LMlSBtlfiG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER; tntfistarg Cljrottid..! U c i. c. HlCCax. Editor, t o. M. wOBtrS. Printer. At $tj?ub in !vmic. FITS In ra-mfha. ft! raid within ihs year, aud 2-AI al.tSc end J " yo. lnt is PfiTa-lcli h a B 1 sfa. r ua B W Crr. Fihti.VY M iR.vi.vu, Oct. 13, JSj A TlWEBTroT; Kyerutnre Administrator. Public A lm.wr.(Myariduntrr M,.rrl.anr. tlauu&vtitrera. Nwbuin. BuaiDcae II a nrc wis., io jina-wre or w ( i eliaprae of anctl).ni W"U d Jo v.-ll ti iir.- notice ..t I h. .throiltl!e-i.:'''-'fmiC..- Tai paper has a.sd and increasm eircl-ation in a nrtnmm: -tv cntiii- uu aa lare a rrofnrt--G! aci-v.. an.vcnt producer. intMHi. and d-bre, a any other iu the but. Lcwishurg University re opens Thursday nest Female Institute tamo day. Br5ulo we gire all tli Election returns rocoivrd up to la!-t vi iiing : INDIANA. iMiUSATtM 5, Oct. !3. Rdtnrns rpcelvcd in this State indicate 'je re-election of Wright (Dew.) fjr Ciov Craor. OHIO ELECTION. rilTMSURC, Oct. 11. Id fifteen counties 'f Oliio, the Whig gain i 364.5, aud the Whigs have ',in'a Wy carried the State ly stvera! thouriund. Tho Congresjioual Helcpatii'ti is still un- j tettlud. And in some districts the vote is ! M elose as to require official rcturus to do- j iermine tbe retrrt. j 800 Majority for MiioBiiitM S S S S 5 j ts 4- t- t TOTALS... SI s 17 IT J T T J T T 4 We3t Leaver S o oa xs B,,.rr r- r-'S !t r- ; -i c Centre ! g gfj g 5 Ccntrcviile..; ? H 3 &3 P.-rrv S 2 XX Washington j g ' " Chapman 5 2 t 2 SI S MiJdiccrccii j is S3 13 SS 5 f:5? LnQ3 .. j tri ir cr o in T cc - nion j XT n rr X t AMm aaaa aaawas rt ' t cw JjcrliQ. ! x S is cro I. 1 tss eo o limestone., i 3 5 c- WJ Hartley I t: gg S S fS 3? j e - 01 WestBttffaloj f:S U S Miffiuburg I frg S White Dr' S S 5 Sg 5 Lft St 2 ,-'! ' e - r c esw tsin r- oja" njc --o, eao East Puffs V ' or-" o on p - p. j " Kl-I!v i " ffi L" ,a 5! C2 $1 as Levibbarx.. rs I 3 c m ; - ,r z - f 45 ..B 3H lore HJnij far Urepan'n 2 ! NEW GOODS I! ! just rcct'ived by I ! -w- i 1 j L. 1DDINGS & CO. I & J. WALLS, HEBER & VOKSE, J. & F. SPYKER. iLrtDi'jwlJurjK iii.il Urt. Corra tett this Day. . Wheat 80a85 and out ' ! j turn I Awwo llye "urn. ...... . An. . .... . . P-gseed .... fried A;i.lc Rii"f ...... "C "Hnw . . . . Um 41am . .... Bicnn .... t'loversed . . . ,.S5 ,.M 1 1- - I 100 15 : io III j - in: in I'lO ' : IIP POISO.IC ?'';f :.VT;.r "tali. ?Z ri"t JPTTi mw iar"rt - - - lb-.la-vaek's M.iewil, to which wa ask the alterti. n of; :n.n.aUrrotrji b ft und tfc laTen res-en-or ; dwe ty.W .11 tb.ett. Ur n'a b wlth la Li.er eaTialr.tr and atl rfiwylcra ri-mr fnaa u.'ac.f aHllio,ia tyt. .henia Biekeuaeol j j StlJi I to cj'uf. and i.irer r-iii.'. ana c:r-trat eecr bra ine us-1 "tare of the rrornato.-, . uukmu, aa nooa a, are rrnnina. tljtii In Milton, rS'.K irfnt, hr. Rev P B Reese, Joaatw A. Ranant and XLIAIITS daughter ef John Ev,s al of Milton. DEATHS. In Lewispnrg, 12th inst at is house of her son-in-law, tamnei waldrom. Mrs: Nasct Ask Bi.fi, aged about 85 years. TWO for R. SH0IMAKEP.S VS have const ant troplovmept and good Pennsylvania, Tlie follow... are the majorities for i O j .., o iv Supremo J ud as far as heard froul : L'lSTIEe. PirnseTox. Wdouwud. v A tt 11 on.. OUU 1 I. nigh, j N'O'tlmuibcrlauJ, I '. i.'ie. a, i3 9(15 1050 300 I I.: 700 CuO l.-hl'jli I. V.' ' War-hiiial I ... LAj and County, J()ij ion: lbO ii. 7Ui) I Icbaiion, Witinore'and, Lycuiing, ! I-alette, 2200 LOO j I'luiikliit, i Allejjlieny," ; Liue-ioter, j lilair, i Hunting Ion, j lUuphiu, : H..ion, i iirbu, : Ci.Iur.iuia, Wayne, Luzerne, soa S-JUO 2800 CUO SO COO TOO fS7 KU1 1.-00 1800 Sheriff l'hilad. C:t? whig ns nsunl. ;md logisUr whig. Cfnn'y dumocia'ie I? .,: t .,.;. r : feata Fullmer fi r AsM inbly io Nm thumb. ?cott elected over Jaeksju ia MoLtotf and Columbia. TZi'ji" has a small m.ij. over Fuller for Cotigiess. Schuy Ikiil whig Senator and Represent, which ij'akes the Kt:ite Sr:r;t-, Whig. the Railroad ! ! c sV o s 'J .71 2 e -a tv c 04 w 2 -2 " w 3 5x I '.13 . - ak 5 5 1 1 52 ll X ? JC'J 4 --C3 it F.XECl'TOItS' XOTfCE. rTfr.l.-s lesiamentarv on tne .ast will I . ..J i.,i,n.iM afSiaru A SMOS. lalC Of i the Borough of Lewisburg. dee'd. have been j cranted lo the suhsrrilrs bv the Register of , Vi,.n Co. Ail persons having claims against : the e.Ma:? presenf them lor Fetuemeni ; an r?rscns innrno;ti maur,;,..!.! delay, to ALEX A MM ON ft, ? Ex'rs'. BYERS A.MMOXS, J L Lewisburg. Oct. IR. 1852, eanlinna th ! of X. Ii. Bvers Am-nons rJeWiness of the late firm of Hu.au and ! .x and K-Pectfully solicits aconlinuanc. " arid TK rcc,,u y f the public pationage. BYEKS AMMONS. FOR BEST. .. . nlHK cTfoai Row and UninM iocctipied . s... : r Tj...ec Mr. Henrr Gibson, ind'e. S. Mensch'. in the Boroogh of ..I ..r ar .nrg are for Kent. Persons wtwu , iu rent will please call on Mr Jonathan Wolfe. iicis 1S52. 6. SCIINABEL. sa.V.. , CAMEKUaN tjLAiiiJa: T0V are requested to meet at the . . . . Trn. Lewisburg. on Satorrlay evening the 16th !-... r.. . i.. nennce of makintr arrangements : .. ...i. ,sb-o a mililarrloiir tor snri.oinj; n sn r. . .. .l- s--,. nr...eh Alt persons wishing to ioin in the excursion, are invited to atifnd the meeting. A full turn-ool of the Company es- inc oc.n I . oeciall? is desired. F. A. DON ACHY. Capt. . persons having Claims or wii.hu- .' - ." re Ucr.sa.1 lnt X- against tne es.a e ..-..- ; f (he Borough o! i.ewisourg, ui".. --.... , g-j are rrqUested to make known tne same the subscriber eiecntors of tht t last will and testament ot saiu uct " - ,hose jnjehted re reqnestea to mie pay ADAM SHECKLER. menu of Buffalo T. Unina Co, JACOB STRUBLE, of Harris Tp. Centre Co, s Tp. Centre Co, , Exte'$nf nud dud. Oct. 6, '53. ADAMS' "....a 1S1C?M& U liU V.VA VUfc a" - , w KREMEH 4 OOi'S. Oct. 7.'52 A COMPLETE assortment ot s-cowt: so. Bar Iron for sale low by XREMCR & CO. cTTUK BUSH. Cora in ear. wanted on 6jAJjJ account or in exchange for goon found Sales. Orphans' Court Sale. v. count., t: a ui.d.ririr.l.Ad'in- I tiW.IM of SaaiLil, WlLSO.-t, laieol Kelly To "wkv. win txyutt m public tale, oa th vie iniae, oa Saturday, Oct: 16, 1S51, the fi,riu;i kkal estate to u : I That valuable trait of lauJ fiinaif J in th townahip ai.d comity af.ir.aaid. iibin 1 n.ih-a' of Itie tb.iviug ilU9e of Lewi-burg, bouiidVj by I land of i5e heir of Tho Wil n dee'd. l)aM I Mr,, r. t ii.i l Cliim.n, Ji-l Hovrr. I'hitib Mio,k ; imi o:nr.a. ctiiiiaii.mg Acre or iheira l-ouis, ISO acir. ilt-ired, liavint Iticiron errttnl A a t,r.-jf I'rjnie I(oum) anil Kitchrn a t ranie 13 cm. a S,..in4 Uur (and a nryrr imiIilj i,fins of Water.) anj all uhrr i.uibu.KI ingi liixea try tor thu couilutl and conrriiiriiL-e of a Farm. Tlii'ie i al a cx.d Afrj Orchard. a arirly ul K.uil 'J'r.va. 'I h,iWN clcart rid laud is in a tilth air ot culinaiion - ai.d alMitii.Ji with l,iuifiur.rs Itir all uice. arj J'Uljhiltc. I Tlie ultova property will anaarrr to Jii,!e inln 1 H U Ult I HKEG FARM- and i.l t .old ! to i-uit (uichaorf. ! Salr to co'iuiiiriire at 10 oMo, k. A M, on aid : JJ.r. "lien tsiuii Kill lie uiailr known l.y ItOUT II. I.M15D. VM. II.M)N. Jx. Adtuittiitraturs Spt IS. 18S? Public Sale OF It C A L PitOFERT T. 'Mir. i..iicwi!ig ilrvrribf?d real prcrrr: I Joutf Kiblil derrA.tti. u-i!l hi mlfiit jiiuMx a!e oa Whilu&hty thu '20th ff Ortolr Vrrt. A Lot of Ground, No. 9 on Market street in the Uoroush of Lewishure. Pa. on which is a i KOist llitck XLI.I.NU HOLJ.SE and s rOUE KOOAl aud all ceces.aiy out- blfiaiil"S uu mm s. . Also LcT or tafound O. 326 CD tne fOUlll- east cof-rr of Fil;h vA St, Lewis streets. Als,. lu I ,,, f(1r,;i ? - !. J , Also two Lots of Orouna. ."Jo a.13 and 233, on Aorth hecoud, between Bt Mary's and St Anihony Streets II.,.. 1,,,lf!,,l i,.;. - ., - , . .-s.ao a parcel ot Land Ivme on ISor th Fifih Street, adjoining. lands of Win Cameron, L B vnnsi, j oc J . alls, an; r.'ofta s .Millrac" '7nZi . " ""Z r "UD"":" " OI ,...,.. -u ., ' . tPr' it. tfect a e.ir... Tbev are now by u-o of Uie M- Containing about 3 Acre. I nciiconum-nt ,riy r ,Iuiw cur, ,nJ ttI. M Also a tract of WOuDLAND, lying in East "' '"' atu-ndmany ..rjiim-e b.uroa. ,i ha.- od Ruil'iloe tnurnshin iA .ii.o. 1- . 1 . ..r si . i lo' O.uimei t in a numter of iaea ut lils-ar-dV -"u- aloe tow nsiiip,adj,. un g ,,ds of Sa.nl , mm ,at tf ., 3,r,mj il,mMi.,tr )i.t .,,i r.., K.soil, r.lias Urou-n. Abraham Frederick, f.i-.i. I bare ai.o u.t it taiienn:.i:y in. fP.'es Kelje? Ktl'r?, 3:!efT, COIitaillin" 3? i ml raH nf Citsimi". And ta't I :t not l.a-t I hnre trrna mil us p,.L,, im.;. .. ?;ii i '"" the leal year ure. f.ur earn of CA.NCEU by tlie ,rcs an" 14 rerches. 1 his tract will be UK-..f the u p..,;- o,n.,(,if,w:! sold together or in two or three pieces. fn a Di. o.tV.S tiijii.nf ln 01a.m. nt In nearly eyery Sale 10 commence at 10 o'clock. A M. when di-- t .r t.i h it it t...u..ii.i,.i. 1 ran nnti.ii-ntir th i...ti.li(...n ...it h ...,i- b f.1. y 1 01 JO, I JOil ttEHK.Il; ) THOMAS KLbE.'tCc DAV1U HEUI.U. 3 xecutors.' I rrsons nrsirii.? to see, or have information concerning an'yof the ah. ve rlescr.r.c.1 nr .p eny, can call on either of the ISx-.". u;u. ... bt-pl. 10, 1S33 STEEL .Sprtncs. nnt:?S-ee!.li..u at.d Brass ..- A ties. Top i'r.p Irons, pl-tm ami li'.i i biack Oil Cl.nh, biac d fai.ev col d eM.nn'd Jim's for Trimming. 1. Tut'ts, ic. o.r.,io be h t!ie cl.eao More of 1:151:1 :h.Ca.. ii !..tc. : id : reduced r.i'es at KKE.MEK & CO. r us.it .i.u.j. Ill VALUABLE IiEA L ESTATE, i IVTILL be otlered at Public ' ' premises, at Turile Creek. Sale, on the East Uufialo Tp , t'uion Co., ?2f,vi) &iturt!ai, the oOfA Oct. iitt., at 1 o'clock, P. M., the property of the Union Trading Company. eniiMsiing of a larsre and ommoilious IiV W -l-IX! HOUSE, unh a STORE ROOM Rttacheu. heTiil.n'c n-al from I.wiso'tr-z to Sebuscrove. of Turtle Creek a.s.- "iih Mot.sK sitttatJ at :he jiioi.ot ;-i s.:: . '.'r.t.;. . .. sull rii-M LAND attacutd tor a Coal. I'laM.r, and LuiuberVard. Also the following f ropert: 1 Canul Hoar, t s ?'ti of iare Scale. Terms made known on day of Sj'. Po teasion given i-mnediatelv. MIUH A tl. DKOVVi; J ... JOHN UL'ADV. J Uir" October 8, 1852. cters. New Fall & Winter Goods J: Uayes it Co., HAVING just received a very large and general assortment of GOODS, which ue purpose offering to our customers and the public in general on very reasonable terms. Our Mock is larpe and complete, comprising all kinds of Goods, such as B' Hls Chm.r, Irench Merino (,ll color..) Changeable ailka. IVrMan De. Lainea. Paranetu Thibet rb tha. Mou. de Bcire, Eng. Cr Mcrinc-s Wool De. I.IUUWTE uuinois . t ... rM.WU. . ... . Ca-hmeref and Bay Srate le-pe Sbawla; ThlVt, Palm and Caalimere square r'baali.; Ticaine, Canton Flanneta, I -a dira' fscklag rtanwla, fonts. Hoaiery, Otoeee, Tiiraminiti. all de. riptiona; Jacooi t and 8iaa Elf.in-a: Insert tnp; Fr...h Nead., W.rV Collar,; Underalee,.: Bonnet Uibbon.; 8.U. and lta.ua Ktbbon. ; tinens BoMina. g. f irtt11 .rtictcs tn the Soiiou cr lf.in.tnip, war. Aim. a .ood rtark of Linen and Cotton Table Cloita. Teweling. Mapkina, Irlih Linens, sutn Cloth. Oil Table Obilh. riorr Cb Ui, Stand Covers, Window Shade, and yrtnre, ixciuiy, usriya, paulou ant stais ei'T., H'"'"""""?";" w , . Call and examine oar uoods. . ve will try and accommodate on the niost reasonable j terms, for cash or country produce. J. HAKKS A UU. The lOtb Session or THE aw a .1 " " I .AYWTGfaiit(r n.SttlfmV CJ ml Will Commence on MoarDar, October 18th, to continne 2ft weeks. The course of Instruction in this Institution ic c.-ilri.lnied to nrenare Youths to enter Col- lire.nr for eeneral business. All branches of; a thorough Academic cotlrse, including Lan euaees Mathematics, ana uenerai biicraiurr, " aretangnt. . . The prtfmiteiman acoros a gnou oppo..uu..jr - im'rovement to Young Men, residing in he MnborW who are at leisure during winter monins. Composition and Declamation will receive careful attention All gross, immoral practices are friclly prohibited, both in and about the aehnol : r-tid' kiudness, courtesi-. and a spirit cf honorable" rivalry among the pupils, are enrourar;er. , , . t The suoscnoer is sesiruiis tu "mj of Yonng Ladies, j .. TtT" ge,S0.H:gherE? lisil $8. and Common Branches $". oer session. JOHi KA.MJUl.1'11, Oct 1.1853 ... ? - Princinat p 'l. laOCKE DENTIST h iwunwd JrmVmV.mZlZm - , ari 5 r ..r&. I- 1 M"-! pTrtAfRI)v1tY rt-rtK? fKltFOItMED BV TOCTOIt lKKSIAOXtTIC01XTJIt..Nr. . ,., T!tr f .llnwlrnc arr from a man f ifnc -mhtl ini. rilit i.. a plijkiau ot exu-miiv practice in Uie town of Amrha. ill io: f. j;utl Sir: I write tn cire rnn iwinnt nf the .i:.r;.t :e rfSeeJi i r.Iur.. l.y 11,. u of. C,Kt.T TritJikV Ma nrtir Ointomt in my orn. ptiu-tio as a i Maakl- , uri,iiiin;nnMn- aa a under my owu obvr t ation. and hv luv own prrKrriitf.in. W If-t A Mr. M . h w. irn un to dt- t tArr ct'hratcil l hyririi inn. a. hins in th lc.,t iL.g.- of C".n ;rf.r. l.y nu. f H, JLut-t,,. i,tnl nt r.iaii.il l.;r ltalih. and ia now ma well ax ertr, and baa l-e-n r..r the bat ia monllia. . I afcr 'M unIilmt iu Juty Jat I-was call d to tr. Alun.'ii.m K.m i mito ifian: !U.J j-aaeTt lai-n vjif. i. up Hy abyairiasia. ri.. wu lira! t. f.' Mlowed by are inaani-1 rt: ... r I,i7.u. I ,..! ah...,t 6 ol.-k in u.. ! avruiuu'. aud Inia.1 tier in a rry dn-rrnu aitu..tMn, ! ai. arci.tl on Il.r brink ..I tin- -.an-. I cimm .p. pi.iit.?thfO..,tm.ntfwivio!i.,.,u.mrhi.,i i..ri.si, ieii.i.1 wcii Mmiea:mtle rcuiiili.i ailmint'T. 'I itjn i IT. a.rd OV llliM-Ilin-r I ftmn.l h.- .. m.i..h lu...... ' tur4 lier ro nm. h lH.tl.-r Uiat I left f..r hmue. with di- j rV t a.lM tl. ISl.ilim.M tttm a . . Ih. .1... n. i.r.dinaf.wd;.v.ar-d'..,ui.)msi:oiIWa tti.! t . 1 ' ' r.cr.ny an . .i i,,r. bad ls-n t:td li.r maiir var: bir I u ..now. i.j.i.. 1 rv .otit o,,. w MrM, iL I I and n--w ha tN-autiful a head of hair as any luoncojld ..is av u aoi-nf ."iu viara. Cai-e 4:, A Mjn of Mr. Warrra of tha ting, tl ymin . "-u o-u nin ciiii nun llie nil v troiti Via cra- dir. lie bud tlie ten. fit of llie ln-al in-ti'il Miai. a Lhaff m 1'oinirand avail) v fuller cou'd r s-urc. :rt a;ill. It aw iiui of lb mwt ag.-ritTi.tod ciam 1 er.r raw; 1. nnariatrtl .alnnn-t to a akt-It-loo. lly ike u of a t-w ta-tttraof ttie C itit.ii.-rr he wan Uvrawjbly currd, and u.r ' rZ:.-... -f i.-iirmooiI n:r; ba-l a yarU-ty of trratnjrnt ,Mff " !i7i.in.witv..ui rr- I V it frril I'Jine useor.mjy tfut WWn of tli.t.-.-,...,c.J.-,.a. Thi waa.ur jt....,tlu as. ,he n Mrs- Huubam.liaiitill inir..;d bcEl..and I .'J.'1'. " u,n"' -""'d dttia. I i.-.y, ttvate.1 toras.. Cnao.MC toaa Err .IthtUeOi.it- n.e..i. b..th. ftl. patient, ao antrf, W.nd. a tonelan "''"is"i b.ieai trm from place to place. Oneoftbera it;' "!Us IS years the other abont yearj. ;h '"d lidd tuelwt fitsiiian in.lhe Sl--.levw.lhoat t .,.m- ...i . .., .!,. i.... i .... .:.... "f h' e-lei.rate I Duct. Muur.of Ciminnati. rreibien laiimnM - mt it 1.1 one of the moot useful remHlies eL-r the 1 ul.Iic. ti -1. v i.m. , iinRTris tttcpirtt; m. d. p-i'.d. .r.uiV -j.-, iftti. Amelia, Otdo. i. 1 b.iri: oi.lv by iuiii-1... l's. TIMItNTIS 4 rilr.IST. 1S53. liiOo Euqli-h and German AL ' ! '.('.-s for !8.)3 in t rereiv.d ;M ON ft ciiiilsT TCST reren erf an as. rtmcnt of fine-toned ff rosewood Me'ojeons. from (ieo.A. Prince Sc. Co.'s celebrated establishment, Buffalo, N.Y. 4 octave .VeodL-ons from to f 15 iio' cfo rj in f. 65 L"ge 5 do F to F. Piano style. 100 A. L. HATFIELD. Lewisburg rpIIAl J S4tl T we l'oueiit at Cor.stable's Sale, this 4th d.iv of Sept. 1852 of Amitw Blace of L'nion c.-nnly, the fo!l..w;n2 property I bav mare. 1 so-rel mare. I row, 4 sheep. - hog, 1 'wo horse veaijo.i. 2 sens of gea', iis I interest ni "i acres ,. cofi and .n 9 acres of brn-t't-'' " . n . - r.d v ..!" ; " e le't i-i possession - sa;,.I . ' - . . - t-nr .l.-; o ' I.'.Wi -POTTS, DAVID MYERS. taisburg Female Institute A spacious ediSce has been purchased in the Borough, little more than half a mile from the University buddings, having an elevated site, and commanding a wide survey of the neigh boring country, including several miles along he banks of the Susroie'ianna, A costly heal ing apparatus utakis the Ci'tKM table in the coldest weather, and three ranges of porches in the rear give ample opportunity for exercise in unfavorable weather. . Miss Hadassah S.geribner.of Lii'felon. ISMT.. a lady of high repute for experience and skill in teaching, has been appointed Principal, and will be assisted by other accomplis!! tehers j in the useful am! i. ornamental Draucnes. Mrs. . 1 Sli'en Meifge?,'0f Lewisburg.wiH attend to the ; , . . e i. t' a i ; domestic department of the scnooi. and secure all necessary comforts for the boarders The First Session of the Institute will open on Thursday. October 21st, J852. BbSriTing. fuel, lights, and insirncucn in the common English branches $120 per into Board etc. with the higher Eng- .. lish branches 130 Instruction in the Languages, ancient or tnoA.-n. " "Ira Instruction on Piano lOprqr" Use of instrument 5 pr an Drawing. Painting arid Ornam ental branches 10 " Each boarder roust be furnished with fo'r nankins and a silver srioon properly marked, j Day scholars will be admitted; STc5 w ;.. j pay $20 per annum for initrnetion in the Com mon English branches, and $3) in the higher. Music etc. the same price as to boarders, . Mr. Norman Ball will instruct the Primary DVpartme'r.f.consisting of girls and smalf boys, at the same charges as hitherto, viz. $12 per annum. , ,.. . The Institntion will derive great advantaged from its connection with the University. Th President and Professors will lecture occasio nally in the building; and the pupils will lyvt acress to the Library and Cabinet of the Uni versity, and to the experimental lectures of the Professors in the namral sciences. THOMAS VVATTSON. 441 President of Board' of Trustees'. Take Notice.1 ALT. persons holding Notes doe. or Book I Accounts" cf more than ninety days" , ' standing, against Uie suoscriner, are requested to present them before the. 1st October and get their cash. . - . . Al L. HATFIELD." Lewisburg, Sept. 10, 18S2 . OYSTER1 SALOON i"TAVING "fed np the Pboms in Fbice AVIXG fitted njt the Pboms in Fbice' I I pew ir;ck bloek in a superior manner, I theTn'iscritierisnowprepared to accommodate j individual and parties with Oj'SfprS W J"'l the best styles. A share of public patronage solici,d b Lewisbitr; C. P. HE33 Sept 15, 1S52' THE Co-Partnership heretofore, existing, between the Firm of Hoffman dc Messin- ger, was on the 12th r!v Of July last dissolved by mutual consent The business of the Firm will be settled bv J". W Horraaw. . HOFFMAN dt ME8SINGBR j, WaiT Dsxb Mux, IU To the Toters of Katon conntjr. WE are amhurizrd to annnnnce the name of Col. btilllP h CUL a a Volunteer candidate for the office of -iiy ComwiW'ivr subject to the decision of the people at the baflot box. Aug 17 lSoi le Notice to Contractors, Cj BALED ProfK.'.al? will b: receive d 'at the lj r.ii;uieer a othce, in iSunhury, until r rtuay, the 15th Oct. next, fur the radin? and maannry of Jhat pan of ihf fiUSiJUKHAXNA JJAIL KOAl between Bridgeiurt (nppoi; llimi hurg) and Sunhurv, a riiNiance of abnut tiflv- five inile. Plans, profiles, and pecificaiiiii. will be exhibited at the said oliice lur one week prior to th it date. Tlie line, will be divider!, into sectfrr.s of about one mile in length, atui. tenders may he made for each mile separate! or the vrhole work. Proposal, niajr ttate, what proportion of the jwno'iiit of I'ayioeois. if ai.v, will be tkea ic the stock of lite company at par. A. 1). WAKFORD. . Kii"'.neer. Fnsioeer's Office, llih Sen., 18.VJ, i , ,--,!. f... .v.. a .. .i-i c...,.....,.. .Mv aboi ework is hereby EXTK. DKU to Wedues- day the Tenth of .V.ve l er next. A.I! W AKFOKIt Chief Engineer v ' ri Vu Va. ''"o""- -!gliTf UlftCe, 7ltl Wl. IMa.. . v mi finivr- . s j J HE. sutcrflt-r havin" talfen the jh.'p 1 ately occupied by Sa,.nuel Ainmon and o-i.u.v minuii V .iloitigiinerv. on .'Var-.-et oi.cci, i.e-isiiiiri. is now prepared to execute ....- ... . . . street, l-ewisliiir::. is uow prepared to execute i T a"'" V1"""? Glomes arcoru.nr to i.. iftic.i laauiuua nu uu iuc ino-st ourrsi terms. Patronage of the late Firm respectfully o!i cited. Jtiir.V MOM'UOMER. Leiburs, Sept. S3, 1852. lit'iiH, .tfodlclnes, &.c. Jenks & Ogden, AV. 106, .VrA Tldri Street, PuiLADiLrut t I' MPOKTER8 of Drugs, Medicines and Pye Siutls. Manufacturers PureVVIijte Lead and Varfsji'er. of ail cfttal'lies. 'ho'esale in Paints, Oils and Window Glass of all sizes. Alcohol, Spts Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Scc. constantly on hand at the lowest prices. Superior Chemicals, Perfumery and Suriical Instrumenis, to which the attention of country merchant and ptivsiciar's is respectfully solic itel. , .Sept 10, 1352 4.v CIL'LLENGE. AVTHATEV'Ell concerns the health and f happiness of a people, is at ah limes of the most valuable imp .riance. I take it for gramed that eveiy pers .n wt I do all in liieir power to save the lives of their children, ai.d oV;f. every person ilri:l en eavor to promole tl.'eir u4n K"a:th at alf eHfjiliees. I feel it be my d.ite t.t soaiuniy a.su.'e j-..it thai 'OKI.S, according to il.e opinion of ill? most c l.-!..-Hlel liosi-. inits. an- t. e t :im .ry cau-a of a laijc-uiaj..r.t- .if il.iras-3 lo ali cu clitl'tren ai..l aluiui are 1 :.T.i... 'ir toii b.iTe an a-i.. tie .-oiiiiuaAlly fhaiueub c f-'orinn- k'.li.i 01' f - .1 IO '."OIU.r. Oi"i Uretii. fa.O iu Im.. t ,m;. . .. el l!.:' ,N..-. 11 trdluaa an I fnilM .' :: : .' - . ;-ry . -i s.oJ I e,rt . ull ll.ejuar r- ... ;.. .i :i '. iV! V'wli.'.ti, ai.4 Jott abaid it olc ... ; '.. r::'Y 'v- l,V.it.:,.A.. An article f m.iiiil ui ... with i.nr.-Ir ej-tnl,!e it-uiiuu t . .n. j-..-. r. roro'injed i.li.l.iuis . il.U ir.. eiiy e... l.cu tak. ii. an 1 em until to ibe le...Ier lufi w.th cited d i-'u tiv.at t-u,vi. v t.. lVtr-) Ouin.u.i mitt UivirU,a hut'- ui-ut tuiu W' hk mu tlrh.l la.;- U r t nic ripvities of ii.y Wiirm fiup ure u h. u..t i (tUtutiit without an fi,iiji ID it n.'sue of ii)..-ii:e-in jjiTiiifr IP teit4.ftYu u tlte -umi ii. rfi luaki1 it;D I-i-i'tfe rt-Liuy wr iatfit. tvil -uli Vjf-p'p-ui. a-ti-oi-liiiitf ro.iM iM-rUnu.rd by tin- Sjrrup .f-i-r I'hTeh ittiii- b-vf tniisi. id the LeslvTidcuvo of iu tj-nus THE TATE V.ORM! , Tb)!if .lh K)pt utiliruit tt. rm to destroy t th it intent Uie tiuu.:i ij-lui it rm to an m;ni't inO ti nitt: icit-r-tb. U'.tjuuu w coilni uiad :tv-tiitil m itr iuum-Uni-at mn.I toluut itT t-tTtM-:iii4 the health ulljr lo tatu Hm. V it ue Ukiice. tit.-, At1.. thhUhofl-talliietfti ldi.iu if evvr suspect ttiat it i Jojie Hw m u tt-ning Uieut to n euriy (r.iif. In or In l) rtltuy thi.- w.rni. fry vnvr ftw Ui-ioifiii niuft K i-uif-m-.i; .1 r.uii UkA fmv hv jDj r l..iJ,e 6 to ft of mr Ltwr i:.ii. as U rcutovr all utwiriuon., tiittx ib Vutui tfrup iujj v:t tt.revt uftt-n the iiu,whxli Dtu.-t i tsvki n in vf two taUA-rt-owtuU U.r laUav- u lajT ; iLc9u direci nni f..i-li-ri ,Ae(..t. r t-vi ti kus.b w full cunu uUe juvsl uljaUUuU: com 01 Tape tiwm. IIO&tXsACK'S LIVER PILLmS. So irt ot ihte fiyntetn WyOiorr e u iiipsr tlin tli Liwr. it tritU(C m m ft;irr-r lo irii tlw biool, ox v nif tti n,-cr creti-Hi to itir b; x tbtit any wrvntc a tiini't the l.ifor ellecis 'j'tr iuiitati) jatU ul Uie trm, tiiitl rtsuiU txT.uy. iu vtr CviC.oUiut. t Jj.uuiM-r. J"s r.-tui, c. D'Uw, iuerure. iua rwvrf .i.i'.rj Umt mi.iht li ft wivn avti'U of t:: Uir. Iiitf rd bc.a; cmo ml cf ni l UntU torui-bii Diurv l bi li.e iii-k. iuiiiwl. Jft An jciutvra)mi. liK-h auituttat W. i-crt:-.u fruiu Ute iultnunirjr uiuium iuii&lmut or rt-nn'ti- theU?tiir of swrvi.-si niter. ui. 4" r.trr, wln-b chaug- u SotUf HirXJttN'uljlv Mlrll tlUaVUflblf Ulitl.QT lltV CtTUalU lUvt bid ac.tuu f the ryt'm. i. A iw which gun imte Mj4 stiiiu'li V ue.ntr.ou )ttm, hkii bs.iti uou vigor tu an rt of txd. 4.ti. a 7urA-.tic arbit-b t iu s-rfl banwux wiib .br oibtr mre ii-uu. and u,erui.g ou tbv be.s, aud axpfiiiu the blv ma -fol lurrui t nl iluat-d im.tur.aod iur lying Ibe b.ood. wbkb Utli diM-aw and nct 'iv beaitu. TO FEMALES. Tou will Cud tbeae I'llli. au invaluable niedir'ne to Btituy corst'l my to nbieh yaw ara. futjcei. In obsi.-uo- ..:....., m.,,1.re.1orini'tbeirrun.t.oiia.r..n-. ninu t, a lu-.i.o.y r &ctin. pr.lyo..: U.e bl.io I aud o'b. r Uuxla eoriferiualiy u. out io m hi ail .u.puiu.ia bi.h may arise lrutll b n.ale irreuierllura, ae bca-laclie, ueidmeaa, iMia, llf ,Lnl. ,iu IB ,j,ie, ba. k, iNone genuine unless signed J. Modes AirT.'snd others being base imitation. Agents wishing Lew E'j'fpliei, anil stors keepers desirous of becoming agents must ad dress the Proprietor. J. . H -anssai E, at his Laboratory, .so. 120, North 2d, above KaCC St.Plvlaj , Pa. . ...... sxiio oy all Druggists and Merchants in the United Mates. Ahxsts Dr. Thornton fc J. Baker, Lewis inrg. Wholesa'e ai.d Ketail A gen's for L'nion Co. Davis Sl Schndre.Selinsgrove ;Sinzfr & Bro, Mitflmburg ; Youngman it, Walters. Dry Valiey ; K. Keller, Adamsburg ; S. Wittenmyer, Middlebur: At. Specrit, Beavertown ; J U New Columbia; A H. Lutz, Djeffendeiler, Forest HilU Pates, (Aca 25 casra THE SUSQUEHANNA RAIL-ROAD Extended ( Nlffllaburg tt AND terminatins for the present in the New Store at D. II. Rfsitel (Room l.tely oceovied by AntU Sf JUench) wrTn baa arrived in the firat train wiib a Urge, well aclected stock of spring selected with g.eat care aa lo quality', aty!s and price, ia the cii ot t'hil .delph.a DRY GOODS. AMEStCAX GOODS bi h will give better .atiefac lion tlian any at tba same price of either Enirta, Frrnrk or any other name among them. Blrarhcd aid brown Bbrelinirs, Drillin'ca, Caifinadc, . Cotton Ca-aiaierae, Jrmam, Cnecka, lleary Gingham, b-t fa t colored Print. Delaines Cloth', Caeimere, CaisirKtta,Twredis Liuinga. FlanncU, Table Diaper, lloeii-ry of the Boat auhataatia kind.' . FBEXCH GOOD S eheiee French Cloth annVfaetirare. a larire a-rortmeut of EintJhaa French lawn, alu Una, ll ninams. nar;.-s, Eonn.a.D-, S:lk Goods, Swfc. Mnlln-sni J2in;a, Jwoneu. Thread, Laraa, Iloslery axd Oemaa Linen, e. 01. 0LLI.Ip . Coffee, Tea, S?!ce, S-znr, Molanra, Bio. Crai kor. Siap, Candles, lobacco, Seeala, de. Also Jlunlicart, Quevi&tcare, Uedjirware, E'-o' nnrf i'Aoes, Hi(t A , Umhiellaa, Haraa..i. Bruhe. Itr c.na and othe. amclsa ol Mereh in.tiae needed her, all whict will be aold at prit mm Jo" to atlnnieh o' chaaata. . Give the new Merchant a fair trial! E?"Graio and Pioducaof all kind, wanted in exchang and lb. highest market price paid. , . 'D. fl. RKSEI. MUBintrarg-.M.y 8, 153 MILTOIT 18 the ! wli.-reG. H. HERTZ f't j ufacturr and aclt Carriages Vi Iliiggics TEN FEU CSNT. LOWER hn t any rtrirr hop ia thi countrv. withnct ' f xcrjttioii. Me hit the lirgcsl ami irM --) rln,t-ii I in nil Onlrnl iVnnrnlvaiti i, and i. dt irrnuiieil to gire KaiUfjciiun in all ho ai.iy tvr him with 1 lUe'ir ruMotn. ('.-! at the coruercf Walnut anj V4irr t'r-i. ytt MiHn Fell II. .8 3 G !Ol.f.E H. HER I X The late disaNtrous Fire gives fresh evid ence of the reliance to Ue placet' in "(Hivta Kr.ia FI!.I2 PKOUF -..-TV aa ' ! 'Q' wSltl'SSiS :&sr--- ts A res," i X. 6l,Smth S-rwt St , rhil.KtSphit. i Wa talr? f"lrsr.ire in statin? that we had one , of Oliver Erana' Fiie-Proi'fafrs iu o'ir stire lurn"5 the ('real Fire st Hinr's finmiir;", which. irlien iak?r from the miii a:il opened ....... f l ... i I i. .. I.. J iuhiiii h n o r jor-nci leu om imuni. ( entirely uuinjurtit. CtTi & Bin;, m . . entered hv b'ir-!ar and failinc i , , T 1 re" "y f',r-;;,r-a ui mtg 'o pick the loclf f mv iron -;a!e they tried to Wt)W j, po.Jtr ,, or j,)jtrV sustained It wis tilT-h- of () ,"ran4 ' w sustained, it was pi.r..n t.i 'J.i.kans, til i5t'U!U occnnl ni. rnii.nl. J t; rutin, Bnrd -ntown, Is J F)r sae 0f a.j, sis t of.lVER EVANS. , 6, s S( bel..w Clu'.-ttint. i a,,!,. Ant r.;r D.iv & Newel's V..ri.' l air ouir.i,i..i n.r. i;,ii a .wnvnuiiu.M Jir ! prp,ni,tm B ink. Vault and Siote Locks Thief anil I . -d"r proof. Also in.Mo.re ?eal and Letter Copyin" Pres ses, Tniiks for rrnvin? tcttz or cra'rs.'.t'aier Fillers for purify it. bad water. Drnsgist-s Presses wiih cylinders and pans, Kefrigrators an I Ice Chests. Portable Shower Baths of sitn erior constru'-tijin Water Coolers of all kirds Air hotels, stores ic. 3m433 llVrHC anfl C3I 4IK I 4KIXG. a a a . a a a ii A T.G bought the shop, ma terials, and good will, lately of Jins If taT, at '.he upper end of .Market St., the subscriber is now prepared lo execute work iu his i;..u rniirtig A T THE OLD STAXD, with care, correctness, and despatch. As he has had a good trainin; :u the business, both in Danville and in Lec irbttrr. he w c. i.f.icni that he can do eo...l w.olr. and hopes to re ceive a liberal share of p.orona;:e and pay. Orders respectfully solicited and giod work done at fa" pr.es hi- the pubii.-'s ser vant t please JiKIX B. CLTLER. Lewisburg. Jjly,' 185"? WHOLESALE .4CEXCY. THE subscribers Kleins' received tlie agency for tr.esn.leot Pine Oil, Airohol. Patent Uurning Pluid, Lamps and Vine gar, are prepared to sell ihem at Phila delphia wholesale prices, with only the addition of the usual freight to this place they are warranted fresh and pure, and can be luroished by the bar- del or s.nalitr qnamities. Dr. THORNTON & CHRIST. Whuktale and llcluil Druggisti. Lewisburg, Pa Important to Furmess and Uousekerjjers! HiGKOX'S PATENT CIDER MILL. IN all former time, it was supposed that a Urge quantity of ider could be made only by uitig i ponderous rna. bine, that alowly crushed the apples without giinding Ihem fine. They were ihen made into a massive cheese in atiaw, and a moat revere and long pressure was required to rx'ract a portion of the rider, a considerable por on being absorbed by the stiaw and ihs mas. of iioimce and I obtain thu unsatisfactorv result ihe tanner had to take all hi bands and perhaps I his eix horse tenna and devote a wlio!e day that could have teen more profitably employed, lo j make Irom 'l t twelve harrela of rider. To obviate ihe difficulty the fanner have heretofore labored under. may prove tbat it is not only the Beit Muzliine j f tlie hind fn existence. Inrt that it is the most , prnfitublt lhat a man C4n have on hie farm. The ! applea a by thi machine grated up into a line j (.ulp. an thai it requires but a compa.atively liglil pie sure, and lh.it hut a minute or two, to exiiact . atl the cider. H heiiie aseettainrd by prac'icil ; eiperin.ei.l that One Fourth more ran he ohtuined thati by the old pioces. Besides this it require. j only two ha. da in g.jnd and make up into cider -a Israel quantity of applea lb in run be possibly made on the old-lash mncd mathinea. On thta i-reas, owinc to the cmpactneaa ol t lias poniice in ; the lull and the eoinplete manner in which it ia around, a pres-ure cf tluee to five, ion wh rh ran le ea-ily obtained will produce a more favo.able lesull ihan one hundred ton pressure on the ordinary ruler pre, even if the applee were ground aa finely as on, the imjir.xed Mill ; and if th apple weie merely criisiied aa on the Nut machine, it would require a prrsaure ot two hundred ton to produce the result accomplished by thU Palrnl Mdl. The following ate adJuced ae decided advantage of thi machine: FSrjt It mn-a mare CMef than any other pr.-. with ; a aven c'uact:ty of ar.'e. m a given time, and with . much lea laui.r and expense. .sveoaaf It make Cioaner azj sweeter Cider than any i other machine. - i Third Too can make your CI ler rut yoo want It. and ! when you want it and in quantities from one cal.ou to ' aiz or twenty barrel. I Fourth With it y.o can prea vonrCnrrant,Cherrie, ! Berne, Checks Buiter, Lard and' Tallow. I F; flf-. Wit j it yoa can aave ONE FOURTH of your ! time in making Apple Butter. Hixth W ith tt yoo can grind r-rchopyonr Apples. Pota toes, Turnips, BeeU, Carrou), or Pumpkin, fur Cattle. Sree4 Ev in use yoo can at all time hare FKEill and SWEEI Cider. The price of the Cider Mill, with right lo nae ; the earn on any one larm. ia $35. Price ol the Root Cutting' Cylinder. $5. The aixe of thi. Machine i about 3 by 4 ff nd weight about S00 pound. It may readily be uken to the. cellar, door-yaid. kilcben, baru- Coor, or orchard, a may he uinet convenient. For Stale, County or Tuwnsfcljt rights, or for , Grant, to make machine, in certain territory for slated period, ad Jreae f poet paid) .. ,. - j W.O.BICKOK. llurrixbarg. To. EirPeron. in Uoioa .nd the upper pert or Nonhumberland eountica. and in Penn and Brush valley, Centrr cowrrey. can procure Ihe above Machine en applieatiun to' i , ; y ; 1I.C-HICK0K. ! Ltwiabtsrg. July ft, 185 T" Books Stationery. jdgff As xwWi. MMrtmeni of the rwMreifllf vfcbMl Hooks 1 STATION E BY, . Ac. jun recJ j mod tot state Mr 1010 ft? , , - , FOSTER & TCSTIN. Jtf4Mif. Ma? 13, 18S9 N' OT ICE it hereby given that about three years ago I purchased at SheriS sale ; ma T, e s.- .i.. v. . Ol ir o avraaivrr (a new sst.iumuia. S bay homes, 1 buggey and harness, a lot of team harness, 1 two horse sled, an right dav clock and ease, lot of carpeting, a apring , wagon exchanged for a bay horse w-ilb my ' consent, which property I bold as ail others contained in this notice All of which property t bare loaned to said RathranJT, and hereby extend said loan during my pleasure. S AMUEL HIGH. Whre Peer, An 90, ISM 1 m ISC Thi know .?) and extrfyrIinry eum.ti) jsowet!' tl. wnii.lcifnl iin ei.t..in n nw w ( rl' kiHtvynaMl their alsaBtl rfforatioa tinut;ii ui ll: iiil conn:ry si yxteniiti, that it woui-J atcni nnnecttHitarr to uirre tlieir o-ris f irthr. Bnt tul.teriiciiniiiicr. i.s e -irrc t wbira rtMvLtu' it a mei'ter of luty to tlt puMic vt to alto;ttUa ii!nt, f.r wlitlr the ..cm.'nti iio:ru:ri .f tl J aie tnimprt bv ro..irn trtmiti. ri Vr aai wiliowvd by itiiarta and iraiUM. by liia affliCtiW. aTl ar fUOd JU.t gmi r laarf'adtlf;, ft?rH!e'i iIranlf and Tlirnrtlf Cural.rei. kara t.tn qiiitljr worimrt ticir way among th lutvKt inid-ili-nt 4nJ rvjs !lie t'iaiw. arI mm constant It' aL-lairvi:.ar cmtrs in an alitrmina traia of direts-r. wbicti Ita'tj fr Htret baif!-l ail Ui aid if fne.iicin a:td ail tne require, of Hcianc. Ibaaw liascars a" cs!ieJ M:uvors coMpLaixts, . anil in thce Oiei me iicin it of n avail what ever. It iietcr dej ok1 and it of', dov harm. Sj rujr. Ktrao:, Balm, Baimw. t.ln:a, Btttc.a, Tiilw. fowieis uJ lutmnt. vf cifry kitl ar aim worthrwsi, l-.,r they tre-'ken th iit 5ttsntj:r cf th atreauly fruatratirtl ayktm. wtiiia uner turn strantjPtlw Qinjr. Ill pittnaf. viLaliina; liitinenrc of 4iaUaiara. at ai','l.sl I'V tl. kcautil.it ducitt?ry. th cahatAtt4 taiat iii). cakanrsl hiirTi-rttr w rnkrd to furnar kcalLh. ti?n-th, elasticity and v 'nftr. . TlirK fmrk relate to uh siisCeUar n NF.17- rl;i.. r,r. polorki .t, UH'.xi.riTis. tal- PITVI K.N" . th Hr.AU r, V. KVkNr.SS ami kU F. M ALK MSOUUKKS. mrb a Nf RVoi S HKAi A' UK. LASSITl UK anI lr-Sl'ONM-: V. hir a.-e onlr other name ttr NetTnti. Deranyainvat ; KPll.Kl'l H; KITS anj -N V L '-SiONS. which ar otv known t remit from nvn-ejiMliUnuea of . Liectnc .iirt'itncc, NKHVOL'3 TK.M(IlS( lit AP -SKSS. wbicb is nearly always earned ti tofttidity cf th AuJiUry INervca, and can alwas '.a pufmUf cttrrd hy traivan.tm. when the organ ic nttdsMtroTti . I .SPKI'SIA. in its wont form. ; fAeUSV ami fAKA LVSIS, uniliFrml ranrd I t a deficient: r f Narvaua infinaaee ; HKo.NH; l:HU M AXIS 1. Tt'KKiDi TW of the I.1V F.K, I AIN in tl. SIDK. fSl.L'.lhU CIK. tLLATHl.V. SPl.VAL au-1 11 If tW.MLVLAt.NTS. lrfc.Fl lt.MT of .Nt'tVOLS ami ril ,8i Al N tUsV. aul all thoe d'aVtceaatiis; pomfilajcta raitlt ing from a lJtKA.. t-I.N f uf tLe M-ttVoL SiSTtM. In the above preraltnt and terriMe elaea of diw eatses .Nervou l omjlainti ar much mora ,&- oua than i general It imagtucd . CIIRISTiES fi.LT.WIC frRATIVES, Ar au Abaolat mnl imHIt Spactft. The BKLT i ned when the body or ay. tern ffen rally is aJected ; the NM KLAtt for complaiou e the TU r oat, a Athrr-a aud Bronr)iiti, and, of th Head ; and the Bit M LKTS tor alt J,i-r.ar of th arm or htn, a tthun.atim, Paiy. 'Iramora and 9urmKlk: artevuon. ' TU ertirie are amply af it..l asdiiscted with the M(.M-. l H KLl'll whiesi aenmfan(es them, and wiiea faitliXuliy twJi thmf ISLVfr.R KAIL ! St?" Tlie ft rent feenlinritr r.J efellen" of th CALV ASH i I KATIVLS eonsUts in th t t that tiiey arrest and cure d ly entrm-d mpw'-icmttmt, in dae of tlie usual method of Drnfcuinj. anl I'hyiK-kmj; the patient till eaaau.tesl naiura siuka hone!iiy under the iufl.tfi"U. 'iwy Trnfrerta law vfkW ryfw. tqualiz th ircimtfim 0 Ll.e JiQi. ra mt ttme f-r:urrtt. mriwr.e Ihe wntrm af:t aal rrrt Trr dm the tlifhUil harm under aTrty rirt-i.i(aSKvf.. Smt-e their intro.iuctn'1 ia tha L iiiieJ States, oni j tbrer vears siace. more thaa 7 5,0 0 0 PERSONS inclndin all aes, rlae rA crniln.via, amons whom were a la r ere numher of I-a.li. who ar pci Larly subject to Nervous Comlnts. har lea Entirely and Permanently Cured, whan all honof relief had been sr.ven op. and err thinz else been tried in run ! Ihe beneficial rasnlt which have uniformly attended thir use? ia coca deni.y state-1 to be without a parallel in tiia annals of !!c-!!ral Science. lrgTmen. lawyers, and phy"ician ; lad.e of the nit?ltet standing ; distiV auished person holding eleatel otAcial statiooa v merchants, manufacturers, and mechanics; th poor and the rich alike; often whole famiiies, amona; all rlaases. rank autl condi'ious. haeer)iiaily teau ra ei, tents, apd hare equally acknowleiivei.' the oa dmnsaml alien uuexjcctcd beue&ts which they ha thu received. jtM Let it be known and remembered that tba only Natural J.ntorathe lr the Nerves is (.alvanisax, and that in all Nervous Diseases wc should "Tlirow Physic to the I)og.' To illustrate the neof the ALVAIlC BCCT. snppoae ihe case f a pron afHicted with that baa of civilization, DV?rHT?i A, or any ottter 4 nmn.c or Nervous Disorder. In ordinary cases, stimulant are Hlten. which, by their action o the nerves mmd lnutclM of ti att.Hwite-h. flor.f fmorarif reiirf, hut which leave the patieut tu a lswer state, and wfeia Injured faculties, alter tho action thus eacitaxl haa teased. Now com pa re this wiib the effect result ins; from the application of the OALVANK) BLLT Tak a Dyspeptic s title rer. aea in the woraL avmp tn!T.B of an austk, and ciaiply tie the felt roiiaci lha Body, 01 the Macriietit: 11 md a directed. In ,hirt period the inuile perspiration will act oa lie positive element of the Belt, thereby cansine; a AaUamc circulation whtch will jass on to th negative, and thence back agnin to the positiv, thus kreptfyf np a CdninTMns (.alvanic circalatioia. throurhtmt the s lrm. Thn the mmt severe caa of DiSPEPSlA are PfcRMANKNTl.V CVKED. A. FKW DA18 IS AMPLY ('FFIIKNT TO RADI CATE Tlllv DISLASfcl OK YEARS. MANY THOUSAND CERTIFICATES AltfD TESTIMOKlAL from th most intelligent and repctM pruM residini; in every portion of the U nited SUM, could b prteutetL These are now onuecemary. bat a aumerons selection erahraeinsr many statamanu of the most extranrdinarr clmracter, su me tent to COltf V1N( K THK .UST SCEPTICAL may We had of to authorised Aent. Th intcreatcd as paxuculaily invited to caU. .What think you of thi3? FreB one of the mot wUtlr.Wsl phial claiM Id ihe City of Stir aorh. - T have been nsin rhrts'ie's (ialvanic article tm a quiat way among my patients for aioiit two year f ast, and J confess I am astonished at their sucrose, f I am sure a disease is aVrrm. I know just what they wili do. In Fpilepue rits, particalarly la Children; Deafness and Aflectjona of tlie Head, ia adults; Paralysis and Paly. in all r;ea, and inrlaasl several ether diseases of like nature w hich bav long puzzled the piwr:4ion, I have found th Ualrani articles of suririsinr benefit. Although I detast th ahameiesa quackery of advertisemeni and nsrwa aapera, 1 must empress my conniervce and blicf b th wonderiul virtues cf I HKlSTIfS CLRA TIVRS. My name is. of roars. conStlatial, bat 1 ah all nvr hesitate to icooxuee4 your artstcia aa aU proper occajuona. A50TKER JjrSTAHCE 07 CANDOR. To D. C klaanua, M . D, Gen. jlgL fcr Da. Chbibtije. New York. Dear Sar, Being a nhyaKiaa ia the vicinity of aw mi your Agenta, 1 hare bee. much gratified ia th exunination of vonr Oalranie Curative, and highly nleaatd with their practical reanlw. I har eeerved Uiat they ar. constructed on the tree aeiea. Wis principle for the fenrie. aee. mlemmaH and m. aavnet devehyraMnt of tlie Galvanie Cnrrent, therebT aUIing . eiaiacratvm. long aoughl lor. but heretofore. BBkuwa. 1 eheerfuliy recommend them tor tae aUeriauon and cur of those distresaiur ailment celled Naareca CoMesaiwra. tor which uay ar aa happily and tngenieualy deaicned. Very truly yonr. TiAVID BICE, M. Ol layvareti. trlaaa, i'ebruaxy la, 130. JTaV Xo trooble or iaeonTcnjence ettefida the na f UB. CHH1STIES O-iLl AXW CVtLATlVCa. and they may be worn by the most fawble aad aril at with perfect ease and aaiety. la asaay ceeee the aanaauon .Handing tlieir aae i iiav saaseae Md ef raaeafe. They ar. accompanied by full a4 slain diractiene tor use. Fampbieu with foil fv tculan may be ubtauied graua, of the anthonaed -dgant- Pricesf The Galvanie Belt. Three DcUara- The Galvanie Necxlaoa, Two Dollar. The Galvaaie Bracslete, One Dollar Eaak. She Magnetic Fluid Cae Boiiar. r PARTICULAR CAUTION. S7 Jawar CmtfftiU ead WmrUkt Imtlmmtmma, D. C. M0BEHEAD. M. D..--v VStBXk ACtHT FOR THC I MTEO CTATEeV 1st lavsvaaasasijr. Kew Tos a'an tn IywUborg-C. w. BCHAJ7IJS lyadM trutrnttis at the ChrfTHirie mffirw savsaaaavw i w.w.a, OJT aecconta from on on la Cmi fyf Mandinc. CASH and also Wood, W heat, Butter, and taoet ether Frsdaee felt kfcrsT ajtw ml tb e-urrnl tfrlcaai art Mm wsgej at LTNDALL". KRBMEB & CO. i i ntra strew. T"