JU LEWISBURG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. if b 1 'J 'ill; kv n -1! f-'w . 1 1 Mi, Petroleum ,orRock Oil, A NATURAL REMEDY! pftOCCKJD FROM A WELL TV T.LKG IT tNT CO.. Pa liar Hundred tt below ,h lfaiirT surface! It is . fttt ia bottles, just a it flows from tbe well, with -nit Jaistore of anv kind. It get its iufrredien'-s from the beds of vubfitanran whirh ft pa-s over in it secret chan-ao-l. they ere blended top i her in uch a Ibrin as to defy ! humnn aiptitin. 1 be Itttvl'm in this rcrii.net b )ik MiNKRAL WATfrR. whose vinee. In n.o?t chronic -bmnieea'Wi at kr.owivXfM nototilybrrbynician hut fcy tit coanniumty at buye. Tbee pinpuiMr flu: J- Cowing vutftitt the earth, imprefrnated with medicinal substance f diff-rnt pr-vrtHft.anJ h .Wine tbetn iii such complete olutioa as to require the ail of Chimi-try to htect inem. bear empla rmof to tbe fart that the are ivmr-euniled by the master band of Nature for the al'evist.on of human euflennc and dfeca. If Petroleum ta a m'tiieine at all. U it- a (rood one, for Nature never half do" her wcrk. It will continue to bt used and applied a a Uemedy. a lo;.e aa man continue to 1-safhVted with dieea. Tha it wii! rra veerdtmjue.we do nt pretend: but that it will cure great manv dieewi. !.itb-rto bienTa! !e. if a fivt which fta proven by the evidenoa In it favor. Its discover is a nw era in ane.lirii.e, and will euuxe to the health auJ fcappiuess af man. MCROFl'LA. The Petroleum it a grant inert Kine in Bcraial aud Kint;V Evil in all tho dirteafte or.gibatinc in adrpraved rami it ion of the bb-mt and Ih-r f.uids Ol the lody. It wilt cure -ain-an t eiii.rj: inertaof the bone and joint. rVoahe. lJ,i-i. hrysipela, P.niple on the face. Tetter, aM-hfad- Ittimworranl the v;iriu.s Skin dinea ees. It has cured mini-rous rjisen of Hfc jajmntinm. Neur alfiia, Ofat. Ae. A w.mten in Frxuklin county. Ia.t wf ruml of a rli-uuritir l:W;;oa of ix e&r' rtfudine: the difeafle waa eo araarrt a tc cmt.i t her to hr dor inx the great, r part of that t ine; abe ie now wall, and eoundar Lertflf elaeijr iu.rl. KBLTUA TTXM sWrf ft the pittr of Prtro'tnm J T fl-el myat'lf under a iW-t ff T.'ritnd'- to th& pronrietrr of the letro.euBi. tie ie f wlui-h irrext Mrlit-iii.- Tn, entirely cured aay wife of a Tide lit tt.(k r.f i:i,eujtim. flhe had larcp-d ui 'iTnn c.HH"k t f tLe dirae ft TBKut woeaonthi. ii:ffir:'- th ot rt.n-e 7. -in: tl;? pr ;iti-r part of th fine coiitir.e-! 1r, hr Wd. a.d tit:;Mf t d anTthinp. Tlte pain in the limb Wii very jrrt':it.aitei.ilii with a creat 'eat of .rrv' in.-. 11 e ( tr"V utn h: d ah im-v rTrt-t, f. r 111 1-rj.t two or tlire rrr k'jo ll w Uir ; itiinhifl-ed at.d ti e rai' 1 -It l.er. 1 rTE'ii-T-t-l to t: the uie.'iior.e r-tv fr.r f.' r-i: to w !.. : ih e:r.re rI 'e?-"l herta-'' i Ice. I ffl ent-tii:: t' v If-eB if BT-di. f :. in th w wa.Ui.gi. nil i1 Oiro : C..'J.h cr. rf iK:rr - V t luw1- a-; : rerrh. I ft.: ' I fir' It iiV u. in ojt ii.u:r. :6 The re-.Tf l''.: ic tbc u?e rf i' KltaLi-.-y, 5: ir ... e l. .' t, 1 r: ; I: Ui i;-t !ee-i. ' Tf "l 14 f;V : CI. !- !l;.wel I ff.t t-eS '1'T'n 0." T ! . 0 ra 1 am d; , .1 t:i .,::,.:,; t jua r:. jt c Itarns: l.KVi: g t r.:rT ir.; i; . V. 1.. t-;i lea? tLan a lo: t X'C . u rr". u; :ou..i! : o t-nr n- a i from i:s only I.-mint. s. red v.iL ia aiv -irer,-"i when prrf .ed oyn, w! i'-i tjj'.ar! t;? d El". I 'hr : re lave irreat f;-i:h in :t ei: cury, ao lar at i, at, and will intrcduce i in this .sv-tifn. Very resjcifu!ly. ic IIAr.VET 1IASX. ".atifL M. Kits. Eo, 1 st P;r: ! have besn eonf nnl to my ted over f:e niontliA with T -phoid Fever, and i-til! m in bed. T'urir t me si.-ki s. my !et f.l jttid It p swelh d very macb, al:d nt.nued o unt.l Intclr; 1 tried several vetnedi. without any efTe, t. Col. Iti.CK called to fee me vrith Gen. Ctovai:. and lie recommended m- to trv yrur Fetroleum, as it had work'd somr wonderful rnr.-s to bt knowledge. I bud been tiiiiiein all that div. before he was here, that I would try it : I imoie.1 at. ! a rt mv nepbaw. I)r.J. VT.pN.iWT.iat (the lar r of this note to the droctore, anil rot a to:t!e. and applif) some that ni..tit to Ihe ses. and ihe next morn utryou could see a marhfi difTTKCT m lit faoL. and h.a continued so ever since. I can assure you it o crated almost liKe a chaim 1 never aw anythit.ir heal l,ke it in my life. I want a email nuar.titr vet toeffect a rrfect cure- ven will pleas, let ttie lr r have some and he will iay you for tha same. Very re( ectfully your fri nd. AI.KX. SCOTT. For sale wholesale and retail by C, W ScaarriF in Lrwiaburg for sale also by Dr Thornton and J Baker MOST KINDS OF JOB PKINTING, II1TLT fc EIPEDITIOISLT AT THE ' CHRONICLF' OFFICE Lewisburg. BRANT'S fflBY MLSAM. TIi Great COl'Gn RE.flEDY. H any yaara of axparienco. and mora thaa a Ilnadred Thwwaamw C'wrew of I nnmlive Conap.aincs, tmy Crowd la too undoubted satiafacuon of all awnMns w-aw m kwcora acqaainlad wtia una mwMWai rtmmd,. mat k is arwaulr wariar, tsxauaa It t a.ay ud ' - f ij ani am certain 10 care Caaanaitlaa of aa I.awca, it.ao any uiliar Rnawly la uw woe id A'a knaw, owarar, thai it a said by tan that Coaavmatloa caa as aa earad. Be dial Uav oplaioii of liw many or lha few, wa hallDot altCT.pl to fre with rach, mil tba ww mA mi f r mat tiiia aMdwiiw'iiaa eared Cmsjsu aad"aC awaw whicli. V Iba curw. war. aeactad. war eail iwl Caaaaaptlaa, and wnica were aitaadad win wasM aat naumMad. and wwra In all rapM Mb. tha symptom of Ikosa w. aW. and asksa dtad sr. ..id 10 kaea dinl wa ahat fatal diaaaaa Caaaasantlaa. Tht. Bi.nal.nw I.im.iiiiSi of paraons who wars aald to be bopalaatly afllaw ad wl had kard, dry. rartnu; itifU-cM la aj Brewst, Sk and hmk Wlejealty of Rraatalaa fwnim Csrwrt.raun Htt rim "H taisa a. waaliaa away of urn Klesa and Ulwwd. raraaas ba .OK .ch contplatala have baan cured aflar It waa aaat tbey mld not llva a week touar. Tfaa Madiein ba cunsd aowie who were auptuwKl lo b. It. a wylaa atata. but, byUieaaa af Una rejuaoy, toay aaar live, aad aajor Tata Ha I sal as la pa. sty mMti snaaniaid b a ptaaaaui to laaa, ana mw. tnjury in any auaga ar ai or under any elrcunatancaa. It atfwrta its' weadweTaw and aiaMclaiimealaaa Care by Parlfylag, saw.., aaf and laviaaralias the wool avsteni by araoii. mmtg fas t.l producme a kmatthf aclion Ibaa wvoif Caaajli MtAinff Cn Nerve and aiawy wad fii.amt KavwctaraUaa. li Curaa laa ruuswuur da Consumption, t'OrC.IW and Calif, Rnmthtin. jfitvwa, silnwy . Hi, iMMdvtf Ml IA. l uitot, Ptw u Cn hrtiat. Slid, mud CswC. JVceMMfiaM. y'it sranta. Patpit:tltom jf ra. Hmrl, and a VKMAI.K VI t-:KMis.Ki and t'owptauu araiag aw. from. Cbolera J at'natana, itc. CV Far Fraaf aisl panucnlara nf Carea, aa wr l'amphleta aad fluaaWli all our Asaaw bar lasaa a, fltv away. AKentej Pr Tb'.rn'on and J Hater, 1 wis bnrf ; G W Keller and f!ohor.g V Amis, .N'sw Berlin; Jn M Taylor, MifHinburo;: S J Cror. rSelinscrove ; H N Backhouse, MiJdlebnrg ; G 4 K C Moyer, Freehurg ; J II CsfIcw, Mihoa 269eoacL$4J 'A'3 C .1 0 rji ?r,icT"T'.,M l"j9 11 U fuC.'.uJ d 'JJf tJ Mjiist St. Liw,;.cj..tj, " WHOLESALE k KXTAJL VAhZR IK DruRH,"l4di tu s, iH ii.ual'., Oyc- bioffs Oi!s, Cli's, IVtiuriifry, CcbXbciIoujt ", ai'd Fncy Ar;ic. Dr.Tbornton returns his thank for the liberal fralronage which he has received, aud be assure Iba community that every attt niton shall be paid to the Compounding of Me kines, and that all Uruga aball be luity tested before ibey are oAVred for slr. and warranted to be pure and genuine. Ct"Precriptions given free af charge at Dr. Thornton' Drug 8 ore. Remember to call at Ihe old stand 6rt door 05. T. above the Matnaioth Store of J. & J Walla. Old Newspapers, SOME lboue-iml in number, of all aire;, for ale st ibe Chronicle t8ice, at 50 els per 1H laleo m tbcjr run, or $1 hea vmotud. . A chaoc far Scrap tiooka aa rU i fur wrappinj Aril8, ISM A Bargain ! ANEW Rockaway Cairlage witb eata for four lor Mh)chenp by 1 2 . tsiiauiabs 8. CRITE3. Uvuburg, Dtc. 8 t,l,60 JLmul Bales. PTBUC SALE. By virtue of an order iued oat of the Court of Common I'lras of Union county, Ihe uuilersifttird avill expose to Public Kale, at the house of C 1. Kline in the Borough of Lewi. burg, on Wednesday, the 1st day of Sept. next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., aa followa: I. A valual le tract of Land situate in Kelly township, Union Co., Pa., hounded bv land ol David H Kelly, SamueJ Dirltel, Joseph Kelly, Peter Ptshl and oth: ra, containing 20 AcrCM and 9S i.erchoe. about SO acres of nliirb is xr 11 1 I .u- I lA. ,;rt The improvenif nls are a Mansion House, 1 enant House. Loir Larn and Frame Stable, and other Oulhouws. Tliete is a large Orchard and two excellent airings of Water on the place. II. Also a Lot of Ground at the north east corner of Third and St Louis street in Ihe Borough of Lea iehure. havine thereon erected a large two-storey Fit A ME HOUSE and Frame Stable, Ik shies other improvements. III. Also a Lot of GrounJ on North Third utreel ill said borough, a (joining lots of Wro Wilson and Wm Ditty, havine- thereon erected 1 two-rturey Frame House and Frame Stable, &e. IV. Alsi a Lot of Gronnd on North Fourth treu in said Itoroueh, a.'j.niiini; lots of II P "h-Tier ami J. is llrilil, havir g thereon rrecti d a 'wn-storey BRICK HOUSE '"' Fiauie Mable. See Term, ma.le known nn the day of sale by JAMES F. LIV, Commi'tre & c. of Xichului Xeiisch I en-icburg June 1, l ?.r2 VALUA ELE BUFFALCE VALLEY .IFnnu for Slr. 'i 'V. siil-se,i(.er rffota at rRIVATK SALE lli-l i;iub!e trai t of 1 111.I in Uuirilue Tp. I 11' - n Co, P., aili"iiiis) Divid Heib-t, Andrew Mjce ami Jacob llyler, Coiittiniiir 226 Acres MS of which a'-out l?u acres are cleared and in a jooil s'a'e of cultiva'i.m ; the remainder is heav ly Tin.!. .-red. 'I here ia l.iine-tone 011 I lie Fatm, and iiiosl of it has been over limed. It has alao exc. Iteof McaJ.tw lands. This Farm is about li miles from Lewi-butg. tr.d 1 J inil. s from llufTdoe X Itoad-, on the road between liet.plcr's and Gu!dins .Mills, about an quel distance from each It has recltd on it a goodweUingEouse,alargeEarikSarn and all 'he necessary t lutbuilJiiies ; a Well with eood water at t e il"flr ot the house, and a good prini; near the building ; and nn IlKCUAKu of Fuit Trris of all kinds. There is alto on the Farm a Tenant Iloilaie. with a too.l i.rini: of unlailins water near it. a cood St.ible. a yuuiiE Orchard, and a WATER tOWEH on a never-failing stream. The property will be sold in whole or in two part. Terms made known at any time by the owner, on the premises. JOHN BYLER.Ja. Buffalo Tp, May 27, 1852 Valuable Real Estate AT PRIVATE SALE. tTTII.L be sold at Private Sale the property f T 01 the i'nlon Trading Company consisting or a large and commodious UVV ELI l.NG HOI 8E with a STORE KOO.M attached. 00 the public road leading from Lewisburg to Selinsgrore, near the mouth of 1 urtle Crerk a'so a large WAREHOUSE i uated at the moath of said Creek, with sufficient L.D attached for a Coal, Plaster, and Lumber Yard. Also lha following personal property : 1 Canal Boat, 1 Foot Boat, 1 Horse, and a lot of Hinge, Bolts, Ac all of which will be sold low. For term of aale applv to eiiher of the subs cribers, or to M. H. T6BT, residing on the premise. JOH!V oirrsjp-r, - y - ALFRED KNEASS. C Directors. MICHAEL BROWN. S Valuable Property AT PRIVATE SALE. be twIJ at Private Sale the following f f valuable and desirable proirlies and building lota situated in the Uoro' of Lewihurc Union Co, Pa, Mnging to the eatate of Isab- ella Black, doc d : No. 1. thal full lot of prnuad Htuated on the corner of Cherry alley, fronting on Water Afreet. wheivin ia errcied that well known and luoz etahlL-h two ptorr frame TTern home &14 trottt by iil ft-et io depth, wiih ktbh'-n attached, also a new Frame r'ta-'le. 3' 14 h 6 ft. with Carri-ce llou..' :'M4 by 12 fret attached, a Wood Uouac and other out tuiMinir a never fadinic Well of Water, about &J Cue jourr, t-ruit Tivea, Ac, Ac. No. 2. a I,n on the comer of Cherry Alley fori Una Water Street, nwt at feet, and rutin in to low water m;iTk on the Su"oue hanna Kiver, whereon ia encted two Two Story Dwelling Hoiifc. No. 3. a lot fronting on Water Street, nest j fret, and running to lw vater mark in the 8 usque hauna Rirer. JVo. 4, a lot frnttng on Water Street, west 61 ft and ruuuing to low water mark in the fiufque !.a.n.! Ii?Ter. No. ft. n buildin; lot fronting on Water Street, t "tot U'. iWt by iu d ptli io a 1 fret public alley, ad j' iaji'tf; t-iofr :rij of Thb5. chi.C " o. G. a desintblft nuiltline lot, Cfi by in 'ei-'h. to ai.u: .ic atler, corner of Second and St- John Dir. t.. So. "y, a lot same size fronting on Second F.rer, d.;. inir.i: No. . No. S, a lot mme eize fronting on Second street. Rt!i- Ir.ins No. 7. No. 1 a lot same aise fionting on Second nrret t, aujuimng No. 9. The above meiilinned huiMing Iota will be old together or eearately to cut) pun-ha per. AfH'Iy JOHN NORTON, Lv-wiehurg, March 10, 1S52 . 6id$5 JTor Sale. ''PIIAT Inrge and dcmrablr; property on JL the corner of Market and Water Sis., well sttuatrd for a residence, for business, or for a residence ami place of business. There in a laroe BHICK House contain ing 4 larpe rooms on the firs! floor, 6 bed rooms on the second floor, and two large finihlieti rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Waiihotise adjoins, and it has also a la rye ceint n! Cistern, a Pump and VVell of oond water, and all tbe necessary out buildings. For terms &c. apply lo Gro.F.MitxEE, Esq. S. E. DAVIS. . Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1850 GOAL. QOO T05lie of Pr Co,t- Kreened from ditt aad dust auitable for small Stove, at Ic raar loo in exchanse for aiiv article of country IIIIIR . la!! Produce, by A. AMMOiS 8. J Learisbur., Jag 24 HUSSEY'S GRAIN REAPER and Blowing aiachlne. Great Improvements for 1852! rpHIS Machine obtained ibe AWARD of the Juiigra pflrially appoinlml bj ihe Cleveland (England) Agrirullural Societ to compare thin Heapel with M Cormick'e. TUey pronounced it opertor in every leaped (see I iiitial Ki'poil, Thi Mnrhlno, InrpnW by Mr. irewtT, Is artii.Tlnr a erifii nf triamphii In Kuylanrt, which rr n; i'Uf nblai'6 ing for it that preeminent priflitiun vbirb it ultitlio uerita have already Rcuml tr it iu tlw land of iu origin. Award of the Judges. REPORT of Uk Jory appointHl by the t ommittt of the Clerrland airrieultnral So-ty, on th mmparnliv merit of the lleapinir Machines of Mr. MYOIIMK'K and Mr. 0. lll'SSKY, Tried and Tcsfcit before tiie Jo ry, on Thursday and Saturday, A pt. th and Sth, ol. The Jury reirret most exeatiinpiy the unfavorable stnte of the weather, on the days of trial, (a perfect hurri'-ane I nufmir the whole of tlie tilt day.) ain iiieir consiien( ! ,,,1,1 nTP i The M .chines were tf ted on aempof Wheat, computed at 'lb liuoheic pr acre, vi-ry uim h laid; and on lWlej. nt lia I u-lirtu per acre, ".'ry short in the straw, and if poii l nn. re I nil than the Wheat. The Jury, tiki tip the dill-rent p..iUi"ubmttted to their tonaiderKtion, in onlt r as thoy orcur, exiiret 1t, Their tinai.Imt'U. i iiii'u twat Mr. Hissit's Ma chiue, a exhibited by M--tw.r. Wm- Xry a Co., eut the Wheat in tba bt manner, eDvia-'y -MTfaa ride and furmw, and when thu machine was wuiktug in tlio dirrc taon the Wheat laid. Ai. Ily a, in; j-rity of eleven to one, that Mr. IIuFBcy's Hat-hine raueed the lea"t wate. 3d. 'i'kiuur the hreiuWh ! the two machines into con-idv-rjti'X thrtt Mr. Hiifwy' dtd mo,t work. 4th. Tftut Mr lliirfeye- Maclnne h nvea the rut Wheat in th- tw t or h-r fr jrHthi rinuaiid biudiutf. Thequetion wa put mitt-d t- ihr latfirerf em'It.ye.i nn the oceai'u. and deci.ied by th ni. an atove. by a mnjority nf 0 to 4. 6rh. The-irnnnniina o.inioii that Mr. liutey's Ma chine i b Rtndnptit. f'-r ridire nnd furniw. th. This qnesiiou n f rre-J ly the Jury to Mr. I!nb!nrn, lireuian U Mr. It. U'-rt-y. of York, a rncti nl nit" hanicof ivckuuwlt.tJgi'd ability, whose rqaort h apitu d - tv'h w. 7th. ThatMr. Huec.v'Va'-h.n'st f r-t cnrti-lr.M r.ce. bth. 'Jth. The Jury d-'ciir.e t'lt-.tT-rer-s adt-rid dopinii.D Oil theM1 (inti,in rH,ii!saqueiir fif ihest.'ite of the ar.'ither. Tho trials tot.it p)cet.ultie rctrmiof Kili-rt Fawcitt. of urme.-hy. n- ar Miildlf.-i-riV-on i ret-it. who in tli--ni"M hhi-nil and disiiib-rt--lcd nj iiit a!iowd his rn.?t b 1 trfv.itlen dn and dr.maTcd to a verv prcat ext-nt, espe oti the 'j: Ih. hen in ?j !tc of thf Moiiu an iuiiiifiisc crowd iim mblt-d to witn'-fs Ih. trialc The .lury can not nmrlu le their Keport without Vx pnniiipT the jrr: at flnuiurte they have; derived front yecinr? two ma- hint l r uht ii.to coriiKti;ifn lh;it were al.lr to lit r.idi vt rv rrrtt work. nnd atsn at wj(ne-inir the fri-n 1 ly, -trai'htf- rv.n1, mid h"ntr;it.h- way U whi-di Ut- Kx-hiUUTe- of tht- it-)pi tive nini hiiii-s im ton that owraion. kntd on Uiiil of the Jiuy. W. F. UARTOX, Foreman. tilt. L'OniXSOX'S VLI OKT OX QVFSTJOX 6. Ilt-Ttnt; can fu4Iy ei -niintd t-o'li nrifhiiies. and cirt-n the -.ul. I'.-et dtte etiii-i Tt ra!i"n, I arn ot the op;i.in Hint MTorutii k a Ken inp !rhiaa,a5 ai prcat-ut matie, i nir.t liaUe to irtt out ot oidur. tiviid) iii m r.or.iNox. Read the following Testimonials. M;-ii. (iMiM-s 4 Mtr.Pii Ir."TiJiMr : We ued a Pe. p-r mniiuhctuivl by Mr- llii-ft v, of B:iltimrvr. f-r ruiiiui our ImrTi 't, in It con-istnl of l twrt-n r.u mi l tA hen s of Wheat. A part of it htood well. Lilt a mnfiileral'l" rfrtion was mucti tanked and laid. 'Jti lie:. je r t rat-nl tj-iiaiiy se!l iu t. ih ra. e-.cuittnt: iht-st.tB-tinj; V. heat t h an, and d' i-.;tiii? it in Hli-mm 1 'uit;tlt:c iy.e. ftriii;!it. and in u''rl onh-r for bindin?:. nnd takinc ntT tli main clean- r,ar.d h aTinp it in much better or h r for b.ii'!"ir, tliaii in jr'-in rally d ue by the Ts!le. When the trraiu i.i inu h Indued, or li.-n very low, in -rd. r to make po'nl work it ncrefM-ry to run th uiarh'ne ai;ainit the floj e of the jrrain. Ws are widl t-ieaitl uh tii- oper.ition of th'- niai-hine, a"l a hir.-e iimaint of in telh; t.t faim- r-who witnin- tl it p'Tfitrnianw during the haJT't. x, r s-wd the auae .pnt"ii in r -InTion to it. lten-ectiully journ, WM. NI-L--.I1T. J S M NhSLilT. Chiliquaque. N'orthd Co., March '22, 12. Vaj Vallkv, M;trh 2. 1S".2. T TIIE M TtMC I do herel.v rertify that 1 ned nu-Ky'i virain lb a,v r in t:ikinr off my crop ln.-t harT. st. and the pA onlcr it cut my crop more ttian met my most mu..uii)e ex,t't;itioiin. It cut ahout 14 acre p-r dny of .ery h a. W Ik -it, and ru n tln-n we rttoinced to fhrx-k the grain out te-'fnre evenim. It taken the trrnin Tery clean fmm the uronnd. it cut iodrd jrraiu re maikably well, at.d, iu fact, a farmer tar in;; a well cleared otT farm, and not t o mountainnt, ran nnt atd a more uiM-f'tt or labor-rtuTinir mnrhine to hid nb-ak of utensils. lours, lil.NJ. t'AWI.M. IMVID ithlTibVOrX. TUTS IS TO CEItTIFT. that we have ud 1Iuh' Rcati?!-; Machine, an') haT found it iu every resist hun-ri-r the tturpoe d-'Hiune.l. nd consider it an arti'Mi that will t av a uirmerai writ a." inv oth-r farmin, ph-ment that he ran add to his u k of uiruiiog ubn.iia. and take pieaeure tn reemmeniuiic it io in larmini community. 1M M il HoFFMA, Liaon County, I.A AC tYKR, " JAMKS IIKHKR, 1. Kt-.NUI.KK. w D A V I D M A k K, Xorthumberlanvl County. I)AWI UUUAIUU, " I HULL. w BF.N.t. STniiTKKR, " JiHN HOFFV. BtBKMiifiE, KaneCo T1U Anz S, We. the iindervhrned, baritia wen Mr. Iluswy'' Rea per wnrk at cuttinic (rrwfw and rrain. think it preferalde I tiormtrk a or auv otnr macuine xnm we ae Mfn, It rut Wheat that muld not lie rut witb M (surmick Reaper, or Cradle. We an wU acuuaiutni with M Cor mica 9 macuine. I'. A. II I. HIT. DAVlP PIIAVK3. ,TOI CHUIO, Jr. AHRAIIAM SHIRW00D. JOHN GKI-iG, JAM US lit S-t. If AUK Y li TTKR, A LS( It A N K Ell, JOIIV PHIRW-H-P, l. C WU1CHT, bLlll lilUWOttU, KLIUA KIiiliT. Caboi.to5. Greene Co.. IM Dee, 7, 1P50. I am.iiiaM 1 aw of Mr. lluairvv'a firraDliit anti MowinoT Machines, fn m Italtioiore. Inst .wiirimr . I cut eiehtv ajren of Oats and fifty acres of Timothy with it, to my entire at.faction : after whn I cut sixty acres of tlovcrfeed ifit.i it iu lss ttian five lays. I eould not not hare stT-d thr tMmvrsed without the machine, m I eonnider 1 have taved the whole coat of the niactiine. tn the MTlur- ot my fjioTerfea aioue. MMtth iiiunas. A numlier of ceitifieates from other-. rouM he gien I ul e deem it unn ce..ry, n the I-,eapei on a fair trial wilt recommend t.-lf. The sub ecribers have the eicluve right to cell in the following Counties . Lnion, Aorihutnberlatid, Mont -ur, I.uzerne. Perry, Columbia, Lycoming and Clinton. Farmers and other? are cautioned aeainst purfhaMng of any peraoiiaezct-pt ourselves or our authorized Rents ROSS' Git AIN DllILL. Tt.i ia will known lo the Farming community and only i.e. d a 'air trial to gie it a decided preterence over anv other Hull in the market. Grain litapt'S. Grain Drills, and all kinds of tastinga maile to order and kept roti-tautly on hand and lor sale at the Lewisburg Foundry. All orders promptly attended to by tieiie, jtisirNii & JO. Lewisburg, May 6, 1853 9r LEWISBURG ACADEMY. 1HE 9th Session ol this Insti ution under the present Principal will commence on Monday Mar loth to continue 10 week. Instruction avill be civen a heretofore in all the branches of a thorough Academical conise. including Languages, Malhauialics aud General Literature. Composition and Declamation will receive careful attention. Proper regard will also be paid to the manners and moral of the pupils ; and no scholar will be retained, who alter having been duly advised with, persists in the indulgence ot pruf.niiy, quarreling or other low practices. The bible ia in daily requisition in the school. For reference, the subscriber Utkes the liberty of referring to the citizens of the place aud vicinity who have been his reguUr patrons. A Female Assistant will be secured if neces sary. Ttans. For Languages $10 ; Higher English $8 ; and Primary 5fi per Session JOHN RANDOLPH, April 58, 185. Principal Vocal and Instrumental MUSIC, anil ttje German language. VERY ttankfa for past patronage from Iba Cilixjn . .nd Student ol I.ewiabura and , vicinitv. the anhseriber would ZjfJlTl Mate that he continue to give Instruction on the Piano and (iuilar al.-o in Vocal Music and in the German Language. Having been taught io tha beat Music School io Germany, he deem himself amply qualified to leach Music, and to aid io the correct acquiai tioo of the rich German tongue. He will also tuoa Piano, and put them ia repair, if desired. Residence, after tha 1st April next, en North Third St, 6rst door couth of the 8choolhouse. Feb. 24,1952. FRANCIS J.CESSISER. HERRY BOARDS for sale by Hunk ft Araraoa. diAP ' tM Flour Barrels. friHB auacribers would respectfully inform the J. citizen of Lucerne and adjoining counties, that they will keep constantly on hand at Fishrr 4- Bugarduf Warehouse in the Boro' of Wilkea barre at least 1000 Flour Barrels, From hence all sections of the country can be supplied. N. U. Orders for barrels from a di -dance will be regularly attended to. Address ' Baldwin & Brown. HunUville, Luzerne Co , Pa. Price at Warehouse, $30 per hundred. BALDWIN &. BROWN JIuntsville, Luz. Co. P. May 5, 1852 3. np J Farmers, Attention! M'CORMICK'S Reaping and Plowing Machine. A REAPING MACHINE being uow almost universally regarded as a necessary impli ruent to the Fanner (and nt much less so than the Vfough. because of the high price of labor at the season of harvest and the great importance of the work to be done in a short time.) be should investigate carefully the principles of different machines and points of difference as well as the right of the Manufacturer to sell the same. My machine operates with a .S.Ki Khje and Ittd erm hined with a seat or stand for the raker, so that the rrain i delivered at the jiV of tht machine and tha biudiug ma le entirely independent of the cutting. It i Mm pie. rtf Ikht draught, and wilt cut one hnndnd to three hundred aTeif.f urain without a second jrrindine an.t iswarrsub-d sujM-rior to erery other Heaper in all kinds of gram, and grns.-, whether tanUd aud 11ci1 or otherwi. That that ickl e i th " true cutter," and that the lb-el if iudMirennilrle to tbesueeennful operation of the machiue thruwjh tht h.irrrsf no longer aduiila of admit. The,-e fact!- beln-j att -sted by the tfionfaTttl of my mm hinnf now in ust' sold by my.f and others iufrininir my patents, while a comfiaratiTetv small uuuiber of marhino known ss II ii-aey V lIeaper.'ioi'(. a Mimiothand ttry abruj't eIje and without a rtl nre in ue. A additi -nal eTidemeof the grftt superiority of this msi hiu", I may "a- that In tha pnat eni and North, wh'-re Rollers have leen aud ar still in demand by th'ntxun'i. and wire re I h.iH.ld mre than !Wi Ib-ap er.i, I b:.T leto subjected i4 the ne.-essity of l-riTiii ff HUit aniii!t a mmilr of manufticiun rs f r the tTt-UTtum of tuf (at tit, and that s:aiiist Seni'.ur it Morgan, of ltro(-k)-rt, New York. 1 hare reeeirtly ob lainetl a verdirt of $17..Vwj dama-s, and will here adyi.-e tiie Karnu-rH ;airi.Ht r ur' haiiift my machiui-s in an at tert d .and m) fax injureil) form from .tlit-r untler a dif ferent name, s pur baser are efiiatly a li -Mea mnnu-fai-turern. and nuits are now Lcniiint aiaii.st cereral em c. nif in 1 Minor, and others will btmd uu!e-s they muke fair rerf,ration f.r the pa.-t. an I dv-i-t fr tlie future. The fir-t preuiiuios of lha Stat-sof VnUi Ivanis. New York. Mil h;ran and Wi-eon-iu. Iisti -en ftwanl-! to my mac hine, aud a! no th 6 rut prfmiuras of the Amerkau Idr-tituff. nnd KranViiii In-litute. I'hi'alelphta. AI-oTUK tiRKAT MKDAL IT THE WOl,LP"3 FAIR WHh rtwarth'-l to me after two tri'ttt with lluer.')- s. Alter a srrif of car fnl aud thorotiirh experiment, not 'inly have I n to fi.r Vt hrvst uf lf.V2 the uiot p r-fi-i t Reupinir mai bine i werolT-'reil to the puMic '- fwt mnrr Ihnn fu!!f r-tlir-.-'l my mnft snnj-uine eetiition, in now bavins a Mo in ft machine that unUetitatt kinds rf ar tts tu ii ftcU'tn rt a rtnaU ad(iti',ntl cnzL abd fctr- riieni will b -wr in mind th-it a little diifer n:e in price for the littt awihint. ia of Himll connetiucnce. After basins ttiinb the iniproT'ment( refjuind to prf-et mv Mow. lug Mat hine. v Inch are al-o applied to the Reaper, mce th- lad harvert I ejtliibitcd it ineoni'etiTion tth twot h rs beftire the Committee of the Chica-io Mechanics Institute in rutlinu ni.-t very lare aud heavy, and afterward very hoit. thick and fine Prairie (jrm. The work was per fectly unexceptionable, and the (Job! Mediil was awarded to me for the best Reapr and Mower. For further information tho interested will please address V. 11. il txiKMli.K, Chicago, III. Authorized Agent to sell and deliver the above . Machine, S. HURSH. 7d3m417 Jjewkbiirg, Uuioa Co. Pa WATCn DEFOT, LEWISBURG, FA. t L. HATKIEI.lt. has on hind a lane V and splrndnl assortmriit ! W ai-riiE. iLVEawaaa and Jewklut, inst received troth the best Imiorting and Manufacturing Houses in Philadelphia and New York, and consequent ly much lower than if purchased from those Re tailers who pretend to be n holesaiers. Gnl J Patent Levers, full jeweled, 1 do do du 6 jewele.1, l-a: do do do full jeweled, l.-k do do do & jewels. 16k do Anchors full jeweleJ, ltk do do do do 16k do Is-pines, 4 to R jewels, lfik do do 4 j. el. 16k do Encli.'h and Fretich Watches, 16k tlrer Psteut LeTers, full jewelisd, do do do 6 jewels, do Hunting do jeweled, do Anchors, full jeweled, do Lepin.'S. 4 to a jewel. Germsn ilrer lupines, 4 jewels, titer Quarters. German iltsr a second band vTatcbca, Gold Gu.r,l ( hnii.s. d. Ladles' rnb t.'haln, do lientl. men's Fob Chains, do Ve.r rttatna. f 'XI 00 to t125 0(1 4.". HI " in 00 1 l liO " 50 DO " JO t " 51 (O " Ifl 00 18 110 " 12 110 " 20 ta " 1 10 " 2.1 00 " 11 00 " 11 09 1 00 " 6 00 3 -8 10 - 12 00 " 14 00 8 00" 6.S HO O tsi fit (Hi SO 0" Si, 110 Jt IK) 2"! 00 : oo So Oo El 0.1 10 Oil 10 0 ' 10 Oil 1" on IS 00 2 1-0 1 HI ?5 to i IT 00 Gold Ladies' Kresst Pins, latest styles, such as Mourning, Boa and l.lasa, CameR. Clusters, c mil. Branch, 4c. 1 00 " 37 9 P0 so oi 6 00 Gold Gentlemen's Hreast I'ina, do 4'i-rT I'm., diflereut styles, do Kinirrr liini:s. Gold Ear Hine., such as flnnpa. rrnps, Jenny l.in.t., I r.rn. II heat. traw berrv. Cluster. Scroll, Branch, c, 1 00 3 P0 50 1 25 " . 1 60 6 "5 " 2 00 " 3 60 M 1 oo " 1 00 t 00 7 00 & oo G ild Watch eala, do do Keys, do Pencils, do Pens, ( do rveeeac!es, do Ilttnttnir Lorkcta, (Madatias) do Bracelets, 10 00 3 oo lo 00 12 00 12 00 ilver poon!, Toss, Tables, Desert, and Salt, fl var pectacles, 20 00 2 0 And a variety of fine goods, latest styles, neatly got op. at price to suit Ibe times war' ranted lo be n hat sold for. Also a great variety of gilt and plated goods Chains, I ins, r-ponns. tickets. Slieclacles, Cases, Baskets, Ear Kings. Shawl Pins, Hair Pins, Coral Deads, Steel Deads, Purses, &c, Ac , Ac. Also Brass S day spring and weight Clorkj I 5 fS " llim S so " 4 on T on 8 no Mm" 2s oo io no - at oo Co 2 60 a so no 10 00 " 15 00 3 00 " Sa 00 do SO lit.ur do do ao dsv wood and gilt Time Pieces, M..nth Clocks, Ala.l-aj.ter Parlor Clocks, Patent Lever tor Marine) Clocks, French Accordeona, a keys, do do J'l"4 " folk do Mi " Music Boxes, And hundreds of articles not mentioned. Watches, Cck and Jewelry carefully re paired and warranted, call and see. Mari'h, 1852 ly416 Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger, I 8 a remedy suited to the extremes of beat and cold, and is very beneficial whenever gentle tonic and stimulating influences are required. Its mutant property being independent ot alcoholic power, its erl.-ct aa a frequent remedy need never e dreaded. While it stretigthena and refreshes the debilitated in summer seasm, it is not less potent during tbe inclemency of the winter ; by arming with its healthy Ionic principle enabling he system to resist the influence of incipient iseases which lurk in a changing clima'e. ISo mily should be without it, and to travelers by land or sea it will be found invaluable to use a few drops in water as a uniformly healthy tod agreeable dunk, without intoxication. Caution. Persons desiring an article that can be relied upon as pure JAMAICA UIXIJEK, I should be particular to ask for "Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger," which i warranted to be what it ia represented In be. and i Prepared only bv PKEDK BROWN and told at hi Drug and Chemical Store. N E. corner of Fifth and Chestnut Ms. Philadelphia. Dm THORN I ON, Lewiaburg. Agent 6ml 13:3 IRON. No. English Iron and No. 1 Center County I ran, offered for sale Tyre, at S cants per lb. I Baud and Hoop Iron, SV par lb. Oval Y. do Horse Sbos hara 4 do i Oval i do - 1-NiUl Koda do . (or $75 per ton, for an assortment of different kinds.) Spring Steel, 6$ eta par lb. Country Steel, ects per lb. Oall at my Ulackamilh ahop on North Third A. AMMONS. Levrisbarg, Sept. 17, 161 STOVE WARE-UOOM, Upper end nf Market St. next Brick Foundry: rPllR best and most upproved COOKING. X SHOP, Ot TICK or PARLOR Stoves. Ploughs, Casting, toe. at low rates, by - CHRIST & FRICK. Another Kcscue BT SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP! IV A on the v-r-re of tbe irravr, and so far -rone that my fatoilv and frit ndc had lost all hopes of oiy recovery ; and when in this rituattcn. hsrin? been rescued by lha use of Si UK.l-kS J'l l.SIUSW SI M ', I tlesirs to testify, witlixrutertil emoU..ns. to Dr SCIIKNCK. th on sp. aknl.le lien.-lit 1 bar received from the use of bis in valuable medicine. Jiarly last fall I contracted a violent eoltl. and in enn sequence of which I had chills, alternated with ver, pain in mv ris-lit breast and shoul.ler-bla.le, wnh a l-ad coujh and "no experUirat.n. I kept eettinx worse until I twik my l-d. ami btvl the attriulaiire of my fmily T'hy sicutu. 1 was uiid.T his care aliout four wcks, and at the expirstu.n t.f Ibat time waa rclucwl m low that despair took hold of myself and friends, and even my plici'ian atnd.ned me, and iriv aw up to di with the hsstv consumption. .My apiellt waa K"ne, my bowels verv" irrej-ular. -ver and nt-tht swets. pain in my breast ami sh.iMl.ler. attendetl with a di.tn-ssinit coiirih, winch was verv ti.-lit,niv flesh bad nearly all rone, aud I asao wetik that 1 couid scarcely raise my head fn.m the pillow, and was truly an ol jert of pity to behold. My frien.ls bad l-eeil sent fT to see me die. and my sick-hed waa sur rounded by kind and sympathisinjr neichl-ors, who had come lo witness my dep-ixture from this world. Wlieu all rsvs t.f h'.pt: h:ul tied r mv recovery, a neighbor. Mr. lavit IViorad, pnpose.1 DK. !OIIK.CK'.- PULMONIC VUt:!' aith a view of loosenintr my coui;h, and reliev ing nit- of tltc t.tujli phh -:m, and as a means of afTordint; t.-nintinirv relief, remarklu ot the lime. Mthat I was bsi rnr -one lor the Svrtintubeof anv twruiauent b'uelit. Mv wife, 30X.jU f-T the relief of my intense s-jflVrinit, i r.st-tir.d M.ineol the i'ttlmmaeX'rrup. I lrmad it afford ed uie relief, and outinu -d usin it- Ieuuld feel itshcul iiirr ittfiuenee uinu mv luiii". I continued to imumv under iu use, and my fri-u.ts wi r much pratif;e.l to uitivu mv iini-Tits-ftirri i m nit Yi'tneut : manv of mr uevirh' Irnrs eame to Uck at me a? one mi-e l from the dead- My n.u rli now h.-ennie If., and I f. It sometli:n t'P Sk, wh. re I had the p.iin iu uiy breast, and 1 discharI I a nre q'.iatntities of yellow nttb-r. I hnrof'r weeku dinrhaivi d aud r.ii"d a nit lix full of matter erery day, with hard lump-, like irraius of si.tn-iliin r. My bowels now beama refruhirand natural, and uiy appetite waa f-omr improvti tbiwi I eriul.l aran-elv refriin fiiin eatinc too much. SI sireni'lh iinrr..vrd. r.nd 1 recaiiie.! my flesh. I continued b inti.rov iu everv repeet mmi att- r t eommRiieed u. in; the Svrnn. Ki.d the iiiinrTemeut eont;iiued nut:l I restored to my wontei health. 1 have pa-el throu: the inrl mwit weather of the hitter .art t.t winter the pprine. ard feel as well ihw as ever 1 felt in mv lif hihl I sti. ibis di-v a living te?timtninif the prcat cul'-a.; f 7i.'. : "i TLAtuSJC V17it i'in curing pultuon urv iiitielii. iaest this tuement should I thouirbt Vr highly colored It -onie L. tii h-. 1 xu'-ioin a eertit'iciite of a niitu!er of th itilmhitanta of Tnmiiv, who saw me at different times .h.riii.' mv .lis. -a-', and never eJtf;e-.-ted to see me r.-ture- I also si -pen d th- reriifieab of the broth-rs of Mytie liovtj'e. So. 2To. I. O. of O. r".. wlo kindly watehed over me. anti fu!Iv bdieved they would eonotrn my remains to tt t,...,b- hut thunViF to I)r. i-elKUt k. t.r his inv.tiu:i'il I'lrmonx .'.run. my hfe has U-en sj-nre-l. and I am tr milt d to make the lurcgomg Maircieni ior iue uemui I rs-fi-le at TaeMiv. nd flm we? known by most of th' n(-..,I ths-re. nnd "ill le irratitrd to have any person en! ui-.n me and learn more irik'uhi "f th.- (rre:it virtues of this iret'etne. Jull.i C. Oi;Lb June lit, lN'l. The stibrril- rs.meTnlkprs of the Mvstle Lode. Vo. 27i, 1. O. of ib of II -luie-burvr. l'a.,do' hereby vriify that we km.w John C. tre.-n. .and is a member in c d stanJ iiur iu No. '.'70. I. o. ..f it. V..) who was d.ni'eruuly ill with a low .'ulnionary fonsnin'ition lat winter, t-o that tht-y (rr.ve him up to die; that be is now fully re-tort il to perfect health, and they bdievo bis recovery was j.ro- dueed bv Svheu"-k P ..niomc rup. V a b. Ijeve hij rerlUkate i eorn-ct in every rarti-a!ar. 1 1 r.A KT Nefp, P. 't., Ainiio i;.biso3, P. Abraham Am hi k, P. O., I J. K. o-mai. . t.-, jQ.,tPa P.UULXolaX. J v' " Wa.mii.ui, Jant C. t'ALvrn. nolme-t urp. Philal. Co Ta.. June 2!t ISM. The und-rsitrned resalents of Taeony, eiht miles at.nv l'liiledtdiia. beinj well ar.jiiaint I with John t.n-rn, sn.l th- rirriim"t;tneei attendin' liis ease. fel impelled tty a deep ne of imperative duty, to make universally known to th- puMie his entire r-rv.-ry from the very Imst starns of a Pulmonary Consumption. S entirely heiplexs wn. hb entidition; harinp leen but a brief pe ri. -d in that nij.iittv sinking and einaehited sbite. as to utterly pnriud.- in the opinion of his phyirian and friends, who wiitrhM by hi ta-dsule, ail nors ol even tt-mi'orarv n mvery and rest ration b hi- pres. nt rol'ii h- nllh. TIiuf the careful ue ot your invaluable i-peeirie, the I ulm -uie yrup. mnkes it inmir leli. f nnd-r the eirciirntntvs of hin pn-viou pm-irate. noi in ny nyini -oiH.ition one nf tb-niosi r-t;irtiiiur re-nits that the whol nrnals of medical skill or s-iei:ee cn pr"ture. It de-erie- t le imi eri-h.ib.v reeordtd to vour ctwlit. and fe- ciires to you. the uTent ili-ciiven-r of an infallible cure f thi.- hitherto remeilileijttiieMne. a Instiiur mouum'-nt. and a world wide reputation in the hen tine art thitt no time may either diminish or destroy. Having witnes-l Mr. tJrtH-n's di-tresfin-' stmirjle nnd autTerincs fronj a con tinual couirh, pi!iw radded to the oilier symptoms eont- quent upon, or attendimr the last staze of a pulmonary diM-ase; and mreover at be in it so peuerally believed by hif numerous ln.-nd that n human power eoniii relieve. or protract his life, much less r store him hack attain to hi- farmer b'-alth, we f- el it thuaourduty to iiive our un- riuniitied t stimony of Mr. tireen's perfect recovery, t. means of tbe exclusive uf-of vour wonderful syrtp: sn we should indeed iviotre if we could be n ade the humhli in'tromenU of relief ;iiid care to others who may be so unfortunate as to be Muiilarlv atinet.d. JlAVJlr Cosk , Cms. II i v k:.k. Captain of !eamri-:it Ireutun, J'i-!E1 II 1 1 ..!, Jr., MMn rwr Toms. Amen ViXiuohirT, Bucks cutitv. fm. Jrv-i UirrrTKLi. J P., A-itrrw Ue-.th. C-pfa:n of Sta tiintKs.it asbiutcn. Jr.E Watf?f, K'iBEi:r AiX5, Js. Tosb:-i.i. of the Wah- inrtrtn House. Tacony. afnitW bisOuMaBCk.S. rrerared rnly T v J. H. B-'IIrNCK. and fr sale at h PKlM.lPAb u.FK K, HIAKM KAIIK UtlUUNtiS. W. corner of M.Xftt aud CIlLiiM T etreeU, aud by Drtitrrists ffrneraiiy. Price tl p r boitle.or six 1-ottVs tbr $S. t2,Sole agent in Lewbtburg JOal All BAKER. 1391 BULL'S HEAD HOTEL, MiJJlintjurg, Liiion county, t'tnn'a. EI'KC'l'KL'LLV iniorins the citizens of Union county, and the public in general that he has leased the above stand, for many years occupied by his I ather, and is now pre. pared to accommodate friends and the traveling community in a manner acceptable tu ail 1 he HOI be. is large and roomy, well arran ged iu all its departments, and every care will be aken to rentl.-r his guests comfortable and happy Ilia TA1II.E will always be furnished with Ihe choicest delicacies of the season, and the best the inatket can afford. 1 he BAR will at all times be attended by careful persons, and none but the very best of liquors will be kept. His STABLES are ample and convenient, aud the OSTLEKg punctual and attentive. n short, he pledges himself to endeavor to give general satisfaction to all, and hopes bv met attention to business lo merit and receive a liberal share of patronage. Millliuburg, June 10, 1850 Mimes. THE subscribers offer ihe public, at their new Brick Foundry, the following new and valuttble Stoves : Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stoves, with a unit liven. Lady Washington Parlor Stove. Cast Iron Air- Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood 2 size.. Coal Burner for Parlors 1 aizs. 12 inch cI inder. Louia Air-Tight Cat Iron Parlor Stove 2 sizes. Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stova for Wood 2 sizes. Egg Stove the eery best in use for Stores, Offices, Barrooms, and Shops, The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stove The Complete Cook I sizes. Also, nil kinds of Wood and Coal Stoves Ploughs Castings. Arc. Sic. CHRIST & FRICK. Lewisburg, Dec. 12, 1849. "An ounce of Prevention worth a pound of Cure," in I that awful disease, CONSUMPTION ! DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven tion and Cure ot-Contumptio. This popular work for tale in Lewisbur by S. F. Lyndall J. I loughtvn tjd at this office. Price. 76 ctntg MECHANICS' UNION ASSOCIATION (Incorporated by the State of Massachusetts;) Branch Office Ko. 63 Dock St. Pkilada. Accumulated ash and GuaranteeCapital $50,000 President M B Dsan. Financial Committee Wm Patten, J C Wood, II 0 Judkins. THIS is an Association of Working Men and others, for the mutual assistance ol each other in case of sickness or accident. By the pav merit of tbe folluwiDg annual depo sits, you will become a life in! ruber, and wilt be entitled to a weekly benefit during hie if you should be disabled by sickness or accident from attending to your ordinary business or occupation. Female insured against tirknesa common to both seie. YaAKLf DsPusrr or Maatara L'suia 50 I lass or aas. I. Those o drawing Sir the Srst week's sickness, by payinr. $2 pr year draw 1 1 pr wees 3 do 3 do 7 pr year draw 7 pr week a ao e ao 9 do B do 10 do 10 do do do do do do do II. All members who draw for Ihe Jirit week's illness, shall be entitled to receive weekly sixty per cent of their annual deposit. Under these rates, member sre relessed from paying assessment. , Tboae over 50 veara of age will be charged 25 per ct extra. $1.50 admission fee is charged in adtlition to the above, the first year, and must be paid at the time of application, and the latyeais' deposit within 30 days. C1TV ItKmtKNCr'. Pratt JTeafh. Nn. SO Market Pt: VI itiiara a Neman. 3 Franklin I'laee: J ott-nkirk Ks.) Madison Hotel. N. il Ht; J M HiliiDs fc-q 3 rb'h Alley : Henry llulosq K.-q. 'J1 Hank Alley; rinil Hart A Co. IT Merchant it: Oscar C H Carter Esq. 171 t'hesnut 8t ; S G Howard, S. 3d .-t; Andrew bcolt, Hi Cl.c-nul St. All communications should be addressed (post paid) to M B Lets, 63 Dock St. Philad. ANDREW HUMMING:, Uwhburg, General Agent for Union, Northumberland, Moniour, Columbia, Lycomine, Clinton and Center countiea 391 CHAIR MANUFACTORY, South Fourth St. neur Market, old Stand' nf 'yhnff. 'Iju.itla.nd F.A.Ikinccly. nAVINO taken the Rooms Inlety occupied as above, the subscriber vtculd announce to tbe public that he is now manufacturing C!WtVtf of every -description, Sociable. SETTEES, &.c &?. in the best and most fashionable styles and on th most accommod.ilit.g term. lie is ai.o prepared to execute on short notice House and itfig-n zHZtiXQ in town an. I country. lie hopes by mol strict attentiou to his business and good workmanship lo merit and receive a fair share of patronage. KrLumfcer and Country Produce tnken in payment, il Cash ii nut a hanrlv. JOHN N. WYKOFF. Lewi-burg, Dec 10, 1851 w. o. BICKOK GiLLiaan noes KEYSTONE MACHINE WORKS, 18 and 20 North Fourth Street, HarrLlunj. IIICKUK & DOCK, Jfam.nrtirrr of ST.tnoy.lKr STEAM EXGiyES of & lo 100 ilvrsd i)tccrw VND every description of Machinists' Tools, such a. Lathes. Planers and upright Dulls. aw Aland-ills. Mill .-views Ac made to order. Particular attention uiven to Cutting Geers 1 inch ! 3 leet in diiuieler large aud small ."-crew-, T..p &c. licncr l M irhtne Work done promptly and in the l.e.-l m inner. For persons or lering from us, we will make accurate calculationa of Ihe strength, power and speed of every variety ol machinery, and make wotkirig drawing of iht s imc ia the most perlect manner. Our Shop and Machinery are NEW. and teeling eonbdeiit that we ran render peifect satisfaction we respectlullv request our friend., and the public to give us a cill Dec. lsol HICKOK & DOCK. Sew anrl Popular School Rook. ClOMl'HEHENSlVE Nummary of Usivxasai. H st.iri. together with a Btographf of lli-lingui-hed Persons, to which is sppended an epitome of J H-athen M.thotoay. Natural Philosophy. Genrtal Astronomy, and Physiology. j Adopted and used in the Public cho..! ol Philad. E. S.JONES &. JO., Publiher. si W. Corner Fdiits and Kacs atreeta, Phila. Ijr-Teacher and School committees address ing letters to us post paid will be furnished witb copies for examination. F. iw A full and complete assortment of BOOKS and STA TIOXEK 1 for sale at the lowest prices lycbqStSO'SSlr Ccunsburg JTonnDrn r'PHE subscribers, thankful for past pat X ronage, would inform the public that tbey continue to manufacture all kind.a of Mill Gearing and other Castings. 1 brashmg Machines, and other articles of Machinery repai red in the best manner. Castings warranted to ie of t,ood material, and al prices that can not fail to please. GEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg, Feb. 1851 COOKING Stoves, of various patterns and sizes, for Coal or Wood, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by Geddes Marsh. STOVES Stoves, t Parlor, Wood, and Coal various patterns, for nle at the Lewisburg Foundry. Geddes A Marsh. "I t f lARD'S Tatent Oanji Plow, a stipe- V rior article, for sale at the Lewisbur Foundry by Geddes tV Matsh. GRAIN or Sted Drills Ross' Patent decidedly the best and most durable Grain Drill now in use, for sale at the Lewisburg Foundry by Geddes A Marsh. Oj'jxjsition is lit f Life of Batmen! NEW LiVERY JEM. EXCHANGEABLE. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Lewiburg and the traveling commun ity generally, that he ha opened a new Livery and Exchange Stable on FOURTH street h ill a square South of Market, and ha provided a good lot of Horse, with entirely new good and fash ionable Carriages, buggies, Sleighs, Ac. where all wishing anything in hi line may be accommod ated on Ibe shortest notice and moat reasonable terms, lie will pay every alien ion lo the want of bis customers, and hopes by so doing to merit and receive a liberal share nf public pationage. WILLUM M00KE. Lewisburg;, Dec 30, 1851 Map or the State of CaUfornla. OREGON. UTAH. NEW MEXICO, and TEXAS, printed by S, Aug' Mitchell in I84S, and painted to correspond with lha boon. darie fixed by Congress io 1850 foi sals ai the Chronicle office, fries !3 cla. Cr. Join Locke, SURGEON' DEXTJST OFFICE on Third street, corner oppoa the German Reformed Chorea, Lewisburg, February 21, 1852 UTERINE CATIIOLICOX. "IXTE now coma to the moat important atajj. t f cine of ibe day, when the number of those lUirird is taken info consideration, then it is remembered that until the introduction ot ilna remedy it was iho'i iaifHHaiitle to rrraofi the di-eaee taithoQt mechanical means and by gainful course of treatment. MarthalC Uterine CathoUcfm Is the (fiseoTery and invention of Dr. Theoilor 9 of Plica, aa oW ami iieevfu! aietliral .ractitkner. iii pa-en liar etfleacy ws sunreste by uktzrtrvj feHoaZ menu in a casa f Prola(-u. t teri ah ihe uuiIt trta(o fr.r an.ther eom plaint- The f-uzcetsa in tbia nitUM le-d to a course of Ion? and serere Btudr. wbirfa iQitssa in tha combination of the raiholieon. W nsu, tnneh pain and fmiieat eotlurauesj of sonVrinr in tboat who laboml under these dixaees. with tbe eonTictina Uere wris no cure, tLat w f-l tbia ttilicuava uLara lony, ! deemr-d an iaaeatinalale arsuL;Loav A ahstrian of aiurb eminence, aftr axamfnlBs tha med.rin. and Am r uUtttcAa,t mrki thatans era had arun up in the lives of femaie, ranj that chd they undw-rftand in the b ast dijcreetha virtues of there rnedy, and tha fnal-iltiy of the prormkB to treat tbttr ra-es, they woqIiI not l.n wafte their aney in dortor. bill, nor yet suffer from tbe torture of a'BraMarttafe, This meiicine is a orra n core fnr Prrtpu) b'teri Filln.e of the Hnnib.i Pr-fu.e IH'vharp-a and Painful Mei.fitruarion. Luchorrhora, or Whites, and for most of tbe di-tree-iny rmhi:iits in'Mcnt b Penalea. A speeial Ivrnj-hlet tnvs fu!l rartieuian of tbe natmra and effects of this wund- rtnl mediciue. Da. T A H THORNTON. Leu-i,lurg, 7dl)4l7 Sole Agent for Union coamy THE HEW FQUNDB7 IS now carried on as usual, at the upptr end of Market street, where everv dt crip'ion of CASTINGS is -e'pt oa hand or made lo order such as The Complete, or Complete Improved fiihirg Sieves for eiiher Coal or Wood and all other kinds ol STOVES, also f's.ftg ;e3oi ainer- t in kuiJa Corn Ploughs, Dull Ploughs, and the Ecif-Sharpening Plough, a new article, and which can not behest in Pennslvania. Call and see and judgt for yourselves. CHRIST dr. FRICK. Lewiburf, July 8, 1951 T M1E undersisned continues the LJVL- RY BUS1.YESS at ihe Old Stand, on INorth ihird ot., uear .Market, and respectfully solicits the patronage oi bis friends and the public generally. CHARLES F. I1E83. Lewisburg, May 22, 1850 77 3SILr??lSJ3 VIII USA LL and KITAIL DRUG Market Mreel, L. Wilburs, Pa. (brain Drills. rPHE undersigned wish to inform tha L farniinj; community generally, that they are now nianufartiirinn J. I ROSS' Xncfy Improved GRADi DRILLS, or S0WLXG MACIILXE. Without stopping to discuss the compart live merits of numerous Drills now off-red for sale, they merely wish to invite Farm ers to call and see the above named article before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi dent that they can furnish an article that will give entire satisfaction. ROSS, GEDDES & MARSH. Lewisburg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1550. IT IS A FACT, ONE self-evident, and worthy of every consideration, that no Miller can make good clean flour without he has good clean ".heat. 1 suppose you wish to know tha remedy. I tell you it Is to get one of Btrgslresser' H'heat Scourer, or Smut Mttchines. He bfins; an old, practical and experienced Millwright lias invented, got up and put in successful operation the best heat Scourer now iu use. Any person ordering a machine aud afterwards finding that it does not prove lo operate as repre sented, there t-holl be no sale, as these mar shines are to be warranted good. Furtfier recommendations are thought unnecessary. He is now having a supply made at Lewis burg, by Messrs. Geddes it Alarsb. Orders for machines, or letters of inquiry, will be promptly attended lo. Machine will be si nt and nut to all order. Address J. DERGSTRESSER, Lewisburg, Union Co. Pa. . 329 Z irnu't aw.5 fORNAMENTAL TREES 1 be subscriber offers for safe a taree assortment of choice Fruit Trees such as Apple trees, 7 to 1 0 feet higb, 40 varieties, all warranted genuine Peach trees,, SO varieties; lartanan Cherry Nectarine, Prune and Pear trees, together with aoros 6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best native and esotie varieties. Ornamental Trees, such as the Paulonia, Linden, ats. N. IS. Persons wishtnz lo procure quantity of tbe Fruit trees,ar requested IS make immediate application lo tbe subscri ber, in order to procure lb varieties so4 size wanted.; II. R. fVLi4 JLewisburg, March , 1850j ' nil