Lewisburg chronicle. (Lewisburg, Pa.) 1850-1859, February 04, 1852, Image 4

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REUSEr: a:.d thele.
In Manchester a maiden dwelt.
Her nerue wit Putl Brown.
He, cheek was nd. hrr faiir nan black.
And she 3i eenside.ed by good judges I'1 j
be by U odjs the be.l lookir.g 6,:' n l,,Bn-
Her age was nearly seventeen.
Kef cjc rvete sparkling bright.
A cr lovely girl '' wa.
An. f.if ahout a year an I a h!f ih.ve ha.l
been a young man paving attention l:er bT
the nscw of Uruix n Wright.
Sow lleufen was a nice young man.
As a. y in the town
And I'licL loved him very dear,
i!.,t on liia account of lulus o'-lti' to
WO.k lor I v :
. l : I.. ...... ..vnM ii
iirftaLie iu Mr. nu Mr-. Uioaq.
Her cnifl iarwt wt-re irtoIvcJ
A f''h U rmsp in the place.
Ac1 oM Jilu Ur. wii ffrqLCr.tlr i!rUrf 1
lhat .vnc r (bar. li.ivfl hi dauyhur marry K -Lcn
V light he'd soonct Luck turn uu Uie hcail.
Bot !'r.eb heart was trite an! tritig,
She f"- not rarent'a irftwii,
Al a fw Keu'-ieu WiigUi j bold
le heard him naf mote than fii'y timra
that (with the exception 01 Pheha) ho tlidn'l
ce a lu:ton for the whoio race oi' liro.ua.
Sj rhe'e B'own and KeT:ten Wiight
Dc'ernnincJ ihey oii!d iitarry.
Thr wcoka a-'n U.t T'ii-day niKht
Titey fiaited let o!d ;air-oii Wi erler's. de- j
t nnint J to t.e u.iittd in tbe hrt,y Imm'.iI ot mat i
Timt.nv. Uuiu.i it nas tn-inriitiaua dark a.iJ :
reii.Cu like o.d Harry,
... ;
He loaded bp bia eon.
And then pu.ibil t'.e Juaing p ir.
He ov rto-k them nhn my d !)! ffot '
abuit half war t ' tiie rma.v.'a and then Theb" '
and Ucuuen ctailcd oB upon ll.e tun. ,
Old Hrown then tonh a d'-atVv a-a
'J'owardj young Ret.bms head
Hut oh ! it a hiceJmg ahjme.
He made a it.iHak uud t-hot
tt)VLtr, ai:d hid the unpei.t:tl'e a.tftaiU oi i
tcriug Ler d:fp down stone dtid. j
The anguish filled younp K'uhen's heart
And Tenueanfe c.aied hta hiain,
He drew an aM j-ick ktrte out, j
And rlu need it into Id Uro-wn nh-m' f; ty
or siitv tiue ; an that it ia very tioubitul a iout
his ever coming to tigAn.
i !:e liriny drops from Reuben eyea
In tmrii;t pnure.l doAti,
Ilai yiel .!ed op ihe tV.s-t and dtd,
And in thti ntf..t.i h!v find i,rar'-,'T..Iiii2
Tr.apr."r 'Tn-.inated the hittuv f hiih-.. uid
rhefia. iud likewise old C ir'rti. .Jiown.
'A Go tr. vrrt'S," cjv a w aicrti
1 is o;;3 v.Lo 1-uU hft Lu-!':..-i J a' t"
f tic ioJ next 1j iLo wt'.i, rnI t:i. its him
t:p in i.e'p bill1 waini ;:: wi'ttrr. pit.-. il:
vcuoJ, littkci tLa fire in t'lf in.-rn H.',
r. i r L'tal-an Vs fa ' j-.u.I .'raws on
btole f"r h'lii: ; !:;.' ! tirv.-r
.V. ri--r.fi lJ lfi'ia'n :u I: r L"si.i.;Ni'
iiill cictliCs, keeps b. r sh.'OJ up a. th:
aii'l h-.r s-tfrckincj .Ir.mrJ ; t ver
wn.icrs whit hr hr.s'oand fcos i:iti.rvlinc 1
ia '.bs youug woman who lives acrus? the
v.iy j ncTcr lau; thi door loud when brr I
I.;i'nand i? speakitg. aud tlwnvs rcrrnv.-a i
t!.e cl.IIJica v?Lon thtj cut their fatiu-r's j
ai-jK-r." !
'e fonr tbi " western Ci'itnr" wmiVJ
pet " Cau.Iletl," if lie wore to i-rcach such '
uoctrioc " tlnwn East," vthrre :!! jo; !
h-isLvtr's are expected to nii!k the i -jws,
churn. lio!p traf.h, drei and feed'.hf- la.Lv,
watch thj Lc-is ru-sts, heat the oven, uuil ;
T:u"i-ct other doiuetIc ::, too tedim:'' i
iri it o ittoD. And why net ! husn't he " a ',
r-';'; " to helr alout the houu?
" Jim, vots the 'policy cf iutertveniion ; i
can yon cr.uciJito tint pint ? ' j
" The 'pr.lit-y cf intervreTttinT), I.an'Ji'l, !
tliC nniicv ot interwoiilicr. eosststs u
this Lore : ri.ppoain', hvk, you Lid a j
turner (viid cranberry- tar-ict) aud itur 1
r.bout to dt-vovr the i-auoe "' j
" Vc-it, Jim." I
" Aud eiif,prr-ii' I I'rlkr you ' hanrls !
off fair p!.iy !' and tukes the turkey and J
ik'tveurs Liui tnostdf !
Veil, vot tf that V j
" Xy, iuj prtcinua core, that's ot 1 1
calls ' the pc'.icy cf interwectior..' " j
?Ir. Browrson, in hi last Catholic
Quarterly E'-'vietr, ay :
" It is not unsafe to haiard the conjec
ture, that tho iii!;...Litu!s oflluiiary have
never been goverrivid in a manner so s.it:?
faciory to theurclecs as they Lave Icui
einee Austria't; victory orrr Jlaeyardom."
Thi3 rcmlndj u.t (ys tha l'--:t) uf the
opinion "haz-.trucd" by a fisherman, that
"nothing pleased an ecl more thar. to tk:n
An Eoglicli tuart Las decided that a
landlord cau not force a teniat t.i remain
in a house, too nuuh infl-ited hy 'uedbugs.
How many Ledhug. the lax .liloss iu a
house is not yet decided.
Oaa of the wituefes ia tho Forrest
cas-a at New Y-rk, ' 1 Le kft the lar
bocnaso his falucr had ec-nie doubts as to j
the Litriosio re&peeUliltty uf the legal pro-ft.-ssiiin
An filter in Vermont, fays, that olth'j
he his received two doliun in advance
j-oe-cntly f.r Lis paper, he t-tiil aiiuws h;s
child to pby vrith other children as usual.
T-it; Ccpshked EDnoa
Oh, Jcru-!
saVul here's a r.i'jo fix. Aa
nrivina! !
r- 1
artitic to write, and Eortisoocy 'salt-lea th
feasors " Si trim' h's Mj-
A vreptera editor says that "the Utifn j
V . ; :-i 'j'. ..slant 1 icV' 1 ly the tffurU tf ;
wh 'U-stte to vnrrc it."
r.Lfiisa ixa unreasonable re'tuet, (tays j
-ft'alt i.k) t.nJ up start, a patriot."
A tour UuLJreJ f.t twlnvr the Karlh's surface' H is
put on m lonks. just as it flows from the well, without
a.im.ar.'.rr! of an. kind. It gcta Us tiigri-dicuu. from the
i.r -.ru.tMi.-e. ".-. V it i.ssst9 ever in tt Secret chilll-
ml: ll,cv are l.lrn.:U torrtlis-r iu such a firm as to dciy
U bunian ecmt elite.... If IVndnm in tub. teste is i
MINERAL' VAKTW.&ovir:iw in most ehrooie I COFFINS reaiW made and famished on abort
i ;',?;ir ::S,;S!noiice; . MH.bi hearse
cu fmxa t Jf?-rti:. iiupTentl".1 wit'., mwl'cmai ub.Maiura
tl IMIT rUt IT.1 ftXB- atlU liCl'i.tlC I
i iH iaiurT to dact Hum
.'1 111 Mini i..ui( iric 1
Wwr pn;p;f t,r0oi io thv f.ict tLat thev nr.-corapounjtd by
i in? ihii.t r. ... 1 01 .'Jiurr 1 r uir u.t'
j mtfriMij an.t d:raJ. if l'tTr.:p;.m i a n.iirin at ail,
;t i& k "-t-d ..?. Jot .at 1.1c nrcr li-n.lt" clw Iit work. It
ill cmiiitm to l-c Wm J ntiti nvIil a UemiHy.as Icn
a man ccmtnur u t? tiKU-a :tn ui-cas'. in.v 11 win
i-Ure c-cryui w? uo ntit prctv J : Vtitlhatit nillcurc
gret ir;mT 1 wbihii, tiAMito ir.cunilie, is a fact which
ia ; :cn hy ilif niiia-i in it favor. It Uivv-ry is
r-ic . rs iq rK-J ciiK", and triU cuurc to Uio btfaitU and
Jc'.VO. rX.-i Thf Pftrclcum fa a rrat mr.U-ine '.o
Hiiof'tla ami Kii.iT Mil in all there U:wof t-riR.natiiip
in a -2. j-ravid on iiiiou of tUo l-ltoU a-i.i ct!.; r t!;d f
) n It. It wil. i urr iui.nJ ru'.arfirv'men oftiis lx.nt.-a
nrd ; "Ithp r.ot.-i'?. Iii'-a. F.rjfup !.-. IMmilw on the fa-.
Tfttrr. Scald-hviii. Kincworra. uud the Tarijua iitiu di-ca-tt.1-
It li.-; ruts. j Hum rout .-(. cf Itb-ontiitiitm. Nur
a'jt . tf .111. A wtaian in FrunkliQ wjiujt. 13.. a
t-urcJ of a rbTtnfitif affiTtton of fix yT' pt-Hiidiup: the
diNr.i- wft -i) sjtfT-iTTM ;u torrtinv her to hvT lfd dur
'.j the I'r. jor -ti of inat t.ii.c; alic is uuw well, and
c.-ufidcr? lai.vif cutuely restored.
ItUrrXUT'M yiW to rt -m.er 7VfrTm f
i f. o; tm, if u:iAt p -!-l't of tn'itu-v to t'. rmj-rirtor
VWemo. th- u-c nftrhih Cre;i: mlK-ii has
( , ;j 'af,r, j UI act ;m aUft. i; vf nlc dia-o for alut
twn iijor:!:!. uT' r.i.? tiio mo-t imne p.:ni; tl" strint r
anvii.u.j. Tu.- r n ;ii ti.e li:nVtfwa r-rycM-at. attended
wi,4. ata-rea .lf.i .f . i'ui.r. 'il !' ir.! -t.m had I.r y
t. i r tr..- ftrt two or thrt e aj purations IU mti liui?
ointiui-i..-.! :.n.l t;;e t a: a ii Lrr. 1 ui:.tif.I to an y
1 , - j' , f r 2 ,,ut v ntMe:y
j. ; trt.-, r, ih.-n-i.. th.it ih- IV;r..K'uia if c:ie f the
i iir;(t'Ft Eilhines in tr.r fT r.:omat:c pa;ns onl
eA;liugi. ' Sirred t
ITia. I'.rry Si., Allf-it-uy City.
Chronic Ccnvh cured.
T tnfce r,r.."r in rei'iv n-' t-i t!ie va.'1'aM" rrfperti-
n Mr. Kier ? ! lronn. f r rtu r.ff.Tti ;n -f th- braf I f'.nd
lrir.iT". -f'-ot'EB't '. wi.li s.rrr ain iu the rhct. nntl a
ruh. I (Oa .!'? lVirum in larger .'ose tLan i ric
f Tiim- r.-le-' m tli ri.rftH.p. but aftrr t.'kiiiff it a few days
1 ji-l lo !le it. I ?!iil i iike tr- !.avL a 1 ;.rr-i of ii lr.r..e
in mv fiici'T. for I h -;rTe it to be a -ralunMe rp"l! ine.
7:e ivtr. ;. cm i-ro-IiiLod co uuplcaaaut f-C.ir.-- whai-er
.:: the n.e r,f it. ViI. 1AY.
iVtabur. Marcli 10. 1?LC.
" r.vr is T;:irtg 7Cr it for raw.!."
I tf trv Ao7fa of Mr. Ki-T r- i' t:oS-.:m oi Mr Unwell.
a-.! I am -!ijxf"d :o ll.ir k th ' C 1j in-llin: rll.t' I;- it 'rr
1 .i-r-i : li.-aT.i p t iv-:it my hriJ. .ind P7.tM-f. .: n. lliii.z
I tl an r. ..t ',t'--.i- , re. t ut ' u.fl t " --.r.'Uf nt all
-ri it otilv kari..; a rrtl fa!. ihoct mh i :-i ia
Mi -n tr- -.-ca 'i wui'.h niitc f-i.-pr'vd m 1 ih; r fr
sreat fhi h in it efficacy, so fur at . at, anJ hl
iir-i" " In ! : -.n.
V-r. mvifl. iy1 ae. IIATiVEY MAW.
Pi ir. V. ITi".
Pr-ar Sir: I have la-en renf r.rd
to rnv l-.l r.rrr t-.T'- tr
ain in l'-ui -r.
t rv niii' l'i. -i ii ; i
u' (!! ". wt'lifit : ar?v
k. ith Tvi li iJ Yet
. .-. r.i.d Mill
r.ni-.nM U-fliootaml lt: -.r'-l!rd
-t wm i i.'i,-;v: I t;i' i icera!
t. Col.l;: ,cs caUct tu ?te rr.
with (I
r.t-1 l e r--f ntnr-i.-lcl me to try your
-it wot k- it f-onic n i.n'liTftll r i:r-' to h'
iiinikiii); til: that di-T. ! -f..r! lie
it.iM try it: I imn).lirt. ly ,-v.t tny
- .v!.l -t1.'- I cnr. r cf this notr- X- tl.o
a t o'r.,-. nn-1 ayj.li. d 'om,-. that ni.l:t
I- Tt n.orjiln on culj (.r-c a tnorl.rrt
i;r;i 1. 1. nliniic-1 cTcr e ti-.e. T
i:m. a--
. ii: : -t 1
. , ! .-. 1 r .:. t .
ri .-t..r.-. tii-il
,i. :.rh!.fi;a'ti:r?rt-fe.ke
i a.-. a nil.. .41:-1:. :y y.-t toeffect a rerfert cure: tcu
w.I: .- lit t: c . sr- r l-.a..' jnie nii-l he w.;l ay you
Jt .- Ilic r.ic.. V.-iv rcj-ctluilv jour frt, n-1.
p .r a!e wh..iti!e and retjil hy C. W t-nsrrr.c
1:1 l.i ..itrut( toi .ale also by Ot Thornton and
J ii.-tne:
wmw wm.
" ai:-l nnrr !i u a Hundred
('rtaiit..tiiive tor-;' ':., i.-t
TUraf'd ' li I
r... -.i ' : 1,. '.;.ie.( ajtialHv u ptIllulJ U 1)3
r - 1- '.i'11 wi;n fun 't'f':I vftc-ij, fl.jtt
r- mrrwfx iri.r, itBaf it , th.y :ir,d ,.'. t.,
r-.t m e rprir. in in CHIP ( Arik,iiitip(K-i nt h.c
I Piire "t ' . t: ty ii In rr..l. Vf t;T.'j,
f. . evet . it 1: .t, . :1 !.y ni!i- ..s.t r 'T:jrr-jTion cfijn not
I . , !;.- t; . ; v:. 1 .f ' iTiau y .r It o (, tn
r . 1 : f -;.-.,t,.r ic t t.it? Willi uch, lt!" tin c wt.t tay,
in .1 i. rf ! ,i . ii -ti rn:i It j-rovHj In Itou. n!
: rigf-. t nj-' ".ry 'rd nnl
tn -f M'. f-f -org 1'.,. c: vr rfirrl': : .vrrr s;;to r"J
4 4eip,ii( i.,n. ) v.Mcii w w fciltniiM w;t;i t7iif.an
l ii. wrf 111 f 1 1 rttjtU t,j f T'n ui.'inj
. r i'..,n ! J i. .n l wA"i 4md : ?a, 1 to ln-f. tfJ
' ' ' u:i-uitipt ton. Tin Us w b mrtij
t.l. -it n d t i , 1. c fj r n,, J i0 far f rpil if?w,y a3K.
-! w' 0 n . A-rrf. dry, r.rni9 f Atlfl h 'ite in um
Hivii .i, . :, . - . . w- ijMriiiiv t'f lirrxtltinj
I'M .ft t-.r.itim V.tt'.it ytttr Si'it 'asfll !.aj
-ilina uwny w' t-- ! teli a&d Mtnod. PertH
.... 1 r-itrj,- nit:i 'nr tift-a tirnt a.'.cr :i wiu 3dj
t -vtu i w..( as U loir Ti M-tl'ni:n nM
C UTt: t-i !.; iit rnp ft.i; j.ra I tu )t in a (twinfi Lat.
t ut? vi 1. tta.joj, Li.ej now lic. aiui Wj"
r"r-y Ttr.tlnhl tcmf.wA u
- t-i ! t -Sife' i:;i"te 1.1 Bli -j. (IJ-
. iiruier id, v It f-ff i vrnutinrlitl
.n. mmutt ii!rM,ii!ot" i tirra 1'urttyinjKt .TvfvMi.
C in.j. -"1 n iOl .U lilX i .f W. IV? r:;(.- -uit-''''
" '' M. Rill .iwt. l(i;- '.a4i.4jf ilT'lit'i ttlttJ
n' r"'- I li'lf't-" l .ir. V't rrf SnJ atdviy ard
tt. i '.'-i'i .;. 1. jk'CrluralaOU. i: -:; U.e fulluw .ji ditv
r BW.fi I. v t
--la ani fW.fr. j.eeV-.'
. e-.'f,., .f c- ; ...
... : .i - S.roi" -.;.
ii::i.i tii..KMk
..drt't. y..H.s r'w.
Jtrl 1. .Sid.. ..(.J I '.arf.
-i.'r B Ilt. o-l ail
(.nj t.-ai. .'ei.-w. ariax
lt..e:i.'-i ( liihrr.i 1 ,1'Mi.l u:.l, ic.
la- Ine I'ea.if u: ' .u.r- if C.i-M. sac ajr
t'n!.r.liU-la an: iaau.. att i-ur Ai'ti.rt cat. uatu e.
1 ..ay.
.4Kfll "r Thornton ar.d J Il.iieer. Lswis
hutz '. ti U Ke-Vrr and I.'rtsJumg i Antt, Nciv
I?er!i:i ; Jn M Tavlor. Mifflinh't-c ; J Crouse.
!e!itir.roie ; l N Itackhouae, Middlal ur,; ; G &
I" C Moyer, Freeho'i; ; J H t'.isloiv, Milton
rr.rr rr. J.r.T.isBtrf:,
Ii iis,:;'!i' iiics. Ii-iiilrals,Iyc-
fc!tift-. liils, t...is, IVrlumery, 1
tJonfeetjcarw & Fancv Articles. I
I)r.Thornli:n returns hif thanks for Ihe liheral
ptrouatre nhich he has received, and he assure
the community that every attention shall be pitd
t ) the compounding of Medicines, and that all i
)nll!, (n.n hc )uny leated before they are ntfered
fur ft!e. aud narranled to be pure and genuine.
JiT'Prea.'ription-. given free of charge al Dr.
Thorn'un's Img S ore.
Kim. ruber to call at the old stand fir-t door
above the .ilanmoih Store ofj.cc J Walls.
4 N imaliil!c medicine, is daily eirecting
V some of the most wond.-tful and as'.oni.h-
inf core, ihnt iiave ever been known. All who
ave used it Mr Asihnin, Ivougli., -pilling ol
niiv.d, Croup or Hive-,Consumplion, Hoaiscnese,
Pain and tJo'eiies of the Ureas,!., JJitiiculty in
BreatVnjr, and every other disease of the l.un:ji
.tid ll.:-at ihl. Mvtun immediatrlv Biir.lir.-sf.'s
die cot:h an.! pain, mid doth away with ihe
Jfic - uity .r bre.t!,i.,g; a free and easy expector-
anon, ari.i uu- r.ire 1. soon e.ierieil. i ,
Acr. i.,r Tnion Coutyj. BAKER T.e-v-1
. si llai.oi. Harlle'.oii Kilivor .fir ll.o,k.
Ml!n.ul'utg ; G. W. Kesslcr.ew Be,ln . jaCOb
W itieurj)r, Middl.burg lOc3S8
I ajrisssr Vsv
a. '
Old Stand First rtrecl.ncar the Academy.
DATID GITTF.K. thinkM for a liberal
patronage received during the 21 yeara be
haa been in business aa above, would announce
that be has increased bia atock of materiala and
work, and respectfully invite bia old friend and
the public to call and examine bia
Fancy and Common Chairs,
Boston Rocking Chairs ; SOFAS, Card Tables,
Pier Tables ; SETTEES of various styles ; Bu
reaus; Dressing do.; Tables; Mahogany and
Common Bedsteads ; in short every variety of
Fashionable Furniture
. , i- , ,,UP
on n"n" or "" otuer'
0 attend Kuneia.S.
TURNING by a Lathe by which wood
is turned of any etze and op to 54 feet long.
Hotice and Sign PASSSTCKtS utJ in
the Lest style ; and the Hematul of Building by
Machinery attended to aa usual.
LI.Ml work in our line warranted well made
end on the most reasonable term ; and Country
Produce and good Lumlier received in payment.
Ye maid an-1 mintreitfes. and bu-banda too,
1lre a Ftirnittira of every style and hu,
From Md-hoarda down to kiU-hen tablea.
From rtM-kin? chairs to tockinff crndM ;
Should y.o not hare th "r-dy John" to pay.
We'll await that brinhu-r, better dmy,M
Or take potatoes, corn, outa, wlieat or rye.
Bark. ho..p-polea, a(.ve, or ItimVr wet r dry,
r anythiu (.but y kes and thr-Bhing flailtt)
Fnim piff and tnrkya down to little quails.
Come on. then- friend ; come, ooe and a!l.
Keep trai u-nio im, so ' goes on the bail.
LevMFbure. Nov 20, 1851
DR. T. A. II. THORNTON offers his
professional services to ibe citizens
; oi LewisbUT; rd vicinity, IQ the VartOUS
,Wrtk1J l- ran.
branches of ho profession
Residence Mr. Maize's, Market St.
Office Drug Store, one door above the
Mammoth Store of J. & J. Walla.
Lewisburg, Oct. 1, 1850
fllUE Cantnn Tea Company of New York
1 the olJrst and laige-l estallihinent of Ihe
kind in the U.S. invite universal atlention to
i the fact thit, from thf ir superior arrangements
i tliT arr pn-parrd to aril T.-a. .urrr aatl mrre frnitrant
lartl.p r.ii.f rris.tlian any Loudon ihiscuiiumul.
cm unllnrnilv do.
' T!'.,c ! :i- cmMnc crcrv ?-vkI .l.'r.rriri.n an-1 nanlity
I rlirv nr.. done un iu y.aokrt 'ei. from a onarter of a ro'iu'l
. t'- r ;r..Iii: ti-.c wr:i( i.-r ur.'t 1h t-a i- a hravy t.n loil,
: (..icrt.l nir'i w:ilt r jTrrft ;ui 1 clrfr.iTit CIiin'-c pnwr. an-1
arc ii.-rt.--!!r Pf.-iirfl from lit-iit m.J .i. .o U.at the
-iimii'r i? c:.mpt' lv rroprvt J in am c!ini:it'.
! lu.-'aUtrt leas, iiwai iO c:s to j1.'. " '.r souail, for
! .ale I r J. HA I'.'.V f ' O.
wneiTT.iiTTn-'i rra-'-AnT . crrnnrr mr'MtT
; fUMitLilUl' Ula.UlW AOCUilAllViw
(It:co-ri-or;itcd 'cy tlic S.a'...- of Ia-a-l:u-tt;)
Drench Ojf.c; y. C3 V.ick .St. l'hiluda.
Accumulated (asii nt:J Guarantee Capital i 50,000
President M 1 Ur.iS. Firaneid Committee
Wm Pattm, U C Wood, H B Juilkius.
rjHIS is an Association of Working Men and
E i.llioi-. fir lh? mutual a.-i-lance ol eaih
j -"taer in caw of strkness or acciJer.t.
uy Hie payment ol the following anncnl depo
sjt, you viili become a life inemter, and will be
entitled to a weekly benefit during lite if you l)ould
be di.-abh'd hy sit kness or accident from attending
10 your ordirary htifincssor occupation. Females
insured against eickne.-s common to both sexes.
Yivtir DceosiT or Mcwcnts txi-ra 50 xat.s Of agi.
7a?.- 0 ytVtr-r. .Vo. .
Thoe drawine for the flrj.t we-X's 5i-knaaji. he paying
$'1 r-r year draw pr week JfT jir yc::r draw $7 pr wceit
3 do 3 do 8 do 8 do
4 do 4 do U du 9 do
A do & do 10 do 10 do
6 do A do
TchU i.f Haiti. A. IT.
TTjo- ri'rTrawintr f-r tin- t'rt feline., or paying
$'.' ir year draw oti pr wk J yr ye;ir draw $7. .'.n pr a k
:l do J.iu do I 0 do k 7 j do
4 do O.t-0 do I 7 do 10.r0 do
Those over 50 years of age will he charged 85
per ct extra. $1.50 admission fee is charged in
aj.mion to the above, the first year, and must be
paid at the time of application, and Ibe 1st years'
j deposit within 30 daji.
C1TV F.EI KKF.NCKS. Pratt & Tealli. o. 0 Mnrkft
Pt: Withmn A- Neman. Frr-nkhn 1'l.n-e; J 4 itt.-nkirk V.(
M.irii.-on Hotel. N.iit Kt; J M liillin. K. ttl'h'h Alley;
Il. nry liuloi Kmj. Uank Alley: :iml liart Jr Co. 17
!en hant .-t: IHoj.r C ll Ci,rtar t-j. 171 C fta-nat t; .N O
IK ajr.'. 4o tf. S.1 M ; Andrew Soott, 116 Chesnut .t.
All communications should be addressed (post
paid) to M U Da a. C3 Uock St. Phil.d.
General Agent for Union, Notthumberlund,
Montour, Columbia, Lycominp, Clinton and
('enter counties 391
The German Washing Powders
IS considered, by Thousands who have tested
it, as being the greatest
entirely doing away with that laborious and
injurious practice ol rubbing the
Clothes upon the Washboard,
and a great saving of
IN B. To prevent fraud and imposition (for
many are trying to palm off articles put u like
mine) Ihe Proprietor, 1. I'. lluk J , will put bis
written tignuture oa the lop label ol every
package. Aud be only asks aa enlightened public
not to confounii
The Gtrman Wasln'tig fourJtrs
with others thit are in the market. It is pat
up in packages with lull directwas and soul at
the nominal price of 12A cents.
(T7 Primers will find it greatly to their adVaa-
t.ige to puichase these Powders to clean their
Types aud Koiieia, being a very superior article
tor that purpose. Mauulactareu only by
at bis Laboratory aad Principal Depot,
Jo. 10 South FIFTH St., Fulask
Wholesale and Retail agent at Lewiaburg, Dr
Tims A H Thouktos, Market St., w ho has just
received a Ircsn supply ot American, French and
Enzlish Drugs aud Chemical, JVrfunacry, Dy-
stulls. rVc.
S"ld also by Kleckaer at Rousb, New Berlin;.
loungman V Walter, Dry Valley; Hy Manser
huntiury ; rs II uenormandie, IVortbd
Itemcniber the name
All letters to be post-paid. 6m396
Cabinet Ware,
' PIIE subscriber offers at reduced prices,
I nt Ins shop on bouth Intra bt reel, an
assortment of well marie
Fashionable Furniture,
Every variety of Cabinet U'are
jevjon the most rea-
.C?SSsonab!e terms
taaav , i Si
led assortment of Cine Scat and Back,
rnr.or, and Rockinr CIIAIUS, which will
he sold cheap for Cash, Counsry Produce
or Lumber. C H"!XS furnished at ihe
. . .- , r M t "i.
no"ce- "'aiJe o1 Mahogany, cherry
or Walnut.
N. B. Mahoganv Veneers for sale.
6tu39. WM. AKMSTROG.
iMaai tra ir
A SMALL Bar HORSE, and a new
Spiing WAGON. Enquire of
Lewisburg, No. 18S1
mi o7:
baUVv r7
PUBLIC notice is hereby given, tbst Ja
miab S. Sthi. of Wbil Deer Tp, has
r '
aasigned his properly to me for the benefit of his
creditors. All persons indebted to or having
claims against him, are hereby notified to settle
the same nub me immediately.
AAKON SMITH, Assignee.
While Deer Tp, Nov. 10, 1851 "
A'ew York Importer and Jobber.
58 Liberty Street,
(Bttm Broadway and Xaawn St Dearths PoaWXBoe,)
II f E are receiving, by daily arrivals '
y Euiope, our Fall and Winter assortment
ot itch, fashionable Fancy Silk and Millinery
Uouda. We rm-peclfully invite all Cash Purch
asers thoroughly to examine our stock and price,
and. as interest governs, we feel confident our
Goods and Puce, will induce tnem to select iron
our etalili(liment. Particular attention i devoted
to MILLINERY GOODS; many art-cles are
manufactured expressly to our order, and can uot
be surnasaed in beauty, ttyle and cheapness.
Basatiful Pari Bitihoiia. for Hat, Cap, Karl: anri Beit.
fxlin aiwl TaJTi'ta KlbKron. of ail vmim ana mrnr.
Silk.. riatiDl, Vi-lreM, .n.l Uncut Velvets fnr Uals.
FeMhsra, Amori.au and French Artincial (lowers,
rufliags. nl Cap Triumlnga.
Dm. Trimmiun. larva aaaurtment.
En.hmiH.nra. Can. .. Collar.. I'ndrraleera. nt rnff.
Fmaetuhrviderr.t K.vi,-r.anU llamatiryh Cambric Hukls
Cmiaa. Lira:t, Tarlatona. illu.ionR mud Cap Lace..
Valenciennes, Brussels, Thread, Silk, and Lisle Thread
Kid, Silk, Sewing Silk, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves,
ajt.l Mill.
Fied and Plain Swiss, Book, Bbbop Lawn and Jaconet
xsausir, ruExcn, jmbricas, asd it alias
a in ah uuuuis.
Joly,1851. lm3STJST
T HAVE maJe arrangementa with Wm.
Trowbridge and 8. 8. Conover, the former
ot whom has keen engaged in the Western State
as Surveyor for 17 years, by which I cun insure
the location ol land warrants on tr.e cuoiced
lands now in market, in Wisconsin, Minnesota,
Iowa or Illinois, at the following rates:
Warrants f ir 160 acres, $10 ; those fnr 80
acre. !j7 ; and those for 40 acre, tf 5. Warrants
eniruM. d to me with the above lees and a Power
f . I.icali- cnc.-ed if "l ilt Irt me
j 01 rV, ,, .y n i r , ,, , ,
I nifil rliall be piint-ttinlly and faithfully nttcntlt .1 in.
: i l'.mer of Attiviiey inu.-t he p iu-rly arknonl
.-rleil ht-fore a Jtit:ce ol the rca.e, afconiiiantrii
ly the n-rlifica e "i the Prothii-larv under seal.
IariLV-!e patier in Pcnn'n ai.ti Ohio hill pa-s here
iSIIc't-r to Peli-r Ueaver. and H C Ilickok.
Mi'i'CHCr.L tiTEEVEK. Ait'y al Law.
Milnuukie, Wi., Aug. 18SI
N 1!. I will cl-o atretiil as general land a;:ei.t,
pay laves, Ac. ftr Eastern Iniitl-hoMt-rj in Lriy
ol the above Mules ainSHSJ M.S.
At l.ewibur.
rilllu next Scs-ion of the University will cotn
I rnenre on ThiirsJay, Oct. 16, 1851.
J'lie lloaid of Trustees have been highly grat
ified by the large degree of success which bis
already attended Iheir exertions ; and they are
reaolved to spare no efforts iu order to lurni.-h
hereafter the highest advantages to Students.
"Ihe Kcv. IIOWAKD MALCOM, D. D.. has
entered upon his duties as President of Ihe Uni
versity. His well established reputation giv.s
assurance that under his administration a stiii
larger degree ol success awaits the University.
He will he assisted in the department ot instruc
tion by the following aide Professors:
j ttrv.tlF.O. It. 1II.1SA A.M.. Frof. ot Greek Lang Literal.
: t;i:o. . AMrKllsov. A.M. ijaiin '
I tills, s JOII.S. A M.. I'r..f. of Mat I.. Natural I'bilo.
A1.1 IIIIU 1 A Lull, A Jl IToi. ol Uellea Li-ttri-.v
The usual system of Collegiate education is
fully canied out, embracing a course of tour years
and entitling the sticceslul student to the degree
of Iim'hil ir of Arts.
In order, moreover, to adapt tile University to
the wants of :'!l, a course uf study has been
esialili-hed umittini; the Ancient Languages anil
substituting in their place varioua branches ot
Mathematics, Philosophy aud ftatural Science.
This course will occupy a period of three year..
It is thorough and complete, and will entitle Hie
faithful Ktudt-nl to Ihe degree of Bachelor ol
Students who da-ign speeding bat a year cr
two at College, will have an opportunity of stud
ying whatever branches they may elect, such as
Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Ac.
Every Student will be required to give special
attention to Composition and Public Speaking.
In connection with the Collegiate Department
is an Academy in hich the ordinary branches
uf an English and Classical education are Pur
sued. This department ia under the charge of
Isaac Loo mis, A. Yf., Principal, ami Assist
ants. 1'here is also a Primary Department under
Ibe superintendence of Mr. Nu.vin Ball.
Every arrangement haa been made to furnish
ill requisite aid in every pari of a thorough Aca
demic aud Collegiate education. An excellent
Library, a very complete Philosophical Apparatus
and a well furnished Chemical Laboratory are
prori-Jcd. The Library k constantly receiving
valuable eddhrone.
The University baa extensive Buildincs stand
ing in an elevated giove on the south side of the
Iowa. A more beautiful, pleasant and healthful
location could not be round within the State.
Pejci or TtinoN Tolleeiate Department, f.K) per annum.
Aradcmfe 44 -Ju
Primary p.
Boanfing rmri Washing can be obtained at pri
ces ranging from tjsi-.fto to $.,54) per week.
The year is divided into two Sessions one of
2S eek, commencing 16th Oct. and continuing
till the I -lib April ; the second of H weeks, from
rae loin oi .May to the IBlh Aug. 1852.
THO'S WAtmOX, Pres. of Btoaru.
GEO. F. MILLER, Sec. do
Lewi.burg, Union Co. Pa. Aug. 23, 1851
R. FRANCIS J. GE&WEK would res
pectfully inform the Ladies end Genii enten
of Lewisburg and vicinity, that be has taken
rooms in the dwelling-house of Mrs. Ludrvig, on
Market street (ontranee at ihe Maiket St. duorO
where he is prepared to give lust motions on the
mrsxt. piano,
and al.o- lo give instructions in acquiring the
Herman Language.
Mr. (jessjeh j. lately from Bellefonte. where
re has been engaged for neatly two yeara in
teachins the above branches, and baa sivee
entire satisfaction to patrons and pupils.
i.ewisourg, April ia, to
Oltl Newspapers,
SOME thousands in number, of all sizes, for
eale al the Chronicle office, at 50 cts per
100 te.cn as they run, or $1 when assorted. A
nance lor Sscrap Books ee well as for wrapping-
a;a.. 0fIUSieau
Upper end of Slarhet St. next Brick Foundry -
rpHE best and moat appro-ed COOKING,
1 SHOP. OFFICE or 1 AKLOK Stovea,
Fioujlif. Callings, &c. at low ratea, by
Another Rescue
WAS on the venreof the grave, and so far gone that my
r..:iF . I 1. h.H Ut all hret of 1UV recovcrv :
and when in trail lituatien. havine been resetted ky th.
uat ef ' UESCK'.S J'l LMOMC Ht JtCK 1 desir. IO
te.titT. with ernlrful smntiona. to Dr. SCIllaNCK. tb. uu-
.J . . . . ' . . , th, nmm nt hi. in.
ttpeskaijie ceueut . d..
valuable medicine. ..... s
lUrlv lut fall I contrarl."! a vioi.nt coia. maa iu
auiKOCa of which 1 had chills, alternated w.tn lever,
pain in mv right breaat and hoolder-l.lade, with a bad
cou.h and'uo eipeoloraooo. I kept (ettio. worse nnt.1
took my Leo. .1 iu l.ail u. nien-iaiw ... .117 ...... e-.-
i ... . Oi. ,ra aliout Saar weeks, and at
l.a e.nirati .n of that time was re.luc.Hl so low that
despair look bold of myself and frienda, and even my
piivaietau ati.aoiicu me, ana Rive uie up w u. w,,..
baity eonsntnption. My appetite waa goat, asy bowels
very irregular, f-er and nteht aweata, pun to my breaat
and shoulder, attended with . di'lnasinx cough, which
w;m very l.s-ht. my nes a nan nearly ai. r -
weak that I could acarcelr raise my hea.1 from the pillow,
and was truly an oi jccl of pity to behold. My Inenda
bad been sent lor to see me uie. ana nij se a-.
.ii v.. Lin.l ami avmnathisinir neighbors, who baa
oime to witnesa my departoro from Ibis world. Ln
all rays of nop. bait Beit .1 my recn.cry. m J
I a'l uoraa, proposeu wuj .- ..... - -
sVHUF. with a view of loosening my cauRn, and reliev
ma ..r the toueh nhleirai. and w a m-an. of alord.nt
t. n.iHrarv re liit reinarkius at the tiro, -that I wan loo
f .eunna (hp th Sti qt to b of any DcrmaDftot benrfil.
uroeun d podic of tbn Pulmonic Syrup. 1 found it afford-
me riief, and coatiniia twing il. Iconld tvel iU h-ai-
inj influente upou my .unfE. i conunwu w ipr'
under iu nn, and my fnvndi wera marh imtiticd to
witneas my uuiprtd improvt-iiient; many of my neigh
bor came to lor at me aa on raifen in tucurwu. 7
oukIi now became lonrm and I iwt omtvih nj DrcMK.
where I liaa tn pain in my Drraai,
..niie nf vfaiiow mtttUT. 1 bavtorwfkadiK'hartd
nnd raised a a'pit orx full of matter eery .lay. with hard
lutnpa, Ufce (trainn 01 Mmeininr. y wweii ww "-
regular and natural, and my ppv-tite waa no far improd
that I oould urartfly rrfmin from eating too murh. My
rtrt-njith iinir.T''l owl I n-icainedmy flh. I conUnard
tn improve in every resp-Ti nn mv w winum".
the Syrup, and the improvement continued until I
rr-,trel to my wonteAl b- tih. I have pa-4 throurh
the incU-meut weather of tlie Utter part of winter and
the upriny. and !V! well now as evvr I fclt la my UK
nd I am thw day a livin te-timnnial of th rreat eflcary
nt .Syw:.vc'A"5 PVLMOXiC&rHUrin caring palmoa-
lnt th in fttj.trMnnt pHouM tiioneht toobichly colored
hy Mtme popl". I unbjoin a certific-.te of nuraNer of the
inliubitaiita of Taoonr. who aaw Be at different time
tlurinp my dit-a. and never eiperted tove aaa retstored.
I alao ai-pend th" eertifri.t. of the hrothern of Myftir
IKliie. N. 2T. I. O. of O. who kindly watrhd over
me. and fully b- liw-ved they would conMim my ramains to
t.M' VJiih: ln 1 thank- to tr. S-h-'ihk. f'r hat invaluatle
rulmnt.tr Svtud. nit life ban rTn PKred, and I am Pr-
mt it'-d to nihke the furetjoing rtatement for tb benefit of
ouffeiinz matikind.
I ri'nitlc at Tanny. and am wi ll known hy moat cf the
nfofle t!.T.'. ar l will 1 "ratitiid lo have any -pfn cuii
ijvr-n me and l-aro more i.artl'.ulur cf th- uret Tirttie
of tln mMl-cmo. mi.s ur.M .
June -I, l1-.)!.
Th- n:twirile-r.m'niN'rrtof tTio Mystic Ix!,re. n. 27f,
I of . V . '-f II- imt; l.tr-. I'a , d- I; Teliy certify tliwt
m- know Jf.fiTi C tin n. (:m 1 in a nieinb- r in tra'-d Jiiaitrl
Tiiir in Nn. L'70. I. '.of'1- r '.) who whk diinrerott'Iv ill
wiLli n l.iw fului'-njirv Cutmniii"n la-t wini-r. ko Ihnl
;iii-v lTitp l.i'ti uotr.Ji'-: tl.ni h ). t'p-r fullr restrr-.l t
in-rft.t h. alth, a::d th-y 1 lu-w his roi.-o.ery w.t prv
ltrci Vv S- ln iii-k s I'm inoitt' .vvri'.i.
W'v li.-v.- l.i- rriit,;ai.e cirrct in erv artirular.
Ui:m r. . I ArMi HftEi.-v-. r. -J.,
A r.:; mi am Auiilir.. V. G., 1 K- O St v. N-
iU!iMM .r.s. j J.v n V iei.-bj: Jr.,
J u C. uvrs.
IT-Imltur-. riiilnd. Cy.y Pa-. June CI. 1? 51.
'f lie iir l. r-iTiitl rri-lfiit- f Taronv, '-i.-Iit ni' al-ove
.'Ll;..t:I.iia i-'iu wU r imi H ted w.tli Jol n . en.
n;d til- timiui-ianra :ttt. i:diii hi- cru-e. 1 .-1 iTiij i!i U
t ad.-i-p n.-n-c ! imt'r:iUe duty. t' uiake u.:ivt r.illy
rvii .TTii t., th pnl-iii- J.lh rutin- n cirt-ry fro:ii the Tory
a-t .-Un ul" a I'ti'itLiiiiry t.n.um'i!.n. S en tin ly
h.-.i lt-vi waws hit, itindaiua; t.a:uc i--n l-t.t a l-ntf p
ritr.t in that rapidly Miikin- od rticir's.lid t.;ti'. a-" I"
ntrty pr.-eluie in ti.e cpm.on ot li." jl'y-if.;in ui1
i'ii' (;d. w ho walclit tl hy liif 1 didf. a ( h"; "f even a
Vii.j.rarv rffuTery ami rctrai ion to hi tri nt r-.t 11M
Ii al.li. Thut thi- eau-lu! u-1 ! yur in ;i: ual U- ;-H:.t
tin; I'uliii' iur Syrup, uiiikt a it in our U-li. f. under the
eireuiii-tiiTi'-. .1 n isi pretii Ui pro-trafc u't 10 my dyniii
erinliti"ii. rni- n ti.- Tift ilinz rebuilt that the wh le
TiTimilr of uie-iir:! r-kiil f-r (t. iri.re e:t:i -rrluee. It do
MTte to h? imit-ri-ha'-ly rcetTd d to yi nr rre-l t. nt;d ie
1 uri'j i ou. ih-- cr-'ft di-overi-r of nn ,nf;ilIiMt. cure fr
thin hit alert's retctdil"' dieaf, a h-ctinj; moiiuni"tit. anl
a worid wklf repulatinn in th-heaUn-r art that no I. me
ni:T either il-nr.ni.-h nr dfetr-y. ll:i.itir vyitnc-Hfd Mr.
ttrfen'! distre.ifiu-r xtrucirlet and MiHriiiCf from a rt.n-
tinu.il miti:li. - r:..I.W-d Mth- Mh r mj-ti -ma c ia.e-
rjuent njwn. i,t tten.h:,jr ihe la.-.t -t.HL'e. it" a pulmonary
.li-n.M-; and m- re-Ter at beinS ao generally iiev,-d hr
in niinfmii incntin niat ueuumaii niwur mun rrtieic,
r pntraet hij lif.-. mueh If-c r !t"re him ha- k a-in ti
,j;iiiB.il ti -timcny i.f Mr. .re.n .a rorfeet r.e-r.ry, ly
u;r !. of the. rli.!-.v.' u. of yur wmnW rful fijrrp: ud
we -h-ul-l piletd ri-j'uet if i- could U' m.-id the liunit'!--
i..r.:n;.-ts of r.l..f ant care tootl.erswho may be so
uNf'TiUPnte a t' be "iiuihu
Daviii a'W.
tins. llixfUL-.. Captain of
?eainhoj.t Trs-ntun,
.Ti-Ti'K lit aii. Jr.,
.TrpilrN l.- K'N'S,
MvTrm:w Tudcx.
AiLt..x v.ifirLbr.irr, Bucks
fi-untv. T.i.
Jr: rt-rr?ri, J P.. j
AM-Rtw M:a".ii. Cai'tAin of -St
nti,Wat WafdnnV n. j
K rhrtr.T AlLTN. J
Jas. To!:pi'T. of tbf tVa-,!.-
iuztn lloue. Tarony.
Prepare.1 only hv .T. It. Sf If KCK. and f .r s:iJe at h!
I'KI.NCH'AL I'lrKHFa, S II A K Si K I K BL ILUlN-i, '.
W. corner of rilXTai CULkiM;ii ttfaaiU. aUlii Lj
Drupiii'tf ren.rall.
I'riee $1 per Itotlle, or 9i tottl. s for $.'.
ItlUo'e Mgrnt fn f-ewinVurj JOSIAII BAKER. f?3l
MiJJlinburg, Union county, Penn'a.
RESPECl'KULLY iniorms the citizens of
Union county, and Ihe public in general
.bat he haa leased the above stand, for many
years occupied by his Father, and ie now pre
pared lo accommodate friends and the traveling
community in a manner acceptable to all.
The HUL'SE is large and roomy, well arran
ged in all H. departments, and every care wtH be
taken to render nis guests comfortable and happy.
His 1 AUI.b will always be lurmshed with the
choicest delicacies of the season, and ihe best ihe
market can afford. The BAR will at all times
be attended hy careful peraons, and none bul ihe
very best of luuors will be kept. His STABLES
are ample and convenient, and ibe OSTLEK--punctaal
and attentive.
lit' short, be pledges himself to endeavor to
give general satislaction to all, and hopes bv
strict attention to business to merit and receive
a liheral share of patronage.
MilBinburg, June 20, 1850
'JHE subscribers offer the pubFie, at their
jL new Brick Foundry, the loUowin new
and valuable Stoves:
Iron Witch Air-Tight Cooking Stares, with
a Brick Oven.
Lady Washington Parlor Stove.
sel Iron Air-Tight Parlor Stove, for Wood
2' siaey
Coal burner for Psrlofs f 12 ineo ejj.
J hi iria Air-Tight Cast Iron Parlor 8fove g
Shield Air-Tight Parlor Stove for Wood 3
Egg Stove the very best in use for Store..
vr.ncew, lvarrooms, ana rsnop.
The celebrated Genesee Air-Tight Cook Stove
The Complete Cook 2 sizes.
Also, nil kinds of Wood nnd Coal Stoves
Ploughs Castinss. Are. &e.
Lewisburtr, Dec. 12, 1849.
"An ounce of Prevention worth
a pound of Cure," in
that awful disease,
DR. FITCH'S Lectures on the Preven
tion and Cure of Consumption.
This popular work for sale io Lewisbur"
by S. P. Lyndall J. Houshton
this office. Trice, 7o cents
EVERY man and bis neighbor that's in want
of a tradle. should ca',1 and examine too
made by Chadwick, BUckman & Co. New York,
and for sale by D. . KKEV1EK A CO.
THIS preparation is now being offered to the
Public as a guaranteed cure for the
HEAVES iu Homea, and ae the only known
Remedy for it in the World, having been used in
Ihe pi i vale Veterinary practice of Ihe proprietor
for ihe last 37 years ; and he his never known
it to fail in a single instance of producing a
lasting cure, and leaving the borsa in good
spirits for work. The utter incompetency of the
horse for labor when troubled with this common
disease, should induce every one having such to
apply immediately lor this Medicine.
which will be scot, with full directions, to any
part of the U.S. All lettera or communications
to be addressed (post paid) to I. P. HOYT,
Hear ol No. 10 Sooth FIFTH Street,
17 Wholesale Agent for the United States.
Wholesale and Retail Agent at Lewi-burg. Dr
Taos A H Taoawrow, Market St., who baa jusl
received a fresb supply of American, French and
English Drugs and Cnenikals, Perfumery, Dye
stuffs, ice.
Sold aim he Klerkner ft Rousb. New Berlin ;
V'nur.ginan ck Waller. Diy Valley ; Hy Masser,
Sunbury ; 8 B Uenormandie, Northd. Sm396J
TaTERY thankful for former favora from the
public, Ihe undersigned would
thai he continues the business of
in all its branch., al his old atand on Market St.
between Third end Fourth slreele. New Tork
FASHIONS received regularly. All persons
intrusting work to him may be sure of having it executed
in . workmanlike auuaer, on abort notice, and at reaao
nabl. chances. SAM L EL AM MOV
.rCusaoraers who have act willed in two yean aalf ht
do well to call aad so. how their aecoute staad.
Lewiabunj, Aug. is, 1&1.
Ncvr aad I'opalar School Book.
COMPREHENSIVE Summary of Uhitbbsal
His-ruai, together wilh a Biography of
Distinguished Peraons, to which ia appended an
epitome of
Heathen Mythology. Natural Philosophy, )
t tieneial Astronomy, and Physiology. )
Adopted and used in Ibe Public !shi. t
Philad. E. S. JOAUa' Jr. CO , PuMi.-Lers.
s W. Corner lot ant and Hats streets, i'l.ila.
UyTcachers and School committees address
ing letters lo us poat patJ will lu'bist-d with
copies for examination.
J VA full and rmnphie assortmrrl of HOOKS
and STA 1IGZZU Y fir sale nt the luu-c.st pricrt
fPHE Letti.-bur Cheap Sure has brer
removed to thf more convenient Store
room, rrcrntiy ocrnpied hy J.I'or-ter. firs
nelow Kline's Hotel, where- we sh-ti! I.
h-ippv l' Si e our IJ u'rt.n--, ninl .'in--number
of P'W one.-..
April 2. I8.")0 C E. P.OWI-S.
TI1HE suHsrnoer hiving commfnceJ the ttaktiu
X. ajewiarurs. itrnny .'iuc 11
ihvlet atora, mien da keeping cwitlitl oi
j hanj the Qf
i , . . . .
j AV L, A.IV 13,
I together with a woo.I supply of Common Cake.
i and lfilllv4 I which for whiteness and quail'
-.i , i i. t -u . . ih .... ....
,e ",rraed hy no bakt-f in the country.
Vr liric uie !-r e 1 1 tri in a yt u ai 'aiii.ni.
In conneetion vith our Bakery, ore have t
and persons from the country will Sod the Bak ry
a coii'enient and pleasant resort lor th? t nr
of obtaining retreshments. such as HieaJ, CaK
Pies. Oysters. Hot fortee. Sec. Ac.
ai'floi;u ---
Lewiahurg. Tire. I3..0
T OOK at ir.rnr.LO-s NEW
I a STOCK l Gold and .Silver
W atches and Jewelrv. before yoi,
e-StV buy elsewhere and pay a ' feetn
iCTrii too moth" because you wn net
aware thai HatSelJ sells cheaper.
Gold P. Levers, aer-n jewels T4tofSS $1.fl0tosn.0o
" d full weretl IStelS fWdl SOJSi
" Anrhors.ndLi.rinea.jcwldHtolS ,00 60.UU
Silver 1". Levers, jewel.-,!, IS.lO 3A..H.
- Ancliora ami Lepines. jeweled K,t 17.l
Cold Fines-r Kings, large eariety " lA a-1
" Kar Mines, plain and figd, latest atyles ,3S 5.00
" Pencils aud eana .. W.oO
" ?enrits 1,75 ,00
w leue. Silver eases, Diamoml peinteel 1.60 3,a.
a l'.re.tt.in, IilT sand fVent ,d'S t rtyks ,75 I.UO
" Fl llltllls- LockeLs, double, 4.50 litaj
" Watehchscafc Vi.ban Vcs fVOO 2t,u0
fhtant do ireet 13 M) li.iHi
" Keys ,75 3.j
Silver Table and Tea Spoons 5,00 ls.ofi
elated and Oerm. SUt Tea and Table 9pooos .75 4.to
Silver Ccmbs .50 S.5i
and Hold fpectsrla. t.m 6.75
Itrass CUa-ks a..) lo.ixi
Aeeorileons 20 8,00
And hundreds of first eho'rre articles, "splendid
goods, just from the city and aa low as City
retailers can aell, by A. I.. HATr IELU.
Lewi.burg, March 19,1351
Cttuisburg SomAxjn
r'PHE subscribers, rhaatfat for past pat-
X ronage, would mform rhe puMie ihai
they continue lo m;intrfnciure all kinds ol
Mill Gearing ana other Castings. Thrashing
Machines, aad other articles of Machinery tepai
red m the beat manner. Caatines warranted lo
be ef ood material, end at price, thai can not
fail n t.lease. GEDDES & MARSH.
Lcwi.uu a. Feb. 185t
COOKING Stoves, of various patterns
and sizes, for Coal or Woori, for sale
at ibe Lewisburg Foundry by
Grddes & Mar. h.
OTOVES Parlor. Weed, nnd Coal
O Stoves, varioua patterns, for .-ate tt the
Lewisburg Foundry. Geddes ft Marsh.
i lARD'S Patent Gans Plow, a sune- I
T rior anicle, fora!eat ihe Lewisburu I
Foundry l.y
Geddes & Marsh.
GRAIN or Seed Drills Ross' Tateni
decidedly the first and most durable
Grain Diill now in use, for sale al the Lewishurfr
1 uuuurj i.j ijCLues cl Marsh.
Nails, Plaster, Salt and Fish.
A LARGE assortment just rerM and for ..!e
kr 1 8 KKt'.MER & fa
T r
IS now carried on aa usual, at the upper
end of Market street, where ever dej
cripiion of CASTINGS P oa
hand or made to order such
The Complete, or
fectirg Stores
for either Coal or
Wood and all
other kind oi
also PLOUGHS of differ-
ent kinda Corn Plough, Bull Plovgha,
and the
Self-ShvpeBing Plough,
a new article, and which can not be br
in Pennsylvania. Call and aee and judge
for yourselves.
Lewiiburg. Ju!y 8, 1951
WIIE under.-tiuned continues the LIVE'
JL tt BUSINESS at the Old Stand,
on North Third St., near Market,
respectfully solicits the patronage ol b
friends and the public tjenerally.
Lewiabure, May 22, 1850
Taiining Currying.
IOR past favor, the subscriber reurn
. his grateful ihnnks, and hereby makes
known thai he carries on the businesa oi
Tannins aad Carrylaa;,
al the Old Stand. Determined not to be
outdone in Ihe manufacture or finish of bis
work, he is bound to have the best work
men and materials, and to treat those who
have so liberally patronized (as well aa
those also who shall be pleased lo patronize
him) with that nt rent ion which lie hopes lo
.iisure hun a lull shtire of public patronage.
All kind f Produce laker in exchange.
Hides i.nrt Birk not refused, for which the
highest rrvirl-et price iM be paid in cash
ir l.i exeliitn,e lor leather.
M.irch 25. A.D.
Look Here!
4 S pn,ious BRANDRETH PILLS are
s.'i l by many Drugai-ts in city and
ouii:rv, it w..u! I l " ell if persons in inquiring
or thein would make them produce iheir Certiji
ate or Asian. A thtre la but ot-e Agent
ppo.nted lor each city or ton. (no dilTi-ier.ee
low I .je the place.) and all Agents can produce
hei. I'ertilK-aie. any p'rsons wanting the g.-ntj-;.e
PilU had better parchase where they ca
I pend on gelling ibe fenuine article.
i. 1IATE Jc CO.
.Te Agent' fjr Lewwhurg.
.Market Strerf, lTiabara;,Pa.
t'ti in iDiillG.
undersioned wioh to inform the
farming commanirv generally, that
hey are new manufacturing
J. I'. ROSS' JWy Improved GRAlJi
Without slopping to discuss the compara
'ive merits of numerous Drills now offered
for sale, they merefy wUh to invite Farm
ers to call and see the above named article
before purchasing elsewhere, feeling confi
dent that they can furnish aa article that
will give entire satisfaction.
Lew rs burg Foundry, Aug. 13, 1850.
ONE selfaevideat, and worthy H every
consideration, that no Miller ca-n make
"ood clean flour withoat he has good clear
wnear. I suppose yoa wish to know the
remedy. I tell voa it fs to cet one of
Hergstrtsstr's Wheat Scourers, or Smut
Machines. He bcina an old, practical and
experienced Millwright has invented, goi
up ana put m success.' u I operation- the teat
Wheat Scourer bow in use. Anv nerson
ordering a maeVfrte and afterwards finding
that it does not prove to operate aa repre--seined,
there shall be no swlw.as these ma-
chine are to he warranted good. Further
recomiTief(atioBr?retho3ht unnecessary
He is now nuvmtr a .rr,,plv made at Lewis
burg, by Messr. C ddes di Marsh. Orders
for machines, or le-iters of inamrv. will oa
promptly attended lo. Machines wiet be
sent and put to all oHer.'. Address
Lewisburr;. Uaiot. Co. Pa. 330,
JFvuit smu
The subscriber olfeis for sale a large
assortment of choice Fruit Trees such aa
Apple trees, 7 to 10 feet hiijh, 40 varieties,
"" warranted cenuine Peach trees. 20
"nrieties; Tartarian Cherry, Nectarine-
Prune and Pear trees, topeiher with some
6 or 8 varieties of Grape Vines of the best
native and exotic varieties. Omamentaf
Trees, such as the Pauiooia. Linden,
N. B. Persons wishing to procure a
quantity of the Fruit trees, a re requested lr
make immediate application to the subscri
ber, in order to procure the varieties and
size wanted. I. R. NOLL.
Lewisburg. March 4, lf??0.