Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 13, 1852, Image 4

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Cnrii'icncc ol tlK rliri.'iSJi lercn.aa 1 j
Da, Coas Every intelligent prrwn knows:
that the genius of this age is bimovkbv. iMi- j
rr ages and centuries have been, in their way,1
perhaps equally tlistingitiaucl hut their pe
culiar traits and tendencies have imparted to -wy .j,,, ofan orderfrom the Orphans'Oourt
fifaa character distinctively its ovn. The of t'niou county, the undersigned. Adniin-
characteristics of the last age, f.r eiample, t.t.aiors of fasten Witsos, late of Kelly Tp,
were stateinahtp. military tactics, and con-' debased, will pose U public sale, on the pre
seqtiently brilliancy of ccnqueM. Hence the . niises, ou (-.-
production of snch men as Marlboro, Eugene, Qlji' if N'p'- t'il-.v
Pitt, Washiogr.in, Talleyrand, Burke, Jefferson,' tbe rIlnng REAL ESTATE, to wit:
Kelson. Napoleon, &e. While the previous j That valuable Iract of land situated in the
cenlurv by an unusual combination ofcircam-l township nd county aforesaid, within 1 J miles
' i..i ur....i ... of the thrivine village of LewiJiure, bounded by
tion of great litrrary minds. The depth of
thought, the development of intellect, the ele
gant writers, and polished wholors of that pe
riod the Clarendons, the Newtons, the Mil
tons and the Bovles, have imparted to the 1 7 th
century a character and a claim which no oth
er age can aspire to But it has been reserved
for the nineteenth to eclipse all others in ap
preciation, of the uvful ojt.l prnetiml, to coin-
bine the efforts and utilize the discoveries of
former days, thus dazzling the world by a uni
versality of means and appliances, limited only
by the needs ajid necessities of mankind.
Hence the extensive application of long known
principles and properties to machinery, and of
macuioery to the public pond. Hence also, the
many and varied combination of chemical bod
ies, and their adaptation to the prevailing wants
of the day. It i in this respect particularly,
that nor age stands unrivalled. We are con
stantly producing uewr results from old princi
ples, corollaries from old arguments, new ap
plications of old re ipes. Witness the nsesof
Electricity, of Eihcr, of Chloroform, of Mes
meric propei ties, of Hydropathy, of Homeo
pathy, of the many neoionic atid efficacious
tuedicioes the iodines, quinines, and subli
mates, and nitrates, ntVur in constant use, but
which were unknown to the world, in their
application at ie,t, fifty years ago. As a re
suit too, of this truiiiierful revolution in the
medical w.rld, and herein it is our particular
province uow to speak, there is scarcely a dis
ease in the whole calender of pathology radi
cally incurable. Doubtless there are many
which mar be made so. Perhaps there is not
one which unskilful treatment, or unsuited
medicines may not render, if not incurable,
desperately chronic : aud in no case, certainly
of pulmonary affections. The lungs and tho
racic organs generally, are, of ail others, most
susceptible of irritation, and at the same time
so carefully concealed from examination, that
even the most experienced stethiscopic practi
tioner frequently mistakes the actual seat of
the disease. The consequence is, that in ap
plying a remedy for, as he supposes, one part
of the system, he accelerates the evil by irrita
ting a neighboring healthy organ ; and that,
which was at first a mere temporary affection,
settles into a chronic and obstinate case.
Scores of snch cases occur every day ; but
scores of such have been cured, aud are at this
moment being cured by this grant diseratum
this wonderful discovery, Atsb'c Chesri
We are not, however, insensible to the fact
that all specific medicines are liable to suffer
depreciation, in the public esteem, frorrf the
number of counterfeit and pretentions mixtures
which" are daily vended under the name of
"Patents." But we feel no hesitation in sub
mitting to any sensible man whether this cir-
cu instance ought to prejudice him against a
medicine, so extensively known, and so de
servedly popular as this. Of couise.the same
argument would apply to physicians, yet no
man would be tucousistent enough to refuse
admittance to a regular practitioner, because
He had once been mal-treated by a quark. But
the numerous and extensive orders we daily
receive from all parts of the I'nion from Can
ada, Nora-Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfound
land, the West Indies.Cuba, Brazil, Chili.Mex
ico. and other places, sufficiently show that
nothing which has been said in favor of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and every thing possible to
be said in favor of a remedy has beeu said of
this, has overrated its curative properties. At
all eveuts, the geuuineness of the article is
sufficiently attested by the increasing public
demand ; while all other medicines which pur
port to cure affections of the lungs are daily
losing caste. The fact is, no remedy has ever
been applied with such truly astonishing re
sults as this no' indeed ever defore discover
ed. We have, from the first, pledged ourselves
to make no wild assertions, or false statements
of its efficacy ; nor do we desire to hold out
any hope to suffering humanity, which facts
win not warrant. But we refer, in proof of
onr statement, not only to the opinions of dis
tinguished men valuable indeed as presump
tive evidence but to the certificates of its suc
cess, showered upon us by the gratitude of
those who, having been restored from death to
life by its means, desire to circulate the fact
for the benefit of their afflicted friends.
It will be remembered that this medicine is
not a specific for evtry complaint, as some of
those secret and foreign nostrums, with which
the country is flooded, profess to be. The Cher
ry Pectoral only professes to be a remedy for j
colds, coughs, bronchitis, incipient consump
tion, and general imrlammalory affections of
the pulmonary organs, all of which may be re
duced to, as they spring from, one source; and
may perhaps, be not inaptly classified as dif
ferent stages of one disease. Radical consump
tion, no medicine cm cure ; but whatever can
be effeced by human means towards allevia
ting its most distressing symptoms, and pro
longing life may be sought for in Dr. Ayer's
'Compound. It can, however, and trill infalli
bly prevent (which is equivalent to"a cure) aM ,
kinds of consumption, if taken during the -fit-
cipient stages of the disease. A cold, no ma
ter how inveterate, it cures tm medial 4
cough, though ever so deeply 'seatetUevrv-Tio
violent, ever so distressing, H control irj
HirooM readiness t Soutlunf rh mwCHS bn
ing of the wind pipe, allaying all brochial tUii)4
riution imparting ease and 'emiort to
liiroal and Itincjs, and frees thair ironi all aV
struciions. Hence the great benefit aVbtm-uc
patients derive fro'm its reception many" of
whom it has perfectly restored to health,
While all who bare tried ii readily leMtiy to
its wonderful properties.
We only aW those whose complaints come
within the range of its power to give the Cher-,
ry Pectoral a fair trial, as we feel confident
they will pronouuee it, not only the most a!u-
M. .JJ..: ... . I
wi.uniuH me rnarmacopia nas ever re- t
: i l . . .. .. :
a-ei.cu, inu, par r IcelleOCe, the daaiffr nj Itlt 01((
uivteenth century. f. . 8.
Niasaba Faiu, 8ept. "fch, 1631.
JLatut Sates.
lands of ibe heirs of Tho's Wilson dee'd. David
Meyer, Klavcl Clinjaii, Joel Royer. Philip Shook
and oiheis, containing 225 Acre or theiea
houts. ISO seres cleared, having thereon erected
ma io storey r'rsme House and Kitchen, a
Frame Barn, a Spiing House (and a never
lailiUK priog of Water.) and all other outbuild
ings necessary foe the comtort and convenience
of a farm. There is also a good Apple
Orchard with a variety of Fruit Trees. ThfgSJs
clesred land is in a hish state of cultivation .3
and abounds wilh Limestone for all necessary
Hale to commence at 10 o'clock, A" M, on said
day, when leiuis will be made known by
Joly 13. 18.r2 Administrators
1 V virtue of an order issued not of the Court
J ) of Common Pleas of litiion county, the
unuVivigned will expose to Public ale, at the
hour ol C. I). Kliue in the Borough of Lewis
burg, oa
Wednesday, the 1st day of Sept.
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. s follows :
J. A valual le tract of Land situate in Kelly
township. ITnion Co., Pa., hounded bf lands of
DviJ H Kelly, Samuel Bickcl. Joseph Kelly,
Peter Suhl and others, containing 20H Acres
and 9S percbee, about St) acres of which is
Woodlanil, and the balance under cultivation.
The improvements are a Mansion Housc.Tennnt
House, Log I urn and Frame Stable, and other
Oulhoos.-. There is large Orchard and two
excellent princ of Water on the place.
The above Farm may be sold as one or in two
II. Also Lot of Ground at the north-east
corner of Third and St Louis street in the
Borough of I.ei-!uirff. havinc thereon erected a
large two-rtoiey Fit A ME HOUSE and Frame
Stable, belies other improvements.
III. Also a Lot ol UronnJ on North Third
street in aniil ISornuch, adjoining lot of Wm
Wilson and Wm Ditiy, having thereon erected
a two-ptorev Frame IIoue and Frame
Stable, ore.
IV. Alan a Lot of Ground on North Fourth
street in said Borough, adjoining lots of II P
Sbeller and Jos lirii-lit, having thereon erected a
iwo-stoiey BRICK HOUSE nd Frame
Stable, Ac.
Term made known on th day of aale by
Committee &c. of Sichulus ilenseh
LewMturg June 1. IS-' 2
Valuable Real Estate
TTTILL be olJ at Private Sale the property
f r ot the i'nion Trading Company
con.isling of a large and commodious DWELL
ING HOI'SB with a STORE ROOM attached,
on the public road leading from Lewicburg to
Sflinsgrnve. near the mouth of Turtle Creek -also
a Isrge WAREHOUSE si uated at the
mouth of raid Creek, wilh sufficient I. ND
attached for a t'oul. rin-ter, and Lumber Yard.
Also til following personal property :
1 Canal Boat,
1 Foot Boat,
1 Horse,
and lot of II inges. Bolts, Ac.
II of whirh will be sold low.
F or terms of ante apdy to either of the suha-
cribera, or to M. H. 'I asr-iiit, residing on the
premise. JOHN GUNDY,
ALKKED KNEASS. , Directors.
Valuable Property
ATT ILL be wild at Private Sale the following
T V valuable and desirable properties and
building Iota mtuMted in the tturo' of Ijewishurg,
Union Co, Pa, beb ngmg to the estate of Isab
ella Hi.tii, dee'd : '
No. 1. thai full lot of ground situated on the
rmir of Cherry atl.y. fronting n Wnler
ativrt. iniT'on is erirUTl won knewn A :"rt.
hf'UM- rmr.t by 31 f.-rt tu titlh,
wilh Rit-h'ii aitni-hrH. also a w Frame
Stul.la. I'T a tet, Curriflir HitiM.'
SCi1 by 1:' ; . t att.vlii m Wood Hnuiu an1 other oat
tiuiidin? j iii'ter failing WM of l tr, about 2U tiue
jonng Fruit Trt-es, tc, . 1c
io. T5, a lot ou Hie coiner ol (uherry Alley
r wltnjr wau-r pirwi. Kwt Al le t, and :
mimintr to low water mark on the Kucqne- jeV,
banna kiTer, wb.re.jn is erected two Two
8ury Dwelling lluusva-
No. 3, a lot Ironting on Water Street, west
At feet, and running to low water mark in tha b'u-tque-banna
River. '
No. 4. a lot frnn'ing on Waler Street, west
M fret, and running to low water mark in Uia fiusquo
hanna Kier. '
No. ft a building lot fronting on Water Street,
rant 1t hy in depth to a la fret public alley, ad
juhting property of Tin. Sennit.
No. 6. a det-iraWe DuilJing lot, CiiJ by in
deptb, to a public alley, eouter uf Second and St. John
No. T. lot Mm sire fronting on Second
street, atljtniiur So. tl.
No. N, a lot fame fire fronting on Second
street, adioininr No. 7.
No. ). a lot nine six fronting on Second
street, adjoining ". ft.
The above mentioned building lot will be old
together or separately to suit purchaser.
Lewi. burg, March 10. lftf2 6mf 5
IHAT large and desirable properly on
ihe corrwr ii Market nnd.U'aier Sis.,
an 1 1 atiUHtf-w fur a, rPsidence, for business,
or (or a tesidonee anrl place of business.
Tmre? M la rue BRICK, Mouse contain
ing 4 lerrjre coooia on ihe first floor, bed
rooma b ihe second floor, and two, large
filched rofra,s on iher third 'A Kitchen
rtWaMMnaaindi4nr and it has alao-a
tit'fyrnvUrWrB.a Pump and Well of
UotMl TftAttf jinl . all the naceasarr oW
For ttrim Ate, apply to Gko.P.Miiikr,
Kaq. ; -" - . 8. K: DAVIS.
" I,ewibtirtf, ept. g3, 1850 -
New Arrangement.
have becorae associated in tha
at the old stand of 8. Ammon, where one or the
other way alwav be found ready to attend to
Cutting or Making Gentlemen's Clothiur. in
aeeoidajiee with Ihe latest Fashions, nnnctnalle. and ow
. " . r . ...
! tie" most ransofiatrk- terms, Ibr Cash far IVunUy Fvoduce. I
av - eoioajiee wim me uuesv rasnions, pnnctaauy. and oa
tie" most rassonalde terms, Ibr Cash isr tvuriu-v lroduoa.
M fneiMls ana stew are respeetiuiiy Invito 1 tn r
Mm furwjer scrounts of 1. Ammou, arranrrd
(nrMXm and new are respectfully Invited to call.
by him.
.utv. 1
Isvwi.'kurg, April, 1611.
and Mowing Machine.
Great Improvements for 1852!
THIS Machine obtained the AWARD of the
Judge specially appointed by the Cleveland
(England) Agricultural Society to compare this
Keei with M Cormick'. They pronounced it
superior in every repect (eee t'ffijal Report,
This Machine, Invented by Mr. Ttc'Rtv, la aehieTing a
trrieo .rf UHumpha in Knulutd, which ar mpMly obtain
inn .r it that pre-tmlnent -wiUoo which lU iiitrlurio
merits bare already seenred for it in the land of its origin.
Award of the Judges.
REfWVT of tti inrv appointed by Uie Omimlttee of tin
flereland Airriruitural Koriely, on the eoinpartie
merit, of the limping Machines of Mr. M t'OHMIi K
and Mr O. IIIISSKY, Trie.1 and Tested before the Jo .
ry, on Tbaralay and Saturday, Sept Soth and iTUi, l.
TheJnnr rein t most eiosedingly the unfavorable sUte
of the weather, on the days of trial, fa pertTt hurricane
raninirthe whole of the tin dy.) and tlieir consequeat
inability to make so full and saUxlactory trial as lucy
eould have wirhnl.
The M.chiues were terted on a crop of Wheat, computed
at ta bubels per acre, very much laid ; and ou llarley, at
Ua ku-lwla per acre, verv rliort iu the straw, and if poMi
ble more laij than the Wheat.
The Jure, taking the dilfereut po't "''mitted to their
conxiilenition. in onler aa they oceor. expr
lit. Tlieir onantinouH opinion tuat Mr. llcssr.T a Ma
chine. a exhibited by Mikw Wm. Uray Co, eut the
Wheat in the lrt manner, eepei iatly acnau ride aud
furrow, and when the niarhin was working in tire direc
tion the Wheat laid.
id. By a majority f eleven to one, that Mr. Iliusey s
Machine 'caiiM-d Hie leant waste.
XL Takinc Ibe brMllh ol the two machines into con
sideration. Uit Mr. llu-y' did most work. '
4th. That Mr. Ilusarv'a Machine leaves the eut iVlieat
in the beetorder far -atlierinirand bilidinz. Theuestion
was sul ulittcd to Ibe laborers employwl on the nerasion,
and dcenled hy th. m. as above, by a majority ol li lo 4.
5th. Their unanimous opinion that Mr. llufeey s Ma
chine is b st adapted tVr ride and furrow.
6th. This question wasre rred by the Jury to Mr.
Ilobinaon, t.reman to Mr. Itrllrrny. of York, a practical
wn bauieof acknowleilgi'd ability, whose report is appen
ded beK.w. . .
Jlh. That Mr. Ilnmry 'a Machine at firrt ewt I. less price.
KUi. tlth. TheJury decline toespresAadi'cidcdopioion
onthefie oint,.in efu!ueiiet'of Uiextale of the weather.
The trials took place on the Farms of Hubert Fawcilt,
of llrmoeliy, near MiJdli-fliro'-on Trees, who in them t
liberal and diriuterealail eliirit allowi-d his crops to t
trodden down and d.nnai.i to a very p-eat ext. lit, espe
cUll on the '.'Stli. when in spite of the eum auiuimeuae
crowd aet mble. to witliew Ihe trial..
The .lury can not conclude their Report without ex-pn-s-iiic
the irrcat pleasure they hrederiveil from eciuir
two mai-hine brou-zht into competition that were able to
do such very work, and alw at witnessing the frieud
ly. rtraiahtfiirwaid, al d honorable way iu which the Fi
fe i liter ef the respective machine met on that ucc&Mon.
ieued on behalf of the Jut.
W. F. WHARTON', Foreman.
MR. Knnixsors nt roRT ox qrESTiox 6.
llsTing carefully examined 1-oth machines, and given
the subject due consideration, 1 am of the opiniou Uiat
M'l ormick's Ki aping Ma hiue,asat present made, is most
liable to get out of older. tuned)
1 1 A Ronisojr.
Read the following Testimonials.
Mow. flinnss t .M.irsn tlENTijarra : We used a
Keeper mauutneturel by Mr. Iluraey, of Baltimore, for
cutting our harvest, in InM. It consisted of between aO
and oil acres of beat- A part of it stood well, but a
considerable (.ortion was much tangled and laid. The
Keaprr ipral. d dually as well in llh eases. rutUn; Ui
standing W heat elran, and deitin; it in sheaves of
ruitable file, straight, and in food order tor biniliiil. aud
taking off the train cleaner, and leavinir it iumurb better
rr.ter for bimlinir, than is irenerally done by tha era-lie.
When tlicimin is much ktdanl, or lies very low, in order
to make Rood work it l necessary to ruu Ihe machine
against the slope of the grain. We arc well plcaix-d ith
the openitton of the machine, and a larpe number of in
telligent farmers who witnessed its performance during
the barve.t. expressed the same opinion in relation to it.
Kesierltully yours, WM. NbSIIIT.
Ji M. ISESlilT.
Chilisquaiiue, Sorth"d Co., March tl, l-di
llEV VLin, March 23, 1S"2.
TO TIIR ITItMC I do hereby certify that I u-ed
Hussey's lirain It, aper in takin off my crop In. t harvi-st,
and the '! order it rut my crop more than met my
moat sanutn expectations. It cut alout 14 acres .-r
day of very heavy W heat, and even then we stopped Hi
shock the itrain out bcf..ru eveniotr. It takes the irraio
very clean from the pronnd. It cut betted Rrain re
markably well, akd, in faiU a farmer having a well
cleared on farm, and not t-o mountainous, can not
add a more useful or labor-savinc maebine to his stock of
uUn.'ils. Tours, BK.VJ. CAWI.KY.
THIS IS Tin rKRTirT. that we have ucd Husky's
Respinc Machine, and have found it in every re.pect to
answer the purpose designed, and consider it an article
that will pay a fanner as well as any other farmiiur im
plement ttiat tie cjui add to bis stock ol farming utensiia.
and take pleasure in recmtnendinir it b the farming
conuuuuitr. .VI' ll. HUFFMAN, luion County.
!. KKNtll.l R. "
V A V 1 ! M A It It , North umberland County.
V. llt l.L. "
BimasiniiE. Kane Co, HI, Aug. . 1SI9.
We. the undertiirned, Larioje sc-n Mr. I!usiey"s Rea
per work atcultinie frrasa and crain. think it preforal-le
u M lirmicK s or any oin-r maeume mai we nave r-ji.
It cut Wheat that could not bo eut with M'Cnnnirk's
Reaper, or Cradle. We are well anjualuUd with M'Cor
mick's machine.
p. A. 11 1 M1Y, TlAVin SIMNKft.
jniiN ;kk:i, Jr. ahiiaii vm siiikwooD.
JOHN (iKI.lll. JAM KS HIS,-.
,l(lll SIIIKWiNiB, 1. C. WMlflllT.
Fflll SlllRWOilK, KLIfillA WHUIIIT.
Carri.tov. Creene Cn 111, Dec. 27, IK;.
T proeiiTcil one of Mr. Ilnwy's Reaping and Mowin
Mach'nes. fa n Hallimore. last Sprinp : I cut eighty acres
of list, nod fifty acre, of Timothy with it, to my entire
arlrfaciion; afu-r which I eut sixty acres of t'lorerseed
ill it in l.-s than five lavs. I could not not have saved
th. .1ovcrt-cd without the mncbine. so I conskler I have
savt,l tlie whole euet of tbo machine, iu the savins of my
Uloversecd alone, BUlLLa luaa.ta.
A number of certificate from others could he
given, but we deem it unnecessary, aa the Reaper
un a fair trial will recommend Itaclf. The auh
ecribcra have the exclusive right In cell in the
fulltuvin; Counties : I'nion, Aorthiimberlaud,
Moiitnur, Luacrne, Perry, Columkia, Lycoming
and Clinton. Farmer and other are cautioned
acnin purchiaiug of any persousexcept our stive
or our authorized Amenta.
This is will know n to the Fanning community
and only ecds a lair trial to give it a decided
preference 6"ver any other Drill in the market.
Crain lienpeis. Grain Drills, and all kinds of
Casiim; made to order and kept constantly on
hand and tor sale at the I.ewisburg Foundry. All
orders promptly attended lo hy j
(aC'Idvtt, "Iarli & Co.
LewUburg, May 6, I8S3 'J
r"HE Ulh Session of lhi Institution under the
I present Principal will commence on Monday
May luth to continue 20 week.
Itistinclion will be given as heretofore in all
the branches of a thorough Academical coutse.
including Languages, Mathamatiee and General
Composition and Declamation will receive
careful attemion. Proper regard will also be
paid to the manners and morals of tha pupils ;
and no scholar will be retained, who alter having
been duly advised wilh, persists in the indulgence
of profunity, quarreling or other low practices.
The UiMo is in daily requisition in Ihe school.
For reference, the subscriber takes the liberty
of referring to the citizens of Ihe place and vicinity
who have been his regular patrons.
A Female Assistant will be secured if neces
Tiasts. For Languages $10 ; Higher
English $S ; and Priinarv ff per Session
April S8, 1852 Principal
Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC,
a a 5 tlje crown Cangnaje.
VERY tfcankfii for past
patronage from the Citizens
?'-WJw and Students of I.ewisburg and
V ) vicinity, the subscriber would
V- state that he continue to give
i nsiructions on to riann ana ttuitar also id
Vocal Music and in ihe German Language.
Having been taoebt in Ihe best Music ekhonls
in Germany, he deems himself amply qualified
tn leach Music, and lo aid in the correct acquisi
tion of the rich tierman tongue. He will also
tune Piano, and put them in repair, if desired.
Residence, after ihe 1st April next, en North
Third St., first door south of the Scnoolbouse.
Feb. 24. 1958. FR ANCIS J. GESSNER.
HERKY HOARDS for sate by
llursh & Ammon.
Flour Barrels.
THE aubacriber would reepedfully inform the
ciliaen of Luzerne and adjoining conntie,
that they will keep tons antly on hand al Vuhtr
d BngarduM' Warebouao in the Boro' of Wilkc
fJarre at leat
1000 Flonr Barrels,
From whence all section of the country can be
IV. B. Order for barrel from a distance will
be regularly attended to. Address "Baldwin ft
Brown, Huntsville, Lucerne t'o Pa." Price at
Warehouse, $31) per hundred. "
Huntsville, Lui. Co. Pa. May 5, l85.-3mpd
Farmers, Attention !
Reaping and Blowing Machine.
AKEAPIXO MACHIXE Iwing now almost
universally regarded as a necessary impli
tuent the Farmer (and not much less so than
Ilia Vttnigh. because of the high price of labor at
the season of harvest and the great importance ot
the work lo be dune in a l-hort time,) be should
investiqate carefully the principles of different
machines and point of dijftrenee as well as Hie
right of the Manufacturer lo sell Ihe same.
My machine operates with a Sickle VJ;tt and Rrrl com
bined wilh a Seat or stand r the ratter, so that th.- irrain
is delivered at the sufc of thr Maeninc, and the biiuliug
wade entirely independent of the cutlinv.
It is simple, of lighldraught. and will cut one hundred
to three hundred acre of irrain withont a second srindine
and is warranted suierior lo every ntlier Ueaper in all
kinds of trnuu, and grass, whether tangled arid lodel or
That the i-ltl e i tha true eotk-r," and that the Keel
Is indinpensible to thesneceestul oprvatiou ol the machine
thwvtjh Hit karrrtt no lunger admits of a doubt. Tln-ii
farts beina alb-ste.1 by tile tioesmidjof my mwhines now
in nse sold by my-if and oilier. Infria;ini my patents,
while a comparativelr small nnmber of machines known
aa II tnwey's Ueaper," with a smoutlt and rerv aUruj'l tilye
and with'iif (I rrA are iu use.
As additional evklrur of the gmtt superiority cf this
machine. I may say that in the areat West and North,
where itcaprra have been and are still in demand by
llummndi, and where 1 have sold more than isxsi Heap
era, 1 have been subjected butlie necessity of bringing
suit epaimt m psmler of manufacturers f.r the
protect iou of my patents, and that smiust fSeymour t
Mor-aii, of ltn kirt. New York, I have recently ob
tained a verdict of $17.;iuu damagea. and will hero advire
the Farmers airaint pnrrhasiutr my machines iu an al
tered (aud so far injured) form from others under a dif
ferent name, as purchasers are efju'xlly as liable as manu
facturers, and suits are now pen-Muz airninst several con
cerns iu Illinois, and others will 1st sued un'ess they make
fair reparation f.rtV pa?t, sn.l ik-sisl fr the future.
The find premiiuns of the e'titesof i'eunsylvania. New
York, Mi:b:gn and Wiscnniu. have been awarded to my
macliiuc. and also the first premiums of the Auirric.au
Institute, and franklin Institute, l-bila-lelphla.
was awarded to me atti-r two trials with llnssi-y's.
After a aeries of careful aud thorough experiments
not only have 1 n-vc Hr tif harrext of laij the nuift per
fect Kea'pinir max-hin cveroffercl to the puhlie f.f Aace
more thin fully realized my most sanc;uiue exertations
in now haviutr a Mowing machine that ttili cut all ivnrfs
of iirass tn prrfretmn ft a tiuail adiliti"n-tf co,r, and fnr
liiera will bear in mind that a little difference in price for
the om( avorie. is of small conse.jucnce. After kavinir
made the improvements reuind bt perfect my Mow
iuir Machine, which are also applied to the Iteaprr. smee
the last barvet I cxhibit-il it in compel itionaith twont here
before the ComaiiUee of the Gtiiraco Mechanica Institute
tu euttinir f.n-t very lar-ie and heavy, an-t aiterward. very
short, thick and fine 1'rairie grae. The work was per
feetly unexceptiouable. and the tiold Medal waa awarded
to me (or the liast keaier and Mower.
For further infnrinatk-n tho.a Interested will please
address C. II. M CuKallt'K, Chicago, III.
Authorized Agetit to sell and deliver the atiove
Machine, S. HURSH,
7d3m4l7 Lewisburg, Uuiuu Cis. Pa
AL. HATFIELD, bss on hand a larce
a and splendid assortment of VI itches,
Silveswsb and Jr.wr.iar, just received from
the best Importing and Manufacturing Houses
in Philadelphia anil New York, and consequent
ly much lower tban if purchased from those Re
tailers who pretend to be Wholesalers.
Gobi Patent Levers, full jeweled, lsfc '" 00 tn $125 00
do do do 5 jeweled, 1-R
do do do full jeweled, lalt
do do do & jewels, 16k
to Anchors, full jeweled, lk.
4A I II - !C on
4-) 141 u f)'i i ll
SO 00 " HI do
1M fa) fin IK1
I, oil " ttl 00
ei 0,1 :t.) nu
is mj " -js 00
Z 11 I fin
ai 011 S5 no
14 10 " 3.S l.i
J31 00 " 3.", 00
1 1 00 " -Jl tai
11 (JO Hi Do
; on in no
f-o in on
j so 1 ISI
8 no " 2H on
12 on " 1 110
14 no " r,i 00
8 U0 17 00
1 no " 9 i
T a ;o 00
1 !ia 2 SO
n " no
1 no s no
3 40 " J 00
SO " f on
1 24 " in 00
1 CO 3 00
75 " In uu
2 00 - J J 00
3 60 " 12 ou
1 00 " M 00
1 (10 " 2 10
do do do do lc.lt
do Lcpmes, 4 to jewels, !-;
do do 4 jewels. If
In T. njlirb and French Wab-hes, 1S
ilver Patent Levers, full jeweled,
do do do 5 jeWela,
do Hunting do jeweled,
do Anchors, full jeweled,
do Lepines. 4 to s jewels,
German ilver Lep.ues, 4 jewels,
liver Quarters.
Herman ilver a second band vTatrbea,
tiold liuarrl t'hains.
do Laiie' F-ih rbain,
do tienllenien'a Fob Chains,
do Vestt'haina,
Hold Ladies llrea-t t'in. latest styles,
surh aa Monrninir. B-x and tllasa,
I imcas. fluster-, c roll. llranch,Ac
Gold Gentlemen's Breast Tina,
do Cuff I'm., different styles,
do Finjrcr kins.
Gold Ear king, ruch as Hoops, iM-orst,
Jenny kinds. Corn, Wheat, Straw
berry, Cluster, Scroll, itrauch, ac
G-ild Watch eala,
do do Keys,
do Pencils,
do Pens
do i-eccarl,
do Hunting- Lockets, (Medalias)
do llran-k-ts
ilver poons,Teas, Tables, Dearrt, an J
il ver pectacles,
And a variety of fine goods. Litest style, neatly
got up. at prices to slit tha times (7" and war
ranted to be w b.it sold for. Also a great variety
of (tilt and plated goods Chains, fins, r-ponns,
Lockets. Spectacle, case, Baskets, r.ar limea.
Sbanl Pins, Hair Pins, Coral Beads, Steel Beads,
Purses, &.C., &c, dec. Also
Brass It itay spring aud weight Clock
do 30 bo'ur do do do
fi day wood snd gilt Time Pieces,
no " io no
! 4 no
7 00 8 oo
1 S 00 " 2S 00
10 CO ill (jo
8 01)
2 5-1
3 60 ' 7 50
in on if, IKI
3 00 2j 00
u.inth Clock-.
Alaloster Parlor Clocks,
Patent Lever lor Marine; nocks,
French Aoour-tcona, keys,
do - do
Polka do lujj "
Musie Boxes.
And hundreds of articles nt mentioned.
Watches, Cck and Jewelry carefully re
paired and warranted, call and see.
March, 18.iJ Iy416
Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger,
18 a remrdy suited to Ihe evtreme of beat and
cold, and is very benefiii.il whenever gentle
tonic and stimulating influences are requite I. Its
alimulant property being independent of alcoholic
power, its rlft-cl as a frequent remedy need never
be dreaded. While it strengthen and refreshes
the debilit ited in summer seas 'n, il ia not less
potent during ihe inclemency of th winter ; by
warming with its beallhy tonic principle enabling
he system to resist the intlurnce of incipient
diseases which lurk in a changing climate. No
family should be without it, and lo travelers by
land or sea it will be found invaluable tn use a
few drop in water as a uniformly healthy and
agreeable diink, wiihoui intoxication.
Caution. Persons desiring an article that can
be relied upon a pure JAMAICA GINGER,
should be particular to ask for "Brown's Essence
of Jamaica Ginger," which ia warranted to be
whw it is represented to be. and i
Prepared only hy FltEDK BROWN and sold
at hie Urug and Chemical 8tore, N E. corner of
Kifih and Chestnut Ml, rhiladclphla.
Da THORN POX, I.ewisburg, Agent
No. I English Iron and
No. 1 Center County Iron, offered foe sale
Tyre, at 3 cents per lb. I Rand and Hoop Iroa, Xli per lb.
Oval Si do I Horse Din Bars 4 do
Uva! 3-X do Nail Arts 4 do
(or $75 a law, tor aa assortment of different kinds.)
Spring Steel, jets per lb. Country Steel. 6) $ cts per lb.
Call at my Blacksmith shop on North Third
"t. A. AM.MO.NS.
Lawiteurg, Sept. 17, 1861
Vpprr end of Muriel St. Htxt Brick Foundry:
t IU1R beat ami "iiost approved COOKING,
J. SHOP, IWW:V. or PARLOR Stoves,
I'louuhs, Cabtiii"". fcc. tit low ratM, by
Jiuolhcr Resent
1WA on the verge of the irrave, and so far wne that my
farailv and frien-ls loul Ma-t all ko-a of my rt-covery :
an-l when In this situation, having been rescued by Hie
use of m.VK'lt l I UMilXH- SYR' l; I desire to
t-stifv, with grateful enedions. to lr SCIIhNCh. the un
speakable l-eis-ht 1 have received from the use of hw lu
VHluahle midieiue.
Karly last tall I contracted a vkilent cold, amd in eon
S. .1.1. n.e of which 1 had chills, alb-rink-d wrtii t-vr.
pain hi mv r.ght brensl and shoulder-bla,lc, with a trail
eouh and no eaa-eloralion. 1 kept p-ttins worse until
1 took my I ed. and hail the attendance of my family phy
sician. 1 a? utiikr his care about t.ur weeks, and at
the eapirnlion of that time waa reduced ao kw that
despair Ha.k bold of m lf an.t friends, and even my
phvHiian alaindoncU me. and gl me up to die with tie
hasty ,. u-uiup:al. My appetite as kooc. my Wnarel
very irrejular. f vcr and mzht swi-nts. pain in my breast
and shoulder, atlemlcd with a distressing cou(:h. which
was very ti rlit-my tlrsh had ni-arly all gone, arel I
weak that I eould scan-civ raise mj ki-ad fC m Uie pillow,
and was truly an olj-i t of pity to la-liol'L My friend,
had l.een sent for to sec me die an-l my si. k-l d was sur
rounded bv kind and si nitwlliialiK ncu.-lil.ors bo bad
. , . .leiiraare from this world. When
all rays of h.-pe h ul tied f my remverv, nc
i.-hbor. Mr.
n.,-1 r..n.L i,nwnM, bK. !H lll-V(.n 3 i vi.a'F.wv,
1-VUCP ith avicwol loosrniiix my couzh. and reliev
Inir me of the touch i-bieym, and as a means of airoidinj
V uii.jrary rcli. f. remarkiutr nt the time "that 1 was t.
far tone tor Ibe Hvrirp to la- of any permanent re-n. rt.
My sifc. anxious f..r the relief of my intciiav aullennv.
,r. ured some of the Vawime S:mp- 1 fiwina it m.r.l-
me relief, and eontinucd using it. I could f cl its b-ul-ii.e
inttiicnce upon my luns. 1 eontiniiol lo improve
under its use, and mv Iricuds were much Krali!d to
witness mv tiu- j.-clc I improvement: many ol my uei-1-Nir.
ennt-'to l.k t me as one raifcl fmm tbedeaJ. My
.-..u-h now l.-canie lor-se, and I kit som-tbine break,
where 1 bait the pain lit mv breast, and 1 d scbarircl lare
quantities of veliow matter. 1 have for weeks ilisrhar- ,1
aud raba-d a spit box tall of matter every dny. wii It lunl
lump", like irrains of w-methin '. Vy bowels n-cw ra-came
r;ular and natural, and myapp-Ute was fot.r imi-rove.1
Uiat I o.uld i-er.rcrlv retrain from cat-.n" Ua much. My
strcnirth imi roveil, and I regained my tie.h
I ennfirned
to improve in every respect soon aiti r I cnimenreJ u.-it-K
the fvrup. and the imi-rovemetot enntiiincl until I
re.tofctto my wonted health. 1 bav p . ed thn -i-h
the iiicb ment weather of lie- letter oirt ol w,n'. r -nd
tliespriiie. and teel aa well now as ever I felt in mr lit-,
and I am tbi" dnv a livins teslinioiiial of Ul- great off: a'y
of SCllWtCS rULMOXWSl Ui r iu curing f u.ru-.n-
'Test'tliiii statement shouM tie thonjrht too bi-.-bly colored
bv some p-ople. I subjoin a certificate of s nmuls-r of the
Inhabitants of Taeunr. who saw me at dilfoccnt times
dorintr mv .liwase. and never exprcU-d tos.e ine r-eb.red-I
a'so api" ud thr certilicr.b-s of the brothers of Mystic
Is.lfe, No. 270. I. O. of O. P.. who kin.ily watched over
me atvl fnllv believed tbev would nmsUrn mv resa .ins tn
the tomb; bill thanks to Ur. Schen. k, tor his invaluable
r...i.u,.,ie nine., mv life has ta.-n si-are-l. and I am per
mitted to make ihe foregoing sUtemeut S.r Hie benefit of
suTerlnz mankind.
I r. i le at Ta-a nc. and am well known isr moat or Ibe
people there, and will 1 i.-rjtiticl to have any person call
Ul.n me an.llearu more paruvulais "t the irreot v,rTue
of thia medicine. Joll.N C. UUKh.N.
June' 4, l.il.
The ml.-eril- IM. mcmb- rs of tVc Mystic lV. Vn. 17".
I. II. of l. r . of ll-liiiesl-iirr. Pa., i!o le-rehy e-niiy not
we know John C. tir-, n. (an.l is a nirinb-r in c.l stainl
inir iu No. 270. I. o. of o. F..I who was d.nieri.nsly ill
with a low Pulmonary Cotiiimpti..n !a.-t winli-r. so that
they trave him up to die; tba! he is now fully reHon-d to
re rti-ct health, and tbey l. lleve bis reujvery was -ro-dued
bv S. h-nck's Pulmonic Syrup.
VVe l.'lieve bi certificate is correct in every particular.
Hr-var Mrr. P. l , Amir.T) II .msn. P.
AhKaHax Asihik. P.O., J. K.i-v.. N.il,
JOaLFIt Khim h-jrc, I J v a V a" R .v, Ja.,
Jnx C. Cai.vra,
ll-dmeel nr;, Pl.iia l. Co , Pa- Julie ISil.
The un.li r.-icned r-i.lent. of Taconv. eillt miti
fiiij the rircurati.MtTi ttiiH!:n ni raw. iwi .in;f uru
lV ml.-v-p i"iie of imiK-rntivc duty, to mk univrmllj
known u th piMir Lis putin rnT. ry from the T-rr
iM-t utRf of a, I'lilmoTinrv rnn-iim'ilion. A. pntir-lr
ri'il in Uiat rar-wlij Miiknir: an-l rnwri-t'tl fir.w. a. to
tittrrlT prtt ln-lf in the ..pinion of inn phr-iHnn ami j
frictitl. li watrhrtJ hy hi N UniU'. all h 'iof evi n a
t mporary rvrovorT nn-t rrnttrali"U tn lit" n' nt n.l-n-t j
hrnlih. Tl.un tli earpfitl uw r.f your inTatnablp m-rif,
tlm I'ulin- nic .yrun, nink- i it in our t-pli f. nni r thr j
cirrum-tBnrv'n of hin prpTifUfi prrtrntr. n A to nay t!in (
corHtition. onr of Hi.-mo. riUvtlinjt rpoult that the iii"lp j
atmnli of niplrtnl ffcill or nt-k-n ran j-n-lurp. It tW i
fkprpf to bp imtN'ricliahiy rppirflttl to your rrwtiu and
rurpjt to you. thp jm-mt tii.-rorpn r of an iiifallilprnrp f -r
thiflutln-rto remlHf-fiispiuip. a lntintf mommrrtit. aurl j
a worM vide rpjiuiiition in thv b aUnc art tjiat no Ump j
mny pithpr dimini-h or dininy. Harinvt winipivd Mr.
;rrn lii-trpufinfr ntrucl and ufforinir from a ron- .
tin mil mii ,ui. m-tiud to thp other ym!tinni wniw- ;
rpipnt i)n.li. or attpntlinfr thp last laCPH of a pulmonnry
difaite: and mrpoer at U'intr o pnpmlly w Ih-vwI by .
I itft iiiunprotn frn nrlit tt'at nohuniau (wwrr i-oulJ rp!i-rp. ,
or rtnrt hi lif". mnh nrtorp him hark aimln to :
hi forni-T hwilih.wp f.l it lliusonrduty lojjivpour un
qn.ilit.t'd tpftimony t Mr. ilnvuV priWt rtnurry. !y
nipaiin of tlippurhiMTp ui-p of your wnlTt"ul rup: :.nd !
wp !.huM itKlcs d r joii-p it p mul-i tpn-auV th- iiiunMf
initmuirnte. of r- li f mi. I care to oihpra who m bp w
unl'Tiuiiatc a?; t Le iniilarly amirtnl
Jk. r. lU'mnjt. J.P- t
Ani kk lis an. iVpta'n of j
St.-nhikut Ualtiiiton. j
Jvssk Wats ix. j
Jas. T'lha-'.rtT. of tlip Va-h-
iiVtnn lltitrv-. Taou. f
J'Hi ILsM."l;lT.T. j
t'livi. lfciKL- Catainof
.arnl-nt Tmitssu,
Joskph II'. Al. Jr.,
MfcPIICS lal Kt.VM,
MvTnirWr Tom?,
Aixii VA?(iLi.t;lFT,Ruck
1nt.arpl nnlr W J. II. SCHKNCK. and f.r 1p t hi
IKi Ni'll'A L ohKICK, IIAKSiKAi:K MIUHNii.-i. N
W. rornrr 'f SI Til and CIUTM"T rtrfcU, aul by
lirmr-wtn spo rally.
I'niy $1 hL-r UtUp, or fix tt.I-n fT
OS .Ip a-nt iu LcwUburs-JOSI All UAKKR. 1y39l
Mifflinbufg, Union county, I'tim'a.
informs the citizen of
' .
L' n ion county, anil the public in general
mat he has IraseJ the above stand, tor many
years occupied by his Father, and is now pre
pared lo accommodate friends and the traveling
community in a manner acceptable to all.
Tbe HOI HE is large and roomy, well arran
ged in all its departments, ana every care will be
taken tn render his guests comfortable and happy.
Hi TABLE will always be furnished wilh the
choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the
matket can afford. The BAR will at all times
be attrndrd by careful persons, and none hut tbe
very best of liquor will be kept. Hi STABLES
are ample and convenient, and tbe OSTLEK
punctual and attentive.
In t-hort, he plrdgns nimself to entleavor lo
give general satisfaction to all, and hopes by
strict attention to business to merit aud receive
a liberal share of pntronace.
MiUlinburg, June 10, 1450
IIIEsubscriliersofTer ihe public, at :r
new Brick Foundry, the lo lowif ; i.. -.
and valunblc Sloves :
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stovts, waii
liritk Oven.
I. stir Washington Parlor fttove.
Cast Iron Air- Tight Parlor Stov,for Wood
2 sizet.
Coal Burner Tor Parlor I size, 12 inch cjl-
I.oui Air-Tight Cad Iron Tarlor Stove 2
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stova for Wood 3
Egg Stove the very best in use for Storee,
Uffices, Barrooms, and Shops.
The celebrated Genesee A ir-Tigbt Cook otove
Tbe Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
I'loughsCastinps. etc. &c.
Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
thai awful disease.
DR. FITCH'S Lecture on the Preven
tion and Cure ot Consumption.
This popular work for sale ia Lewisbtim
by S. F. Lyndall J. Houghton and al
this office. Pries, 7$ cents
THIS Level may be used in connection with
a ateel or other true square as a Leveling
aud Plumbing Instrument, the base line being
the level or horizontal line the opnght ed?e
of the niuare being the plumb t r perpendicu
lar line. .
This compact and accurate mtrnment is
adapted t every and any ose that the common
form of Level is serviceable in, ami is far su
perior in regard to accurateness, coinpactnes
and durability to any other in use, and r fc
,. h..ir thr nria. It mav be detached froui
the square aud used separately as a level or
carried in the pocket, not taking npmi.re room
than a common pocket kuife, thereby obviating
the necessity of carry itig annul Ihe cumbersome
article now in use. The Bubble iim-.I in lhee
instruments are warratiled not to evaporate T
burst from exposure l.i sudden change of at-
i . ....i, ii,.ee wiih the article
owHin the'market) bei.x made in the m..M
n. cfert m.inner. and filled wilh alcuhtil lull Ji
proof. In odcrinp this article to the pnhiic the ,
" ei r i . ..-. in ibe lianila of
inventor fceU ct.iifuleiil that 10 Hie nanus i ij
ever mechanic this toot Will speak for Itself; .
yet for the pnrpose nf showing the trade in
what estimation the instrument is held by those
who have tested its uterus, by putting
inM practical nse, he wnuld respectfully call
their attention to til accompanying cernf
icate, riven by some of the most scicntilic
mechanics in the l.'nilcd Stales:
We. the un.ler,(-ne.l. bavin-.- tested Sli'eman s newlv
lliveiu-d .-p lit l-vel and Plumb Attachm. nt t-.S-auare.
e.ii.,i'. r it niu- h suernsr tnanv otl rr n- liaoii al ;nliu
ment of like kio-l and use. a rc-acU durahiiitv. ou
l. tncssand nlil.tv. and Ir-rrfully r. o.innieu.l Ibe same
as mu--hpn-tVral.il-Wit'ieelom-v article at r.-sei t la use.
sKUiK k IM.r.bHH 1. l"-n Works. Iny 0.k.
mi. A. kit (NTiitMH. 'kir f Allan Vtoik).
WN Jr WFsT. ls:l smith Stn-eU
Jll.st Pit CtlnfT. MartiiineL
t1. i 'A Hl'fr NTt-ilt. t l.ief . f sc rr rederbili works.
AllVKW MILLS. Marbini.1. I'ry Hoik.
koliNLY p. I UtiAlt, Bui.der.
SAMt Kl.ll Vi.
(i. DAItlilNKii. Carpenter a Machine Pattern Malrr.
BW.For sale, Wh--sate at! I P.-a l. by
A. CL'MMINlsS, Iwishurp.
DR. II. .. II.tISwouU announce la
the ti:ii.ii ol l.cAi.-bure and vicinity thut
he has removed into iv..r.h Tbird alreet, in ibe
houee formerly occupied by Cail.Pabl.aliove the
(erinan Kelorined Chuirh. Thauklul f I the
lincral patronju'e hi'hrrtii received, be continues
lo nfler his profesaiuusl scuice to all who may
lesire them.
He practices medicine in accordance with Ihe
most approved systems of Medical Kelorm cive
no Calomel or Mercury in ny forti suJ hopes
to prove himself worthy ol the coi.tUence oi the
He kep on haul, for s.i!e, an exten-rve
Viirirlv of Tb-iuisonisn and other Wgelabie
Meiiicine-, for liic ue of .uch ru toiucia an may
desire them.
Ila is also prepared lo rirm and extract Teetii.
Lewi.buig, April 7, Ib.Y-
'. Commission and Forwarding House.
cam:, ;iksk, k co.,
Xo. 10, Spars WhitrJ ISALTlMoRE
t' 11. 1, receive and si ll. Fl.fH It. IIIMI.S al.d all laJiii.
cd LOlMbV I'll'dll K. anil a , j
Par.irn!ar attpntinn will hp triYpn t th'i Pranpli of thp
buMii-Htiliv Lt -Jii- W. II. tih-pp. .h w whole uitpii..n
will hp dPotfl to tlip a tip of I.um'ipr.and will orrui y un
office on tlie Fall X. es-jm-ialiy tor this n-v-. Mr.
iiiip"a lorur - p-r rfiirr andrej -nlaitonax a lirt rate "wIp-
man, U a iiiiarautr that U. hi;lvt urkrt -r.reJ w.!i ,
alwav hp nl.iainoil.
. ,ihTal lah advances ntaile B (': fri11n'
hut in no rv will thia li-use msk any auTai.v uut
thp I'r"lup rpfpitfJ. j
March ITvlWi VJ 4m- . 1
w. o. mckoK im R (
15 aud 0 Nonli l-'tmrtli Strt-ct, linn iJjttiy. i
iiiruTTiv & dock, j
Mwfoctunri rr ST.lTHrX I K V STEAM EXOIXtM
it i tn ll tin. ,c ricw.i-. J
VU everv description ul .5achii.it" Tix-N.
such 'Lathe. I'L.tiers ami uprii-ht 1 ill-. ;
rw Maud-Ills. Mill So-rve Vc m.i.lo l ord. r. j
l'ariicular ailention tiven lo I'ulnug li-ers i
1 inch to 'A let t iu dinuettr -l-ir-e and rin.U ;
f crews. Tap Ac.
t ienci.il M achine Wmh done piomplty and in :
the bea mintii-r. , '
For persons orh ritir; from u, we eiill ma? ;
sccuiate calculation of the slrennih. power ami j
speed f every variety ol niacliuicry. naJ maK
working drawinc-s of the sum in tbe rooel l-etect
ni inner. )ur Shop and Mat hiiirry are .NEW.
and leeiinit cotihdeiil ihai we can rentier ieil'.ct
saiisfaction we lespectlullv reiue-t our IrinuU
and ihe pult'ic to give us n c ill.
Cciinsbnrg f onnirn
rPIIE subscribers, thankful for pnsl
JL ronige, would inftirm tbe public that
Ibev continue lo mnnufrictiirc a!l kind- of
Mill Hearing ard other Castings. Thrashing
Machine, nd oiher articles of Machinery lepai
red in the best manner. Casting warranted to
be of i,ood material, and si prices that csn not
fail to please. t.EDUES &. MAU&ll.
Lenisbuig, Feb. 18". 1
CIOOKING Stirvis, r,f various pntierns
) and sizes, for Coal or Wood, lor sale
at the Lewiaburg Foundry bv
CJcdJes cV Marsh.
8 TO
Stoves, various pallerns, for oie at the
Lewtsburg Foundry. t,rdde t Marsh.
J' Mtll'S FitUut llanj: l'low,asupt
i ai!stlf, i ;- fBleat the IVwisliur;; I
i'ou.: iy Ceddcs St Marsh,
n UAIN or Sted Drills Koss' Pntent-
VjT rit cidf dlv tbe best and mot-t durable
tirain Da ill now in use, for sale at the Lewishurg
Foundry by lieddes A Marsh.
Ojpusitmn i the Life of Businest !
The cuhseribrr would respectfully inform lh
citizen of Lewisburg and lb traveling commun
ity generally, that he has opened a new Livery
and Exchange Stable on FOURTH street half a
square South of Market, and has provided a good
lot of Horses, with entirely new good and fash
ionable Carriage, Buggies, Sleigh. Ac. where all
wishing anything in bis line may be accommod
ated on the shortest notice snd most reasonable
term. He will pay rvery alien' iou lo the
want of bw customers, snd hopes by ao doing
to merit and receive a liberal share of public
palionage. WILLIAM MUOhE.
Lewisburg, Dec 30, 1 85 1
Hap or the State or California,
TEXAS, printed by 8. Aug'a Mitchell ia
1846, and psinied to correspond: with tbe boon.
darie filed by Coagreaw ia IHtt) fet J l th
Chfouicts o&ce, puc ZS cu.
Dr. John Locke,
OFFICE on Thud treet, corner opp,,,,
lb Uaruian Refurmed Ct orch.
Lewtelurn, Feb uary 34. leOi
1ITE now come lo the most imporiant
y erne of Ihe day, when th number of
those tOlictcd n taken into coasideranaa, a4
when it i reanenibt red that until the mtroduciK,,
of Ibis remedy it waa tbo'l impossible to rrsu,,
tbe disease without mecbanical wean and bv (
puiuful course ol treatment.
MunJutW L'terinc Vutholiaj
Is the dtsoi.very aad iavcnliow of Dr. Theo,k,r. r-,
id I tica, aa old aud eweeseful adiea! praenti,w. ('
p,-euliar emeaey was autrse-1.4 by uueanted wvHaJ
R.enU in a case of i'rit- u i tcrt wbia, ubdvr Ir-auZjI
.i I...., Tl u. ,""t
j "'ttZZZZ
j . jn and r. a-i.1 ei duratm -1 U
1' ' Kiei.iie, r- ,m .1, i. mm...
' kah ,.lto,
w - have sasa
ulkrias ia u
WK, b h-red u..vr tiedi--.wi!htie,.n,ir,,w
there w no cure, tb.l w s-el tba, mnlicUM alii.-,
u ,.,,. ,n inumai a..pit.iix.n.
pbysirian af ata- a eminence, afu-r exawiaiaa tk.
mede inc. ami olaa i vine i-SeftWts. r-aaarked that -
era bad sprung up in tie, lives of k-aaalcs. aau that S4
Ibey nn-ler-land in the Icasi dtrreetb. vntuev of u,.
me.lv. and the Inal-ili'y f tk" protewk a u, uH tmr
a-, lliey would n.-t b waeW lbetr money ia ii,.
lilt., nor ct suffer finaa the lortureof acwraliivdij..
Tbis Bie.livii:e is a e rta w ewre mr Prol.p.M i
fFalline of tbe Womb.1 Pn fu Iisrhar-rs aid 1-atahu
Mea.,rinttioo. Lucie,rriieea. vr Ubiies. aii .r aal r
tie- di-tieing CoriipUints iii'-klent bi F-maU-s.
A i-pce-al Pr.mtklel ie fuJ parLiuisrei tbaaarca
and vllerts of this aonderful medicine. ,
Da. T A II THOKM ON. .rri,.
7d!j4l7 Sole Agent lor l uiui cuuun'
IS now carripd oo a usual, at ihe upp,
end of .Market atrwt, where everv ot!.
cri.f inn of CASTINGS' kepi oa
hand or made lo order such as
T,e Complete, 0r
ConiiItlt luipriurl
I'fiiirg Fiuts
fnr r-iih r Coal ur
Wood and i,
other kinds ol
also PI.OUGIISofr-
' cnt kinds Cora I'louha, Bull I'louji.v,
1 aud the
I Self-Sharpening Plough,
a new itrtii aint whirh 'ran not le brst
: in rciinlvania. Call aud tc and juii,;
; for y rurt!ics.
I en::i?T v frk k.
' leeavWhuro, July 8,
I rjAj
11 E nndrrsicinerl rtililuilit-a the LIVE-
HV f.l SI.YESS at the Old Suo.!.
m INorth Ihird f.t near iwaiket. m
rrspei-tliilly solii-it.- li.r pairoiiaye ol Li
friruds and the pi.bltr cenerally.
Iw-Kburg, May '22,
7 3iIlArj?12S
Tai lirt Street, Is.vi'" org, To"
rain Drill
j ki nJrj
W it iriii
'I'HK uiiilt-reii ncd wih tu infurm ft
L luntiiiicj rutiiiiiufiity grneiully, thai
tbey arc now nuiuufacliirlii:' f ;
J. '. nOSS X.,rJ; IntpmrrJ CRMS-
I Without stopping to disruss the com.am-1
f Ii- infrils of iiumerous Ilrill now tiirered f
j ft-r sale, l hey iin iclv wiih lo invite Far- f '.
i i-rs In cull and see lh? nbovr named artice ,-
before purchasing Ise where, feelifi; confi- i
tit'M that they can furnish on article thai ?
will jifve entire sntisfirlinn. ''
Leib-jro Foundry, Aug. IU, l5ot). :
. ITiS A FACT, '
ONE eeif-rvidt-nr, and worthy ot t vrrr -
consideration, tbut no Millt rran iim . ;
Hood clftiii fltiur without he ha g0tl c!co - -
wheat. I suppose you wish to knoar the '
remedy. I tell tr-u it ia lo eel me of i. "
ifTgitresser's ll'hrat Scourers, or S.rnU : v "
.M.it liirif-s. lie beini! an old, piatiirjl aci i
experirnced Millwright ha itiveutcJ, g ! .
up and t ut in successful r(ieraiion ibe U
Wheat Scourer now in use. Any per-'" ;
ordering a machine and afterwards fintiiUJ.
that it dot s nt-t prove to operate as reprf-
sented, there shall be no sale, as thf-se nv-1
chines are lo be warranted good. Furlht: - -
recommenniitions are thought unnecessnrt
He is now bavin-; a supply made at Lewi)
burg, by tVessrs. Geddes i JIjrh. Orden
for machined, or hjtters of imjuiry, will i
promptly atlt-ntied to. Machines will i' r
sent and put to all order. Address i
Lewishtirtv, l.'nioi. Co. Pa. 3d ;
JFruit ann !
The subscriber offers for sale larcil
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such I
I. - a .
appic trees,? to iu iet Dien.40 varietifxT
all warranled genuine Peach trees,
arieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectariof. I
Prune and Pear trees, together with sotrv
6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vinas of the be
native and exotic varieties. Ornamen"
Trees, such as the Panlonia, Linden,
Pi. li. Persons wishinz lo nrocurs
fuantiiy of the Fruit trees, a re requestf1
make imrnediate application to the subscri
ber, id order to procure lbs vartees srn
t,ir.e wanted. II. R. HULL
LewUburg, March 4, 1850.