Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, July 23, 1852, Image 4

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" v? Br
. Tmc ckoowIeJffe4 and extraordinary curative
power ni these wvotitia-rliil invention is now ho pn-
rally knon and their sales and rrjmttttimi throiifr'i
ut the whole con try m extensive, that it wtml-i
cca BnnoceFry touia their merits Curt. nr. But
aome iate circumuiutces have occurred which rn-t'T
it a matter f Anlw t the public not to ah.-gcllifr
aileot, for miiilc the ephemeral nostrums uf lb dny
- re trumpet- br columns through the I'ivj and
awallnwrd 1 quarts and gallons ly the afflicted,
-n4 are found just good or wuthiug,
f hrfetic'f Calvanit anil Aagnttk Curatives,
have been fjuietlr working their may among the
most intelligent a ltd rr. potable rlasec, an.) a to
eonsuntiy achieving cute in an alarming tiaiuof
juae, which have for ages baffled all the aid f
anediriae and all the resources uf boieuce. These
iueasea are called
nd in these diseases medicine ia of no avail whM
er. It never tit good and it olien . b;w.;i.
Syrups, Kxtnu-t. BaIhu. Balaam, Klivirs, Hi iters,
fillt. Powders and rVuom of every kind are
woilhlesa. lor they wen ken the vital euerie of the
Irradv ftnwtmted syktctn, w liile under the sirengih-uiug.'life-riviiig.
.ifaliin; influence of (.alva.ii.iTi..
mm afidted uy tiii bt-aiitiiiil discovety. the exhausted
tatient and tikurd sudercr is restored to lornier
aalth, alrengib, elasticity and vigor,
i bese remarks leUte to such iliem-e; NKT
K -U .il A. Tit OOLtlitr-i. X. BKOV HlTlS, I'Al..
riTATHN f the II K ART. WKAKNKSS. and all
Ff.MALE D(S01UKKS, such as NKRV.M8 Hr.AU
ACklZ, i.ASSli'1 Dfcl and DFPONUKNCV, which
are only other names lur Nervous Derangement ;
I.PlLtrTIC KITS and 1 ON VIXSIONS. which aie
axiw known to result from a non-equilibrium d'
tiectrtc influence; NKK VOL'S TriKMOUS. UKAK-fcfc-SS.
which u nearly always caused by toq i.Jity
f the Anditory Nerres. and can alwuvs ptrfenly
wfW by Galvanism, wheu tbeoigu is not dlrmed ;
PiSPM'SIA, in iu womt forma; PALS' and PAH A
LVS1S, aaifontilr caused by a deficient- of Nervous
f the l-IV f H, PAIS in the SIIK. KLL'MISH 1 1
'DeJ'ICU.NCV of NKhVfU'S and VH Sic AL KV
CHOV. and all those distressing complaints result
ing fnHn a IjLKANO&MLNT of the NLUVOLS
In the bova prevalent and terrible clas of dis
ases .Nervous l omfdsiuu are much snore nuxuer
ttg than is g ene tally jmagined
A-Tm mn Abeol uie and Positive $eciae
The BFLT is need when the body or system gene
eaiJy is affected ; U Ntt KUCK tor complaints of
the Throat, as Asthma and Bronchitis, and of the
Head ; and the BR A' f LKTS for ail disorders of the
ariMor limbs, aa Hhenntatisia, Palsy, Trewors and
Spaasnodic atlectioTTs. These articles are simjdv ap
liedaa directed with the MAONhi'lC KLI ID which
etnpanies them, and when faithfully used they
.Y LK t AIL 1
aT The great rciiliarity and eicellence of the
tftALVAMC t.TRATIVKS consists in the fact that
tiiey arrest and cure dise.ise by outward wpltrmtivn,
sa place of the nana! method uf bragging and
rhysjrking the patient till exhaatted nature sinks
opoleasly ander the inrt'CUon. TVy itrengtken the
peic tytum. waaliz tim circulation mf tht Bliwi, pro
matt oW mocrtttmnt, invigoratr the cntirt energies, end
earn never 4m Ike tArsf ars under eny citeumtltntem.
Sine their introduction in the L'niied Siaies, only
three years since, more than
75,000 PERSONS
Including ail ages, clashes and conditions, among
ho were a la:e numter of Ladies. wh are ecu
ltarly aubject to Nervous Cmtplainu. have been
Entirely and Permanently Cored,
a non all hope of relief had been given np. and every
thing else been tried in vain ! 1'he beneficial results
arhich hate uniform iy attended their use is confi
dently stated to be without a parallel in the annals
of Medical Science. lergymeu, lawyers, and even
physicians ; ladie of th highest stn'nding ; distin
sruished parsn holding eletated offirial stations;
merchants, manufactuiers, and mechanics; the poor
ad the rirk alike; often whole lanulie. among all
etlaaaaa, ranks and cnndi' ions, have equally been ie
eipieeu, and have e-junliy ark now tMed" the won
Irons and often unexpected beneiiu which they hive
thus received.
Let it le known and remembered that the only
Natural Restorattie fir the .Nrei in (alvanistn,
Ud that in all Nervous insvases we shonld
"Throw Physic to the Dos-V
T illustrate the tiie of the AI-V A It BI JT,
0upjose the cae of a person nfflirteJ with th-i bane
of civihration, DSf i-J'Sl V or any other hionir or
jtes-votM liMrder. In urdntai caae, simulants
sre taken, w-hn-h by their nction on the nerve and
sjBUSCles of the stotnarh. afford lmpn,arii rcl:ef. t 'lt
araich leave the -afi-nt in a lower tte. and wrh
Injured faculties, after the actxn thui excited h s
aeaaed. Now compare this with the eflW-t result
ing from the applicatrti of the iALVA! Gt-.LT-TaWo
a Dys(ij'tir suiteiwr. even in the worst synip
tonaof an stuck, and simply tie the b:h iuun1 the
Body, using the Map net ic Muid as directM. In a
thrrt period the inscniMe erpintuon art on
4h positive element of the belt, thereby cauin a
Galvanic circulation which will pans on to the
aegativa, and thence bark again to the pcitive.
tbua keeping up a continuous (iaivauic circulation
throughout the svstcm. I'hus the mtut Berere cases
tinea the snoet intelligent and respectable irsons
Maiding in every portion of the L'nited States, conld
k presented. These are now unnecessary, but a
BUBMroua selection embracing many statements of
the most extraA."-',-;nr c'.iaracter. sufficient to TON.
V1NCE THE MOST SCEPTICAL may be had of the
authorised Agent. The lOietested are particularly
lavited to call.
cUm ! the city of e w vi k.
"f hare bean using Christie's Galvanic articles in
qotet way among my patients for alwiut two years
Iast, and I coniese I am astonished at then tucceas.
f I an Cure a disease ia A'mwni, I know just hat
they will do. In Epileptic Kits, perticulaily in
hildroa; Deafness and A flections ol the Head, in
aduiu : Paralysis and Paly, iu all ag, and iuJted
aeveral other diseases of like nature m nich have long
yucxJed the prulession, I have found the Oahamc
articles of surprising benefit. Although 1 detent the
sjiaiaiaaa quacaery of auvertiscineuu ana new s
MMts, J must express my confidence and belief
U the wondertul virtues of CHRISTIE'S CI It A
TIVES. My name is, of course, confidential, but I
nail never hesitate to recommend your articles on
au pzvpw occaaiona. -
T D- C Ummud, It, D, Gtu. Aft. for Dr.
4- MB it tie. Nw Vork.
Dam Sir, Being pbTiciaa ia th vicinitr of
M at ywir Ag jnta. I hr Wa much arnttfied in
th raftminatioa of TMr Galvanic drvtirte. Bud
kifhlf laa with thair prmcUcaJ rwnlu. I ht
obaorrod tliat thor mn constructed oat tlie truo bcibd
tie priocil'Ml for lb gentlt, ik, pirmmnt and ran
imiBl daylormut of tha GalTanic Cnrrrnt. thartbr
fllliaf diMdarataaa, lonf aoDt;ht for, bat haralofora
akaow. I cbaarfullT raeoaaaiciHl thaai for lb
aiWriatioai and cur of taoa diatrainf aiimnl
aalUd Niitki Complaihts, for whick UiBj r i
karmly sad inranioiialT daia;nd.
Vary Irnlr roar. UAVID BJCE, M. 0.
tnaiatt, Maaa, Fabraar It, law.
aW Ho trftnbl or lacoarninr attnd tb aa
ad tby aiay b Brora by la tnost fotbla and (Uli-
oaa wits psnaei caa aaa aauiy. u atmaj cat
tax aaaaaiiiia atiaodiaf tbair aa it MV aliaimt
bW iubbbIi. Thy ara aceomaaaaad V
Plain diiactKMH for aaa. ramphlau artth fall par
itcalara be obtauaad areua, of tk awloonaed
The Glnic Belt, Three Dnllart.
The GalTanic Necklace, Two Dollar.
The Galranie BreeeleU, One Dollar Each.
Ill Magoelio Fluid, Ooe Dollar.
9- Itm CtumU-ftHi aad WtrtMtm lmumum.
13a aVaaataaay, Haw York.
I WMwH!. W. SCHAWL! lva0
tDanUb at ttjt Cljronuk flttc,
ON account fro one on to four yean
oUndirig. CASH .iid also
Wood, heat, Butter,
aad m oiImw P educe for household UN,
'V TVaiiB:
Ijtmd Sides.
f int1'
L V virtue of an order i-eued out of the Court
) of Common I'leas of L'niou county, the
uwiersianrd will expose to Public Kale, at tlie
house of C. 1. Klme in the Borough of LeU
liutg, on
Wednesday, the 1st day of Sept.
next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. a follow :
I. A valuable tract of Land situate in Kelly
towukbip. l'niou Co.. Pa., hounded bv land of
David II Kelly, Simuol Uickel. JMeph Kelly,
Peter Slab! anil oih. ra, containing 20 Acres
and 9.i iierche, about 80 acre of which ia
A'.....ll.,a..l ....I ih. t.,'.nr. nn.Lr etl ll I Vallllll.
i-t.. ; M,.nai..n Italian Tenant
. ........ ... - .
House. I.ng Hacu and Fume Slalile. and olhrr
OuthouM-e. Tbne i a birse Orchard and two
exi-riieiil piiu of Water on the place.
Tbe above l atin mat be sold as one or iu two
II. AIo Lot of Ground ai the noith east
corner of Third and tl Louis etrerta in the
Borough of LenUburir. hnvine thereon erected a
large two-stoiey FRAME IIOI'SE and Frame
Stal'le, t'iile other improvements.
III. Also a Lot of (around on North Third
strei t in oaiil ltorouuh, a 'joining Iota of Wm
Wilson and Win Ditty, having (hereon erected
a two-Morey traillC llOUe ana r mine
Siaide. Ac
IV. Alan a Lot of Ground on Xorth Fonith
street in said .liorounh, adjoining lot of II P
Sheller and Jos Uriijlil, bating thereon erected a
to-toi,v BRICK HOUSE 'lJ Fmuie j
.Siahle, &c.
Terms mai'e known on the dnv of sale by
Committee ic ol AVcAvYu Mensch
Lewishurg June 1. 18.r2
Valuable Real Estate
"YT7"II.L l 'olJ at Private Sale the property
y 1 oi the I u!on Trading toiiipan
roii-ipliiiff of a large and commodious DWELL
l.; HOI"fE with a TOlIt: ROOM attached,
on the pul'lic roa.l leading from Lenisburg to
:S luii-grnte, uear ihe mouth of Turtle Creek
!o a large WAUEHOUSE eiiuated at the
inouiii of raiJ Creek, with ruiTicieut LND
ailnched for a Coal, Platter, and Lumber Yard.
Also the fullowing personal property :
1 Canal Boat,
1 Foot Boat,
I Horse,
end lot of Iliuge, Boll, Ac.
all of which will be sold low.
for terms of sale applr " either of the eubs-
crihers, or to M. 11. Tauert, residing on tbe
premise. JOHN GI'.NDV, )
AI.FKKD K.K ASS. (.Director.
Valuable Property
'ITTIM. t mU rrivate Sate the following
Tf valuaMe and tlcttirahle proit?rtie and
I'Uildins loin citu-itrJ iu tbe Itoro' of LravUtturg
riiion Co, r, M-ngiug to tiic estate of Isab
ell4 Ui.&ck, iircd :
So. 1. ihal full li of (round situated on tbe
eomer of Cherry alley, fronting ou Water
treet. sh'TH-n ia er-cted that well known
and loux t sta.bl.elte to Miy fmnie Tavern
H-use trotst by iil f-et iu dth,
hh hity-hv-n etta-hcil. alen a new Frame
-taMe. Z tit 5 ti-et, srtth Carriace Ilua-v.1
. tv 12 lVt aii-cht-il, a Wood Iluuae and other ont
i niHTiit a ne.er f iiliuj Well of Vl aier, aliout 3U fine
eour-f r rU Tn-ee, A-e i,c.
o. z. a lot on the corner ol Jht-rry Alley
f -onthif, Wtcr street. Tmt 61 fret, and JyA
ruiiDiiis it wi4r bit-r on inn usue- ij;.;,.g
ttanitn ltiver m lia-rnn t avref.il Imn Twa
Str- lnetiuje II"s-.
iSio. 3. a tronting on Water Street, vent
1 f-et, and runuing to low water mark in the Sunque
harna Hirer.
'o J a fr lifine on Water Strret. west
1 f -et at d ruuuinrf to le w water mark in the Sutquc-
liAlinM Rner.
.o. ft a huildtns lot trontirp nn Wafer Street.
f.-t l.j in rt-1 th to a li feet public alley, aU
.i iiniii: (rr.pfi ty tf 11 k. Ne-)'it-
G a li.'MiaM ruttdinr lot, 6fiJ by in
J lth. to a j ubiic aliev, corner of tfecoud aud fit. John
io. . lot name aize fronting on Second
-Lre--t, a.l iniuc No 6.
Mo. H. a lot same aize fronting on Second
-trH't. a1?.niijr No. J.
i. ) a lot tame size fionting on Second
itrefrt, asij'siniu 'o. 8.
Tht ubovt u'entioiied builtiing lots av ill be old
together or jaraltflv to feu.it pnrchasrrs.
A( (!y to " JOHN ORTO
, wi-hurp, March 10, 1852 Cm $5
nHAT liire and desirable property on
1 the rorni-r of Market and tt'atpr St.,
cll siiuut! ri for a rpsiilfncf", for businrsn,
ur for a itsiJence hii pliire of business.
Tlifrn is a loro- HIil'"K I louse contain
ino 4 iuroe riHiins on I lie firsl floor, 6 Iv'd
rioiin.s mi the second fl ior, and to laror
fimslied rMims on liie ihirtl. A Ktlcheti
Hud Waliliouse adjoins, and it has also a
I iroe ci'ini nt Cisit-rn, a Pump and Well of
good water, aud ali tlie necessary out
For term &c. apply to Geo.F.Miller
Lsq. S. 15. DAVIS.
Lewisburg, Sept. 23. 1850
'100 10 ' e Coal- crn''ni from dirt
and dust suitahle for small Stoves, at
r2 per ton in eichange for any article of countiy
Produce, by A. A MM OK 8.
Leivi.lurn, Jari 24
AVING been appointed Agent for ihe sale
Ihe celebrated Piano, manufactured by
GEO. SOGIIT, Pbllad.,
tbe undi rsiiioed vwMild be happy to enpply any
btoMoeof tbe 8uMiu hnna country who may
desire an Instrument well made, after the latest
improve menu. Two of these Instrument have
lately brew introduced into Lewisburit, to which
I aa happy to teler etiy one. J he Pianos are
are warranted, end if not ratiafactory on trial for
year, they rosy be eichanetd. Prices reason
able I K trtuia j. otsa.tK.
Iwi-hur(. Feb 34. 1861.
New Arrangement.
have become associated io tbe
m the old iand of 8. Amman, where one or the
other may etwee be found ready to attend to
r..n;.,m -r Mnkine Gentlemeo's Cloibiue. in
Moedanr with th Una -ahlis, rmmntmMj. a4 oa
rf!T: hie tenaa. tar Cash er Cosmtrv Proaac I
OH friends MKlar.sn imawraii, invtava incaii.
onr eawsuaw k flusTOoauM.
Is wist nrf, Sprtl, Uil
and Mowlats Machlae.
Great Improvements for 1852!
THIS Machine obtained the AWARD of the
Judea uperiall; appointed bj the Cleveland
(England) AKrkultural Sociei to compare tbi
Keaprl with M'C'ormick'a. Tbey pronotincrd it
uperior in every r&ncl (see tfficial Report,
Thi MacUoo. Innninl j Mr. IlrauT, I artiliB(t a
acrira of trtunipha In Kaxlaad, whteb an rapMly uhlaia
iu fur It that pne-eminrnt poaitkm hrh ta tntriuiie
merit, hare alread Mcurvd for it in the laud uf it origin.
Award of the Judges.
ItKPOnT of tlx Jory appoints by the Comialitw of the
Clnmlan'l Arriniltural rtociety, on the romrxti"
aoerita of the Keavins Marliiura of Mr. M'COItMI' ll
antl Mr. 0. HUSSKV, Tri-l and Teated before the Ju.
ry, on Thursday and Saturday, grpt. -th and -Tlh, '61 .
The Jurv remrt moat exiardiuKly the unfavorable Mate
I of the weather, on the dav of trial, (a -effect hurrirane
rSiii Uie whole uf tlie first day.) and their ronavquent
! Inability to make Mi toil and aattelactorjr trial a. they
M lMu wihUeJ.
! Tlie Mwhiueswereteirtedon aeiT.pornieat,eomputea
at !!S buhele pi'r acre, very aiueh laid; and on barley, at
2., buxliela pur acre, very short ia the atraw, aud if pum
ble more laei Uiho the Wheat.
The Jury, takiut: the dirT-'rent point submitted tothrlr
coit.-iilerittiou, in order aa tbey orcur, expreaa
1st. Their unauiranuM oriuion tuat Mr. Ill'saCr'S Ma
el.iue. a exhibited by Meaers. Win. Dray A Co, cut tlie
V U -at In the lft manner, espucially aeroea rklw and
finTow, and when the machine was woikiug in tbe din-c-tion
the Wheat Iai4.
M. By a nii'jiii ily of el. veil to one, that Mr. Iluaaey s
l!aliiue'raueed the least waste.
3d. Takiuc the bwullh l the two machiuea luto cou-Biib-ratit.
tbt Mr. Iluseey's did most work.
4lh. That Mr. Hussey's Machine leaves the cut Wheat
in the tiei-tonlr tor ptllerinand binding;. TheqiH..t.n
the laborers em'loyi on tne rHea.-eio,
, , , ,h,.m, ,iVe. by a majority of t to 4.
5ih. Th-ir unauiinoas ohiuioi that Mr. Huhsvy Jia
rhine k b- it n.laj.tt d fr ritlae ami furrow.
nth. Ibis (tnet-tion was rcfi-m-d ty the Jury to Mr.
Kubiniton, foreman to Mr. IMl.T.-y. of York, a pra.-tiral
mn h 'iiK-ol ew kuuv, Uftlgi'd ability, whose rei-urt b u-
7th. Tliat Mr. IIo-MiexisSIiv-hineat fht co.-t i-lw i-rtee.
fSth. 1Kb. The Jury deriine toexpn-w naetiiledopiiiion
on the eointK.in inseiueiice('f theittaie of the weather.
The trials took plare on the Farm of Knhert Faweitt.
of Ortriebv, near .Mhblleebro'-v'B Tree, who in Uieiniwt
Hlral anit diiitere44jd epirit allow.-d hi cnpa l be
tnIJen down ami d:tma?eil to a very preat. est nt, tupe
till - on tlie i th, when iu spite of the eturui an iniuicnse
cnd aMta uibh-d to wilmtMi the trial.
Tlie Jury ran uot conclude their Itepnrt without Vx-preh-in?
tin (rr-at pleacure lln-y have derired from PHein
two uiai'hunK bituuht into iiniM-titioii that were able io
do mirh Tory cor-J wrk. and aln at wituewinjr the ft ien-i-ly.ttraifhttirward,
aud bouoratile way in which tlie Kx
UiLitei f refpe- live mat-bines inoton tliat occasion,
icnid on bthall of 'If Jury,
b W. F. ttUAKTOsS, Foreman.
HT,ijg carefully exainim-d 1nth machine!, ftn i piven
tlie pnlyert due 4Hrifiv'erati'n, I am of the opinion that
MTortnirk'a Heaping Machine, an at preeeni made, u moat
lUbi.lo6tuu.utU.r. u. Konl?(os
Read the following Testimonials.
Missus. Otnuw Msasa OwTixiirv : We umhI a
r.rH-r niaiiuri.cture.1 b.T Mr. Hussey, of n.iltimore, tor
cutting our harvest, in lb,rl. It eonisletl of betsnu iiti
an.l liii acres of W heat. A fart lr it stowl well, Imt s
eousiiierable portion was much tangled an4 laiil. 1'he
lte-i-r operated equailj as well in loth cases, ctitlinic the
stsuilinz Wheat clean, anil depceitius it in sheaves of
.niiuble ise. strai.'hL and in trissl order for bindinir, aud
takini: oO tlie ctain cleaner, and I. aviua it iu much better
orUi-r for biialint:, than is Ki uerally dine by the cradle,
tv hea the Brain is mnch lodxeil, or lies very low, in order
to insk. fvod work it is Deveessry to run tbe machine
aSrUSl Uie SHIV Ol UKpwu. .It ri, CHI..U - 11 II
tlie operatiou of tlie marhiiie. Bud a larce number of In
lellicent tann's who witnessed its performance dunng
the harvest, i-xi-nwol the sauw opiun'ii rn relation to IU
ltIi:Uull tours, WM. SBMT,
J-.'8. M. NtSUIT.
Cbilisquaiiue, Nortli'd Co., March '1, lbo'2.
DsT TllT, Msrrh !3, f vi
TO THE PCBLIC I do hereby certify that 1 -e1
llu-s-y's Grain Kiwper In takiug off my crop lai narvesi.
and the eond order it cut my crop more tbaa met my
moat sanguine esietations. It cut about It acres per
day of very heavy Wheat, aud evea then we stopped to
shock tlie cram out before evening. It take th (train
vers clean from tlie irronnd. It cut lodged grain re
markably well, a 11, In fact, a farmer havlug a well
cleared off tana, and not to. asountalnous, can not
add a am useful or labor-Saving' machine to his stock of
utensils. lours, Br.w. iai.i.i,
THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that w have nsrd lluseryt
Reaping Machine, aad have found it In every respect to
answer ihe purpo-. designed, and coo-ider it aa article
that will iy a farmer as w. ll as any ether farming im
plemeul that he eaa add to hia stork ol farming utensils,
and Lake nkasere in rerommending it Io to farming
COUUQBUUty. MIt.U- Horr.,4.1, baWB V.OUUIJ.
t)AVlDMAKIt,Sorthumoeruuut County
P. HULL. "
JoUS HOffl. "
Brassm, Kan Co, rt, Aug. A, 1M9.
We. th endsrsiznetl. havine seen Mr. Ilussey's Res
per work al cutting areas and grain, think it preferable
u M'lVrtaiek. or any o'h-r machiue thst we have seen.
It cut Wheat that iuld not he cut with M''-'ortntrk'
Reaper, orCrsdlo. We are well ar quatut.d with 51 Cor
aii k's maehine,
JOHN tilflCli. Jr. A ME A If AM MIIKW00D.
joitv Mimw.mn, d c. wiiihiit,
CarxoLTOW. flreene Co Ill Dec. IT, IsoO.
I procured oue of .Mr. Ilussey's Kespiui aud Mowing
Machines, from lialtiuiore. last prinjr ; 1 cut eighty acres
uf lints slid hfty seres of Timothy with it, to mv entire
ti.lertion ; after whe-h 1 cut siaty acres of t.lovereeed
with it iu l ss than five ilsys. I could not Dot have saved
the (loterBeed without tbe machiue. so I consider I have
fared the whole ouat of the machine, in th- savtug of my
l,uer,ecu aluuc caatu. luunAB.
A number of ceitificste from other could be
given, hut we deem it unnecessary, a the Reaper
on a lair trial will recommend itself. The ub
crihers have the exclusive right Io sell in Ihe
following t'ounlies . Lnion, Aoilhumberlaud
Montour. Luzerne. Perry, Columbia, Lycoming
and Clinton. Farmer and other are cautioned
gainst purchasing ofauy persousexcrpl ourselves
or our authorized Agents.
This is will knonnto the Farming community
and only net da a lair trial to give it a decided
prrli rrnce over sny other Drill in tbe market.
Grain Reavers, Grain Drills, and all kinds of
.asiii'gs made to order and kept constantly on
hand and lor sale at tbe Lewisburg Foundry. All
ordeis promptly altended Io by
Cictlden, 9Iarh & Co.
Lewisburg, May 6, IB.'iS 9w
9th Session of this Institution under the
present Principal will commence on Monday
Ma? lOib to continue 20 weeks.
Instruction will 1 given as heretofore in all
ihe branches of a thorough Academical course,
including Languages, Mathainatic aud General
Composition and Declamation will receive
careful attention. Proper regard will also be
paid to the manner and moral of the pupil :
and no scholar will be retained, who after bavtng
been duly advised with, persists in the indulgence
ol profanity, quarreling or other low practice.
1 be Bible t in daily requisition in the school.
r or reference, the subscriber Likes tbe liberty
of referring Io tbe citizens of Ihe place end vicinity
wbo nave been his regular patrons.
A Female Assistant will be secured if neces
sary. Ttaws. For Languages $10 ; Higher
Eugitah $8 ; and Primsiv f fl per Session
April 38, 1852 Principal
Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC,
onb llje German Cangnage.
VK1T ttenkfu for past
M,mn rM r:.;
ll-1" HI. J I IKI1.
Kim and Students of Lewisbure and
vicinity, tbe subscriber would
r stale that be eootiiiue to live
instructions on tne risno and Uuitar also in
Vocal Music and in tbe German Lancoace.
Having been taught in the best Music School
in Germany, be deens bimself amply qualified
lo teach Music, and to aid in lb correct acouisi-
tion of tbe rich German tongue. He will also
tune Punas, and pat them in repair, if desired.
Besidetwe. after tbe let April neiL set Nottb
Third Su, first door eoejlb of tbe 8choolboue.
reb.S4.18SX. FRANCI8 J.GE88I,EB.
pHERRT BOARDS for nl by
a r . "J
Flour Barrels.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform the
citizen of Loierne aad adjoining counties,
that tbey will keep cons'anily on hand at Fuher
A Bogardtu' Warehouse in the Boro' of Wilkes
Barre at least
1000 Floor Banels, .
From whence all sections of the country cut be
N. B. Orders for barrels from a distance will
be regularly attended to. Add res "Baldwin tc
Brown, Hunlsville, Luzerne Co., Pa." Price et
Warehouse, $30 per hundred.
Huntsvillo, Lot, Co. Pa. May 5. 185i-3mpd
Farmers, Attention!
Reaping and Bowing machine.
A REAPING MACHINE bring now almost
universally regarded a a rece-sary imple
ment to ihe Farmer (and not much less so than
ihe Plotigh because of the high price of labor st
Ih season of bsrvest snd tbe grest importance of
ihe work to be done in e short lime.) he should
investigate carefully the principle of different
machine and points of differtntt a well as the
right of the Manufacturer to sell the same.
My machine operate with a Siclb Ht-fr and UM com
bined with a seat or stand for the raker, so that the grain
Is delivered at the as of (As avieAnl'. and the binding
made culirely iudependeut of the cutting.
It is ifmple. uf ticlitdranvht, srul will cut one hundred
to throe hundred acres of grain without a second grfntling
and Is warranted superior to every oilier U. aper in all
kinds of grain, and grass, whether tangled aud lodged or
That the iHcl e l th tens enth-r." and thst the Reel
is iudixpcneible to the successful operatiouof the machine
thrmnh th hurtrst no Imiuer admits of a doubt. Ther-o
facts being attested by the io(i.oWof my machines now
in use sold by myself and others iulrin.jitis my patents,
while a comparatively small number of machine, known
as Ilussey's Reaper," a?i7A a tm'jutkaiid rery aor4 tily?
and witlttmt a reel are In use.
As additional evslenr of the frtat snperiority of this
machine. I may say that in the great West and North,
ahere Keaa-rs have been aud aro still iu demand by
Ihi-ufjnttt. and where I have Bold mors tbau MSS) lles)K
er, 1 have been eutjected to tlie necessity of briuiiiog
suit a-ralnxt a nnmter of manufacturers f.nr the
protection of my isiteuts. and that against ISeymour A
Monrsn. of llrorkport. New Tork. I have recently ob
tained a verdict of $17.3uo damages, and will here advise
tk farmers against purchasing my machines in an al
tered (and so far injured) form from others uuder a dif
ferent name, as putvhaaers are equally a liable as manu
facturers, and suits are now pending against several con
cerns in ltlinoii.and otbersailt b'sued unle?-s they make
fair reparata fortlie ott. and desist for the future.
The fir-t premiums of the States of IVnns, Wants. Vew
Tork. Miryigan and Wiscoti!iD. have been awarded to my
as hiiie, auil also the fir,t preuiiiiin. of the Auieruan
In.-tittite. and franklin Institute. I'MTaOVlphia.
was awarded to tne after fico frwrfs with Ilussey's.
After a series of careful and thnroutfh experifnents.
not only have 1 li ve tor (Ac knrrrst of lftu- the mo.t per
fect Keapiug wai'htne eviTofferetl to the public tml Afire
auire f"itt J'ttlty rtilix.'d my most sanguine expectation
In now baviuz a Mowing ina-hiue that wilt cut .ilt l-inrts
of yratt tt pcr ltKtutn nt a tmall aittiuimtt oof, aud f ir
roers will bear in mind that a little dilTen-nee in prior for
theiesr su'rAine. is of small rotisriiirnee. After having
made tbe impnvrmcut required to perfect my Mow
ing M:iehiue, which sve ato applie.1 to Ihe It. aper, s.nce
the last hsrv..t I exhibiteil it in conn etltion with twooth.-rs
ls'lore tbe Committee of the CMcaco Meehuliics tn,liliite
in r4ittiu2 first .cry large aad heavy, and ataerwanls very
short, thick and fine Prairie grass. The work was per
fectly um'xceptionable. aud tbe Gold Misial was awarded
to me lor the best Reaper awl Mower.
for further information those interested will pleas
address C. U. M'UOK.MICK, Chicago, 111.
Authorized Agent to sell and deliver the shove
Mschine, S.HUR f ,
7d3n417 Lewisburg, Union-Co. Pa
AL. HATFIELD, has on band a large
a and splendid assortment of W atihes,
SiLvsaWASz and Jzwzlbt, just received from
Ihe beet Importing and Manufacturing Houses
in Philadelphia and New York, and consequent
ly much lower than if purchased from those Ke
lailers wbo pretend to be Wholesalers.
Gold Patent Uvera, full jeweled, lSk
of) 00 to $125 00
45 110 " So CO
do 6 Jeweled. 18k
do do fall jeweled, luk
do do 6 jewels, 16k
anchor, full Jeweled, 1-k
do do da Ink
LcpincS, 4 to 8 jewels, ISIc
do 4 jewel. 16k
Engliih and French Watch, 18k
40 00
30 00 "
50 oil
51 00
CO 00 "
12 00 "
2u no "
14 00
SO 00 "
11 00 "
11 00 "
7 00 "
& 00
a so
8 CO
12 00
14 on "
8 00 '
66 00
M 0U
to on
0 00
Si 00
25 CO
2 IS)
3S O)
3-1 00
SO 00
! On
10 0.1
10 INI
12 IS i
26 CO
1 On
3S 00
17 W)
liver fatent Levers, lull jeweled,
do do do & jewel,
do Tliinting do jeweled,
do Anchors, full jeweled,
do Lepines, 4 to 8 jewel.
German ilver tapioca, 4 jewels,
il,r C-srteta,
Oerman ilver A second band Watches,
tiold Guard Chains,
do Ladies' Fob Chaloa,
do Genth-men's Fob Chains,
do Vest Chaiua,
Gold Ladies' Breast Pina. latest style,
such as Mourning. Bos and Glass,
Csmeas, Clusters, c roll. Branch, Ac.
Gold Gentlemen's Breast Piua.
do Cuff I'ius, different style, .
do Fiuger Minto,
Gold Ear Kings, such as ft oops, Drops,
Jenny Liuds, Corn, Wheat, Straw
berry. Cluster, ocroU, H ranch, Ac,
Gold Watch eale,
do do Key,
do Pencils,
do Peas,
do teoeacles,
do Hunting Lockets, (Medal las)
do Bracelets,
ilver poona, Tea, Tab!, Desert, and
User pectacles,
1 no
74 "
1 2.1 "
37 "
9 00
SO 00
2 50
1 00 "
3 bo -to
I 25 "
e 75
S 00 "
1 00 "
1 00 "
8 00
7 00
5 Oil
10 00
8 00
10 00
12 00
SO on
And a variety of fine goods, latest style, neatly
cot up. st prices to suit tne time (r7 and wa
ranted to lie what sold for. Also s grest variety
ol gill stul plated goods A uaina, fins, npoons.
Lockets, spectacles. Cases, Baskets, Esr Rings.
Shawl Pins, Hair Pina, Coral Bead, Steel Beads,
l urses, Vc, &c., dtc Also
Brass 8 day spring and weight Clocks
do SO hour do do do
00 "
2 50
7 00
1 00 "
10 00 "
2 50
3 50 "
10 00
in oo
4 no
5 00
20 00
a. dav wood and gilt Tub Pieces,
Month Clocks.
Alabaster farlor Clocks.
Patent l.ever lor Marine) Clock.
Freueh Acoordeoria, 8 keys,
no do 1U'4
7 50
lti no
Polka do h4
Musie Boxes.
3 00 "
Si 00
And hundreds of articles not mentioned.
Welches, Cck and Jewelry carefully re-
paireu anu warranted, call aud aee.
Manb, ISii Iy418
Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger,
Its a remedy suited lo the extreme of beat and
cold, and i very beneficial whenever gentle
tonic and stimulating influences are required. Its
stimulant properly being independent of alcoholic
power, its effect as a frequent remedy need never
he dreaded. While it strengthens and refreshes
tbe dehilit iled in summer season, it is not less
potent during ibe inclemency of the winter ; by
warming with its healthy tonic principle enabling
he yslero to resist the influence of incipient
diseases which lurk in a changing clima'e. No
family should be without il, and lo travelers by
land or sea it will be found invaluable lo use a
few drops in water as a uniformlr bealthv and
agreeable drink, wiibout inloiication.
Caution. Person desiring an article thst can
be relied upon as pure JAMAICA U1NUKK.
should be psrtic ulsr to esk for "Browu. Essence
of Jamaica Ginger, whicb is warranted lo be
what it ia represented lo be. and is
Prepared only by FKEDK BROWN and sold
at bis Drue and Chemical Store. N E. corner of
Finn and Chestnut hi. Philadelphia.
urn i nuilA i ui, Lewtsbtirg, Agent
No. 1 English Iron and
No. 1 Center County Loo, eflsrsd fer ale
pn, at as e Ik. I Bud aad Hoop lna, t par lb.
Oval 3( d. I lions Shorn Ban 4 do
HOval Si mo Nail Kods ti do
(er fti pwr tea, faraa awm lis iat cdlBaretrt khxds.) .
avtag IM, a Bar Ik. tBSarXsw),(jetslk,
CaO at mi BlacJtsaajth eboa oa North Third
atteet. . A. AMMON8.
Lewisburg, Beft. 17, 101
Upper end of Market St. next Brick Foundry:
1ME bestaod" most approved (JOOK1NG.
Ploughs, Castings, kc. al low rat, by
Another RcMue
IWA on the verge of the "rave, and so tV gone that my
family aud friends had lot all bojsi or my recovery ;
and wln n hi Ibis ltusti n. having been rescued hy the
u-e of Stmych'S tlLMOyiV SlK' f. uesire u,
ti-stifv, with grst.ul emotions, to Ir SCIIK.XCh. th. un
rpeakabl beuelit 1 have receired from the use of his in
vslusble nulicine.
Early last tdl I colitracteil a violent eobl. and in con-ai-quence
of which I had chills, alternated with a ver,
paw iu mv nghl breast aud slmulder-bladc, with a teal
coimli aud "no eipectoration. 1 kept getting worse until
1 look my bed. and had the attemUnee of my family phy
sician, i was under his ear alsmt dr weeks, aud at
th expiration of that time was reduced so low that
desiaiir took bold of myself snd friends, and even iny
phvrk isn atsnidoiied uie, and (.-iv me p to die with the
haste uouuiuiptiou. My appeUM wa gone, my bowels
very irregular, f. er and ni.-ht .wests, pain in my breast
and shoulder, attended with a oi-tri s-dng couch, wliicb
w ss very tiu-ht. n.y llrsh had nearly all gone, and I was ,
weak that I ciuld srani ly raise my head fmio tlie pi"0-,
ami was truly an ol j.it of pily to behold. Sly frteii.t.
1...1 i n . . . M. .Ik. and mv sick-lsal was ur
rnnuded by kind and aymnath:(ing neighU.r. who had
eome to Witlie. luy departure fnon this world, "ben
all rav" of b"K h id fled of mv recverv, a m-i.-hbor. r.
havid Conrad, ircfsved DC K'-IIKSfK" ITLMONH.
SVHCP with a view of loo nlng my iuh. and reliev
ius tne of the touch phlegm, and as a m. ann of allordius
L mtmrarv n li. t remarking at the time. that 1 was ta
far gone lor Ihe fvrup to be of any pi-rmaneiit b.uet:t
Mv wif... aniiro. for the relief or my intense anireritigs,
prixurid winie ur the Wotoni'c Sirup. I found it a'lorj
td me relief, aud a utluie d m-iuj it- I could f.-el its li.nl
iug iuf.in nee uj.iu my. lung. 1 eontiuiii'l to iniproie
under its use. and mv friends were much gratllied to
witness my uiiccpriHcd improvement ; many of my neK'h-Isir-
came to look at mo as one rai.-rd Ir-m th'dca.1. My
cou h now I.i3ime loose, slid 1 felt snmelhmg bn ak.
where I had the pain in my breast, and I disrhjnrrd large
quanlilies of yellow niaiu-r. 1 have for weeks di-char. d
nnd rjis. .1 a spit Uix full of mattrr every day, itli hard
lumps, like grains of something. My bowels now became
nvu'araiid natural, and my appetite wa ofar improved
tliat I mold wainV.y refrain worn catiug too miuh. My
stn nlh improveil. snd 1 regained my Mesh. I euntinueil
to improve iu eiery re(.t soon after I commenced ulng
the rWrup, and the improvement continued until I w.u
ee.,,.,'..l L,. mv wonte.1 health. I have paand tiirtHi-h
Ihe Inch inent weather of tbe latbT part of winter and
the -priug. and feet as well uow as ever 1 t it in mv lit.,
and I am till, dav a living tesliiuoi.ialof the gn at . ftl.-aey
of si-llkAVK'a ri'tMOXtCSMWiu curui2 reuawu-
arv d i.-i:itt:j
L st tbi. htatemcnt should be thought tio highly colorct
hy some people. 1 uljoin a certificate of a nuraS r or the
inhabitants of Taeony. vtn sew ni - at .lift rent times
during mv diea-e, met never exfs-lcd to.ee tur r--tored.
I aVi opjiend the eeniAralr of the iTothcrs of M-iic
Lode. No. 2TO, I. f. of O. Y-. who k'n-Mv wab hed on r
nieaud fully b. li. ved tliev would cotiMcn my ri'main to
the tou.b; but thauks lo llr. rclu luk. I..r lu invaluable
Pulmonic ivrup. mv life h is been i-p-vr. J. and I am p-'C-mi"t.l
to nuke ihe foregoing ,tatemeut for the ben lit of
su'lermir uansinii.
t.f-orl.-i!ii.v. an.l ;U .r.til.l tohanuv rHOiimi!
of fhi-mid' tv-. J )UX V. OULi-S.
Thf Fubsfrili'Ti.in-n!Trr(i of tlie MvCfi frtl.je. No. JTt,
1. O. of II. uf llihi.'-biir.'. T.v, do lifrc'tT mHify tht
av know John C lirwn, (and w uwmUr in frvxl mi1
iiijr in No. ITI, f . i. of ti. F.fcho wa ln,rrronlr ill
uiihalow lMtm -imi v Cunnuniptin la-t winter, w. tliat
tin v ave Mm v lo li.-; llial he is now fully re-trfd
(-f Tfi-t-t hvnith, aii-l they li.-Tti his rccotcry Wii r
durd 1-v Si-lwnfliV piilinmiic Srwp.
We l-litvr Li rvruticiiu. -nrict In ewy partu ular.
llr-mT Strr, P.O., I Alh:! Khinysu. P. ti
A-RaBaM A1.IIUH, P. G-a I J K. O-M.,
J.-aU-ti i;iu-U4jnt, Jacb WaIXTMa.x, Jb.,
.IiiPS C. t'ALVlK.
ll rlmcburv, Pbilvl. Co., 1 'a.. Juue 25, 1R51.
TIit ondr.,'neHlrv'if.v'iitii of Toiit. cicht milf aim-
Ptiii;tili'l hia- beius well acquainu-d with JIidC. Oi n.
and ths- ci eum-tnrf at1?uditur bi car. iWl iniK'l'
l.y adtvp ti-e f f iiuperauv duty, to makn u:iiv-r-hy
I p-.wn to tlie .ul ! liift en tin tt-coviTT lroiii tho very
lat itn.:iii of a Pulmonary 0n?u motion, co enlm-ly
belflc wait bis rondition; liaviu-j; but a 1-riH w
riod in tliat raT'idty einkiui and pmariatt d ntnte, s to
utterly pn-flude in tlia ofiniou of hi yhyfiic an and
f i it-od -v olio wutrut-d by liis b. did.. all hop. of tru a
t-niT-orar rt-rjf rv aud rrBUiration to liU f-''Bt nl.ut
ht-alib Tims tlw carrful u- uf yunr iuvahin! If Ppejcif-,
tlkw j'nlm nic .uyrup. mak-a it In our l-dit-f. nnd- r tbe
cin umetniArt-s of bi iire.iouf irotratt, ni t uny dyiup
i-oiutitiiiu- one of th- mortt rvtnrtlin reultithat tlie whole
aunttU of netltcal nkill or Mience can imiuce. It o
mtvl to be iniperlhal'ly rerorletl to your rn dit, and v
nrHt to you, the (rival dieovwr of an int'ltiMf rnre tr
tbi nithert rtm.ili'diiw-e, a la-tmir monuiiv nt, and
a a or Id wide rv'Uttion in the bealitijf art that no tim
may either dinnni-h or d-5troy. Having witne-a Mr.
fm-na di-trewini: fitruirlefl nnd "Uilt rinirs from a er-n-tmual
routrlie uj-nldt-tl to th other aynrf tonin orAac
que at ujsou, or sttU-ndinv; the lat .taitVB of a pulinouary
iti-t-ae; aud mtnnvir at bt int? no vneraUy hrfiorwl by
h;r liiiiueroniw friend that nobuniau power could reli-e,
or n-tiact bw IHW much lor-r r ?urv h.m back ain to
hi fotmcr b altb. t fel it thnourdutv to Kite our un
qualified ttiuitiiy of Mr. t.retn'a ertet rec-wry, by
meaim of thtex-lii!(iv um-of your wonderful Synip: and
e tbould iudet-d ivjirW it me could beo-ade tlie humMc
inr-trntnt nt- of r-li f au-1 enr to otb-r. ho may be. so
unfortunate a U be aiinuariy amtfu-a
luvii. C"rad,
J.-8 Drmrut. J
AxftCW JlE'.TH. C.-p'a'n of
M amletwi uhmtoa.
Jrsss xtmyt
Robert Aixtv,
Jaj- TokHi.KT, of the Vash-iii,-tnn
Hmiii, Taiouy.
JonX UleOoXMtL'BI.
Cms. lirK,-. Ciptalaof
Steamt-ist Trr-utun,
Joseph II jk. Jr.,
ti rpne Li KivNa.
M nm:w TotiLS,
Aiaxx VAuLuurT, Buctu
cunly, 1'a.
Prepared enlv he .1. II. SL'IIKNt'K, and for sale at his
PKlM'IfAL llFFII'e, Ml.tKsrEAliK lit II.UINUJ. .N
W. c-irner of MXTll and CHUIM'T streets, and by
Ih-og'i-t generally.
I 'nee il p. r bottle, or six bottles for $.
5,Sole aeut iu Lealsburi JOSIAII B-tSTS. 1 Jl
Mifilinbutg, Union county, J'tnn'a.
1") E-l'EC 1 f'LLLY iuiorrus the citizens of
, Union county, and the public in general
iiiut he has Ira-eJ the above stand, for many
years occupied by his Father, aud is now pre
pared to accommodate friends and the traveling
community in a manner acceptable to all.
Tbe HOI SE is Isrge aud roomy. we II arran
ged in all it deparlmeuts. and every care will be
liken to render his guests comfortable and happy.
His TAlil.E will always be furnished with tlie
choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the
market can atl'urd. The BAR will at all lime
be attended by careful persons, and none but the
very best of liuuois will be kept. His STABLES
are siuple and convenient, and the OSTLEKS
punctual and attentive.
In short, he pledges bimself to endeavor to
give general saiistaclion to all, and hopes bv
strict attention to business to merit and receive
a liberil share of patronage.
Mifllinburg, June 10, 1850
HE subscribers offer she public, at their
. new Brick boundry, the lollowin" new
and valunble Stoves;
Iron Witch Air-Tlgbt Cooking Stoves, with
a Brick Oven.
Lady WsshingtossParlor Stove.
Cast Iron Air- Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood
si tej.
Cos I Burner for Parlors I size, 12 inch c !-
Louis Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor Stove 3
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 2
Egg Stove the very best in nse for Stores,
Offices, Barroom, snd Shops.
J be celebrated Genesee Air Tight Cook Stove
The Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, all kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castings. &c. 6ic.
Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
thai awful dheate.
DR. FITCH'S Lecture on the Treven
lion and Cure of Contmnt:on
Tbi popular work for sale in Lew,;.!,.....
by 8. F. Lynda!! J. Houghton .nd al
tbts office. Price, 75 cenif
(Incorporated by th Slate of Massachusetts;)
Branch Office Xo. 63 Doc HI. Philada.
Accumulated Cah and Guar.nleeCapitol p50,0C0
President M U Dza-j. Financial t ommiltee
Wm Fallen, U J Wood. H B Judkins.
FriHIs i en Association of Woikiieg Men and
I others, for the mutual assistance ol each
other iu cane of icknes or accident.
By ihe payment of the following annual depo
sits, you will become a life im tuber, and will be
entitled to a weekly benefit during hie if you should
be disabled by sickness ol accident from attending
to your ordinary business or occupation. Females
insured agaiuat sickness commou to both sexes.
Yurar Darosit or Motataa u.iiui 50-rtAaa or act.
Those iter drawing for tbe rt week's sickness, by paying
2 pr jear draw $i pr week
A do 3 do
pr year draw $ pr w
S so S wo
V do e do
10 do 10 do
All memlers who draw for the fir week's
, . .. . 1 11 ...
illness, shall be entitled to receive weekly sixty
per cent, of their annual deport.
L'mler thee latrs, members are released from
paying assessment.
Those over 50 seats of age will be charged S5
tier ct extta. $1.50 admission lee is charged in
addition lo the above, ll.e first year, and must be
paid at Ihe lime of applicationand the 1st years'
deposit within 30 iljy.
CITY l:l.Ft;!!KM'F Pratt A Fswth. JTn. 80 Market j
St- William Neman. 3 Franklin Piece; J Otlenkirk Esq
Ma.lin Hotel. N. 2d !;; J M Hillings E'q. 3 't h Alley ;
ll.e.rv IluNeo Kh. 2' liank Alley; ml Mart A Co. 17 j
t, i. . .... Ii I'-.efer 1T1 llniif Mi: ti '
iluwaril.43ri.3d ft; Andrew Scott, lis CI e-nut t.
All cominuiilcations ahuuld be addu-ssed (post I
paid) to M l Dzix. fJ Duck St. Philud.
General Agent for 1,'i.iun, Noithuiiiherl md,
Mon'our, Columbia, L) coining, Cluilua and
Center couuiit 3'Jl
Smith Fourth St. near Murkut,
old Stand f W'yktfi A Iluuscltutd F.A thmathy.
n A VINO taken ihe Koom fitely occupied
ubovr, Ihe subscriber would announce lo
the puLlic that he is i.ow manufacturing
CljcllVfll of every -description,
Sooialile-. SEfTKES,
j in the best and most la.-hnuiable sllrs and on
i ihe most aceomini d 1111 R lertns. lie is aU J
I n,..o.r-il 1.1 e.e.-nle on hlmrt n.i'icf, 1
, JI0,isC ajiff SOrT 3)1111111
in loan an l country. He h hy n.o,t t.fCt
utioniiou ti hU iiuinfft-s anl .kmI uoikinanbii
to merit ani lectivtj a (jir ahre of patronago.
OCrLunilr mid Cciuiitry I'roducc iktii
in puyiueni, it Ca.sh is rmt l..in..v.
v wYKorr.
-hurg, Vcc IO. I br 1
W. O. Ml CK Olt
fitLLtAi.ii nnrik
18 urnl 20 North Fourth Strvt-t, Iltn Uurj.
Jniavucfl.rcrj of STMlOX.thY MAM .67.'i'
oj i M, 100 tr.- Wrr, j
VND every description ol Mjchini-I Tools, :
such a. Lulhes, I'Isik is and u.ni;lil D ilis. I
Saw MandiilU, Mill Screis &c made In order. I
Tarticular alicntion civu to Cutting (icei !
1 inch to 3 feet in dUiittter large and small I
Screws, Taps iVc
General M.ichine Work dune piumptly and in
Ibe be?t m inner. i
For prranns or.lering from o-, we will aik
accurate calculations of lha streugih. power and j
speed of every variety ol machinery, and make ;
woikiug drawings of the s une in the most per lei t ;
rrraniirr. Our Shop and Machinery are NUW. I
aud leeling conhdrnt ihai we can render peilrct
saiislaction we respectlullv request our Ittei.J- !
and ihe public lo give us a c ill-
Dtc. Isijl HICKOK dr. DOCK
Sew and I'opular Sc-5iotl Hook.
COMPREHENSIVE Summary of I'mifr-si
ILsTuni. t.iceiher oith J Ili's oi
li.linguihed l'er.olie, to uliuh is apemltj an
epiliime of
( Heathen Mytholorrv. Natural rhitnsojhy.
1 General Astronomy, and Phy.iolo-y. )
Adopted and uscil in the Puhlie JS hoot, ul
rhilad. E. S. JONES tV O . Publishers.
S W. Corner Fovsth and Kai sircets, Pliila.
J."Ttachers and School commillees address
ing letters to us post paid will be furnubtd with
copies for eiamiiulion.
t,"A full snd corrplet sssortmenl of BOOKS
snd STATIONERY for sale at the lowest prices
ctui5btu0 J onndrn
THE subscribers, thankful for past pat
I ronigc, would inform the public that
they roniinue to manufnriure all kind of
Mill Gearing and other Coatings. Thrashing
Machine, and other article of Machinrry repai
red in tbe best manner. Casting warranted to
be of t,ood material, and at price that can not
fail to please. GEDDE3 &. MARSH.
Lewisburg. Feb. 1851
COOKINli Stovra, of various patterns
and sizps. for Coal or Wood, for sale
at the Lewisburg Foundry by
Geddes & Marsh.
Q1TOVES Parlor, Wood, and Coal
O Stoves, various patterns, for sale at ihe
Lewisburg Foundry. Geddes &, Maish.
WIARD'S Patent t.ang Plow, a supe
rior article, for sale at the Lewisburg
r oundry by Geddes & Marsh.
IS or Seed Drills Ross' Patent
riecirirdlv the 6ef and most durable
Grain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewisburg
Foundry by Geddes & Marsh.
Opposition i'i die Life of Business !
Tbe vuhecriber would respectfully inform the
citizen of Lewisburg and tbe traveling commun
ity generally, that he has opened s new Livery
snd Exchange Siabls on FOURTH street half a
square South of Market, snd has provided a good
lol of Horses, with entirely new good end itsb
ionable Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs. 4c. where all
wishing anything in his liue may be accommod
ated on Ihe shortest notice and most reasonable
terms. He will pay eveej attention to the
wants of bis custom-.-. .nj l---, ... . ... .
to merit and ceive a Wira! share of public
patron,.. WILLIAM M00KE.
aewi-burg. Dec 30. 1851
Map of the state of California,
TEXAS, printed b S. Aug Mitchell in
lets, ana panned to correspond with the boun
drrt faed Centres in lfO for le al ih
yUni(."L efike, pice 7b ct.
Dr. John Locks,
OFFICE on Third treel, corner oppuai,,
the German liefutmed Church.
I.isturg, Fcbiuary 24, 1833
1 f cine of tb Jajr. whn tti number 0f
ibusc afflictfc tm lafcrn into Cona4iJrarioa.
hen it is rrmibrred that ooul the introJuctioii
of this rr roedy it was ibo'l iwpottibU to rrtnow
th Jiraa t.iibul niecbaiucal Oteaaa . g
painful eouTft of UtnXmmnU .
; tn dieoTery and iovention of IV. TheoWr rVtara
OT s-i irr-V atai ve'J w.sisi wuv-vaswi ts aaWSB-utr. WTmCJlltrtf '
pecutiMr eftcacy wa up,:jexj by utteapeetMl 4r.eiot!!
k4tatw in s rmm of Pmiarr-u. 1'teri vl.il unri- s. wvy-
..l... w,r.U...I Tk. aBi.eaaaBmea..aB t all- -
N lo t tta-urs-t of U,ug and avra ttjsi. uhtr n. , ,
1 l...tnt.l.9rir.fssw 1 1.. 1 .llala.. Ik. k . .
m h pain and fatft endurance ;'uVriRg m xu,.
who laborpl under II, fe diaea.es. with tlw nnvwts oL.
. M ,b.t -. feel ,i. mfSeJT .T.'
... .. - . ...... " "
' Viu, be tlet-wtcJ an inrtjimtb! acitii-ition.
j A i bririritttQ of b emioTei, after iMiunr tU
j m"5i'no'. and ob-rTiu? iiarftcet. r aistrkl that -h,w
rra Iav wyi os; up in lives v srsjeati-!, sjihij t,B. .
tbey ondA-r-taawJ ia tb lra-t e-.Ta tbe virtw-v of tba
metly. ami the inal Uiiy of the 1-TolW.Wf. to trat r
raw, thry wowld not kc warte tbeir WMswey hi doetw
bill-, nor y-t ufTer from itur torture of aeurabbditw:iw
Thi Bieieiii io a certa' erw fcrr PrUa.u Cri
iratlinjof lite HVnmK) lTt.fu.-e MM-har- ait t
5lenalriiatiwt, l.uteborTbaa, or Wbitea. ami lur ajti .
the rib-trrfti-ii-r ComiilainU iet-ialent t t'euiikleo.
A ar-H-.al lnrb!t irKtw foil pOTticnlara of tbt aatL'g
and clleeta of tbi wotwirrlul tuet(M-in.
Dm. T A H THOKM OX. trai,ri-
Sufe Ag-ut fur Luiuq county
S now carried on at usual, at the upl(r
end of Market street, where everv dc.
cription of CASTINGS i kept oa
! hand or made lo order such as '
The Complete, 0r
diking Slam
for either Coal or
Wood and i
other kinds of
PI..OUG IIS of differ.
ent kinds Corn Viouh, Bull PlouL,
aud the
I eit'diiarpeXUIlg riODgH,
a ppw ar, jrlc.. and hich rmu not be Ui!
in riiii a Ivania. Cull and see and judi
i ((jr yOUrst.v
Iwi-hiirp;. July 8, lol
1 1 E ijirlrrionerf nii.tniucs tbe LIVE-
HY Bl'SLYESS at the Old Stauc,
a. ... ,!. .!
mi iNorih i.lircl nt., uear maiKei, an
respectfully solicits the paironage oi Li
friinJs aud Ihe publir eenerally.
Iwisbtirfi, May it, IP50
I Marbrl Street, l,t-i!nirsr, P.
j (Bvain Drills.
rPHE uiidcr-ii-nfd wish to inuinn
, -L friiiiti cutnniunity iciietally , t!.:
; ihey are nn maiiul.iiltinn
j. p. ross' xtc7., hnt.roteit an.!:
Wuhoul topiirij' to discus tlie couieiis-
i live nnvriis ol iiumeroos lAi'ls now oil -it )
lor niile, they merely wish lo invite larm
: ers to fall ami ee tlie above noined aiiic? .
j before purchusing else w here, feeling cns-
tlnit iltut they can lurnih an arlit-ie tri
will jiive entire :uif.ii'tior.
Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, li&"
ONE self-evident, and worthy ol rtrry
consideration, that no Miller caa u
jjood clcuu flour without he has j;oii cle
wheat. I suppose you wish to kuow is
remedy. 1 tell ) r u it is to get one ot
litTgstrcsur'm If hint Scourers, or S:
Machines. He brim; an old, pracnrultM
e.xjierienccd Millwright has invented, gL-'
up and put in successful operation the be
V heat Scourer now ia use. Any pern"
ordering a machine and afterwards hod-i,
that il does not prove io operate aa repre
sented, there shall be no sale, as these ma
chines are to be warranted good. Farther
recommendations are thought unnecessary
He is now having a supply made at Lewi
burg, by Messrs. Geddes At Aiarah. Ordei
for machines, or fetters of inquiry, will h
promptly attended to. Machines w ill bf
sent and put to all order. Address
Lewisburg, Unioh Co. Pa. 32.
l'be subscriber olltis for sale a If ret
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet high, 40 varieiif'
all warranted genuine Peach trees,
varieties; Tartarian Cberry, ffeciarinfi j
Prune and Pear trees, together w ith off 5.
8 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the be"
native and exotie varieties. - Ornamee' .
Trees, such as the Pauioaia, Lindea, j '
N. B. Persons wishing to procure '
quantity of the Fruit trees.are requested .
make immediate application to the u!t
ber, in order 10 procure the varieties ft
size warned. R. M't'-'
tcwiiburg, March t: I?50.