LEWISBTJKG CHRONICLE & WEST BRANCH FARMER. m. - UBLS FISH. 3(0 Ibs.CIlr.fcSsr.. zuuu " .. . ssi:..!. ..,.1 Shoulders. Dairy 25 Ihe. mam. r...., - - - liiif ic. for sale l Lvourg nruj, o.u.s r rt. CO by W. as. ' ' - J snuaaBTbe time for settlement find payment of tt&r .i.K,. .1.,- to SAML S. BARTON. i. extended to the lOlh insl.-after which, the ZoW l .iRiJ "." will be resorted to for collection Lewisbur-, May t. 1853 HUSSEY'S GRAIN REAPER ""..Vim .-Is.cri.iie. Great Improvement, for IS,-. . ... :-.t ,h. AWARD of the T HIS M.cotn. i....-- , Judcce special y ny"-"-- - J -rr t i a ...;,rii:iiirai potin w ;. . m roiniiik'a. They pronounc.d it ""I ... 1 ITiciel K.D.ut. stitirrior in every n.-- v- J.? . hi. invented v Mr. HrssrT. Is srMrvin- a T '" , .l. which ri.i.liy obtain- 2? iS . j f-w u" im J of to or,,i"" Award of the Judges. r 1-p.HlT of th- Jurv spi.tir.t-1 by the Committee i f the Ei roilT M in J s-e-tv. n the comparative. Clc.el.n'l A'ricu ' -. o( r. M . OU.MK K "V' n l -n Vn.a.r.dt-.U before the Ju- n jury w v" r-'v,1 :r Kk": ll.r.un - - . .1,11.. ESSSi'VJS;- fun W iur, UW tbey i...U',it t tutkr w full cvuiil tin" WieJ- T, to-t. J on , crop of VVht.rmPut.;l b ni-OT lw ' th ,n the w l'"t- tf'T-r? i m-thcdin.rrr.tr..i"t"''nititottitir : ;n..i.n..r,M!frr'i'. Ma. i .i..iJrrtn. .in - ;.., , Mr. f, l.t. T-"""-f'r.-M . ,. Vnr cut tlie .".tVoX ' - nL.n.r. e-.- .U.v '';' "- In1 m iur. ,. ..rkn,tf in tiit-ilirifs furiv, n I l-n imuu- - tHZi 'rtly of rWen to one, Otat Mr. lluy. "'nT'brSt'nTih, tw. .M,lnM Wo con-ai-ratin. tl.t Mr. Ilu. v d' l '"- rk- 4 Tl'at Mr. lluiy. M t.it. IM the ent TV h,t In the' tt order fpitl,erin and bi,..ltt.i. 1 hequ-tlon w l mitt, d tu the ll..r.T- the .ra.i.m, decked hy thm. alwva. 1 y a 1"' 4 5th Thrtr unanim.n oftiiiuu that Mr. I!u.-wj a Ma rl,e'i. h ft a.U.te.l f.r rid.e Mid f"rrow (Hi Tliia qnertion " r. fTn-1 ly the Jury to Mr l:'n',, Mr- r r. ; f V.-rk. a ynru -al in,.. h:-,ii. .f .rtnowlclgcd abilitv, ho- r-p rt pi-n- dft heli-w. . . . ... -il, llatMr.IIu'pelVia.l.m.'sl fir-t eo-t l'less j r n: s,!, 9th. Tii.'J'iri d c.i ii t.M-x.r.ii-..d.. ,.i.l, j ,.piti,on oi. the-e Hi.nt.iu ei.ueiuiuvit tlietle of the ae.ilher. The triple tk .laee II tl- ra.m "f li.'trt I'aweitt. tf t-nw-bv. nr JIi'ldl-.i"r' t lreeti. alio it, ttl.'Ul.'-t , l .lii, -r. (..! lil"""l ins ei. v tinJd-nl. n ai d d..ni k to a v. rv cr. at rit. lit. . fpe eull 'in the J.'Jh.vl enin sj iteo! th?tulin an inilni l.s. crowd. -".nilil.d to itne- t!ie tr::.l-. The Jurv ran not mneiiaie - i.-j'-' tn.i-iiiil tli'ecr. at pler.surr tl 1 have. -ere . ... . ,...a. l,i iiif.i.ti.t-tni..n 11 el f. jit Were : ii '. , eu-h verj-jr.o.1 w.nk.aii.i a1.-in an"1 .-.i.-I'-e i. ..-i-. i- .P.,..l.if... v:ir.l. aru ll.'li'.r.t' I' wi.J ,'i wi.i a ;o r.a tuliu-ra of th- i. .l:" n.a. h.n. - ui.H ou (I a .xva-a.u. e euid ou lttia:l of " J"'V- an. i:ni'oy s 1:1.1 vi:t c.v v":.s7-"..v 0. llavir t er.fullv waatne l-h maeWnr.. an I given th, .(.loeet ie ei'maiderati-n. 1 am of Hie opinion that Vt o-ni-i k s Kea.il Marina, as al prrs ut nuui. is most uul ' ""' '' ffi'is UOIIlNioX. Eead the following Testimoniah, M,.. . n-nt'is i Varen i:tM U We used a t:..,,e .ruf:eiurel t.v Mr ll.e It iltui.'.re. I'.r ill lv..l. 1'. .oii-is'.d ' f Kt.' n :.U cutllln: ..tw nar.e- and 0 arres V lieit A i-urc ol it .too.1 Wrli, nit a .... vi, Inn. 1. tsuir ett sill J liil-t 'lTi- ror.ilersr:' I ,r. ..... r.il.Ml e.it: icalfv as well in l. iti .e Utility the .1.11. una .1- !. sitiur it in eit S of Ht.tr. l.n.lll.t. a..'. ... ft he i.aii. . ran- r, ami :. avin- it in uiu.-n t..-:ier latl'ili; rrl.r .'..r hiii n.-..in . . .. . . ., :,. ,..., ,.i.. or li. s len loir, ill . r.l. r toniak. e,,l work it l neeessjry to run I Ih . ..... .1... of" (he irra.il. l an. a-. IJ p.'. lnarli:lic. ase.1 ii h the r is ration of the urn. Line, anil a lanre ni:rals-r of in .' i:. i f. m,-r. who wilmss..! its p. rf.noai.e- dnr.ns ,li, harvest. " . Xl.TT-SeU ll.e rnw.r vy.' - lle.tttUoV JOB l. .s ,.sni i. J.iS. M. NUslilT. Chilirquaque, Xortird Co, Mareh 1 ei TO THE riTI.MC. I do herel.y certify that 1 sl riov-e drain it a,- r in Ukini; off n.y ero,. last harvest, and tbe ml ord ' e 0,n mV n -us .xreetations. It rut alont U acre, r- r " 5 or"eVy h-vv VVh-at. atid e.en then ...,,ssl to ,bLk II- r. n out ev.-l.ins. It take, the ararn " fr. ni the eronnd. It ent lc-tt-1 pr.,m r. ,arkah:v , ateJ. in fa t. a farm-r hav.nx a we.l ",-.ra.t otl farm, a.t not l- mountain' us. ran n. t a-.-1 a more V.U uila. useTol or lwr ra.i"s - . "- - v . Y.,urs, Bi.XJ. t AWI I- V. H.lVlO llt.lTll.YiU X. Tir-t C T I I EV.T1FY. that we have lln.-y'a r-.-ai.il.- MLehine. and have found il in -very rr-.-e.-t . au-wer tl e p.,r-oe desifne-l. and roi.-i.ler it an arlie;.. that aid pa a larnier ns well any otl. r f-ni;u.' ita- lement that lie can add lo bis st-s-k ol faru; n i t-i.sils. an t take pleasure in ree.-mneti.h,ir it to the hirnan eoniniuiuty. MM II ir-FrMAX, tukin ( . uuty. Isaac t.YKit, JAMK KKIII.lt, l ItsV'il.Kll. " V AVID MA Ult.Xorthnm! erlaniCountv. HAVIU hsiiUAKilt, I- IILI.I-, u JiKNJ. fTUirKKU, " J.IIIX I10FFV. " It r.s-.uirt. Kane Co.. T'U u-r . lS4n. tc. tha rmdersigies-l, l.asioa m-vh Mr. llussy- lt.-a-1.- w' rk at eultiui! Ir"'" and crsin. tl u.k it pr. Ierai.le ( M (. -liil.-k " "r anv o h-r nia. h ue that . have .een. It cut Wheit that "n!d lot fce rut with M C. rn. rfi keawr.nrt ra.iw. " - ' k';",.U."'. I-AV1D MIANK-s. V-ii-a . i-ic.. . Alt.'tAIIAII ,s II I I:T I03. j' .ii'-'. ' JAt Hi-w ttllt MllV.tt.l II, F.hlsllA ttlil HIT. (-,- v ..-.-,-. fin. r.e (V... III. Ilee. ir, v.vt. 1 rrorr.r-! ore .f Mr, lttl--v"a Ke:i-.-nir and Mow. n't M,, h.i ... fr ei .a timore. li st .-j rilia .- I "it ei.htv arrvs ..'.'. t?- ere- of Tnil-.tiiv wi(b it. to my entire .! f ,i a: after ahull I rut s.-.ty a. r s of ( lover-ee.) :th it it. less than fit" .ia;.. I cui l not not have saved Ih-Cl nor'-d without the inweliii-e. so I eons -ier f have aaved tU whole e-rt of U.e machine. In th- saving ol my tfc.erseel aloue. AMrtL THOMAS. A nnn.bcr of ceilificate-s from ethers cnol.l 1 given, l ut we deem it unnecessary, as the lieaper en 1 fair trial will recommend itself. The sub scribers have the exclu-ive right to sell in the Mlowin? Counties . 1'tii.m. A'oilliu nberland, Montour, l.uxeme. Terry, Columbia, Lycoming and Clinton. Farmers and others are cautioned asit'-H po.-ehas.ing of any personsexceptourstlvea r our auth.irixed Agents. ROSS' RKAI.V DRIIsL. This is will known to the Farming community and only nerds a lair trial to a;ive it a dreided prelerenre over any other Hull ru the market Crmn Ken.-ieu. Grain hrilh. and all kinds of ; Castings nrs.de to order and keiit constantly on j band and for sale at the Lewisbur; Foundry. All vruits promptl) attended to bv (ecdilr), .Mantli & Co. I.ewi.1 ury, Szy 0, IH5i w Union County Kutuil Fire Iasuranco Company. To lilt Citizens nf Union Counfy. fPIIE Corporavne wf the I'liion County I Mutoirl Fire lwsuranre ompany" met trcording to appoitrln.rM and .lected the follosv ii.g Olliccrs for the present year s ihrrcfors-Oideon Wehl, James P. Ro, H. f Mer, N'cr Middles" irth, Wm. J.mca, Isaac Eer',Juhn Oundy. Frederick C. Mover, John Wilt. James Marshall, Tiioma. Citngan, Henry Cast, John A. Mer z. JVestrfetsf-JOHN GL'NDY. JreW Jo WitT. Secretary J. A. MsaTX. General Agent V! n. Jonxs. Treasurer H. P. 8H. Executive Committee. II. P. S"", J. P. Jtoss, Jons (rt dt. Judgei of Ejection U. P. Sli, Two has Cii-baw, Jm Wht. , This Company ia by Us Charter restricted to Union county alone, and can not in any instance go tsfyond tl. Tbey are now ready to take rnsu saocrs: and t'e (ienerot Agent or some ottier MOpertifiVcef i l call those deairoua of I T 1 tk- r,a. w..i i ' rnbUiir-8 "e omee located at Jrfwibu ff, all commuincaiions t-hould be addressed (pot.t ijaiti'. l SccTAa of t nion Comity Mutual '. 1 .tsiirta r . it 1 fire inf. "' vo, ra. nOAKIM a lot of Fencin; K Bo-wds for eal me wwt oy UfRtfll & AMNION Partnership. f EDDES A, 9IARSII havm .stwiated w with Ihem in the Foundry Business Joseph W.Mhiiiib. Eiisiu CMi.sh ami Fmhcurt Muig, the business will hereatter be conducted in the n.me of GEDDES, MAUsH &. CO L.wieburg, April 2:), 1853 Dissolution. THE Firm of V. MYEKS & CO. baa this day dissolved by mutual cnnenL All indibted lo aaid Firm will please settle wiih D. Mrtas without delay. I). MYERS & CO Lewisburg, April 10, 1852 N B. The business will be continued hw '. Daid Myera THE RAIL-ROAD 1 7. i -A- r. -- "c"',5, i.j;iitu ic "eS S, JIUlf H'JI IV IUC US DAVID MYERS' ; Cheap Clothing and Famishing Store, f,-n '' Slrijml Coal, at P. Xrritu' oW Sand, ITOK there the citizens of !.ewiburg and the f urroun country will find one nl the best relted and largest ticke of Q'L-STi'l ever brought to this country, confuting in juri at f.illoas : A large and extensive atnek of Ready Mad. f'l.'thing ol all qualities and prices and of the latest style. A large a-snrtment of Cloths, Cateiincrcs, Vesting, Tiimmin a, &c. A rariety of fine and common SliirU. Collar. Silk, Kossuth and Summer HATS and CATS, HcUIN C raaU, Hosiery, lilove Ac, tvery ilescnption of Clo'hing made lo order in the neatert and most expeditious manner. Come one and all, befoie purchasing anything elsewhere in the shtpe of a garment, and you'll aae money by doing so. I can dresa you from hra.1 to foot, fur iro n one dollar up to fifty, and fl liter myself that I can suit all both in price and quality. Doi.'i forget the place sign ol Striped Coat. I.ewitburt;, April 13. lH.iS FllKSIl AUK1VAL OF SPRING GOODS ! . a l.!dtnt;s vv Co.) have t.ist received a hind- . , , . , , . . , . , i aril, lea, but would polili lv invite our old eusl" some aeorltnent of llltlc ami Summer G.i.ids I , -.t . ,.. . ,, , .. . . . . . mers and as nnny i;evv r.nea as will cive ti a c II i t'l a I a, una biiu idieKi mv lea, 7lili.i liavinir iH-en I . . .. : . . . ! to olUr to the public at BARGAINS. Jt wnti.j ajmrt-t impossible to enumerate the tnanv ait.c.'es in the Hue of DHY (lOOD.-s. (jnOCHRIF.S, 1 1 A R D W A II E, Q !J EKXS W A R E, elc. w hich are to be found in our well furniehid store, but we invito all to come and sec for them selves assuring them tha" they will get More Goods for the same Money than nt any other house iu I.ewi-.burg. To ten dei their establishment well worth a visit at all times, ihey will continue to receive as the sea-on . advances, new invoices of seasonable t.oods lor ' 1 -..lnw mnA l!.nllM-irit,y a.iT Ul ad IO bfi al.l-S al all times to olicr the choice of the iew Yolk nnd rinladelhia mirkels. Having adopted the motto. Quick .V''t and Small l'rofits. they hope to receive a liberal share ..I public patronage. (iT-AII kinds of Couutry I'lv'(ll)l '( E taken in exchange lor Goods. Lewi-bur-?, Ap'il 27. 1852 KEY STORE-KEEPERS asin iNEW GOODS! California fur (luld, Pennsylvania fur Li' Jttmt and Horrr, On. Sc:4t or f'nu or Uwhanin r IWtvt'tit, Ijir. livj'rr f.ar tet:ig IUnl.t, but TOSTLB ft TTJSTIN J,r Uin3 i in 1 5 f 5 r v - c J ? i-- i n ? ' 2 S. ii? ? I? e 3. Itl' i' ? rs CI H c.:i! t-- : r; ZL V i 3 C 13 5 3 r if. 5 tr?' S l i S i e . i a ' 1 flZ? -' 5 iff I"? ?S-'a UVJJ sf ? r N e i I I? si I! 2 ?.:T.i g $ S.a 2.-. Our motio "XUJting vntftire'l, nntMny mntlf? We venture to sell law then, friends, venture to try us. FOSTER & TUSTIN ' I.ewisburg, May I, 1852 Gprinj ttnl Snmmcr 1S52. W STOT? V. Xr NFAV COODS. . , '1.1. uiiu'.bii;.... . . j.. . . - tlair friends and Iht citizens of l.'nion county that they have opened a new stock of DRY coons. Ffin 3Kr.l WEAK they have Fsrarh Cloth, Doe skins and Fan-y Cnssirarrs, Colored and Whits Linen, Hi-ills. Cotlona les, Vestincs, new styles Marseilles VesV inpv (English Hosiery,) tc, FOK LADIES' IIXilK.rirh lnstered Black Silks, plain and rhangeable Filks, itrid Silks, Marseiioes, cherkd Ju lia Silks, Flon'nce Onalrasp Wares, Psris" paintrd Jaconets and London printed Bai-rarjs lie Lains, snper plain Mooselines, Toil De Noire, French and Scoters liaifkamr, needle worked Collars and Vadersleeves. Jaco. vet -and Swiss Eliriuiis, and Swiss Insertinss, Woven Linen Kdiiinus snd Laces, plain snd fancy Cap Nets (new styles.) Tarl't-ms, Illusions, lllondes, embroidered and clear Iwa lldk'fs superior quality Kid, TatTcta, and Sitk Gloves, Ion; and short Mohair Milts, AVhite Crape Shawls ehirant Sprint: Shawls, tr. Ac. A larae assort ment of FCKXISIflW; GOODS, Iinnarets, Matts, Stair p.imask, Super Cotton Slieetingsr Pillow Cass Muslin, FutrIture Check. Tickiaps. Cotton Frinees, Cotton Table lliaprr. Damask TahleClotbs, Xapkins. D'Oylii'S. Fmhossed Ooth and Cotton Table Covers, Super Marseilles Quilts Counterpanes, Huckaback, Biaper and. Crash Towi-lin;, I c.Ac. Their stork of OROCERIESis very large and cheap. Their (AL'EENSWARE assortment is one of Ibe finest ever brought to this section i of country, and extremely low. Also to extensive lot of UAKUWAKt. 'nmR"lV' "uuu D",n n r it the present eitreme y low pncea,- for Cash, n-. . .. . r t - 1 a - 1 en hies them to oiler unut-ual inducements as respects variety, at)lo and prices. The public ! are regretfully' invited to call and ei amine for tht-nifelvet before purchasing elsewhere. I frrouniry rroduce at the higbeft market prices wanted in evchange for Goot.s. sLenUlur, Ajnil 77, Igja The Mammoth Store! J. & J.WALLS nAVE jut received and are now npt ning at their celebrated lrat ((UMrfrrM. a LARGER, VUEAl'ER, and BETTER aasortment of WARES, AND IMcrefo cmrtizc tlun tn ever before ottered in L'niun county. (I'artirulars next week ) I.ewUbuig. May 1, 1S53 LATEST FASHiONS, all tin Fiislii'uii fur U'n yars 'it, May l e found at the Ka-hl.in- ' able Tailotinff Enip.ni.irn of ! JUlli J . 1 1 ii 1 iXA l, . , . . , on Aorth 1 hud siteet. All work shall be nmle in the lu'.-t and itio.t neii style, and if it (I e not fit I'll pay for the tin di. All Uiinl (if M-'chmira' Tiade aud Country Produre received in payment. Lewi-burj, May I, 1H53 Cheap and Elegant Goods. II.lt ES &, C O. have jnt reed a lnrre a ami sl...l,,l ..i,lniet of Xmhiw nil Zummrr GwJi-m they have been piurh-iM-d wiihCosh. tv 1 assnril thry enn be noi l at th - . ;u.. .t...,.Aa ii....:.. i., ...t i , . f , i . .1 . . to r l imine our rt.irk. as e feel c.uiliJeut that we can eell all kiti'U of (jjods to the best advin tage to the purchaser. J. II. & CO Lightning Rod VnKK many yea-V dose invesiigatiun am! numerous experiments, tho ralentee lakes .hns-ur-H in ttif'-tmtng lh public that he arrived at ihe t ue princij'l) ol jt'Oiectmp lamihs. ilwflfines anil pntfie rly from lie iieMru:iivr iiiflu ence ol LIGHTNING. Tho eahninif that every CM, Tn, illat;e and I'ounlry fat In victim to annuai.v, ihro Ue Rrtxir rifuliceure of its ii.ha ilantf-. i bryomi c .Icuhi i-m, cprctiillv rnnrn me reiueuy is o ray iu uiatu tura i fomi-1 in ARMITAGn'S aicni aflla jnciic Lllniii3 Uo5j( n.l in tKU alnni. Thi-4 I.o.t has hfpn exatniaetl h the mo-t rifniifio c- ntleincii in the worM Proffssors M'Murtri, Johnson, Wallor anJ many other tint have eTa-i.inpJ them, rccouiinenJ anJ spt-.ik of them in the liiphot term' of approbation, and have pronounced them the only tnfe rods in life in linn or anv other country for the protection of Lives and Property. One advant.tee i to divide and throw hack a part of the el- cine fluid harmlf , to the cloud ; in nmf ot a stroke thn enahle the j rod to conduct that portion of fluid that belong ! to the earth without the filihte-t danger of lea I vil) the conductor. Tim rod has many other I ad antigen over ihe oIJ one. The only place of inanu'actufiMg is in Vine 3 doors above th Philadelphia, hre a!l persons are rc-pectful!v invited to call and exiriiine for themM-'Ivrs. For alf Vholeale orlletadby THO'.S AKMITAt.E. These rods have been purchased and success- i n . . . , i . : -, i-.-. 1., I- . ; ".' " " - ! iin. I i nrp.iruUjiis, whose names are cheerlully . submitted : I j In ot.fi tiavrr Fhi?f&tfpia k. 9. V"Arm. Co-trv ; Pa(tiitiiErp Jn-.j Its-itTti-r. .Iiil'i' i-nml. Mnlft-r.1. t J.thn ll.m". - UtiN-y. J-Itrvm it. i 4kls-r,0rrat j !n-fTV'I, Tin- l.ltH-kls-T Aim-hoii', A.idVr'tii si Unit Iiit'. Rv J. I, v.raiit. .I..!.n Noimnn. !i". i.nr. Wt- A Ho ..in A. Ii. i!tikra. If. Tii". Nlj A r., Vr ( Is.wniii7, J. V. (ireer, J. W. v-Bt..n. I". Itirmr.hrevs. J ' liiniey X Co . J. Nynuin. II. lt.rl.-o. J .Iwo.liire. .1. '.., j -r. Mr. Mian-le-s, Mr. 'I.-irlio, S. II .i.ley. J. ltrnilAl.y. Mr. l'ai-on. nr. t am. r. ll. i -..w.-ts i , o., jt. r. .leMniv, II Mill-r. the ll.rl Hank ib.tel. ih.t tr. M. ArM-ml, Ihe j.rniir (ij-.r-len I ' imiii-riooe-s II ill. lit tf .V.le of .Vrie J -r. ry ' lit f ?e Cf'-t in . .Tod-e M Tall, Jii.Ie l'yt .ii. J.,lm N.-ttnair, t.T. t. li'Murtle. Iteuj. Kols-rts, Mr. J. IH. wiling. fX"J"The only author ixed A?ent for the Counties of I'liion. Jtitii:.la. M lilm. Cbiitnn. Lyeominc, Notthutnbi-rian J, .Moiil.iiir.i!innbia. l,i;erne, is SAMI KI, HOHVI'.R. Jfartlefmi. I'nitri eo'i?i!y. Vtnri Orders anr) Inters s.i.lie-M .1 (pos a d) to .Mr. Hoover, will le promptly a'liiuie-.l 10. He has put tip a nnn.her of these Kods in Cninn counfy, f mine of which may lie seen as follows : 7,v rv'i.v n.' wrr. lirtl'-y Tp. Mark li:tll)s-riny, tVrn. F'ter, John Unas. Xti-hael lVtei-s. J:xoh SSlllI' ti. Iliivid Kilnian. It.-uWn Menrh. Ceorire K'eekrvr. .V.w. rlin (V.tirt House, and r.-nimis-ioner-' Istliee. ht mtrt ae Tp John Iteln.r. f'm'ea Tp. lir. Charles iVils .a. Hjj.Ai..;rM Tp. .,,n Kunts. .snrmi Kunt. In-i Tp. I.-aac OVuidrou. It hU iter JJ. Muhaci Huffman. XKCOXMEXDA P:tiHP.t AHfi.n.T-47. T hare fbw dar rarvfullr inpprtt-. nnnhntir or riutitninc lto, with ,ane and itvb., rr rtttl by Mr Iboniaa Amihace. on F-ilevu Ifoimc. ilont-te-r. anl have iit ht-flitation in fnviniz that it ia ml only tli U nt haTi cyiT fn. but tbiit it if the only imp I b-vrv-t csnmin-! that i ron-truftt I on atrirtly wit-ntifc prinri pt. Jt in withnni' h praur tbat J nfi-mmf ini hi conductor to the atuution of owners of bnil!iti'. ii. m. mi lrritir. 1 am well nVHtV.. that the Ma-mrtir I.t.'btiiin lt-, miinfH'ttirvl bv Mr. Tlmmna Armita-re. of I'iii1ablpliia. in tlit; In -t that baa it,t Itt-n tna le. 1 have njwnt wTenil year in the ittty of lb laws of elwtrititv ami m.ttinet .!rjri. an-l hnvc nit h". ii:ttton in a ins that tli-e t- are ennntrtictttl upon the only jincyi.lf uf -Aad-ty. Theeiectric fh'w-k ia ree- ivcl and di7t rsl by tb- matinet at tbe t"p cf the rod. anl it ouM be imporil)e. arrnnl to th' l;tw! of atirarfi -n an l repul-iion. f r a htrMint: to b injured by a trvke of li-rbtninir when pntt-t tl by one .f the- puK 1 hav ?. nnuaint 1 ilh Mr. Armitfure fiT fTMrl year. and In f 're be rommen'-ed the iuaiiiit,i tnr of thete r1 Texm iif-I tbe ).rinr-jle on which t!ity are rs-nl rifted. n! f-lt eont tired ttit their ado,-Wll aroulil le Mt-n teil with enmtdete fU-1 hf incraa-tns dom:nd for tftepe rrnfw.iirrd the rxt nt-ive jli c in nil Tart of th rotiniry.iis ain,leron.mvrnlMtn of thfir nf'iirv and anrwrioritv. TRACY K. W AI.LKHt M. D. Iti-iu lian, Miilad C., April M, leiii. TUEFsS-TUEES A SEW LOT of Ornamental Treea. Fruit Trees, Evergreens, Rosea, Grape Vines, Raspberries Strawberries, Ac, for anl. at the Lewisbuig Nursery and Botanic Garden. The vatietiea of Fruit are all wananted. April 21. 1832 II. R. NOLL. SUPERIOR lot Cotton Lap and Candleivitk just reed by I. II A YLS & CO. If Garden Seeds. T" ANDRETH'S celebrated Garden Seeda an aorlinent iut reed at HOl'UH I O.I'S Boot and Shoe Store 31illincry. FRESH ARRIVAL. The subscriber would inform the LADIES of l.eiihurc and vicinity that they he jnat received (al the residence of the late l)r Lndwis) a .nppW of anne of lb. mo.t fa.hion - able Hon net aud Triauitlnsit to be lound in thi. rerion. liwonl lall .r.1 inem pleasure to display their enuii ui amnriineiii to sucn iriemu a mv lavor ihcm wiih a call. Ma. E. IIM.AND. Miaa M. J.TAfJERT Corner Fouith and Maikel St. 3w f'OUHT PHOCLAMATIOS.-Wherei.. the non. A. S. ttll..Sil, fr..i.ieiil Ju.tge f..r the ;itlh Judical I'itrift, eoiiKitinj of the cmiiticft t I'nioii nn.l Miillin. an J J .'..a Viti i:.wtku aud Jami.s tf ,lv.nl.!. K.rn. Asm n.tte Jui' in Lui.,u .imitv. have i.4stKil ttieir preo-jit. h-orinir uat- the eili dir of ffrt, IKO. and to lur .tin-eu-.l, t..r tli. h"U:n.; of an llrj.hin Tmirl. Court ol t'.iium in t'l.-ae, ilri-r and Teimin -r. and li.-n T:.l inrt. r N.-..,.n. at M.W BKUI.IN. lor th co.ltitv of l ni.in.ou the ;,,,U;iy of MAY next ibeiut ti l;th daj.j aaf to n.i.linne tvovi-fki ViiT.i':.' i. ,.. . i .. . ... ' "r 'vt a"'1 l''iUl.le in and ti,r tli cuntv of ' ' ""f-1" appear in Iti.-ir nn .r..p r r'riiw with thc.r n..i. r.-eord-. iieUi-liion. eX:i,iiiiiat:uiiH ami otht-r retn eml.riimvs. to ill, ih-'M. tli;lu-y vhiihof their offi. and in their hrlmlf app-rtain to I, don..; und all witii.,- a:id oMi.t jN-rtwin.. privei-utin in I hall' of the Comwoti- vteaun apa:nl any Mroi or H'rnni:, are re-plired to I tacn and there a!teii.lin.,atid no .l.piirt without l.-aveat i th ir peril. Juiea are r.Miieti to I puue:ual in the.r j attendant at the ap-,Hinte l time arreetil.ie t' iH.tire. (i.en under mv Itutl.l and e:il.at Lh - Sti-riff IKH.v in ' Xeu Iterlin.the'JjThd.iv of Man h. in the v. nrof our L"Pt orA tliott-gitHl ritrlit liiinlril ami lii'iv-inn. find in 1 lie fjveiit-ixth yi-ar of tli- Iini''jlniMii of the L'bitrJ Slatci of Auiorica. iitnl tin t'nriii.nwftilth.' BCTIie ShcrilTof Union county Trill sell at t!ie Oourt House on the I7tb .May Nine tracts of land in l'cnns and West 7 Innntl,; 1..Ia 1 . . . T T . . 1 .. i , T 1 ' 1 lUr"l, "f. A farm of 59 acres in AVhite Deer Tp, late tiie property of I't-ter i-lsli. A lut in krotzorsville, late the property of Hiram Ileudrick-j. Jury List Hay Term, 1652. lluAND Jl'KihlS. Z'ni'-n J.xci. TV hmik-ii. t.'tntre iian'l Sh'.wr. Iftrt i ?rrllvr.ii;:ii,u tl.ilt.rt nnv.So'. hrt ihr m l Swa-if.-iv. I'ej'iit-i I j. 11 if. lUnrrr J'lin Tnxrl. H"-',.f !rj limn k. John t. '. 'Mir. IV in. I'. D:.Ufin 11. It'isAii.'r-r l:iit II lt..r,hr:. fi-l Ki.-liUr. i'nn Jrirti. Smith 1. liil-c Winta-r. A-i.-f li'i'hti'h 4iforj ltt-l. f.u irf n' 1,1-nja Milinc!. J"-s h Orm-ri. A. 4 W . ilin"iiu. II-.' i!:tTji"t till. !).' klr-klll-r. Ii.ijhi. .T.VM LoiIaT. I;.v d 4.'hti'crfii Vnmiuxvu UvUUrit k. if ry Jkrvu Si;.e. hatuurl (if 1 man. ti:a i-.n-iK juiroiia. ir.V fr JsHiian i"iiiuaT. Jv-oh liar. Kft'y Vm Nla'l. I. lint lloaTalf., I;llt llilltvV, .TlH llU!. U. ,tti. A. i;rov, ln. No;', t'tutr fhttiiJ :iimnt. J.o'.vt-r-i J.irtb 8. hiiitth. Henry t.riib. s9iatln hWvr Lfntttw .lithn S'e ft,tf.trniarii ilwriii.r. t ill Kpl r'm Klo 4 a'.i.T.i.' K Km up. Bnfiui ICirlmra I J1 1,,r"i wiifl In Svf, iSV3t'vri II. MifllVr. i-ivit.-n-ft-rfr. J... rtoti. J.d tierrrf '. t'rtMrri-k I sum. J.-bn ltlry. vn liwirirn I lt-k-r. S.-imin Ufrhr.'m. its-wir J;ifi.b Vr; Aiain Ul. J. ltrn.Tr. I'ni'oi !avi.i Siitlr. Ja-li 1! h, titwn Wchr. Hiia-h li. i.u' a h. .1. II:.inI. t. It rrn.'l,t I. Ky-r. -V nhury t';.nrlt i.r l-f,niu. r.Sli x-r. ffarilsy- Tlrn M H'url, : ( liri-tiin "cliii're. 'Try Pliinp ArSor-it, Ai-n-. i J H thI rr. .ti B-i'raUl. ltjra. XI. 5tnz. T1k. 1 rurei. 1 PtTIT sTCROliS. 7i'tjrilJhn P. I'Htikl, William PJmAtiton. Jaro-' H-ik-r. White lr Ann r-niftt), Jfthn Haiv k. .' : jtrr.tn Snuifl lit Kip. Mm. Ili-rmaiiv. jr. fr-iver (on rail llrarr)t. II. SwarU. !. Kifiti. ijrr.Vy Jthulilii r. Iran it I If unffrfeT. L'VJisLury 4 hnrie O- k, amupl Hurrh, rrd. MoufrJitun, rtr Nrviua. tntt John I'lrioh, trutiiu 4'awicr. Cn:?e re Sfa'iliifi kT. A. K:riihaiifr. Witlti nylon .larot I.f(cr,''iilu b, H llfini bixrh. Wirt flttrrr Isaar Jol.n ..irirM-r. Inf!t .lnrph N lmrf. Wm. CoUhi-r, . .tin-lrum, J-ob ltiMJt. Noah WaltT. Itnj. I'Blin. MjttinUttrffJ. . ifit7T. IAmsUnK Kmlerick lEoItTtfT. W,st lintf tlneu U':itax,n. AXy .Pnbn Mvr. 1'trry Jacntf iiart.u jtt Ji"abt John C. Suook. Trial List for Ha; Term, 1852. Chrifitiann fv ho h, wiJoW of Jatfc fchucb, 4vc'd, t Ja n.b S h' li. Kx r. ; I'l.ri.-it'an Snitt'T r J(Mph V;illnce. I .I-tiiiftt VVilihtm ti John iiK-'Iirfy. iiiiry Uor-lM-har t. Umrr '.lw:mnT. J a..ii. llers. KxV, vs .u. SanJers. A.lm'r, with notice. " ni. u. ..rn, Jt I . . vs i, r;.,. iu nner is John limners, luu. Mm. Tate vs i:tri II K Itu! sriittflius tr-t JitKrb Dana. Jolt. .i.-v.rt.'.- M.irU 3 J -, h .a!l;tnaai Mary ?is4tb. .lartib Khim. jr v Nr:tv' tiiitt' iu. J.iinww j-miiiVT' Hi-urv Kinavr. J tut -eh Davt.1 VX.-iri- k. Iry Kfrjilfr fit J hn K ynywr. jRnn S. larHh f Jiinib It untm-' LmmaH mnh JaK ir-rr.trM eer. fl-ury u. Farnj&dis vi II. U. bnydrr. .1.. do TA . n. Srrlliran'a K .a A. Tliomaa an A. Mrvsineer. ai.iei Ii t anr.e:.! V. I Is.nsas "nit. t-dward Mmi-r, for t onr.-.d t l:..ls-r's vs Frayrr M-Trer. .I'.I.ii llartinan. ir vs ;un:iel M-her. -Vtniii;nim'iri f-ir Miy kin-i tr, M.S. IV-yrr saluretic-. , J In. Am vs Ii..i:i. I M.!llio:I. .'sine. S. Kellv. et al vs Slr.l,..n P. Lyr.d;i!t. J -lui Kiiue vs Andrew II -riun". '-t . .saiuni-l K.win;- ,v C.. . vs Henry Itirf. Fr.-.l. It. Uee.1 v Win. Wil-on, farmer. J... oh v..rr vs Jacoti Scu.s-li. Friii. k. in Kr-yer vs I'i.iiip Mover. .laroS l:e-: Htt-y vs II nry s-au.iers et at. sar;ih i.litan vs Win II. Sul.ivsii. .'rs. -I'.-rph .si:tnu"n vs ..-ei h V irrou, el ai. K n'-eu tidier vs iii..r"e Wolfe. K.iiiia H;i ls..n v- Ira Savr. Ar tlmr VI alls and wife V Henry Mason. .1 .sob Fari.-v v. .lohn L Fish-r. J'.tin .1. U. ckaf.-ller vs Al.ts.t (.ris-n's Lx'r. stii.-l.is and Miller vs John llar:nivu, jr., with notice to Ale-ahum Knlley and Morris Kr.ilry. Ner Itrnt.t and lin.wn vs llenrs ri. FckhsTi's Adui'r. IhsTL-e Fee. vs .Mtrlin Inei-.lia.-n. f C Can.tils ll vs L. II. Christ. Siepben ll-irtrsr vs laac Mdler. l.-ael limeiius vs Adatn J tirts-r. riiilipllrt vs 1H-. J. I'. Sc. bold. Ambrose Askin, If his neat Sleni vs tft. J. P. feenoia.. Samuel AsKin vs do (ieorice AsV.in vs do J. BVarly vs The Surar Valley I: Turnpike Road Company. Abraham Kyer VS Solomon Howersox. To';.i Cas.y vs Israel (jute!ius. tVilli..m Frrsk vs Samuel Oedde. John Fry and wife vs ch irles Fisher. do do vs Leonard A;ip. (esil.les Jfc Marsh vs Hruuevfiic Irremsr. Itian tlauherman for ) Klisa aii.1 Jaeoh li:iiilrrnRn C vs. Fredtri. k Walter. ee-n. loist vs Knhert M. Musser. Charles Filer vs I'ers. Ibirtman, et al. Uilliam Vuun and br.ithrs vs C. M-.siinley. Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ginger, IS a remedy suited to the evtremes of be it and cold, and is very benelici:il nhenever gentle tonic and stimulating iufbiences are reijuire I. Its stimulant property bring independent o; alcoholic power, its etft-ct as a I'rcivuent reine.ly need never be dre:lrl. While it streriethens and refreshes Ihe debilit'l.'d in summer season, it is not less pnient duiing ihe inclemency of the winter ; by wanning wiih its healthy tonic principle enabling 'lie system to re-isl the intcii-nre of incipient dise ises which lurk in a chancing clima'e. No fimily should be wiih. nit it, and to travelers by land or sei it wi!l be found inv ilu.ihle t.i use a few drops in w .trr aa a nnif .rmlv healthy and agreeable ilritik, wiihoul ttitoxtc-ititm. Cautitni. Persons desittng an anicfe that can he relied upon as-pure JAMAICA t-'INOER, should be particular to a-k for Itro vn's Essence nf Jamaica (iinger," which is warranted to be what it is represented lo be. and ia Prepares only by FREWS BROWX and sold at h'a Drug and Chemical tnre, N E. corner of Fifth and Chestnut M. Philadelphia, Da THORN ION. Lewishurg, Agent 6mri33 KfkBBtS. fresh MAt'KEREI., No'a I, 2, 3. by the barrel, half or quarter barrel, and singly, jusfrecd-and for sale by April 3 J. HAYES Ac CO. tTEAM Syrup Mufasscs just ree'd by O 1. HAYE8 Sc. CO". H. GERHART, Surgeon Dentist, T bis Residence, Pouth Third; Sl. comer of the Board walk.-' LE-WISHUKV 309 I Auditor's Notice. rilllE ondereigned appointed by the Orphans' ) nuri o, ini.ni c.ionry to Au-iit ihe ac ! countaofJamex Hemlcrenn and Kobe t Candor Adminiatrators of VVillisk U. St'LLitas. late of While leer Town-h p, l.'nion eoun y, dee'd, hereby mnily all H-rsnna tnteresle.1 that he will i attend to the ,lm lea of hia appointment at the j lioum of Charlea 0. Kline, in the Boronah of . Lewishurg on Salur.'av, lb. 15lh day of Miy j next, at 10 o'c.a. A. M. ! II HtCKOK. Auditor. I.etaishur;. April 4, 185S ' i T V WTTCITU (I A P. Ti7?Y uu " lkJlJlVU iWJlWL, JL 1 . ' riMW 9ih feasinn of tbi Insti ulion under the I p,renl I'lincipal will e immenee on .1 Monday ; H io.k r., continue "tl week lusfinciinn will be given aa heretofore in all the branches of a thoroueh Academical cniiie'-ff i.K-i'ading Languages, Malhamatica aud General I.iteratuie. t'on pnsit on and Reelemaiion will reeeive enrrfut aftcttiion. rroper regard will also be paid lo the manners ami mssra s of tbe pnpils ; and no scholar v. nl b retained. who a'ter having been duly advisa-- with persists hi the nntuleenre of pr.if.inity, tiarrrling or other low prvrities. The Bible tt in daily reipiirttirm in tbe srhonl. For reference, the subscriber tskes the liherfv of referring lothe citizens ol the placeand vicinity who have been his regular patron. A Female Aeaiststil will be secured if neces sary. Ttats. For I.snjrraces $10 ; Higher t-nglisli ij.8 ; and 1 nniafv R per !esi.in joiin KA.Doi.i n, April 29, 18 C2 Vrintipr.l Memorials. I'r. E2 ill It IS has removed lo North Third atrce', above the tier. nan lieformed Church. Mr. GESSS-EJl, Mufician, his rerroved fo .NnttS Third street, let i t door below the School House. II. -.mil tit T, VtHtht. h is removed to ihe llrick dwelling at tbe lower end of South Third street, corner of the l!oarda!k. MKDICAIa HKFOIl.M DR. II. II. II HtR! would announce to the ciuzeii- ol I.ewieho'e- an 4 vicinity that he hss letnovesl into Nor h Third street, in the h .use lonnerly oecui ied by Capt Tanl, alntve the lieriuan IJeformed I'hurch. Thankful f r the l.benil psirnniite hitherto received, he continues to i Ifer bis prtrl'essienal servrces to aN who may desire them. He practices medir'me in avcor.limre with the most ai-proeetl svstems of Medical Kelorm cives no t'al.im.-l or Mercury in any form and hopes to prove himself worthy of the confidence of the community. Ho keeps ot hand, fir aile, an extensive variety of Thnmsuntari and oiher Vegetable Me.lieines, fcr tb. Dse of soch cu-tomets as may desire theirs. He is also prepared lo clean and extract Teeth LewUburg, April 7. 1852 CHERRY PECTORAL Fsrr the t'wre mt corens, colds, iioarsfaess, BROKniTIS, WH00PIG-(0ltU, CBOrP, ASTU1IA. A.tt coxsnimos. Of all th? QttniiTn.is iu- ... lues. a-ALMiit. t'anl !m of th-m valuabJri ftr tht run of rutmonary cnmpfsint. notlimc ba t-jn-n f iuihI whu h rfiilil'iiniDnTf in it?t v-lft-ft-a illi llii." 1'reparntion. Uth-i- mr- .mr-intiw. but at alt tint" artl in all di-.''f f the lunif and tbroat 1it nit ilit inf ran riiff. tW will it ir. Vt t piv-naanr u tnk. ai.tl jwri- ft I y n in rt-.r-lnn-e i'h lit dirt'.-tior W'r Uo not .nlvvTli f'T th- if(irmatti n f thoM wb bTf tricl it but fr a bo ha uit. P;imil'Hi ihnf har tiifWD it; Tulre wilt m.t b- wttlimtt It. ami bv it- timfl--, tb-T ar .-nrv from th ('atifiuu otifpiiitii uf C'ort,b and Oiitis wliicli nel'tn-iJ, ri en into fatal t"U ktini; in.- Ti. I.'loma f tbvtip-ifhntt In'tut- wm swan M to tt j rej ariifi' n by tb BVari ni Ju iitf Siit'iii b. r. 1M7: al-o. tli M- Ul of tl thrcv v-wt !ntittit -f An. in tbi nmntrv ; hi thf Diplcma f tbe ll ,r. In-ti-tnti at v'i'n-tHnati. ha hps-n tritpn to Dm frtLrsr FtT' hl, by tls.-ir lioTtTttin. tit in on'-itl.Tiit OTi of it- rxtraor !innry e.r.-lU n'-u atnl uifulne.- iu curing utTcctiuti4 ot tbr- Ltili'.'ft Htnl Tnat. It- .vi tb f ilowtn f-p'nin f 'nTtfta.! on tlW Tod-f wr lienctp of lb t-tu.UfUt lb axian of lb I'ort an.J ( irv of Ir. J. r. Avw. iT. J'wy. M . lv-1. rivf-v-ar trial rf rc-nr Cif Kill: V fA T R t. in m' praHirt-. U. profn wi.nt I t..n-aw frorr it- ronii'iti.. mt true. tbt it er;i.!.cat 'S and eureq tbe i-tsuli ami eitiijlis. to wbi h . in thi.- seftin. sn- i-"t,l:-irlv I av,lt I ihi'ik i!t i tu:il ha ni vt Vn'Trr.-l. nrilo 1 F.no'- 1iit a b--tr riiiely rati ("emide fo? thelJi nip -r "f Ihu Tbruat and Lunr j. j. r.ruf v. m. r.. ?. n. s S whnt :t hud.-!!? on a ! fomtifrin, not tnly iu the following vttv, bjt a tbQ-'aod Mir : Sl'sirlfhT. jtl. -l!h. I"'!. Pr. Arrr: In fhe month of July la-t I :t;t tvci br a violet' t (irriiiM in tin min- rftVlfmpi, I r--t :rne.l lo Stt Fntn.'i- in h.v of rweinn-r fir' fn m a rlia'!!.-! ( eli:iic.t,. mi 1 diet. fy diurrh X eeA-set. Km was f.iMnWfd bv a '.ttc e:m :h no I ni!!'-. "ini'-ii. I finally )t:iri. d Ft hone. Itit rt-ei-ived no benefit fr'ni tbe Tnva:s. My rtfl Ii enntiniK-d toirrtiw wrse. and a hen I arrivrd in New Yortt. 1 wa at t-ne-- ntai V - by dv a quHin'aisfest a a victim vf eoiis-itmyiti'-n. I tnut t-nnrt--that no (.nfii-Tv nf roton to donM tmt mv fiiTd all le!iercd. At thia time ) (-.'mmeneed taking vcitr trulv inr.-iltia'Ab' rtTedtrnie with littif exiw-etntHn '-f deriving any b-ne(it frnm ita u-e. Von would not i-eivi' thee linrn did I no recai It rtv duty Trt i'fte to th- afrTifn, thrHi;h yon. that mj I'tilth. in thfr-teeof e'irlit month, i- fttllv rUti.red. 1 nttfitjuUj it tethe sre of your t MKK KY I'KiTOli Ar,. Your truly, tTW. . SVTTTI. V'TiTRfo,i, Pa, AprH rX l'4. TVnr Sir : Findirrr ttiat I hav te-n sjia'-e.t fnmi a pre mnture irntve, throit.'h .our tuntrnmenialitv by tie fro vid- iM-e of (lfi-1, I will t.ike the lilierty to exprrv to jou my irr :timde. A Cotiiih and th alarmintr etymi'torn of ConwrnnTttion hal rcdiicl me too low !- leave irte anythini liie no!f. Icn my pbysii-inu l-roul t me a Imttle nf yonr J - r-T.' It e"Tu d to atlori) immediate relief, and now in a few w-ek ti-n ha r'.4T.'"l ine to anttnd he.t'th. If it will do f .r otlit ? what it Aaa r ht, joo axe cer tainly ope .if V."- b'n. f;tc.or!of mankind. iurn-Iy til.in you rvery bteny.ntr. I anl Verv reierfTillv vonr. JtHIV J. CLAItlv, Rert..rof St. FeU-rt. Chorrh. With rtuh aa-'urane--!- and from ut.-ri men. no twnyr prnsif r;iu oe addurvtl unlc- it be fnm its effects upon trial. rzrrAnrr Ayr snip nrjJ YEsr a rzr. Prarti-'al anil Analytie:) Cbemt, lfm-ti' .V.im e..For bv r V.S-nfT.r;. Lewi-burjr: If Ca-Tow. Mittt.n: Miaa M. TT-'Ca--. NorthnmlserUnd: 1. U. K .-! r. N'r-w Kerlin; 1. Ueri.jj.rt, N-iin-frrt-ve ; and by ln:g.-i.-t" Twrvwher. lyiniKU40- rlicju "S lite place where Q. ufatii!"es and fills H. HERTZ man- Carriap;cs aa Busies T3II PER CENT. LOWER hsn at arty ether shop in this country, without exception. He has tbe Isrgessj and best acsnrtmrnt in all Central Pennsylvania, and is determined to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. Cal at ihe corner of Walnut and Water streets, Cyper Mtttnn. Fehll.18.Vi GEORRE H. IIERIZ IRON. No. f Eneli Iron and No. 1 Center t'ounty f on, offeree, for aale Tvre, at I'-nnta per lb. I Itand and !ln.p Iron. 3V er lb. Oval do Ihrae Sho Uara 4 do JjOval do- .Nail Ko.a 4' do (r $75 per ton, for an aaaortment of iiiTerrnt kiw.K) Sprint; Pthfi'rtfi p.T Country Steel. e eta p-r lb. Call st mr UJacksniiib shop nn Nonh Third street. A. AMMO.XS. T,ewiurtt. Sept. 17, 18.SI ACOfor tale hy I IMES& CO. Valuable Real Estate AT riilVATE SALE. j WILL be sold at Private ale Ihe properfy of the t ii. on Trartlns; ('orn:iiisr . consisting of a large am) eomrrmdious I W EI.Ii I NO HOCisE wiih shTOKK KOOM attached. oa the public rna l Irarline from Lewishurg to ! c.-ltnsgioe, near tr motrtll of Turtle Creek' also a Urge WAREHOUSE si na ed at tha' omoth of said Creek, with snlHcieur I. sitached for a t'oal. Plaster, and Lumbar Yard. Also the followinc personal propsity : 1 Canal Bout, I Foot Boat, 1 Horse, nd a lot of Hinges, Dolts, Ac. sD of which will he sold low. For terms of sale apply to either of tbe .n'n cribcrs. or lo M. H. Taiioabt. residing on the premise.. JOH OL.NUY, ) AI.FKE1) KNEASS. (Directors. MICHAEL BKOWN. y Valuable Property AT PRIVATE SALE. tT7"JLf. be sofd at Private Sle Ihe fnllnsving If valuable and desirable proper! es and buibini kit sitnsted in the Horo' of lwishurg, I'liion Co, I'a, 11 nmng lo the estate ol Isaa- xli.a ISi.ar a. ilee it 3 No. I. that full lot of groom! situated on the corner of Cherry alley, frontlnir on VTnT-r Jfym s srr-eu wnereon is ereerea ina. wen amiwn 4fegr Jt and lotnr e-taWi-hs two stnrv frame Tsvern . .si lo.nse 'J.I-- tn.nt hv XI feet in ileorh. ''rl;j wiih aitrh.-n atra-heit. also a new a-rHltu. '. I Mttl.le. ;;t !i hv & leet, with Caeriat'e lloit-e. :t.'i.j hv 12 teet attiiehe.1. a Wood House and other out l.uit.linirs-Hi never failing Well of Water, atmat flue yo.ir.e rruit Trees. e., e. No. 4. a lot on the corner of Cherry AUev "A f"",t'r" W":,tte' Mtreet. West St f.-et. and u running lo low water mark on the sus;n I 1 IH harms Itiver, whereon is erected two Two Slorr lvninir Houses. No. !, a lot frontinix on Wa'er Street, west M f--et. au.t riranint; to kiw watermark m the ti.isque-h.-in,ta River. N o. -1. a lot fronting on Water Street, west 1 feet, and ruiming to low water mark in the Susque hanna Kiv r. No. .' a btiildins lot fronting on Wa'er Ptreet. ea-t I j f.s-t hy in d-f'h lo a li f-et publr alley, al .oino.tr rots rtyof Tli.s.. .Ne-hit. No. (i a ilesirabln omhlini lot, RHJ bv in depth, to a .al.ifc ailey. corner of Second and St. John street.. No. 7-a lot same aize fronting on Second strer. s lj. lining Xo. 6. n. -i. a lot "me size fronting on Second street. al.j"inine Xo. 7. No. fi a bt same size fronting on Second street, adj'-ining Xo. S. The above n entioned bnil.ling lots will be old together or separately to suit tuirrhasers. Apply lo " JOHN NORTON. Lewrshurg, Warrch I). li5 wini5 fox Sale. ''pilAT Uroe hiicI desirable propprty on JL (he corner of Market and tt Hter Sis-, well silUHted for a residence, fur business, or lor a residence arrd plnce of business. Thorn is a lar-ie. KRK'K House contain ing 4 large rooms on Ihe first flour, 6 bed rooms on the second fl.nrf and lo nre finished rofims on fhe thirtl. A Kitchen and Wahhone adjoins, and it hts also a I trge cement Cistern, a Pump and Well o1 uond water, and all the necessary out buildings. For terms Arc. appFv to fJEo.F. VnirR Esq ' S. K. D.YIc. I.ewishurg, Sept. 23, 185fl WATCn DErOT, LEWISBURG, FA. h. UATFifcLU, ha on hand a la r-r and fplen.hd aortmem of tche A. .tL sr wa and Jewelry, jam reeeivrd from the h"t Imftortiiis: and .Manutacturin Houe in Philadelphia and Mew York, and ci'iiitfjueiii ly mucn loiaer than if purrhi-eil from those Ke t:tilff who pretend to he holealera. G .Id PateM Urer. fn!t jewete I. lvfe f O OO to fVJS 0. tlo tin sl a -wrls-l. Ivfc drt "f d- fttll jeWficii. Ifist di drv ti.y 5 jt-weN. t,k tlo Anchors, fdtt jewe'ed. I-rt to io .i.t do l r tlo Lupine, 4 to S wy'a, llc tl i lo 4 jewels. ItSl; ' Kmr'Nh an I Krenrti Watt-hen, lk Si.ver l;iiit lsfTr!S tu!l jwrl-a. do ( 6 j-w.lii, di Idmrins tb. jewetl, do Aii.-hor. fuil .'ewejej, d b-pni . 4 U N js-welw, ie-r-nHn .iivfr Ifpmen, 4 js-we!,- i.er t-JiiarVrn. tiiT.Tittii -il.er st -second hand Watches. .o.. (tiln t h:iit . o b i-V fob i'bain. do nin'a rb t 'Irain. 4A i SI " ti ,s 4l isl .to IS! It .:n -s 2 i.) " JS 0 .i -Is ,U 12 ti " JO IS. 14 is) ' o.. oo .. t on " II .si -7 on & 'SI 2 :.0 .'. m l IS. IS. fsi IS- ;.) is. .' isj "1 is. 2s fr U' So is .1 is i --0 iSi it; iv 111 IH' 11 IH 12 Of 2" is. K is. 13 f"l 14 . .1 S OtJ ' do Ve--t t'lis ns, i; (Ml iold Laities' Kreast Pies, latest style", such as Msniniini:. hv-s an. I tils-s, 1 am. a.Clu-ters. Stroll. Itranch.ac. llol.l i.t-ntlemeu s Brea-t Pins, do CuIT I'iuc. .iiiteri-nt styles, liu Fmcer lon.-s ltol-1 Lar Kine, -rs-n as Hoop.. Tlfopw, J. nny binds. Corn. Wheat, Straw herrv. flu-fer. Scroll, brsueh, c ll.'ld Watch Seals, do do Krysy do Pencils, tlo Hens, do 8-eeescTee, do lluntiihr Lneiets, (Ve1slias) ri.v Kracelets. filver sj.ams, Teas, Tables, 1 assert, am Salt Silver Spectacles, 1 SO ' 9 '0 10 Is 2 51' a ut I 1-S ' 37 ' 1 on u 3 f 50 i a 1 . 0 -s e Tr. " 2 IKl a jn sr l CO " 1 On - a on 7 fa. i o 11 IS o ISi 10 IS' 12 is 12 V- 0 And a variety of fsne coods, latest stvles. nestlv gut no. at prices lo suit the limes 03" : d a... ranted to be vsh'it sold fur. Also a itrent vsrietv of uilt and plated eomN Chnins, I'm, tsponns. I.oekets. Spectacle. Ca4es, D.iskeis. Car Kincs Shal Fins. Hair Pins. Coral (leads, Meet UeaJ I'urses, A-c, ftc., Ac Also rt-itss S .lay "prrni- and weight Clocks tb. on lt' iir do tlo do .lr,v w's.l nn.iiiltTime Pieees, M. nth C.ork-t. Alaha-ter I'a. lor clocks I'at'-nt Lever i..r M-riliel Clocks, French Acer Pons. S kevs, In .:n lni' P..iV-a do Hi'J Mtlsie ftisXe., it rn 2.0" 7 isi 1". M 10 Ml -s n hi i :..i .1 .si ' in tw 4 On 5 IS 2 u. 2S ijf 7 5f-1.-, is 2j m a no u And hutulieds of articles nnt menti uie.l. Watches, Cck and Jewelry carelully re paired anJ warranted. Call and ace. Mirrh. IS52 1.116 Vccal and Instrumental Music, ani tlj; O.-rmnn Ccsnnie. c- VERY thankful for pa-t v,"-Tq pitrrnai;e from the Cti'ien- .Jy" v. and Students nl I ew i-l ur ami K.aSi ) .vicinity, the sohsenher wotili --w (4wv--' " state that he contt'-ues to gtv. Instiucti'vns on the Piano and t.uiiar nl-o in Vocal Music and in the Ovrtrrsn I.sngnace llavng been taught in the lest Musx Srbo.ls in (iermsny, he t'eems himself amp'v qnaltfied to leirh M'tisie. and to aid in (tie correct acpnsi lion ol the rich Oerman tongue. He will also tune Pianos, said pot them in repair, if desired. Residence, after Ihe 1st Apul next, on North Third St.. Hist door souih of the Schoolhnuse. Feb. 51, 1 S3 3. FR NCIS 3. aES ER. icc Dr. John Locke, lUB SURGEOX DEXTIST, OFFICE on ThiiJ street, corner opposib the German Reformed Chnrrb. Lewi.burFebtua y ;tl5 txtrjs I . rwa psasj w sj I iaa tea Ma mmm aX 1 te r.i n i:i as a: IU mm 2,000 worth or CABINET FURIS'ITUF.E IOR sale and made to otdar it tha lirg. aud splenilr.l N EW r.UICK WA1IEK00M of F. A. Donachy, on Xtrth Fourth street, near Elair't Hottl, where is kept constantly n hand or furnished si the .honest no ice, all kin.ls of tjouGcIjolteiitrnitnrc embracing Secretaries ; Plain. Fsney and Draswinsj BURKAUS. of every variety ; Hat Trees ; Hofa.' Ottorn.es; Mabogmv Cl aire ; Wbatnota; Cntar, Card, Pier, Uressitig, Inning and Breakfast Octiean, Grecian. French, Hign end Coaxoi.nl 3L5t3i3(trni50, of everv variety, front $ SOU down to S3 ; STAN i.', fVe. Ac. A I work warranted lr be wall ms4e, nod sol I on the most reasonible terms. Ca-h, ;ountry Froduce aud Lumber recsivsJ in exchange. T. A. CONACHT. I.ea-isburg. Dee. S3. ISO I Tu Inraliih anif thi Sick. TfJE CELF.BKATED eontstoclt JHcUicCnw. i. Th artEtT rt.v icrrKiCPfyrLtS PAl.LJ -;curisx a: I Hums aj.-t a.! eawrwai l a.es aa 6ir. a. ii. H.iL V OF to Ll 31 MA for ftayin sr Has raw th- llomsn Itnir. .A. iinvt. f- yn:rr jyp fioym LjyjMZ.vr and ;.f.l. XLi.ElfiiLH iL.tt.L, a un, fcr ait i-is I nt i.u -iimsti-m. 4th .t:..ti'.V AfOCSTIC OIL. rertsla car. ftv llenlness ith. Wtr.1 r.v.4ryra known enraS-etr-e f-yl, rth. .s rZV .v .sf A Hf.tu.lt HA AEMKi l 7th. iriit -.v LLI.IKr . tor ail wuft-.h tu '.ha xsinl lv war. sih. .".vf.f.j-.s i;RF.tr wK'TKfx lyurA.r r I. V.r' f .r I o:.ls ami leeri-h feciit.- st .1 t-r. v-i t:i.g" fever : lor A-ilim.i. I. ver Conij-laint arel l:i"-.ua Atf.o t...ns: for lnarrle.-a. liiile-ii..n and ot Ajpetiw? for t'o-tiveoe-a in femai snd ais'e. si.d usrvr!. essrs plainte: t.-r Siomarl, Arfcuou-. liy-pes. .ifc. u.a rb.w--eiati.m. t ne ereat points are it is n. r I. i to isa. never g.v. s pain. an., ne.e, h-iivcs one c.'i.e. Klh KuLX.-loCK S Y..hSllF:-t iWorax S;!!sr, fcrrhiHren or irrown rv-rsons. listh. M.S. HKOnyn tiKF.AT A-i.'.V Til l it. Xo medicine has been i.-e.vert-l that i so hai piiy sl.r1 te.1 to use t.ttrrnath asd-oos t he irkew. ac vst pars- ax smh won-iea when Sl.priel elrsww. 7 as . .aasl. or t b friction. in ts.tl'.-s from 1' to 5t e.m. es-h nth. .sai yiioLT. s KoAfii -s.7. h-t.it aro BAyE. for driving sway XVmiin it. a -i:-t time. Uth. Th- eel, r-rated Ly.1 LIU FlLLStni TEJ J-f:nA.rt: KirifHu. I3th. Jf HAHTHOr KMFIT.1 WAT .TUCr. th. popular Kisr-loranlti.rf-ouiihs. Colds. ne.,.naa. ae. 14th. JWt l.AAT JM't.l A,L ;H' K'VA ilAlg Di'. th. o ily snre roionrnr of --e sair. 15th. JV.S HA LM OF CIIJ.A. a t bits. Betake for Curs. brui-eS. S,res. Ac. lr.th. t.i TH ICT OF .1 AKSAPARir f A This arse tiete has cu'itve all other ssrsaTriiias, anusti'l rtsC as ureat siili-fielion as ever. lTth Tte ee.ehr.te.1 seres I TKryr.THgyiyf PLASTF.U made from Ha. LIY. re-eiw. 3Bd ii.. mos pop-ibvr m the a,! ket. isth. in;. kLisr.n TooTrr acuS ri:orx a- eerr-sin an-l ea-v cure f.r T.s.th Ache. l-.'tli. lw. CiiM-Tih K has la'-fv ben -ht tT-s ricbt th' the I uit.-t tate. ot ' the cerebrated I 0. C T..J TLD .v.vf.-.i.'. w.xrrR. fmnd at the s:t .-p-ki;s rf n-: Wm. I'. Cl-ae. at M. C'lie:i;:es. c. W TLi utej ern. has attain"! a no...-iery an-l t-onu arifs r.or lers e..iaiie. t.v any prerrrSi.ss sr r..ei pin-. ..- i,as k-rn couiuiensurate with its merits, wa-h ars lirT" dinarv. All 'h remedies are rally deseriteed in AIM AX ACS. tw 1 jitsn to ali who rail where the medicine. kept. NOTICE. All preparation here: 'tote li a mr COMsTCCK S 'i'rCOMSTOCK II CO, alTayw belt mrd niw bebme EXCLUSIVELY Jo i r. Li.rin S. I (inisocli ; and though the aigi,.nuienf t'iuuroc. fo i'l be ciintinued, this et.a i.-.bi ! tcirh th fie similor itrtatnre uf Ur. L. S. C. will in future tiesiuate IM GENUINE. ALL OTHERS MUST Bt SPURIOUS. The r bore msVs ran ve tr.,! in Nwirl t-j enly efT 3. t J. VI AI.I.S. who li ,., . dVa :1, . . ("bUlS UMXT'M A -. I h i: 'A I. 1 : 4. ,.u. IMPORTANT TO TUB Farmer, Farrier Jt Siatte rro?i1Jre GEO- W. MERCHANT'S CIXEBRATZD GASGLTfrG 0HV rseaaaaLLBLSD tw tsi msToav or s.txtasi Am tb moat remaxkaMe Extsmal AppUoMsom arnar shaoovered. They ean'C Seep Eoum without it" txpenence of more than srvseen years ha. eeiablttherte the lari that Merchant's t'e era;ej tsarf nnf uil, as L'nae veraal Family F.tnbrocaitorl, wlit cms natal casss, sad rw Irevs s!l sucli as Spavins- Sweeney-, Kinr-burie, Wrnefira!!.. PrtJl Kvtl, Calli.its. Crvrkevl Heels, t;.-li of ait kinds Fresh Wor eats Spe,iis. Bruises, Fiav. tnla, Sitfti-:. Saril Cra'ks. s-trains. l.strenfwv Fouiuh-ri-il Fit't, Ser.si-lie or lircase, M angr.-Rheuniatism,-Ihti-s i.f Animals. External ls--smns, P.-ritiful Nervtuts Atfi-etinna. f niat Binss, Ftins, Citrus. V hitlnwa, rturt.s and Soaliav ChillW.-iins, Chapjiesl Hamis. Crariirsj, Ca traetinns of the Mttsci.si. twriiirye,- n saknssjra of the Joints, Caked, l'reaat-vcic oV'. Jtc The nnparalied e-icceta of iMi Oil, in the ei; S mt wkss sasrs in llot-aee and Call's, arsl e.en in husaaa dswa. we dailv bec.ontn; more k-iown to ll.e tarmtaf enmoiMMtf. Il can baritly he credit!, eve-n i, taues who Sa-re swesv in the hahit el see ms ll in -l.e:i- siatusa and lioaaes, was. a vast amount ol pam. sn.'fe,i..e and urce. are asrs. tsw' the timelv spplts-a.l.m ol ihi On. .r Be enre the narre "I the sols propriety. OROttoS W. MF.KI MAM', l. tcki-ut. N V .ls h'ova in u. aa4se of the bottle, and in his haiatwntme over the eura. Ail erdera addressed lo Uis itropristcf vrifTss prwaassfsr rsepon.le.1 lo. t;ei a Pamphlet of the Arer, ssa'ses what woaakss assr areotnplltetl by tbe use of thts n-sttirtslw. Sold hv reaiovtaH'e il-a'.is gtnera.,y, h Ik. CsSlll' Sanaa and Canada Also by V W fsi .atria, l.j.sial.t , ; Kl.r, N.ws Reiliti; J F t asl.iw. Mi t. i. ; i. Vns' s.-Muuhury M A M'Cav. itnhi.mb I i -. T1' :M A M Afe... fjellef- me; I, Vaninj. W. Ill, r'1 - 'm1f lf Agent? .- F Kletl A J'bil -,l.-.V Ward rVCcst. New York ; at Jail..- " I -r'-tti'g ly isltnei.b HENRY C. HlCrllOK ATTORNEY Ar t AW. ' !W S. ItvCSytssr JT-L. ' 3U-tS - '-