl rik.
I'l.ATiOV, SriWL antl 1111' VP.tr
lKKI I UN V of NK'tVIH S und r.I!t M.
f.KOV, a:nl all thoa lintrvaaiiia; rmniilait ;i i
inp Ham a DLttAOE:MLNT of U.e MKUm
In Ihe alsova preraUit an! terri! I rktt of ti.
r3ca erMi f tii-uints ra aiuca mora aasicf
uua ttiau i eiisFi atty Knag;ueii
Ar am AIm1jI mmt PuaIIIv Spactfta.
The BP! T ia tw.l vrhrn h hmv oc ayataoi d
j rally m flipiie.i ; NK KL At K tor co.u( iaiutaif
Throat. a Aathma arrr) nmnrltfii. n-i of ibm
, Hrai ; aat the lit .l i LK1 S it aU ilirr.:er of ;a
arm or ):nit. at I.het.nratiaill. FrrKy. Trtmon aad
- 9(4amoitir arteoiHNta. 'i'uena axfi-cW artim;-lt ao
itl.e.! aaiiirccto l nuktl.e M lrKT!r Thick
! a-cmpaDiea theoi, aai ha iauLfuly aai taey
f ar TTie girat ferafiarir an-f arrnn?a of ihm
r.ALV.VMl tTUATlVKS riiiti in the fact it
they arrest and cure diseaer hy 9nttrm4 mfmLtrmsm.
n place of tke usual mmtatn. Irur? irr tai
HiTtM'kinj tire patient till evbantal nature a.a
aasviy ttatlor tue inBiCtmn. iay atrmgthm lt
ayttrm. rqitmtis the rir-uiWani mf Jm JttsMti. yw
Corrected this Day.
I nil Slit Ig. a OV-l ICC Olll l.nr. I He OIllV place Ol i nirnl. r.T l. vn.u-IMI w;in a .ralnf n,o;h. vhn h ' m mutl mmiiii. m.
, r , - m.,,.(a ;. ;n I i.k torn nr uiir rri at nnrhl. out arm. It tuning i r" "s""- -r. ,""
gld for llim. maiiulaiturms la in thr rn.0 r,r,.,r,,, n tMr.. r ,hry d .' ! thr intro-iuction ia ta. I aiii Siaui. oal
1 I tilt .V. 3 d,r ulmvt l-th, Ihtlttdelphta, J "und. ttiiltrrtlin nl. -- nmlr.tnvntto.nllv r-frr,hi.i! tft , iw ,atn unri, mwt imn
i nhtrc all perons are reprctfelW invileil to rill fnr.lr.1 in thouMmds niio m iha atllirtrtl. h ikts in-i iOsUUU IT IU K b t IM B
Iricd Apples
Bullet .........
B icon
( lovprsced
j ami rsamiiie for tlit'DiM-lvr. Kor nal Wbt.lrsale r'",,",'v
: or ll.iail l.y THU S ARUITAUB
TI.I.L. IO.U lBV luwn ll...!..d..l 1 . . . , ft.r tl hfctt 'r- 'I.
a (i i,t . . i I n.ui mo rmwit'ui i iiT. iaii. in
u" u-tu 'V .nr iitiium .it iii.ii.iuua a, rmnpailira (
inclstti'n .11 ars. rlas.s ami rnnititinna ao
rom us aunaLi fWt in IW raws, man Si d .ana waio . larir. numixr ot IjJm who ara cn-
llii-ni. lira itiiw.ll.Tig t.t fr.rt its usr wUry nwt.it , liarly sutv.?t to S.rvotis I omplainls. ha. ttii
F.mTirtLir.. T-np AnHl lftb. 1CM.
Entirely and Permanently Cured,
arfion all aopon retiof had tm rirea hp. iuki ret.
.6(1 -"P'"tl0ll, " nannra are Cbteillliry j Sir:-H- lt' fum it'll! I i-.t, -.r,, a nba thK .l. tMn triJ in rain t Tko IwiMlM-isi r:
I SI hini-trJ : ,', " Pn"", ,v- " ort.a r I whirls ba. arafurml. attcnHed their na is conn-
C.l , , 1 "-'r """.v ''4C '"r "mus all.xan ..f 11, rrTj.i- Sanllr statu! to I., without a parll.l ia th. nacal.
11..! . "" ' '''. S r.Tl. flr'trc' , ratoi.T orcana. . nf Mutual Srjr. 1 lrxniu. haim ami a..n
lit , aiitrin-r. J.i.Ik.- Knter. Jul.-r r..nr.. J. Atiill.ts- 1KS I0WH! t IM.Hnnl ahrsK-ians ; la.ha. of tha iiik'het it.ri.iinr cliiua-
100 I l"1'" ""!'-nn.r.t;.ti:.l..v. t.ii.ra.l TO STXr.m JXfr Prill,- .srt.,KjeKx rr jr.h.,! M-Vmr .hAatM oSlfial stations .
' li:'i-rM.. 'I lie II frrb!rV Aliil-lioit-.. A,..I.im,h Si kWttllt.r.. bw.Iv ia .MKnliia!.'.. h. tf. b.rit.M .... .1.. , t i K.. t . ... i ( ; ., .
. ..j . - . , .... -u-. nvt mhu... Ki.tiiii.ti.iii.cri atiti mccManica . in wr.
)6 ; It1 v J. I.- (-rent Jfliii Ntiiiunn. Vhttf. lirvt.r. IVlt- k
llin -. l-n l:ik-n in MTmI uliaitlitlf. if r..t....M !) an.l rl. ri.-haI-. ttM m I...I S.K..EM a.!
" - "h-rs. H. Sinrm. n-. Tlav.. N-nt fc. Mr. : h,r i a f l.f ai.t.i ...i.i,,,, iurrra-va th , elaiae. rank aji4 crm.iiii.iiss. Iia. aiioall I ran ra-
minimi;, ... r. uri t r. j. vt. ti n-on. i . n.ii.nr. j. . u.arr unit IfMPIl.ti ! u p tmrr. r raornt an.! bar. ..niallv a, liiit.wlr.lrrj tha woa-
. fl i '"V-y ' J- Nvm.in. li. Ilarlrn. J. 0riiKiir-. Ir. -, p- JsiltMA if p n all, o.ia-1, r lait,aml often wl n'lr irnu.n.i ol'.a uuciwtJ Uiwfits wWh lit.; hat.
I" -.- mtat i-. .r,r. j..trTit. . irtiritii . .nriiiaHj. rmwi it .trirjr i.ui inirv art a. mr ra- a.- lims rr.-tmrj.
Mr. lunirnn. Ir. I'aul. . II. W.wm k C... J. tl m- imv, I nh.iit.ati- as t it-'l rnhrrhr to no amlit iutr. i.n j l.ct it be known a-i4 rrmrmbi-rrrl that tlioaaly
II. ..Iillr. llm Ktd Hank rltiirl. Im t.i. Arrntul. tht- i Vr..r.. ail furf tl.rni. it tht-r run h.-rurvl. ; Nauiral l(rt..ratie ttir tl;e Nerves is ialtaiusm,
..rinr t.itrtl-n ft inii.ir.-ii.nf-V liall. O.V H'TIA. or irrilation af thr tkroal aal n,er auJ that ia ail Ncrroui Diseases we skouM
.'li thr Sbitr nf .,- J.rim larorcr l. r'a in. Al-hr . T-rlit.i. ..f the llinjr-. mar U- rurrj ht, r;,.rry It TL . TJl,-; a. 4V - Tl . "
M i all. Jiiilm- li .yt. ii. .!..hn N. liuan, lr. II. .H'.Murlir. j Vrtn-rtt in am..ll anrl f.-tjnmt So-e,. Tlie nnrrnutbital k-j 1HT0W rfly!C W tue JJOgl.
Ifc-pj. K.-1-vrts. .Mr. i. IKiwr.ii.tf. ii..r.s . n i nil rla tt-.l. I To illiutnite hr uc of the M a.I.V ASIC BCI.T,
. Rer. Ir I.aMi. ..f llrt.ftlin. . V.. stat: a.' i r.pawi.e tit. t-ae s teraon artltrteU with thai bac.
il I num. Jin. 1. ila, M lilin. ( Ipt1ti.11. I.vrumini-r. ,...1 r... ... .,!-r.. 1,. .r. ... r. -n... .. . . ' ' il. ....i..... ' .,,...
.VutlllUlllberljnJ. M'JII1illlt.t..lunliia. l.ux -rill' rs i ' S il lorttrt- tli--r-1 n-e?. ' i are taken, whit-h. hr their St-t.-rtn on tlie ner.es as
fii i.-tr ; ..itrwirrjifiir.1 aitiitnt-n'. to i a iiM- ainaelt.tl me ipinirn. amini rrwataratry reii.-.
VI j
. I"
M .1 VI I I.-r II... ivt'n
. ' I li.we.1 hv l:r--e an.l fr tiu nl tjo... t,f ihr re. ye.-.
lltlrll'tun, Imuii cuuiltu. I'tlllt i until it'iilln. laa tJ-..-.M. If li.-n in rrai 11, it
Total 1985G3 179182 8524 1670
Pierce ever Scott, 19.38C over all, 9192
Dim. Whj. F.S. Nat.
Maine 419C2 32G9C 7924
Xew Ilampsli. 29194 15871 C430
Vermont 91C2 16639 6267
MtttsaebHSetts 47012 5420529008 1870
RbudelVknd ttf 7515 560
Connecticut 2696
Xew York 6000
New Jersey 44301 39551 344 738
Pennsylvania 198568 179182 8524 1670
If "5'Tbc inJy auMimizeil Asent for ihe Connlies
Thnaaantls or rta rents who use Veraiirn-n eonwtaae.1 ,.f
ra.tnr oil. f'alom-l. ir.. .re nr. aanre. that arhil. tri-v
appear to lienrSt thatalient. tlier are artuallr latino the I
imiim'rnr .tr m arr tn tii-ean. rarn ss rstltlllutn i .1 1 . r t .
t - . ., . i a" 1 Onlrr- an) li tl a-k.lie.-rtl (n.i.l i. ..,! I 10 lr 1 not S.i! 'orure.
l..i,i..;e,Jun. -iUWfr.,'.no:tt,..,l.erti..nientoj ll.....er. l pT..mtl, at,,l-.l .. lie liaa r'JZ'hlilT " """
rirsr'r-s s riAr ol ,h-e y" rxZ r:-
Srn-s h-allh In Urer l.'.Bl.laint an.l all diaunlVra ' l"J,e ol "bull liuy l! wen as Mlitws : '' "nvr..n i.-lanr.- e h..n ie. .li.rr l. .l.
.rovfr,lh.-ef aWlIt., tT..hnn-.lm.kru," ,V ninV rvri- feini'ir, w. re prt.t.rletl fr.ni s.r... r;-",-'"
nine are reuuioa. Tv, , y,..llr I l,rl., Wilson. MU,.t.,f., 7..l,., ! h h. n ...n f.n.iiv. mf diuhl.-r. ... rt.ni-
llll- 1 eaHHt a ' "n". ""' hu". I-,,,, r.-l-aar t uitlruu. II7, ' ..in. I. .ii.t.l in thr .In-atlfal W in
itT .j.rnn. i ii uiiiian. J fntmli. br lakin; il. IT ! ana. one 1.1 t nr .rt 1-r.i
. 1 r.h.-irtntir rr-i.i -f:tfi-. flint 1-e f.lisit r it tli.-Ir I r ma
V 11 W I VII . rfi -e I ,,v w ,,avr ,'" nt"""" "--" h. Har. . .ire..
.... -J.Jr.W'.I't.1.v. i a t (i , r,1 ,j;n j, lhstu ;,nv ni.tii.ine he
1 llllllt.l . 71. tl7.
a. -. , I '."" " -nrriuiiy iu.e.ietl a r..ii.iii. tt.r .r
...- ......,.., , ..uniinnurr.. . u.ntiiin; KM. ailli v:.n.- and in.l.x. en rtr.l hr Mr.
On the 3J inal., E. B.WtTr and Mif! i"m:' Aimiie..,u ittiiei
CaTHKK1 Ml LIB a lintli Af M.ffl : I,;,Tr ",'i,lt'-','W MriHC that it in nrtt olv tU Is, t
slTaaaaTaBaaaaaTaaaaaa i n
, is. wisisiuui v it'a.iiruiT 1 nrt.e.iu-.ii. hi
In MilHieirn, 1 Uh imi., Iy eT. Mr. Iters,.
siiea-er. num HiirrunKm anil J),j
In White Deer, 9th inst , Jacob Mr.CKiir,
m hi 7JJ tear.
In Chapman Tp, fith inal , after 8 month.'
u0enn with coitcuiiiption. CiTiiiai.c Jr.Mt
. ilaughler of Amoa and Eliubvltt Strob in
her I9tb year.
New flj Shop.
couductor U tlic aitutiiu ul u a uitv f l.ii.i.iitu:--.
H. Mi ii:i:tkik.
I am well pnt.rtfrl thrtt tKr. M'n-tii: Li-lit niii- IUnI.
ni :iurfiif-r by Mr. Tlutmna .rmit.iei. of I1ir.alclilia.
l tha L'.t iNit ft rta fVtr iH-i-n ailc. 1 h:tTi'5tiit mrveral
jeur in thr tuiy uf th htvr nf tri. tty aint m.ittt
inn. an4 Imvt tto ht-Mtatiun m inn that thr. l;ot7 arv
c .ii-trurU.I Ui-.n Hit- m.ly j ..f n:tMy. Tin fi.TtT;c
5hfk t m? iv'd ami tli'ifj fey t awt'tM- m tl: top
.f the ati it nmilti ini!"--p:M.-. at'tvrrrlin-' to ih
Inws. of at.rxrtj.'tt aiHi rrpuifnam. t,r a bttiM.n' to be
iujur.J ly aitn.kf r.t li-ltlniDjmh.Mi pn.:.-. i. J t.vnnf.f
tlit-ic r-tt. I have htt-ti an;u;iiiittt wUli Mr. Anuilaei
ftr m-T'-nil Tar. HTIiI Ik f.If lii-n.min.in.-.J ti.
SanillCl Sllfrr ha? just Openerl a shon tl1rr H-" "Nn.iltreprinrii.l, irnwhirliiiiV
on MarhrtSquare. between the IW .Mice an.l j Zut:;
i.yDdall s Uuokstore, where be is prepared to j .i.-iuu.i r..r these r.i....j tb.rxi.-n.irevi.-a m mi
make and sell ! ot ihrrnuiitrT,iiiani.leintnentiani..nor ilifiriitilitraml
n i e. a. T . I superiority. TK i y K. WALLEH. Si" 1)
IJoots and Shoes of all kinds, j KUia: iw ri'il!Li1 C:i - i""'1 ' w.
ftir Ladies, Misses. Men and Boys. Also fur
ale, GUM SHOES of all sizes. RErAiai.ir. !
done b usual.
Prodnce of all kinds wanted in exchange j
for work. !
By punctuality, and using good materials in J
ihe very best way, he hopes to share the pat
ronage of a discrioiinalinw public. '
Lewisburg. Nov. It, 1853 !
s-r aslmiiii-ta-r
fiiir rVrM iiimi f the P.aiitit rin:r ft ? t!tat tlurin-f
thr run nf ?nlHfnao Vt-rt Wii n,mn. h- .-ji .f- a
fnm ynitr lnTHIilIf,, In nniM anr-r)y have lrlii-rni
witlwiiut fpiiuj. Yr n-ppif.il,T.
J. I. P1M .LAIII. Ii .uiv"r.kfma.tfr.
Cur of si-rrM uj,-i th .uu?n erTi af-
ftrtfi by llrrrri yvr.'oro iu fc'h rilr iitr ! an war
rant th- yl:rf tlit a r'mtr IiaJ .nf Iftictfi fi.t.
ttmt ran b U-art,ti-tl on riu the 0-u:b IH. ami
t'..u?uiti) ti.n hrh carry frr.m imr nml-t lh"tflni!
cTery y ar. 1 1 i iaxlf-rit a mtl eiae t tWi lb alNtrr
ran .-k ilh t-'.tuMrncr fr rr.Jrf, anti tllrj should not,
tuil to aiatl ttif mrv itt nf It.
Practi;l ant .Annhtirali tr-mbS, Lttrtti, Must
i(rr .! by CW.a'irnt.ri lk. f-f ibtrx: J. H.ra-tfW.
Miiti'U: M'j5 M. M f'a v. Nrri!iuml-r rSaoff : li. V. Kra-lfr.
Nrw iurlin; 1. It vr hart. Miaj-proTe 5 amf by Iirug2tt
1 htiil4'rrich);riu
1 Khirli leae tlie tent in a I.'irer t:e. ami tla
uimrrd fa.-nliira, aft.-r ra-r action thua xcttaJ kaa
reaaest. Sow con.j.art? this uilli tiie efTect raaalt
t from Ihw wrlMlin the 4..4I.VAMC KfcLT
jaka a lyat''l':ic aveu in the worat arain-
tMTi of an attic li, and aimj'ly tie the Brit rouatS th
Ikly. unit the Magnetic Hit hi as dtrarted. la a
rht rt ferunl tlie ir. . iHe perpiratifn will aet e
j.e positive element tf the Clt. thereby eaaaira;
eaUanic clrrulatm'.i which mill paaa on to tea
veative. anal tt.eiM'e baW ain to the poitia.
thua keeiin up a rontrn'toua liaHanic circulatie
thntrphotit the cvatrtn. Thua the nuiet aevere f aaea
ot DVSI'KI'SU are l"KRM .KNTI.V 1'HFJ. A
frnta the nvist intrtliffant end respartable jracaa
reaidin iu ery rnrtnm of the 1'nited Stataa, euiii
fee preei.fel. Tl. aa are bur otinecesaary, bat a
anmeruut elertion embracing' matir statement cf
the rrol ettra'tnltnarv rhararter. auflfcient b ON
V INCE THE Mt ST S( El'TM - AL may ha hai of laa
authorisetl ient. The interested axe parUcular.y
iAviuJ 10 call.
FroaV n f the mosl dklinfoM ril)sr
clans Id the Chjr of Xcv York.
"I have been naing Christie's ialranic arttclai 1
qaiat way among my Htieitt t..r ahout twu years
pait. and 1 ennfeaa I am a!onbherf at their surras
If 1 am stireai'rteae ia Am-iw. kmiw just what
they will do. In Kpleptir Fits, particularly ia
children; lieafnees tivi Arteetit.na uf the Heatl i
adultt : I'amh tia an.l P-il.r- in mil . . I 'awn.i
1 several other disease of like nature which ha ""'C
tjimt; x-rnF.ui.'AT. riKTH.Tf rw th. ih... nV;.r,,r. ,:;r.:.
articles of swrptisinp; broefit. Altliouin 1 tl tl..
,,. Tl,,,.,,. . aa.a. . ahamcle.s quarkrrv rf a.l .rtisrnitiit. and u-
Vr, lllUrillOfl & a III INT, ' 1-ap.rs, I must t,.res mr coun.lir. and btlirf
Urhnl:-.lu X- l?..t-.il I tho m.lrliil irtues of lllltlSTIF.-S ri F.V
I101tdle Ut'lJll UrtlgglitS, TIVKS. Mr name- is. nf rmirsr, ri.an-l.ni.al. bill I
r i i shali never hrsital. to recoaicicoi our Bticias oa
JSICIfbUrj, l it. , aU protiiir ociii.ns."
0 ?a .;StSA C 3 i ANOTHER IUsfiicE OF CANDOR.
cals, Itrulllld SSpicrs. ( :u rantetl pure. w Bei:i? a i lirsirian in tha lieinltr nf
l'aini. Oils, ariiiNhes, Uve Mtitfs ul llie
jny bills wlu-n audiiel and aproved bj the ; cut into thin slices. This is known by the
Kvecutke Committee each orJ.r f.r paj- 1 cwunion name of "jerk beef." By smoke,
iui-Bt must be si-'ned by the iVeiideiit or ! t, . ., . a. , ,f
... ,., e.. . ,t . all the parts ef the meat, tbe fat as well
I lt-.ir,.,:in nt t li I- a- w-n I it-A f Vn.i-i ..n 1 '
l -rr.r(, crtry; The duty of ; a """r ue,ro"e 'prtHi wun toe
tisks uflii er klmll be to invite a correspon-1 pyroligtiaoua acid, ereoaote and other ingre
dni;e with all itersous interested ia airricul-1 dieuta of the smoke, and are therefore rre-
tnre, wbe her in the county of Union or t served from putrefaction. This foriua aahat
eliewhere, a. tu the intrtiductinn, cultiva-
1 .
lion anil pinpagution uf new seed, vegetao-Jr-.-,
or Jiv- toi k. At each stated meeting
if tiie S. ;ei v. hp sh iil read Ui .mwmd-
..11. i it . . . .
ucc, uu auai;, citlir tLe n hole Ot iu h
is fkuiiliarly called bacon.
Anot kt-r mode is the very common one
of packling it, and- its preservation ia ow
ing, in the n t place, to the ealt combining
North Caroli.
Sooth Caroli.
j-n as uiy U toltt-.ed l tLe Sucl.tv. j uitL tbe aaury uud ti'htr juxts of the ' Califcruia ('not i-.ttni ftii )
Daguerreotype Ukencsscs taken
accordmc; to the latest improvements, at the
frM door below laaiaeY Store, on the most
reasonable terms, by
Lewtjbarp, Oc', 37, 1653 .
lOTItTE is hereby given that on the 23d
J.w inst. I boDfrht from Aavaaw Black of
telly towasbip, Union connly, at Constable's
Sale, ten Acres of Wheat in the gronnd,which
I have left ia his chance dorine mi nl.a.nr
an do hereby warn all persons against med
dling with the same in any way.
0 :1. 57, U53
nAVt.NG bpen appninted Agent for the sale
of lite celrlirat. d Pianos, manufaclurrd by
r.lO. TOGIir, IMlilad.,
the undt-riiiiiiied wnulJ be happy to supply any
citizi-nsof the t$u,oi-haiiia cninlry who- may
desire an Intrumenl well made, after tbe latest
improvement. Two ol these InnirunM-ntD have
lately been introduced into I.ewif-burc to which
I am hitppy to tefer any one. The I'ianoa aio
are warranter, and rf ant wlisfactory on trial for
a year, they may be exchanged. Piicea reason-
I.ewi.borg. Fb Si, IS5J.
; Lewisburg.
J m.l NAILS. atn vs nn bintf and Tor
i wi If by D. S. KREMER & CO
very bt-sl qiiality in liie market; Look
in-;-t.!sa riatn.N ar.ij Window tila.ss
ol tll izesj loe most popular
1'atf.nt Mkhhls nf ihe day.
irgrnrrr m-iiii a complete as
stiittiienl of Hair. Tooth.
Shaving, Comb, t'lollt.
I'leah, Paint. Varnish, White-wash
and Shoe BiUHES.l)rrssingamI
OraiDitig Cotiibs. Fancy Hoaps, SSha
ving Creams, IVmaile. Ox Marrow, Ex
tracts and I'crfnmcrv of .-iI kinds, manu-
r.. . . . .. -.-.-. . .i
idcmrru oy juies naiicl, .v. uaztn ami others. . sal stiaaUr.
Also a well selerteil slock of Ladies and ;
ueimemeu s r i i.iu.s, such as
Steel Clasp for Baps ond Purses, Twit, Steel
Krinae. Purse Kinus; liristol Board, Zephyr,
Crotchet eedles, Ac, Port Monaies, Kazors,
Raz.tr Strops, Knives, st,gar Cases, Cards,
Card Cases. Nrtw PapeT. Envelopes, ic.
NUTS, FUUITiJ, ConkcUonary, Pishing
Tackle, &c.
And a varictv of other articles too nnmernn
to mention. Give us a call, anal inrioa. fr
yourselves we charge nothing for looking.
Kemembcr the Mammoth Drug Store !
Ang 4,1653 THEO. S. CHRIST
iia of )f-ir .Agonts, I Lav. Ura murk jrraiUM! ia
til. vai.lllill.lti.-u of Tour tiaivaiiro I' II rati. a, mad
ki;hlT .Irnard svilli their firariiral rranlia." I tai.
cti.rri that tll.r an- c.in.trur (r.1 (tu tlie tra. SC1.8
ttfie priucn-1. for tit. fcnlk. toft, raaanl and ran.
J futua dorelot in.nt 1 1 111. tialramt: I tirrvnt, th.rrlir
Siting a diai.irratum. I.
Ions- st.ii.lit f.r. but haivbttor.
1 nnk.-Mwn. I ehrcrlutlr rrriti.ini.nd th.m fir th.
all.riation an.l rnr. of tho,. thstrrssinr ailments
caJWd Ncami-s ( airi atars. for wsuch til.; ara aa
happilr and infteiiioustr dnigtwrl.
Verv Uuty jours. UAVID RICE. it. D.
L.T.rett, Mans, Ksbruary IS, ISM.
1 1 No trnnble or inronrmiaw. attatida til. tta.
f vk. cHiusrir.-s G.u.r.isiv t vLiTire.
and thcr mar ba worn k th. avnat InbU and dwi
c.l. with 1.1 fact .a, and safety. In man fua
a I th. sensation attending th.ir us. is awiia 'aaataaa.
They ara accompanied l.a full and
.lain directions tnr n. ramablet sritk" full ra'
tiealara aaay t ubuuneii (raus, uf Ui au that laad
The Galvanie lielt. Three Dollars.
The Galvanic Necklac. Two IXillan.
The Galvanic Bracelets, One Dollar Eaebv
The Magnetic fluid, Una Dollar.
Ct Brwtn . CnuUsisils and WVrtalaaa Jaai)sa
Mai Bawavawar. Karw
lantr ia Lsvislmrs-C. W. gCUari'La I?"'
A Bargain!
NE.v Rockaway Oaniage with
fee's fn fnur lor sate cheap by
iDantfi at tf)c djronirle (Tffirr,
ON aeraanl fioro on on lo bar rttv
standing, CASH and alatyi
Wood, heat, Butffr,
1 r.l m-- nthr Pic.ltire fot bouat.'icli at."
tt f ur:er t pe