it e-. Nkwspapeb Statistic. A paragraph is going the rounds, affirming thai there 6,000,000 Germans in the United States. We do not propose to contradict it, as we have not the exact authentic returns. But we merely aussest that as the Irish, English Scotch, French and other emigration is at least twice as numerous as the German, ) this makes our loreien population to t fifteen out of uenty-three millions, or about twice as many foreigners as natives! Deducting the number of slaves, the free colored, and the increase f r t m new erri to ies, it le vjs the remainder" of the American population somewhat under' 3,000,000, or a trifle smaller than it was ut the time ol the Revo u'.ion I Again the population of Germany, ex clusive of Auatimn and Prussian State, is ahout 15,000,01,0. So thnl one-third "I all Germany, according to thi- statement, li.s come to America. Alb. Register. Iiia late debate between General Foo'e of M ssUsippi, and Senator Rliett, of S C. lite General, in reply to tho assertion ol Khe't. he h id never seen Gen. Jack son's I'riK-lamtion on Nullification, said : '1 would :is expect to see the devil. silling on a stoue It-nce, on a cold frosty morning, reading th B.ble,.s a regular! iSanth Carolina nullifier leading ihe I'roc Jamatioii ol G.n. Jackson." I Horace Mann thus sums op a few of' the advantaf'S ol modern inventions: "One bov, vt i h a fourdmier machine, will ,ke more paper in a twelve month than ' nil Kgypt could have mine in a humlcd years during the rein of Ptnlcniies. One ' ;irl with a power-press, willstrik off books . ... . .. , i.iv n.i. n iiiiiiitfii ai.iiut:a CUIJIU COJ them nefore the inveulion of printin". One . , ,,,r" iii.iii km an iron military, will turn out more u'ensils than Tubal Cain could have lorded had he worked dili"entlv till this ,,..,' I tune. Walkinu is (j.m.d Walking is good, ii'it stepping Ir-im slmji ti shop, .r (rum iiilibr in iieilihor ; hut Mret.-hino out into the r(iuiit in the lrehrsi iiuMs, and l.ihest rid -es.-ind niiit lent lunes. Hunt- ever su!!en the imagination mav have la-en ! iiinon-r irsjincN at h me, here itrheers tin ,.d Mni'.s. However t'.e limb , . , . ' may h.ivele, n l n susMiimi a too hen- vv hear', hi re they are brocei!, and the l.iaijino ail I.eroiiio'liiiiiviil.t aain I low mt perverse I lie memory nay have been tu presenritii! nil that was arnnizin:, I itiM-tioi! only tin what e;m not l reitivcil, j here it is ut first dUreeM riled mid then it leep ; and ihe sl.-ep of the memory is the j day in I'.irmlise to the unhappy. The ' mere broulhinu of the cool wind on the ' ince in the commonest htohway is rest and j ro nfnrt, wliii-h must he fill at sjch times' a be believed. . I ilunganan Exiles C. L. Brjce ssys there are many in New York City sifo r-; io f,,r want of work ! So ne were veiy , wealthy nolilcmer, high in honor at home, j Some would make good copyists', traiisla tors, clerks, architects, cnoim-ers. bu! the uijority are thorough, pi a Jticul farmers. Avarice Uewardcd A rieh Armenian liaviug lost a portfolio coniiiitiini; four jlundred tbousiuid pjdsters. olfered -Id.OlIU seoard, to 4heiiii(ier. It was fouud and -the reward claimed by a very honest poor s.ld man, but the Armenian, to avoid pav an the reward, asserted the poiifolio 'intninHj a ery aJsj iUi; fjold riiu-, that the eld ruua must hv st leu. id; alf'uir ev as hroiiuht brfore Ihe Sitan, vt h i acrr l.iinin the o'd mais horns' y and the miser's avarice, decided that the purllolio, if it roKininet such a rini;, was not the one found, and ordered il returned to the loue-l finder, nuJ to continue to advertise his own. Noticing the case of a la ly who was ni I lo have blei lo dealh in coiiseoiirnce I' i!ie extraction of a tiMith,lr. Addinoton, . of Richmond, V:roinn, says he never Utls to stop the bleed ii hy packing the ilveu iis, from which the Mood continues to tru-klo, fully and firmly wiih cotton ' moistened in a strong soluiinn of alomn and water. Il cured a brother physkian in this way whose j iw hud bled lor two ai'ei'S. ; ,,,.-.. , . 1 of a Military d-.g. The Djtch psjiers announce the death of Nestor, a ' dig, who has loilowtd the fifth division ol :nlnntry, now in garrison at Mae-trict, in ull their marches since 1827. lie was with the regiment in their lust campaign, and at the seige of Antwerp lust a claw by a shot .from a howitzer. Returned to Maeslricht, he sjicnt there the last twenty ears of his life, and died in hi? twenty, fourth year, lie was solemnly in lurid under the wall of the Ibrlress. Conclusive Evidence A witnesj in an English cause was nakt-a oy urn counst-l whether a certmn l:rsoii heretofore c.innected with ihe ufXur III question was livino ' "An," said the wiiiiess,"liiz not livinL'." ,. ' A I.. . .i ,., - . , ...w uu uii kuuw tiiut : satu ine fOOIlsl-l -- nv, ynu must unow, vnur honor. ' . . . . . - . . . ' said the wi'ness. "that I li n bit of a car- iienier, and iwas I thm made his coffin." ii . j- i ... . . counsel. -yet thai i. nm conclusive llence lhal the mail IS dead. 'Oh, vour honnr. y..u wotiM be woun- I. , . .ii. T,ir . l derl hard to believe, but I'll lake mi bnhly oath afore hifl worship here. ;.niw the chairman) that I not onlv liudo the roflin, but screwed thu old boy. down, ailJ m h,. bliund jfl'd ,,e acre w inp 1 of j our honor down, thut you wouldn't, be after axing nie such questions.' Corrected Uiis Day. Wheat Bye 75l80 k ! ...99 ',-otn 50 OaU , ,...33 flaxseed ..... 112 Dried Apples ..125 Uuttei 124 Es.... ...10 Tailow . . 10 Urd 8 lain 10 i Bacon DEATHS. . In Lewisburg, 13tb iusi, Bmiosi late of Muucy,aged75yers. In Lewisburg, I2ih inst , Cal CaWLCT ton of Samuel and Elizabeth Hess, aged 1 year. In Suribury, Hla lost., Mrs. tiTUiuii, wile 0r j0hn Young, aged 57 years. in Middleburg, int , Mar Komi, wife of Re. J. P. Shindle and daughter of John Voung a.T.r, In lewUburg, lttth inL, FiincK A. daugh ter ot H. R. and Lury Ann Noll, aged 3 years. On Monday rooming last, at 10 o'clock, Mt thiw Vassab cod of Rev. E. W. Dickin.on of ihit ilace, aged 10 year. That another hu fallen iti the Artl bliuh of youth, nifty be of hut litlie coBeo,uenc lo the cnt world a ilnip ur euuinier ruiu eotniiitr. down in-m ueaven, b-iiiut-lug for an iutant in that bow of promise, whieb the heart alone can see, and falHus- Into the lake beneath. Other hopes rpan the heaven ol the human hi art, utber sum nkn vliUer in the train tf roniing time. Snrh in lift: so haMeth ths world away, lie whoa death to rhrouirled j hove hud lived ra'.mlv. cenllr. hai'Vily. aud left a mem- : ory and a how hi Ua.-e who w'),i memory like the mu sic of Caryl, - iieanant lint mournful to the eout," a hope that Ihrhts an with a coming dawn, the ookl gray cloud of uialit and death. Of lit: .tar of life it may well be raid, It art as sets the moim'sp rtnr. whirh iron Not down l.-hind the darken.d we.t. nor hides Olisrured amon. the tauiet of ll. sky. llut melts away into ibe light of hcuVett. A. T. wwawMaanaaaaawBvaBwawwwawaWMBwv UEMll' CALK, GEO. LsaVB,J. llKXUr SI " a, uouuuiaaioii uta a wwo. . CARR, GlESK, & CO., "WMis-sniX anufokuakdixg meuoiiants -V'- Sk'"'"' Wharf, litltimnre, W"'1' rr"-'"" kiivr. orain and all kinds " vfom.NT.IT "oi.i- k, ,r.u mrtim'ar attention hi h, s;en to ti, Bn.nrh of the HMoi-hy L-awu.ii. iie?e, h! wimie attention will U- devotrtl to the n.ile of l.unilr. and will orenpv an oa:re on the Frtll? 1&N-IC. t'S4!naHy lor thin iurNt!. Mr. uk' ln!exad tert,i, . ar.t rate u. man. i a uamnfee that Uie Uigbint m:irket i noes mil alHavi ih ol.!aiioMl. f o l.itHral t':ih adTnnrtu made on Con.opnmen?': hut m iioca.-' wdl tli: !lm: uiuk'. any udv.iucc uuul th.-i'riu.T is n-eei Jl;,rtu l7 lsi- rvceivit. (4U 4m. Public Notice IS hereby given thai a lol ol lumber ta!;en : up w! ile (1 ain; in the West U'anrh on the 2o h -ay of Frqruity last consisting of live liis a li-t di srriplioii of nhich are lodgeil in my ofii e ' ''J o"--h'p. L'nion coumy, fur ihe in-ipec- I """ of " "0""""d. 1 be owner or owners j " "l'"1'0 ,,P',e P'-1ty.pajr all I legal charges, aud take tl.em awav within three niolllh, ,,, ,be date hert.o(. ol,eri tho will j lorleiud. Witness my hsml at Ki ily lonii-1 'ship. I'uion county, thii 15 h dir of Maich, j I A 183J. JACOB IIL'.MMEI., J V. Auction ! rpo I,e sold at the le idenre of the undtrsicned ', A on the corner cf Fouith aud Mailu-t sticets. j I.eiburg, ou ,SnluriJty, 2lh Munlt, 1 Sleish, 1 Mtaw Cutter, I Psrtriilgc's pntent Cum I'lsnter, 1 Wason l'o, '1'able-, liclilinj and Bedsteads, and other Household Fumiluie. &c km umeroui to mention, iSale to commence at 1, 1 M, and teems made known by JOSEPH UltlfjHT. March 0, 1852 TTHE rsrtnerrhip heretofore existing under the Kirm of 'tl ill & Relicr was this day dissolved by mutual consent The business will be settled up by the hie t irm. All persons know ins themselves indebted to us eiiher on Notes or Hook Account, will please make settle- in ul ol the same without delay. NlAit.S A RE15ER. I.ewirburr;, March 2. 1852 jXew Partnership. REBER & VORSE. ! "JETER NEVU S bav ng mired fiom ibe r , . ... r i, , i .1. : I I lale r irm oi .vetius tx iwi-oei o uii-jviiia I bis inleiei-l in toe lock of tiooda lo U. It : VOUSK ihe Uu-ine-s will herealter be conduttid ; uuder ihe 1'iim ot Etl-trcr A. Vorne. l y .iiici alletiliou lo tiu-iui-.s ami a tleleriirnalioii to li Uo -ils. cheap, and please eer b.tdy, we will not only be la voir J hy all the old customers hul nliiaiu a laigc ii.creae ol new ones. teAlicr this weik, we will be lound in the j old i-taud laiely occu'itd by I.. I.ldincs V Co. DAVID KEWEH. O R. VORSE. Lewisburg. March 2. IK.'2 JhXeCUWrB i.OUCB. j "VTOTICE is hereby "iven, that ihe Rej. isler f .Tnion county, has granted to t ihe sub-cribcrs. I..tters Teslamenlary on ihe last ! anJ ltliwment f IMIII.H FREDERICK. ! ate of East UulUloe Township, deceased. All! .. .. ar... persons owing said estate, will make payment aud those having claims ag iinst the estate will present them properly authenticated fur fettle mcut. GEO. FREDERICK. Cliilisqqne. SAM'l. ZELI.ERS, East Bullaloc, March 9, 1852 6wpd Executors Valuable Property AT PRIVATE SALE. j 1 TTILI. be sold at Private S.-le the following ' 11'. valuable and desirable and l.uil.linff lots situated in the lioro' Lewi.hurg. ,. . J.0 Pa M .ogiug lo the esute of lsv-j tu t Bl.U, dc'd : I j.that full lot of ground .ituated on the of Chwry alley, frotiiut! ' alrt,hercon is er.t,tl that well known ait two M or) frnme Tavern TT-S .III jhinwe u, fniot t-J ol fc-et m di-jitli, jiia5rj stable, a.; a y -- -iiu Iit l;f.- t atno-li'tt. s VtooU Hon, anil liMinits m-vi-r wiini? Well of Wau-r, ala, nd f thr out l ...l.titiim tlVT LUltnZ IICU Vt SU.1 , UUlfU;. tw lim - I.. .in lha rnmif nf (htfrrv AllcT i-0. ' Jjo.wa Story Itwelling Houses. I Ko. 3. a lot fronting on Wa-er Street. est , M f.-et and running to low water mark in Hie fcuiue- ,,",;i"r. j .No. 4. a lot fronting on Water Street, west ' " to lu "u'r iu j ft'o. 5 a buildins lot fronting on Water Sired, t. f Sf Cil " j, a desirable ouilding lot, 66J by in di-pth, to a public alley, corner oi couu iiw c. -ou No. T. a lot same size fronting on Second Btrwt, adjoining No. 6. ... o ' j No. , a lot same size fronting on Secoud etreet, adjoioin; No. 7. , No. O. s lot same sise fronUng on Second str;t;lJ'nioKo ' The above mentioned building lots will be sold . . , . locetnet or scpawieiy w u" iii..- Apply to JOHN KORTON. Lewisburg, March 10, 1858 mf 5 NOTES Promissory, Judgment, and Joint Notes (blanlta) at thia office. , DEEDS of a superior form, for sals at lbs Chronicle office, S cts single. 80c per o 8 ' T7" K t?lTT nol refused at the Uflice ol JA.4i?fl.!' m?1"' LEWISBUKG, CHRONICLE & WEST lost! VX6TE of $150,00 dated lit April, 1851, against Rebib Sc. Iuiimes, endurned with $15 by three payments. All persons are warned agaiust urehasiug said note, as its pavn.ent is stopped. A suitable rewaid will be pu d lor its return to JOSHUA HOlSKL. Lewisburg, March 8. 185) pd Notice. THE Partnership heretofore existing between the subsrribers in the Mercantile bOfineas in (bis placx. is this day oW'ked by diseonlinuance of the bu'iness. All peiaous iudeblrd are reques ted to make immediate payment of their arrounls. and all hating claims agiinst the ssid Firm will prreent I hem for adjuatnu-nt. One or both the undersigned will remain at thrir Sto'eroom for some leu days to teltlt: with perrons interelrd ; after which time all unsettled business will bo put in proper Officers' hands fur collection. ltai ton & Cbalfant. Lewisburg, March 10, "bi QjThe undersigned ahul to leave Lewuburg, request" all ponum indrlited to him to srtlle I lie same immeiliultlv Al-o all iiulnbtedutss to Itarlun, Vtddn A Marsh mod be cliwed without dt liv. 'I he ntrosily of this a'H l n.ual be obvious lo all concerned, and eipecia a pro opt coniplintire. SAM'I. !S U.Alt I OX. Dr. John Locke, ,S7 j;;i:ox jjkxtist, o i'B'If'K on Thiid slteet, corner opposite the (ierman ttefjrinetl ("Lurch. Lewisburg, February IHj'Z H. GERHART, e - - - n...i.i -yY7 ouigeuu ajcuitat, ' his KcsiJenre, on Pifrt St., a fria doors Souih ol the Prehvteiian Chimb. u:visnriiG. 399 A'1 Vocal and Instrumental Music, onb lljc CPcrmtui Caiignagc. VKKY thankful for past ' palnmaee from Ihe Citizens i ?'j'VvaSi'dMuiieiiisol l.rwisbura and i iL.lS'H ( vitinitt, ihe subset iber would id I t stale that he cuniioues lo give Instiucnons on the I'iano ami (Jui'at aUo in Vocal Music anj in the (Jerinan l.nmune Having hem tuuhl in ihe leu .Vus c iSchwiU ; in fiermnny, he lieems himself amply qualified ' to te n il Musi:', and to aid in the correel ac.jiiisi- I tiou ol iIik rit-h tit-runiu tonuue. Ho will also j tunc Punos. ami ui ihcm in rrjiair. if desired j Residence, after the 1st Apul tint, on Xotth i Third St . fust door pouib ol ihe Si-h'Hilliouse. lb 21,152. FK.C1S J.iESJ.M:i!. MILTON IS the plar-c whei ufjclures aud re G. H. HERTZ n- Us Carriages and Buggies TEH PER CENT. LOWER ban at any oilier hnp in this country, without exreption. He has l!ie largest and bent assortment in all Central Penus Ivania, aud is determined lo give salistacliun lo all who may favor him wiih their custom. Call at ihe corner of Walnut and Water i-treets. Upper Milton Feb II. 18.2 CEOKUE H. HER I Z lt.IIin lla Uve removed their Goods to tie renewed and nunt neatly Cued up building laiely occupied by Js's Hams & Co. where they will be happy to wait on all theii old customers and any number of new ones. Lewisburg. Jan 2S. 1852 COAL. (r TONS ol Tea Coal, screened from diil ts)" and dut suilalle for small Moves, at f2 per ion in eichanse for any ailic e of counl.y I'mducr, by A. AM.Mtt.NS. I.cwis'.iurg, J in 21 RON. No. 1 EiirIi h 1 1 on and No. 1 I.Vin.-r I'ooiuw I on, nlTiw.1 for alrr Tyre, at .1 rents . r II.. I ll!nl an.l Hoop iron, 3:t, ht ia. i oVrtl :l:tj ilo I llor.ii- Mi. liars 4 Jo j 'Xllval :X 110 I I'oJs o ar JTii i-r toil, for an assortun-nt of .tiffrri.nt kiuls.) .Sfnna SUvl,U-ts i r H. rmmtrj trl.f i ts r"-r IT. (all at my Ulacksmith shop on Minih Third ! atreel. ' A. .MMU3 i l.oal.-liurg. Sept. 17, 1S51 LL ki IV whit: LL kinds of GRAIN wanted, for I he hi -lit'st ('ash nru-es will l:c 1 paid by 1) S. KUliMIiK & CO. Lewisburg, Jan 5 A GOOD EliO STOVE n'1? new for sale at the "Chroniclo" ollico. HIM CHERRY PECTORAL fOlGIIS, (OLDS, HOARSEXESS, BK0.MHITIS, MH00PIXC-0tCiM, IDOrP, AXD 10XS1.1IPTI0X. I Manr tears of tnal.iu waa o. mi, siri l e : Vte sr.- -f .l .i'i.,.' in thin ni-diem-. has won tor it an ni.pneoinon and . karareeeeiliiiK llienirt-aniiiiii..-xfL!-it:iti'n M UrT.loo. I., inlrintl. virtu. 7.n.l .he uuml-takiilile la-IM-lil ronf.-rr.-d on tl..lnli.N of -urteier-, r, I riiinat.- and ataintaln tin. m-ulanou .t .njovs Vt I- l. man, iuf -nor n-n :r ll.r...t lln-r,mi,n.n..ty f ilM and Invli di-rarle.1. linn lias faint,! fraf.ul. I.y rre.1 l. "-t t-o;.h, nfl.rtUl.. , , foiwi. an.l rlnre.l cures too numi-rou .ad is-uiurk- ' WI,m!"'.Nrrra:r.'- tl .uldle to rretend til .t ant one mrsliane witl IntalliWy .-trer.UH s;re is stamlant j.r.arf' il..! I icL-MlRi V IMT.Al.iloorn. toniy asatwnerat Hon!.', luli tovi.Uv,u O. inalaiH.sf.r vbfcU it is eUt'W ukes IW fcef - f. r""S mnlirine has prad""'' " '" " nl r .T from 0,0 1.-!..., tire A.ueni.n --,.,a..t to ?frj,,mMal'- rilv. an I i....l rouutry. m i.T) t i , i9 n ,,,r Utt i' i"Ul', I t Zm. f the Throat and Lun.-v and, 'r"'7", .. u ,,,, . ixii-n.ivelv ' "!Vl I o-t lot lli--n. ,il.xia-,. I ., Ort-at Britain, S"J J JeriiaBV, l.. re tis- tuwliral aci-a . ha TT "infir hh t ,-rf !.. 0.e h-rry IV Soraf i. ', 11 and ii. ixm-tant use in tlie Annies. Hospitals. Sw"lus. puMie InstitulKHis. and in -B.nei.tic practic-. f"'i,KZMulS:. , .ut, and-tVetual to t Zt. Z of Ua fstitnonials w enre. In fart, Mwiia "",. . ,..,, h .uj.ri.aia ,iMhaveli-n rroia pare.- - - j Th. V'Trevervovmr of -t m.r tiia own eye, with Chmu't and eve.7 0"n u pr.tetwl intariaMe seeu7 nut utly cau be ivlied on SjTS'St.M the eotnrarmity l" w3ieinTof such intrin superiority and worth as with ali'tlne oia. ronUdeno. resardy at ahouid 'Teffertual. which this has by r.p-.t.-d once 'airo,4 t,lf to be; and trust by sraat and counties. Vnr thhrmieal rary, of uniform ca" IhT.n.an7w .nT3. whkh they Muntt "d ths afflicted areml, ".re oX iTr uTewTail thai medicine eao do WW?STvi SOLO BrJJXESCJMR. rlV;rI Anal.vt1caJChnl.t, . iaaU, Jfa. , iv nrrtx.baw .Mre; J H.Calow, ,w ISsrl.o . I tali-wjC thojt J.i..I r.. .... i. a7 ! Mattel m A Bargain! ANEW Rockaway Carriage with seats for four lor sale cheap by CHARLES S. CR1TE3. Lewisburg, Dec. 8 ts 1,50 Second Arrival of Winter Goods Cheaper than Ever. DS. HltKMER CO. bave just opened large and general assortment ol Goods suiia'de for the season, which they offer to ihe tradinp community at lower figures than ever before otTered in this place or country. Their LADIES' Dress Goods department is complete. liU.VI 8 ean be suited with everything desir able in their line. And ibe BOYS and MISSES can not fail to lie pleased : so come one and all nd examine our Roods and pi ices before purchasine, as we are determined lo make good our assertions. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for (joods. Lewisburg, Dec , 1851 1). S. K. &. CO. pOAL,PI.SrEi:,SALT.FISll,IUO., I i I M I T O .at.. a-a n hjinrl and fur y nilU ll.nili-', niwnn . sule hy U. S. -Kit KM Eli & CO. j iec 2. VM &EGARS. !01- P. Inegarden & Co. KAE jtisl received ihe largest atock that has ever been lirougbt to this country, and one lliat has been selected with great care. Hiving been engaced in Ihe business for 12 years past, and as we are determined lo sell cheaper than any olhei establishment this side of Philadelphia, we Oust we can please all who will favor us with a call Our assortment embraces the best brands of -rr o o - r such as Black Fat. Honey D,-w,t.lory ol V ii jmia. Congress, EUorado. Mrs Miller's Fine cui. Anderson's Solace, SeaflVrlatta Turkish Smoking Tobacco, Cut and Dry, &c. SEGARS leqalia.Principes.l.anormas, Cast. Ilos, Mmell i fchiixis, Kossutbs. I.d By rons, Kosciuskns,Tuikish Sultanas, Sixes. 50 U00 well seasoned Half Spanish, and a large lot Common. S N U F F Ksppee, Demulh and ScoU h. Also 1'ipes, S.-gr Cases. Tobacco Boies, Port Montis, Snuff Boxes. Matches, fee. all of which will be .old CHEAP FOR CASH. Orders from a distance will be gratefully rtcd and proirpily attended lo. Uwisburs. Nov 25. 1S51 6m3!t TsEW (JOODS! JlST ice. ived the C ity of Philadelphia a full and thoicc aisortuienl of HOOTS AND SHOES, coinprisinn Men's. Ladies', Roys', Misses' and Children's Boots, ishoes, ritvskins, Slippers, &c. &c. of every description. Al-o. every vaiiely ol work in his line MADE TO ORDER, and all kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. Also on hand a choice selection of Classical and Common School Sunday Rcho ! Library Books, Hymn Books, liihles, Testaments, Portfolios, Monais, Blank Books, I'ajwr, aud all kinds of STATIONERY. Thankful to my friends and customers, and the poblic gem-rutty for ihe liberal support here tofore received, I hope by strict attention to my business to merit and receive a continuance of Ihe same. JOHN HOCOH TON. Lewtsl org. 5ov. IS5I II V .lim lo i'it:a$e MT TIIK Farmers? & Mechanics' Favorite Store. yy.. -f The lars have just ariived at fftrai J&lA Lewisburg with a supply ol "'J Class, and (Jueensware tor L- rDDINGS & CO. In olTeiintt fln ir sliH-!t of (ioinls lo their cus tomers and the jiul.lic in general tliey feel confi .leril lhal a more assortment can not be fouml iu this section of cooniry. Their slock ol new Cloths, Csssimeies and Vestmgs, embracing all colors and u;.i .lilies, at eiceedinij low prices. LADIES' I) HESS (JVODStWit department of our eststilUbment is now complete, end we trefjr'rrr.rti in Dress Silks. Oor tvss.wiment ol Fr.iit-U Merinos, Thibet Cloths and Lustres, embrace a beautiful ranse of colors, viz., fine black, mazstine bine, mole, blossom, pink.cberry, scarlel, green, olive, brown and Mue, at very low prices. A splendid assortment of pUiu and 6gd Cassimeres and Delaines, very chesp. Also Shawls, Flannels, Domestic Good, Carpets, Qiiccnsw:irc,J roceries, Hard ware,Cut lery, Ilatd aud Caps, &e. &c. &e. Which will bo sold very Ijw for Cash or Country Produce. Thankful for pasi favors, and coiifi lent that we can give entire satisfaeti-.n, we most respectfully invite a continued share of public pa'ronaae Oct. 21 L. lUUI.NGS fc CO. Mai ortlio Slate or California, OKESON. I. TAil NBvV MEX.t:0, am! TE.VA3, pr ntcl by 8. A tig's Mitchell in IS 16, ami paiii'eil to c.rr.s.iond with the boun .laries died by Crnares.. in 1850 for sale at the t.broniik- ollice, price 25 cts. C10AL Shamokin and Wilkfs-Bjrre ; Siove and Limeburner's. lor sale by J. & j. Vulls. CAkPETS and Oil Cloths, a larfie assortment l Walls. SALT Luke and Un.und Alum Suit at Walls,'. . J. SPYKEE & SOW'S IK'iSSra Hat and Cap Store. NOW on hand the largest stock of HATS ever ollered in l-. wisburg, consisiing of Eslra Moleskin, No's l. and Moleskin. No's 1, 8 and 3 Silk, No's 1, 4 and 3 Angola, Musk, Ueaver, Coney and all kinds of Russia, Black and White, Rough & Beady. Hungarian, and all kinds of Taney lists for boys and children. C4PS Si' Phi ofesaiy style or quality, Silk ijlaxed, Blue-, MUitary, lllaak, Clollk in short, all kinds. , .- . Ull FFS A good assortment of Mafls at reduced price. , Ready fflade Clothing A general assortment of Coats. Pants and Vests the cheapest that aver waa offered in Lewisburg. " HATS nisnufccliiiwd order. (CThs highest market price paid fat rUB8 of iH kinds. . Itcwiaburrj, Oct. SI, IKf am- mm BRANCH FARMER. - fff LB3- f HAMS for sale by 1UUU May- C E. BOWKS. "I frn LBS.ol SHOULDERS for 1UUU sale by C.E.BO. 4 ff LBS. of CHEESE for sale by 4UU C.E. BOWES. 20 BBLS. of FISH for aale by . U. E. BOWES. CHAIR MANUFACTORY, South Fourth St. near Market, oldSlanihof WyhoffifHouidandF-A Doaathy. nA VIXG taken the Rooms lately occupied as Ivo.e the subscribei would announce to the public that be is now manufacturing fjaftfi of every description,, SETTEES, w. &.:. in the best and most fashionable styles and on ihe most accommodating terms. He is also prepared to execute on short noiice House and Sign ItaCntitfS in town and country. He hopes by most strict altenliou to bis business and good workmanship to merit and receive a fair shire of patronage. O-I.umher and Country Produce taken in nivnu'ni il Cash is not a hundv. 1 JOHX N. WYK0FF. I.ewi.-burg, Dee 10. ISM Exciting News ! Huzza for Ike A'fw Clothing Start. So. 1. ! Now (r a New Suit ol Cio'hing. o ..... l'.w,ri, I DM1 IKS X CO. take great pleasure in announcing to the eitiienaol Uwisburg j and auuounding country.- that Ihey bave jost opened an extensive ULOTHIXO STORE in the Storeroom of the la'e stvett. wutri ou the corner ot Market and Water slieeis where j they have a large aud well selected sloca ot V A QtTTftWj .8. TlI.Tl CI.0THIJVO. J i!uf iiliuikft '.lt.. Mohmr dK, tc-, . . ! lilit.S u.l IS Was t reach Cloth Press and Fnvk ..... ........ . r.- i.i- .1- L-. .,.h i l,,lh limx: nnil rrrVK. Csits. Uui.u-s do- lln.wu do, Bniwn do. Invisible tir.t-u, Irih lrrd. Jin.. Ca-iuer.-. Satinrta, l'vi - II av.-rs. Pilots, anil all Sillers. Jloulny Jackets aud trii -ket do- of all kiu Is. , I A . -TS Silk Velvet, ilks. Satin., Faney do- Faui y Voleu. id. n. Ulack Verroud, Ilia k and l auey Ca..s:uier-S. .o rilian Hlks. Scarlet do , e., r. J'I.Vr.l.OO.V. Wark lao-kin taaumeres, Blark and kuuy Twei-ua, Corduroys, fcaliiietn, I nion. Iri-h t'aaliss res, Farmer' and Jlcchaliiea' do, Con-lvsi do- auJ a ancty .I others. II ITS Moleskin, Silk. Fur, and Urol llas IVarl, Itrown. Ulai-k llrush, Wh.te do, ISrown Hungarian, .Vo ir , Ion. Ac- Ac. . . , I .s.sii, pinsh. SHlk Claud and flnth Caps. XIIIH fs Fine Winn-, Faas-y dw- Hiekvry dm for led I'ollnrs. plain al lancy do. Flannel Under rliirU and Urawera, A bile d., Cotton do, Marino do. llo iery and Olotes, Cotnrbrtu, Cratsta, runs Ilasal-ken-lii'-fs. Linen do. r-ilspcmter-i. t;;irpi.l-ia..vrai ..... . l'eus aud Pen ll ilders, Pencila; Cloth and lint Bra-dun. I rrVAM of wliiih e will he able fo sell much j hcaier than ant ever offered to the public. Ilaviae nun liawd i,ur stTa-k for and from Bmt rate manw laetiirers. n not only sell cheaper, but better elotluuic. than uauallv olTered iuclotllin stores, tine and all coine and examine onrstnikbe.n.puithaiHntauylliirc tn the bap of elothiuir. for we feel awur.-d that you will do well l.v dirio so. All we ask Is.ronieand seend if wedon t tiTe iroi.1 bannius, we won t ask you to deal with us. We d. n t ehaxe auytliiiis for lookinj: at our sto- k, and very little when you buy. Don't fcrrt U. at - Xu. V. JlllaUd IU 'Ubborg, Oct. 14.11. The Mammoth Store REMOVED AND ENLARGED. J. 4 J. WALLS VRE now opening at their XfW Itrlt'U More (one tieor below thtir Uld etaud) on Market street, the Largest, Best, most General Stock of Q3(0DS ever opened in Central Tennsylvanid ! We can not (if we baJ lime) enumerate the piles upon piles and heaps upon heaps of DllY GOODS, (iHOCEltlKS, Qucemware, Hardware, &.c. ooia ni-nrd and disolaved in Ihe lichlest and most convenient Storeroom in Town. "Seeing u bclicr'tnt;," therefore call and see, and jou will be waited on by mtt attentive salesmen. Oraieful for past liberal patronage, we respect full; a k for iu continuance ; anJ wiih enlarged accommodations, we shall endeavor to merit an extension of patronise. (CJ-URAIN and I'roduce bought as nsuaL Lewisburg, Oct- 10, IS51 MEDICAL PHACTICE. DH. II. 1.. HARRIS, s regulai Graduate of the Philad. Medical College, respectfully announces to Ihe citizens of Lewisburg and vici niiv, ihit he has located in Ihe house formerly occupied by John I.emon.on Market street, three doors west of Christ .t Frirk's new Ki.iinJry, and offers his prolessiiiual services 10 an woo may desire taeui. jjurins the past Cf een yeaf-, r Harris has l-een engaged in the Ueformed or Thomsoniaft ...i.... . ,t. Ihe uie nf the tsrii-et. and all direct poison., mineral and vegetable ; aud cures diseases with botanic remedies, sucu. as act in ha mony with ihe laws of life, lie also keeps on haud for sale general assortment of good Thomscmisn Medicines. Numerous testimonials ntighl be Rivert, if deemed requisite, but let the annexed sulltce. Lewisburg, Sept. 84, 1851 3U0 " Tlie bearer, II. II. II Mtais, M. D- T rc-jard a. a practi tioncr. fully eutitled to the confidence of tlie i-onriuonit.'. 1 bate bad an opportunity of kuowins Kr.lhoTis .iialiri- i eiitions as a medical nlnn. and l-lieve him one of tLe best y.acUUon. rs tn the circle of yKT- M ri-.ilao'eli'hia, Aug. 15, 1S5I. j OjnwsitioH is tlie Life of D'tuucss ! NEW UYE11Y AND rvntiitfor CTADIC CAlinHI.UC 01 HOLE. The subsctihef would rcspecltulU iiiloiin the citizens of Lewisbur? and the traveling eon.mun ity generally, that he has opened a new r.ivery and Exchange Stable on FOURTH street lull a square So in 6 of Market, and has pmwi.led . lot of Horses, with entirely new govd and lash ionableCaniasest buggies, Sleiuhs, ote. where ail wishing anything in bis line may b actrornmod ated on the" shortest noiice and most reasonable terms. He will py vry alien ion to the want of bis customers, antl hopes by so doing tr merit ant isecive a liberal share of publie paisonage. WlbLMJt MOOKE. LewUburg. Dee 30; 1851 Itorssj-Shoe Nail RtdSL 0T(E Ton of Cenue county Horse-Shoe Jfail Rods oi the best quality, just receive aWd lorsdeby - 1. HAYES et COl s ALT an COAL, always on bsnd and for Lmul Sates. fox Sale. & THAT large and desirable property on the corner of Market and Water sw-, well situated for a residence, for buswea, or for a residence and place of b isioes. There is a large BRICK House contain-! rag 4 large rooms on the first floor, 6 bed- j rooms on the second Boor, and two largo finished rooms on the third. A Kitchen and Wash house adjoins, and it has also a i large cement Cistern, a Pump and Well of good water, and all the necessary ouuj j buildings. - j For terms aic apply to UKo.r. viii-LaK, Esq. S. K. 1JAVIS. Lewisburg, Sept. 23, 1859 J. E. VAN METER, Manufacturer and Jmpiirter vf Paper Hangto&s and Wide Curtain rapera, i Ao 33 AorM Third Street. 1'hilaJejihia. "VTOW offers great iuducemenls U the Coan- try Trade. j j am determined lo sdopt the molto. " Small ( ! I niM ana tutc cuicm, ana n As I manulaclure ihe arucle myseil. I wiu wat i rani all my goods lull length and width. ! Always oa band a rich sasoritueui of Gold 1 and Velvet borders. Oak and Sieua VI a into r j pers, and o.bei decorative titles auiu-ls fori Hills, PjiI-ws, Uiuiiik Rooms. Ac. AUo, a cheap ! , article suiialile lor Cliambers, KiIcIhu, c j I Fire-Board PrinU. 4c, dte. I j "" All orders promptly attended It. i VVarehouM -No. 3d AoilU I tiiril street, r.a . . .. ...... It . I IO..I . I.. I aide, lour 'J" Ci, l? phia. 3m41t J.b lAAMttLK. PUBLIC NOTICE s i,-h. given that a lot of limber waa tak I u wnie ,rol,.0 Um jn hc j,., j,, ,he Sua-1 quehsnna liver on sod about ihe 15th day ol Kebroary conisliK o 2 nd logs a li-t aud Lewii-'r h. of .'I concerned. n,v- ni.iiiartv. Dav nil Ucal chare ant lake! I .1 .'..!.... k. m, Iras.lS, (ha dalts fw I J J l.-.oro otl..rwiisA ihev witl be forfefte.1 II fill BJ '"' " w - J. A. MKKTZ. J. P I.eHishurg. Feb. 33. 1852. txivivi: iwn annnintrd A sent for the sale J of the celebrated Pianos, mJiiufacluied by GEO. VOGIir, I'hilad., the nndersitrued would be happy to supply any citizens of ibe Susquehanua country who way desire an Instrument well made, alter ibe latest improvements. Two ot these Instruments have lately been introduced into l.ewibuig. to which I am happy to lefer any one. The I'ianoe are are warranted, aud it' not aalislsclory on trial tor a veal, Ihey may be exchanged. Prices reasuu atie FK NCIS J. UESJ.ER. Lewisburg, Fwb. U, 152. WINTER FASHIONS FOR "TEVV York nnd Philit- ! 1 ddphia Fia.VrKS.j Imve just bt-t-ii received by the suhscrils r. I'ersons wishiii" to have their wrk d'-ne acordinj.' j lo those styles, will do well lo ive him a call. KrCniiiiiry frmluce laKen hi pv for work, ut Market prices. Shop on X. Third St. JOHN It. M1LLKII. Lewiburo. Jfo, 1. Ib5l THE WDITEIl SESSION LEWISBURG ACADE3IY, "WflLL commence on MONDAY the 20th l of OCT. All the branches of a regulai and complete Academic course will bo laugbi. The subscriber, in entering upon the 5th year r .,. e...,., wiih this Iustitoiiou. tikes i pleasure in reluming to Ihe ciiizeus of Lewisburg i am! wteinitv bia sincere tbanks for the cordial and ' liberal annnort thev have given him. Hw constant j effirt has been lo inlue into the minus oi mose under bis care a love of learning, and lo train their youthful powers inlo ayaleniaiic habits ol a uij. And when this rnd is once lully reached, the greatest obstacle in Ihe way oi acquiring a thorough education has been surmounted, and the future progress of Ihe student, allho always ascending, will still be tendered p easant and secure. The Primary Department will f.-ceive special attention; and exercises ill Composition and Declamation will be required of Ihe hvrger me.n bers of the school. A Vacaliou will be given daring ihe H-'liilavs Tt. Pr Session of SO weeks: For Comm ui English 8,for Higher Eugh S an.l for guce Wept. fltl. J.C. IJA- U"i.i n. 30. 1851 ' minpal Rcmoral ! Removal ! A WD GREAT ATTRACTIOri ' rilllE tuti-cribers, having removed into .heir , J lautiful. airv, and convenient NE A ', Kl)0M, would iiiti.rm their customers and ihe j public ttrtt Ihey are no opening and will be i...r I some time to ("'. a i Verv Extensive and Well Selected Slock of ! - G001)DS. Ah nor stock is very la ge, and much more than is generally kept in Country Stores. ! we find il i.s.e lo enumerate arli.les bui CALL AXD SEE, and thai too iii a room ' (tieing very light) where Goods must show llieir qua iiies. and where you will be waited upon by , attentive Salesman, who will .pars pains to ' please ; and- as the Room ahM i wH vsorlh a , visit, for few if any ean ba superior in asrwngtr. Bienl or beauty. . J. HAYES K CO. Lewisburg, Sep. 8 TO FARMEKS, &r FVE HAFTS of LrMBERiuet iweil.emhra cing a large lot of Hemlock RAIL. Joists. Wcanllingnd Fencing Boards also Pnw B.rds Jn 13. 1855. Wl.'KSH ft AM VOX. KOSSUTH KOSSUTH ! A lot t suib Hau stul Flush Caps just r. ivej by Feb 1,1862 8FVKER 4. PIANO AGENCY. 11 Iffl uMiSl !si fis jc: U ataai 2,000 worth - prT,v,TI.pV CABINET Fl RMTIRL sale aud sassje to oolwf a that lsrg ....I ..' NEW BKICK AYABEItOOil of F. A. Donachy, est Xurth Fourth ttritt, ttear UUuVt Huttt. where ia kept CKn4aully wt kaski lurnlJwd at the .horteal urn ice, aU kiu ls at tjon5ci)olbihniilttrc aabraciug SJeeretaries Pleiw, Fancy as.) Dfassiaf 0UKEAU9 of every variety ; Hal Trees ; Sofas ; Oltornansf Mahogany Chairs; W harntvts ; tfeulwr, CasJ, Pear, Drsasiug, Dining and lfreakfia Octiean, O'reeieu. Freucu. ll.gtt sntl Cotnmoss of ever varre'.y. fiem iH don lo 9i ; aW Sj'A-NI'S. &c . &e. A l wixk warranted l be wait . and sold on the most iMllt w-rius- t Cw-h), C.xutuy sAwddce aJ Loin&wS raceivwi iu t'Xe-biHijw. . . .. F. A. tOX.VtHT. !.eihorg Dee. IJ. H51 Tu rl's ami iLe Suli. TIIK i tLtBKAf E Comstocfe jeOtc(nr0. TheiV.tiM-v E.rrRj'-TtK.riu;a D.tLL.. cufiaK all Uurtis aid ail eAtoraal FaitwaBdl II M V rtF rOW HUt A t-r ttayiag sr BotoriagT tb.-llunisn ilnir. i m.wKs .Tir .t.v Hst x.vjjiz.vr aiid 'i.M"-4A VKuHrMtL iLIA IK, a wre for all ra ot l.lieumatim. 4TU Ae-V-liii'S AV'Jl'.STlC OIL. Svrtab. ewra tW"'n ll". IJ.V.I li'.vr akuown cureS.r Ihe P0S r.tlu PI ""V . .ii A IlkAI'.V UK kkXHI'T. T th. Mil litl.S a LLIir, . ail auaaiu u m '-'sTl.'5'' L-,.'i!-T.y KKF.AT wTvnrjv.T BWiT I rr I, St tools and S-iertoh iew;PM ie4 pre-atiag S-'vera: T A-dhraa. Liver '.awplains Slal Svilious AOVw ti.n. : r Loirrlwea. Indiersiss. and Liea SpaeVila; S-r '.tivei.e.ii in t wmlei. aad at'' aid net.oaa !, ,; s.r .-muiach ARertMHw. Iy.r". I'ih-a. Kbr-uull-ui Ac Tiie erenl t-ilaivit a. m t Udto Uka la-ver riven i sin. an-l weeT b-av. one roav.e. uth. koLMri:K.s t'klSJIlt Ibt l Wrs 0lsrj tr rbildren or r.-H n .ra- lml" WA-.X. :i:oi. .1 nhf AT riT KILLt.H. o a, dinn.- ha.- Iw. a di cv. n-d tits' i to h-ly a.U ted .ou- raVr.i'l' Se t:-k.-w. aad JeV prrnis au-ti o-.d. r. wh. ii ; li.-d e..rril.e as a wsaii m WlSV Sv friel.n. In I.d:!.- trom l-'i t io reals ewefc. llfli. KUMIM.TZ." KOMll ASIt M.l BVli ...... . ... V .-p. ii . n in a -IMirt tinw. Villi. Th- evict-raid US'H Lit I'lLLttmi IX ''viVxBBA!.r!ioi EMEars wr rr, tsw a.aular K S -t.' f.- r.h.kv.. .'oW.. ISiwmaa, e. HlhV 55 . t-Jl .V(4 J.V.V lfiSA; UAJX PYKS, th n ty iwr- r.4oiiu-i d Ihe hair. lath. '. . B.rJS oy VIIIXX allnaest Bemrdy ttr I'ut. Lr s..tva. e. K.U.. tA TIi t' T or HAhS tl'MtlLlA. Thia ar- ticie baa wo. V .1 all oOa r :ararulaa, aadabU (Mw as rn-at -tb.r'.o a. . er. Kill. Tt r "-iehratr.1 si.rwt STXESKTIIEXrX9 I'LAHTEU. rttirf- frowi Ua. LIS s reeilr , aad thw BwMt amxiltr in the art k.-t. 1Mb. hi.: a Lirs room ache props. A an.tea-er enre Sr TimAS A he. Utili. Ire. l OM.-Ts K tu. lafcrlv liwa-.-lit the right tw , Initfl Sla'es. "f llia-l.-weat 4 COM E.TKATF MIMMAL WATt.K. ir.. at the il Sjwwatse lr W iu '. t'liaae. at M. .'a lierinea, '. W TLia atvdVia bas altain.-d a w.dorietT an-1 vopu'antv never SewW e.ia.iiled l anv lre- rat'.oi at tliar roare. and IU haw uu ro:iiaau'urat with its aK-rits, w kkh runw d'" T iii- remclia. an- fully denlwl in ALMAXAIH, to le .... a to ail iUi call where the UKdie.uea an kafjtv NOTICE. All prcparatkiBs bert-lofore known as COMSTOCK !i "orCOMSTOCw; & COs, always belonged mu b, k.irg EXCLUSIVELY to Br. Lucius b.ioiii.l.H l ; aiii! liiwirrb tlie .icuatureof forasiockiCv. will be extra bbd Willi the tie simil kitcuature of I'r. L S. t. w ill iu future designate ths GENUINE. OTHE;.s KUST BE 8PUR,008. Tlie mwlM-in - ran le lial Iw Lewial urg awtT "f . X .1. W ALLS, a ho nre the .-wit dealer. In tlie iM.STOi'K'S tUtl'ALAl 'los. Irllsluida IMPORTANT -so vua Farmer, Farrier & Stage Proprietor. GEO. W. MEUCIIANTS CELEBBATED GARGLING OIL varaaaatLaLaa ts ths iiia-ruai vr asawnaa As ths mast rnurkabls External Ap?licaiam discovered. They can't Keep House without it Cincrieia-e of nwrs ilwu rnreen years haa satabhwif tf lta lai-t thai MrrriMrrt't (elatiralFtl On, as fas varaal Kamtl; r.intirocau..b, witl cuib aaoat casas, aad Iw Im.c ail such as Spavins, Sweeney, Rinc'smer WinifnEs, Poll Evil, Callous 1'racl.eil lWls flsjls uf all kinils. Fresh Wounds Sprains, llruises. Fis tula, Mtfost, Sarsl Cracks etntiiis Lameness, t'oniidenMl Feel, ticr.itchii. .r Urease, Mange KIreuuiatisni, I'.itesuf Aniiuals External I'uf Stnis, r.tinful Nervous Alf.-otiuiis, Froat Bitwv Boils Corns Whitlows, Hums and ScaUlv Cltillhliuns Clupi.l Hiunls Cranipa, Cosf tnu.-tious vt the Mu--les Swvilitigse W Jjs of tlie Joints, Cakvit ftrefcils Ac. r c The wit ararlcled sncceaa of .his t, ni tin CUM ?f -eaata in llorsea and faule. ai-.r evert te. human tbA, m d.Tt1v heeoiiiuis more known to' in ta.miaf cnraiHwnujf. Il can hnnliT be credited, eirel b. ilawa was kavw hwaw Ml tna habit of Iwpin it in ibsir tar!aa awl houwa. ass a van anwiisf oi am. surTcrin? and hum, an saved hy the timely application ol' Ibl On. gVv Ka ure th name of the tola proprWrtae. CCvHIOK W. MKRt llAKT. I..s-kn. V V., M hlowa la Uaa aid ol .he biaile, arul m hia hantlwnilns over lha enra. All enlrrs aikiraued w lite propi nrtor wU ha prasaptl rea.Mnuie! la Uei a Pamnhlet af tl Acsnt. aad sa what woadare asa af ceii(.i i JieJ by the swa-of lha mwdiemw. Siold bv reai'ieaabia dealers (enenilj, la lbs Bnna SVaias aud Cauiula. Also by I. Vl' iS. Htirit. 1. wis. unj ; I Kessler. ?f wwr Ilerlin; J FCasliw. Mill.n;.. .laer. unhnry;; M A M'l'ay. .'; VoVter Jt M'Maaa. Itellef .me ; 1, Marijn. WiMnun-p-n. lVAafsaaiW Aent .- F Kb-tt .it Co ?brtail.: M Ward & Cv iew Vrk ; W m f-.eki.oii 1'iitslurg l33tin.i I . HENRY C. HICKOK,, A TTOKXt'Y J T LA K, Lfwfcborg, Union Cuntyy hno'au OFFICE on Serond St., lateiv occuilti by L. D. Chrit, Esr ilr