Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, August 13, 1852, Image 3

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tmhx Cjirnnirlc.
X. O. KlcroZ, Editor. O. W. WOBDEN, Printsr.
At 1 SO cash la adrauua, $T.JS in three nrooths. r
witbia the rear, uiI $J,5 it th end of the year.
Agente ia Philadelphia V D Palmer and K WJSI.
Friday MoRxixfVJj
A"TwrBPIE'IllEieTJtor. A.lminMrntors. PoUie
j,a .11 who wifh to procurr or to
MecU Lioald d well to ie notice of the
"soo-land incremne'rcil.tHn in acrmmumty c,.ntaj
SiSTa lue a proportion uf arttw. vent proJucer..
waJuMer., and JeaUr., a any other in the State.
cgThe clear and conclusive opinion of
Chief Justice IllacV, in the Railroad case,
will be found on the first page. We al.-to
pu'ol Vn a notice of a recent judicial decis-i n
in Ohio in reference to county subscrip
tions, which we give simply as an illustra-
tion of the sul jectj and not lcause there
is any doubt as to the constitutionality ot
4i. l ..,W wl.ii h our Commissioners
acted, or any uncertainty or inefficiency
in the Uzal remedies for any failurs in the
performance of a plainjofficial duty.
jgrWe learn that Police officers from
Philadelphia succeeded, on Monday last,
near Turbutsville, Northumberland coun
ty, in arresting Dr. Giltncr, one of a band
of counterfeiters, that infested that neigh
borhood for some time past. The officers
came upon them at the house of Giltner,
while in"thc act of manufacturing money.
Giltncr was not taken until after being
lUG l "
wounded by a rifle shot. The rest, we
understand managed to make their escape.
Dies, plates, and a large quantity of coun
terfeit money, were found on the premises.
SWe are requested to state that Rev.
Dr. Dowi.lSOjOf Philadelphia, will preach
the Annual Sermon before the Society for
Moral Inquiry, on next Sabbath afternoon,
iu place of Rev. E. 31. Lew, who can
not be here.
.Thc Musical World, and The Mu
sical Times are united, and will, hence
forth, be issued vrel.ly, by Dyer & Willis,
in advance. Richard htorrs lllis, one j
the beat musical scholars in America, wili I
devote his whole attention to The Musical
World &, Times. '
,Vc learn from various pcr.-nus that
looe the New Berlin meeting a marked
change f public sentiment has taken
place in nearly all parts of the county
ia reference to the Susquehanna road, and
large Lumbers influential of men, who were
before hostile, owing to falsehoods whieh
bad been imposed upon them, aro fTow
satisfied on the subject, and have become
he firm friends of the road, and cheerfully
icrt their influence to maintain a souud
public opiuiou on the subject As an il
lustration, we may state, that a radical
and lead'iug Democrat, of Limestone town
ship, who acted agrinst the roa 1 at New
Berlin, assured us, yesterday, that in his
neighborhood tliey were now nearly all in
favor of the road, and he addc-1, " I be.-
licve if we had it te do over again, at New
B crliti, the vote wowld be in favor of the '
rJ, instead of against it."
This progr-siiig change iu public opinion,
ii no ninre thau might naturally be es-
pcted. 1-or, altliougli a community may
be, as in this case, imposed, upon an-J mif
M for a time, by gross and unblushing
B.Lareprcsentations, the success c!
niovcmeut ends with
the discovery of
the fraud : nnd wcll-mcamnz ana sensiun
: :
people, can not be arrayed for any great j, tLe sul joet was before the Legisla-
l'-ngtk of time, by such means, ag.inst ,nre . tbc pUl,lic attention was specially
their own true and substantial interests, greeted to it by Gov. Bigler's judicious
- - TTITT- : and discriminating Veto Muaeae, which
Kt A large number of visitors in town, i o , . .
j . i . .1 . ...,- 'prudeutly confined the general principle
is anticipated next weck.at the Commence- , i J , , .
met exercises. The Hotels, and the more 'tl'ln narrow anJ saf,i lln'"s J ?ct ,n
immediate friends of tbe Institution, can ne. not of diHati-faction
nit well accommodate all those ; and we ! was beard n, olJcct'on, made bJ an
confidently appeal to the Christian kind-1 "ilU'ia the Commouwealtli,
pen nd the enlarged hospitality of our nor a single remonstrance sent to Ilarris-eitir-cnf,
to make pleasant the visit of stran- LurS aS'Bst llie enactment or approval of
grrs who may honor the town by their at-11'0 'aw'
. j n u . . I The matter then became a subject of
tendance. All who can entertain fitrangers, , , ,
. ,. , ... ..... 1 discussion among the people of tha county.
are requested to leave their namos with tbe f 1 f
'resident or cither of the IVjfessors of i
the University, this week.
We learn that a most cowardly assault I
was made snnie days since, at tbe "Stone
Tavern," between this place and McEw-
ensville, npo Mr. Sbroat. a gentleman
engaged in that neighborhood in the manu
facture of Sarsapurilbi, by three wen,
who so beat and bruised bim that it is
feared he will not recover. We have not
the particulars, but are informed that the
principal weapons used by tbe cowardly
assailants, were atones, with which they
borrilly cut and bruised Mr. Sbroat, and j
seriously injured his skull. The three
men were arrested, but aro now at large,
on bail of $1000 each. Hinncy Luminary.
Brevet Colonel Samuel Cooper, Assis
tant Adjutant General, has been placed
in charge of tbe Adjutant General's
office, Washington, by a general order,
dated the 26th ult
BLat week'a Unto Timet did not
mve aa msaal ia this part of the eoun
ty, but oa Monday a copy acciden
tally found ita way bcre from Mifflinburg
which explained the mystery, for it prored
too foully false and obscene to be even fit
for a geDtlemin'i private use as waste
The Rqradiators meeting.
VTe had intended publishing the pro
ceedings of this part of the doings at New
Berlin ; but on looking over what purports
to be the official account in the Timet, we
find it so full of wholesale and monstrous
falsehoods that we decline imposing upon
our readers by inserting it in ottr eolnmm
It seems they did cot dara to put hi print
all the resolutions that were offered and
passed, as they savored altogether too much
of recklcsCTics and briuistona-for the pub
lic eye. Most of Jtioee which do appear
are mere leather and pruuella. and have
already been before the public. The most
important ore the two following, whieh
were offered by John Swiiieford, E.sc?.:
Resolved, That the citizens of Union
county are a law-loving and law-abiding
people, but when unjust acts are passed,
incompatible with and antagonistic of our
free institutions, we consider it our right
Und duty constitutionally to oppose such
Kesohcd, That wc view t lie act ef As
lit . .
sembly passed lately by our Legislature,
sanctioned. by the Governor and carried in
to effect by our Commissioners, vesting
power in them, without the coneut of the
people, to subscribe stock to the Suque
liainia Railroad Company, as anti-republi
can in principle and detail, and that we
will resut the payment of S00,000 sub,
scribed by our Comrciiseioners upon the
ground that the subscription was fraudu
lently obtained.
Interpreting these resolutions by the
light of the speech made upon the occasion
by the heroic Whiskey Inspector, we pre
sume some of the ': constitutional
means i
of opposition, there referred to, are i.rmed
, . , ., . .,
mobs to break open the county jail ; fiir -
' ....
cible resistance to a constitutional law of
the land) lawless violence; nullification
and treason all done too, nnder the
character of " law loving and law abiding
people." and in tbe wnv of " constitutional-
ly" cipressing their sentiments. Judging
by the same standard, it would also ecem '
P-"" Ulmr " ""-mi-
tional " means, are falsehood and misre-
presentation to any amount that can be
palmed upon the community. Wc know
many rresect at that meetinjr will revolt
1 1-1 , . t, ... .
M - "" " '" " :
L7 lia ia tliC Injector their mouth-'
piece and l.K leader, they are conclu'led by , 4cr Middleswarili, Charles Penny, Michael
his opinions, and Lomid in good faith j Brown, Gideon Leiscniing, David tspitler,
to consummate his programme of battle,! William Wilson, Joseph Chambers, and hua
and participate to the foil in the glory and dri'd' of others, of like character and standing
tl, ,!,, of l.w .l trMann.-.l.Io!rru,D al"losl everv township and School dis-
. j
ci uaue.
With what propriety and consistency
professed Demncrats, both lay and official,
can deliberately volunteer sweeping and
unmerited censure upon the State Admi
nistration and the Legislature, we leave
to judgment of the mass of the party, and
to the " powers that be." They may per
haps cut the Gordian knot, as the only
practicable method of solving the difficul
ty. We see no other way of escape.
But when a body of nisn, many of them
claiming to be persons of respectability
and character, publicly resolve that they
will resist the payment of the eubscrip-
tion oa tU groun j tjlut it wa9 fraudu
icnly obtained," tncy as
spoiMity from
assatne a grave re-
iiich their fellow
citizens who are thus inir.lu-at.id will not
jjjj uffwr theni t0 eseapei Wc pro-
nouuee thj charge of fraud in obtaining
tIlc. counf v subscription to be a base libel.
;r!Cre were no misrepresentations, and
! ti,cre -as I10 fraU(i in tlie transaction.
i'lhc law was under discussion iu the
Legislature for some six weeks before it
was finally acted upon ; it was well known
. . r ..... . .
attended, were held at the county scat and
iu this place, at which numerous speeches
were made, and strong resolutions unani-
inously adopted in favor of a County Sab-
scription ; committees of rejponsibie and
respectable gentlemen appointed to confer
with the County Commissioners ; and all
these proceedings published in the papers
at New Berlin and Lewisburg, warmly and
repeatedly endorsed in the Editorial col
umns and by coi respondents, and scattered
broadcast over the county, ia both German
and English ; yet, as in the else of the law
itself, scarce a murmur was beard, or any
audible expression of dissatisfaction what
ever The Commissioner were called up
on by different delegations, at different
times; the subject fairly and honestly hid
before them in its full merits; and in com
pliance with the published requests of large
portions of the people of tbe county, and
the implied consent of those who, with
full knowledge of these circumstances,
maintained a profound silence, a majority
of the Commissioners discharged the re
gponsibility which tbe law had devolved
upon them, by making the desired sub
scription. They did not act with preeipi
tate rashness, but only after public discus
sion and careful deliberation ; and, with
an enlightened regard for the ultimate in-
tcresta of their constituents, the contract
they did execute was remarkably cautious
and guarded in its terms, so as to ennre
to the direct and special benefit of the
county, in many important particulars, or
else be null and void.
Tct no sooner was this done, than the
Swiss merceuary of the Timet who, in
his double capacity of Editor and Commit
teeman, had urged the subscription antrl
Got. liigler's Whiskey Inspector, who
bad taken one hundred and fifty dollars in
the stock of the Company, set them
selves to work, by systematic dcfauiatioa
and falsehood that has seldom been paral
leled, to turn the county, up side down,
nullify by force of arms, if needs be
the law and the contract, and frustrate, if
possible, a public improvement, of more
j vital importance to the interests of the
couufj than any similar enterprise that has
yet been, or is likely hereafter to be pro
jected all too, to gratify a reckless pro
pensity for mischief, and inanufiittuie a
homeopathic dose of political capital, for
some two or three infiuitesintally small pol
iticians. And this meeting is made to
play second fiddle to their intrigues, and.
ia the face of notorious evidence to th.'
contrary, falsely prefer a charge of fraud
in procur.ng tbe subscript in.
For the Lewisbarg Chronicle.
Ma. EntToa The "Union Times" of the
5lh ins!., in obscenity and scurrility exceeds
anything I have ever seen in any decent or
Christian community. Not content with slan
dering and defaming individuals by name, it
undertake to huh! up the people of our Ho
ro,,h' and ,llis e",,re neighborhood as "a
i scan- ";i!!-: cmw .!." "dandy rulfians," ' hired
,, .-. , ' ',
lu.i.c, "lj'A:ibur rnwoie. and other
hilict epi., C!i :lej t.m ,jie ,afc.s, etllIion
, 0f Billingsgate vocabulary. Who are the
j men that are thus denounced aiid villified
J Who are these out-laws and scape-gallows
i '"""dies tat are thus held u; to public scorn
and comeiupt in llie puMic newspapers ! They
are such men as John Gundy, Jonathan Wolfe,
Berryhiil Bell, Daniel KaulTman, Henry W.
Frie, Daniel Rangier, James WCreigln, .
j C. Meyer, Robert Candor. S. F. I.yudall, Win.
! Simonion, Ym. Cameron, Joseph Klcckner,
' Thomas Hayes, James Madden, John Walls,
1Ma'k Halfpenny. eo. W. Anderson, C. D.
Kline, Michal Brown. Henry High, Hubert H,
Laird, Messrs. Tawlev. David 8wenk. Samuel
Pawin, Jaoes p Ro 1Unry w. svderi
trict in the county ; and because these men
liave the uuduc iy to be in favor of making a
railroad to improve and enrich the whole
couaiy, and facilitate business and travel; and
the great rfirunttry to differ from Messrs.
Slcnkcr, Barber, and Shriner, in regard to this
matter, they are to be held up by their hireling
new.-paper as "ruffians," "rowdies," " bullies,"
and a "scape-sallows crowd." and in terms
which outrage all ideas of decency and pro
priety so much so, that no man of any pre
tensions to morality and respectability, would
permit a sheet so filled and freighted with vul
garity and obscenity, to be placed in the hands
of his wife or daughter.
Baum's eicnse is that he is paid for pub
lishing these things, and that "no man hath
hired " him on the other side ! The authors,
concocters, and dictators of these filthy and
and obscure tirades against the bfst and most
worthy rrfn of our county, are Charles Shri
ner and his two New Berlin factotums, John
Swincford J'rothonctary expectant and a
late importation or straggler from the land of
pumpkins, named Aaron C. Fisher. This is
the trio who have st themselves up as the
supreme dictators to the people of this coun
ty; and tCose whom they can not gull and de
ceive, are determined to slander and defame.
Verily they shall have their reward.
Tor tht Lewlsburc Chronicle.
M. Eniron On Friday last as the Whis
key Inspector was coming up from Philadel
phia in the cars, between Lancaster and Har
risburg, he got talking very largely and loudly
about the New Berlin meeting and stated,
amongst other things, " that a party of rowdies
and bullies from Lewisburg, sent over for the
purpose, had come there to disturb the meeting;
but we knocked down and dragged out about
a doxen of Ihem, and went on with the mee
ting!" "But the fun of the thing was, I get
Isaac Slenker into it I"
That is, the whole affair was confessedly a
humbug, and in addition to a large number of
well meaning, but uninformed persons whom
he had imposed npon, be had succeeded in
gutling so worthy and respectable a gentleman
as Mr Slenker. Now the above incident is a
fact ; I have it direct from an unimpeachable
witness. And it is not calculated to lessen the
regret of Ihe hosts of Mr. Slcnker's friends,
who were astonished and mortified on that day
to see him occupying a position so unworthy
bis standing and character,
Saaimry k Eiio lUllrsad.
Dr. W. A. Irvine, one of tho Directors
of the Sunbury & Eric Railroad Company,
informs us that engineers nre expected to
bo at Erie next week to begin a survey.
Tbe feeling in Philadelphia is strong for
tbe road, but they will not subscribe at
present, or till there is a chango in the di
rection. The extension is unpopular and
it will have to be abandoned. There is no
doabt but Philadelphia will subscribe tbe
required amount when affairs are satisfac
torily arranged. Warren Mail.
Aitstkama. The latest Australian ac
counts via London, brought by the Her
man, report tho further shipment and re
ceipt in England of 120,000 of gold
dust, and they add that the general esti
mate of the annual produce of the new
mines ia equal to 7,500,000, or 37,-
County Subscription.
We published a few days since tlta de
cision of the Supreme-. Court of Ohio in
the ease of Clinton Co., affirming the va
lidity of the Bonds issued to the Cincin
nati, Wilmington and Zanesville Railroad
Company for sukscriptien to Its stock, and
granting a mandamus to the Commissioners
of that County requiring them to issue tha
Bonds. This decision bears with equal
force upon the Bonds of Pickaway Co.,
Fairfield Co. and Fayette Co. issued to the
same Company and offered for sale by
Messrs. Delano, Dunlevy A Co., No. 18
Wall st. It is justly remarked in regard
to thc!c Inmiii, that if the Courts Lave
power to eompel the officers of the County
to issue those Bonds, and give them to the
public, they certainly have power to com
pel the officers to assess and collect the
tax, to pay interest and principal ; and as
thy tax is collected by the same officer
who collects the State and County tax, for
other t! jcts, it ia impossible for one to be
collected without the other. Tbe power,
therefore, to eoorce payment of interest
and principal is so ample and summary,
and the security so abundant, that these
Bonds, when understood, must be regarded
as equal to the very best State eeeurities,
There is one important advautage possessed
byjhe holder of a County which does not
exist iu the holder of a State Bond. In
the former case, in default of payment, the
creditor can appeal to the law and enforce
payment, but in the case of a State he
must depeud entirely upon the faith of
the State ami the tardy movement! of
Legislatures fur his relief. X. Y. Tribune,
Any. 3.
England and the United States.
Some people are afraid that England
and the United States will go to war about
the right to catch codfish; and thus expend
as much money in one year as the fi-h are
worth in twenty, to say nothing of the
loss of life, the misery and suffering which
cau notbe estimated. The Statesmen of
these countries are not such f jois. Eng
land the United States have better busi
ness their misniuu is of quite a different
character. For them to fight would be
just as wise as for a fuller and soa to en
gage in fisticuffs, about some trifle, when
there were a dozen blackguards standing
by ready to rob aud beat either, or both.
Let the great Anglo-Saxon race rem iiu
firm iu their attachment to the principles
of the revolution of 1CS8 civil freedom
religious liberty. Let no trifling cause
serve to alienate them from each other.
They can not afford to gratify the despots
of Europe so much as to quarrel. Their
cannon and bayonets will be wanted, some
day God grant it may not be far distant
to give liberty to the world. The storm
of a revolution must clear the atmosphere
of Europe, and effete institutions, civil and
religious, must crumble t) dust. If the
tree of liberty must be watered by the
blood of tyrants let it be shed. The tears
of suffering hnuiany have been flowing long
enough wrong has triumphed over tue
right until the hour for a change has come.
Aud when the storm breaks forth again
let there be a republic in Europe creu if
it is red. The mechanics of the coutinent
and the crushed laborers, have probably
skill enough left to make a guillotine, and
there are plenty of necks iu Europe that
are fit for nothing else. When that time
comes they will make clean work and if
Russia is to be fouht back and told to
stand still and show fair play, we hope
England and the Unitsd States will do it.
Berk t Shil1iiiU Juurn'iL
Lcsus Natvr.b. A very remarkable
freak of nature has just fallen under our
observation. Capt. Jocph Lovell of this
city, bad a hen of tho common kind,
which had grown so heavy and unwieldy
as to be unable to gut about, and it was
concluded to kill her. This being doce,
thero were taken out of her thirteen eggs ;
nine of them whole, acd four which were
broken by throwing her down on the
ground when she was killed. The nine
igj;8 weighed two pound and a half, and
tho other four appeared to have been
equally large. If eo, tbe whole Would
have weighed three pounds and ten oun
ces ! One of the eggs weighed six
uunces another five and a half ounces,
and the whole averaged over a quarter of
a pound each. The largest were nearly
the siw of a goose's egg Worcexter tyjr.
Mattnias Skupinsfci, who was convicted
son.0 time since of the murder of the boy
Lehman, in Philadelphia coun'y, was
executed on Friday lst He declared
while en the gsllows, only a few moments
before he fell. " I am innocent, I did not
deserve the death, at least for the crime I
am charged, and was tried for, gailty or
not guilty, I am prepared to die."
Several statements have appeared in
some of the papers, purporting to be con
fessions, by Matthias, of his connection
with the murder of Lehman, and also
with numerous other murders in this coun
try and in Europe, but all of them were
subseanentTy disavowed by him. His
conduct has certainly been rery strange.
Of his guilt in the murder of Lehman,
there was no doubt.
ChambersbcbO, Pa., Ang. 6. The
cholera has broken out in this place, and
several deaths hare occurred daring y eater
, day and to-day. Much alarm prevails.
tf .
Bcvtreod Sr. Clark.
. In ottr last number, the resignation of
this gentleman of tbe Presidency of Wash
ington College was announced.
As Dr. Clark ia about to return to the
Ewt, we feel it justly due to him, to say
of him, that our citizens, especially those
most intimate with him, estimate. Lis many
virtues as a man, Lis gentle and fervent
christian piety, his talents and extensive
scholarship and learning as a Divine and
Scholar. These eminent qualities and
qualifications are demanded elsewhere,
under circumstauces gratifying to bim, and
b.j doubt, will be profitable to all to whom
be may preach the Gospel.
His relations with the Trustees and
Faculty have been of the most cordial
kind, and we doubt not tbe gentlemen com
posing those Boards, will part with Dr.
Clark with many regrets. As a citizen
among ns he bad become exceedingly pop
ular, and the community will seriously
feel the loss of his society. He will bear
away with him the kindest regards of all,
and an ardent wish for his future welfare,
prosperity, and usefulness. Wasldngton
Singular Casb of Somnambulism.
Early on Thursday morning, a little girl
about six or eight years of age, daughter
of a Mr. Ycasle, residing near the corner
of Fourth and C streets, South Boston,
arose in her sleep, succeeded in effecting
her escape from the house without
awakening any of the inmates, and wan
dered away some 60 or 80 rods, being all
time under the influence of somnambulic
sleep or trance, the rain in the meantime
pouring in torrents. As might be sup
posed, her thin night clothing afforded
poor protection, and was soon drenched
through, and her hair hung in heavy wet
maws rencJ her face. In this sad plight,
and near a quarter cf a vile from home,
she awoke. Her cries bronchi the watch
men to her assistance, bnt she could give
no account of herself, and still kept up
her piercing criesa rousing many in the
neighborhood. Finally, watchman Wil
liston recognized her, and she was taken
to her home. With some little difficulty
the parents were sufficiently aroused to
comprehend the sad plight of their child,
when the mother explained the occurrence
by stating that the child was in the habit
of walking in her sleep. The watchmen
departed, somewhat amused at the inci
dent, while the parents, as may be sup
posed, were lavish in their care and atten
tion to tbe wet and chilled little wan
derer. Bstnn Journal.
Ye notice id the recent arrivals at
Kanesville, Mo., from California by the
overland route, the name of John Lawshe,
formerly of Jersey Shore, in this County.
The Company, with which he returned,
Icf, Shasta Valley on the 17th of May,
having made the trip in fifty-four days.
They met first emigrants from the States,
at Goose Creek, near Thousand Spring
Valley, all Well, and teams tliongh a little
thin, in good heart. Grass was plenty,
and but. little sickness on the north side of
the Platte. Jfunry Luminary.
The 8uprerue Court of Sew Hampshire
has decided that the passage of letters be
tween unmarried parties ladies and gen
tlemen it equivalent to a promise of
Krt Carolina Election.
Wilmisbtox, Ang. 10. There is no
longer any doubt of the electio of Rcid,
Pom., for Governor. His majority will
probably exceed 4000.
The Legislature will most lively have a
small Whig niajojity.
ChamBerpiiuro, Fa.j Aug. 9. There
have been 19 deaths here daring the past
three weeks from what physicians prtnonnee
to be cholera. Three colcrod persons died
of it yesterday, and four new eases have
been reported this morning, all colored.
A correspondent of the Ohio Cultivator
vouches for the merit of the following rc'
cipe for making vinegar : Take aud mix
one quart of molasses, three gallons of
rain water, and one pint of yeast; Let it
ferment and stand for four weeks, and you
will have the best of vinegar:
Hon. Thomas II. Bentcx, has been
elected to Congress at the recent election
in Missouri. The coantry Will rejoice that
"Old Bullion" is again to take a position
in the halls of Congress. lie is one of
the ablest men in the Union.
Hon. Robert KantonI, member of Con
gress from Massachusetts, died in Wash
ington, on Sunday last.-
In Northumberland, Aug. 9th, Mrs. Ass
E. Runt, daughter of John Friclt, late of
.Northumberland, deceased, aged 29 years, 5
months, 9 days.
flHE- Northern Temperance Convention
will meet at Milton on Wednesday ihe
2jih insx. al 1 1 o'clock, A. M-, in Ihe Presby
terian Church. Clergyman of every denomi
nation, and all friends of the cause, are soli
cited to attend, as matters of great importance
to tbe advancement of the cause al this par
ticular crisis wili be submitted 10 the Conven
Milton, Ang 5 . Committee nf nangtmenlt.
EVT DHE8 GOODS, Mualin.de Bar
II received la-day ;
; and mar
and more dry goods, die.
to- morrow. I us 1 a
Auftlut 13.,
University at Lewisbnrg.
Scxmr, Ac. IS 2'J 'dork. P. M. Asaoal ffc-rnxm
Vin Snfirty nf Innuirv, J r.
B'lWUNO, nf Philadelphia.
Homkl, " 104 eVhv. P. M. Annas! Motto nf
thu bVmmt nf Curator.
7)4 !, P. M. aaairariarj ef flw
M7 of Alumni
i. M. LIN, of l-rwUrwr. Onttr.
UKO. O. 1UK. of Philadelphia, PueL
Trnuv, " IT o'H.k. a M. Muling of Board of
2 o'Hnrk. P M. Annnal Jfrting of Pa-
Kaptist Eaoratioa Soritjr.
8'$ o'thx-k A.Mmp WT
i n' lurk Anmwvarv of th Thta
Alpha ami Kn'rta life-ran S-ti.-a.
t.t IWK.W.M hettrr.i'a-fMlAf.
H. r. TATLOK, I hkars I , int
Wuiia'r," IS 1 nVlnrk. A. II. nntamant
Oku. W". ANDERSOM. Sw'j yt tin. Canity.
SCHOOL WASTED, (laataiATiiv.)
BY a yo ine man accustomed lo teaching,
and wtm frets competent to instruct in Ihe
tJummon and Higher branches of rduealion, I
eiihrr a Lonimnn or a Select School.
Reference given if desired. Inquire at the
Chrvniclt office. Aug 5 1"5J
$10.00 REWARD.
4 NY peron finding and delivering tip a
I Pockat B.olf, lost this morning between
Sliizer's and Moat's taverns, containing 1150.00
in five dollar bills on Delaware City Bank,
and a few dollars ia specie, will receive the
above reward. J. C. ROOKK & CO
Berlin Iron Works. July S8, 1852
Sll A D in i Bbls. and No. 3 M ACKAREL
just received by
GROCERIES A lot just landed for
IJRINTS, bleached and unWeachd Muslins,
X very cneap oy nttrMKK ot uu
2f01TLR Kettles, 32 ami 36 trail, by
1JKI.ME Vinegar for sale bv
To the Traveling Public.
First Clntt ll)hl-Ttrm $1.50 yr day.
rrsHE subscriber having Iaiely become pro
I functor of the FHANhLlS llDl'sF.
Ciipsinnl Street, below 3d and 4:h. PHILA
DELPHIA, and bavin? reHueei the vriee of
lard) $1.50 ptf day, gives notice that, not-
withtanding this reduction he will still cod-
inne to keep a FIRST CLASS HOUSE.
Franklin Honse has jus! undergone exten
ded alterations and is ow fined un and re
furnished in superior stvle for the reception
of visiUTs. The Irfiwrr Flcor formerly occu
pied by stores, is now included in ihe Ihe
Hotel, forming a spacinns Reception Room,
lirniiemen's Parlor and Dining R.Hm. thereby
allow ing an addition c.f thirty chambers and
several beautiful parlors fronting Chestnut
street Roms in this Hotel are superior to
most others, being constructed with alcoves,
forming parlor and bed-chamber aitached,
well lisliled and ventilated. Its location, is un
surpassed, eiiher for business or pleasnre.
ut..v h. v UOLMA.V Prop'r,
nr. Thornton & Christ,
Wholesale & Ketail Drujnnsts,
Leteinburg, Pa.
OFFER to their friends and the public a
large and well selected stock of
eals. Ground Hpices, (warranted pure.)
Taints, Oils, Varnishes, Dve Staffs of the
very best quality in the market ; Liking-Glass
Plates and Window Glass
of all sizes; the most popular
Ptit MmiriKEH of the day;
together wnh a complete as
sortment of Hair, Tooih.
Nail; Shaving, Comb. Cloth,
Flesh. Paint. Varnish,White-wah
and Shoe BRI'sHES. Dressingand
Graining Combs. Fancy Soaps, Sha
ving Creams, Pomade, Ox Marrow. Ex
tracts and Perfumarv of all kinds, maan-
faciured bv Jules Haiiel.X. Bazin and others.
Also a well selected slock of Ladies and 1
Gentlemen's FA.VCY NOTIONS, such as !
Sieel Clasps for Bags and Purses, Twist, Steel I
rrirtf:. Purse Hint's ; Bristol Board. Zerhvr.
i rorcriei ieedfe. tc, fort Monaies, Kazors,
Razor Sirops, Knives; Seear Cases. Cards.
Card Cases. Note Paper. Envelopes, Ae.
NITS, FRL'ITS, Confectionary, Fishing
Tackle, 4c.
And a varietv of other articles too Enmerons
to mention. Give us a call, and jud;e for
yourselves we charge nothing for looking
Remember the Mammoth Dm Store!
r.tlXTISG antl C1I4IR V4KIXG.
HAVING bought the shop, ma
terials, and good will, lately of 1
Jnn IIiktx, at Ihe npper end of
Market Si, the subscriber is now
prepared to execute work in his
with care, correctness, and despatch. As he
has had a good training in the business, both
in Danville and in Lewisburg, he is confident
that he can do good work, and hopes to re
ceive a liberal share of patronage and pay.
timers respecltully solicited and good
work done at fair prices hr the public's ser
vant m please JOHN B. CUTLER.
Lewisburg. July, 185
th Susquehanna rail-road
Extt-mled to Mlflllnburg 1 1
VNI) terminatint! for the present in the New
Store o' IJ. II. Rel (Room l.Mw
occupird by Anit 4 AleneJt) who hia arrived in
ins tirat train nt h a large, well selected stock of
elected with great ft re is In quality, style ami
puce, in tea e:ty 01 I'tnUdVlphia.
AMERICAN COODs hfch will sire better nthtar
Ua loan, an j at (ha same price of suix EbkHhb, tn-nrk
or spy ether same araoeg then. BIraraed ajitt nrowa
Ssretlnc Drill Iocs, CnttonaoVs, Octow Xaniaieres
Jrans, CMrkx. BrwJ cnjigbaais hast fartaetorvd PriaA
Drlalaes Clth, Camrmem, CaManatta,Twita Lining!)
riannels, Table Diapers, Rueirrj of Mrs atost etortaasial
kind. - ' " -" t C ' - . ' .
FKEVrn CfODS-rixt VKnan CWb odCarrhireJ
Una. Gluthamii. Bwvg-s. Bonhuisais Hilt GnorK 8Wfc
tlanlina and Edfriaca, Jafmi-t. Thread, Lscrsl Ronirry,
IrUh sad Qtrasii uVb, to. ' -
Cethm, Taa, SJirrrs, Snirar, MnlaMra, Rks, Cheese,
Crackers. Soap, Gaodlas, Tohon-o, trrTt, io.
Also Ilard'care, Qveeutrcnrf, Cedjrieare,
oott and Shoes, Hntr,
(Tnotirellse, Parasols. Brothee, Drootnn and other
articles Of Msrchmdixe needed here, all n which
will ha aaM at prices so row as lo astonish par.
ehssets. - Ci'ae tht new Mtrthont a fair trial I
t7Grin and Pfoajuca of all ainds wanted ia
sicbsnge and lha highest amket prices paid.
MiflKoborf, Msy , 185
ft T. A. . THORNTON, has riiis 1st
day nf Jul?, IC63. assoeiate-l with hira
HEUUOKE M. CHKKr, nnder tl.e arm of
lr. Ta-aanTa A C'aaiar, for Ihe mnsact'oa"'
ft a general Drug, Chemtcaf and Mu.eral
Water basiness, die. Ae. tee..
Lewisbar?, July 26, 1853
THE subscribers having received the"
eney for the sale of Pine Oil, Alcohol,
PatenJ Bornmg Fluid, Lamps and Vme
rar. are prepared In setl them al Phila
delphia wholesale prices, with only the
addition of the aoal freight to this
place they are warranted rVesh and
pure, and csn he famished by Ike Lar
t rel or smaller oiiantrftes.
W koUtak mid JUtail VruggitU.
Lewisbnrp. Pa
r F. ha fined np Mm hrrga and
cominwlfoua aulnon in Ffica'a naw build
ing near the romer of Third aud Market at'ma.
m ta'teful and elfaan tt le, and is prepared at
all nrno lo lurnrab aery variety of rkh.ilcliKht
lol and charmingly fls.ored JQ (gSAj
not lq be ur panned in genaiua quanta. Alau
Mineral Water, and a choic variety of Cake.
Q-Joat received a aupyry of Pickles and Pirklail
Lobster and Oyaters.
Parlies and pruate famine vupplisd at lb)
ahorteal notice and on liberal terms.
A call Iron his friends and lb pubta
ally is respectfully solicited.
Levtsbo'g, -oly 9, 18.) 2
Important to Farmer t and 11 mnelerfert f
IN all former time it was (opposed that a bra
quantity of rider eould be made onls bv nainaf
a ponderous marhine, that slowly crashed tba
apple wit boot (rinding ibern fine. They war
then made into a maaave cheese in straw, and
most revers and l.uig pressor waa required
exiract a portion of th eider, a considerable par
ion being absorbed by the stiaw and too mass nf
pomiee. and to obtain thi nnaathtfsctory reaolf
th latDKr had to take art his bands and perhaps
his six hor-e teams and devote a bnk day that
eould ha been mora profitably em plover!, ttf
make from six to twelve barrel of rider. Tw
"hviauj the difficulty the fritters bare b eratoforw
labored under,
hs been mvemed.snd the statement of a lew he
msy prove thai it f. not only Ihe Bt$t Mxchirr
of the kind in existenra. but that rt m ibe most
profitable that a man em have on hi farm. TW
spples aia bv ibis machine grated np into a 6na
pulp, so that it require but s comparatively hght
pre-sure, and that but a minute or two, to exiract
all lha eider, it beine ascertained by practical
experiment iht One Fmirth more can ha obtained1
tliu by Ihe old pioceas. Besides this it requires
only two hands lo grind ami make up into cldee"
s larger quantity of spples than can tsj ponaMy
iiiaua on tne oio-iaainoneil nratfrines. On this-
owing lo the compactness of the Darnire in
,n ,uh "n the complete manner ha which it is
"round, a pressure of three lo H tnna-wh rbj
r,n ea-als obtained w.ll
farorsble reault lhan one hundred tons nra-aurw
on Ihe ordinary rider press, even if the apples
were ground as finely as on lha Improved Mill
and if Ihe apples were merely crushed on the
Nut marhine, it would require a prrssare of two)
hundred ton- to produce the result aceomptiahed
by thu Patent Mill. The following are adduced
as decided aJvanuges ot this machine i
PintIt mk-s m-r THer thaa an other ares. Hs)
a fj quantity nf apple, ia a firm time, and with
ma-h Ii-m latMr and eaprnaa.
SntmJ it makss ereaBrrasd eweewr CHer than aa
etlier mar h inn. '
TAir Tra ran rnak toot ti-Ter aa va want K, awl
when too want it .nd lo qaanbtin from ooa ml Ian la
six or twrnir tMrrrls.
Frmrth With It Tor ran eress Tnrfn nan ta. Cherries.
Berriwa, Chersr. Bulter. Lard and Tallow.
Kflh With It Ton ran sjts OXB rOtRTrt of TOW
tune in makinc Apple Batter.
-V WithltyoarmnrriDdrTrhopToiirArp'es.rota.
tor". Turnips. Beets. I arrow, or Pan, kins. lor Cs-.tls.
EHCiUTr' TC""""1 "'-" K
The price of the Cider Mill, with right In new
Ihe same on any one term, is $35. Price ot thai
Root Culling Cylimler. $5.
The siie of this Machine is about J by 4 fr
end weight about 800 pound. It may readily
ha taken to Ihe cellar, door-yard, kitchen, barn'
floor, or orchsrd. as may ha moat convenient.
For State, County or Town.hlp riehts, or f.r
Orsnts lo make mschtnea hi certain territory for
stated period, sddresa post p,i,)
H'. O. MCKOK. Jhrris&arg. fa.
CI' Persons in Cnion mn tho opaer part of
Nonhumberland counties, and 10 Penna anr
Brush valleva. Center ennniy. em procure tb
abova Machines on applrration to
, , . , . . . H. c. Hrcxoif,
I.ewtrburg. Jol. 9. ig.52
' 1 -
snb-cnlr iiilend ng 10 reave for California
offers to svit Oct his ert:ire stock of ftsitw
MatlA ClolHlnw. Cswiimeres, Veaiings, dte.
fP'To Ketail dealers he will sell"
foV CssJi l a verv amill advance on rn.t
htm a rail, ifvou wih to .ecure grest hargaia.
at lha sign of Ibe tno.',T Co t A-f Ire-s
Juoa 15 - . DAVID MVERS. Um,Aafg
MW GOODS ! ! !
StJJtJttU DrU Geto4-or LaoW
and GentrsioaO (uet received bv
P CARPETS f.r aaV hr
"" " FtwTer 4t Toslin.
CHEESECod-Fish Herrtn... &.. af
, Fontar ! Ttiatii.'..
Books Sc. SiaCionerj,
An eireoene aseortmsnt of thai
mil rraltf St Itool Doofcaj
TA TION CRT. Ac e. 5.,.. S
and for tela very him he .
. ,09TTUSTfJC.
f !
t I:
A :