Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, October 29, 1852, Image 3

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! ' -
k. O. HlCaWtt, Editor. O. H. WOEDEH, PriaMr.
It II St m I 'nm $1,: IB hr-eiii. l pair
writala th. nu, and VM at Ik. .ud uf ua, jrear.,
Lmu ia Phllt-:.)ii V Palater alio W l'"
Lewisburff, Ma
Friday Morxixg, Oct. 29, 1S2.
jiIH -niim ,,Ia uo wr" i T, i
f"flj'"jrf."' iUwerbaa
" 'Trr i..rimuiniitMMwraHw.
"7 .I-.,, of met IV.
inn , i,c. nlvuni.uroiluetjs.
,., and dealer, a. njr oU.r m Hie blat.
MSee notice of excellent Limestone
Farm with other New Advertisements.
t&"'e Lava inserted in another col
umn, authentic Ticket, for the Presidential
Electors of tilt two principal candidates,
Licit Tickets may be cut from tlaa sheet
th'i deposited in the ballot-boi, as each
voter may prefer for himself.
tCSeit weak'u will doubtless contain
the result of the Presidential contest.
. jtyThe aWm cf Fife oil Tuesday eve
ning; last proceeded from an extra Heating
Iff Mrs. li. Amnions baie-ovch.
J-A f tar uext vroeif, we shall have
iuore room for Literary, News, aud Agi
cultural matters.
.There have reeiiitly teen a large
tiuniber of Ai-iutic cases of Cholera, some
of them terminating fatally, iii CuJ tear
Athens, ISradforJ county.
1'vtiJent r ill uxurr. t (tmriul Annottmc-
mriit of thr ilrath uf Mr. hrbstrr.
Masxil Mokmno. Oct 25, 16:
Gsstiisiis The painful iulei'iirenee re-
rrived jesteiday, cnfnrves upon me the au duly
ul amiouiicing lo the Etrrutive Ut-partinent the
uWh ol the Srcrrl.nv ' Stale. DaXiKL WtB-
died at Mir.lilirl'l in MsMi-t'ucelt!, on
SSuii. iT, the S4ih of Octnlr, lielweu two inJ
three u'd.K-l Hi f?ie w.oipif!
Wbili-t ihi iriej n'ral'ic lo4 bfi"Ci iti ntt'Jral
orrow lo eiy Amtficaii bran and if? br ll ar.l
jar beyouj nor birdeia with nioufiifuT rcsfipcl
.heecr rlnliu Imi has nuiturd irferr ttTlo
find in Uanscnident inu-iiieace and lawful pa
l.i..iii u.fi irm m tfiMnii. lir iiritf it will iail
with atiil more poirn'iM emotion In- cliea,run I
. .1- .J,,,;,.;.!!..! .ilh -l.,.n. h,. .rlalion i
,.. iw i.,1...,.:. .J c.nli.l The f.m.
ATUI..MTI7T!' MOltm-e. Administrator,. I'uWIC
.1 our illu-lriou. at.leaman Monc to IU coju- onon ffl. ' .f ' 1 ?. "W8' "r '
l,v; .beadiHi.at.o,, ol f. -he world. The record anv of 'l,e S1""'1 courses (hcreol. If
bi. ilon. will inform laturi' eeheraiiin. Wc.n or pT? shall hereafter so obs
,.ul lc lbs., ft. ttfc-ranee h enlMh.e.ird the ! ,ruct !he greets, a'.es. gutters or water
ierul. He
haa b.-uu;brd lo poslenfy the
w 1 .
ichrrt fruits of the 6irrieiic and j idrr'aiit ol
a greal niiuJ consersai.t with Ibe great:!, na
tiiiiml cuiieerffa. lo these l.ia piemory i4ili vff
uuar a' loiif as our c nintry rha'l coutiuu'9 !o ue
ttir b'ltne aud uaolian uf freemeu.
Tie penple will share wi b the executive de
psrtnienia in fhi common rief fifth beoiaila
Lia dpariure frorft' riinong t ua In ihe rx'pn-a-iou
ol individusl ffti-rel at tffn afflicling e?nl
the Executive Department af the Goverunm.t
will be eir. lul lo ma'nif. st every oIiseince ol
honor wblca cu?l:')in tes eA ibli-hcJ is appropri
ate to the memoiy of one so eminent it i pan
lie function' and so dislincuishi-il a a citizen.
The Acting Secretary of Mate will communi
cate this intf lii nc to t.i the diplomatic corps
I. car this goremmaut, and through our miuMers
abroad, tj foreign gnrrriinMiila.
Th nwmbeif of the esbiiiet art lequestml, aa
k (uilher leatimony uf reapixt for the deceased,
io wear ihe aaual biases of rn'onfning for thirty
days. 1 ani, gentlemen, tour cbaJ irnt servant,
To the Acting Secy $tif ; aniT the eterretariea
of the TreaMi'ry. tb Inieriur. War aud Navy;
the Attorney Genera I and Postmaster General.
Public honors lo Mr. Webster's memory
have K-en paid or will be paid in many
lilac? frWinttrofarrd Mr Crittenden
lave been spoken as his probable success
airs Ik ihc I-p.rtiueut of State.
Inioii tounly Agrrlruif urui Sf.
At a meetis of the East Buffalo Agricultu
ral Sjciety, held Ort. 27, 152, it was
R-solve.l thai we d-em it 'xfedient to form
a l.'nion County Acricultural Society, and Ilia;
we recommend all citizens favorable t fhai
ibjeri to meet at Ihe Court House in New
ll'rlin at I, P M. of Saturday, 13th Nov'r. A
Constitution will be subm itted by a committee
appointed for that purpose."
All the County papers please copy.
I. S. STERN Eit, (.Committee.
Correct this Day.
Wheat fiOoa.
flaxseed . ..
Dried Apples
Tallow . . . ,
IWd ,
Bacon ....
Cloverseed . . ,
.. jo
.. ro
.. 12
.. 10
imanqin puvail an. leiuiiinio on:,-.. (
Taator oil. Cal-an-l. &c..re not aarr. thai hli Iher :
ppaartoteaHttUlaratVnt. tlM-v ar aetually lavinr the
f.uBdat tr wrv- ot rli,-m, su.-h aa aaovatioo,
loaaof atrht, wek.H...f luuo a.
laaanUmr roinum vill t,fwui the .l.rrf1ament ra
aildirarUv Inteixbsl ill lUlro.n .. veil aa tkmrrt.il-
arena h-mltta. la Liter 'aiilainta and all diwrleM
Arir-iac fraa tbnae ef a hillintie trpe. iioiid snake use ot
the mile rearms mi-dietn. lloix'tieaek a uvur eilla.
Wk. iu w4 dtmmd," hut ask far I t"b. u-m' I. r. Worm
Pvrop aaJ I.Wer I'illa. and .las-rre tlial wh has thaais
fiatara of Ui- rroirictor, J. J. HDIiKNSACK, u ouraa
tlaa ar eDuiuo. 1 1 )tt
i ini ' ihir-o m
By Rev. Mr. Morison; 27th ihst;, a.t' the
ftouse of Isaac Sleuker, Esq ia New Berlin,
Faucis ' Haaaaix, Pastor of the N. 8. Pres
byterian church, Dryden, Tompkins Co, N.Y,
and Miss Piasisaa Giddss, of New Berlin.
Kindest wishes of many friends attend the
louuie bride lo her distaut home!
In Philadelphia, 24 ih inn, in her I3th year,
Saaae Asa, daughter of Joseph R. Priestley,
Efq., of Northumberland.
CAN hive constant employment and good
Reboot Teacher. WSmtcd,
IiOR about foiir ilinnths tiifs whiter. None
nerd appl tot sficH as can cent)! ell
recommended as pr good moral character and
competent Knglisli scaolarship. Apply to
CHARLES KRT; C Committee.
BnBalu Tp, Oct 52. 1(5
Masonic Celebration.
tafciyette I.ih!; No. 191, propose to have
a Public Procession, Address, eic, at ielins
prove, Nov. 4.1852, it being the 100th anniver
sary of the initiation f (len. Washington into
the Masonic Pidrr. Procession to form at 10
a . i i ' . r t . ' u ....1 i l t
ainner ai m.rs.w.ivi it"ici i -
. , u,,w, I.p.,shnriT. Music
! ' : ' ... . .
bv Dr. Fisher's Glee Choir, Selinsgrove.
i The neighboring Lodges are respectfully
' iuvited to attend. HENRY C. EYEIt.
Oct. 25. A. C. FISHER.
OTIt'i: is hereby given that on the S3d
Kelly township. Union conntv, at Constable's
Jale, ten Acres of Wheat in the ground.whkh
t have lcfi in his charge during my pleasure,
and do hereby warn all persons against med
dling with ihc same in any wsv,
Ocu 27, !Rd2
I:itrii-ri'tolyiN' Likenesses taken
according to he latest improv'meiils, at the j
fir.t flour below Ionises' Store, on the most 1
ri-asouilule leris, by . ,
Lewis-burg. Oct. 27, 1S32
School Notice.
1HE nudersified hereby pive notice that
tliev wnl receive proposals from this date
uiuil the J. 5th Iav cf Pioveiiibtr next, for four
MALE TEXCHEKS li take charge of the
Put'lic Schools of the Borough of Lewisburg.
I.ewisburi, Oct. 26, 152
lioroutrli Ortllnant c.
VT a Mealing of the Town d uiicil of the
Borouirh of JLewisbnra. held Ihe Bill of
October, 1852, it was euncfcd
Tha? frofn and after the passaee of this
'""" rf; , J I 'r rei ' win uc allowed
m P"1 r' zl itM,es a,lV nescription of
dirl tr nifisaore or ..bstru. lion .f any kind j
- , i "' per-
SOnS lll h It-ill ... a hno rf n.tt l-r .
one dollar no. tn&re lhan tiee rfollars for each
ofTence. And f;nthcV it shall le if'e duty of
the High Constable to pive notice lo any 7er
son or perron? s' all ob'lruct any of the'
streets, alleys, gutters of 'S-ater courses, to
remove said obstruction
; a iihin fiv.Vars from
the date of such noiieeain? ff rh? r'aict obstruc
tions are wot fenoved within the time so spe
cified, it sliall be the duty of the IITgii Consta
ble to remove the sair.e, the cost of such retno
vaf an? ihe amount of f?ne or fines iuoposerT,
(wfiif.H sh'aJT !re i??ertrrine(f by !he FQrgess
and To un Council.) to be collected fioiu the
person or persons so offending.
Published bv order of the Board.
urhich is to tie cxlciife'l from IsCwislurtj to
JyicLtoiru un the Juniata
Ilirwitsli by niiiiliiibiire t !
IT is a fact last l. II. Rissel has e l
ahead of all the Companies, and has njw
opened one of the beat and largest stocks of
FALL & WIXTtill G001TS
rver opeutd ill llii country, and of such styles
and quabliea as will give sttiatactian to all.
DRY GOODS of all kinds,
CoflV, Tea, frii Suar, Motasi-a. Rice, Chca,
Crackers. Snap, t'liuiile, Taurtcco, ei;aiR, tc.
Kto HurJicare, Jueeustcare, Ccdjricare,
Jiots and Shoe, JLix,
and Cap of tha la'teat style and bait Duality.
Umbrellas, Brushes Hio jiiis, Paiuu grojud and
ir v. Oils of all kinds, and other articles t o
numerous to meution all of which will be aohf
at p ice ao lo aa lo atlouish purchis 'ra.
All kind of Country PltODL'JE taken in
exchange for GaoJi.
(Tjllsase give m a ca I bafors purchasing
elsewhere, as 1 charge nothing for looting at my
Good. D. II. KISSEL.
M IT! nbjrg, Oct 23 1852
Valuable Limestone farm
EAUI'IFULLY situated in Limestone Tp,
Montour to, ra, at.out iu miles from
Llanville, 10 fiom Milton, 7 Irons At ewensvill.
and 9 from' Wasbingtonville containing KiO
Acres, about l& Acres of which is Woodland,
tbe temainder in a liiub state of cultivation, con
veniently divided off into fields enclosed vrith
giHHi fence. On which is erected a large Man
sion House, Bank Ua.-rr. Ci.hjr IKuko with Mill
and Prc'ss enclosed, tvith all other Outbuildings
neeeasaty. A large APPLE OKCHARD of
ihoite Grafted Fruit, together with Peaches
Pears, Plums, Che'iie. Sec. It ia well supplied
with pure water, having several never tailing
springs, a Fountain near ihe buildings, and an
excellent' Well ol water with a Pump in it, orV
polCtt Ol mansion.
Also IO ACTO of TIMBER LAND located
, - .,i .,f th .i..: ...
mnUm 3 unies ol lha Mansion t arm.
All late the estate of Divio D t a, deceased
Llinratoue 1 ownsbip has lor years len
known as on of the best Grain etawina-districts
Fennvlvaiita. aud tuta u one of ibe best
Far in id that i p. Il ia conveniently aituated
aa la Cburchex of various. d noniiuaiioiia, ISchojl
lloiisea, Po.l OrCce, dec. The healthy locality,
ihe quality of the soil, the extensive and eonva
nient buiUings the pure water, the beauty of
ibe rtenery, the convenience of chtirchea ahtl
school together with' the intelligence aad good
morale of the ciiixena ia tbe neighWhooJ, all
couipire to make this one of the moat delightful
country residences in Pennsylvania.
tlTU not fold before the SOth dar of NOV.
or xi, both will be ottered at PUBLIC SALS on
that day, on the premises of tbe Farm.
tonditioua of payment made eay $2f0Ct
my remam secured in ihe Farm.
Executors of eute cf laid Dje, d'J.
N. B. For futther inrormation inquire of Ira
Foster in Lewubuig, John S. liy i $u Clair,
Schuylkill Co. Fa or Fred'k 4 'Bride neat the
premises, or by letter (nre paid) to John 8. Dye
as aiiove, or Frfdk UrBride, WahingUnillet
Mcutour l o. IV 0V( si. !?5J.J
' just receive! by ' 1
r isiPN LAM!'.s! .,
Li Pati.it liiivi; Firm, i
'i'he snbseribi-rs are menared to sell
1. am lis at Philadelphia tinres. and Ht.
lent Uurniu fluid at redured ptire
of 18 3-4 cts. per u:ii'j iuilents aiid
others will hnd it t-.i u,o.r advautase to
call and examine our Muck before pnr-l
chasm;; elsewh -re. Pine Oil and Fluid
sold hv the quantity at a reducliou ou the re
tail price.
Leu isbnrg, Oct. 20, ISjJ.
"V"K FIStJI.-Hav
iu taken my son, Jii.
K. MiiLru, into partnership,
we will carry on the Tq.ilot
i t n business, under the Tina
of J. 11. A J. K. Mm.. at
the old stand (sien of the Stri
ped Coal) on North Third
s'.reet, niicre we are prepared
Cut, Muf.f, or liiimir
all kiii.ls of Mens' and B.iy's Clothing, ou the
shortest notice.
fall and Winter FASHIONS just received.
If our work does not prove to be a good fit,
or made in a workmanlike maimer, the value
of the cloth will be repaid.
Country Produce of all kinds received in
payment. JOHN U. MILLER.
LeViibur?. Oct. 19, 1852.
TOritK. A" persona having claims or
- urmand agiinxl I lie e.t:iie of ELiziiiKra
civiTii Is 6 of Ea-t Bulfjto I'p, L'niin county,
dee'd. are rt-quesU'J lo tii'ka known the same lo
Ibe subscriber, residing in said twn-hip,Mritbut
dt'Ujr ; and all lho- nuli'bted t. saiJ eaUl ar
lequircd lo make iinniedin'a tiaviueut. '
JOHN GI.'NDY. "Administrator
vi h the will ol Eliz.dilu Siuiiti,' dee'd
Obt 18. 1652
nra a .a - a!
J. I1C A3. Hill fllOl II filOrC.!
AVE again .received at their new i?rick
Store a ft' I supply of
Qnceiisivare, Hardware,
Coal, ?2lt. Fish, and evervlhiiig required in
mercantile establishii.eut all cf which are
otirred on I'r usual cheap and accointrioda'fiiig '
terms. j
Very thankful for past favors, vre ask for a
continuance ol the public patronage.
. J. t J. WAMJi,
Lewisbuig. Oct. I5Si
ncucit & oitsi:,
7"6lLD hereby ii 'rm the public that
they have just received from PniU4eI-
phia handsome assortment ol
of ail kinils ami Uts styles, which havine
been purchased at unusually low rates they
are enabled to oiler to the public at aaaoai.ss!
Il wuuld be almost impossible to enumerate
the many articles comprising the stock of
goods just received, but they invite all to come
and sec for themselves assuring them thai
they will get Mire Ownlt fir the tame Muney
than at any other house iu Lewisburg. They
have all kinds of
and all other aniens usually found in a well
furnished store. To render their establish
ment ivell worth a visit at nfl rH-a ibey will
continue to receive as the season a.i sauces,
new invoices of seasonable goods for Ladies'
and GentleinPii's w ear, so as to be able al all
tunes, to oiler ihe choice of the New York and
Philadelphia markets.
Having adopted l)ie motto "Quirk Sates
and Small Profits." they hope to receive a lib
eral share or, ptibluj rutroiingc. (Tj All kind's
of COUNTRY PLODIJCE takeu in exchange
for Goods. Lewisburg, Oct. 21, 1852.
AVE just received from New York and
'hiladelnhVa largt and attractive ds-
s jriinent of
comprising every thing in the Dry Good and
Fancy line that conld be desired by the Ladj.es
or called for by ihe public in general. In .ae
superior quality of their Roods and ihc-remar-kably
low price ar which ihey are ollered, they
challenge comparison with all competitors iu
this regiou, and respectfully invile their friends'
and the community to demonstrate this fact for
themselves by calling and examining their
stock. They have a' full and cheap supply of
OrtlSI, P852. COAL', Sci.
J6i T. SPVKER have just i:j.entd at their
old stand iu .M.irket one door South
of iid the' best and cheapest assortment o(
that ever was i.flVred for sale in r-ewiur
Hats and Caps of tlie latest atyle. CTa.
Pixt, and Vkt verv cheap. A genrral as
sortment of MCFFS from flO to $;t2,M.
Also a lot rot-r. Under Slurta, Wwilltn Com
fort!', WenHert Caps, V.
Thankful to our customers for p.-fi. farors,
we hope for a continuance of the same, and
invite nevr customers to examine our slock
before buying elsewhere as we can give you a
bargain: . ,
Hats made to order and dressed on the shor
test notice. CfcT. 21, 1852
Old News reapers, '
SOME' thouaahJ in nuiiilwr.'bf all aizaa, for
aale at th Cbrouivia office, at 50 cl pi
10 J Itieo aa the run, or $1 when assorted. A
clianc far Scrap) Bodk. a well t for' arrapriin(
rtaper. April . I una .
rXAABuah. CLOVEIt SEED wanteJ. for
sthirb lh liiphral Tauli pric will b
i jiI. C'cl 13. L' o K.if,.MLK &. l.O,
- iiv coins' rAiMtui!:
A LARGE assortment of lng MiswK and
assorted col's Sacking Flannel just ree'd
Oct. 7,'S t " : KKEMEIt vo:a.
4 COMPLETE assortment of Centre Co.
Bar Iron for sale low by -r
. .... kKEMER St CO
2 00fl B!',I Corn in ea" wanted ort
,UUU icc't or ia exchanee for frmds
by' -.. KREMER A CO.
STEEI. S(nue, Spring Sieel.ln.u and Brass
Km Axles, Ton Prop irons, plain andti'il
black Oil Cloth, black aud fancy col'd euam'd
''loth for Trimming, Lining Cloth, Coach Lace,
i mis, &.C &.c to l,e bad at reduced rates at
Hie cheap store i.f KREMER & CO.
New Fall & Winter Goods.
J. II yes tk Co.
n.WING just received a very large and
general assortment of GOODS, which
we purpose offering lo our customers and the
public in general on very reasonable terms.
Our stock is large and complete, comprising
all kinds of Goods, such as
mark Hiika, t'anliiuerva, Vn-nrU MiTiiwta, (all m1nra.
Chaniraatite Silka. I'uniitn Ilea Laine, I'nramftU 4 Tliitiel
liutba, Unua. de lkgr, Lug. 4 U.T. Mrinuca, ou Vv
lUua,' Uiack and Uiutta tinj, NotU-d Friuges, Cluth$,
CiitriavrtM, Stttntttt, t'eflini, FtamnrU, cfc. Jtrucha,
C3hiurea and bay tat Lena: Shawl ; TLiln-t, Pulm aud
Caaliutrr S)uare ilawU; Tirk,iiir, Cu'ntnn FlaiUial.-!, La-diaai-kiu
r'laDtiflH, Prints, Iloniery, ii lares T.iluuii:!
uf all duavriptna; 4rUL't and Swiss J-tus; liurt:
iiiK; Frvui h Naudle W'urk Cullam; Luderalerv-s; llonii;
Kil.boiia; Satin aud Mantua lti'biis: Lmi-na. tolltL:3, j
Ac, iu fact all rtiir!ia in th Notion or Trimtninf war. j
Alro. a t?wd ittk of Liu-n aud t'ultun Tibia ClJta. !
Towtiui(. Napkins, Irud. Lingua, Maiu CUith, Oil labic
CJotlk. Floir t'lutli, Stand Cotara. Wiutinw tbvlie Knl j
Fi.vtur.-a. IXtiUAlX, LtxTlXI, 1'AttLOK ami STAt ;
lAHl'MS, j
Hats', CiW, Cnonmii, HianwARX, Qi'asaa-:
Mini, t'liicirm, Cidii W, Ac. Ar.
;au ad examine our Goods. We will try :
and accommodate on the most reasonable
, for cash or country produce.
'a'aie IGJZl S.'ssi'irr
Lewisburg Academy
Will commence on Musoax, October lbih,
, lo continue 20 weeks.
i 'I'he course of Instruction in this Instiiuliill
fs calculated to prepare Youths to enter Col
i leg'", or for general business. All branches o!
a thorough Academic course, mciui nig lan
guages, Maiheutaucs, and General L'i'eralure,
ae.taiig!it. .1 . , ., .
The presrnt srsslm afTordsagoiH' opportunity
I fur improveiticnt lo Yiwing Men, residing iu
' 'he iicighborhe'(J. who arc a! leisdre during
ihe Vii(tf r moiillis, ...., ;
Composiiiou and Declaniation will receive
e:ireful alientioii All gross, immoral practires
aie siric'ly prohibited, both in and about the
srli'ooi, and kindness, courtesy, and a spirit
of h.uiorab'e flvalrj among the pupils, are
enci.urage.l. ... , (
The siibscribcr is tfesirt'u's tci secure a class
of Y'oung Ladies. . ... :
. Tuitiiin For Languages $10. Higher Eng-
liih $5, and Common. Branches Jfi, per session. I
; Jc"Iir PAJtuoiifii, .
Oct 1, 1852 Principal.
TUA.-K'd 3ia;nktic intmkn r.
Xi.t fdlowiiiiE Irw tK ri fniiu a n.a:i. ( v.tl mU"l int j
ritg. arhn ! pity-ivuta vl cxiuus trt j-rait:ct iu ILi tw q
Amrlia. O)
K Ita-fl- slr : I writ-1.
fzH't Tt.U m "fiotint r.f this
r'luirMt!tflrl irliic- t l.y thi u-e
Miiftii- 0:uiD.uf, iu my ojvn rm- tip
Tin fiiMowintr t luurt all Wn rfrOt-r my owu obr-1
luiien. Him i'T my tia-iBTiLii. j .
aw hL A Mr.-. M ire. win :m trivn ud to di br "
Lr vh bratail t liYi.'i- lan. m twlnj in the f nt-a nf
vmMm4nm. hy tin Hm -f ttti Mtiitit Ointment h
m:ain-tl ln itltb, ami in now as well a titer, aud bus
be n lor tUv last inunilm.
Cat '2i. S-vitftiin In July 1at. T wM nMrit to c a
Mr?'. AlVn. livinc nmi" ti ttfilew 4iitait.. II.T.rns bad
bfCII Vtt'U lip I rft-Vyritl li .v"1-. M"-t m-
ti k U ty wuii'.n-nif '.yytttfj. ftllnwc! hy f.-T.-n indm
athii of lia ir"v.e. I nrriTtl aliit i nVlork in iho
traa'liiltkC. aii'l (i "1 fi.l hrr in a vrry .int 'Miw Fituati.jn.
npl'an'utly oi the brink t th graTt, I txiunitju-l ap-j.Ivhif"tlir-
Oiiitiilt tit f-ealy to tlii uf. a-ncb itn.l biwirln. nt
ifiiJil aiiti ihhiiv mmple trractlivs a'liiiini.'-b-nsl iiitTn;il
It, and bv miiruin-JT I f'tiunt 1ir m jwr'-h t-t(tT that I
fiauUU Iter mi UKh-li tw'ttrr llmt lrt,t.r li .pie. with tli
ri t;oim trutinih the a; ot" tin IA itmnL. . Mie fitl'y
iovTid iu a f w daTn. nl i-toiWfnj.in(C (jewxt halth.
rnw :Jd. A Mr. Wrntrrn baI hrt -uy nl! Prbln hair,
bud larrn bald fat many 0&r: bv thcoiff of thrre lstUx
af th MiffTteU Oumrnt, tyd hin kttr tltitttg renter, ti,
and UitW ba(nt IwiutifiJ It pad of Sair : as nuf P);inruld
a inh. Hw ar if al.ut .f0 Tt-ar.
4ih. A ron of Mr. Wurren of lbi tnwn. 11 Tears
of tier. Iiatl J"-n.ilitd with th AsTiiM,fr"in i cra
dle. Ua bjt!. U DalU of llift tv,t jaetjical iTi- ttutt a
lfiiiicui wt-aUliy lather could .r ui. wjihout vaii.
It wan one of the ni't afrTaT.itl ca I crw naw: h
n rtnariatMt lnwt to a skeleton. Hv the us of a f w
hfiUtenof tlie UiiitUMiit titr w:i HummijJU cufti, and fur
1 m i int hp pat 1 1 an j'ael nbut bentb., ,
('una. ftth. This wa in extriMiie .r.f injt'tritinn nf
the $ptee,ut lmie' H(aidin; bal a variety of iBNatiDvpt
from no leM tiiu etyht dill. r nt i.ijrtrtaDn. wiuul v
wivttur tafDffit Wain mml by the uof nly frnr boltb'K
of the Mairuetii: Ointment. Thin was four rrtontliaf air',
and tlie tady ia Urty pmihmM,UtiU in good Italia. and
talaiat to atU-Od Ui her 1111.1 1 buUAt-bold dutic;. I have
trttet trTomwof1 Cltr'- Sore Ktks with t'ie Oint
ment. b4h of the patieut-f. ,tt wt Uind. as to coudiiin
atU-Ddaiit to lew I them troyi ptivcj U place. Ouc ia liafia
bl Urn flail-fed IS year. Ihe other about t year.
They had tril tbebt bTWan in th Mnt. without
U nent; aud one of thmn baa been- uwler the tiVHtuient
of tlie celebrated Doct. Mtizar, of. Cincinnati. f-r eiuten
month? and hud extfiibd bitD-treilx of dollars in vin
eflortu to etfet anrr. They are now by ue of the Mair
netic Ointnient nearly or unite cun-d; and ars able to
n-ad and attend to any ordiuary biiHiia. I have u.-d,
tlie Ointicejit In m tiunil-er of rarerii HiMts. and In wo
mag kns it Ja.tffi nf tpr,ntf immfiiatt rdtrf omd ffenratty
ipntMR'-nf cur. 1 have alo u.-eil it beiieficialiy in sev
eral cafe. of Ei.y'hipn.a-. And la-t but rot b-nit..T bate,
within the lant vewf cured f.mr ca-aof CANt'tli b? the
us -.of tbe M iffiutiz Oi1tnmt alone! t
tnaii a thoiiiu 'h trial of the ointment in nearly ewey
difeae Pr wh!- li li. ia tinmi nn-nded, I can oisftilently
re-outiiieud it to V oue of tlx: mott mufut reinrdie ever
oiltrod to the public.
Kf.'T voi.rn. , nt'KTil IllUBELL, 31. V.
Date!. Jjii"v 27, l.'-O. Amelia. Ohio.
olI in t-wtnburgou.y bv ...
);m.-Ho Ia.TiURST N A nritlFT.
J UST received ao assortment of fine-inned
Tosewood Melodeoniii.frora Geo. A. Prince
6t Co.'s celebrated establishment, Uuffdlo, ti.Y.
4 octave Mdodeous from (' tu U . ?I5
4) Hu .do C to F ' 65
ft do do F ui F 75
Large 5 . do . F to F, Piano style, 100
A. L. HATFIELD, I.ewiahtira;
Tkc Xoiice
fflHAT ire bourrht at Constable's Sale, this"
J :4th day of Sept. 1852, of Annas, Black
of Union count), the following property
1 bay rakre, I sorrel mare, I cow. 4 sheep,
S hoir. 1 two-horse Varjop. 3 setl of gears, his
interest in 13 acres of corn' and in 9 acres of
buckwheat on the ground
Wbirh property we have left in possession
-t said Black during our plaMir.
r.EWl! 8 POTTS,
. I.VVI1 MYRS. -
r-It r - ;
THE Si-oaa Roo and Uweluk occupied
- by Mrs. Ca'hariite E. Buwes, Mr. Hinry
Ca'hartiie E. Buwes. Mr. Hwirr
Gibson, and C. .S. Menscli, in the BorouKh of
Lewbburg, are fi.r RenL Peisoiis sviMiimr to
icnt will please call on Mr. JorSihau Wolle.
Oct.8, 1553. O. SiCHNABEL.
DU. LOCKE DENTIST ha returned
lo l.em-oucit, and may l ronsulinl p -
k'aaionslly lor a fc.v e.k at his Konuia io N.
Tiiiid atictft. Kept. 1, IS
OK BDL3. Fl!H. 3i0 I ha. CHEESE. 2000 '
L,J m. ItiU I.-I.I..K ....I Sli..nl.l!H Djirv
SALT, ic. for aula a Ltuhburg Cheap Slurc
,y C. K. BOWES
Surgeon Dentist,
4 T In
A o.
In Residence, South Third St., corn
Ihe Board walk.
IETTERS testamentary on the last will
j and tfstatnent of Smust An now, late of
me Borough of Lewisburg. dee'd. have been
granted to the subscribers by the Register of
Union Co. All persons having claims against
ihe estate will present them for settlement;
and all persons indebted make payment with
out delay, lo ALEX. AMMO.VS, P,Vl
Lewisburg, Oct. 18, 1852.
N. B. Bvers Ammors will continue the
lumber lsiness ol the late firm of Htm and
Atoff,and respectfully solicits acoutiuuiiu.ee
of the public patronage.
'000 Enali-h and Carman AL-
A J'J"J M ACS for 1653. ju-t leceivrd
4ini for grstoitous distiihulion. Call and del
onu and save your siipeuce-
Notice lo Contractors.
SEALED Proposals w til be received at Jfie
Eimineer's ollice, in Sunbury, bntil Friday,
the 15th Oct. next, for the eroding and masone d
of lint pan of ihe SUSQUEHANN A KAIL
KOAO between Bridgeport (opposite Hairis
bur) and Smibnry. a distance of about liliy
tive'miles. Plans, profiles, and specifications
will be eii.'ibiic'd al the said otltce lor oi:"e week
prior to that date.
The line will be divided into sections of
about one mile in leng'h. and tenders may be
made fr cudi mile sepaialely or the whole
Proposals nitty atale what proportion or the
amount of payments, if any, will be taken iu
the. slock of tiie company at par. .
Engineet's OiHce, lllh Sep., 1852.
(j-The lime for receiving proposals for the
ab..ve work is hereby EXTENDED to Wednes
day Ihe 'l entil of November next.
A. 15. V.'AKFCRD, Chief Engineer.
Engineer's Office, 7lh OcU 1852.
; tAiLoit ic:: '
.j THE subscriber having taVen the shop
lately occupied by Samuel Amnion, aod
xibv Ammon it Montgomery, on Mnrket
sired, Lewisburg. is now prepared to execute
Culling and Makfng of Clothes" ac.cordine to
the latest Fashions aud tm the most liberal
terms. .....
Patronage of the lale Firm resoei tfiilly soli
Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1852.
Uruits, Jtledieiiiesi, t.
Jenks & Ogdcn;
.V. ICG. Xi'rtU Third Slrref, Puinl tLfnia
T M PORTERS of Drugs, Medicines and Dye
J Snifls. Manufacturers of Pure White Lea I
and Varnishes of all qualities. Yv'holrsale in
l:.ims. Oils and Window Glass of all sizes.
Alcohol, Sins Turpentine, Burnin
Fluid, tc.
constantly on hand at the lowest prices
tSupenor Chemicals. Perfumery and Surgical i
Itistruinents, to which the attention of country
merchdnUaiKl physicians is respectfully sohc-
jlej. tP- 4w
. i
HATaCVER concerns tlie health and -
happiness of a people, is at all tunes ol t
:hMJVst vr.lutle iinpm -am. I tke It tr I
. t'l-iiiio l Uar nvTir mrtin vi
il do all in laeir .
j iii
I'wrr IU ?avc uir iircs i'i
pi.uer lo save mv lives i ineir rnnuitru, aim i
' ihar evefv person wll er leaver u promote '
xieir own health at ail sacrifices. I ieef H lo f
tny duty to aoleintily assure ym ti.at
WORMS, accunlin; lo Ihe opinion of ihe moM
i rirjjr nl fa. .tiu, aire ll .rimarjr rUMa tf s larje
lO'ij'irity ! ii.ra.-v .' whirti t'tiiiari!. anil vlnlla arr
l ..l.lr. If via hari- an apprtilf miit.uunlly liiiL'i-ab a
Iron on- Itml nt f -ii lo ifilli-r. Hn.1 lln-alli. l' n in
Hi.. Slrwiarh, rtrkm at Uw llaiUuaa ao.l rulliima
i.f 1 1 if Iblir. lr'.m.-ri. t!r f.-rrr. ful Irrmular
rr nu-nilirr thai a.l tlirw tiriioU! ullJlc, ai.ii m a.uu.U
nt nutT uj-;-t r.-irrMl-
ifijtKx.tAnK's vniiii sritvr.
An arti. ' Tl.-1 "li.i (Ifntiltf i nn ntlef.rsilirnniin.lr-rj
with (n-ri-l T Vla'.i'.a .iibHtaiuvKv rina;. n'rl-lljr aafr
wlan laHvu. ai-ii can lif luveu iLe unpa Wutlvi- mtiui
with rlicJ A U-mlii iiil cUer t. IVhi r, B-nl .'"lii int
al.d llUrrhiaa 1"; maVlUt-m weak aial U'!ititii.t.-d. Ihe
liaiic proin'iliea uf Uijr Wnnu Syrup are aa h. that it
aliUKlM ailliout an nUl ill Ilia ralalumue uf inwliinin"
in givinf; (iiiir. airii am-iiHi ti tne r-touia. h. whii-h mnk.nl
it au iuialiiMr r.-m.a- fjr thraat afflhleU with IfyfrpiM.
Tha a-l..uilmn ruina lrluiljil by Syrup alu-r
Hhyi4'iaD have fuiinl. i. tltc Inn, criaence of ile lup imr
t:fiM.a- wver all uUtcr. ( . . , . t -. .
Thin ia Ui intwt iliffiouit Wurn to (laatmj nf all flat
imrt tha huuiau j-t.ui. it ir. to an aim t imliB
Uite length. Wfuliiinj; au i-oilwl aurl faaUned iu th, fttlea
tinea awl Muuinih. rir.irlilK the bea)Ui ao aail'y a to
mu Su Vitus Dance, Ir its, that thoMafBictrilai .i.im
ir i'trr su.-ij.-ct tlial it ia Ju U'oraa haaleniiig t'lrm to au
early grae. Iu oliler to Ueatroy thl worm, a r?ry nr
g. tie tretaiuriit inut l imirwl; It WoulJ tb,refre be
proi i-r to lake 6 lo 6 of iy.lUvT IIIKaoaaba reoior,
all obftruclious that, the Worm Syrup may ar-t d reet
uon th, worm, which ntbl Ire takru iu dora t4 two
tai.impoMfalle thn-a Ubmw a daj; IhoM diru.au
ioHerl bale uerrr been kuowu to Uil l curm, liie iuotft
obsliuate cane of 7'ara llona.
Houkx.iACK's Lfrr.it rti.tx.
Xo part of the ayatem uraiore liable to diaewM thaa tlie
Urcr, it aerriUjjt aa a hlteier .to purify Ihe bioo.1, or gi,.
iua t'ue proper secretion to fje bile; 90 that any arrnil
action of the Urer effect the oiher iuilortau) artH.uf
the ay-telu. aud nulu variuuoly, in Liver laruiiiu?,
Jauu.ti.-e. Uyrtiepaia, c. We nSould, therefore, watch
erery amj t'-ni that miht indirate a wron; rurtl-.n of
liver. These l'illa bHinn coiutOH-d of h'rxits VH't
l'Lnit. furni.liej br uatur, U. h. al the aii-k. namely, 1-t, !
.. hum. wliieh auKment the aeeretion Icmu the
I'ulojOH.try murus uiembraoe or promot th
.ntt in (iiM'iiBra i
of fiw-ntt1 nmtt.T. ilmi. An ia-ni(ir. whirta chsngt-s in
fiine inei"4i!iniM slid innf-ible uannr the rertidn nior
&eikn tli-j fvsum. 'M. A Tm9 which lon
and r.linj:h t tii iwrwis tn-rtrm, ruevinir bmHh
and Tior to.MI -srU nf th." ldy. 4th. A Vuthr'-ic
wtit'b ru'.tn lufrfcrt harmony with tbi-othrr inprpiiU-nts,
itTii opcrntnip; bn th bwe.s. and rx pel ling lh wholj
mi-it ft mrruTit snl vitisiVtl mnttr. and pursfyirs Uw
Luovd iviaMUi di.-trojs liiaeai sud ivfltlTS bcsitU.
f-'n will Hn4 fVw Villa an invnlu.hl, me.ll.-ir. In
ranrir cur'i'lants lo which you are aulj.-rt. In ohetriic- I
lKn.-i either total or purtiul. they have been trrund of in.
eetimable bi-"ielit. relorin?tlicirfunctionalarranireuietita
Ui a healthy arti'.n. purify in the blood and other tluida
raiefre.-toeMy-to put to tlkht atl complaiuta whirh may
ariw from feniniu irreutHrlti'. nr. hearlachu, siduirMM,
Oiuinertti of f'.hl. pain in the si.ie. back, tr.
aSone genuine unless signed J. N. Hosts,
sac a, and utlrers beiuR base initiation.
Agents, wishing new supplies, and store
keepers desirous .ol becoiniu agents must ad
dress ibe Frbp'rleW. J. llcs, at his
Labtiraiory, &o. 120, Korib SJ, above Race
St., l'hila.1 , Fa. . .
Kild by.all Uruggisls and Merchants in the
United States. -
Aciitl br. Thorriton.A J. Baker, Lewis
burg. Wholesale and Retail" Asent for Union
Co. Davis & tScbnnre.bflinsgrove ; Siiizer it
Rm Mifllinhurf-: Youncman & Walters, Dry
Valley; R. Keller, AdamsburR; 8. Wittenmyer,
i.,i,ii,.k.,r.: M. 8necht. Beavertown ; J. 1.
n.cflVmle-rirr. Kcw Columbia ; A. H. Lutz,
riest HiIL. , . ;: l.ii,ia :."
I.L persons Imving claims or demands
t ataii the estate ol Joshua Hou-ei. ute
! the lioruujsii of Lewisburg. Lui.id county.
dee'd, are requeied to' muke known tlie muic
to the subscribers. eecuto.s of the last svill
! and tesUmenl of said dec'J, ithout delay, and
! all those iuuUeJ ie reue5ted lo make .y-
' mini,
of Buflalo Tp, Tnion Co,
lUrns Tp. Centre Co
Oct. G. '.'.
Eire I i f mml iu ,
, Ts th place wUera G. H. H E RTZ "
uUiturys aud stlia
Carriages Buggies
ban at any other ahop in tbia rouuiry, wilhoul
exception. He hu tfaa larical and bm aawirtmanl
in all Central Pnnavlania, and dt-Krniui to
iive aatiatactioi. lo all who msy laor him with
their custom. Cail at tha corner ol Waluul auj
V ater p.lreei. Loner Milton
Feu 1 1. Iti 2
The laic disastrous
rr?MV Tlt "rMh ev,d
QaSffSlH-L H be placed in -Oi.tk
X'k CI, S"htti Second St., l1itiMhia:
We take pleasure in stating that we had one
f Oliver Evans' Fire-Proof Safes in our store
', during the Great Fire at ' Boiniaaa,
which, when takrp from the ruins and openad.
was found to have preseived our books. papers
&.C. entirely uninjured. Oet St Buca.
Mr store was entered by burglars.and failing
to pick tbe lock- of my iron safe they tried to
blow it open with powder, but no loss or injury
was sustained. It w a purchased ;'f O. Evans,
61 SoUih second Su Philad.
J C fail!. 'Jerdenlown, N J
For sale of all sizes by OLIVER EVANS,
61 S. Second St. below Chestnut.
. Pole Airent for Day & .Nawel's World's Fair
Premium Bauk.V auii ai.t! Slvre Locks '1'Iuef
aud Powder proof.
Also iii store Seal and Letter Copying' Pres
ses.Ti ucks lor moving boxes or crates. Water
Filters for purifying bad water. Druggists'
Presses with eylinders and pans. Refrigerators
and Ice Chests, Portable Shower Baths of sup
erior constriction. Water Cooler of all kinds
for lioieis, Moles etc. 3m43S
H AVING bought the shop, ma
terials, and good will, lately of
Ji lUrn. al the upper eud ot
Market St., the subscriber is now
prepared to execute work iu iua
wnhcare, correctness, and despatch As be
has had a good training in the business, bold
in Danville and in Lewisburg. be is couadeni
thai he can do good work, and hopes to re
ceive a liberal share of patronage a'll pay.
Orders respectfully solicited and good
wink done at favr prices by the public's ser
vant to please JOHN B. CUTLER,
Lewisbuig. July, 1852
hr.m tunt to Farmer and Housekeeper!
IN all former time u w puliliumiJ that a !!
(juauiiijr oi i ider could be made on If by uiitg
m I'Oi.dfroua ma riine, ihit slowly crbhtj tb
i'(.-It9i wmq.iuI Kiindiug them Hue. 1 hey wr
th;u uisiilt lulu a inasi chere iu alra, and a
mot rei and tni( (jr-Mur0 aa required la
ei rart a portion of the rider, a eonidrra!i'e mh
i'Mi beii)a aoio.bti by the tiaw end the mam ol
(muiice. aud l ohtaiii ihU uiuaitsta torj result
tiie laimer htd t uka atl hia Lttuda and erhap
bis hit h re itfjiu and dt a til uv Itiai
Cttuld ha 4en more protiiably am ploy rd
u.aLe fsm i t twelv baaft uf cnh-r. To
T ..I; vi ale the ditujuU) iu Urtu(a have uetaioiir
rutwoivu uud.rT
IT'IlfM Mnrtlltl
CiMSJ iXTililJlili-
h- been inv. i,.rd,and the stateoieur nl a few fjCts
may pmve thai it U uol only the Bc$ Machine
'" !'d '" ' ' -
prvjituble thaf a mail ctti have on bi la no, 1 he
m,,y9 m ull( machine grated up intu a fin
putJ w hl(l a ie .uirea DUt . compaiaiivelv. Iisht
toraitsra. afttt tul as amsifsulv or twa.w vatraact
a !hn clovr ,rf acerUiurd by fiieciic!
expefiiniil iIihI One tourlh mure can I uol allied
thai) by the old piot-tt. besides this i requirp
ii!y two t.airJ to giind and make up iuto enter
, m larger quantity ot apples th.tii ran bv piaibly
I in ft lie o. ihe oid-.atiiinel machiufa. On this
I'rea, ovii.t to liie compacturatt ol Ilia pomwa in
the tub and tne cuiule(e mauuer iu whirh it is
j ground, a procure ol three t tivc ions whxb
- ran be easily obiaiued will produce a more
lavoraMe iff. nit I nan one bunured tne pre sura
on the ordinary ruier press, even it lha apple
wrre er.mud as finely aa on Iho improved Mill ;
end il til spj les wera merely crushed as on the
Nut marhitie. it would require a pressure ( I wo
hundred loin, to protiua toe result accomplished
by this Pateut M .11. The following aie adduced
as decided advantages of this machine:
Vral It mat more rMr than any other anas, with
a- riven quant'ty of apples, in a givea tuue, ami wiik
BiU'-h lcM labur and rX bMS- .
.Vrv-S' 1 f makes cienvr and sweeter CVler than any
other niarhine, .
Thint Yon can make your d lar as yo. want It. and
when you want it aud m qoantitica trout one gaileu ta
six twenty barrel.
rbrtA W ith r yoo ran nress ywrrniTantCtMrrwa,
Lerries, t'beese. Butter, Lard and TalTow.
Fifth With it you can aavg fjMt tOtiTU of your
tintv iu makmr Apple Itntter.
Sirtih- With it you can jenndorrhop your Apples. KttSr
f, iurnips. Beet. armts, or fumpkius. for Cattle.
.Viwtt-By its u-e on can at ail times have k tUteU
and .-U r.l-r tider.
Tbe ptice of the Cider Mill, with right lo ua
the same on any one farm, is $35. J'rite a4 tba
Kott Culling Cylinder. $5. , .
Th? xix oi this Wachiue is about I by 4 r
and weight abcut ?09 pcunds. It may readily
1 taken to the cellar, rioor-yaid. kitchen, bam
fijor, or orchard, a may be moat convenient
For State, County or Township- rivtrtr. ("V tor
linni. to make machine til certain lerrnrtrw l.,r
I , - , ,Ufw. (Dort
IV. U. ifOAWA, llarrubarg. I'd.
L?Tera3iia in Union and the upper pait of
ZVoiihumberlaud cjunuea. aud in I'enn and
ISruah valley,, Cenler counly, can procure lb
abot MacUiucw ou ap.ln alaon lo
11. C. HICKOK.
LewUbirfft. .?nly 9. 1852 .
Books & Stationery.
An ,xlurta sottinnl ol lb
L uiTlty SlIlAOl Iloula.,
S r A TIO.N ER Y. &c. die. iuel rcd
id for'aal rara low bv.
Ltwieburg. May 13, UoS
aTTOTICE i hereby given that aboot three
J years ago I purchaaed al rShenff'a sale
of D 8 RcTHBatrr of New Columbia.
2 bay borses, 1 buggey. and harness, a lot ot
team harness, I two horse sled, an right day
clock and ease,. a l it of carpeting, a aphng
uaon exrhanerd for a bav liore with b.t
eonserf, which property I hold as all other
Contaiiied-in this notice ' ,,. ' .
All of which property I have loaned to said
Kuthrauff. and hereby mend said It.an donna
mv pleasure. SAMUEL HIGH.
White Deer, Aug to, 1W
Scott Ticketaf.-
Jaum Polnf Ic.
ariiituel A. l'uriarj.e.'
Aieaoiiider . Broarn,'
Wil.iam F. iluKhea,
JaiiH-a Trnquair,
John W. Siukaa,
Jnhu P. V"rre.
S(aeuct;r M.-llaM,
Jaiiria W. Fuller,'
Jainra Peoroae,
aVhn Shaeffer,
Jacob Marshall.
i.'rmrlt-a.P. Willw,'
Da vi Ai:on,
Mahlou C. Mercur,
ISer Middlrswarih.
Janm II. Cami'bsll,
Jamrn p. Pastors,
ianies K. Davidaoa,
John WiliiaiiMoo,
Ualpb Diake,
Jofin Linlop,
Archir,d Hoberlana,'
Thumas J. liihani,
Lkwih L. Lord,
Chrimiao Mrjer,
JJarib Plielia.
irjinea P.illork,
Sjitiui I A. Purviaocf.
Alexander K Bruwn,
William F. Uuimm,
Jauien Traquair,
Juliu VV. S.oKea,
Julin P. Varree,
t pe uce a . MrJ J nana,
James W. Fuller.
J ine Peoroae,
Julin Shaelier. -J.n-ob
Charles H allcr,
Onvi AitoD,
Mali Iota C Mercur,
Net Middlfawarih,
James H. Campbell,'
Jantea . Pajitun.
James K Davidson,
Jobo VVilliamsou,
Ralph Drake,
John Liotou,
Archibald Ruber taoo;
Tbomaa J . Bi(baili
lewia L. Lord.
Chrialiau Mryrra,
Daiwiu Pbeipa.
Pierce Tickets.-
Wilson McCaudlaa,'
Kobert Pailv-rsiio,
Nn'haniel li. E dred,
Pel-r Lntan.
lieure H. Martin,
Juliu Milier, .
Fi a iii-is W. iMickiUa,'
Kubt-rt MtCa, Ji.,
Audrew Apple.
N. in rod Strickland,
Abraham Peters,
David Fisler,
Robert E- Jamea,
J.rhu M. ReyutddaC
Parduu luinin,'
Hniry C. Eet,'
John (JU)lou,
Iiaac Rohinsuu
lleury Fetter, .
Jamra Uurnside,
Maaei M' Uaalin.
Jotr-ph Mt-D.inald.
V ilhdni 8 Ca'luhao.
Andrew Burke,"
Villiam Dunn,
Jaihn 8. Mi ('almont,'
Ueorg U. Danetl.'
U iisoo McCandleaa)
Roba-rl Patienum.
Nathaniel B. Eidred,
I'eutt Loo;an, .
George K.. Martin,
Johu Millvr, .
Francis W. Bockius,
Kubert M. Cay, Jr.,
Andrew Appla.
Nimrod Su-ifkland,
Abraham Peters,
David Finer,
Robert B, JauuM,,
Jobn HReynoldii,
Pardon l)Hfri'n.
Henry C. Eyer,
lhu Claytou, ..
I-anc Riihinann,
Denr Fier, .
Jnur Burnwide, . s
Maawelt McCaalin.
J-weph M Dna!d.
William S CalohaiO
Andrew Burke.
William (luiin,. .
John S MrC'almont
Gtore It. Iwrittt
i i
'I 1
ill L