Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, March 03, 1852, Image 3

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Scf&emb Court ill Bakc Chief Jot
lice Black, and Justice Lewia, Lowrie tod
Bank of the United bittcs va the Uim
Decidedly the bifgest coalitionist going
la the Prince President ol trance. Me ha
contrived to rally about him the property.
the church sing lo-Lmums, and the army
mouwealih of Pennsylvania. Opinion by stinds ready to massacre to sustain his
the Chief Justice. Judgment affirmed, power.
These are the two cases in which ft? Com-I
nn 1l k nhtwinart iilHtirfMnt AoainSf the
liank of the United Slates in tho District
Court, for nine hundred thousand dollars
with interest, amounting in the aggregate
lo about S1.300.00U, From these judg.
mentsthe Bauk appealed; but it will be
Men i hit the Supreme Court has una me J
the Bink'e liability tu pay the bonus.
Baltimore. Wed... Feb 25. 1832.
Gov. Lowe has removed all the office
holders in the Slate. 1 he list of appoint
ment comprises over 2,t'00 names.
The Louisville Courier comes out
strongly for S.rott and Jone. and contends
that ticket will win, while Fillmore is cer
tain to be defeated, and not certain to
carry even Kentucky.
A mun named S'.eingrsver, convicted of
murder, was hung at Ashland, Ohio, on
t- o.i.th !t. in pretence ol about five
thousand person, the popuUcc having tne
d.iy previous demolished
A-nce in order to witness
The t-pectacle, il is said, was very revolt
ing, ihe prisoner being a hfavy man, and
the roie stretched so much that he fell
upon his knees. His nerk was unbroken,
and he was then drawn up and literally
strangled, hangins about thirty minutes
before life was pronounced rx'itict.
Mr. Clay has not been improving during
the last few days. Hut he still cherishes
the purpose of once more reaching his seat
in the Senate, if even but for nn hour.
II'n. John F. D.irhv, Representative
fr un ihe Si.Littis District in M.ssouri, has
a' length, af'er a confinement l-y illness
ever since his arrival in Va-liii (iiu'i City,
lieen ab'e lo ike his seal as J nvmber ol
the Mou'.c. He attended ihe (IjUsu on
Tue-d.iy, lliuugti K ill quite feeble.
Louisville, fvh 2 i- the delegates to;
the Whig Slate Convention contend lhat j
n was not inieiKiei mat air. l illmore
yhouid he recommended t 'he Whijr Ntt
li iiial Convention (or the Presidency by
that body. I he miller was fully dis
ruined in ihe Convention, and a compro
mi-e was finally effected, by Burnetii," to a
resolution simply endorsing Mr. I'.IIniorc's
course as President.
A nero on L ii Is'nnd recently dr ink
a pintol liruidy on a a;cr, while pnrti.i!l
Corrected this Day.
Wheat 5u80
Rye So
Corn i 50
Jts 33
j Flaxseed 12
I Dried Apples i 125
Bullet UJ
I Es 10
' Tallow 10
Lard 8
flam I2i
Bacon 8
("loverseed 4.25
i -sunn a oHiiiKvai
On the 19th ult.. by Rev. A. B. Capar,
Cuasles WuLr nf New Berlin, and Miss I'sTH-
bbiiss Mitchkl of Limestone.
. At Crooked Creek Ind., RnasnT C. Rose,
rillll'llml or itiw Lewlattfwu AciJrmt and Mi.
the jul yard j Mabbabst. daughter ef Joseph Hutcuion, for
th Piecuti.ni ' J
Manufacturer and Importer of
Paper Hangings and Wide Curtain
No S3 North Third Street. Philadelphia.
"VrOVV offer great inducements to the Coun
11 try Trade,
I am determined to adopt the motto, M Small
frojitM and (Juick Sales, and no cooibinktioa.
As t manufacture ihe article myself. I will war
rant all my goods full kngtb and width.
Always on hand a rich assortment of Gold
and Velvet Borders, Osk and Siena Warble Pa
tiers, and o'.ber derorative atvlea suitable for
HjIIs, Prl.rs, Dining Kooms. Ac. Also, a cheap
article suitable for Chamlers, Kitchen. Ac.
t ire.-U.tsrd Prints, Ac. Ac.
W A il orders proniiitlv attended tc.
Warehouse So. S3 North Third Street. East
side, four doors below the t'itv Hoi. I. PliiUdcl
phia. 3m4ll J. E VAN METKK.
A Bargain!
4 NEW Booktwaj 0anlag with
XX aeatt lor l.iur lor le cheap hy
Lewhburjr, Dec 8 to 1,50
Second Arrival
cf Winter Goods Cheaper than Ever.
THE Co-Parlneriip in t'le business of Burn
ing I.ime. esisting between the undersicn.
ed since the 23d of October last, was dissolved j are determined lo make good our aisertious.
oj mutual consent on the
T S. KRENGR CO. hsva just
opened a Irrge and general assortment ol
Goods suitable for the eeasoBt, which tbey otf'r
to the trading communily at lower figures than
ever before i n.-reJ in this place or country
Their LADIES' Dress Uoods department is
MEilTS can be suited with everything dsdr
able in I heir line.
And the BOYS and MISSES em not fail to
be pleased : ao coins one aud all and examine
our goods and prices before purchasing, aa we
"I (ff LBS. 6f HAMS for sale by
salebv C. E. BOWES.
LBS. or CHEESE for sale by
BBLS. of FISH for sale by
JLand Sales.
In (.'hillisqiisque Tp, 27th ult., Josira
TBira. aged 59 years.
un the 19 b ult., in his G5'h year. Phi Lie
FnintaicK. for manv vears a citizen nf Hnir.u
In M'Ewensville, IS;h ult., in his 81st year,
In Pike. let i lie Id Co, 27ih Jan. aged 2.7 yra,
Divin SasrraB, f. irmerly of Union county.
In Chapman, lOih ult., Jou Asbbbsot, ia
his 4 3d year.
In Beaver, I3:h ult , David Mawbkcb, aged
35 years.
In New Berlin. 20ih ult.. am) 7 mnmh- n
j EawiBB. son of FtedtiicB and Mary S nith.
lOih inst.
l.t.At; MILLER.
Kelly Tp, Union Co.. Feb 10. 1851.
Boat3ien Wanted.
IS Ihe pl.ee where G. H. HERTZ man
U failures and sells
Carriages and Buggies
bin at any other chop in this country, without
exception. He has the largest and best assortment
in all Central Pennsylvania, and is determined to
give satisfaction to all who may favor him with
their custom. Call at the corner of Walnut and
Water streets. Upper Milton.
All kinds of Country Produce
taken in exchange for Uoods.
Le Uburg, Dec 1. 1851 D. S. K. &. CO.
TO FAKMEK3. &.c.
I7IVE RAFTS of LUMBER jut reed, embra
cing a largH lot of Hemlock HAIL. Joints.
Scantling.and Fencing Boards also 1'ine Boards
Jan 12, 1 803 JIUKSII i AMMON.
. (A JK
"i a a i I THTT
iiiioxie.aied. Ai er remu'tiinj; Mup'fied for
C1 OOl) handa, to go with our large Boats lo
J Xe York two bands to a boat. We
will pay 62 cts. per dav nl found, and fare
and eipenses home. FRICK dt SLIFEK.
Lewfhurg. Feb. 27. 1852.
IS hereby given lhat a lot of timber waa taken
up while Iroi-ii fan in the ice in the Sus-
Romnvil iddixgs & Co
flUlllUt til. biVe ,emtrj ,nejr
G. oJs to t'e renewal and mot neatly fitted up
building Isiely nerupied by Js's Hllta & Co.
where tbey will be happy to nait on all Iheii old
customers and any number of new ones.
Lewisburg, Jan 28. 1852
Bargains !
rilUE nndersrgned would call the attention of
I the public generally and epeeially citiz' ns
of Lewisbure to ihe fact tha' thev denre to close
quchauna river on and about ihe 15th day of j their business of Merchandizing in LewUbuig,
February consisting of 2 1 round logs a lit and
lerrilun of whitb is lodged in my eflice at
Lewi-burg for the inspection of a'l cuicerned.
lilteen hours, he revived, drank freely oly The owner or owners thereof are requested to
waer, but sonn after died. The Uormiei's I t""" property, pay all legal charges and take
jury rendered a verdict ol death from
drinking cold water!
Closixo the Caxais o Si'irnsv.
The Canal Board of Pennsylvania have
have given otdcrs to close the locks of the
Canal every Saturday nigh; at 1 3 o'clock,
and remain eloaed until 12 o'clock nn Sun
day night, except for the passage of Packet
Among the Legislative items, we observe
the passage of a Bill through ihe House ol
Representatives at 1 1 .i iris 'jure, providing
fur the erection of a lock up for members j
of the Legislature :
A Congressional Appnrtionmen! R 11 ha
been agreed upon by a committee of
the House of Uep resenlat ives. II v thi
Hill the comities of Lvcnrntn. Xorthum
berland, Union and Montour, conifiose the i
1 :J h district.
The Bn'limore Annual G nf.-renee of
the M. E. rhwrch will meet in (.'urnlarlaud i
the :)tl of M irch, and will he presided uvet ;
by ll-shops Janes and Wauu.
'Yhe Tennesce Vlij; recommend Na
Convention lie held in Pniiadelphia j
oil the 4th of July.
. a, . I
Same persons in a smau nrinnonrg ; lhe unjpr8ien,a woulj happy lo supply any
town, called on a Q aker, known lo citizens of the Susquehanna country who may
verv i.ener'itis. to net some a:d in btri'dmi ! desire an Inslrumeut well made, alter ihe latest
improvements. I wo ol these Instruments have
lately been introduced into LewMiurg-. to which
I am happy to lefer any one. The I'ianos are
are warranted, and if nut satisfactory on tiial fur
a year, they may be eichnneed. Prices reason
Lewtbvrg. Feb. if, 1 852.
'hem away within thtee months froji the date
hereot otherwise ihey will be forfeited.
Lewieburg, Feb. 28, 1852.
4 LL- persons knowing themselves indebted to
V. the subscriber ol more than 90 days stand"
inn, will please call and settle immediately, or
belora tha tb Maroh, hn ihn eronn.a trill
be handed to J.A.Meriz, Esq., for immediate col
lection. A. L. HATFIELD.
Feb. 25. I.W.
Dr. John Locke,
OFFICE on Tbitd street, corner opposite
the German Reformed Cliurch.
Leiburg, February 21, IS.) 2
ri:-il -Vin
and will ilietclore veil their stock nf goods noi
en hand, IS WHOLE or IN PAR T, at a very
tmall advance on I he
FIRST COST ritlC tf.
Any or all kimla of Merchamable Produce or
Trade wili be taken in exchange at Cash Market
prices. CALL AND SEE what bareaine may
be obuinrd. Barton & Ch&IfanL
Lewisburg, Jan 14,1852
and fJAlLS, always on hand and for
sale by U. S. KltBUUK & CO.
Dee. 2. 1851
I. U iuegardeai &, Co.
HAVE just received the Isrgot stock that has
ever been brought to this country, a id one
that has been e. reeled with grst care. Having
been engaged in the business tor 12 yeara past.
and as we are detei mined to sdl cheaper than eny
other establishment this side f Philadelphia, we
tiust we can please all who fill favor aa with a
call Our assortment embracts the best brands of
TOBACCO-ueh as Black Fat. Honey
Dew, Glory of Virginia. Cong-ess, Eldorado, Mrs
Miller's Fine cut. Anderon'aSolace,Scaflerlatta.
Tarkish Smoking Tobacco, Cut and Dry, Ac.
S E G A R S Hegalias.PriDcipes,Lanormas,
Castellm,Mrnella SchrootKoasutha. Ixl Byron.
Kosciuskos,Turkish Sultana, giies.SO.OOO well
seasoueil Half Spanish, and a brge lot Common
SNUF F Rappee, Derauth and 8eotch.
Also 1'ipes, Segar Cases, Tobacco Boies, Port
Monais, Snuff Boies, Matches. Ac. all of w hich
will be sold CHEAP FOR CASH.
Order from a distance will be gratefully reed
and promptly attended to.
Lewisburg. Nov 25, 1851 6m399$4
South Fourth St. near Market,
old Stanch of Wykofflt Hotutl andF.A Donathg.
t TTAVING taken the Rooms lately occupied as
X JL above, the subscriber would announce to
the ptulie that he ia now manufacturing
&t)iliV8 of every descriplioc,
SociabJes, SETTEES, &c. &c
in the tresf and Ltost fashionable styles and on
'be most accommoj iting terms. He is also I
prepared lo execute on abort notice
House and Sign tainting
in town ami eoontrv. He hoDe' ty most stnet
atteniiou to his business and good workmanship
lo merit and receive a fair share of patronage.
CO"Lumber and Country Produce laiien
in payment, il Cash is not as handv.
Lewisburg, Dec 10, 1851
Houses for Sale.
TWO HOUSES on North Foarth straet.
between St. Mary and tit Anthony etrseis.
f built on one lot) will be sold suner iogeicer or
separately, and possession given an tne 1st April
neit. Both houses are of brick. 2f sturys nun,
30 by IS. with fraaae Kitchens about IS by 16,
and also 8tabhn( for two or three horses There
are a fe Fruit trees on each, lot, and W ells oa
the adjoining lota.
One third or one half the purchase money to
be paid down, and the remainder, well secured
in equal annual payment.
Lewisburg, Sept 23. 1851
in n n n
hi tszzu
(inn TONS ol res Coal, screened from dirt
" and du suitable for small Moves, at
i 2 per ton in excasnge lor any annic ur w.unj
Produce, by A. AMMOKS.
1 a via'.iurg, Jan 24
No. 1 Engti b Iron and
No. 1 Center County I on, eflered for sate
Tyre, at 3 reiit? prr lb. I Itantl and Hp Iron, jm lb.
Oval lu llurw Hboe liars 4 do
Oral ;i'i da Nail Kv-U S'i do
(or $7 yar ton, fur aa aistrtnient nf different kinds.)
SpritiR Steel, C" j ct p r lb. Country Steel. C4 ct per lb.
('all at my Uljcksmith shop on North Third
street. A. AMMO.VS.
Lewisburg. Sept. 17, I P5I
nAVINU been nppninleil Agent Tor Ihe sale
of Ihe celebrated Pianos, manufactured by
CiFO. F9GIIT, riiilad.,
a small Methontt tnurcn. tte remarKt-o
i; is hiiaitiM our principles to pJve nioflev
to build rhiirches, but with a mild
tone i.f viit:e. "t.ike this and bjild a good
lence around it.'' It was fill) doliari
The Indiana Convention instructed the
delegates to the Nation il Convention to
vote for (Jen. Sdott for President, and J.
J. Crittenden for Vice President.
Tk DirrEHKcn. Rev. C.Fairbanks
l j ... I .:ti.. f.. r
nas oee coirviciru si r'juii.vn.t-, svy., i i
atealini; negroes, and been sentenced to an j 0 14
imprisonmcm oi inieeti years, iieorge
Ailairtt, for stealing free necro, in Pa.,
tind selling him into slavery, got len years,
and this was regarded as monstrous by
onu, whu thought eighteen months too
I ing a period f imprisonment ! VVas
George or the Reverend the more criminal?
Louisville. Feb 17. The IWdofAl
rlei men a;ain tejected. ltrt nilit, and for
the fifih time, the resolu'ion inviting Gov.
Knsuth lo viit Ii'iisville.
There is a fine sre o( water in the
river, and boat are passing orer lhe fslis :
without difficulty. I
llirtford. Feb ,27 Linaeu Coe, Sher
iff of Middlesex county, was killed to day
at noon, bv the upper train of ears at
Ncwinton Crossings, a few mile south
of this citv. I to
Votal and Instramcnlal Masic,
ttn3 tlje crman angaagc
thankful for past
from the Citizens
VLL kinds of Q RAI N wanted, for
which the hihei Cash prices will be
paid by I) S. KUL-MElt & CO.
Lew Uburg, Jan. 5
Bargains to be had !
ESIKOL'S nf reducing their stock, the sub
scribers otlcr to eel
at grcalln Ucbnrcb prircs for Casl) or
Persons wishing to buy, will find it their interest
to csll and examhie our stock before buving
elsewhere. N EVIL'S & UEUER.
Lewisburg, Dec SI. 1851
V.vrw nid Students). IsCnrihurff and
wta!nilo tha einhK(irTur afniilrl
- -----
lA?r state mat ne continues to give
Instructions on the Piano end tiuitar al-o in
Vocal Mastc and tw the German Lamtdtge.
Having been tang! in tfie lest Music Schools
in Germany, he deems himself amply qualified I
to te.icb Muftc, and to aid in the correct acquisi
tion ol lhe rich German tongue. He will also
tune Pianos, and put them in repair, if desired
Residence, after the 1st April next, on North
Third St.. first door south of the Schoolhouse.
Feb 21, 1952. FRANCIS J. GESSSEK.
!0R eight months from the 1st of April
next, a ROV of 18 to 18 years of age.
drive MILL WAGON. A faithful.
The elestion of a President of Dickinson stout hoy is warned. Application- should
Colleae, Pa., to fupplv Ihe place ef Ur.
Peck, who resigned, hat lieen postponed
till Jily. The vacancy will be filled,
meantime, by Re. Dr. Collins, of Va.
The sale of scholarships is proposed.
A London exhibitor announces show
nf "200 fleas of all nations ;r and among
them ' Kossuth on four Austrian flea,"
and Louis Napoleon- on the Russian flea
Hercules, aged five years.
The guests at the Bromfield House, in
eVoaloo, were surprised on Tuesday lo (ind
wo "list of wines" ypo the dinner table.
It had been expunged aritf it was cooclu
ded that in tha JUoiae the proprietor was
Re.. Stephen A.buty Roaiell.nn u
taamed Ualkodiat clergy oaan, dted at Alti
aodria. Vfe, last week.
Cns'im M. Clay wat to epsjaii oa
Hungarian fotfepnrjcscer ?lfor,
Ky., on tha 2:b inst.
be made soon. JOHN CROWN.
Hrowo mills. Lewisburg.Feb. 17, 1852.
rilHE nndersignedr being tired of living in a
state of single blessedness, and having lo
cated permanently in one or us most beautiltri
and romantic towna in the8tate. take this meth
od of informing all unmarried Ladies under the
age of 25 years, who are desirous of changing
their condition in life: can da so bv addressing
A. R. Y. Box No. 108, or M. L II., Dux Ko.
12.bock Haven, Clinton Co., Pa.
Any communication promptly attended to, and
in all cases kept strictly secret, 3w
8nrgeom Oentlit,
AT his Residence, on First 8t., a few doors
, Botlia of the Prashytmiaa Chorc6.
KOSSUTH KO88UTH ! A lot of Kos
f k Ha sad Plush Caps just received by
fjk i. 1652 i ZItZZSt g?
Fee lhe Cwre of
Mairy yrrtf triaLin-ttead of iui airiu th uVietv -fldcDte
in thfe int-dicin, Iim won for itau prt--riation mid
imtstiiety by farttftfHi Br tiit oiopt nnfniinexpe-tiiti'mfi
if itn fit'"'. NuthinK ut iu ii.trinie virttt-s ami tli
uumtxtnknhl bn'-flt punf-rn-J on fbourandu of hufferert,
iiiiM nriuin.-itv ind aihla:a ihs rpuiaron it -tijo
While m-trrr infi-rioriritisf-lie tbrurtupon tlierninmunitT
b tailexl and born dirar this- haf iraine-d Tivuda by
ttt trial. nnf-rrv4 ?nff1of aftiictKi ihy ran iifTrr
f rr-"Tt, and jrolui-xl cure loo auxrHrou nud tlx r3Utrll
ahl to h f.ioitn.
Whi it i traud on tha puMir In pretrnd tftnt tnf on
mcdirinf wilt inltiii'iiy rur till there is abii'idMit "proof
th-it tHi C'lEHfiv HsXiOuAL dots uot tinly nn a ct-neral Uiiujc,
but o'niM-t iaveriaUy, cure the nulwlirs for wbicfa it faf
An lime make the fnct wlrtVr and bt-ttrr known. tliii
nWirine hmt p-a1ually l xn;e the tt reliance of the
fl!:t?led. fniff" lhr f-;ib;n of Uw American pvatant. ti
the itftiaofsof turor-an Kiu.i. Throu-hnut this entire
ron n try. in erery .tate. ity, and ind ed airaoH ererj
hamlet it contain. Chrrrif iWonit h known aa the beat
niiiy extant tor t'.ise.aMa of the Tliniat and Luni. and
In man? foreign couut-i-a it i eominic to be etrnively
ued by tlifiu'tftliitelligwut pbyfit -ianir. In Great Britain.
France, and (tVrinany, where the meH'H.l neirnrea hav
raarherl tin It liijth st perfection, tbe Cherry IV traj in
introtluonl. and in rnnHant nm in the Armies IltKtpitnIa,
AlmtvUouMa. pul'lk iii5tituHonL and in domestic prartief,
aa the rareet remdy the atttid.nr n1-rians can mflo
ltlMmorvdanr(uaaffectiiinst'T lunts. Jn milder
eaotra, and fir children it In aafe, pe-.-..t. and eff xtitml to
cur. In fatct. aome of ue most flafnux Oirtimoniala w
receive have been from parent wl.o :invi "undit0icaciouj
in rMtii rar:ka'ariy incuieutal to eh. -d.
TLm Cdiert FncToavL it manttfsrtn d by a practical
CbenifcA, and every ounca oj n anawc n- own eye, witn
InrariAhle arenraey and car. It in and protecUd
by law froaa ormntersViitA, ennaequentijr c&a be relied oa
mm arMiiina without adulteration.
Vft fca etidcaTored here to furtiiab the aommunity
with a medirine of rach intrinKtc laperiority and worth as
hoakl commend ite)f to their confidence- a ramdy at
ooca aaie. rpevdj and effectual, which thia has by ipaated
and ooontleea trlala pmred Itaalf to be ; and trnat by treat
ear in pnpariag it with rteinicar acenraey, of nUnrm
aMnctb- to aftard phTMciant a new acatit oa which they
m zaly Ibr tbebertiwlta,aiid the afflicted withalawdj
fctt aym oo por inea an waa aaavaicu uo
practical and Anal)Ocai unemlst.
Jt'ST received from ibe City of Philadelphia
full anti t twice ariwrt.ii?iiC of
eomnrisinc Men's, Ladies'. Boys', Misses' and
Children's Boots, Shoes, duskins, Sliiipers, die.
See. of every description. Also, every variety ol
work in hia lino MADE TO ORDER, and all
kinds of Country Produce taken in eicbange.
Also on hand a choree selection of Classical
and Common School
ZSOOltff. w
PonJay Scho t Library Books, Hymn Books,
ttildes. Testaments. Portlotios. Monais. Blank
Boobs, Paper, and all kinds of STATIONERY
Thankful to my friends ami customers, an 1
the public generally for the liberal support here
tofore received, I hope by strict attention to my
business to merit and receive a continuance of
Lewwbarg, Nov. 1851
II V iim to Plettte
at rat
Farmers' & Mechanics' Favorite Store.
The Cars have just arrived at
I.ewisliurg with a supply of
' rtf iy Goods, Groceries, China
Glass, and Queens ware lor
l. jDdotqs a cd.
In odering their alock of Goods lo their cus
tomers Snd the public in general, they feel confi
dent that a more geneial assortment can not be
found in this section ol country.- Their stock ot
new Cloths, Caasimeres and Vesting, embracing
all colors and tfuilities, at eteeeding: low pi Ires.
LADIES' VKESSj UUUS-lhn department
of our establishment ir nos complete, and we defy
competition in Dress Silks. Our assortment oi
French Merinos, Thibet Cloths and L.urlre-.
embrace a' beautiful range of Color., viz., fine
black, maftrine blue, mole, blossom, pink, cherry.
scarlet, gieeitt, oltve, brown and blue, at very low
prircs. A spleniinl assortment of plum anil ngu
Cassimeres and Dela?nes, very chesp. Also
Shawls, Flannels, Domestic Goods, Carpets,
Queensware,urocerics, Hardware,, ut
lery, IlaU and Caps, &c. ic. &c.
Which will be sold very loir for Cash or Country
Thankful for past favors, and conh lent that we
can give entire' satMaciinn, we most respectfully
invite a continued share of public pa rnnaae
Oct. 21 L. IDDINGs & CO.
Exciting News !
Huzza for ihe Nem Clothing Store, No. I ! !
Now for a New Suit ol Clothing.
20,000 Ci-stomebs YVabtid i
D MYERS &, CO. take great pleasure in
announcing to the citizena of Lewisburg
and surrounding country, that they have just
opened an extensive CLOTHING SlUKfc in
the storeroom of the late SmciL noui on
lhe corner of Market and Water streets where
thi j have a large and well selected stock of
OVH-COATShrb felt. Pilot, Drab Beaver, Black
do., ttlai-k cloth Sat-kM, Ulaek Loom do., Faney do., Drab
frit sUauK-ups, Black lo., Brown do., Uruj Blanket do
Blue ItUnket -lo.. Mohair do., sic, etc.
Z A J..V.S ' OA As blaek t rench Cloth Drvtw and Fiwk
Onta, Kuif' d'tu. Brown do Brown do., Invinible
it ds, Irish Tweed, JeanCaaaiuereis. Salinvta, Union
B-aTt-nt, Pilots, and all outers. Mocker Jacketa ana
l'ri-ket do., of all kinU.
VESTS SHk Velvet, Silks, Satins, ancy do F&nrj
Vuin'id, Swanfwlown. Black Vurroud, Bla-k and Fane
Cas9imra, iicrman Silk, Scarlet do., kr Atru
PASTALOVXSILXmeM. Doe-Skin Caadinteres, Black
and Fancy Tweeds, Corduroy a, SatiaeU, Lniott, Irwb
Caihm--rtf, Farmfi and Mecnanlca' cks Congreja do
and a variety of other.
HATS Mole-gkin, Silk. Fur. and WoftI flfs Pearl,
Brown, Black Briuii, White do, Brown Hungarian, An
golon. Ac s&c.
CAPS Silk Plu-Ti. Silk Olased and Cloth Cap.
SUlitTS Fine White, Fany do.. Hickory do.
Corded Collura, plain and fnury do.
Fljtmul I'nder blirrta aud Drawers, White do Cotton
do., Ma.ino do.
lltiry and Glovca, Comforts, Cravats, Pungee Hand
kerrbi'-fa. lauen Uo.
Su?pcudcrrt. Carpet-Bo. Cravat Bnrklea.
Pens and Pen Holders, Pencils; Cloth and Hat Bruhe.
(Xj-AII of which we will be able lo sell much
cheaper than any ever offered to the public Having
purrhaaei our atock Ibr cawh and from firat rate manu
fiv turLrs, we nnt only sell cheaper, but better clothing,
than uj"uiu!j' ' td tn clothing rtorea.i One and all come
and f-4wmioV..ijrntork bebiV 'Urtbe-iDr auvtain in the
shape ot clothing for we ficl asaared that yon will do
well hy doing o. All wa ask ip.Coine and see.and if we don't
ffive good bargains, we aon ana you u oeai wun ok.
We don't charge anrthtnir for looking at our stork, and
Irvery little when yon boy. Don't forget to caH at "No.
Lewisburg, Od 14, IBM.
a Sox Bale. S
rpHAT large and desirahlr property on
J. the corner of Market and a'er ais
well situated Tor a residence, for business,
or lor a residence and plaee of b isiness
There is a larte BRICK lluue con tam
ing 4 I arte rooms on the first floor, 0 bed
rooms on the second floor, and two large
finished rooms on the third. A Kiiclien
and Waslihnuse adjoins, and it has also
larce cement Cistern, a Pump and Well o'
ond water, aud all the necessary out.
For k tmi &C. apply to Gio.F.MntM
Esq. . S. E. DAVIS.
Lewisburg, fept. 23, 1850
Ko. 144 Bace St,
(between 4th and 5tb. opposite Crosrc 8t )
TXT HERE the Proorietof ia euabletf; P
increased facilities, to atiuiy the giwmtf '
demand lor HOVEiCS iAA. which rt wide
spread reputaiioo has created.
TUia ink U now so welt estatditbed in the pood opinion
and confidence of the AnMritaa Public, that it is scarcely
necesaary to aay anything in its favor,. and the maaulW
turer takes tbia opportunity to any tiiat the confide ace
thua Mcured rvhail uot be ahuH'd.
In additiua to the various kinds of Writing Ink, ha
alno manufactures Adamantine Vrmtnt for men-lin Ulaas
and China, as well aa a superior ur ye ; a trial only is
neceruaary to iiicure its future use. aud a Snttomg H'urt
well adapted Dnifctrii'ts aud firjttlers, at a very low
price, in large or small quantities.
jrTvterg addn.-Saii to
JTo. 144 Kar Htnm
Batwean 4th k ftrh. oppneite Cmwn &U,
Th Mammoth Store
31'ap of the Sfstte of California,
KEt.OV UTAH. .NEW MKX.t'O. an.l
TEXAS, pr.iiteJ by is. Aug s Mitchell in
1846. anil Painted to corriS.ionil Willi Itie lioun.
ilaries 6ieJ ly Coni;reso in 1850 for sile at tbe
Chronici'e oliice, price 25 els.
OAL ShamnXtn and u lUes-Birre
Stove and Liineburner's, lor aie b
J. & J. Walls.
Oil Cloth, a large
assortment at
"1 ALT Lake and Ground' Alum Salt at
S tfalla'.
m Tar sale bv C W. BrassnB, IsnrMtnnr: J- H-Caslew,
Mutant Miss M. M'Cay. Northamhsrland; O. W. Kaaalcr, I
w nariin; I Oerbart, BsHosem: a4 br PrunlsU
Hat and Cap Store.
NOW on hand the largest stack of H ATS
ever offered in lewisburg. eoneisiiiig of
Estra Moleskin, No's l.S and S Mateskin No's
I, 2 and 3 Silk. No's 1,8 and 3 Angola, Mask,
Beaver, Coney and all kinds af Russia, Blaek
and White. Rough .Ready, Hungarian. aDd
all kinds of Fancy llaa for beys and children.
CAPS SUk Ptust of every style er quality,
Silk Glased, Bin. UJtary, Black. Cloth in
abort, all kinds.
MUFFS A f aoe asaetfhiaal of Maffa at a
reduced priet.
Heady Made CItl.hlS-A general
.tt at CoeU Panto and Vests the
cheapest that ever wat aflased hi Lewiaburj.
HATS asaBufaetarest a order.
frt-Tbe hikaat aWrket price paid for FUSS
ofasifcua, lS?wa;vaitaV
VRE now opening a their Sew Brick
More (one door below their U!J Mjuc!)
in Market street,
the Largest, Best, most General Steck of
ever opened in Central Pennsylvania ! We can
not (if sue bstT trine) enomerate the piles upou
piles and heajia upou he.ips of
qtiec-nvrare, Hardware, &c.
now opened and displayed in the lightest and
most convenient Storeroom in Town. "Seeing
it believing." therefore call and see, and you will
le wailed on by most attentive salesmen.
(iraietul fur past liberal patronage, we respect,
lully a k for its continuance ; anJ with enlarged
accommodations, we shall endeavor to merit an
extension of patronage.
(Xj'fiUAlN and Produce bought as osuii.
LewUburg, Oct. 10, 185 1
1Q.51 2
NEW York and Phila
delphia PLATES,
have just been received b)
the subscriber. Persons
wishing to have their work done according
to those styles, will do well (o give him a
call. (KrCounlry Produce taken in pay
for work, at Market prices. Shop on N.
Third St. JOHN B. K1LLKR.
Lewisburg. Nov. I, 1851
or tb
"tT7"II.L commence on MONDAt tSe 20th
V T of OUT. All tbe brancbrs of a rVular
and complete Academic course will be laugbl.
The subscriber, in entering upon the 5th year
of hie connection with thia Instituiiou. lakes
pleasure in returning to the ciiixens of lewisburg
and vicinity his sincere thanks for the cordial sod
iiht-ral supiort they have given him. His constant
eff rt has been to infuse into lhe minds of those
under his care a love of Warning, and lo train
theif youthful powers into systematic bahila ol
s:uuy. And when this end is once tuny reached,
the greatest obstacle in the way of acquiring a
thorough education has been surmounted, and
tbe future progress of the student, altho always
ascending, will still be reoJered Dieesaet and
The Primary Department will receive spee?sl
attention ; and exercises in C. imposition and
Declamation wilt be required of tbe largrr mem
bers of the school. A Vacation will be g'en
during the H iliJays
Ttasi, per Session of SO weeks: For Common
Enghsh $6, far Higher English $3 and for Lan
guages f 10. JAiO. RANDOLPH.
SepL 30. 1851 Principal
$2,000 worth
IOR ale rA made to order at tbe large
1 and splendid
of F. A. Dtraachy",
on jVorrt Fourth itreet .near Blahta ttottl,
whare ia ke constantly a hand er furnrshed at;
Ihe s hurl est ao'tce. all kinds of
iT. bracing SvcretKrieti; Plain. Fancy and Piseaing
of every variety ; Hat Twe j Hofas ; OttCtftaef
Mahogany Chairs; Wbatuota; Center, Card,
Pier, Dreseiug, Dining and Breakfast
Octican, Grecian. Krsocli. High and Cootmoa
of every varieiv. from $54 dos to $3 ; Base
All work warrauted to be well made, and soW
On the moat reasonable Irrms.
Cah. Country Prjduce aud Lumber" teeelvej
in exchange. .
lewisburg. Dee 55. 1H51
To licaliih and ihe Ski:
IA Tn.ckJT''a.VJTlrjm-tC0?l5El'8
DI.J.i"iu cant- ai) irnsai.a all elraat faiasaa
MALM OF Vi.rsV" siajHayor Ksstorto
JSlSltlAX VKtittAMLK IxUXsi, a car. .ar alT
-Sffi4errsr oil,. i.
th!" rs us a Mxrr ,B0" TTrtT w--
eih. SHMS'S JrK tlAlAiBE MlMlf T
7ih. MOIHHim MLILr, tat alt as uw ftaaV
l3,"r loyotr-ra cheat wkstkrx rifpuir
PAXALKA, x fo:.ls aud -rMi 7,,n.,J?,JH?
fcTsr. ; for Anthim. -.r lipWn;
tions; Diairtma. Iwuetstiai aan oT Apastlt.
PT rucw i. .rum
- s... .i....h AtiartioM. D -Dep S, r Ilea.
Biati-m! a- Th in r.Mta ass is is ! bt o
. ..ibiML.MiS.0StM
DR. IR. II. HARRIS, a regulat Graduate
of tbe rhifs'd. Me.lfcal College, respectfully
announce- to tbe citizens of Lewisburg and vici
nity, lhat he has located in the house formerly
occupied by John Lemon, on Market street, three
doors west of Christ & Frii k's new Foundry,
and orK-r bis professional services to all who
mav d.-sirc them.
During the past fifteen years. Dr. Harris baa
wi n engaged in the Reformed or Thomsonian
practice; discards the use of lhe lancet, and all
direct poisons, mineral and vegetable ; and Cures
diseases with botanic remedies, such as act in
haimnny wnh the lawa of life.' He also keeps
on hand for sale a general assortment of good
Thomsonian Medicines.
Numerous testimonial might be given, if
dermed reiruisite. hot let the annexed soluce.
LewUborg, Sept. 24, 1651 390
" The hearer, II. R tltaais, M. D.. I mnrd a a prtiett
tluner. folly entitltrd to sha cnntijnpe nf t!te communitv.
I have had an opptirtunity of knowuifr Dr. IIarri' tuuliti
csleins as a uiiiral aian. and blieTt him one of tbe best
DractiiioBers in tbe eirvle of mr l:novlie.
J.W. ClIMFi KT.M. It.
Avthnrafthe ThomMmiiiH Mf ltrai Pratiict.
Opposition is the Life of Biwness
The snhsciiber would re.peclfully inform the
citizens of Lewisburg and the traveling commun
ity critarally, that be baa opened a new Livery
and Exchange Stable on- FOURTH street half a
souare South of Market, and hae provided" a good
lot of Horses, with entirely new good and lash.
ionable Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, eVc. where all j
wishing anything in his line may ta aceommoj
ated on tbe shortest notice and moat reasonable
terms. Ha will pay every attention to the
wants of bie customers, and hopes ly so doing
to merit and receive a liberal share of public
pationage. WILLtAS MOORS.
Lewisbarf. Dee SO, 1851
Removal ! Removal !
THE subscribers, having removed into their
beautifu, airy, and convenient KEV
ROOM, would inform their customers and the
public that they are now opening and will be lor
some time to come,
Very Extensive and Well Selected Stock of
As our stock is very Is Re, and comprises much
more than is generally kept in Country Stores.
we find It useless to eno-mera e articles but
CALL ASD SEE, and that too in a room
(being very light) where Goo. a mut show their
q'la'itres, and where you will be waited upon by
attentive Salesman, v. ho wll spire no p-tins to
please ; and as the Room alon is well worth a
visit, for few if any can be aa,-erior in arrange
menl or beauty.
J. II 4 YE CO.
Lewisburg, Sept. 8
eiiiiaaa bock
Ilorse-Sboe Hall Re-da.
ONE Too of Centre county Hoiae-Shoe If til
Rods ef lbs beat quality, just received and
is, leby J. HAYES A CO.
ALT and COAL JWaya ort hand and far
18 and 20 North Fourth Street, itarruburg.
llaxufasbaert STATIOXsrtr SttAM I.XGIXZS
if S te luo Umn. rtnctr,
AND every description of Machinists' Tools,
such ck Latbea, I'lanera aud upiigbt Drills.
Saw Mandiilla, Mill Screws dec. made lo order.
Particular attention given to Cutting (Jeers
inch to 3 bet in diameter Urge and small
Screws, Tap A.e.
Geaeial Machine Work dona piom tly and in
the best manner.
For pe ratios ordering from u, we will make
accurate calculations of tbe strength, power end
epeed of every variety ol machinery, and auks
working drawings of the same in the most peilect
manner. Our Shop and Machinery are JfE W,
and feeling confident that we can render petted
satisfaction we lespecllullv request our friend,
and ibe public lo give us a call.
BINN.V JUSTICE, new edition. east be kid
al i.yndall'a Bookstore, in this plaee.
IwUbrf,AnjiU0 IM
I . . . . . .. 111 V
itfc Ai.Vrct'A S rr.KMiriuE. t.-i --"
tr cMHi or itT"Wii persons.
So mi-dieine has hn-n di-ci.Tcrvd lhat is so hapfrlyadaB
. ... ... ..u .uf.iii. Hiiifts to Leiakee. and vet rfsraa
such wooden wliea apj lil KrurnuUf aa a wash or aMb,
ltth. mi fiHl,LJH ttOALU AM BSD
Divr ... .i,m. nw.v VcnnlB ID M short ttSSS
lilh. Th- e-nVta' ti.VS UFE J XilBKl TIM-
anralar E-bnn' f t Coiichs. Col l.. lnflueosa, kt.
Uth. 1H : -l r l.XltIA AXI Xr WlOMkl UA1R
U. o ly .urv eokirim; of he asir.
lTi.. K-Uft Of l-UJ.SA, a vMaiee BsSMdy
for Cots. Br iiss. s. ie. .
lh. kA lHACT OF SAKSAPARlttA. Thfc af
tielr Has ouluv i it wther sarsafianllas, east atilt grnss
a& Sr-at s-.tifattK-a as t-er. .
17th. Tha reieoratw spread STKEXITHEXTNO
PLASTER. mul frnm tra. Lli n-esise, sakl aba auat
poanlr In rhe ajaket.
ecrtniu afl'f ess run- fbr Tislth Ai'be.
lath. !;. C'JM-T K has tefety hnaAt the rieM tr
the riiite.1 St.'.--. of the fclebftitrd VOSCtXTUATEB
HiXEKAL S.iid.1 at tte ait Marines of Dr.
We. i . i,art. at .r. ra tierie-a, c W Trw auoieiM
has atrainnX a Exjloriely aad fopolar.ty ntrrr bsajra
e.Oa!le.t br a.rT preporstin af tbal plaee. aarf its sale haa
len aomaieusnrata with its merits, which sSw Sztrwor
dinarr. .
All the renMdws are faliT (Jseriarl ia AISTaNACS, to
I KlvrB to ail 1j9 call wberS tba asodiciBea ars'hapt.
NOTICE, ail preparafe!ins berttotore kaowa saT
comstock s ccvstock . edU, alirayr
Mrm;ed a; now benn EX6LUSIVELV to Sr. Lucius
S. f enislot k : aud tuuucii Ihe ..if nature of "Vatock M
wiH be contiotied. this etra label with me fae simile
.unortrire ot Irr. L S. t will in future desigaate the'
Tlie abjT. maiiirine ran be haJ in lewistmnr oaly of
J. A J V ALL. ho are the onlr dealers in the rwawine
toMifl'i.k a PMFPAKATlvS. lvUslaside
to Taa
Paraer, Farrier & Stage rrtprlctr.
! ttia ainit r ikililn Filiiaal ftiiiillisjtJai siaf
They can't Keep Hoiue without Ht?
Kxpenence of mora than sixteen Tears has libihrs'
tba lar.t that Merchant's CaiabraiaJ bars iicx Oil. mt Vet.
veisal Family Kmbrucauoo, will ran ax-at ----- aad aa.
IrasaaJl sucbaa aaaaa, aoe ea
Spavins Sweeney, RinpSrme, WincigaCsV fajf
Evil, Callous, Crarkcd Heela, Gsllr ef alt
kinds, From Wounds, Sprains, Bruises, Fas
tula. Sitfast,' Saud Cracks, brjai-S. LamasiaBa,
Foundered Feet. Scratch.' or Sreaae. Maage,
Kheumstism, Bite, of Animals. External Pea
anne. Paitifnl Nervona Afftsniona. Fnwrt Bitae,
Knk. Corns. Whitlows. Bum a and SaaLww
viuiinutna, Cuapped Hands, Cnuitpa.
tractions of the Muscles. Swellings, Warn
me ooinia, saxsa DTessa. ae. ae. SK.
Tba anrarallaM suresaa ef this o3, ta the care ef dLa.
aaais ia Hoiass and Cauls, and aeea m haasaa Saak, m
daily beeotrtiriit more krsnsn to the larmiac r aisaiy.
St can harrily ha craliusl, axcapt by thosa who haws kassa
aa the hahst of keepust u sd their stabtee aad hniiiaa. wksa
a vast amooiil of pain, sutr.nnf aad naai. am aaeaS aa
IBs timely applicatHin of this Oil.
Kw Re sura the name of the aoe atiBii ietss; 0E0wIB
W. MKKCUANT, Lockpun. N. V., ia Www m urn wakV
oa uw onaw, ano m aw Ranawniinf wear taa cerB.
atn oruera Buaraeaau as uw proprMHor WW be j
iwimira lo.
(Sat a Pamphlet of the Aram, aad ase whet l
BrttowiDltMU by lbs use ol thai madiema.
Sold by reapeetabla daalam fetwrally, ks tba I
ii W s-siini. Lewisburg; I rtwaaler, ftta
Berlin; J FCaalow. Mill.; rt Maaaer.!onMltyV
M A M'Caw.-No.thtimh'lJr PoUer M'Meaw.
Belief mie ; 1. Mart:. Willieijr.p.ri. HVieVeaair
iteis . F Kl.it Co ?hil-d.; M VVtrd 4. 9mi'
Kesr York ; Wii Jackson PiMshof
Iy3ttlini.l. :td
Lewlsbarg, tnioa eoiaft, Pe'na'i;.
OFFICE on Second St l.t.i r
, V
! ;
t -